Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 11

How it is possible that this drama just gets better every week? Several relationships evolve by leaps and bounds in this episode, and not necessarily the ones you expect. Cupid must be working overtime, because romance is out in full force, and everyone’s lives will be changed by his arrows.

EPISODE 11: “It’s the end… It’s not the end”

Coach Yoon talks to Bok-ju’s father about Bok-ju missing the meeting with the company that wants to sponsor her. He says that he made excuses and they rescheduled, and that he thinks she disappeared because she’s upset over Coach Choi’s firing. They agree to keep looking for her, and call when they find her.

Bok-ju arrives home just then, looking sad but resigned. She looks at her father with tear-filled eyes and says that she doesn’t want to do weightlifting anymore. Dad is shocked and angry, and Bok-ju says that she’s always loved everything about weightlifting even when people criticized her for being a woman weightlifter.

She starts to cry as she says that she hates it now, and that she’s not happy anymore. She wails that she doesn’t want to do weightlifting or anything anymore, and asks her father what she should do now.

Joon-hyung makes it back to his dorm, still thinking about how Bok-ju had cried in his arms. Tae-kwon whines about how secretive he’s been lately, asking if he’s secretly dating, and the words surprise Joon-hyung. He thinks about all the fun he has with Bok-ju, and how much time they’ve been spending together, even how physically close they’ve gotten.

He picks up the little origami toad that Bok-ju made for him, and laughs to himself. Tae-kwon asks again if Joon-hyung is dating, and Joon-hyung says thoughtfully, “I guess I am… by myself.”

Bok-ju lies in bed that night, tossing and turning. At breakfast Uncle Dae-ho complains that Bok-ju got all the beef in the soup, and Dad just walks out without a word. Bok-ju goes to her room, and Dae-ho complains about the mood in the house.

Dad goes talk to Coach Yoon about Bok-ju’s decision to stop weightlifting. He says that she’s always loved it so much, and seeing her cry that way convinced him that she’s serious. Coach Yoon thinks Bok-ju is experiencing a slump, exacerbated by Coach Choi’s firing.

Bok-ju spends the day in her room, doing nothing, until her father comes to talk to her. He tells her to go to her dorm and pack, but just the things she needs for now. They’ve decided she’ll take a break.

Nan-hee and Seon-ok are upset that Bok-ju is taking a vacation from school, and she tells them she needs time to think. She wants to discover why she does weightlifting, and what meaning it holds in her life. Nan-hee is afraid Bok-ju may decide to quit, and calls her a traitor for not discussing this with them first. Levelheaded Seon-ok tells Nan-hee to let Bok-ju go.

On her way out of the dorm, Bok-ju calls Joon-hyung and tells him that she’s leaving school. She wishes him luck and hangs up, and he goes running to try and catch her. He doesn’t see her outside, so he hops on his bike and heads to her dad’s chicken shop.

He beats her there, and Bok-ju is surprised to see him waiting for her. Joon-hyung takes her to a park to talk, and he gently asks if it isn’t bad to take a break from exercising. Bok-ju explains that she’s lost all motivation to do anything, and that she doesn’t really have any plans for her vacation.

Joon-hyung panics a bit when Bok-ju muses that she might travel, and tells her to stay close where he can see her. He says to call him if she gets bored, or even when she’s not bored, and he’ll come play with her. He rattles off all the times she can call him, like before she eats, and after she eats, and when she goes to bed and wakes up.

Bok-ju grumbles that she’s not having that hard of a time, and Joon-hyung shushes her and tells her to call him at seven o’clock — all of them. Seriously, how are you so cute? He tries to say her trademark “swag,” but he really does suck at it.

Shi-ho intercepts Joon-hyung on his way back to his dorm to ask why Bok-ju left school. He asks if she’s hoping Bok-ju dropped out, but Shi-ho says no, she doesn’t feel that sorry for her, she’s just asking because she’s her roommate. Joon-hyung retorts sarcastically that she’s quite the roommate.

That night, both Joon-hyung and Bok-ju lie awake, unable to sleep though for very different reasons.

Bok-ju’s father refuses to allow her to use her resting time to help out in the restaurant, and tells her to go do the things she wants to do. He goes off alone to his dialysis, ad Bok-ju goes to her room. She decides to make a list of the things she wants to do.

The first item on the list is to study in the library, and the second is to learn an instrument. Third, she wants to go to an amusement park on a weekday so she doesn’t have to stand in line. The fourth item is to get a boyfriend. That list has a sublist — she wants to drink out of one cup with two straws, walk with her hand in his pocket, and receive a bouquet of one hundred roses.

The weightlifting team are curious about why Bok-ju left, and they ask Seon-ok and Nan-hee for details. Seon-ok mumbles something vague before Coach Yoon enters, trying a little too hard to pretend everything is fine. He announces that group training starts today, and urges them to work hard. Aww, the kids don’t respond at all.

Woon-ki follows Coach Yoon to his office, and asks what’s going to happen to Coach Choi. Coach Yoon says that he’s asking the dean to re-hire her, and tells Woon-ki not to worry about it. After Woo-ki leaves though, Coach Yoon complains that Coach Choi hasn’t called him once.

We see that Coach Choi is agonizing over the team as she helps her sister at her salon. She jumps to answer her phone when it rings, and she’s surprised when the call turns out to be from Dae-ho. He asks if she’s free for a drink tonight.

Bok-ju heads to the library to fulfill the first item on her to-do list. She takes a seat across from an adorably bespectacled kid, who laughs at her simple study guide. Bok-ju snarls at him and settles in to study, but soon she’s fast asleep.

Next Bok-ju talks to a piano teacher, but the lessons are expensive so she decides to get a part-time job to cover the fees. She so absorbed in her thoughts that she doesn’t realize she’s wandered near Jae-yi’s clinic, and she hides behind a telephone pole to watch him carrying boxes up the stairs.

She shakes it off and goes to get a job. She tries to convince the manager of a courier service to hire her, but he argues that even grown men give up the job quickly due to the heavy lifting. Bok-ju tells him that she’s a weightlifter and that these boxes are nothing, and proves it by easily taking some heavy boxes from a nearby worker. (Hey, that’s Ji-soo!)

Joon-hyung is disappointed that Bok-ju hasn’t called him, nor is she answering her phone. He about jumps out of his skin when his phone finally rings, but it’s only Jae-yi, who calls him out to talk.

Jae-yi says he might go to dinner tonight with Dr. Go, and Joon-hyung calls him a player. Jae-yi complains that he feels wronged (for being called too nice), but Joon-hyung says that being nice is worse because he can’t even be mad at him.

Joon-hyung stiffens when Jae-yi asks how Bok-ju is doing. He snaps that he’ll worry about Bok-ju from now on, and Jae-yi gets a mischievous look on his face. He points at Joon-hyung triumphantly, and crows that he knew Joon-hyung liked her.

Joon-hyung can’t even hide his sheepish grin, and he says that she’s not even his type. Jae-yi teases that Joon-hyung’s eyes sparkle when he’s around Bok-ju, and tells Joon-hyung to take care of his cute friend.

Joon-hyung blows up again, that Jae-yi rejected her. Jae-yi asks when Joon-hyung plans to confess, and Joon-hyung says it’s not the right time yet — he thinks he’ll wait until Bok-ju gets over her slump. Jae-yi looks adorably proud of his cousin, and Joon-hyung threatens that he’d better not make her cry again.

The rhythmic gymnasts are at practice, and Soo-bin notices that Shi-ho seems to be falling asleep at the barre. Sure enough, Shi-ho nods off as she’s stretching and falls to the ground, embarrassed.

Jae-yi does meet Dr. Go for dinner, and they go to an old college haunt. She mentions one of their college sunbaes who didn’t show up to a meeting, and the name seems to make Jae-yi uncomfortable. Dr. Go asks about Joon-hyung and Bok-ju, thinking that Bok-ju has the perfect personality to match Joon-hyung.

That evening, Dae-ho gets ready for his drink with Coach Choi, and jumps ten feet when he sees Joon-hyung peering through the chicken shop window. He goes outside to tell Joon-hyung that Bok-ju isn’t home, since she’s working late at her part-time job.

She seems to be enjoying the work, and Ji-soo is super impressed with her strength. He offers to treat her to dinner after work, and they playfully banter about how much she can eat until a voice bellows, “Kim Bok-ju!

It’s Joon-hyung, and it’s hard to say whether he looks more jealous or angry. He levels a death glare at Ji-soo, who looks confused but cheerfully invites Joon-hyung to join them for dinner. Joon-hyung retorts that every time he eats with someone new, he gets social phobia and grows violent. HA.

Bok-ju and Joon-hyung have this hilarious silent conversation that you really just have to see to appreciate, and finally Bok-ju whispers to Ji-soo that her friend is sick. Joon-hyung turns his glare on Bok-ju when she calls Ji-soo Oppa (he’s been dying for her to call him Oppa for a while now), and he’s still glaring when Ji-soo grabs him in a big bear hug to tell him to buck up.

Joon-hyung is still feeling grouchy as he feeds Bok-ju convenience store food, and he asks about that “slick-looking guy” she works with. Bok-ju calls him Oppa again, and Joon-hyung demands to know how he can be Oppa so soon. Bok-ju doesn’t pick up on the fact that he’s totally jealous.

Joon-hyung says she has to be wary of men that aren’t her father or uncle, and Bok-ju blandly asks if that includes him. Hee, Joon-hyung stammers that he’s not on the list of men to distrust. He asks about her job, and Bok-ju says that it’s different from weightlifting, but she likes it.

She tells Joon-hyung that she’s going to use the money to take piano lessons, which she’s wanted to do since she was very young. Joon-hyung notices her enthusiasm as she talks about playing piano, and says that her long fingers should make her good at it.

Bok-ju chirps that she’ll play the piano at his wedding, and Joon-hyung says that instead, she can stand next to him. Whoa, my heart just skipped a little. Bok-ju misses his point entirely, saying that his bride should stand there, so Joon-hyung barks that she better not stand next to him.

He adds for her not to talk to that slick guy anymore, because it makes him feel bad. Bok-ju just muses that Oppa is awfully handsome.

Dae-ho takes Coach Choi to a pojangmacha, and asks what she’s been up to. She says she’s helping at her sister’s salon and taking small side jobs, and he pours them both a shot of soju. It’s not long before they’re staggering down the street, supporting each other. Dae-ho crouches down to piggyback Coach Choi, but instead of climbing on, she plops down next to him and asks if he likes her.

Dae-ho starts to deny it, but one look at her earnest face has him confessing that he does like her. She says something vague about love that probably sounds profound when you’re drunk, and decides to date him. He asks if she’s just saying this because she’s drunk, so she grabs Dae-ho by the collar, and yanks him in for a kiss.

Joon-hyung walks Bok-ju home, and when he implies that she could never take on a male attacker, she proves him wrong by twisting his arm behind his back. Wow, you know it’s true love when taking a whipping makes a boy look even more smitten.

Bok-ju tells Joon-hyung about seeing Jae-yi, and he asks how it felt. She says it felt strange, but the time when she was so obsessed over him feels like it was a long time ago. She compares it to having a cold, and the way you feel when the symptoms start to fade.

They arrive at Bok-ju’s place, and she says that she’ll be working overtime tomorrow, late into the night. That worries Joon-hyung, but she says casually that she’ll be working with that oppa, and Joon-hyung bristles all over again. He’s so frustrated, he tries to beat up a lamppost, hee.

That night, a girl in the dorms is scared badly by a pair of feet peeking out at her from under a bathroom stall. The next day rumors of a ghost fly around campus, the story growing wilder with each retelling.

Bok-ju and her dad sit down to dinner, and she asks if he’s curious about her part-time job. He says that he’s fine with whatever as long as it’s not something bad, and tells Bok-ju that he’s not going to interfere with her life choices anymore.

Coach Choi seems to be regretting her drunken decision to date Dae-ho, judging by the horrified screams. She hopes that he was too drunk to remember, but her hopes are dashed when he shows up with hangover soup and a smile.

Bok-ju’s boss wants to introduce her to his nephew, but Ji-soo says that she already has a boyfriend, that guy with angry eyes (he adds, “I think he looks like me,” HAHA). Bok-ju says he’s not her boyfriend, but Ji-soo teases that anyone could tell they’re not just friends.

Joon-hyung can’t stand the thought of Bok-ju working late with Ji-soo, so he shows up at the warehouse again. He offers to help Bok-ju finish up, and pushes a cart full of heavy boxes with her. She protests, saying that people already misunderstand that he’s her boyfriend, and they don’t believe her when she says he’s just a friend.

Joon-hyung peers at Bok-ju over the boxes, and says softly, “It’s not a misunderstanding. You’re not just a friend.” Ohmygosh, he’s going to confess.

He pushes the boxes away, and adds that she’s a special friend to him. He asks if Bok-ju understands, and she looks at him, confused.

Joon-hyung steps forward, takes Bok-ju’s face in his hands, and kisses her. After a long moment Bok-ju pushes him away, gasping for breath, and asks if he’s gone crazy. Joon-hyung says that yes, he’s gone crazy, otherwise he wouldn’t be doing this.

He calls her an idiot, and says that he likes her, not as a friend but as a woman. He says she makes him curious when he can’t see her, concerned when she’s depressed, happy when she laughs and worried when she’s hurt. He asks, “This means I like you, doesn’t it?”

Back at the dorms, Tae-kwon tries to sneak into their room after curfew but their window is locked. Seon-ok is in the laundry room on the phone with her mother, who wants her to come home to help with the family business. Tae-kwon crawls in through the laundry room window, and assures Seon-ok that he didn’t hear her conversation.

She starts to lead him out before he’s caught, but they hear Nan-hee in the hallway and hide between the machines. They suddenly realize how close they’re sitting, and stare into each other’s eyes for a long minute.

Nan-hee is looking for Seon-ok, and she spots a strange figure in the hallway. She slowly turns to see a girl in a nightgown, and she screams bloody murder, thinking it’s the ghost. The noise brings the whole dorm running, and Tae-kwon uses the distraction to run back to the boys’ dorm.

Bok-ju fumes as she sits on a park bench, refusing to speak to a very chastened Joon-hyung. He can’t stand it and tells her to say something, so she asks him, why her? It makes no sense to Bok-ju that he likes her when until just recently she was pitching fits over Jae-yi.

Joon-hyung says that he can’t explain it, he just likes her, and has for a long time. He says she’s even his first love, and giggles shyly. Bok-ju responds with an incredulous “HA,” and Joon-hyung asks if that means she doesn’t like him back.

Bok-ju says that she actually does like him, that he’s always there and she can rely on him. She adds that he’s handsome, and Joon-hyung can’t hide his grin. But she says she’s never thought of him as a man, only as a friend.

Undaunted, Joon-hyung says that she can just start now. He asks her to date him for a month to see if he makes a good boyfriend, and decide at the end of the month if she wants to continue seeing him.

When she hesitates, he argues that they’ve built up a lot of affection for each other, so can’t she just give him a month? He takes her pause as assent, and hops up to take her home. Bok-ju mutters under her breath, but she doesn’t refuse his offer, and goes with him.

Joon-hyung pouts that Bok-ju is suddenly acting all awkward, and tells her to act natural even if it is her first confession. Then Nan-hee calls Bok-ju to tell her about the ghost and asks her to spend the night in their room, and Bok-ju agrees. She refuses Joon-hyung’s offer to walk her the rest of the way, and heads home to get her things.

As she goes, she drops her wallet, and Joon-hyung picks it up. He takes it with him, intending to return it later. Back in his room he checks out her ID photo, deciding that she’s cute despite her mismatched features.

Then he growls to see pictures of Jae-yi still in her wallet, and he peevishly throws them across the room. He finds her to-do list and reads it, finding the part about things she wants to do with a boyfriend of particular interest. It’s the perfect information coming at the perfect time, which he takes as a cosmic sign of approval.

Bok-ju listens to Nan-hee go on and on about the ghost, but her mind is on that kiss. Her cheeks grow hot and red as she thinks about Joon-hyung’s confession, and her friends notice and ask if she’s running a fever.

She can’t sleep that night, and gets up to refill her water bottle. She hears a sound in the kitchen, and slowly walks over to see what’s causing the noise. She sees a girl in a nightgown sitting in front of the open refrigerator, methodically shoving food into her mouth.

Bok-ju gasps at the sight, and asks, “Wh-who are you?” The girl turns her head, and it’s Shi-ho, looking pale and haggard with food smeared all over her face.


I’ve been waiting for Shi-ho to have some sort of break from reality, as it’s felt inevitable nearly from the beginning. So it doesn’t surprise me at all that she’s the “ghost.” I’m curious to find out if she’s simply sleepwalking/sleepeating, or if she’s actually had a mental breakdown. I’m guessing it’s the latter, based on her odd behavior in practice, and since she has no friends it wouldn’t be surprising that nobody would notice if she’s been on a downhill slide for some time now.

On the flip side, I was really proud of Bok-ju for making an effort to try new things while she’s taking a break from weightlifting. Elite athletes rarely get to do much besides train, and I’m sure Bok-ju’s simple goals seem huge to her. It’s a big deal that she even got a part-time job to pay for piano lessons, and it’s healthy that that job even netted her a new friend. Bok-ju’s world until now has been very small, and while I hope that she doesn’t quit weightlifting permanently, it does my heart good to see her stepping into life with a positive attitude.

But my favorite thing might just be jealous Joon-hyung — seriously, how cute was that snarl when Bok-ju called Ji-soo “oppa?” I’m so happy that he finally admitted, to himself and to Jae-yi, that he likes Bok-ju. His little lightbulb moment was adorable, and while I don’t think he was entirely unaware of his feelings before, I do think that he thought he just felt a sort of strong fondness for her, and hadn’t realized that they were true romantic feelings. But I love that once he knew the truth, he didn’t try to hide or avoid his attraction to Bok-ju, and really went for it with all the single-minded enthusiasm we’ve come to expect from him.

I also found Bok-ju’s reaction to Joon-hyung’s unexpected kiss to be pretty realistic. We’ve seen that she finds him attractive, and she’s even admitted it to her friends. I don’t think she doesn’t see him as a romantic option, and that was proven when she didn’t immediately reject his confession and was willing to talk about it. I believe that Bok-ju just never considered Joon-hyung that way because of his looks and popularity, and it never occurred to her that someone like him would like her even when he was treating her so well. And I love that yet again, they just sat down and had a discussion about the issue, instead of denying and pretending and ignoring, and hashed things out rationally. Their month-long dating plan is actually a pretty good solution, so that Bok-ju has a chance to see if she could like Joon-hyung as much as he likes her. They’re laying down such a strong, solid groundwork of honesty and mutual respect, that when they do finally get together, they’ll be an unshakable pair.


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I will preface this by saying that I was spoiled for this episode by a comment in another Dramabeans article, and I'm very upset about it. I decided to watch the episode raw after reading the spoiler, then rewatched once subs were available.

My thoughts:

I loved that after missing Bok-ju at school on the day she left, Joon-hyung still knew to find her at home. The missed-connection trope is the most overused in K-dramas, after amnesia and birth secrets.

I loved "Call me at 7 p.m. I like 7 p.m."

I loved the candid and comfortable conversation between Joon-hyung and Jae-yi. I loved that Joon-hyung felt safe telling his brother about his feelings, and even talking about how Jae-yi had made Bok-ju cry.

I loved that Bok-ju was open with Joon-hyung about her dream to play piano. He really is her best friend now, isn't he?

Jisoo – best use of a cameo ever. I'm not crazy about the fact that jealousy became a factor in the love story, but fuming and raging Joon-hyung sure was funny. I never realized before how much the two actors look alike, until Jisoo said it. Or was he kidding?

On first watch, I didn't like the fact that Joon-hyung just planted that kiss on Bok-ju, and she had to get him to stop. (Why does every confession of love in a K-drama have to come with a kiss, especially when the response isn't certain?) But when I rewatched the scene with subs, I thought that given the lead-up to the kiss – "Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?" – it made sense. I have to mention that the scene is very beautifully shot, and the music enhances it.

I loved that the two friends had a debriefing after the big confession. Their friendship deserved more than an ending where one of them bolts in a panic and forever acts awkward around the other. Now, I believe that no means no, and I don't like men who keep pushing after being rejected, but Joon-hyung was respectful in articulating his desire to keep trying, and I'm just glad he was honest about his feelings almost as soon as he realized them.

Not a fan of the wallet-swiping and subsequent privacy-invading. Joon-hyung is basically a child at this point, though, so, still forgivable. Plus, he does it with such a mischievous air that I'm persuaded this isn't about boundary-crossing – it's almost a prank.

I've been going on for weeks about how handsome Nam Joo-hyuk has gotten, but one gets the full effect of it in this episode, where he's clearly in love and his eyes soften and he smiles. Coupled with his now-excellent acting, it's quite intoxicating.


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This comment says everything about how I feel about this episode! To the point that I can't even comment about anything else.

And hooboy, how did Nam Joo Hyuk transform from merely wallpaper into this amaaaazing actor I've fallen in love with?! I'd like to know.


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My personal conclusion is that he really like Sung Kyung for real heeheee


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I keep thinking that he likes her for real too!


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I think it's really not difficult to like her for real. She's got that x-appeal.


Okay, with so much spoilers on FB, I saw the kiss first so I was really disappointed coz I already knew but it still gave me the feels, kudos to the music guy for perfect timing that set the mood. But I didn't know JiSoo would make a cameo, oh,wow, my heart, this guy can really steal the show and he was only on for like what 2 minutes max?! Seriously, if he was the 2nd lead guy, Nam JooHyuk doesn't stand a chance, heehee. Why go for the scrawny kid,right? JiSoo is totally my style. but anyway, I love that the show took advantage of the fact that he's bestie buddy with NJH.

Joon Hyung, don't make BokJoo cry,ok?

How cute is Tae-Kwon and Seon-ok together? Him, with that beautiful smile and Seon-ok, pretty tough but I bet she's a sweetie.


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One word: Swag!


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I agree with the above: the debriefing was great and was my favorite part of the episode (though that confession was a very close second). By far, my favorite thing about this couple is how open, honest, and communicative their relationship is. I would have been disappointed if there were 30 minutes of angst instead of the adorable convo/walk home that we got.

I love that this entire time we haven't been meant to be watching a will-they-won't-they, but a when-will-they. They, and Joon-Hyung especially, are invested in making this relationship work. Even when they fight, they come back together, quickly admitting and forgiving wrongs but in a way that makes me sure they won't need to rehash the issues.

And, of course, I freaking loved Ji Soo!

(And, guys, please don't post spoilers! That's one of the cardinal rules!!)


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How cute was is that Ji Soo's character was instantly like, "You can't go on a blind date! You clearly HAVE a boyfriend. I've seen him and his angry laser eyes!"

I know it's too much to hope for in a story that already has enough ships sailing to start its own navy, but.....now I want Nan Hee & the warehouse oppa to meet.

I want this SO MUCH.


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I'm why would you give me this ship?!?! I want it now. That would be so freaking cutteee


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That is a glorious ship, Captain. I so hope it sails!


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Ahhhhh that would be so perfect and cute! Especially now that it seems Tae Kwon and Seon Ok might be a thing.


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Aww, pelase make these ships sailed! Seom Hee and Tae Kwon are especially cute when they were hiding together >.<


"I love that this entire time we haven’t been meant to be watching a will-they-won’t-they, but a when-will-they."

THIS. I knew I loved the show but this encapsulates what I love about it.


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I think it's because of this...it made the drama 100x more enjoyable!


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I think the Nam Joo Hyuk / Ji Soo look alike thing is a running gag between the two besties (as they are friends in real life) and that was a meta reference.

Cosigning everything you said about this episode. Beautiful.

May I add, I was so hoping they were going to go with Seon Ok and the cutie pie roommate and they did! So glad it happened. I feel like Seon Ok needs someone like that little goofball.

I really love this drama so much, it's like all the best bits of a classic drama with a superior twist. All the frustrating tropes like not communicating or just missing each other on the street are introduced and then immediately resolved in the most satisfying manner.

How utterly perfect was it to cut to a scene discussing the confession between the two friends.

How lovely to see Joon Hyung immediately embrace his attraction for Bok Joo once he realised it.

Even that he found her at her home straight after just missing her on the street.

The fact that her father really heard her pain and exhaustion and just chose to support her.

Every note is wonderfully uplifting.


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I love how he didn't deny his love for Bok Jo once he realised he's in love. In other dramas, they are always in denial.

I'm happy for this little drama because it is a great showcase for their acting, which I never felt in other dramas they acted in.


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I love that Seon-ok seems to be getting a love interest! The great thing about this drama is how it highlights that non-girly girls are girls too. And I've always liked Seon-ok, much more than Nan-hee (the actress can stand to tone the Acting down a bit, or a lot).


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Loved this episode, love this show. I look forward to Joon-hyung and Bok-joo every Wed&Thurs. The realization of his feelings, his worry over her, his going to her house to wait for her, his confession to his cousin and her later on...gosh, I can hardly wait for when Bok-joo gives him a chance to show her he's her man.
The best way to get into a relationship, imo. Two friends know each other well, are there for each other through trials and embarrassing moments, they talk honestly and sincerely, don't brush off or laugh off each other's feelings and in the end come to fall for each other with their eyes open and hearts willing. Basically, these are #relationshipgoals


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You're not the only one. I was spoiled while casually just browsing instagram. I guess it's a little disappointing, but I still love the episode.


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one of my biggest fears was that i'd get spoiled for the kiss so i avoided going on any form of social media (it sucks to do it because i always want to search up about a drama on tumblr or instagram, but it's still worth it)


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Yeah, after getting spoiled for the big kiss scene in Jealousy Incarnate recently, I've been super careful to avoid any chance of it. I hate not getting to wonder in anticipation if it's actually going to happen or not and then the giddy feeling when it actually does. So glad it didn't happen with Weightlifting Fairy, my other recent favorite.


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I am completely spoiled now. I just don't care. Gotta hurry this work day so I can get home to watch! They're so cute!!!


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I know how it feeeels. I regretted seeing those video spoilers all ovee instagram, they just appeared on the explore section and I couldn't help but notice it. Urghh.. so much for ruining the magic T___T


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which is why I stopped following all k-drama fanpage in all social media - Instagram, Twitter, FB

can kill all the feels, so dangerous


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Indeed you said everything already about this episode. I even had the same thought while watching the kiss scene raw, but later it looks much more softer when he says if she does not understand what he means and then kisses her. It was a perfect confession and I loved how straightforward he was. Whatever, Bok Ju is daydreaming about that kiss already, and I cannot blame her, hehe!! So things will change soon. Maybe next time he says she should stay at his side in the wedding she will catch his intentions :D
Also agree about Nam Joo Hyuk's intoxicating charm. Is it possible that I am becoming a fan? Dunno, for sure I have fallen for his Joong Hyun. :)


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Agree with @faza and everyone else here. Your comment @lindl sums up pretty much how we all feel about this episode.

If I may add, I love Bok Joo's wallet too! (though I can't remember what's written there now. LOL) Pretty much everything in this drama screams positivity. And I love it!!!


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Thanks, guys! Could you tell that I had the comment saved on Notepad and was waiting all day for the recap to post? ?

I love this community, it's the best place to enjoy all these great dramas. And "Weightlifting Fairy" is on the fast track to becoming one of my favorite dramas of all time.


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I could.

Whenever I see a long comment makes it as first comment in Dramabeans recap, I always think "The poster must have prepared his/her comment ahead of the recap." :P

100% agree with your first comment, btw.


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Yes, I was sure it would be quite obvious that I had prepared my comment ?


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I officially submit this comment for consideration for Beans of Wisdom. Rarely does a comment capture so well what the beanies collective is thinking.


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I hereby second this motion.


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Same, I had that ick factor at the kiss, at first when we were trolled by the PD, we were shown that BJ was sleeping on his lap and he kissed her, I was IRK, no, sexual harassment! I was really glad that turned out to be a red herring.

The context of this kiss made sense though, and the length of time where he put his hands on her face and before kissing her was sufficient for BJ to say no, but I guess she was too shocked for it, and probably used for JH to be handsy. He stopped when she pushed him away.

I was irked about the invasion of privacy.



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He actually paused and did a little swallow before he swooped in for the kiss, as if he was calming his nerves. Such detailed acting! Or was that a real reaction?


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They did release it. It's great.


Where can i watch the BTS? Please tell me. Thanks


@Chimchim's Noona, Sorry don't have the exact link but if you go on instagram and #weightliftingkimbokjoo you'll see it for sure


I guess because they often model together they're comfortable with each other, in the bts they were pretty matter of fact about the kissing and touching, very professional


@MC they did? In Eng sub?

i was afraid to search anything related to this in fear of spoilers (cannot afford to watch any spoilers for this one)

but i'm dying to watch the BTS

kill me. kill me please


And after the kiss, you can see him take a deep breath and pressing his lips together, looking away from her to calm himself down after the kiss.


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hehehehe i love reading these comments. LITTLE DID WE ALL KNOW THAT THEIR ACTING WAS 100% REAL ACTION


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Like Lollypip said, 'How it is possible that this drama just gets better every week?' This drama does seem to have a perfect recipe for a perfect drama. Couldn't stop smiling throughout the episode.
I have to disagree on 'best use of a cameo ever' coz i love JJS and his LOTBS's cameo is just too precious and fresh for me ..You know. But then I love JS too, and his cameo is as sweet as this drama. Dilemmas of a dramagirl.lol
And when Jisoo said that they both look alike, I think it was a shoutout to all of his and NJH's fans who say that they look very alike. Jo and Da ?

And everything you said about that kiss is so true. It was shot so perfectly, totally worth the wait.

Just came across some scenes from CITT recently after a long time and yes NJH's looks better than ever. For me he is the first guy to make that middle partition(hair) look so cute.


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This so much on that middle part hairstyle!!! It used to vex me no be small but Nam Joo Hyuk actually looks fresher with the hair like that. Can you believe that?!!!


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Lol am sorry but are u nigerian


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LOL I definitely can't. Infact my shallow self has loathed the hairstyle on every guy I've come across. I used to be like "Why Oh Why?". But not only does NJH rock it well but he looks better with it than with any of his previous hairdos. Guy has me swooning!!


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I'm good with the kiss. She's got a lot of warning, he steps back when she pushes him lightly, they've been physically affectionate for a long time, and quite frankly that's just how it works.

There's plenty of time to duck a kiss in most real-life situations; really the most egregious example in Kdramas is the wrist-pull/kiss combo, which I never like on the first kiss because the girl is literally being pulled off her feet with no warning and loses her center of gravity and spins. That is no fun unless you are an already-enthusiastic participant.

But here? Plenty of warning, and she's beaten him up enough times that if she wanted to repel him even a little, all she had to do was make a small motion and he'd be flying across the room.


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True, me and my sister were kind of speculating he'll get beaten up afterwards. Oh, with this drama, I always love to be wrong and be surprised.


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Not only does it give enough time for bokjoo to react or duck or turn away... but instead if you notice she actually lifted her lips (subconsciously, unconsciously?) for the kiss ?


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I noticed that too. She lifted her lips for an easier kiss. Hahaha.


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You have written so well what a lot of us feel! I love all things you mentioned. But what i like the best about this show is how no character is evil. Each person seems so relatable in their reactions. Even Shi Ho. I feel bad for her. So burdened by circumstances. KBJ is my favouritest show of this year!


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you said it all! i cant say anything but squeal with the kiss and puke rainbow everywhere. Our main lead is so adorable makes me want to cry.

Lindl, your UN sounds so familiar, maybe i've been seeing your comments everywhere in WF. suh-weeegg!


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Yes, I'm so invested in this drama that I keep commenting up and down all the threads ?


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Please tell me it's fine that I want someone like the 20-year-old Joon Hyung to be my life partner. (I am way older.)


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Joo Hyung is boyfriend/husband goals to be honest.


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It's the personality and spirit of his character that I love. He's (Nam Joo-hyuk), of course, lovely to watch, too. But I love them all, all of these characters and the people portraying them. ?


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very well said. I guess what makes it more romantic is that he really likes her a lot even during the shoot. and they're a lovely couple and gave justice to the roles that they've portrayed. (kilig much)


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This episode is absolutely adorable. In the convenience store, he practically proposed and kim Bok Joo didn't get his meaning, I was laughing crying at that point.

I got a little teary-eyed at Kim Bok Joo's first reaction to a confession. "Why?" You're a beautiful person, inside and out Kim Bok Joo.

I love that playful moment of Bok joo and Jisoo's character fist bumping.


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Yes! He basically proposed, though I doubt he really realised what he was saying. So great.

And Bok Joo's 'why', so heart wrenching but Joon Hyung's response was so exactly what she needed to hear. And when she thinks back to their moments together, she's going to remember all those accidental throw away lines and realise just how much he likes everything about her.

Oh and Bok Joo's blushing cheeks! eee! So cute.


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It makes me giddy to think that the thought of marrying Kim Bok Joo, being HIS bride, has crossed his mind even briefly for him to make a remark like that.


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This ?


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Hemmm... Let's check it out...

he said:
"Instead, why don't you stand next to me (in my wedding)?"

So.. yeah, he basically proposed to Bok-ju. :)


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An indirect proposal. Lol. She was confused cos this is a first man confessing his love for her. She thought that she isn't feminine n no guys would love her romantically.


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it felt like joon-hyung was testing the waters there by asking such a leading question - and it's a little mean, but it constantly amuses me how obliviously bok-ju just steamrolls over him.


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Early in the episode when he put his arms around you and sincerely said, "You know I care about you right?" And she was just all, "Yeah, your arm is heavy." It reminded me of his "Choose, seagulls or me." and she kept talking about seagulls. It's fantastic.


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YES, those moments too! Love it.


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YES, those moments are epic.

I've always thought that they looked like their dating without actually dating. It's hilarious.

I do get why BokJoo didn't catch on to the meaning of his words, she simply didn't consider that JH would be attracted to her romantically, especially since she knew his ex and how difference she is to herself.

I love the way he's so sensitive about the word oppa.

I like her relationship with 'oppa' because you can see how she adored being taken care of as a little sister, especially since she's always been the bigger and stronger one, and also being an only child. Their friendship was adorable.


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Nice catch re: Bok Joo loving the little sis treatment. I never thought about that. She seemed to be enjoying Ji Soo's company.


Haha thats bokjoo for u, the ultimate unique one


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I agree that it's probably testing the waters. My heart skips a beat whenever he tries that ?


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So true... hahaha

It's a good thing that Joon-hyung is pretty confident and straightforward.


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Well his ego is getting a beating unintentionally by BJ ... Poor guy can't even say a word... I love it..hehe


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My favorite episode so far, which says a lot considering how much i love WF! Our lead couple is the best. They have the most natural chemistry that makes my heart flutter.


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Also, I feel like the dad doesnt get enough recognition. He's such an awesome character!! You can really tell that no matter what, his #1 priority is bok-ju.


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Such a wonderful man! He could have so easily been one of those pushy coach Dads. But no, it's always about Bok Joo's happiness.


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i like how in-character he was during those moments - gruff and unceremonious in his permission for her to take a break, a little subdued and short in his dialogue with her since, after all, he still is feeling disappointed, but ultimately wholehearted and sincere in his support, which he shows in the way he mixes her rice for her. i was fully expecting dad's acceptance arc to take a little longer, but i love how the writer's once again subverted my expectations.


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His line " Your life is yours " is such an opposite to SH's mom words.. I liked that he didn't let her to work in his shop and encouraged her to explore...


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That got me teary eyed too. I always wanted to be a writer, but my parents wanted me to have a more stable, though they don't oppose they don't supported me either. Even when I got my publishing contract, they didn't congratulate me or anything, basically they dismissed it as a hobby and it stung.

So, when I saw how supportive her dad was I actually cried a little.


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I couldn't stop laughing at how Ji Soo's presence made Joon Hyung incoherent with ALL THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS! It was like any sort of logic or process went flying out the window and he went on red alert with his only priority being getting Bok Joo away from that slab of warehouse beefcake.

Joon Hyung's already full up to the brim with his own emotions around Bok Joo and then surprise Ji Soo, possibly the worst kind of surprise possible. Though as usual, the show picks exactly the right tone by making Ji Soo NOT a rival, but some sort of good-hearted bear-hugging coworker who sees right through Joon Hyung and immediately goes to the bromance place.

Really, this show is lovely.


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Heh, love this! He was so frustrated, it was like he wanted to just shake the words into her. And he couldn't find the right words to say. I imaging if he was eating something, he would exasperatingly shove it into his mouth and Bok Joo in her oblivious manner would be all "Dude, what's wrong witchoo?"


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Hehe. Jealous Joon Hyung is such a hoot. The best part is this was contrasted with his super mature conversation with his brother about how he was gonna confess after sitting back for awhile and letting her work through her midlife crisis.

So just when you think aw, Bok Ju is gonna get to hang out with a new friend, you hear this roar from Joon Hyung as if to say "Are you kidding me?! I just finished slaying one dragon who happened to be my brother and here you are accepting snacks willy-nilly?!" Cause as much as JH adores BJ and finds her beautiful, having a doppelgänger rival was prob not on the list of obstacles in getting BJ to date him.


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This comment is amazing! had me crackin' up! Thanks!


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Oh dear! your comment just made my day!! the slaying dragon thing is really on point!! i just love this drama so hard..we get enough of jealous jun hyoung and now I cant wait for jealous Bok ju to appear!!


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I cannot express enough my happiness enough seeing Ji-soo walk. <3


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gosh im typing like a hungry dizzy person. LOL. gonna eat.


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Recap is here!!! Thank you so much for the very fast recap Lollypip, I was waiting for this the whole day because I don't want to spoil anyone and can't express my love for this show on my social media accounts.

What I love this episode:
1. Anyone on the same Seon Ok-Tae Kwon ship? I thought it would be Nan Hee, didn't expect Seon Ok and because I didn't I love it all the more.
2. I watched the show raw around 12:00AM and everyone is asleep, but I wanted to wake the whole house up when Joon Hyung confessed and kissed Bok Joo. My heart! It went to heaven stayed there the whole day. Everyone was wondering why I'm so happy today. Hahah
3. Samchon and Coach dating! Get the party props ready and the checklist of KDrama tropes this writer threw out the window. Confessions are better than piggy back rides, especially drunk confessions. The funny aftermath though, Fighting Coach!
4. Dad being supportive of Bok Joo's decision to take a break, aww, I wish I had adults like that when I was growing up instead of thinking I'm just making up excuses and just being lazy.
5. Joon Hyung
6. Bok Joo
7. Joon Hyung and Bok Joo (need I say more?)
There's a lot more but I can't wait to post this already, elaborate analysis to follow.


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8. I forgot JiSoo! In my excitement to post, I forgot JiSoo, how can I? His cameo and playful meta word play. I know Jo Jung Suk's cameo in Legend was legendary indeed, but JiSoo's cameo could give him a run for his money.
(Goes back to that elaborate analysis)


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You could say he did quite a lot of the heavy lifting in push forward Joon hyung's confession... Or that the cameo was simply fantastic ;-)


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*pushing oops


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...but they both did the same role. indeed, jealousy is really the fastest way to LOVE. hah!

it helps us to see Jeo Jeon Hee and Joon Hyung's Jealousy. hah! the best so faaaaar!


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I like Seon Ok - Tae Kwon! Nan Hee is basically the same person as Tae Kwon: bubbly and energetic and all over the map, so the two of them together makes me think of a playpen full of puppies. Cute, but also incredibly noisy and random and not much more.

Seon Ok though? I REALLY like her. And I would very much be interested in how she and Tae Kwon work.

One fascinating thing about this show is how persistently they shake up the "stereotypical" relationship roles. All of the women have almost excluded themselves from the dating pool based on their non-feminine careers, bar the occasional slick of lipstick (or insane doctor-crush). Coach Choi is being pursued by a part-time actor who finds her strength attractive, Seon Ok looks like she's being lined up with a featherbrained party boy, and Bok Joo has a handsome, surprisingly emotional, universally popular classmate confessing to her on every available level. This seems to blindside every one of the girls, and the guys are being framed as the more romance-aware, social parts of each pairing.

It's incredibly refreshing - and it's creating a kind of balanced dynamic that I think is played off as some sort of "beta male" joke in other shows, but here is dead serious and shown as a GOOD kind of relationship. Sure, the girls could probably launch the guys through the window, but the guys are doing a lot of the heavy emotional lifting.


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This <3 I completely agree, especially about how this show is breaking stereotypes about "ideal" couples. Where for a change, the girls are the physical strength while the guys are the emotional strength of the relationship.
I'm so eager to see how these 3 relationships progress.


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Yeah for the rarest time, this might be the first time whereby our female of (all) the OTPs in this drama are tough like men. Haha. Finally , no more usual cliche n stereotype that females of the OTP have to be pretty and feminine. Inner beauty/personality rocks !! ✌✌?


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Wish there was a LIKE button somewhere here.


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This was far more eloquently put than I ever could but yes to everything!
The best part is that none of the men see it as an attack to their masculinity to see women being strong. It's all admiration with none of the "be more feminine, please" aspects. Bok joo never tries to change her stance, her walk, or her mannerisms to be more feminine around Joon Young but he doesn't see that as a miss. We're reinforced on that idea from the beginning. That Joon Young has always seen that beauty in people whether they're gymnast thin or weightlifter bulky.
Same with the Uncle, he's literally in awe of Coach, it's cute! And Tae kwon...lol I love this little cupcake. (It's like he's a chocolate cupcake and Nan Hee's the one with sprinkles! :) )But yeah, from his first meeting with Bok joo and friends, he's always been in awe of her (and also very afraid haha) but never do we hear them say that she's not pretty or cute.

This drama is so healthy lol. Like I'm reminded that I need to work out because I've been too lax lately. But then I'm also reminded of how real it is to go through emotions like love, heartbreak, embarrassment, depression, anxiety, etc. It's just lovely to see how people deal with it in healthy ways.


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Probably why I'm enjoying this. I was pretty much BokJoo all through school, and only owned lipstick because it was given to me in college. I only had sneakers, and jeans and always put my hair in a topknot. It always took me by surprise when someone told me they liked me. I guess when you don't follow the societal norm of beauty, you kind of don't expect it, ya know.


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BJ's dad is really supportive in a macho way! He really made me remember how my dad used to be so unsupportive when I want to quit my previous job, I cried everyday when I came back home from work. He said that i have to be strong and he quite mad at me for being such a cry baby. And one day, i cant remember how but it just happened that he is on my side! He accepted my decision to quit my job though i know he really want me to work with what I have learned in university. I love my dad and I am glad he support me after seeing how miserable i was with my life back then.


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Thank you for the recap! I've been squealing all day when I saw their kiss cut. I love how the writing is so seamless switching between our OTP and other characters. Though I don't like Shi Hoo, I admit I'm interested with her next arc especially if Bokju and Joonhyung will be the one who help her through her downward spiral.

And also, Baek Ah and Jung reunion!!!


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OMG how good was this episode. This is one of the better dramas I have seen in recent times. I wish it got its due in korea.


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I hope it gets the recognition it deserves, I hope they win best couple. Why can't SKoreans hear us international fans and our love for this show?


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Its hard for the ratings to go up it seems. Im hoping they get some recognition at mbc awards- would that be expecting too much. A best improved actor/actress and best couple .. i dont know if they are on nomination list. Would love to see NJH and LSK together on red carpet 30th dec!


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Unfortunately, I think a lot of the awards are about ratings and a bit of voting by the fans. Since it has low ratings, I'm not too sure how that will work out (the winning and everything).

This drama is definitely being well received by int'l fans, so I wonder if the cast and crew know this. Makes me sad their ratings aren't higher in their hometown.


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I've said before and I'll say it again, this drama us truly the successor of Sassy Go Go. With its themes of career challenges, young ambition, first love, friendships and the pure joy it gives just watching it.

And of cause, the natural and absolutely swoonworthy friendship established between OTP. Love it so much.


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Yes, yes, YES! I intensely adore both series. They're fabulous, fun, sweet, and so much more. They're both in my re-watching list when I'm going through a slump in dramas or real life. Woooo!


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i have so much to say about this episode, i don't even know what to say anymore (btw thank you so much for the quick recaps lollypip! so grateful!). i haven't fallen this hard for a kdrama in a long while - and to think that it's led by lee sung-kyung and nam joo-hyuk, both of whom left me with such bad impressions in their previous roles. but they have such bright, bubbly chemistry here, and their moments together are often so relatable, that i often find myself smiling really dumbly at the screen during each episode. i love how much bok-ju unceremoniously and unconsciously puts joon-hyung down - and i love how straightforward joon-hyung is about his feelings. sometimes i get so used to a kdrama lead stifling their feelings and acting like a jerk that i actually forget what the alternative is.

i screamed so hard when the camera revealed ji-soo's face behind the boxes - never have i been happier that i wasn't spoiled for a cameo, because the element of surprise really made that scene for me HAHA. watching joon-hyung being all petty and jealous was even funnier knowing how close ji-soo and nam joo-hyuk are in real life.

also!! nan-hee hugging seon-ok like the latter's her own giant teddy bear after the ghost scare was one of the most adorable things ever. these three girls are the cutest.


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Ha ha ha. Nan Hee's boa constrictor impression had me cackling. Particularly her shaking feet. Poor Seon Ok!


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haha you're so lucky, i saw the jisoo cameo news everywhere (couldn't avoid it)


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I knew Ji Soo was making a cameo but I didn't know it was this week, so that first moment the show showed Jisoo I was so surprised. Joonhyung glaring at him is so funny to watch.

I love Nanhee and Seon-ok. They're adorable. I actually been researching these actresses' previous works because I'm so rooting for their success after this drama.


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I wasn't spoiled for the cameo, thank goodness. Only for the kiss ?


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Me and my sister saw the kiss pic going around and she said "what if she punches him?". Good thing that didn't happen 'cause she's genuinely worried. For someone who is not much of a KDrama fan(my sister) she's kind of very invested in this drama. Lol.


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Luckily she did not hit him. Lol.


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Heart shaped bokeh lights so apt for what JH feels!
Can't wait for tonight's episode


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I was hoping someone would mention this.. and wishing I could find where they sell them :) They could be Christmas lights too.
JH heart was feeling all those colors - he's in love! With Bok- Ju!!


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ahh, this dramas small attention to details, I love it..to the max!


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I noticed that once I finally got watch, and it was sooooo cuuute!!! I love the tiny details and effort everyone puts into this show.


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Nam Joo Hyuk and Lee Sung Kyung are swaaaggg!! :D
I love them to pieces, they are bringing the spirit of young love alive here, and I have to thank them for that (of course the rest of the team is doing a great job too, WF is awesome).
Joong Hyun made my heart flutter all the way this episode. The smitten stares (can someone look more happy of almost having your arm broken by a weightlifter? haha!), the foolish smiles when talking about her...Even the moment when he found her wallet made me remember the silly happiness of finding yourself temporarily guarding objects that belong to the person you like. Everything went straight to the heart. ;) He's the cutest thing ever.
Also loved that Bok Ju seems affected by the confession, she also likes him, heeee!! :D I am ready to watch them dating till the end of the series. Won't ask for anything else. Just one thing, in the preview [SPOILERS REMOVED]


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Just a friendly reminder that mentioning what will happen in a future ep. based on the previews is a no-no here on dramabeans, as it's considered a spoiler.


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No mention to previews either? I thought it would be ok. Apologies if I bothered anyone...I will be careful in the future. :)


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Thanks, Reminder Fairy. :) And thanks, Yuki, for understanding :D


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A part of me wish that Joon hyung would not confess yet, since Bok Joo is not yet ready for any commitment. But come to think of it, I'm glad that he did, as I cant help but feeling frustrated of how dense Bok Joo can be even with all those obvious hints Joon Hyung is giving her.

So yes, I'm all for the confession, and the maturity that came from the discusssion after that. Sometimes you just need a little nudge to realise what's in front of you, and that's exactly what Joon hyung's doing to Bok Joo. Perhaps he didnt even plan for the confession to be that soon, but hey, jealousy can really push things faster. Feeling threatened of losing someone you love to someone else can really make you go "heck with time, I need her to know first before


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Argh. It got posted before I end it!

What I mean is, "heck, i need her to know first, before I lost her again to someone else". That's probably what Joon Hyung's thinking when he decided to confess. It feels so real to life!


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This actually made me think about that whiplash confession.......makes sense :)


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One thing I love about this drama is how consistent it is, especially in character development.

1. In one of the earlier recaps, someone commented about Joon Hyung's background of experiencing trauma, therefore making him afraid that others will leave him (credits to him/her!) I just thought it was tied in again in this episode. In the warehouse when bok joo told him to leave, you could see the hurt in his eyes. Then, immediately after confessing. And again when they had the debrief session where he leaned against the tree trunk. It's almost as if he expected bok joo to reject him straight away, or to never talk to him again because of that confession.

2. Bok Joo grows, but the essence of her personality doesn't change, and that's beautiful. Too often, the female protagonist almost always becomes a completely different person once they're attached to the male protagonist. I like that Bok Joo is still herself, strong and innocent, but is growing to consider other perspectives. I think that's natural, and a clearer documentation of growth.

3. There's a wonderful balance in showing the characters' maturity, yet never letting go of the fact that they're youth after all. I'm glad that our characters, be it the girls' friendships or between Joon Hyung and Bok Joo, were able to rationalism instead of the typical angst/avoiding the problem totally. Yet we see that they're ultimately teenagers, Joon Hyung being shy when asked about Bok Joo, Bok Joo getting a part-time job etc.

This drama really lives up to its name. It lifts the weight off many of its viewers because it's so uplifting and poignant, making the Everyday moments that little bit more special. It gives people hope, and probably highlights certain issues currently present in the society. Kudos to the writer. This drama is beautiful.


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"This drama really lives up to its name. It lifts the weight off many of its viewers because it’s so uplifting and poignant, making the Everyday moments that little bit more special."


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Awwwwww, this +10000000!!!


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Lets just name this show 'Uplifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and Co' !


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So love this!


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Agree so much that WLFKBJ really lifts the weight off us viewers! <3 It's very light and relatable, and we are all rooting for our leads. But in a way, I also feel like I am rooting for my/our younger selves who were once in KBJ's and JH's situation/s, and that even if we're so unsure of ourselves at that age, sometimes we have to trust the people who know and love best and that things will work out in the end.


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Your attention to the details in this show reminded me of that same comment, and I love it, esp the #1 point of your comment. So good!


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THIS drama by far has the best couple i've ever seen, the amount of layers and development we see from the getting off on the wrong foot to friendship to love is so so beautifully executed i could scream. everything about them is perfect which is proved by the way after their kiss they actually TALKED about it which i'm so glad for.
these two literally make me cry out of happiness because they are so worth shipping. i love love love their relationship so much and props to LSK and NJH for breathing so much life into their characters. without them i'm not sure if i'd have shipped BJ and JH the way i do.


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idek why the youth dramas got some of the healthiest relationship portrayals in dramaland while the so called 'adults' are so messy, when it's supposed to be the other way around! lol between sassy go go and this i have so many #relationshipgoals i think i'm done for in life lol


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I love this show because the romance feels so real. As a matter of fact, it reminded me of MY romance! I met my husband when we were both 21 yrs old in college. It was hate at first sight. He LOVED to tease me. He was a smart, hyper puppy who annoyed me with everything he said. That was until the day he showed up at my studio apartment holding a bottle of perfume and a heart necklace. He confessed that night and I politely turned him down. He asked me to give him one month to prove himself. I said no. But he was so darn cute and sad I fell in the trap and eventually agreed to give him a chance. I actually saved the necklace and perfume because I thought I would have to give them back at the end of the month. Two years later we were married. We were happily married for 12 years until cancer cruelly took him away. But if I got a chance to redo my life again I wouldn't change a thing.

This show certainly brings back the memories...


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Uwaaahhh! You two must be a really adorable couple! Hehe i wish i could find someone for me too! Ahahah


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Thanks for sharing, Sue! That's a lovely story. I have a friend who was widowed in her 30s as well. There's a sort of beauty to it, because things were good all the way to the end, but of course the grief is gut-wrenching, because loss is never easy. My friend still says that she feels cheated of all the years they should have had together.

My sympathies, and best wishes.


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@Sue, I was smiling reading this comment and then I got to the end I gasped. Wow, how heartbreaking and bittersweet. I know its maybe late but I'm so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing.


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So sorry for your loss Sue….It just makes me believe in soul mates and true love…thats why you found each other so early - someone up there knew he was going to leave sooner than others and gave you 12 beautiful years together.


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Sorry for your loss Sue. Glad that you gave him a chance. Your story is so heartwarming, thanks for sharing.


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Thank you all. Beanies are truly the best family.


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@Sue unni: Your comment leaves me in smiles and tears. I, too, watch this little gem and remember the story of our youth with lots of similar things. My husband and I also met at 21, and I hated him at first due to his non-stop annoying teasing. We got married after 5.5 years of dating (4 years of that were long-distance) and have a little toddler now. We have a little toddler now. I can't imagine the strength and courage you must have to face those hard days. I just wish there is some ways to give you a hug.


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Thanks Lollypip for another wonderful recap.

For the past few episodes, this drama made me recollect the wonderful times of being a youth, of being in college and of having a crush. But this episode reminds me of how it felt being a disappointment. Though it was short, Bok Joo made me reflect upon myself and the times I had disappointed my parents. Like Bok Joo's dad, my parents remained supportive which kind of hurts even more knowing that they're trying so hard not to make me feel guilty. And I'm also glad to see that Bok Joo is doing something with her life instead of moping in self pity. It makes me feel motivated too to try and accomplish small things in life after having struggled for bigger goals. Gosh.. must this drama end so soon?


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fav ep so far!!


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This show gives me butterflies every time I watch it. It a feel good show that makes me remember about my first love.



p.s. I wish I could have a Joon Hyung of my own huhu


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If he stops calling her Chubs I'll agree with you. He is awesome, but the nickname has got to go.


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was i the only one who got scared that jae-yi would suddenly magically start liking BJ? i'm so glad the drama didn't go in that direction because then there'd be unnecessary conflict and angst. but i still get anxious that they'd suddenly make jae yi do a 360. i still have faith that the writers wouldn't do it because the writing for this drama has been so consistent. but previous drama makes me worry


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They won't, thank KDrama gods. This particular writer's charm is that she doesn't succumb to cliches, and she has actual material to move the story forward. I have learned to trust her, 10 episodes and I've not been disappointed once.


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I was worried about that too! Thank goodness we haven't had to deal with that.


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you know that you're a fan of this show when you watch it live stream and just rely on your kdrama hangul listening skills hahahaha. i love this show!! <3 into bits and pieces!!


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bwahahaha,,, yeah,,, me too!!


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That is me right there! :)


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My life story! Watched it raw, and *proudly* understood most of it.


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Guilty :)


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PROUD OF YOU GUYS! haha I just patiently wait for the stream even though my internet is so laggy. Worth the wait hahahaha *virtual high five guys* :)


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have to admit i was kind of disappointed that JH realizing his feelings for BJ didn't come with the fanfare i was hoping for but eh, how can i stay disappointed with this show when it's just getting better and better <3

i was totally shocked when jisoo appeared lol, didnt know he's supposed to cameo

poor nan hee, she lost the 2 men she flirted with to her best friends- first JH now his bff. 'sokay nan hee, you're still swag


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is it just me or the place bok joo works looks really similar to where si ho's mum works?


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Realized that I am not the only one watching the raws without understanding a single word!
This drama has consistently captured my attention every single episode, which have not been the case for any Korean drama, for a long long time. I still wish it has gotten more deserved attention in Korea.
Anyway, JH is so cute when he confesses to her that she has been his first love.
It is sad to see the contrasting situations between BJ and SH. BJ has her father, uncle and coach supporting her and giving her a break after losing she has lost motivation in weightlighting while SH's coach only smiles at winners, her mother is obsessed with her gym at the expense of breaking up the family and the rest of the family definitely do not agree with her mother's doing, with her sister hating her for that.


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I cannot love this drama more!! (Or can i? Lol). Our two leads are adorable, the actors and actress play their roles amazingly, the music, the story.....can i just give the whole production staff a hug for giving me such a great drama... :"")) it's been so long since i've watches something really relatable. I mean, we all through such pain in our first puppy crush right?? (Or is it just me? Lol). Then going into slumps, relying on friends, trying new things to get ourselves back on our feet.... I'm so glad the writer(s) put really great attention to the details to build up their stories... And oh! Cannot wait to see the story of Shi Ho, i wonder how her story will revolve! And also, i actually am kinda wondering how Joon Hyung's trauma and his competition would be told after Bok Joo's ends. Last but not least, thanks Lollypip for the recap!!


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OH. MY. GOODNESS. I was waiting so much for this moment! I totally agree with all the amazing comments about this show being so seamlessly natural and perfect.
Join Hyung is seriously boyfriend-oppa material! And poor little innocent Bok Join didn't get any of the obvious clues until he actually kissed her. Her reaction is priceless! And cringe worthy, ay!
Their relationship is one to envy- what started out as a humorous friendship is now blossoming into a full romance. All Join Hyung needs to do is prove himself to Bok Joo that he is the ideal boyfriend worth loving!


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Damn Auto Correct! I mean Joon Hyung and Bok Joo, not Join Hyung and Bok Join. Lol.


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I was soooooooo happy when joon hyung confessed :D btw he was wearing the same colored sweater as Lee min ho but he looked more cute than Lee min ho <3


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Nam Joo Hyuk is waaaaaaaay hotter than Lee Min Ho!!!


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I second that ?

(I say this as an ahjumma almost old enough to be Nam Joo-hyuk's mother ?)


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I third that :D
He looks too boyish for me to date him, but I acknowledge his absolute hotness in that yellow sweater. ❤️


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Nam Joo Hyuk is definitely hotter! This coming from an Ahjumma like me.


Not in a thousand years have I thought I'd see this day happen, but in my eyes Nam Joo Hyuk is totally hotter, waaay hotter than Lee Min Ho in that apple green sweater..


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Hahaha...I was thinking the exact thing when I saw the sweater on Joon Hyung.

Poor Lee Min Ho and his sweaters :P

I find that these kind of fashion suit men who are more manly looking. LMH is too pretty to look good in the sweater. Although Nam Joo Hyuk look much younger, he has less of a pretty boy look.


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Oh.. thank god!! Someone else noticed the sweater!!! I kept wondering if it was same thing or if it was all in my head... NJH does look way cuter!!!


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I watched the drama as soon as it was available and I am not Korean, but I’ve watched enough dramas to understand some of the conversations, the upside of raw is that you can focus all of your attention on the body language of the actors/actresses, the setting and ambiance, to the sounds, BGM and especially the nuances of the characters. A lot of people have already pointed out Nam Joo Hyuk’s improvement and I acknowledged them, but seeing this episode, I am just floored how much emotion Joo Hyuk’s eyes are able to convey, from the realization that he is indeed in love, the tenderness when Bok Joo relates that she wants to learn how to play the piano since she was young, to the way he lights up when Bok Joo twisted his arm to prove she can take care of herself, like a proud boyfriend (Heh), his shy smile when he admitted that she was his fist love (he actually giggled, can he be more adorable?). Bok Joo on the other hand, I liked that she is still trusting, that she trusts his father to understand her, which he didn’t disappoint. I like that she’s so open with her feelings and I think this her real draw to Joon Hyung who likes to keep things to himself and in turn I like that he starts to mirror Bok Joo in this manner without losing himself. Bok Joo is really an emotionally strong person, yes she’s susceptible to falling hard on her feet because she’s a passionate person, but she’s able to pick herself up after that slump. She knew that she can’t stay in that slump and that she must not expect people to solve her problems for her, which is the opposite of Shi Ho. Also, Bok Joo’s father, aww, after his mental breakdown when he found out that his daughter went to that weight clinic, I half expected Dad to pressure Bok Joo to still weightlift, but alas, cool Dad is back, and again isn’t this parallel to Shi Ho’s and how differently both parents reacted? I have this assumption that Shi Ho’s mom was a frustrated gymnast and that Bok Joo’s dad was a former weightlifter, but look how different their approach is when their daughters hit a wall in their careers. I feel sorry for Shi Ho, who couldn’t even take a break and I think she’s really close to a mental breakdown (if she hadn’t still after that last part in the episode), and I am kind of glad that Bok Joo found her out. I hope they become friends, because let’s face it, Shi Ho needs someone who can see her eye to eye and influence her to open up, that much bottled feelings can’t be good to anyone.
Lastly, I was prepared to be disappointed because I saw the promotional pic of their kiss, and I thought that the romance might’ve been rushed, oh boy, thank you writer-nim for proving me wrong. I love that the kiss was necessary to break the constant friendzoning Bok Joo’s been going on with Joon Hyung even when the latter was being very vocal about his feelings. Sure, when I watched it raw, I felt like, meh, isn’t that a breach of her personal space?..
to be continued...


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But when subs are out and I read the full extent and what lead up to that kiss, Joon Hyung’s frustration of getting the message across, and JiSoo’s threat (best cameo ever! For me. Hehe) I knew Bok Joo needed that Aha moment. That he is actually serious about pursuing her, and then the cutest debriefing afterwards, I liked that they have been through a lot and that their foundation of trust is solid that they are comfortable to tell each other anything and that they can talk things out even that sudden confession. Bok Joo’s honest “I like you, but I only see you as a friend” and Joon Hyung’s I can start being your special friend now. They have equal footing as people that I find really refreshing.


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"I like that he starts to mirror Bok Joo in this manner without losing himself."

This is beautiful.

"...the upside of raw is that you can focus all of your attention on the body language..."

Yes, and yes, to everything you said.

Cheers, kababayan! ?


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Wow! Kapwa, paano mo nalaman na ako't isang NoyPi?
Thanks though. ?


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You posted about it elsewhere on Dramabeans. I clocked that, of course ?


Oh my God. Seeing fellow kababayan in DV thread makes me feel kiligs!! HAHAHA


Haha, if our numbers continue to go up, we might as well have a DB-PH chapter. hahaha


Apir! (High five!) *giggles*

Agree with you on watching the episodes raw. I guess we can measure how engrossed we are in watching our fave Kdramas by our gradual understanding of the lines. Lol. ^_^

This drama is gold. I love how organic everything is, from the banters, to the relationship development.

And NJH's got another noona admirer.


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Wow, one more Pinay here!


Another pinay here^^ I love reading your comments guys.
This drama is LOVE.


I agree with this "I love that the kiss was necessary to break the constant friendzoning Bok Joo’s been going on with Joon Hyung even when the latter was being very vocal about his feelings."
You could actually see it in Joon Hyung's eyes on realizing he has to really make her understand that he likes her likes her... every time he shows his concerns to Bok Joo like "Call me before you eat, after you eat... you know I care about you right?" it has always been met with a reaction of confusion from Bok Joo... and Bok Joo really not taking him up on his offer of calling him,,, i feel likes it increases his longing and frustration to let her know his feelings.. of course with Ji Soo buzzing around Bok Joo and Bok Joo always mentioning him did not really helped matters with his resolve to not confess to her yet he he he... but yeah, if he did not kiss her, Bok Joo might just brush it off again as him being a friend when he said you are my special friend... so sometimes action does speak louder than words.. And I repeatedly watched the scene to see if it was a forcing it on her way which a lot kdramas do (roll eyes) but all I could see is him kissing her, her surprise at first,,, letting the kiss register on her brain and then I feel like she is thinking "what is he doing???" and so she did the push slightly and then he let go immediately... i think it helped that we knew she could just punch him anytime coz we have already seen her do it... and then the discussion afterwards was really beautiful and made me adore Joon Hyung and Bok Joo even more :)... i enjoyed your thoughts and I am even more happy to know that you are noypi! and Bonus is your name which made me realized that you probably also like the same american tv show that I am also currently obsessing over he he...


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If feels like Christmas is here. Thankyou Santa!
Joonhyung continues to surprise me- he went from a light bulb turned off as he realize and acknowledge he likes Bokjoo to kissing her and confessing that she’s a special friend and like her as in as a girl not a friend- all in 1 episode. Hurrah for the scriptwriters for yet again sidestepping the usual kdrama norms.
Conversations. Conversations. Sounds mundane but I swear that’s what makes a relationship. I heart a million zillion times the communication btwn Joonhyung and Bokjoo. They are frank with each other. Joonhyung tells her he is uncomfortable shes close to that new oppa (Jisoo, who gets to hug his bestie in the drama, I need a hug too lol). He tells her to call him to hang out with him. When he confesses- He tells her he’s upset when she’s sad and worried when shes sick. He tells her (and I wholeheartedly agree-) when you like someone you just do. And don’t get me started how cute when he admits shes his first love. He puts it so simply asking for a chance. Later when he walked over he said aloud he knew she wouldn’t accept him right away. That’s a mature guy in knowing that just cause you like someone doesn’t mean the other person will leap into your arms straightaway. Granted Bokjoo didn’t exactly reject him too- getting this from the two of them im just soooo happy- rest of dramaland listen up- the bar has been set real high.
Then theres Bokjoo inquiring and getting out of the way her suspicion that he pities her.  Which Joonhyung shot down immediately with a simple I don’t do charity. Then telling him she doesn’t dislike him. He is a little handsome. She relies on him a lot lately, more than her two besties. She feels save with him. Daebak- you two- thankyou for your honesty and directness- so refreshing.
I didn’t know I could love the show more than I did before. I watched with hearts in my eye. Im glad after all the crying and feeling low like bokjoo did in episode 10, episode 11 lifted us (and bokjoo a tad) out of the slump.


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Conversations. Conversations. Sounds mundane but I swear that’s what makes a relationship.



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Conversations can be mundane (see dots) but what I like about their convo is how earnest it is. The relationship feels organic instead of gimmicky. That's why I love this drama.


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Yeah, I forgot how contrived some drama conversations are *rolls eyes*

Kdramas romances are mostly a miss for me. I could never get into the romances of most hit dramas so much that I was convinced romance dramas just aren't my cup of tea. Now I realized it isn't the case. The romance just needs to be done right.


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Exactly its diff with this show. I love when they talk about imp thgs and silly things or random ramblings. All so natural and comfortable. Sigh so in love with bokjoo-joonhyung. The scriptwriters are amahhhzzzing


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Dropping by just to say how i utterly loved every moment of this episode. It's just so perfect, and just in time to keep my spirits up for the holidays, too.


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"Dropping" nooooo!!! "by", ooh, relief LOL


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Hi @bee! Lol, there's no way I'm dropping this drama before I see Bokju and JH's happy ending. It's amazing how I've seen a lot of romcoms in the past decade, and yet here is this drama making me feel everything as if it's the first time, without even trying too much. They're making it seem so easy, and yet I couldn't even get into Goblin, much less LOBS.


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Despite suffering the heartache and depression, I think this break will do wonders for Bok Joo. An athlete's life is not an enviable one. It's all about discipline, sacrifice, dedication to nothing except the sport itself. My heart went out to Dad when he refused to let Bok Joo do the chores and asked her to do the things she wants to do. I loved seeing Bok Joo's face lit up more and more as she penned down her to-do list.

Bok Joo and Joon Hyung are the cutest things ever! That silent frantic conversation had me in stitches.

This show is the highlight of my week. Along with dramas like Age of Youth, 1% of Anything, it shows that you don't need big budget and huge stars to come up with such entertaining and heartfelt dramas.


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I suspect Nam Joo Hyuk did have a crush on her since I didn't see that moony eyes to his previous costars. I know that might be a sign of his acting improving but I'd prefer my shipping theory heh.


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i really hope they're dating in real life. but i watched an interview, and nam joo hyuk said he sees lee sung kyung as an older brother instead of of noona T.T


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For real??? I thought this was a typo and had to read it twice!



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Very, very true. They've worked together enough to be super close and comfortable. Probably why it is reflected on-screen. LSK just seems like such a chill person that I can see the Korean guys friend-zoning her (which she has also stated herself)

Though, I'm going to play devil's advocate....let's say he is into her...he's never going to come out and say it on national television that yes he finds her attractive and is interested in her as a woman...that's a big no no no for up and coming actors (especially in the Korean industry)



That would be so so so cute. She's like his work wife. They've worked together so many times and under the same agencies. I wonder if it's awkward to do these kissing scenes.


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Ok so I feel like this episode felt a bit rushed and all over the place and the kiss scene was so sudden and cliche plus I am not a fan of forced kisses BUT as much as I wanted a lovey dovey mutual kiss scene I know it was not possible right now, bok joo was not seeing joon hyung that way AT ALL despite the hints, and he needed to get out of friendzone so I think it was necessary.
Secondly I was not very delighted to see joon hyung being all jealous, aggressive and invading like checking book joo wallet, lashing on hyung, being bossy about not talking to any other man but well he is kind of extreme in everything he does and passionate so it is believable and a bit funny.
I loved their after confession interaction, joon hyung saying she was her first love and the giggle afterwards plus book joo Hah! that was adorable.
Now I want them to progress slowly in building book joo development of romantic feelings. As the drama broke so many stereotypes so I think it would be a bit disappointing to see same overused scenes..ahh I dont even know what I want to see, forget it.
They totally forgot about joon hyung emotional problem, his conflict with family, trauma and counselling. We didnt see any of his problems in recent episodes. They should focus on it now too I think.
I love Nam joo hyuk A LOT and its my personal opinion but I found him a bit lacking in this episode as compared to awesomeness that was ep 10, may be it was due to content of this episode, nevertheless he has improved a lot since the last time I watched him in school.
I loved seon ok and tae kwon btw.
and Jisoo ?? I love him so much, I loved seeing him supporting his best friend, plus that reference of them looking alike was hilarious as it is well known generally.
So I am looking forward to the coming episodes and I love this show so much.


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All of their interactions have been leading up to this Aha moment, I kind of liked that they proceeded without too much angst and just threw it out there so they can move forward. I prefer this straightforward, "I wanna take my time but I might miss the chance so here we go" thingy, so I kind of felt like it wasn't rushed, it was necessary. It's natural to feel jealous when you are in love, and Bok Joo is her own person, she doesn't let anyone dictate her how to feel so Joon Hyung's jealousy for me kind of felt safe. This is just my perspective of though. So yeah.. ?


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Yeah you are absolutely right! It was just my perspective but after reading all the comments and other people opinions everything makes sense. I am more convinced for this development now.


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It's all good, different perspectives makes these discussions more interesting. ?


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This episode was so cute!!!! I agree with Lollypip that this drama gets better every week! I love how much Joon Hyung is in love with Bok Joo! And I also loved that he didn't shy away once he realised his feelings!

Also is it just me or does this drama remind anyone of Shopping King Louis?? I think it's in the way it is shot with an emphasis on all the pastel colours. Plus this kiss kinda reminded me of the book-alley kiss (This is my happiest time kiss) of SKL. Although that was a kiss full of maturity and requited love. Again, it was all in the way it was shot.

Anyway, love this show to bits. It's the highlight of the week for me.


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Btw that sweater that Joon Hyung wears in the kiss scene is so similar to Lee Min Ho's green sweater in ep 10 of LOBS!


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because it actually it is! i noticed it too then i watched LOBS EP10. indeed the same. but Joon Hyung swaaag it. lol


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I agree. This show is similar to Shopping King Louie as in it is an easy and delightful watch (no real villains or the villains are just silly themselves).....


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wow book joo's dad is so awesome!! Loved him!
if I told my dad I want to change or leave my major in mid, gosh all hell will break loose..
and the episode was adorable overall!!
plus jisoo<3 love his friendship with nam joo hyuk.. such a cool bestie<3 <3


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We've passed episode 10 and I am worried I might get disappointed by the storytelling along the way. Fortunately i didn't. I've waited for Wednesday to come every week and I had to watch raw at night before it got subbed. I've anticipated this awesome drama because of the writer when it was first announced. Along the way, I've forgotten. And I had to google the screenwriter because the story telling was beautiful and realistic at the same time. No wonder... it was the Oh My Ghostess writer. Writer-nim, thank you so much for such beautiful daebak writing. PLease let it end with an end that is super awesome and make me wanna rewatch it again.


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Three couples-in-the-making in ONE episode! I couldn't have rolled around on my bed more in glee.

I love, love, love that Joon-hyung and Bok-ju are able to hash everything out without one party finding the need to run away. Sure things can be a little awkward when you're telling your best friend who's in love with you that you don't see him as a romantic interest (yet, YET), but I love how Joon-hyung was so forward in his gentle pursuit of Bok-ju and Bok-ju actually considering it (and silently agreeing). It's just so, y'know, mature? We hardly see this sort of sensibility in dramaland, let alone from two kids in college, so this is so amazing to watch.

Shi-ho: wow she really needs help. It's kind of sad how she's hit rock bottom and nobody has even noticed except when to bitch about her falling asleep in class. What happened to letting her use you, Ki-seok? But yeah it's great that Bok-ju was the one to find her, because she's the least judgemental person around and has so much heart that you know she'll try her darndest to help Shi-ho recover.

Tae-kwon and Seon-ok: omg did not see this coming BUT SHIP SO MUCH.


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urrrrg these two cuties are pulling my heartstrings...didn't know I would love this drama this much. its one of the two dramas am watching currently (this one & Goblin) and my week is complete.
And can I say best kdrama father ever!! he understands his daughter and doesn't push her to a breaking point.Love Love

I almost screamed when I saw ji soo ahhhh my baby!! didn't know he was a cameo...so surprised.

weightlifting fairy you are too swaaaag


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I can't believe we out-commented Legend, wow.


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This drama is everything. I love every bits of this EP Coach n uncle, seon ok n tae kwon and even shiho being the ghost is justice given what is going on with her.
The thing I really appreciate abt this drama is after the confess, like many commenter seems to appreciate, they did not denied n acted weird or awkward abt it but discussed abt it which was adorable
I can just squeal happy n smile n wait for the next ep


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LollyPip, you are such a prodigious recapper! Thank you!

I watched this episode right after reading the post about Strong Woman Do Bong-soon, in which I discovered that Ji Soo will be the second lead. Imagine my surprise when I saw him in this episode, minutes after thinking, "Despite his illness, that boy just doesn't rest." It seems he just can't resist playing opposite strong women!

I wonder how skilled Bok-joo will become in her piano-playing. One of Lee Sung-kyung's many talents is that she's an accomplished pianist.

I'm as smitten with this show as Joon-hyung is with Bok-joo-- it's just so satisfying and delightful.


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1. Confession and kiss were beautiful!
2. Discussion afterwards was also beautiful. I love how these two are so honest and open and actually talk about things.
3. Ji Soo! I knew he was going to cameo but I didn't know it would be in this episode!
4. Jealous and petty Joon-hyung is the best.
5. Bok-ju and Joon-hyung's silent chirping conversation had me dead. I don't know how many times I rewatched it.
6. The green sweater Lee Min-ho was wearing in Legend of the Blue Sea made an appearance here!
7. Seon-ok's getting a ship with Joon-hyung's bff! Gah, they're going to be adorable together.
8. Coach and Uncle are together, too. I freaking love all the love lines in this show.
9. This show is actually my favorite of all the dramas I'm currently watching, and I'm watching five at the moment!
10. Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!


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As cameos go, Ji-soo's is particularly effective, especially when you realize he and the male lead are besties in real life. Hug attack!

Also loving the side romance with the uncle and the coach. They're kind of a perfect match, sorry other coach but you've waited too long.


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As far as I know, I thought the main male coach already has a wife. Coach Choi just had a crush on him or maybe just admire him.


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Thanks for the speedy recap!

This show is a revelation for many of the biases and attitudes I've developed with K-Dramas

1. I expect the lead actress to be "objectively" beautiful or if she isn't, she undergoes a metamorphosis which makes her finally beautiful. This is not the case here and I hope it does not become that. When Joon Hyung looks at her ID he comments that many of her features aren't beautiful, but she is beautiful nonetheless. It speaks to beauty being subjective and reminds me of real life when people make the comment, how did he/she end up with him/her? What's more impressive is that he loves her for who she is because of the rock solid foundation that is their friendship.

I don't know if time and exposure took care of it--or subtle changes in hair/makeup and wardrobe--but I find KBJ to be quite beautiful. She really doesn't need a makeover of any kind.

2. I expect a specific formula to drama relationships and go a bit crazy if certain things don't happen by a particular episode. WFKBJ breaks with this in favour of developing a friendship first that evolves into a romantic relationship. I really like that Joon Hyung knows KBJ well enough that he comments on her falling asleep in the library. Interestingly though, as many characters have commented throughout the show thus far, they were pretty much dating for quite some time now and neither of them realized it--that conversation, silent one included, in front of Oppa says it all.

3. I expect that if someone realizes that they love another, an awkward dance must ensue full of cliffhangers, innuendo, and people not talking plainly and saying how they feel. The confession and its fallout were so well done in this episode that you can't help but root for and love this OTP.

4. I expect to say, what stupid thing are they doing now? While I have said this a few times in this show when it comes our OTP as individuals, I haven't had a real cause to say it when it to them as a couple, and hopefully I wouldn't have to.

5. I expect to wonder when the knight in shining armour will appear to save our damsel in distress from everything and anything. I appreciate that the show tries to illustrate that there are somethings you need to deal with on your own and other things people can help you with. The show also goes a step further to show that sometimes there is no safety net in life and you have to deal with traumatic falls on your own.

I think much of the above boils down to pacing and how differently it was done in this show. It made me feel uncomfortable at first, however, I think it will pay dividends as we come up to the home stretch.


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Hi all, just writing today to express my love for this drama. I haven't seen a full drama (or episode, almost), without forwarding, in a very long time. My mood has been so... restless, I have been unsatisfied with my life achievements for a long time, and maybe because of that I don't watch TV or read books any more leisurely, relaxing, I try to skip to the interesting parts.
That is what I usually do with drama, even when I am really eager to see the following episode, I watch it ffing and raw, and then move on once I know what happened. But with this show... I am eager to know, but not crazy eager, I actually WAIT for subtitles, and then watch the full episode with a silly smile on my face (like today's episode), or I cry... well, you know how it is.

I really love this drama, and I would love for it to get the recognition it deserves (I'm talking about Korea now, not dramabeans). I'm completely unexpectedly loving Nam Joo hyuk, and make Jisoo appear behind the box... best first appearance of a cameo ever!

Hope it keeps getting better till the end ^^ Kim Bok joo and friends, hwaiting!


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Thank god we have another episode tonight!! I could watch JH crushing on BJ for days on end. Thank you for the recap, LollyPip. J'adore Kim Bok Joo!! ? ? ? ?


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Best episode by far. I loved everything about it, even watched Joon-hyung's little jealousy tantrum twice and still died laughing.

I love how the show reminds us not to get wind up in beauty standards and stereotypes. They do exists but they exist in a very different way when you believe in them. You might even fool yourself into thinking that you don't deserve love unless you look like a model. And that couldn't be farther from the truth.


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Lollypip, thank you so much for the fast recap!!

This show is continuing the defy my expectations and get better. Usually at this point in the typical kdrama formula, the main couple gets together around episode 8 or 9 with mutual feelings (after lots of denying on both parts), then around episodes 10-13 it's kind of a lull or with outside forces trying to break them up. Not with this show! That confession, and the fact that they both openly and honestly sat down and talked about their feelings was SUCH a breath of fresh air.

I love the way this show has handled the second leads too. Typically, Joon Hyung's brother would have fallen for once he realized she had feelings for him, and Shi Ho would continue to be obsessive and scheming. Shi Ho was obsessive and scheming for a bit, but it was more about her failing personal and professional life and what Joon Hyung represented in that. And glory be, she has moved on and has her own growth trajectory (hopefully, she's pitiful). And Jae Yi appears to be getting some growth next episode too.

All in all, I just love this show. Both leads are doing an amazing job, even Nam Joo Hyuk who was pretty forgettable or even bad in other roles. I'm sad it's ending soon! Can't we just keep exploring the lives of all the characters?!


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Guys talking about the kiss again, i wonder did anyone expect thats ehere the first kiss took place.
I always thought near the pond where she threw coins or at the bench and even thought of the bustop before lol.
The cameraworks n cinematography makes even boxes,parcel and warehouse seems romantic

Sigh i really love the feels of that first kiss cause im so over the oops i fall our lips touch first kiss that is so overused. This one hit all the right notes and brought me memories of my own first kiss.

Literally when the ost played as he leaned in and their lips met.. the lyrics goes geum geum its like their heartbeat. Love love that ost. Still my fav among WF's.


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I always love especially kdramas filmed in winter. My side, winter is still hot at 33 degree c and with some rain only :( I love seeing them wearing sweaters n long coats etc. Snowing n especially the first snow.

I've already guessed that the 'ghost' is Shi Ho. This is afterall not a ghost drama. She has her own kind of mental depression or smth along this line. I actually hate her family for using her life to make their life better etc. They are selfish n live for themselves only. Maybe in the coming episodes BJ and JH will help her out of her own slump.


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