Lucky Romance: Episode 16 (Final)

Does Fate control our destiny, or are we masters of our own Fate? Both are true, depending on how we choose to live our lives — we can let life pull us along, reacting to what we’re given, or we can take control and determine what we want out of this world. In order to do that, you have to conquer your fear, and that’s something each person must do for themselves.



One year after breaking up, Su-ho and Bo-nui are each doing fine. Bo-nui takes care of Bo-ra as she continues to recover, and Su-ho has started a new business with Ryang-ha, Boss Won, and Chicken Ajusshi called Daebak Soft. One day they each get dressed a bit nicer than usual, and head out with eager smiles for a meeting.

But they aren’t meeting each other — Bo-nui is teaching a class of older citizens how to use modern technology, and Su-ho is going to his parents’ fishery for his father’s birthday party. Awww. Things are still awkward between Su-ho and his dad, but they’re both making the effort to mend their relationship (Dad even calls Chicken Ajusshi all the time to check on Su-ho, so sweet).

Mom wonders out loud how Bo-nui is doing, wishing she could be here too and wondering why she’s never called. She tells Su-ho that she doesn’t go to that fortuneteller anymore — he called Bo-nui a raccoon, and it upset her.

Amy courts a new client — a teenage tennis prodigy whose mother hesitates, thinking they should go with a bigger agency. The boy snarks that she’s lying about having been Gary Choi’s client, and Amy turns it around, telling his mother that she can teach him to be better at interviews.

Mother and son both freak out when Gary arrives just then, and excuse me but what is he wearing?? Amy complains to him about how hard it is to find a client as a freelance agent, but she congratulates him for winning Wimbledon and getting on the cover of Time magazine.

She asks if he’s seeing someone, given that she can never reach him, and Gary changes the subject (Can he date Bo-ra? They would be so cute together). He’s heading to Zeze Factory for the re-release of IF, but Amy declines to tag along.

Su-ho and Ryang-ha are also going to the re-release, and on the way Ryang-ha asks about the new game Su-ho is working on. Su-ho is tight-lipped about it, and they end up bickering hilariously over whether Ryang-ha is still a “major shareholder” (Su-ho: “There aren’t even any shares!”).

Awww, the Zeze team are so excited to see Su-ho again. They even got him a cake, though he says they did all the work and he’s just here to cheer them on. They’re hoping he’ll come back to Zeze, but Su-ho says he works for Daebak Soft now, and promises to become a professional threat to them, heh.

When Bo-nui arrives to see Bo-ra, she finds a note saying that Bo-ra is going to Seoul today. In the city, Bo-ra manages to snag her wheelchair on a curb, and Su-ho just happens to see her there though she doesn’t recognize him.

She asks for a push and he snaps himself out of it and helps her, and asks where her family is. He smiles when she says she came here all alone, and she asks for directions to Zeze Factory, where she’s going to meet someone. Bo-ra says that Su-ho seems familiar, especially his voice, but he doesn’t tell her they’ve met.

Dal-nim calls Bo-nui, who’s in a panic, to tell her that Bo-ra is at Zeze. Bo-ra tells Dal-nim that she came alone on purpose, and asks her to call Je Su-ho to see her. Dal-nim says he left already, asking if Bo-nui has mentioned him, but Bo-ra says that the problem is that she hasn’t.

Since Bo-nui tells her sister everything, it’s strange that she never ever talks about Su-ho or Zeze Factory. Bo-ra decided that she wants to meet this guy, and she’s disappointed that she missed him.

Gary arrives at Zeze and passes out little gifts, and they all talk about his Wimbledon win and how touching it was that his father was in the audience. Bo-ra calls Gary, who’s he’s surprised to see her here, but Dal-nim says that Bo-nui is on the way to pick her up.

Once they’re alone, Bo-ra is excited about the game featuring Gary, and he says that Bo-nui developed it for her. He only agreed to be the subject when he heard that it was for Bo-ra, to show her the world. Bo-ra asks for his autograph to prove that she knows him, and watches him adoringly while he indulges her.

Su-ho happens to see Bo-nui as she steps out of a taxi, and the sight of her freezes him. He doesn’t approach her, but just smiles a little and goes on his way.

Bo-nui catches Bo-ra and Gary taking selcas, and ha, they look so guilty. Bo-ra tells her sister that she saw the game, and thanks her for making it for her, easily aegyo-ing her way out of trouble.

Bo-nui talks to Gary alone, who says that he doesn’t mind Bo-ra calling him all the time. He asks if she plans to live out in the country forever, saying that it would be better for Bo-ra for them to move back to Seoul.

Later Bo-nui visits with Dal-nim and gets her invitation to Dal-nim’s and Ryang-ha’s wedding. Yay!! Bo-nui smiles that Dal-nim is finally marrying the man she’s been crushing on for years, still under the impression that it was always Ryang-ha. Dal-nim finally tells her it was someone else, but she doesn’t say who.

Dal-nim warns her that she’d better come to the wedding, and she knows that Bo-nui is worried she’ll see Su-ho there. She says that Bo-nui can’t avoid him forever, and Bo-nui promises to be there.

Back at his office, Su-ho pulls out his photo of himself with Bo-nui and Bo-ra, and muses that Bo-ra is doing to well, she’ll be walking soon. “Good job, Bo-nui.”

Back home, Bo-ra gives Bo-nui a game development contest flyer she saw at Zeze, and urges her to enter. It turns out that Dal-nim gave her the flyer to give to Bo-nui, thinking that if she won the hefty cash prize, she could worry less about money and start thinking of other things.

Okay, Dal-nim and Ryang-ha baby-talking to each other is the best AND worst thing ever. Dal-nim fusses at him for forgetting to give Su-ho his wedding invitation, because she has big plans for Su-ho and Bo-nui to reunite there. Ryang-ha whines that their wedding will be about someone else’s romance, and they’ll just be supporting characters. HA.

Gary calls Amy to meet, and asks if she’s had any luck signing an athlete. She swears she’s this close, meaning no, she hasn’t, so Gary casually tells her to sign him up. He’s left IM Sports, because he decided he’d rather work with Amy alone than with a big agency.

Bo-nui also gets exciting news — she passed the first round of the game contest. Bo-ra asks about her game, but Bo-nui is vague, promising to tell her sister more when she works out a good ending. All she says is that it’s very different from IF.

Su-ho paces his office, concerned because the investor has several complaints about his new game. Basically, he wants it almost completely overhauled. Su-ho decides to scrap it altogether and give up on the deal, but boss Won thinks that they should at least try to give the investor what he wants.

Su-ho argues that every time they do that he comes back with more complaints, and they’ll never be able to please him. Chicken Ajusshi says that they need money to do anything, so Su-ho decides to find a way to raise money without an investor.

Ryang-ha also pushes Su-ho to just do what the investor wants, then make the game he wants to make after getting the money, but Su-ho refuses. Ryang-ha says he’s going to arrange one more meeting (ha, Su-ho literally just goes LALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU), and drops a wedding invitation on the table.

Su-ho and Bo-nui work on their respective games, and one night Bo-ra wakes after having a nightmare. Bo-nui tells her it was just a dream, holding her hand, and Bo-ra says that she waited for so long at the hospital for her sister to come hold her hand. She remembers the nurse telling her that Bo-nui never came into her room.

Bo-nui says that she was scared, but Bo-ra says that finally hearing her voice is what made her feel strong enough to fight to get well. She also remembers a man, though she mostly recalls his voice telling her to love people with all her heart, and hold tightly to their hand. She wants to thank that man for bringing Bo-nui to her.

Dal-nim surprises Bo-nui by showing up at her next presentation, and she jokingly asks if Bo-nui needs the rabbit costume. But Bo-nui didn’t even bring her red beans and salt — she doesn’t need them anymore, now that Bo-ra is better.

Nobody knows where Su-ho went when he doesn’t show up to Ryang-ha’s investor meeting, and his game proposal isn’t on his computer anymore. He’s secretly gone to the same game competition where Bo-nui is preparing to compete, though he doesn’t look surprised when she steps onto the stage.

Bo-nui, on the other hand, is very startled to see Su-ho present his game. Bo-nui’s game is based on her own life — it’s about a girl who is unlucky, who loses everything and receives a letter one year later. In flashback, we see that when Su-ho had said his last goodbye, he’d slipped a note into Bo-nui’s hand.

Shim Bo-nui was my light, not a blade. She held my hand when I needed it. She made me smile when I was embarrassed. She stayed by my side when I was sick. When I lost everything, she made me believe everything would be okay as long as I had her. That light guided me out of my cave… Shim Bo-nui saved the life of Je Su-ho. Thank you, my love.

Bo-nui continues that in her game, the girl goes undertakes a long journey to reply back to the letter. As she travels, she remembers the person who sent her the letter, the person who protected and cared for her. Some call her a blade, and some call her a ray of light, and on her journey she has to decide which side to trust.

Su-ho’s game is also his own story, about a boy trying to escape the cave he’s been hiding in. It’s dark and lonely, but the outside world is scary, so he needs light to escape the cave. The light is like a miracle that teaches him to trust, as he escapes the dark cave and searches for the light.

Both of their presentations go well, and they leave the contest feeling optimistic. They meet on a path outside the building, and smile at each other. Bo-nui thinks that she’s sorry she took so long, and Su-ho thinks that she was too slow, “You pretty fool.”

Bo-nui decides to only think of herself and her happiness, and Su-ho thinks that she made the right decision. Without needing words, they grab each other in a big hug.

Ryang-ha literally dances into the Zeze office, but everyone besides Dal-nim pretends he’s not even there. Ha, he comes so often he’s driving them nuts. He and Dal-nim flirt outrageously, then use what I’m sure is a most amazing app to choose their honeymoon destination before he’s dragged out.

Later Bo-nui waits for Su-ho in his office, and he slumps in to tell her the news. Bo-nui takes in Su-ho’s dejected expression, and asks if the investor didn’t like their idea to launch their games simultaneously. She starts to say they should release Su-ho’s game first, but he bursts out that the investor loved the idea. You little troll.

They rush to tell Bo-ra the good news, and soon Su-ho is helping the sisters move back into their old apartment. Bo-ra is happy to be home, and Su-ho lets the girls go in together for the first time in three years, while he waits on the roof.

Bo-nui has put everything back where it was, just as Bo-ra remembers it. She even put back up Bo-ra’s drawing, and the pictures of Su-ho. They remember what they said when they put up Bo-ra’s picture of their family, that their parents would always be watching over them, and Bo-ra says that their family has five people now.

Bo-nui finds Su-ho on the roof and backhugs him, and promises to be good to him from now on. Su-ho angles for a smooch, but gets fed instead, ha.

Bo-ra pouts at Su-ho for pretending not to know her that time outside Zeze, and they bicker over her not even recognizing him at all. He offers to help her with her times tables to improve her memory, and looks horrified when she says she hates math. They’re going to be the cutest siblings.

Amy and Gary arrive to welcome them home, to Su-ho’s annoyance, and they discover that Bo-ra actually invited them. Su-ho tries to slam the door when Ryang-ha and Dal-nim also show up, but they shove their way in and make themselves at home. Poor Su-ho.

Some time later, Su-ho and Bo-nui go on a picnic, and they both freeze when the beautiful day is shattered by a crack of thunder. Su-ho nervously assures Bo-nui it’s fine, then lightning flashes. It starts to rain, and they just stand there getting soaked.

Su-ho is ready to give up on the picnic, but Bo-nui says they should stay. They run together in the rain, happy and enjoying each other’s company.

Bo-nui narrates that nothing has changed. They don’t know what the future holds, and fate will sometimes be cruel. Su-ho adds that they’ve decided to live in the moment.

Epilogue. The fortuneteller packs up his belongings and leaves his now-empty studio. After their picnic, Su-ho and Bo-nui walk in the now-clear air, and Bo-nui asks if Su-ho would like to get rained on with her again. Su-ho reminds her that he likes the word “yes,” so of course his answer is yes.

Bo-nui stops and takes out a small box, revealing a pair of rings. Su-ho looks stunned as she asks, “Will you marry me? I thought about it, and I realized that it has to be you. I’m saying it must be you.” Awww, that’s what he said to her when he realized his feelings.

Su-ho smiles, then shouts an exuberant, “YES!” He jumps around the park, yelling to anyone that can hear, “I’m getting married!!” They put their rings on, and seal it with a kiss.


Cute ending for a cute story. I sort of like that Bo-nui and Su-ho didn’t have some dramatic overwrought reunion — they just saw each other, and knew it was time. I’m not unhappy about it, because it means that Bo-nui was able to decide to trust him and not give in to her fears, which makes me happier than if she’d found out that the hacker was the raccoon after all. I’ll give it to the show, it did throw all the tropes at us, but usually gave them an interesting twist to freshen them up. I could have done without the tropes in the first place, but at least they weren’t stale and boring.

I’m so torn, because while Su-ho is definitely one of my favorite rom-com heroes to date, I’ve been struggling to root for his relationship with Bo-nui. I never felt like she deserved him or appreciated how much he did for her, how truly devoted he was to her. I do think she loved him in her own way, but she never proved it to him — she just ran whenever things got tough, and never kept her promises to believe in him more than she believed in her superstitions. Then she did something unforgivable, and left him lying in the street after being hit by a car saving her life… just left him there to die. After seeing that, I was pretty much done with her.

But I adore Su-ho as a character, and so I found it in myself to at least wish for his happiness. And if he’s happy with a woman like Bo-nui, well, so be it. I just have a difficult time figuring out why he loved her… most of the time, viewers can at least tell why a character likes another character, even if we disagree with their choice. But Bo-nui spent the majority of the drama pushing Su-ho away, dismissing his feelings, choosing her talismans over him. Once she told him he was a nice person, and she was occasionally supportive, but the negative things she did overwhelmed that one gesture by a mile, and that’s before she left him possibly dying in the road. At that point, I didn’t care about Bo-nui’s feelings anymore, and even after that, when he gave her that note telling her everything she was to him, she still left. (And none of this reflects at all on Hwang Jung-eum’s performance — I still think she’s a delightful actress, she was just a victim of bad characterization in this case).

Speaking of characters, I do have to say, I think Lee Soo-hyuk and Lee Chung-ah were criminally underutilized. They had interesting characters, who pretty much failed to do anything to either threaten the main couple, or facilitate their relationship, which are the two main reasons second leads exist. Again it’s a case of great actors given sadly underdeveloped characters, and the actors themselves did their best with what they were given. I honestly liked them more when they were together — not romantically, just as friends and colleagues — than I ever did with their respective crushes. I will say, it was fun watching Lee Soo-hyuk (who I’m used to seeing in menacing, darker roles) be all wide-eyed and innocent for once.

Lucky Romance somehow still managed to be a fun watch and as an avid gamer myself, I found the backdrop of the gaming development world to be very interesting. While the whole tiger hunt worried me for Bo-nui’s safety, and the “Oh you didn’t have to sleep-sleep with him” explanation seemed like a cop-out (not to mention extremely irresponsible on the part of the fortuneteller), I did fall in love with the other characters, and of course Su-ho in particular. Ryu Joon-yeol took what could have been a bland, boring drama geeeenius and made him squishy and lovable, and watching him fall in love against his will, then just toss out his reluctance and embrace it with puppylike exuberance, has been the uncontested highlight of the show. I may not have agreed with his choice of lady, but seeing him pursue her in his dorky, awkward way was definitely the best thing about this drama.

And believe it or not, despite my complaints, I actually did enjoy Lucky Romance as a whole. In spite of its strange plot, sometimes-worrying situations, and odd execution, it kept me interested and invested for the majority of its run. It kept things light for the most part, especially with the side characters (may Dal-nim and Ryang-ha never ever stop being adorable together), and it did have a way of tugging my heartstrings and holding my attention. My lasting impression will be of a sweet show with a wonderfully vulnerable and adorable hero, and a sometimes-frustrating heroine, whose love story was one of learning to put your trust in another person. Maybe it didn’t meet my (admittedly high) expectations, but overall, it’s a show I’ll remember fondly.


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i'm sorry but your comment about gary and bo-ra bothered me... i thought bo-ra was a minor (her actress is 16, she's even younger than me?) wouldn't that be really weird? esp to go from liking a woman to her little sister...


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Bonui is 1991-er still Gary is much younger than her (from the flashback, the children counterpart the age gap quite far). I don't think in the drama the age gap between Bo ra and Gary is that far.


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Gary is a 1993er since he is born in the year of Rooster.


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I think it was mention in some part in the drama that Bo Ra is 1998-er and then she must be 20 yo in the show


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Hmmmm, gotta say I've thought since the beginning that when Bora miraculously got well and grew up, she and Gary would end up together.

Lollypip, thanks for another drama of great recaps ❤️, I just have one tiny complaint: I love "but excuse me what is he wearing?" and cannot believe you've deprived us of a screencap of that eyeball-bursting plaid suit!


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I had that feeling all the way through this drama -- what is she/he wearing???? The fashion in this show - mostly for Bonul and Gary - was absolutely baffling. It reminded me of the awful fashion in Full House (Rain edition).


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Actually I thought that Gary just treated Bo Ra like his younger sister and Bo Ra just had a teenage crush on him (or maybe starstruck?) I didn't see anything romantic between them


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Yes, I really just thought that he deeply cares for her as a sister whereas Bo-ra just has one of those innocent crushes on him. It wouldn't be weird, given the fact that they have a an age gap of 5-6 yrs either, but the show never pointed towards them being anything more than ... sibling-y(?)with each other.
That being said, I am glad they didn't throw Amy and him into a half arsed relationship just for the sake of it and just left them as friends. They didn't feel the need to give them some romantic partners just for the sake of it and I am fine with them being cool individuals


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excuse my language, but i was like, 'WTF AM I READING, LOLLYPIP???' when I read that line. Bo-Ra's actress is not only young in real life, but she's still a minor in the drama. Bo-Nui is 26/27 in the drama, and Gary is 24/25. Eugh. I can't believe my eyes.


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just to elaborate, i mentioned bo-nui's age because somebody mentioned that gary was a great deal younger than her, and he isn't.


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Honestly this finale was a big disappointment. The whole reunion between SuHo and BoNui was just really awkward and there was just so much more that got on my nerves. Like what was the point between focusing on Chicken ahjusshi and SuHo's mom. What about the IF crisis. And Bonui deciding to lose her superstitious belief after a year just made me roll my eyes. I don't know why SuHo would wait for her. There used to be a time when I was excited for this drama but geez did this drama become a train wreck toward the last 4 episodes. But I do have to praise RJY for making SuHo so lovable and HJE as well. I hope they meet better scriptwriters for their next drama!!


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i do think the sw doesnt know what to do with chicken ahjussi. they lead us to believe something went on with Suho's omma, but s/he changes his / her mind so, in the end, nothing happened with them...


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it's a he (the writer)


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yeah..either its a he or she...she ruined them..


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I thought that's actually his plan since the start. Make chicken ahjussi as red herring so people and even Suho's himself thought that he's his real father. And as tools to mend Suho and his father relationship.


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As much as i love RJY (and i do love him), even he could not save the last 2 episodes. It was that horrible. I just lost any affection I had for this show. I had to force myself to watch the finale and i fast forwarded like half of it.


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You should definitely watch his Vapp. It made me much happier and made me forget about this horrible ending LOL.


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Truer words were never spoken..... Could have given a better last 2 eps.... :(


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Totally agree with you, the noble idiocy in the last 2 episodes was really out of place, I rather watch it at the middle of the drama, because for the last 2 episodes I just want to see my OTP being lovey dovey with each other and wrapping things out. So I also had to fast forward the last half of episode 15 and the first half of episode 16. It was a good cute drama until episode 15, what a shame!


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I'm with you last 4 episodes ruined it for me... right now my head wants to scrap all bu-ni parts and replace it with dal nim and make her crush work...she is hundred times more worthy of suho than bu-ni....


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Omg how right are u.. it feels like i imagined it .. u know waiting eagerly for the show.. watching it raw.. and u know someone predicted this..I didnt want to believe it...just had such high hopes ...but oh boy the last 4 episodes 'Absolute train wreck' .. I was just doing a eye roll everytime bo nui came on screen. Was so finished with her


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i agree with your last comments. what Bonui did in ep 15 left all the whole defense i have for her for the whole drama. i can't defends any people who left an accident victim laying unconciously on the road, after saving her, the person she loved. i understand her superstitious, i dont understand why she left him like that. she dont deserves Suho's love. period. and this has nothing to do with HJE as an actress. Bonui surely the worse character HJE had ever played. I blame the writer to write this poor character does to our Suho.

Also how they underuntilize Gary and Amy. I never seen a drama where the 2nd lead is just there...just because they need to be there. oh come on, Lee Jungah and Lee sohyuk is very talented actor, why the writer didnt gave them some story that explore their character in the scene. especially the way Gary found his father. i was like "is that it? just like that?? he came and Gary said i miss you?? that easy??...i have whole complain about that..."
And Amy...i dont say that Amy should be more annoying like most 2nd lead does, but at least she can do something more. Lee Jungah is a good actress and they just cast her to stand there to be pretty...

the writer needs to take a whole year hiatus and apologized for what s/he did to Lee soohyuk, lee Jungah and Hwang jeung eum.

the writer loves Ryu Junyeol, no doubt. S/he made no wrong for Suho character, and Ryu Junyeol nailed it with perfection. i dont have any complain about his character and how he does as Suho.


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ah..while i critic the writer, i must say good words about her too. well, the good thing is, s/he keep the story in the comedy track almost for the whole drama. even when Suho resigned from ZEZE factory and the mood supposed to be dropping, he made dalnim and Ryangha as the laugh maker...and then Suho's attempt to stay at Bonui's house as laugh maker as well.
even in ep 15 we can see the comedy here and there.this drama is not changes into the other mellodrama even when the mood to laugh is getting darker.


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I skimmed this to see how much more of a train-wreck it was gonna be. I for one am not satisfied with the ending. You spend 15hrs 45mins setting up the plot for it to end in the last 15 minutes when the female lead finally chose to disregard her “fate” with a few sentences (after the goes-away-for-year[s]-to-solve-all-problems trope), choose JSH again and bam, they’re back to being lovey dovey like nothing happened. It only proved how selfish Bo Nui was for her to make JSH do all those things and then wait for her and it will be alright. And if you spent all those times forcing the idea that the shaman was real and was right about Bo Nui and then suddenly she's no longer unlucky? What were the first 15 episodes for? I want them back; I feel so cheated…

And then to have the end credits say: "Thank you for watching Lucky Romance. We're rooting for all of you WHO DO YOUR BEST REGARDLESS OF FATE. We hope your WILL and your luck will create many miraculous moments."

Whuttt?! Na-ah you didn't! Writer-nim, if that thought crossed your mind, why didn't you do what you just preached in the first place with Bo Nui?! Sigh.

The only thing worth watching in this Ep was Dal Nim and Ha Ryang. And the bloopers at the end. I'll need some time to get over my disappointment for this drama. These last eps are so bad that any of the good feelings I had for it are gone. Maybe I'll just put together cuts of JSH's scenes to remind myself of the only good thing the drama did right.


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I agree...for the whole 15 episode, i never ever once to see Bonui struggling to get rid of her superstitious problem. and then suddenly voila, she did. what the heck writer, if you want her to get rid of that, why dont you do it in ep 1 so we dont have to stuck with this shaman.

i wish in ep 16 we see how she fight the superstitious thing, and finally realise it was nothing more than the fate or whatever. if only that letter that waken her up from her superstitious, why do she needs one whole year to realise...

gosh writer...you ruined best actress to this level


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This makes me wonder what did the writer even have in mind. Even if you write scenes on the spot (live shoot) but you must have a broad outline of where you want to go, what you want to show.

but here it was just baffling. I'm not sure what the general "message" of the show is. The basic premise of the show is all over the place.

And like the show said - you remember the last memories, i'll always remember the crushing disappointment these last 2 episodes were


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The ironic end credits irked me so much that I closed my browser at that moment, thanks for mentioning the bloopers, might've missed that good part!


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On a lighter note I was able to catch Ryu Jun Yeol's Vapp and OMG he was so adorable and sweet. Apparently one of his ad-libs in episode 12 when he calls BoNui princess was inspired by SPONGEBOB, who is also someone he looks up too LOL!! I thought that was really cute


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he does cute hahaha..and smart. His talk manner speak a lot about his intelectual level. the way he finished his V app with his message is really beautifull.a man with deep thinking and full of charming.


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I'll miss him. I don't watch korean movies so i don't think i'll see him again this year.

And he doesn't even have a long drama-ogrophy that i can dig into.



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I love that one, another adlib I loved was in ep 14. When he got out of the sofa in frustration and BN came out and he immediately laid on the floor. And I'm not sure if it's adlib but when he wore BN's thick soled slipper, that was so funny.


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this is the writer's first drama right ?? I have to say I enjoyed the first 14 episodes of LR and some how the storyline went down drain in ep 15 and 16 .... I am so disappointed with the ending though it's a happy ending .. there are so many hanging loopholes ... having said that, I hope that HJE and RJY would be given the chance to be an OTP in another drama that has spectacular storyline ... these 2 have overflowing electrifying chemistry together...it's such a pity that the writer nim "butchered" Bonui's character in the drama ...


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I just finished watching this final.. I have to say that I almost greatly disappointed in this final episode before the game idea presentation part. I keep expecting a turning point where Shim Bo-nui finally changes her point of view towards life. I'm afraid that they might be somehow together again, but there's no reasoning as to why they can be together this time..
It's a relief that Bonui's game idea explains it all at least for me...

I don't think it's quite right to say that Bonui still left Suho even after she received that note. Suho's words have given her a courage to trust in herself, but it's also not an easy task for her to turn 180 degrees from trusting that she herself is a blade into trusting that she can actually be a light for others as well (considering that she's been living believing her fate as a blade for 2 years). And I think that one year is needed not only for her to completely change her point of view, but to actually present something to prove that she has come to realize that how you face your fate (be it good or unfortunate ones) will greatly depend on your own WILL. :)

Thanks Ryu Jun yeol and Hwang Jung-eum for such great acting and chemistry... <3
RJY oppa, waiting for your next project alreadyyy.. :*


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I watched the whole show with exactly this mentality. I have no idea what the original work is all about but I believe the finale probably summarized the idea: one needs to take a long journey in order to find themselves while another one needs to take a leap of faith towards the light (aka LOVE).

Maybe the age gap (I remember it's supposed to be a noona romance) could have explained things better.


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Is the fortuneteller leave for good forever or just go to pray like he did before? Well... i dont really care because i mostly happy that Mom and Bo Nui didnt trust him anymore, especially since Su Ho yell at him bout his way of telling to Bo Nui in the last eps. You are right, LollyPip, even tho some trops and most Bo Nui acts are too much to handle in nice way, I still enjoy this drama as whole. I mostly enjoy it because of Su Ho's character developement, Ryang-Ha and Dal Nim (who doesnt?!) and honestly for Lee Soo Hyuk too. Its a nice bit of change to see him in a lighter character than what he usually acted (before LR, i always remember him as scary Gwi from scholar...its not really nice). When I watch this and see the hint about the possibilities between Bo Ra and Gary, I yeak a little because Bo Ra seems to be so young for him at the time, but then i remember that she actually 20 yo in the show, and just couldnt agree more. Even tho their relationship isnt developing to the romance one, they as brother and sisterly way is enough for me. Bo Ra is kind of a sister even i want to keep for my self. Her bickering with Su Ho is honestly the cutest thing ever. I love the actress who play her have so much aegyo, and its unfortunate we only got to see her fully wake up in the last eps. My mom yeakk so much when she saw Ryang Ha and Dal Nim goes all munyunyunyunyu in this eps ("Separate them!") and i felt a little bit dissapointed that Su Ho isnt going back to ZeZe. My ZeZe avengers will never be completed anymore! Its a cute and fluffy and fresh two months of journey, and I will always remember Lucky Romance (and my Je Noble) dearly.


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I wonder how wheelchair bound Bo Ra managed to pin the post it to the clothing line. It seemed too high for her. Then again the bigger question was why was I watching the finale. What a letdown.


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No matter what others may say against Lucky Romance, I love it. I love it.
I'm not really into romance dramas because they tend to use the same theme again and again. Making unbelievable things happen in a matter of 1 hour.
But this drama made me angry as hell,giggle, sad, happy and in love, that I didn't mind that the story was so simple. I think, to be precised, the simplicity of the story itself made me fall for it. I can relate much to Bonui. It's not that I am as superstitious as her, but as a human being who are defenseless enough with what our destiny had brought us, her character is so relatable.
Also this drama introduced me to the cutieeeest male lead ever. He's so adorbs that whenever he's character is on the screen, it makes me wanna break into my tv and go hug him whenever he's sad and jump as a fool as him when he's giddy in love. Ryu Jun Yeol acted Je SuHo excellently. No more words needed.
Lucky Romance may not be the best, but it turned out to be what I had expected. I think that the true meaning of being a kdrama fan.


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Like times 1000. I agree. I hope hje does another drama again this year like she did in 2015 with KMHM and She was pretty. I'm excited for lead roles Ryu Jun Yeol will have in the future. I loved the bloopers at the end of ep 16. I hope Lee soo hyuk signs on to another drama this year too. All the best of luck to them in the future XD Off to recap Beautiful Mind ✌?


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I love Ryu Joon-yeol. I love Hwang Jung-eum. Je Su-ho is ❤. I admit while the writing did go downhill a bit in terms of plot and characterization I still enjoyed these characters and I definitely enjoyed the romance. Sadly the writers were not able to take full advantage of all they had because they had the perfect set up and actors to make a really awesome story but failed to do so. They really had it all. But alas we move on to the next one! RJY and HJE will be successful regardless. They're both talented. I'll remember this drama's characters fondly.


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Aaaaand... splat. After Ryu Jun Yeol manfully kept this drama afloat for well over half the run, finally the complete nonsense that made up the writing core couldn't be ignored any longer and here we are. Blech.

It feels like the writer never actually pinned down the motivations for Bo Nui's superstition - as in, Bo Nui the character had no sort of internal logic for the way she interacted with her rituals. So she looked like a complete idiot to viewers since she really was just following the whims of the writer, who emphasized certain pieces of the superstition depending on what he wanted to happen in the plot. That required Bo Nui to be insanely uncurious about the superstitious rules governing her own life ("wait, so... do I have to actually have sex with a Tiger? What's the point I have to get to for this to work?") and simultaneously completely illogical in her pursuit of goals ("I must wake Bo Ra up from her coma by sleeping with the three random guys in this car, because I have no sense of repercussions!").

It made Bo Nui DUMB, no matter how hard HJE tried to humanize her, she was just written stupid.

Su Ho was a great character whose devotion to Bo Nui is inexplicable. The shaman's story ended bizarrely, not really remorseful and I guess hightailing it? To me, the games sounded bloody stupid as well. And Bo Nui's miraculous transformation into a person who doesn't believe in superstition? Completely unearned. You don't spend 15 episodes with an arachnophobe and then in episode 16 have her come back from a random trip to Michigan and announce "I've decided not to be afraid of spiders anymore". Really? You've never been particularly successful so far, how can we possibly trust you?

But honestly, this is all rooted back to the writer not getting a clear idea of what the shaman's relationship to his omens was, what Bo Nui's internal logic was for those omens, and a practical application of those superstitions. How funny would this show have been if Bo Nui spent the entire time trying to balance between socially-acceptable behavior and incorporating her warding-off tokens? The bizarre thing was that she suffered no blowback for being visibly insane.

Pros for the show: Su Ho, the office team, Su Ho, Dal Nim and the major stakeholder, Su Ho.
Cons for the show: The weak investment in premise, everything about Bo Nui except HJE, and the wardrobe department as a group (who should be ashamed and go somewhere quiet to think about what they've done).


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They painted BN to be such a woe-is-me character that no one ever called her out or held her accountable for the horrible (and dangerous) things she did do. For a character that was always whining about her bad luck, she would get away scot free every single time.

I'll miss your commentary on her wardrobe though. It was awesome! Made me giggle and snort every single time


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Dramas can have outlandish plots/characters, but a writer only needs to make sure it's executed within the boundaries of REASON and we'll be sold.

It's like the goal of the drama while it was being written was simply to have the leads be together in the end. That was it.


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I was planning not to comment after the dumbness of episode 15. However Miranda has summed up most of the my objections to the horrible writing on this show.


Fuck you writer Nim. At least you let RJY be fun.


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The writer never had a clear idea of what fate/luck/talismans meant in his drama, and thus couldn't frame Bo-nui (the character) clearly.

We had tons of cuteness from the actors, and the way they tried to make their portrayals funny or relatable, but the writing wasn't focused and the ending suffered so much from that.


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While I totally agree with you, I WILL say that it seems to be a fairly common Kdrama trope that the male lead has some sort of OCD situation going on. Cleans all the time, terrified of germs, everything needs to be in its place, etc. So much so that I wonder how he can function in real life. And then, halfway through the show... his OCD is gone. No real explanation.

So while her subtly getting rid of her superstition was super dumb… It wasn't all that surprising.

On another note: I hate the forced separation trope more than any other trope in a drama. It's always so unnecessary and usually makes no sense at all.

On a third note: I don't usually read the comments, so I didn't read your clothing comments. But I thought them. Oh, how I thought them to myself. Other than Full House, I don't think I've ever seen so many bad clothes in one place. And this coming from someone who just watched "High School King of Savvy!"


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I think everyone else has encapsulated my disappointment with the show.

So i'll just remember the good part - RJY

I had not seen R88 before this. And because of LR I discovered this actor who has literally been the heart and soul of the show.

I'm just going to remember the crazily amazing middle parts that were SH falling in love and doing all clutzy stuff and making my heart go pitter patter.

Wishing that he lands a lead in a new drama soon. He was truly incredible.


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What in the name of anything was Gary wearing at the beginning? That was so hideous I missed reading subtitles because that was at the forefront of my mind.


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I think it was wrapping paper?


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My theory is that his luggage was stolen at the airport when he came back to Korea so he just stripped a random Scottish man of his quilt... and Su-Ho took pity of him and lent him his shirt...


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I was wondering whether I needed to watch this show or not in the first place. And when the photoshoot of both the leads released and saw the aura that Ryu Jun Yeol displayed, I got really exited to watch this show. Well, I originally watched for RJY and stayed until the end just for him. Oppa saranghaeeee


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I came with no expectations, I leave with few regrets. Sorry they wasted LSH but RJY and every single thing he did are just THE GREATEST. Love you, Je Su Ho!


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The only saving grace other than RJY ofcourse was Bo Ra telling Bo Nui that she was waiting for her all the time in the hospital, to touch her, hold her hand but she never came until one fine day when she landed with the help of Su Ho. She recovered because her sister came to her. That should have been emphasized as an eye opener for Bo Nui to realize how it was her superstition that kept her sister from recovering in the first place and it was not Su ho's tiger charms.


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I wish they had this scene 2 episodes back and have it sink into BN's head how her own actions were destructive and not some stupid shaman's ramblings. But as always it was glossed over.


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Even after it sinked in, she didn't react to it. No wonder a lot of viewers didn't realize the importance of that conversation.


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Amen!!!! That made me slap my forehead.

This was such an odd show. I often wanted to pull out my hair, but, but...

RJY, the Office Team, Dal Nim and her cheesy darling, HJE and everyone putting all their professionalism into really badly written, under written characters, and then at the very end an adorable Bo Ra made me stick with it to the bitter end.

This is a new writer, right? Please child, please, learn from what you did well and what you screwed up.


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Hwang Jung Eum, please no more rom-coms. Go for melo or thriller but no more rom-coms and please take a break. I am angry at her for no reason after this show. RJY is love, Oppa, I'll watch whatever you do from now on. Je Su Ho is beyond adorable. I find the finale okayish, nothing bad, nothing spectacular either.


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Absolutely one of the MOST disappointing endings - and last two episodes- of any drama I've ever seen. When BN left him possibly dying in the road, my entire being checked out of caring about her and her criminally STUPID superstitions. She does not, did not, and never will deserve him. Episode 15 actually left me depressed and I had to keep reminding myself it was just a drama and make-believe. I've now grown tired of Hwang Jung Eum's over-exposure in dramas over the past two years and I will not watch another one of her dramas for sometime to come. Take a break HJE, enjoy your marriage, have a baby and come back in three years when we might miss you again. As a successful actress she might have had the power to exert influence and change the script for the better at the end. But she didn't. Puppy RJY got caught in the cross-fire but he emerged as lovable as ever. Thank God.


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How Rude comments It is!! Hwang jung eum is actress. Acting is her job. IF you don't want see her acting, Just don't watch it! Don't confound acting or script writing. She did her best. 15th script comes out 09/07, 16th script comes out 12/07 (and broadcast day: 13/07, 14/07). Look at this schedule. How can actress modified script? Hwang jung eum sleep only 2 hour per day at last week of drama. live shooting drama producing has many problems. Only actress's problems? why you say she rest? Honestly speaking, You just don't see her acting. So, don't watch her drama. She did& do her work well. I will watch her job.


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I'm so conflicted. On the one hand, I'm glad that they ended with Bo-nui and Su-ho deciding to risk fate for love but on the other hand the drama has clearly shown that the fortune teller's words have some merit. There is definitely a level of fantasy in the show, I mean Bo-ra has premonitions! For the show to completely disregard that in the finale seems like a bit of a cop out, because that means the only reason Bo-Nui and Su-ho stayed apart was because she was a crazy paranoid person.

I will remember this drama for the cuteness that was Su-ho and Bo-Nui and introducing me to the amazing Ryu Joon-yeol. Ultimately though, I feel like the writer introduced a lot of storylines which she just abandoned half way. Like I felt like there was a lot potential with the contractual dates, but they decided to dump that storyline.

What happened to the hacker? What happened to Bo-Nui fatalistic bad luck? What happened to mum's storyline with chicken ajusshi? Why was Gary's dad randomly in hiding? You can't distract me from your unresolved storylines with Bo-Nui's multi-layer denim outfits and bad footwear show!


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Not best rom-com ever, but will I gonna rewatch it again?YES .. incl. eps 15?YES .. majority I'm still finding the enjoyable and fun feeling that I'm able to get rid of my disappointment over this drama. I love it as a whole.
Despite the flaws in nonsensical plot and characters development, the drama showed a lot of best relatable heartfelt sweet swooney moments. And Je Suho as character just jjang! which I'm sold, as simple as that.

Honestly this is my first HJE drama and this makes me want to watch her previous drama, she's great and pretty ..
And RJY .. you're the best. I love you as always ..
Hope to see other casts in another drama too.

Lastly (so sorry but I have to mention it) LR really sweetened my bitterness over R88 ending. I'm moved on ..


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I'll just tell myself that the OTP's story ended at episode 12 (and OHY Again ended on ep 10) so I can go on peacefully with my life...


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Could have been way better but I still really adore this drama.

Cause this is the first Kdrama my Mom watched from start to finish. She usually drops them after 6 eps. It was so great to have someone I love squeeing and swooning with me (especially in the cutefest that was ep 12) for the past 2 months and also have someone to talk about the frustrations we both felt in the last 3 eps.

We both fell so much in love with Jo Se Ho (and by extension RJY), that my Dad got a lil jealous but whatever. I'll just find a drama we could also watch together.

Thank you so much lollypip!


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Maybe try Signal? That's how I got my big brother semi-hooked on Kdramas.


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Funny, "Signal" is the one I'm going to use to get my husband hooked on K dramas!

I haven't seen it, but great to know that it's good!


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Although I got my heart broken for Ryu Jun Yeol in Reply 1988, Signal (which followed R1988 in tVN) has a very good plot written by excellent writers. Watching it was really mind-boggling. :)


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I have to admit that for some tine now I was trying to give this show a chance solely because of RJY. And Merlin knows I tried, I really tried. But the last 2 episodes just molested me to a new level...

It was the most dissapointing finale I've ever seen, so many questions unanswered and the evolution of Bo-nui into now "selfish about her happiness" character that happened behind the scenes a magical "year later". Yep, totally legit.

The absurdity of the final episode was even magnified by the totally illogical behaviour around: why on Earth would you move to a tiny flat at 4th floor without elevator with your still wheelchair-bound sister?! (Su-Ho where your wits have gone?); how could possibly Bo-Ra pin the message for Bo-Nui at such a high place, the totally boring concepts of both of games (I really pity the investors for wasting their money)... and I could go on and on. Despite RJY's fighting with all his might, he couldn't save this show - just as the kiss at the very end, it was overall disappointing.

RJY I'm looking forward to your next work, but please choose your scripts more carefully next time.


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Yes to everything you said...
But specifically the kiss at the end...
I was waiting for someone to mention it! They just got engaged and then that?? Why?? I actually laughed out loud when I saw it.


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Even though it was a hot mess at times, I'm actually glad RYJ chose this. I had no idea he could mold to any character. Because of this show, he's made a life long fan out of me. I will watch anything he is in from now on.


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Exactly, the kiss at the end was just ridiculous - btw even RJY looked like he had to suppress a laughter.

I had to double check that I didn't accidentally get into a Japanese dorama where this kindergarden level of kisses are pretty normal, but after all he's been through I think Su-Ho deserved a BIG kiss instead of this tight-lipped lip bump. Never mind...

Same here, JesO! I loved him already in R88, but he proved to have an exceptional range of expressions and emotional palette, and his comic timing... I could go on and on...
This drama owes him everything. I think RJY worked his perfect arse out to keep it alive, hell he even resurrected it several times.
And I can't wait to what he has in store for us next time!


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Just a few nitpicks:

- I love that there were so many kiss pecks with the OTP but we didn't really get a passionate kiss scene, the one on the 10th episode didn't really count since BN was holding back. Is it because HJE is already married?

- The shaman should've been revealed as a fraud! Making him legit was a huge misstep!

- The romantic development between the 2 Zeze staff happened offscreen! (As was DN and RH) It seems such a waste for not showing it.


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It was a nice surprise for the 3rd Zeze couple romantic gestures - normaly a romantic relationship inside of one team in a company is not welcome. Maybe this 2 episodes were just unfortunately edited...


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Yeah the last kiss was dissapointing! Come on, you two just got engaged!


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I think the shaman wasn't a fraud per se. He completely misinterpreted the "racoon vision" and complicated the already complicated lives of our OTP. But could we have a proper show without all the misunderstandings and the odd characters? I think not... :-)


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The perfect tagline for this show...

After Ep 12: “You can't handle the cute!” After the Finale: ("....and the nonsensical plot!")

I just realised Subway never appeared. But, we still got a talking fridge.


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and the app for scheduling hotels and flights. Bo-nui, Su-ho, Dal-nim (2x) used it. It would have only been a cherry on top, if at the ending, after the proposal, Su-ho pulls out his phone, opens the app and says "where to go for honeymoon?" *roll credits*....Thanks to [SPONSORSSSSS]


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The cute ending and the NG saved the episode for me!

I loled so hard when they filmed the kiss scene and HJE cutely berated RJY. “Hey! Come over here!” And he called her noona!

I love BN's fashion. Not the I love it I would wear it but just watching how her fashion evolved, denim to apron, and how the stylist kept topping her ridiculous creations. Behold: (cr to reddit user) http://imgur.com/a/TsC9e


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You know, I never minded the fashion although it was glaringly ridiculous but when you see it compiled like that I just wanna ask the stylist. What the hell were you thinking?


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omg, those are fantastic. I never dreamed there were so many ?


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Oh my gosh! Thank you for that link! I was searching all over the internet for a compilation of her fashion to show my friend bc I felt like my explanations didn't do it justice! :D


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I was fumed with BN, I hate her character so much. JSH deserves better, I agree with u LP, if she makes him happy, I'll br happy too but I have difficulties understanding why he loves her. Hello, she left you when you got into an accident.no matter superstitious r u, it's basic to stay with him at least until he reach hospital. JSH made me cry and laugh and squee and I watch this drama only coz of him. RJY jjang!!! BTW: I followed him on Insta and damn, he's pretty artistic. Just love him and his various expression.


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JSH, my love for you knows no end.


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Isn't it ironic, finally a drama where I'm fine with HJE's acting (only seen SWP and KMHM before this) but then she's playing the most stupid written character ever.

Sigh, what a waste of a great cast and good premise. The writer just had no idea how to execute it. New drama writers should just be co-writers for a while before doing their own thing, add the live shoot system, this just can't end well.

Oh, another reason to be mad at the writer...he also ditched their signature giggle-snort KKkrrrrhhhhh laugh in the final!


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Agree! I liked her acting the best here - controlled and subdued where it needed to be, and she emoted so well without ever being over the top... but yes, definitely her worst and most unlikeable character to date.


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Ryu Jun yeol was the best thing in this messy drama i hope to see him soon in another project !


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I may be the minority here, but the last 2 episodes were still okay-ish to me, generally-speaking.

They did drag down my enjoyment of the show, but I agree with LollyPip's ending paragraph. That's also my assessment of the show.

Thanks, LollyPip for the recaps ! Time to choose a new drama to watch. :)


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This was soooooo cheesy...! *squeals in a Dal-nim voice*


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Just like another MBC romcom that aired this year, One More Happy Ending

They both had a very frustrating penultimate (15th) episode mainly because of the heroine, Mimo and Bonui who both also have over the top fashions. The former more on the glam side and the latter with WTH ensembles and both shows have main leads that are simply great. Both series also ended on a cute note (with the girl proposing in the end) and a somewhat satisfying resolutions for all the characters. But both also disappointed in the long run and frankly wasted the cast with paper thin plots and generally horrible writing.


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Also they're both riddled with so much PPL, even by usual Kdrama standards. LR with Toreta! while OMHE had those freakin' almonds.

Plus, both dramas had really plain second main leads.


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How interesting that you made this comparison. I haven't watched One More Happy Ending yet, but throughout this drama I wished that Jang Na Ra (Mi Mo) had played Bo Ni in Hwang Jung Eum's place. I was trying to think of an actress who could make me like Bo Ni...although Jang Na Ra is similar to the actress who played Dal Nim. I loved Dal Nim (like many viewers!)


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From “This is Zeze Factory” to “This is Daebak Soft!” Lol!

“How could you hate math?” and OMG! His face when BoRa called him Brother-in-Law!!

Su Ho-ya, never change!

I’m so gonna miss the banter between Su Ho and Ryang Ha, I loved their friendship. And I would totally love to have someone like Dal Nim for a bestfriend. She’s so awesome!


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Thank you lollpip!!! I hope you're the one who'll recap W. I love your episode commentaries the most.


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Jo Se Ho and Dal Nim - On an alternate drama, I would be totally shipping them because they're also cute together. They're both dorks and they get so hilarious when drunk.

I loved the short scenes with the Zeze staff, their running gag of betting and the girl always winning was funny. I especially love how they respect Bo Nui's superstitions, no matter how ridiculous it is at times and they never once mocked her for it.

I'm surprised I ended up really liking Amy, she was redeemed in the last few episodes, just wish it happened sooner since I love her friendship with Dal Nim.

The cast carried this drama, the writing was meh and super infuriating (the whole tiger hunt! Ugh!) and the directing was alright though it got better midway.

I've always been a fan of HJE (Secret <3) but she was wasted in this, though she did her best. I'm glad we have this drama as proof that she can do comedic roles without being shouty and exaggerated which is a fair criticism of her acting abilities before LR started.

I just realized both RJY and JSH were in YOF, albeit in different installments. More than wanting for HJE and RJY to work together again, I’m more excited for RJY and JSH reunion. They’re both great at comedic moments.


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I think i understand a bit why bonui ran away from suho after the accident. She thinks her bad luck is killing him and she doesnt want to be around suho is just because of that. That's why she said it s happened again.


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In the proposal scene, did she propose before they got rained out? And was that the same ring Su Ho was gonna propos with?


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Yep, they've just been rained on, magically dried out and then she pulled out the rings.

I doubt they were the same Su-Ho intended to use, I just think that the prop masters of the show had a huge stock of baby blue ribboned boxes... Ah, this finale makes me so mad...


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He had a diamond engagement ring, she proposed with gold couple rings. Those same boxes are used often in kdramas because that color and shape box imply that the ring is from the luxury brand Tiffany's ("Tiffany blue"). Or it's real and Tiffany's is actually a sponsor! SuHo would definitely have gotten Bonui a Tiffany ring before he lost Zeze.


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THIS! Bonui might to busy to read the article about how important it was to support the patient emotially.


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Ugh....Bo-nui was a lead that I simply could not stand, and I think the actress just made the weak character even more intolerable, with her continuously vapid expressions. She made their romance totally unbelievable for me. Also, too many unbelieveably stupid plot developments. The IF virus ....they deserved to be hacked if so stupid! Too bad. Another Kdrama that chose stupid over a plot that makes sense.


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Aww, no screen cap of their jump shot in the park? That was adorable!

I prayed to the Drama Gods for Jun Yeol to come back to drama land after R88 ended right away and they granted it but maybe I should've prayed that his comeback drama actually be consistently good instead. I enjoyed this series but it was pretty dissapointing overall.

Where was the cute snorting? I miss their kkkkkkrrrrhhhhhkkk!!!


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I actually didnt really like the ending. I could not relate with Bo Nui and did not really understand her thinking process. Did she throw away the red beans and salt because Bo Ra got better or is it because she don't believe it anymore? Because what I am wondering is if there is another accident or unfortunate incident, is she going to rely on her superstitions or on Su Ho?


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I watched this one for HJE and LSH at first, although RJY was fantastic in R1988 I worried if he was ready for the main lead role, even after all the teasers and their couple pictures was released. Turns out I did not need to worry at all, he became the reason I tuned in every week and stayed for the entire run.


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It was a fun ride! LR gave us excellent acting from the two leading actors and spared us the usual evil/pushy/over protective secondary characters.

The original material must be darker and way less funny but the writer who adapted LR chose a certain perspective and stuck with it until the last episode. The fear of the unknown, the fear of living and loving was the main concept. The execution was a little beneath the story; the rating and the live-shooting had something to do with it as we have all seen before.

It's a drama I can rewatch regardless its flaws, so sweet and sunny.
Thank you, LollyPip for the recap.
Thank you, Bo-nui and Su-ho for the lovely journey!


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My reaction after watching the last four episodes was that I couldn't wait until this show to be over. It was getting better from episode 3 until episode 12. Then it went flatline. I was going to drop it, but I really don't want to say goodbye to Je Su Ho, Ryang Ha, Dalnim, and later on Bora. I wish Bonui's personality is as light as Bora. Bonui has this heavy air around her that's just not a character that you would like to follow in a romcom. Suho's character development was better than Bonui. What I like about LR is the lack of villains, birth secret, evil second leads, mean future mother in law, amnesia, and terminal illness. I guess that leaves this show a little dry without any relatable conflicts to unfold beside the aftermath of car accidents and failed projects. All the actors and actress are actually doing very good, even the side characters such as Avenger.


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Can't decide if LR is worth a watch.

Seems like the writing is only so-so; do RJY and HJE performances make it worthy a watch despite the so-so writing?


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Honestly I really enjoyed the first 12 episodes but geez were the last 4 episodes such a downer. Sigh... But seriously RJY and HJE did a great job with their characters, especially RJY And I say watch it just for Ryu Jun Yeol's character Je Su Ho who is just so so so adorable :)


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I think episodes 1-14 (minus the ending of ep 14) are worth the watch. If anything, watch it for RJY - he's really amazing here, and the chemistry of the OTP is really something else!


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The banner that showed up top for me was a beautiful edit of young actress Jo Bo Ah (SUFBB, Surplus Princess, Missing Noir M and currently, in Monster).

And now I'm craving for a drama with her and Ryu Joon Yeol!!! IDK why but for some reason I think they would be totally great together.


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Thanks for recapping Lucky Romance LollyPip, Girlfriday,
and Javabeans. Ryu Joon-yeol definitely has the "it' factor when it comes to screen presence. Totally agree Lee Soo-hyuk and Lee Chung-ah were sadly underutilized.

Je Soo-Ho's Zodiac sign: Tiger
The years of the tiger include 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Shim Bo-Nui's Zodiac sign: Sheep (goat or ram)
The years of the sheep include 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051.

Props to Lucky Romance for offering something different...
▪ a dorky, squishy, and lovable male lead
▪ the workplace setting/backdrop of a tech company
▪ characters with careers in gaming/coding/programming
▪ a male lead dressing in a laid-back, casual vibe
▪ continuously having the female lead get a reaction out of viewers (and sometimes perplex them) with her wardrobe styling - a cycle of what will she wear next?


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I said I would try to like Bonui and I reaaally reaally tried... seriously, I did! But her characterization was just terrible -- (and of course none of that is HJE's fault, the writer just reallly really sucks). It's sad because HJE's always been a show-stealer for me (esp. in High Kick 2, Secret and SWP), but this time, I feel like the writer spent too much time making Suho all warm and fuzzy at the expense of Bonui's character development... but then again, I guess LCA and LSH had it worse.

All in all, I tried to stay hopeful about the show's writing but *sighhhs* the writer just never pulled through. I feel like they gave up towards the end, relying too much on HJE and RJY's adlibs to make things interesting... but even then, their acting couldn't save the show anymore. I probably sound like I'm hating but I did enjoy a good portion of the show and I did enjoy RJY and HJE's cuteness together. I'm mostly just frustrated with how this writer could waste acting talent and a potentially interesting plot with their lazy nonsensical writing.

Anyways, I'll definitely miss (my baby and angel) Suho, and the dorks, Dalnim and Ryangha... and maybe even Bonui's weird fashion sense haha. Hopefully, HJE can land a great melo or thriller next, or literally anything where her talent isn't severely underused. Same goes for LCA and LSH. Seeing Lee Cho Hee reminds me that I need to go finish Six Flying Dragons, so I'll go to that while I count down the days until RJY returns to dramaland again :( ...


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