Drama viewership ratings for the week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2016

This was a good finale week for Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, since the show was finally able to break that coveted 10% mark for its final episode, finishing out its run at 11.3%. I’m sure those are the numbers the producers had hoped to start with, but, you can’t win ’em all.

Otherwise, The Man Living in Our House and Woman With a Suitcase are neck and neck, with The Man just barely eking out a lead over Suitcase. Over on cable, Rude Miss Young-ae Season 15 replaced Drinking Solo on tvN, and for being such a staple at this point, it’s pulling in fairly decent numbers at around 2.6%.

It was a surprise to see Shopping King Louis pull out ahead over Jealousy Incarnate on Wednesday, but it was unable to maintain that lead on Thursday, though the drop was slight. It’s a tight race between those two for sure—but On the Way to the Airport is still doing very well at nearly 10%.

As for the weekend, The K2 is still winning out in the cable ratings game, though This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair isn’t doing too bad at 2.6%. It’s Entourage I’m surprised at, since I’d expected the hyped show to pull in higher numbers opening week. But then again, it airs at a much later slot than its competitors, so it’s not exactly in the midst of primetime slots. Still, it seems like a fun enough show, so here’s hoping the ratings improve.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2016

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, Oct. 31
The Man Living in Our House 3 KBS 7.4%
Woman With a Suitcase 10 MBC 7.1%
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 19 SBS 9.0%
Rude Miss Young-ae Season 15 1 tvN 2.5%
Tuesday, Nov. 1
The Man Living in Our House 4 KBS 8.5%
Woman With a Suitcase 11 MBC 8.1%
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 20 SBS 11.3%
Rude Miss Young-ae Season 15 2 tvN 2.6%
Wednesday, Nov. 2
On the Way to the Airport 13 KBS 8.5%
Shopping King Louis 12 MBC 11.0%
Jealousy Incarnate 21 SBS 9.7%
Thursday, Nov. 3
On the Way to the Airport 14 KBS 9.1%
Shopping King Louis 13 MBC 10.0%
Jealousy Incarnate 22 SBS 10.6%
Friday, Nov. 4
This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair 3 JTBC 2.6%
The K2 13 tvN 4.5%
Entourage 1 tvN 2.3%
Saturday, Nov. 5
Laurel Tree Tailors 21 KBS 24.5%
Blow Breeze 21 MBC 11.3%
Flower in Prison 50 MBC 20.3%
Our Gap-soon 21 SBS 8.5%
Our Gap-soon 22 SBS 10.6%
This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair 4 JTBC 2.7%
The K2 14 tvN 4.6%
Entourage 2 tvN 1.2%
Sunday, Nov. 6
Laurel Tree Tailors 22 KBS 31.5%
Blow Breeze 22 MBC 13.0%
Flower in Prison 51 MBC 22.6%




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That drop in Entourage's ratings from Ep 1 to 2; ouch.


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There was literally 200 000 people on the streets of Soul at the time, and the ones staying at home probably watched the news lol. Evan K2 rating fell compared to last week.


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Not really. Laurel Tree Tailors, Blow Breeze, Our Gap-soon and This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair ratings were higher on Saturday this week than on Saturday last week.

Regarding K2, there is a reason why Knetz call idol Yoona the Flop Queen. And yes K2 is flopping, given it has virtually the 2nd worst ratings for all tvN dramas in its timeslot in the last year, and its HUGE budget.


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I really want to know how its flopping


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It's probably no coincidence that K2's numbers went down just as the story in This Week My Wife was picking up in intensity.


I wouldn't say it is flopping, but the ratings have not been going in the right direction. While Yoona's international fans are arguing all over the place that she is the lead, it doesn't help that ratings and positive buzz started to trend downwards, once the Anna story line started to take shape. For many, K2 would have been a better drama if the Anna story was even more of a side plot than it is now.


I think around 4,6% is good, they even aim for 5% and they have broke it as I knew
only Reply Series has the giant rating, drinking solo and entourage is lower as I see and Bring in on ghost, ghostess also around the same rate,
so I don't think they are flopping


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Drinking Solo and Bring it on Ghost are Mon-Tue dramas. You can't compare their ratings to a Fri-Sat drama. But, if you really want to compare even if the viewers for weekdays and weekend dramas are different, then it is a flop compared to the Mon-Tue drama Oh Hae Young Again...


it's new time slot and even cinderella and the 4 knight is a success with around 3%,
if 4,6 is bad then how about entourage and this week affair?
how high is this drama to not be consider flop?
around 10%?? which drama on cable has 10% except reply series?
4,6 for a cable drama is good,

isn't prime time is actually from monday to friday? ofc they gonna be better,
which make friday-sat is weird slot,
it's weekend, better go have fun outside than try have fun of 1-2 hours before finish job task for the next day on mon-fry (that people usually use to watch drama)

I am not even the drama fans but those number is like 12-14 % on public broadcast which means it's doing good ,

deny all you want but the drama is doing okay,


How is this flopping when it is getting around 5% for a cable show? That is when it is even rare to have a cable show get 3%. It is even doing better than Entourage, Drinking Solo, Bring It on Ghost.

k2 is actually one of TVN's successful shows this year.


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The k2 is flopping compare to previous weeks. the storyline is a mess and yoona poor acting.(according to knetizens)



"The k2 is flopping compare[d] to previous weeks."


This statement is not reflected by the ratings history.


Your statement makes it seem as if there was some kind of drastic plummet. This is not quite the case.

Nielsen ratings (Nationwide, ROK) have The K2 debuting at 3.2% for Ep. 1 and trending upward within a range of 3.4-4.6% until Ep. 6, where ratings spiked to a 6.6% peak. Ep. 7 saw ratings drop back to 5%, from which point they have subsequently trended down slightly within the 4.5-5.7% range, ending at 4.6% for Ep 14.

The peak in Ep. 6 was somewhat of an outlier in that it was substantially higher than almost all other episodes, including those episodes aired prior to it. So then, let’s exclude it and use it as a divider separating prior episodes and subsequent episodes. Eps. 1-5 ranged from 3.2-4.6%. Eps. 7-14 ranged from 4.5-5.7%. What do you see? The later ratings range is actually more favorable than the former. The ratings dropped from the peak, but they remained above the level experienced before the spike.

You are correct only in the sense that the ratings have trended downward following Ep. 6. But the assertion that the show has somehow "flopped” in recent episodes is not reflected in the ratings, in my assessment.

(Note: If you use Nielsen ratings only for the Seoul National Capital Area the spike is even more of an outlier.)


tvN has different timeslots. K2 is in the Primetime time slot where ratings in the last year have been high. The shows that you have mentioned are not in the primetime time slot. You compare apples with apples, not apples with oranges.

When you have a HUGE budget like K2, you expect very high ratings. tvN dramas in this Primetime time slot in the last year like Signal, got 12.6%, and Reply 1988 got 18.8%. But K2 has virtually the 2nd worst ratings for tvN dramas in this Primetime time slot in the last year. That is why it is flopping, because tvN spent a HUGE budget and the ratings are 2nd worst for all tvN dramas in this timeslot for the last year.

Unfortunately the ratings were climbing steadily and were on track to go above 10%, but they started dropping the episode after kpop Yoona got more screentime.


They do not need a TV drama. Unfortunately they are living it. Or even worse, the hallucinating reality seems more fictitious than any TV drama.


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You are probably one of IU or Suzy stans who are constantly pressed IU and Suzys dramas flopped hard this year even with mass media hype, while Yoonas drama is actually a hit for its network.

Btw The K2 goes half an hour earlier than dramas preceding it. There were no dramas in its time slot on tvn before hand .


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It didn't flop and even if it did, who are you to say the reason is due to the actress. Many of the scenes involving Yoona had the highest ratings. Check your facts. :roll:


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I don't think K2 is flopping due to Yoona - it is a combination of bad writing, a plot that makes no sense, bad guys that are stupid you wonder how they manage to walk, massive fight scenes with no purpose but to have a fight scene, etc. etc.


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I fail to see how Yoona is some kind of "flop queen".

You Are My Destiny (her first lead role) garnered extraordinarily high ratings, reaching upwards of 40 percent by the end of its run. Cinderella Man, Love Rain, and The Prime Minister and I all hovered in the 5 to 10 percent range (none broke 10), which is not great, but neither is it abysmal. Her recent Chinese drama God of War Zhao Yun was a spectacular success, breaking viewership records in China and garnering ratings of more than 2 percent, which is considered hugely successful in a country of 1.3 billion. I also disagree that The K2 is flopping, for reasons I've expounded upon in a comment below.

In summary, Yoona's drama performance history does not support the moniker of "flop queen". Yoona has had both hits and misses in her drama endeavors. For some reason, many have the impression that she has performed worse in ratings than the historical record actually shows, as I detailed above.


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I'd say Yoona is doing about as well as can be expected, given her limited range. After all, she can only depend so much on her popularity from her other interests, and writing and direction are not always favorable for her.


Hmm No, God of War was not a huge ratings success in China. Why do idol fans, always exaggerate their bias' importance in other countries. The drama was a let down, and was widely criticized for its nonsensical plot and more so the casting of Yoona, whose looks/styling in the drama was highly criticized.

Also, just because someone doesn't like an idol's performance, doesn't make them an hater, or anti, or fan of another artist. It's this kind of cuddling that ensures that idol actors never grow/improve on their craft.

Dramabeans is a drama site, and even though reviews for that drama have been so highly skewed on Viki, by Kpop fans, it still doesn't change the many flaws of that drama/Yoona's acting in that drama and in K2.




“God of War was not a huge ratings success in China. Why do idol fans, always exaggerate their bias’ importance in other countries.”

- From the Korea Times: “The show has recorded a rating of more than 2 percent, which is considered a huge success in a country of 1.3 billion.” (http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2016/04/201_203710.html)

- From The Korea Herald: “The TV drama series also had a total of 2.35 billion views on Chinese video streaming websites including iQIYI, Tencent, Sohu, and Mango TV. Lately, it also recorded 260 million daily hits.” (http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20160417000209)

- God of War Zhao Yun ranked 1st in national ratings in 32 of 49 episodes and 2nd in all remaining episodes (17 of 49). (http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Chinese_Hero_Zhao_Zi_Long/Episode_Ratings)


“The drama was a let down”

- See response to (1) above and (3) below.


“[The drama] was widely criticized for its nonsensical plot and more so the casting of Yoona, whose looks/styling in the drama was highly criticized.”

- My comment was in reference to ratings, which are indicative of popular reception. I’m not discussing critical reception, analyses or reviews.


“[J]ust because someone doesn’t like an idol’s performance, doesn’t make them an hater, or anti, or fan of another artist.”

- I never suggested this. I’m not sure what you’re attacking here in regards to my comment.


“Dramabeans is a drama site, and even though reviews for that drama have been so highly skewed on Viki, by Kpop fans, it still doesn’t change the many flaws of that drama/Yoona’s acting in that drama and in K2.”

- See response to (3) above.




“God of War was not a huge ratings success in China. Why do idol fans, always exaggerate their bias’ importance in other countries.”

- From the Korea Times: “The show has recorded a rating of more than 2 percent, which is considered a huge success in a country of 1.3 billion.”

- From The Korea Herald: “The TV drama series also had a total of 2.35 billion views on Chinese video streaming websites including iQIYI, Tencent, Sohu, and Mango TV. Lately, it also recorded 260 million daily hits.”

- From Wiki.D-Addicts site list of episode ratings for GOWZY: God of War Zhao Yun ranked 1st in national ratings in 32 of 49 episodes and 2nd in all remaining episodes (17 of 49).

(***I included links to the 3 above sources in my original comment, but that comment was held and is awaiting moderation. Hopefully it will show up shortly.***)


“The drama was a let down”

- See response to (1) above and (3) below.


“[The drama] was widely criticized for its nonsensical plot and more so the casting of Yoona, whose looks/styling in the drama was highly criticized.”

- My comment was in reference to ratings, which are indicative of popular reception. I’m not discussing critical reception, analyses or reviews.


“[J]ust because someone doesn’t like an idol’s performance, doesn’t make them an hater, or anti, or fan of another artist.”

- I never suggested this. I’m not sure what you’re attacking here in regards to my comment.


“Dramabeans is a drama site, and even though reviews for that drama have been so highly skewed on Viki, by Kpop fans, it still doesn’t change the many flaws of that drama/Yoona’s acting in that drama and in K2.”

- See response to (3) above.


What are you talking about , the drama before in same the time slot was The Good Wife that had lower average rating than The K2 and was considered hit.

And i don't know what you have against Yoona but during each episode the peak rating is during her scenes. Her performance is being constantly praised by Knetizen and everybody agree the drama is well produced drama.


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I agree. Koreans are getting more interested with the recent political scandal that it had affected the ratings of most drama and entertainment programs. If you've noticed, news programs of most cable station went double than they usually rate, and most entertainment and drama shows went down.


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Out of the total South Korean population of 50 million, 200 000 is around 0.4%. Even if 200 000 people were originally going to stay home and watch one drama, that's as much affect it would have on the national ratings (assuming the sample is representative of the country). K2 and Laurel Tree Tailors airs at the same time. While K2's ratings dropped 0.8% since last week, LTT increased by 0.4%.

Let's say the argument is more valid for the Seoul ratings since the protests happened in Seoul. However, K2's Seoul rating dropped 0.4% from last week, while LTT increased by 0.5%. So overall, even if the political scandal did affect certain TV ratings, it doesn't look like the case for this time slot, nor a valid reason for the drop in K2's ratings.


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Well, LTT is from KBS a free network giant and K2 is from TvN a paid cable channel..

So, how many does pays for a paid cable channel?

Also, for K2's rating it's pretty much decent for a weekend family timeslot. Not fabulous thou.
I guess, Yoona's fans were the only ones faithfully tunes in there... ;p


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The comment wasn't at all a comparison of the two dramas but rather a response to the logic of K2's ratings dropping because of the 200 000 people protesting. There was a comment on a Chinese forum also using the protest as a reasoning for the low ratings of Entourage. Haven't checked the timing of the protest vs. the drama airing times, but if it correlates, then the way that this reason can be logically feasible is if the "type" of viewers for these particular dramas are also the "type" of people who go protest.


too bad Louis lost 1st place but it still stays at 10% which at first seemed unreachable even once. That´s the power of fandoms and word-of-mouth (and good writing and amazing role delivery). Honestly, ep 13 lost some steam, I hope ep 14 will bring back that witty humor and energetic dynamics we saw in the beginning. Though I am glad Granny and Louis have gained a family, esp. Granny who began thinking she is bad luck and everyone around her will die. See now, Granny? It´s all right.

somebody stop me cause I have work to do but I can talk SKL until nightfall a week from now.


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Fighting!! for airing 3 eps next week..hope the ratings will rise as well..


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Granny love how lively her big mansion has become rather than previously she alone there with no loved ones with her.....there is some brief mention on that grandma thought that she is a "fierce tiger" who will cause the death of her loved ones, as her husband, her son and DIL died unexpectedly so she sent her preciouuuussss Louis to the faraway France even though she always miss him so much....I bet maybe Director Baek bribed some 'famous' fortuneteller to feed her with the fake info that she is a "fierce tiger" thus she cannot be with her loved ones or else her loved ones will die because of her, so that she can send Louis away and Director Baek can take control of the GoldLine since grandma is also old already and cannot keep working and tire herself there.....just my hunch....

Shopping King Louis kwaiting for the last 3 episodes !!! :)


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Wed-Thu is the real battleground. Whereas Mon-Tue is for winners takes it all.

Cable tv fight zone is Fri-Sat and both JYBC and TVN are doing good there(Irrespective of time slot)

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair - JTBC. Though latest episode kind of disappointed me a bit. I think people won't complain much about On the Way to the Airport affair but here it just takes another turn.

Mon-Tue is now fight between 'Man Living' with a 'Suitcase.' no more 20% ratings for these 2 shows.

Entourage - is like 1st movie of the hero. Blown up in a little breeze.


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I don't want to count chickens for SBS yet, but the next Wed-Thu battle seems to be won by SBS just for the fact of the writer and its stars, Lee Min Ho & Jun Ji Hyun, the two most coveted Hallyu stars in South Korea.


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Nowadays, viewers are more discerning. They will look at the storyline first rather than the actors. Of course the actors' acting also play a part.


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yeah, because DOTS' plot and writing were a masterpice, irony of course...


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LOL regarding DOTS

I don't think the audience is particularly discerning considering...


DOTS was Heirs in a (fake) war zone. I gave up at ep2.


Lol ..Dots is over rating just like heirs..I droped after 8 eps or i did not remember..


I usually try not to succumb to hype because the disappointment hits so much harder when I do, but in this case I can't help it, not because of the actors (though I do like them both), but because I've generally really liked this writer's work.

Please please please be good show.


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SO happy for Shopping King Louie! SIG must be happy. I hope MBC is pleased too and appreciates it more.


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I'm happy too. Hope the ratings rise even more for it's last week and the crew gets a well deserved vacation to someplace nice. SKL fighting!


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The more than double rise of SKL's ratings compared to premiere's dismal numbers is quite the rare sight. Usually if the first 2 episodes fail to make an impression with audiences, it's a very big hurdle to overcome. I would not have anticipated it, but I am happy SIG finally has a well-received show rating-wise on the big 3. It was about time. IRY should've had the same luck.

On the other hand, Entourage, ouch. Even Cinderella in the same timeslot pulled bigger numbers. I'm sure the political situation over there doesn't help, but it's still surprising to see a 1.2.


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I actually happy to see rating for all drama, not any single drama doing successfully alone and one not leaving another one too far.

But let's wait and see for Jeon Ji Hyun's new drama later. It is quite fortunate for OTTA and SKL because both are about to end as well, so they can at least feel relieved. I hope the replacement drama won't suffer so much. I'm not saying Legend of the Blue Sea will be the winner since the drama is not start yet but the percentage to win is high there.


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Yeah, I was kinda relieved to see OTTWTA and SKL ending their episode before LOBS start. Even though it haven't started but with LMH and JJH in it, the anticipate surely big. I really like OTTWTA, it's the only drama I anxiously wait for next episode this year so I want it to end with a satisfying rating. For me, Wed-Thurs dramas this time are better than previous and better than the other time slot. I don't watch any drama from Mon, now dropping K2. Don't want to blame the cast though but the plot contributes much to the flopping. It's getting bored...bored...and yawn.


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Hope that Shopping King Louie's rating can go really up up ☝☝ during the last 3 episodes !!

A little disappointed that The Man Living In House has a little drop in their ratings. Read that some viewers don't like the way the lead gal act but I think that it is due to how the character is and she's cute n amusing in a way too.


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Actually there were a lot of praises by the Korean viewers' on her acting if you read through the Korean websites, such that they said she carried the show. But I think the male lead, who was relatively unknown before, is also getting more popular now so hopefully the ratings will increase.


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Oh that's great then ! Thanks for the info. I really like The Man Living In Our House and our two leads. Hopefully the rating will go up.


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I'm guessing the MLSHR's finale is the reason of the ratings drop. I'm hoping that this week, it will rise up again. The male lead is getting praises after his web drama Go Ho's Starry Night. Also, there are a lot of positive feedback from the Korean netizens about the show since it is light and easy to watch plus the mysteries are interesting.


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Oh yah zia, you got a good point here ! :)


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So happy for jealousy incarnate ratings...i can't wait for the final 2 episodes.


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My Wife break a record this week, while K2 is flopping. Goblin will flop or sucess? Can't tell.
And how to bord letters in dramabeans?


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I like the casting for goblin, but I have been disappointed before


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I also like the casting, it's the writer who worries me. I know a lot of people enjoy her work, but it's disappointed me more often than not. Although kudos to her for consistently avoiding the love triangle/evil second female lead trope! Wish more writers would do that.


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Goblin - For the sake of the casts, I hope it will do well.


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K2 is actually rating is actually one of the most successful shows for TVN this year (better than Oh My Ghost, Drinking Solo, etc).

And hitting numbers around 5% for a cable network is actually rare, and very very very good.


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Actually the rating for Oh My Ghost keeps increasing until the end of eps, the highest is 7% unlike k2 the ratings is floping..


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I'm not surprised by SKL's ratings. Last week's episode was a killer cliffhanger, so I'm glad the Korean audience was as excited to tune in for the result as we were!! So happy for SIG!! Here's hoping the final episodes continue to do well.


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A drama ended last week, ending this week and the next but I don't know.. I'm just not interested in any of the upcoming dramas however hyped they have been these past weeks/days.


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Upcoming dramas: Being replaced by
Moon lovers : Romantic Doctor Kim
Shopping king Loiue: Weightlifing fairy Kim bok ju
Jealousy Incarnate: Legend of the blue sea.
ugh none of these excite me :(
I love Seo hyun jin but medical drama.
Like the concept of Kim bok ju but idk
Legend of the blue sea looks interesting but can't forget Lee min ho from Heirs :(


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Right, I forgot.
Flower in prison > Father, Ill take care of you.
k2 >> Goblin
On the way to the airport> Oh my geum bi. (Oh ji ho in a drama about dementia, yay)


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Can't wait for k2 to get over. Ironically, Goblin might be my most awaited show. I hate the writer. Why do my favorites get cast in HER shows, WHYYYYYYYYYYY?


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I wonder why all of her dramas become such huge hits in Korea
K-drama foreign fans seem to be not so fond of her works though. This is one of the reasons why I often come to Dramabeans just to check if other watchers appreciate the hype or rest confused


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Yeah cant wait for k2 to be over


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Yeah LMH from Heirs is pretty hard to forget. That drama continues to haunt me; every time I begin to look forward to a show, the ghost of Heirs begins to whisper in my ear. "Remember me? Remember how pretty I looked, and how excited you were to see LMH after City Hunter? Remember how I crushed your hopes and dreams?" And then Love is the Moment starts playing and I just begin to cry, because that is the only appropriate response to that song.

Heirs was pretty traumatic.


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Sometimes a drama have too much promotion before airing might flop during airing cos audience's expectation tend to be even higher.....btw, I don't think Signal have any promotional going on (??) but it was really awesome from the beginning to the very end (it kept us at the edge of our seats nearly every epi).....so at the end of the day, it boils to how the plot, scenes, OSTs and the acting wise of the drama etc is.....promotional stuff might not mean anything much except to gain attention for audience to know about this show and tune in to watch it.....but if it can't appeal to audience within like 5 episodes then it's almost gone case (unless you watch it just because of your bias acting in it)....


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So are all three Wed/Thursday dramas ending this week or just JI and SKL? I hope they can go out on highs, especially my Louis.


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They're ending at the same time. Geum-bi/Kim Bok-joo/Blue Sea are all starting on November 16.


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So that means we are having all new shows for Wed - Thur slot on 16 Nov right? oh my, too bad I seemed to look forward to Legend of the Blue Sea only (for its more interesting plot)....


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I'm sure that Moonlovers finale ratings are in part because of how aggravating it was! I'm sure people who tuned in at first hoping for some form of closure, couldn't look away at the end, trying to make sense of it all.

Frankly, it was a train wreck. Never has the flipping tables meme been more appropriate!!

But no matter how much I hated the show and wanted to pull my hair out for watching till the end, I am glad that DB was there to console me in the morning and to let me know through every outraged recap and comment that I'm not alone in my drama induced trauma.


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I am a table bot, and this action was performed automatically


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Hahaha my sentiments exactly! Never have more tables been flipped in the history of table flipping then when the world watched the Moon Lovers finale!


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What a mess of a show Moon Lovers was. The show averaged a paltry 7.5%. That's 2% lower than Uncontrollably Fond's. And I know it is popular internationally but it didn't even drew half the craze DOTS got and won't even break 3B views anytime in Youku like UF, even with a larger cast.

I know SBS partially got their money back through licensing fees but the local revenue from ads are big too. Even their OSTs didn't sell much as expected. I wonder if they've broken even at this point. Even DOTS, with a lesser budget, stratospheric ratings and gazillion PPLs didn't easily get their money back.


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MWIHAATW's ratings went up! I think, we will be seeing such trend due to JTBC's sudden rating increase. JTBC might even increase their drama production if this continues! I also think thay the drama deserves it! The drama has a right balance of comedy and drama. I hope, it's Friday already. :D


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TVN's rating must be affected right now, as they don't air a news program. JTBC had used this opportunity for their drama because MWIHAATW’s pre programming is a news program.


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but super popular tvN show (8-10%) air right after tvN dramas too.


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What a thorough disappointment K2 turned out to be! I gave it up even though I love Ji Chang Wook, hopefully his next project will be better.
I really like Woman with a Suitcase, the cast is great to watch.
Lee Min Ho is such an uneven performer I don't hold out much hope for Legend of the Blue Sea.


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Entourage is really good, but they aired every episode so late and tou know it's not a family drama to watch with family.


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Does anyone know the ratings for 1% of Anything?


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Episode 9 was 0.897% and Episode 10 was 0.868%.


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Thank you


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Entourage pilot episode was hella boring. Not a typical Korean drama.

The Man living in Our house is going great. Hope the ratings hit 10% mark soon.

Moon lovers, a show which started with everything grand, ended with emptiness and disappointments. I knew people would tune in the finale episode, because they really wanted to see something worth at the end after a train-wreck episodes, just a teeny bit of glimpse of something beautiful. I am so happy the show ended.


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I've actually heard a lot of negative feedback for Entourage. Hmmm....makes me wonder.


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I'm glad that Moon Lovers finally made it over the threshold during the finale, but man, I don't really know how many viewers were satisfied with that ending...

I wanna start watching Entourage just to see if it's a worthwhile show to watch, but the site I was trying to watch on pauses every other second. I'll have to try again later.


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The jump seems to be from viewers being curious how a modern woman's journey through Goryeo will end but based on the comments all they saw was shameless PPL. Seriously, the top comments are mostly laughing at that rose serum. Haha!

Suitcase's airing was also delayed for half an hour because of baseball.


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Am I the only one still watching The K2 and don't find it boring at all? Kinda sad ratings are dropping, JCW and Song Yoona are doing such an amazing job, and Im yoona's acting is such a pleasant surprise. Plot has a few holes sure but overall I'm enjoying the show.
Glad JI is leading wed-thu shows again, sorry SKL I love you but Jealousy Incarnate is back to where it belongs <3 <3 , and as much as I adore Louis, I kinda miss cool, badass SIG.


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K2 rating is still good, but yeah it is dropping. You are not the only one, some of us still watching it.


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No you are not alone I'm watching it and its better of so many drama I see this year(such as dot,CITT,oh hea young ,moon lovers..) but I will accept that its not addictive but neither boring...the shows I loved the most this year are dear my friends ,beautiful mind and w.


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"I’m sure those are the numbers the producers had hoped to start with"

LMAO! *intense schadenfreude*



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Can't wait for jealousy incarnate to end!! Silliest plot I've seen all year✌️


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My colleague and myself have dropped it cos we couldn't stand the nonsense, not that the acting isn't good but just that we couldn't stand the dragged nonsensic plot etc...


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True....it would have been better if it was 16eps but 24!!??? the story got so draggy for me 2


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True, I kept thinking why would such a show need 24 episodes even before it airs....hahaah


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Vodka kisses ~

We dropped JI last week. The wife was the one who pulled the plug on it.


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If I rmb correctly, I dropped it one or two weeks before you....was convincing myself that the light humor is a positive side of it but alas in the end I still can't help but cannot stand the characters (the acting is great but the characters just kind of irks me off....)


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what??? no one here talking about women with a suitcase??? it is really underrated. Indeed it is worth watching.


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I agree! I'm really enjoying this drama right now. That being said, I can see why it's not creating as much buzz as some of the other dramas. It's not flashy, big budget or controversial, nor overly feel good. It's a mixed bag and that's why I like it but I am sad that there isn't much discussion for it, even when there are reveals.


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Glad that SKL is doing well still, SIG is seriously so damn charming. Which btw, PSA: SIG was on Mari and Me/I, this adorable variety show about pet-sitting which is now SUBBED. And he sang in Ep 4, which melted my heart and reminded how bloody good he is as a singer... and now I wish he was in some kind of Dream High-esque drama where he can sing his heart out, because I feel like he's totally out-done himself as an actor that people forget his roots as a singer even though he's mentioned how much he loves singing. Also, I can't believe how down to earth he is, gawd.


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I actually want SIG to do a musical. It's something that would show off both his singing and acting abilities. But unfortunately with all his dramas and variety gigs (not to mention the dreaded but impending military service *shivers*) I doubt I'll see him in musical anytime soon. Also not sure how well that even pays.


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I want to point out that even in the US, traditional overnight ratings are not the be all and end all. DVR views and online views within a couple days of an episode's airing are all combined now.

These are only the traditional raw numbers.

Consider this. Phone polls in the US only go to land lines. That limits the number of houses called and skews the numbers extremely toward older people, who still have them. Phone polls are now inherently flawed.

Traditional ratings are the same thing. Sure, some shows will still blow up these numbers, but those shows will be even more shocking when you view the online/DVR numbers too.


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Thx for the update.


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