Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 11

I like that this show tends to feel lighthearted overall, even when there are ardent storylines and heavier beats throughout. There’s just a bright energy to the funny that I find infectious, and I think the characters really light up whenever they’re allowed to dive into the feel-good comedy, and there’s a natural romantic development that comes from that. More of that is all I ask for Christmas. See, I’m not even being greedy!



Memories come flooding back to Joon-jae as he runs through the streets, but he isn’t recalling just his own lost memories—they’re Dam-ryung’s too, of meeting Se-hwa in Joseon and being fated to always return to her. Se-hwa’s story echoes in voiceover: “Long ago, there was a boy who once loved a mermaid and heard her voice.” Dam-ryung had asked her, “Am I that boy?”

Joon-jae narrates over visions of Se-hwa erasing Dam-ryung’s memories, and Chung erasing his own memories the same way: “He loved the mermaid and heard her voice. He was that boy. Even when his memories were erased, and erased again, even when he was reborn in another world, he was a boy fated to love the mermaid again. So in the end, he was a boy who would once again hear the mermaid’s voice. He… was me.”

Once the truth sinks in, Joon-jae runs through the streets in search of Chung, but she’s nowhere to be found. A radio broadcast plays from a taxi nearby and the DJ says that tonight there will be a black moon, which in olden days was considered a bad omen. Joon-jae looks up at the tiny sliver of the moon…

…which takes us back to Joseon. One of Dam-ryung’s officers reports that Lord Yang is mounting a case against him, and saying that Dam-ryung was bewitched by a mermaid and killed that merchant on the shore, and framed Lord Yang for the crime. Lord Yang has already begun a witch-hunt for the mermaid as well.

Dam-ryung grows furious and grabs his officer’s sword and marches into the prison. He orders for the guard to open the cell and raises the sword to Lord Yang’s throat.

Glowering, Dam-ryung commands, “Die. And never be reborn.” He swings the blade…

We switch to Lord Yang’s point of view as the sword comes down at him, and in the present day, his doppelganger Ma Dae-young wakes up screaming from the nightmare.

Dae-young wonders why his dreams are like this lately, and though he doesn’t know the reason, he certainly recognizes the key players now: himself, Joon-jae, and the mermaid. He looks up at the black moon with a creepy smile.

Chung lugs a bunch of bags through the department store—it’s everything she and Joon-jae bought during their con—and she asks to return it all.

Joon-jae has been out all night looking for her and returns home to see if the boys have found any leads, and Nam-doo says that she took everything they bought recently and disappeared. Nam-doo figures that she’s going to sell the stuff and rent an apartment, which sends Joon-jae into an even bigger panic.

When Joon-jae finds out that Tae-oh hasn’t hacked into the department store’s security feed yet, he barks, “Hurry, hurry, hurry! You call yourself a hacker?” Nam-doo asks why he isn’t using the GPS tracking app, but Joon-jae says her phone is turned off. Nam-doo thinks that it doesn’t bode well and wonders, “Is she gone forever?”

Chung wanders through the department store aimlessly, and stops in front of a carousel display. She’s mesmerized by it and sits in one of the seats, staring at her reflection in the ceiling as she goes round and round.

Joon-jae’s stepbrother Chi-hyun happens by while doing business with the department store’s manager, and when they spot Chung riding the display carousel, Chi-hyun asks them not to kick her off, since there are hardly any customers to see. He looks over at her with a little smile.

Joon-jae shuffles into his room listlessly and gazes up at Chung’s loft door, thinking of all the times she came popping out to bug him. He sits up in her room and picks up her bowl of pearls, and recalls the thoughts he’d overheard—that he’d find out she was different and leave her.

A mermaid swims toward him for a fleeting second, her image superimposed on the screen as he wonders, “Am I in some kind of fairytale? Or… have you come out into the world?”

Chung meanders through the streets, thinking about how easily Joon-jae had told Jin-joo that he and Chung were going to be married soon, only to confess later that he’s a liar and a con man.

Chi-hyun surprises her by showing up at her side, and when Chung calls him Heo Joon-jae’s family again, he asks her to call him by name. She looks around at all the Christmas lights around them and says that there are lots of nice things here, things that she never had where she’s from.

Chi-hyun asks where she lives, and Chung says she lives with Joon-jae. He tries not to look too scandalized, though she then adds that she lives in the room above Joon-jae’s. Chi-hyun offers her a ride home, but she doesn’t want to go home, and asks if he’ll take her somewhere else instead.

Once they arrive, he asks again if she’s really going to sleep here, and Chung says that in dramas, people always sleep here when they leave home. He tells her to be careful, and she waves goodbye before heading into… the men’s locker room at the jjimjilbang. Ha.

Chi-hyun runs over to try and stop her, but she’s already got an eyeful and comes back out stunned. He explains that the women’s locker room is the one next to it, and when Chung recovers, she pops her head back into the men’s locker room to say “Sorry!” with a big smile. Hilariously, Chi-hyun seems more traumatized than she is.

Chung watches other women in the locker room to learn how to put her belongings away, and as she takes out a big stack of cash to put in her purse, a group of high school girls targets her as an easy score.

At home, Joon-jae grows antsier by the minute while Tae-oh scans the department store CCTV feed. Nam-doo says he isn’t surprised that something like this happened, because he could feel the tension when Chung and Joon-jae were having that silent stare-down.

Joon-jae asks Nam-doo how the story of The Little Mermaid goes, and Nam-doo points out the randomness of the question, but says, “The witch gave her legs. But after midnight it turned into a tail. So she couldn’t wear the glass slipper. And the prince searched for the owner of the glass slipper.” Lol.

Joon-jae thinks that sounds wrong, but ignores Tae-oh’s comment that that’s Cinderella. Nam-doo argues that it doesn’t matter because all fairytales end the same way anyway: She falls in love and marries the prince, the end.

Tae-oh cuts in: “That’s Disney. In the original she dies.” Joon-jae: “Who dies? The prince? The mermaid?” Nam-doo confirms that the mermaid dies, and Joon-jae huffs, “Why does the mermaid die?! What kind of fairytale is that?!” Aw, his anger is so cute. Nam-doo agrees that it’s a little dark for a children’s fairytale, though that leads him to wonder why in the hell they’re sitting here discussing it in the first place.

Chung wanders through the jjimjilbang looking sad and lonely, especially when she notices that everyone is there as a couple or with their families. She looks for a place to sleep, but every spot is taken up, and there’s no place for her to lie down.

At home, Joon-jae stays up long after the boys have crashed, and he spends all night searching through the security feed for Chung. Many coffees and a sunrise later, he still hasn’t found her and decides to hit the streets again.

He goes to see Chung’s homeless fashionista friend on her usual corner, and asks if she hasn’t seen “our Chungie.” Fashionista just asks what he’s read that left the deepest impression on him, and says that it was Romeo and Juliet for her.

He doesn’t see how that’s relevant, but she urges him to sit for a moment and waxes poetic about how all the love stories in all the world are the same once you strip away all the trappings. She says it boils down to one simple truth: “Treat her well while she’s around.”

Joon-jae grouses at the unhelpful advice, but Fashionista says he should’ve just treated Chung well while he had her, because then he wouldn’t be running around looking for her right now. Joon-jae just asks her to let him know if Chung shows up, and she shouts after him that she’s here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Lol, like it’s a job.

Joon-jae deflates when he checks the tracking app for the millionth time and sees that Chung’s phone is still turned off. But just then, the high school girls who’d spotted Chung’s money come outside to the street with her purse, and they turn her phone on. Joon-jae gets the signal right away and speeds to the location.

He finds the girls still there, arguing about how to split the money. He tells them to freeze and hand over the cell phone, and when the girl hides the phone behind her back, he just whirls her around by the backpack and plucks it out of her hand, ha. They lie that it’s theirs, so he calls Chung’s phone to prove that it’s his girlfriend’s, and says that they can keep the money if they tell him where his girlfriend is.

They’re quick to offer up Chung’s hideout, so he thanks them and asks the leader for a handshake. She hesitantly reaches out her hand. Well that’s a mistake. He twirls her around with one hand, while knocking Chung’s purse way up into the air with the other hand. He catches it in midair in one fluid move.

They ask what his deal is, and Joon-jae says, “Me? I’m a con man. If you keep doing this, you’ll end up like me, and later when the person you like asks what you do, you’ll have to lie.” The girls are annoyed about losing the money, but they grudgingly admit that he was very swoony.

Chi-hyun has returned to the jjimjilbang to hang out with Chung on his day off, saying that he was worried about her. She sighs that she didn’t sleep well at all and barely has an appetite, and he laughs to see her crack an egg on her forehead and shove it in her mouth, and do it again.

Joon-jae runs into the jjimjilbang and spots her in the distance, though from where he’s standing he can’t see Chi-hyun. He thinks back to the times he ran into her while he had amnesia, and how she had called him a good person, but he was cold and unfeeling and kicked her to the curb.

She looks extra sad and pathetic sitting there all alone, and he marches over to her with purpose. Chung spots him approaching and stands up, and Joon-jae doesn’t stop until he’s clutching her tightly in his arms.

He holds on for a long while and then starts in with the nagging: “Who told you to leave home and stay at a place like this? Do you know much I looked for you?” He asks how she ended up here, and Chung says that Chi-hyun brought her, glancing in his direction.

It’s then that Joon-jae finally sees Chi-hyun off to the side, and Chi-hyun asks him not to misunderstand, explaining that they ran into each other last night and Chung said she didn’t want to go home.

Joon-jae reels at that and tells Chi-hyun that he can go, and turns to Chung to say that they’ll have go someplace private to have a conversation. That doesn’t sound fun at all. Chung looks like a sad puppy as he leads her to an enclosed room.

Joon-jae sits and stares at her legs for a moment, lost in thought over this whole mermaid business. Chung tells him that she returned all the stuff he bought her and plans to give him all the money back, and he takes the wad of cash out of his pocket and says he got it already. He returns her phone as well, and she’s confused about how he ended up with it. He just says that he’s a bad person, but there are people worse than him here, and warns her to be more careful.

He asks if she’s hungry, and she says she isn’t, but then in her head she rattles off a list of all the things she’d like to be eating right now, like ddukbokki, soondae, and shaved ice. He smirks since he can hear all her thoughts now, and says that’s too bad because he bought all this meat to grill back at home.

She thinks, “Ah, marinated ribs are the best,” and he immediately follows up with “It’s marinated ribs.” Chung thinks, “It must be tender.” Joon-jae: “It’s really tender.” Ha, this mindreading is pretty handy.

He can hear her thinking about how much she wants to eat it, but out loud she sticks to her guns and says she won’t be coming home. He asks why, and she thinks in her head, “You’re a con man. You’re a bad person who fools people. You fooled me too. But… why can’t I be disappointed in you when you’re a bad person? Why can’t I leave you when you fooled me?”

His heart sinks and he tells her that she can stay here if she doesn’t want to come home, but he makes her promise not to go anywhere else, and especially not to disappear again without saying goodbye. When he prods, she agrees, and he gets up to go.

Once he’s outside the room, he hides around the corner hoping to hear her thoughts, but he deflates when he doesn’t hear anything. He says glumly, “What, not even a ‘Don’t go, Heo Joo-jae?’ How can she be so cold?”

Joon-jae walks right past Chi-hyun near the exit, but Chi-hyun calls after him to say that Dad isn’t feeling well. Joon-jae ignores him and starts to walk away, but he thinks better of it and turns back to ask what’s wrong.

Chi-hyun says that Dad’s eyesight is starting to go, but all Joon-jae does is say that Chi-hyun should take good care of him and take him to the doctor. As Joon-jae turns his back, Chi-hyun says, “He may have been your father from the first, but to me, he was my first father. You’re right that the fake son is acting like he’s a real son, but I’m just thankful that Father became my father. That’s why I always wanted to show him my best, and protect him.”

Joon-jae scoffs and tells him to go ahead and be grateful, and show his best, and protect him as he pleases. He adds, “There are quite a lot of things that he lost and couldn’t protect, when my father became your father.”

At the police station, Detective Hong gets killer Dae-young’s rental history and finds an apartment he was living in between prison stints. They discover that there was a woman named Kang Ji-hyun who lived there at the same time, though Detective Hong knows Dae-young was never married.

They look into Kang Ji-hyun’s marriage records and find that she’d been married twice, and both times her husbands died. Detective Hong and his partner go back to find one of her past neighbors, and the ajumma says that Kang Ji-hyun was beautiful and already had a child from her previous marriage, but a year in, the new husband went blind and was killed in a car accident.

When the detectives go to question a different neighbor, he describes her other marriage much the same way: The husband suddenly went blind and died. Well that’s not suspicious or anything.

In case we hadn’t made the connection already, we cut to Joon-jae’s stepmom asking Chairman Dad how his eyesight is. He wonders if he should see the doctor again, and Stepmom lies that she already consulted him, and he said the best thing was to keep taking medicine and rest up.

Meanwhile, Jin-joo and her husband sit around dissecting what went wrong at their dinner with faux real estate tycoon “CEO Kim,” and why they’re no longer answering their calls.

From behind them, Housekeeper Mom chimes in with her usual dry delivery that in her opinion, they appeared far too eager for a first meeting. Jin-joo’s husband says he tried to be subtle, but the housekeeper doesn’t budge and says it was pretty plain to her eyes. Jin-joo sides with the housekeeper and berates her husband for being so obviously desperate and burdensome as to drive away their guests and their chance at making millions.

Joon-jae comes home muttering about why anyone would sleep in a jjimjilbang instead of a nice warm bed, and Nam-doo gets up and climbs into Joon-jae’s bed, saying that the heater is broken in his room. Joon-jae continues to talk to himself and complains about Chung running away from home, and Nam-doo points out, “I don’t think that’s something a guy who ran away from home during high school can say.” Heh.

Nam-doo asks whom Chung said all that stuff to about not wanting to come home, and Joon-jae says, “There’s a guy, this wacko.” Hahaha, he thinks back to all the times he’d referred to his pre-amnesia self as a wacko out of jealousy, and it brings back a whole flood of mortifying memories, like how he flipped out over this Ramyun guy and said he was a player and a dandy with nothing but bad motives, and how Chung had smirked quietly. It finally dawns on him: “That… was me?”

Joon-jae clutches his hair and goes into a convulsive, flailing fit, scaring Nam-doo off the bed in the process. He wails, “That was me? Not some wacko, but me?!” He mentally kicks himself for badmouthing himself so harshly.

But somewhere along the way, the embarrassment and anger turns to happiness, as he realizes what this means: “That’s right… me. It was me. Not another guy. He… was me. Hyung, it was me! He was him. Me. Hyung, it’s me!” Nam-doo looks at him like he’s lost all his marbles and suggests some drugs.

Joon-jae devolves into a giggle fit, and then just as suddenly stops and dashes out of bed. He can barely contain his shit-eating grin as he drives.

He goes to the jjimjilbang, of course, and has already changed and picked up a sleeping mat before finding Chung asleep in one of the rooms. He smiles to see her, but then he notices a creepy ajusshi inching his way toward Chung while pretending to be asleep.

Joon-jae growls and steps right on the ajusshi’s stomach with his full weight, acting like he just didn’t see him there, and wedges his mat right in between them. He gazes at Chung for a long while just watching her sleep.

Joon-jae is asleep when Chung opens her eyes, and she thinks in her head, “It’s Heo Joon-jae! Don’t open your eyes, Heo Joon-jae. Don’t wake up, Heo Joon-jae. So that I can just look at you. So that I can look at you for as long as I haven’t seen you. So that I don’t have to ask you anything. So that you don’t have to hide anything from me.”

At first it’s not clear if he’s sleeping or just doing as she asked, because he doesn’t open his eyes for a long while. But then she thinks that it’s cold, and he suddenly kicks his blanket off in her direction. Aw, you totally heard her!

She wonders if he’ll be cold, so he mumbles that it’s too hot in here. Chung takes the blanket and sighs happily that it’s warm, and Joon-jae smiles to himself, even as he’s shivering from the cold.

Shi-ah comes to Housekeeper Mom’s room to ask where the kimchi is, and picks up a family photograph by the bed. She notes that the son is decently handsome, and Housekeeper Mom catches her snooping and asks her to leave the room.

Shi-ah brings more of the housekeeper’s food to Joon-jae’s house, not knowing that she’s consistently bringing him his own mother’s cooking. Nam-doo makes a comment about the food at her house always being good, and the other boys shoot him warning looks. Shi-ah happily invites them over, and they all quickly decline.

She asks if Chung is gone for good now, and Nam-doo says that she’ll probably be back if she makes up with Joon-jae. Tae-oh gives Joon-jae an icy glare at that, and Shi-ah misinterprets it to be a jealous look because of her.

They accidentally reach for the water at the same time too, which Shi-ah mistakes for an intentional move to touch her. She finally drags Tae-oh aside and asks, “How can you be so obvious in front of other people?” Pfft. Tae-oh: “Me?”

She sighs and says that she thought he was smart, but can see that he’s just a fool in love. He swears that he’s totally over her and fine now, but she says that love can’t just be finished when you want it to be over, and asks if he has her phone number.

Tae-oh tries to tell her that he doesn’t need it, but she thinks he’s putting up a brave front for her benefit and wrests his phone out of his hands to type her number into it. Shi-ah tells him to call whenever things get too tough for him, insisting that you have to see the person you love sometimes. “I may not be able to give you my heart, but I can buy you liquor,” she says. Hahaha, I kind of love her now.

Chung stares wistfully at the footbaths at the jjimjilbang and thinks to herself that this is what it means to be given something you can only stare at longingly. Just then, someone runs past her and nearly knocks her right into the shallow pool, and Chung teeters on the ledge.

But Joon-jae grabs her just before she falls, and he hears her think in relief that she could’ve been outed if she’d fallen in the water. To help cover up the moment, Joon-jae yells at her for nearly falling and cracking her head open.

Then from the other side, someone else splashes water in Chung’s direction, and Joon-jae whirls her around so that he gets splashed instead. You’re choosing awfully huggy ways of protecting her, just sayin’.

He decides it’s too dangerous here and leads Chung inside to where it’s dry, and then becomes a complete water tyrant hall monitor inside the jjimjilbang, where he overreacts at a tiny child who spills water in Chung’s direction. Joon-jae picks Chung up and yells that they could’ve been electrocuted to death, making the kid cry.

He stops kids from playing with water guns like the fun police, and goes to the front desk to ask why they don’t make long pants here, or a skirt version of their uniform that goes down to the ankles.

By the time he starts moving the water dispenser to a safer location, one of the ajummas (cameo by Kim Sun-young) who’s been watching the whole time has seen enough ridiculousness and asks Chung to just give in and go home with her husband already, because he’s making their lives at the jjimjilbang harder.

Chung just perks up to hear Joon-jae being called her husband, while the ajumma argues that she understands to a certain degree because she had a fight with her husband and left home too. But she says that Chung’s husband is annoying everyone with his overprotectiveness, and begs her to just make up and go home for their sakes.

Besides, the ajumma points out, if she misses her timing, he’ll stop begging her to come home and she’ll have to crawl back in herself. Ajumma says her husband is right across the street and hasn’t come here once, and advises Chung not to lose her window.

Jin-joo picks up her snooty little daughter from school, though it’s just an excuse to talk to her classmate Yoo-na, in the hopes of putting in a good word with Chung. Jin-joo offers to let Yoon-na join her daughter’s swim team, and says that she’s welcome to talk about it with her unni friend if she wants.

Jin-joo asks what she’ll say, and Yoo-na says she’ll tell Chung that some ajumma is being strangely good to her these days. Heh. Jin-joo grits her teeth and suggests a different version.

Later at the jjimjilbang, Yoo-na recites the happy PR version of nice Jin-joo making school bearable for her these days, though Chung only needs to ask her once for Yoo-na to say it’s not true at all. She’s particularly down about the upcoming holiday talent show, where they’re supposed to invite their families to come to school. Yoo-na says that no one will come see her because Mom is too busy, and she hated it when the same thing happened in kindergarten, and there was no one there to wave at her and cheer her on.

Chung sees Santa in a corner of the jjimjilbang, where kids are milling about and complaining, “Santa smells like cigarettes.” She says that on TV, Santa grants wishes on Christmas, and suggests that Yoo-na make a wish. Yoo-na: “Unni, are you a child?”

But Yoo-na says you have to not cry for Santa to grant your wish, and she’s already cried too much. Chung frowns and says she’s cried too, so they sit there forlornly like two sad little ducklings. Chung wonders if the jjimjilbang Santa ajusshi has a direct line to the real Santa (at least she knows the difference?), so they go to ask him.

Santa ajusshi tells Yoo-na to write her wish down and hang it on the tree, and Santa will read them all. Chung asks if she can get her wish granted too, swearing that she had a reason for crying, and Santa ajusshi gets one look at her and asks for her phone number so he can get her wish to Santa. Yoo-na hangs her wish—for Mom and Dad to come see her at the Christmas show—and says a little prayer. We don’t get to see what Chung’s wish is.

Then it’s the day of the Christmas show, and Jin-joo tries to make Yoo-na feel better about her mom not being there, though her daughter points out that Yoo-na’s mom never comes to these things.

But everyone’s heads turn when Chung shows up looking like a supermodel to cheer Yoo-na on. She says brightly that Yoo-na’s mom sent her because they’re besties, and Jin-joo files that information away eagerly.

Then it’s Chung’s turn to be surprised when Joon-jae and the boys arrive, complete with placard and flowers. Yay! Jin-joo’s jaw drops at the sight of “CEO Kim,” though thankfully she doesn’t make a fuss.

Chung asks quietly how Joon-jae knew about this, and he just whispers back that there’s nothing he doesn’t know. He scoops Yoo-na up and says, “You’re the prettiest one here! Do a good job, because I’m only going to be looking at you.” D’awwwww!

Jin-joo belatedly sees Nam-doo and tries to contain her excitement at seeing “900’s daddy” again and nags him for ignoring all her calls.

Chung and the boys cheer Yoo-na on and wave and take pictures all through the Christmas show, and give her a standing ovation at the end. She smiles and waves back at them, and then they have her pose for more pictures afterward.

Yoo-na takes the phone and tells “unni and oppa” to pose for a picture, and Joon-jae lights up and asks, “Have I gone from ajusshi to oppa?” They stand awkwardly apart and Yoo-na has to coax them together, so Joon-jae finally puts an arm around Chung.

At that moment, he hears her think, “I’m happy.” They look at each other and smile, and that’s the picture Yoo-na snaps.

As they file out of the school with Yoo-na, a taxi driver watches and starts his engine to follow. We don’t see his face, but that’s definitely killer Dae-young’s voice.

While they stop for coffee, Nam-doo says that it’s nice to have Chung back home: “When our Chungie wasn’t home, the fridge was full, but my heart was empty.” She admits that lying for Yoo-na’s sake today did feel good, and Nam-doo jumps on that and says that there are white lies that don’t harm people.

Chung shoots right back that they don’t just say white lies though, and all three boys get quiet. She turns to Joon-jae and asks, “Can you promise me? That you’ll only tell good lies? That you won’t tell lies that hurt other people?”

He asks if he’s supposed to make that promise here, in front of the guys, and she just nods yes and prods him to answer, while Nam-doo giggles silently. After a beat, Joon-jae answers, “I promise.” All three heads dart up in shock. He swears, “I won’t, ever,” and Nam-doo asks if he’s for real or if this is a lie too. But they aren’t listening to him.

Joon-jae looks over and sees the pink octopus sitting in the claw machine outside and tells the guys to go home before leading Chung out. He leaves her in front of a big Christmas fountain light display outside and says he’ll be right back. But… there’s a killer on the loose!

Killer Dae-young does get spotted in the area, and Detective Hong arrives with his partner to catch him. This can’t be good.

Thankfully, Joon-jae returns to the fountain quickly, holding the pink octopus behind his back. Wait, you could beat that claw machine that fast, and you made her do it for hours? That’s mean.

He pauses to gaze at her for a moment and hears her thoughts from a distance: “Heo Joon-jae, when I crossed the big wide ocean to find you, I saw pretty stars like these every night. But I was lonely, tired, and anxious because I was alone. But is it okay for me to be this comfortable now, to be this happy, to love?”

Joon-jae begins to walk toward her at that, when suddenly a hand clamps down on his shoulder. Oh noes. It’s Detective Hong, who immediately cuffs him, making the pink octopus fall out of his hand.

Detective Hong admits that it feels a little like coming to hunt a tiger and going home with a rabbit, but he’s not about to let Joon-jae get away. Detective Hong gets on his radio to call for backup, but Joon-jae looks over at Chung with tears in his eyes and says that he’ll go quietly, not wanting to draw attention and have her see him like this.

Detective Hong doesn’t understand the situation but he’s not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, and leads Joon-jae away. The pink octopus gets left behind on the ground, and Chung just thinks, “Heo Joon-jae, hurry.”

As he gets taken away in handcuffs, Joon-jae narrates the same voiceover from the opening: “He loved the mermaid and heard her voice. He was that boy. Even when his memories were erased, and erased again, even when he was reborn in another world, he was a boy fated to love the mermaid again. So in the end, he was a boy who would once again hear the mermaid’s voice. He… was me.”

And the second Joon-jae and Detective Hong walk off, killer Dae-young pulls up in his taxi and waits for Chung.


Chung gives Jjimjilbang Santa her phone number and writes down her wish, and we see that Joon-jae is there the whole time, scowling in disapproval. He waits till Santa is leaving to confront him outside, and asks if he really has a direct line to Santa: “Because I think you just got my girlfriend’s number to forward her wish.” Santa returns the phone number right away, and Joon-jae rips it up.

On the tree, we see that under Yoo-na’s wish, Chung’s wish says: “That I will go on a date with Heo Joon-jae under a pretty tree. This year. And next year. And the year after that.”

And underneath her wish is Joon-jae’s: “That I will be able to keep all of the promises I make with you.”


That was such a sweet Christmas episode. Why’d we have to ruin the warm fuzzies with an arrest?! I probably should’ve known that trouble was on the way, given all the black moon talk and realizations of love. Heaven forbid we get to stay happy for a whole day. I’m not actually so worried for Joon-jae, since prison is probably the safer place to be than that plaza right now. Dae-young seems to have caught on that Chung is the way to lure Joon-jae where he wants him, so I can’t imagine that what happens next is anything good. Also, won’t anyone save that poor pink octopus from being trampled? And no, getting her a new one doesn’t count!

I missed Dam-ryung’s presence today, with such a short scene and not another glimpse of him in the episode. I don’t like it when they’re being stingy with the Dam-ryung scenes. But I liked the feeling of Joon-jae’s voiceover that solidified their connection and their intertwined fates to always fall in love with the mermaid. So many times, Joon-jae said in this episode, “He is me,” and I like that it can mean so many different things, starting with the idea that he and Dam-ryung are both that same boy fated to love the mermaid no matter how many times their memories are erased. Or the fact that loving the mermaid will lead him to hear her voice (nice to get an explanation on that, since I wasn’t sure why he suddenly came to hear her thoughts in the last episode).

The comical version was my favorite, when it finally dawned on Joon-jae that he’s that jerkface Ramyun guy he’s been jealous of for weeks. The reaction was perfect, and just about as mortified as I wanted. But it was so cute too, because once he got past the embarrassment, he got to be happy that he was the one who had shared those memories with Chung, and his gleeful I’m-her-guy realization outburst was the best thing ever.

I didn’t expect Chung to stick to her principles and stay in the jjimjilbang for that long when she was mad at Joon-jae, but I’m so glad she did, because their antics got funnier the longer she stayed, and there was a much-needed reversal in the relationship when he had to earn her affections to get out of the doghouse. I love what we gain from him hearing her thoughts without her knowing it too, because when he tossed her his blanket or saved her from all the water (mostly unnecessarily, to hilarious effect), I loved him just a little more. I worry about him not being able to keep all his promises to Chung, but it’s nice to see that she’s changing him for the better and forcing him to be a good person. We already knew he was good at heart, but I like that Chung is willing to forgive, but not bend her principles for him. It’s one benefit to her childlike personality—good is good and bad is bad, and fancy explanations won’t change that. Let’s just hope for Joon-jae’s sake that Detective Hong sees the world in more grayish hues and has a soft spot for mermaids, because I’m not sure how Joon-jae plans to get himself out of this one.


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gf...thanks for the recap


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Ditto. I'm loving this recap.

And I really agree with the opening sentiment of it... as I watched the show all I kept saying was "Wow..I like how lighthearted this show continues to remain..."

It never drops us in glum-ville for forever... even though we all love shows that tug at our heartstrings and empty our tear ducts... something pretty lighthearted always wins in my book, hehe.


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it got a little draggy in this ep..


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i totally agree! i skipped a lot of the running around with no dialogue parts haha.
but at least we learned a few useful things!


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...now I am confused .... does mermaid know HJJ could read her mind?

During ep 10 staring moment... it seemed as though SC is aware that HJJ could read her mind... but now I am not certain...


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Judging by how she keeps thinking whatever she wants to think in this episode, I think she hasn't aware yet.

Maybe, at the last episode, she thought that Joon-jae was replying to the question she spoke out loud: "why were you close to getting into trouble?", or probably she's too tense to realize that Joon-jae was actually replying to her unspoken questions.

I'm more confused by the fact that Cheong's heart is still in pain (she clutched at her heart in episode 10) even though Joon-jae has already loved her, enough to enable him hearing Cheong's real voice. How is this rule supposed to to work, actually?


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IMO.in eps 10 i think its not pain about her didnt get love from HJJ but that pain because it was really hurt to know that your lover lie to you and she knew that HJJ is a conman and she doesnt like about people lying before so .......idk( make your assumption)


"I’m more confused by the fact that Cheong’s heart is still in pain (she clutched at her heart in episode 10) even though Joon-jae has already loved her, enough to enable him hearing Cheong’s real voice. How is this rule supposed to to work, actually?"

Same here. I was discussing this with my friends and it seems I was the only one who noticed it in our group - glad someone noticed it too. My sister said maybe there's a rule wherein the mermaid needs to be affirmed of the love like a confession or something. Since Chung does not know anything and Joon-jae did not confess yet, maybe is the reason why her heart is still in pain. That's my sister's theory anyway. I'm not convinced though - hoping for an explanation on this.


I'm thinking she cluthched her heart because of heartache because of the HJJ lying to her. She has always been lissful and happy and was kinda heartbroken for the first time and was reacting to it strongly as she felt heartache for the first time. Muchlike how she previously reacted strongly when she lied and said somthing like, 'oh so this is how fastly your heart beats when you lie'


I agree with Dramaninja.

I do think she clutched it because of the disappointment of HJJ lying to her but... by way of explaining the mermaid-heart hardening rule, I believe it takes more than the mermaid just feeling the love from the other party... I believe strongly that the other party has to admit/confess such love and commit to it and by that, I mean ...to the mermaid in question, for them to survive.

Ergo... HJJ needs to:

A. Put Chung at ease by confessing to her and being in a committed relationship with her
B. Has to quit his con life and stop all forms of lying to her

And they'll all live happily ever after.


I don't mind the story being draggy as long as it's filled with interesting filler... and so far, this show is pretty good at this.

For example, I enjoy watching Cheong and the boys coming to watch Yoo-na's performance even though that scene isn't necessary to the plot.


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This episode was so good ? probably going to rewatch Joon jae's reaction when he found out it was him all alone ㅋㅋㅋ thanks for the recap:) I wish Kim sa bu is next. This week is my favorite in dramaland.


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That scene where he realize he was ramyun was HILARIOUS. I had it on repeat twice because it was so funny!


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And namdoo reaction was so on point and made it from hilarious to hilariousx10

I enjoyed the laugh out loud moments and the show is in a good place if it stays at the current trajectory. Just more Damryung pls!!!! He didn't appear much this episode!


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Please give me more of Dam Ryung! While I am simply enjoying HJJ's overloaded cuteness, I miss KDR. Please bring him back. At least give me closure.


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He's gonna die SOB ...


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I believe so too.

I will cry if I may so just end it off beautifully, writer-nim. Thank you!


I've always believed that dramas that start off slow gets better as the drama goes on, while dramas that start off strong goes bland half way through. In this particular case, it is true. LOTBS continues to be enjoyable, fun, and light while at the same time, drawing in various elements that make the story intriguing. I could not help but smile like and idiot while watching this episode. I can watch HJJ act like a fool for SC, 20 episodes if I could. Of course, the show never leaves my heart at ease, and always succeed in making me want to tune in to the next, live. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking as HJJ was dragged away in handcuffs, just when he's decided he will be a better person. It's especially sad that he hears her wish to live with him comfortably, happily, and lovingly. In that very moment, he loathed himself for not being able to give her that life. And this was portrayed beautiful by LMH. I give it to him, he stole this episode.


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Love, love, love this episode!


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The show started brilliantly but now I feel iffy. Still gonna watch nonetheless but hopefully things start to progress faster.


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Heo Joon-jae is really stealing the spotlight these past few episodes. I knew he wasn't going to react badly to the fact that she was a mermaid. In fact, his reaction was way better than I predicted. I thought he would be angry for a moment but I loved that he went from shock to acceptance. And honestly it's not that surprising because he had already completely accepted Chung. He hadn't even asked her about what happened in Spain in a few episodes too. And when he realized he was ramen guy? Best scene ever. I laughed so hard! Lee Min-ho is killing the comedy. Also when he was been wayyyyyy overprotective of Chung getting wet? Comedy gold!


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LMH should do comedy more- he's a complete ace at being ridiculous. the Ahjuma reaction at the sauna was priceless


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i can't lie, i was pretty surprised that stepmom is an actual black widow... i assumed dad was just sick & she was making him deteriorate faster by changing out his meds, but the fact that she is actively murdering her husbands is even more terrifying!

i'm a little confused at how chi-hyun isn't aware of this? the person they interviewed mentioned that when she married, she brought her son... unless he was too young to realize that 3 of his mom's husbands got "eye problems" before dying?!
if chairman heo is the only one who treated him like a real son, then i hope he betrays his mom in the end to save him!


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He was probably too young to realize then but he is well over grown up now. It's simple, he hates to see his mother as the bad guy, so he's in denial. He is juggling between right and wrong and the real question is, should he or should he not continue to turn a blind eye? I believe he will choose the later in the end.


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i definitely agree, but i assumed he didn't truly know how "bad" she is? even if he's in denial, they've clearly shown us some attempts he's made (like figuring out who called the secretary before his car crash) to uncover the truth.

it's one thing to ignore your mom treating your step brother shitty & another to ignore her plot to murder him >__<


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I agree. He isn't entirely aware of how evil his mother is. However, he suspects she isn't particularly good to some degree. The problem is that he isn't willing to delve into it deeper because he is afraid of discovering the truth. He has tried to turn a blind eye but he definitely recognizes that his mother might be connected to the secretary's accident. He also seems to suspect something is up with his father and it may have something to do with his mother. All the signs are pointing to one thing and he knows it too. But he isn't ready to accept it. When it's out in the open, he will definitely draw a fine line between what's right and what's wrong. That being said, I think he is a good person and I highly doubt he will take his mother's side. He will be hurt and disappointed but he will do what's right.


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I doubt he being a nice guy.Remember in a flash back it was shown that he broke HJJ's childhood picture and potrayed himself as innocent.He is definitely hateful of HJJ but yearns for a father.so he might turn bad when he realises that father loves HJJ more. And he will also make use of SC to break HJJ. :(


I wonder whether Chi-yeon is Dae-young's biological son. I hope he's not. What an agony to have a father like that.


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i honestly didn't even think of this but you're probably right! :/ at the very least, the years they dated match up with his possible age...
ugh that's horrible! if true, both his parents are serial killers


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I worried about this a few recaps ago. Now I'm fairly certain it will turn out to be true since they implied pretty strongly that stepmom was living with the serial when he went on the burglary spree.

I think he's trying to avert her doing bad, but has little to no idea how to go about it. I really hope they don't push his seeming attraction to grow on our leading lass and use it as a reason he eventually turns evil himself.


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I'm worrying about the same thing right now too .


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I like chi Hyun (or at least the actor who is playing him. He is cute)

1. Do you think he likes SC a little bit or is he indulging her coz she is the only who acknowledges him as HJJ's family?

2. I am glad he admitted his love and loyalty for his stepfather. Wish he would quickly discover his mom's deliberate attempts to cause harm to his stepdad.


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I'm finding it so hard to tell if he is really beginning to like SC or is just being friendly... I have a other theory that he could definitely be interested in getting closer to HJJ again through SC...time will tell whether or not it's for good's sake or bad... I hope it's good though...

I also glad how much he truly cares about Chairman Dad.? I hope it propels him to greater deeds.


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I think initially he was amused by Chung when they first met, and then probably realised there was a bit more to her zany ways when she seemed to hit the nail on the head about his testy relationship with Joon-jae. I don't think Chi-hyun likes Chung that way, but maybe he is a little envious that Joon-jae has someone by his side, whereas Chi-hyun has no one he can trust.


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I'm also rooting for Chi Him to turn on his mom and expose her for who she truly is.


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Love love love this episode!!!!!!
So friggin cute!
Especially Heo Joon Jae. LMH is definitely killing it!

Although, is it just me, or does everyone look tired? Is it the makeup artist, the lighting, or the fact that this drama is being done right now? Is it a live shoot?. For the first time, Jun Ji Hyun looked older. And a lot of them look pale. I hope they are getting enough sleep and rest. Even the little girl looked kinda sick..????


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I know right? HJJ has to look tired but he (LMH!) looks SO THIN in that sauna getup! JJH too - almost malnourished! I think the little girl has to look tired and sad because of the storyline - she knows her parents will not be attending the school Christmas concert again. I thought the rest of the cast look fine - especially the Black Widow (HJJ's stepmom) and Elizabeth and her parents look fine too! Even the sauna ahjhumma looks great! She's HILARIOUS!


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I felt so horrible seeing LMH so skinny. He's always been quite skinny to begin with but live shooting has definitely caused him to loose more weight. I recently saw some photos surfaced of him sleeping while sitting on a chair outside in the cold. I felt horrible. They are working extra hard to bring us episodes each week. I'm send them lots of love from far away and giving them my full support.


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The hard work comes with gooooooooood pay though....lol


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Sigh ... I guess you just can't please everyone - how can anyone give up on the show now and complain about the pace?
The suspense is killing me! And despite this being a rom-com!
A MILLION THANK YOUS, GF, for the excellent recap and analysis/comments! I was awaiting eagerly for your recap and I refresh this site for the umpteenth time till it was finally published!!
I am a total newbie regarding KDramas and this is my very first KDrama!! It's been a MOST AWESOME intro and I think I need to rewatch LOTBS yet again - from Episode 1!! Haha!
Of course JJH's gorgeousness helps a lot - she really lights up the screen and she's a fantastic comedienne! And LMH - I didn't know of his existence cos like I said, this is my very first KDrama - Hahaha! Well, he has the looks for sure but I am VERY impressed by his acting! Not just another pretty handsome face!
Yes, I really wonder what's going to happen next and will HJJ and SC be kept separated for a while? That's the trope of most romantic KDramas right??!
And yes, I miss KDR and SW - I wonder where's the golden tailed mermaid - has she gone back to the sea?? Poor KDR ... I really hope they get reunited somehow and I want to see them together in the Joseon period!


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Welcome to KDrama land!! If LOBTS was your first drama then I bet you'll like the other KDrama out there, because in my opinion, there's so many very good KDrama than LOBTS. Oh yeah, you should check KMovie too.. there's some good movie out there.


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Thank you, Zoe! I do like some KMovies from Long ago! Haha! There was a political thriller - SHIRI (made in the late 1990s) that's great! Plus some other horror stuff!


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Awww welcome! This is so cute! ❤?

So glad you're on the LOTBS train and choose to be a lobster lol! I also really love this show a lot!

This is your first time watching a Kdrama? So how did it happen? If you don't mind my asking, I'm so curious... ?


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Hi Affie!
Hahaha! Sounds unbelievable, right?? Like I was living under a rock all this time!! I am more into JDramas!
So what happened was, my brother and sis-in-law happened to watch Goblin and they told me it is quite thrilling. My niece (my other brother's daughter) who's 8 years old wanted to watch Goblin too but her parents said No, because she might get frightened / nightmares! So, I wanted something that she and I could watch together and I chanced upon LOTBS - my Niece LOVES mermaids!! And I LOVE historical dramas or those with a Travelling through time kind of storyline! Also, my brother (the one who's watching Goblin) told me about JJH and I took one look at her pictures - and she is just breathtakingly GORGEOUS!! Anyway, I watched the first episode of LOTBS together with my Niece! She liked it a lot but her parents didn't want her to follow any series and become hooked! Haha!! Instead this aunt of hers got hooked and fell LINE AND SINKER under the spell of her very first KDrama!!
I think all the elements of the storyline plus the wonderful acting AND the cinematography- all help in making LOTBS such a FANTABULOUS series.
Of course, I started my KDrama intro binge - I have gone through very quickly (I read Dramabeans' recaps and then I would go watch my favourite scenes / episodes!!) - Empress Ki, My Love from Another Star, Boys Over Flowers (LMH's hair is totally weird there! Haha), and K2. Next on my list, Personal Taste, City Hunter and other historical dramas! Any recommendations for historical dramas?? Oh yes, I think there's one with LMH about some time Travelling doctor right??
Oh boy! I MUST NOT get addicted!! Hahaha! Fat hope!


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Dong Yi is my favorite historical drama.
Hwang Jini is good too Ha Ji Won is badass as gisaeng, Queen Seondeok I heard was great, oh and Jumong too, I finished that one and it's epic.
Jewel in the Palace was of course a hit, unfortunately I wasn't able to finish. There.


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OMO!! Thank you very much for the recommendations! But BIG BIG OMO!! Think I am gonna be addicted - aaargh!! Aigoo!!!


Your comment remind me how i started to watch kdrama..and it begin with Hyde Jekkyl Me...LOL .idk why i watch that drama eventhough people said that drama was flop or bad or whatever it is but hjm still have a sweet spot in my heart and i defend that drama from bad review and only said a good thing about that(coz i dont know what kdramaland is before)i watched and rewatched that drama for so many times as my first kdrama addiction and from there i start to watch so many drama..

So welcome for Alice Mendoza..i envy you coz you started with a good one xD...and there is so many great drama out there to explore(:


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Hi NewComerDB!
Yes! Haha! I'm excited yet afraid!! Cos I don't wanna be too addicted! Hahaha! I think I am going to watch Personal Taste and City Hunter next! And rewatch My Love from Another Star!! But I don't think I can watch Heirs - it's kind of weird watching LMH playing a high school kid!! It was ok for Boys over Flowers but not another high school drama! Haha! Bit the song he sang is just fantastic!


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a complete water tyrant hall monitor..LOL
He turns to be an overprotective boyriend
and his reaction when realized that the wacko guy is him is perfectly hillarious
I'm more and more like Lee Min Ho way to portray Heo Joon Jae
way to go dude !!


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That sauna scene totally feels like Louie! Especially with the cameo by Jung Ran Ahjumma and her Busan Double Axe dialect. Jjang!


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I was waiting for A Whole New World to start playing. ?


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Yes, 15+alpha for this. Haha.


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Oh and the things you learnt from KDramas!! At first I was totally confused about this staying-in-a-sauna business - when the preview was out, I was left scratching my head!! Cos I'm a KDrama newbie! Haha! LOTBS is my very first KDrama!! Omo! And I did some research on saunas in Korea (jimjilbangs) - I would LOVE to go for the saunas but to sleep with total strangers of DIFFERENT GENDER in the same room?? Woah! It's like a sleepover party I supposed! Hee Hee!


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You should check out ep2 of Shopping King Louie then - gives you humorous insight into "A Whole New World" of saunas. Very well done promo material lol. And the show itself is great btw, try it out of you have time. :)


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Oh, thanks for the recommendation! What a title - it's already making me grin!! ?


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This show definitely gonna make you wear a huge fat of grin. Sooo much love.


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Grim Reaper should learn from Cheong.

Both love watching K-dramas, but while Cheong is learning a lot from them and getting smarter and smarter everyday, Grim Reaper doesn't even know how to use smartphone.


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comment gold!!


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Hahahhahhahaa! Jeongmal!


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I definitely love how Kdramas play such a big role in Cheong's life (at lest, the part of it where she has legs haha!)


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This episodes grow.....ing romance after Lee min ho's final realisation and ..... look at that super cute moments when he finds that ramyun is none other than him! OMG .... It's eyeful to see that kindergarten kid crawling out from Min ho baby..... and with ost, the romantic ship is flying higher and higher.... The huggy huggy protection.... Omo..... Thank you.... J.B for exact image line ups to float our hearts......


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Hahahaha... that part is so hilarious. Lee Min-ho nailed it.


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Namdoo mixing little mermaid and cinderella together is hilarious.i coudn't stop laughing


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+100 it was hilarious.


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LOL. Same here.


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That was unexpectedly hilarious..hehe


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I just love how straight face namdo was when he related the obviously wrong story.
And joon jae reaction to "the prince dies?! The mermaid does!?!?" Super LOL - guess it wasn't the fairy tale he thought he was in hahahahaha


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I was so confused at first, fail to recognized which fairy tale is he trying to tell. If it's not for Tae Oh I would still be oblivious. lol


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Heo Joon-jae is getting cuter and cuter every episode, so endearing. To be honest, I don't really like Lee Min-ho's acting in the beginning. His facial expression was a little bit stiff, IMHO. But now, him and his portrayal of Joon-jae have grown on me.

I have give credits to the writer too. She really knows what she's doing, isn't she? She sets up the story really well, there are quite a lot characters in this dramas, but she makes each of them interesting and memorable, and every episode the story is getting better and better. I'm glad I didn't drop it out of impatience.


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Yes yes please.

Let's give credit to the writer... great is as great does!

She spins a great yarn every time!


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I love how the episode opened with KDR's voiceover and ended off with HJJ's voiceover about the boy who loved a mermaid. He loved her so he heard her voice and forever, he was destined to be meet her and love her again, no matter how many times she was erased from his memories.

"He was me."

These words speak volumes! Such an impactful beginning and ending!


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The two funniest scenes for me in this episode both had to do with Nam doo:

1) When Joon Jae realizes that he's "the guy" and rolls around the bed in mortification...he almost kicks Nam doo in the face! You could see Nam doo scurrying away -- hilarious!

2) When the three guys show up at the little girl's school and Nam doo faces Jin Joo again, his face as he's cringing from being recognized...again, hilarious!

I also love the scenes where Joon Jae chews out the sauna employee about why they don't have long pants. LMH's expression of disbelief/shock/disdain was so perfect!

This one had me laughing out loud so many times. Love protective, yet still dorky Joon Jae.


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That scene - the expression of the sauna employee was also hilarious!


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I loved scene (1) as well, especially Nam Doo's reactions! Lee Min Ho really aced that scene. I also liked the scene of him moving the water dispenser in the sauna! LOL.


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Okay our adorable little Yoo Na. This kid better be half mermaid or something cause I need to see a little mermaid Yoo Na swimming around here. Cause I need that. I need it and I want it. Give. It. To. Me. Show.


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What do we have to rub to get a drama genie over here?


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Watch out for the part where she wants to learn to swim and Jin-Joo arranges lessonds. What are the odds the kid sprouts a tail ????


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I've wondered that as folks speculate if she's a mermaid.

With the historical mermaid, she couldn't get her legs until she was of age, so if our modern mermaid hearing girl is 1/2 mermaid, I don't know how that works since she seems to have started with legs.


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That child is my favorite character and the school concert my favorite scene.


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Thanks, girlfriday, for your recap and commentary!

I'm enjoying the lunacy as well as the more somber Joseon plot. The jjimjilbang scenes were great... I loved Chung's method of cracking egg shells.

It seems that Lord Yang's reincarnation now has some memories of his own. This cannot be good...


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This episode was so good! I also love the fact that she doesn't know he can hear her yet! I really hope they use that for a while :) there's so much potential!


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The possibilities... Just thinking about it makes me smile :)


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Me too!! :D haha


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Con: Poor Cheong, she has no privacy now... Joon-jae can read all of her thoughts.

Pro: Joon-jae knows how much she loves her now, and he can stop feeling insecure. He won't hold himself back to love her start from now on since he knows Cheong won't ever abandon him.

I'm glad that Joon-jae heard Cheong's thought about her inability to feel disappointed to him even though she has known that Joon-jae is a bad guy. For a guy with abandonment issue like him, it must mean a lot.


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I had thought of your con and figured it wasn't that big of a deal :P However, I hadn't thought about the last point you made! That's so true! It's nice to see Joon-jae finally overcoming the issues he's dealt with because of his childhood and how much she's been helping him this whole! :D


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CON = SCAM. That was the immediate auto-interpretation my brain did upon seeing the first word of your post, which then of cos screwed up my reading of the whole sentence... x_x. I blame it on LMH & SIG.

+1000 to your analysis of the pros!


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I'm split between lemon green sweater wearing Heo Joon Jae and sauna dressed Heo Joon Jae. Such a tough situation!


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Hahaha. I would rather die than choosing between them two lol.


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Haaaaa this episode is hilarious Love Lee Min Ho Legend of The Blue Sea..Fighting


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Wasn't it nice to see that it was Sim Chung who had a harder time dealing with Joon Jae's true identity rather than Joon Jae handling her mermaid identity? He took to the fact rather easily and then started becoming her hero, defending her for all threats within the sauna.

There was such a beautiful fairy-tale feel to this episode, with all the wishes being made and fulfilled as well as Sim Chung and Joon Jae making little Yoona's Christmas by attending her court. I was expecting something more intense following last week's fall-out, but this was more light-hearted and fun - which is ok.

I do hope that the show moves into more serious, intense storytelling soon with the threat on Sim Chung becoming more apparent and Dae Young actually doing something instead of lurking around in the background. More of Dam Ryung too, please!

Shared more thoughts on this episode here: https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2016/12/22/legend-of-the-blue-sea-episode-11/


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Somebody save Daddy Heo please, he's so pitiful. I loved the way Heo Joon Jae stepped on that ahjussi ?


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Thanks for the recap.

What are the thoughts on YooNa's ability to hear the Mermaid's voice?

I wonder if one of her parents is a mer-person?


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My theory is that her father is a mer-person which is the reason why her parents are separated / divorced.


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I figure it was her father who might be mer-people.

Her mother seem a bit anxious when YooNa said she would hear Chung.

If they are divorces, shouldn't YooNa's father be dying from a broken heart somewhere.

Mer-genes might be recessive and show up unless both parents have it.


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I'm not sure about YooNa being half-mermaid. If she was, I'm guessing that her legs do not turn into a fishtail (yet?), as it hasn't been mentioned. But half-mermaid or not, it would be great if she turns out a great swimmer thanks to SC.


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I really enjoyed this "Finding Chungiee" episode. Lee min hoo was soo cute as ever. I even clapped at some scene and laugh crazily. And chi yeon too, i want to see him in more dramas. Wanna keep chiyeon and tae oh on my pocket


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This Episode Was Pure Comedy Gold..the scene that make me LOL to the max is:
1.When nam doo tell the story about mermaid and he mixed up with cinderalla and tell that story confidently and 3 of them believe that...
2.when HJJ mom lie and tell Elizabeth mom that her husband make the investment didnt work and she believe that..
3.when elizabeth mom angry to her kid because of Yoo na and her kid look like totally innoncent..
4.when HJJ know that he was the person that SC said ramyun guy and that bastard oh god that freaking funny scene + innoncent look from nam doo + his reaction
5.when HJJ overacting about water

well this episode seems lighter and funnier than previous one and this episode make their relationship more stronger and i love how our mermaid is change her attitude to more calm as well as HJJ change his attitude to become a good person(i think in the end he's gonna leave his job as a conman).and from episode 1 until this episode.LOBS didnt dissapoint me.i love the writer know what she's doing and reveal thing slowly but sure...but there is a question to be answered so i have a faith to writer nim to reveal it later..

but the end of this episode make me mad again(in a good way)..because it become darker(again)..please make them happy in the end and let they live happily ever after(:


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Thanks for the recap girlfriday! I love all your reactions. I reacted pretty much similarly!

The D'awwwwwww when they all showed up at Yoona's show and the LOL with Shi Ah and Tae Oh's love that will never be!

HJJ the water cop hahaha and finding out he was ramyun guy were so freaking hilarious as has been previously stated!

The sauna lady was golden... I especially liked when she told Chungie not to lose the timing else she would have to go crawling back home like her ....ottohke! Lol!

I'm curious about these Korean saunas too... they seem to be a treat or a getaway/hideaway place in dramas... but I'll really like to know more about their function... what is their practical use Lol?

Apart from making our dramas interesting and different from the usual... These saunas

Oh yeah... and noraebangs too...im curious about those too... Today I learnt saunas = jjimjilbang.... I love learning new stuff everyday!


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I love it when recapers being expressive in their recaps. It makes me feel as if we're watching the drama together.


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Merry Christmas to us! I, too, laughed out loud watching this episode.
In addition to what's been mentioned, a part that I loved is when HJJ was leaving the jjimjilbang, but stopped and listened for SC's voice. Hearing nothing, he imitates her, "Don’t go, Heo Joon-jae!" in a sweet JJH mermaid voice.


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I kind of melted a bit when Joon Jae lift Yoona and said that she's the prettiest , awwwww ?
Yoona is like Joon Jae & Chung's daughter and their uncles are Tae Oh and Nam Doo ❤


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Thanks for the recap!

Why Simchung is the one playing hard to get now? I thought she'll be like dying if he doesn't love her, right?

Good : Lee Min Hoo should only do comedy. I never like him before but he's really good here. His scene in the jjimjilbang was the highlight of this episode. I can watch him moving a watercooler all day.

Bad : The story went all over the place. There is a planned heist going on, a murderer on the run, a scheming evil stepmother, dying father because of the said stepmother but I can't seem to care to any of this.

Another good: Shin Won Ho is adorbs. I can't believe he's two years older than Yoo Seung Ho.


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I had to look up their ages. Yoo Seung Ho is only 23!! wow. Yes, Shin Won Ho is a puppy.


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I would watch a drama, however paper thin the plot might be, if it has Lee Min Ho playing a pretentious spoiled, rich brat who only speaks in horrible, heavily accented english. The way he said dry when he was escorting Cheong inside the sauna with the intention of getting her to a "dry place" ... so funny.


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Thanks for the recap, GF!

I really enjoyed this ep. I love the realization from JJ and whether it's him or DR, they are fated to love the mermaid no matter how many times their memories got erased. So, I liked how that narration introduced and concluded this ep.

I also love how desperately JJ searched for Chung. All along it's been Chung doing the chasing and following, attaching herself to JJ and basically wearing her heart on her sleeve. So, it was a nice switch to see JJ realizing how deeply he cares for her and stayed up all night to try to track her down.

DY having those dreams and figuring out the key players can only mean trouble. =X

I quite like CH. I'm glad he dropped Chung off at the jjimjilbang and even checked up on her the next day to make sure she's OK. I'm not sure if he finds her amusing cuz of her antics and feels oddly connected or drawn to her cuz she's the only one who really considers him to be JJ's family. In any case, I like that he looked out for her whether it's for JJ's sake or out of his own curiosity.

That line JJ fed to those high school girls sounds like he quite regrets being a con man since he's had to lie to Chung.

JJ remember what a bad guy he was to Chung was exactly what he needed to realize how much she must love him to be willing to stick around. The tight hug was ❤️. So convenient for JJ to be able to read Chung's thoughts now. Heehee... But props to Chung to stay true to her principles without being tempted by all that food. I felt that punch to the gut when JJ heard the reason that Chung didn't wanna go back home. It must have hurt, yet that was the truth that he needed to hear in order to change--to turn back into the good guy that he used to be.

I'm really glad that JJ finally figured out that HE was the jerk himself!! LOL That whole scene with him kicking around in bed in frustration and then laughing like a fool with a toothy grin was so hilarious!!!!! Well done, LMH!! I loved how he immediately proceeded to the jjimjilbang and was so sweet to Chung the whole time. Overprotective JJ is hilarious!!!

Man, Stepmom is scary!! She already killed two husbands and onto the third now?!?! Yikes!! Dad, please realize soon!!

The show SA and TO exchange was too funny. XD

I loved how they all showed up for YA's Christmas show. The picture-taking was cute and JJ finally earns the name "oppa" instead. LOL


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I'm happy that our main couple, especially Chung, is happy. But I knew it wouldn't last long. Just majorly sucks that JJ couldn't tell Chung how he feels or pass along that pink octopus being getting handcuffed. I love how he finally learns that Chung has crossed the ocean for him no matter how lonely, tired, or anxious she was, and it is supposed to be his turn to tell her how much she means to him... I guess that'll have to wait. But who is gonna protect Chung from DY?!?!?!

The epilogue was funny. JJ's gotta keep track of who's trying to get his girl's number.

Can't wait for the next ep!!


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this drama Is so bland. BLAND BLAND...
there is no chemistry between the leads.


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Heo Joon Jae, I adore you. Please continue being you.


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I really really like LMH in this drama. Overall it's a good drama. But I'm more than surprised to know that his stepmother is a black widow! ? I do hope her plans get revealed soon and her own son will be the one who'll be putting her behind the bar ? but I'm a bit disappointed that the chemistry between the leads aren't what I expected.... yet. Although this episode was very cute ? the part in which HJJ goes around yelling at everyone for spilling water all around the sasuna and the sasuna woman shouting at our adorable mermaid was hilarious! The epilogue was good too. Can't wait for the next episode!!!!


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Thanks for the recap... finally JJ found out about his relation to DR and SH, and with that we get to see some cute scenes in sauna, especially when pretending asleep but actually listening to Chung's thoughts.
But somehow I'm worried what's going to happen to Chung while a killer is after her...


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JJ being jealous of himself is the best thing on my TV screen for Christmas. JJ REALISING that he was jealous of himself and going gaga over that is the next best thing!

I have discovered the secret to my love for kdrama, because the last time I had this thought was when Bong Sookie was jealous of Healer.

Love love love the jealous male lead jealous of himself hahahahaha!


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I love LMH the way he portray HJJ
lol the whole episode was fun when he was trying to find SC and went to meet her beggar frnd, the realisation of the jerk guy,and where he was trying to listen and imitates 'DON'T GO HOE JUN JAE' haha,the sauna scenes :D
The way he asked for a shake hand and flipped the bag in the air all girls said he was a bad guy bt like such type he he.lol I too like such guy if he is LMH ;) ;)


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Catching up now as I have time off...and I smiled so much watching this my face felt it after!

I was hysterical when HJJ realized he was the nappeon neom and went cuckoo from realizing, lack of sleep, embarrassment, and giddiness all rolled into one.

Loved how everyone was just hanging out with Cheung in the jjimjilbang. Love the continued appreciative kdrama meta-bits being sprinkled in with her staying there. Joon Jae at the bath house killed me. Sun Woo's mom – loved it!

I know it ended lightly but those fresh school girls should have been happy they didn't go to jail. It was so weird to me that they were still grabbing for the stolen purse and money.

Shi Ah in her cowgirl outfit were HILARIOUS. I see what they’re doing there with her and poor Tae Oh
Oh Yoo Na! I’m so glad she’s a regular. That scene at her Christmas show was so lovely.

And the scene with everyone’s wishes at the end was too.


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I honestly dont like this drama..i trust me am a huge fan of both Lee Minho and Jun Jiyeon and i will still be watching the end but seriously..dont like the storyline at all..loving loving romantic Dr teacher kim can't watch other drama and enjoy while watching it..


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