Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 15

At what point does protecting someone from the truth begin to backfire, and cause them pain? Do-kyung is in a bind, torn between whether to hide his visions or reveal them, and either way comes with a downside. He’ll have to choose which way to hurt Hae-young, when all he really wants is to spare her any pain.


EPISODE 15: “Those past days I coulnd’t give you more, more love”

Hae-young tries to act casual as she waits outside Do-kyung’s house, and she happens to witness Hoon and An-na’s usual enthusiastic greeting. An-na pretends to “scan” Hoon, and pronounces him clean — he hasn’t fallen for that seductive woman (Hee-ran).

They finally spot Hae-young, and soon after Soo-kyung also comes stumbling home. Her hair is down as it is when she’s drunk, and Hoon immediately assumes the worst, but Soo-kyung tosses her hair back and says she’s only pretending out of boredom. Hoon wants to know what Jin-sang has said to her, but her avoidance proves that he hasn’t even called.

Jin-sang is actually hiding in the bushes, and Hae-young eventually sees him there. He waffles back and forth on whether to go inside, until Hae-young notes that he must have done something wrong. Something very wrong. Jin-sang finally just runs away, too scared to face Soo-kyung.

Hae-young hides like a little kid playing hide-and-seek when she sees Do-kyung’s car, but just as she’s about to jump out and scare him, he turns the tables and yells BOO right in her ear. HA. He enjoyed that, you can tell by the giant grin on his face.

Do-kyung has finally converted the space Hae-young vacated into a work space, just as his own father used to have it. Hae-young asks what it feels like to use his father’s space as his own, which is eerily similar to what Jin-sang said in Do-kyung’s original vision, before he changed things.

She hesitantly asks when his father died, and this time he answers that it was when he was only eight. He tells her the basic details — that they were out recording sounds, and his father died in an accident. He says that he’s glad he was there, so that his father didn’t die alone: “Wouldn’t dying be less frightening if there’s someone who could hold your hand as you die?” Awww.

He plays Hae-young an old recording of himself as a child, singing while Soo-kyung plays the piano. Hae-young laughs at his little voice, saying that it feels like the little boy is right here, and Do-kyung points out that he is right here. She smiles that he’s singing so happily, not even realizing how sad the song’s lyrics are.

We see that Do-kyung had gone with Dr. Park to visit a colleague and get his opinion on Do-kyung’s visions. Do-kyung told him about his vision of dying, and how he’s regretted every moment since he met our Hae-young. “Why couldn’t I give her more, more love? Because that feeling of remorse is so strong, maybe it’s pierced through time and revealed itself in the present.”

The colleague had asked if Do-kyung has heard of the theory that we achieve enlightenment at the moment of death. He said that human emotions are really either love or fear, and only one of them is real. He said that Do-kyung finally realized which one was real, and when he decided to turn away from fear and towards love, his circumstances changed.

But if so, he asked, then why is Do-kyung still hesitant? He thinks that Do-kyung already knows what he needs to do, but he’s just scared.

Do-kyung plays another recording for Hae-young, this time of young Soo-kyung singing. Downstairs, Soo-kyung hears it and wonders where her young, innocent self went.

Jin-sang is also feeling thoughtful, but his thoughts run more towards a wedding, where bride Soo-kyung clings to him and he tries valiantly to look happy. Then a housewarming party, where everything goes fine until Soo-kyung (in hanbok, heh) threatens everyone with her baseball bat that in this house, you sit to pee. Later she makes him act as a prop for her martial arts practices as she kicks an apple off his head, then puts a cherry tomato in his mouth and then just kicks his face, hee.

Hoon comes to tease Jin-sang, but Jin-sang can’t even remember the night when he impregnated Soo-kyung. Hoon assures Jin-sang that he’s on his side, advising him to “just do enough” then leave. To his credit, Jin-sang takes offense that Hoon would talk this way about his own sister, and Hoon snaps that he’s just mad because he guessed what Jin-sang was thinking.

They end up in a hair-pulling fight, and Soo-kyung bursts in to remind Hoon that he’s to respect Jin-sang from now on. She turns to Jin-sang and orders him to “kill” Hoon, or he can’t leave his room. After she leaves Hoon contritely calls Jin-sang “brother-in-law,” and Jin-sang shoves the bat up his tushie, ordering him to call him Hyung.
Later Jin-sang hangs his head in Soo-kyung’s room, who says that he’s not the only one feeling awkward.

She reassures him that they’ll never get married, since they’ve been like brother and sister for most of their lives. She still plans to move to another country, and he can keep living his life as he wishes. She tells him to pack and move back to his own home.

But Jin-sang just says softly, “It’s my baby,” and looks at her with these tragic puppy dog eyes. Soo-kyung leans in veeery close, and asks if he could kiss her. He does give it a try, but at the last second he turns his face away. Soo-kyung tells him to think about it for a day, and he’ll have his answer.

Do-kyung and his team end up at a cozy coffee house after work. Do-kyung’s been here before, and he flips through a photo album of past customers expecting to find a picture of himself and the other Hae-young. Instead the photo has been torn in half, and only Do-kyung’s picture remains, with a note beside it: “Thanks for your love.” The picture is two years old, but the note is dated just a few days ago.

The other Hae-young is currently on a second date, and the guy seems giddy that she agreed to see him again. Hae-young is distracted by a text from Do-kyung that simply says “Thank you.”

Hae-young texts her cousin who’s getting married tomorrow (cameo by Seo Ye-ji), and she’s nervous enough that she’s thinking of breaking it off like Hae-young did. Hae-young corrects that she got dumped, and offers to catch the bouquet since the friend who was supposed to just broke up with her boyfriend.

They’re in a family chat room, and Awful Aunt chimes in that she didn’t think Hae-young would want to come, so Hae-young defiantly tells everyone that she’s now dating the man who ruined her wedding. She scandalizes them by saying she’ll bring him to the wedding tomorrow, and Mom stomps into her room, having read the whole conversation.

She’s worried what people will say if they know Hae-young is dating Do-kyung, but Hae-young asks Mom to cut him some slack. He feels worse than anyone about what he did, and she wants to show him that her family can accept him. But Mom disagrees, and tells her daughter to date him a while then break things off.

On their way back to town that night, Do-kyung and the guys are rear-ended and Do-kyung hurts his neck. But he quickly realizes that it didn’t really happen — it was another premonition. He immediately has another, of the accident that takes his life, only this time instead of standing and letting the car hit him, he seems as if he’s trying to get out of the way.

Tae-jin seems to be on a downward spiral — he gets drunk and finds the waiter who told him to tell Hae-young he couldn’t stand to watch her eat, and he puts the guy in a headlock. The waiter shakes him off and says that it worked, which was what he wanted,and asks if he regrets breakup up with her now.

Do-kyung is home now, and thinking about how his premonition changed. He’s surprised to see Hae-young’s mom at his door, but he tells her that he hasn’t been invited to the wedding yet. She says that Hae-young thinks dating always leads to marriage, but Mom knows Do-kyung is just testing the waters, so to speak.

Do-kyung only says that he likes Hae-young, and Mom takes that as confirmation that he’s not thinking marriage. She tells Do-kyung that if he meets the elders at the wedding tomorrow, that will confirm to the family that they’re heading towards marriage. So he should only come tomorrow if he’s prepared to marry Hae-young.

She leaves, and we see that Dad was waiting outside for her. He asks how it went, and Mom just says, “He’s not the one.”

When Hae-young calls Do-kyung that night, he lies that he’s working tomorrow. He invites her to his place after the wedding and he’ll make her dinner, which makes Hae-young light up, and she realizes that she’s been so happy lately that she hasn’t had a drink in over a week.

When Hae-young tells Mom that Do-kyung can’t come to the wedding after all, Mom knows that means Do-kyung isn’t thinking of marriage.

Jin-sang tries to sneak out to work in the morning, but Soo-kyung busts him. She’s wearing a slinky dress and asks in a husky voice if he’s ready to kiss her now, backing him up against the wall. But he’s not ready, so she tells him to let her know when he is.

At the wedding, Hae-young catches the bouquet as planned, jumping like a pro in her high heels. Mom throws fiery glares at everyone she sees gossiping about Hae-young, which is most of the family.

Do-kyung tells Jin-sang not to take too much time deciding what he should do regarding the baby, but whatever he chooses, he and Soo-kyung won’t resent him. Jin-sang moans that he can’t kiss her because she’s too much like a sister, so clearly that’s his answer, but it just doesn’t feel right.

He distracts himself by giving Do-kyung advice on how to cook for a woman, saying that it doesn’t matter what he cooks, just that he looks good doing it. Then he makes himself sad thinking that he might not be able to impress a woman that way ever again. Do-kyung just tosses Jin-sang a melon, saying that Soo-kyung likes them.

Speak of the devil, suddenly Soo-kyung is right next to him asking if he’s ready to kiss her, practically jumping at his face, hee. She runs off as suddenly as she came, leaving Jin-sang all flustered.

Hae-young is impressed with Do-kyung’s cooking skills, and says that the only thing he can’t do is be cute. He grins that he’ll take a shot at it later, then makes her squeal with happiness when he tells her again that she’s pretty when she eats.

Jin-sang’s time is up, and he still hasn’t kissed her, so Soo-kyung packs his bags. He balks hard, insisting that he has to be here for the baby, but she tells him not to feel pressured about it. She asks him not to come by until after she leaves the country, but Jin-sang just asks, “Noona, could you possibly kiss me?”

Soo-kyung breathes that she could, so they give it a genuine try. When Soo-kyung attempts to pull Jin-sang’s face closer, he holds back for a minute, asking her to be less aggressive. She lets him take the reins, and it’s hilariously awkward, since their lips keep almost touching — but not quite.

After dinner Hae-young reads Do-kyung a letter she got from a boy in high school. He’d seen her crying on the way home from school but didn’t want to interrupt, so he’d followed her home to make sure she was okay. Despite Do-kyung’s cool insistence that he won’t be jealous of a kid, he’s all Who is this boy?! Tell him I want to meet him. HAHA.

As it turns out, Hae-young only recently saw this letter, since it had been sent to the other Hae-young by mistake. The other Hae-young had returned it, saying that she always knew it wasn’t hers, but she didn’t want to return it because she’d still been feeling jealous of how much love our Hae-young got from her parents, and hadn’t wanted her to have the love of a boy, too.

Now she says she’s sorry, and that she also feels bad for the boy who was cheated because of her actions. Our Hae-young is floored by the idea that the other Hae-young might have compared herself to our Hae-young and been jealous. But knowing that doesn’t make her happy, as she’d always thought it would. Now she wonders if the boy who threw the rock through her window all those years ago had actually been there for her.

She asks Hee-ran to look him up in their yearbook, but it’s not him. The boy is kind of nerdy, and now that she sees him, she hilariously tries to hide the picture from Do-kyung.

When Mom calls, Hae-young fibs that she’s at Hee-ran’s and planning to spend the night. Mom knows her daughter is lying, but Hae-young argues that she’s a grown woman who can stay out if she wants. Mom threatens to come get her if she doesn’t come home.

She does, like a tornado, furious that her mother is treating her like a child. She argues that she can do “those things” during the day too, it doesn’t matter if she stays out or not, and Mom yells at her to keep her love life private. She’s really angry about Hae-young telling the family she’s dating Do-kyung, and offers to kill Hae-young if she keeps seeing him.

She screams that they’re going to break up soon anyway, so why spend so much time with him, but Hae-young wants to know why Mom thinks they’re breaking up. Um, oops? Mom boldly says that she told Do-kyung to go to the wedding if he ever plans to marry Hae-young, so since he didn’t, she knows he’s not thinking in that direction.

Hae-young is stunned, and just stands there with hurt tears welling up in her eyes. After she cries it out in private, she confronts Mom, asking why she pressured Do-kyung that way. She cries that she knew everyone would be talking about her, and thought that bringing Do-kyung would help squash the rumors. “If he had come, you wouldn’t have had to feel so ashamed!”

Do-kyung can hear the tears in her voice when he calls a little later, but she says that her mom hit her because she lied about being at Hee-ran’s. That sets her off again, and Do-kyung sweetly says not to cry, but she hangs up and lets herself sob.

Soo-kyung and Jin-sang are still outside trying their damnedest to kiss, and failing completely. They’ve been trying so long they both have muscle cramps, hee. Soo-kyung sort of crumples and calls a stop to this, and Jin-sang apologizes for not being able to do it.

But he still doesn’t want to get out of her life when she’s carrying his child, and when she begins to hobble off, stiff and sore, he’s had enough. He confidently strides to her, whirls her around, dips her dramatically, and kisses her face off.

In the morning, defying Mom’s threats, Hae-young puts on her Dance of Defiance music. But instead of dancing, she shoots Mom a rude gesture and stomps out of the house.

Hae-young drowns her sorrows in fried chicken, while Hee-ran asks what happened to cause this black mood. Hae-young wonders why she didn’t care if she loved him more before, but now she feels different.

Hee-ran doesn’t understand why Hae-young was already thinking marriage, and Hae-young explains that she just falls in love all at once and wants to do everything. She doesn’t answer when Do-kyung calls, playing hard to get.

Do-kyung gets a letter that his mother quickly runs in and tries to hide, but he saw enough to know that she defaulted on a private loan. Mom swears this has happened often and the loaner has never taken legal action before, and Do-kyung calmly tells her to just leave it.

Do-kyung finds Hae-young dejectedly kicking a can home, and walks with her. He asks why she ignored his calls, and Hae-young pouts that she’s mad at him. All in a rush, she says that she feels like he doesn’t like her like she likes him, but he swears that he does.

She grouchily grants his request for a hug, then Do-kyung goes to see Tae-jin. He tells Tae-jin to take everything and he’ll let it happen, “Just let me live.” Does he think Tae-jin will be the one who runs him down in the street?

Tae-jin invites him in to avoid the CCTV cameras, and right away kicks him hard enough to send Do-kyung to his knees. He’s obviously drunk, and pours another drink while telling Do-kyung that one day, he was walking along in his favorite suit, when suddenly some guy kicked him in the knee. He asked why, and the guy saids it’s a mistake.

Now the guy is wearing his favorite suit, isn’t that strange? Tae-jin asks Do-kyung what he would do in that situation, but Do-kyung only asks again for Tae-jin to spare his life. Tae-jin smashes his glass, and begins to beat Do-kyung viciously.

Hae-young tosses and turns that night, and finally gives in and calls Do-kyung. She apologizes, saying that she was angry, but she misses him and wants him to come over. He can’t, because he’s a bloody pulp, and Hae-young takes his rejection personally.

Do-kyung walks, thinking how he regretted not loving Hae-young with all his heart while he lay in the street dying. So he made another decision, and this time if he dies, he’ll probably regret this moment when he couldn’t be honest and hurt Hae-young.

He wonders if he’s making the same mistake Tae-jin made, when he deliberately made her misunderstand and hurt her feelings. He wonders if he should tell the truth, since he might die soon. But if he tells the truth, will they lose the happiness they have now? Will she still be happy if she knows he may die soon?

When Hae-young sees his face she demands to know who did this, knowing already who it must have been. Do-kyung says that he expected at least this much, and gives her a comforting hug. He says that, considering what he did to Tae-jin, he should expect to take the abuse.

He whispers that he’s sorry he didn’t come to the wedding, just saying that he had his reasons. “Until I die, I won’t leave you.”

Hae-young is still crying when she goes inside, wishing that Tae-jin’s wounded heart could be healed somehow. She fervently wishes that nobody would be hurt, and goes to bed despondent.

Do-kyung walks home, wanting to see Hae-young happy and smiling again. He breaks into a run, and has another vision — this time he’s actively running from the car attempting to run him down. In the driver’s seat, he can clearly see Tae-jin.


Oh no, I was so hoping it wasn’t true. I’ve been giving Tae-jin the benefit of the doubt, but his increasingly violent tendencies and inability to move on from situation were worrying me. And now we have definitive proof that Do-kyung’s accident is no accident — if he dies, it will be murder.

I really liked the new doctor’s take on Do-kyung’s visions and why he hasn’t managed to change his fate, even though he was able to change the way things ended with Hae-young. The way I understand it, he was building off Dr. Park’s hypothesis that Do-kyung is reliving his most important moments as he lies dying, and those all involve Hae-young. But he goes on to say that what Do-kyung did by changing his fate with Hae-young was to choose love over fear. He’s always lived in fear, and he was going to die in fear. But he made a conscious decision not to die that way, and that allowed him to choose love, and be with Hae-young.

But he’s still not completely convinced, there’s something he’s still afraid of that’s holding him back from fully embracing love. That’s why, even though his time before his death has changed, he is still going to die. I’m going with that last moment being his death and not just a bad accident he’ll live through, simply because that’s the scenario the show has given us — that Do-kyung is having visions during the last moments of his life. I do still think he can change his fate and avoid death, but for now, as long as he’s having the visions, his fate is eventual death.

I want to mention the disagreement I’ve seen among viewers about Mom, and whether she’s the best drama mom ever, or the worst. The biggest argument against her seems to be that she worries more about what others think than about what her daughter wants, and that she’s pretty violent about letting her feelings known. While I could do with less head-smacking from her, I actually think her constant concern about what others will say comes from a place of deep concern for Hae-young — she doesn’t care what people think, only what they say. She knows that Hae-young had a difficult childhood because of what others would say about her, and it’s naturally made Mom more than a little sensitive about people saying nasty things about her daughter. She’s scared that the ugly words will hurt Hae-young, which is the one thing she can’t control.

I do think that Mom wants nothing more than pure happiness for Hae-young, and anything that threatens that is to be destroyed immediately, and if she can’t make people stop thinking bad things, at least she can fight against them saying them. So she does that by going after the gossipers when a rumor is being spread, but also by trying to make sure Hae-young doesn’t do anything to draw negative attention to herself. Unfortunately, her love and concern for Hae-young’s happiness often go too far, and she can go to extremes trying to protect her. It’s a situation where Mom’s extreme love for her child sometimes comes out in unhealthy ways, but isn’t that the case with all of our characters? This whole drama is about people acting out in unhealthy ways, being flawed and human but ultimately loving each other so much they’d do anything for one another. In that sense, I’m voting Best Mom Ever, because while her love may be a little overly aggressive sometimes, you can’t ever say that she doesn’t love Hae-young with her entire being.

I’m glad that Do-kyung is finally thinking about whether or not to tell Hae-young the truth about his visions. It’s a difficult decision, because really, there are cons with telling and not telling. If he continues to keep it from her, he’ll have to continue to lie about certain things, and she’ll continue to think that it means he doesn’t love her completely. But if he tells her the truth, even though it would convince her of his love, it would mean letting her in on his impending death. Either way, he’s taking away happiness from Hae-young — but is one sort of happiness is worth preserving at the expense of the other?


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This episode was so good.

Give Ye Ji Won all the awards. ? ? ? ?

Also, give Lee Jae Yoon a revenge drama while we're at it.
Cause' the dude's scaring the crap outta me.


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I do not know if I will call it 'good' especially because the more they drag TaeJin down this path... the more I want to strangle the writers. It is like we are meant to forgive our HY and DK for all their tomfoolery and violence because they are 'human'... but TJ is suddenly the big bad wolf because he wants revenge on the man he thinks ruined his life. Even LollyPip's comment on Tj not moving on had me scratching my head. When our HY went and hit other HY (which was where I stopped watching the show and stuck to recaps), we claimed it was cathartic. Over something that was out of other HY's control. WHO WOULD MOVE ON IF YOU WERE IN TJ'S SHOES? If the man who ruined your life is suddenly with the woman you love? So, I am perfectly #TeamTJ
Also, ugh... our HY should actually not be in a relationship. She is emotionally stunted. Emotionally immature. It makes for interesting television (?) but y'all know you'd be slapping some sense in your friend's head if she acted like our HY.


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It makes sense for TJ to be acting the way he is though...

I don't think the show has villainized him for it, both DK and HY's reactions to him indicate that they find his actions understandable, and even some what deserved.

The writing isn't bad just because the characters aren't acting the way you want them to.


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Thank you! DK is letting himself be beat up and tortured because he knows TF has every right to do what he's doing in his mind. Where in the world is this crazy idea that he's been excused form his behavior coming???


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Thanks for speaking much sense??


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I completely agree.


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Okay, let me put it this way. If the drama was about TaeJin, would you be this lenient with DK and our HY. Would you not balk at the audacity that they dare to be happy even though, they ruined someone's life in the process (we would not know they had nothing to do with it). Would you not wish them hell upon hell upon hell?
The thing about this drama that makes it so good, is also the reason people are beginning to react negatively. Usually, there is a spectrum of people. Good people---------|----------Bad people. We do not like our heroes too good, we want them to play a little with the middle of that spectrum, not to cross it, but dance with it a little. The heroes of OHYA go well over that middle scale. They do not get all the way to bad, but if this drama was about not about them, some of their actions will put them firmly in the bad people box. And I think this is where the problem lies. Because we want our heroes to ultimately be good people. Good people, with a minor flaw. But in whatever event their story is told, and through whoever's POV, we want it to be obvious that our heroes were good!
I am not saying it is bad writing, it IS very human. Infact the amount of time I have spent pondering over this has me worrying how many people think I am a good person or a bad person. There have to have been actions of mine that set me firmly in the bad people box, even when I usually never meant to come up that way (very much like other HY) actually.
So while I appreciate what the writer is doing, I think it is creating a domino effect they did not expect, with people siding with the side characters (other HY, TJ) more than the heroes. Because they are the ones who fit into the typical hero archetype.


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Yes, I would be as lenient. Revenge dramas are stupid.


ROFL @kuromitsu

Your short, to the point comments kill me, I swear.

@Eirenmide Go Go

I do get what you're saying. This drama is such a fascinating watch because I constantly find myself trying to reconcile the different perspectives of the characters. I personally think even the leads consider themselves the 'bad guys' here. That said, I think Hae-young recognizes that she doesn't necessarily owe Tae-jin anything after the words he said to her, even if she sympathizes with his reasoning for them.

I think the biggest issue just lies in her ability to move on with the guy who hurt him, but I get that she's in a time in her life when she needs to put her own happiness first. Do-kyung also ultimately decided that giving love to the most important person in his life was more important than doing the 'right' thing. There is a purpose in this. The drama is showing a pair that is willing to become shameless for those they truly care about. There is no question that Tae-jin got shafted for this, but this is why I like that the leads are facing the consequences of the pain they are bringing his way.


Totally agree.


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yeah, moving on normally would be hard but not all people turn all psycho either, rather they would sulk and be depressed. getting pathologically vengeful and violent is not a normal persons´ reaction.


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I do not know about you, but when an injustice has been done to me or someone close to me, there is an ache in my heart that does not go away. The feeling of being cheated is literally the worst thing to me and it haunts me everywhere. When my trust is betrayed or I am backstabbed, UGH! I do not sulk or get depressed, because that just makes the hurt gets worse. I actually confront it head on! TaeJin is actually taking all the steps I would. First, confront perpetrator. 'Why did you do this to me? Who do you think you are?'... this is for my Christian self. I want a chance to be able to forgive the person. If we come to a compromise and the person is sorry, all is well and Daddy Jesus is happy.
HOWEVER, if the person is like DK, who has the audacity to hit me with his car, and maybe even hit me physically trying to turn the blame around on me... Sorry Jesus, but I am going wild. And I am going ALL the way till that feeling of injustice goes away on its own. People around me actually know not to get me started, because I have no brakes at this point. Its a vice. I am trying to work on it. I am not proud of it. But I understand and see where TJ is coming from. Because aside from taking someone's life, or doing something that might put their life in danger, nothing is off limits for me. So... different people, I guess.
All I am saying is, a large amount of people actually do not go the depressed route. It does nothing. It only makes things worse. A lot of us are more action prone...


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yeah, you need to see a doctor I think.


If you want revenge, you're the big bad wolf, regardless of reason.


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How do you feel about PDK speeding up and ramming his car into the back of HTJ's stationary car? Who had never done anything to PDK, when PDK knew he himself had already committed egregious wrongs against HTJ (albeit intending revenge against someone else)? Who is the big bad wolf then?

Not that I approve of HTJ's violence now at all, but PDK's violent act (deliberately increasing his speed and running into PDK's stopped car with his car) could have killed or permanently injured HTJ then. When I saw that scene, I could not believe how evil both PSK's action and his smirking expression and words seemed.

Now PDK is haunted by visions of PDK running him down with his car? Man, talk about karma.

I want to like PDK, but he needs to pay back big time.


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We all disagreed when HY started to beat up the other girl. I don't know who said it was cathartic, I found it pathetic and stupid, just another stupid thing of the many she has done while soaked with alcohol.
And TJ has already been violent THREE TIMES to a person who told him "You can hit me if you like", a person whom he knows will not hit back. Enough is enough. It was despicable.


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Can anyone tell me the title of the song on that old record?. When Do Kyung sang it?.


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Have you got that song yet? I'm looking for that song too and haven't found it. Please share The title and The singer if you know..


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Regarding Soo-kyung and Jin-sang, this is might be cultrly undoable (not sure in Korea), but I wish they could remain friends and co-parents. Why go to the extreme options of marriage or no involvement whatsoever?

Anyways I realize that this may not be possible. Still, I think that if they were to get married it would be a huge imbalance of power with Jin-sang always playing little brother and Soo-kyung always playing the part of drill Sargent.


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This is the universe of Kdrama (and also the real world, heh?) where power dynamics permeate everything. How many times have we had female protagonists end up with ajussi's and chaebol bosses and older oppas (separated by a few degrees of brother from another mother a la the Answer Me 19XX series)?

This is not to condone power imbalances in relationships - this is me ruminating about how our responses to Soo-Kyung and Jin Sang (especially in this episode) would play out if gender was reversed in terms of the power dynamics and the expectations.

I do agree with your first paragraph - the interactions of the two is making me quite uncomfortable with the two extreme options SK is giving JS. At the same time, culture and social stigma can be quite binding. And I do so love this woman's strength and independence. I love the fact that she is willing to take full control of raising this child, regardless of what JS chooses. And also that she knows what she wants for herself and from JS, and she is firm in that.

In a way, she is very much like our Hae Young, who also expects unabashed love and full commitment from her partner. No matter the flaws in their characters (or because of? ?), we need more of these female characters in drama land.


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Oddly enough I chocked up Noona's insistence on all or nothing as a way of giving JIn an out. He doesn't have it in him to love me and she doesn't want him to do something that will harm the child/family.

I do like to think that an imbalance isn't a bad thing. So long as that imbalance represents compliments rather than one person permanently controlling another. I'd elaborate but that would require talking about my own love history and who ants to hear all that?


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Good point about SK polarizing JS's choices to give him an out. But maybe this is her own version of noble idiocy.

She's trying to make him get off the fence -- but is forcing her own timing on him. It parallels OHY's earlier tantrums with DK.

But... You can't push the river. You can dam it up, and you can drain it. You can dig channels for it to follow... but you can't push water (or the emotions it represents).

I wish she could hold her fire and encourage him to take a giant step... of his own volition. I personally think his fear (as exemplified in that William Tell interlude) is understandable. He doesn't treat her like any of the other women he's cavorted with. I think he put her on a pedestal long ago... and is scared witless. And (rightfully) feels enormously guilty.

I wish to hell they were still speaking French to each other... That seems to be the only time he can hold his own in relation to her.


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I love the parallel you drew between OHY and SK.
I think what's so powerful about this show is that even given the exadurated typical components that often make up kdramas, there are moments of real human insight, and a depth of relatably among all of the characters.

On another note:
I have to admit that my reaction to SK and JS is influnced by gender differences. Had JS ever even once wielded a bat at SK, I would forever totally be totally opposed to their relationship. Had he demanded that she marry him or never be involved in her child's life, I would be furious with him.


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As a caveat, I just want to say that I actually love SK. I think she's a strong women, with a tender heart and depth of courage. I would just be afraid to be in a relationship with her because of all the violence and the crazy.


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Ha ha, very very fair point. I would also be afraid to be with JS because of his immaturity and his -- as of yet -- inability to not be a playboy.

I am actually hoping the drama does not put the two together. I like them as individual characters (more meh with JS...I am only warming up to him because of his plot arc with SK), but they both have so much growing and self-loving to do independently.

I can however see the drama doing that "they grow and love by being together" thing and well...boooooooo. Ha ha. Maybe you and I can band together as conspirators and tear this plan asunder. We just need a bat. And a small tomato.


Jeso: I was thinking exactly the same thing as I watched this episode in terms of how I would react if JS acted like SK...and I was wondering if I was playing into double standards in terms of gender expectations (males should not be domineering but females totally can and should?).

/Sigh. I would say that SK is probably refreshing for us because she bends all these gender roles we have come to expect from dramas and movies. I celebrate her wielding a bat (and why does that never get old?) and making demands because while I have come to expect that and more from so-styled "macho" males, it is an unexpected treat to see it in females (which is sad and speaks to how little I am used to seeing this in cinema and in literature).

SK in interesting because she is so physically strong and outwardly demanding, and yet also quite vulnerable and in pain. I really like the switch - sometimes obvious, sometimes very subtle, and either cases wonderfully acted by the actress - between the two sides of her characters. As you said, exaggerated components, and yet imbued with human insight, with a depth of relatability.


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I find JinSang's imaginations of SooKyung to be too over the top. She's not a gangster!

And his imagination of her trying to force kisses on him during the wedding photoshoot was the most ridiculous, because, who do you think you are, boy? She's embarrassed too.

But they kind of match well...


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"But they kind of match well..."

Part of me still thinks that Jin Sang is too much of a man child and that Soo Kyung deserves better. And these two are both their own special brand of crazy...

But then I remember Soo Kyung's fantasy at seeing Hoon and Anna—of running and twirling in the arms of the man she loves.

And then you see Jin Sang's ridiculous, overdramatic dip-n-kiss, and I think that these two are actually kinda perfect for each other...


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I've read that in South Korea you have to get married or have an abortion or to suicide (among young girls it's quite common nowadays) when you're pregnant, because you'll not get any help from the state as a single mother, for sure you'll lose your job and nobody will hire you, your family will dump you, etc. If so SK decisions are understandable and she would need to go abroad to raise her child peacefully with no hate around.


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Ok, wait. She's not required to be married.

Plus, she's already the CEO(?) of a food company, right? So there's no risk of someone firing her for being a single mom. Unless she becomes incompetent in her job and the business suffers, she seems fine.

And which family will dump her? Her mom? Crazy Mom is not a loss. DK and Hoon are pretty understanding of their noona.

It could really be just to get away from judgy society. It doesn't have to be a super drastic reason.


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It's about single mum lable which'll stick in South Korea not only to you all your life but to your child as well. Children can be really nasty without realizing any consequences they can do with their actions and comments. They're kind of mirror of a general opinion inside of familly especially the little ones - they take the spoken words of family members really seriously and they don't think they're wrong and when bullying in schools among the schoolmates is a very common thing so if you'll have the possibility to raise your child in better environment you'll go for it.


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Yes, it's very difficult to be a single mom in SK, but I just wanted to clear the air a little because this part of your comment:

I’ve read that in South Korea you have to get married or have an abortion or to suicide (among young girls it’s quite common nowadays) when you’re pregnant, because you’ll not get any help from the state as a single mother, for sure you’ll lose your job and nobody will hire you, your family will dump you, etc.

Makes it seem that the ONLY options are get married, get an abortion, or kill yourself. That's a very dreary picture you paint about SK. It could lead other beanies to think that's the only reality over there.


My appologies dear beanies. There is a need of strong women as SK is anywhere in the world although she is just a character in tv series. I admire single mums, because as a fresh mother myself it's quite hard as it is, but like people in the country where I'm living say: Les bébés portent que de bonheur.


That article only shows how difficult life is for single moms. It doesn't say that they "have" only the 3 options you mentioned.

That article does not have statistics like "100% of single moms are either forced to marry, get an abortion, or commit suicide".


Oh no, that's ok, because I wrote it in the wrong way anyway, my fault. I'm not married but I'm not a single mum either. Fortunately I'm living in a society where it is possible living like this without any harsh comments and regards. South Korea is slowly heading that way as well, but it's a long journey to go but who knows, maybe in five - ten years everything will be in the past and the new generation will do "Oh, really, it was like that?!"


Well, at least from a Western perspective, this is so very stupid - and infuriating.
She was portrayed as a strong and independant woman. She can very well sees that he is not in love with her, is even hesitating to kiss her and stuff. So how come she is contemplating getting married to him just because of his responsibility towards the child? This is definitely not the thinking of an independent woman.
And why the second option is leaving her good job and her country and friends to emigrate, and on top of it deprive her child of his father? Since the father is willing to cooperate in being a father, they could very well stay in the same country/city, he could visit as often as possible and raise the child together, without forcibly getting married.


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You know that guy who screams so loud the whole neighborhood hears him when someone scores a touchdown? That was me when I saw TJ face near the end.

I loved the scenes where Other Hae Young (She is now back to the nice title) finally made choices to move on. She's demonstrating a sincere effort to move on. Gosh I love that for once a side character (a female side character no less) is given some meat to play with. I'm less impressed this week with the actual scenes Jin/Noona get. However I do appreciate that the overarching theme of an adult reaction to a pregnancy. They may be acting weird but both of them are going to make good parents who think of their child first. Working out the relationship between each other that is another story. I had a shocking thought about how it feels like the two of them are demonstrating the ultimate arrested development relationship. The one that never moves on.

Thank you so much for defending Mama Oh so eloquently LollyPip. You've summed up a lot of my thoughts on her as a mom.

I've been struggling with all the negative commentary (almost bi-polar week to week) because I'm one of those people who feels it all. Even if I don't say much about it. However reading LollyPip describe how the show is written around flawed actions coming from a place of love reminded me of why i enjoy it so much. Honest, capable, loving people make tons of mistakes. Everyone wants something good to come from their actions even the most selfish people. They just define what is good differently.



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I've felt a little pooped out by the negative commentary too. Mostly because I'm still loving the show, but also because I'm unfortunately an easily impressionable person. So even though my feelings about this episode were "!!!!!!!!!," seeing people say that they were getting annoyed by the characters, or even thinking about dropping the show made me sad.

But I've known that this show wasn't for everyone since the beginning. Because frankly the characters aren't very "likable" 80% of the time. But as others have said before, they're relateably flawed in a way that makes me root for them despite it.

I'll admit that the show has lost some of it's zip in the latter half of the season. But to me, this week's two episodes felt like a return to it's earlier magic. And this week really felt like we got some progress! Hae Young letting go of her inferiority complex and broaching friendship with OHY2? HY and DK not letting current conflicts halt their relationship and actually using words and expressing their feelings healthily?

These are the things that keep me watching.


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As Chandler says later the zip returns in the next episode. I really really blame the extension for killing things because it let the writer indulge to much in the darker aspects without being forced to move the hell on.


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I was so busy (pffft, ironically catching up with Dong-gu's 1N2D eps) that I got behind on DB over the weekend so I just saw your comment on...our comments. Haha, I would love to be a duo act, although I'm not sure how I'll do under pressure :P We're at our best commenting about Best Drama Mom and Worse Drama Mom...so I think next episode should provide some good fodder!

I'm pretty surprised at the amount of negative commentary this drama is getting right now. I get it to an extent...but then I think of how 'easy' people are on other dramas and I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. I find myself intensely affected by moments each episode and am really enjoying the subtle, yet rewarding character development. There is an integrity and intent behind the writing as it continues to fully explore the themes they've been hinting at from the start.

I'm frankly shocked that more people don't feel the magic anymore because I found the recent episodes contained the change in perspective and mind-set our leads needed to approach their relationship in a different way. Now part of the beauty is watching them struggle through what this really means as they deal with their burdens. Is it as exciting? Maybe not. But all their strides forward have my heart feeling full of warmth.

I admit, I love this drama so much that its sudden fall from favor has me feeling quite down. Every now and again you just come across a drama and world of characters that become personal and close to you. I just choose to recognize that we all take in things differently and it's better to just treasure what this drama means to me.


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"I’m pretty surprised at the amount of negative commentary this drama is getting right now. I get it to an extent…but then I think of how ‘easy’ people are on other dramas and I have a hard time wrapping my head around it."

SAME. It totally irks me how easy people are on certain shows but then they're so critical of OHYA. Even OHYA's below average episodes are much better than the good episodes of some other dramas. Though sometimes I feel like it's a hipster thing to do, criticize a popular, well received show for the sake of criticizing it. Ahh well, can't please everyone.


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I totally agree with u.


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Can't agree more.


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Ditto! And the "below average" episodes were just a bit fluffy without a ton of plot development, but they were never bad.


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Well we wouldn't be trained monkeys performing..although I could get a suit.

Anyway! I've decided to be upbeat and take it as an odd kind of flattery. You have to care about a show to hate it even a little after loving it. What's that saying about hatred springing from the deepest love?


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Holy crap I forgot about Dong-Gu on 1N2D!!!!!! Thank you so much for reminding me. I really wish the cameraman was gay or a girl cause the he would take much better ass shots of him running around campus. God damn the universe!

I actually really enjoyed the last two episodes. They did a great job and I'm beginning to like the cast more. I really liked that they had a girl who was into Defconn. He is such a cutey.


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AGREE. I agree that actually the last two episodes gave us what we kinda wanted, honesty, possibility of new otps, and determination to yolo. I think it is so real, the thoughts that they gave to Do Kyung. Everyone always wants to live, they always have that determination to live and to love, and when he question himself, that he is contradicting towards himself as he was acting more and more like Tae Jin when he thought keeping everything a secret will help everyone out. I hope he will realize soon that, secret will ruins everything. He won't get out of this drama alive. Tae Jin's wrath is fully understandable, but the violence is never. I know it's realistic to alot of point of reality, but I still think violence or murder will never resolve anything. Just like how Our Hae Young say she wished one day Other Hae Young will get jealous of her, like what Tae Jin wanted Do Kyung to feel how it is to be ruined, but just like she say, do you feel better? I hope someone can talk him out, and start to move on. Yes, it is difficult, but it is possible.


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I continue to hope that the "better angel of [TJ's] nature" will pull him away from the precipice. He couldn't have been a completely bad dude if OHY was going to marry him AND he passed muster with her parents. The ugly side he's showing now came out under extreme duress.

Aside: I've been watching HEART TO HEART, and it's helped to see Lee Jae-Yoon playing a very kind and decent cop in that show. ;-)


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Just curious, do people still love this show as much as before? It's definitely lost its luster for me. I still like it and am eager to see what happens, but it no longer grips my heart like before.

The otp is just a smidge too lovey dovey for me, and many scenes feel like they go on for just a little longer than they need to. I almost wish they had just written the show without thinking of the extension and then added two episodes or an episode and half of happy filler at the end.

Seeing the moments that feel like they could belong in the beginning of the show makes me simultaneously happy that the magic is still there and sad that it's surrounded by scenes that don't feel as natural. : (


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sadly, i think i would have to agree with you...

i've been finding myself fast forwarding through a lot of the lovey-dovey stuff and just skipping to the jin-sang & soo-kyung parts... idk why i've become so invested in their relationship LOL

i guess it has lost some sort of its magic? can't really pinpoint it. it's funny how sometimes i spend the whole drama hoping for the main couple to work through their problems and be together and then once it actually happens, i'm no longer as interested in it... or maybe it's just this drama and its lost "magic"


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Same here. I think I got tired of watching people be emotionally unhealthy. And it's not over yet!

I still enjoy watching Sookyung and Jinsang. And, shockingly, I enjoy the other Haeyoung now. (I still regard Taejin with fear and loathing.) I'm still watching because I want to find out what happens, but it's no longer magic.


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I'm with you on this. I still watch it because it's already almost the end, but I actually had lost interest exactly at episode 12 where they reveal the secret that Do-kyung actually has no direct relation to Hae-young's ruined marriage (because I feel cheated). And it lost its magic to me starting from that point.


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Wait until you see the next episode.This show's magic suddenly went back to life. It'll definitely make you forget the few past episodes and look forward to the finale with a content heart


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I personally find myself rather fond of this episode because of 16. They laid some promising groundwork this ep that I appreciate more now having seen the next. Now, with these eps together, I'm just in complete love again.


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I've been noticing that the action proceeds by each pair of weekly episodes, and that Monday action often culminates on Tuesday -- but usually with a twist or three snuck in there. It drives me bananas, and I love it.


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This week was the first week that I stopped watching the raws. I feel like it has slowed down maybe but when the subs come out I'm still totally sucked in.

I'm glad that Other Oh Hae Young had her moment, I thought it as a great turn around that she admitted she was jealous and that she kept that letter. Being that petty and finally overcoming it was laudable. It's nice that Oh Hae Young knows that jealously goes both ways.

Han. Tae. Jin. I sympathise with your anger but you need some anger management classes boyo. This behaviour is not okay. Also at the very least own your own mistakes (like the guy he beat up re: the way she eats).

I'll be glad to see the last two episodes, I really need Chairman Jang to be exposed and Do Kyung's mother to suffer some horrible debilitating disease where she's unable to speak/move anymore.


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Voodoo dolls! I will ask my crochet capable friend to make us some ^.^


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I still like the show, but have to agree that the pace slowed down with the extension. And even though I am happy that Hae-young and Do-kyung are together now, it's a smidge too lovey dovey for me too! For example, I was cringing at the extended "oppa" and "Hae-young-ah" scene in the previous episode.


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Count me in, too. I absolutely loved this show when it first aired...I was looked forward to this one every week more than Mirror of the Witch and Beautiful Gong Shim, but now, not so much. I would watch the raws during my lunch on the days they came out and then in the evening, I would watch the subbed versions. Fast forward to now where I have actually dropped the show as of four episodes ago, and am now only keeping up through the recaps. I just don't think that the relationship between Hae Young and Do Kyung is healthy. Although they are trying to portray OHY as someone who knows and loves herself, I just didn't always see it when she was always throwing herself at DK. I know he was giving her mixed signals, but at some point, she should have had enough. Also, I hate the direction that they are taking Tae Jin. This is someone that OHY loved enough to marry. The way he is acting now does not reflect well on her judgement.


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Me tooooo!! Used to watch raw first and rewatch it again with subs,, but now i prefer watch raw and read.. Not even gonna watch it twice


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On the contrary, I loved seeing Haeyoung and Dokyung be in a relationship because I get a drama couple navigate not just through the ecstatic plot drama, but also the mundane ones such as fighting a little over who loves more. When I went to this episode yesterday, I also thought that it was going to be another slow build-up but their moments and realization at the end made me feel my love for the show even more. Sometimes it helps to just watch it withour reading prior commentary in social media. Especially in Twitter, some people just impatiently complain about the show. So idk, maybe watch this episode again with your heart in it. To me, it's one of my most beautifully emotional episode within its gentle quietness. And especially because it sets the groundwork for ep 16.


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Same! I still in love with this show, and I don't get what's everyone complaining :<


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I agree completely....this show just keeps getting better!


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I kind of agree, but only because the last few episodes felt a bit bloated with cute scenes to fill the time from the extension.

However - this episode got back a little of what I liked about it before (such as Other Hae Young getting some character development). The next episode however felt completely like one of the earlier episodes with character development all around, not just for Do Kyung.


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We've been watching these characters cry or brood in deep agonizing angst for 4/5ths of the show. What are you, a masochist? Don't we need some much needed respite, something that can makes us smile, for a change?


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This drama owns me. Heart and soul. I'm just so in it. I love dramas that explore relationship growth beyond the happy, fluffy we-just-got-together phase. These two crazy lovebirds needed it especially. And we're really getting that here as they try to surpass their issues and insecurities. I love seeing how their resolve is allowing a stronger relationship to unfold. This episode is proof that the road is bumpy and that it takes much more than a change in attitude to sustain a complete change in behavior.

Many may think the spark is gone, but I personally just love seeing the leads getting a chance to share aspects of themselves without letting their burdens hold them back. I find it beautiful and affecting to watch. I can safely say now, that whatever reservations and criticisms I have for the unnecessary extension, is overrided by my desire to be with these characters as they grow just a little bit more and hopefully make a different fate for themselves along the way.

I...still don't think Tae-jin hits him yet. (In fact, this vision didn't show him getting hit at all, but he did 'feel' an impact earlier in the ep, I believe). I think there will be another twist there because he's the expected perpetrator.

So much to say about this week's episodes as a whole so I'll probably stop here for now and just add some comments on other's awesome posts :)


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Hold the faith sister!



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@Chandler We meet again! How's it going chingu? Been too long!

I'm a complete goner for this drama as well. It's so beautifully done. And like you, I love it when dramas show us what happens after couples get together. There's more to relationships than "will they, won't they? They did!". Relationships are about working together to grow and learn. It's not all rainbows and butterflies, and I'm glad OHYA is showing us this part and doing such a fine job at it.


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Hey! It has been much too long! Has it really been since we 'met' on MnD recaps? Great PDs bring great commenters together, lol. Oh wait, there was also Healer too, right? Both of those dramas explored the relationship between the leads after they got together. Definitely a reason why they're some of my favs that kept me commenting until the end.

I'm glad I'm not the only one still head over heals :)


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We just both gravitate towards quality programming eh? ;)


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Count me in!
In fact I kinda love how the show 'slows down' a bit to show us some moments that portray how DK&HY's relationship actually bloom. I treasure this show for taking us to witness how they endure all the struggles together, before and after.

I love all the little details, little moments that would have been cherished in a real-life relationships.


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I'm still in it for the long haul, too. There have been deeply affecting moments throughout the show that have resonated in ways that surprise me. The childhood recordings in this episode hit me where I live. I appreciate the madcap interludes as comic relief in the face of emotionally charged developments. The metaphysical angles have me hooked, too. I want to see how the individual stories turn out. If there can be some growth or redemption for the characters along the way, so much the better. With a big side of forgiveness and compassion.

A couple of subtle items caught my eye in this episode. I don't know what to make of them, and that's part of the show's appeal. During the scene with the consulting psychiatrist, when DK says that he's regretted every moment since meeting that woman, the action plays in reverse. My understanding is that retrospection (one's life passing before one's eyes at the time of death) occurs in reverse (i.e., from death to birth, not the chronological order we normally think of). Hmmm.

OHY's yellow-striped shirt with the legend "you're fine" also got my attention. She seems to be reverting to her inferiority complex during this episode, and all I could think of was an old acronym for fine:

F'd up
Neurotic, and

So does "you're fine" mean she's projecting? Hmmm.

At about 50:30, after OHY signs off from DK's call after the blow-up at home with Mom, she's in bed and says "When I'm about to die, if I think back on this moment, this will mean nothing. This means nothing. Let's go for it."

Hats off to Daddy Oh for valiantly trying to stand up for DK against Mama Hwang. Playing devil's advocate with her is a dangerous proposition. I can appreciate her concerns for OHY... but it sure looked like Dad gave a start when OHY told Mom that the reason she wanted to bring DK to her cousin's wedding was to take the heat off them...


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It's that endearing aspect of OHY. Despite all her self hatred she is aware enough to care for those around her. Something that she learned undoubtedly from Mama Oh.


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Our Hae-young's Mom: Best Mom

All the other mothers in this show: tied for Worst Mom (I'm currently more pissed off at Hae-young's aunt than Do-kyung's mom)


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Just wait until the next episode. DK's mom coves new ground in her ability to piss off viewers.


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I think she is a good mom too. Her actions are more about protecting her daughter first and societal views are part of it too but our societal views are the reasons why we criticize also. Mom and OHY aren't portrayed as best friends like the mom and daughter in the show Gilmore Girls and maybe that's what people are looking for but in this mother and daughter relationship with both their personalities OHY is not scared of her mother and she is confident her mom has her back and has relied on her every time she needed her without a second thought. Across cultures every family has a different dynamic but if the basis is love then its healthier than a lot of others.


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I actually enjoy watching this episode and while everyone thinks the worst about Mama Oh, I think she did what she think the best for her daughter. It's impossible not to think about what others are saying because you didn't live by yourself, you have to live surrounded by your nosy neighbours who will talk nonstop about your daughters to others, and possibly damaging her reputation. So for Mama Oh to think so deeply about what others are saying is not completely untrue. She truly cared for Hae-young. And if I'm her mom, I think I would do the same. Why date a guy who makes you sad over and over again?

Jin-sang and Soo-kyung's story is a bit overdone to me. But other than that, I think it's quite enjoyable though not as good as the first 8 episodes.


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Can do kyung just never wear the black shirt in his visions when he gets run over by tae jin so then his vision won't come true? Burn the shirt!!


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Or white shirts!!

He should just go around shirtless. There. Problem solved! ?


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Unlike many here, I have to say that this drama is kinda overrated. The storyline is not sepcial and I find Oh Hae Young Character very annoying, whiny, easy, and weak. Many of her actions are so dramatic and not convincing. She tends to OVERACTS too much. Eric character is a typical jerk korean drama male and he has been such a jerk throughout most drama.
I like other characters much more than the leads. Even Tae Jin's character has been better portryed compared to those of Eric's and oh hae young.


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A jerk? Are we watching the same drama?
He has been portraying a character crushed by guilt, a deeply caring and sensitive person, why was always there for her, worrying for her, running to her, lending a helping hand whenever he could in small subtle ways, while trying so hard not to fall for her because he knew he didn't have the right to. Do you call that being a jerk? He was trying to do the right thing, bottling up his feelings up to the moment when he couldn't take it any longer.
Then when he decided he's going to love her, he went and repentedly let the other guy hit him not once but three times without reacting. He asked the parents for forgiveness humbly. All this to try to make their relationship possible.
And all this, while having to cope with his terrible mother ruining everything, his visions and his impending death. Not to mention dealing with the problems of the people in his family.
And we the viewers knew about all these conflicts all along, it was not as if he were mysterious for us.
I really don't know what you're thinking, writing things like that.


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"who was" not "why was". Ugh, lack of editing feature!


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Can i kidnap Taejin to somewhere else far from Korea?
Please save Dokyung ?


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Yes please do so ! my heart can't take a sad ending for this show.


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What I'm hoping is that even if DK's latest vision occurs as he sees it...he won't die, because Tae Jin will decide to be the better person, and slam his brakes before actually hitting him.

They've redeemed the Other Hae Young...they can do it with TJ too.

What I've liked about the second leads is that that the show has never reduced them to evil caricatures. And even if TJ has been on somewhat of a downward spiral, killing DK would feel like the writers were really cheapening his character for the sake of plot.


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Loving these Super Daddy Yeol cameos we've been getting, is Lee Dong-gun next then? (fingers crossed)


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I've always suspected that the accident wasn't an accident and that it was Tae Jin all along, since we've seen in the previous visions the car that killed Do Kyung. To have it confirmed is small comfort tho...

I wish the show hadn't gotten an extension, it did feel like it's lost a bit of its grip on me (compared to the previous eps which were much more solid). That said, I'm still going to be glued to my (laptop) screen come next week so that's a moot point, lol.

Thanks for the recap, as always!


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This episode was so good! I absolutely loved it. I'm glad show returned to the more contemplative version of itself, after a slight diversion to happyland (not really complainin' tho--DK and HY deserved that break!).

DK going to beg TJ for his life was such a poignant, albeit uncomfortable moment. How human is it that faced with the knowledge of impending death, he bargains for his life? He's realized that what matters most in his life isn't his material possessions or his pride, TJ can take all that, but he'll do what he has to to protect his relationships, his love. Gaaah. (Though I was wondering, if TJ and uri HY got back together, which looked like it would've been the case if DK weren't so persistent, what would have been the catalyst for TJ to go as far as to take DK's life? Thoughts?)

And that final sequence was fantastic. Thoughtful and sweet. "I'm not at 89, I'm 100". Loved it. Especially since it also reminded me of their drunken exchange at the end of ep 10, which was like one of my favorites.

HY is hella thirsty and she ain't afraid to show it. ((This show better give us a bed scene, if not we're gonna have words.))

Anywayz #TEAMBESTMOMEVER. For once, a Kdrama parent actually has legitimate reasons to be against their child's significant other.


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100% agree with your comment and analysis about the show
I think episode 15 and 16 were really great...specially the scence where PDK begged HTJ for his life ❤❤❤


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I don't know if you read my mind or not but you hit the nail on the head. The contemplative and melancholic version of the show is best. I love the idea that they would be willing to talk/show the mundane parts of a relationship. HY gets mad at DK but instead of there being a giant scene or some over the top stuff all they do is talk it out. They just respect each other and communicate. It's all it really takes. It's the simple things that are hardest.


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@Oshi I'm telepathic, didn't you know? ;)

The 'mundane' parts of the relationship are the parts that make me the most giddy. Just watching them enjoy each others' company is better than any big make-out confession/session. Well almost. Because honestly, those are hot!

Talking about the part where HY was upset, how cute was it that DK came all the way to see her because she wasn't answering his phone call and then sweetly asked for a hug? That takes effort and commitment to the relationship.


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(Though I was wondering, if TJ and uri HY got back together, which looked like it would’ve been the case if DK weren’t so persistent, what would have been the catalyst for TJ to go as far as to take DK’s life? Thoughts?)

THIS. Now come to think of it, it really doesn't make sense. Unless, Our Hae Young actually can't forget DK and maaaaybe on the other side of the road was Our Hae Young, and Tae Jin saw what could have been the resurfacing affair, he drove towards Do Kyung out of rage. OMG but then wouldn't we hear Hae Young's voice in the background? Or she's too shocked to even get closed. Ok I need to stop here. lul


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@starnger Lol I guess we shouldn't think too hard about that question. Let's not make our heads hurt with too much thinking.


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100% agree with you! I'm glad the writers took the time to explore HY & DK's relationship. Not everything is peaches and cream and exploring that part of a relationship is a breath of fresh air coming from a Korean drama.
Oh but that part where DK went to TJ! It broke me!!! "How human is it that faced with the knowledge of impending death, he bargains for his life?" Totally what I thought! I felt his desperate plea. Not only for himself but also for OHY.
I'm liking the characters' development/growth. Especially PDK's. Don't get me wrong he still has a long way to go but just the fact that he is actively trying to control his life and try to change the outcome of his visions is a big step, something to admire considering how he used to be, very submissive.

I love LOVE this drama! I can't get enough of it!

I'm also #teambestmomever! I love OHY's mom! My mom's somewhat like that so I can relate :D I don't get beat up that way but I do get some of them lol!!
OHY's mom is looking out for her daughter albeit sometimes she uses the wrong method but the love she has for her is obvious.


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@Alluna It was so great to see DK change from a passive hero to an active one. It's so much easier to root for the guy who's doing his all to stay alive to be with his girl.

You're lucky to have a mom like that, especially if she doesn't beat you like OHY's mom lol


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For me, this drama is one of the best kdramas I have watched. Each episodes doesn't bore me at all and I do think that the writer was very smart to let all the characters build up. I honestly, truly feel the love between Do Kyung and OHY. It's so inspiring to see them slowly progress from mere admiration to deep love. Both episodes 15 and 16 doesn't have hot kissing scenes but their moments together, those sweet and gentle scenes made my heart flutter. This drama is that good! The only thing that will truly disappoint me is if they kill PDK. I signed up for rom-com but I can forgive the writer for giving us those sad moments between our OTP but to end this by killing PDK is horrible and just plain cruel to the viewers. i'm too scared to watch the last 2 episodes next week. I'm not prepared yet to say goodbye to this drama but giving us a happy ending is a must and the writer must understand that viewers get so attached to the characters. My wish...let PDK live and have a happy ending with the ordinary OHY so my heart will be at peace...lol!


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Thank goodness Our HY didn't end up with TJ. I know that his violent side was awakened by the bad things that happened in his life, but it also means that the violent side was there all along. Seeing how complex Our HY's personality is, I don't doubt that something she'd do would have triggered TJ's violence had they ended up married..


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She's violent too...


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All of them have violent tendencies! xD

Maybe it's innate in all humans.


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If we excuse OHY's violence with the "all humans are violent", why are we not using the same excuse for Tae-jin?


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Exactly. Let's not forget that DK rammed his car into TJ's hard enough to cause whiplash (though, conveniently, it didn't), and would've beat the crap out of TJ if he'd had the opportunity. I agree with those that argued that a lot of DK's anger was really towards himself-- but that doesn't make his violent outburst worthy of a pass.

I love the fact that both male leads deserve criticism for being violent, and both female leads have said equally-horrible and selfish things, making it a lot harder to write off the second leads based solely on their bad behavior.




They would've been like two firecrackers in a dumpster...


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Yeah, it seems to me that they're the kind of folks who are only lovey-dovey when things are happy. But are unable to cope healthily and become very destructive if things go bad.

Folks keep saying "what if OHY married TJ, OMG he's so violent, he'd have hurt her anyway". But look at how OHY hated NoHY so much for circumstances outside of NoHY's control. OHY is a very vengeful person too.

Imagine OHY being in Tae-jin's place. She would have murdered PDK long time ago.


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I mean, if we were talking real life, half the characters would having restraining orders and be in court-ordered thearpy rn...

I glad DK's is voluntary, but I wish for his sake his therapists seemed more like actual psychiatrists and less like philosophy professors


IKR. Not that dramaland therapists usually make sense, but for PDK's case, I can't shake off the feeling that they're imaginary. They seem weirdly written compared to other characters who seem like "real" people, at least in OHYA universe.


I'm with you Mary re: the therapists. I was convinced up until this episode that the first therapist was a figment of PDK's imagination. Now there's two of them and I'm having a hard time excusing that as a second hallucination...but it makes os much more sense to me if they both are fake...


Haeyoung is always talking about killing people and wishing people were dead. I liked her a lot at the beginning, but the time she threw a rock at Dokyung's window really gave me pause.


"Haeyoung is always talking about killing people and wishing people were dead. I liked her a lot at the beginning, but the time she threw a rock at Dokyung’s window really gave me pause."

It super-bothered me when she threw the rock through PDK's window, too. I was shocked and appalled. It was horrible behavior, not just because it was vandalism she did in a kind of tantrum, but primarily because someone could have easily gotten very hurt from the rock or from flying broken glass. She was totally out of control.


And so is Do Kyung. He rammed his car into TJ's hard enough to cause whiplash, and would've beat the crap out of TJ if he'd had the opportunity. I agree with those that argued that a lot of DK's anger was really towards himself-- but that doesn't make his violent outburst worthy of a pass.

I love the fact that both male leads deserve criticism for being violent, and both female leads have said equally-horrible and selfish things, making it a lot harder to write off the second leads based solely on their bad behavior.


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Yeah they are all weird and imperfect and faulty. All of them.

I'm glad some beanies are questioning everyone's actions, not just giving the leads a free pass while judging side characters harshly.


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I have a completely different take on this. I honestly from the beginning felt that this may be coming but for a completely different reason. Yes, Tae Jin screwed his business up, went to jail, tried to be a noble idiot and failed because in reality noble idiocy doesn't work. He ended up hurting OHY1 a lot and she ended up meeting PDK. But dun dun dun, PDK is responsible or at the beginning we thought he ruined her wedding so how do we fix this. PDK and OHY1 have chemistry and are attracted to each other but their happy ending means at least one character is miserable for no reason due to them. So, how do we fix it. Simple, turn him into the most predictable caricature of a villain that can be possible. To be honest, if this show really wanted to do something ground-breaking then OHY1 and PDK would never end together, they would have a open ending or will go different ways forever. They both have issues and overcoming them will have one way or other blocked their relation. Mama Oh is right in this one thing that OHY1 can't possibly date him, I get her, totally get her. But this is dramaland and the actors spark so instead Tae Jin has been reduced to a very annoying character that will also try to murder PDK thus redeeming PDK and giving the writers a way out of this situation.
To be honest, I am a tad bit disappointed. OHY1 seems so emotionally needy on a certain level to me right now, it isn't healthy what she has with PDK right now. Maybe I am alone in this but it really feels if we take out the drama setup a relation headed to Mount Doom to me no matter what.


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THIS. I agree with everything you said.


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Awesome analysis. My thoughts exactly. I hope there is twist however where Tae Jin is not a crazed murderer. I found OHY1's visit to him filled with unjustifiable arrogance and lack of empathy. This was a man she once loved, she was so selfish and unfeeling to his pain. It was all about her new love and saving PDK. There is some real unhealthy love going on here. OHY1 and PDK need therapy before entering a relationship. I believe PDK's therapy sessions aren't real. They are most likely his subconscious attempts to deal with his insecurities.


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Oh well, but Hae Young was a woman he supposingly-still-in-love-with when he break off the wedding, he was also selfish and insensitive to her pain. Then come back and expect everyone would love him because he was in jail... I think this attitude just goes aaaaround and round and round, this is the circle of selfishness of the Oh Hae Young universe. Be careful it does bite, karma goes around too.


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He was not selfish nor insensitive to her pain. He knew full well that she would be hurt by breaking up with her, but his actions, while foolish were done to spare her embarrassment from being involved with a man who was going to prison(noble idiocy). He did not want to be arrested at her wedding. It would have been better for him to be honest but he is flawed just like OHY, PDK and OHY2. OHY1 was callous and unfeeling toward a man that she was portrayed as desperately loving. OHY1 appears to be exclusively focused on PDK now. Her actions seem disturbingly wrapped up in men. Tae Jin and now PDK. I get special, soul stirring undying love but OHY seems a bit too easily caught up in loving a man, to the point of losing herself which to me is unhealthy. In addition, Ta Jin while beating up PDK 3 times, two of those times PDK approached him and one of those times he rammed his car from the rear. Tae Jin has been given a raw deal and he is understandably enraged. He is not however the villain of this show. There is enough villainous behavior to go around with the ultimate villains being the Chairman and DK's Mom.


Is it just because I'm from a different culture? I just don't see this amount of "violence" as that bad. No one has restraining orders, no one got sent to the emergency room and certainly no cops were called...ok maybe I need to spend some time contemplating some things


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I used to love the drama. Not so much now. I find it just less ..... cohesive ?

And OHY -
Say you won't meet her again
Say you miss me
Say you like me
Say you love me
Say you'll marry me

urghh ... if she was a man, i wouldn't date her. I would feel claustrophobic in a relationship with her. So full of insecurities and always needs constant validation. And reacts extremely if she doesn't get it. Beyond a point, it starts getting annoying. How long have they even been today ? Give a person some breathing space. She is going to become her mom in 10 years.

I'm liking the way the dilemma that DK is facing is being played out. As for the secondary romance, wait till you see the next episode. I want to smack JS. He is 35ish (same as DK ) not a child. Grow up and behave like an adult

All in all, i think the show is not as great as it used to be.


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not *today but i meant *together


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"So full of insecurities and always needs constant validation. And reacts extremely if she doesn’t get it."

You hit the nail on the head on why Haeyoung is getting tiresome.


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Oh actually personal experience, I know someone who is in a relationship has the same problem you said about Our Hae Young, so I don't really see a problem here since, it is a real problem with typical woman? Maybe women are tiresome. Idk. Just saying I am not surprised and tired of Our Hae Young rage at all. Actually it's pretty healthy. Honestly, most of the relationship includes happiness, rage, reflection, understanding, appreciation and so much more. It's in the right love nutritional level.


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You may know someone like her in a relationship, but the truth is, it's not healthy. Not at all.

The constant need for validation is tiresome, and I'm speaking from a woman's perspective. It will eventually wear the man out.

She needs to love herself and be confident in herself, and be emotionally healthy before entering into another relationship. If this were the real world and not a kdrama, I would tell her to take time off the relationship and let herself heal. It's never a good idea to invest so much into a rebound relationship. She never really got over the pain of the first relationship, and flung herself into another one with the man who supposedly caused the pain in the first place. So. Much. Melodrama.

But this is a kdrama so.... oh well.

Like most of the viewers commented, the drama has become lackluster after the extension. And all the qualities that initially attracted me to OHY1 now repel me. If I were in a relationship with her, I would be worn out. Too much drama, every day, over very little things. smh.


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She needs to love herself and be confident in herself, and be emotionally healthy before entering into another relationship.

This is perfect. Like someone mentioned above, DK and NOHY show growth in the show. Where is OHY's growth ? How has this time, this relationship made her better ?



well I believe she was confident about herself before Omma mentioned he had no thoughts on marriage. Who would feel good when you were told your partner has no intention to live the rest of his/her life with you when you do have that intention?? I don't think her need for validation of his love is on par as hers is wrong or tiring at all? I mean that's the point of being together right? I want to be loved as much as I love you. So I don't think it is anywhere not healthy??



I agree with what you said. 100%.


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I agree about Mama Oh. I never think she puts anything above OHY... the reasoning of why she is so against DK (especially after the wedding) makes sense. She knows her daughter wants marriage (like OHY said she's at 100 when she falls in love) but DK isn't thinking of marriage now, it is bound to make her disapproving of their relationship. She is a bit aggressive though but it's in her character lol

Also, I am not sure where the writer is going with Jin SangxNoona. I wanted them to be a couple before, but right now it seems the better ending will be if they come to a compromise without any (rushed) romance. I also understand where she's coming from and why she wants to leave the country and raise alone..


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The most affecting parts of this episode for me were the recordings Daddy Park made of little DK ["Baek Il Mong" (Daydream), to the tune of "Grandfather's Clock"] and SK ["Let's Go Live By the Lake"]. They were like time capsules. When I watched the episode raw, just knowing the lyrics to "Grandfather's Clock" hit me between the eyes, but the effect was even more poignant upon seeing the translation. Wow. A hymn to impermanence

Does anyone know if they are they actual songs in their own right, or part of the OST?


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I don't think they will be but I hope so. The subtle scenes of connection between past and present are really well done.


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Found one of them:

원조 쎄시봉 '백일몽' 녹음현장 영상
[C'est Si Bon OST - "Baek Il Mong" (Daydream)]


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oh that song, I know this song in estonian, it always comes on in the saturday afternoon radio show of birthday wishes and greetings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGYOM0GhtdY

it was so weird hearing it in that show, feels like kilometers that separate us from Korea melted away in a moment


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Thanks so much for that link. What a spiffy up-tempo countrified version. It reminds me of John Mayall's "Don't Waste My Time" from the LP Empty Rooms.

Do the Estonian lyrics parallel the English ones (below)?

When I first heard DK singing it, I immediately recognized the tune "Grandfather's Clock" and thought of its original English lyrics. Then I saw the Korean lyrics, which smacked my upside the head, hard.

As is often the case with folk music and hymns, tunes are recycled and set to different lyrics. I have a feeling that Writer-nim is pulling a fast one, especially after seeing ep. 16.

Off the top of my head, here are the original lyrics (first verse and refrain -- check out the rest) to "Grandfather's Clock" -- which was written by American composer Henry C. Work and published in 1876. In the US, a grandfather clock is a piece of furniture, typically about 6 feet tall, that stands on the floor, and has to be wound up with a key every week. It has a pendulum and weights, and chimes on the hour, or even every quarter-hour. Burl Ives, Doc Watson, and Johnny Cash all recorded this song.

"My Grandfather's clock was too big for the shelf
so it stood ninety years on the floor.

It was taller by half than the old man himself,
yet it weighed not a pennyweight more.

It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born,
and was always his pleasure and pride,

But it stopped short, never to run again, when the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering, tick-tock! tick-tock!

His life's seconds numbering, tick-tock! tick-tock!

But it stopped short, never to run again, when the old man died."

What this is saying to me is that, as with the screenplay of life that both psychiatrists have been talking about, our souls already know the outcome... and the potential exists for DK to live to a ripe old age. I recall that DK first told Doc Park that on his deathbed, he felt tremendous regret at the end of a long life.

Intertwine that with the transient image of a sandcastle being washed away by the incoming tide, and overwhelming remorse for not having loved the mysterious woman to his full capacity... and you (DK, actually) get a double-whammy.


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I'm so grateful for all your wonderful comments, PakalanaPikake. They really elevate the experience of watching OHYA :) There are so many little, amazing things we would have missed if it weren't for you!


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Aw, shucks, Chandler. I've gotten so many lovely insights from reading your comments, too. Such as lots of grist for the mill in your Ep. 16 recap comments... I'm glad I came back here for a peek and found your note. ;-)

Actually, I'm very grateful to LollyPip for the detailed recaps, and our merry band of Beanies whose eagle eyes spot edifying little nuances, and notice parallels, and detect patterns in this roller coaster of a drama. I've been enjoying it from the get-go, and it just wouldn't be the same without these learned discussions. And squeeing. Not necessarily in that order. Thank you, Beanies... You know who you are.


the lyrics in estonian talk about an old sailor who brought the clock from his travels and is telling about it to his grandson
the line
But it stopped short, never to run again
when the old man died.
Peatus kell, kui suri see vanamees
kes tal saatjaks olnud pikal eluteel

are the most similar


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Thanks, redfox! So the Estonian version was in keeping with the original. -- Whereas "Daydream" is a completely different song that shares the same tune. Fascinating.


I'm also watching since we only have a few episodes left. But I have started to lose interest. I feel like witnessing every single little quarrel that a couple has, and all the constant needs or impulses/emotions of our OHY. I keep wondering: are they together in this now? Oh no, they might break up again. Oh wrong, they are still together again... To me, it's getting a bit tiring.


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Same here. The episodes are intense and I've never been bored until this moment.

I still love OHY and PDK but lately I just want to scream bloody hell can't we just have these last two weeks in peace?


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I feel a bit melancholic that the breath-of-fresh-air magic the series so proudly touted in the beginning has been gradually seeping out. I sincerely loved Our Hae-young, and I must admit that I was secretly rooting for Tae-jin's revenge/redemption arc all the while being sucked into her and Do-kyung's romance.
At this point while we are so close to the end, however, I am a smidge disappointed because I feel like the only (hints of) satisfying character development has come from Do-kyung and Other Hae-young. He is slowly turning around and changing his bleak perspective on life, while Other Hae-young is proving to be a poignant and worthy of respect for her resilience and open-mindedness (though we were only given the evidence in this episode).
Why do I feel/dread a creeping, gradually cementing belief that Our Hae-young is (please forgive me) emotionally spoilt? So we could present the argument that Our Hae-young's growth is her decision to love without holding back, until she is kicked away. But even though that seed was planted ages ago, I feel like, given how much (screen)time we've spent with Our vs Other, Our should have made more satisfying progress toward maturation and healing, and not reached this realization at the same instant as Other.
And why is the show making Tae-jin's character arc a nail-biting descent into madness? It's unfair! I feel like the team could have presented a much more solid case for Our Hae-young and Do-kyung's romance and how they best compliment each other if there were more flashbacks contrasting her love for Tae-jin vs her love for Do-kyung, or justified Tae-jin's inability to find peace and continued bitterness with some prior hints of his boiling aggressiveness. Yunno, maybe I'm too emotionally invested but I feel like Tae-jin has been given the short end of the stick.


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Amen, everything you said about this drama is exactly what I feel right now. Thank you, I couldn't find the right words and neither am so articulate. OHY1, the traits are loved about her are sadly making me think that I totally rooted for a character with zero personal growth so far and yes, she is emotionally spoilt. I could relate to her insecurities at the beginning but now it feels like, if we step back and look at the bigger picture, damn this girl has deep seated issues and the whole I will love wholeheartedly until they kick me out is a completely wrong motto for life. You're willing to be emotionally scarred but won't let go, that is so unhealthy psychologically speaking. While, yes PDK needed exactly that to be able to move forward but if it wasn't him then she would have tired some other partner out with her emotional burden.


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Yes, and (to Gem as well), yes.


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I disagree in that I don't think comparing DK/TJ would be fair or right. I can understand why people would want it from a drama watcher perspective but really why? The show has from the start been about show rather then tell. The writers/directors want us to get the message that when you love someone you grab on regardless of circumstance because it's something precious. TJ is our consequence story. He chose to lose what love he had and despite the negative portrayal of him now there is no substantive evidence that he didn't love OHY as much as DK did. I think it would be a disservice to create scenes that took away from that. TJ didn't love HY less. he loved her differently and ultimately not in the way she needed him to. The choices he made are his own to live with. I know that everyone feels negatively about the show right now because of the portrayals on the screen but if you look at what's unsaid you notice just as much. That is in my opinion the key to the writers work here. The things left unsaid.


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- My heart ached so much of SK this episode, she's really the world's best Noona. She knows that the marriage wouldn't work out and doesn't want the child to be in a family where the dad feels trapped. But I'm glad Jin Sang decided he could kiss her. Maybe he may not be "attracted" to her in that way but he might have done it for the kid, either way I guess it's some character development.
-DK lying and saying he couldn't come to see HY, then regretting it and coming anyway -- I think this is where TJ and DK are different and so hopefully this means that their relationship works out! (Without any deaths please, show) And I also appreciated that she came out and said why she didn't pick up his calls and why she was mad. Love the communication between the couple!! :-)
-With 3 episodes left I wonder how they will tie up TJ's evil partner and the man that DK's mum was going to marry. (Did they in the end marry after the wedding was ruined?) If TJ and DK don't team up to destroy the two I'm going to wonder why on earth they revealed that it wasn't DK that caused the old man to withdraw-- seems like a cop out to redeem our main character which we don't really need...


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Just when I thought the other Hae-young couldn't be more petty and selfish, she proves once again that she is and has been since she was young. I know she has been scarred by life, but who hasn't?! She didn't like how our Hae-young received family love, but what about the fact that our Hae-young suffered because of the other Hae-young? Did the other Hae-young ever take into account how her presence hurt our Hae-young? She is always doing things her way with no regard for how it may affect others, and for that, I cannot stand her or feel any sympathy for her. While I still like Mom, I just want people to leave our Hae-young alone and let her make her own decisions. By confronting Do-kyung like that, all Mom did was cause more problems. At some point you can't shield your children from life anymore and have to let them make their own decisions, and I really wish Mom would learn that. I just hope Do-kyung can find whatever is still causing his fear, so that he can change his fate of death, and end up happy with our Hae-young, cause let's face it, they could both do with some happiness.


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I'm getting tired of seeing Tae-jin beat up Do-kyung (and earlier, vice-versa). I feel like this show tends to repeat itself a bit too much, especially lately. I am watching scenes and thinking, "Haven't I already seen this?". There are some deja vu moments, and not just because of the visions.

I'm still enjoying this show, but while at the beginning Our Hae-young was my absolute favorite and the light of the show, I actually like Other Hae-young more now, haha. I've felt for her the entire show but this episode and the next cemented my love for her. I hope to see Jeon Hye-bin leading more of her own dramas in the future.

I know lots of people are invested in the Soo-kyung/Jin-sang relationship, but I'm honestly not really feeling it...


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That is the magic of the show at least for me. You love and hate everyone on the show at some point. It doesn't pull it's punches and even if the execution isn't perfect it tries to achieve this equilibrium. Each person is given just as much darkness as they are light. I love it.

Noona/JS work for some folks because noona is awesome. I don't worry to much about it because noona will be awesome no matter what. The fun part is what she will look like being awesome tomorrow.


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I hv less expectation towards this episode but surprisingly i enjoyed the episode.

Thank you for the recap Lollypip!


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It seems like with the extension, the show added more to the middle instead of adding more the end...

Which is maybe a good idea...but I was kinda hoping instead that the accident would happen earlier and that we'd have more episodes for the resolution.

Having only next week for the resolution seems like a greater possibility for an " It Was All In His Head ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・" type of ending...


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Hae Young witnessing the shenanigans at the Park residence at the beginning was hilarious. ?

And lil' DK and SK's singing was so cute and sad, I had to cover my face...

Episode 16 aside...anyone else think that having Hae Young listen to the lyrics that lil' DK was singing was DK's covert way of saying "I love you" before he was ready?


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Aww, that's a very sweet take on that scene. I felt like it was a way for him to share his truer, deeper self with HY-- the sweet, happy boy that wasn't afraid to express himself. The self he's learning to embody once again. With all the emphasis in this drama on sound and people's voices being other people's favorite sounds, DK's sharing his child-self's voice was surely a very meaningful moment.

It's interesting that HY commented on another misunderstanding of sorts: that DK was singing the song so happily, unaware of the sadness conveyed in the lyrics.

The scene also served the purpose of showing us that DK has pulled out his father's old recordings, setting the stage for him to listen to the recording of what really happened the day his father died. I suspect clearing up that "misunderstanding" may change everything.


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Yes -- I agree that DK was using the recording to tell OHY that he loved her, and was apologizing that he hadn't loved her more. -- To wit: the look he gives her when his younger self sings, "I will love you forever." (But I think that she didn't really register what he was saying, and assumed that a little kid would be unable to fully grasp the meaning of the lyrics.) He also answered her question about his father's death, and I took that as a significant piece of self-disclosure -- and an oblique reference to what he understood to be his impending demise. I almost wanted to shake OHY as she was clucking over his cutie pie younger self and he had to point to himself and tell her, "Yo, he's right in front of you."

DK felt the need to play Noona's solo recording for OHY. (I assumed that SK could hear it through an open window.) It cast an interesting sidelight on her childhood, and her sense of loss of self. It sounded as if she were vainly trying to get through to emotionally absent Mom. If it were recorded around the same time as DK's tape, she would have been 14.


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I think Noona's recording was perhaps the most affecting. Her line about what happened to the child after she hears the recording was devastating. It speaks to so much hurt and loss. All her odd behavior makes sense when you realize just how much of a struggle it must of been for her to grow up and not be completely fucked up human being.


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Yes, I totally felt it that way as well.


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I started watching this, but I am not thouroughly engaged. the side characters and Soo Kyung are the most fun. But the main story feels a little stale sometimes. even with the visions and all. but I had a thought that someone might block the car, you know.

the thing is, Do Kyung thinks things change cause HE makes decisions. But people affect one another, everyone around, it is an interwoven system. and others are making decisions too. It is foolish to think that your fate only consists of what YOU do or think. So unexpected turns might not be his doing but because of something people connected with him did. in the end, everything that happens to anyone could be interconnected. as far as I can see, there are several that can block that car: both Hae Youngs, Hae Youngs´Mom, heck, even the doctor. Do Kyung might have visions, but he doesnt really know anything, and he only sees himself. He doesnt see the sidewalk of his life, lots of stuff happening there as well.

anyway, I am fine with anything, just as long as we get an extra episode of Soo Kyung. She is the best character after Kim Shin Hyuk and Bang Wool. I live for her martial art acrobatics.


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This is a great comment. Thoughtful, and I love your metaphors. "The sidewalk of his life," indeed.


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I guess thinking you are in the middle of the main road does need all of his attention, so stuff that happens and the choices others make on the sidewalk could escape your eye. but I think he needs to start paying attention to it. something even more unexpected might get started there. that´s why they say "look both ways..." be aware of not only yourself, but the world. ironic though, when he can hear the slightest sound. I would like it if they played around with that ability on a deeper level and study the layers of subconscious and the framework for choices everyone makes.


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I knew it! Tae jin will be the death of do kyung.. Oh noessss??


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I want a spinoff with SooKyung and Jinsang either raising a baby/toddler or her pregnancy and trying to navigate a new relationship. I want an offbeat, oddball comedy of these two unlikely characters trying to figure out how to make a go of it against cultural odds, whether they're together romantically or not (I genuinely don't care). I just want to watch them in their own show because they've stolen all the breath of this show from OHY and PDK.

I do like OHY on her own, but I do not like her with PDK. As others have said, she's really quite clingy and into the deep end on this fledgling relationship way too fast for me. It makes me think she really has issues she needs to work through before diving into a relationship.

I fall in the Love Mama Oh camp.


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LollyPip -- Thanks for the recap!

It looked like JS was channeling Arte Johnson of ROWAN AND MARTIN'S LAUGH-IN while camouflaging himself with greenery.

Very Interesting But Also Stupid - Arte Johnson and Peter Sellers

For some reason, the consulting shrink reminded me a lot of Yoda. And Cousin Seo-Hee's new hubby looked like Pee Wee Herman... Must have been the bow tie. ;-)

On a more serious note, I appreciated NOHY's finally forwarding the love letter to OHY (13 years late, but better late than never). I especially liked her just doing it instead of waiting to first become able to admit her jealousy of OHY. She's making progress, and I'm happy about that. I also found OHY's response to NOHY's cover letter very apropos: sadness at the realization that her nemesis was/is in a lot of pain, too. In the words of Firesign Theater, "We're all bozos on this bus."

NOHY's leaving the note of thanks to DK in the memory book at the cafe in the forest was also touching. I'm glad DK saw it and thanked her for it.

OHY's fervent wishes that TJ's wounded heart be healed, that all of them experience peace of mind, and that neither TJ, nor she herself, nor DK be left with an aching heart paralleled her earlier prayer to God and Buddha to visit her neighbor. Interestingly, there's no mention of NOHY...


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Plz just dont take this as negative comment, it is just my feeling.

Right now I am at peace with this drama means at peaceful place, i know i know that lot of things need to make sense before it finishes but as DK is still in wavy boat so i near about accepted his charecter and dont get surprise anymore.

I am not 50-50 person so may be I dont get him or dont want to get him . Loving the drama and whatever will happen , I am ready to accept .

Finally at peace after so much happiness and sadness


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This drama is as confusing as hell, but in a good way. What's real, what's not real-- we can only surmise.

As far as the accident goes, I consider the scenes where DK, the pedestrian, is hit (or almost hit) to be distinct from the accident that leaves DK lying in the street, covered in blood and blossoms. In the latter accident, we hear the sound of skidding, then of two vehicles colliding, glass breaking, and finally a thud that sounds like a body hitting the ground. I see the pedestrian scenes as being more symbolic of whether or not DK will live or die.

The first time we see a car run over DK as a pedestrian, he's standing quite close to the curb. There's a car parked not far from him, making it impossible for another car to hit him at the speed and angle that it did. The way DK is across the street, watching himself looking so passive and emotionless before he gets run over seems to suggest that this vision is more of a reality-check and wake-up call for his soul. In a later ep., they showed the white car hit DK, but then the scene reversed-- it looked like he un-died. (The whole thing was very fleeting.) I interpreted that to mean that DK is learning what he needs to to reverse his fate, but it could also indicate that the timeline is not linear. I think TJ's role as the perpetrator is also symbolic.

But I have way more questions than answers, so who knows.


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We can only wait and wonder. Just a little bit more now...


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I haven't given up on this show because its different and still entertaining. All the characters are flawed. They act and deal with all their choices concerning love and fear. Everyone is real and has communicated or acted out on their emotions even if it's not respectable. The mechanism of the visions luckily cause DK to change his actions and say things that show vulnerability vs indifference. Both OHY are flawed so there is no clear winner or role model to go by. What they have said or done that shows weakness is not typical in Kdrama unless you are a one dimensional character. The show has loving and dysfunctional characters and relationships but I believe that is reality and if the show doesn't veer off to things that even us "normal" people would do then it will still be a great story. TJ is in a bad place. He has hit rock bottom in an unfortunate way. I am sure he wants and thinks of revenge right now but not where he has a personality transplant and is not well enough to value life and commit murder. The writing would be flawed if he isn't allowed to show his love too like everyone else through adversity.


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*cough* Slightly off-topic, but what does your nickname mean?


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LOL, this is the best comment ever. I would laugh if the poster was married to Steve Jack Rinehart or something.


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Oops. If she is, then my apologies. ^_____^


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Oh? I thought it alluded to Song Jae Rim. We're in a dedicated kdrama site after all! ?


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Noooooooo *licks*

Mine now.


In the scene when Taejin talks about the man with stolen suit, I saw Dokyung was actually almost couldn't tolerate Taejin's attitude that he clenched his fist but still let him beat him up, which shows how much he wanted to live and love with Our Hae Youngie. It is sad that he let himself be the scapegoat for Chairman Jang(? or Yang? ops) And I'm so glad the Other Oh Hae Young became matured and considerate towards other's feelings.

For Sookyung, I feel really sad for her, that everyone in their little hearts knows they will never end up together, and she just expect a lil bit more but she always get back up to reality and ask him to leave.

Now it's time for Taejin to grow up.

I just hope everyone will accept the love for the way it is. Stop overthink. Just love.


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This episode is the weakest one. But episode 16 was so good. Lets move on to next episode because it was so gold.


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I am one of the number who still love this show? Yep! Did it lag a little bit? Yep. Did this show return this week to what made me love it before (sweet, funny and angsty all in one episode with a little faster pace?) yes!! The. Bars yet growth, barring Tae Jin - why? You're too cute for that. ? Lol.

I am firmly in Mama Oh's court. Probably because I see myself being like her. She is the ultimate Mama Bear to me. She has no problem letting her child know she screwed up, but will protect her to the end and try so hard to let her daughter suffer. I am the same. Say what you want about me, do whatever. But come after my family? Run. The hardest thing to do is watch someone you love suffer. Especially when you see it coming and they don't. /end rant

Someone above mentioned the lyrics to the song being PDK's way to tell our OHY that he loved her and I thought of that immediately when I saw the lyrics. I thought it was so sweet.

I can't believe next week will be the end. *sniff, sniff*


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The. Bars = the characters' growth.


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Park Do Kyung let himself beating by Han Tae Jin not because he's coward. He still thinking that he was the one who ruin Tae Jin's business through director Jang. He thought that if he goes bankrupt with the same way and let Tae Jin beat him, Han Tae Jin will forgive his mistakes and let him happy with Oh Hae Young.

Once Do Kyung knows the truth, I think he'll wake up and against Han Tae Jin by his own hand.


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I'm not so sure it matters. I think he'd still feel guilty for "taking" HY and do whatever it takes to live for her. It's just the way DK is.


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I wish they hadn't extended this, the plot doesn't require the extension....

I find myself getting bored while watching since last week.


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Being in a relationship is about being honest and loving with each other. Do Kyung needs to tell Hae Young the truth about his visions.

All of our days are limited. Therefore it's more important to love and live as fully as possible.


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I agree that DK needs to clue her in about his apparent expiration date, but he's walking a tightrope to be honest without inflicting even more pain and suffering... and I think he did a masterful job by assuring her that he will be with her as long as he lives. I was satisfied with his wording, because that's the spirit of his intention.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, however. When DK called after Mama Hwang told OHY of her ultimatum to him, he could hear in her voice that something was wrong, and he asked... She lied through her teeth that Mom had beaten her for lying that she was at Hee-Ran's. (Granted, it's possible that Mom did smack her around off-camera.) I'll give OHY the benefit of the doubt (again) and consider that she was not yet ready to discuss her upset at Mom's heartrending claim that DK has no intention to marry OHY.

Brownie points to Daddy Oh for trying to get Mom to hold her peace.


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Tae Jin's arc is bloody tragic. I wish the show took the time to explore TJ and OHY's relationship history. He's broken and defeated by the breakup, but it's really hard to sympathies with him when the only way he can express that is through violence. Perhaps it's the extension but there's a serious lag in the story telling. Moving on the the next episode and hoping for the best!


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I feel like the show did him a huge disservice by not properly exploring and developing his arc, like they did with "Pretty" Oh Hae Young and allowing him to grow. I mean with two additional episodes, instead of the show wasting time with overly saccharine love scenes, they could have made him a little more suspicious of his partner and do some investigation on his own, to see what happened to his business before he went to jail, instead of wallowing in self pity, drinking himself into oblivion and beating up Do Kyung whenever he has the chance.

I mean, he's already a tad suspicious of CEO Jang's motives in assisting him with the ruination Do Kyung so why not explore that aspect as well? I'm beginning to think of him as a little too stupid and too trusting. He's seen some things that don't seem to fit, but never takes time to investigate it and takes out his anger by being violent to others.

In short, he's little more than a plot device at this point. I wish the writing could have been better, then the show would remind me less of champagne that has fizzed out or a deflating balloon.


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This drama made me think deeply with regards to many things. I think our OTP matches well because they are so different from each other like fire and ice. One is all out with her feelings while the other is a little unsure on how to show his.
Looking forward to the final two episodes and how the writer will wrap it all up in one neat bow!
Show, please don't disappoint! I have invested much emotion on this show.
By the way, don't you love the way they did the cinematography plus the great OST?


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I totally agree with LolliPip's comments about Hae Yong's mom loving her daughter and doing what she does for her out of protection.

Our Hae Young's mom is BEST MOM EVER.


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Is it my imagination or is the actor who plays Tae Jin a lot bigger than when he was on Heart to Heart playing Detective Jang? Obviously he is a tall guy but now he looks like he's been seriously working out and he has a level of muscle mass to him that gives him a really threatening vibe in these scenes. I mean seriously, this character is scary AF.


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Thanks to tvn now I know what extension mean.. dragging along the story and put PPL everywhere.

This show isn't as good as the earlier episode and yet I'm still love it, really really love it. I'm not prepared to say goodbye to all these weird,fun and lovely families. Nit yet.

When haeyoung's praying for taejin's wound get healed break my heart so bad T-T Taejin aa why are you so handsome... *lostfocus


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I did notice we had too much sink scene. I almost gonna jump inside the drain trololol why we have to watch the magic of sink pls we only need more magic on Do Kyung's vision and future.


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ok, is it just me, or is there review on this page. All i see is comments and no recap


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I see the review :O

Still not seeing it?


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The recap get buried by the comments xD


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Mom's ultimatum to DK was out of place because if we look at it, they have a few months together... it could happen but its quite unrealistic! He said no because he had his reasons but I wouldnt blame him -or HY- for not wanting to rush things.. even tho HY wants to marry NOW!

Randomly, The only time I really disliked Mom was when she called all the relatives to brag about HY's grades... like, why? To show a disrespectful person like the Aunt she was indeed a good parent hence HY's good grades?? she could have saved HY some embarassment if she had shut it in the first place... Aside from that, I think the writers are making Mom obnoxious to have plot to fill the extension... that and the gazillion cutesy scenes.

I found SK and JS's scenes realistic for the characters. Like, I can see why SK is been all or nothing to him. Shes clearly giving him the option to resume his life because she knows hes scared to commit to anything. And lets face it, thats better than have him marry her and then go around with every girl like he used to.

They all are a family and they pretty much had to raise themselves given the crazy mother they have so Im sure even if JS isnt 100% sure, Hoon, DK and SK would do their best for the kid.


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lollipop, thanks again for a well done recap.

just wanted to put it out there that i've been thinking it is tae jin because of the make of the car was so similar to the one he was driving when do-kyung rear ended him.

let me say once again i haven't read others' comments, before writing my own. because i get this later & read it later there are just so many comments, that i get overwhelmed & forget the points i want to make. cause you'll make some interesting points!

i believe that do-kyung vision have changed for 2 reasons.
1st - because he is changing his response in the real time.
2nd - because our hae young also has different responses in real time, that do hyung has no knowledge of.
i'm sure others have come up with this prior to me writing it, this week & last week too! so i'm going with he is no longer the one who is going to die, but our hae young! i'm saying this because his expression changes to pure shock when he turns around completely. he know that tae-jin is pursuing him to kill him, so why so shocked? because someone else steps in (so to speak). he just not seeing enough of his vision which becomes more precise each time he has it. no it could be someone else, but know one else knows about the conflict between the 2 men.

this is all guessing! i've just been filled with dread since last week episodes.

i missing the real back story of tae-jin, & had hoped that with the extra episodes that we would have gotten more than we seen. we got it with the other hae young, not a lot but enough to give us more than a 2 dimensional character.

also soo-kyung & jin-sang, i want more of a back story on how they became the adults they are. it would just make some of the decisions they're making more understandable. i like this story line & i wanted more, again because of the extra episodes, i had hoped the writers would have explored it more.

as for the our hae young's mother discussion. i think she a loving mom, who wants the best for her daughter, but is flawed in the way she shows her love. she can hit her daughter, but woo to those who messes with her. she will lovingly support her daughter in the end.

what has happen to the evil chaebol, who really ruined tae-jin? he hasn't made an appearance in a few episodes. he still has to be pulling strings somewhere.

i'm going to go back later & read comments on this episode. thanks for the space to let me rant!


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I, too, would have liked the OHY-TJ backstory. If he's a "tier-1," how did "tier-3" OHY ever end up with him? Is it the old-fashioned trope of women marrying up and men marrying down? Hmmm.


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OHY is so tiring. She is an energy draining "monster" Just watching that character is exhausting. And what a patient mom !!! The daughter is pretty reckless and totally inconsiderate of her family's feelings.
She said she wanted to bring DK to the wedding for her parents when it clearly would be worse for the parents & overall gossip + she acted so irresponsibly (as usual) at the wedding ...very embarrassing !!!
Is that supposed to be 'authentic' ?
OHY has real issues LOL
She has some cute side to her but it does not balance her 'imbalanced, immature , reckless and irresponsible behavior lol !!! Sorry guys but this is how I feel :)


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What is the title of the song recorded whenk do kyung was a child? Who is the singer?? Share Please..


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