Lucky Romance: Episode 14

Years of habit aren’t hard to break, especially when the stakes seem so high. Luckily there are plenty of people around Bo-nui to tell her that she deserves love and happiness, and support even comes from some unexpected directions. But threats can sometimes come from unexpected places, just when you’re looking the other way, thinking that you’re safe.



In the aftermath of IF’s hacking, Su-ho steps down as director of Zeze Factory and promises to use his personal money to pay the damages. Afraid that her bad luck is causing this disaster, Bo-nui visits the fortuneteller and begs him to say it’s not her fault. But what he tells her is worse — Su-ho could lose everything if she stays near him, possibly even his life.

Determining to do what she must, Bo-nui meets with Su-ho after he’s cleaned out his office. Su-ho is optimistic that they can start over with a new company, but today he wants to just have fun. Bo-nui agrees, but she can’t stop herself from crying when she thinks Su-ho isn’t looking.

He does notice, so Bo-nui asks what if this is all her fault. Su-ho asks if she’s an industrial spy, or if she planted that ransomware program — if not, then there’s no way this is happening because of her. Again he forbids her to worry or to doubt.

That night Bo-nui thinks about Su-ho’s promise that none of this is her fault, and tells herself that it’s just a coincidence. But the fortuneteller’s toxic words break into her mind, and she worries.

Dal-nim tells Amy about Su-ho’s decision to leave, and Dal-nim is also concerned about Bo-nui, knowing that she’ll blame herself. Amy also has Gary to deal with, and he’s furious that their company is planning to sue Zeze when he’s the one whose reputation is at stake, and he doesn’t want to sue.

He tells Amy that if they don’t drop the lawsuit, he’s breaking his contract with them. She’s concerned that the company could cause problems with him in regards to his taking a break to look for his father, and tells him to wait until news of Su-ho’s resignation gets out. The company may back down then.

Su-ho sells all his company shares to Ryang-ha, and even hands over his car, having promised to give everything he owns to make this better. He then notices a pair of policemen going up to the office, but he’s no longer in a position to see what’s wrong. Su-ho asks Ryang-ha if he’s keeping the secret about Boss Won as he promised, especially from the team and Bo-nui.

Bo-nui goes out for a food run for the office, just as Su-ho calls her. He sees her answer, but when she lies that she’s out of the office and can’t see him now, he doesn’t go to her. He’s distracted for the rest of the day, which Ryang-ha interprets as him being upset over Zeze, and he bursts into tears. He invites Su-ho to stay with him, but Su-ho refuses, and leaves without saying where he’ll stay.

He shows up at Bo-nui’s place and pushes his way in with his suitcase, flopping on her couch like he belongs there. Ha, he seems perfectly content to be the useless unemployed boyfriend, and he attempts to guilt-trip Bo-nui into letting him stay. She kicks him right back out, even when he smirks that it’s not the first time he’s spent the night.

She finally relents when he turns on the full force of his pout, but now it’s his turn to refuse since she says she’ll stay at the sauna. She really does shut the door in his face, leaving him clawing at it, so it’s a good thing Gary finds Su-ho and takes him to the pojangmacha to eat.

Gary reluctantly thanks Su-ho for helping with his father, and asks why he quit Zeze Factory. Su-ho says they’ll be able to fix IF without him, and assures Gary that he didn’t make the game because of him, it was because the developer was pretty. Heh.

Gary narrows his eyes at Su-ho and grumbles that he can’t even dislike him because he’s so nice. He invites Su-ho to stay with him, and Su-ho says he has a girlfriend and doesn’t need it. Gary is all Well I thought I’d pretend to be your friend, aware that Bo-nui kicked him out already. Awww, I like this bromance.

He assumes that Su-ho is giving Bo-nui a hard time somehow to cause her to kick him out, even though Su-ho swears he doesn’t know why she’d do that either. So Gary just give him a brotherly warning, telling Su-ho to make Bo-nui laugh. Su-ho grows serious, and says that he’ll never give Bo-nui a reason to cry — if anyone cries, it will be him, over Bo-nui. And then he tries to steal Gary’s dinner, hee.

Su-ho ends up on Bo-nui’s rooftop, while she’s considering whether to ask him to come back. He calls her and just sighs that there are no stars tonight, and hangs up. She finds him up there later, shivering in the cold, and invites him back to her place – but just for tonight.

When she’s not responsive to his wheedling for more time, he asks if she doesn’t like him anymore, and grins again when she says it’s not that. She finally agrees to a week, but only because he’s firing a ridiculous amount of aegyo at her.

Su-ho manages to whine Bo-nui into wearing his pajamas, and the sight of her makes him want to jump on her, but she pushes him back to his couch. He goes reluctantly, warning her not to come out and stare at him while he sleeps. He jumps up to flail after she goes to her room, then flops back down on the floor when she comes back out and catches him.

Bo-nui is amused by Su-ho’s antics, but she can’t sleep that night, as the shaman’s words ring in her head. She stands at her door, wanting to go out to him, and aware that he’s standing right on the other side wanting the same thing. He thanks her softly through the door for letting him stay, and she mouths a silent “good night” back.

In her hospital room that night. Bo-ra has a dream of Su-ho and Bo-nui running towards each other happily, while a speeding car bears down on them. She wakes and in the dark she finally speaks, breathing out a quiet, “Unni… unni… “

Bo-nui wakes in the morning to find Su-ho gone, and she breathes a sigh of relief when he’s just in the bathroom. He wants to walk her to work, but she tells him to stay home and be lazy today for once. He runs inside to get something she forgot, then trots back out to plant a kiss on her — so cute. After she’s gone he makes a phone call to someone, and says he’ll be right over.

The Zeze team are worried about Su-ho, and tell Bo-nui not to dump him now that he’s poor. Bo-nui looks a little worried at that, but she smiles and tells them she’ll pass on their concern to Su-ho.

Su-ho calls Bo-nui to tell her that he’s fine and just puttering around her apartment. He makes kissy-noises at her and gets caught by Ryang-ha, hee, and it turns out that they’re not at Bo-nui’s place, but at Boss Won’s old office. Su-ho rented it out for a month, and plans to use that time fixing the ransomware bug that was put on IF.

Since he can’t fix the bug itself, he plans to develop a recovery software program and give it out for free to anyone whose computer was infected. He can’t fix the damage, but he can do something to fix Zeze’s reputation.

Ryang-ha asks why he didn’t mention this at the shareholder’s meeting, but Su-ho knows he couldn’t have done it in the two days they gave him. And he can’t do it alone… there’s a knock at the door, and Chicken Ajusshi lets himself in, ready to get to work. Yay, I knew it!

So Su-ho and Chicken Ajusshi get to work untangling the malware program, while Ryang-ha provides support in the form of snacks. He laughs that the two programmers are exactly alike, and Chicken Ajusshi looks like he’s having the time of his life working at the computer.

Later Ryang-ha laughs at Su-ho’s obvious delight at staying with Bo-nui, and Su-ho says that he’s got to figure out how to get her to let him stay. He knows she’s scared, so he pans to stick close to her to show her everything is okay. He’s fully aware that if she convinces herself that his misfortune is her fault, that she’ll leave him.

Ryang-ha figures out that that’s why Su-ho is keeping what he knows of Boss Won a secret – he thinks Boss Won put the ransomware on the game, and knows that Bo-nui will think it’s her fault for bringing him around Zeze Factory. Su-ho says that he’s not going to tell her that part, because he refuses to lose her.

At the office, Dal-nim can tell that Bo-nui is really in love with Su-ho, and warns her never to let him go. Bo-nui smiles that she won’t, and Dal-nim sighs that she wants to experience that kind of love. Ha, and then she gasps in horror when she sees Gary’s handsome face on her water bottle, and realizes she’s not attracted to him at all.

She cries that her eyes are ruined, and runs to find Ryang-ha at his coffee shop. She stares at his face like a thirsty woman in the desert, then runs off again completely distraught, while Ryang-ha tries to figure out what he did wrong.

Su-ho picks up Bo-nui after work and rides the bus home with her, taking the opportunity to snuggle and saying he’ll pick her up every day. He sweetly asks if she’ll keep holding his hand like this after a year, and she promises she will.

They’re adorably domestic that night, just doing normal things like brushing their teeth and washing the dishes together, and in voiceover Bo-nui says that she desperately wanted to believe in Su-ho’s words, and in his eyes, and the time she spent with him. “I want to believe that it’s going to be okay.”

Su-ho meets with Amy to find out what’s happening with IM Sports, and she reports that she’s no longer working for them. Su-ho grumbles that she should have let Zeze handle everything, and Amy comments on how nice he’s being, figuring this makes them friends again. She has something to ask him, but we don’t hear what it is.

Seong-hyun gives the team the news that their old programmer Ha-sang (aka Shifty Electrician) is the one who installed the ransomware on the game, and that the Russian company that stole their last game is in on it.

They wonder how he got into the office, but before they can even think about it, one of them sees that a free ransomware repair program has been uploaded. Bo-nui does a quick test and it works, and the IF game launches smoothly.

As Su-ho and Chicken Ajusshi are celebrating their success, Su-ho’s mom lets herself into the office where they’re working. Chicken Ajusshi admits that Su-ho’s dad comes to his restaurant sometimes, so he told them where to find Su-ho.

Mom brings Su-ho the money he’d been giving her when she visited him — she saved it all, awww. She also brings him the ownership paperwork for the fishery, which they are selling, and all the money will come to him. Su-ho tries to refuse both, but Mom insists tha thtey want to do something for him.

She even brought Bo-nui a purse with a tiger charm for luck, and asks if they’ll be getting married soon. She wants to take them to her fortuneteller together, to see how auspicious their future will be.

Amy says goodbye to the Zeze team, announcing that she’s not working for IM Sports any longer so she won’t be going back to Canada. She jokes that she might find a place at Bo-nui’s apartment building, and HAHA, Bo-nui’s face.

Amy apologizes sincerely for being mean to her, and tells her that her father asked her to bring Su-ho back to the States with her to help him with a project. But Su-ho had refused, because of Bo-nui. Amy tells Bo-nui that he looks happy, so she wishes for Bo-nui to be happy with Su-ho.

Bo-nui says that she always thought Amy was cool, and the kind of person everyone loves. She admits she’s jealous, but Amy says she’s more jealous of Bo-nui.

That night Bo-ra’s nurse calls to report her amazing recovery, and Bo-nui’s first instinct is to call Su-ho. But she resists and goes to the hospital alone, and approaches Bo-ra’s bed nervously. She’s relieved to tears to hear Bo-ra call her “unni,” and misses the fact that that Bo-ra looks worried and seems to be trying to tell her something.

As she leaves the hospital, Bo-nui smiles to herself. The curse seems to be lifted, and she’s confident that everything will be alright with Bo-ra and with Su-ho.

When Su-ho gets back to Bo-nui’s place that night, he finds her huge bags of salt and red beans on the stairs with a note for anyone who needs them to take them. Inside, her shrine is gone, and he hugs her tightly, proud of her.

She tells him that Bo-ra is talking, and it’s so sweet how he wants to go see her right away. He’s even more proud that Bo-nui went to the hospital by herself, and when she asks for reassurance that everything will be fine now, he complies happily.

Later Bo-nui reminds Su-ho that tomorrow is his last day at her place, so he gives her some gifts and says they should go on a date tomorrow. He’s gotten her a pretty dress because it’s a special date, and reminds her nervously that he likes hearing the word “yes.” Ooooh, he’s going to propose isn’t he??

He plops himself on the couch, claiming to be tired, but keeps checking out her expression from the corner of his eye. Late that night Bo-nui goes out to lay with him on the couch, and her cuddling wakes him up. He hugs her tighter, and they fall asleep together.

At work the next day, Dal-nim also thinks Su-ho plans to propose, and she comments on how pretty Bo-nui looks. Bo-nui asks if she’s really allowed to be happy now, and Dal-nim says it’s mandatory.

Su-ho is definitely planning to propose — he dresses in a nice suit and checks the ring, and stops to buy a pretty bouquet of flowers. Bo-nui primps before leaving work, but she’s delayed by a call from Boss Won, who says that he urgently needs to see her. He’s been taken to the police station and accused of helping the hacker plant the ransomware bug.

He swears he’s innocent, and really thought the guy was an electrician, but the CCTV footage looks pretty incriminating. Bo-nui overhears his explanation and remembers seeing the hacker at the office that night, and claims that he left his job because he’s been staking out the guy ever since then, trying to catch him.

Boss Won sees Bo-nui and begs her to tell them he would never have hacked their game, but she just looks at him accusingly. She asks if he really let that man into the office, and something in her seems to snap.

She says, almost to herself, that this is not her fault. She isn’t responsible for this. She starts to cry as she says that she’d just finally convinced herself that she didn’t cause this, but if he’s saying that if he did this, then she might have caused it after all.

Bo-nui goes walking alone, remembering how she got Boss Won the job that allowed him to let in the hacker. She recalls Su-ho’s mother lamenting about the raccoon ruining her son’s life, and the fortuneteller calling her a “deadly knife” that makes people around her suffer. She tries so hard to deny it, but she can’t help but be scared.

Su-ho waits for Bo-nui, practicing his proposal, but she doesn’t show up. She finally calls him and just cries that she misses him, and she begs, “Tell me it’s not true… tell me it’s okay… “ Su-ho jumps up, asking where she is.

He runs to find her, and calls to her from across the street. When Bo-nui sees him there smiling at her everything falls away, and she’s simply happy. She tells herself that it’s not true, and the moment the light turns green, they run to each other.

But a car turns the corner, going too fast to stop, and Su-ho sees it careening straight towards Bo-nui. Without hesitating he grabs her and shoves her out of the way, but it puts him right in the path of the car. He’s hit, and as Bo-nui stares at him lying in the street, she hears the words of the fortuneteller saying that he will lose the last thing he owns, his body, because of her bad luck.

Epilogue. Bo-nui had packed up her salt and beans, and all her good luck charms, and thanked them for their help. But she says that from now on she’ll lean on Su-ho, and trust in him instead.


Ugh, the Speeding Car of Doom. I’ll give the show this — if we had to fall into a trope this late in the game, it was at least a surprise. I was expecting Noble Idiocy, which is my least favorite drama trope, so at least I’m glad the danger came from a different direction.

Backing up a bit, I love the parallel between Su-ho’s softening of Bo-nui’s superstitions, and the way he attacks the ransomware bug — if he can’t break it down directly, he’ll find a way to come at it sideways and get his way that way. He was able to convince Bo-nui to trust in him by continually showing up and being there for her when she needed it, even if she didn’t know it, and it’s interesting that that’s his same plan for fixing the bug. He tried attacking it head-on and hit a wall, so instead he’ll find a different way to nullify the problem. It just goes to show what a good analytical thinker he is, and how he’s able to circumvent problems whether it’s in programming or with real people. Though I don’t think it ever occurred to him before that he could use that ability with people — it’s something that being with Bo-nui has taught him.

While I do think this drama has a weak-ish plot, I do like that until now, it’s resisted falling into easy tropes. Bo-nui may have started out struggling but she’s never been a Candy, Su-ho turned out not to be the arrogant genius I expected, and the second leads aren’t entirely annoying and self-centered (and it’s fun now how they’re being used as positive influences). Mostly I like how Bo-nui fought against becoming the Noble Idiot — she argued with the fortuneteller, and with her own instinct to cut and run when she thought Su-ho might be in danger being around her. She tried so hard to put her faith in Su-ho as he asked, and not to fall back on her old superstitions and beliefs, and I respect her for that. Finding out that (they think) Boss Won sabotaged the game was be too much for her to ignore, but it’s so wonderful that her first instinct was to go to Su-ho and ask him for reassurance.

Which is why I like that for once, the other party in the relationship actually saw it coming. Su-ho knew That Bo-nui was worried she’s the reason he’s having so much trouble, and he was already working on a plan to show her that it’s not true. But he also knows that just saying so isn’t enough, and that he’s got to do something to prove it to her. He’s using his fancy brain for something other than work for once, and his ability to circle a problem and look at it from all angles should help him here.

While I’m fighting my disappointment that we got the Speeding Car of Doom trope right here at the end, I’m glad that at least we avoided the thing we were most worried about — Bo-nui leaving Su-ho to save him from herself. I’m happy that she resisted, and that there was so much overwhelming evidence showing her that she’s made Su-ho’s life better in so many ways. The real culprit was found, Su-ho was able to find a workaround to the malware, Amy told her how much happier Su-ho is than he’s ever been, and Bo-ra even woke up and spoke. Clearly the Universe or Fate or whatever is showing Bo-nui that she’s a positive force in Su-ho’s life, not a negative one.

But now I’m scared that Bo-nui will definitely blame herself for Su-ho’s accident, and I’m sure she’ll think that the similar car accidents will convince her that she’s trading Bo-ra’s life for Su-ho’s. Which is frankly ridiculous, but the way she thinks, she won’t be able to overlook the coincidence. We’re not past the Noble Idiocy threat yet, but at least we only have two short episodes left in which to suffer through it. As long as the show ends with Su-ho’s amazingly gorgeous smile, I’ll be happy however we get there.


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I spent my time as well, screaming as I watched this episode. But after I thought about it, I considered that maybe, just maybe the writer wants to get Bo Nui to let go of her superstition turned crutch. It's easy to say she's let it all go when the going is good but when she hits a wall, will she still let it go or fall back on it. It's a decision that's up to Bo Nui and I'm hopeful that she will let it go and learn to see that she's not to blame. It wasn't her fault that the ransomeware was installed, it was Dae Hae's fault for being irresponsible and lax about security. And I'm happy that she called him out on it. Now I just hope that she remembers that lesson and learns to turn the blame on the actual person responsible for the situation: the jerk of a driver who'd run a red light.


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I would LOVE love love if that's how this shakes down. and its not like just a misunderstanding by the shaman that it was her fault and now all she needs is a deus ex machina of sorts to save the day. i'd much rather her hold fast in the face of despair and refuse to run away (which would do so much more damage to Suho than any other misfortune that could befall him. smth mr shaman is somehow unaware of SMH) and instead just insist that its not her fault. luck imo IS a thing, some ppl get an easier time than others. its a fact. but that doesnt mean the unlucky person is ever to blame! and idt her having bad luck had anything to do with her loved ones being hurt. if anything it was their "fate" for things to go that way. if you are religious (i admit i am not) but if u are, believing that everything happens for a reason and that God will never throw obstacles at you that u truly cannot handle. well thats how faith can be a positive for alot of people. and used to make them stronger in really hard times. I just hope if they intend to keep the spiritual/mugyo aspect (cuz why not?) that they leave it off in a positive way. but not via CHEAP lazy writing. i aint holding my breath but you know. one lives in hope haha.


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Help me dig a hole. I will put that crazy fortuneteller there and lock him up. Really, what's good about telling people they are the source of pain? Unnecessary comments, and he was PAID. Oh please. Sorry oldie, YOU were the source of the pain.
Or maybe I will just kidnap Bonui, lock her up, getting ps and will pretend to be Bonui. Case closed, everyone happy.


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This episode made me scream so much. No, just no! I did not want this episode to go like this, but at least they are introducing this trope way too late to do much damage. The last week is bound to bring back the cute. At least that is what I am hoping for.

I missed their throaty- giggling (is that what they do though? it sounds like a cross between someone clearing their throat and snorting- I tried making that noise, did not succeed) in this episode!

Btw does any one else think that RJY looks a bit like Kim Woo Bin?


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Clench your teeth loosely with your tongue at the top of your mouth, grimace, and then let bursts of breath out all the way at the back of your mouth near your molars. It's a combo between-the-teeth/sides-of-the-tongue noise.

I think kids who grew up watching Sesame Street all practiced it as children, so it's second nature now.


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You are god sent! Thank you for telling me how to make that sound! Now I am practicing it in office and it is safe to say that my colleagues are not amused.


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Oh the laugh! I've unfortunately caught that particular bug and my laugh is sounding increasingly crazy as these episodes pass by. I've had to correct myself in public..damn!


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I have a strong feeling he is not hit. Either the car stopped just inches before or he jumped to the side safely..... Or maybe I just don't want him to be hit. Who's with me?


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I'm with you! Je Suho did not get hit, he jumped right away before the car could hit him! Though i'm an overly optimist person, can you tell? :)


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I'm with you. I think he's not hit. It'll suck a lot of drama out of the drama, though. We have to spend at least one ep on Noble Idiocy, because it won't be easy for Bo-nui to quit her old ways. But maybe she'll go the NI route even when he wasn't hurt.


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I think that the car would probably hit him and this may be a way to find out who is je su ho's actual father....


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I didn't think that far. But definitely could be true and could be a way to introduce a secret birth plot into the serie. I must admit I was a bit taken aback by Han Ryang Ha's comment when Suho and Chicken boss.


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Bo-nui, you're heartless. How can you let this aegyo-kitten sleep on the sofa?! Su-ho, come to me, I'm more than willing to share my bed with you, kkkkrrrrhhhh.

And he better not be hit...it wasn't the truck of doom so I hope the brakes worked better with this car.


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Definitely have more hope for the car of doom rather than the truck of doom...


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I still have hope for this drama, given how it seemed to go for the typical drama tropes, but then later it changed track.

Like the annoying second lead (which later become more bearable for the bromance and friendship), or the secret birth (which i believe is already confirmed not the case), or the noble idiocy (which im so proud of bonui for convincing herself not to go into that path).

So now i hope the show will prove us that the shaman is not correct and superstitions are not to be taken seriously. Please let this be the message of the drama.

On side note, oh how i really love je-su-dork with his antics. His aegyo when trying to bargain for a place to stay is totally killing me.

Did anyone notice that he's wearing bonui's high sandal when walking her out to in the morning? I laughed out loud when i saw that ?


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I did a double-take at the sandal scene, and had to rewatch it. It was so funny!! I wonder if that was an RJY ad-lib. He's so good at those!


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it screams of an ad lib. esp since the writing really doesnt seem to be that detail oriented lbr. this is a case of two strong actors (HJE and RJY) elevating a drama that would have otherwise been intensely mediocre. but yes i had to double back on that scene cuz i thought i imagined it but NOPE he was wearing her shoes! how did he even fit them??? this stupid drama makes me smile SO MUCH im so upset.


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I was expecting a hot kiss scene not a freaking car accident!!!


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I'm out. They hurt him. I neeed daggers to kill the writer with. DAGGERS!


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THANK YOU someone else understands the gravity of the situation. I can't believe how calm everyone else is being about the SUV of Doom here, you guys! I ran screaming to the episode 13 recap expecting to find everyone else with their (non-spoilery) hair on fire, and NOTHING ?

If he's hurt, Oshi and I cannot answer for what will happen to this writer. He/she better stock up on talismans, that's all I'm sayin'.


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@Oshi @bbstl - SAME!! I looked up the writer after that scene to see what other dramas he/she's written bc I was beyond annoyed, and looks like this is his/her first drama. Grr


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LOL cuz we think he'll be fine? but i guess we'll see. if it turns out he's NOT fine, you can bet i will be on that train of vengeance along with u.


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I thought we all with Tai and think Suho will just save, he always do.
It just have 2 episodes left and i don't think it will be sad ending with the premise being like this.. But if so.. If something go wrong, i'll be on the train too!!


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I'm thinking back to Master's Sun, I'm thinking a great sacrifice will be required here. I'm thinking one hour and fourty five more minutes of pain for us. I'm thinking chinese water torture for the writer, daggers are to kind.


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*narrows eyes and whips out his NOTEBOOK*

*writes furiously*


got it


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Okay- absolutely loved the death note reference! ;)


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Man.... I don't want Suho to get hit by a car, but then Bonui will leave him for sure to protect him. If he got hit by that car, at least she might think that the final curse is over (about Suho is going to lose his body)... But, I don't want Suho to get hurt... Didn't the sound after the accident is not as loud as if somebody got fatally hit by a car though? Or, is it just me?


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Bo Nui, he gave you a lovely dress. A lovely, floaty, non-denim dress. I doubt he intended for you to wear white yoga pants underneath it, and I'm not even going to talk about the shoes.

What if this entire show is just the delusions of a woman experiencing severe heatstroke as a result of wearing three full-body layers of clothing at all times in the middle of summer? And the end of the show will be her waking up out of a coma and Bo Ra is beside her, Su Ho's the doctor, Dal Nim is the nurse and Gary Choi's playing Wimbledon on the TV in the background?


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*snickersnort* oww that hurt the inside of my nose.


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BAHAHA. Wouldn't that be spectacular?!

But really, Bo-nui needs some fashion help stat.


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I'm dying....oh god. The poor costume designer should never look at these.


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<3 it.


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When Bo-Nui oohed and aahed over her pretty proposal dress, I was excited with her that she was finally going to wear something flattering. I think I involuntarily twitched when I saw her come out in pants and what seems to be either sneakers or sandals and socks. I'm unfamiliar with Hwang Jung Eum outside her body of work, but can some explain to me why she seems to be generally drawn to bizarre haircuts/outfits?

I don't see this drama ending any way besides both Su-ho and Bo-Nui visiting the fortuneteller and him providing them with a magical solution that he conveniently omitted before- like with the sleeping with the tiger situation.


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I'm not a HJE's fan but from what I saw when she's out on a date with her now-husband, she's got that 70s chic with flare jeans and all. Totally a fashionable city girl with a beautiful body.

I totally love her fashion sense in She Was Pretty (viciously curly hair and all), but everything Bonui wears here is catastrophic. I lusted over the beautiful square neck red dress she wore for the promotional posters, but her style in the actual drama is just bizarre, and not in a good way.


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I don't think the actress is picking the clothes herself; unless I'm missing something about how this works on a Korean drama set, I would guess they have a stylist and the choices are guided by a concept. I don't mind the clothes for two reasons; 1st as a matter of personal opinion I think they're cute and fashion forward (people can disagree on that point); but more to the point I think they're supposed to illustrate something about the character, who is quirky and unconventional. I'm surprised at the constant and nearly unanimous ciriticism of her outfits, I'd much rather have a wardrobe that reflects a point of view than some boring, square mall fashions that would render her merely cute or pretty and entirely forgettable. Hwang is so pretty she can pull this more unusual stuff off. But that's just one woman's opinion!


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She's always styled way left of centre in the dramas I've seen her in, so I'm wondering if it's a personal preference.


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That's interesting...I have to imagine the actress/her management has some kind of input, plus the quirky styling might be her "brand"? Maybe she keeps getting typecast or actively looks for "offbeat" roles? Isn't she sort of known for a kind of broad humor? I don't actually know much about her, have only seen "She Was Pretty" before this. I don't know, I don't see her wardrobe as a total failure here though I wouldn't call it a total success either, but I am surprised people hate it SO much.


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She is also in a drama called "Can You Hear My Heart?" Its a bit makjang, but it's one of my favorites. Anyway, she pretty much has the same haircut/style in that drama.


She was also in "Kill Me Heal Me," where her style was similarly off-beat (where did they actually FIND fur ponchos?!?). I like her hair this way. It shows off her pretty neck. Her hair in KMHM sat on my last nerve.


She is an actress who wears what the show demands. I admire that. I've watched all the dramas she has acted in and i think she is just not the conventional actress everyone is into. She does her own thing and completely owns her roles. She is the kind of actress i love to watch and who keeps you guessing.


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Watch HJE at awards shows and she's often the best dressed there with gorgeous, flattering, body-hugging gowns and often showing off her shoulders.


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Perhaps the raccoon is Boss Won and not Bo Nui?


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Is there any reason the raccoon wouldn't be the traitorous employee? Raccoons steal crap and screw things up, and those are really his trademarks so far. It's clear he's been sniffing around, since he's been monitoring Zeze this entire time.


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I suppose it could be the employee as well. It just made sense to me for it to be the boss. Around the time Su-ho's mother got her son's fortune told, which she seems to do often, Bo-nui and the Boss came into his life. That ex-employee had been there for awhile(I assume). The raccoon attaching onto her son seemed like a new thing. Obviously this is just speculation though. Also no offense to the actor playing Boss Won....he kind of reminds me of a raccoon.


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I also came up with this explanation. Boss Won is the raccoon that brings him bad luck. And of course Bo Nui misunderstood. What kind of "great" fortune teller doesn't give more details on the person to avoid and just call him "raccoon"? And why a raccoon to begin with?!


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I think the shaman misinterprets his fortunes a lot. Bo Nul wearing the raccoon costume was a red herring most likely. The Shaman began to think the raccoon he predicted was Bo Nul because SHE implied it was her. I think the disgruntled employee sort of fits the description of a raccoon in that he is lurking around in his bad-guy outfit, digging through the garbage.

The Shaman seemed to at least care about Bo Nul a little bit when he prayed for her. He doesn't seem like someone who would maliciously tell her she had to have a one night stand if he knew it only meant sleeping in the same room either. I think he misinterprets his visions and Bo Nul is so eager for luck that they end up helping each other come to the worst conclusions.


I think the raccoon is the traitorous employee as well. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was him behind the wheel in the car that hit SH. Bonus points if he is literally wearing the raccoon costume and/or has some sort of raccoon dongle on his rearview mirror...


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Thank you for explaining to me. Let's hope the raccoon is the employee then


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THE SHAMAN IS THE EFFING RACCOON. Oh god, I'm not even making sense anymore.


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The writer is the racoon...


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I agree! The shaman has been very dense so far (misleading and not-clear), so Bo-nui, you're not a bad raccoon, but an adorable Bunny! (A. She was in a bunny costume. B. character is born 87 year of Bunny. C. on date with Su-ho she wore bunny headband. D. Bonui is similar to Bunny. E. She giggles and snorts like Bert&Ernie (BErnie==Boniui?)) Okay. I exaggerated but still.

I agree Raccoon is that Boss Won.


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Aghhhh I wanted to pull my hair out at that ending scene, like seriously wt@@!E(!@*&#(*!. I really liked the majority of this episode EXCEPT the end. I was so proud of Bonui for fighting her instinct of running away, and instead put all her trust in Suho. Instead, we see that another one of the Shaman's wacky predictions might come true?? He'll lose his fame (check), he'll lose his fortune (check), he'll lose his body (????). With only two episodes left, I'm siding with him not being hit by the car, and still believe we'll get our happy ending... but I'm disappointed that the Shaman's words seem to hold so much weight and truth in this drama. They better end it with him turning out to be a fraud.

Things I loved about this episode:
- Suho being so selfless and strong and mainly thinking about Bonui in the aftermath of his game disaster. It warmed my heart when he told Ryung-ha that he knew Bonui would want to run away so is staying as close to her as possible. He is always one step ahead of her, and really knows Bonui and her heart. Love his character so much!
- The "I'm your boyfriend I'm your boyfriend" singsong bit. Sooo cute!!
- Suho trying to convince Bonui to sleep in her room, and then ending up on the cold floor! Too funny - read that that part was an RJY ad-lib. He's amazing!
- When he ran out of Bonui's apartment wearing Bonui's shoes!!
- Dalnim running up to Ryang-ha, then running off. These two are TOO CUTE.
- Bonui's growth as she fights all temptation to run away from Suho. Her packing up all her superstitious stuff, and trying hard not to listen to the Shaman.
- All the cuddles, kisses, and general cute by our OTP.
- The whole scene when Suho is waiting at the restaurant, and Bonui called him from the bridge. HJE was really good in that scene. I really felt her inner turmoil and battle with herself.

Really liked the whole episode, EXCEPT the end. UGH.


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Yes, you're right, the entire episode is love (excepting the bottom part of her outfit) so that ending is a triple-twist of the knife. Objectively, well done, Show. Give me all my Christmas dreams AND the puppy and then kill the puppy???


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I don't know why, but dramaland is a slow learner when it comes to not killing puppies. Reminds me of Bad Guy, where they actually had a puppy run over. Like, who does that?!

Writer-nim, I know you have a thing with Faith and all, but please keep in mind that you're not Faith yourself. You are a human, so I trust you'll make choices like, for example, a very human one to NOT to hurt the puppy.


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When Bora had the pre-vision of the accident did anyone else think, what, are we in OHYA now?


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Yep :)


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Earlier in the show in a flashback we see her mentioning that she had a bad dream about Bo Nul going to the final round of hiring at the company. I think it was implied that she has always had dreams like this.


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Bo Ra is the real fortuneteller.


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honestly i dont think he'll die (this trope tho is SO DUMB and the whole hacker malware plot thing in ep 13 was even dumber. just like. who writes this stuff??? but its not like the software/game/tech part of this drama wasnt flawed from the start) but I am worried "losing" his body will mean he gets paralyzed or smth like that. admittedly Suho's brain is his best and most prized feature. so that wont be like The End of the World for him. but Bo Nui would not be able to move past the guilt. regardless of what goes down i just want a happy ending. i've already accepted the fact that the plot is ridiculous to the max but the OTP is everything.
so plot flaws aside, the relationships and characters continue to be really compelling and sweet. i just smile so hard i feel like i'll explode into rainbow confetti at any moment from the sheer cuteness of it all. a real pick me up. im glad if they HAD to pull out this nonsense before the end that they held it off until the last minute, and better now than in like ep 16 right? Its cute they kept the chicken ahjusshi similarities to suho (or vice versa) while specifying that it doesnt mean they are related by blood. cuz thats silly! but also lol i feel like the drama WAS planning on doing that but blessedly dropped it. it seems like they dipped their toes in alot of tropes that they didnt end up following thru on. which makes this car thing and some of the other shenanigans in the other drama so disappointing like I KNOW U CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS!! Uh ne way, Here's hoping I still get my showdown between Suho and the Shaman.


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" but I am worried “losing” his body will mean he gets paralyzed or smth like that. admittedly Suho’s brain is his best and most prized feature"

Please don't use the amnesia trope too....


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It's definitely too late in the game for amnesia. The writing thus far also doesn't seem to be pointing towards that.

I think he either didn't get hit by the car at all or is only minorly injured. I also think we will find out the raccoon is the creepy disgruntled employee. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one driving the car. I hope something super obvious points towards him being the raccoon so Bo Nul can figure it out quickly and save us some angst.


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Coffee has taken all over my head and I have just 6 sentences left...so here they come:

*facepalm* the SUV of doom!!!! I said "oh no" like 20times when I saw them at that cross road!!! Arrrrrrrgh!!!

How do I locate that shaman??

Su-Ho's shorts keep getting shorter.

Dal-nim, kiss that guy already. Don't make me come over there and do it for you. Just don't.

The whole reunion with Gary's father was too #bleh. Moving on

How do I get a Su-Ho? Asking for a friend


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Are you me??!?? I thought everything exactly as you did.

The wrap up with Gary and his father was like "..uh ok, quickly tying up a really loose end with no other point to moving the plot forward" and the OH NO OH NO from the point of Bo-ra's vision to the ending. Ughhhh


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Actually I have the answers here right in front of me.

1. They looked both ways as our mommas taught us, but they forgot to LISTEN for screeching tires.

2. Call 1-800-FatLiar

3. So what's the problem?

4. I'm already in that line. Get in queue behind me.

5. Sort of like mothers in Disney cartoons - they don't exist.

6. Su Ho isn't human. He is a heavenly being and can't stay with us mere mortals.


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Saaarry. This should have been in reply to loophole @ comment #16.


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Can I suggest Poong-Yeon's (mirror of the witch) spiritual fire to finish off the shaman? We'd be saving a lot of time and resources.


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I have a nice new kitchen knife we can use *waves blurred-out knife-blade around menacingly.


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Why can't people tackle someone who is about to be hit?; yeah, you both would be a little hurt but still better than pushing one out of the way only for the other to be hit instead.


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Happiness in Dramaland is like a balloon, and the devil who wears wide grin while holding scissors to cut loose the balloon at the cliffhanger is the writernim.


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Are you serious?! And just when she started believing in herself. JUST WHEN Je Su-ho brought out her confidence. Goodbye fortune teller, you are no longer needed. Like seriously he needs to GO.


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that evil shaman ... what he was saying to BN was not superstition but verbal abuse. you are destroying someone who trusts you. Just die you evil person. I hope SH and Gary punch you well .

I have no idea where the writer is going with this. all the progress BN made is going to come back to zero. in fact if she doesn't blame herself, it will be out of character. she needs to be around SH for like a year so she can finally go kick that shaman's ass.

SH is just ... love. he is perfect. where can I order him ? do they mass produce men like him in Korea. bec I see no one like him here in India.

I think he will be hit so we can finally have the birth secret out. but it will be quick job because how much angst can they fit in one episode assuming the last one is happily ever after.


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My favorite part... namja chingu....namja chingundeeee
lol love me some ryu jun yeol :)
But on a serious side, I'm tired of all these "getting hit by a car just when were about to be happy moments" It really pisses me off. Especially when the main girl is Shin Bo Nui who is just looking for a reason to validate that dumb shaman.


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I am so full of this stupid plot, that if I have to advice BN, I just want her to go to the highest bridge in Korea and jump there,THE END of misery for everybody, THE END of ridiculous costume they made her to wear, the END of all the problems and all problems that may come. This writer is so stressful,that for the whole 14 episodes,(although there are a lot of fluff which elevated by RJY and HJE and all the cute side characters) you will end up emotionally burdened by the pathetic situation BN is in,coz how can you enjoy a drama with a rom com theme, when the other side of your brain is worrying of what "additional bad luck"may come.The whole "tiger hunt" scenarios is not even good for a roncom but for a heavy,serious and adult themed dramas. Ohhh...I am just going to finish this for the casts sake coz I really love them, but this writer should be sent to the abyss together with that shaman.They are so cruel OMG!


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It's not like they didn't warn us that speeding car was coming. It is has been in about 100 flashbacks. But I am betting the outcome will be something other than death or memory loss. This drama has managed to maneuver the the usual tropes with unusual funny dodges.

And maybe the racoon is the shifty hacker-electrician, not our lovely heroine.

Gotta love the giggle-snorts.....


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Guess I'll be the happy comment then~
I've been kinda reading these for a while towards this drama and I just wanna be the positive voice that this thread needs~
I looove this drama. Love it. With a passion. I cry praises for this drama. These things are subjective after all. No one is going to have the same opinion so i just really want there to be someone in this thread to actually like the drama, so i guess i'll be that person~
Mostly the thing that i get from the comments and the reviewer is that the /fantasy/ tag of this drama seems to be lost for them? They keep saying how Bo Nui should just get over her supersitions. But all this time I've seen the show taking it as legitimate, that there is merit to the fortune tellings and Bo Nui's inherit bad luck. I guess these are just my two cents, really i don't know how the drama is going to turn out, but even then i'm pretty sure i'm going to love it. I feel like the makers of this show are pouring love into the drama, maybe it's just me, but i can feel how much they care for their characters and their stories. That being said this episode made me very sad, but really i was expecting it so for now i'll jjust hide under my covers and cry while i wait for next week to roll by.


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Let me join you here. I totally love this show!!!!

It's actually quite interesting that people have such varied opinion. For me this show is like a completely stress-free show that takes its title as seriously as it could get... Luck and Romance people.. They are totally giving us what they promised !!!

I'm looking forward to the next week and expect it to be a complete surprise with no one getting hurt and the romance still being intact throughout. The promises they made, will definitely overcome all storms(i do have my doubts).

Overall for me this show has been fresh and non-cliched.

Only regret: i don't want the Jung-Yeol/Jung Eum Romance-fest to stop!!!! <3


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Woah seriously hit by a car?! Lol. I hope the writer won't use old lame drama plot to make a justice for shaman's words. This bad luck thing already drains me out.

But over all this episode is so lovely. The way he knew that bonui will blame herself and decided to stay with her to keep her mind at ease is beyond romantic. Not only genius, cute, handsome, sweet, adorable (feel free to add) but he is also considerate. What a perfect! I want suho too pls ..


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Bonui-ya, you are the luckiest of the lot to have Su-ho by your side! Please stop depending on the superstitions and start living a happy life!

I'm hoping the car accident trope is just to prove that Su-ho's dad is really Su-ho's dad (you know, in the case where he needs blood transfusion). To affirm his paternity and tie up them loose ends. I think Chicken Ahjusshi is good and awesome, but there's no way he's Su-ho's dad.

This episode was cute. I rephrase, Je Su-ho was too cute. His sneaky and shy laugh (with the blankie on his hands) was too cute. My. Heart. Can't. Take. It.

I can't wait to find out how this cliffhanger resolves, but I also can't bear the thought of having to part with the show. Ugh, I'm going to miss Su-ho so badly when this drama is over by the end of this week. T.T


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I never understood the Speeding Car of Doom trope. My friends swoon at how the hero swoops in and pushes the heroine out of the way and immediately embraces the crash, but I'm like ? Uh... You can literally just grab hold of her and run across to the other side of the road together???


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1. Suho is genius so he must now how to avoid car accident.

2. Racoon is ex employee that stole Genius and plant ransomware in IF.

3. Chicken ajushi is NOT Suho father.


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While reading the comments I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the car did not really hit Suho, idk it maybe just a hope in me, bcs the last 2 episodes was already giving us conflict and stuff..so I really wish the last 2 episodes will be full with happiness


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so first they showed us "THE DREAM", then fluffy-puppy moments and then accident, basically they did this to us -->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro5FUMOy4GY


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