Tomorrow With You loses Lee Min-ki, gets pushed to 2017

Ah, I was really looking forward to Tomorrow With You, the fantasy rom-com which will be directed by Yoo Je-won of Oh My Ghostess and High School King of Savvy, but the drama has been pushed to a 2017 airdate on tvN. The cable network has been drowning in shows for the fall so it’s not a huge surprise, but I delighted in Yoo’s quirky, zippy directorial style with his last two shows and had hoped to watch another of his in 2016.

A contributing factor to the delay is that Lee Min-ki and Shin Mina had been courted to reunite as leads (they were in the film A Million together), but Lee’s since taken his name out of the running. The actor, who is currently fulfilling his military service in Busan as a public service worker, was recently slapped with a sexual assault lawsuit. The suit was subsequently withdrawn and all charges were dropped, and though neither Lee’s agency nor tvN have implicated the allegations as the reason for his withdrawal, it makes sense for the actor to maintain a low profile until the controversy dies down.

On the bright side, Shin is still considering, and the drama will now be 100% pre-produced, which can only benefit the show. They’ll need to procure a male lead soon, and assuming Shin accepts the pending offer (Please don’t drop out, please don’t drop out!), I’m sure there will be no shortage of leading men vying for the job opposite her. Filming will begin in August and the drama about a time traveler and his rocky but passionate relationship with his wife will be tvN’s first Friday-Saturday drama of the new year.

Via MBN, TV Report


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...is So Ji Sub busy this year?


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lol mte


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Err,please not him,the horror of OMV has not died down yet.


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What was wrong with OMV (to the extent that you use the word "horror")? I'll grant you, it was zomg THE BEST EVER (and the second "loveline" was really silly), but I really enjoyed it, as a drama with big stars that didn't feel like a "big drama". I liked the characters, I liked that they were actually allowed to like each other, and that I knew I was in for an enjoyable time while I watched it, even if I wasn't thinking "Ahhhhh next week can't come quickly enough!!" between episodes. I'd love to see them star in another drama again.


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Sigh. it *WASN'T "zomg THE BEST EVER....." Stupid typos. :(


Hahah,just expressed my observations,of course.You can feel free to disagree :).In my opinion,the drama did not have any story.It was mostly PPL,the awesomeness of exhibiting shin mina and so ji sub's beauty that is.Besides, I love so ji sub as an actor,after watching master's sun,this one was a bad sore for my eyes,sorry. :S


It was one of the worst.


It was terrible and their talents were wasted, which is why we need a do-over! ?


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Sexual assault it's no joke. And it seems that too many male celeb are being somewhat exposed/accused, I don't know if this is true or not.

But, this is not the first case about a male celeb being like this, not in this year nor this month...

And that argument of "innocent until proven guilty" or "not all men", it is harmful and toxic.


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"And that argument of “innocent until proven guilty” or “not all men”, it is harmful and toxic"

^only in case when he is guilty. Right now I would probably ignore the situation, at least it is better than throwing stones at innocent person and besides, courts exist for reasons, so why not trust them?!


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And that argument of “innocent until proven guilty” or “not all men”, it is harmful and toxic.

Yeah, because a girl never can't lying, right???


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Yes, it's possible that the alleged sexual assault victim was lying...but it's statistically unlikely.

An analysis of sexual assault cases in the United States indicates that approximately 2% of sexual assault cases are false reports (Heenan and Murray 2006), and this rate tends to hold true cross-culturally.

Rather than assume all sexual assault victims are lying, it's actually a safer bet assume that the victim is telling the truth.


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Right, but how many of those cases studied involved a high-profile celebrity? I mean, you can't deny that there are probably incentives for these women to lie about sexual assault when it involves a celeb? Like money or just to damage their reputation?

Basically, I feel the likelihood that a bunch of male celebs in Korea all committing sexual assault is unlikely. At least some of these incidents have to be lying.


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There might be incentives (i.e. money), but there are also a lot of downsides to accusing a public figure of sexual assault. There is already a great deal of pressure with the South Korean criminal justice system for victims of sexual assault to "forgive" the perpetrators and settle out of court. (Keep in mind that of all of the people who are convicted of sexual assault in South Korea, only about 12% of them spend even a day in jail.)

This pressure for the sexual assault victim to drop the charges only intensifies when she/he accuses someone who is famous. For one thing, the accused celebrity is rich and can afford a great legal team. The celebrity also has the support of a legion of fans who will actively work to support the celebrity and discredit the alleged victim.

Also, sexual assault victims are very heavily stigmatized within South Korean culture, with women who are assaulted being considered "tainted" by the experience, or being blamed for somehow putting themselves in the situation (e.g. "Why were you out that late?" "Why were you wearing that?") By coming forward and identifying oneself as a victim of sexual assault, the alleged victim opens herself up to that stigma.

My point isn't to say that all cases levied against male celebrities are true: statistically speaking, a few of them might be false. Not a lot, but a few.

However, even if you think it's unlikely that all of the accused celebrities are guilty of their crimes, you have to admit that it's equally unlikely that all of the accused celebrities are INNOCENT. As such, it's important to take these sexual assault cases seriously.



False accusers are not always out just for money. Unless there is a practice of prosecuting false accusers, the celebrity almost always comes out negatively affected whether proven guilty/innocent or charges are dropped. They'll be out of work for a few years, if they're unlucky they may never recover. And I don't mean defamation lawsuits against "victims", I mean the judicial system smacking down on proven not-victims for wasting the court's time.

"statistically speaking, a few of them might be false. Not a lot, but a few." - How much is a lot and how much is a few? Citations? What were the statistical methods? How did they gather the data?


@Chin: My citation was in my first post--Heenan and Murray 2006.


"Rather than assume all sexual assault victims are lying, it’s actually a safer bet assume that the victim is telling the truth."

Actually the smarter choice is to assume both victim and accused are lying. And operate purely on evidence, not irrational moral judgment. The law and society (excluding certain highly religious countries) already favor women in sexual assault cases, whether they are victim or accused, unless a minor was involved.


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That's actually not true. In South Korea, for example, someone who is convicted of sexual assault--that is, found legally culpable of the abuse--is only sent to jail 12% of the time...and that statistic only refers to perpetrators who are actually convicted. There are many cases where there is a great deal of evidence to support that assault took place, but the victim is pressured to drop the charges.

If you're unfamiliar with the Miryang gang rape case (which occurred in 2004), the Airdre Mattner rape case (which is still pending), the Sora.net abusive porn case (which is still pending), go ahead and read up on them in order to how women are systemically disregarded in South Korean sexual assault cases.


Not true that society favors women in Korea? Fair enough, I've read about the recent rape case. Any idea why only 12% was jailed? Was it health reasons? Pending appeals? The 12% statistic is irrelevant though. Guilt has been proven already, after that it's all up to the judicial system.

"that statistic only refers to perpetrators who are actually convicted" - Of course it only refers to those who are convicted. So what's the statistic of the not convicted perpetrators who are actually innocent?

Do you agree that we should not take either side in such a case? Or do you still believe that the woman is always right until proven to be lying?


The law doesn't favor female victims in sexual assault cases pretty much anywhere.

It's just too difficult to prove assault w/o physical/video evidence or an eyewitness and then the court/jury is left w/ a "he said/she said" case (particularly in cases of date-rape).

Following college sports - there have been numerous claims of sexual assault against male athletes, but most don't go anywhere.

Only in cases where there was an eyewitness (Stanford swimmer case - and still got slap on the wrist) or videotape evidence (Vanderbilt football case) were the cases sent to trial and resulted in convictions.

But in the vast majority of cases, there is neither and w/ the accused claiming that it was consensual and the victim's reputation being trashed.

Now, there have been cases where a student-athlete had been falsely accused (one who ended up serving years in jail until his accuser recanted).


@Chin: My point in bringing up the 12% statistic is to demonstrate that a solid portion of the time, the South Korean legal-judicial system does NOT do enough to punish those who have been determined to be guilty of sexual assault. If a whopping 88% of criminals (that is, people who've received a guilty verdict) are not serving time in jail for crimes they've committed, then the justice system isn't working.

You appear to be arguing for non-bias when it comes to sexual assault cases--that is, that we should see both sides of the issue, and that we should treat the stances of the accused rapist and the alleged victim as being equal.

I understand your point, but I don't think it's relevant to this discussion: if the criminal justice system has already been proven to be unfair when it comes to the prosecution and adjudication of sexual assault cases, how is it possible for these legal cases to exist within a state of non-bias?

(Also, how am I supposed to know how many accused rapists who were not ultimately convicted are actually innocent of their crimes? No data of that kind exists, because all accused rapists who were not ultimately convicted are assumed to be innocent.)


It worries me how there's seems to be endless scandals of sexual assaults going around this year and revolves around SO FAR 3 great actors who I have enjoyed watching them on dramas & movies. Guilty or not, these unfortunate events have tainted their image and they can never be look at the same way as they were before.


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It would be good if Jo Jung Suk could reunite with Shin Min Ah, since they played a married couple in My love, My Bride. I think they would look cute. But it would become back to back for him i guess after Jealousy reincarnate. Also since it's Oh my ghostess director...another reunion


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i vote for Kang Dong Won!!!


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Yes! I find him so cute for some reason. I'd love it if he was casted in this drama.


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I don't think he's comfortable in rom.com.


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I don't think so too. If he wants to make a comeback to dramaland, I dont think he will do some romcom or any romance drama. Maybe, a drama like Signal can captivate him?


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but he'd look so good next to shin mina...


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I can't with all these scandals. It's Yoochun, then Lee Jin Wook and now Lee Min Ki. What is going on this year? Holy.


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Seriously! What's with all these scandals? These celebs should know how to be careful. Obviously due to the paparazzi's pressure they don't date that much and can't keep a girl friend and end up in a mess like this...we've seen enough celebs now. Kim Hyun Joon, Yoochun, Lee Jin Wook, Lee Min Ki, Park Si Hoo. I notice that dating can be tough for these guys/gals since they are under the constant media lens...I can imagine the pressure but hey you chose the career and all the attention and money that comes with it!


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as an avid lee min ki fan, i can say, MY HEART FRIGGIN' HURTS, damn.


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Yep, I was a fan too,I don't know about the alleged accusations,but this hurts that he does not get to act in the drama.Again brings the question why the innocent ones are paying for this too? [ If they're innocent that is]. I don't know who's to blame.


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Same here :(


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i find it amazing that the lawsuit was filed in february but it only just got out in the news recently. yoochun's case was so huge and so noisy that any sexual assault scandal coming after his will likely pale in comparison... his was so played out, bit by bit. i see lee min-ki returning to work, but i don't see how under what kind of sun yoochun will ever be able to continue his celebrity career.


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Actually, I wanted to ask, am I the only one who feels pity to Yoochun? Everyone thought of him as rapist and not one of accusitions were proved to be correct, his only crime was taking prostitues. He is no saint by all means, but I don't think it is worth losing your career over that...


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There is also no prove that all the women are prostitutes. Some of them might be, but not all. Be careful before spreading rumors that could be false


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No need to worry about him, he'll just go to China to continue his career if SK abandons him. Apparently his Chinese fans never doubted his innocence for one sec.


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How to prove correct when it's all committed in bathrooms where there is no CCTV? A certain modus operandus is certainly at play.

Even if no crime is committed, I can't see any decent actress wanting to act opposite him. Would you want to kiss a guy who does (or possibly forced) unprotected sex with adult entertainment workers?


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I think the case acquite because it's hard to prove the use of force, means it's "maybe it's rape may be not"


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From what I read several men were accused, and she withdrew the charges against him pretty quickly. Not sure what happened in that club, so I'm not going to make any further guesses.


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I'm looking forward to seeing Shin Mina on the screen again! She needs a better storyline than the mess that was OMV- the only thing that saved it was the leads....


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...who were incredibly wasted in that fluff and I'm still not sure how I made it through its 16h run. Probably to see SJS's "wtf am I doing here and why am I saying these lines"-expression week after week on his face, it was hilarious even though did I feel very bad for him. lol
That's why I'm saying, beware of new rom-com writers. XD


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Yep - they were wasted in OMV which was just a typical, paint-by-numbers romcom.


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That's awful.

Anyhowwwwww, Ji Chang-wook isn't tied to K2 yet.


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Based on the story and leading lady alone, I'd say Ji Chang Wook should go for Tomorrow With You instead. But next year seems so long and he'll be off to army soon.


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Yes I need to see JCW in dramaland again please? For now will survive with his Chinese drama but no subs yet..?


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The accusations about LJW makes me sad. I've noted A LOT of sexual assault charges being brought against these male Korean celebrities lately, it's like there's a new one every couple of months. Because of that, I wonder how much of it is because these, especially the newly famous, are so media vulnerable? The LJW thing is odd to me, he's a grown man who apparently had never been accused of this before, so, why now? How do these unsubstantiated accusations go public so quickly? I'm sure there are plenty of Hollywood stars who have been accused of this, true or not, but, despite the internet and constant paparazzi, you don't see many of these types of allegations flying around. Do Hollywood agencies wield bigger sticks, or, are the laws in Korea concerning defamation of character, or making false accusations, not as stringent? American athletes get accused of assault all the time, often w/good reason. I really don't know what to think of all this because of translation issues and possible differences in cultural interpretation of "consensual". The "reports" about looking at the home for the purpose of installing blinds....really????


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I find ljw case is really unfortunate i hope he isn't guilty because i really like him, in these case if he is innocent it's mean really innocent he's not with prostitute or meet in the bar, he's meet her because his old long time friend introduce them,n i heard he always had good image before, i hopethis case doesn't destroy his carrier since he's good actor


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It's too bad about the drama but I like his shirt. Psycho Candy is one of my favorite albums and it's always good to see someone else with the same taste ;)


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I thought she was Oh Yeon-soo for a second...


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Oops! *Oh Yeon-seo


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I LOVE Shin Mina
To me, her acting is awesome. Even though "Oh My Venus" didn't have a very special plot, Shin Mina made it still watchable and I enjoyed. :)) I love her dimples too ???
She has a special charisma which I personally believe steal the show even from the main leads. For example, in "Gumiho" she was the main reason I loved the show. Also her acting in "Arang and the magistrate" was so lovable!! :))))

I vote for Hyun Bin for the male lead :))
I don't know what he is doing though. Maybe he is busy filming something. I duunoo :))


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can won bin have his drama comeback..? or is that too much to ask if drama gods..


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I want to say Gong Yoo but it's impossible given how he was the KES drama coming up.


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SMA needs to do a romcom w/ either GY or SIG.


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isnt shin mina dating kim woo bin? *lowkey wants to see a real life couple act together*


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Hyun Bin! Is it too late to ask for him to come back in kdramas?


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Can't JCW drop out of k2 and sign this one


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One word: military.

Because of that, I'd take anything with JCW in it this year and (hopefully) be happy with whatever the outcome.

Oh, unless this one will be fully pre-produced!


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@pastmidnite well I second you I will take him in anything ,but I was scared for a moment when they said yoona will be his co star ...


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From what I read in the latest DB post, Yoona already declined.


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YES this drama will be 100% preproduced and will air next year. Perfect for ouri Wookie.


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*sigh* I'm not surprised at this, but still, it hurts. At least Shin Mina is still attached though - now please find her a good leading man, and make this better than OMV.

I'm not up for another round of totally wasting her and her male lead's talent :(


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Agree. I was so looking forward her with Lee Min Ki.... sigh.


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How I would rejoice to see Hyun Bin with Shin Minah, in something good (to wash away the horror that was Hyde), and pre produced on TvN no less! Dare we hope? ??


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LEE JOON GI. why no one mentions him?? T.T


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LOL unni. Now you did. :D


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Seo In Guk? Is it possible? After he finished drama shopping king? haha


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I need someone good and worthy of my SMN....Jo In Sung is free :)

They were so cute in Madeline. That would make my year!!!!

Come on, TvN, work your magic and bring him back!


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Yes please don't drop out SMA. I would love to se Shin Min Ah opposite Song Joong Ki, I think that would an amazing pairing. He mentioned in an old article that she was his ideal type!!!


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Park Bo Young pretty much comfirmed it. And from his reaction when she confirmed this, I do believe he crushed on her lol

I am also good with his pairing even though I may not be able to handle cuteness overload!!


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Woo Hyeon, the guy who acted as Gong-shim's dad. Well, why not? He's much older, so this is in keeping with the current older guy-younger woman dynamics, he's cute, and he's funny.


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You're kidding right? :S


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ROFL. But I found Ahn Dan Tae's fake dad better looking. He must have some hidden muscles since he was a cop no?


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But I won't be able to stand him ditching Shin Minah to secretly meet up with his buddy for their sing-off.


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Now everyone wants their Oppa to be here because it's SMA. If It's JSY/GHS for example, they'll hide their Oppa in Shutter Island


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Preproduction does not necessarily mean it will beneficial. Because they cannot change anything according to viewers choice. Both CITT and D-Day were a disaster in their 2nd half.


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I think drama K2 will take up the time slot on tvN in September. Somehow I have a feeling that Ji Chang Wook won't be casted in Tomorrow With You, but K2 instead. I hope Shin MinA will get a good partner . Is Jo In Sung available ?


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