The Man Living in Our House: Episode 6

Trust is a slippery beast, and people often place trust in someone based more on gut feeling than fact and logic. It’s easy to say the words “trust me,” and easy to fall for them, but who’s to say who is trustworthy and who isn’t? Na-ri’s future depends on trusting the right person, and she’ll have to decide on her own if Nan-gil can be trusted, or if his past and motives are suspect.



Na-ri thinks about Nan-gil, going over everything she knows and doesn’t know about him. Wan-shik had told her to ask Nan-gil about his legend herself, because he promised not to say anything. He does accuse her of using Nan-gil just because her mother used to take care of him, and that’s enough to trigger her memories of the small boy who used to occasionally approach her.

She jumps up and runs towards the house, and doesn’t stop until she’s found Nan-gil. She reaches up and hugs him hard, apologizing repeatedly for not recognizing him. Nan-gil wants to talk in private, but Na-ri feels so terrible, she doesn’t care who sees. Still a little drunk from drinking with the town elders, she hollers that he can’t win against Dada Finance, and begs him to walk away right now.

Nan-gil grabs her hand and she hilariously sits right down in the road, hanging from his arm. He lets go, dumping her on her butt, then tosses her over his shoulder and carries her to her yard. Nan-gil argues that he worked too hard to save the restaurant to just go, and angrily says that this is his home. Na-ri counters that it’s her home, and what happens to her family is her responsibility.

She tells Nan-gil that she remembers him now, how he was always following her around. Nan-gil goes silent, then laughs nervously, but Na-ri is onto him. He finally admits it, but says that what he’s doing now is only what’s right.

Na-ri yells that it’s dangerous, and Nan-gil grabs her arms and looks her straight in the eye. He says not to listen to other people, only to him, and only to trust him.

Later, Na-ri asks a photo of her mother what she should do, because she’s worried about Nan-gil.

That night, loud banging on the gate brings Nan-gil out to find Yeo-joo, drunk and happy to see him. She latches onto his waist, snuggling her face into his chest, and no matter how hard he struggles he can’t break free. Na-ri is drawn out by the commotion, and Nan-gil’s expression of wide-eyed panic is hysterical.

Na-ri coming running across the lawn, and Nan-gil manages to toss Yeo-joo away just before Na-ri tackles him. She lands on top of him, and the two stare at each other, affected by the close proximity, until Yeo-joo finally says something.

They all stand, and Yeo-joo only has eyes for Nan-gil, though Na-ri is standing right there screaming her name. Na-ri smacks her upside the head to get her attention, and Yeo-joo latches onto her and bursts into tears, screaming about how everyone is picking on her at work.

Nan-gil and Na-ri have this hilarious silent conversation, and it takes Nan-gil a minute to understand that Na-ri is shooing him away and he slinks back to the restaurant. As soon as he’s gone, Yeo-joo drops the aegyo and throws herself dramatically to the ground. She continues screaming at Na-ri, blaming her for her treatment at work.

Eventually they put Yeo-joo to sleep in the house, but Na-ri is annoyed with Nan-gil for being too nice to Yeo-joo. Nan-gil snaps sarcastically that people just keep falling into his arms today, ha. Na-ri tells him to stay away from Yeo-joo, because she has a bad habit of stealing other people’s belongings.

Nan-gil looks pretty pleased that Na-ri considers him her belonging, but Na-ri just sheepishly sends him back to work, hee. Once he’s gone, Na-ri berates herself for slipping like that, ha.

The boys are getting pretty sick of oxtail soup, though none of them say anything to Na-ri. She gets a text from her sunbae, reporting that Yeo-joo is posting online about being at her house and acting like they’re friends.

Na-ri confronts Yeo-joo, ignoring her attempts to snuggle up to her and ordering her to get out. She drags Yeo-joo downstairs by the collar, and Yeo-joo grabs a post when she sees the four handsome chefs standing in the kitchen. She appeals to Nan-gil for help, but Nan-gil is not a stupid man, and he shoves the chefs out of the room.

Na-ri and Yeo-joo sit to talk, and Na-ri says that coming home made her feel like a glass of clear water. But now that Yeo-joo is here, the water is tainted, and she pours something dark and nasty into the glass to demonstrate. She orders Yeo-joo to drink the liquid.

Yeo-joo balks, and Na-ri tells her to stop being so dramatic — it’s just arrowroot for her hangover. Yeo-joo informs her that Dong-jin is being transferred to the Hong Kong office, so once they’re married she won’t bother Na-ri anymore. She says that she doesn’t care, but Dong-jin doesn’t want to be seen as the bad guy.

She begs Na-ri to pretend they’re on good terms for Dong-jin’s sake, and Na-ri has to admit that she respects Yeo-joo’s nerve. Yeo-joo admits that she just doesn’t want a wedding where nobody shows up.

Na-ri makes a fist to demonstrate how a tiny eggplant flower can become strong and mature. Ha, point taken. Before she goes, Yeo-joo tells Na-ri that her strength is that she has no pride. At least she’s honest.

Deok-bong and Secretary Kwon have a town meeting at Hong Mandoo, and Deok-bong asks Nan-gil to join them. Nan-gil actually agrees to sell, on one condition–– the lake and forest remain untouched. Deok-bong balks, and Nan-gil calls him a liar.

Deok-bong accuses Nan-gil of making decisions based on his first love, which of course, Na-ri overhears. Deok-bong cheerily waves while Nan-gil looks like he wants to hide under the table, hee. Na-ri escapes outside, flustered to hear that she’s Nan-gil’s first love.

Deok-bong runs into Yeo-joo outside, though he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in talking to her. Nan-gil and Secretary Kwon also come out, and Deok-bong notices that Secretary Kwon still has the sale contract. He insults her and takes the contract, making her storm off.

Deok-bong walks away to call Na-ri, and Yeo-joo sidles up to Nan-gil to ask how Deok-bong knows Na-ri. She says that they seemed really close at the airport, making Nan-gil frown. He jumps away from her when Na-ri steps out and glares at him.

Deok-bong gives Na-ri the contract and tells her to have a family meeting. Na-ri claps a hand over Deok-bong’s mouth when he calls Nan-gil her stepfather in front of Yeo-joo, and injects a noona tone into her voice to order Nan-gil back to work. Nan-gil looks a bit confused, but complies.

Yeo-joo marches to Na-ri and says she’s going to tell everyone that she’s dating Deok-bong. Deok-bong smiles, aww, and Yeo-joo takes their combined silence as confirmation. To shut her up, Na-ri agrees to pose for selcas and pretend to be friends, so Yeo-joo can have her nice little wedding.

Na-ri pettily introduces Deok-bong and lists all of his fancy connections, which makes Deok-bong happy that she looked him up. She apologizes for using him like that, but he tells her she did well when faced with someone like Yeo-joo.

She hands back the contract when Nan-gil comes harrumphing out to loudly ignore them. Deok-bong drags Nan-gil over to discuss things openly, but both Nan-gil and Na-ri refuse to say a word. Deok-bong asks Na-ri if she’s too afraid of Nan-gil to read the contract, then tells Nan-gil that he can’t sell the house without Na-ri’s approval.

He asks if Nan-gil is being a good stepfather to Na-ri, and both Nan-gil and Na-ri look anywhere but at each other. Deok-bong sighs and gives Na-ri the contract, tells them to talk things over, then pushes them together. He leaves, and the two break apart nervously.

In the morning, the boys look like the constant oxtail soup is killing them, and Nan-gil doesn’t even show up for breakfast. Young-gyu fibs that he said he’s sick of the soup, hoping Na-ri will stop serving it, but the other two rat him out, ha.

Na-ri relents and starts serving something different, and Young-gyu goes to Nan-gil to try and figure out why he still won’t speak to Na-ri. He figures either Nan-gil is uncomfortable around her, still has feelings for her, or wants her to miss him. He says he thinks Na-ri does miss him, and Nan-gil growls at him.

Deok-shim watches as Na-ri enters the greenhouse, then hides when Nan-gil also steps inside. Na-ri pops out, daring him to avoid her here, but he just sidesteps around her. Na-ri says that Deok-bong only came to the airport to talk to her about selling the land, assuming that’s why Nan-gil has been avoiding her.

She says that she’s not on Deok-bong’s side, and that she really doesn’t care if Nan-gil sells the land. He tells her to just go drink with the elders, and Na-ri explains that she’s doing that because she misses her mom. She regrets spending so many years planning a wedding that never happened, but never once going on a trip with her mom.

She sinks into a guilt spiral, and Nan-gil relents and asks about a package of seeds that she brought. She says she wanted to make a bit of this land hers, and starts dumping the seeds onto the dirt. Nan-gil hollers, and shows her how to plant them properly.

He tells Na-ri that Mom didn’t want to go on trips, because this place was her whole world. Furthermore, she didn’t brag about Na-ri because the other townsfolk’s kids weren’t nearly as successful, so she called Na-ri “insect” to make them feel better. And she called her a pig’s toenail to Nan-gil because he was so jealous of her.

They relax and talk about their childhood, Na-ri asking Nan-gil if all the pranks played on her were his doing. He says it was never him, then asks if she’s ever going back to Seoul. She says she will, but he doesn’t believe her anymore, and they bicker comfortably.

They’re unaware of Deok-shim standing outside, seething at their closeness. She remembers meeting Nan-gil a year ago, when she’d attacked a scarecrow in a field for no apparent reason, and he’d helped her avoid being caught.

He’d brought her to this greenhouse and hosed the muddy evidence off her boots and hands. He’d asked why she’s been damaging local farms, and she’d admitted she was getting revenge on the farm owners’ kids who were picking on her.

Nan-gil told her not to waste her time worrying about those kids, who don’t realize their lives won’t amount to much. He’d said he’d be watching her, and Deok-shim’s crush on him was born.

Wan-shik finds Uncle hiding in a sauna, and takes him to CEO Bae, still in his sauna clothes. CEO Bae says they’ve met before, but Uncle doesn’t recall, so CEO Bae reminds him that he came with Na-ri’s father when he borrowed money.

He screams at Uncle for not looking him in the eye, asking why he doesn’t pay back the debt if he’s that scared of him. He mentions Na-ri and threatens to ruin her life, and says that Uncle shouldn’t trust Nan-gil. He tells Uncle that if he really knew Nan-gil, he wouldn’t let him near Na-ri. Uncle agrees to obey CEO Bae, to protect his niece.

Na-ri asks Nan-gil to teach her to ride a bike, and when he says she already knows how, she playfully accuses him of following her around when they were kids. They go for a ride, just enjoying the day and each other’s company.

Nan-gil is amused when Na-ri turns out to have no stamina. He takes adorable peeks at her while they breathe, then suddenly gets nervous and leaves to go “knead dough.” Na-ri is left to make her way home alone.

Nan-gil takes a call from CEO Bae, who tells him that Uncle is with him. He says that he’s realized that Na-ri is actually the biggest victim of events that happened long ago, and that Nan-gil and Na-ri should never even have met. “Don’t make me dredge that up, too.”

Na-ri enjoys her ride home, until she’s run off the road by a vengeful Deok-shim. She slides down an embankment, hurting her back, and Deok-shim goes back to check on her. She didn’t mean for Na-ri to be seriously hurt, so she calls her brother for help.

Deok-shim helps Na-ri sit up and gets her phone from her bag, and listens as Na-ri calls Nan-gil. She’s all sweetness when Na-ri lets her tells Nan-gil where they are, then quickly memorizes his number before Na-ri takes back the phone.

Na-ri realizes that Deok-shim is the one who ran her off the road in the first place, and they argue over whether it was an accident. Deok-shim helps Na-ri back up to the road just as Deok-bong arrives, and Na-ri hilariously shoves Deok-bong away when Nan-gil shows up.

The two of them completely forget Deok-bong and Deok-shim are even there, as Nan-gil fusses over Na-ri. He rides with her in the ambulance, worriedly staring at her, and she’s given a brace for her back at the hospital.

Deok-bong drags Deok-shim to the hospital, not buying her story that Na-ri fell on her own. He tells her that Na-ri may press charges, but Deok-shim doesn’t care — until he mentions that Nan-gil will think she did it on purpose.

Nan-gil helps Na-ri into her hospital bed, the closeness flustering them both. Deok-bong brings Deok-shim in and says the accident was his sister’s fault, and Na-ri and Nan-gil are both surprised to hear they’re siblings.

Na-ri asks the guys to leave, and once they’re alone, she confronts Deok-shim. She accuses her of causing her accident, sending those love notes to Nan-gil, and locking Na-ri in the shed.

She asks why Deok-shim did such dangerous things to her. Deok-shim snaps that she latched onto Nan-gil after being dumped, and flirts with Deok-bong, which is an insult to women. She’s a tiny little ball of fury, and Na-ri struggles not to laugh at her.

She yells at Na-ri to just grant the divorce, and Na-ri says Deok-shim has it all wrong, demanding an apology. She threatens to press charges against Deok-shim, which makes Deok-shim snarl.

The guys talk in the hallway, where Nan-gil objects to Deok-bong’s casually mean treatment of his sister. They run back into Na-ri’s room when she hollers for Nan-gil to call the police, but Deok-shim quickly gets on her knees and bursts into tears, making it looks like Na-ri was being horrible to her.

She runs out and Nan-gil fusses at Na-ri, saying that Deok-shim didn’t do it on purpose, though both she and Deok-bong say she did, ha. Na-ri sends Deok-bong to his sister, saying that she didn’t apologize and she still needs to talk to her. Nan-gil still thinks she’s an innocent kid, and laughs when Na-ri goes on a rant.

On the ride home, Deok-bong tells his sister that crushes and jealousy are wastes of energy. Deok-shim asks if he likes Na-ri, noticing how he ran over when she said who was hurt, but he refuses to answer.

She’s under the impression that the petition he filed to dissolve a marriage was Na-ri’s marriage, so Deok-bong tells her that Nan-gil was married to her mother. Deok-shim screams until Deok-bong lets her out of the car, and rides away on her bike, smiling.

Nan-gil takes his role as Na-ri’s guardian seriously, making her go outside to exercise. Na-ri wonders if she should look for her father, remembering the good things about him, especially how he took her on her first plane trip. She wonders why her mother didn’t go with them.

She recalls that whenever she mentioned it to her mother, she would say she’d never flown with her dad, but Na-ri knows that she did. Nan-gil thinks that maybe Mom just didn’t like that they went without her.

Na-ri says that Mom kept a lot of secrets, and she wants to find her dad and ask him for answers. Nan-gil says he’s probably better off hiding from Dada Finance, and makes Na-ri start walking again.

Dong-jin and Yeo-joo go out, and Yeo-joo admits that she went to see Na-ri. He says he saw the picture, but Yeo-joo is surprised when he doesn’t ask how Na-ri is doing. She says that Na-ri even found a man, meaning Deok-bong, but Dong-jin is thinking of Nan-gil and says he’s not a “man” like that.

He seems a bit shaken when Yeo-joo tells him about Deok-bong. Yeo-joo twists everything around, even implying that Na-ri may have been cheating first, but Dong-jin says that Na-ri isn’t a cheater. Yeo-joo gets jealous, and asks if he knows her as well as he knows Na-ri.

She complains about getting bullied at work, but Dong-jin just smiles and says she seems like her old self. He tells her to stop being jealous of Na-ri, and Yeo-joo simpers, then kisses him.

Na-ri wakes in the middle of the night to find Nan-gil sleeping sitting up next to her bed. His head lolls and he wakes, and she apologizes for not remembering him from when they were little. He says he doesn’t need her to apologize, but she continues that it feels nice to have someone remember her.

She says that it makes her feel like she was someone’s first love, and looks at him expectantly. Nan-gil stares at her for a long time, then mutters, “I’m going to knead dough,” and quickly leaves.

On his way out, he reminds himself that he’s moved on. Her words ring in his ears, but CEO Bae’s threat not to make him dredge up the past has Nan-gil worried, and he makes a call.

Wan-shik is urging Uncle to remember a time Nan-gil threatened him, when Nan-gil’s call comes through to CEO Bae. He tells CEO Bae to let Uncle go and stop threatening Na-ri, and to deal with him directly.

CEO Bae says he’s not threatening anyone, he’s just reminding Nan-gil that he’s the one who put her family in this position. Nan-gil asks what he means, but since Uncle is here he can’t go into detail, or Na-ri would find out as well.

The next day, feeling better, Na-ri heads to the toy museum to confront Deok-shim. The two face off while Deok-bong presents a settlement agreement, but all Na-ri wants is a sincere apology. Instead, Deok-shim tells her to get in shape, ha.

Through gritted teeth, Na-ri asks if she knows which emotion wastes the most energy, and Deok-shim shoots eye-daggers at her brother as she answers that it’s a crush and jealousy. Na-ri says that’s incorrect — it’s hating others.

She tells Deok-shim that if she hates someone else, she’s only making herself miserable. It’s an excellent point, one that Deok-bong seems to take seriously. Deok-shim asks if she’s really Nan-gil’s stepdaughter, and that truth has her apologizing sincerely.

It’s all for show, and she asks Na-ri to make sure and tell Nan-gil that she apologized. Na-ri snaps that he’s not her stepfather, ha.

Later Deok-bong does some research into Dada Finance, noting that their organizational chart lists a man named Bae Byung-suk as a director.

Na-ri calls Nan-gil to meet her in her room, and says she’s planning to leave her things here when she goes back to Seoul. Nan-gil foils her plans by saying he’ll send them to her, but she says that she planted seeds so she has to come back. Nan-gil tells her to cut all ties with this place if she wants to be free of Dada, and promises to keep them from contacting her.

He tells her to think of him as a stranger, and she says that she never saw him as a stepfather. She says that she doesn’t buy his cold-hearted act anymore because she knows how he really feels.

Outside, a cop car pulls up just as Deok-bong arrives at the restaurant. The policemen ask for Nan-gil.

Na-ri says she doesn’t really know how Nan-gil feels, but she’s been curious. She thinks she’ll regret not asking, so she’s decided to ask him openly. “Go Nan-gil, you’ve liked me since you were young, haven’t you? I’m your first love, aren’t I?”

Tentatively, Nan-gil asks why she’s curious about that, since it’s all in the past. “Let’s say you were my first love. Let’s say I followed you around and bothered you. What of it?”

Na-ri agrees to forget the past, and she’ll just ask the Nan-gil standing in front of her. “What about now? You remembered me for all those years. Do you still like me?”


That’s what I love most about Na-ri — you know where you stand with her. She’s honest to a fault, she says what she’s thinking, and she asks questions without hesitation or fear of the answers. I don’t doubt that she’s asking Nan-gil about his feelings because they are all wrapped up in what’s happening with Dada Finance and she wants to know everything, but by now I’m positive there’s also a personal motivation behind her question. She’s developing feelings for Nan-gil, and in true Na-ri fashion, she’s going to confront those feelings head-on. You go, girl.

Nan-gil’s love for Na-ri is killing me, how it’s so quiet, but yet so deep that he’s willing to give up his love for her just to preserve her home. It’s getting harder for both of them to hide their growing attraction, but it’s going to be crucial that they keep it under wraps if they want to convince CEO Bae that Nan-gil is the one in charge. Nan-gil’s struggle to hide what he feels is difficult to watch, but necessary if they don’t want to lose everything. Once he knows that Na-ri returns his feelings, it’s going to make Nan-gil’s life that much harder.

I’m dying of curiosity to know how Nan-gil is supposedly responsible for Na-ri’s family’s position. Her father borrowed the money when Na-ri was young and Nan-gil even younger, so how could he have been responsible? I’m guessing he has some birth secret that can be twisted to seem as if it’s his fault for just being born, since we really don’t know anything about where he came from. I have a feeling we haven’t hit the tip of the iceberg in terms of Nan-gil’s secrets.

I’m so happy that Na-ri finally remembers Nan-gil, because I think it’s lent a certain closeness to their relationship that they didn’t have before. She knows now that he’s someone from her past, someone who cared about her and her mother, and it’s interesting to see that knowledge relaxing her around him. It also seems to have strapped a rocket to her feelings for him, because she’s already considering him “hers” and feeling jealousy, and this time she’s not about to let Yeo-joo take what’s hers.

I just hope that McCreepy Wan-shik isn’t as bad as he tries to look, because I think he could become an ally to Nan-gil and Na-ri. He does seem to genuinely respect Nan-gil, and though he creeped me out mightily last week, this week I find myself hoping he can be redeemed. His talk with Na-ri revealed some things about him that made him seem like he’s just stuck, and occasionally something flickers in his eyes, almost as if he envies Nan-gil for gaining his freedom. Nan-gil would be just like him if he hadn’t managed to escape CEO Bae’s clutches, and it would be great if he could help Wan-shik find that same freedom.

I’m a big fan of the direction the show is taking with Yeo-joo – I wasn’t loving her as a sly crafty villain, but I find her hilarious as the crazypants man-stealing child who can’t understand that her own actions cause others to treat her badly. Drunk screaming Yeo-joo is my favorite, because she really lets it all out and we get glimpses of the hurt little girl on the inside, who can’t understand why everyone hates her even as she prances their ex-boyfriends right under their noses. Seeing her be a little vulnerable, now I kind of want her to become part of Na-ri and Nan-gil’s growing family.

I really like the underlying theme of trust running through the entire show. Everyone acts (or doesn’t) based on trust, and that trust leads them to do some pretty crazy and ill-advised things. But it’s also nice to see Na-ri trusting Nan-gil for no other reason than because her mother trusted him, even when those around her are warning her not to do it. I think Na-ri’s independence will serve her well in this regard, and she’ll eventually find her trust in Nan-gil well-founded.


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I gotta say although yeojoo is annoying, deokbong's sister is more annoying..she makes me want to smack some sense into her..gosh..


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Yes! I find her character much more problematic than Yeo Joo (and contrary to Yeo Joo, she is not a "funny" character)... I think she is the surplus character that adds nothing much in the story.


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I love DB. He has an interesting persona, driven but detached, cool and charming, clever yet clueless....I wonder if there's any character like him in K-dramas so far?

I am sorry that he has a weird and psychotic sister but I guess that might be her way of coping with bullies. I guess the family is rather dysfunctional ...

As for YJ, I wonder if she truly loved her BF now or it's just something she has to accomplish all the way, marry the guy that NR supposed to marry?


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You say psychotic, I say teenager... po-tay-to, po-tah-to


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What to do? I like them both. Deok Shim's childish acts amused me. Yeo Joo's drunken state and rant entertained me. I didn't find any character annoying so far.


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I feel you my friend...... I feel you


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Yes, both more fun to watch (from a safe distance) than the bland supporting cast in many other shows.


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So true.

In fact, this show is full of interesting characters, at least for entertainment purposes.

I like that there's no makjang villains so far.


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Me too. I really like Doek Shim, especially her interaction with her brother. So amusing.


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Both Yeo Joo and the jealous little sister irks me....n that ex bf as well.


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Deok-Shim remains a mystery. She's written as if she has borderline personality disorder and I sort of fast forward scenes with her in it. I don't get the point of her at all.


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She is hardly a borderline. Her character is closer to antisocial personality disorder.


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I don't know. She has most, if for not all the symptoms of APD. But Deok Shim also checks off enough to have BPD. A person only needs symptoms and she's passed that. It could be either way to me.


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*a person only needs 5 symptoms


I remember Deok Bong asked Deok Shim several times whether she has been visiting her psychiatrist. Therefore I take it that she has some sort of mental problem, though not so serious. I guess it runs in the family since Deok Bong has a psychiatrist too. With a family that distangled, I wouldn't be surprised.


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Rather than just an annoyance, DS is a real menace. She's bratty, stalkerish, majorly if not totally unhinged which makes her downright dangerous. NR was right when she pointed out the danger of being locked up had there been a fire and intentionally running another cyclist off the road? That takes the cake thus far, for going down such a embankment can cause some serious injury. NR is in real physical danger whenever DS' around.

The show has however, been making light of DS' scenes. Six eps in and we still don't know much about her to make her char relateable. At this point, only NG empathizes with her.


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Exactly. I hate these kinds of characters because in real life they would be lunatics. People who hurt others without a thought and for their own selfish, petty jealousies. Not only can I not relate, but because I am grounded in reality I know this kind of person should be admitted in a mental institution.

Always skip her scenes because this rude, disrespectful and malicious girl makes me unhappy.


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I don't know that the show is necessarily making light of her scenes. I get the feeling that it's more that people don't realize exactly how disturbed she may be. Deok-bong seems to realize she needs help, but I don't think he knows exactly what to do. Nan-gil's means of directing are very gentle, and he seems to be unaware of the danger she may pose. Na-ri seems very well aware, and she gave some very pointed and pertinent advise to Deok-shim. That advise seems to strike a cord with Deok-bong as well. I actually think that Deok-shim's biggest problem is lack of love and a desperate want/need for it, which is why she latched so strongly on to Nan-gil. I think that the purpose of her character is two-fold, one is to carry on the recurring theme of lack of parental involvement and love. The other is to give Deok-bong someone to care about and begin to build a functional family with. I think that Nan-gil and Na-ri will be the ones to point the way to choosing and making your own family, despite how you were brought up.


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Acting out as a cry for help... I'd buy that as a possible scenario.

While Na-Ri's statement about hatred hurting the one who does that hating caught Duk-Bong's ear, the only thing that got Duk-Sim's undivided attention was the threat of prosecution. Na-Ri's threat to call the cops stopped the little so-and-so in her tracks... It was the exact same way she intervened in episode 1 with the passenger who was attacking Yeo-Joo for preying on yet another boyfriend / fiance. I can see where Na-Ri would have had a lot of experience in dealing with fractious passengers and invoking the law when necessary. Too bad she didn't follow through with Duk-Sim, especially as the kid's own brother agreed with Na-Ri as to the girl's propensity for nasty behavior.

Nan-Gil, on the other hand, follows the path of peace, love, and understanding. No wonder he had to get out of the Da Da Finance gang. My concern is that he underestimates and minimizes the seriousness of Duk-Sim's misbehavior. Preventing her from experiencing the consequences of her actions is enabling... As someone who apparently went to prison for his own transgressions (or was he framed?), shouldn't he see that?

/rant off

Whew! I must still have some festering frustration over the MOON LOVERS finale... ;-)


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I think that because of his past Nan-Gil is actually more sympathetic. He probably realizes more than anyone else that love is what Deok-shim needs, and not romantic love but familial love. I hope that Deok-bong also begins to realize this and ask Nan-gil for advise as he has already gained Deok-shim's trust. I think that at this point, Na-RI made the right choice to not pursue further legal action. I think that she is trusting that Deok-bong will take his sis ter in hand.


@ BossyPixie,

I think that because of his past Nan-Gil is actually more sympathetic. He probably realizes more than anyone else that love is what Deok-shim needs, and not romantic love but familial love.

The thought has indeed crossed my mind that nan-Gil empathizes with Duk-Sim precisely because of his own experience. And I'm willing to concede that Na-Ri's threat of legal action was okay as a warning shot across Duk-Sim's bow -- as long as she straightens up and flies right. But if she reverts... she has to face the music.

It would be lovely if Duk-Bong could help his sister get her act together... but I have a sense that it's a case of the blind leading the blind.



Oh, I agree that it would be the blind leading the blind. Which is why I hope he realizes that what Deok-shim really needs ig big brother Deok-bong to love her. Then, he should turn to Nan-gil and Na-ri for advise and help.


I can't stand the little sister, I'd like to strap her into a rocket. She's adds nothing and she's extremely weird. I get really uncomfortable when she screams at her brother. She's disturbed and it's making me feel disturbed whenever she pops on screen. She's a stalker with some serious mental problems, not matter how much the show wants to paint her as funny. It's not funny and should never be classified as such. I think I will be skipping her parts in the drama, since she has no purpose but to annoy viewers. On a positive note, I have so many feels towards the main couple. I love all their moments and he seems unattainable because of his need to protect her. Hell, I'm falling for him too Na-ri!


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I couldn't hold it in any longer, and weighed in on dear little Duk-Sim (and also Yeo-Joo) in the episode 5 recap comments. It's not clear to me at this time what Duk-Sim's function in the story is... Her non-existent impulse control and inability/ unwillingness / militant stupidity re: considering the possible consequences of her actions makes her a scary loose cannon. She is not unlike the narcissistic Yeo-Joo, who is now crying in her beer that everyone shuns her. Dang! Anyone with half a brain would steer well clear of Yeo-Joo.

I'm still wondering why Nan-Gil opened the gate in the first place. I would have kept it barred and called the cops on her for disturbing the peace. A night in the drunk tank wouldn't have done any good in the long run, I fear. She brags to Na-Ri that her strong suit is having no pride... (Having no pride is something to be proud of? How totally tubular...) But wouldn't she run the risk of getting fired for sullying her profession and maybe even her employer's reputation, even if she were in civvies and off duty? In this day and age of social media, bone-headed behavior has led to people getting themselves fired (or not hired at all) in the real world.

Gotta calm myself down by inhaling deeply and exhaling through my mouth... Thanks for that tip, Nan-Gil. ;-)


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Thanks for the recap!!! I was trying to read something comforty this morning.
I kinda still don't like Yeo-Joo, she can have the guy but stay out of Na-Ri's home and life.


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I was confused at where the drama was going to go after Ep 5, but this sealed it for me. I LOVE THIS SERIES. The female characters are particularly fantastic, and the way they interact with each other and the men in their lives is /awesome/. Yeojoo is fun to hate; she's narcissistic with a bloated sense of self-importance, but she's sassy about it and quite amusingly terrible.

I'm so ready for the characters to band together and become a crime fighting family, legit. Take down Dada, and save the 'sons' in the process!

Fave moments: vampire boy's eyes flicker when nari speaks of the uselessness of hating those closest to you ( :( ), his sister admitting through silence she only has him (and her crush) in the world, his secretary's scoffs, THAT HOSPITAL SCENE, nangil being helpless and adorable in front of women but knowing firmly who's side he's on, nari's forthrightness to both herself and those around her ... ok I loved everything.


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' vampire boy’s eyes flicker when Na Ri speaks of the uselessness of hating ..'

My favourite too. Also like he's no pushover when Yeo Jin tried to snap a photo of him, he gave her a side profile & lol at the handling of an injured person.. and his perpetual glowing skin.


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I was distracted by Deok Bong's plaid coat... Sooo gorgeous!! Lee So-hyuk should wear plaid and black suit forever... LOL.


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A lot of outfits this season are showing off a dark green (my favorite color), which makes me happy. That suit! I'd like it even more of it were only the jacket that were plaid and pants that paired well in a solid color. But I tend to be very conservative in fashion choices, so what do I know? ?


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That midnight blue velvet jacket reminded me of one I used to have back in the day...


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Yeppp...l that plaid green-red-purple is my fave!!
LSH doesn't look like a chaebol here... Really... He looks like a model doing his runway with his vampire-ish face.. LOL


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He wears everything so well...it makes you want to buy it all!!


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Ah, yes, the power of PPL. LOL.


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He's running his own fashion show in this drama. My eyes are blessed.


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Deok Bong looks like he's wearing clothes for the runway in every scene. I envied how he looks good on everything.


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Why did Nari stop at slapping Yeo-joo once on the head? I would have continued doing it!

She's annoyingly self-centred. Whining away that everyone is ostracising her? That's her own doing...and she has the audacity to blame it on Nari.

I really wish that Dong jin will be able to see her for what she is, and dump her...his days in the cave were wasted...as he didn't even come to realise that.


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one thing for sure...I LOVE the OST n bgm....n im dying of couriosity....beanies...do you guys know those songs?? 톼조.....고마오


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Yes, I'm grooving to the OST and BGM... The instrumental music is lovely.

I cracked up at "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees during the catfight at the salon.

And I love Nan-Gil's ringtone to bits:

Chi Hwan Ahn: "If I Were"


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I'm looking for his ringtone since this episode thank you soo much


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I agree, the OST is great, especially track 5.

I found this link to the OST information at DramaWiki:


YouTube has the first 5 vocal tracks. I've tweaked the entries to add English transliterations of artist names, song titles,and the drama's alternate title. Note that tracks 1-3 were individually issued in vocal and instrumental versions. Tracks 4 and 5 were issued together, along with their instrumental versions, so I labeled them Part 4.1, Track 4-1 and Part 4.2, Track 5-1.

[MAN LIVING IN OUR HOUSE OST, Track 1-1] Kim Jong Kook (김종국): 바보야 "Idiot" (Sweet Stranger and Me OST, Track 1-1)

[MAN LIVING IN OUR HOUSE OST, Track 2-1] Henry 헨리 feat. Mark of NCT: "I Want To Enter Your Heart" (Sweet Stranger & Me OST, Track 2-1) 우리집에 사는 남자 OST

[MAN LIVING IN OUR HOUSE OST, Track 3-1] ZoPD / Cho PD feat. JeA (조PD, JeA 제아): "Want It" 원해 (Sweet Stranger and Me OST, Track 3-1)

[MAN LIVING IN OUR HOUSE OST, Part 4.1, Track 4-1] Junggigo (정기고), Dawon (다원) (Cosmic Girls): "Slowly, Little By Little" 소소하게 조금씩 (Sweet Stranger and Me OST, Track 4-1)

[MAN LIVING IN OUR HOUSE OST, Part 4.2, Track 5-1] Lim Se Jun / Im Se Joon (임세준): "Still, Love" (그래도 사랑) Sweet Stranger and Me OST, Track 5-1



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Bae Byung-suk - who is this guy?
From the photo, he looks like Nan-gil.


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I bet that's Nan-Gil's new legal name when Boss Bae adopted him from Hope Orphanage.


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Do you think Deok-bong showed up at the end of the episode to help Nan-gil? He saw that photo and he's smart enough to reach what I hope is the right conclusion (that Nan-gil has totally been set up again by "Daddy" CEO). Come on, get Nan-gil to lawyer up with Deok-bong!


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Highly doubtful - it's a drama! I'm sure he thinks that he now has proof of the conman stealing from Na-Ri and although he looked surprised when they showed up, he might have even called the cops on him.


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No, I am pretty sure CEO Bae is the one who called the cops. He got Uncle to provide testimony that Nan-Gil was threatening him. I think that "dad's" goal is to first get Nan-gil out of the picture so that he can get the land. Secondly, I think he ultimately wants Nan-gil either back or completely destroyed. I do think that Deok-bong will end up being Nan-gil's lawyer. He probably say that he is doing it because Na-ri will ask him. I don't think that's everything though. Deok-bong knew an aweful lot about Dada Finance. It made me wonder if his father has somehow been involved with them. From the few clues we've seen so far, I think Deok-bong is very family with having a terrible father you want to get away from. It might make him more sympathetic towards and trusting of Nan-gil.


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I think you're right about Boss Bae forcing Uncle Useless into falsely accusing Nan-Gil of threatening him -- in a ploy to drive a wedge between him and Na-Ri. However, she already knows from Dong-Jin that Nan-Gil repaid Uncle's $30K debt.

I agree that something else is going on, or another shoe is about to drop. Perhaps it has something to do with Na-Ri's birth father and that flight she took with him...

Am still pondering the charges on which Nan-Gil was jailed -- which I suspect was a frame-up. Aggravated assault? Involuntary manslaughter? If it were homicide, he'd never be released from jail, right?


I actually just rewatched this episode, now that viki has it 100% subbed (first watch was only 95%, and boy what a difference it made for me). I think I must have seen the preview for next week without subs, so I interpreted it how I hope it goes. If that's a spoiler, then please remove or ignore my statement with my sincere apologies. ?


I think that Duk-Bong was rushing over to discuss Nan-Gil's alias gleaned from the Da Da Finance organization chart and arrived just after the police rolled up with an arrest warrant. A dollar to doughnuts, Boss Bae called the fuzz.

Duk-Bong may try to pass himself off as Nan-Gil's lawyer... but I always keep in mind that he's trying to get his mitts on Mom's land. About the only way I can see that changing is if the entire resort development project gets cancelled... Perhaps the key to blocking the project is revealing that the source of the funding is Da Da Finance's money-laundering shell accounts???

I think this is what will happen: Duk-Bong will now investigate Bae Byung-suk, and dig up a truckload of criminal records, including Nan-Gil's prison sentence. They will hold a lot more water with Na-Ri than dubious claims by Uncle Useless that her stepdad threatened him... because they are a matter of public record. If he were set up to take the fall for someone else, it may be difficult to prove -- unless there's some way for him to get a retrial.


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I don't think that the only two options are to buy the land or cancel the resort project. I am thinking that some sort of compromise or partnership will be possible. Deok-bong keeps saying he's a bad guy. I think that he is a bad attitude guy, not an evil guy. It almost seems to be trying to convince himself, or maybe his father of that fact. I think that they are going to end up being allies rather than enemies. The idea that the project is financed by some of Dada's secret accounts is not without merit. That could be the thing that cements Nan-gil and Deok-bong's partnership.


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Another option would be to establish a land trust, if such a thing is possible in Korea. I live in New Jersey, USA, where open space preservation and farmland preservation programs have been used for years to prevent the Garden State from being totally paved over.

I agree with you that Duk-Bong is not evil per se. Frankly, he's a cipher to me. It cracked me up how he admitted quite nonchalantly that the K Robot Museum is a tax shelter. At any rate, I'm sticking around to see what the story is with him.



Cipher is exactly what I was thinking about Deok-bong. He says he's a bad guy, but none of his actions, so far, show that he is. He seems attracted to Na-ri, but he also cautions his sister about one-sided love and jealousy. He tries to separate Na-RI and Nan-gil to get the land, but he pushes to reveal Nan-gil's true feelings and pushes the two of them together. It's almost as if he finds their emotions fascinating while not really understanding them. He's like a little boy poking a stick into an ant hill to see what happens.


@ BossyPixie,

He tries to separate Na-RI and Nan-gil to get the land, but he pushes to reveal Nan-gil’s true feelings and pushes the two of them together. It’s almost as if he finds their emotions fascinating while not really understanding them. He’s like a little boy poking a stick into an ant hill to see what happens.

Great observation, and an equally apropos image... LOL! Heaven help him if they're fire ants...

Now that you put it that way, Deok-Bong reminds me slightly of Lee Young-O in BEAUTIFUL MIND... Not that I think he has a brain injury that prevents him from recognizing other people's feelings... I honestly don't know what to make of him at this time. He does have an investigative bent, and he definitely appears to be trying to figure out the relationship and interactions between Na-Ri and Nan-Gil. It's almost like he's conducting ethnographic field work among a recently-discovered remote tribe.

He does have a pretty even keel... maybe a little too even. Flat affect, perhaps? Hmmm... Maybe that's why Deok-Shim screeches so loudly at him. She might feel as if she cannot get through to him.



I was thinking about Deok-bong emotional flatness, and it makes me wonder more and more if his father is emotionally abusive. I read an article recently about children of people with narcissistic personality disorder. It said that one of the responses to the emotional abuse is to shut down emotionally and another is to emulate the abuser. Whether the abuse stems from such a disoder or from other causes the results might be very similar. I would think that this might explain Deok-bong and Deok-shim's behaviors.


@ BossyPixie,

I started to speculate as to whether Deok-bong might be Asperger-ish, but think that growing up in a dysfunctional or abusive household would be more than enough to account for his flat affect. I don't know what the prevalence of narcissistic personality disorder is nowadays... but am willing to bet that there are far more drunks and addicts of various shades and stripes running around. The emotional fallout from growing up in such families is well documented.

Situational issues, such as Depression-era poverty or the chronic, debilitating illness of a parent, can also result in emotional deprivation. Growing up in Victorian times, when children were to be seen and not heard, resulted in several generations of emotionally-stunted kids who went on to become the grandparents and great-grandparents of Baby Boomers. When I think about it, it's amazing that any of us are relatively sane.

And then there are the sociopaths. A friend had the grievous misfortune to become involved with such a person, and the mindf'ery was diabolical. M. Scott Peck discussed such warped souls in People of the Lie.


Nan Gil's adopted name?


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Deokshim is a typical brat but Yeo-joo is something else. I'll sooner smack Yeo-joo and pull her hair out than pay attention to Deokshim.


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I'm liking what I see so far and there's one thing that's nagging me:

Every time Lee So-hyuk turns up....why does his face have this soft, halo focus all the time??? I feel like he's the only one with this effect, even Su Ae's face isn't this soft and fluffy. I just want to poke it and see if it feels like velvet...dang it, did he pay the director to airbrush his face or what?


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LOL... I was thinking the same thing too, as I was watching I kept comparing LSH's face to SA's, and wondered what was going on. Weird!!!


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It also makes his scenes reeeeeally hard to screencap. Grrr...


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LOL, I never thought of that. Thanks for your awesome work! Can't wait to see more. ?


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Thanks, LollyPip, for another great recap... and going the extra mile on the tricky screencaps of the luminous lawyer's visage. ;-)


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So what do you think is wrong with him that they feel the need to film him "through linoleum". The only time you see those soft filters is usually for women.


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LOL at Tallulah Bankhead reference!

"They used to shoot her through gauze. You should shoot me through linoleum." (Referring to [child actress] Shirley Temple)
-- https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Tallulah_Bankhead


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*shooting heart eyes to Lee Soohyuk* *melting...*


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Oh my, I was thinking the same thing when I was viewing this episode! Love commentators on Dramabeans - can often find resonance with someone here!


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Well, i like the way this episode was written and i don't have much to complain about it, except that "school girl" I really hate her incompetence that i can't even bare to say much about her.
Yeo Joo...ah, i don't know, i feel she's kind of--like evolving into someone mature. Like when she asked Na Ri to pretend they were on good terms, i think deep down she meant it, most of the things she did in this episode left an impression of someone who's truly in love, on me. I wasn't annoyed of her.

Nan Gil and Na Ri, i like all the scenes they featured in 'together', i didn't see any father-daughter relationship in them.
All i saw was two people, enjoying each other's company=confortably. If that is not love, i don't know what it is.

Thank you *#Lollypip*# for the recap.(komoho)


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Seemed like more mysteries are waiting to be revealed. As the evil 'dad' said to NG that both he and NR shouldn't meet at all n that he caused that family to be in this state ??? Was he telling lies or ??

I like the wise quote from this episode that "jealousy n hatred are a waste of energy and they made we ourselves unhappy". And also they are horrible stuff that made people do bad things. Just like what the creepy little sister has done to NR twice. First she locked her in the storeroom n now in this episode she caused her to fell down the little hillside.


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I too think there's more to Nan Gil's past than the is letting on, cause those warnings from "evil" adoptive "abboji" are not just empty threats. It seems like director Bae's got something up on his sleeve against NanGil i wonder what it is.?


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I like the one from NR better though - 'hating makes you miserable'. I think that's true. Hatred bogs you down.

I also think that truism impacted both siblings, from the way they stood up at that utterance. For DB, perhaps it's the moment he truly falls for NR and for DS, perhaps it's the start of a growth arc for her. A better relationship between DS and NR going forward?


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I've been following recaps, finally watched Episode 6. God, Kim Young-kwang is hot. He's so big and manly and handsome, and he acts well, and Nan-gil is adorable around Na-ri! This drama is making me fall in love.


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He kept saying that he need to go n knead dough whenever he feel cornered by NR or flustered by his affections for NR (an excuse to end their conversation and also maybe to curb his feelings for her by kneading dough ) ?


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One take-away thing from this episode was that it drove in the last nail of the Nan-gil/Na-ri ship for me.

The other thing was how much I wanted to send Deok-shim to boot camp. Girl needs to learn that 1) it's not all about her, and 2) she needs some MANNERS, STAT. Since the beginning of this show, I've been itching to backhand her, ask her to revise her statements and/or behavior, and keep repeating those steps until she concedes. And that's why I don't have children, lol.


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A rebellious teenager is a big problem. Lol. Furthermore she is weird , introverted n not on good terms with her own brother and maybe their own family too.


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I'm so glad I'm not the only one really loving this show right now! I don't want to have to wait another week to find out what Nan-gil's response is! We know he still likes her, but will he tell her!? Or will they get interrupted by the police? Gah!
I seriously think they are so adorable.


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I guessed they would get interrupted by the police who were looking for him.


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The Mandoods remind me of a Greek chorus... They looked so doggone happy to get a respite from beef bone soup at last.

The scenes revolving around the greenhouse and farming in this episode, and the earlier one where the sprinklers came on, were great. They show a gentle, nature-focused side to Nan-Gil that is completely at odds with the thuggish life he had to lead at Da Da Finance. No wonder he keeled over after his showdown at the office... I loved how he took Duk-Sim to task for trampling the rice plants in the farmers' fields... and how he spoke of the strawberry, eggplant, and squash flowers with Na-Ri.

Botanical trivia: Strawberry is a member of the Rosaceae (rose) family. The five-petaled flowers look like tiny white wild roses. Eggplant belongs to the Solanaceae (nightshade) family, which also includes tomato, potato, pepper, tobacco, and medicinal plants such as belladonna aka "deadly nightshade," and henbane -- the source of scopolamine aka "truth serum"! I'm not sure that was the truth Na-Ri had in mind when she was telling Nan-Gil about the significance of eggplant in the language of flowers. LOL.

The lettuce planting lesson Nan-Gil gave Na-Ri was lovely -- the agricultural equivalent of kneading dough. She started to scatter seed willy-nilly until he reined her in and patiently showed how to do it correctly. (She tends to be impatient and to go off half-cocked.) It was meditative and Zen-like. I'm beginning to wonder if he worked on a prison farm or in the prison kitchen. Or maybe spent time at a temple...

I was drooling over the beautiful raised rows in the greenhouse -- produced by kneading the earth. Nan-Gil's compost making is an earthy analog of cooking, or more precisely, fermentation... Turning the pile is yet another form of kneading. The dude is an "earth father." ;-)


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It just hit me: Nan-Gil is a Green Man... A Green Man who plants trees. I wonder what kind of tree he planted near the lake.


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Thanks for the recap, im not watching the drama yet cos i plan to marathon it.....i just need about 25hours in a day. So im reading this recap and im wondering if just maybe former Nan-gil was the reason Na-ri's family was somehow 'scammed' into borrowing money from Dada finance. Sounds like gibberish, but im keeping my fingers crossed


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thank you for for the recap!! :) one thing, Na Ri didn't remember Nan Gil :( she thought/asked him if he was the young boy who splashed her with water and run away when they were young gaining his answer that he was never immature to do that and she asked him again in the greenhouse if he was one of those who did prakes on her and he said again that it wasn't him!! the only thing she got right was that he used to be around her when they were young and that he had a crush on her back/since then but I really want her to remember him, I know he did mostly everything behind her back but I want her at least to remember one thing of what he did for her and how much he cared for her since then!! :(
hearing what Wan Shik said about Nan Gil gave me hope that he's not that bad of a person so I can hope that he will be of helf for Nan Gil!! I really hope so!! :)
and I really love Na Ri's forwardness!! she knows what she wants and she speaks her minds and I LOVE that about her!! at least we have one among them (she and Nan Gil) who wouldn't play dumb and run away from their feelings!! I understand Nan Gil's position and fear but I just feel heartbroken for him when I see him trying to convince himself that he's over her or when he doesn't even allow himself to look at her as his heart feels for her!! :'(
last thing, I hate all the eldaries in this drama other than Na Ri's mother who was the only good and warm parent to Na Ri and Nan Gil!! they are ruing the life of Na Ri and Nan Gil and they are still doing that with no shame!!


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I agree with you - she doesn't remember him.


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Thank you for the recap. I really enjoy this show, though I have never even thought of watching it.


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Reading LollyPip's recap - Enjoyable
Watch episode online - Entertaining
Reading and watching - PRICELESS!


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I love how sweet Nam-Gil is to Doek-Shim like his "mom" was to him - he's paying it forward and I'm so glad the others see her true colors but she has Nam-Gil, one awesome person, to count on!


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I love how Jo Boa can turn bratty whiny dumb into funny to watch and hilarious. Speaks for her acting capability. She knows how to dose the malice and utter ignorant confusion without making Yeo Joo feel unwatchable and outright annoying.


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I have this wild theory that na-ri was maybe adopted...
The hint about the flight she took with her real dad could be about that, maybe she isn't moms "real" daughter, and that's the big secret about her.
That could also resolve the problems with the stepfather-daughter-thing, right?


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Maybe she was also adopted from Hope Orphanage just like Nan Gi !! So he actually knew her way before the mum adopted her !


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The thought she was adopted crossed my mind as well in this episode.


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Thanks for another great recap. I am loving this drama and frustrated by it a the same time. It's the good kind of frustrated though because I can't wait for the next episode. There are so many mysteries left to uncover. I was a little worried about the show going forward after so much back story was seemingly revealed at the start of episode 5. This episode really shows that the writer knows the craft, give a little to keep the views satisfied but keep enough back to keep them hooked.

I feel like the writer is leaving clues here and there, if you just look for them. I found Na-ri's memory of flying with her dad only to have her mother deny it to be very suspicious. I wonder if she was kidnapped or even if that was her dad she was with. Na-ri said she was very young. Also, Na'ri said her dad left 20 years ago, but the money was borrowed 15 years ago. Also, Na-ri said her mom bought the property, not her dad. Also, CO Bae said that Nan-gil is responsible for the state of the family, but when the money was borrowed, he would have been like middle school aged. There is so much that doesn't add up. I think it's all connected together somehow.

I also think that Deok-bong's father is connected somehow. I understand Deok-bong's desire for the land, for the resort, but it seemed like his father was somehow driving that as well. Also, why is CEO Bae so hot for that land. Again, I think that this is all connected somehow. I think that the 4, Nan-gil, Na-ri, Deok-bong, and Deok-shim are all caught up in something that happened between their parents, both biological and adopted, long ago. Something about sins of the fathers being visited on the children... No matter how much Deok-bong says he is a bad guy, I don't think he really is. He hasn't done anything worse than looking up background information on people and nagging them to sell the land. Well, and having a terrible attitude, but he sties me more as being sad than bad. I wonder who he is trying to convince, his fat her or himself. I think that he will become allies with Na-ri and Nan-Gil rather than being a romantic rival. He seems to already be cognizant that his is a one-sided crush that won't be returned. I really hope he and Nan-Gil have a b romance instead.

One last comment, that look Nan-Gil gave behind Na-ri's back after she pretty much called him her's.....like the cat that ate the canary! Also, so hot!


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@BossyPixie your comments are as thought provoking as ever. I am glad you brought up the writers use of subtle clues. Duk-Bong stated that the robot museum was actually created to allow his father to avoid paying taxes. I believe that Duk-Bong's father is a kind of evil magician. He uses misdirection to take advantage of good people.

Could his statement have been a subtle clue about the real reason for building a resort? The interesting thing about a resort is that it creates jobs and has a positive impact on the surrounding area. Very few people get upset to find a resort being built near their home. There is a large lake and forest on the land that is not part of the resort. What will become of them? Could they be the real target for the land deal?

A lot of questionable heavy industries need a large water source to operate. These industries never have a positive impact on the surrounding area, especially their water source. No sane person welcomes a heavy industry near where they are raising their children. May be the resort will actually be built. May be next years tax avoidance museum will house models. They already have a head start, they have a resort model.

What is the relationship between Kwon Duk-Bong, Kwon Duk-Sim and Secretary Kwon (Kwon Soon-Rye)? They all have the same family name, which is Kwon.


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I don't know that there is any familial relationship. At least, there doesn't seem to be any indication of such. The same family name could just be a coincidence. I do, however, think that Secretary Kwon is Nan-gil's birth mother, and she was forced to give him up for adoption for some reason.


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To quote myself and indulge my ego:

Na-Ri shared her mother with Nan-Gil the first part of their lives. He could share his newly found mother with her for the second part. Secretary Kwon as Na-Ri’s mother-in-law would be pure gold.

I agree they are mother and son.


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Dear drama-Gods, please let this happen T^T


Yeo Joo has no pride? I think she simply has no shame! The fact that she engineered to have her work colleagues see her with Dong Jin in front of Na Ri and then had the gall to go to Na Ri's place and cry about getting bullied. That has nothing to do with no pride! I hated that Na Ri took that picture with her (even though it was just to get her to leave) - I've really loved how Na Ri hasn't let DJ and YJ get away with anything until now. I hope she doesn't become part of the 'family'. I despise her and all her charms. And despite being a cheating douchnozzle I'm actually hoping that DJ dumps her and she ends up crying (somewhere other than Na Ri's house) and alone.

Little sis has moments of being entertaining if childish and weird except for the stalking, locking people in sheds and running them off roads. It also bothered me that she didn't apologise sincerely (though it's not surprising but I didn't find those scenes funny and I think I was meant to).

Come on Na Ri! Remember Nan Gil! I'm dying of curiosity over here.

I feel sorry for Nan Gil's inside man, he's getting treated badly at home and by his (ex?) hyung (Nan Gil) AND Lollypip keeps calling him creepy! Poor dude.

I'm loving DB, NR, NG teaming up. I admit while I ship NR/NG all the way, I love having DB pop up and insert himself into the picture (not as a love interest) but just another addition to the motley crew.


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"AND Lollypip keeps calling him creepy!"


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Thanks for the recap, Lollypip!

One of my favorite scenes in this episode is when Na-ri pulls the towel off Nan-gil's neck to wipe away her tears. They look pretty comfortable and yet intimate that I actually squee for a bit there. Lol.


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I know this sounds like blasphemy and all sorts of wrong, but I can't get over how much Kim Young-kwang reminds me of Lee Seung-gi in this. Am I the only one who thinks this? Is it all just in my head?


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Don't worry, you are not alone. I think his face is kinda a mix of Lee Seung Gi, Park Hae Jin, ang Sung Joon.. somewhat.


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No, I see it in his smile. The way his lips curl at the corners is what makes me see the resemblance.


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I have to ask this before I read any more comments.

How many people in this thread have been affected by mental health issues?

Reading comments can get so annoying when people want to advocate for something they don't understand or when they hate on a character whose portrayal is excellent because "this person or circumstances couldn't exist in real life."

Do you really know enough to diagnose or judge Deok Shim and how the characters are handling her?

I have several diagnoses from Bilpoar ii to PSTD and more. I'm very close to someone with BPD. They acted similarly to DS. I'm not sure what this charscter has but she's not just being a teenager. I'm sorry that a portrayal about mental illness is bothering you in a dark romcom. I know it's not the psychological genre so it's surprising to see. But that's why it's cool. Mental health problems affect families. This is the perfect place for her. I doubt she'll be helped correctly and instead cured through kdrama magic.

But for all of you to be so biased is kinda offensive. This is why representation is so frustrating. I'm glad to see her and y'all are judging and skipping?

I love our deep kdrama lead discussion. But I'm sad how this is being addressed. I hate feeling this way and the threat but I might have to avoid the beanut gallery for this show. I'll give it 1 more week and then I'll just read Lollypip if needed.


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It must surely be frustrating to see people disparage behavior connected to conditions you or someone you know suffers from. I hope you don't avoid the recap comments because of some people who may not realize or don't think about how their comments affect others. I know that there have been some other people who have been discussing Deok-shim's behavior more seriously. For example, there was some discussion as to whether she and Deok-bong's father may have been emotionally abusive, leading to issues for both of them. Having only experienced depression myself, I am not as familiar with other mental illness. Rather than avoiding the discussions all together, it would be great if you ignored those that were offensive to you and contributed your insight to those that are taking the matter more seriously.


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This is such a great contribution to the community regarding Deok Shim's character. I love the fresh perspective and already it's made me view her in a completely different light. Keep writing and challenging our views! Don't stop watching, don't stop participating! These are the kind of comments that bring real value to our watching of these dramas. Kudos for bravely saying something about it!


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I have no idea they took a realistic approach to the mental issues stuffs.

Honestly, I've never been bothered with DS, though. I'd met plenty of characters similar to her even in american movies, so I'm not sure why DS would be unreasonably annoying.

I sometimes got hyper like her too when I can't contain my emotion.


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can't wait to see nangil be honest with his feelings and kisses nari.. i demand for not giving us dead eyes fish kiss from sooae because i know she's a good kisser so does kyk.. i have watch many Kdramas these days and i can say majorities their kisses was great and i hope this drama can give something great to us too..wakakaka


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I love this show!!!! It's my new happy place that makes me laugh and fall in love with characters and wonder about the mystery that is underneath it all. Am all caught up and eagerly awaiting Monday. That is all. ☺️


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