Lucky Romance: Episode 9

Okay, he’s gonna have to stoppit with those smiles, my heart can’t take it! There’s only one thing better than smitten and confused Su-ho, and that’s smitten and aware Su-ho. He’s jumping into the wooing waters feet-first, though he obviously has no clue what he’s doing, and the result is as endearing as it is awkward. But as insecure as he is, his interest doesn’t go unnoticed, though maybe not by the person he’s hoping for.

(I’ll be stepping in and covering Lucky Romance for the remainder of the show, to give our beloved Overlords more time to take care of the really important stuff. I hope I can do the show half as much justice as they have!)



After supporting Bo-nui in her first visit with her sister, Su-ho follows her back out into the hall and tells her, “See? It’s okay.” Bo-nui turns grateful eyes up to him and thanks him tearfully, and Su-ho pulls her into a hug. He breathes for her to tell him any time she wants to see Bo-ra, and he’ll come with her.

Outside the hospital, Bo-nui is excited that she got to see Bo-ra waking up, so Su-ho says he’ll bring her a thousand times, once for every time she dreamed it. His own cheesiness makes him shy, but Bo-nui says that she doesn’t expect it of him, which has him frowning again.

He offers her a ride, wanting just a few more minutes with her, but Bo-nui prefers to walk. He runs after her, offering to take her to lunch and whacking his head on a tree branch. HA, I love how flaily she makes him. He pretends to be offended that she just dumps him when she’s done with her lucky charm, acting as if it’s payback for his generosity.

He heads to the nearest restaurant before Bo-nui can object, though she balks when she sees that it’s all seafood. He eats anyway, willing to do anything to keep her here, and she asks why his mother said he loved seafood as a child. He looks at her blankly for a moment, then admits that he nearly drowned in the ocean.

He says that he remembers the salt taste in his throat and the scent in his nose, and that he hasn’t been able to eat anything fishy since then. Bo-nui gets emotional, but Su-ho says for her to eat up, because they’re going for coffee next. Cute.

Bo-nui springs for the coffee and carries it to where she left Su-ho on a park bench, and finds him looking very comfortable and with an actual smile on his face. She leans over to yell BOO in his face, but he just calmly opens his eyes, and the sight of her so close makes them both freeze.

They sit companionably, and Su-ho asks about her parents’ death, if she really thinks that’s her fault because of her fate. She tells him how they died getting concert tickets for her, and that until that moment, she’d thought all her bad luck was just coincidence. If she’d known, she would have given Bo-ra up for adoption, but Su-ho objects — she gave up her life for her sister.

Bo-nui catches Su-ho staring at her with a pensive look on his face, and she assumes he’s thinking how pathetic and stupid she is, but all he says is, “It must have been hard.” She was a young girl trying to raise an even younger girl, and he knows it was difficult.

Bo-nui shies away from the intimate conversation, saying that she’s taken up enough of his valuable time. Su-ho just follows her like it’s no big deal, like he’s got all the time in the world for her.

That night, Bo-nui tries to pray, but she can’t stop thinking of everything Su-ho did for her today. She reminds herself to think of Bo-ra and nothing else. Su-ho is also too preoccupied to sleep, and they both toss and turn all night. In the morning, Su-ho wants to text Bo-nui, but he can’t decide which morning greeting sounds the least dorky.

Bo-nui turns up at the hospital full of energy, ready to record everything Bo-ra does, but her nurse friend tells her that Bo-ra is extremely busy right now with her handsome caller. It turns out to be Gary, who regretfully reports that Bo-ra hasn’t moved her fingers for him.

Bo-nui happily tells him that she’s finally visited her sister, and her, “Thank to Director Je,” sounds awfully swoony. She rattles on about how Su-ho promised to be her lucky charm even though he doesn’t believe in superstition, and how she’s starting to like him now that she’s getting to know him, and Gary just gives her a wan smile.

Gary gives Bo-nui a ride home, and when they see Su-ho waiting on their doorstep, Bo-nui actually primps a little. Gary grumbles that Su-ho hung around all night on the evening that Bo-ra first started waking up, which is news to Bo-nui.

Gary is determined to tell Su-ho to back off, but when he confronts him, it’s not Su-ho at all — it’s a reporter who’s heard that Gary is looking for his father. His hidden photographer snaps a couple of pictures of Gary and Bo-nui, while Gary tries to fend him off.

Amy thinks that it must be the detective agency that Gary hired that leaked the information, but Su-ho warns that trying to fight the media will only result in worse scandals. Gary seems remarkably unconcerned, and just says that he’ll go on television and tell his whole story. It’s the only way for this not to affect the game.

Amy advises against it — the slightest mistake could get him labeled in a way he wouldn’t like. But Gary is resolved to do anything that will help find his father. Su-ho points out that his celebrity will help spread the word, so Amy reluctantly agrees so long as she can control the tone.

Su-ho holds a meeting with his employees, determined to finish the game before Gary leaves Korea in thirty days. He instructs Bo-nui to write the story of Gary’s search for his father into the game, which makes her smile.

The crew is disappointed that they’ll have to skip their upcoming workshop, assuming they won’t have time, but Su-ho decided they’ll go anyway. It’s worth it to him to see Bo-nui happy, and he unconsciously grins back.

He follows her when she excuses herself to take a call, trying to listen in and pretending he was totally going this way anyway. Bo-nui thanks him for being considerate of Gary, saying that he should just admit that he’s a nice tiger, but he grumps that he doesn’t want to be a nice tiger to Gary.

She thanks him anyway and turns to go, but Su-ho yells, “STOP! Let’s have dinner.” Smooooth. He pretends it’s no biggie when she says she has plans, but Bo-nui wonders why he’s always inviting her to eat lately.

Bo-nui runs into Su-ho’s mom outside her fortune teller’s place, and Mom offers to pay for her fortune today. She’s surprised that Bo-nui already knows the fortuneteller, while the fortuneteller gives Bo-nui a hilarious squint.

Mom asks if the raccoon has been chased away from her son, and he shoots a look at Bo-nui, who silently begs him not to tell that she’s the raccoon. He reads in his rice that he sees rolling waves around Su-ho’s ankles, and we watch as Su-ho hides the cactus and bottle of salt in his desk, then pulls them right back out again and grins at them. “Before he knows it, he’ll be under the waves.”

Mom interprets this literally, and tells Bo-nui that they need to keep Su-ho away from water. Bo-nui pretends not to know he almost drowned as a child, but she’s genuinely shocked to hear that his father actually threw him into the ocean. Mom presses a new talisman on Bo-nui to give to Su-ho, and when Chicken Ajusshi shows up to talk to Bo-nui, the two awkwardly pretend to be meeting for the first time.

Dal-nim gasps when she finds that Gary’s avatar face suddenly looks melted — HAHA, did Su-ho do that out of jealousy? Yep, he did, and he’s still crushing Gary’s head on his tablet as he crouches behind Ryang-ha’s coffee counter.

He freezes when Dal-nim and Bo-nui stop to talk right on the other side of the counter, and learns that Bo-nui plans to skip the workshop so she can stay near Bo-ra. She says that the day of Bo-ra’s accident, she was one minute away from fixing the bug at her interview, but she feels like the delay of Bo-ra’s surgery caused her coma. She sighs that she’d love a break, but she can’t be greedy.

After work Bo-nui meets up with Boss Won and offers to help him pass out restaurant flyers. One rude pedestrian knocks the whole armful to the ground and Bo-nui is surprised to look up and see Su-ho helping her pick them up.

Bo-nui reflexively explains that she’s helping to pay her Boss Won back for the water, but Su-ho just grumbles that he didn’t ask. He takes some flyers, griping at her for being a pushover, but before he can mention the workshop, Boss Won calls out to him.

He starts to pitch a get-rich-quick scheme to Su-ho, but Bo-nui yanks him away. He asks why Su-ho is here anyway, sensing something going on, the way Su-ho is awkwardly hanging around her. Bo-nui swears there’s nothing like that going on, but Boss Won insists there’s nothing wrong with it.

Su-ho’s mom calls Chicken Ajusshi to apologize for pretending not to know him, but he says it was fine. Su-ho’s father overhears his wife calling someone “oppa” over the phone and telling him to drink the carp juice, and jumps to exactly the right conclusion.

Chicken Ajusshi hangs up and finds Su-ho glaring at him, and Su-ho skips over the soda he’s served and goes right for the beer… then immediately spits it out, hee. He sighs that Bo-nui is a problem, but Chicken Ajusshi just grins that she’s worried abut Su-ho.

He points out the talisman she left on the ceiling, and tells Su-ho how she always did the dangerous jobs, refusing to let her “bad luck” hurt Chicken Ajusshi. Su-ho realizes that she took the blame for Boss Won’s business failing, too, as Chicken Ajusshi says that he feels bad that she can’t just enjoy her life.

The next morning, Bo-nui is surprised to find Boss Won in uniform, greeting visitors to the building. Aww, did Su-ho give him a job? Boss Won beams proudly, and Bo-nui chirps that she can stop worrying so much about him now.

Su-ho slinks past them, trying not to draw attention, but he sneaks little peeks at Bo-nui in the elevator. He casually says that it’s strange — she thought she was the cause of Boss Won’s bad luck in losing his job, but he just got a new job because of her.

That evening Gary finds Bo-nui on the roof watching Bo-ra, and expresses surprise that she’s not going to the workshop tomorrow. She wishes him luck on his television interview, and he asks her to go with him. Bo-nui worries that she’ll bring him bad luck, and even his strongest puppy-dog-eye game can’t convince her to agree.

Gary calls Amy to cancel his training tomorrow to rest for his television interview, which she strangely seems to have forgotten. She lets him out of training, saying that she has something else to do anyway. Ugh, she’s planning to crash the workshop, isn’t she?

The next day, Su-ho primps in his mirror while Gary sets the stage to ask Bo-nui out to a picnic. We see them both arrive at her apartment (Su-ho yet again stumbling out of his car like the enormous dork he is), but when Bo-nui answers her doorbell, we don’t see who it is that makes her eyes widen like that.

Yay, it was Su-ho who got to Bo-nui first, and he smirks to himself as they ride in his car. He’d asked her to go to the workshop with him, and when she asks why since he never goes, he just says there’s an employee he has to keep an eye on. It’s a biiig sacrifice on his part, you know.

When Gary calls to see where Bo-nui is, she promises to treat him later to make up for missing him. She sprinkles salt and red beans all over Su-ho’s car, to his annoyance, claiming that he’s enough of a lucky charm. He gets adorably flustered when their hands bump reaching for the radio… so cute.

When Su-ho hands Bo-nui a pair of sunglasses, she asks him flat-out if he’s interested in her, nearly making him skid off the road. She lays out all the clues — his constantly asking her out to eat, showing up on her doorstep, even hiring Boss Won — and his voice gets all shrill as he swears she’s just a bug that he’s trying to fix.

She accepts his explanation, but Su-ho doesn’t let it drop. He asks if she likes him or hates him, watching her closely, and finally squeaking Never mind! when she takes a few seconds to answer.

Amy does crash the workshop, and when Ryang-ha surprises the team at the workshop location, Amy just wants to know where Su-ho is. They’re all surprised when the car that pulls up isn’t Su-ho but Gary, who gives Amy the hairy eyeball when she claims she’s just here to support the game.

Dal-nim literally runs Ryang-ha over when Su-ho pulls up, then stops short to see Bo-nui get out of his car. She’s so sweet though — she’s genuinely happy to see her friend. She and Ryang-ha shove each other all the way back to the house… those two should just kiss already. The only ones unhappy are Gary and Amy, who frown to see Su-ho and Bo-nui arriving together.

Bo-nui pulls Gary aside to ask why he’s here, worried that something could happen as he drives back and forth to his interview. He asks her again to go with him, claiming that he’s only had good luck since reconnecting with her. He walks away when she declines, genuinely upset, and Su-ho witnesses her sighing after him.

Su-ho busies himself with the video recorder, perking up when he gets Bo-nui in his lens. Everyone prepares to ride four-wheelers, and Amy tries to forbid Gary, though he completely blows off her concern.

Su-ho gets cranky when he notices Bo-nui watching Gary, and reluctantly slumps on his four-wheeler. Bo-nui stops everyone to sprinkle salt on their machines, giving Su-ho a nervous look, and smiling when he just tells her to hurry up.

Gary suggests that he and Su-ho make a bet — whoever finishes first gets a wish. Su-ho struggles to drive his four-wheeler, but he’s determined not to lose to Gary.

When Bo-nui arrives back at base camp, Su-ho is on the back of her four-wheeler, looking quite pleased with himself. But he remembers where he is and jumps off, demanding to see Bo-nui’s driver’s license, and she retorts that at least she didn’t drive her machine into a ditch.

Amy watches them bicker, as Bo-nui insults Su-ho in such a roundabout way that he grins at her “compliment.” Gary comes screeching in last, worried about Bo-nui, sighing when he sees Su-ho crinkling at him triumphantly. I guess he technically did come in first, ha.

Gary sends disappointed looks at Bo-nui during dinner, still upset that she won’t go with him to his interview. Amy chirps that she saved a seat for Su-ho, but he pointedly sits at the other end of the table… ouch.

The group decides to play Truth or Dare, rigging the game so that Bo-nui goes first. She answers their questions truthfully until she’s asked if she’s dating anyone, and when she says she’s not, both Su-ho and Gary wilt a little.

Amy asks nastily if she likes someone, and Su-ho especially looks uncomfortable until she says she doesn’t have time for that. One coworker asks if Bo-nui is dating Su-ho, and she looks almost offended when she denies it. HAHA, people start paying out bets all around the table.

Later that evening, Amy finds Su-ho walking alone, and she asks why he’s still single at his age. He doesn’t answer, and she stops him: “What about me? I used to be the only one for you.” Su-ho just looks at her blankly.

Gary calls his mother to reassure her that he’ll be careful during his interview, and she tells him that she knows he’s looking for his father. She’s not at all happy about it, worried that he’ll throw away his fame and success, and she blames Amy and threatens to cancel his contract.

Bo-nui sits with him, and asks what time she should be there tomorrow. Bolstered, Gary offers to take her back with him tonight, but she wants to stay. She promises to be on time, worried that if she rides with him, something bad could happen.

Amy clings onto Su-ho, scared of a moth, but Su-ho just asks why she came to the country if she hates bugs that much. Her shrieking draws Bo-nui’s attention, and Gary notices how Bo-nui deflates to see Su-ho and Amy all close.

Amy goes back to the city with Gary, promising to handle his mother. Bo-nui escorts a drunk Dal-nim back to their room, and the male employees look like they have something up their sleeves in regards to Su-ho.

They pick him up, planning to toss him in the pool. Bo-nui sees them and runs, knowing how scared Su-ho is of the water. The employees only mean it as a harmless prank, and they don’t realize that Su-ho is genuinely panicking.

They throw him in and laugh as he flails in the water, and Bo-nui is there to help him out and yell at them. She turns to Su-ho, who shakes off her arm and says not to overreact, though he’s obviously upset.

He keeps it together until he gets to a secluded area, when he finally collapses to the grass. Bo-nui follows him, and he says in a deceptively calm voice for her to go, he’ll be fine.

Bo-nui does no such thing, and actually yells at Su-ho for pretending he’s okay. “Why are you trying to deal with it alone? You offered me your umbrella, became my talisman, and offered me a hug. Please, let me do the same for you.”

Completely disarmed by her request, Su-ho lets Bo-nui take him to the hospital, though he tells her that this is his trauma and has nothing to do with her. Bo-nui asks if he resents his father, feeling bad that she unknowingly told him to be a better son.

Su-ho says that he went to study abroad at the age of eleven, so he only lived with his father for ten years. Even before that incident, he never spent enough time with his father to form a real attachment. Bo-nui is surprised he went away alone so young, but he says that no matter where he was, he never fit in because of his genius.

He claims he was fine with it — he doesn’t like people anyway, how they smile to your face and talk about you behind your back. Bo-nui says it must have been lonely, but Su-ho scoffs that he’s fine.

Bo-nui muses that she always thought he lived a charmed life — smart, competent, and charming, with healthy parents. Su-ho gives her the sweetest look… right before he starts to heave. He gets out of the car and crumples up on himself, trying to wave Bo-nui away, but she says it’s okay since she’s already vomited in front of him.

That actually makes him laugh, and he laughs again when she says they’re even now. She takes him home and puts him to sleep on the couch, then draws some more protective charms on his hand. As she does, she softly thanks Su-ho for doing so much for her, and says this is all she can do for him.

As she watches him sleep, she answers his question from earlier, “I don’t hate you. You’re such a good person, how could I hate you? No matter what anyone says, you’re a friendly and warm-hearted person to me. I wish I could be someone like that for you, too. But I can’t, and I shouldn’t.”

She stands to leave, but he reaches out and grasps her hand, and Bo-nui realizes that he heard every word she just said. Su-ho whispers, “Don’t go. Stay with me.” She turns to look down at him, and he opens his eyes, looking right at her.

EPILOGUE. When Su-ho had driven his four-wheeler into the ditch, it had died on him completely. He’d called out for help, but when nobody came, he’d looked up at the sky. “If fate really exists, please send me help.” He’d immediately laughed that he caught Bo-nui’s virus, but right then, he’d heard a four-wheeler approaching. It was Bo-nui, and Su-ho had gaped at her, shocked.


I love this new closeness between Su-ho and Bo-nui, the way they’re acknowledging their budding friendship at the very least. It’s so obvious that Su-ho likes Bo-nui — mostly because he has no clue how to hide it — and it’s becoming more clear that Bo-nui feels something on her end, too. I like that things are moving slowly though, that they each know they have their own issues to address before they can move towards another person in that way.

Watching Su-ho admit, if only to himself, that he likes Bo-nui might just be the greatest thing ever. I’m loving all of his little smiles, his pouty faces when he gets jealous, and his awkward attempts to ask her out, even if he keeps couching them as payback for his generosity. He still has no clue how to be cool about it, but I find myself hoping that he never learns to be suave, because seeing him run into trees and stumble over his own feet is way too fun. I adore the way he’s doing things for her just to make her life easier, like giving Boss Won a job so she won’t have to worry about him, and not even taking any credit for it. It’s strong evidence that he doesn’t just want to be around her, but that he truly cares enough about her well-being to work in the background just to make her happier.

I’ve been frustrated with Bo-nui’s complete lack of concern for her own well-being in the past, and now we learn that it goes deeper than just throwing herself at random strangers in the hopes that her sister will wake up. Chicken Ajusshi’s revelation that she always takes on the dangerous tasks and jobs shows that this is a longtime habit of hers, to face potentially harmful situations to spare her loved ones. That’s a commendable trait to have, but Bo-nui takes it to the far extreme, actively drawing harm to herself. At some point though, doesn’t it cease to be “fate” and just become a self-fulfilling prophecy? She thinks she’s a bad luck charm, so she willingly takes on all hints of danger, which brings harm to herself and reinforces the idea that she’s a bad luck charm.

In that sense, I hope that Su-ho’s willingness to pretend to be a good luck charm will snap her out of that mindset. If Bo-nui sees that it’s not necessary to put herself in that position so willingly, and have a little concern for her own well-being, maybe she’ll realize that she was orchestrating her own “bad luck” all along. It’s a good sign that she wants to be the same comfort to Su-ho when he needs it as he’s been for her — because he wont’ allow her to put herself in danger to do it. Su-ho is in the perfect position to show Bo-nui that loving someone doesn’t mean sacrificing your own safety.

I don’t really understand Amy’s insistence on pursuing Su-ho, when he’s made it crystal clear that he’s not interested. I guess she’s a typical second lead in that sense, but I’m always confused how a person can convince themselves that if they just keep throwing themselves at someone who is obviously not into them, that eventually they’ll wear them down (and who would want a relationship like that anyway?). They have history, yes, but as children, and for years they had no contact whatsoever. She wasn’t interested in Su-ho back then, so it’s odd how fixated she is on rekindling his crush on her. She doesn’t even seem particularly interested in him, more like it’s a blow to her ego that he’s moved on, like she liked that boost of having him noona-worship her and wants that feeling back.

I can understand Gary’s similar pursuit of Bo-nui’s much more easily — yes, he had a childhood crush, but he came back to the country in part just to find her. He’s taken the time to get to know Bo-nui again, to be her friend and support her. He’s not pushing the romance so hard, taking Bo-nui’s hints and backing off when she draws boundaries (though he’s obviously not happy about them). Amy, on the other hand, keeps pressuring Su-ho even when he pushes her away, and I find her interest in Su-ho more annoying and less sympathetic than Gary’s crush on Bo-nui, for that reason.

I’m glad to see Bo-nui starting to notice Su-ho’s attention for what it is, because I was starting to worry that her inability to see anything beyond her own problems would cause him to stall out. He’s making more of an effort than I imagined at this point, but if she continued to be completely unaware, he could easily misinterpret that as disinterest and lose heart. Now that she sees his attentions for what they are (and his hilariously ineffective protests are doing him no favors), maybe she’ll let herself consider him a possible prospect. If there’s anything Bo-nui needs right now, it’s someone who supports her in spite of her low sense of self-worth, especially since I’m not as convinced as she is that a twitching finger means that Bo-ra is awake. I don’t think Bo-ra is out of the woods, not by a long shot, and that Bo-nui is soon going to need that support in a very real way.


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in tonight's episode of reply: she was a pretty vampire idol who walked in the night into a ramyun shop, mukadil has started playing tennis to ease his homicidal urges and inexplicably moves to canada (idk to be closer to all the american vampires that live in washington?) yang eun bi funds his passion by using her ramyun chops and her husband's sleazy miss korea investment funds from the 90's.

because he LITERALLY lost the girl to half of the tomorrow cantabile supporting cast, jung hwan turns to the one thing that has remained cool since the 80's, computers.

kim hye-jin lost ji sung joon because he kept drinking water from the flower vases and he got e.coli and died in 2 seconds (k drama logic, totally happened just like i said). she decides that dating a slightly smarter, less assy nerd might be a better life choice. something something tigers, something something why didn't you just pick siwon the first time around.

somewhere in all of this, song jae rim would make it all better. he should cameo and then maybe i'll watch it regularly.


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I was waiting for you, Cali.

Does that mean you'll recap Gabri's new drama, too? XD


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not sure... i'll watch an episode and see if i can dream high/ heir on the side of gu....d feelings


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Slow clap. Masterfully done, as always. XD


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Ooooh! And the night scholar's upcoming one... Yariru's there!


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Welcome back! Never have I been so happy watching a comment so much. Please recap Gabri's drama too, please.


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Didn't mean to post twice, but I am still laughing at "literally lost the girl to half of the tomorrow cantabile supporting cast" I just can't... too funny... I'm dying...


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That one had me puzzled a little since I didn't watch Tomorrow Cantabile but when it hit me... LMAO


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Haha, wow, that was good!

Dok Sun, eat your heart out!
Watching the Youth over Flowers Africa,
Jung Hwan or Ryu Jun Yeol is a really cool guy, that you can take home to mama. And Bo Gum is such a baby!


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I feel like you need a PhD in Kdramology to understand all of the references. But I laughed at the parts I got anyway. XD


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I laughed really hard at the references I did understand.

But could anyone please explain all the references? I know this post would have to go into my Kdrama research project (when I do take one up)


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i'll try to grab all the references:
lee soo hyuk did vampire idol and scholar who walks the night before this (where i started this whole drama mashup mess) and mukadil was a raging homicidal maniacal vampire so now he's a tennis star from canada

amy (lee chung ah) had her big break in flower boy ramyun shop (one of my favs ever) and met her irl boyfriend the second lead lee ki woo (who called her wifey on the drama and was adorable). lee ki woo also starred as a skeezy ballsack of yuck in miss korea which took place in 1997.

ryu jung yeol be obvious but half of the reply 1988 quad was in tomorrow cantabile (goo joon pyo and park bo gum) and so when i was watching that i was CACKLING at the fact that hyeri was going for the rock violinist and emo cellist and poor jung hwan just derped and let her go (TWICE.... ugh)

hje should also be an obvious since her last drama was she was pretty. hope this helped!


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Err. Goo Joon Pyo was Lee Min Ho's character in BOF. Also, I totally forgot that Go Kyung Pyo was Yoo Il Rak! XD


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Another good point perhaps to add in a future post might be that Amy was also a Vampire in her last drama (Vampire Detective). Perhaps you could add something to that in your next post as well. Homicidal Vampires attracted to each other sort of. Or perhaps an unholy partnership in progress. Normally I I don't add the same comment in two different posts but I wonder if it will be okay in this case since I doubt you might read such an old post.

Either way take care and keep adding these humorous posts :)


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Lee Chung Ah was a bombshell in Vampire Detective. I didn't know she had it in her. O.o


i couldn't bring myself to watch vampire detective out of loyalty for vampire prosecutor :( RIP


Omo, I didn't know Lee Chung Ah & Lee Ki Woo is dating in real life! I feel like my OTP livvessss.

(LOL don't mind me just got around to watching this show & catching up with the recaps.)


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Kim Hye Jin epilog; she is looking for Siwon but he is not available, he took a step to realize that patriotism is his way to move on.
Maybe later, maybe after healing his wound in the camp, he can back with enough sassy and attitude facing a new chapter of his life.

Ji Sung Joon then realizes he needs to search for Hye Jin, he only has one Hye Jin, so he would need to keep searching. He arrives in the park where he can see SHINee standing on rainy stage, try to shelter himself in their stage he saw a swirling tornado water inside a small pool of water. He should already realize what is it, or he may need to watch splash-splash love but no he try to dip his feet out of curiosity. The small pool sucked him with intense power, Minho saw him from the stage, try to help him but no, he tripped and both of them drowned, drowned to the age of hwarang.

reference : Siwon military enlisment, park seo joon new saeguk hwarang and splash-splash love


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cali, your comment blew my mind. this is ridiculously hilarious.


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Loved this episode SO much! :))
Joon Ryul is very talented and charismatic.
I like to see more romantic scenes with Boni and Soo-hu. Adorable and dorky Soo-hu makes me wanna see him more and more..
I want to see him show his emotions to Boni cause whatever he does is totally adorable!!


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I adore this show... But for the love of god, give Bo Nui a new wardrobe!


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LOL you made my day. Tnx :))


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isn't this what everyone wishes for in every HJE drama though? ;P


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Maybe she wears these outfits to scare off evil spirits. Kind of like a gargoyle effect.


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Hahaha LOVE it!


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and arent you guys tired repeating the same thing every episode?
she's a fashion terrorist in every drama, deal with it.


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'Fashion Terrorist' under the thumb of Big Denim. We can't deal with it, it brings us so much joy to moan about it!


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I thought she was adorbs with the She Was Pretty wardrobe. Even pre-makeover, her I'm-poor-and-have-been-unemployed-for-too-long looks are pretty cute.


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So I guess am the only person here who loves her clothes!
They are the awesome fashion choices but its quirky and has a lot of personality. In a way it reminds me of Luna lovegood.
I am waiting every scene to see what she wears!

And her accessories ! If only I could get all her earrings and bracelet ??????


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I like some of the clothes she wears, but my mom always threatens to disown me when she sees my wardrobe choices so maybe I'm not fashionably reliable...


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Ha ha, my mom too!

Maybe she is the fashion icon for weird people! ?

I loved her denim on denim skirt, top at start of the episode! ?


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well, at least there are person can actually appreciate her choice of wardrobe rather than complaining about it every damn ep.


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*not the awesome fashion choices


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i like all her style in all her dramas... :P


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I love that she has her own style.


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Sometimes it's okay to be different. Even better i guess, so people can differentiate her among other characters that perhaps fashionable according to normal people but still humongous. She's beautiful when she's different.


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She wears strange clothes because she's poor and sews them herself. Like how she sewed Bora's clothes. So her clothes are not "upmarket". I think that the wardrobe mistress is a genius to have made Bonui's wardrobe a mute character in the show.

Love the clothes and what they say about her social and economic background. Don't change Bonui. If you look all glammed up like when we first saw you I'll just think it's a costume.


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It's good to see Dalnim genuinely happy seeing Bonui come out of Suho's car. Their relationship the last thing in her thought. It makes me sure that Dalnim would be totally okay even if later Bonui and Suho dating.


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i think thay suhoo's bf is into dalnim because he looks suprisingly excited when suhoo admit he likes bonui..right or am i the only one seeing this?


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Thanks so much for the recap Lollypip. Looks like your working tirelessly over-time, and I wish I could give you some kind of award or maybe cookies...idk.

Bonui has continually been a frustrating character for me to watch and I think I've finally nailed down why I'm having so much trouble liking her. My least favorite drama trope is noble idiocy and that is the whole make up of her character. I understand her but alas I can't connect.

Suho, I love him and pretty much everything about him. I ship him and BN mostly because she's a the person he's decided to open his heart to. His desire for her is helping him progress socially and emotionally.

Mostly I'm hardcore shipping the best friends together!


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By best friends I mean Ryang-Ha and Dal-nim- haha


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Those two put me in stitches! I love their scenes together. They make me hoot!


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Totally...they should ship Gary and Amy back to Canada and make these two our official second leads.


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Absolutely not! Just Amy will do. All they ahve to do is put Gary in a triangle with them and things will really sparkle :P


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I agree. Having got back to Lucky Romance recently after taking a break, I'm disappointed that Amy still calls Gary Carey. Well, she hasn't really shown any charms, so her presence is a bore.


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Is Lollypip a hermit or something? Or has she found the door to the 4th dimension? Because how does she recap so many dramas???


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She was bitten by a radioactive recapping spider in her youth and now has recapping superpowers.

Either that, or she was just born awesome.


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?Spiderpip, spiderpip, recaps dramas so we don't flip?

Or quip for mediocre scripts...

Admittedly not my best work but the point is- she's awesome!


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*slow claps*





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It was a radioactive guinea pig, actually.


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Ugh Amy! Just take a hint! Or a strongly worded declaration of non-intent. He's not interested! That is clear. Honestly it's actually embarrassing now. Just stop.

I'm starting to be concerned about sweetie pie Dal Nim and how she's going to take Bo Nui/Su Ho hook up. I really hope that she's moved on before that happens because that little cupcake deserves her own prince charming and happy ending.

Yay! Bo Nui has had the space to finally start to like Su Ho. Frustrated by her determination to be alone but it seems like she can't help herself with Su Ho.

Somebody give Ryu Jun-yeol main lead roles for the rest of his life, I cannot get enough of this guy! Su Ho continues to kill it, what a dork! I love him so much.


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even when he's not lead role he can be a scene stealer. he's a genius actor gem, just like Social Phobia PD and Glory days PD stated.


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What's funny is that when I was reading reviews of the show on other sites some people didn't like him in the beginning because of his looks (personally, I like his looks). But they eventually fell for his charms. He is really a great actor. A lot of details in his acting.


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I think that people were complaining back in the R88 days as well. He's really has amazing charisma, I think he's handsome as heck now but I remember before R88 started airing I couldn't see it. The static pictures can't do him justice.


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he's not ordinary flower boys who can get a role because of their looks. he's a real actor who can get the role because his acting. all of his role coming to him because the PD watch his acting, mostly his characterin Social Phobia (No Tommorow, Reply88, Glory Days). and after Reply 88, they're basically asking his signature of his participation in the movie or drama.

No Tommorow PD said that after he given role to RJY, he kept got called from RJY to ask about his details character. yes, he's very detail into acting and thats why this awkward nerdy je suho is very real. look at where he run chased Bonui and he stumbled on his own feet because of a tree...well, that's details of how awkward suhoo is.


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Gong Yoo isn't traditionally "handsome" either, but his talent makes him that much more attractive.

As for the "flower boys" - most of them really aren't good-looking.


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I agree...that's why I wish him not to be in kim soeun writer next project. Dots are big hit but the story is duhhh.. but I guess he needs a hit to earn another spotlight after coffee Prince..


Wait, Gong Yoo is considered super good-looking though. I remember on a 2015 matchmaking show, the host reads a female participant profile "I'm not picky about looks, I just like a someone who's talkative and funny." And then the last sentence is a bomb: "Like Gong Yoo."

And then all the male participants are hilariously bitter: "Girls who say they don't care about looks always end up picking Gong Yoo."


A comment on the last episode mentioned that the cutting room had issues with Ryu Jun Yeol... They didn't want to cut his scenes. Hahahaha! He's so good that you wouldn't know that this is only his second main dude role ( I'm Team Taek, but Jun Yeol shares the main dude role with Bo Gummy in my opinion.) Also, my dad scolded me a few times because I was squeeing at ultasonic pitch while watching this episode. I mean, him giggling behind his hand after that ATV ride behind Bo Nui? I mean, can Je Su Ho be any more adorable?

Also, I love the quiet moments. "It must have been tough on you." Bo Nui's eyes teared up at the unexpected understanding that she had to get away. Same impact on me as, "Shim Bo Nui (without the ssi), jibe kaja."


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Bingo! the scene with his hand clapped on his mouth,,,ITS the best ever! Bo-nui is stupid if she's not yet completely in love with this absolutely genius adorable kid of a man


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Apparently that was an ad-lib when he covered his mouth. He is so talented. I love him too much LOL


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The PD really made the best decision ever in casting RJY because on paper he's just an antisocial nerd but the effort he puts into his portrait of Su-ho is incredible. Never have I replayed scenes just for micro-expressions (which makes watching an episode take up to 2h). lol


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@angieya Me too! I replay all his facial expressions so it takes me forever to watch!!


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me too!!


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Thank you for the recap, @Lollypip!

I like that we are provided insight to Bo-nui's world and thoughts, via So-ho, and I feel we are learnign about her as much as Su-ho, which makes his journey all the more precious.

Dorky Su-ho, please, please stay the way you are! I can totally see Su-ho and Bo-nui as a pair who complement each other and understand each others' weaknesses.

agreed with you, about the 2nd leads, @Lollypip, and hoping Amy doesn't got the full bitchy-second-lead route.

And Ryang-ha : Dal-nim, I will sink with this ship


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Also, @lollypip, thank you so much for putting up a pic of Su-ho smiling adorably right at the top!!

Need to save that pic.... for research purposes.


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Lee Chung Ah was wonderful as Yona in Vampire Detective and was the only reason i hung on till the end. Which is why i wish she didnt take up this drama. It is clear that the writer wrote Amy as a cut-out antagonist to push the OTP together and nothing else.


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Yes, I'm sad that her character is written this way too :(

I thought from the promos that she'll actually be pursuing Gary or him pursuing her. Like they'll have this manager/talent tension going on and be explored as a secondary couple. Alas, it must be difficult for the writers to write 4 characters well at the same time.


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YES!! RJY got there first!!! Still cannot get over how Junghwan had bad timing :-(
So much love for how SH is trying to show BN that she isn't unlucky.
And when SH destroyed Gary's avatar and DN was accusing the other guys, it was so funny how they imitated her. This office is awesome, can I work in it? The actors really make them seem so real.


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I thought this episode was boring, so WHY am I still watching this show?! Oh yeah, it's because of Ryu Joon Yul.

I love Dal-nim and Ryang-Ha too.

I can watch all three all day being their dorky selves.


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I have been waiting since yesterday for this recap, thank you Lollypip for picking up!

Su ho is my crack atm, he is so dorky most of the time. But how can a simple world "dont go" from him make me all fluttery? I can't remember how many time i have replayed that scene..


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Guys! :(
I am already missing Joon Ryol ...
It is nearly the end of the drama and I am gonna miss him so much!! TT-TT
I want more of dorky Soohu. Just delete the scenes of Amy and give more to Soohu and Boni.


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DEFINETELY. Can we also delete scenes of the Chicken ahjusshi and su ho's mom cause we don't care UGHH PLEASE AND THANK YOU LOL


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Thank God Jung Hwan didn't get the girl in 1988 cuz he sure as hell is gonna try harder than ever to get the girl in 2016 :P
Ryu Joon Yul is adorable and hilarious and awkward and nerdy and somehow still sexy!
I am watching this show purely for him. (Park Bo Gum actually made me love Ryu Joon Yul because of his adorable adulation of him in Youth Over Flowers.)


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Thanks a lot for the recap Lollypip. I was about to put out jars of salt and red beans next to my computer while waiting for recap.

Its amazing how every new episode is so much better than the last one. Just when you think that this is the best ep ever, they come up with something even better nxt episode.
And Ryu Jun Yeol, even as his fan I had no idea that his Suho is going to be the most refreshing K drama lead ever. His Je Suho is socially awkward and brutally logical but never a jerk, and thats what makes him so endearing.

Oh, and what do I say about Ryangha and Dalnim, who hilariously turn into their 5 year old self when with each other.


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"Never a jerk" LOVE this!! :))) thank you!


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I deem the use of denim in this episode... APPROPRIATE. Not necessarily stylish, but of acceptable volumes and mostly in acceptable arrangements. I had to double-check that the long denim skirt wasn't actually covering denim flares or something similar, but it wasn't. Apparently the denim factory has officially run out of material.

The factory that repurposes carnival tents into muumuus, sadly, is filling the void.


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Your comment made me giggle. That long shapeless dress-thing was pretty hideous even though it lacked denim. Even I couldn't avoid being distracted by the ugly thing, and I'm practically fashion-blind.


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I think I won the denim game - guessed 3 pieces (not including the suit of denim which carried over from the last episode) yahoo!! Do I win some white-washed denim'as my prize?


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I like the carnival tent mumus though! They make everyone look like a cast of clowns. I love that! I think they put RJY in it a few times while wearing denim shorts of course. He looked kidna cute.


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now it feels like a proper rom com . and now that BN has dialed down her superstition , the show has actually become a lot of fun.

though I still did not get what attracted SH to her esp in her crazy phase. but it is a drama and I will go with the flow.

SH, DL, RH - these 3 just light up the screen. I can watch their shenanigans all day long.

RJY is adorkable. but then we all know that already. I end up smiling all through the hour because of him being all clutzy . with the show nearing its end I really am feeling sad that I won't get to see him every week. sign something soon RJY.


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he has THE KING that would only premier in December (oh gosh..that long), and Taxi Driver which is not even filming yet.
he's very busy guy..and i even heard rumour another movie waiting for his sign, but no confirmation yet from his management, so i guess we have to wait.
i think he would not be in drama untill next year...


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I don't watch korean movies *glum*

Rjy should take a hint from Hje who signs back to back dramas :)


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Really the three comic parts are Dal Nim, Ryong-ha, and Su Ho. Bo Nui, Amy and Gary are still playing it straight. But yes, I'm cool with this amount of superstition, particularly the reluctant acceptance on Su Ho's part. As long as it's not dangerous and harmful you do you baby! (which unsurprisingly mirrors my thoughts on religion in general).


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Rule of Kdrama cool: Main Lead must have unexplained attraction to a girl cause it's friggin fate yo!


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there's something repelling about this show at the start but thanks to this damn se hoo ssi im still watching this up until now



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Not repelling but a little broing. The actors ahve elevated it and the PD/Writer are pivoting to the more interesting bit's thank god.


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I don't know guys... the fortuneteller seems to care for her and yet he does absolutely nothing to help her get out of that mindset that puts her in dangerous places to be. Does he have a great scheme of things? Is he doing it on purpose to she can fulfill another destiny, like say, Su ho related fate? What does the man see in those thingys he reads I want to know.

I do love the budding friendship between Bo nui and Su ho's mother, those two are gonna love being in laws. But another thing I want to know is when are we going to know the connection between Su ho's parents and Chicken man.

What's your theory?


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@Dani its been thrown about in previous weeks that we might be edging in on 'birth secret' territory with Chicken Ahjusshi, Su Ho Mum and Su Ho. Seeming more and more probable now but ugh, I just don't want it!


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Telling someone not to act a certain way usually doesn't work. I think the fortuneteller is an old style priestly character. Someone who genuinely understands peoples need for comfort and though he would like to order them to act otherwise doesn't interfere with a persons life beyond where he is. He offers comfort and solace in an un explained world to someone who has suffered needlessly.

I could also be blowing smoke out of my ass because the show isn't that deep but I choose depth.


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I have never loved a k drama male this much, because most of em are so damn jerk. This one here is so kind and nice. He doesn't swear at Boni.
I hope Joon Ryol doesnt play in melodramas in future, because he is well suited for comedy and have AWESOME funny facial expressions that NOt anyone can pull off!! he should experience variety of genres though :/


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RJY can pull off any genre I believe ;)

He's THAT talented.

I was afraid I'd keep comparing Su-ho to Jung-hwan, but no. He's made these two characters distinguished in their own sense.


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He can be anyone. The changes from yangge in social phobia to junghwan is like 180 degree. While junghwan to suho is just different 90 degree but we can see and feel it.
Psychopath? Detective...he will nailed it.


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I think he might make an amazing psychopath!


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Or, he can act as a detective? In something just like Signal?


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Can Hwang Jung Eum please decide on which outfit to wear and stop wearing two outfits at once?!?! Why is she wearing so much excess clothing all the time?! Really, it's a drama, she can change her outfit as often as she want, there is no need to wear two dresses at once.


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Hee! Why are they both flow-y if one of them is underneath the other one! Her fashion is always unfortunate but until Lucky I had no idea she was a fashion icon. Maybe it's on purpose, it's getting people to talk about the show right? :) Sneaky PDs.


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Poor Bonui... Maybe she just tries to protect herself from bad luck with her huge outfit. It's better than she goes to work on her pink bunny costume.


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She needs layers in her armor of faith. Married women/ahjummas can't be seen in proper clothes otherwise people will get ideas.


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her outfits have been the worst!! i was cringing this entire episode with her two flowy outfit and when she was riding on that 4 wheeler..


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They are backing off of the mild autism-like symptoms and some of the asexuality spec in Su Ho... A little disappointed. I would have liked them to actually insert it by name undercover without the makjang fest and making a point of it....

Su Ho still strikes me as very asexual spec, probably around gray/demi... everything he's said so far has said it.

But they seem to have wanted to insert autism spec, mild end (Asperger-ish) and are backing off. TT I'm super disappointed. I kinda wanted to see Korean dramas leap forward, but maybe I'm asking too much of network Korean dramas. I thought Su Ho would be the perfect candidate for it. He shows some of the rigidity, but is still a dynamic character with feelings, unlike most of the writing of the autism spectrum.

I'm still hoping they name it without making a huge deal of it.


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Did they ever hint towards Autism/Asexuality ??? ... I missed it. Which scenes are you referring to ? I'll go and rewatch.

But yes, they have shifted his personality to a more "cutesy" one. And I can understand that decision because the superstition storyline was not eliciting any laughs. So all the 'com' in the rom-com is now coming from SH. I don't think that was the original character sketch but it made the show so much better


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I can see aspergers but he was too affected by that accidental kiss to be asexual in my opinion. And he kept saying things off hand that suggested he was physically attracted to Bo Nui.


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I think you misunderstand asexuality... If he is, he's demi. Demisexual means you can feel sexual attraction ONLY after he gets to know the person. He can't do one night stands (He flat out said so, saying he's not one of those people). He said he had no sexual interest in BN. But now he knows BN, so it would follow he would feel sexual attraction to her.

Asexuality is the lack or intermittent feeling of SEXUAL, not physical or aesthetic attraction. It can also include the lack of desire for sex in general, but this is a different axis under the umbrella.

He's only had 2 relationships spaced really far apart (10+ years), which is another hint towards asexual attraction. He can't understand how anyone would want to do a one night stand, citing he's not one of those people. He wants Bo Nui to match him on intellectual interest and emotional interests first before having sex with her (He's outright stated this and angled towards it for a few episodes). That leans him towards demi.

He still hasn't shown sexual interest, beyond kissing her, but even then, by now he knows her, which makes all of the statements line up to demi.

I liked the supernatural storyline, BTW, since a lot of the current "superstitions" of SK are Mugyo-based. Superstitions are another word for unaccepted magical or religious belief.


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He might also be demiromantic, too... since he shows romantic interest only after getting to know who the person is in full and has been around them for a while, which has also been shown in flashbacks. Both women had to pursue him first before he showed any interest. The rest of the cast seems alloromantic and allosexual.

His friend mocked him for wanting to know the person first before having sex with them==Allosexual.


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I didn't misunderstand anything. Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I don't get it. I understand what asexuality is and that there are many branches. I just don't feel that Su Ho was ever written that way. Aspergers, I can see and still do see a bit. As for your points about asexuality:

Bo Nui was stumbling around drunk and saying crazy things but he still seemed affected by her kiss. This suggests a physical and sexual attraction- one that came before an emotional attraction. Being unwilling to do one night stands doesn't make you asexual. Su Ho seems very guarded but also seems to form very deep emotional attachments to those he lets in. A one night stand would mean intimacy with someone he barely knows. Beyond that, many people are not into one night stands for many different reasons. Your comment makes it sound like anyone who can't have sex outside of a committed relationship is asexual, which is just not true.

I think Su Ho's character is supposed to be informed by how young and isolated he was when he left home. He didn't have a chance to do things normally and now there are a lot of things he missed out on. You can see during the first scene with Amy he had barely reached puberty.


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RHJ is likely the reason it came off that way. The writing doesn't support the kind of spectrum of autism/asexuality. The drama seems to be veering more to the mental block from trauma/emotional scarring.


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You can be asexual spec as a result of trauma too... there was a medical journal that pointed that can be the case.

I do wonder if they are veering in another direction because the network television is too chicken to try, because the early scenes clearly delineated aspergers and asexual spec.


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You sounds pretty familiar to me. Is that you my long lost dear friend? Does your name starts with letter H, as in CAPITAL H? (oh, almost forgot, I'm asking your soompi's name by the way).

Honestly speaking, your reading the story too much that I found it significantly irrelevant to the context of the drama.

But I do love your way of thinking. In my field of work, we badly need someone like you. Every invention in this world, start with a bunch of theories. Keep swimming ?

Your friend


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honestly, you might be reading too much into it ... its standard kdrama trope - so you will have 30 year old women without their first kiss, men not having a relationship after the last girlfriend went kaput over a decade ago etc

Unless the character is of a playboy (who gets reformed by the pure, untouched paragon of virtue), dramas rarely ever mention any other relationship except the otp

I think cable still does more sexually aware characters (OHY for example) but the big 3 seem to treat sex and physical attraction like the plague


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One thing i loved, loved about this episode is SH prodding BN to think she is not unlucky

- the job scene in the elevator
- when he gets a panic attack, he first reassures her that its related to his trauma and nothing to do with her bad luck.

I loved him trying to get BN to think of herself positively.


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Yep, whether they end up together or not, I love that Bo-nui is becoming a better person just by mere contact with Su-ho. He really seems to be "fixing" her like she's a bug. But he's got empathy to go with it so it doesn't seem like someone just ordering her to "hey, change yourself! this is wrong, that is right!"


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I love this show and look forward to every Wed/Thurs. Yet, I, objectively, realise that the writing for this drama is less than great. First of all, the main plot of this story seems a little all over the place. Initially i thought the 'sleeping with a tiger' plot will be the central of the show. But apparently it is just used to pull our two leads together. Right now it seems like both our leads have issues of their own and it does seem like both of them will be helping each other get over theirs. Sounds about right for a kdrama. And perhaps i'm just nitpicking, but i did a semi-eyeroll when i realised that Suho has a fear of water. Kdrama leads usually have one big trauma to overcome. Not two. Not that it's that big of an issue. But suddenly Suho looks like he has a lot to overcome, what with his stage fright and water trauma. I can understand Bonui's predicament and her choices as well. It still doesn't get rid of the fact that she's not my favourite lead character. Too much noble idiocy on her end. My guess is something will happen to Suho and she'll leave him for 'his good' towards the end. Hopefully we can see some character growth for her, or at least a hint of growth soon. Gary is cute as can be, but i'd much prefer for him to stay as a supportive dongsaeng to Bonui. Amy is written as downright annoying. Yes, i agree that at this point, it is more like she wants the attention she had before and that it is more about her pride than her actually interested in dating Suho. The whole chicken ajusshi plot, i don't care much for. Not even paying any attention to it. Love Amy and Suho mom's outfits, but want to burn Bonui's. All in all, i have something unstatisfactory to comment on for all aspect. (Really sorry if i offended anyone, but these are what i truly feel. Will just like to share.) I cannot understand why i'm still so glued to the show in spite of everything that seemed to be done wrong. I finally realised this week though. It's RJY's portrayal of Suho. Everything he does - from the way he walks to the way he holds his cup - is so in character and adorably awkward. He makes the character so believable and relatable, making us all root for him every single time he stumbles our of his car or flails on his couch.


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Couldn't agree more...


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With ALL the effort that Soohu has put so far for Boni to be happy and safe, not to mention that he has socially changed and cared for Boni all along, he is gonna get the girl right?? No sad ending please....
I still remember the heartbreaking episode 18 (Goodbye First Love) of "reply 1988". It was so sad...
Let em have a nice wedding party and Boni spreading salt and read beans around the wedding hall LOL happy ending *fingers Crossed*


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LR is getting better, please stay the same Mr.Je!


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Thanks for the recap. After seeing both ep there is not doubt that when it come to express feeling so hoo and Oh Hae young character are same .

Cant control it and express it in a such manner that DK/Bo cant ignore it.

Still having issue with putting so hoo and bo nui shi together , there is something missing.

May be me :-) . Loved every bit of so hoo


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Can we just agree that it is Ryu Jun Yeol alone who keeps us attached to this drama. He is talent and more talent.
Every other character has shallow and sometimes forced, I am looking at you Amy, character development.


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I think almost every commenter has said this exact same thing at some point or the other ... He is the one that does not let us leave the show despite some very weak writing


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I totally agree! Writing and pacing has been so...formulaic and check-off-all-the-tropes... and Amy isn't a character. She is literally a prop - to shine a light on "let's define love" for Su-ho and be the contrasting 'fashionable' to Bo-nui's layers of dresses.

Poor Ryang-ha, who could use that screen time way more - he and Su-ho are adorable to watch, and the directing is good: the scenes are beautiful and music done right, but the writing....UGHHHHH.


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I marathoned this drama and so far i like it :D Ryu Jun Yeol is killing his role for sure, he makes my heart flutter so much with his dorky smiles ❤ Loved him as Junghwan in R88 and now suho is stealing my heart too ❤


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Couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole episode! ?


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Yeay! I love it when you recap, Lollypip.made my day. Swooning over Suho. I just can't read recap in the teachers' lounge or my colleagues would think I'm reading my bf's text. NOPE! Haha, These recaps do! RJY jjang!


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I' m smiling like an idiot throughout this episode. RJY is doing an excellent job in potraying Suho's adorkable,cute expressions when someone is going through the first step of knowing mr cupid had decided to pinch you with love arrow. I'm so excited for the remaining six episodes.


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Mr, Je is soooo lovable and sooo sexy in a nice sincere way

Forget the flower boys,,, this the real masculine stuff


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RJY has the most kissable lips I have ever seen in any actor!!! They are on the level of Michaelangelo-sculpted perfection *dramatic sigh*


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It's when he moves them and shifts his face that you want to softly touch and nibble on them. Something about the way he moves tells me he can probably bend me back a while: Oh well someday ;)


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The lips that got wasted in R88. I bet they regret it now not properly use those bubbly babybutt lips #poorduksun


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Hun I don't think so! Yes RJY Have a very kissable lips but that kissing scene of Taek and Deoksun is definitely hot! so I think deoksun regret anything! It's just that his lips is not meant for deoksun but for BN!...lol!


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don't regret anything I mean!


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The lips that got wasted in R88. I bet they regret it now not properly use those bubbly babybutt lips ..


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Heck! Double post. Sorry :D


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bubbly babybutt lips

lol .. i'm not sure this qualifies as adjectives ... the imagery is all wrong :P


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Lol. Sorry for that .. nothing right in my dictionary right now. His lips just in a bigger scale of my capacity to describe .. :p


I had anxiety watching that "who's going to make it to her door first?" scene. Reply 1988 ptsd...

Suho is such a precious little dork. I can't even.
I flailed so much while watching him smile that I accidentally kicked the wall and then told the wall to "please keep it down" because it was the middle of the night and I didn't want my parents to wake up...

I think I lost my mind.


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lol ... you are like dal nim :P


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*gasps* OMG I am *gasps*


I doubt that I am truly as amazing as Dalnim but reading your comment made me smile ^U^ Thank you


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this drama just keeps getting better and better, at first i wasn't that invested but then i fell for ryu joon yeol's charm <3 istg this guy is soooo charming like i literally squealed everytime he was on the screen...seriously tho his cuteness is just soooo irresistible. ahhh uri cutie tsundere<3
this particular scene when su ho gave gary an evil giggle because he got to enjoy a ride with bo nui is so funny and cute.

Episode 10 is PURE SWEETNESS for our main leads xD aaahhh i can barely wait for next week </3

and i couldn't careless about the second lead lol gary is just too pretty, i can't take him seriously


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Ohmygah....those smiles!! I'm die!! I will watch this drama for more smiles and dorky acts.
And I do feel Amy's obsession over Suho kinda annoying.


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Lollypip, thanks for the great recap and truly outstanding screencaps! I just love how the show is using that pod-couch thing in his bedroom as a framing device and it's nice to see it called out here ?


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I looooove Su-ho so much, but i just don't like Bo Nui and i know it's the actress. I don't dislike the actress, but i think she doesn't match Bo Nui, so i don't buy the couple.
I hate this.
'Cause i love Su Ho.


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