Lucky Romance: Episode 6

Turns out, the more obsessed our hero becomes with solving a riddle, the weirder he gets, and the funnier the drama becomes. Everything is still life and death as far as our heroine is concerned, but I like that she’s also become the one puzzle our genius can’t solve, and that means he has to start stepping outside his comfortable world of facts and figures to try and understand her. At least he’s trying, even though it really seems like they’re from two different planets.

Episode Grade: B+



After confronting Bo-nui for trying to sleep with him because he’s a tiger sign, Su-ho looks stricken when she doesn’t contradict him. Though Gary pulls her away, Bo-nui runs back to Su-ho, wanting to explain herself and give him the full story. But when he sees her approaching, Su-ho starts up the car and drives right past her without looking back.

Bo-nui stays up for a while starting and stopping a few text messages to Su-ho, but ends up not sending anything. Su-ho sits up staring at Bo-nui’s contact information on his phone, but he doesn’t send anything either.

He trudges off to bed glumly, but then when his phone chimes, he leaps to the couch and scrambles for it madly. But it’s just spam, and he ends up even more deflated and flails in frustration.

The next morning, Bo-nui stands outside the Zeze building and carefully explains her situation, and that she’d do anything if it meant saving her sister. She swears that she never once thought of Su-ho lightly or saw him as a sacrificial offering, and then the camera pulls back and we see that she’s standing there alone, doing a practice apology.

She’s sure that he’ll never forgive her, but she tells herself that Su-ho will at least listen, even if he won’t understand her. She doesn’t look very eager to go inside though, and lingers outside a little longer.

Gary comes home from a run to find his agent Amy sitting on his front stoop, since he’s stopped answering her calls lately. She brings up the If game and prods him to accept, but Gary says he doesn’t like Zeze or the CEO, and Amy gets upset thinking that Su-ho bypassed her and approached Gary directly.

As if on cue, Gary’s doorbell rings and Su-ho is standing there. He starts to ask Gary about Bo-nui and last night, but then he sees Amy inside and clams up. Gary is surprised when Amy greets Su-ho familiarly in banmal, and suggests relocating if they’re going to talk business.

Amy sits there glancing back and forth between the two boys, trying to figure out whether they’ve met before and why things are so hostile between them. Gary refuses to do the game and says he needs to work with people he likes, and he doesn’t like the way Su-ho treats people.

Amy insists that she was in the middle of convincing Gary to do the game, but Su-ho won’t even meet her eyes and just asks her for an answer either way so that they can proceed with the game development.

The whole staff groans when Su-ho walks into the office and asks for a second version of their game without Gary, just in case he says no. Su-ho returns to his desk to find it littered with books on talismans and superstitions, and he tosses them all on the floor in frustration.

Bo-nui sneaks into a meeting room to take a call, and addresses the other person as “Red Fishnet Cha Cha.” Well that’s a red flag right there. She tells him that she won’t give him any information until he shows her an ID card, and asks him to stop sending her dirty photos. Red flag number two.

She walks out of the meeting room and jumps when she sees Su-ho standing right outside, having overheard the phone call. What’s worse is that she drops her phone, and while picking it up he sees the porny pictures that Red Fishnet sent her.

Bo-nui is beyond mortified and scrambles to explain herself, but Su-ho cuts her off and says that that’s her private life, and that as long as he’s no longer a contender for sacrificial tiger offering, it doesn’t concern him at all. It doesn’t sound very believable, the way he says it rapidly and robotically.

But then Su-ho adds that Bo-nui should stop trying to recruit Gary for their game, and all he offers by way of explanation is that she’s already very busy. Aw, do you not want her spending time with Gary?

Su-ho runs through his launch speech for the If game, but can’t even deliver the first line about living life only once without glancing at Bo-nui and face-planting into his couch in defeat.

And then when Bo-nui leaves work that night to go meet someone, Su-ho follows her out like a stalker. He hides behind a pillar when she looks back, and has this hilarious self-pep-talk: “Why are you hiding? You could just look at her confidently. Je Su-ho, why would you hide? Just look at her confidently! Confidently. Go out… and look… confidently… Je Su-ho, what are you doing? Go back!”

He goes back and forth but can’t bring himself to leave, and then he spots a street vendor selling masks and sun visors. Pffft, this is going to a good place.

Bo-nui sits down at a café to meet her date, and for some crazy reason doesn’t notice Su-ho walking through the door wearing a giant visor and pink mask over his face. He couldn’t be more conspicuous if he tried.

He convinces himself that he’s just going to stay for ten minutes, just to see who the heck Red Fishnet is. But the person who comes to meet her turns out to be Gary, and Bo-nui is there to ask him about their game. Su-ho leaves once he figures out what’s going on.

Gary asks if Su-ho put her up to this, but Bo-nui says it felt like fate because she made the game thinking of her sister Bo-ra. She thought about what kind of life Bo-ra would like to lead and places she’d like to go, and Bo-nui wanted to create a game that allowed a sick person or an average person to experience the life of someone great, just for a little while.

She says it felt like fate that Gary happened to come back and become the model for the game, and Bo-nui wonders if maybe Bo-ra will come back like he did, and then her happy days would return too. Gary asks if she’d be fired if he said no, and Bo-nui assures him that her job isn’t on the line.

Amy panics when Su-ho calls and asks to meet, and she says she’s meeting with Gary right now to try and talk him into doing the game. But when she arrives at Zeze, Gary is standing next to Su-ho. Whoops.

Gary’s already agreed to do If, and Amy is surprised to see next-door noona Bo-nui there. The rest of the Zeze staff is agape when Gary calls her noona and stops to ask her in banmal if she’s not coming to the meeting. It’s not until Su-ho asks Bo-nui to join them that she follows them in.

Gary watches the presentation and agrees to do the game, but adds that he’d like to make it known that he’s only saying yes because of Bo-nui. Su-ho acknowledges it readily (with a little smile, even!) and Bo-nui peers over at him with a look of shock.

Afterwards Bo-nui thanks Gary, and he tells her to make a big deal of it in front of her boss and stand proudly from now on. Amy thanks her too and stretches out a hand, at which Bo-nui takes out her magic salts and starts sprinkling Amy, so that she won’t catch any of Bo-nui’s bad juju.

Amy obviously thinks that Bo-nui is a crazy person, but Gary defends her to the end. When they’re alone, Amy asks him what’s really going on between him and Bo-nui, but all he offers is that they have happy memories between them. He in turn asks what Amy’s relationship with Su-ho is, and remembers her mentioning a guy she left without saying goodbye to.

She confirms that Su-ho is that guy, and explains that from a young age, Su-ho was always used by other people left and right. Su-ho is under the impression that she did the same to him, which Amy denies. But then she thinks about it and admits that she was no different—she used him too. She thanks Gary for giving her another opportunity to reconnect with Su-ho.

Su-ho’s mom looks like a giddy schoolgirl as she looks up the chicken ajusshi’s shop online, and hides her phone guiltily when Dad asks what she’s doing. He asks if Su-ho mentioned someone leaving something for him, clearly hoping to get credit for leaving that carp juice the other day.

Mom ends up going to the chicken shop to spy on Chicken Oppa longingly from outside the window, and runs into Bo-nui again. The Zeze team is having dinner there, though she tells Mom that Su-ho won’t be here (assuming Mom came to see Su-ho), and Mom quickly makes up an excuse and leaves.

The Zeze team is in the middle of doing their best Su-ho impression when he shocks them all by showing up for dinner, for the first time ever. He sits awkwardly next to Bo-nui and the air is tense, until he announces that they should all take tomorrow off since it’s Saturday. They cheer and start chanting his name, and Su-ho gulps down water while the rest of them chug beer.

After drinks, the rest of the team stumbles home and Su-ho quite obviously loiters outside until Bo-nui comes out. They don’t say anything, but end up walking together.

Bo-nui finally says that she’s been wanting to tell him something all day, but Su-ho wants to go first and tells her to come to work tomorrow. She reminds him that he gave them all the day off, but he says they still have twenty-one hours and thirty minutes left on their contract.

She says they can call it even and that he doesn’t need to fill the remaining hours. No! That’s not the answer he wants to hear right now! Su-ho insists on upholding his end of the contract (hee), but Bo-nui insists on letting him off the hook.

Su-ho takes another tack and says that she owes him a debt, so from now on he’ll decide when and how those remaining hours will be spent. She asks if maybe they could do this after the launch since she’s busy, but he tells her to come to work tomorrow and practically runs away from her.

Bo-nui gazes at her sister from her rooftop and sighs that she’s running out of time to find a tiger. She goes to meet Su-ho that afternoon per his request, and is surprised when he takes her to a fortuneteller.

Bo-nui is very engaged and nods along with the fortuneteller’s words, especially the part about Su-ho being stubborn and self-centered. Bo-nui: “Oh you’re very good.” Su-ho gives her the side-eye but remains quiet as the fortuneteller says that everything looks good except for the month of June, and offers to make them a talisman.

Su-ho then interjects to explain in his human calculator voice how fortunes are computed mathematically, and according to her system, fifty-one other people would have the exact same fortune as him based on their birthdates, and asks the fortuneteller what she thinks of that.

He does this over and over all day long, taking Bo-nui to fortunetellers, to mystics, to face readers and Tarot card readers, talking at them a mile a minute with scientific facts, all in an effort to debunk their theories.

Bo-nui stops him and says she understands what he’s trying to do, but no matter how many places they go to, she still needs to find a tiger. Su-ho asks how she can say that after what she’s seen today, but Bo-nui says she knows there are a lot of phonies out there, but sometimes just having someone listen to your problems makes you feel better.

He argues that there are shrinks for that, and just wants her to know how ridiculous and unbelievable all this stuff is. She surprises him with her answer: “Why do you assume I don’t know that?” She thanks him for his concern and his sympathy, but says that she’ll take care of herself, and leaves him stammering in the street.

A little later, Bo-nui waits in dimly lit street until a car pulls up. She asks the man for his ID to confirm that he’s a tiger, when suddenly Su-ho snatches the card out of her hand and starts calling the cops. The driver hurriedly peels away, and two other guys that were hiding in the backseat pop up as they drive away. Yeesh, that’s a bullet dodged.

Bo-nui doesn’t see it that way though, and she yells at Su-ho for interfering when she asked him not to. He argues that he just saved her from a very dangerous situation, but she erupts angrily and says she’s running out of time.

He realizes that she’s got a ticking clock on this tiger business, and scoffs that whoever sold her this crap is a good salesman. Bo-nui says with tears in her eyes that she was wrong to think that Su-ho was a good person who was trying to help her because he felt sorry for her, and accuses him of just wanting to laugh at someone stupid.

He says that’s not it, but Bo-nui cuts him off: “Then are you going to sleep with me?” When he has no answer for that, she tells him not to interfere anymore. She admits to being scared and wanting to run away, but she’s not going to. She stops herself from telling him about Bo-ra, and just says he’d never understand anyway.

Su-ho’s heart isn’t in his video game match with Ryang-ha that night, and Ryang-ha asks teasingly if Su-ho asked him to find all those fortunetellers to get a reading for him and that woman who propositioned him last time: “Did they say she’d eat you alive?”

Su-ho admits that it’s Bo-nui and that she’s deep into her superstitious beliefs, which he doesn’t understand. Ryang-ha remembers her bringing bottles of salt to the café once to ward off the bad luck that she brings, which he figures is a normal level of superstition. Su-ho says this is serious though, and that he doesn’t know what she’ll do if he leaves her alone.

Ryang-ha looks over at him in shock and asks, “Are you… worrying about Bo-nui-sshi right now?” He says he’s never seen Su-ho worry about another human being ever, and gasps, “Has our Su-ho finally become a person?” Su-ho looks a little shocked too, but he insists that he just doesn’t like having a superstitious person in the office.

Gary finds Bo-nui lighting a candle on the roof and she tells him about needing to find a tiger before the full moon. He doesn’t really know whether to encourage her on this endeavor, but he does tell her sincerely that he knows her heart is in the right place. He says that her heart for Bo-ra will give her strength.

Bo-nui smiles and says he’s all grown up, and Gary asks teasingly if she’s fallen for him. He pats her on the head and calls her little, and she laughs.

Zeze goes into ’round-the-clock live-at-the-office mode, and everyone comes dressed for work in pajamas, armed with pillows and toothbrushes. The others ask Su-ho if Bo-nui has to stay all night too since she’s just a temporary contract employee, but he says that doesn’t matter right now, with the launch just days away.

Amy tries to sweet-talk Ryang-ha into helping her get some time to talk to Su-ho, but they end up just having a contest over who knows Su-ho best. Ryang-ha insults her sideways by sighing that Su-ho should just call her a bitch and move past it instead of holding a grudge. He acts like he was saying something in Chinese, not cursing her to her face, and Amy wonders why Su-ho keeps a greasy friend like him.

Dal-nim comes down for a coffee run and interrupts angrily, and when Amy asks her for a pass to their office, Dal-nim enjoys turning her down because outsiders aren’t allowed. Amy seems determined to get in there though, and notes that they’re going to be here all night for days.

The Zeze team works all day and all night until they’re down to D-1, and Su-ho notes the way Bo-nui stares wistfully at the countdown, as it means something different to her. Bo-nui is called downstairs by her old boss, who shows up with cases of “miracle water” for the whole staff. She sighs at another of his attempts to get money and turns it down, but he just leaves the water there and runs off, saying that he’ll collect the money later.

Bo-nui sighs when she gets another text from Red Fishnet, but this time it’s a picture of his ID—proof that he’s a tiger. (And ha, his name is Cha Do-hyun.) She’s only got one day left, so she makes a date for tomorrow night after the game launch.

D-Day comes around and the staff is aflutter with nerves for the big presentation, and Gary and Amy arrive to do their part. Su-ho takes his medication and tries to calm his nerves before the public appearance, and Dal-nim tells him that she made sure to prohibit flash cameras this time.

Dal-nim takes out a talisman from Bo-nui to help strengthen his nerves, and Su-ho just asks Dal-nim how long they’ve worked together. She replies a little too quickly that it’s been two years, eight months, and seven days, and adds shyly that tomorrow it’ll be a thousand days. Su-ho: “A thousand days? Oh I like that it’s exact. So then you should know after a thousand days, what I’ll do with that.” Ha. Dal-nim apologizes and slinks away.

Su-ho puts his earplugs in and then begins his presentation, introducing their new virtual reality game where you get to live like tennis pro Gary Choi. Gary gets his own big flashy entrance, and the launch goes swimmingly.

The team happily heads off to go eat meat with Su-ho’s credit card in hand, and Bo-nui tells Dal-nim that she has to be somewhere and can’t join them. She’s changing in the bathroom as she takes that call, and Su-ho takes his earplugs out and overhears her as she’s leaving the restroom.

He follows her out, worried about what she might do, and when Amy tries to stop him in the lobby to ask for a coffee date, he offhandedly tells her he’ll meet her tomorrow just so he can keep following Bo-nui.

He follows Bo-nui’s cab and sees her get out in front of a motel, where she meets Red Fishnet and checks his ID. Su-ho watches them go inside and looks ready to chase them down, but then he remembers the last time when she’d asked him not to interfere if he wasn’t going to sleep with her.

Su-ho sighs and starts the car to go home, but then he notices two more guys skulking around the corner before they run into the motel. Oh noes. He runs in after them and finds out what room they got and hesitates out in the hallway, not knowing what to do.

Just then, Red Fishnet comes out of the room across the hall and knocks on the door where his friends are waiting. Su-ho watches from around the corner as the friends pass him bags of equipment, which Red Fishnet takes back to his room with Bo-nui. This can’t be good.

Meanwhile, Gary sits through a round of press interviews impatiently, and warns Amy to end it in five minutes or else he’ll end his contract.

Bo-nui ignores Gary’s calls and shuts off her phone, and then rushes to put talismans all over the motel room while Red Fishnet showers. Blegh, I’m already shuddering. Fishnet comes out and says he likes how she’s into weird things, and ignores her cries to wait. He just overtakes her and climbs on top of her on the bed.

Ohthankgod, somebody knocks on the door. Even better—it’s the police! Red Fishnet tries to make a run for it but gets caught, and the policeman tells Bo-nui that they got a tip that this guy was trying to make a sex tape without her knowledge. He looks around and finds multiple hidden cameras all over the room, and Bo-nui just watches numbly.

Su-ho watches from his car and waits to see the guys getting hauled off in police cars, and then he drives off.

The policeman in Bo-nui’s room asks if she can come down to the station to give a statement, and she asks what time it is. Gary rushes to the after party in search of Bo-nui, but when he finds that she isn’t there, he runs off, worried about her. He bangs on her door and tries to locate Bo-nui or Su-ho, worried that they might be together.

The night of the full moon wears on and Bo-nui is almost out of time. She trudges to the hospital looking weary and defeated. But when she turns the corner towards Bo-ra’s hospital room, she’s stunned to see Su-ho standing there, looking in on Bo-ra. He turns to face Bo-nui, and their eyes meet.

EPILOGUE. The morning of Bo-nui’s practice apology, Su-ho had actually been there the whole time, just on the other side of the pillar she was talking to. He’d heard her confess that it was all in an effort to save her sister, and that she’d stop at nothing if it meant getting her back.

Su-ho went to the hospital in search of Bo-nui’s sister, which is how he knew where to find her that night.


I do like the pairing much better now that Su-ho likes Bo-nui. It makes a big difference in how I’m watching their interactions, because now there’s an undercurrent of emotion there beneath the stuff that Su-ho is saying on the surface. He probably doesn’t know it yet, of course, but every time he gets awkward around her or pep-talks himself into acting natural or confident or otherwise human, it’s abundantly clear how much he cares what she thinks and wants her to like him. There’s a great boyishness to the character that works so well, especially when there’s a big gap between how he wants to appear (cool, confident, self-assured) and how he really feels (awkward, geeky, self-conscious). I think his charm is that he knows that, and that he cares what other people think of him. Like a real person with a host of self-esteem issues.

Identifying with Su-ho’s feelings is really helping right now, because Bo-nui is starting to drive me crazy with her recklessness. I totally sympathize with her, because her need to save her sister is desperate and sincere, and that motivation works to drive her character’s crazy antics. To a point. But I’m also screaming at her to stop going on dangerous internet dates for one-night stands, with who knows what kind of psycho using a fake ID. I know she’s desperate, but if it weren’t for Su-ho’s interference, she could’ve been the victim of so many horrible crimes by now. She’s crossed over into dangerous and reckless territory, and I’m frustrated with her for not caring more about her safety. At least Su-ho is voicing that frustration and trying to get through to her, but she’s certainly not making it easy when she keeps ignoring all the red flags and just walking right into harm’s way.

It says a lot that Su-ho is even attempting to learn everything he can about mysticism just to debunk each fortuneteller in front of her, thinking that she’s being fleeced by a phony. It was above and beyond, and though it didn’t work, it revealed a thoughtful side to Su-ho that really endeared him to me. He didn’t have to research all of the ways in which each kind of fortuneteller was bogus, or spend all day debating them in person, but I like that he did. He’s missing the point, of course—Bo-nui chooses to believe in something because she feels helpless and would be debilitated by her guilt—but I thought it was super sweet of him to arm himself with math and logic and go fight the fortunetellers, like a man on a (very geeky) mission.

Now that Su-ho knows about Bo-ra and how far Bo-nui is willing to go to save her, will he be her tiger before the clock strikes? What do you suppose happens at midnight? Does he become unlucky, or does he turn into a kitten?


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Been refreshing this site like crazy after i watched this episode ?

Off to read!


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@miliver dont worry...we all on the same boat, LOL


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yay iam first...


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Thought this episode was miles better than the last few, so happy to have everything out in the open - though I have no idea how Bo Nui thinks Bo Ra is going to cope if she wakes up and finds out her sister was kidnapped, assaulted and murdered. Team Su Ho, which luckily is also Team Law Enforcement and Team Shred of Common Sense.

...and I would just like to point out the the Crimes of Fashion continue with total disregard for the mental health of the audience. At one point in the show, Bo Nui was wearing a shin-length denim skirt over deeply cuffed jeans. That means not only was she majority denim, but that all but four inches of her legs were covered by not one but TWO LAYERS of denim.

I want to know who producing this show is in the pocket of Big Denim. This is ridiculous.


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But I like her pink dress..
I like gary and suho clothes (except suho's short, I didn't see that one coming and it too short)

The denim for bo nui is too much
I wonder if that's a trend


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That dress was beautiful, as was her yellow house dress in an earlier episode. Basically if you remove denim from the equation things start to look a bit better.


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Is this just Hwang Jung-eum's style? I thought her clothes in She Was Pretty, both before and after makeover, were also really weird.


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That's all I want: denim rationing. Perhaps a weight limit on how much denim can show up on Bo Nui each episode. Or even a yardage limit for the entire series, but a SANE one. One that wouldn't need to be sourced in a wholesale warehouse.

At this point I would no longer be surprised if she staggers into the office having just rolled a bolt of denim around herself like a hideous blue toga.


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@Miranda, be careful! Now you're just giving them ideas.

Wear or Die?


BAHAHAHA thanks for the laugh Miranda :D


i actually loved the skirt and then it panned down to the relaxed fit jeans with deep cuffs and i was like WHY. everything else was so good! WHY RUIN THIS. i'm so upset.
What did HJE ever do to the stylists for them to hate her so much?


CANADIAN TUXEDO. calling it now.


@Lola, as much as it pains me to say it, and strictly keeping to the rules of that game (that you'd have to wear it in public)... I'd have to go with the denim one. I think with some careful yanking one of the shoulder frills could completely hide my face, and when in motion it could act as an optical illusion so no one will remember me, just get a vague impression of a me-shaped faceless DENIMDENIMDENIM.

Oh god, I feel ill, I'm going to lie down.


ROLF!!! Oh God... the image...hahaaha...I am trying to stifle my laughter so as not to wake up everybody...without much success... :D :D



I know you didn't ask me but option B.

I could at least show off my curves and abs (well at least the formation of an ab :P)


@Miranda - thought you'd pick DIE!

The vitriol spewing forth here is amazing, I feel like we're on the cusp of uncovering the seedy underbelly of Korean fashion, the vast conspiracy of Big Denim and the chokehold it has on dramaland.

The tyranny must end! Down with Big Denim! We want reasonable amounts of denim or no denim at all!


@Oshi You are a very brave and confident person! Good on you!


@Oshi If you're interested I think I'd go with the denim disaster because it reminds me of a frilled neck lizard. A blue, human-shaped frilled neck lizard.


I'm used to drama actresses wearing the ugliest Goodwill inspired outfits on the planet. Most of the time I don't notice them anymore. That horrible jumper with the long straps flapping in the breeze behind her. The multiple layers guaranteed to hide any semblance of human form she might posses is just normal kdrama stuff. Schlumpy signals, nice girl, well dressed signals mean girl. People might otherwise have trouble telling them apart. Let's not forget either that our stalwart second lead was also "bedazzled" in this episode. A denim intervention is needed here.


@Lola I dunno. I prefer clothes that let you move. The Denim Disaster feels like i'd lose my ability to move.


Oh OhNO - Su Ho's shorts are NOT too short. He has beautiful legs and shapely, muscular calves. I was so happy to see them on Youths Over Flowers in Africa! I always feel cheated when not seeing the bare legs of K-drama and k-pop stars because far too many men just work out chest, arms and abs. The true sign of overall fitness is when equal attention is given to legs in the gym and in aerobics.


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I also approve of the shorts


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Its the thing I hate the most about korean tv. They don't know how to let a man/women show off the whole form. Figure matters!


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@Miranda you always make really insightful comments and I love reading your posts and I agree with you entirely.

The double jeansing (and the werid cuffing) was definitely a bridge too far and we should all seek treatment for our mental anguish.

'Big Denim' had me in stitches.


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OMG. I hear you on the the fashion department. I almost gagged seeing the jeans on jeans. But it's funny how she dresses fine on her dates!


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The jeans beneath the skirt had me looking thrice in case my eyesight was going bad


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As Tai mentions, they're even relaxed fit jeans. They're not even skinny jeans, which could be a very liberal take on leggings. They're baggy. How does one even wear that combination, doesn't it immobilize the wearer?

I also noticed that when Gary meets her in the cafe, he is practically not wearing jeans at all because there are so many holes in them. As though his denim had to die so Bo Nui could double up in the next scene. Vile.


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I think Gary dresses much better. he's at least emphasizing the shape of his body....I dunno what the hell they do with the rest of the cast.


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He was "bedazzled" that's always a risky look for a man.


@Miranda! U'll be the death of me tonight!!! *gasping for breath*


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LOOOL STAWPP ur killing me right now!!! i'm laughing like a crazy person in the middle of the night (>.<) (^-^)


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I know, I did a triple take. WHYYY are her clothes so strange??? To complete the superstitious boho lady trope? But she owns so many nice dresses. Why not make use of them? Argh.


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Agreed with you that this episode is much much much better than the last ones. i love Su-ho so much.

I think that's just Hwang Jung Eum's style? I remember she wear denim a lot too in Can You Hear My Heart, and her fashion sense there is so utterly bizarre.


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Agh!Someone else noticed the horrific fashion choices. The only one who wears something acceptable is god damn Amy and his mom.

On another topic, I agree. This episode is the one that will get me to watch the rest of this drama. They found the sweet spot between the (attempts) at soulful storytelling and some funny rom-com bits. I still think the acting is carrying some of the story but at least the writing is clear if simplistic.


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Ooh the Su Ho's mom's fashion is awesome. When she wore that beautiful blue top with the long skirt (trying to get into the building), I was trying to work out how I could pull that look off.

Amy looks fab too, that white cape was truly gorgeous!


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Exactly! They chose clothes to flatter themselves.

I know they ahve to make some people look frumpy but come on almost all of the choices made have been bad even from a Geek perspective. I barely have a fashion sense and I know better than to wear the stuff they put HJE in...and it's in every single drama she does. Does she do this to herself out of dramas too?


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That actress is always well-dressed but usually acts as a bad mom/aunt/ajumma in kdramas :D


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I was wondering whether she won't take a role where she has to wear non fashionable stuff and look like a typical ahjumma. Every drama I've seen her in she looks so glamorous...the other actress fitting that category would be Lee Il-hwa (except for the Reply series). Hehe


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I'm sure we will see in an epilogue soon that the shaman told her to wear denim every time she leaves the house for her protection. Followed by another epilogue where we see that everything he has done so far is to mess with her and see how far she is willing to go.


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I think it would be funny if we find out the Shaman has a PhD in psychology and counseling. I'd love to see the look on Suho's face when he says that.


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OMG could this be true? I believe it! Any time she's NOT swaddled in denim, she's in danger! (pink dress = hidden camera!)


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Believe it or not weirdness makes it more interesting. Let it be.. so then there's always something that makes us remember about this drama amongs others. Haha... even if it is a weird fashion taste. I love it...


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I paused the video just to look at her denim skirt over her denim pants. I thought my eyes are tricking me. haha but it's okay, it's fun.


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I literally had to double take when I saw her wearing the jean combo too. What were they thinking...

Guys I have a theory. In this episode they mentioned that Bo Nui's sister was born in 1998 and that means that her Chinese zodiac animal is also a Tiger.

Maybe it's because I'm not fluent in Korean or maybe I've forgotten exactly what the fortune teller told Bo Nui but maybe he just meant sleep next to a Tiger not sleep with a Tiger. We were shown that Bo Nui refuses to look at her sister close up or touch her in fear of her getting bad luck but what if all she really needs to do is go and lie next to her sister for her to wake up again?

The fortune teller mentioned the Tiger before Bo Nui got the offer from ZeZe. Only after she consulted him about accepting the job did he tell her that he knows there is a Tiger at the company.

Anyway, it's just one theory. What I do know is that sometimes you become so unilaterally focused on one thing that you ignore all other possibilities. She could be doing the same - focusing on finding a male Tiger when her own sister is one.

Also, is it just me or does the actress that plays Amy speak weirdly? Dunno if it's her speech or if she's meant to have an accent but she sounds weird to me whenever she talks.

I'm really enjoying this drama so far and I'm pleasantly surprised I like everyone in the drama.


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I think you're right about the Tiger - snuggle up to your sister already, Bo Nui!


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Thank you. I came here because I wanted to commiserate about the increasingly painful denim disasters. This is better than I hoped for! Big Denim. It's gotta be Big Denim!


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I actually like how bo nui became so desperate and su ho try proves that the superstition is not the answer.
She badly need a wake up call and he provided that.
And they work in the office, they just work,
I like that


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IKR!! and the office colleagues are nice and normal too, which is rare...they all concentrate on work, and don't spend time being snarky and mean or plotting someone's downfall...


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Yes everyone at the office is so nice


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HAHAHA! I couldn't agree with comment more! Finally an office that actually does work and does it together!


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Now that Su-ho is beginning to have feelings toward Bo-nui, I'm liking the show so much more! Bo-nui did act extremely stupid this episode, putting herself into dangerous situations, and that drove me crazy. Thank goodness Su-ho was keeping tabs on her. I normally don't like dudes saving the girl all the time, but I'm relieved he was there to keep her from getting seriously hurt.

I find this show really funny and sweet and just plain odd, too. I'm find that I especially love how protective Gary is of his noona, and I kind of hope he doesn't try to wedge himself into the romance any more because he makes a perfect brotherly figure to Bo-nui.

Can't wait for next week's episodes! Thanks for the recap, gf!


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I really thought Su-ho was not a boyfriend material in first few episodes because he calculates too much...
But I like him so much that he can freely step out of his comfort zone when he cares for someone...
The best part is that Bo ni is caught by her own contract Web that su-ha is taking the better of it..
I was smitten by him the whole episode by his thoughtful thinking...

Bo ni is desperate but there's a limit to it... Girls who are million times more careful than her get victimized by such low grade criminals... And she walked right to it not once but twice.. Imagining her situation without Su-ho gives me shivers.. I hope her recklessness end with the mid night..


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It was a really good episode :D My heart was thumping so much when Su Ho was waiting for Bo Nui in the hospital. I'm in LOVE !!


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Me too.. My heart was racing...


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Honestly the way she got mad at Su Ho after he prevented her kidnapping and gang rape? I was pretty miffed.

I rewatched the first episodes this week and was reminded that Bo Nui has been presented in the story as actually having bad luck, her childhood has reinforced it over and over again (animals and plants dying, people surrounding her suffering etc). So I have more sympathy for her in that regard because she's seen the effect of her bad luck. While the more logical minded side of me sides with Su Ho's pragmatism, I feel like it's unfair to apply real world beliefs (ie no such thing as luck) to her universe (even if other people in her universe do the same). That said, the amount of danger she is putting herself in is no joke and yeah I'm annoyed.

I also really want to wrap Su Ho up into a big hug and for Bo Nui to start to really like him. He's so adorable and caring (even if he's awkward and gruff too). I love him.

Gary is also supremely awesome but I still only want them to have a sibling/family bond (no love square please!).


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I wish they would go back into Bo-nui's motivations more often. Maybe they will in later episodes, but now would be a good time to reinforce it for us, when she's throwing safety to the winds.

Like, we saw her as a little girl with bad luck, but that was a very short sequence. Then, in the flashback to her talking with Bo-ra about her dream, it seemed like she wasn't superstitious at all, and maybe had gotten over that feeling, which is reinforced by all the times she's said that she knows she's being ridiculous. And while I don't think you necessarily have to be super rational to be a computer programmer, there's that aspect too.

So together, that makes it seem like she overcame her childhood luck trauma and became a confident career woman, only to have it thrown back in her face when Bo-ra was in an accident and only this shaman seemed to have the answers.

But unless the show shows us that itself, it's just me assuming and filling in the blanks.


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What upset me the most in this episode was how Bo Nui asked the police for the time after they came in and saved her. She was more worried about how long she had to find another man than the fact the creep was trying to film her. Just like when she got mad at Su Ho for saving her from a gang rape. She would rather be in danger and have bad things happen to her than sleep with no one at all. I do not understand or respect that. I love and respect her devotion to her sister, but her sister would not want her to do this to herself. Praise the drama gods for Su Ho and his meddling!!!


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Why does Bo Nui not consider hiring a male prostitute? She could screen them beforehand to weed out the non-tigers and they won't murder her.


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Indeed. The whole situation is so seedy.


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Why not indeed ? She could actually go to one of those high end escort service and clearly have her specifications met.

No chance of being raped/murdered/filmed/or contracting STD.

... But if she had that much sense or logic, she wouldn't be following the crap shaman in the first place


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Instead of throwing safety away.. She could have asked the sunbae she met while drinking and throw her self-esteem away and ask him...
OH well.. With all these logic I don't think there would be a drama..


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She already threw her self-esteem away by getting down on her knees to beg Su Ho. She ought to have exchanged sex for an insurance policy with her insurance agent sunbae.


Wouldn't that cost thousands of dollars - isn't she supposed to be poor?


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She sure as hell had enough money for a hotel suite with a view of the city and sashimi room service.


Well, she is not really bothered about paying the medical bills so might as well use her salary on this.

plus i'm sure she could find an agency within her income bracket.


That was my thought too!


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Yeah, I was thinking of this before the drama even started. :-D


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"Bo-nui sneaks into a meeting room to take a call, and addresses the other person as “Red Fishnet Cha Cha.”"

...well, Oh Hae Young certainly made an impression on SOMEONE earlier this week.

But seriously, this guy sends her endless dick pics and she still goes to meet him? Come on, Bo Nui. Also, I really hope that Su Ho firewalled all of her dating sites and that's why no one's contacting her - company time, lady, and also you're being an idiot.

Also: does anyone else get the impression that Su Ho's confusion when confronting Bo Nui early in the episode might have been because of the conflicting talismans he found? Seducing is one thing, but the other one was packed with emotional components. Poor Su Ho, no wonder he's losing his mind trying to untangle all of this!

Oh, and this show finally prompted me to properly look up my zodiac sign, only to find out that I'm not the sign I thought I was. A month out of the calendar year is the previous zodiac sign and I never knew. It's like my entire life's been a lie.


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Seriously if goong shim does something crazy this weekend.. That completes the list..


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omg! I missed the fishnet thing!!!!

Well damn...


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"my entire life's been a lie" was exactly how I felt when my Caucasian coworker informed me that I was actually a tiger, not a rabbit like my parents had told me my whole life.

I have such conflicting feelings about this show - I go from love to hate and back again, but that Soo Ho does makes me all feely feels inside, and I do find myself laughing out loud like a crazy person during each ep, so I remain hopeful. I'm so curious as to where the story will go once the full moon has passed!

"Big Denim" :D


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Hi soomp! It's not really related to the drama, but here are two possible reasons why your parents told you that you were a rabbit:

One: The date of lunar new year changes every solar/Gregorian calendar. Let's say for your birth year, the new year was on February 8. If you were born that day or after, you would be a rabbit.

Two: Tiger women (assuming you are a girl) have a reputation of being aggressive and strong (traits desirable in husbands but not in wives). My own mom tells people I was born year of the cat (in Vietnamese culture, the rabbit is a cat) to not scare off potential suitors! Her nickname for me is 'forest kitten' which is technically a tiger.

So there you have it: superstition and Asian moms seem to go hand in hand.


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And of course, redfishnet cha cha's real name was Cha Do Hyun, Ji Sung's character in Kill Me, Heal Me (and ultimately Hwang Jun Eum's real character name.) To me it was an inside joke, but I read that some knetizens were offended that the holy sacred name was used for a sex offender. No sense of humor.


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I was offended. Why would they taint that name with a rapist? If they wanted to make an inside joke, they could have just named one of the Zeze employees Cha Do Hyun. Cha Do Hyun imnida.


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Well, Hwang Jun Eum was in on it. Seriously, it is not worth thinking about it.


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I love that he seems so desperate for Bo-nui's attention, but once he has it he panics and isn't sure what to do. His boyishness and obvious desire to appear cool makes Su-ho such a relatable and easy lead to root for. I also really liked that he actually (sort of) listened to Bo-nui's plea to stop interfering and instead of rushing into the room, like a more typical drama hero, he opted to call the cops instead. I think it was a more effective wake up call for her too. What I really want to see now is Bo-nui developing feelings Su-ho because him awkwardly interact with her is great, but Hwang Jung Eum really has always been a pro at hilariously spazzing about.


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Your first line is gold! Su Ho always seems to orbit around her but totally panicks when he's suppose to make a move lol Such a relatable dork!

I love how the dramas I'm watching have so off beat characters who are just plain weird/awkward..


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Good point.. & it's logical too there were three of them and su-ha knows his chances of winning the fight..
Just barging in doesn't fit his character to.. Even if he succeeded in saving her she would have just yelled at him like last time without noticing the cameras..


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Suho is such a cute virgin. hahaha. pls be nice to him when poppin that cherry of his, Bo Nui.
aHEM but yes I cant wait till they Do the Do and also when Ryang Ha finds out. i just imagine him bursting into tears and hugging Suho like I THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD NEVER COME/THEY GROW UP SO FAST/IM SO PROUD etc. haha man Ryang Ha is like the older brother Suho never wanted (but clearly needs).


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just everything, thank you


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Lol I can't stop laughing ? just by imagining it... I would die if this actually happens...


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Are you me?!


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The more I watch, the more I like and the more I obsess over Ryu Jun Yeol. Such a great great actor. Like he's been acting all his life!


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"Free Pass"

"Cheer Up"

"A thousand days"

Dal-nim takes the cake in this episode.


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I just posted about her. She is adorable. All nerdy, flustered, clutzy who is looking out for everyone and seems to have a teeny-tiny crush on SH

I wish they give her more screen space than the annoying 'Amy' who is really not adding anything to story right now.


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Agree, or the mum and chicken ajusshi.


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A dork having crush for another dork is adorable...


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I love me some dorks! That's the best kind of guy.


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honestly in another drama i would root so hard for her, but she obv doesnt have a chance here so instead i root for her with RH cuz they are hilarious together tbh. and they both love and are loyal to Suho. his own little cheer squad haha.


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+1 I totally see this hook up happening.


Is there any show about 2 dorks falling in love ? I would watch it asap.

but every one i recall is stud+dorky girl or femmefatale+dorky boy

And BN doesn't qualify as a dork. She is a different kind of fruity!


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Beautiful Gong Shim= two dorks falling in love


Gong Shim, three dorks like each other.


They are so adorkable in Beautiful Gong Shim.


What's not to LOVE about Dal-nim? She's the scene stealer. She's so cute, funny, nerdy and the most earnest character ever. I love her glasses, braces and all the expressions she makes.

A dork having a crush on another dork is sooo adorable. She should've been the 2nd lead..but maybe I would be rooting for her instead :-D


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Bonui shouldn't throw salt at Amy... Maybe it would be better for all of us, if she passed the bad luck to..... Oops, did I say that out loud?


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her making fun of Amy was a highlight of the ep for me. jsut cause I find Amy so annoying! I am not that fond of Gary either. but at least LSH is pretty to look at. but yeah i just wish the secondary charas would goooo awaaaay.
i'm willing to accept it tho if we get more Dal Nim and Ryang Ha. esp if they end up teaming up to thwart/mess with the secondary charas haha.


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I actually like Gary the character. he dresses better and seems to have some real pathos to him. I dunno if it's symptomatic or not but they always write better for men even when most of the writers seem to be women. i wonder why that is.


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LOL I concur! Yes, 2nd leads..goooo awaaaay! Or at least reduce their screen time. I have no interest in their stories when Dal-nim and Ryang-ha are much more interesting and so so funny! Thankfully, there's the FF button.


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It took me 6 episodes but I am finally on board this drama. It was so draggy.

However I find the male lead's awareness of BN really endearingly awkward. He reminds me of a kindy kid suddenly aware of a crush. He is kinda sweet and then kinda embarrassing.


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I'm surprisingly happy about where this drama's going. Yesterday I was blown away by Gary and LSH's acting... He's playing the cute little brother to the T... awww I hope he finds his happiness too. His interaction with BN is just so lovely... both of them are kinda distanced from the family the love... so the only family they have is each other, and they're so friggin endearing.

Don't get me started on Suho... I don't quite feel when he started to become genuinely attached to BN... perplexed and surprised--- yes, but that doesn't necessary flow over to love (well i don't quite know what he's feeling atm either)... is it fascination for a perplexing/contradicting person? genuinely kind, but deceptively using him as a tiger... but seems different from those other people using him? A talented programer... but so friggin superstitious? Good job HJG for always letting us feel her desperation. Well now we know he only sinks in deeper when he realizes her desperation was out of saving her sister... still her willingness to put herself in such danger is absolutely baffling (all the more to our wiz Suho)... yet somehow admirable at the same time... he's learning... not only what BN needs, how he might watch over her without trampling/frustrating her emotionally... going to staff meals LOL he's being socialized!

Do I have to tell you how much I love Suho's response to BN's kooky request to sleep with him? Or Ryangha's teasing that he's being dumb not taking her offer? "Why would I do that? I don't even like her? I'd be a beast if I did!" THANK YOUUUUUUUU omgosh seriously... that's integrity right there. And ironically, with the crazy dramaland set up, it's such a realistic comment on the real world... there are such opportunistic creeps out there (emphasized again with the creepy scammers BN almost threw herself at)... you totally see Suho's view here... how frustratingly sad you must be as a person to put your hopes on something like that. I get BN's desperation... but I have my reservation on letting that justify her choices. I don't think the writer is letting her either. Otherwise she could have written Suho to blindly give in to her request. Tonight was the first cliffhanger that I felt a connection to... BN-ah... let's redirect your bravery away from relying on spells/talismans and crazy creepy shamans... and turn it over to bravely facing the difficulties of real life... see Suho's example as he stands firmly before your sister's room... ready to face whatever may happen.

BN's not feeling anything romantic atm... she's too busy trying to save her sister... but MY GOODNESS... if I were her, when I see Suho standing there in front of my sister's room... and if I realize why he did that (can't tell if she will in the next episode) I'd fall super super hard for Suho RIGHT THEN AND THERE... my gosh I thought my heart was going to stop. RJY <3


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I think he first got thrown off when she kissed him (since he's so inexperienced), though he was already noticing her as a crazy person before that, and then when she said it had to be him, he seemed really moved. Because he's been used and thrown away so much, that's the thing that really touched him. (And then he doesn't know how to process his feelings and is just flabbergasted by them, hee.)

Totally agree with the rest of your comment, I understand BN's motivations, but she's definitely going about this as destructively as possible (considering that people hook up online all the time without being kidnapped), and I'm sure that the writing will hold her accountable to it.


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I'm happy taecyeon turned down the offer (though he shouldn't do the drama he is doing rejecting this) because Lee so hyuk is perfect.. Less exaggerated he is actually a believable tennis pro..


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Oh god, he was gonna be in this? Now I'm kind of wishing they had swapped. I mean well...sigh maybe the ghost show won't make me puke when he touches her yuch


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Bo nui, you're very lucky. Not so many ppl who practising what they want to say to someone have that someone accidentally listening to what you're saying. And not so many ppl actually care for the others that much, that he actually watching you from behind and keeping you save. So, you're actually have some luck with you.

Oh btw I like it how suho called the police instead of him barked in to the scene himself.


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Agreed on the Police thing. First it respected her request for him to not intefere while still saving her from the situation, it also guaranteed that the guys would face some consequences from their actions and it was also very smart (he didn't endanger himself or her). Genius boys does good.


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Kind of interesting that he called the police BOTH times - the first time he personally intervened (and thank god) but was on the phone with the cops already, and the second time he left it to the cops but watched until he knew she was okay.

He is very smart.


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It's what I like most about him. he's intelligent enough to use all the tools at his disposal and doesn't have any kind of weird macho bullshit to block him from doing what needs to be done even if it means just calling for help.


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Because he IS logical and smart and doesn't know that a drama lead can beat up 3 perverts by himself.


I wanted to smack BN when she ranted on SH, AFTER he stopped her from getting into a car with 3 unknown shady men.

I don't get Gary. He is supposedly very fond of his noona but never even makes one attempt to talk her out of this madness. What is the point of running helter-skelter after she disappears?

SH's self talk is all levels of adorbs. RJY is really doing a fantastic job with SH.

I am so so glad that this 'sleep with the tiger' crap is now almost over as her deadline has run out. I couldn't tolerate it anymore. Hopefully we will now move on to a more sensible setup bec i am completely vested in SH's journey


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I think a true friend doesn't try to talk you out of your madness - instead they love and support you, even when they don't agree with your decisions....that's my idea of a real friend!!


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yeah they support you unless you are in danger. I would never let my friend be in danger, sorry.


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True, what she is doing is dangerous, but not any more so than people I knew in college who picked up and/or hooked up for one night stands while we were in college...danger is all around us. More women are killed by men the love (boyfriends, husbands, etc.) then by strangers. So then even marriage is dangerous right? Anyway - below is from an article back in 2013.

Domestic violence is the No. 1 cause of injury to women. The incidents add up to more than all the rapes, muggings, and car accidents women experience each year. One out of every four women in the United States will be physically injured by a lover in her lifetime. That translates into a woman being assaulted every nine seconds in America. Immigrant women are beaten at higher rates than US citizens, and African American women are subjected to the most severe forms of violence. Not surprisingly, a shaky economy just makes these numbers worse.

And then there are the rapes. Over a lifetime, 1 out of every 6 American women is raped. For Native Americans, that number is 1 in 3. For Native Alaskans, it can be up to 12 times the national rate.

And don't forget the killings. Sixty-four percent of the women killed every year are murdered by family members or lovers. There are more than 1,000 homicides of that kind annually, or approximately three a day. If there's a gun in a home where domestic abuse is a common thing, a woman is eight times more likely to be killed.

Faced with this grim pile of data, the American home begins to look less like a castle and more like a slaughterhouse.

At the same time, these numbers actually represent a vast improvement in domestic violence rates compared with a decade and a half ago. Since 1994, the rate of violence against women in the home is down 64 percent.


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She was scouting shady chatrooms to hook up with a random stranger.

I think a friend should be holding an intervention at this point. .... Or locking her up in the dungeon


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I agree not smart and not something I would do...but read the info. above as my response.


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I agree with you on Gary. A sensible and logical man/woman would know what kind of dangerous situation that she may face with a tiger man. On top of that Gary does not seem to be someone who believes in fortune teller.
Though I understand Bo-nui is a kind person, her life is almost ruined because she believes in those kind of superstition. My mom has been like this and she has ruined her life along with people who she is involved with, ie her family members. However having seen mom whose life is dictated by those psychics' crazy advice, I can see Bo nui would have a hard time to get out from the mess.
In Asia, there are some serious alcohol related problems( shown in another OHY) and problematic belief in superstition( dotted with religions).


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I have a friend who has a PhD. Her marriage ended. And, one of the reasons was because her parents and her trusted in everything that the psychic told her about her ex husband.


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I assume Gary didn't know about her attempts to meet men on the internet. She is shown doing that at work. He is aware of her attempt to sleep with SH so when she goes missing his first instinct is to find SH. I don't think he knew she was meeting strange men.


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btw, how cute is SH's assistant Dal nim ? The actress is doing a wonderful job with what is a tiny role ... and never ceases to make me smile


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I know right! Her little crush on Su Ho is so cute. And the way she pacifies the team when they're frustrated with SH too. I hope she's not too sad when Bo Nui and him get together, I'd hate for her bubbly character to be upset:<


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well she likes Bo Nui so i can see DN being the type to be like "well if it wasnt gonna be me then at least my sweet friend that i approve of got him and i know she will take care of my baby" ahem uh. my point is i think it'll be easier for ehr to take than if Amy gets him lol


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I'm going to hate it when they take off her braces and she ends up with the coffee shop guy.


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I'm will hate it too if she loses the braces, but will totally love it if she makes Ryang Ha fall and sass him all over before ending up together!


I thought this was one of the best episodes yet. RJY continues to shine in this episode. I'm compelled by the complexity of his character and how effortlessly and naturally RJY pulls it off. Of instance, I loved when he asked Bo-nui out coolly like he was in control of the situation, then immediately turned and scampered off.

RJY was great in reply, but I thought maybe the directing, editing and writing helped to accomplish the overall effect (as it seemed to have compensated for some of Hyeri's shortcomings). But, no. This show proves, if nothing else, that he a great actor.

On a side note, I can't wait till next week. Ahh the cliffhanger... Will they, won't they?


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HIS AWK BODY LANGUAGE AFTER ASKING HER OUT HAD ME CACKLING. and he did it allt he way out of the frame. RJY is rly good! he makes suho so real, which is why i am so fond of suho and his dorkiness.

also he flailiness in bed when she didnt text him and then his methodical logical breakdown of every single fortune teller they met. as a way to comfort Bo Nui so she wont continue on this absurd quest of hers to bang a tiger. that whole bit was so so funny omg.

and then jut his generally haplessness and inexperience at typical Adult Stuff like drinking, clubbing, sex etc. its so cutely endearing.


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Ahhh, I love how the epilogues always reveal something unexpected! When I watched the apology scene I was like "This is surely just a practice" and was proven correct, then wrong at the end. I like it.
Other things I like:
- Dal Nim. She's such an adorable character. And the
1000 days comment, ha ha.
-Ryang Ha is really funny too.
-Su Ho. Ryu Joon Yeol really portrays him well, he's very relatable.

I gasped when I saw the two other men pop out of the window of the kidnapper. My god. It's terrifying how far Bo Nui is willing to go. Wonder if she's considered whether Bo Ra even wants her to go to such an extent of disregarding her own safety.


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I enjoyed this episode a lot because of (what else?) Su-Ho's awkwardness with anything relating to Bo-Nui! He made me chuckle several times.

The comments about Bo-Nui's terrible denim fashion are funny too but I honestly haven't noticed. I mean, I might have registered her clothes as being odd from time to time but never really paid enough attention to figure out why they are so odd. I tried paying more attention to her fashion this episode but still found myself wondering what outfit people were referring to in this recap. I guess I'm just fashion blind. Or maybe it's a testament to how much of my focus is on Su-Ho.

Bo-Nui's recklessness is annoying in retrospect but I guess I've bought into the possibility that in this dramaverse, some fortune tellers (like the one she goes to) are the real deal. So rather than watching with the same skepticism and frustration as Su-Ho and some of the viewers, I've been wondering what will happen when the day is up and she hasn't gotten her tiger. (Because I would be highly surprised if Su-Ho agrees to spend the night with her in the next episode and rather think that maybe the shaman will give her an alternative).

Also, I've been wondering... when the shaman told her she needed to spend the night with a tiger, does anyone know if he explicitly meant "sex" or if perhaps we could take his comment literally? I don't know enough Korean to know what he said exactly. But if we are able to take his words literally, then simply spending the night in the same room with him could work.

Anyway, if her sister wakes up or dies in the next episode, I wonder where the story plans on going next. What plot device is going to keep our characters now that the main premise of the story has hit it's deadline?


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By su ha's look at the end of the episode.. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually agrees to it.. He knows her desperation better than anyone else right now..


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And even if he doesn't, wasn't the way the fortune-teller phrased it at first that she catch a tiger? He's pretty well and truly caught whether he sleeps with her or not.

And since neither of them are really into casual relationships, I can see them staying together of their own freewill, and seeing if they can make this work now that the Catch a Tiger plot device is out of the way.


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BN is indeed frustrating. Especially to people who don't believe on those stuffs. But what can SH do? What can anyone else do? She's blinded and desperate to save her sister.

Agree with girlfriday that she does it because she's helpless. With or without money, staying in the hospital or not wouldn't make Bora better. The doctor was practically telling her just that. But she just won't give it up, after loosing their parents, and now Bora. And she believes that she's a bad luck to everyone around her, and blames herself for those misfortunes. She can't even visit her own sister. She felt guilty. Its painful to watch her suffer alone.

Still swooning over Soo Ho.. I love Jung Hwan so much, but damn Soo Ho won me over. He might be awkward but our boy got some balls in him.


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What a great episode. :)) Suhu is so good. He is so dorky, lovely and boyish that I am looking forward to seeing him romance the Boni without hiding his feelings. Hugging her and saying all the sweet lines to her with confidence is something that makes tune in this drama. Suhu is not like other Kdrama actors who are usually jerk, forward and bold in love, and wristgrap the girl. I believe he is actually quite a sweet and open minded gentleman!! ❤❤ I love it that Suhu doesnt yell at Boni a lot. It is so annoying for me when the men yells at the women in many Kdramas!!


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I really love that Neverending super speed robotic speech that to with a wooden face..


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his poker face while reciting a litany of facts in rapid succession is so funny and great. i just need this to be a thing he does in every episode.


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That and the little "mmm" noises he makes at the end of his most robotic sentences, like he's agreeing with himself and putting an end to the discussion. Big endearing weirdo.


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Still can't get over the little fist bump at the end of his negotiation over the number of hours/dates they'd go on. He's just so adorable.


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Not fist pump, victory pump.


I see why Hwang Jung eum is called the ratings queen. It's because she has such strong chemistry with her male co-stars. The chemistry between Bo Nui and Soo ho is so scorching particularly when he gazes at her so intently, and the PD knows this, that's why this is the second episode that ended with Soo ho staring wordlessly at Bo Nui (yes, I counted!).


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I don't know. It doesn't feel scorching. It's feels softer and less passionate. Everything I've seen her in I've gotten the feeling she connects with her co stars but theres no real sizzle for me. Except in Kill Me, heal Me but I think that was just because of him not her.


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Agreed, that's what I'm getting too.

Ji Sung could romance a statue and I'd think they were the perfect match, so KMHM is sort of a false positive, but in this one the real pull is coming from Su Ho. Bo Nui's not feeding back much in the romance department, it's all RJY doing the heavy lifting, and remarkably effectively given his character constraints.

Now I think of it, I'm not sure what the HJE factor is - she certainly gets male costars who are fantastically compelling, but it's not like Siwon was lacking charisma in the first place, nor Park Seo Joon. Maybe her winning quality is that she always makes the character seem like someone the guys would conceivably fall in love with? Because thinking back, I don't recall a lot of scenes where I was impressed with her romantic acting, but I do with her costars. But she definitely had something to so with that.

That's what screws up some dramas for me, female leads who might work on paper but who just don't seem worthy of the devotion they get from the male leads. HJE never has that problem.


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That is very true. She doesn't reach the depths of Kim Sun-A or our lovely Seo Hyun-Jin in portraying the character to the point where reality blurs with dramaland. However HJE is always someone I can conceivably believe is the person she is portraying. At least as far as a drama is concerned. That makes it easy for her partners to play off her quirky habits and look good. Maybe that's why they pick her? Shes just good enough but doesn't steal the show from better male leads...


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You hit the nail on the head. That's her strength: "she's just good enough but doesn’t steal the show from better male leads…". I have actually read in separate interviews where Ji Sung and Siwon complemented her mirror-like acting abilities that enhance theirs so she's an actress that they come off looking much better around.

And when you think about it, it makes sense that they would prefer her to more charismatic actresses who would steal the spotlight away from them. I mean, which actor wouldn't like to shine in the spotlight?


"She doesn’t reach the depths of Kim Sun-A or our lovely Seo Hyun-Jin in portraying the character to the point where reality blurs with dramaland."

That's not necessarily true. Compared to Kim Sun-A and Seo Hyun-Jin, HJE tends to choose eccentric characters in bizarre situations (at least her recent dramas) that are meant to entertain, not be realistic. Regardless, she's able to ground them in a believable way through her earnest performance. As Miranda said, I can see why guys fall in love with her characters as opposed to the characters other actresses play. That says a lot about her talent.

I also disagree that she doesn't outshine her co-stars because she's just good enough and not as charismatic as other actresses. That's an intentional acting technique/style--to play off of the other actor and not overpower them; she brings out the best in herself and her co-stars, so everyone shines equally together and in their respective roles.

Some people have been very critical of her acting style and while I'm neither for nor against her, this is one of her best performances. Next to RJY and LSH, she really is the more experienced sunbaenim, especially in her timing and delivery. The more I noticed how she does it, the more impressed I am with her ability. Like a great piece of artwork or architecture that has the perfect balance of postive/negative spaces, she does it with words..pausing at the right moment and holding it just long enough (for impact) or stressing specific words (for emphasis) before delivery the rest of the sentence. I haven't seen anyone do it quite like her.


"That is very true. She doesn’t reach the depths of Kim Sun-A or our lovely Seo Hyun-Jin in portraying the character to the point where reality blurs with dramaland."

I am not familiar with Kim Sun-A but I am also watching OHY of Seo Hyun Jin and I can say that HJE is far far better actress than SHJ particularly on emotional scenes.I saw SHJ cry and it was not the best for me, it is forced, and although there are many comedic parts in OHY there are times she can deliver good comedic timing, sometimes not (Ex. Karaoke scene with her parents,I don't find her funny but OTT).Besides, I can't see SHJ can portray an Oh Ri Jin or a Kim Hi Jin characters, but HJE can definitely perform a OHY character.
PS: I have nothing against SHJ ,I am just giving my opinion (peace^-^)


Well, HJE is a decent actress.. If she realized she need to tone down her comedic acting, she can be decent actress. But she is no where near Seo Hyun Jin or Jung Yu Mi's level... They are one of the most talent actress in their age IMO.


@missjb-I am not going to argue but saying these things ,have you even visited HJE filmography ? Yes you are correct SHJ is no where near HJE.^-^


I blame the PDs in her last 2 projects for giving us the impression that she overacts. I didn't like the exaggerated facial expressions or mannerisms in those dramas but
I stumbled across one of her older dramas - High Kick Thru the Roof and she delivered the right amount of comedy, silliness and emotions. No over the top acting. That said, each actress has their charm and hers work perfectly here.



"That said, each actress has their charm and hers work perfectly here."

Omo, you just pulled a Su-ho on us: thoughtful and rational.


I don't know about HJE's romantic charm - I'm just so relieved she has only shrieked ONCE....so far.


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Like the episode , very well done So -hoo i acting. I fels so bad for his chrecter in Reply 1998 and i left that show in middle after rooting for him so long.

Hopefully in this show there will be happy ending . From preview , I think he gives in for her request ( i am pretty much sure) becoz it is last day and she look happy in preview also.

So guys it's done deal in next episode.

There was fun watching jealousy by so-hoo and in future too...


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Important question: when the police come they find three cameras, and then open a bag and inside find....

...WHAT IS THAT THING. I do not know what it is and my imagination is quite frankly terrified. What is it. I don't even want to speculate. I thought it was a camera at first but it's pointy and there's no lens. Help. I may never sleep again.


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Sound equipment or a micro camera. Give me a second to look at it and I'll be able to tell you if it's a sex toy.


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LOL my dirty mind also thought it was something else HAHAH


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It looks like a rubberized rectangle with a rounded point on one end, about the size of a medium pepper mill. If it's a sex toy it's for a kind of sex I've never encountered, but I have no other options, that shape fits NOTHING in my mental image file.

And the policeman basically picks it up and goes "miss, you could've been in real trouble". WHY? WHAT DOES IT DO?


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It's a micro camera. One of those things upskirt folk use. Creepy but normal.


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How is that a mini anything?! All the other cameras were the size of a stamp, and that thing looked like a...

Okay, see, I'm having a really difficult time coming up with comparisons that don't sound filthy. A rocket? A peg? A box with a pointy bit on the end? Isn't that seriously conspicuous for upskirt shots? It's the length and width of your hand!


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The cameras are designed to work like a focused laser thing. You stick it in your bag and it pokes through a hole and viola. the lens can be super small.

I've seen and used a lot of toys and that is nothing like a toy so no worries.


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That's probably the first time a description of that camera has been given and the response is genuinely "oh, thank god".

I'll take creepy sex camera over inexplicable sex toy any day.


This whole thread gives me life.


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Me too. Miranda, you're killing me. Giving words to my thoughts. That "micro" thing was alarming.

up above's "Ji Sung could romance a statue" had me giggling. I think he currently is.


or you know it could be a receiver. Something all the cameras are tied to and it records everything.


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stop it..or else I'll never see any camera or its equipment normally ever again.. ?


It's strange but the story still feels so slight to me. The emotions are there but I don't feel invested in the characters. I'm enjoying the portrayals of our leads and slowly warming to The Gary (yes, he needs capitals. Especially since his english makes it sounds like he does). The episode did finally return to semblance of balance between the comedic and melo stuff. I'm kind of surprised that i still want to watch it to be honest.


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I don't know if Bonui's 'respected fortune teller' is legit or not, and it's up to her whether to keep believing him, but I don't want her to sleep with Suho because of that. I do hope that he has another way to 'save' her, since I hate the idea of Bonui 'selling' herself (even if it's for the sake of her sister). Suho can be her tiger, well we all WANT (and we know) him to be her tiger, but sleeping together to save someone's life honestly feel ridiculous to me. I doubt Suho will actually do it though, even if it's for her. I'm sure his logic won't allow him to do that although he likes her now. If the drama does want them to end up sleeping together, I think making it happen in the last episode will be a much better choice, as long as they don't make it happen because of another 'we have to sleep together so that I can blablabla'

I'm one of those who don't believe in superstition, so I don't know how it important it means for those who do, but I want this will-you-sleep-with-me mess to stop. Anyways, does the fortune teller really mean 'spend the night together' or Bonui just misunderstands? When I first heard it I thought Bonui would mistranslate his words and then everything would turn out funny with Suho since this is a rom-com. But the drama takes this matter way more seriously than I thought they would.


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Ok real question time, how is she having such a hard time hooking up without putting herself in danger?

How does she not have Tinder or something like that? Just set your age preferences walk around hit on a guy and BAM sex on a delivery... does that not happen in Korea?

In point of fact I did that just this week and it wasn't so hard.


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I wondered about this too. Minus the "speaking from experience" part :D Go, Oshi!

(Also she's a programmer so I somehow assume she's more aware of the numerous apps for hooking up safely....)


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How is someone who's computer literate unable to use a damn website to background check someone! Where is the google imag search to check if the dick pics are legit!


Thanks, I guess? I'd rather have a boyfriend but you know what a little TLC does the trick sometimes...


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LOL ty. I dont do casual sex, but i know plenty of folks who do and there are easier less seedy ways to go about it! and it just felt almost intentionally self destructive on her part. like idk maybe its diff in SK. but im astounded that her pool of eligible men born in 86 was so small and obscure that she had to resort to creeps on the fringes of the internet. like....rly? tbh it almost feels like a very AND THATS WHY U DONT DO CASUAL SEX, KIDS! message from the writers. or they are really just taht hopelessly out of touch? was just mind boggling. esp cuz like why wasnt she meeting them in daylight with witnesses first??? like GIRL pls. the whole thing was so hard to watch man.


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Yeah! How does she not get the concept of a bail out call? Or better yet making them come to HER place! If shes going to a motel then using her place ain't so big a deal.


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I can't stop trying to imagine how Bon Nui would react if she actually managed to get a non-rapist Tiger into bed (that's not Su Ho). She seems kind of virginal to me, I imagine a good tiger man would not want to bed a cringing, starfish. Surely a gigolo is the best answer?


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The tone of this episode was perfect. I was solo freaked out when she was in the hotel with that guy. What a creep!
Can't wait for next week!


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Did anyone else laugh at the part where the fortune teller was looking at Su-ho's face and was like "your eyes are big (or something like that) and ur lips are too thin" and Su-ho's face was like @.@??? "hello old man can you see right now?" lol

And mom's face to the chicken oppa lol >.< of course only in k-dramas


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Is it only me that thinking there will be some birth secret thrown because of chicken ahjusshi? It seems that he have past with Suho's mom. And he seems to be following Suho activity closely (he come to Genius II presentation).


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I think that was a smart joke... I was also expecting Suho vs. a palm reader after that. The best funny part of this episode was Suho vs. psychic part. The second one was Dalnim and her 1000 days... Nope, that was not obvious at all, Dalnim...


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SOOO hilarious! And apparently the face reader was another cameo from Reply! (showed up on Ryu Junyeol's instagram).


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a door has open..a bit.. but unlucky for him/her to unaware on his/her feeling...

his world just like maths calculation..thinking over the logic and fact..but this riddle (BN) isnt that kind of maths to simple solve.

i wanna see BN and SH be twisted in minds..maybe in the next next next ep...(O_o) in fact their crazziness on their own world.

for real...the one will desperate at the end may be SH ??? I guesss LOL


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Okay guys, answer me this. Do we think Gary likes Bo Nui? Or is he just being protective as a donsaeng? I honestly can't tell.


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His actions say interested in her but he comforts her like a donsaeng. I'm not getting the romantic vibes.


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I'm pretty sure he "like likes" her. I had that impression before, but the way his hand was ever-so-cautiously reaching towards hers (before he got interrupted by his fans) seemed like a dead giveaway to me.


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I do think Gary is sweet on her but he is smart enough to realize he can't push her in the moment because of all this crazy fortune-teller stuff she's addicted to. He is choosing to just be her friend and stay near her to be sure she's OK. I am loving Lee Soo-Hyuk in this role. He is so sweet and boyish, completely (almost) freeing me from the image of him as the perfect evil vampire in Scholar Who Walks In the Night....just like the wonderful Nam Goong Min has finally proven what a comedic actor he is in Beautiful Gong Shim after two creepy villain roles in a row.


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"But I thought it was super sweet of him to arm himself with math and logic and go fight the fortunetellers, like a man on a (very geeky) mission".

The way GF describing those scene lol me a lot. Haha..I suddenly imagine suho inside a game, the dork adventure in superstition land. Lol


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I vote for kitten after midnight :D
A big shout out to Lucky Romance recappers for awesomely speedy works! The recaps come even before the legally subbed version in my app, that boasts "12 hours after airing in Korea" slogan.
Su Ho knows about Bo Ra, hooray! Don't recall ever feeling so happy after watching a kdrama epilogue. Despite the usual candy-in-trouble-saved-by-genius trope, appreciate that this show does not protract misapprehensions between the leads, so refreshing. Now all four leads have all their cards in the table, can't wait to see what will happen next!


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Aswear I was so excited when she had on that dress like yay some normal clothes finally .. I don't get why most female leads in kdramas have to always be so strangely dressed.. ahh ..and am kinda pissed bou how she just like not even think bou her safety or stuff.. don't be dumb especially since he saved her earlier u would think she would take note...


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Su-ho has a friend like RyangHa to ward off girls like Amy. haha


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I hope he does offer himself up to her and it ends awkwardly. Maybe they sleep together or he can't perform due to nerves, but it would leave him more smitten in the end. I'd love to see dorky Su-ho trying to woo Bo-nui and have her gradually fall for him.


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No they wont sleep together since the deadline is now over.


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I thought I wouldn't say this but I am liking the leads!

The drama just got better this week.

Love ep 5 & 6.


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Episode Grade: A
Love all the sceneeeeee. So realistic


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"Catch the tiger" mission has done.
When bonui met suho at hospital, bonui's timelimit done. At drama's end, production team notified by "showing clocks". (PM11:55)
So the mission ( catch the tiger; firth male lead ) was failed.
bonui will get new mission.
So episode 7 bonui says good bye to SH.


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Much better episode even if our heroine is being irrationally stubborn about her irrational superstitious beliefs. She's just very pretty even with all the volumes of denim. Although she could be hiding a small family under there. I'm just relieved to see that RJY isn't going to be a one note actor. Kdrama has enough pretty boys that only have the ability to stare sullenly and cry on demand.


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Am I the only one feeling this? I thought there would be fun romcom hijinks on how she will find a tiger to sleep with but now its been equated to life and death and its making things really awkward to watch. Its turning into a horror show!
I feel the chemistry but no way do I want them to sleep together under a condition like that, it just entered ick territory. And here I was hoping for a nice sensual rom-com T_T


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I feel like the show needs to focus a little more on how the events that occurred around her constantly reinforced Bo Nui's idea that she is made of bad luck. That fortune teller who told her she needs a tiger also reinforces the idea that she has bad luck. She thinks she's toxic to everyone. She can't even shake hands with someone without feeling like she'll bring them bad luck.

So the fact that she went with those guys (I legit shuddered when she did) without a care for her own safety is consistent with the way she feels. She has little interest in the well being of her own person because she thinks she's the cause of her sister's accident and that she deserves whatever pain comes her perhaps as a form of atonement?

Along with Hae Yong and PDK, Bo Nui also needs loads of therapy. Jeez. So does Su Ho for that matter. Being almost drowned by his dad probably gave him a lot of issues.

I'm really impressed by HJE in this show. I knew she had acting chops but her ability to inhabit a character and bring them to life was somehow always muted by her loudness. In this drama, she is odd, yes, but also quieter, knowing the things she does goes against logic but unable to stop doing so because she needs a reason to understand why so many bad things have happened to her. Surely life couldn't that be cruel. So maybe for her, it is logical to believe that she has bad luck. Her smiles are always tinged with sadness and that last scene, her defeated walk back to the hospital, she wore her sadness like a skin. The expression in her eyes was so bleak, I could feel my throat close up.


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+10 in all the comments here you I think is the only one who praised HJE acting coz mostly are praising RJY and LSH. But I think the scenes of BN are the most moving to me, HJE really fleshes out the character SBN. I was literally bawling when she is on her way to Bora's hospital, like a person who has given up on life and her teary eyes made me see BN soul how she loved her sister so much, her desperation, her soul that is tortured with regrets for so many years.I can't say anything more just...bravo HJE!


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She thinks she’s toxic to everyone. She can’t even shake hands with someone without feeling like she’ll bring them bad luck.

So the fact that she went with those guys (I legit shuddered when she did) without a care for her own safety is consistent with the way she feels.

Then don't you think they have got the rest of the character wrong then ? If someone thinks they are toxic or don't care about their own safety - then this is a person with very, very low self confidence.

That should probably have made her a recluse or an introvert. But she is very happy-go-lucky and attaches to people quickly. And it is not an act. Even when she is sprinkling salt on Amy, the whole body language is happy, bouncy, quirky. Its not someone who thinks their worth is zero

There is too much contradiction in the way her character is written. Very poorly done


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Well, she's staved off her bad luck BY using salt, talismans and denim. So even if her self-esteem (worth) is low, she can be happy knowing she's "protecting" her people and friends and work by having these little statues and guards against bad luck.

If you thought you had bad juju, but you could keep it away with a simple thing like $20 talisman (just a random example) wouldn't you be happy knowing that you were now safe? It's not a contradiction.


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Yes, I agree the director should've done better in telling her bad luck story as well as reinforcing it. If so, the audience would've been more emotionally invested in her story and rooting for her from the beginning.


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now that the tiger hunting is over,I think BN is on for a more serious problem, thinking that what the shaman says is always reliable and true, she will live in constant fear that Bora may go anytime coz she didn't fulfill her mission to sleep with the tiger. If the dreaded circumstance happen (Bora died, I hope not) she will again blame herself as the culprit for this unlucky faith and may resort to something uncalled for. That is why I was hoping the SH let her see the light before anything goes wrong, because I think that shaman is a fraud and is just taking advantage of her vulnerability and helplessness . Oh God...BN is so pitiful ...I want to hug her and console her...tell her that all this are not her fault and she should stop thinking that she is unlucky and bad luck to all people getting close to her, coz she is not.


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How adorable was it when Su-ho threw himself on the bed and thrashed around in frustration? One of the MANY lol moments in the this drama - and to think I quit in the first episode until a trusted friend yelled at me in the 3rd episode!! Love love love it.


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Well, I finally need to weigh in as after episode 12 - that this show hooked me completely. At first I found Su Ho hard to watch as he was so wooden and not very cute. With the exception of those lips! They are sooo kissable!!!

However when he started to become a little more vulnerable he has now stolen my heart and I'm invested and want him to be happy.
RJY's acting as Su Ho has been spot on as he emerges from his shell and reaches out to Bo Nui in the sweetest ways. After watching this last episode I was confused by how he changed towards her and then we got the answer at the end. Bingo! So I went back and watched it again. And then again just to see him.
Now I can't wait until next Wednesday to see what he does.

I too have been impressed by HJE playing Bo Nui and it's nice to NOT have her do all her over-acting which generally drives me crazy. Those denim outfits are certainly odd - but I loved the long white tunic she wore when they were going to do the 24hr working. I'd love to find out where to find that for myself.

We aren't even halfway through and so I'm really curious to see what happens. Will he confess his feelings and then spend the next few episodes trying to convince her? Who is going to be the evil one in this show? So far the bad guy hasn't appeared and we know there is always a bad/evil person or corporation to throw a wrench into the love-line

I love all the supporting cast and am looking forward to what happens next. It is a good contrast to OHY for me and I welcome the relief!

Thanks for the recap as always!!!!


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Wait.. can someone please tell me, why the deadline was 12pm? Like the full moon is still up in the sky! Shouldn't the deadline be until the sun rises?

BTW, if SH and BN sleep, it would be so funny. I hope both drink before hahaha because it would be too awkward being sober lmaaao

And I read people suggesting Tinder, and wait, Tinder is just for one night stands?? I use it and no, It isn't for one night stands... o0


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I saw some people on another forum comment that the Shaman didn't explicitly say have sex with a tiger man but just spend the night with them so they think if she and Suho stay the rest of the night together just talking or watching over Bora, that would count. I might have missed some detail but I think that was the gist of it. Maybe there is still time? Maybe there was something lost in translation, idk


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thats what i thought too. the shaman said "sleep", that doesnt necessarily equate to "sex". also if they do fall asleep at the hospital (at the ending scene) maybe that will count?


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oo..my..god... i am totally in the same thinking..


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That moment when Soo Ho was in front of Bo Ra's hospital room. And I did not expect it at all, heck, I can't even believe it until the epilogue. I was pretty sure it would be Gary there but at that moment, Je Soo Ho became a character almost as lovable as Jung Hwan.

Excuse me, I'm going to fan myself off.


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This episode really got me officially hooked. BN is just really desperate and willing to do anything which I find makes sense in her case and the reason why she's stubborn and doesn't think about the danger she's putting herself in. I did find it infuriating at first but came to realize where she's coming from at the end of the episode. I'm glad though that SH is there with his genius logic because that's what we really need in kdrama land; for everything to make sense and logical reasons why these characters do what they do.


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I rewatched this episode, this time knowing that he heard what she said in front of the building, and it felt much different from my first watch. I was frustruted that she could not tell him about her sister, on the other hand SH scenes were less effective, because I was thinking that he was still confused about BN's motivation. The second watch was more fun, and made me feel SH more. It was a very clever writing, to present this key scene at the end of the episode.


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I feel like by the end, Suho will have Bonui's talismans in his back pocket while giving a public speech or something else where he has to take those calming pills. Bonui won't sleep with him "in time" but her sister will recover which will show her that even her highly respected fortune-teller can be wrong so she'll cut back on just blindly following whatever he says and getting into seriously dangerous situations.

He will accept her superstitions and she will accept his reason so they're meeting halfway. :)

Side note: did anybody else find it weird that Gary never discouraged her from finding a tiger but on the very last night when he can't find her and thinks she actually is sleeping with a tiger he gets super worried and tries to find her? Its a little late for that..


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Oh and Suho might tell her something like he doesn't believe in luck but since she's joined his company, good things have happened so-to put it in her terms- she's kinda like his good luck charm. That would really get to Bonui, the girl who showers everyone with salt to protect them from her bad juju.

I can dream, right?~~~


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