Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 5

Our heroine gets put through the wringer when it comes to history this hour, and manages to be pretty darn entertaining while she’s at it. Her flailing around provides some much-needed (and honestly surprising) levity during an episode rife with confused feelings and repressed emotions. I laughed, I cried, I cursed at certain characters for being awful people. It may not be perfect, but it’s fun.


The princes, dressed ceremonially, look on as King Taejo pays his respects to the ancestral tablets of kings past. What’s important is that So is counted among the princes, and it’s clear by the queen’s glare toward him that she is not happy about it.

But rather than choose to live in his designated palace quarters, So brings his things to Astronomer Choi’s tower, much to the man’s dismay. Despite the astronomer’s arguments, So claims he can’t see the sky from his room the way he can here in the tower, and smiles at the thought of what Su said about being able to see the stars in Goryeo.

Lady Hae presents Su with a host of medicinal herbs courtesy of eighth prince Wook, since she’d expressed interest in them before. Su is delighted, and mixes a concoction together to create soap for both Lady Hae and the queen. Wook watches from afar, a smile lighting his face.

His wife doesn’t miss this look from him, but only mentions how happy Su is, and how much she’s changed since her injury—for the better, in most respects. But when Lady Hae mentions that she wants to find a good husband for Su, Wook’s face turns unreadable. He only agrees with his wife’s wish to keep Su around for as long as possible.

Lady Hae sees the change in her husband’s expression, and looks from him to Su. Next thing we know, she’s asked Su to meet her in the library… only when Su enters, it’s not her cousin she sees, but Wook. This is cute and disturbing all at once.

Wook decides that being politely dismissive is the best course of action, and goes about his work as best he can. Unfortunately, Su is too awkward to just ignore, so he has to speak up in order to guide her to the ink she was supposed to fetch for her cousin.

This requires Su to come closer to Wook at his writing desk, where she becomes transfixed with his calligraphy. He notices her staring awkwardly and smiles, telling her that it’s a poem originally penned by the famous Chinese poet Tao Yuanming, and that he’s including it in the letter he’s written for his wife (since she always sends a poem along).

He suddenly asks her whether she likes poems or songs more, but he’s surprised when she answers that she likes songs, which were more popular with commoners than poetry, which required literacy. She realizes this belatedly and changes her answer to the much more ladylike “poems,” which gives Wook pause. When did she learn to make ink, anyway?

Wook decides to give her a poem instead, instructing her to read it carefully. Is he, by chance, testing her? Su has no hope of being able to read the complex Hanja characters, and she’s severely misguided if she thinks that her slave Chae-ryung will be able to read it, which she can’t.

Su tries her best to figure the poem out one character at a time, only to bemoan the fact that she’s as good as illiterate in this time period. After spending a moment cooing over how the characters are written as handsomely as their writer, she falls back into her illiterate lamentations, which thirteenth prince Baek-ah overhears.

“Are you illiterate?” he asks. Su claims that she totally does know how to read, she just conveniently forgot when she hit her head. Baek-ah begins to read for her, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Lady Hae, who finishes the poem from memory. The poem is by Liu Yuxi, entitled “Song of Bamboo Branch,” and one of the lines is, “Hark and I hear on the river, songs from my love, my beau.”

When Baek-ah asks if Su understands what the poem means, she looks at it from the surface level only, guessing that because it mentions willows and water, it must be about nature. His expression grows grave when she innocently reveals that Wook gave the poem to her.

Lady Hae seems happy that he gifted her such a poem, and tells Su to prepare to visit the queen tomorrow to gift her the soap she made. When Su’s gone, Baek-ah gets angry with his brother on his sister-in-law’s behalf, since the poem is a love poem. “Is my brother in his right mind?” he all but bellows.

He calms considerably when he sees Lady Hae’s shaking hand go to her chest, figuring out that she already knows how Wook feels. Instead of answering, she only asks Baek-ah to finish a drawing he was preparing for her. It sounds like she’s on a timeline, and Baek-ah realizes this, despite not wanting to acknowledge it.

Su tries to parse out the poem based on what she heard, but isn’t able to get very far in figuring out its true meaning. Or rather, she doesn’t want to acknowledge that there’s another meaning to it, and tries to convince herself to think of Wook in non-romantic ways.

The next day, she’s all smiles as she travels with Lady Hae to the palace. Wook admires the wonder in her eyes as she takes in all the sights, smiling.

Queen Sinjeong, Wook’s mother, pays a visit to the surly Queen Sinmyeongsunseong, and the two share barbed comments about whose son is superior in scholarly pursuits. Queen Sinjeong shares her desire to get medicine for her daughter-in-law from one of the concubines, which Queen Sinmyeongsunseong sneers at—the concubine is nothing more than a court lady, and she certainly is no doctor.

They’re interrupted by the arrival of Lady Hae, Wook, and Su. Queen Sinjeong is happy to see them, especially Su, but Queen Sinmyeongsunseong only knows Su from the bruise she gave the tenth prince, Eun.

Su gives Queen Sinjeong a box of her handcrafted soap, and struggles hilariously to speak properly in front of her, eliciting a muffled laugh from Wook. Queen Sinmyeongsunseong, who wasn’t doing her best in hiding her dismay in not receiving a gift, tries to act nonchalant when Su gives her a box of soap.

Since Queen Sinmyeongsunseong can’t be happy about anything, she lands a barb about Wook and her rival queen’s daughter-in-law being childless, but before she can go on, they receive another visitor: King Taejo.

Su’s eyes grow as big as saucers as she beholds the founder of Goryeo, who she’s only ever seen in dramas before (hah). She can’t help but gape at him, but the king instantly recognizes her as the girl who got into a fight with Eun. Wook tries to defend her, but the king isn’t having it.

Su’s first line of defense is to fall to her knees and beg forgiveness, but when that elicits a less than favorable response from the king, she realizes something vital: Tyrants feed off fear, but wise kings value virtue. So when the king asks her if she’s afraid of him, she rises to answer that she isn’t afraid, since she knows him to be a good and wise king.

This seems to please Taejo somewhat, but when he asks her why she thinks he’s wise, she’s without an answer. It just lands her in hotter water now that the king thinks she was using empty flattery, so Su racks her brain to think of something to say… and comes up with the baseline bits of history she knows about Taejo, like how he united the three kingdoms, founded a new nation, etc.

The king laughs, and Su inwardly thanks her junior high school history teacher for making her memorize these facts, when she used to curse her for it. Hah! The king rewards her with a fine rug, and Wook prods her to thank him. She launches into a parody of sageuk when she does, causing even more laughter. They must think she’s absolutely insane.

Once out of there, Su goes running around for a restroom, the nerves finally getting to her. Just as she’s about to use something that’s probably not a bathroom, she’s stopped by none other than So, sporting a more refined hairdo and mask.

She takes one look at him in wonder, noting that no one would see him as anything other than a prince now. He quips back that he’s always been a prince, but then turns the subject back to her, and what she’s doing at the palace.

They share a brief but friendly conversation about So’s adaptation to palace life, though it becomes clear that Su thinks he has a much better relationship with his family than he actually does. She realizes just the opposite is true when she spots his mother coming and hides within perfect earshot to hear his mother spew vitriol at him.

Even so, So thanks her for her her concern and remains cordial. When he turns around to find Su, she’s already gone, feeling awkward about having overheard them.

Lady Hae alarms her mother-in-law when she coughs up blood in front of her, but she quickly falls to her knees to remind the queen that she’d once promised to honor any request she made.

Queen Sinjeong grasps her beloved daughter-in-law’s hands and asks what she wants, but is taken completely aback when Lady Hae asks her to accept Su as Wook’s wife. If she didn’t know before, Queen Sinjeong knows now that Lady Hae doesn’t have much time left.

While on her way back with Wook, Su spots Astronomer Choi, recognizing him as the homeless man from her time. She grabs him by the shoulders to ask if he recognizes her. Doesn’t he remember the drink they had together?

The astronomer just shakes his head, and hilariously imitates Su’s whole-body shaking as he imitates her whining about having looked all over for him with a similarly whiny, “But I don’t know you, Agasshi.” She insists he does, reminding him that the last time he saw her was one thousand years in the future.

“Be careful,” he warns her, and for a moment, it seems like he’s warning her because he’s in on the secret. But his words are eerily similar to his future counterpart’s as he tells her, “If you ended up living here, you should abide by the norms here. Your life can’t change just because you want it to.” Then he winks at her. It is him!

After their meeting, Su trudges after Wook in the heavy snow, with him occasionally looking back to check on her with a smile. She doesn’t seem to notice that he’s caught onto the fact that she keeps stepping in his footsteps (either for fun or to make it easier for her to walk), but he’s there to catch her the second she stumbles. Likely because he made his steps wider just for fun.

He asks her about Astronomer Choi, though she claims that she only thought she knew him. She offers him a bar of soap she made just for him, saying that she did it to thank him for all that he’s done for her—even the poem.

Wook takes the gift with gratitude before asking if she’s discerned the meaning behind the poem. Su recites what she knows from it, claiming only that it was beautiful. Wook can’t help but laugh, seeming to know that she didn’t truly understand it, but advises her to respond with a poem of her own. It’s only proper etiquette, of course.

That night, Su sits down with a brush and paper, trying her best to copy the characters from another page. It’s useless, and she soon gives up on the endeavor. She can’t even begin to wonder how she’ll compose a reply… but then a smile lights her face as she thinks of something.

Instead of writing a poem, she draws a reply, and eagerly leaves it on Wook’s desk where he’s most likely to see it. But she’s greeted instead by all the princes and Princess Yeonhwa, and the eager tenth prince Eun is quick to snatch up the letter she left.

Su sends a pleading look Wook’s way, but he can only move his eyebrows by way of silent response—it’s like they’re kids having to hide notes in class. Luckily, he steps in before she can be completely humiliated, and gives her leave to go, though it means admitting that she was responding to a poem he gave her.

This makes thirteenth prince Baek-ah decidedly unhappy, and Wook is powerless to stop Eun and fourteenth prince Jung from opening her letter and finding what they can only decipher as gibberish on it. It’s not a poem or a drawing. Is that… an emoji?

The princes each take a turn trying to figure out what the strange symbol (\^0^/) means, with Wook being the most puzzled of all. Omg, I’m dying. It’s So who tells Eun how to raise his arms and contort his face to mimic the symbol in the drawing. Hahahahahaha! He is WAY ahead of the times.

Everyone has a good laugh at this, as So recognizes the drawing as a face laughing with excitement—Su must have been pretty happy to receive Wook’s poem. Jung also tries to mimic the expression, much to everyone’s amusement.

Baek-ah is less than thrilled, and pulls Su aside when he finds her. He asks her how she could do this to Lady Hae, though she doesn’t seem to know what he’s talking about.

“You steal glances at each other,” he accuses her. “If your hands happened to brush, you [two] would reflect upon that for days. I’m sure the thoughts of ‘What sort of food would that person like, what would make that person laugh’ would likely never leave your mind. Anything you see would make you think of him. How you and Wook would fuss over one another! Did you think that no one would find out?”

He grows more and more upset as he goes on, leading Su to look fearfully up at him. It’s only when he tells her that Lady Hae knows everything that’s been going on that she looks absolutely stunned into silence. Baek-ah warns her against interfering in Lady Hae and Wook’s relationship, threatening that he won’t stand idly by if she hurts Lady Hae.

Wook is standing there when he turns to leave, and soon the two forbidden lovebirds are left alone together. They both apologize to each other, though Wook says it’s not her fault—he’s the one who gave her a poem and received hers in an effort to make her laugh. “It’s all my fault,” he adds gravely. “Don’t blame yourself.”

But she does, because she knows that her complicity and silence didn’t help matters. She knew what was going on but hoped things would resolve on their own, even though she made advances of her own, like taking his hand, or leaving her room that night when she pretended to be asleep at first.

Tears spring to Wook’s eyes as he tells her not to say things like that, and tears fall down her own cheeks as she apologizes for always crying when she’s with him. She bows in apology and leaves, going home to hide the poem he gave her within the pages of a book.

Likewise, Wook locks away the soap she gave him in a box. The metaphor is clear, but it still makes me sad.

Princess Yeonhwa visits her father the king to gift him a silk pillow she embroidered. King Taejo loves the gift, but the talk soon turns to marriage, and how one of his daughters by Queen Sinmyeongsunseong, Princess Naklang, was married and left the palace.

Though Yeonhwa tries to hide her true emotions behind smiles and kind words, she’s unhappy at the thought of a potentially unwanted marriage. She brightens at the sight of her half-brother, So, noting that she’s still unused to seeing him in the palace.

She mentions that their father is planning to marry her off, but when So asks who, third prince Yo interrupts with a haughty, “You don’t think it’s you, do you?” He’s… teasing his half-brother over being too ugly to marry their half-sister?

When Yo asks Yeonhwa if she could stand to look at So’s ugly mug forever, Yeonhwa demurs by saying that she only wants a man who will cherish her. Yo’s quick to say that he would regard her as an empress since her potential husband would need to know her value in order to treasure her, but she’s more interested in So’s reaction.

So refuses to put a value on her (nice), and says that he wants a woman who would treasure him, and one who would think nothing of his face. Yo just scoffs at his reaction, claiming that he’s just like an animal. Yeonhwa smiles, seeing it as a challenge: “How fun would it be to turn an animal into a human?” Ack, stop it.

Su finds Lady Hae burning clothes and trinkets that seem precious to her, and intervenes only when she finds her cousin coughing blood. Lady Hae picks that time of all times to ask Su what her feelings are for Wook, but when Su goes quiet, she calls her foolish. Both of them are foolish.

With tears in her eyes and blood on her lips, Lady Hae then asks Su to do her makeup for her, one last time. “I want him to remember me as being beautiful,” Lady Hae adds, which is just heartbreaking.

Lady Hae studies Su as she prepares her makeup, and Su does her best to hold back her tears as she applies it. We hear what she doesn’t say aloud to Su, willing her to control her actions and temperament in the future, especially around the royal family. But most of all, she wills Su to be a good wife for her husband, and to be his “pillow,” someone he can depend on and somewhere to rest his head in order to help ease his many worries.

Su’s tears fall despite her attempts to smile, and Lady Hae’s cheeks grow wet as well. The two share a moment where it’s like they’re speaking to each other without words as Su brings color and brightness back to Lady Hae’s wan face.

Next thing we know, Su is rushing out to bring Wook to see Lady Hae. Despite how ill she is, Lady Hae still manages to walk with the support of her husband out in the snow. She reminisces about when they first met, prompting a flashback of her seeing, liking, and subsequently hiding from him.

She tells of how she was the one who pushed for marriage because she wanted to help him, since he was a prince who had been kicked out of the palace when they met.

In the present, Wook tells her he knows exactly how she feels. She reaches a hand up to touch his face with tears in her eyes. “Now… I want you to watch over Su,” she pleads. But soon, she’s doubled over in pain, and Wook has to carry her home on his back.

As he walks her home, Wook mentions how she’d said he didn’t love her before. He tries to amend that now, but Lady Hae stops him from finishing. “I was able to love you more,” she breathes. “That was enough.”

And then, she goes limp. Su, from behind, calls out for her cousin. Wook’s eyes fill with tears as the realization of her death hits him… or not. He turns and shushes Su: “Let us not wake my wife.” Oh. Oh no.

Su clasps both hands to her mouth to stifle her sobs as Wook walks on, carrying his dead wife.


Gah, the whole “They’re just sleeping” thing gets me every time. I wish we would’ve gotten to hear the rest of what Wook had to say to Lady Hae, and if he was going to admit that he loved her—though, knowing her, she wouldn’t want him to say it so as not to feel guilty. Lady Hae presents an interesting picture overall though, especially since she deviated so far from the norm of what we’d expect to see.

Despite being a wife who desperately loved her husband, she also desperately wanted him to be happy, and was more than aware of her own mortality. Situations like this can easily come off as making the wife in the relationship look bad, but here, she actually came off as a bonafide saint. I was repeatedly surprised by just how selfless she was being, and found her relationship with her husband and Su as heartfelt as it was morbid and strange. It’s as confusing for the viewer as I’m sure it was for those three characters, but definite props are deserved for the story being much more immersive this hour.

It’s a tough day to be So as a romantic lead though, even if it feels like we’re setting up for the end of Wook and Su as we know it. Lady Hae’s death is bound to cause a shift of some kind, and it’d be way too easy for them to just be happy now that the main obstacle to their romance is gone. (I know this sounds clinical, but it’s true.) Years of dramas tells me that there’ll have to be some scaling back with the second lead in order to make room for the first, but I can’t help but like where we are now. Change is scary, even if it’s good.

Su was definitely much more endearing this hour, and I’d credit that to us seeing her sweat a little—her illiteracy and her thoroughly modern reply to Wook’s thoughtful poem was a hoot. But there were also deeper feelings going on, and not just between Wook and Su. I’m not quite sure what Baek-ah’s game is at this point, but he seems primed and ready to be the one prince (besides Yo, who hates everyone) to be a foil for Su, which gives him a whole new exciting layer. Slowly but surely, we’re getting to know each prince in turn, so I feel confident that no one’s going to get lost in the shuffle.

But how hilarious was it to see Su use what little she remembered from her history class to get on the king’s good side? These are the kind of fish-out-of-water moments I was missing, so I was glad to have them today. Watching her flail about spouting “Your grace is immeasurable!” to the king was enough to make my belly ache. And having So of all people discern the true nature of her emoji reply was priceless. If only we had gotten these moments sooner, maybe it would’ve changed some things. Alas, the most we can do is look forward to next week.


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Thanks for the recap!!


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Yaaas fastest recapper!! Thanks, Heads!

Also...best part of this episode, hands down goes to:


Goryeo just learned their first emoji. #priceless


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No one understands Hae Soo the way Wang Soo does.



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So gets Soo. He just does.


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Speaking of So-So relationship.. I'm wondering how this story might end. If they follows the origin bubuyungxim story... that would be too much disappointment for us ?

I hope the writer-nim and PD-nim will more creative in this case.

And ah... I ❤ this episode so much... this is what we are waiting for ?


And this is why I still ship them more in the long run, even if her chemistry with Wook is undeniable.


@Worried Audience - I hope they make the ending happy. Don't want a sad ending for this. I checked the ending (only) of the original, and I did not like what I saw.


Yes, So understands Soo well :)


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I so want to read all the beanies comments below, but how am I going to read all those 500+ exciting insights.... ??


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I was worried about the ratings but with the amount of comments after each recap, I think it's fine :)

Or should I put \^o^/


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just wondering. does the high number of comments for a recap translate to high ratings?


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No, it doesn't translate to high ratings. However, the high number of comments does show that many people watch the drama and like/love it to discuss it in detail.

My understanding is that ratings depend on how many Korean people are watching it during the original air time.


ah! I so believed my grandmother to have been asleep when i saw the first glance of her after her death....It was like a unoccassional sadness had descended upon us


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I really wish there was more So in this episode! But it was awesome to see he is growing and standing up to his mother now!


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Me too!! I'm just not invested in the Wook/Su relationship.

Although, Kang Haneul many close ups did make up for it :)


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Shockingly, even without much of WS, the episode was really heartwarming. Not a dull moment. And i am more shocked how much of ground we cover in each episode. They are jam packed.

Though we need some sort of rule - LJK should be there at least for 50% of the time. Too much ? Or still too little ?


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i agree with you. there is no dull scenes in this episodes. everything was great, even baek-ah (nam joo hyuk) surprises me with his scenes. he does it very well. 1 hour in episode 5 felt really fast.

there is too little scene of lee jun ki in this episodes that i miss him already.lol.


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Yeah we only got a few scenes of LJK this time. But I liked her scenes with the other younger brothers too, even Nam Joo Hyuk improved a lot since School 2015. It's nice because he could say that dialog and no one wants to cringe.


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Totally agree on the Baek Ah part! I realize that Nam Joo Hyuk shows some great improvement from his school and CITT days. I could totally see his angst and totally understand what his eyes see! Glad to see that! The way his mouth twitching and his eye express it!

Also, for me, LJK must be bring that much new lesson for the younger.


Nam Joo Hyuk is good here.


yep!! at least 50%!! but I am sure we will see more of him in the next episode... when he will "save" Hae Soo from the marriage with the 8th prince ....Maybe I am wrong about her marrying Wook...but the cousin talking to the queen about how she wants Hae Soo as Wook's wife and also Wook's sister noticing something is going on between those two - she will probably have a word in it too. That way she can keep Hae Soo away from Su.


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* keep away of SO*

sorry :D


Yes, LJK needs to be there at least 50% of the time.


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The Wook-Su love line strikes me as sweet and melancholy in the first love and would-have, should-have, could-have kind of way. I'm enjoying it, especially once I put aside my automatic rejection of it because he's married. It's a different time, and things like that were accepted.

And agree about the KHN close ups...also..


I was not prepared...*sweats*


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Interestingly, I really haven't been on board with the Wook/Su love line - in modern times she was betrayed by her friend and boyfriend....is she not doing exactly the same thing to Lady Hae? I see that she's conflicted, but at the same time, she hasn't shut it down either. One would think that she could relate complete to Lady Hae's situation and not even try to go there.


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Ah yes- I guess that's where the 'forbidden' aspect of their romance comes in. I appreciate that they didn't really 'act' on their feelings, and the symbolism of her locking away the poem, and he locking away the soap after Baek-eh's calling them out wasn't lost on me either as I took that to mean they were locking their feelings away too.

Yes, because of what she went through with her boyfriend and her friend, it would have been better for her to not have even gone there with Wook, so that was wrong on her part, but it was human, and relate-able no? I like that they're not portraying her as some Mary Sue who can do no wrong.


To compare Su and her traitorous girlfriend is not quite fair. Su was plonked 1000 back into the Goryeo dynasty, away from home, family and anything familiar. Wook was kind and caring. Difficult not to fall for him especially when he looks so intensively at her. And to be fair to her, she really tried not to fall for him. Her friend on the other hand was in a different situation and openly betrayed Su right outside Su's shop, back-hugging her bf.


Totally agreed with you in this point. I was cringing throughout this episode. Their chemistry is good but how I wish Su did not show or act on the feeling. Yes, one cannot stop or change one's feeling. But she has been cheated before so she has to know how horrible THAT feels.


the camera is so generous to KHN his too charming, makes my heart flutter :)


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I agree! I was hoping there would be moments of So getting used to palace life in this episode but there was none of that. Maybe next episode?


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So's first fish-out-of-water moment in the ep was in the very first scene. He didn't even know he was supposed to bow! ... I like the fact that the story is drawing the OTP together because they're outcasts not just in the big moments, but little ones like this.


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Yeah, I noticed that! Poor fish-out-of-water So.

Also that moment is so relatable even now, I've definitely had it when attending religious services in a place I'm unfamiliar with.


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John Mulaney had a routine about the Catholic Church changing "and also with you" to something else in the early 2000s. It instantly outed anyone who told their mom they still go to church, but then at Christmas got blindsided by the entire congregation saying something else completely.

...and yeah, I got caught by it. 2006ish.


@Miranda - yeah, I was thinking of Catholic religious ceremonies myself - there is definitely a lot of looking around (and trying to do it subtly) to see what others are doing!


Ah! I totally forgot about that! I laughed at that scene! I want more~


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Yeah, I noticed that too and his brothers seem to be more at ease around Wang-So I liked that although I doubt it'd last long. Lady Hae, her initial heartbreak and subsequent deat, that was beautifully done. She did her character justice. I have a question, even though she did want them to be happy and gave them blessing, with the mentality of a modern woman and having had her heart broken, will somebody like Soo ever be able to love Wook completely with all her heart without the burden of guilt?? I honestly thing that is why this relation may not work.


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Remember that scene right at the beginning, where the King is bowing in the shrine and the princes outside all bow at the same time? It takes So a split second to look at the others and bow with them and I think it happens twice. I actually thought that was like a subtle nod to So being a fish out of water in the palace.


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I love So. But, I don't know... lack of him in this episode didn't ruin my enjoyment of watching this episode. I love Wook-Soo-Lady Hae conflict even though I don't necessarily hope for Wook-Soo to happen. It's quite interesting and beautifully done.


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I'm starting to think that it's a good think LJG has 1/4 of his face covered for this drama. I'm not sure I can handle the full force of his beauty completely revealed.


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ahhahahhahah love this commment!


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Lol, you're right, I mean he is dominating every scene he's on with only half a face visible... With his full pretty face I think we would truly overload this site's server, or the comments section. \^o^/


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Hahaha, this comment sure made my day. I totally like his Prince Zuko style with all the angst that comes with it but that pretty face, even a scar isn't enough to make it ugly and they keep calling him ugly. I know the beauty standards are different in Goryeo but he is so pretty, its unbelievable to me. On a second note, I love the Prince Zuko/Uncle Iroh dynamic developing between Wang So and Astronomer Choi, I think unlike Hae-Soo, he remembers history hence is supporting Wang So but I am okay with that since our boy is so lonely.


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Omg I love your Zuko/Iroh comparisons. Didn't even think about that and I LOVE ATLA!


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I think beauty standards are still very strict in Korea. I heard that you have to have certain features to be considered beautiful; many people don't fit those standards naturally; that's why there is a lot of plastic surgery.


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Lady Hae's sendoff scene was so beautiful. Well done, director. Love this show!


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Yes. I second that.

Kang Haneul was good at suppressing his emotions when Lady Hae's life line was cut off. It was this scene that I decided to become Kang Haneul's fangirl.... and I will still adore him when he goes throne-crazy and possessive over Su.


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I usually find saint like characters annoying. But they showed just enough of her to make a viewer connection before moving the story forward. Wonderfully emotional last parts.


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KHN was totally great since first eps! He's my main reason why I watched Moon Lovers. At the 4th eps, KHN's interaction with Soo made my heart flutters and now at the 5th eps, like you said, KHN's acting towards Lady Hae made me cried at the last 2 minutes of this eps, the most emotional ending so far


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So true. Wook's "Shhhhh. Let's not wake my wife." just about did me in.

Also, Kang Ha Neul is just beautiful. Sometimes heart-achingly pretty but through this show I've come to really respect his acting.


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@indigo-Well said!! Agree 1000%! I've always liked Kang Han Neul, but this drama and especially episodes 4 & 5 have made me a major fan. His acting is extraordinary.

Both he and Lee Joon ki have this ability to just pull you in and no let go. Both get me emo in seconds.. My reactions are immediate flutters and tears. I can't choose one over the other.


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Kang Ha Neul first caught my eye in Angel Eyes, where I thought he was the most talented actor in the entire cast. I stopped watching when he "grew up."


I thought he was good in Heirs but his role there was small. Here he's getting the chance to shine and, boy, is he ever!

Because of him I'm excited about the Wook-So relationship. KHN's and LJK's talent should blow up the screen! And please can I get an epic Wook-So fight scene? Pretty please?


the light quiver in his voice when he said shhhhh was absolutely heartbreaking.


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No lie. That was it right there.


Agreed. I was crying the whole time..I'm never going to look at those cutesy piggy back ride scenes the same way again.

Also I think IU knocked her crying scenes out of the park this episode. The makeup scene and the last scene? Heartbreaking.


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Yeah, i think IU's crying scene in this episode is one of her best moment so far.


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True. The scene is heartbreaking. Although I can't help but thinking dying in KHN's piggyback is definitely not a bad way to go. :)


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That piggyback trumps any other deathbed scene. It literally made each step Wook took to be heart shattering. What a graceful exit for Lady Hae.


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... That piggyback trumps any other deathbed scene.

You're so right, I mean from now on I think I'll be comparing every death scene with this one, it was beautifully handled. I watched the episode twice, and I cried both times. This is how you do it dramaland!


IU's really good at crying scenes in general, and actually doing different types of crying. She really does have a gift for making you feel right along with her.

(except for that time after So threatened to kill her after she saw the assassins, that was... I don't know what they were going for there)


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Agree. IU as Cindy in Producers actually was the best thing ever and fell in love on her ever since.

Theisdrama is getting better and better, in wish I hope that epi 1-3 were much better in order to draw more audiences.


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aaagh that scene when the 1N2D team came to get her for a 'mission' after she'd been ruined and blacklisted and she got woken up with a spray of mist to the face, that was honestly brilliant.


This reply is for pogo, idk but I can't reply to your comment. I agree! I cried at that scene when ksh sprayed her face. You could feel how touched she was through that acting.


Pogo: That scene in Producers alone made me a fan of IU's acting! She's always been my favorite soloist, but it wasn't until Producers when I really began to respect her as an actress.

Some people have been making digs at her acting in this drama but except for the scene with So already mentioned, I haven't seen any glaring, badly-acted moments and I have seen quite a few that I thought were well done. And she's definitely improving as the show goes on.


many do not like the scene but it was very realistic. big emotional shock/pressure really brings it out from you :)


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It was pretty moving. I actually cried though I never do when I watch romantic scenes.


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It was definitely a beautiful send off. Everything was done right. For an episode that had zero sword killings, the balance of emotions and the pacing of the story was enough to make it such a satisfying episode to watch and even repeat.


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it definitely was so beautiful. i cried hard watching that scene. and the ost plays at the end was so mesmerizing. i want that kind song to play in next episodes.


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Initially I didn't quite like the actress playing Lady Hae, purely superficial about her appearance. But she grew on me more and more. Usually, I dislike these kind of sickly, saintlike female characters. Kudos to the actress, she pulled off her character very well.

I have no words for Kang Ha Neul. He's so nuanced in his emotions that it hits much much deeper. When Wook hushed up Soo and told her that MH is sleeping, more tears flowed. Gahhhhhhh.....


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true. what also helped was the scene showing her at a young age, before marring the 8th prince.

and that "let's not wake her"-scene.....oh lord!! :(


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I'm actually really happy for this actress. She was the original Hong Sister second female lead yeaaaars ago in DGCH and then I never saw her in anything for over 10 years. I'm glad she got to have such a lovely role like this so I don't have to remember her as, well, a horrible one-note second lead forever. This just goes to show what good material and experience can do. She really impressed here.


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I totally remember her in Chunhyang! Back then I hate her so much. In first episode of MoonLovers I think I would hate her as much because she look sick and act all care about Soo. But dang, she totally hit it this one! She did everything for Wook consciously. It aint easy to marry someone when you were aware he just using your clan and family status to enter the palace once again. But she accept it all. She did her best, until her last moment, at that *sobs*


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Yes this scene had been really beautifully done. I must say Mong Ryeong's noona did really well. I was tearing up for her...sobz...


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I started crying when Hae Su started applying makeup and didn't stop until the end scene. It was so beautiful and sad. Lady Hae was a good woman, and I feel so bad for her. Though I do believe that Wook loved her. Maybe not in the heart-fluttering, giddy kind of love or one where you fall in love fast and become infatuated with the other. He did defend her when Queen Yoo taunted her about not having kids. He did care for her health and well-being. What I got from their scenes is that he cared for her a lot. And that can be a form of love? Idk. To me, the emotions on his face when she passed said that he loved her.


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Does anyone know what the name of the very last song in this episode was? When Lady Hae dies?


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I'd like to know as well! I tried searching by using some of the lyrics but couldn't find it anywhere...hope it is released soon! I wish more of the OST was like this...


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I don't know if its a song that has been released already or if it was licensed for this drama and just hasn't been released (which would explain its elusiveness). Its such a lovely song though! It really melded the scene together, the snowy, bleak back drop, her death,- the song lent a haunting but bittersweet final note to the scene. Ahh! I wish I knew what the name of that song was. Someone help!


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I dont think it's officially release yet either.


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I tried finding the song through naver, but naver apparently thinks the song is background noise...


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The irony! .... We all hate the OSTs. And the one OST everyone likes, no one knows what it is lol


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I want them to release the instrumental OSTs and background music already! Stop with the crappy raps and ballads and give us the good stuff!


IKR? Lol!


For anyone looking for some of the background music/instrumentals; it's been compiled here:



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Many thanks! The final two segments were particularly good and gave the epic feel that I have been wanting to hear in this show.


Since the OST isn't out yet, so nobody knows the name of the song I guess. But I can tell it's sung by Taeyeon


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The song by Taeyeon is played when Wook and Lady Hae are walking (and during the flashback scene). The song we are talking about starts right when Lady Hae actually passes.


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oh right, ditto!


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I really like the OST Taeyeon did for That Winter, I hope this is another solid one.


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I'm so confused with the season. Seeing how heavy the snow was falling, it seems like it's winter already in the show. But at some scenes we can see the plants are still so green.


That Winter, The Trees Grow


That OST hasn't out yet. But, there's rumor said it was sung by Lee Sun Hee! The composer of this song said on instagram that he's looking forward to this OST the most ^^ Let's wait~


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Daebak-thanks for the name! One step forward in our investigation ladies and gents.


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If the rumor is indeed true, I'm thrilled out of my shoes. A wonderful tip of the hat to LJG's first sageuk.


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Ahhh I really want to know the song as well. Been looking for it since episode 5, and it made a recurrence at the ending of episode 11 and ahh the feels. I need to know this song!


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don't take bad but most often , the clever line from Hae Soo,
the beautiful scenery in the snow is taken from the original,
and I feel that all the lines that are taken from the original are more beautiful and meaningful than the other lines,

the drama feels empty, like no minister, no cameo, no one, just the character involves and it doesn't look good,
I like KHN and it's too much close up, at least the whole face shown, not half his bang

Idk why I feel like the show lost its charm, it tries to hard to fit the modern world view of candy girl, love triangle, hero saving princess and good triumph evil in the most ideal way,
we can assume and predicted and give background to make it fuller but the show doesn't do that,

even the fixed OTP, it feels like the show dictated me to like certain shot and screen because it looks beautiful and grand but lacks context,
it looks like they make the unnie passed away to fix the love triangle when I think she can do more,
why don't let our heart and moral be asked about a certain scene, it feels like they played it safe for the viewer so we will agree with her moral boundaries in any meaning when it actually convenient,
or maybe because Wang So story is the only gripping story in this entire drama,


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It all boils down to preference really, I tried watching the C-version and only made it to 4th episode. I am yet to pick it up after watching MLSHR.

MLSHR used the original novel as backdrop, so there are parts bound to be similar but different in feels. This drama is pretty much a drama of its own.



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Totally agree, some scenes may have been taken from the original but the way they're presented is completely different.

e.g. the scene where Su meets Taejo was comedic whereas in BBJX this was a serious scene


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Her inner monologue during that scene is so funny. She's like omo omo it's King Taejo it's King Taejo... LOL. I mean, if I get to see any famous historical figure I'd react the same.

It's unpopular opinion, but I like that, unlike Ruoxi, Hae Soo's having a hard time to remember history and catching up later little by little. It's more realistic and relatable this way.


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I should make myself clear,
it wasn't hae soo vs rooxi
but using the exact line without build up the context,
the line fit ruoxi characterisation but not hae soo,

not even about history since she knew it king taejo before,
it's the use of the exact line from her

I should be honest then, my initial reaction is
"why don't they re-write the line/dialogue so it's not exact one from the original?, even her own monologue, since when he knew haebal from thousan year before tae joo and not after tae joo,
the music is what makes it feels different

sorry, I can't phrase it better but it feels like they just used it for convenient, used this nice line or used that one and not make our own, no one will think we didn't write it


No it's my mistake for not making myself clear. The ruoxi-hae soo comparison part was not meant as reply to your comment. It's just me stating an entire new comment. I see a lot of commenters in DB who feel disappointed with Hae Soo character since she's not as smart as Ruoxi. I found this comment related to my previous paragraph since I was talking about King Taejo scene where Hae Soo was trying so hard to remember her history lesson in high school. So I decided to state the way I feel about Hae Soo-Ruoxi comparison in this comment.


I definitely agree; Hae Soo is a refreshing character because of how realistic she is. With Rouxi and BBJX, everything was just so masterfully put together, it was a little too perfect Imo. I don't think people remember historic details as well as Rouxi did and if they did, a similar monologue would take place. It certainly would for me. Heck, I have the same monologue when I'm just talking to a teacher!



But that is exactly what I find Ruoxi so much more fascinating. She wasn't meant to be the model of the everyday modern girl, she wasn't meant to be a cipher, or a self-insert. She was her own person, and boy was she was brilliant and ingenious and so clever and resourceful. (Do you know how rare it is to have a female protagonists who actually feel that they're smarter then the viewer? That was a rare treat in itself, I'm more used to seeing males take that role in fiction.)

The problem with the characterization of Hae Soo to me is that they're trying to mesh Ruoxi and the 'everyday modern girl' cipher in one being. But in the process at it does is that we don't quite buy what they're selling. In a way it would have made more sense for them to reinvent the character of Hae Soo to make her a more believable everyday modern girl and not make her personality like Ruoxi's at all, just her circumstances . We would lose out on Ruoxi's brilliance, but at least the character would ring true. (Normally I would have want them to recreate Ruoxi, but to be honest I don't think they could pull it off. )


I see as this drama as its own
but those exact lines and scene to repeated when the korean version lacked certain context just make me sad,
those scene in the original has some meaning but this feel like they just cut and paste those scene for convenient


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I think, comedic approach withstanding, the scene was supposed to show how the King reacted to and show us his impression of Hae Soo.


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i think it's not lacked a certain context, they gave an "other" context for the scenes


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I agree with @scarletfighting . This drama is pretty much a drama of its own

I have seen the C-version (not completely) but i don't want to see the same story, the same scenes repeated by a different set of actors. Whats the point of a new show then? So its useless to compare.

They have just taken the broad concept and basically spun a complete new story out of it. Which I love.


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no this is different drama, I said that,
don't be so defensive
but the used of the exact line from the original is what bother me because it doesn't fit this drama as its own but geared to the original which is not a good move, since they already deviated so much,

sorry if I looked too cynical and looked detailed


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I second all of your points.

I'm glad that this show's trying to be different than the original. I don't want to watch the exact same show twice. What's the point especially if the original one is already so good.

I think people should stop complaining about how much this show being different than the original. It's not like this adaption automatically will ruin the original one. I mean, the original one is still available to watch if some of us like it that much.


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no this is different drama, I said that,
don’t be so defensive
but the used of the exact line from the original is what bother me because it doesn’t fit this drama as its own but geared to the original which is not a good move, since they already deviated so much,

sorry if I looked too cynical and looked detailed


I think the way they used the line fits the situation perfectly in their context, and I loved how they changed it such that Haesoo was so in awe of the King. It was just so Haesoo the way the scene was enacted. Since they bought the rights to use the original source material to make the adaptation, they can use the lines in the novel.


I can totally understand how you feel. I don't like the change they've made to the female lead and her "cousin" story. Don't wanna be too spoilery about the C-drama but I just felt so wronged watching this scene. Like they removed the crucial part from the original which made the snow scene so much more emotional and important. This scene was meant to emphasize on why it's important Hae Soo is from the future, and how it contributed to her relationship with the 8th prince (wook in this case).

However, I have also come to accept that this is an entirely new story. They've taken the main concepts from the original and adapted it to a new version suiting the Korean history. So it's best not to expect much similarity and try enjoy it as it is.


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no. . . I see it as it own and doesn't draw the comparison,
but when the same exact line, thought and scene is popped out,
I feel like where's is this coming?
and then they play it like the original but doesn't know why it play like that in the original is just weird,
again, this is like cut and paste session because it looked good,

I like where this show went before but this seems like they shifted gear


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I have not seen the original and this all looked really good to me.
I like the switching back and forth from humor to serious and back again a lot.


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I'm confused as to what is being talked about. There was no scene in particular that stood out to me contextually as not belonging. I can understand its jarring for fans of the original to see some scene with a different background be inserted here, but if people just watching Scarlet Heart can't tell the difference, idk if its that contextually divorced from this drama?


@bi_cali, I understand what you're trying to say.

It's probably a disadvantage for fans who saw the C-drama first. Because those lines already come with their own buildup and backstories and delivered in such a way that just blends in the original. To see them pop up here in Moon Lovers when this show has a totally different tone from BBJX must be jarring.

I have yet to watch either versions (just following ML recaps for now), but I just want to say I understand what you're trying to say though I haven't experienced it myself, not having watched the C- or K-version yet.

I hope there are fewer instances of that happening so you can continue enjoying Moon Lovers as is. :D


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I know what you are trying to say. I too had that moment. I was like "ok...did they just took that entire scene and inserted in here?" I felt like the tone and flow of the drama was somewhat broken by the insertion. It felt hmm weird. I would prefer that it was entirely original since as you've said, they have already deviated from the c version, tone, plot and all.


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@bi_cali I do get completely what you mean because I watched BBJX, and is true that I thought "what the hell" when I heard Hae Soo’s go from "Omo Omo, what to do?" to think the exact same wise words that Ruoxi did.

But for me it was weird because I think that as a character that phrase doesn't fit her much (in my opinion), as it did to Ruoxi, whose intellectual background was well established on the c-novel. However that didn't stop me from appreciating the scene, I honestly laughed a lot when Hae Soo’s did that awfully executed bow to the king when she thanked him for the rugs.

I think it might help you to have selective amnesia for a while and forget about the original BBJX plot, because the way I see it, this show is completely different. And I love it so much! I mean that \^o^/ moment was priceless!


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I don't know, I haven't seen BBJX and prefer to take Moon Lovers on its own merits, and what we have so far story/character-wise isn't bad at all.

I actually like the slow development of the OTP here. They seem to be going for So and Su becoming friends first rather than instant attraction or bickering, and their best moments in this episode weren't grand ones but the smaller ones - I liked the way So casually slung an arm around Su and teased her, and the way he figured out her emoji-poem.


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oooo... i loved WS slinging an arm around HS so casually. Small moment, not really emphasized but this is a person who has been shunned by his family completely. To be comfortable enough to initiate unknowing casual contact - be still my heart! my ship is sailing ... woo hoo!!!

btw, did you notice, the evil princess (I sound like a 5 year old) ... did not deny that she thinks WS is ugly or an animal . And that is why you evil princess *snicker* will never get his heart.


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@bips99 - I am an absolute sucker for friends-to-lovers romances, and I love that So and Su basically took a reset after he realised she really wasn't going to betray him (went through a beating rather than admit just where and how she got the hairpin) and that they could actually just talk.

About evil princess, I was still too discombobulated by So referring to a woman having to be able to live with his 'ugly face' (UGLY HOW?!!! YOUR FACE IS LEE JUN-KI'S FACE!) to fully register what Princess Nasty said.


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Friends to lovers romances are my weakness too. They just feel so .... organic. And i love the show is doing a Goryeo version of it.

So what can be passed off as a completely non-moment in the 21st century means a lot for WS. Like her chiding him to not get angry all the time and then asking him to eat well. Awww... How long has it been that someone has cared about him?

Thats why i don't even mind the wook loveline right now. Because this means she not seeing WS with rose colored glasses. Instead he is becoming someone that she cares about a lot without even realising.

Lol ... is this the show trolling us - calling LJK who is almost manga like ugly ? But since the evil princess did not deny that he is ugly, i thought that what WS said was more like a parting shot to her - that I am looking for someone better than you. See how her face fell after his comment.


Yeah, that was such a lovely moment - she starts off with the laundry list of ways not to mess up in the palace, but then she says 'eat well' and you can just see the change flicker in Lee Jun-ki's face (this is when I love close-ups, take notes PD-nim). That one moment speaks volumes about how unused he is to hearing words of care, even more than his speech to the Queen at the start of last ep.

Maybe it makes me a terrible person, but I love both love lines - the burning desire between Wook and So (it's so rare to see chemistry between two actors in a kdrama that actually feels sexy, if you know what I mean) and the comfort between Su and So that is going to tip over into something else altogether the minute one of them realises it.



Friends to lovers and slow burn ships where the couple knows each other at their worst and falls in love with them anyway is one of my absolute favorite kinds of OTPs.

And the scene with Mean Princess and So and Yo was funny, although I had have to tell myself over and over to see them as very very distant relations or not even related at all, as essentially it was like Mean Princess was trying to get them to audition for who would be a better fit as a husband for her???

I did love how So handled that..calling her out on wanting a value ascribed to her, and then declaring that HE wanted to be cherished too, in spite of his face...I join everyone in incredulous laughter that anyone would find LJK's face ugly. I mean this is drama, so some suspension of belief is required, but it's asking too much to sway me over to the 'Wang So is hideously ugly' train. I mean what? In what universe??


@IvoryLight - maybe Astronomer Ji-mong should have sent an optometrist through the time-travelling eclipse pool to Goryeo, not a cosmetician.

I mean, I know only half of it is visible but anyone saying THAT FACE is ugly is severely in need of an eyesight check. I get that beauty standards change but this is a disbelief I cannot suspend!


sorry, I mean WOOK AND SU in

I'm NOT accidentally advocating a BL story between brothers!


@Pogo, tell me about it. Any time someone says Wang So is ugly my expression mirrors 10th, 14th and 9th's faces as they attempt to interpret Hae Su's 'art' lol.

Re: Hae So's cosmetic skills...I'm speculating, but I think we've all pretty much come to the conclusion that her skills will come in handy with dealing with Wang So's scar. I am PRAYING that the show handles this part well, because it runs the very real risk of becoming cheesy and unbelievable. It would be like 14th teaching how to defend herself and then boom, she's on Kim Na Na's level in taking down bad guys??? There better not be some 'apply once, scar disappears forever' magic cream that she applies *prays to the Drama gods, please don't let them go that way!!*

I know scar cream existed in Goryeo already, and as a Prince, Wang So would have had access to the best, but since his was much more serious than Hae Soo's cut, it couldn't be faded completely. As much as it will help him to have the scar fade away...I hope it comes with a good dose of..."Taking the scar away isn't what makes you a worthy person, you were already a worthy person, having it gone will just help everyone else see that too -(although they already should have known it in the first place)"

Sorry for the rambling!! ...Is it Monday yet???! And ugh, I will never not be weirded out by my looking forward to Mondays. It's just wrong. Look what you've done to me, show!!



tell me about it. after dropping literally everything else that is currently airing, moon lovers is the only show i'm watching live. Monday seems so far away *glum face*

I'll second you on the cosmetic skills. i hope they do it in a believable way. And most importantly he realises his worth inspite of the scar not just because she can hide it. Though i would have preferred had they left his scar as it is and him facing everyone with it clearly showing. That would have been awesome.


I'm just sitting here agreeing with everything. The lovelines are both wonderful. I'm enjoying the undeniable pull between Wook and Su that will likely end in tragedy, while the friendly, comforting connection slowly builds into something more between her and So. It's a pretty damn near-perfect situation to be in as a drama-viewer, gotta say. I'm definitely in for the ride!


sliiightly out of topic, but did you all notice the small round white thing haesoo used to apply idk blush or lipstick? i hope im not ruining it for anyone, but if you'd like, its available for purchase currently lol


I have never watched a Jun ki drama attentively...so this is hitting in so bad...also this is one of those time sageuk done well..In love with SO and how well he understands SU...like that time in the library . I am also sucker for those romances where one loves in a hush understated kind of way..So he's basically sort of an opposite of his exterior...that's again different from stereotype loveliness as you said...the bickering and teasing. Lol anyway I'd be looking forward to you show.Though we do love to bicker over the drama that we hate...but nothing feels as good when drama's done right.I might be exaggerating...but scarlet doing fine for me so far.


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Someone said that WS is a typical tortured tsundere hero.

But i don't get that feel from him. He is not cold or closed up. In fact he seems just the opposite to me. He pretty much wears his heart on his sleeve.

He is not averse to affection at all. In fact he is starved for it. So watching him fall in love is just joyful.

And i agree with you, scarlet is doing absolutely fine


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well, they do have a point - So is actually pretty tortured and tsundere to start with, I mean he choked Su for crying out loud. But I like that they're letting him open up more now, and he gave up being a jerk to Su much faster than most tsundere heroes do.



i always felt that tsunderes drag their sulkiness and anger almost till the last episodes. And continue to be either emotionally unavailable or unbelievable jerks till then

WS in comparison seems like a giant marshmallow. smiles, kind words, little concern, treat him with decency, and he just melts.


@bips99 - I don't know if I'm totally ready to declare So as a not-tsundere yet, but I do appreciate that his relationship with Su is rooted in mutual trust/budding friendship rather than attraction. Lee Jun-ki and IU do a great job of putting that across.


Love the arm sling part! So comfortable and casual already. LOL I think he's slowly emerging from his shell. And like you said below, Su has already proven she's trustworthy and will keep her word, unlike others who've betrayed him. I also love friends-to-lovers stories best. ^^


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I have to agree with you, im quite upset watching episode 4. Like there's no coherence, with choppy scenes and lack of other supporting characters. I'm not sure if that's because of lazy writing or bad editing. There wasn't backstory to support, instead of narrating it, actors saying it what happen. So who's Shinju Kang clan? We've heard it a couple of times but nope they are not showing us that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying LJK, KHN and IU's acting and wished that they not waste such a cast, please give us more Junki. He gives Wang So so much depth and emotions.


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Shinju Kang Clan is Wang So's adopted family. On the surface, he is their adopted son, but in reality he is a hostage sent to stay with an enemy clan. They showed the Shinju Kang Clan in the earlier episodes, Wang So's entourage riding to the capital city, the same people who threw him into the wolves den for sport and were so disappointed when he survived.


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eun soo . . . ya T.T
oh wrong drama


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You mean Faith, don't you? I love her too


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LOL! I had that flashback too when she was making the soap...>_<


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Can I just say, I love going to Dramabeans at odd hours and finding a new recap! Keep 'em coming, guys! :)


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Daebek! And then hitting refresh every few minutes to read the comments. :)


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OMG. I've been refreshing this page too the moment i finished my lunch.


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Yep! Like at 4:47 am Central standard time.


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It's nearly 3am gmt+8 my time and am scrolling madly trying to read as many comments as i could... Kkkk


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Kinda werid that So figured this out immediately. Lol.


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It just shows that So and Su is fated to be together. They even have the same sense of humour LOL


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Exactly, Destined, soulmates etc etc lol

my sis is team wook, i am team WS.

And when that scene started she was like - see poems. Wook is the one. How do you beat love poetry ?

Apparently through emojis *Fist bump*


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Yeah, they get each other! Even if they're not in the same room :)


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Or So gazing at the stars of Goryeo at the beginning...I wonder from whom he got that ?! hehe


It's like"great minds think alike" but "love channel same frequency" fits the bill better.


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Honestly, it's a better way to establish that they're perfect for each other than most of the other methods kdramas tend to use (including but not restricted to accidentally falling on top of each other, the timely rescue, and all of that)


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Soulmates! lol And he was explaining it with such chill too. He better have his own future self out there. No sad ending!


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And I reallyyyyy loves the way the younger princes start talk to So. Even the small gesture when Eun ask if So happen to understand the emoji meaning. He start to be accepted by his family T.T


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I was thinking about that too.... Is it possible that So is illiterate too?? Since he was brought up as a hostage they wouldn't have bothered teaching him how to read right?... if So is actually illiterate then it would make sense that he was able to decipher \^o^/ faster?


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Chinese characters (hanja) are based on pictograms - it's easier to believe So would be able to decipher an emoji using the same logic if he was literate than if he wasn't.


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Oh! You are right! smart thinking!


Seriously think there's another So in the modern world.. and he just met Goryeo Su. I want to see this drama! Somebody make it happennnn.


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I'm all for this!


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I have a feeling they might end this drama the Splish Splash love way. Su being rescued by So in the present if in any way they would try to make a happy satisfactory ending for the viewers.


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Ooooh imagine that

No half sisters to marry and no wolves to fight.


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But there's probably almost certainly your dad's political/business ally's bratty daughter to marry and greedy evil stepmom and douchey loan sharks to fight.


I found that part adorable. XD Especially with So figuring it out right away.


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Best part ♡♡


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UGH UGH UGGGGGHHHHH did they not learn their lesson about the godawful English-featuring OSTs, or has SBS given up on bothering to fix those because the ratings are down anyway? The one that played over the soap-making scene....

oh, well. At least it wasn't blasted at full volume. And better that it goes randomly in a scene about soap than a major moment between Su and Wook or her and So.


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At least they played the ost such that we were spared from hearing the rap :'D


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I hear you. The music director needs to be fired. The music most often suck out the moments instead enhancing them. Case in point: a love song when So basically grab Su's clothes last ep. WTF. The heavy handedness of the music just drives me nuts.

Korea has such beautiful legacy of traditional music, I just can't get why they don't use that kind of music which I am sure will blend better than what we have right now. This show has made hates a song sung by my baby girl Le Hi!! What a tragedy.


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True! I wish they used traditional music in view of the serious theme of this drama. The modern ost ruined the atmosphere completely..


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I couldn't agree more. The contemporary music is the biggest flaw of this show and so unnecessary.

If they really wanted to add that dimension to the show given that Soo is from the future, they should've hired a better skilled music director and used these songs sparingly.


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I think this director, like all creatives, has a hard time letting go of his signature style: using close-ups and music that's incongruous with what's happening. He did the same in It’s Ok, This is Love, but it worked there because the context was satirical, so the upbeat music in contrast to the craziness/seriousness of what was happening was fitting. Not so much here. Since it's a fusion sageuk, I think he's trying, albeit failing, to "seamlessly" combine Goryeo and modern Seoul.

But compared to episodes 1-4, episode 5 is by far the best in overall execution---directing, editing and storytelling. Finally, there's actually a story! And there are real feelings! I think he was trying too hard to be epic by bombarding the audience with so many things all at once when he should've went the simple route and focused on the main characters and developing their stories slowly and steadily.


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I think they are fixing the music in the live korean version. Though given the ratings, i'm not sure if they will continue to make the effort.

But thankfully they use "baby baby boy" for KHN. If they used to for the WS when he is on a killing spree, i'll throw something at my screen. Might as well be grateful for small mercies.

Btw, how beautiful was that soap making scene? It was just so aesthetically shot.


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Nah, the soap-making scene has a different English-featuring ballad OST. And thankfully that's the only one in the episode. But they keep doing it in scenes featuring Kang Ha-neul, and it drives me a bit nuts, so much that I couldn't even appreciate how pretty the scene was.

If they had any sense they'd be using instrumental versions of those ballad themes playing over the actual scenes, instead of vocals which inevitably distract. I mean, it's not like this production couldn't afford it.


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I thought I was the only one. The English-featuring OST they used almost ruined that scene for me.
The OSTs for this drama in general is out of place. In a modern drama maybe, but they are a no-no for a Sageuk.

I can live with the excess close ups (of KHN, most especially), the sometimes weird camera angles/ cinematography and what nots, but I can't stand the OST.


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Also I really hope SBS doesn't throw in the towel and leave all those horrible raps and English and god knows what else here.

I can't believe they cast IU - one of the most famous singers in Korea and an icon within her generation - and then made all this mess with OSTs, of all things. Though I heard that Taeyeon is doing one, and I like her voice.


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Let's just wait probably the next OSTs are gonna be better.


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They even made Baekhyun sang the main OST! And yet no IU!

That's the only negative thing I'm complaining.


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I prefer traditional song, like in grand saeguk drama# I like Lee Sun Hee's song


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I knooooow!!!!!!! Traditional music would be so amazing, even if it was just fusion traditional or just composed with care to fit the vibe of this drama.

Say, something like Second Moon (Ice Pond is still possibly my favourite kdrama OST of all time) or like you mentioned, Lee Sun-hee.


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Also, wuxia movies use traditional-influenced scores all the time, I can't see why this one couldn't. /sigh


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They must really want to insist that either KHN or Wook is a baby baby boy -___________-


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Dumbfounded to know that a baby baby boy resides inside the hunky torso of Wook the man.


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Why do i feel uncomfortable that Wook might have feelings for Lady Hae? I have this feeling that if that's the case, It will be a complete betrayal compared to thinking that he was just forced into this marriage? I'm not sure if i made sense. Lol.


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You might be uncomfortable at the thought that Wook loved her all this time, never realized it and never got to tell her *cries*


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I view that Wook does loved his wife but never in love with her.


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True. Loving someone and BEING in love with someone are two different things... Sure, both can exist simultaneously, but are of completely different motivations and sources of love XD


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That's what i'm thinking too. He loves Lady Hae but he's in love with Soo.


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Disagree, he has lust, a crush for Soo, not love. Soo is cute, fresh, perky - a novelty, nothing more at this point.

He isn't good enough for Lady Hae, she deserved better.


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Pretty much. Theirs was an arranged marriage that I assume he agreed to because it meant his family could move back to the palace, and while he certainly seems to admire and respect his wife and loves her like a family member, he doesn't really love her in the romantic sense.


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Sorry, that "I loved her, just not IN love with her" is the biggest bunch of nonsense. Its a trite excuse people use when they don't have the courage to say what they really feel.

You either love someone or you don't.

The more accurate line would be "I respected/admired/had affection for her but didn't love her"

The other reason people say "love but not IN love"when they mean they don't have lust for the other person. However, this to is wrong, as lust is cheap/fleeting and love is rare and more valuable than lust.


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I agree with you that lust and the novelty of seeing someone different might be guiding Wook's desire.
You know, strangely, I'd want the drama to go there because I think its the first time I'm witnessing a love triangle where I'm equally Invested with each side.
And I think its the first time I'm watching a second lead love line with otp that feels genuine, plausible and not shoved in because we need love triangle. The basis for Wook's attraction for Hae Soo and her for him feels natural, though wrong.
And lastly because I'm a Byuntae-and-I-Know-It, I love the SEXUAL CHEMISTRY, btw Wook and Hae Soo. For once, its not some innocent, she-completes-me kind of attraction. Its mostly LUST and I'm glad that its not exactly one-sided. Falling in love or,in their case, feeling attraction for someone doesn't always happen in ideal circumstances. I've gone to Married and Singles seminars where the married couple openly admit that their eyes have wondered. Its not like marriage completely makes one Immune to outside attraction. What keeps one from acting on those feelings is the commitment, loyalty, love and promise one has pledged to their partner and that's what prevents us from acting like dogs with no self-control ( no offense to dogs, lovely loyal animals they are).
Which then makes me happy their not rushing the loveline between Wang So and Hae Soo but are grounding it in friendship first. It will be all the more sweeter for it. Slow burn is yes, slow, but do not be deceived, it lacks no Fire! Can't wait!! Double OTP, fighting!!


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Do you not love your family just because it's not the same kind of love that you have for a significant other? Ultimately, both loves activate the same brain areas but with a couple of differences mostly in the last and maternal bonding areas. In fact, for those in long committed relationships, their brain MRI reflect closest to familial love, which is a true bond based on trust and love.

I suspect that Wook loves Lady Hae like a family member, someone that he deeply trusts and admires and cares deeply about. It might not be the stereotypical head over shoulders Hollywood representation of love but it's still love nevertheless.


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love for a sibling or parent should not be the same love someone has for a spouse

I think too many people confuse lust/crushes/school girl puppy crushes for love.............all of that is just infatuation, it is not love.

Truthfully, I doubt most people are selfless enough to have real love, so they settle for infatuation/lust and when that is over - and it does end - they just move on to someone else. This explains many affairs (emotional and physical), divorces, and unhappy marriages/relationships.




That's how I saw it too - love can also come in the form of care and respect, even if it isn't the kind of burn Wook feels around Su.


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Also, I think a lot of people fundamentally misunderstand the nature of arranged marriages.

I come from a country and community where they're really common, and they're usually done (with full consent from both parties) because it's a thing that is expected and the prospective bride and groom like each other well enough to be ok with the thought of starting a family together. Passionate romantic love really isn't expected to be part of the equation (though if it does happen, that's a good thing), but relationships like these are based on loyalty and respect/respectability rather than romance.


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This is exactly why I love reading DB comments... So much insights, not just from the drama itself but also from the cultures of DB communities. It just shows the how big the community is. Daebak!

@Pogo thanks for the post, we have some arranged marriage too in our culture (also Asianl) although not so favored anymore. Yet I agree that it is mostly out of filial duties, respect, loyalty or even political reasons.


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I loved that we got to see some of the side characters today: Wook's mother queen seemed like a very nice lady, the astronomer was funny and laid back, Prince Baek Ah flies into rages when he Smells A Rat in regards to Wook and Su, Lady Hae being a rich young lady fangirling over the exile prince. Alas, not enough of our beautiful Lee Jun Ki though!


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Jing Mo seems so fishy. I bet he knows thay Hae Soo is a time traveler.


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Lady Hae really surprised me! I was hoping she wouldn't leave us so soon :(


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In all fairness to Wook. He treated her nicely given that lady hae forced this marriage to him..


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Well up until he was drooling over her in front of his sick wife and writing her love confession poem! Sorry, I'm still salty about that. I'm thankful they didn't turn her into a witch to give him some excuse.


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The problem comes when we view the whole relationship in modern perspective. Men and women those days are actually very open over the idea of marrying off for specific interest and that men can take as many wives as they wanted. I don't really get the fuss over this whole issue.

He tried his best to be a good husband to her and she knew that he was never in love with her and that she wanted the marriage and not him but being a level-headed guy, he obliged and tried to commit to that marriage.

Finding love in Haesoo sparked something in him eventually. It's not like he intentionally drool over her in front of his wife, but more like losing himself in the process and wasn't aware that he was capable of feeling and reacting that way.


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Well his brother had an issue with it too so it's not just my modern views lol Though he shouldn't have yelled at Su cause I felt his anger was mostly directed at his hyung. They are just already writing them like some kind of star crossed lovers torn apart instead of building the attraction slowly when Su barely knows him. If she's like that with one brother, how is she going to be with the other one then? lol Though mind you, she wasn't as dramatic as Wood was. I guess when they only have 20 episodes, they have to manage the best they can.



13th has an issue about it because it is his beloved Lady Hae who is Wook's wife. If it were another woman, I doubt he would have cared.


I think my problem with Su and Wook's romance is the element of betrayal. I have given up on my modern female view in order to enjoy this drama (tho I still can't get over the incest part. It's just too much eww. I hope we won't have much screen time for this). So I have made peace with polygamy that generally comes with this kind of sageuk. Having said that, I just cant get on board with Wook-Su because Lady Hae opened her house for Su and has been acting as her surrogate mother. This is like watching someone who you have invited home suddenly going to replace you. Su has experienced such betrayal in her modern lifetime, so to have her mooning over someone else's husband, someone who she knows love the husband that she's mooning over, strangely does not sit well for me. I know both of them tried to resist it, but the whole love poem incident just rubs me in a wrong way. Instead of making me swooning, it made me mad with rage. If lady Hae did not love wook, I would probably less enraged by the whole love poem thing.

Sorry for the rant and hope I made sense. My heart just hurts so much for lady Hae.


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True he may not have anticipated his feelings or realized the extent of his actions and how obvious they were to his wife but that doesn't necessarily make it okay. Su and Wook did need the slap of reality to show what they look like from the outside perspective.
I don't think it's necessarily a modern vs. traditional perspective. We often tend to excuse people in history by that moniker that it was common in their time. And while that may be true, good behavior isn't a hard lesson to learn for anyone.
In this case, I don't judge either character as bad but do recognize that by encouraging their feelings while knowing it was wrongful towards the third party involved, they made poor decisions. It's not reprehensible but I love that it was called out on.
It's also why I had a hard time shipping these two because any romance that is built on hurting another has a poor foundation. If Lady Hae hadn't been his wife, it would have been a moot point (like in modern kdramas were the hero develops feelings for female lead while having side female of undefined significance), but since she's his wife, it makes a difference especially considering Su knew how much she loved her husband. Her feelings of inadequacy when it came to being unable to do more for her husband was common knowledge to Su and Wook and yet they side-stepped this in their quest for each other's company.


Points taken. Some are okay with the romance and some are not . If I am to refer to the C-version, Ruoxi and Haesoo were both betrayed by their modern-day boyfriends, only that Ruoxi's romance with 8th is more acceptable for the fact that Ruoxi's sister never loved her husband.

As far as the drama goes, Haesoo is not the brightest girl, no way near the smart and level-headed girl that is Ruoxi and she said that "she does not know what her heart truly wants". At one point she tried to dismiss the feeling while at the same time, subtlely encouraging it.

At least on the part 8th, he felt guilty over the feelings and writing a poem to Haesoo is so out of his character but there is a beauty in it, that we now see his character's flaw, that the most composed level-headed prince could act in impulse for love and gave us some hint that this guy, the one without political aspiration would actually battle out his brothers for throne and acted out because of love.

Judging that their relationship's development moving so fast, I am actually very intrigued of what may cause their separation since marriage is pretty much in their way and how she would eventually ended up loving Wang So.


More than wook, i had a problem with HS's reactions. Since SHE is the one from the 21st century and has suffered the exact same betrayal. But all i heard was 'no matter how much i try, my heart keeps moving in his direction'

Neither did i see much of the shock on discovering that she was being viewed (By Baek-Ah prince) the same way as she viewed her backstabbing best friend.


13th has an issue about it because it is his beloved Lady Hae who is Wook’s wife.
If it were another woman (not Lady Hae but another woman is Wook's wife. *Emphasis on without a child, and is severely ill*), I doubt he (13th) would have cared if Wook got together with Soo.

I am not for adultery/ concubinage because of personal real life experiences. I detest adultery. I detest concubinage. If you guys only knew...

I am just trying to understand the "significance" of having a wife in this era and Lady Hae's role as wife to Wook.

What I get from the show is that she loves Wook so much that she married him and giving him a boost in his status in relation to the succession to the throne.
I also think Lady Hae knows the importance of this stature to Wook, his dreams and responsibilities as an heir apparent.

*Hence the jab from Queen SMS that she was unable to bear a child is too hurtful and humiliating. Queen SMS is such a beetch.*

A Prince having a child is one of the most important duties of a wife, aside from making sure of his connections in the court. So I guess, Lady Hae knows and wishes that he take another woman who could fulfill that for him, and that will make him closer to things he aspires.
Love in marriage is important.
But there are other things at play here.

I am so happy to read different views on the comments. This is so Scarlet Letter. I mean, Scarlet Heart. Hahaha.


I believe Su knows--partly because of her modern sensibilities and cousin's kindness to her--that this attraction to Wook isn't exactly right. But her head knows; her heart still feels.
I agree with Del. Wook has always been the calm, level-headed one out of all the princes, but with Su, it looks like he's swept up in this naive, sweet romance despite its negative, "forbidden" context because this is what Su is to him, in Goryeo--naive and sweet, entirely new to the vicious bloodshed of her new world. For someone like Wook who may be used to being a passive observer, the newness and force of these feelings will be incredibly heady.


yeah, Baek-ah's going off at Su wasn't about morals in general, and like @rei said, I doubt he'd have cared if it was any woman other than his beloved Lady Hae who was affected.

I guess my takeaway from this is that feelings are tricky tangled things, and not that easy to control or even figure out - Su takes a while to realise she's attracted to Wook but tries to fight it because of Lady Hae, Wook likewise, until the love poem, and Lady Hae falling for Wook when he was out of favour with the king.


I think in ep4, queen said how the marriage had helped wook to enter the palace again. So he wasnt being kind simply bcs he was forced to marry her, but also bcs he had favors to return


I totally understand @Bips99 because the concern, the stronger resistance by right should come from Haesoo instead of Wook since her moral ground is of the perspective of a 21st century woman.

That is the slacking on the writer's part I suppose or that is to make our heroine far from perfect or probably to set things into motion since if there is anything about this drama, the main point is that no matter what you do, you can't change history and something either of upholding that moral value or not will eventually pave the way for things to happen.


Why be mad at the relationship where the dying wife gave her blessings, when we have incest in the mix people! For sure our contemporary view points will color our emotional response, but honestly the half sister business is the one that needs work from my side to not feel icky about.


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I think none of us are okay with incest. What we're trying to articulate is why we TOO cannot be fully on board with su and wook's romance. This is not about which sins are greater. Like Quinze eloquently explained, this is not about modern sensibilities. Regardless of the convention of the time, Su is hurting someone who has shown her nothing but kindness. Even whe she unintentionally jeopardize the safety of the family (e.g. The fight with ten). This facts stand even when lady hae has been so magnanimous about it. If lady hae does not love fiercely wook (like in the original version), I maybe have a different feeling. But she does, and how eloquently selfless she is about it actually makes it worse in my eyes.


Sorry, I don't think someone should allow themselves to get attracted to someone married to another.

The "I can't help it" idea is nonsense. A person with character and respect for others can squash it. A selfish person will give in.


The idea that feelings can be controlled is ridiculous - what you can control is how you act as a consequence.


I have a very different response to the Wook / Su relationship than a lot of people here. And that is perfectly fine and I am happy we can respectfully discuss perspectives. I can understand their attraction towards each other and I don't hold it against them either. There were several moments of restrain from both. Most of their interactions further built on that small initial seed of attraction and it grew. The scene between Su and Baek Ah was telling where the realization for both sunk in and they locked their feelings away. Su wasn't scheming to take Wook and Wook wasn't planing on leaving his wife. Even when she told him to take a second wife he refused.

In a perfect world Wook would be in love with his wife and she wouldn't die. But alas we know it was a political choice for him. He is a respectful and attentive husband, but seems to only have a platonic love for his wife. In the end Lady Hae made the most practical choice and also the choice that showed how deep her love for Wook was.

Wook / Su, I kinda get it. We tend to forgive if the wife is a shrew or evil (like in moon embracing the sun), but in a mutually respectful, albeit loveless relationship, I can see why it's harder to swallow this.

Btw, I think we all need to get ready for the Crown Prince in moonlight to be married and carry on with Eunuch Hong .. No? The character descriptions did list Chae Soo-bin as the wife. Don't know how they will resolve the issue there..!


Everyone's going on about incest, but consider the fact that Lady Hae is historically one of Wook's half sisters.

How else do you think she raised his profile? When a king has 30 something children, there's not much room for other people to hold high positions.


I hope you all realize that real-life So, also known as King Gwangjong, actually married real-life Yeon-hwa, also known as Queen Daemok. This incest is historically accurate.

And yes, that's right. So does end up becoming King (after two of his brothers, 1st prince and 3rd prince) and Yeon-hwa his queen.


Meh, "forced" implies he was dragged kicking and screaming. I feel like it's more that he wasn't in love with her but did love her in his own way. And while she knew he didn't love her, she tried to do her best to bring him good name and fortune and be a partner he would feel proud to have. Which I think all in all worked for both of them. I don't think it was an unbalanced marriage except in terms of her one-sided feelings for him.


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Yeah, there was mutual understanding in the marriage.
They both knew the advantages of the union and acted agreed upon it.
Lady Hae was a dutiful, virtuous wife who loved her husband. Wook was also a dutiful husband who cared for his wife. He respected her but not necessarily loved her, at least,not in the way of romance.
I get the anger but is not like the two were involved in an illicit affair. Yes, they developed feelings for each other, but its not like they went ahead to start something. If not anything else, they tried to fight it . You can't always control your feelings, what you can control is how you ACT upon it. If were going to drag characters for their feelings for married partners then might as well include Prince Baek-Ah. He, who was mad at Wook and Hae Soo is in love with Lady Hae even though she is married. One can argue that he has backed off and is not actively pursuing her or acting on those feelings but then, the same can be said for Wook and Hae Soo, save for poem and emoji. He really doesn't have the moral high ground to be vexed.


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@Flightey Gazelles exactely ! You are spot on! you can't force a heart or be mad at someone because they develop feelings, If you did we should all be angry all the time with just about every 2nd lead in just about every Kdrama mooning over the lead girl/guy.
They grew feelings for eachother,yes, did they act upon it? no.
Except maybe the love Poem though i don't see why people blame Soo for this. She did not even understand the meaning or implications of it. She thought it was a nice poem to cheer her up and thus ended replying with an emoji for goodnes sake! People these days don't do swapping of love poems as "confessions" so ofcourse she did not "get it". If you go by that standard, i'm in love with all my siblings and most of my friends because i often send texts or little quotes with hearts in them.
Also, what's with the double standard here? Why is Soo the one to blame for harboring feelings for someone but 13th prince ,who judged her for it, spent most of his meetings with his sister in law telling her "noona, you know how i feel, oooh i met you first, you were my noona before you met wook" blabla , not even concealed, but straight out.Yet he has the nerve to call her shameless? hah!
As metallica says judge not lest ye be judged, or as my mom says those who see evil in others usually see their own feelings reflected to them.

As for the ending, it's the shoes..the shoes might be a clue.
Rememeber when she jumped into the pool, the ahjussi /astrologer looked at her shoes still standing on the deck? First time she looked at wook was when he was putting on his wife's shoes while servant girl said he was a good man. Then when he broke open the door that night, and reached out his hand for her to grab it, before she accepted, they both looked at her shoes in the corner. i think*Guesswork spoiler here* she might end up dying as Hae soo which will inbspire/help So become king and then she will resurface in our time with Wook look alike reaching out his hand, helping her out of the water and putting on her shoes to get her to a warm dry place. What do you think?


Agree, you couldn't say it better. The heart cannot be controlled, only the actions. Of course is not a nice situation and I have felt bad for lady Hae, but both Su and Wook tried to control themselves and be respectful to her. They made the mistake of the poem, but for the rest, you cannot blame them for having feelings..the heart wants what it wants...For me, it was sad to see how the three of them were miserable with the situation.
As for the future, sadly for me I am 100% in Wook's ship, I couldn't be more on board; love how he is serious and restrained but at the same time it seems that he is full of passion ? Plus, the chemistry between Kang Ha Neul and IU is awesome ? and I doubt that her relationship with LJK will give me the butterflies that I feel when Wook gets close to her (and yes, that sexual tension in the air...)
Well, it seems that I am set up for heartbreak ?, not sure I will be able to watch till the end if I sense that Wook doesn't have an chance with her.


Thank you for the super fast awesome recap!(\^0^/)
In all my 8 years of Kdrama watching, this is the first time I'm feeling the full force of second lead syndrome! Now I know how it feels like being torn between two intense ships! The director uses too many closeups :( But it allows us to see those micro expressions on Kang Hae Neul's handsome face. I had to replay parts of the episode because of I kept staring and focusing on his handsome face.

One thing that irks me is the OST. It doesnt fit the drama or scenes. Its distracting. Also I know I'm crazy, but I keep hearing Fate by Lee Sun Hee in my head whenever watch this drama(One of my fav songs). Why cant they have more music like that..


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I am not a big fan of extreme closeup too, but I don't mind if the close up is on talented actors that can show great facial expression like LJK, Haneul and even Queen SMS. The close up on these actors are like icing on the cake, where I can delight upon discovering the micro expressions and working out their meaning.

On the other hand, I consider close up on other actors as a waste of screen time, and only makes the actor's lack of talent more jarring. For these actors, I'd rather have wider shot instead.

However there are instances where I am annoyed with the inappropriate amount of close up, for example in episode 4 where Su scooted closer to So as they sat on the rock on the mountain top. I think the director should've used wider angle when Su scooted closer to So to emphasis the movement. Close up on the actor's face does not properly show us the sudden receding physical distance between the two, hence confusing some of the viewer with So's look of shock.


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Agreed. Closeups are an awesome tool, but only when used wisely. Even with good actors like LJK, the camera can still be too close and distract.

For example, when So confronted his mother at the beginning of episode 4, the camera kept on switching between them using really, really close close-ups (as in, both their chin and foreheads weren't in the screen). Having them stare directly in the camera and talk was also very disconcerting. Both of these things completely ruined the mood for me, and although their acting was fantastic, I couldn't get into it at all. Using closeups to see their micro-expressions was a great choice, but not zooming in quite that close would have helped it a lot.


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First off, thanks, HeadsNo2, for another fine and detailed recap!


Also I know I’m crazy, but I keep hearing Fate by Lee Sun Hee in my head whenever watch this drama(One of my fav songs). Why cant they have more music like that.

Holy cow! You're reading my mind. During the soapmaking scene, the modern pop with English lyrics felt so jarring. All I could think of was "Inyeon" and the soundtrack of THE KING AND THE CLOWN performed with traditional instruments. The lyrics perfectly fit the story -- and they continue to hit me where I live.

Come to think of it, the instrumental OST for PAINTER OF THE WIND also fit the time period very nicely. Give me a nice orchestral score any day...

I realize this is a time travel show, but the 21st century music ruins the mood for me. Maybe it has to do with the specific scenes it's used in... Other viewers' mileage may vary. ;-)


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Here's the thing, I think modern music as a deliberate stylistic choice in a period movie can work really, really well - Sofia Coppola's 1970s-glam-rock soundtrack for Marie Antoinette was a masterclass in pulling this off.

But it's really, really important to choose and use the music with care instead of doing what whoever's responsible for the music of Scarlet Heart has done, which willy-nilly recording a bunch of nondescript OSTs with famous names and shoving them in the drama at random moments so they just become jarring and take you completely out of the story, rather than heighten/highlight aspects of the narrative the way Sofia Coppola did.

Hell, I even wish they'd used instrumental versions of the OSTs instead. Surely it's not hard to strip the vocals?


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I loved MC Sniper's raps in CHUNO and FAITH... It took me completely by surprise because I don't even like rap... but for me, it worked in those shows. IIRC, in CHUNO, it was used in an action scene and the energy fit.

I agree about using instrumental versions of the OSTs in MOON LOVERS. I really like the melodies of a couple of them.


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MC Sniper's raps work beautifully for sageuks - Arang had one, and it was BOMB because the melody/instrumental etc fit so well into fight scenes (Lee Jun-ki using a fan as a weapon and kicking multiple-supernatural-person butt to that music... heavens)

I feel like he did quite a few OSTs between 2010-2012, I wish sageuk producers would start checking for artists like him again, and less of this insubstantial idol crap.


I was trying to remember the other drama that had MC Sniper... ARANG. I totally agree -- "Mask Dance" is great music to kick demonic assassin butts by.

I hadn't listened to "Bad Guy" from the FAITH OST in a spell. Definitely one of my faves from a cracktastic soundtrack...



It turned out we had the same taste in music for this OST.
I also agree, should its OST made better or at least equivalent "Iljimae" soundtrack, much more saeguk!


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Hae Soo's "thanks to my junior high teacher! You will be blessed!" Isn't that bless line from Lee Da Hae's My Girl where Lee Jun Ki also starred? That is like one of my fave kdramas of all time XD


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Brain-twisting drama meta where drama world meet haha


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That's exactly what I was thinking while watching, I remember hearing that phrase a lot in My Girl, except I totally forgot that Lee Junki was in it lol, that makes it even more meta and funny ^^


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I thought this episode was really beautiful. Well, sad and beautiful. It still feels weird with the whole too much close up to the face cinematography tho. But I think it is indeed getting better as we go along. I have no knowledge from Korean history (apart from what I read from you guys, hehe) nor have I watched the C version, so I'm really enjoying it now. (I was wary at first) I cried so much for Lady Hae. :(

Can it be Monday-Tuesday soon? :D


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I like this show but thank to being a modern person I absolutely detest the feeling Su has for the eighth prince.
I so want to fast forward to when Su and the fourth prince together.
Every time seeing Su and the eighth together make me cringe. Good grief that we live in a "one husband one wife" society.


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The 4th Prince in the Chinese version had a wife too. Let's hope they don't pop up a default wife for Wang So (when he was at Shinju Kang Clan?) and kill your joy :-)


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Baloney hogwash balderdash!

Wook's already married has made me feeling awful about Su... If So's gonna pull that one too...

Noooooooo~ \T_T/


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**awful about Su liking someone's husband. That ain't honorable, girl. Just downright douchey (from a modern female pov)


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More importantly from someone who just suffered her best friend and her her boyfriend having an affair.

Lets move to WS/HS loveline now. this should start happening given the previews i think


I dont think So os already married.. I think i read it somewhere (maybe in one of the recap in SFD) that hairstyles is some sort of single/married identifier in goryeo era..equivalent to a man's wedding ring in modern times..the hair style of wook and yo with their man bun indicate they already married while the other prince that had not married will not be tied into a bun..
I might be wrong or biased because i really dont want So to get some popped out wife halfway to the story


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Couldn't agree more. It's not so much that I detest either character, not do I feel like they're not doing a great job with the material, but I'm much more comfortable with a one-sided love here (from Wook to Su) than forbidden love. Especially when So/Su scenes are just the most enjoyable scenes out there.

I can't wait until we move past the Wook/Su loveline. Blegh. I guess I'm just too modern for it.


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hah yeah I'm waiting for the shift to more Su/So scenes and less of Wook as much as I absolutely love kang haneul and his talented acting.


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As others already pointed out, while Wook & Soo's love is not forbidden for the time that they're in, it should be and is forbidden to Soo (and us), since she has 21st century values. That's why she tried not to encourage Wook.

What I find odd is the portrayal of Wook's struggle with loving Soo. (Not that I'm complaining about seeing broody KHN, just sayin'.) This shouldn't have been such a dilemma for Wook since polygamy and concubinage were the norm among royals at that time. I mean, look at his family! I think the k-drama played it that way to try to sell the romance and diminish the "ick factor" some viewers might have. I also think that's why they removed Wook's wife, Lady Hae, from the picture, a move that wasn't really necessary to the story. But, I get it, rooting for a polygamous romance is tough.

Still, it's too bad the writers chose to appease viewers instead of stay true to the culture of the time and let the viewers, and Soo, struggle with the dilemma of a 21st century woman being transported to a polygamous royal court.

The c-drama was brave enough to just let it be and leave the viewer to wrestle with their emotions. I think that's one of the c-drama's strengths and hoped the k-drama wouldn't play it as safe as they're doing.

But, maybe, the k-drama has a different story it wants to tell and I'm willing to give it that chance. I'm really curious to see how Moon Lovers will finesse the difficult history of the Goryeo period and the real historical figures featured in this drama.


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I actually think, having lady hae died, actually worsens the possibility of soo and wook being together. maybe im reading it too deeply, but it feels like her death adds up to their guilt..

also, when asked about having multiple wives, eun replied that he would only want one. so while, polygamy was acceptable, so was monogamy it seems..

and wook was also very much aware of lady hae's feelings and sacrifice for him, so i think that plays a part in his contemplation.. maybe..


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I was kind of cheering when Baek Ah confronted and scolded Su about her and Wook's flirtation with each other. It really annoyed me that Su would do something so jarring when it wasnt that long ago that her ex and friend did the same thing to her.


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Me too! I don't fault Su for falling in love necessarily, because that's not really something you can help, but she was complicit (ie the poem, leaving the room to see him etc). I think she needed to hear someone from this time say that it was wrong too. She knows what it's like to be betrayed but she has been hearing from the woman herself (Lady Hae) that it was alright for Wook to be with someone else and for that person to be Su. I'm glad Baek Ah was there to tell her she was hurting Lady Hae. That those feelings hurt her.

Also glad because it gives them a certain shared value (ie falling in love with married men is bad) that they can build on with their friendship in the future.


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I was cheering him on.

I don't get why HS is acting on her love/infatuation. It doesn't sit right with her character background.

And neither did the ensuing conversation by the lake b/w HS/Wook made me think that she shaken with guilt for almost becoming like her best friend.

Lets drop this ship and move to the more important one please.


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"... because that’s not really something you can help.."

Yes, you can help who you fall in love with. Mature adults realize actions have consequences. Selfish immature people who never grew up go where their desires take them, regardless of how it affects others (ie: going after married people)

"i couldn't help it" is a line people use who don't (or can't) take responsibility for their actions.


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Preach it sister!

... i'm so sick of 'i couldn't help it' reason that is thrown around in tv shows and movies. If you think you are liking someone too much, as a mature married adult, you should completely avoid them. not find excuses to stare at them and exchange longing glances and gifts. In fact you should be making an extra effort to spend time and reconnect with your spouse who you cared about in the first place.

ummm... general rant!


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What I meant by that was you can't control your feelings you can control your actions. Which is why I have trouble with Su bonding with Wook, when she knows she has these feelings for him.

But I don't' think the actual feeling being in love with someone is in our control as human beings, what we do with those feelings is.


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emotions are irrational - you can supress them, but they still exist and you feel them


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Falling in love maybe, but attraction,not always.
What you can control is your actions.


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And Baek Ah's not so innocent. He's been mooning over Lady Hae even more overtly than Su over Wook. All those feelings he ascribes to her are the feelings he himself has obviously felt for Lady Hae. From the preview,I think those two might bond as friends over their grief.

I was delighted with the actor's performance this episode, by the way. He will always be Eun Taek-i to me from Cheese in the Trap; I'll always have a soft spot for him. But notice how good he was in this scene. His acting has really improved.


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Right but harboring feelings isn't really the problem. I can't fault Wook or Su for their feelings for each other. Nor can I fault Wook for not being in love with his wife.Feelings by themselves are a part of us we can't help. It's more about how one acts on it.
Baek Ah may have very well been in love with Lady Hae but aside from seeking out her platonic presence, he wasn't pursuing her for more than that or writing her poems or giving her inappropriate gifts.

But I agree, it'll be interesting to see them bond in their grief over Lay Hae.


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@ Quinze Exactly this.

I know we cant help having feelings for someone, but acting out on that feelings is what irks me the most.


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You've used examples of Wook pursuing Su but my answer was to compare Su and Baek Ah. Su didn't do much beyond overt staring and a few questionable gestures. Baek Ah actively denigrated his brother to Lady Hae for not loving her enough, and suggested his own devotion at the same time. Actually, he was much worse than Su now I think about it, and you can bet if Lady Hae had been willing he would have acted on it immediately.

So Baek Ah, when he talks about how Su can't eat without thinking of Wook, etc., is speaking from his experience of being in unrequited love with Lady Hae. That's why out of all of them he recognized Su's feelings. They were his own. And that's why he put her down for it, because she was hurting the woman he loved.

That seemed obvious to me.

I agree with your main point that harboring feelings is not the same as acting upon them. And I've always hated that Su and Wook might end up in a relationship while Lady Hae was alive, but I also posited that Lady Hae herself had approved or would approve it because she was childless and loved Wook so much.


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Good points. It really is about personal perspective so what I see as culpable may not hold the same weight for you and vice versa.
But I have to recognize the poem exchange does happen after Wook and Soo's moment on the bridge as does the soap gift. I totally get that she's trying to ignore her confusion over her feelings, and alternatively wasn't fully aware of the poem exchange being inappropriate considering Lady Hae encourages it. However, it did need to be pointed out to her because it was still steering towards inappropriate. Ignorance is bliss until it gets you in trouble. Thing is, we know Lady Hae encourages it because she has an expiration date on her life. But it doesn't excuse present behavior while she's alive and they both know it.

I was never in disagreement about Baek ah's motivations. I totally get that he wouldn't even bat an eyelash if he didn't have a personal interest in the situation. I don't think he's any worse than Wook though because again, he's fully aware that his feelings are one-sided and won't go beyond his confessions/complaints. In Wook's case, it's not the same as Su does have feelings for him in return which opens up a can of worms. Were Lady Hae to reciprocate Baek ah's feelings we'd have a completely different scenario on our hands and prob a while other show lol. I don't think it makes him a saint or better person, but in terms of actions, he's not really in the wrong.

In general, it makes for a really crappy and confusing situation for everyone involved which is understandable. But the appropriate thing to do would have been to allow Lady Hae's remaining days to be spent with her husband. I did love the way they treated her passing with her husband carrying her in the snow as she said her final words. It was a moving moment and I loved all three actors in it.


Thank you!! Baek Ah was speaking from experience. And the only reason we don't think Baek-Ah did/does not act on his feelings is because the drama hasn't spent time on him, highlighting it. Just a few passing mentions.


@Barbrey, thanks for pointing those out.

I thought I was the only one noticing that Baek-ah was bordering on inappropriate too and his monologue was actually stemming from his own experiences.


Spot on. I agree with everything you've stated there. He would not let Lady Hae forget nor dismiss his feelings for her. It is such a pity they've scant screentime together. So much I want to know about their history.

I am hoping that when they begin Baek Ah's romance storyline, there'll be flashbacks to his past with Lady Hae. I want to know more :'(


He may not be writing her poems, but he was making paintings for her, and considering that Baek Ah was so open about how he felt about Lady Hae, I can imagine that the gesture was a romantic one for him. Which is why he could so easily read Su, because he was potentially detailing his own feelings.


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Perhaps it's also a matter of context. Affairs/cheating is cowardly because you should end a relationship when it's no longer working not at the point where you've find a 'replacement' and start harbouring feelings for someone else. But a divorce for Wook here is pretty much impossible isn't it? Not to mention it'll probably do irrecoverable damage to Lady Hae.

What are you meant to do in that situation?


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Baek Ah is one of my fav princes in this story

He fits perfectly with makeup and the long hair# love it

remind me of Vaness Wu# ahahaha


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i find it unfair - baek ah loves lady hae, he is longing for her, his unrequited love don't make him morally better, he is same as hae soo


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Really love this episode. There are many changes this ep that I cannot wait how it would develop next week. Really, I know it just started but can we get more eps for this show? I'm in need of more of this \^0^/


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Here are my feelings conveyed Su-style:


Now going to go off to my corner and wait for Monday again...


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Actually one last question...could someone please explain what season we are in? In one scene Su and Wook are trudging through the snow and a couple scenes later they're standing in front of a pond in what looks like the middle of spring...


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LOL i didnt realised that until you pointed it out. Maybe early winter?


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You are right the seasons are all over the place...in some scenes snow is melting and green is coming in, or no snow at all, then in last episode it's that gloominess that comes with winter and there's snow everywhere. I'll just think late winter/early spring OR late fall/early winter?


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I think that's one of the downside of pre-produced drama. And they shot it on months when the weather are polar opposites. They filmed from January to June. Meaning it's Winter-Spring-Early Summer. Lol. It would've been better if they filmed Fall-Winter or Spring-Summer.


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I noticed this, too. I took it based on the colors of the first 4 episodes (orange filter? and the quality of light when Hae Su got out of her room realizing she was transported in Goryeo, the autumn-like
sunset before she sneak again into the bath house and saw So's scar) that those happened in Autumn.

Then with the stars viewing and snow suddenly appeared (...), it was the beginning of winter. When they came to visit the palace, Su is wearing some kind winter coat, so Episode 5 is winter.

I wish that there were some kind of landscape shots, conversation, or transition to indicated or show the passing of time.


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Oh thanks for pointing out! I was so absorbed into the emotions I didn't notice.

Bad editing/directing most likely? Or maybe they're trying to imply some time has passed. I'm pretty sure the story will have to happen over a span of a few years.


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sometimes several months can pass between the scenes, the story spans several years


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I noticed that too but where I live, the weather is crazy. Last winter there would be record low snow storms one week and spring like weather the next. So much can change in on day. You can see people post before and after pictures within the span of just hours and see a drastic change. So that much, I can suspend.


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I thought it was simply because this is a historical drama and that it's because of the weather back then, erratic and cold....lol what time period is this drama again? I should search/look it up


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There was an article that was released recently with KHN saying that the snow scene almost didn't happen. They were shooting other scenes while waiting for snow. When it finally did snow, the whole staff rushed to shoot that scene. It was luckily the last snow of the season. So seeing as it was the last snow, the spring scenes that followed made sense imo. It wasn't in the dead of winter.


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Yes, it's so disturbing. It felt like they just shot one scene to another without following the exact timeline in the script for convenience but totally forgot to pay attention to the story as a whole. Didn't they have anyone who's responsible to coordinate this thing?


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Didn't Su say that there were stars that could only be seen in Goryeo? Maybe the same applies to the weather. Heh. #onlyingoryeo


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Love it #OnlyInGoryeo


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Thanks for the very fast recap, Heads!

I was sooo worried Su would say something to the King that hasn't happened yet. Spying and getting caught doing so was not a good thing back then.

I do love Su being adorable, but I need her to be canny soon. She has to survive all this intrigue. I don't want Sister Big Shot and Mean Queen Long Name destroying her!

It is OK if we don't see much So for a little while. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all.


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Hi jomo *hugs*, that baby baby boy is making my heart flutter so so bad - So had better step up to the plate next week, or I could jolly well be boarding a totally wrong ship real soon...


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As if the LJK boat could not been the right one... HA! I say to you. He is the Lone Ranger of Dreamy. The Batman of Love. The Phantom of the Heartstopera. The Mike Wazowski of Flutter.

How can he have so much charisma with ONE EYE!


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But my heart is already uncontrollably fond of him!

Come back, So!


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Me with! It is beyond my brain. When I see him I just gasp and gape. I adore him.


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Ahhh I knew it. Honestly i ship for Hae Su and Wang So. But, Lady Hae seems like make hae su promise to marry her husband so i think it would make another conflict if hae su really love him or just feel responsible for the promise she made with her cousin. Really lookin forward to the next episode!!!


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i honestly think the relationship between 8th and haesoo probably won't work... not because haesoo will eventually have an epic love story with the 4th, but because she'll be so guilty if she were to be with 8th.

argh, i'm hoping for more scenes with haesoo and the 4th next week


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Did I miss something here? I didn't see Hae Soo made any promise to Lady Hae...


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Su meeting Taejo Wang Geon was hilarious.

So from now on. I'll try to study more on history because it may come in handy once i time travel.

But first i need to find first when is the next Solar Eclipse. LOL.


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If I learned anything from this episode, it's that I should've listened to my history teachers better. Even if only on the off-chance that I end up 1000 years in the past needing to flatter the current ruling figurehead.
History was my weakest subject... I should start studying just in case. (I will choose to hope that the mystical powers that be will give me a sexy bathhouse to fall into too)


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Su fangirling over Taejo complete with her jaw-dropping expression and saying "daebak" was definitely one of the highlights of this episode.


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I love this drama even more. The deciphering of the emoji scene is really the cutest so far. And how so ahead Wang So is that he was the only one capable of translating it.

This episode is truly amazing, full of laughter and sadness and tugs at the heartsrings. My only complaint being the less screentime of Lee Jun Ki. And I personally love his look more with his hair down than the tidier updo and the sight of him in the princely robe is to behold to. Please, don more black, Jun Ki-shi.

At this juncture, the plot and relationship development between Haesoo and the rest of the princes are very much unpredictable. We are yet to view 10th Prince's birthday scene and yet Haesoo is about to be married off in the coming episode???

So, I find the whole drama watching totally a new experience despite that I have actually watched the C-version.

Good job so far Moon Lovers. No drama is flawless but this one has come across to be more endearing than ever and I am loving it even more now.


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Yeah i was wondering when they'll show 10th's birthday scene...


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Oh man, that emoji scene honestly made my day. I'm still laughing over the fact that Wang So was the first one who noticed/realized what it was. How?!

But I definitely agree. Lee Jun Ki looks great in his new robes and I actually like both of his hairstyles. It looks like he'll be switching it back and forth so that's a good thing!

I'm also really shocked at what will happen next since it's so different from the original Scarlet Heart drama. It feels like everything is happening way too fast but at the same time, it makes you wonder what else will be different?


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I'm seriously amazed at how good looking LJK is in this drama (or in like 99% of his dramas). I was sad we didn't see much of him today but damn, he's so pretty. I love his wolfish 'do too but yeah, the neat and tidy look is A+ lol.

Hah, I loved the emoji scene and how he picked up on it so quickly. Like he's on her weird unconventional wavelength already.

Since I haven't seen the original I can't compare but independently, I'm enjoying the drama's pace!


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Such a cute scene. I also loved how So gets to hang out with his brothers (and that he's not excluded) and solve riddles!

The Princes talked about him being an 'animal' but his interactions with his brothers has shown that he's willing to be a part of the group if they'll have him (ie he's still distant but he doesn't reject them unless he's rejected first or insulted).


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Very impressed by this episode indeed! I loved the scenes in this episode taken from the original series, it was done well, especially when Haesoo meets the King, her reply was hilarious.

And can I say the snow scene was absolutely beautiful? When I saw the teaser for the snow scene I honestly thought Haesoo was about to dump the 8th, I guess not huh.

Not expecting Lady Hae to go away so soon T_T she was so good.

Wang Wook's mother seems like such a better queen imo, it seems she does really love her daughter-in-law. Wtf happened to Yeonhwa, she's terrible


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Cried a bucket of tears when Lady Hae died


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1. Now that we know Ji-mong and the homeless guy from the present are the same person.... I wonder how this will affect the narrative? Will Su eventually be able to go back to the 21st century?

2. From the ep 6 preview, Wook and Su are going to be engaged? I was surprised the show would let their relationship progress so far lol. But if they are indeed going to have marriage plans next week, I don't see how these two are going to split amicably, or rather how this would end 'well' for either of them

3. I feel so uncomfortable with how Yeon-hwa sees So as a 'challenge' to turn him from animal to human. So just really needs someone to love him as he is right now.


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Nah it wasn't Wook and Haesoo that are engaged. Fro the preview I think Yeonhwa did something and made Haesoo be engaged to somebody else that she doesn't know.

Yeonhwa is a typical 2nd female lead it seems like. I thought she genuinely liked So romantically, but I guess she doesn't.


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I see! Thanks for the clarification :O It makes more sense now because I was scratching my head when I saw the teaser ^^"


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I wonder if the Princess suggest Hae Soo to go in her place? Her father did just talk about marrying her off to another country.


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Maybe, she's pretty evil lol. But we all know the marriage isn't gonna go through. Just a plot device to bring the main OTP closer haha


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But all in all, another solid episode and while this is not a perfect show.... it still makes me come back for more.


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I find it rude of Yeonhwa to even consider the challenge. It's like she's acknowledging/agreeing that So is an animal. Rude. The girl needs to know that path to (fangirl)hell is paved with good intentions.


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So true. I thought she saw through his facade actually (in the scene where she goes to doctor him), but that conversation with Yo was gross.


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Exactly my thoughts, I'm looking forward to Ji Mong and Hae Su's interactions and seeing what really happened during that eclipse and what Hae Su's purpose is for being transported from present to a thousand years back. Everything happens for a reason right? I really hope the writer gives us some clarification, although I feel that even if she does, it'll be a very slow one.

Honestly snorted at Yeon-hwa's comment because that's exactly the opposite of what So told her when he said "I need a women that treasures me". What I love is that here, it's a clear distinction between Su and Yeon-hwa's understanding of who So is. Su regards So as a human, even after seeing him with his mask off and treats him as such. Yeon-hwa sees him as an animal. And that, right there, makes my blood boil. Because that's no different than what Queen SMS thinks of So.

Also, minor detail, when So said that he wants a girl who doesn't think anything of his scar, my heart fluttered because Su is the only one that has seen his scar but still treats him kindly. My ship is officially starting to sail \^o^/


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Regarding Yeon-hwa, I absolutely agree with you! I pretty much screamed Hae Soo's name when Wang So stated that he wanted someone who would treasure and love him, scars and all. She is possibly the only one who has ever treated him like a human being (even after seeing his scarred face) and is not afraid of him. He NEEDS someone like that, NOT some girl who thinks she can tame him.

The Wang So/Hae Soo fangirl in me needs more scenes with them together and I feel that next week, Moon Lovers will continue to deliver.


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Yes! Me too! I'm loving this OTP - they complement each other so well. I'm looking forward to next week because I think our ship will finally sail full speed in the upcoming episodes!


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Yes! While I do feel bad for Wook and his love for Su... I even love their simple and beautiful moments together! There's just something about So that makes me more compelled to ship him with our heroine. Their scenes together are always so amusing and honest to me! I feel like So only shows a side of himself that's both vulnerable and childish to Su and it makes me so happy to see that.


I'm trying to understand the villains in this show. Why are they going out of their way to insult So when he's just standing there? Since he's so ugly (I wonder if the actors laughed after the director said cut cause I know I did lol)then they shouldn't worry about him becoming king. That scene with the siblings made me barf though. Let's see who's gonna marry our sister. Blech! I'm so ignoring history.


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When Yeon Hwa said to Yo, 'I wondered what/how it be like to turn an animal into human' i laughed. The way she said it was a bit kinky but also to me she's telling Yo, 'dude i'm into him, get lost'.


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No one was talking about this scene so i thought people had missed it . Though it is telling that there are so many scenes in an episode that warrant a discussion. Nothing feels like a filler.

anyways, I actually thought the the evil princess cared about WS but she seemed to view him as some sort of a challenge. Train him into a human ??? (wtf)(lady he is more human than you) ... Neither did she deny that she thinks he is ugly .. Though i laugh maniacally every time someone calls LJK ugly!

But interestingly she tried to have the brothers compete for her but thankfully WS shut her down by asking - "did you want me to put a value to you??"


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I totally missed that Yo was actually trying to be on Yeon Hwa's good side. Now that i watched it again, yeah, she was trying to incite competition between the two but good thing Wang So shut her down.

She's so into him though, it's kinda creepy, i mean what does Wang So can actually do for her? He's an outcast and at the moment, as far away from the throne as can be. Logically, her best bet is Yo since we dont know about the other Princes's mothers background.


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oh, she really cared about wang so. she is attracted to him and i think, she don't find him ugly, she is just afraid to admit.
her biggest problem is her position in the court: her family was exiled once, she can be the subject of a political marriage...
she has her own power game, and wang so can be an ally and a love interest for her - except that wang so do not want to participate in the power game yet.


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Thats interesting. i didn't think in terms of political implications.

Since she did not seem upset when he was insulted, i thought she had the whole girls-love-bad-boys infatuation going on


I wonder why her family was kicked out of the palace once because their mother is a queen too. I wonder if evil queen was behind it.


If the crown prince dies, then #3 takes his place, ends up marrying princess yeon hwa....oh lord... What a nightmare!


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I actually would like that alternative! Let the uglies (heart-wise) stay together and leave SoSoo alone.


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I just can't take So's conflict with Queen Yoo seriously. It seems so off to me even though I can't pinpoint what the exact problem is/are.


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Thanks HeadsNo2!!!

Episode 5 was stunning beautiful to watch. I really enjoyed the Hae Soo and Wook scenes. Both actors did amazing work. Hae Soo following his steps in the snow, this part looked like a fairy tale. Snow White and Prince Charming kept coming to mind.

Seeing So smile and joke with his brothers was also great. Hilarious using an emoji!! Wook's eyebrow raise... anyone else get a little flutter in the belly? Cause well.... :) Also, accolades to Nam Joo Hyuk. I've liked his past work, esp CITT, but this episode reflected a mature, thoughtful actor with wide range. Daebak NJH!!!

Each episode makes me love this drama even more! I can't wait for next week. \^O^/ !!!!


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I too loved Nam Joo Hyuk, though my reasons are purely superficial LOL. I kept thinking that he really looked like a flower, with those flowing locks and that graceful air. I first saw him in CITT and remember in a scene where he said he wanted to become a model and I was wondering how it could work, I just didn't see is that model handsome or flower boy pretty UNTIL a scene where he was at a photo shoot and was WORKING it. I remember being startled that he was that pretty because I formerly thought him to be just cute.
And here, I'm honestly distracted in his scenes because the only thing I keep thinking is " wow, so he was this pretty" or " he really is pretty". Lol.


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@Flightey Gazelles LOL! NJH is gorgeous :) !! I think he is an actor that will have a bright future because of his depth and looks. Have you ever seen the Bromance episodes with Ji Soo? Their mannerisms and improv ability are hilarious.

I love all the members of this cast. IU, KHN, and LJK are doing such amazing work. Can't stop thinking about this drama.. will be one I re-watch for sure.


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All those scenes you mentioned are gold! Like Su following Wook's footsteps in the snow was so endearing for some reason. I thought it was a game (I often do it myself), but reading the recap it also made sense that she might want to do it because it would be difficult to make a path by herself through the snow in her clothes. And Wook quietly playing along and making his steps bigger- this show has such a good handle on small moments, without the need for any grand declarations.

Also, Wook's quick, unexpected eyebrow raise was positively sexy. How does Kang Hanuel's face work, I swear.


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They wrote Lady Hae's character so beautifully that I didn't feel robbed or even angered by her death. Normally, having the wife die to set the husband "free" is the absolute worst but here, I don't know... Lady Hae wanting her husband and her cousin/daughter to be happy - both individually and then together - it makes me more open to the idea of Wook and Su getting together.

Also... I've grown to appreciate the close-ups. Kang Haneul is so adorable here. The way one of his eyebrows twitched when he realized that Su was caught with his return poem... it was so adorable!

More please :))


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I think the close ups are stunning. So much is captured in the subtle or not so subtle movements of the face. I'm digging this kind of acting.


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The best way to describe Lady Hae's character and storyline is "graceful". From beginning to end she maintains a sort of grace in how she endures what life throws at her. I loved that about her. She didn't get all that she wanted but she was cherished and respected and died in a way that maintains her dignity and virtue. I loved that.


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I'm glad for her character so I can now release my decade-long hate for this actress for playing the second lead in Sassy Girl Chun-hyang. XD


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*spits out her water in laughter*

I am so glad you said it! I felt the same.


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+100000. Lady Hae was a beautiful character!!


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This episode flew by crazy fast. It made me feel all sorts of ways. It had heart and humor. And definitely tears.

I loved the scene between Su and the king.
She looked so in awe. It was great seeing her being all clever and leaving a good impression on him.

And the scene between Su and Ji Mong. He was hilarious when he imitated her body shake. I can't tell if he is truly the guy she met at the lake yet.... He had his wink and his warning. But I'm not sure if his warning was just a general reminder about the palace/royalty rules. I don't know if his wink was just his usual teasing personality. When he said that Su ended up living there, I thought he was the same guy. That he knew she traveled back in time and arrived at that place in time. OR he was just saying that since she was living at Wook's place due to being relating to Lady Hae. If they really went back to the past together, why them??

I love that So laughed at the emoji drawing!!!! And I love that Su drew an emoji! xD

The makeup scene was so precious and sad. I started crying then. I felt sad for their relationship. Lady Hae was incredibly selfless and kind to Su.

The ending scene was heartbreaking. The "sleeping" line gets me every time too.


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That emoji is like making fun on the the fact that some of the young generations these days can't write properly because they are too caught up with netspeak.

Compare that to how the older generation (represented by Wook here) uses beautiful poem and literature to express their feeling.



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Sorry, I did not mean to offend anyone as I am from the the netspeak generation myself. It's just that I was too amused by the symbolism of the emoji shown here


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Well Su can't write him back in Hangul when it wasn't invented for another five or six centuries.


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Plus, the princes when they understand it, bond over how funny and clever it is. I like the idea that an emoji could cross language/ culture and time barriers :D Isn't that what communication is all about?


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I remember reading an article about how emojis are basically taking us back to the age of Egyptian hieroglyphs in terms of communication ?

But honestly, this form of visually transcending the language/age barriers which would be insurmountable for Su otherwise is positively clever. Kudos to whoever thought of that!


I had expected some sort of drawing when she had that lightbulb of idea, but never expected an emoji to come out of it. It exceeded my expectation, so yes, I was very amused by that.


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Same, the idea that he gave her this beautiful love poem and she gave him an emoji (and that too, that one in particular) in turn to express her feelings is so vastly amusing to me. In a modern day situation- maybe involving a heartfelt text?- that would be a brush-off. ^^


I actually want Soo to take some etiquette lessons. She's charmed the King which is great but gd that's not going to work every time! Take some etiquette lessons and some reading and writing lessons.


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At first I was all \^0^/ but then by the end of the episode I was all ;_;

But seriously, I'm loving this series so far. Can hardly wait for next week.


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I honestly prefer \^O^/\^O^/


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So clever. I like your expressions. Too bad it might be :'( for the remaining episodes because Wook and Su are done.


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Hehe, \^O^/ seems to be the DB trend today, I've come across it in two more dramas recap comments already!


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LOL! The emoji scene made me smile like a mad woman in my computer lab at school. ??? I'm supposed to be doing homework. But I couldn't help reading this recap. This episode is the best so far. Thank you!


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I cried last night during live streaming, I cried watching with subs earlier today and now I cried again while reading the recap. Lady Hae... ?

How is it that LJG was barely on screen in this episode but every time he is I just get so erm... uhm... *trying to keep this comment as PG-13 as possible* giddy with excitement. ? This guy has so much presence, that even if he's not shown that much, you never forget that he' s still very much the central character of this story.

Oh and I'm happy that the 13th prince [U-riga Nam of Gochang] has finally had an important scene (instead of just standing around awkwardly). I'm sure Papa Yoo, Mama Cha and Ho-jun hyung are proud. Haha... ?


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+1000 your thoughts on LJK.

He's always gorgeous but each time they put him in a new costume, I mouth soundlessly at the screen and have to slap myself a few times to snap out of it.

I totally didn't blame Hae Su's reaction when she saw him all prettied up..I know right now is it possible to make him even prettier lol.

Limited scenes with them this episode but I liked what they showed us. Hopefully Hae Su now has an inkling that So isn't beloved by his family. I need to watch the subbed version to get the full effect of the Yo-Yeon Hwa-So interaction


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ugh Lee Jun-ki+sageuk costumes should just be made illegal, my heart can't take it.

He had absolutely GORGEOUS costumes in Scholar Who Walks The Night, too - those flower-embroidered hanboks pretty much killed me. Shame the drama couldn't quite live up to its cast or those costumes.


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I've read that he says this will be his last saeguk?? Which...nooooo. But the idea of seeing him all dressed up like he was in the Cosmo photo shoots...mhm. Whoever styled those editorials deserves ALLLLL the awards. I COULD SEE THEIR FOREHEADS AND IT WAS MAGICAL!

I haven't watched SWWTN yet, but I DID watch Arang and the Magistrate. Though I prefer him in Goryeo era clothing, there is no doubt that no one but no one rocks the hanboks like LJK.


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His last sageuk?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know we all keep wishing he'd do a modern-day drama again (I personally think he'd absolutely slay in a melo), and he's done four sageuks in as many years but that doesn't mean you stop doing sageuk!!!!!!!!!!!


*jaw drops

no way!!! you cannot separate saeguk from LJK.

BUT Yes, I do miss LJK to play modern role. He got a unique character so I guess he should play one.
well, since I love to read manga. I wish someday he could play as Kevin Fredward in "The Duck of Mr Fredward"# \^o^/



It can't be his last sageuk!!!!! No way!! He is absolutely gorgeous in hanboks!! No one wears a hanbok more attractive than LJK!!


Why is there a possibility for the princess to marry his half brothers?


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Because Princess Yeonhwa came from a different mother than Wang So. Also Princess Yeonhwa's last name is Hwangbo, which follows her mother, since daughters follow their mother's name during that time. Since they're half siblings they are allowed to marry.


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Thanks for the explanation! When I was watching this scene, I thought I missed something and wrongly assumed that they were half siblings. I mean how can half siblings marry each other?

So it turns out that it is completely normal. Which for me is still wrong.


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Back in the olden days it was very common for family to marry. It was a way to literally keep it in the blood, or all in the family as they say. The most common being marriage between cousins, but a half sibling, as in this case, would not have been all that cringeworthy as it appears today. A super famous example of someone who married their half sister is King Tut.


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Wait King Tut married his half sis? I thought it was full hahaha. Either way, i'm sure their kids had many genetic problems


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I thought it was his full sister too! But I decided to fact check before I posted; it said half sister. But who knows, I could have been trolled by the internet. ?


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Wasn't he the product of full siblings, though? I thought I once read that his mother and father were full brother and sister! I could be wrong, though.



...Oh Lord, that's so wrong. Glad we don't practice that now!


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I think the scenes where Yo, So and YeonHwa discussing the marriage seems cleverly phrased as for us modern viewer to accept that it is a norm in that area..they carelessly discuss the topic as it was a norm back then..
i kind of accept it for the sake of the story...(NO-i am not into incest at all in modern time)
I am more interested on how their relationship complicates and add the sizzles to WS-HS-YH love triangle..How the plot will use this as advantages
I now begin to familiarize with the idea instead of just cringe everytime I think of them as siblings..


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Honestly, first I thought ????? Is Yo trying to marry her as well? WTF? And then I realise they talk about marrying your half brother like it's normal.


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That evil Queen's name is just too damn long. The more I see it the more I hate it. Don't know why?


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Because she's an evil hell beast?


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As much as I am dying to see more lee junki screen time, this episode was really good. The way they have written lady hae's character was superb, now im actually kinda sad that we won't get to see her anymore.

i have a question tho, was prince beak ah's angry reaction to the whole 'underground filrting' between wook and hae soo purely because he cared for lady hae as a sister or he had romantic history with her?


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Regarding Baek Ah's reaction; my opinion is that he reacted like that because he long had feelings for Lady Hae - even way before she married Wook. He doesn't simply see her platonically, as a sister. I'm not sure if the show will give us the backstory to his and Lady Hae's relationship, but I thought his out-of-character anger (though we don't know much of his character, but from what we've seen, he seems laid back enough and not angry and bristly all the time like say, Yo) was due to the indignance and anger he felt at Wook (and Hae Soo, but more the former) which he projected onto Hae Soo instead. He's probably thinking, I truly love this woman (Lady Hae), yet she loves someone else (Wook) and he doesn't even treat her right or love her and is rendezvousing with another woman (Hae Soo).


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I really really liked the speech/scolding Baek Ah gave cause there was so many layers to it. On the surface of it it seems like he's just angry at Su for being so inconsiderate and thoughtless as to hurt Lady Hae's feelings. But from the viewers point of view, we know that he's also projecting his anger over the way his brother (mis)treats his wife (also the sister he loves) onto Hae Soo because we've seen a number of scenes of him expressing his dissatisfaction over him. But underneath that you can't help notice how he described their feelings so well, the way her thoughts linger on him etc. Which makes you wonder whether this came from personal experience, most likely the suppressed feelings he held for Lady Hae all these years.


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Yup! That scene really gave us a teeny weeny glimpse into Baek Ah's thought process about something at least - cause Show hasn't really touched on his character much.

Also, besides him feeling anger and indignation for Lady Hae, I felt that he was soo angry at Hae Su was due to him feeling guilty for being in love with Lady Hae as well. Cause, really, both him and Hae Su are in the same position - harbouring romantic feelings for people who are already married and "unavailable" so to speak. Though their circumstances are slightly different and we don't really know his backstory with Lady Hae, the fact that he is so open about his feelings to her and visits her so regularly shows that he still has deep feelings for her.

I kinda feel he didn't have the "right" so to speak to talk to Hae Su like that, but I get where his strong feelings were coming from.


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Yep I agree with you Evelyn. He was speaking from personal experience, angry at Hae Soo, disappointed with his brother and expressing his frustration at himself all at once. It was wonderful because I feel like he knows he doesn't have the moral high ground to speak like that but he 'can't help himself' either lol.


Yes, his rant reminds me a bit of Ji-tae in Uncontrollably Fond.

Like, "How dare you like this person you shouldn't be liking when I've been holding back my own illicit feelings for god knows how long???"


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I'm enjoying this series, and it's piquing my interest in early Korean history.

But I need more Lee Jun-ki.

In part, this is because I am ready to delve into the main romance. Knowing that it must be coming (well, after Cheese in the Trap, I guess I don't really *know*), I can't get invested or even very interested in the storyline with Wook and Su. But it is also because Lee Jun-ki is just so good. I like the cast overall, but find no one as compelling as he is. And so I've spent most of the last two episodes waiting.


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If you're interested in early Korean history, I recommend watching Jumong about the founder of Goguryeo, which was formed in 37 BC!

And then later this year we get Hwarang which takes place during Silla, even earlier than Goryeo! I love that we're getting non-Joseon sageuks. ^^


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Myung Hee!!!! You can't die!!! I will now go cry in a corner (/□ \ *)・°

She was my favorite character. She had such inner strength and beauty. Her love for her husband was wonderful, she wanted him to be happy after she was gone. Luff her...tear.


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I'm really just not feeling any symptoms of SLS in this drama.... Did anybody see the preview for the next episode.?!


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Only So was able to read what Hae Su wrote. OTP for sure!!! Can't wait for the next episodes!


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Yes!! Furthermore, Wook was so confused when he saw the emoji. It shows that Wook and Su are not fated to be together. So and Su, hwaiting! ?


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It's the new way to find your soulmate? See if they can discern your drawing/emoji


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The year is 2030. The world of dating as you know it is gone. All that remains is pictionary.


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Are you team \^O^/ or team (ง’̀-‘́)ง ?? Choose wisely! One gets you a date with KHN and the other LJK!! (Don't I wish?)


I'm loving the story so much, imperfect/perfect doesn't even enter my mind. It's got intrigue, action, humor, longing, and forbidden love, done in such a way to keep me wanting more. I'm more upset about royals whipping innocent people for kicks or causing arms to be cut off then I am about half sibling marriages or multiple wives. It's a different time and place with different rules. The kind of stuff that scares me the most is knowing that your wife and child tried to kill your son and you go on as usual. Now that's just weird.


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Just thought it may be informative for you guys to know a little about the poem Wook wrote to Su. Basically, the first line describes the scenery, the second says that she hears him singing on the river, the third line says that there's sun in the east but it's raining in the west and finally, the last line says that you can say that it's not a fine (sunny) day but there's still sun. The word 晴 [qing] (sunny) sounds exactly the same as love/feelings 情[qing], so the last two lines act as a metaphor for saying that she's unsure of her sweetheart's feelings. Imo, it's sort of a reflection of Wook's feelings to her.


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Now i get it. Thank You!


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THank youuu! =DDD this is really informative!


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Thank you for enlightening us!

Admittedly, I have been googling for the meaning of the poem. Things that dramas make me do...


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This is why this site rocks, I always get so much from the comments. Thank you!!


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Thank you for giving us the gist in English. The scenes make a lot more sense now. ;-)


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It's really just the gist so it's very crude-sounding. Sort of ruins the poem lol.


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Thanks so much!!! Benies, so informative!


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I feel bad for ruining the poem, so I found a proper translation on the web:

Green, O green is the willow, placid, peaceful the flow,
Hark and I hear on the river, songs from my love, my beau.
To the east, the sun is up, to the west, drizzles persist;
Though they say the sun is naught, to me, the sun is aglow.

Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa)

Retrieved from http://chinesepoemsinenglish.blogspot.com/2009/04/liu-yuxi-song-of-bamboo-twigs-i.html

An impressive translation which retains the rhyme.


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An impressive translation which retains the rhyme.

I'm sorry, the original poem didn't actually rhyme. Still.


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The original actually rhymes in cantonese-- which phonetically is more similar to old Chinese than modern mandarin. ;)


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True, I didn't notice that. But most Tang poems do rhyme in modern Mandarin as well.



Wow! Thanks for tracking down that gorgeous translation. And thanks for the link to Andrew W. F. Wong's poetry blog.

But don't sell yourself short. You explained the double meaning achieved with the use of homonyms in the original, which otherwise would have been lost in translation.

I was a little confused by the poetry interlude. Lady Hae had asked Wook to write Tao Yuanming's "Come Away Home" for Hae-Su... but he seems to have pulled a switcheroo. Or did he actually write both?

At any rate, I definitely shared Hae-Su's sense of illiteracy. ;-)


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its a very nice translation that doesn't quite reflect the actual poem haha! Basically it translates to

The green green willow, the peaceful river,
Hear a youth* upriver, singing.
On the east the sun is out, on the west rain,
Believed there was no fine weather but there was fine weather.

The entire poem is about wavering and things which are in flux, unfixed. Based on stuff I read online, it's quite a famous poem, and this girl is walking down the river bank after a storm has passed (third line of poem), hence the emphasis on the willow (which is a symbol of bending while being firm, the willow bends with the wind where other plants break) which is green (youth, or freshness), and the river is peaceful after the storm, again the idea of freshness after being renewed.

She hears a youth's voice *which can and does translate to her lover/beau, but the context of the fourth line means that this is a boy she hasn't heard from for a long time (because she thought there was no feelings but there are still feelings, and thus suddenly these emotions are evoked). But the image of a youth (guy or girl) playing the flute or the guzheng (like a horizontal harp) on a river is very common in Chinese lore (and reflected in dramas), its extremely romanticised and its traditionally reserved for the introduction of a very literate and educated protagonist or supporting character. So its like, after this storm is passed, beautiful scenery, WAH THIS SMOKING BOY'S VOICE FLOATS INTO MY EARS, what a heavenly composure of aesthetics. The kid's also by the river, so like its tranquil but also sort of local.

The whole east side, west side, also can mean east bank (of river) and west bank, which denotes the division of feelings. The words 日出 means "the sun" "comes out", which is how you know that there was rain, which is still happening on the west bank. Btw, east represents newness and freshness while west represents oldness and things which are passing over. One reason I am always personally amused at the term "Westerners" v.s. East Asia although I suspect no one else is.

道 in the fourth line is more like "belief" or "principle", and represents a thought strongly held. In short, I believe that Andrew Wong honestly, honestly, gave this poem short shrift by having a very certain feeling - ah the girl hears the boy, the sun glows for her.

Its more of -
on the misty, placid river, with the gently bending green willows,
I hear the voice of a boy (also can mean my intended, or even my husband!) singing.
And on the east the sun is out, but on the west rain still falls,
and what I strongly held to be nothing at all, was something.

alt. and what I strongly thought was poor weather (rmbr it was raining) suddenly also was fine weather.


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Like obviously im inferencing the misty placed riverness, but when Tang throws in those words, there's certain Chinese lore where AHA you know what it means when they reference rivers. Remember that rivers are often located near beautiful scenery of mountains, and often drawn in Chinese pictures as a river next to a mountain, or blanketed with clouds and perhaps leading off in the distance to the great ocean

its not just some shitty two-bit river winding through the village this is a mystic green filled air of freshness placed about 2km from the village and thats why the girl didn't expect to hear the boy singing.

upon further checking the internet, apparently the boy could have meant to find her! that's why she got shocked like she was despondent and wasn't sure and suddenly she heard this boy deliberately singing and she was like... Oh? Maybe!???

tldr; i was simply walking admiring the scenery
and I heard your voice, suddenly
on a sunny day still raining
(EITHER) and where I thought there was nothing in my heart, there was something.
(OR) and where I thought you felt nothing towards me, there was something.
(BUT LITERALLY) I thought bad weather but there was fine weather.


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)': Im glad they made Lady Hae the way she was - kind, thoughtful, selfless - because it made the whole budding relationship interesting, though difficult and conflicting, to watch.

Her character reminds me of Dr. Seuss' first wife who had various illnesses and later committed suicide and came up with an excuse to save her husbands reputation while he was starting a relationship with his soon-to-be second wife. :'(


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THIS EPISODE WAS FUCKING PERFECTION!! with all its sadness and the feels ooooh the feelsss!!!

LOVE this drama! BEST drama airing right now, maybe best one of the year!! OMG!! Oh my JUNKI!!


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Loved this episode especially the scene where Su is following Wook's footsteps in the snow contrasted with the last scene where she's also following him in the snow except he's carrying his dead wife with him.

I thought those two scenes say so much about their relationship in the future. It might seem like it can work now that Lady Hae is gone, but the weight of her memory and what she meant to both of them will also come in between them. I can't see how they would get past that. But regardless of where it goes, I still think their love, however forbidden it may be, is pure and beautiful just like the snow. Sometimes, it's hard to remember but there are many different types of love that we experience, and I think while So might be end game, this was a love Su also had to experience.

On a different note, I also loved that scene because it was almost as if Lady Hae's most precious person was carrying her into the afterlife. It was sad and beautiful at the same time.

Also, after this episode, I kind of wish I paid more attention to my history teachers.


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"I also loved that scene because it was almost as if Lady Hae’s most precious person was carrying her into the afterlife."

A lovely way to put it.


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I really liked everything Wandering said. ^^


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“I also loved that scene because it was almost as if Lady Hae’s most precious person was carrying her into the afterlife.”

"A lovely way to put it."


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Thank you for such a wonderful analysis! I love when I read comments like these because it makes the episode even better and makes me want to rewatch it lol.


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Those delicately stark scenes in the snow really got to me, too... along with the flashback to Lady Hae's first meeting with Wook.

The Piggyback to Eternity reminded me of "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" in the sense that Lady Hae considered herself to be a burden to Wook, but maybe that was not how he felt about her.

I was confused by her voice over reminiscing about their first meeting, saying that he'd been kicked out of the palace before they met. Did I miss something? When she shushed him near the end, it was as if she didn't want to hear his feelings, which may have been different from what she assumed.

I'm also confused by the flak #8 is catching for casting an eye at Hae-Su, since it seems that Lady Hae had originally brought her into the household as her replacement after she she dies. The fact that she introduced her cousin to her mother-in-law told me she was absolutely serious about it. On the other hand, I can understand why her last wishes would be too much for them to honor.


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I think now that they mentioned the fact that he was kicked out out of the palace, several scenes in previous episode makes sense.

1. Episode ? when Wook mother's and Yeonhwa met Queen SMS on their way to the purification ceremony. After Queen SMS left, Yeonhwa mentioned something along the line that she can't stand Queen SMS after what she did to her family.

2. Episode 4 when Wook, Yeonhwa and their mother was discussing about Lady Hae's request for divorce. Their mother reminded Yeonhwa that they were allowed to come back Songak (after fallen out of the King's favor) all thanks to Lady Hae.

This makes me deduce that sometime before Wook's marriage to Lady Hae, Wook, Yeonhwa and their mother had fallen out of king's favor. This resulted them to be kicked out of palace and Queen SMS might be the one orchestrating that. They had to live outside of Songak during that time.

This makes me also wonder whether Wook made his first kill (at the age of 11) when they were in exile?


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great analysis! Yes now it sort of make sense..i have been wondering why a young prince had to protect his mother and sister from buglar when they supposedly live in the palace and have guards and all..and it actually leaves a very deep effect on Wook..if evil quen SMS really did caused it..it may have ignite the motivation to Wook-So rivalry later in the story..


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@transient, @Iluljk,

Thanks for connecting the dots. I recall items 1 and 2, and figured that the backstory would eventually be revealed. Wook's baptism by fire during a burglary now makes a lot more sense, too.

Queen SMS is such a dreadful piece of work it comes as no surprise that she finagled the ousting of her matrimonial rival.


Gosh, one cannot afford to turn off their brain while watching this drama can they? I'm so glad for all the insightful comments to fill in between the lines. I love reading these thoughts and comments because some never would have occurred to me. The thought of 11 year old Wook killing someone to protect himself and his family breaks my heart.


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I love your take on it - the first snow-walking scene was adorable, with Su literally making a game of it and Wook low-key playing along without admitting it, but the second is so much sadder and Lady Hae's presence/her death creates that much more of a distance between them.

I also agree that this is a love Su has to experience, even if she and Wook can't be together. I'm really liking the portrayal of both Su/So and Su/Wook, and the way both relationships are developing.


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I'm really loving the portrayal of both So/Su and Su/Wook relationships too. It's not the typical K-drama first lead/second lead romance that you see (at least so far!). I like that both men have many layers to their personality that belies their appearance.

Also, I'm liking the contrast between how both relationships are developing. Su.Wook, well the relationship feels quite heavy to me and they can't really be themselves cause of their links with Lady Hae and that guilt sits on them so heavily and is a constant sort of barrier to their relationship's natural progression. I found it particularly interesting how Su said (during the pond scene) that she was always crying when she's beside Wook. And also, both of them hiding the poem/soap in a book/box respectively, kind of like how they have to hide their feelings/repress them from each other and from others.

Whereas with So/Su I kind of enjoy it alot cause she's usually herself as she's not afraid of him. And i think she brings out his playful/lighter side alot. It also seems like he learns alot from the things she says and he seems to remember them (when he was talking about seeing the Goryeo stars in the astronomer's room), which shows that she has made an impression on him. They both seem to seek each other out naturally and you don't see them having to hide/repress their feelings or whatever. It just feels so natural and so much better than the Su/Wook pairing. At least to me.


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....its not love but more of infatuation. Wook saw something different in Su and it's probably her spunk. As his curiosity for her grows, his fondness of her develops. The same can be said about Su, she's still probably nursing her 21st century broken heart and Wook being there for her, was a coping mechanism for her to accept her Goryeo fate and likewise find some way of moving past her broken heart. In short, Wook was probably intended to be her rebound.

...now here's an interesting pair. Was it a serendipitous meet? Or did Astronomer Choi had to do something about it?
Come to think of it, she was chasing him and by coincidence, she ends up being rescued by So himself. Maybe just maybe the real reason why she got pulled into Goryeo was for her to change Su. Fine, its for her to alter history. Maybe Astronomer Choi chose her single handedly because he knows there's something about her that can move mountains. That's why this pair is so interesting because as they continue to interact, little by little we see the both of them changing. It literally is a win-win situation if everything works out according to the "stars"!


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I am not one to cry or tear up in movies or dramas. I just don't. Maybe 5 times in my life. But that death scene! That hit me right in the feels. I need something happy. I'm going to go watch that French song teaser for Moonlight Drawn by Clouds with Park Bo Gum dancing at least ten times.


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I'm really liking this drama. It may not be flawless, but frankly the ratings it's getting just seems cruel. I'm not a fan of the love ballads playing over what otherwise would be intense scenes, but there is a slight cheese factor to the show that I kinda like. It balances out with the more gripping, darker tones of the story.

I'm finding the dynamics between the characters very interesting as well. There's been a ton of interesting character interactions thus far, even among the secondary characters. I will admit that I wish the story was progressing a little faster, but there's still a lot of episodes left and the ones that we have gotten, I've found very engaging.


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Agreed! I was a little worried about all these characters but somehow the writer is able to pull them apart very nicely to give each some significance in the story. That's one of the things that makes this show so different than others I've watched. And I love it!


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am i terrible for liking Wook a hundred times more than So? =X


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No, you are not.

I am enjoying Wook so much that I'm afraid I won't be able to continue once the tide turns. I don't know what the ending will be but I am assuming So will get the girl, won't he?


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So/Su will be the main OTP but there's always a possibility that Su will marry someone else at the end (i.e. So may not 'get' the girl ><)


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It may be a little rough around the edges, but this show is so pretty, and KHN's burning looks are killing me. The chemistry is off the charts and I can't wait to see what comes next. The incest/polygamy stuff really doesn't bother me, this is a thousand years ago after all. It's actually kid of refreshing to see it addressed head on instead of pretending that it wouldn't have been going on.


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I know, I know the falling-for-one-woman-while-married-to-another is super wrong in our time and even for some characters in that story, but the way Kang Ha-neul looks at IU absolutely kills me.

I'm amazed the poor girl is still standing, I'd have swooned on the spot the minute he got in her face at the library. And then woken up and seen Lee Jun-ki at some point and promptly passed out forever.


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Sadly (or luckily??) only KHN and LJK who made most of us passed out when they stared at us. LOL

Maybe it's just me, but so far, I don't see any flawless performance by other princes. Ji Soo wasn't as good as I expected and the other princes didn't get enough screen time, oh NJH was enough good, but still, the way KHN and LJK's acting is beyond the other actor's level


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