Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 13

As much as this drama can make me nostalgic for the days of my youth, at times it also makes me very glad that those times are behind me. Growing up is difficult, and things like first love aren’t always all about sweet kisses and first snows. Becoming an adult means learning what you’re willing to stand up for, even when the odds are against you.

Note: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju will be pre-empted on Thursday, so Episode 14 will air next week. I’ll be white-knuckling it along with the rest of you until then!

EPISODE 13: “Jealousy is Love Rounded Up to the Next Step”

Bok-ju heads back to her dorm room after confessing to Joon-hyung, all happy smiles and giddy giggles. Joon-hyung is in the exact same state, and texts Bok-ju the moment he gets to his room. They text back and forth, telling each other to go to sleep, kicking and grinning like lovesick fools.

The next morning, Joon-hyung can’t keep his hands off Bok-ju when the two teams run into each other on the jogging track. They hang back to canoodle a bit, hugging and grabbing at each other like they can’t bear to be apart. So cute.

Nan-hee notices that Bok-ju is in an unusually good mood, though Bok-ju keeps the reason to herself. Joon-hyung texts her to meet him at “the toad’s house,” and she tells Nan-hee the message is just spam.

She gets all dolled up, even wearing makeup and pinning on her red bow hairpin. On her way out she notices that Shi-ho is still in bed, but she shakes off the moment of concern, excited to see Joon-hyung.

Joon-hyung lands a coin in the fountain’s stone cup just as Bok-ju arrives, and he tells her to make a wish. He gives her a kiss on the cheek while her eyes are closed, and Bok-ju pretends to be annoyed. Joon-hyung argues that she was the one kissing him yesterday, describing their kisses loudly while Bok-ju flails at him.

He notices her red hair pin, and frowns as he recognizes it as the one she wore for Jae-yi. He’s so jealous that he yells at her never to wear it again, calling it ugly and demanding she remove it this instant. When Bok-ju says it’s her only hairpin, Joon-hyung snatches it off her head himself, taking a few strands of hair with it. Oops.

He’s instantly sorry, and tries to take her hand. Bok-ju yanks her hand back, shy about her calluses, but Joon-hyung firmly holds her hand and says he’ll even massage it for her. Best boyfriend ever.

Back in their room, Shi-ho sleeps in and wakes up ill. She tries to reach her phone and ends up knocking it to the floor, where she can’t reach it.

Joon-hyung takes Bok-ju to buy a new hairpin, one he doesn’t associate with her former crush. He doesn’t deny being jealous, having watched Bok-ju suffer while she liked Jae-yi. Bok-ju loftily tells him that she’s not the type who will get jealous over little things, so he shouldn’t expect it. I have a feeling she’s going to eat those words.

They look through the pins, and Bok-ju frowns at Joon-hyung when he picks up one with a little piglet on it and calls it “Bok-ju.” He nixes any shaped like bows, and they finally settle on a cute little strawberry pin.

Bok-ju arrives back at her dorm room to find Shi-ho passed out on the floor next to her bottle of sleeping pills. She screams for help, and Shi-ho is rushed to the hospital.

Joon-hyung hears the news from his roommate Tae-kwon, who repeats the rumor that Shi-ho tried to commit suicide by taking pills. Joon-hyung rushes to the hospital, and finds Shi-ho still unconscious in the emergency room.

The doctor tells him that they pumped her stomach, and that she didn’t take many pills, so it probably wasn’t a suicide attempt. He says Shi-ho is malnourished and has high glucose levels, indicating that she may have an eating disorder, so they plan to hospitalize her for a while for more tests.

Joon-hyung slides to the side when Shi-ho’s mother and sister arrive, and watches as Shi-ho finally opens her eyes. He chooses not to stay, and slips away quietly.

Bok-ju runs into him and asks after Shi-ho, and she’s relieved to hear that she’s okay and didn’t try to kill herself. She feels guilty for suspecting something wasn’t right with Shi-ho after seeing her binge-eating, but Joon-hyung assures her that she’s not at fault and gives her a comforting hug.

Back in his room later, Joon-hyung checks his phone and sees that Shi-ho tried to call him while he and Bok-ju were looking at hairpins. Knowing that she tried to reach out to him and he missed her call makes him feel guilty.

Coach Yoon goes drinking with the university’s dean, who drunkenly promises to give Coach Choi her job back. Coach Yoon even makes the dean pinky-swear, and pays for his cab home.

Joon-hyung visits Shi-ho in the hospital, and she looks as though she’s feeling much better. They go outside to talk, and Joon-hyung apologizes for not answering the phone when she needed help. Shi-ho waves him off, saying that it’s all her fault.

She says that, even though she only collapsed yesterday, it feels like it happened a long time ago. She says that all they have is their athletics, and that she felt pushed and though the world was ending.

She says that she felt as if she were struggling to hold onto the edge of a cliff, and couldn’t admit it. But now she seems calmer, and says that she thinks she can put all that aside and just enjoy gymnastics.

She even apologizes for clinging onto Joon-hyung when he’d made it clear he didn’t want to get back together. Joon-hyung says they’re even, and they shake hands as friends, then Shi-ho cutely grumbles at him to call her “noona” from now on.

Shi-ho tells Joon-hyung that she’ll be released in a few days, and that she’ll need therapy. He recommends his therapist, and she gratefully accepts.

Joon-hyung is honest when Bok-ju calls and says he’s at the hospital, and she asks after Shi-ho. She says she was going to visit her today, so he tells her to come over when she can.

The dean tells Coach Yoon that he doesn’t plan to reinstate Coach Choi, that his higher-ups refused his decision. Coach Yoon argues that Coach Choi knows the students better than he does, and threatens to quit himself if the dean doesn’t rehire Coach Choi.

Bok-ju arrives at the hospital to find Joon-hyung attending to Shi-ho, and Shi-ho seems genuinely happy to see Bok-ju. Bok-ju gives her a bouquet of flowers, but Joon-hyung mentions Shi-ho’s pollen allergy and takes them away. When Shi-ho says she’s tired, Bok-ju offers to adjust her bed, but Joon-hyung takes the controls and does it.

Joon-hyung and Bok-ju leave the hospital together, and he notices that she’s terribly quiet today. Bok-ju snaps that he talks just to talk, and Joon-hyung recoils jokingly. He attributes Bok-ju’s crankiness to hunger, and takes her to a street cart for fish cakes.

Almost immediately, he gets a call from Shi-ho, who asks about his therapist. Joon-hyung steps away from Bok-ju to talk for a few minutes, during which she glares at him and scarfs down fish cakes.

When his call ends, Joon-hyung compliments Bok-ju on her eating habits, and calls her “my pig.” Oh honey, no. He’s smart enough to cancel that comment, but falls back to calling Bok-ju “Chubs,” which… isn’t better under the circumstances.

Bok-ju looks like she’s trying to kill him with her mind, and he doesn’t understand why he can’t call her that nickname anymore, but promises to stop. Then he calls her Chubs again. Bok-ju storms off, leaving him to pay for her mountain of fish cakes.

Joon-hyung doesn’t really get why Bok-ju is mad, and nothing he does or says makes her feel any better. He pesters Bok-ju until she yanks her hand away from him, accidentally cutting his finger in the process. He whines at her about the blood, and says that she should at least tell him why she’s angry.

They have a childish argument over whether she’s angry at all, until Bok-ju blows up and says that now she’s angry because he won’t leave her alone about it. She leaves to go to practice, leaving Joon-hyung as confused as ever and angry with her in return.

Bok-ju gets to the gym to find the mood subdued, the students worried what they’ll do if Coach Yoon really quit. They’re upset and start to lave, but team captain Woon-ki stops them by saying that this is all his fault. He explains that Coach Choi used the team funds to pay off his settlement, and apologizes for not speaking up sooner.

Bok-ju feels vindicated, having previously defended that Coach Choi wouldn’t have used the team money for no reason. She asks what they can do to stop their coaches from leaving, and the team hatches a plan to stage a hunger strike.

They stand outside the university office with placards, though Bok-ju pretty quickly regrets the choice to do this outside in the cold. The entire team grows hungry at the same time, and Woon-ki warns them to stop talking about food. The dean sees their protest, but he figures they’ll give up when they get too hungry and cold.

Joon-hyung goes to Jae-yi and asks how his dating situation is lately, since he doesn’t visit Dr. Go at school anymore. Jae-yi is surprised that Joon-hyung picked up on their cooling friendship, and Joon-hyung teases that Jae-yi has less dating sense than his younger brother.

Jae-yi asks how things are with Bok-ju, and Joon-hyung shyly admits that he confessed. But he says that he’s confused why women won’t just tell a man what they’re mad about, and Jae-yi tells him that he’ll figure out the answer if he thinks about it.

Joon-hyung passes by Bok-ju’s protest on his way home, and stops to ask what she’s doing. She refuses to speak to him, so he pulls her to the side of the tent, and fusses at her for staying out on such a cold night. He’s worried she’ll freeze, but she tells him to mind his own business.

Joon-hyung asks if Bok-ju is really going to be like this, when he’s only worried about her. She goes back to her friends without a word, and he snaps at her angrily to do whatever she wants.

Spurred on by his talk with Joon-hyung, Jae-yi waits for Dr. Go to come home from work that night. He asks if she’s ignoring his calls on purpose, and she admits that she is. She apologizes for being too emotional and blowing up at him, and he says he’s been thinking about what she said that day.

Jae-yi says that for ten years, she’s always been there when he needed a friend, and that he took her for granted. He asks her, “Let’s date,” but she says love isn’t a charity, and it doesn’t work that way. She says that she’ll just be thankful for his friendship, and goes inside.

Joon-hyung can hardly stand it, knowing that Bok-ju is out in the cold, and frustrated that she won’t say why she’s mad at him. He grows even more worried when he sees that it’s snowing.

The protesters take a break, and Bok-ju wanders over to the stairs to massage her cold feet. Suddenly Joon-hyung appears in front of her, and silently puts a pair of warming packs on her feet. He gives her his coat and scarf, wrapping her up tightly, and softly asks her to please take care of herself.

The weightlifting team members come back from their break and recognize Joon-hyung, noting that he and Bok-ju seem awfully close. Joon-hyung heads back to the dorm, and Bok-ju tells the team that he’s just a friend who was worried about her.

Uncle Dae-ho hovers over Bok-ju’s dad, worried he could collapse again. Dad picks up a fallen photo of Bok-ju winning a medal, and says that he has a strange feeling and tells Dae-ho to call her. He does, and she lies about having eaten today and says she’s at the gym.

One of the weightlifters collapses, and the team takes him off to the doctor, leaving only Bok-ju, Nan-hee, and Woon-ki at the protest. Nan-hee breaks first, then Bok-ju gets a nosebleed, and Woon-ki says that it’s over. Bok-ju doesn’t want to give up, and their spirits are lifted when Seon-ok runs over to them just in time.

She says that she ran away back to school while her mother was out shopping, and Nan-hee bursts into loud tears. The three friends hug, as the other weightlifters come running back with news.

They’ve discovered that the coach the dean hired to replace Coach Choi has no weightlifting experience, and only got the job because he’s friends with the dean. This injustice gives them fresh energy to continue the protest, and get their rightful coach back. They take the protest to the streets, marching up and down and chanting against corruption in the school.

Coach Yoon is woken by a call from the school, and he’s horrified to see the ruckus his students are causing. He stops them and demands to know what they’re doing, and they explain that they can’t stand back and watch their department disrespected this way. Coach Yoon is worried they’ll be blacklisted, and lies down in the street to protest their protest.

He gets another call, and this time it’s the dean. Coach Yoon’s whole mood changes as he listens, and he jumps up to tell the kids that Coach Choi will be reinstated with a salary cut to repay the money she took. Hooray!

Joon-hyung happens by just in time to see the entire weightlifting team celebrating in the street. He smiles to see Bok-ju’s happy face, and sighs at the entire bag of heating pads he’s bought for no reason. Oh, you sweet thing.

Coach Choi is notified, and the team break their fast with a party at Bok Chicken. Coach Yoon makes a toast to the team’s determination and willingness to do what they believe is right, then calls Coach Choi up to make a speech.

She stands and says a few humble words of thanks, and the students demand to see their coaches to do a love shot with arms linked around the neck. Coach Choi is nervous but willing, but the love shot is interrupted by Uncle Dae-ho.

Right in front of everyone, Dae-ho throws his arm around Coach Choi and announces that they’re dating. Coach Choi looks like she wants to sink into the floor, and drags Dae-ho outside to clear up some things.

He objects when she calls him “Bok-ju’s uncle,” preferring she call him by name. She tells him that she was really drunk when she said she’d date him, despite kissing him and everything. She apologizes and begs him to hit her, and Dae-ho nails the real issue — she has feelings for Coach Yoon.

Coach Choi denies it, and Dae-ho lets her have the lie. He says that if that’s the case, then he’s not giving up on her.

Joon-hyung calls Bok-ju several times, worried that she got sick from being in the cold. She’s fine, just ignoring his calls, and she rolls her eyes at Nan-hee and Seon-ok when they squeal wildly over Dae-ho’s public confession. Dad barks at the three of them not to date until later in life, and to focus on weightlifting for now.

The girls go back to the dorm, and Bok-ju calls Joon-hyung. He’s rocking nervously by the phone, waiting for her call, and fusses at her for ignoring his calls then asks if she’s okay. She asks if he wants to meet, saying she has something to give him, and he lights up like a Christmas tree.

They meet in the lobby, and Bok-ju coolly tosses Joon-hyung’s coat and scarf at him. He’s disappointed, but has her sit, and takes this chance to ask why she’s mad at him. She finally relents, and admits that she’s jealous of the way he was taking care of Shi-ho right in front of her.

I love how Joon-hyung’s face changes as he realizes that this has all been because she’s jealous. He reminds Bok-ju that she said childish jealousy wasn’t her style, and explains that he was only being so nice because he felt guilty for ignoring Shi-ho’s call for help.

He points out that Bok-ju has a past, too, though she insists that a one-sided love isn’t the same as a real ex-girlfriend. Joon-hyung grabs her in a big happy hug and refuses to let go, promising to tell Bok-ju everything from now on if she’ll do the same.

She jokes that Jae-yi bought her the strawberry pin, and Joon-hyung makes a face and says he’s going to see Shi-ho, hee. He goes back for another hug, and kisses the pout right off Bok-ju’s face.

They’re snugglier than ever the next day, and Joon-hyung can’t stop himself from glomping onto Bok-ju every second he can. She throws him off when she sees Shi-ho arriving home after being released from the hospital, and Joon-hyung wisely stops himself from helping Shi-ho with her bag.

Shi-ho notes that they seem awfully close, but she seems to be truly okay with it and even makes a joke (while Joon-hyung cheekily draws a heart on Bok-ju’s back, ha). Shi-ho goes inside, and Joon-hyung immediately jumps on Bok-ju again.

He pulls her hood up to keep her warm, and she pats his head and praises him for not paying attention to another girl. She loses another round of rock-paper-scissors and gets a thump on the head, then another, but Joon-hyung cheats and lets her win the third round.

Bok-ju gives him a hard thwack, and he deadpans that he’s breaking up with her now. Ha. Their bickering turns into a tickle fight, then another hug, right there in the middle of the street. In their happiness at just being together, they don’t notice that Bok-ju’s father rides past them on a delivery, and realizes that they must be dating.


I just adore how real Bok-ju and Joon-hyung’s relationship feels, even when they aren’t getting along. The way they can’t stop smiling, and thinking about each other, and especially the way they can’t keep their hands off each other, just feels so true-to-life. I’ve always felt that dramas can be disingenuous about new couples, who barely act any different after getting together after one chaste kiss, then never touching each other again. In real life, young love is all about the skinship, and just enjoying your new-coupleness as much as possible. This show doesn’t shy away from that truth — Bok-ju and Joon-hyung are healthy young people, so of course they get giddy and handsy!

I also thought their jealous fight was realistic — not only did Joon-hyung seem to Bok-ju to be paying a lot of attention to Shi-ho all of a sudden, but she’s his ex-girlfriend, of all people. I felt that Bok-ju’s jealousy was understandable, and she didn’t go overboard expressing it either. Not only was Joon-hyung acting awfully boyfriend-y with Shi-ho, but he then actually dared to call Bok-ju a pig, getting right to her insecurities about not being a dainty feminine girl. She had every reason to be angry, especially since he didn’t even know why that was unacceptable, and let’s be honest — Joon-hyung is an adorable bouncy puppy, but sometimes his playful teasing gets a little mean. He needs to learn where the line is, so I’m proud of Bok-ju for setting that boundary quite firmly.

But I also loved that, even when Bok-ju wasn’t even speaking to him, Joon-hyung’s first concern was still to take care of her. The whole scene where he brought her foot-warmers just melted me, even though they barely said a word. They didn’t need to — Joon-hyung made it clear to Bok-ju that even if she’s not speaking to him, even if she pushes him away, he’s still going to be there for her. That whole scene was so lovely… Joon-hyung clearly shows Bok-ju his love at every opportunity, even when things aren’t going well between them.

I don’t mean to talk about Joon-hyung and Bok-ju to the exclusion of the other wonderful characters in this drama, and it would be a shame to leave them out. I particularly liked seeing the students finally get involved with Coach Choi’s dismissal, and do something about it, at least to the extent that they could. What she did was wrong, but Woon-ki let it happen by not speaking up, and it was nice to see him stand up for her in return. It was also good to see Jae-yi and Dr. Go talk about their relationship, even if it was for her to tell him that you can’t force love to happen just by willing it. She was right to point out that he can’t make himself care for her in a romantic way, though I suspect he’s going to discover that he already does, and just took that for granted, too.

I was particularly glad that Dae-ho and Coach Choi got a chance to talk about their problem, since it was getting painful to watch Dae-ho continue to think that Coach Choi shared his feelings. Now he knows the truth, and he’s declared his intention to pursue her properly, which is a good place to start. And while she may still have feelings for Coach Yoon, he’s a married man, so Coach Choi really needs to move on. She could do a lot worse than a sweet guy like Dae-ho.

And now I’m concerned about Dad’s reaction to the realization that Bok-ju is dating. Yes, she’s an adult, and he’s come a long way in allowing her to make her own decisions, but I can’t imagine he’s going to be happy about this. She just decided to come back to weightlifting, and has the potential to be sponsored and make a career out of her dream. It’s a bad time for her to be distracted, and with the way Dad sees her as his last chance at weightlifting success, I can’t help but worry at how he’s going to react.


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Oh my gosh!! This episode is full of warm and fluffy scenes!!

The skinship tho between Nam Joo Hyuk and Lee Sung Kyung are so genuine that you would think that they are dating in real life ?



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I just died multiple times out of giddiness during the episode. Then I died for real when I read about the preemption. I am too in love. With KBJ and JH. My soul will never be freed.


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LOL! your comment made me cackle "...I died for real..."

yes, agreed. I was so sad when I read about the preemption. AND seeing that preview...sigh


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When I read about the preemption I was like,
What?! (with the WF sound effect)


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Bad news - there is only one episode this week :(


Finally got around to recording that sound effect to use as an alert ?



When something unexpected happens in my own real life,the 'WHAT?!'sound effect seems to echo in my mind everytime.just goes to show how addicted i am with wlfkbj.


If you've watched the BTS of Ep 12 of them at the park where she said she likes him, you'd see LSK patting off snow flakes off NJH's coat. She patted his coat too hard that it looked like she's actually hitting him.
NJH: You've been hitting me for the past 3 years. You should stop now.

I love how genuine they look together in Ep 13 too!


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Heyy, can you tell me where i can find the bts please ? thank you!!


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Find KR Preview in youtube


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OMG... The way Dad looks at Joon-young... He's even scarier than Ma Dae-young in LoTBS. LOL.

Good luck with Dad Joon-young ah... I hope you can make it out alive :P


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Haha, I chuckled when I read this.

I bet the next time Joon Hyung visits the restaurant, Dad is busy cutting chicken while gives him a killer stare.


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The dad's face is meme face material. OMG THE SLOW MOTION.


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Lol, when Dad gave him that death stare I immediately thought of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpxDuNFBVj8


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OH MY GOD, this got me rolling. Very apt.


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Dad's with daughters are the masters of the killer look since forever. Muderer Ma simply dosen't stand a chance.
I pity you JH. I really do.


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The shock was so evident that it had me reeling and this is coming after he was like DON'T EVER DATE.


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HAHA so funny lol


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I have been recommending this to my kdrama friends. Only 1 friend doesn't want to try this drama. Her reason is the female lead is not pretty... *in my mind: C'MMON SUNG KYUNG IS REALLY PRETTY, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT SHE IS A MODEL.*

Oh well it's her loss... Just gonna enjoy this while i can <3


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Me too, I keep talking about how excellent this drama is, encouraging all my friend to watch it. But they keep saying that they don't want to watch it because the female lead isn't pretty :(


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Which is funny right because Sung Kyung is like a goddess to my eyes. Of course they tried to downplay her beauty to be 'average', but lately in the newer episodes, Bok Joo's hair is starting to frame around Sung Kyung's face and when the camera closes up on her face. WHAT?! Average, pfft??!?? She's really starting to be more and more gorgeous, and believe it or not, I prefer the old look because looking at Sung Kyung close up face makes me question my gender preferences. ?


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Agree! I especially loved the way her hair hugged her face when she was sulking while eating those fish snacks. She can even rock the hairclips without looking too girlish


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Agree and agree. And her eyes, really startling when closed up during scenes with great lighting.

I borderline crushing on her so bad and envying her so hard (because of the color of her eyes)...


Me too I just keep staring at her doll eyes..


Me too! I really like her look when she was cranky with JH after they left the hospital. She looked so cute!


I guess that's why NJH can't help but gaze into her eyes and squeeze her face! She's way too adorbs


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Oh this ☝?? yes!!
Nam Joo hyuk's acting felt so natural with Bok Joo/SungKyung.


lol the entire time im watching this drama i'm like seriously even a "bad" haircut cant hide lee sung kyung's attractiveness and good looks. and now towards the end of the drama where her hair is growing out longer and the way it frames her face really further highlights how pretty she is lol

HOW IS SHE UGLY? SHES A FRIGEN MODEL! and a really different unique look i might add.


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And here I thought we could do with less "pretty" girls in dramas. Seriously. It's a shame how beauty-focused the majority is. When you think about it, in this drama, Lee Sung-kyung is already far prettier than how Bok-joo is often perceived within the show.


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@ Chandler i agree with you my friend *virtual high five*


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I don't agree at all. I have been wondering why k-drama most of the time couples plain-Jane girls with gorgeous men.
There are exceptions: Han Ye-Seul (Oh My Venus, Madame Antoine), Jun Ji-Hyun (Love from Another Star, The Legend of the Blue Sea) and Kim You-Jung (Moonlight Drawn by Clouds) come to mind.
But most of the time the girl is waaaay plainer than her mate.
And I have come to the conclusion is that they choose them so because k-drama audience is mainly women, so 1) they really don't give a hoot about the woman, and 2) seeing a regular, non glamorous heroine, enables them to fantasize: "if this plain girl can get the handsome guy, and make him crazy with love for her, then maybe I could too".


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I'm going to have to disagree.... what about Song Hye Gyo, Ha Ji Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Kim So Hyun, Shin Min Ah, and so on. If anything, I think the male leads tend to be plainer and old too. This year was a bit of an exception with Park Bo Gum and Song Joong Ki but as a general matter, I feel like they pair up younger women with way too older and much plainer men in dramas (i.e., Uee and Lee Suh Jin in Wedding Contract). But, overall, let's be honest, both the men and women are still very attractive. And anyone who doesn't want to watch this drama because they feel Lee Sung Kyung is not pretty is both superficial and silly. I don't know about y'all, but I watch dramas for the story telling and not only because the lead is attractive.


Agree 100%. Most women lead are very plain - the second lead is the good looking one. And their clothing are atrocious.


Sorry, but I have to agree with the majority here, but I would not describe Lee Sung Kyung as "plain" at all. As an Asian person, her eyes already make her stand out as someone different.


Well, I would argue that the "plain-Jane" girls we find in dramas ARE pretty girls that the production team tries to style and sell as plain instead of finding a girl that actually fits the role description, but we can agree to disagree. So, yeah, I do agree that we get those characters a lot, just not truly plain actresses to portray them. You would have to list for me which actresses you find plain, rather than the exceptions you put forth. Those women are gorgeous, but you shouldn't need an actress to look as flawless as them to enjoy a romance.

To be fair, this goes for men also. I don't need so many dramas with the perfect, handsome male lead. Haha, but I may feel that way because I consider Jo Jin-woong to be one of the most appealing men in the industry.

The most common comment my brother makes about my k-drama watching is all about how every lead actress in my shows are really pretty. In the end, I don't even get how the plain Jane set-up even satisfies most women because the female lead is still often prettier than average anyway, while, in addition, being called plain throughout. Ultimately, you're made to feel like it's a big deal for them to get together with the male lead when, in reality, she's attractive enough for him anyway. It unintentionally puts forth an idea that even pretty girls are lucky to get with an attractive guy, let alone the real plain Janes. This show, while wonderful in almost every way, unfortunately doesn't completely manage to escape this flaw.

I would actually love for there to be more "beautiful" female leads. I just want them to be presented as such. That's all that really needs to change.


@Chandler, totally agree. I feel like the industry picks actresses that are pretty enough that you could give them a terrible hairstyle and still have them be attractive. I don't think k-actors are any more attractive than k actresses. They're about the same. Although I really don't get this flower boy dynamic so who am I to say?


Han Ye seul wasn't in Oh My Venus. It was Shin Min Ah.


@arvita91 don't worry you got all us hahaha. I just want to slap my friend to wake her up that she is missing a great drama XD


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omg man, send them lee sung kyung's instagram photos & i think they'll be shocked lol
it's not her that's ugly... it's just the haircut. but now that bok joo is in love, i find her even prettier as well^^


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Esp. during the scene where he put clothes and warmers on her


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Even with that unfortunate haircut she's cute. So I dunno what the fuss is about.


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How can people not find her pretty?? She is gorgeous even with that haircut!


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Same! I showed my sister Bok Joo and she was like "What's with that haircut", I think she looks adorable with that haircut and it shows that not all female leads in kdramas have to have that luscious, thick long hair


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How can anyone say she's not pretty? I find that mind-boggling. Like, HOW? If she's not in the pretty range of your friend, I'm scared to know how she'll rate my average face.


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though it's quite sad when the only reason she doesn't want to watch is because Bokjoo is not pretty.


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@royal I know how you feel. I find her really pretty. The prettiness burns my eyes hahaha <3


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IKR!! It's a shame that some of kdrama watchers are only focusing whether the lead actor/actress is good looking or if they are famous. They are missing out A GREAT STORY LINE here! Where people could relate to their everyday lives.

SAD SAD SAD. Oh well at least i have new friends here in the comments section that could relate with me ;)


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Agreed,Tots! Most people will invest to drama with great (good looking) casts though sometimes the dramas don't have good story lines and quite boring - which I usually drop in the middle.

I'm new to K-drama. But the more I watch, the picky I become. And, I just realised that I invest to drama with good story lines like this one or "My Wife is Having An Affair This Week." Those stories are more relatable to real life and can touch me in so many ways.


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agreed but at the same time that is what perpetuates the entertainment industry...people wanting to go see hot people make out


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We can clearly see how beautiful she is! Just look at those eyes!!


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@neener Ohhh yess!! I love Sung Kyung's eye color. I can't tell what color is it :)


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I can't also nonetheless it's PRETTY!


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Did your friend never see sung kyung in another drama? Cmon sung kyung is just so pretty. Even with that hair. She rock it man


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She did it, she is SWAG
Her transformation from a really great villain into unpretty girl is really touched my heart
She can change my impression for her, coz I really hate her before
I believe that every people really hate her in CITT, and a little bit hatred for her in It's okay it's love, idk her actions quality in Doctors, I don't watch it
Good job sung kyung~a


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I agree! I didn't hate her in CITT but didn't really care for her character and when I first started this drama I thought oh no, I'm going to see bits of Baek In Ha in this. But NO! I was so pleasantly surprised but I've really bought into Lee Sung Kyung being Bok Joo. A nice, sweet, cute college weightlifting student. I'm totally convinced of her character that now I feel like Baek In Ha is a totally different person. Now that speaks to some great acting skills. I can't imagine Bok Joo played by anyone else. I'm SO bummed I have to wait another whole week for ep 14!


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Ohhh come on, you know?
I have the same problem, I convinced my friends to watch it rather than TLoTBS, but one of my friend bravely stated she isn't pretty enough to give them motivation to watch it
It's really an incredible coming of age drama


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I feel you. That's what my friends said when I recommended this drama.

I also once felt hesitated to watch WFKBJ because of LSK that I haven't seen before. She is not pretty and the hairstyle is just meeeh. BUT, once I started watching WF, I couldn't stop! As time goes by, I found Bok Joo really pretty! ;) ;)


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Me too, when I first watched it I was just like meeh because the hairstyle was somewhat odd but as I continued watching it the drama really related to me in terms of the awkward first love and that when she's with Joon Hyung she just tends to sparkle


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OMG yes! I've been recommending nay begging my friends and acquaintance..to watch it..some have been initiated into kdramas big time! They are going to be super disappointed about the lack of episode today. Maybe I should now initiate them into DB to share the pain


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They should see bok joo with her yellow sweater and strawberry/cherry hair clip! I was stunned at how beautiful she is during that scene! me literally having a girl crush on bok joo!


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The opposite happened to me. I persuaded my friends to watch WLFKBJ and they all liked it. It's a frequent topic for us nowadays.

Their loss though for not watching this gem of a drama. This drama makes my day.


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I haven't found an actress who is prettier or more talented as an actor!


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She's my reason for watching. She's insanely beautiful. And, I actually like her acting.


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Oh man, I've gotten the whole "But the female lead isn't pretty" response too, and you wouldn't believe all the times people have stared at me in shock when I tell them that the lead here is the same actress who played the 2nd female lead in Doctors. They just can't believe it. >_>


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@Andy Pandy same sentiments my friend. I tried to show to her Lee Sung Kyung's photo but she is too invested watching Goblin (another fave but WLFKBJ is the best)


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i just don't get why they judge a whole drama just because the lead is not that attractive. just like my friend, i recommended "Oh Hae Young Again" because it is really good but they declined because the male lead ain't that attractive.

Sung Kyung is not your average girl, even though she acts badass in most of her role i find her really gorgeous and now that she is now the lead. oh demn men, she's a goddess in my eyes now. hah!


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I'm such a girl. All her talents and seemingly good personality make her that much more beautiful.


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UGH SUNG KYUNG'S SO PRETTY THO she could weight 3x as much as she does in this drama and still be gorgeous. those hazel eyes and cute lips are the death of me, every time they zoom on her face is just... woah. woa woa. you should show them some screens of this episode, I'm starting to dig her hair.


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I actually was not going to watch this because she is too pretty. I'm so glad that I read somewhere how much they love this drama so I gave it a chance otherwise I would have miss out big time.


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sending positive vibes out to you. LOL your comment is great!


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It baffles me that people actually a. say this bs and b. deprive themselves of good dramas because of this bs.
Like I have enjoyed dramas where the leads weren't conventionally attractive but seriously good actors and it honestly didn't even matter.
Anywho, her loss. LSK is gorgeous.


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Tell her to watch Cheese in The Trap! >_<
I guess she'll be surprised knowing that Baek In Ha is played by the same actress as Kim Bok Joo. Lee Sung Kyung is very gorgeous in Cheese in The Trap despite so irritating as Baek In Ha.


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That hot pack scene was painfully good! You can see it in their eyes that they care for each other!

AND I love how they cannot get enough of each other and just kept on hugging! Oh the butterflies!


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The hot pack scene literally melted me — I must've rewinded it five times. That's real love, folks.


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I know! And then he said to take care of herself, please. That please part was just, I died.


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umm not gonna lie...his voice did wonders to me in that scene :)


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Speaking of his voice, did you guys noticed how cute he sounded when he errr groaned (?? I dunno what to call it) when he hugged bok joo after they made up?


NJH with hot packs = BF goal × 100


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Can I get one for my birthday????


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Hands down favorite scene of the drama (until ep 13) probably. They conveyed so much emotion with JUST THEIR EYES...there was no dialogue. Maybe 6 words were uttered...but OMGAH...beautifully shot scene, beautifully "acted" out as well :)


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I think we're going to have a favorite scene every episode! Looking at them makes me fall in love again!


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Kyaaaaa all that cute! But I really do appreciate how Joon-hyung and Bok-ju are so honest with each other, and how they cleared the air almost immediately after Bok-ju spills that she's jealous to Joon-hyung. It's so mature that I kind of want to double-take and be like, is this really a Korean drama???, because adults that are older than them behave a lot more weirdly and immaturely than they do. But relationship goals they are, and I know they'll face the imminent danger of Dad head-on together! And come out unscathed haha.

Jae-yi and A-young: I feel like the tables have been turned on Jae-yi ever since Hwan-hee made a surprise appearance last episode. He received exactly what he did to Bok-ju--a call out of too-much-consideration from Hwan-hee just to make sure that he wasn't hurt by all her consideration (so paradoxy)--so I hope he really took how much that must suck to feel to heart. I like how A-young isn't afraid to tell him things that she would have been of before, now that she's decided to move on, and Jae-yi really needs that--someone who doesn't need to be endlessly nice all the time so that they won't do the wrong thing. I hope he sees what he's been missing out on!

(Seriously though, where did Ki-seok go? Is his side job as a grim reaper taking a toll on him?)


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Remember the reapers had that supposed huge accident so maybe that's why he's been absent hihihi


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Oh..It's the same actor I didn't notice it...


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I've been wondering where is he since Shi-ho was collapsed
I guess he need to fill the paper for lots of missing soul


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I would have been a lil more scared for SH's health if he had turned up right then. Lol


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This totally made my morning! HAHAHA


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Perhaps he was so dejected after Shi-ho refused his kiss that he went to a certain sunbae of his to consult him and that certain sunbae told him it's because he didn't have a namecard,hobby,horoscope etc... ...

And now he's scrambling all around to think of the missing information before contacting Shi-ho again ;)


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Imagining that has me weak ??


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OMG, this image is gonna stay with me for a long time. Awesome! Also, how fun would it be to have a crossover like that? That will keep my imagination going g while I wait for another WEEK. GAH.


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That was hilarious! That is a crossover I'd watch. Perhaps he has been wearing his magical grim reaper hat, to sulk in solitude.

I found myself seeking out Ki Seok in that scene where the swimmers met up with the weightlifting team while jogging. Don't know if I was hallucinating but I think I did spot him at the side.


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I need to see more Ki-seok / Shi-ho scenes please!! I ship those two ?


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HAHA! You know i've been wondering if they're the same actor lol. Anyway i'm also curious where he went because in the last 2 episodes Tae Kwon keep saying that he skips routines, and if i'm not mistaken it's even after the "rejected-kiss" moment :(


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I definitely had to do a double take when JH didn't lie about being at the hospital. What a refreshing dose of honesty...lol...so unlike dramas. My friend and I were just saying how sad it is that we expected a lie because that's what kdramas have conditioned us to expect.


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I LOVE IT!! I hope this drama will get an extension. I WISH I WISH!! Another year end favorite drama.

I have been researching about Joo Hyuk and Sung Kyung past works hahaha (because i love this two). And they had been really close because of they are in the same company (YG KPLUS), they had many photoshoots together and they worked together in Cheese in the trap.

Demmit YG KPLUS is really building some promising models/actors.


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you can also watch akdong musician's video clips. they have lee sung kyung and nam joo hyuk in their vids. sadly not together. but cute nonetheless.
watch re-bye and give love :D


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omg!! YAASSS i totally forgot about them starring in AKMU's vids. Nam Joo Hyuk in 200% and give love was the death of me!! I watched it when it was first released back in May 2014, and i was telling myself "WHO IS THAT DASHING ACTOR?" hahaha :D

Sung Kyung was incredibly flawless in re-bye <3


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OH MY GOODNESS THAT WAS NAM JOO HYUK????? omgsh my mind is blown.....I knew AKMU before I got into kdramas, and watched those music videos so many times, but it didn't occur to me that I've actually seen the main I'm watching in this drama before??

*off to go watch 200% & give love again heheheh*


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Oh, these two. They are so cute. They were really cute when they were just friends, but they are the absolute cutest as a couple.

Joon Hyung. ❤️ I love how he always always always try to hold Bokjoo’s hand, like he cannot possibly not be in contact with Bokjoo when she's near. And those cute sounds he makes when he finds Bokjoo adorable. I find it funny when he’s trying to get Bokjoo to piggyback him!

and can I just say I find it adorable and hilarious that when Bokjoo doesn’t answer his calls his immediate response is that, “What if she got sick and went into the emergency room?” I guess there’s that trauma after what happened to Shi Ho but that look on his face is just awwww-worthy.

adorable, cute and hilarious - words to describe this drama and this couple.

This drama continues to be my happy pill.

also, I didn't know there wasn't going to be an episode today and NOW I'm a wreck. NOT SWAAAAG!


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Thank you for this upbeat and positive comment for this cute, adorable, hilarious, and upbeat drama!!!

I LOVE IT SO MUCH that he's now 100x clingy now that they are together. And his "backhugs" aka piggyback rides are SO ADORABLE!!!


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Heh... loved the 100x clingy part ?


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I can't even lame him. I'm a little in love with Bok Joo too haha. Seriously these two are entirely too adorable. I watched yesterday's episode 3-4 times constantly repeating their interactions. Like they're so in love with each other it's amazing.


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Yeay!!!! Thanks lollypip for the much awaited recap.

I'll never get tired of tease-machine Joon Hyung. The best is that hairpin scene..when he snatched the red ribbon, he was like 'oo..ooh...' and calling the cute piglet 'bokjoo...why are you here (on the pin)?' ..so hilarious.

But the sofa/lounge scene, i think they deleted the scene where BJ was supposed to tumble on him like on the preview, right?


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Yeah i think they didnt show it in this episode. I've been waiting for that scene actually.


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Ikr, was waiting for that scene as well. Wonder why it was deleted.

This drama continues to be so realistic and fun that I can't wait each week to watch!


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yes! and the scene where her friends find out was also deleted! Or maybe that'll just be for next week. I am so gutted that episode 14 is not airing till next week though :(((


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The highlight of this episode is when Joon-hyung and Bok-joo walking side by side while kicking each other's butt. >. <

I think they didn't include that scene out of fear the viewers might get diabetes. Too much sweetness to handle in one episode.


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I LOVED THAT SCENE!!! The way he crumpled and she walked off like the hulk LOLOLOLOLOL


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Hah that's my favorite scene. JH kicks her lightly, she kicks him back hard enough for him to crumple. :D
I'm starting to think I'm really am going to get diabetes because of these two idiots.


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Indeed we could only see the sofa scene at the beginning with the title of the episode. I have noticed that they are adding some cute "faux" scenes when the initial credits show up (like when they showed them in the beach making a heart with their hands). Not sure if this is really a trend though...


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I'm thinking they're all probably either NGs, behind the scenes, or cut scenes, that the pd thought was too cute to be left out so they put them as the background of the title instead.


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Not gonna lie, that scene was a scene I looked forward to ALL week....sigh....sadness


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Me too!!! Like c'mon where is the scene!! Hahaha nway I never get tired seeing both JH and BJ playfully gidding together.


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The hair clip scene where Joon-hyung was asking why Bok-joo was in the clip - that's NJH's ad-lib lol. In the BTS, the captions said so which was why it's even more hilarious. He has a great sense of humour ? Guy is slowly becoming my absolute ideal type *swoon*


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LSK has said it before in an interview that NJH teases her in real life all the time, which probably ties in to the fact that in the other bts he's said that he's been hit for the past 3 years! LOL!!!


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Oh no, this just makes me want to ship the actors more.


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I'm really working really hard not to...if you think hard about it, it's almost a certain no go.


I would be so happy if they were an actual couple but at the same time that 4 year age gap makes it unlikely lol... Especially considering LSK met him when he looked like a baby. Close friends can't break up though, so an increased probability of them acting together again!!


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LOL! that makes me fantasize even more about them, knowing that they have been close for a while. ? It's actually like in the drama, they have known each other for some time so there is a possibility that they will feel the spark ? My heart keeps telling me that he has a crush on her, haha!!
Coming back to reality, I agree that an age gap of 4 years when you are 20 can be a lot...wait, I am saying that when I met my first love at 23 and he was 3 years younger than me ? Ok, back to shipping them.


They seriously remind me of couples I know, and /or have been a part of. Both in good ways and bad ways. Really realistic! And yes, very handsy and full of hormones (especially on his part lol) I also really like how playful they are with each other. I just can't imagine him with the dainty Shi-Ho and how he had any fun with her. I guess because he and BJ come from more of a best friends background, that hasn't changed much even if they are more lovey-dovey now.

I do think Joon-hyung can cross the line sometimes into not treating her exactly like a GF and too much like a buddy, but he's learning. He more than makes up for it in other ways, though. I also hope she actually does what he asks and tells him everything from now on. It would save a lot of problems. I hope to see more from her side and more of his story, but we are so close to the end I'm doubting they are going to explore it much.

About Shi-Ho, I'm glad she's changed for the better. I never hated her that much, but she's on the mend and now can get help. Seriously loved how Joon-hyung offered his therapist to her. I'm not used to people in kdramas getting professional help, instead of just suffering in silence.

I wasn't a fan of Hyung/DR, but before I didn't think she was right for him, but now I really hope she doesn't give into him. He's a nice guy, but seriously he has no common sense and comes across as offensive to me half the time when he's trying to do the "right thing". Saying he'll date her now just comes across as pity even if he doesn't mean it. JH is right, little brother more sense in love than he does.

I seriously hope dad doesn't cause problems. I think BJ will end up denying everything, and is going to end up hurting Joon-hyung's feelings because she won't admit to dating to anyone and stand up for their relationship. Well, I hope I'm wrong though haha.


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YES TO ALL! I need his storyline to be explored more. We only have 3 episodes left and I don't think we'll have the time to do the denial of relationship. Come on drama, let's move it along smoothly. So far so good AND that's even more of a miracle considering we are going onto ep 14 now.


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RIP Joon-young, after that speech Dad gave Bok Ju's friends about not dating, there is no way he's gonna be lenient about this lol.

I loved this episode, I can't get enough of them as a couple. Bok Ju's jealousy was so real lmao, I would've felt the exact same way she did.

I'm sad there's only three episodes left!


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Only one thing bother me about the remaining three episodes, When will they start talking about JH issues again? I hope the writers didn't forget about it, please don't let it happen.


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IKR!? But the previews are a little misleading or maybe I was misled by the previews. I thought this ep would be about SH but it ended up about BJ being jealous which is a delight. I do hope we will deal with JH's issue as soon as possible and not at the last minute.


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I hope so too! JH's trauma definitely deserves to be satisfyingly addressed. This drama hasn't disappointed me for the past 13 episodes so I choose to believe that the writer and the whole team will justice to that part for the viewers :)

I also noticed that the story is starting to settle the conflicts that were not solved in the past episodes, Re: Shi Ho (I'm glad that she's moving on and that she and JH have sorted things out and have arrived to a closure.), Coach Choi being back, and our dear Seon Ok is back too! Now aside from JH's trauma, we're left with Hyung and Dr. Go' relationship, Samchoon-Coach Choi-Prof Yoon... And we'll just have to wait til next episode how Aboji is going to react after seeing BokJoonHyung's PDA (I'm guessing that the scene where BJ's photo suddenly fell pertains to dad's discovery of their relationship, heh) I've been seeing tweets that say the drama is being rushed, but I don't think that it is. The story is consistent and is heading towards a good path, actually.

By the way, it is my first time to comment here on DB, it's nice to have found a home for drama lovers such as this site! :) Ahhh this drama is definitely one of the best dramas of the year for me. It's even beaten the romance of DOTS, (given that I totally fell in love with the romance game of DOTS). I hope our love for the show reaches the whole WFKBJ team.


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Yes yes yes I agree with u guysss. I want JH trauma issue to be convincingly addressed in the three more coming up episodes!! I hope BJ will be there like crazy to support him as how she was treated by JH before hiii


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Agreed!! I hope it's gonna be the last issue they settle because i'm reaaalllllyyyy waiting for it and how JH actually overcome it and how BJ will attend to him that time around hehe


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I hope they do. The relationship is adorable but really one sided at this point if we consider the amount of work JH puts into it compared to BJ to be there for her. Not her fault really, but she's just not given the chances to support him like he is there to support her. I hope that changes.

I'd like her to meet his parents, go to one of his swim meets, discuss his trauma about his mother,... I hope it's coming up! I'm glad they did seem to get a lot of things out of the way so hopefully, we get more JH in the future.


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So much fluff! I am honestly glad that they just casually touch each other like 'real' couple, and didn't act like touching is something they need to feel guilty about. When Joon Hyung said that of course he's better than Jae Yi (when it comes to dating), he couldn't have proven how right he was. I seriously want to kick Jae Yi when he asked Dr. Go to start dating, like what is your problem dude? I am glad that Dr. Go put him in his place and got the words right out of my mouth, love is not charity. Which is parallel to Bok Joo's question to Joon Hyung.
Isn't it ironic that the adults are more 'dodgey' when it comes to their feelings (e.g Coach Choi's to Professor Yoon's, Dr. Go to Jae Yi waaay way back), and then there's Bok Joo and Joon Hyung trying to be completely honest with each other and actually communicate when they are supposed to be the 'young' ones. Haha.
I liked that Joon Hyung is still basically a kid, who can and is also the best boyfriend ever in KDrama land, he never loses he's playfulness, which really also fits with Bok Joo's no nonsense attitude, they couldn't have been more different, but they still find equal footing in their relationship. Loooove it!
On the other hand, I hope they don't sidetrack Joon Hyung's trauma, I wonder if writer is saving it for the last arc, but I hope it gets the due it deserves. (Crossing my fingers, please give us a closure like Ha Joon's in Sassy Go, Go)


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They are doing very well so far, so I doubt they forgot to address Joong Hyun's problems. My bet is that this will be the final arc, with Bok Ju having the opportunity to support him and JH finally entering the olimpic team :D Also, he needs to clear things with his adoptive family, about his mother...I have to prepare some tissues because it's going to be emotional...
Or maybe the end will be Bok Ju entering the olimpic team after Joong Hyun does it. :D For sure there will be some conflict with Dad and how to find an equilibrium between her newfound boyfriend and her career as elite weightlifter.


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That Dad speech about dating later in their life and to stay focused now is just bad omen written all over it. I can't wait to find out how our couple would handle it. Yeah, Joon Hyung's trauma must be the last arc. In the first ep, Bok Joo was asked to train in Taerung while Joon Hyung placed first is swimming, so yeah maybe they'll enter the same time? I want season 2, them training for Nationals in Taerung!!! Please writer-nim, PD-nim, MBC..pleeeeease!


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Yes for season 2!


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...and not to mention that JH swear to Bok Joo's father that he won't date BJ in this lifetime. hah! i can't wait to see how our JH will lure his father since there seems to be no problem with her uncle.

and of course, on how will BJ take a big role to overcome JH's trauma. three episodes left and i'm really wondering if three hours is enough to answer everything. seems like three hours is just one hour for me. TT


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I think Uncle will be their main defender against Dad, might help calm him down, and even grudgingly accept the couple. Here's hoping!


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i think of this possibility too. like what he is doing before, he can calm him down and he totally thinks that bok joo really needs someone who can showcase herself as a girl. uncle really feels bad about bok joo having calluses and for wearing such clothes. what a great uncle indeed


still patiently wating for JH to overcome his trauma. his trauma is not a big joke to be left aside!


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It's official. These two gave me diabetes today with their giddy phone message exchange ? I think I was happier than them, I was squealing so hard, LOL!! ?
Their chemistry is so off the charts that I am going to start a petition in change.org so they go on a real date for the sake of their fans survival, haha!!

Thanks Lollypip for your recap :D you said everything so well. I also love how this show feels so true to life in many aspects, bringing serious emotions and also comedy out of it, this is why I love it so much (oh, let's not forget how LSK and NJH are helping with their amazing performance...). There is so much attention to details as well; I was ROFL when Joong Hyun took her hairpin with some hairs in it, my favorite moment this episode ?

Can't wait for next week after seeing the preview (OMO!!), love is in the air! My exam period is coming but I only want to watch WF, haha! this is going to be the end of me ❤️


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I shed a few tears when Soon Ok joined the girls, Nan hee must have been so lonely!


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+3 for our 3 musketeers!


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Nan Hee character is slowly growing on me and I find her adorable. I was surprised to know that she was the girl on Yoo Seung Ho cat drama.


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OMG can this show get any cuter?? squeeeee~~~~
I have been in such a good mood all day. Thank you SHOW!! <3 <3
But there is no episode 14 today :'(
I could always rewatch this episode over and over again ;)


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I proudly watched this live even though i don't understand most of it hahaha so much dedication to this drama ^_^

P.S. I accidentally dipped my finger in my cup of tea while watching them secretly hug while wearing couple university coats HAHAHA


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Ha ha ha! Glad to know I was not the only one who did that. Not understanding a word, but watch it I must for the cuteness of the OTP


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I watched it live as well because I knew it would be cute. I was not disappointed. ^^


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Watched it raw as well - you don't need sub to see how adorable they are ❤❤❤


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Me five! Watching it raw is so nice cause I get to focus on the actors' emotions and facial expressions.

GAH if only I can understand Korean ?


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Haha! I also watched it raw while waiting. ? When you don't have the subs you can pay more attention to everything else, and it's worth not only for the acting, they work on the tiniest details as well: did you guys noticed how Joong Hyun has changed Bok Ju's name in his phone? gosh, he's so cute ❤️


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I think it has always been "chubs" on his phone. :) His version of YEOBU!


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Joonhyung isnt perfect afterall and im alright with that. Although i did wag my head alot when he was so dense he couldnt read that she was upset right after the hospital visit. And when your lady is in a snit no name calling like piggy no matter how sweet you say it helps. Thats definitely not the way to diffuse her.

When i first watched it raw i admitted to be upset joonhyung walked away after their quarrel at the campus. When i watched it with sub i realise he must hav been real hurt with bokjoo's words. And those were quite a heated exchange. Our gal definitely does not back down. But its the sweet joonhyung we know who cant help worrying over bokjoo...hes back to put on the hotpad and bundle her up in his jacket and scarf. That scene when they looked at each other without saying a word.. The FEELS.

I really get why bokjoo feels and reacts the way she did. Perhaps call me petty o dont like it if my boyfriend is so sweet and attentive to his ex and being reminded they use to date and he knows alot about her sucks. Top it with being felt leftout while he is yakking away on the phone while she angrily stuffs herself with fishcakess.. Plus we are that peculiar species that expects our guy to 'realise' and 'reflect' what they did wrong. So bokjoo goes from her chatty vibrant self to closed-off and uncommunicative. Although we have sung praises on how mature our otp has been thus far including that honest confessions from both sides.. Still a relationship has a learning curve. Bokjoo is new to dating. New to feeling jealous and angry. When she does finally admit shes upset and the reason, she starts off by saying "its childish or petty" but she cant help how she feels about it. So im glad our otp took ep 13 to establish that.


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Just to share ive also gone from silent treatment when im upset and expects my guy to 'figure it out' to know openly telling him if and when im upset. He comes home with choc cake and a nice word. Its been 11 years. We dont play the guessing game anymore but i did do that once upon a time.

I continue to love all the skinships in this drama. They feel effortless and natural and really reflects how close LSK and NJH are in real life so they are cool with all their scenes together. Their gmhugs arent the usual cursory backhugs. Nope the guy hopes onto her back like he wants to be glued on, semi piggyback-back hug. Love it. Then i couldnt mention enough their ten fingers interlocked hand holding. Intimate soothing and romantic all at once.

Lastly i wanna mention mbc you ruffian you trolled us again.. The ending of ep 12 showed us the preview to expect bokjoo falling ontop of joonhyung in ep 12. That never happened in the drama.

And since theres no ep 14 for Thursday. Im hoping LSK and NJH will appear together on red carpet for MBC drama award on 30th. Please please do


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that kick to JH's butt got me shook, BJ got no time for his teasing


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Oh my God, I love love love that scene. Joon Hyung playfully kicking her and Bok Joo gets back and he ends up kneeling..bwahaha..atta girl!


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Ha. I lol'd when JH got thrown on his knees. They really have an unusual couple dynamic. It's fresh and I like it.


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+1000000 LOL'ed at that scene!


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When Bok-joo said she hated girls who neglect their friends but she needs to date too, i was laughing so hard!! #PRIORITIES ?

I'm totally all for bok joo not keeping secrets to her friends but her and jjh are just so so so adorable together i can't help but side with bokjoo ?.

There's no need to hide this from her friends tho i'm sure they'll be as giddy as she is when they learn they're dating already. Plus it'll be more fun with nan hee and seon ok supporting the lovebirds ?.


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Ahhh.. that day you fell in love with someone and what comes after.

The feeling of getting those midnight text messages, tossing and turning in bed not being able to sleep because you are too nervous and excited;

The feeling of knowing someone thinks about you all the time, and having someone who cares;

The happiness of seeing each other, and grinning foolishly at each other;

The world that suddenly becoming prettier, and the food, tastier;

The jealousy and hurt of seeing someone you like with another girl;

The arguments and the making ups;

The feeling of wanting to be in each other's world and being hidden from your close friends..

arghh Show! You had me at those text messages!

I first wrote the above thinking how good it is to be reminded of that young love. But now reading that again, those are still exactly the things you do when you are in love -regardless of age. I swear this show is trying to make me want to fall in love again. And again. And again.


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Love love love your little poem ?


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The text messages got me too. Loved how JH was kicking the air in his giddiness; as well as BJ's incredibly girly laugh. I even had to rewind just to check if i heard it right.


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This is beautiful... ♡


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Thanks for the recap. Been waiting all day for it. I wanted to read your take on the episode. As I squealed way too much over it.

First love is hard- sweet but hard to navigate. On the other hand, young love in university is one of the giddiest time in one's life. Made me flutter bringing back memories of how it felt. I think it's really sweet they didn't make things perfect. And pettiness and an oblivious boy featured in it. After all, who is perfect at any age, much less when you have other things going on in your life.

I really like it that the romance isn't central and she had other priorities in her life. Plus other people.

As an aside, I really need to read speculations about the older brother. I really can't work out if he is having a love line or he will be left single at the end. I don't want him to be in love with Ah Yeong just because. Currently, he doesn't seem in love with her and I don't want love to just fall into his lap. I mean a supportive lady friend who knows him for the last 10 yrs. He should learn to appreciate her and value her feelings for him. I don't see anything like that.

However- gosh, BJ and JH in love is just too giddy to watch. It's like puppies frolicking in clover and chasing butterflies. That's how cute and childish they are. They made me laugh. Adults in love don't behave like that and it's funny watching them be so giddy in love and acting silly and coy.


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I have similar thought. To me, it's "too premature" and too sudden for JY to fall in love with Dr. Go - like his realisation is not natural. I don't think he's in love with her.


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"However- gosh, BJ and JH in love is just too giddy to watch. It’s like puppies frolicking in clover and chasing butterflies." This is what I pictured at the end scene when BJ and JH were in their awesome black jackets and just clingy onto each other, frolicking across campus. (even if they are supposed to be dating on the DL...I don't see how this PDA helps with that LOL)


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-Are these two dating in real life?? Their chemistry is no joke. I watched some on NJH's previous works, and he never looked this comfortable with a love interest.

-I was worried how the story would progress after they got together, but I'm pleasantly surprised! I loved this episode! I love that we get to see their actual relationship as opposed to ending the drama with a confession.

-I don't want this drama to end!!!


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Nope, they isn't dating YET
One of his interview he said he would never dating with sung kyung, she like a noonim for him
They are bound into each other coz they are coming from the same agency and they had been work many times together before as model and in CITT


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Good question. Will wait for the answer in the coming months and years. LOL!
Remember ya'll to take everything they say on NATIONAL TV with a grain of salt.


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then the preemption news :(


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This show does fanservice like no other. Those hugs and pecks on cheeks are just waay to adorable. I'd watch these two hug one another over any kdrama bedscene. And even with so many cute scenes, the show did not sacrifice character and plot developmen. Though I am a bit wary of how JH's trauma episode will be addressed, I trust the writer wholeheartedly.
What am I going to do now that ep 14 is preempted? I can't be watching ep 13 for the umpteenth time now can I?


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As of this moment I have already replayed episode 13 for the 3rd time. Given, I'm still in the office, Month-end and Year-end reports be damned.. ???


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LOL! Glad to know I wasn't the only one guilty of watching WF in the office.
Pffttt...What month/year end? It's still 2016. Have you watched all the BTSs yet? ?


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Oh are we going to talk about BTSs now? Have you seen the BTS of their many kisses in Ep 12? I was squee-ling so hard, I thought for sure I'd get thrown out of the office.

I watch BTS without Eng Sub, with Eng Sub, with Viet Sub (no I don't understand Vietnamese but they have a lot of BTS footages) and I'd settle for anything.

I guess I got it bad huh?. Hahah.


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Oohhh boy.. did we sniff too much weightlifting fairy dust? Cos I watched those BTSs with Vietsubs too!
I pretty much clicked every single video that was on YouTube that has JH and BJ's face on it ?


Ahhh! I thought it was just me! WF has been taking over my life. I also watch the clips on the official MBC Youtube page to support the show. Plus, I just love watching the sweet scenes over and over again


LOL! I have also searched the BTS looking for more otp material ? I can't believe I am swooning over the rehearsals too.


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Ahhh the BTS videos!!! I'm starting to wonder which parts are adlibbed and which ones are in the script. So much chemistry going on with the two, love them. ❤


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I feel you. End of ur data reports be damned. I watched three times. Fourth time coming spoon to


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another guilty person here!


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What strange is not all fanservice/skinship is created equal.

Not even a hundred kissing or hugging could make up for the lack or even worse, no chemistry. That's why I rarely enjoy dramas where the leads' feelings are dictated by plot rather than their acting/expression.

For now, WF and RTDK are the only currently running dramas with great chemistry imo. I'm still thinking RTDK first kiss was the hottest and most romantic kiss I've seen from kdramas too bad later I found out it was borderlining on harassment. :-(

Luckily Dong Joo had Dr Kim and Seo Jung to set his head straight so I can root for his character now.


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Definitely, not all fanservice is created equal.

I've seen so many dramas, romcoms or otherwise, which fail big time when it comes to romance. This show is one of the rare ones which has a great story leading from friendship to romance. It proves that you don't need a complicated set up, a dramatic plot and ramyun to make a good romance. Just down to earth writing, realistic development, great actors and X-factor - chemistry for it to work.


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It proof that simple storyline can be incredible story
I've watch lot dramas, but it's my first time watching drama with giggling when they are glomping, this drama remain me of the old times, it makes me feel young again


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The director was pretty adamant in having both of them in their respective roles. I think one of those reasons was their amazing chemistry/close friendship off-screen. It's able to permeate on-screen and we see it.
They've done so many couple photoshoots, so it's not surprising that these photographers/directors/casting people see something between the two of them that we are all seeing on-screen.


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RTDK means Romantic Doctor Kim, right?
Yes, that first kiss was very good.
On the other hand, we tend to forget past ones for the current ones.
I remember the kiss in "I need Romance 3". Actually two very hot kisses. One from the main lead
and one from the second lead, BECAUSE, the second lead there was none other but Namgoong Min.

and let's not forget the "Game over kiss" by Lee Min Ho in Personal Preference

Among the recent ones, do you remember the steamy locker kiss in Jealousy Incarnate?

search for: In Need of Romance 3 Ep11 : I feel awkward too…_Kim So-yeon, Sung Jun

search for: "Personal Taste - Torrid Kiss Scene ("Jinho and Kae in" GAME OVER KISS @ Ep.10)"

search for: "Jealousy Incarnate Ep14 Kiss"


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Aye aye, Captain! Off to youtube I go. ;)


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if we're talking about dong joo here man, that lips when he kiss...i want to experience it too! lol kidding aside, Dong Joo-Seo-Jeong and Joon Hyung-Bok-Joo completes my week and i'm watching five on going kseries but this adorable two seems to be legit that i squeal everytime they have this skinship connection. oh boy. dmn whipped

just so happy that i'm watching fluffy romance after Moon Lovers wrecked my heart for a thousand times. scratch that, Million times!


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the interlocking of them fingers and natural touching...SQUEALLLLL....SO CUTE!


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are you talking about RDTK or WFKBJ? either of the two, i still squeal in these two. HAHA!


I JUST........I'M GONNA MISS THIS SHOW :((( <3 I swear these two are probably my favorite couple all time now next to Yoo Shi Jin and Mo Yeon. I just love it when couples talk about their problems!! The WAY NAM JOO HYUK looks at her during that Heating pad scene!!! That silent conversation LOTBS style I love it. And that last scene when they were talking about the jealousy.....it looks so natural and ad-libbed I feel like if these two ever date they'd be like that lol


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I think while watching this episode last night, my cheeks are all red! I can watch them being giddy and playful for an hour. But alas! this show is not just about being giddily in love people but caring as well. Gosh that scene on the stairs is so touching and heartwarming.

I can't believe that I will love Lee Sung-kyung, with all those hateful roles. Nam Joo-hyuk already had me in Surplus Princess.


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So much to love in this episode, but the reason I'm making my first db comment of all time isn't JH's incredible displays of devotion or the many many coats. It's because this ep made it super clear why BJ always loses at rock-paper-scissors. That girl chooses scissors EVERY TIME she plays! That's why her friends exchange a knowing look when she loses wayyy back in episode three! (She loses to JH the same way in ep 7 - yes I did some "research" ?)

Just one more tiny, adorable, and startlingly consistent detail that makes this show so wonderful.


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Okay.. now that you've mentioned it, I think need to do my own research too and rewatch ep 3 ?


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I may have used db recaps to figure out exactly when she plays... show, what have you done to me??


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maybe if I play it also with only scissors I'll get a bf like JH!


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Bwahaha... you are so right!!! She is so funny.... scissors!!! Girl try to change them please so you can win for once hehe


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Now I'm picturing how shocked NH and SO would look if BJ ever chose paper! Then they'd finally have to clean the weight room ?


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He was into bok joo
He know bok joo very well


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and not to mention that JH knows that Bok Joo will eventually fall asleep in less than five minutes in the library (referring to him reading BJ's bucket list). he really knows her very well and that make him more of a dream boyfriend of all time! he pays attentions and he really admits that he's whipped.


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Oh wow, thanks for that detail. Just another reason to admire the writing in this show.


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Haha i thought the same too.
Also, a boy who is willing to become a paper from being a rock just for a mindless pair of scissors. Bok Jooya this boy is a keeper!


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Best Boyfriend Ever!!!!


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Joon Hyung: Just tell me why you’re mad at me. I didn’t think it’s because I called you Piggy.
Bok Joo: I’m not mad.
JH: You are.
BJ: I said I’m not.
JH: You totally are.
(The look on Joon Hyung’s face when she started shouting that now she’s mad…bwahahaha…)


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HAHAHAHAHA! i think i saw a meme before that says "you asked me five times in a row if i am mad? Now, i am mad!" hah!


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This episode that short scene for Ah Young made me really feel for her. I have shy away on coenting about her thus far to reserve judgement and im glad i did.
Given her outburst last episode wasnt nice but it was her pent up emotion and frustration. To see Jae Yi still so affected by his first love must have really hurt her and the disappointment finally sink in that no matter how she waits and stays by his side he didnt notice her to be more than just a good friend. I also wanna commend that to love silently for a decade is no small feat. In her thking she could be the friend he needs and she could be by his side. But the hope is there that he would love her. Except 365.5days multiply by 10 our jae yi is too dumb to realise. This guy has great social skills but so poor at picking up emotional cues.
Ah young had tears in her eyes when he offer to start dating. Its probably what she waited long to hear but no woman wants it to be out of charity. Which jae yi couldnt even refute. Ouch double ouch. I thought it was really cool for her to hang on to her thread of pride and politely ask her to leave as the weather's cold. I hope jae yi will com to realise how imp ah young was to him without him realising and the next time he comes to her he needs to take a leaf out of joonhyung's book in how to pursue your love interest.


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I was afraid that Ah Young would accept Jae In's offer to date and I'm glad she didn't. A decade of waiting is too long. Even though I was annoyed with her behavior, I think she's a genuinely nice person and deserves better.

I am more irritated by Jae Yi, even more so after this episode. What's up with the offer to date? I'd find it incredibly insincere and insulting. Is he so dense in this area? The two cousins cannot be more different in this aspect. I also have an issue with his reaction after Ah Young rejected him. I'm not sure if that's how Jae In is supposed to react or the actor who's playing him. Isn't he too cool about it? No wonder Ah Young is upset. Look at how he reacted in the restaurant when he witnessed his ex-girlfriend being mistreated. That's the only time I see him flustered.


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Yes aft ah young told him to leave.. he just does docilely. Hes not even trying. Thats why i feel for ah young. I just want jae in to grow a spine and be a man


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I was frustrated with Jae Yi too. She said no and that's it?? You walked away?? He's not even trying! He should put more efforts if he really wants to be in Ah Young's good grace again. This really contradicts to how Joon Hyung trying to convince Bok Joo, or the way Dae Ho confessed to Coach Choi. I'm glad Ah Young said no. Why should she be with someone who's only half-heartedly pursuing her?


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Jae Yi is such a weird guy to me. Nice guy on the surface, but usually does the worst and most hurtful things to other people. Doesn't seem passionate about anything either. He didn't really learn anything from his conversations with his little brother, and the whole BJ situation either. I'm glad she didn't accept either. She could do better.

And seriously, no joke, maybe he could use the therapists help as well. Something isn't quite right with him.


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Does anyone know why ep 14 is prempted? WHYWHYWHYWHYWHY THIS DRAMA IS MY HAPPY PILL


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I think due to year-end award shows


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29 DECEMBER IS NOT YEAR END WHAT-ARE-YOU-TALKING-ABOUT?!?!?!? 31st december! That's year end!

*unhinged and desperate*


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HAHAHA There's no point in denying it Peeps. 2016 will end and we don't get our episode 14 HUHUHUHU

I pray we'll get a red carpet photo from our OTP!


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Year ends on December 31st; it is now December 29th. This makes no sense. It has no context. Do we have to drag W's No Face into this to get them to change their preemption???


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Gather all the villains in dramaverse and let them fight those people above who made a decision to pre empt an episode!


MBC Entertainment Awards.
I hope to see Sung Kyung and Joo Hyuk together on the red carpet.
The only consolation I can get for the pre-empted Ep 14.


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Now that you mention it I would be sorely disappointed if I don't get to see them walk together!


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I was so disappointed too..


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Our OTP did not win the Best Couple. W - Two Worlds, LJS and HHJ won. Still NJH won Best Rookie with Ryu Jun Yeol!


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LSK won the excellence award!!!!


I'm just here looking at their shoots together and maaaaaaan they look so good ;;;;;-;;;;
pls have some red carpet photos kay thanks


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I think these too are my absolute favorites after Ji Sung and HJE pair, some people just bring the best out in each other while working. These two are like that. I hope I get to see them at the awards show together presenting, walking etc. basically on whatever small capacity they can be together. MBC already loves Sang Kyung, this is her 2nd Project with them if I am not mistaken.


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Thanks for reminding me of that other awesome drama Kill Me Heal Me..

I really wish both LSK and NJH will be featured together in another drama.


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Honestly, I'm just hanging out here while watching their clips in youtube for the nth time! TOO CUTE!


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They did not win the Best Couple award but at least we get to see them on stage presenting an award!


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In this episode JH called BJ noona right before they were caught by BJ's dad. Is BJ older than JH? I always wondered why she didn't call him Oppa, but called Ji Soo Oppa. But this just makes the relationship even cuter. No wonder JH is so cute. awww I love this drama, and I am so gutted episode 14 isn't airing until next week. SIGH


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Weren't they supposed to be in the same preschool class? So they're supposed to be the same age I guess?

I think the noona was him teasing her. And she refused to call him oppa just because he ISN'T one.


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Also because SungKyung is JooHyuk's real Noona, heh.


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Oh yeh! I completely forgot about that. Oh my gosh, that's even cuter ?


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I thought it was so cuuuuute when he went, "Yes, noona."

I think rather than age, it's more like teasing Bok Joo because she was being extremely concerned at Joon Hyung's well-being like an older sister or a mom would be. It's like how Joonhyung wants Bokjoo to call him "oppa" like a status/endearment that he's taking good care of her.


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In terms of maturity, he's not oppa material. But his actions and the way he looks at her scream THE Oppa, capitalizion and all.


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He definitely means OPPA in terms of BOYFRIEND/BOO/OTHER HALF/LOVER/HONEY....lol not older brother....


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I could watch scenes of bok joo and joo hyung being silly all day long?❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤...
I laughed out loud... squealed so many times.. but the highlights for me was when he told bok joo not to lie to his face ( that he knows she likes skinship) ??
And when she told him to keep being mannerless( after he didn't help si ho with her bag)
Both of them are so hilarious and lovable.
But then the end where dad saw them and thinking about his comment earlier about no dating for the girls..
It makes me wonder just what is an appropriate age for girls to start dating.. I guess everyone would have different opinions about this... I mean how early is too early or can they have bfs as long as its sweet guys like joo hyung who means well ( ugh if only all guys were like him)
Joo hyung clones anyone?
Though book joo certainly seems of an appropriate age.. And after all there are people who meet their future partners in college or university


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OH MY GOSH!! I AM VISITING THE MBC LIVE and just waiting for weightlifting kim bok joo to go live and was disappointed to see it was MBC Entertainment awards huhuhu.

I am dying to see Episode 14. But not that kinda of disappointed to see LEE SUNG KYUNG hosting the awards with her long hair?!? SHE IS SLAYING IT!!! love you my queen :*


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Where are you watching live?


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@GedSkaiKru i watch it in aqstream website. But i must warn you its awfully lagging because a lot of kpop fans are visiting the website because their fave groups are performing in the awards.


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I see. Thanks! It's okay I can do with the lagging and maybe I can see my favorite groups too... heheh..


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Do you guys know whether BTS the kpop group will be performing?


@cherry- I heard from the kpop fans in the chatbox of the website that BTS did perform in the MBC entertainment awards but i wasn't able to see it due to lagging issues.


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Is LSK wearing a wig in WFKBJ? I thought it's her real hair.


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I thought so too--maybe she's wearing extensions for the awards show?


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i think she is not wearing a wig because the scenes in swimming pool looks like a real hair when it was wet that's not how it looks like if it is a pig.

...and the scene where in they're in the amusement park? i was actually looking at her hair waiting to see if it will drop off (of course, it would not be because they will cut it out if ever. lol) or i am looking for a pin but it seems real, or it is really real.


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!!!! the same thing happened to me I was so upset!! My laptop clock was showing me 10.01pm KST but it was showing some awards show which got me rlly stressed until I found it was pre-empted....cries....


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Haha That last image and the viki ad at the bottom. Reversed piggyback.


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Can't believe I actually scrolled up the page just to see it for myself ?


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Ha. I would've done so, luckily i paused long enough to remember the images.


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did not notice it then i scrolled up and laughed. it is! hah


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Thanks for the recap, LP!

Such a lovely, heartwarming ep! I love how real BJ and JH's relationship is. Young love is all about this kind of giddiness and being together because you love each other's company so much. Their texts and hugs and everything make me smile like a fool.

I actually would've thought that JH would be smart/sensitive enough to know that BJ was jealous of his behaviour towards SH. But I suppose since she had claimed to be the not jealous type, and he honestly has no lingering feelings for SH, so he probably thought he was just being a friend, especially since he wanted to make up for missing SH's call. I'm glad SH is finally getting some help since she really needs it. I'm also relieved that she's finally seemed to move on and let JH go. I believe she has what it takes to be a great rhythmic gymnast again.

Seeing how JH took care of BJ and showed his concern melted my heart as well. The way he silently put the hot packs on her feet and put his jacket and scarf on her spoke volumes about his love for her. I also liked how they made up by talking about the issue and this is really one of the key factors that their relationship works so well. They don't lie to each other and they communicate openly. I'm glad JH made it clear to BJ how much she means to him.

Really happy that Coach Choi is back and it gave me the warm fuzzies that the students decided to protest to get her reinstated. I also love JH's big smile when he saw them, especially BJ, being so thrilled. I heart that bag of hot packs. JH, you sweet and adorable soul.

Uncle DH and Coach Choi's frank convo was definitely needed. We know he suspected as much already. Let's see what happens next since Coach Yoon also seemed a bit taken back by the dating news.

I guess Dad isn't going to be happy that BJ is dating, but I hope he won't block her too much from seeing JH.

Good to see JY and Dr. Go having a talk. Love isn't charity and I hope JY learns that sooner than later after digging deeper into his own heart.

P.S. Strawberry hairpin forever reminds me of C-drama Whirlwind Girl. XD


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Can I just say how well-coordinated their outfits are? I noticed that they use a color palette that consists of shades of red (thus the pinks), blue, green, yellows (orange, mustard, brown) black and white. Love the visuals!!! Good job to the prod team ❤


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+1 :-)


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i would love to wear what they are wearing especially their well coordinated outfits but that color combination would make me looks like a subway sandwich (orange, mustard, brown, green, yellow).

oh nooo! are they secretly promoting subway using their outfits? i haven't think of this before but i think it is! LOL.


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Is it just me the one who wondering his trauma related to their relationship?
How about Joon Hyung's trauma? Did the PD forget it?
I believe that Joon Hyung's trauma is the highlight when this drama start
We've already in 3 last meeting episode with this adorable couple


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I worried about this too, but I think these writers have proven that they can be trusted so far. I am going trust them to resolve this in the next couple of episodes. For a slight ease of mind, I am glad he brought it up that he sees a shrink weekly in this episode. We can assume off camera he's still doing it because they are both training "off camera." We are told they do these certain things instead of seeing it on camera.


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i detest hunger strikes. i think it's one of the dumbest ways for people to protest because the only ones hurting are themselves. i certainly wouldn't advertise or recommend it to anyone, so to see it happen here is quite upsetting

/end of rant

that endless parade of coats tho lol
(love JH's & BJ's pink coats <3)


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omg! The coats are to die for!

Heck I live in a country of no winter, but damn those coats are tempting!

And that hot pack scene? Best use of coat PPL ever!

(Subway, please take note)


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did anyone else burst out laughing at dad's face at the end? it was so dramatic with his severe expression and the slo-mo turn, i was chortling so hard i startled my dog.


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ME! HAHA. Like some makjang moment


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SAME. I thought it was absolutely hilarious how dramatic he was!


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I actually went "Omo, Appa!" when i saw that scene. But then I remembered he's the same one who actually got mad at JH for swearing that nothing happened between him and BJ. I thought, well sure he'll come around soon.


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I remember this! He was like "do you not see my daughter as a beautiful woman??" and Uncle had to talk him off because they were supposed to scare JH off


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Me, me! I was laughing and cringing at the same time. It reminded me of my dad when I started dating at 17. I was terrified to do any sort of PDA, as I was constantly looking over my shoulder, certain that my dad was making the same face with strong repercussions to come later. Hee, this show...


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I snorted. It was the best cliffhanger ever.


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My favorite character in kdramaland of all time must be Choi Han-Kyul (my coffee prince) but dang, this Jung Joon-Hyung will give him a run for his money. This indeed gets better and better every damn time. All the feels. I love it when they said they will be honest and tell each other everything – again coffee prince feels. I can’t believe how I am a fan of LSK now, to think I hate her in other kdrama – she must really be a good actress.
Oh and I love the side stories too - watched this 3 times already (first time, raw) and I'm so sad Ep 14 is preempted.. Wae? Wae? Wae?


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So much fun reading all the comments here!!!!

NJH and LSK chemistery is NO JOKE!!!

I wanna see them walking together at the red carpet~~~ mihmihmih


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just finished the epi and off to read your recap! squeeeeeeeee Bok Joo and Joon Hyung are the CUTEST COUPLE EVERRRRR. I kept rewinding so many of their scenes. they're so kissy and touchy and not shy about it. they make me so giddy and giggly. oh gosh.

And that scene where Joon Hyung gives her his jacket, scarf and tenderly puts hot packs on her feet. I DIED OF HAPPINESS.

I also love how Shi Ho has finally broke through her dark period. Recovery of course doesnt happen overnight but it's a start!!


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Is it only me that has this theory, but I feel as though Coach DM is either divorced or is in the process of getting a divorce, because after his drunken night with the Dean he was in an apartment that had absolutely no "female touches". And on the clothes dryer outside there were only his clothes, and no bras etc. Also, in Korean households I feel as though they play the stereotypical gender roles, and the woman always prepares the breakfast/cooking and cleans etc, but none of that happened in the scene, instead the house was a pigsty.

Also, did anyone notice when BJ uncle announced Coach SE and his relationship, Coach DM looked devasted, as if his heart was broken. I think he likes Coach SE. Whether he knows it or not. And not going to lie, I am kinda rooting for them, wouldn't it be cute if they got together and acted as the "parents" of the team, like a one BIG family.
Too cute!


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Didn't they mention in one of the earlier episodes, that Coach Yoon was getting a divorce? And then there was a maybe reconciliation but yah it wasn't super clear...


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yeah. they did mention that CY is getting divorced.


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Oh they did?

We only thought he was alright with his wife because she called him when she got into an accident and he went to her immediately. Well, they could still be heading towards a divorce but remained on amicable terms. So when the accident happened, it was natural that he was still the person she'd call and he responded like he should.


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They're already divorced - Coach Choi told him in an earlier episode that he should get back together with his ex-wife since he takes such little care of himself/misses his kids so much. I guess he took the divorce hard and she obviously thinks he still has feelings for his ex-wife. I would too, considering the way he ran off at once to help her when she had a minor car accident (especially since he still calls her "yeobo"). I'm pretty sure Coach Choi thinks they've reconciled which is why she's been passively dating poor Uncle Dae-ho. I agree that Coach Yoon seems to have feelings for Coach Choi too, and I think they'd be cute together. I hate for poor Dae-ho to get his heart broken though. :(


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The cute - it hurts!

I like how this episode shows them growing as a couple. Bok Joo's jealousy was totally realistic, and Joon Hyung's teasing went a little too far. But they actually talked about it and are moving forward. Magic! At first I was a little annoyed that he wasn't picking up on her emotions, since one of the things I've liked about his character all along is how in tune with her moods he's always been (even when she says the opposite of how she feels). But the more I thought about it, it makes sense. He sees her as different from other girls, and is also her buddy. So they are learning how to be a couple together and it's adorable! Their chemistry is phenomenal, LSK and NJH being good friends in real life is definitely paying off.

I loved the scene with Jae Yi and Ah Young - and I don't want them together. Did Jae Yi learn nothing?! Ugh. Glad that she turned down his offer to date. It would be more realistic for them to remain as friends.

Uncle and Coach Choi is an interesting plotline. It looked like Professor Yoon was jealous after Uncle's big announcement, and I hope this doesn't become a love triangle. Funny how the adult men are oblivious towards the women hanging on them, while Joon Hyung (and even the other college guys) are much more open with their feelings.

The only slight issue I have is with Bok Joo lying to her friends again. Of all people, she should trust the 2 of them. Maybe part of it is that she just wants to savor the new relationship, which is appropriate for a new relationship. It's also a little sad how the whole weightlifting team so easily believed Bok Joo and Joon Hyung were just friends. They are terrible at hiding their feelings for each other!


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and they promised each other that they wont lie again. but maybe they are really trying to savor the moment since it will be shocking to Nan Hee and Seon Ok to see Bok Joo being in love who acts real tough in front of them.

they actually bought that alibi since they used to see BJ and JH together but not that intimate. hah


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I see what you're saying, but JH was in tune with BJ emotions, he just couldn't figure out the reason. Which ... I buy in the context of the episode.

I haven't quite figured out why BJ is hiding from her friends, but she has shown the tendency before. Plus, some hiding of relationships seems common in kdramas. I do look forward to BJ's explanation for why all the secrecy.


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I don't think it's necessarily trying to hide the relationship...it's more I think she's enjoying her new fond relationship and would like to date in peace. She doesn't want the necessary teasing and such. She's like on CLOUD NINE and in this bubble with JH and I think she wants to keep it that way for the time being. I don't blame her.

Another thing is, there may be an underlying implication that she doesn't want people to think, OMG why is this HOT, POPULAR swimmer doing with this weightlifting student...etc...The small indication of this is during the BEST SCENE EVER (feet warmers and jacket/scarf) when the team just basically took her word for it that he's just a friend without any single hesitation or teasing on their end even though the "atmosphere was weird."


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I definitely agree this drama's character interactions feel more real to me. The scene that Joon Hyung sighs as he looks at all the heat pads he bought for no reason touched me because when you watch a lot of dramas, the gestures of affection always feel too scripted since they always have perfect timing and they always go perfectly. In reality when you try to do your gestures of affection, sometimes things go wrong and sometimes your timing is bad so you have to use 200% effort to get the results you want and Joon Hyung's character consistently does this. Plans trips to the amusement park that don't become a date. Buys roses that goes unappreciated. Buys heat pads that aren't needed anymore. As a guy I totally sympathize in that you try, try, try because she's worth it, even when all your gestures don't stick. But doesn't matter, you take the ones that succeed and work because you love her.


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T T x2


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I'm tearing up rn TT_TT


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*clutches heart*
You guys are also the kind we love for a long time. Your love is the kind that inspires us to wait if we have to, with unwavering loyalty, or to never give up on that love however tough it gets. It doesn't matter how big or small your gestures are, they all have the same big impact for us.
We love you because we feel secure in your love that we feel we can be strong enough to face whatever we have to face to keep that love. Because you guys are worth it, too.


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Aww, that's just wonderful @lizzieB. It's so much fun hanging out here reading everyone's comments.


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K I teared up reading your comment :'(


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Wonderfully said. Loved hearing a guy's pov on JH. Thanks for sharing!


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while reading the comments here in this comment makes me want to sing "TT by Twice" lol.


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+1 beautiful insight!


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I just read ur comments- only 1 post on dB since theres only 1 episodes- i cant help lurking back here to lurk.

Pointed out very nciely and true- no such thing as perfect timing. In fact this drama shows us a few times that Nam Joo hyuk did all the sweet things without Bokjoo's knowing. He went to her place the night the team celebrated her victory, she was in her room crying. Joon hyung came and peep from the outside, worried about her. He chose not to disturb her, not even text. I love all the gestures that he does out of his concern, care and love for bokjoo. That's why it feels so genuine and they dont feel like characters. It's like this guy will do all these sweet things, for BOKJOO, not for the tv/the viewers. Hope that makes sense


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The only drama I've ever rewatched was REPLY 1988 (unbeatable quality, no drama has ever come close to beating it imo) but KBJ is so drama-free (no cheap conflicts and poor villains) and fuzzy and goddamn CUTE I'm certain I'll give it another go in 2017 at least.


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Guys I want your honest opinions, how did yall feel in that scene where he pulls the hairpin so violently from bok joo? I felt I wanted to slap the writer, that's not the JH I knew, it was the very first moment that I felt the turn off, but still loving him for understanding it was not right at all and trying to solve it as soon as possible.


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i wasn't thrilled about that, but it's in line with joon hyun's sometimes childish personality. i think for all of joon hyun's maturity and depth as a character, the writing has consistently shown there is a mischievous side to him that often comes out when he's around bok joo. calling her 'my pig' was another instance where this happened.

i'm not crazy about it, but considering everything else & how whipped and adoring he is of bok joo, it doesn't necessarily leave a sour after taste in my mouth, though i understand if it does for some other people.


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Its so within his character and has always been there all along, some people just forgot how "annoying" or childish he could be because he's such a mature and sweet friend/bf sometimes. Like, in an earlier episode dude unintentionally pushed Bok Joo when they were hiking on that mountain. Or the fact that in this episode also he throws himself on his gf's back literally, although this I find cute because he's not afraid to be rough in his affections and has shown he can also be gentle.

JH is a great character because he's not a cardboard cutout plrince charming - no this charming man-boy comes with his own flaws.


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True, I felt a little bit bad about thinking how much could hurt, but indeed he's a sweet puppy.


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Totally agree :)


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I was not pleased about it either since for me the head is a sensitive spot for you to act rough but maybe because bok joo is a weightlifter he kinda forgets her fragility.


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This is it. He forgets sometimes or thinks she's different. And I love it that the writers made it a point in this drama to literally have JH say it out-loud. He goes "I didn't think you were like this BUT you are a woman after all." Something like that...


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If somebody told you that they won't watch the drama because the leads are not pretty enough. The answer shouldn't be "but she's actually beautiful".

The response should be "so what if she's not pretty? the actors and the stories are good"...?


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that would flare me up, i would still insist that LSK is beautiful in her hair. no matter what


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This episode also brought back the dogs. There are dogs living at the Chicken house, right? Little dogs with the little doghouse, always tied up outside, and yet nobody every acknowledges them!

I almost wish I had waited until January 10th to start this show, because waiting between each episode is so haaaaaaaard.

Also, JH's whining is the best. So annoying, yet so cute.


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The dogs <3 One with a polka dot shirt and the other a santa doggy shirt. SO CUTE.
One of the many many things I love about this show is that it's got sprinkles of cuteness spread throughout in small details like those cute dogs, the way Joon Hyung and Bok Joo saved each other's names on their phones with cute emojis shown this episode, and even all the way from episode 2 when JH was navigating to find Bok Chicken with an adorable animation by his side. It's such a joy to rewatch the show cause I'm always going "Oooh I didn't notice that before, so cute!"

Wait I said cute way too many times here.


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cute cute cute! Sometimes so cute it hurts so good.

aw, I missed half the cute little details on my tiny screen with so-so streaming quality. I noticed they had emojis next to the names, but didn't realize they'd saved the names that way. Did JH give BJ a smily face or something yellow?

The dogs are cute, but it bugs me that they're such props. Plus, I think there was originally only one.


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I'm so glad that you folks brought up the dogs because it KILLS me!!!! Sweet dogs. Adorable dogs. Well-dressed dogs.

I acknowledge that dogs as pets are treated differently in different places. Where I live (Northern US) dogs are family, and are treated as such. Most dogs do not live outdoors. Heck, some dogs are probably treated better than people. Meanwhile, in other places in the US, dogs can lived tied up and outside.

Those sweet adorable dogs; I just wish if they were going to be in the show, they could be greeted or taken for a walk at least in a scene or two. It just breaks my heart when pets are props or accessories in Kdramas.


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I so didn't notice the emojis until you guys pointed it out so I went to go rewatch...because you know...what else am I suppose to do...LOL!!
His has a hearts around "chubs" and hers has the emoji with heart eyes....LOL! <3


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I'm so happy that other people notice my babies (the dogs in the show)! If we're talking about the two adorable little bulldogs then I know them! The brindle one is a girl named Hyori and the other one is a boy named Jjaboo. In real life, they're both well taken care of and live at a dog cafe in Ilsan called Agapet (Hyori lives there full time but Jjaboo has an owner and is only with his owner a little bit). They're both so sweet and very much loved!


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