The Man Living in Our House: Episode 1

“Twisted family tree” webtoon adaptation The Man Living in Our House is here, and the first episode of the sunny comedy is a pretty entertaining watch, mostly due to Su Ae’s endearing charm. What I like is that we get through the setup in the first hour, clearing the way for all the cohabitation hijinks and messed-up family relations to come. I was actually hoping for more laugh-out-loud humor in the premiere, but it’s a breezy watch and the characters are likable right away, so I’m hopeful that things will get funnier, because they’re certainly about to get weirder.



At the airport, a flight attendant walks through the crowd and draws admiring glances from men and women, young and old. This is our heroine HONG NA-RI (Su Ae), and she narrates that it’s the uniform that gets her this attention, as she proudly walks through the terminal, joined by her co-workers.

Na-ri helps passengers settle in for their flight, dealing with fussy and demanding guests with a calm smile. She narrates that everyone is especially sensitive at the start and end of a journey, and it’s her job to help ease that stress.

Right away we meet one of her co-workers, flight attendant DO YEO-JOO (Jo Boa), when another woman suddenly gets up and announces herself as someone’s fiancée (cameo by comedienne Jang Do-yeon), and demands her boyfriend’s car back.

Yeo-joo says through gritted teeth that the car was a gift, but the woman just grabs her by the hair and starts a catfight right there in the aisle, in front of all the other passengers. People just gape, but Na-ri stops the fight by pleasantly alerting the woman that she could be arrested for touching a flight attendant. Na-ri levels a stern look at Yeo-joo before resuming her work, and she narrates that life is a journey—you never know whom you’ll meet where, and what will happen.

After returning to Seoul, Na-ri eagerly checks her phone and sees that her boyfriend of nine years has planned a big date night for them. Na-ri’s co-worker squeals and says that the place she’s going to is a known proposal spot, and Na-ri wonders if she should act surprised.

That evening, Na-ri arrives to candles and flowers and balloons—the textbook nine yards, complete with handsome boyfriend (Kim Ji-hoon) holding a bouquet of flowers. He asks her to marry him, and then can’t remember which balloon he tied the ring to, sending them both on a ring hunt.

Na-ri laughs and finds it cute that he’s so awkward and nervous, and she narrates that you really can never predict how things will go in life. They sit down to have dinner when her phone rings with a call from her uncle, who cries that her mother got into a car accident and passed away.

Na-ri goes still and drops her phone in slow motion, and behind her, the most inappropriately timed explosion of confetti and streamers marks the occasion. She repeats in voiceover, “You can never predict anything in life.”

The proposal celebration fades into a funeral, and Boyfriend diligently helps serve the funeral guests. When Na-ri’s co-workers arrive, cheater Yeo-joo openly flirts with him. At Mom’s funeral?! Oh come on.

When she’s alone late at night, Na-ri finally lets herself cry for her loss. She doesn’t notice that a man arrives at the empty funeral hall, pausing just inside the doorway without letting his presence be known. Na-ri narrates again that you can’t predict anything in life, and adds that she didn’t know then that her mother’s death wasn’t the end of something, but the beginning…

Ten months later. Na-ri arrives at the airport after a flight, and notes that Boyfriend isn’t responding to her texts. Yeo-joo, meanwhile, seems to have a new man in her life, judging from the way she beams at her phone when someone texts her.

Na-ri is surprised when Boyfriend is waiting for her in the terminal, though he looks totally shifty every time his eyes glance over at Yeo-joo. He tells Na-ri that he suddenly has a business trip, and when he can’t give any details, he changes his story and says he has clients arriving from China. Liarpants!

Na-ri apologizes for being such a workaholic after her mother’s death and promises to be a better girlfriend from now on. She sends him off to meet his clients, but at the last minute she remembers that she bought him a gift and turns around.

She catches him just as he starts to run out of the terminal in a hurry, nearly getting hit by a bus in his haste. Na-ri follows after him, just in time to witness his emotional reunion… with her co-worker Yeo-joo. Ugh.

Na-ri watches in disbelief as they embrace, and as if on cue, her phone rings with a call from her wedding invitation printer, reciting the happy couple’s pledge to look at the same map and walk this road together for the rest of their lives. When asked to confirm if that’s okay to print, Na-ri says no, they must’ve been looking at different maps.

Na-ri literally lets her hair loose and walks right into the path of Boyfriend’s car, catching them red-handed in their canoodling. She yanks Yeo-joo out of the car and shakes her by the throat, and tells her to go ahead and keep him, because he’s already her trash. Nice.

After head-butting Yeo-joo, Na-ri whips around to face Boyfriend and sucker-punches him right in the gut, and then proceeds to slam his head into the hood of his car over and over and over again. This is delightfully satisfying.

Sadly, it’s all in her imagination. In reality, Na-ri turns away and hides when she sees Boyfriend’s car coming toward her, and shuffles away dejectedly. On the bus ride home, Na-ri pictures her rational self (dressed in her graduation gown, heh) across the aisle, asking if she wants revenge and if that revenge will make her feel better, or if she wants to give him a second chance.

It looks like Yeo-joo has been trying to break up with Boyfriend for some time, or at least that’s what she wants to make him think, to keep him on the hook. He’s beside himself because she hasn’t been taking his calls, and she agrees to go see the ocean, insisting that it’s their final date.

Na-ri schleps down a small-town road in sweats, lugging her suitcase behind her. She’s come to her mother’s grave, and doesn’t see that a man is sleeping just on the other side of the tree. This is GO NAN-GIL (Kim Young-kwang), the same man who quietly came to Mom’s funeral, whose name gonangil means “hard road.”

Na-ri hugs her mom’s tree and then lets out a long sigh before calling Boyfriend. Yeo-joo grabs his phone first and accepts the call just to mess with him, and Na-ri yells at him to shut up and listen because there won’t be a next time for them. She says she came all the way here so that she could do this in front of Mom, and calls him a lying bastard and says they’re through.

Boyfriend is so distracted that he nearly runs into a parked car, and Yeo-joo screams, forgetting for a moment that he’s on speakerphone. Behind the tree, Nan-gil realizes that this is getting really personal and tries to crawl away, but his leg has fallen asleep.

Na-ri calls Yeo-joo out right then and there for sneaking around with her boyfriend, and tells her to avoid being in the same space with her from now on. Hilariously, Yeo-joo throws Boyfriend under the bus and whines that he’s the one who keeps showing up at the airport and following her around, and asks how she can avoid Na-ri completely when they work together.

Na-ri dares her to show her face and laugh and smile in front of her, and find out what happens. Na-ri starts to say that she never joined in before when everyone else called her a cheater, and Yeo-joo quickly hangs up on her before Boyfriend hears more.

Na-ri makes a promise to Mom that she’ll live better from now on, and Nan-gil almost manages to belly-crawl away undetected, until his phone buzzes. Whoops. Na-ri glares at him angrily and huffs that it must’ve been fun for him to eavesdrop, and Nan-gil just smiles behind her back.

She mistakes him for the groundskeeper and yells at him to put up some more signs, and then has to apologize when he says he doesn’t work here. She starts to walk away, when he suddenly yells, “Snake!” She screams and kicks and jumps frantically, and he waits a loooong beat before saying in a dry voice that he’s just warning her to beware of snakes in general.

Nan-gil says he’ll see her again before riding off on his bike, and Na-ri shouts, “Boar!” but fails to get revenge. Nan-gil rides through the small town, greeting all of his neighbors on the way, and stops at a restaurant called Hong Mandoo (dumpling).

A man in a suit, KWON DEOK-BONG (Lee Soo-hyuk), greets Nan-gil by the door and says it’s been a long time. He complains that this place doesn’t deliver and he hates waiting in line to eat, and Nan-gil just tells him to leave then.

Nan-gil turns out to be the owner of Hong Mandoo, and he runs a tight ship, tasting all the ingredients and making his cooks start over when they’ve got the seasoning wrong. He heads home and notes with some disappointment, “[She] came all the way here but still hasn’t come home.”

Na-ri heads back to work, and challenges Yeo-joo by walking right up to her in the narrow plane aisle. Yeo-joo lifts her head and doesn’t avoid Na-ri’s gaze, asking why she should run away. Na-ri dares her to keep going, asking what the response would be if she told their story publicly on their company’s message boards. Yeo-joo quickly tucks her tail between her legs and avoids Na-ri as instructed.

Na-ri runs into Boyfriend at a friend’s baby’s birthday party, and they go to a pojangmacha that night for drinks. Boyfriend apologizes, but Na-ri says they were both in the wrong and they must’ve dated for too long, because the normal response to seeing him cheat would be to go crazy, but all she thought about was how they’d deal with the apartment and what they’d lose on the deposits for the wedding. She says she hated herself in that moment, and knew they were long over.

Boyfriend says he didn’t tell his family about this and apologizes profusely, begging her to reconsider the wedding. But Na-ri says she hates to hear “I’m sorry,” calling it a trauma from watching her father leave her and Mom for another woman. She says she can’t ever be with a man like that, and says again that they’re just over.

Boyfriend brings up her uncle, who came to see him three times after her mother’s funeral and borrowed ten million won from him each time. Na-ri sighs and says she’ll sell Mom’s house and repay him, but Boyfriend’s point isn’t the money—it’s the fact that they’re already family. Na-ri laughs bitterly and asks if he has any paperwork to back up his claim that he’s her family, and declares them strangers now.

She’s roaring drunk by the time she stumbles out of a convenience store and downs a bottle of water, and she tells Boyfriend to go get his money back from her uncle if they’re family, and says she’s not going to sell her mother’s house. He doesn’t put up a fuss about that, at least.

Then she starts ranting about how much she dislikes Yeo-joo, and how pretty and well-dressed she is. Stop that! Na-ri finally notices how many bystanders have stopped to watch her embarrassing display, and slinks off quietly. Boyfriend follows her all the way to the grocery store, but when he finds her wielding a shovel with a menacing glare, he backs away in fright and finally leaves with one last apology.

Na-ri and her new shovel take a cab to Mom’s neighborhood, where she goes looking for her uncle. Uncle’s house looks abandoned though, and she takes her anger out on his overgrown garden before stumbling over to Mom’s house.

She lets herself in and makes her way through the front yard in the dark, shrieking in terror at the garden hose, thinking it’s a snake. Once she calms down enough to turn on her phone’s light, she laughs at her mistake and gets up… and walks right past a hooded figure in the dark.

It takes her a second to realize that she saw something and another long moment for her to register that there’s a man standing there, but she finally screams and then starts flailing her shovel around at him. It’s Nan-gil, looking dazed and a little annoyed, and he easily avoids her drunken swings at first. But she manages to get him in the side and he falls to the ground.

She asks repeatedly who he is, but he ignores her questions and turns on the lights. It’s only now that he sees that she hit him with a shovel, and he barks at her that it could’ve been murder if he’d been less athletic.

She stumbles over her words and her feet trying to say that it’s justified self-defense since she lives here, but he argues that he’s the one who lives here. Na-ri is quick to apologize and says she must’ve come to the wrong house, and he calls her pathetic for not even recognizing her own home.

She follows him inside and confirms that she’s at the right house, and when she asks who he is, he just repeats that he’s the person who lives here. Na-ri takes issue with his banmal, thinking him rude, while he just leans in and sniffs the liquor on her breath and frowns.

She assumes that he’s a tenant who rented the house from her uncle, but Nan-gil clarifies that he owns the house, and she crumples to the floor, thinking that her deadbeat gambler uncle sold Mom’s house.

Nan-gil silently brings her a cup of water, and it’s not until he sits there staring at her that she asks if they’ve met before. He reminds her of their first meeting at Mom’s grave and the fact that he said they’d meet again. Na-ri demands to know how he knows her and how he came to live here, but Nan-gil isn’t really interested in speaking to her when she’s this drunk.

He shocks her further when he calls her by name: “Hong Na-ri-sshi, can you handle it?” He decides that she couldn’t possibly handle the truth in her current state, and says they’ll talk tomorrow in the light of day.

He leaves her alone in the house for the night, and Na-ri finds her old bedroom exactly as it was, even smelling familiar and comforting. She sits in Mom’s room for a while, smiling at her picture wistfully and missing her.

Nan-gil starts his day early making dough before his kitchen staff even arrives. At a nearby toy company, that picky customer Deok-bong gets his secretary to go get him takeout from Hong Mandoo because he loves the food but dislikes the owner, and hates waiting in line.

It turns out that his interest is in real estate previously owned by Na-ri’s mother, but his secretary informs him that the owner of the land he wants to buy has changed, and he isn’t willing to sell. Deok-bong looks at the deed and sighs to see that the new owner is the mandoo shop guy he dislikes, Go Nan-gil. But something else in the paperwork makes Deok-bong pause, and he says with a smirk, “He’s a conman.”

Nan-gil spends the morning practicing how he’s going to tell Na-ri who he is, dissatisfied with every approach. In the house, Na-ri wakes up in a panic because her vision is suddenly blurry, and Nan-gil goes running in when he hears her scream. He convinces her to open the door, and finds her sitting on the floor with her eyes shut, whining that she can’t see.

He instructs her to open her eyes, heh, but obviously that’s not the problem. He notices the open bottle of pills nearby and suddenly scoops her up and carries her outside, shouting for one of his cooks to grab a taxi.

The first car that passes isn’t a cab, but it’s Deok-bong, and he’s willing to drive them to the hospital. Nan-gil doesn’t like it, but carries Na-ri into the backseat. On their way, Nan-gil asks what pills she took, and Na-ri says it was just one sleeping pill… or maybe two.

He growls at her for mixing sleeping pills with alcohol, and Deok-bong tries to join in on the conversation, but when Na-ri asks who that is, Nan-gil dismisses him and says she doesn’t need to know. When she doesn’t feel like answering Nan-gil’s harping questions anymore, Na-ri says childishly that she was talking to herself.

Deok-bong comes to such an abrupt stop outside the hospital that Nan-gil braces Na-ri for impact, and he begrudgingly thanks Deok-bong for the ride. As he carries Na-ri into the emergency room, the soundtrack goes full cheese with “I Will Always Love You,” and Deok-bong scoffs that they might as well be shooting a movie.

Na-ri regains her sight while in Nan-gil’s arms, but he refuses to put her down because she’s barefoot. Instead, he runs around the emergency room shouting loudly, “She took sleeping pills and liquor! Sleeping pills and liquor!” thoroughly mortifying her in the process.

He plops her down on a bed and goes to file the paperwork as her guardian, despite her protests. Deok-bong follows them in and introduces himself to Na-ri over and over again until she finally gives him her name in return. He asks if she tried to kill herself, and what her relationship is to Hong Mandoo’s owner.

Na-ri asks who the owner of Hong Mandoo is, and he says that it’s Go Nan-gil, the man who just carried her into the hospital. He’s surprised that she doesn’t even know Nan-gil’s name, while Na-ri is fixated on the fact that Go Nan-gil runs a shop named Hong Mandoo and not Go Mandoo, because she’s Hong Na-ri, of Hong Mandoo.

Nan-gil returns with the doctor, who hilariously assumes that Deok-bong is the patient because he’s so pale. He’s redirected at Na-ri, and the doc tells her that her temporary blindness could be caused by severe stress. She agrees to get checked out next time, but Nan-gil barks at her for not taking care of herself properly and orders her to get tests done right now.

The nurse says that her guardian paid for her to get all her tests done, pointing to Nan-gil, and Na-ri insists that he’s not her guardian. The nurse says Nan-gil told her he was family, and Nan-gil interrupts before Na-ri can ask more questions. As she’s getting her physical, Na-ri thinks back to her previous encounters with Nan-gil and a light bulb goes off in her head. By the time she comes out after her tests, she levels a glare at Nan-gil and tells him to follow in banmal.

Meanwhile, Deok-bong has made some calls and learned that Na-ri is Mom’s daughter, and he trails after Na-ri and Nan-gil with a smirk.

Na-ri leads Nan-gil to the roof and asks why it’s any of his concern whether she has stress or insomnia, or why he’d pay for her medical bills. He mutters that it wasn’t too long ago that she was shaking in fear because she couldn’t see, and when she gets defensive, he throws her own childish comeback at her, insisting that he was just talking to himself.

She asks why he said he was her family, and tells him to get out of Mom’s house this instant. He refuses, and she snaps at him not to speak to her in banmal, because it’s obvious she’s his noona.

She tells him that family lives together and shares memories, so by her count, they’re not family. She assumes that her father sent him here, thinking that he’s her half-brother who’s shown up out of the blue to claim Hong Mandoo now that her mother is gone. She guesses that he’s even hiding his real name, which he concedes… only to correct her that it’s Nan-gil, not Nam-gil like she’s been calling him.

Na-ri asks if her father claimed to be the owner of Hong Mandoo, and Nan-gil chides her for thinking so, because her mother would be sad to hear it. “She told me it was Hong Na-ri’s Hong Mandoo,” he says.

She snaps at him for talking about her mother like he knows her, and demands that he move out of the house. He says it’s his house, so she asks for the millionth time who he is and why he keeps saying her house is his house.

He finally answers, “Father,” and Na-ri assumes triumphantly that she was right and he was sent by her father. But Nan-gil clarifies that he’s not that father, but he is her father: “I’m Hong Na-ri’s stepfather.”


Yeaaaaah, you’ll need to do some ‘xplaining about that, because I can think of a bunch of reasons why a man half a woman’s age would be marrying her just before she suddenly died in a car accident, and none of them are good. I actually think the fun of the show will be guessing at the mystery behind Go Nan-gil’s marriage to Mom, because despite the seemingly shady circumstances, I trust that there was a legitimate reason and that he’s a good person who means Mom and Na-ri well. It’s necessitated by the genre—it is a romantic comedy, after all—and stepfather or not, he is the romantic lead. But it’s also just evident in his character, which is a relief, because he’s a nice, hardworking guy who’s kept Mom’s house exactly the way it was, and he thinks of Na-ri as family and worries about her. I already found it sweet that he was mad at her for not taking better care of herself, and I realized that I was already looking forward to him looking after her and becoming her family, which is a good place to be after the first episode.

I find the show’s execution to be a little obvious and simplistic, with very overt music cues and telegraphed humor, but I think it’ll be a charming show with a cute couple and an inherently interesting premise to keep it afloat. The show has the interesting conundrum of family ties forcing the leads together, but down the road they’re going to create a pretty serious obstacle to romance, so there’s a lot of homework left for the show to do between now and happily ever after, which I like.

As expected, it’s great to have Su Ae back in romantic comedy and being a warm, flawed, down-to-earth heroine. I love her playing a cheerful character and going for the comedy, and it’s especially refreshing because Na-ri is the kind of girl to speak her mind and not let anyone walk all over her. I found her breakup with Boyfriend enlightening, especially when she admitted to caring more about how they’d split their assets and back out of wedding plans than the fact that he’d cheated on her, and I thought it was cute that she’d gone to visit her mother’s grave to make the breakup call so that she’d be forced to stick to her word because Mom would be watching. We’ve never met Mom, but through both Na-ri and Nan-gil, we already have a very strong impression of a warm, nurturing mother who probably would’ve chased Boyfriend to the curb with a rolling pin if Na-ri hadn’t scared him off with the shovel first.

Despite the twisted family relations of possibly falling in love with your legal stepfather, the drama has a nice heartwarming family theme at its center, because it’s ultimately about Na-ri and Nan-gil finding a home and a family in each other… yunno, once they sort out this whole father-daughter problem (ew). I’m actually really grateful that this is a noona romance, because it would just be way too weird otherwise—the age flip makes it strange enough that I’m not worried about him becoming a father figure to her in a confusing way. Character-wise, I do think he seems like the more grounded personality and will probably be a caretaker to her, but at least if he’s younger, I’m not going to feel weird about the relationship when it turns romantic… right? You know what, I don’t know, but let’s just go with that, because I have to believe that the show will work out the problems it presented. Let’s take a leap of faith, shall we?


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Yay! I'm so glad that you're recapping this. It looks like it'll be a fun ride. :)


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Yea, just hv faith that this will turn out ok, coz it is really weird with the whole stepfather- stepdaughter thing. Is there even a legal complication later, technicalities and stuff, like with the mom now deceased, oh, that's a headache.
I thought the now ex-boyfriend is cute, then I recognized him, but of course, it's Kim Ji Hoon! Then we hv Gwi resurrected, Mukadil all grown-up and still pasty-faced in 2016. And KIm Young Kwang as the mysterious stranger in the house, gotta say he's got that x-factor, so easy to fall for him. I love RomComs, so bring it on!


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What's with the turtleneck,LSH? Isn't it too hot outside for that? Looking so undead here, but I guess they were going for that. But if he is gonna be a contender for our pretty NaRi's heart, he doesn't really hv a chance, does he? Inlike that Su Ae is slim but not anorexic-looking like Park Ha Na in Drinking Solo or even Jeon Ji Hyun with their skeleton legs. And at 37 she is looking good.


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This episode explains why Lee Soo Hyuk looked so out of place in all the posters... it's because he is. Poor chap is totally unloved by the main characters and he's literally inserting himself into their lives (for his own nefarious reasons), or trying to... in just the same way that he looks inserted into all those posters. What a hoot!


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I like it already.


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Me too!


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me three! I am already hooked!


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It is weird and different enough to have caught my interest and started me watching it.


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Saw ep 1, the perfect after work drama that is undemanding and can be followed at leisure instead of taking over our life:)

First time I have seen Soo Ae in anything, she is good and basically the show.


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I am happy to hear it's perfect for after work because I need something easy to follow. Yay for less stress!


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Hope it stays that way!


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The first ep was fun and Su Ae is great. I still don't know how this whole 'I'm your stepfather but also the romantic lead' thing is going to be resolved, but I hope the show works it out in a way that isn't icky to us. *fingers crossed*


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Love KJH, LSY and SA here. Never really into KYK, hopefully through this drama he would change me into his fan.

Thanks for the recap, GF~!


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Thanks GF!

This first episode looks and feels good, like it knows where it's going.

I was LOL-ing over the music and the petty retorts. It seems like one big, good humoured joke and that it will be a very fun watch.


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I was so hoping that head-butting break-up scene was real! The music they used in part of the scene where she's drunk and meets Nan Gil for the first time was kind of annoying though.

But could they have names or something differently and giving her a different occupation? To current dramas have the same things.

I am glad to see SEXY Mouse (Lee Soo Hyuk) back in drama land, but could he please be the lead next time?


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Haha. Another Na Ri and another flight stewardess. Oh my.

Anyway, just watched epi 1 n I loved it already. Gonna watch epi 2 tmr ! It seemed like they thought that he is a con artist who conned her mum into marrying him n thereafter her mum's unfortunate car accident. Haha con artist again though it should not be that way as they have thought ! I'm also thinking how sweet he is already to our lead gal !! Swoons......


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Soohyuk said he loves playing the villain tho. But I'm dying to see him be a lead in a drama too. T_T


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It was so funny when the doctor thought that he was the patient cos his face was so pale. Hahaha ! Why is a guy's face fairer than a lady's ?!


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This guy and Lee Jung Seok. Their skin and its colour feels odd. I don't why but i get this feeling whenever i watch them both.


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I don't quite like it when guys have overly fair skin and/or a sharp jawline.


Maybe it's because of the fact that they have a colder/pinker skin tone, while asians generally have a warmer/more olive kind of skin tone.


and Ahn Jaehyun-Goo Hyesun couple... those are so vampire-material


Anemia from biting his own neck, hence the turtleneck?


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this takes a whole new term to called someone you like "daddy" (pardon the joke)

- tbh this is full of visual for me,
kim young kwang, kim ji hoon, lee so hyuk, Soo Ae and Jo Boa,
they all seriously different kind of attractive,
- the turtleneck is not the right style and I think LSH with the plain shirt inside the suit would rock the style better,
- I think they don't need BB cream, the right foundation will work (I seriously saw how their neck is the other shade, pardon the nitpicking, I just think they gonna be more handsome with better shade that matches their skin tone and less red in the lips)
- love the pale joke and lot of the joke,
overall : a fun ride and love the 1st episode

Is the doctor Heo Jong Min??
the one in Another Oh Hae Young?


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just add :

we have two Nari and two flight attendant in 3 drama,


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And a whole lot of con-men!


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and two Jung won... :)


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this takes a whole new term to called someone you like “daddy” (pardon the joke)
Tell me about it. Half of the time I'm confused how I should associate my feelings regarding their chemistry...considering they are father and daughter? Ermm I'm still hoping it's more like I got married because I was in love..(with you?)...Lol don't know but it's awkward to ship the main pair haha. Anyway I'm eating my own words by saying that soo ae is killing her role here. Love her comedic acting..so the fact that I didn't like 'mask' must be cause she's better in quirky funny roles rather than the serious ones which makes her come off as dull..kind of. Looking forward to this fresh pairing...and you're right GF in saying that the noona pairing works. It gives us more scopes for hijinks and oddly hilarious moments.


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this takes a whole new term to called someone you like “daddy”

Well, there's the time-honored "sugar daddy," but Nan-Gil strikes me as a "mandoo daddy." ;-)


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I've only watched Su Ae in Athena( the movie) and she was so hot and sexy, rocking her uniform( I don't blame Jung Woo Sung's character for having make-outy daydreams about her).

But seeing her here, she's so adorable with her flushed cheeks and shovel. I love that she's so sassy and best of all, I love her reaction to the cheating.

Kim Young Kwan is looking handsome and carefree, no smugy asshole in sight. When he tried to secretly crawl away to give her privacy...lol.

I'm glad girlfriday is recapping this!


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You might want to check out LOVE LETTER (2003) with Jo Hyun-Jae and Ji Jin-Hee... Solid performances for such young actors, but keep a box of tissues handy.

Her old-friends-to-lovers turn in TWO OUTS IN THE BOTTOM OF THE NINTH doubled as a noona romance with a hunky much-younger baseball player.

I'm in need of something lighter as MOON LOVERS winds down, and SWEET STRANGER AND ME (the alternate title) so far fills the bill. Plus, mandoo is a nice switch from ramyun!


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Thanks, girlfriday! Toward the end of the first episode I thought this drama might have potential. I like Na Ri, a woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders and not a single male in her life holding his own. I like her comment to 10-year Boyfriend that they just dated too long. What a jerk to bring up the loans that her uncle took from him, leaving her with a burden bigger than their breakup. Boo hiss. And now there's the goo goo baby father complication - whoops! Who wants to deal with that? If I were her I think I'd just get on a jet and circle the world again and not get off.


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I like this Na Ri more than the other one. Oops sorry Jealousy Incarnate !


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Have to agree with you there.


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And the got my attention.

This Soo-Ae character remind anyone of han-groo's character in marriage not dating ?


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looks interesting.

However, I can't shake off thinking of Edward Cullen whenever I see Deok-bong. Am I the only one with Twilight syndrome?


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That's probably because I've only seen him play vampires lmao


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In the first few minutes, I thought it could be titled:
"Another Woman With A Suitcase, On The Way To The Airport Again"
"Surplus Stewardess"


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I haven't watched this episode but I'm in it for LSH - this could be titled 'Gwi Who Walks To The Airport' and I'll still watch this.


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@ lc & bbp, OMG, your comments have me ROFLing! Genius!


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Lee Soo-hyuk is really hot and his deep voice is sexy. I can't help but wish he was the main lead partly because I find him sexy. Im surprised I havent seen any of his works before.

Anyways, back to the drama: fun, interesting, and just perfect start to Fall. Cant wait for ep 2. Soo Ae is doing an excellent job as always.


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You should try High School King of Savvy - LSH in suit, all the time ?


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Yeeeeessss, this! This is right. Good! Can't even form coherent thoughts now.


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Or, Valid Love. He's the hot carpenter who's romancing UTW's wife there... *dreamy eyes*


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I just notice the secretary is actually the queen mother in Moonlovers. When Deok-bong yelled at her a bit, I was thinking if she would had thought about her previous role lol. 'I was a queen, you punk'


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Ha. Good catch. I did not recognize her, she looks so much younger here.


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Not only that the deceased mother(Nari's mom) is Queen Mom from Flower in Prison. The queen mother was a very scheming and cunning mom!


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1st episode was quite entertaining. Na Ri's physical violence act being an imagination scenario annoyed me. How many times these idiots gonna pull this stunt and ruin the moments of a kdrama? useless boyfriend will be trashed by that other girl. He deserves it.

The same question i asked in open thread. 9 Years of dating and now expecting a proposal? wow. In kdrama world long term dating never succeeds. I don't think it is better in real life either.

Na Ri with shovel and trying to give hard time to that crazy girl was good.

Overall far better start than 'Suitcase' and 'Louie'.


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But she got the proposal. He started cheating basically the next day.


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Seems like Yeo Joo started seducing him from NR's mum's funeral wake onwards....


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Oh yeah, she knew she caught his eye!


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Soo Ae should do more rom-coms. She has a natural knack for it and I love that she's already displaying a range of emotions right off the bat. From a proud career woman, to a hopeful gf pining for a ring, to sassy, heartbroken, drunken, shovel-toting ex-gf, to crazed stepdaughter.

I know she can wring the tears like there's no tomorrow. I did watch "A Thousand Days' Promise", you know. But Soo Ae is at her ultimate best in less sappy, more bright characters who are neither terminally ill nor abandoned turned black agent.

This drama is looking to be an easy watch (love those!) and I'm hoping Soo Ae will remain as wonderful as she already is as Na-ri. If the rest of the cast steps up on the next episodes, then I just might be in for the long haul.


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I only watched her in Mask but she is even better here as a comedic and sassy role !!


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You should watch 9ends 2 out. This drama is GOLD.


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Agree.. Soo Ae is seriously good in 9 Ends 2 Out. I never doubt her ability to play spunky/fun character after watching her in that drama...



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Oh yeah! That was a fun watch. And the OTP from that drama are both back in dramas! Yay!


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I liked this first episode, and I like the three main characters. I'm not familiar with Jo Boa, at least, I don't think I've ever seen her in a drama before. But I hate her character already. I'm curious as to how Nan-gil married Mom. And why. It must have something to do with Na-ri. At least I hope so. Looking forward to episode 2, which will decide me on whether or not I continue with this drama.


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Jo Boa played the lead girl in Shut Up Flower Boy Band with Sung Joon and L Infinite.


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I already love it! I feel the chemistry between the leads, and I'm liking Nan gil he seems genuine and will be a place of comfort for our na ri.


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Thanks for the recaps


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Lol I swear that they're making a jokingly statement about how pale LSH is in every drama he's in (which is hilarious)!


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no offence, but his face always looked too pale and more like acting as a vampire to me, I noticed that ever since I watch his first drama "high school king of savvy" and etc....


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Well, seems I am the exception

I do not like it, not one bit. I really love Soo-Ae, but there is something very wrong with this drama pace, it somehow seems SOOOO very slow. I thought 2 hours and half passed watching this episode. And I just did not laugh when I was supposed to laugh, and I am a person who laugh at just Everything !

I don’t know, I got bored, I did not feel anything, I don’t care…I can feel it in my bones and my guts, after watching more than 200 dramas, I know when to run or when to stay.

I am SOooo hopping off this boat.

Adios Beanies !!!!


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Thanks for stopping by. Bye.


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If you are that bored you should stop watching..
Don't you think?


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Don't know why people are rude when someone states their negative opinion, not all of the commenters have to be happy with this show.... Anyway, I felt the same, like I love everything about it (interesting story, good cast, okey writer) but the episode felt so...long? Not funny?
I guess I simply had too high expectations or watched nearly all trailers so when I didn't got anything new I felt dissapointed?
Thanks for your comment Rose, now I don't have to feel like a weird one, I'll probably watch one more episode and then decide if I have to stay on this boat


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Awwwww I hope you somehow click back to this page and look at this comment, I found it much more interesting in episode 2.


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Why are people being so rude here?


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Hi, beanies!

Does anyone know where I can watch this? with subtitles?


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Viki is subbling it, but it's pretty slow. I watched on Dramacool. You can google it.


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I watched on Viki.


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I watched it on Kissasian for free.


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it is kinda funny. but also kind of over-acted. dunno...


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It is supposed to be a hilarious comedy, am I wrong? :P


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*happy dance*
I love it! I love it! I love it!!!!


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So far I'm loving it. Two of the Model Avengers and a cute spunky lead actress. What is there not to like?

I was annoyed with the co-worker, Yeo Joo for getting with Na Ri's fiance but that just makes her bitch (quite frankly a stupid one at that. Why would you think it is a good idea to get with your boss' man?) however he is the one that made a commitment so he should be punished.


It's just the beginning and I'm already anxious for Dong Jin and Yeo Joo to get what's coming to them. A side of karma with my cute romance? Yes...pleaseandthankyou!


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I'm soooool glad your're recapping this, GF...thank you so much!!!
After watching goho's starry night, I'm falling in love with youngkwang seriously, and now love him moreee!!!
The cast is perfect...and ep 1 was so hilarious and funny, haha.
My first time watching soo ae, and I can tell already after 10 minutes of the drama that she is a good actreess.
Waiting for your recap of ep 2, and of course ep 3 next week, yay


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I watched Starry Night and warmed up to him a little, i used not to like him, and I didn't like his casting here at first, but i feel like i am still watching his character in Starry Night.


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thank you for the recap!! :) I loved the drama more than I thought I would and it's giving me fun and warm feelings which is much needed with all the depressing dramas I'm waching now!!
I really loved Na Ri and Nan Gil's characters so far!! I love that she's strong and knows how to stand up for for herself!! I loved how she ended things with her trashy fiancé, though I was sad when it was shown that her beating the lights out of him and that gold digger was only in her imagination, still it was satisfying to see her holding her ground and calling them out on their discusting act and cut things off with him while putting that shameless girl in her rightful place!!
I love Nam Gil's care for Na Ri!! obviously he's hiding something but I'm sure that it's not of harm to her!! maybe it's a past he doesn't want it to be known for him to be able to have a new better life?!! what we can be sure of is that he cared for her mother from the way he speaks about her and his care for Na Ri is genuine!! plus more than being a con artist he's more of a caretaker of the house and restaurant AND Na Ri: he's keeping everything as it was for her comeback and it doesn't look like he's trying to gain anything when he can easilly have everything if he wish to!!


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IKR...he seemed really genuine care and kind to her so I think he is not a con artist as what they have suspected. Must be some secret or mystery here. Haha.


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I'm getting a strong vibe of VINEYARD MAN x FLOWER BOY RAMEN SHOP with maybe a dash of the original 1% OF ANYTHING -- plus twists, of course. Nan-Gil reminds me of the down-to-earth farmer Taek-Ki and honorable ramen chef Gang-Hyuk. I can't wait to watch the backstory unfold.

Not a spoiler, but a preview:

"If I Were"


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I like this one and I think I'll still tune in for more. The director said that the dirst four episodes will just be about the stepfather mystery and after that, the romantic comedy setup will shine more :)


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I seriously hope that he is NOT really her step father, it will seemed so weird to fall in love with one and lots of angst ahead. And why did her mum marry someone who is even younger than her own daughter ? I'm really curious to know.


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Hope so too..
This is what the director said:
" The first four episodes will be closer to a mystery than a rom-com. After that, however, more about the chef will be revealed and this will help audiences relate to the character. At the end of the day, it will be a "warmhearted" drama that speaks to family values. "


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If you watch ep 2 there are hints to his identity and you'll get an idea of his relationship with the mom.


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haha, I will watch it of cos.....woooo, sounds so mysterious, maybe he is actually her god-brother instead....haha


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and thanks to everyone on clearing up my doubts... :)


Cute! Looking forward to watching this one every week!


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Was not interested in this drama but check it out anyway, then noticed the main hero looks familiar. BAM! This guy acted in Pinocchio as second lead! So happy he is finally the leading man of the show!!! YAY


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This isn't the first time he's been the leading man. He was also the lead in Age Ending in Nine Boy and D-day.


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oh my, I didn't realised this until now too !! Oops....


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Well, now you have some dramas to check out! I would definitely recommend Plus Nine Boys over D-day. D-day had some problems.There are some very enjoyable parts though too.


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Oh wow! I didn't recognize him at all from Pinocchio - I had seen him before in D-Day and in Gogh's Starry Night... now I'm wondering how I missed it...


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I love the first episode. So much fun. Soo Ae with Gong Hyo Jin are my favorite of romcom dramas. They are so natural in it.

And unexpectedly I like the male lead. I was worried he can't deliver since so many negative comments about him, but I turn to like him more than I expected. His chemistry with Soo Ae is in the right track.

The story is quiet new. I mean not the pattern like doctor, lawyer, chaebol but a farmer. Very simple but gives the intrigue vibes beside the cuteness.


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Thanks for the recap. I really enjoyed this first episode. I love that it's embracing the absurd comedy. I was laughing out loud when "I will always love you"was playing during the carry scene.

I can't help speculation on things. So here go my possible theories as to how the romantic lead being the stepfather is going to work out. First, Na-ri's mother had a terminal illness that she didn't want to tell Na-ri about, for what ever reason. Nan-gil was working for her at the restaurant. They had become friends. It seems that there was some pressure to sell the restaurant. Also, some possibility that the uncle would somehow sell it to support his gambling habit. Mom wants to preserve the restaurant and home for Na-ri in the future. Maybe foresaw some trouble with scummy boyfriend. So, in return for marrying her on paper, taking care of Na-ri, and protecting the property, Na-ri's mom promised Nan-gil he could run the restaurant. After the danger is past he could reveal everything to Na-ri. Only problem is that Mom died in an accident before she could let anyone else know of her illness.

Second possibility is that Nan-gil was in some sort of trouble. He ended up at the restaurant trying to hide out. Mom took him in and at some point found out about his troubles. Somehow, Mom and Nan-gil getting married, again on paper, would help his situation. At one point, Na-ri says something about Nan-gil's accent. Perhaps he is an illegal immigrant and being married would help him stay in the country? Regardless of why, Mom helped him. Because of his gratitude, Nan-gil will protect the property and care for Na-ri.

Of course, the story could be a combination of those or some other similar scenario. Whatever it is, I am guessing that Mom and Nan-Gilmer only married on paper. They were probably very close and maybe even had a loving relationship, just not a romantic on. I would guess more of a mother-son relationship.


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Nice speculation, I hope smth like that along this line will happen too....


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I was thinking the second possibility - but I think the first has a lot of merit! Being ill seems to be a reason many people do things in kdrama world.

Side note: I wonder if Na Ri's biological father is going to show up at all in this series?? It would be interesting to see that interaction!


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I'm not sure why doesn't Nan Gil show up during the funeral wake, it seemed like he was eyeing her secretly, if he is legally married to her mum, then he shouldn't hide himself and he could just show up and tell her that he is her stepfather etc...and not wait till months later when she turned up drunk at her mother's house and .........and it seemed that she is not interested to settle her mum's assets after she passed away too as she doesn't know until now that the house and eatery is Nan Gil's too ??


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Yeah, I was confused about why it took her so long to think about all the assets. What did Na Ri think was happening with the restaurant this whole time? Sitting vacant??

Granted, I didn't even realize there was a 10 month time skip until I read the recap - must have completely missed that when I watched last night.

Maybe we will get answers in EP 2?? Or probably just more questions haha


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I got the impression that he didn't want to spring the revelation on her at her mom's funeral... He must have been feeling pretty awful himself, and was running the mandoo shop as well. He also had expected her to return home a lot sooner -- instead of turning into a workaholic for 10 months.

Yeah, it was weird to me that she ignored the assets for so long. Are the courts in Korea as backlogged as they are in some parts of the US? Oh, wait -- there was no probate involved as the property was jointly owned. But Soo Ae didn't know that.


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I agree that Nan-gil probably didn't want to spring that on her at the funeral. As for the assets, perhaps Na-ri was in contact with her uncle? He probably told her not to worry and that someone was running the restautant. Remember, Na-RI thought that Nan-gil was a Tennant that her uncle had found for the house.


Soo, I just realized that the phone that they're using is an iPhone. K bye.


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Don't tell me you are not going to watch it becos of that ??


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haha, i thought i was the only one! it's rare to see it in kdrama and variety shows right?


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It is just me or Nan-gil treats NA Ri like a 37 year old father to his 7 year old daughter? Except in this case, he's not 37 and she is obviously not 7 XD

The way he fusses over her and the way he basically broadcasted to the whole hospital (in panic) that she took pills with alcohol is just like a worried father carrying his sick yet adorable 7 year old daughter.

I am expecting him to behave like a full blown father with a daughter when Deok Bong starts courting her. Something along the line of, "You are not good enough for my cute daugther. I disapprove of you" XD


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It's a comedy afterall, so it's kind of exaggerated in some sense....hehe


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I can picture it right now! It would be cute - maybe then he realizes he likes her less as a daughter and more as something else....? Haha.

I was really interested in the premise, but now seeing how Nan-gil has mentioned/talked about Na Ri's Mom, I'm getting nervous... like what if Nan-gil and the Mom really WERE in Love - I don't think I could handle it...

I'm hoping that it's more along the lines of the Mom was being nice and saw someone in need and decided to help out (by marrying him??)


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I was thinking, can't her mum adopt him as his son instead of marrying him?? really absurd that she is marrying someone who is younger than her own daughter....oh my....


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correction: as her son I mean.


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But if Mom adopted Nan-Gil as a son, he would not be able to get involved with Soo-Ae... which I suspect was part of Mom's game plan all along.

Even if he's Soo-Ae's step-dad, there's no blood relation... and the fact that he's actually younger than her in my mind obviates the "ewww" factor -- it just makes it funny as heck.

YMMV. ;-)

If anything, Nan-Gil may have married Mom to help HER out... If she indeed were ill and concerned that her no-good brother would try to swipe her property to feed a gambling addiction, for instance, she may have wanted to have a spouse to handle her financial and medical affairs. That, as well as keep the business in the family for Soo-Ae. He could have Mom's medical power of attorney, which makes a lot more sense than her flight attendant daughter who was always traveling. He's right there on site.

FWIW, one of my friends as well as a relative were in long-term relationships (15-20 years) and finally tied the knot precisely to address the legal issues that live-in unmarried partners face, especially if there are serious differences of opinion between their partners and their next-of-kin.


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whoahh!! Su Ae really need to go back into her Athena-mode! Missed her kicking ass mode ?


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It's great that she's not too submissive (yet?). It will be nice to have the kickass female remaining more kickass and not devolving into a doormat by the middle of the show.


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Yeah I prefer kickass lead gals too !!


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Thanks for the recap! I wasn't too sure about it initially but the recap made it sound like it's worth a shot. The last I saw Lee So Hyuk was in Scholar... I got bored of that show but I found his looks and acting interesting, so I'm glad to see him here again! Waiting for him to start showing himself as a worthy (romantic) second lead.


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You should see him as another second lead in Lucky Romance too, this show was also funny and nice....


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Yay! Thanks girlfriday for recapping. I miss you. ??


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I can never not love a Soo-ae drama, but this one is really a winner. KYK is a hit or a miss on DB, but he is doing great and much better in the next episode. And guys this is a romcom, Nari's mum can't possibly be romantically linked to the younger guy that is advertised as the romantic lead to Nari. Given what we heard about the Uncle and Nari's dad -they sound like real winners- Mum probably definitely married NAN Gil to protect the properties.

Also how sexy is he kneading dough at down?? Holy smokes...


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The genre of this drama should be mystery and rom-com. Just done with epi 2 n can't wait for next week's episodes !!


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Holy smokes indeed!


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See, I didn't find the dough scene sexy because I was so distracted by the fact the closeup shots of the Han's and arms. I know that they wanted to show that Nan'gil is an expert at making mandoo, but those were so obviously not Kim Young-kwan's hands and arms! That's all I could focus on.


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this show is going to be really weird to follow and hard to swallow at moments but hopefully the writer can make you forget the legal relationship between our main lead and let us enjoy cute amounts of romance~ I have already seen the second episode and I am seriosuly pleased with how it is travelling can't wait to read the next recap~!!


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Yay.. this drama viewership rating is on the rise ! (I checked from Wikipedia) ... ???


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I really dislike Kim Young-kwang after his body shaming comments during his interview with Vogue Girl...it makes me sad to like where this show is going when I am personally repulsed by his sexist comments and attitude....


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Well, I just hope he is a better person now and won't do that anymore...
You know, he is a human after all just like us, we do some mistakes and so on.
We do not personally know actor's real personality, and for me, as long as he doesn't do anything related to crimes, I will keep enjoying his performance as an actor....


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He sounds like an idiot but when did you last see an actor dating an ordinary girl? This is an industry that thrives on beauty and body insecurities so why would you think that is not how actors see the world? In fact one has little idea what actors actually think - despite all the media circus around them - so unless they commit an actual crime best to treat the person and role separately.

And heck fans demand it too and do enough shaming,. I read so many comments on LMH's looks of late - I mean never seen anything the guy is in but not sure his looks need to be so criticized.


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He's was dumb enough to say it in an interview. But to me, it's not going to stop me from watching this drama. Im mainly watching it for Soo Ae.

If he was a rapist or woman beater, then I would not watch and support any of his works.


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We should separate an artiste from his personal life/personality from his dramas/movies, we should know that a perfect lead guy/woman only exist in dramaland and NOT in reality, that's why some of us like to escape reality and to indulge ourselves into dramaland....


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I am looking forward to your recap on episode 2!!!


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Soo Ae and Kim Young Kwangs chemistry is so good. I'm rooting for them already.


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yeah, me too, can't wait for the next epi !


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I watched this because of Soo Ae and because Moonlight was finished. But it was quite fun although the relationship was a little weird. I just hope there will be good amd possible explanation in the end of drama. This is my monday-tuesday drama right now.


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I think her mum married that guy cos of legal reasons and to protect her assets from her gambler addict bro and not becos of real love between a female and a male...if any affection, it's just care and love between an elderly and a junior.... :)

waiting for the next recap !


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OK, I read what he said that was perceived by many as body shaming. I took it as "fashion shaming". He's from the fashion industry and his statements were aimed, I believe, to how woman of particular body types dress badly considering where they carry their weight, and how some behave when dressed in leggings under a skirt i.e. legs spread wide on a subway because they have leggings on. That is a not a good way to sit any where but home.

In this show...I cracked up, LOL, when he picked her up out of the car, in front of the hospital, and they played Whitney Houston's famous song from THE BODYGUARD movie. FUNNNEEE, to me. It's, also, fun to see this actress in a doing comedy. I've only seen her in heavy melodrama's so far. I like how she's throwing herself into this character.


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if I may list my complain in this drama, it would be:

1. Of all names why would they use Na Ri as their main role name. Because when I heard Na Ri, I abruptly remember Pyo Na Ri (Gong Hyo Jin's character on Jealousy Incarnate), which will make audience confuse IMO. And fyi, Jealousy Incarnate has 16% viewers rating for We-Thurs drama, which means Pyo Na Ri is more recognizable. Soo Ae lost the character's branding, IMO.

2. Of all profession, why would they use Stewardess as main role profession. While KBS already have Kim Ha Neul as Stewardess on 'On The Way To Airport'. This double kind of things really bother me.

But, for my first time watching Soo Ae's drama, I kinda love her acting. indeed, she is a veteran actor with experience. It's also my first time watching Kim Young Kwang's drama. hahaha. the story is really unexpected, with Ko Nan Gil's being a step father to Na Ri, it makes me wait for the next episode.


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The first episode was really engaging and charming. I hope the female lead remains an interesting and active character. So many dramas have the woman lose her personality in the middle.


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The thing here would be how he begins seeing his stepdaughter as his gf... like, its weird as hell.if you ask me and if she falls in love with him first, it could be even weirder since he was talking to her like shes a kid imo. It looks like a cute watch tho!


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