Lucky Romance: Episode 4

Things do pick up now that the setup is complete and the romance can actually get going, albeit in the form of a cold hard business arrangement. I suppose stranger things have led to romance in dramaland, and if there’s one trope I always enjoy, it’s the contract relationship that forces people into coupley situations and leads to genuine feelings. I’m still not laughing out loud like I want to be (where did the zany of the first episode go?) but there is some cuteness to be had, and the possibility of a real connection between our leads.

Episode Grade: B



Contract in hand, Bo-nui bites the bullet and makes her soon-to-be boss Su-ho an offer: She’ll sign and work for his company for three months, and he gets the rights to the game she developed… if he dates her for three weeks. He takes a really long time to react, probably because his brain is short-circuiting.

His mom calls and pouts over the birthday breakfast she’s prepared for Su-ho, which he’s obviously not coming home to eat. She blames Dad and his drunken ramblings, and sighs that she was told it’s because Su-ho doesn’t have a girlfriend that he’s becoming increasingly cold and unfeeling. Dad just gets mad at her for wasting her time with a fortuneteller again.

Back at the office, Su-ho asks Bo-nui to repeat her terms, and comes away with, “So, you like me?” She immediately answers no, which is even more confusing. She says they wouldn’t be dating for real-real, but she wants to go on dates like other people do, and see movies, have tea, and make ramyun (code for inviting someone over for sex).

She calls it beta-dating, like the beta version of a game. Su-ho flat-out says no, wondering why a programmer would use her own game like this, comparing it to a parent holding her own child hostage. All she tells him is that someone’s life is on the line. I think you should’ve just gone with pretending you like him?

He still says no, but when Bo-nui threatens to pack up her desk and leave, he asks for one more day to think about it.

Tennis pro Gary goes for a swim with his agent Amy, but he runs off when he gets a call. She asks if it’s the noona next door again, but all he says is that he doesn’t want to lie to her, so she shouldn’t ask.

Gary races to a coffee shop where he bumps into a man on his way in, and meets with a private investigator he’d hired to track down his father. Apparently he was just here, but he ran out when he heard that Gary was on his way. Gary gets mad, but the investigator says that wasn’t really his father anyway—he was a homeless man looking for a con. Gary asks him to do whatever it takes to find Dad in the next two months.

Su-ho has his buddy Ryang-ha over to play video games (aha, so he DOES have a house outside his office!) and Ryang-ha laughs to hear about Bo-nui and her beta-dating contract. He’s convinced that Bo-nui fell for Su-ho at first sight, which Su-ho agrees is entirely possible.

But he fixates on Bo-nui’s words about it being a matter of life and death, and he asks what it means if she said that she’d end it cleanly after three weeks and disappear. Ryang-ha’s eyes widen and he says it must be her bucket list—she’s got a terminal illness, and her surgery is in three weeks, but the chances are really bad, so she wants to do all the things she’s never done before, like date. Ha. Thank goodness for Ryang-ha and his overactive imagination.

Su-ho gasps, but then he points out that she’s got perfect skin and rosy cheeks and clear eyes and shiny hair—not the signs of a dying patient. Ryang-ha just wonders when he noticed all those things.

Ryang-ha sighs when he opens the fridge to find no sign of life, and gulps down the only beverage in there. He wonders why it’s sour, and Su-ho looks over and says his mom put that there in the summer… of last year.

Cut to: the hospital, with Ryang-ha dramatically overreacting like Su-ho tried to poison him for his company shares. Now that he’s lying in a hospital bed, Ryang-ha decides that Su-ho should date Bo-nui because it’s just too sad for someone to die at that age without ever having a boyfriend.

Bo-nui comes to the same hospital to visit her sister and pass out snacks to the nursing staff, and she announces happily that she just got a job, so she’ll be paying her backed up hospital bills soon. She and Su-ho just miss seeing each other by the entrance, where she pauses to help out a frazzled mother collect her shoes. Bo-nui says with empathy that everything will be okay, and lingers there for a little while, choked up with emotion.

Gary is waiting outside the apartment building when Bo-nui gets home, and he asks her for a chat because he’s had a really rough day. She invites him over and digs up old photos of his father, who came to her junior high graduation after he found out about her parents’ death.

Gary sighs that he doesn’t have any photos like this with his dad, and he hated him for a long time, wondering if he meant nothing to his father. But now he worries that he waited too long, and that he searched for him too late.

Bo-nui gives him a stuffed owl and says that it’s a guardian spirit that’ll keep its eyes open all night in search of his father, and Gary smiles. She knows that most people just call this stuff superstition, but she says that for some people, all they have is hope and yearning, and no power to do anything else.

Gary asks if that’s why she was looking for a tiger sign, for superstitious reasons, and she says that it’s apparently good for her sister if she dates a tiger man. Gary just warns her that all men are wolves besides him (that’s what all guys say!), and when she asks about Amy, he swears that it’s just a business relationship. He insists that he’s not into wrinkly noonas, which earns him a beating from the noona sitting next to him.

It’s a really awkward morning at the office, with Su-ho silently avoiding confrontation, and Bo-nui anxiously awaiting his decision. He happens to overhear her on the phone with her sister’s doctor discussing an increase in medication—it’s the confirmation he needs to believe Ryang-ha’s theory that she might die.

He finally calls her into his office later that day and agrees to the deal. Su-ho calls it an exchange of hours, since he’s contracting his precious, expensive time in exchange for hers. He offers three hours a day on weekends, but Bo-nui scoffs that it’s not nearly enough time to set the mood and do stuff. Su-ho: “W-what mood?”

They deal back and forth, six hours a day, four hours a day, and finally settle on five hours a day on Saturdays and Sundays, for the next three weeks. It’s the oddest conversation, but Bo-nui agrees happily and says with a bow that she’ll never forget this, even when she’s dead. To her it’s just a thing you say, but he winces at the mention of death, thinking that it confirms his assumptions.

Gary looks over the game proposal from Zeze and turns it down like he does with most offers, but he surprises Amy by asking if he should do a TV appearance, and what program might appeal to the fiftysomething age bracket.

As he walks her out, Amy asks him again to reconsider the vacation, and he wonders if there’s something else going on with her. She just says it’s a waste not to compete right now, and checks his shoulder muscles.

Bo-nui arrives and sees them, and from a distance it looks like they’re hugging, or at least getting weirdly handsy. Bo-nui smiles and assumes that they’re dating after all. She comes home with a big stack of books all about dating, which advise her to eat meals with the man she’s interested in. If you had to learn that from a book, we’ve got a long ways to go.

But the next day, Bo-nui discovers that Su-ho never eats lunch with the rest of his staff, who add that he doesn’t eat, sleep, or laugh ever. Dal-nim is the only one to defend Su-ho for being a genius who also works hard, but no one else shares her opinion. Aw, does Dal-nim have a crush on him?

Su-ho tenses when he discovers Amy at the Zeze offices, and asks for tighter security and walks right past her. But she surprises him by saying that she’s here as Gary’s agent. So they’re forced to sit across from each other in a tense meeting, with his employees wondering why the air is so icy in there.

Amy says in banmal that a genius must naturally be the best no matter what field he’s in, and Su-ho tenses at that but ignores her. She admits that Gary turned down their offer, but she came anyway, “Because there’s someone I want to see, but he won’t give me the opportunity.”

Su-ho wants to deal with Gary directly, asking who would take responsibility if she betrayed them. It’s clearly a barbed comment, but she skips right over it and says that she can convince Gary of anything. Su-ho pauses at that and then says pointedly that she must still be using younger, successful men, since that’s her specialty. Ouch.

He says coldly that he’ll make sure the contract is airtight, so that neither party can betray the other and run off. She reminds him that this is business contract, not a personal one, and he says he knows the difference, unlike her.

It finally gets tense enough for the other employees to run out of there, and Dal-nim races down to the café to tell Ryang-ha about it. He recognizes that she’s talking about Amy with hilariously scant details from Dal-nim like, “She’s got this body, and this face!” and he calls her a femme fatale.

Amy says that after leaving San Francisco, she switched majors because astrophysics never suited her, which he ought to know. Su-ho just asks why she didn’t stay, since she could’ve had him write her a dissertation and get her a Ph.D. “Naïve Je Su-ho would’ve offered it all,” he says bitterly. He gets up and tells her to speak to his staff from now on, and not to call him by name anymore.

The staff gossips about it over drinks that evening, most of them amazed that Su-ho ever had a girlfriend. Speculation runs wild over whether they’re still dating, or she used him, or she cheated on him and broke his heart, and all the while Bo-nui sits there quietly, wondering what this means for her catching her tiger.

Su-ho broods by himself and flashes back to the first time he met Amy, when she’d rescued him from a lake after some bullies threw him into the water. He was always picked on because he skipped grades and was the kid genius, but she’d introduced herself as his tutor’s daughter, and offered to be his friend.

Bo-nui comes back to the office to check on Su-ho, but Ryang-ha gets to him first and takes him out for beers, and she worries about how he’s doing as she watches them leave.

Su-ho’s mom shows up at the office the next day, but she can’t manage to get past security and even Ryang-ha plays interference, calling Su-ho an angry hedgehog right now. Mom sees Bo-nui arriving for work and asks her to deliver a talisman for her without Su-ho knowing, and Bo-nui surprises her by knowing what the talisman is for. She takes the opportunity to ask Mom what Su-ho likes to eat, and Mom says seafood since he grew up near the ocean.

So Bo-nui sneaks the talisman into one of Su-ho’s books, and fakes a coughing fit when he walks in on her. He just takes it as another sign that she’s sick, which she denies. She leaves him a tuna sandwich, but he tosses it into the trash instantly.

She sees it happen because she turns back around, and he at least seems to feel a twinge of guilt about it. He explains that he doesn’t like fish, which seems odd in light of what his mother said.

Bo-nui just reminds him about their first date tomorrow, and says she’ll pick the place. She plans everything out the night before, and on Saturday she gets all dressed up go out.

She runs into Gary on her way, and hesitates before asking him to give her a bit of encouragement because she really needs it right now. He gives her a weak cheer at first, but then adds a heartfelt “Shim Bo-nui, you can do it! Fighting!” which lifts her mood.

Bo-nui waits outside a hotel, and Su-ho schleps over to her in bare feet and slippers and his normal casual clothes. It’s not so much the outfit as it is his attitude—basically he’s being bratty to make it clear that he doesn’t want to be here and doesn’t care about any of this.

She says he looks tired, and he confirms that he’s been shortchanged on sleep, “Because I signed a strange manual labor contract recently. But what can I do? I made a promise, so I have to keep it.” He leaves the rest unsaid, but it’s abundantly clear: But I don’t have to like it.

Bo-nui forges on ahead and suggests dinner up in one of the hotel rooms, which might have turned him into stone, because he doesn’t move. She adds nervously that she won a drawing and got a free room, and the view is supposed to be amazing, and she wants to do something fancy like eat in a luxury hotel room once before she dies. He gets up and agrees to it when she brings up death.

He doesn’t touch a single thing at dinner though, because she ordered all seafood. Apparently he wasn’t lying about not liking fish, so Bo-nui asks what he does like to eat. Su-ho says that as soon as he retires, he’s going to invent a pill you can take so that you don’t have to eat. Hm, this sounds crazy and familiar. [But it would be so conveeeeeeeeenient! –javabeans]

Bo-nui wonders what he enjoys in life if he doesn’t like food, while he counters that liking carbs and sweets is an indication that she’s unhappy and low on serotonin. Omg, dating this guy in real life would be so aggravating!

She takes it in stride and admits that she is unhappy, but when she says she’s going to think positive thoughts from now on to counteract that, he calls that denial. She grits her teeth and stops herself from snapping back at him, and instead takes advantage of a moment when he looks out the window.

Bo-nui grabs her wine glass and sloshes the contents all over her dress, and uses the excuse to go wash up. Is she really intending to jump his bones tonight? I don’t think this is going to go well…

She braces herself in the bathroom and has a moment of hesitation, but she gives herself a pep talk and argues that logically, he’s a man and she’s a woman, so things should proceed in that direction.

Bo-nui comes out of the bathroom in just her slip and doesn’t even meet Su-ho’s eyes as she starts to say nervously, “What I want to do is…”

But then she finally looks at him and realizes he’s fallen asleep. She deflates and says he actually looks nice when he’s sleeping, and he shocks her by asking what it is she wants to do. Ack, he wasn’t asleep? Embarrassing!

She gasps and tries to hide behind the couch, and he suddenly leans in close like he’s about to kiss her… and then says, “Time’s up.” Urg.

She argues that they still have time left, but he wants to factor in driving time and gets up to leave. In a mad dash to try and stop him, she runs for the door and falls instead, and when he makes repeated attempts to find out if she’s hurt, she blurts out that she’s just mortified.

Bo-nui hurriedly throws her trench coat over her slip and just carries her dress in hand so she can leave with him. Down in the lobby, Su-ho is recognized by a crowd of people who are bizarrely excited about him (maybe there’s a gamer convention in the hotel?) and his trauma resurfaces when they surround him and start taking pictures.

He looks so distraught that Bo-nui notices, and she breaks through the crowd to take his hand and lead him away. She sits him down in a quiet corner of the lobby, and he belatedly realizes that he’s still clutching her hand. He lets go, and when she comes back with a glass of water, she finds him hunched over and reciting multiplication tables.

On the drive home, Bo-nui pounds her chest for what seems like indigestion, and she asks about the multiplication tables. He says simple calculation helps clear his head, but when she brings up the fainting incident at the product launch, he abruptly changes the subject and says they’ve arrived.

Su-ho declines her offer for tea because he doesn’t want to waste any more time, and Bo-nui looks sad as she admits that she thought they’d gotten a little closer. After a long beat, he calls her name and turns to her like he’s about to say something meaningful… and asks, “Are you not getting out of the car?” Wah-waaah.

He drives off and touches his hand for a second before going off on a rant about how he would’ve been fine calming himself down without her holding his hand and stuff. He decides he’s going to have to get some kind of restraining order to put an end to the physical contact, and gets all riled up again at the memory of her touch.

Gary is waiting with ice cream at the bus stop for Bo-nui to come home, and when she says she’s already at their building, he runs back happily. He creeps up behind her and also happens to be wearing a mask over his face, and it startles her for a second until she sees Gary smiling back at her.

But then out of nowhere, another hooded man flies through the air and launches himself at Gary. It’s a pretty swift and one-sided fight, and Gary gets the other guy pinned to the ground easily. Bo-nui starts to call the cops when Hoody coughs out her name, and she gasps to see that it’s Su-ho.

They all relocate up to Bo-nui’s apartment, where Su-ho examines his cuts and scrapes and looks jealously over at Gary, who’s currently getting every little cut bandaged by Bo-nui and enjoying the attention. I love how Su-ho so clearly wants the same treatment, but can’t admit it and insists that he’s fine.

Gary takes issue with Bo-nui’s boss showing up at her place at night, and starts getting all accusatory until Bo-nui has to physically shove him out, promising an explanation later. Once he’s gone, Bo-nui helps Su-ho with his bandages, and draws protective characters on his hand to help him heal.

He says he doesn’t believe in that stuff, but she argues that she does. It’s the physical contact that he’s more concerned with, and he pulls away the second she’s done. He says he’s going to add a contract stipulation that keeps her from touching him, and she argues that dating will naturally lead to skinship. He says it’s fake anyway, and turns to go.

Su-ho finally remembers why he came back and tosses a pharmacy bag at her feet, because he noticed her indigestion earlier. Aw. He even bought two kinds in case of drug interaction with whatever other meds she’s on. She’s confused at that, so he confronts her about it and asks directly what her illness is.

He lays out all the signs, like her taking medicine outside the hotel (which was an herbal calming remedy for her jitters), coughing (when she’d choked on her own water from nerves), hiccupping, or falling over.

I don’t know why, but I like the way he asks, “What’s broken?” He prods, asking if she’s getting surgery in three weeks and if they say she’ll die. She’s still confused, so he finally tells her that he knows about her terminal illness.

Bo-nui laughs and says it’s a misunderstanding, and Su-ho is mortified at the mistake. He covers up his embarrassment by saying he’s going to add that clause about no skinship, and even takes back the indigestion medicine.

She laughs again and says that he’s unexpectedly nicer than she thought at first, agreeing to her crazy contract because he felt bad about her dying, and bringing her medicine, and jumping in to save her even though he can’t fight. Hee.

She says now that she thinks about it, he’s pretty great. He doesn’t know how to react to the direct compliment and just stands there staring back at her. She adds with a smirk that if he just said things nicely, he’d be perfect.

Su-ho awkwardly points to his watch and says they’ve run overtime, so they’ll cancel tomorrow’s date and add an hour and a half to next week’s date. But Bo-nui asks, “Can’t we use that now? That hour and a half—let’s use it up now. Sleep with me tonight.”


Back at the hospital, Su-ho had noticed Bo-nui there after all, which had solidified his assumption that she was ill. He saw the emotion in her reaction as she told the worried mother that everything would be okay, and again when she repeated it to herself.


I didn’t think she’d put it out there like that and ask him to spend the night, but maybe the show will surprise us and do something unexpected for a change. That’d be nice, since the last few episodes have really drawn out the setup, which I thought was already done in the first episode. But the workplace drama really weighs down the story, and part of me still can’t believe it took this many episodes to get Bo-nui officially working for the company. Because that’s just not the part we care about. I just wish that the main characters were actively funnier, because right now Ryang-ha is the only one carrying the comedy. I like the characters and especially the actors, but I still feel like the story is a step behind. Things did pick up the second that Bo-nui and Su-ho went out on their first date, because now we’re FINALLY done talking about it and doing something; it just shouldn’t have taken this long.

The date was a series of disasters, but I honestly wish it had been more embarrassing and more of a disaster. Is that weird? It’s just that if it were going to go down in flames (which of course it was), I wanted epically embarrassing hilarity to bring it down. As it is, she bruised her ego, but Su-ho seems so clueless that I don’t think her intentions registered with him at all. The handholding and his reaction to it was a definite upswing, because I was beginning to worry that he didn’t like her, even though he said her hair was shiny (I do like that he fixates on little details like that, even if he misses the big picture entirely). And maybe having Gary around will be a good thing, if it brings out his childish jealousy.

I’m disappointed that the terminal illness misunderstanding didn’t go on longer, since there was so much effort put into Su-ho’s thought process and all the little confirmations he thought he’d seen. I thought it seemed like a plausible reason for her to want a three-week beta-boyfriend, and now I’m not sure what excuse she’ll come up with for why she made him do it. I still think it works in her favor if she lets him think she has a crush on him, but maybe she thinks that’s more embarrassing? Three weeks just doesn’t seem like a lot of time, especially considering Su-ho’s personality. But maybe, just maybe, he’ll tap into his feelings and fall for her first? I know, don’t hold your breath.

I just hope there are more contract relationship hijinks in store, because that’s the only part of the show I like, and right now it’s surrounded by a lot of filler side stuff that’s unnecessary. It’s kind of like getting a jelly-filled doughnut and having to go through ninety percent of plain doughnut to get to a dollop of jelly in one corner. Don’t be stingy with the jelly! The jelly is why we buy the doughnut!


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This episode is slightly better, Su-ho character is really adorable haha
Sadly there isn't many humorous parts though


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I can't get over how adorable Lee Soo-Hyuk is as Gary Choi haha give him more acting roles!


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He really improved (since valid love, constantly) i'm really happy to see him in this kind of role!


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One thing I couldn't stop laughing at was Su Ho's nervous bargaining about the dating contract - he somehow came off as both desperate and a fast-talking auctioneer. And of course the sigh of victory at the end.

I also love his habit of agreeing with himself under his breath at the end of a sentence. It's such a funny nervous tic when you realize so few people disagree with him openly, so he really is just taking to himself.


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i wonder if the writers are somehow fans of the show House MD some of the witty banters reminds me of him hehe :)

i love that Su ho is so awkward but still manage to rationalize everything, the dynamics of a rational/intelligent guy and a superstitious girl actually works for me :)

Hopefully the good flow of the story wont break :)


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While I agree it's going pretty slowly, truth is I can sustain my interest just on the promise of Je-su making faces. Mostly deadpan, but I laugh every time. Especially in the moment of the first picture in this recap.


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That was a big LOL moment.

Bo-nui: "Don't frown like that!"

... And genius Je Su-ho manages to come up with a different type of frown.


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Ryu is just so awesome. So adorable! :)


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I LOVE his facial expressions. I'm always just staring at his face. Especially the scene where she tells him "don't frown like that" and then he comes up with a different frowning face! I actually laughed out loud


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It's interesting how everyone has their own type of funny. Every episode has its LOL moment and in this episode, it was the scene with Su-ho and Ryang-ha, but I absolutely love the deadpan humor and Ryoo Joon-Yeol does it well.


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I have to agree! I'm actually quite enjoying the show- and have had some real lol moments! Just praying the show doesn't go into drama land tropes.. And mess with the fun it's got going now! :)


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I liked it! It was a big improvement from the previous episodes and I laughed at a lot of scenes despite the lack of background music sigh.... but I'm looking forward to more :D


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I actually think the lack of background music is the reason people think this drama is flat because we're so used to sweeping dramatic music in k dramas (love is the momentttttttttt) to signal is when something funny or romantic is happening that people feel disconnected when they're not being pointed to the funny and the sweet via music


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I second this! It's a very "quiet" drama. Reminds me of rom-com korean movies which always lose my interest because as you said, the back ground music makes the aura flat.


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Looks like we need Park Do Kyung to help out with BGM :P


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LOOOL ahaha so true


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The music producer might have taken their time hanging out with Do Kyung


That just shows the audience is smart enough to figure out for themselves what is funny instead of relying on gimmicky music or sound effects to indicate when they should laugh…like the sheep sound in the Answer Me series, which was so annoying.


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But a good background music really heightens the comedy in the show. Like the "heol" music in oh hae young again. When it comes up at the "it" parts, i can't help laughing even louder :p


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That would depend on a person's sense of humor. There is background music in the parts that should be 'funny'; it's just not gimmicky. So I agree, but I also don't agree because dark comedies don't rely on that. The flatness could improve due to better music/sound usage and better directing/editing.


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It's true that a good musical cue can really amp things up a notch. The opening strains of Everyone's Kung Fu Fighting and the first bars of Battle Without Honor or Mercy (Kill Bill) have gotten used in a couple different dramas and it's always badass.


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I agree,it was actually the most hilarious,but it should have been 10x hilarious if there was a wacky music during the hospital scene of SH and RH.I actually would have rolled in laughter coz SH is really so adorable in that part. hahaha.I hope this people in charge with BM would see our comments or a kind soul would tell them our observation coz this drama is losing its great potential because of their incompetence.If only the production team of SWP is the team inchaarge of this,the ratings would have been great.


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Music is soooo important to a movie or drama. This drama is too quiet, while Entertainer seems to have really childish, annoying music in the "funny" parts. Believe it or not that is one of the reasons I don't like Entertainer. Makes you realize the importance of a good music coordinator.


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Fully agree on the music bit. TMETS was the first kdrama i fully watched. What hooked me in initially was the opening BGM. It was to me, majestic. Sets the tone for the whole show.


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The leads are nailing it with the chemistry. Out of all four episodes, this was the best for me.

AND, i absolutely love the fact that Bo-nui has unconsciously crept into Su-ho's mind. He didn't have to go back to her apartment to make sure she's home safe (with her commenting about perverts in the neighborhood) - but he did, anyway.

I'm relieved to know that Gary Choi has no romantic feelings for his noona Bo-nui. Hope it stays a brother-sister relationship, so that the romance is centrally focused on Su-ho and Bo-nui!


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I'm actually really liking this drama but every time I come read the recaps I get down because I really like the drama. I like how light hearted it is. I like all the main characters involved. Also why is this the only drama with the grading scale. It really turns me off. I hate that.
Oh well. *shrugs*
Art is subjective, I guess


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I like it as well and it works for me. I guess people just had different expectations while I had none, so there's no disappointment.


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Me too. I Like it. I guess Je so ho's frown enough for some of us.


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They explained in the first recap that they are just trying out the grading scale on Lucky Romance to see how it goes and to see how readers react--is it something they should keep doing with all recaps or not? I like that DB really seems to try and get feedback from readers when trying something new. It shows they actually care.

Also, I just wanted to say that no one is making you read the recaps. These are JB and GF's own opinions and sometimes you'll disagree with them. I tend to agree with them on most things but there are some times when I find myself thinking very differently. During such moments I think, "Well, that's their opinion and this is their blog" and move on. If reading what they have to say is bumming you out that much, you can stop reading. But I actually suggest you use this as an opportunity to build your own arguments for what you feel, try and justify your opinions to yourself. If you feel differently than GF on an aspect of this show, tell yourself specifically why you like it. Mentally pitting your own opinions against a smart lady's such as Girlfriday is a great way to enhance your analytical skills. :) Much better to think differently like you do and be able to explain why than to blindly accept what Girlfriday is saying like a sheep without forming your own opinion first.

The words of Javabeans and Girlfriday are not Law, as much as some readers like to make it seem so. Yes, they are well-educated writers analyzing this material just as a movie critic would analyze a film (albeit with more love for the most part), but that doesn't mean you have to agree with them.

You're free to have your own opinions, and as long as you can explain why you feel the way you feel about the material, you should be able to discuss those opinions on this site with fellow readers without anyone disrespecting you for it. If anyone still does, punch them. :P

Not really. I do not condone violence between Beanies! (Or anyone, but especially Beanies... Our emotions tend to run high on this site!)


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no.. you're not alone

At first I watch it because I love Jungpalie (ooh my heartbroken feels) and I want to know his next acting project... and after episode 1, I like it, esp everything about RJY potraying Suho (the way he talks, his outfit and etc), for the story, I am fine with it, it's not really a good drama but not bad either...

despite comment from DB gets me down, I was still continue watching this drama and to be honest I love it.. overall

So just like you, it makes me sad to read the recaps and comments (but strangely, i still come here to read it) haha I love you DB! ... maybe I can take it as a reminder for me to keep my expectations low for this drama..


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Me too! I can't stop reading the recaps even though it bums me out! I'm a glutton for punishment or I'm just extremely addicted to this blog!


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That is the beauty of opinions. No opinion is more important than another. Disagreements are part of life. It happened to me with Descendants of the Sun. God I hated that drama. Stopped watching at ep 5. So I expressed my reasons for disliking it and nobody attacked me for it. Just feel free to come to this site and share how you feel about this drama. Everybody here is pretty great and nobody will judge you.


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I like it a lot too and consider the episode much stronger than a lot of the other commenters do.


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Hmmm I'm not loving it yet... but I think it's taking baby steps in the right direction...(hey, I genuinely laughed at Jung Sang Hoon's hospital scene and thank god they cut down on the flashbacks).

I don't know why I'm not feeling a connection to LCA's or LSH's characters though... they're doing a great job but the characters just seem so pointless to me. I'm actually liking Ryang Ha and Dal Nim more than these two (I'm hoping they get more screentime because they're so so underused but maybe Gary and Amy will grow on me).

Although I have no idea where the plot is going, I'm still hanging on because of the cast. Hopefully it keeps improving!

(OT but I'm also noticing RJY losing more and more weight with each episode. He just looks so tired sometimes... double-filming with The King must be getting to him :()


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Dal Nim is ADORABLE! I totally love her character and the actress who plays her (she always plays such different roles).

She was so cute and funny in the meeting between Su-ho and Amy. She smiled and nodded yes to everything Su-ho said then frowned deeply as the conversation went south.

And she's the only one during the employee gossip dinner to turn every negative thing they said about Su-ho into all positive things. Just adorable.


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Agreed, she's so cute. Remembered seeing her in Mirror of The Witch, where she ended horribly; glad to see her alive and cute here!
Was thinking she might have a crush on Su Ho, but maybe she's just cares a lot for teh boss. Am hoping that she'll end up with Ryang Ha, can just see them being cute together.


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what? the actress who play dalnim, also act in mirror of the witch??
I watch MOTW but I never realized she was there...

she is a shaman who died? the bio mom of twins?? really?



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She was the awkward but sweet gisaeng who got her face magically healed by the potion, then got her heart literally ripped out T_T
Her scene with Do Hee is a cute moment in that sombre episode.


Oh my wow did not recognise her until now. They're both cute characters but incredibly different. Hands down for her acting :)


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Ahh It's my first time seeing this actress in a role (I havent gotten around to starting SFD yet haha) but I love her already! I really want her to get more screen time... I think she has a crush on Soo-Ho too which is so adorbs. Hopefully her little heart doesn't get broken in the long run especially since she and BN are best friends!


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Shes also in six flying dragons ?


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The flashback scenes - well, it's always interesting to see how American culture is summarized in another culture's media.

But... The frat bros who throw people in ponds don't usually hijack them in broad daylight from the commons, and they're also usually not within a mile of a geek factory like an MIT-level sciences school. Nerds get their hazing on in a much weirder way, usually involving extensive physics research or lab concoctions. Or sometimes rewired dorm rooms where each light switch/appliance turns on or off (or strobes) based on a wide variety of sounds.

The scene just made me groan. Lazy!


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Yeah.. University/College life has a really odd portrayal in movies and television... I don't get the bullying nerds thing, if anything I think "nerds" are pretty well respected in higher education...

I totally skimmed through all the flashback scenes because I couldn't take it anymore... they were sooo cringeworthy and barely added anything to the plot. They need to stop with Soo-Ho's ~pathetic~ childhood! He's a likeable enough character as he is...


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That's an excellent point - Korean dramas are about 40 years behind the times on how colleges operate. They're merging current high school bullying with 80s college films and ending up with something that just looks bizarre.

The competition is too intense for a meathead and a math genius to get into the same school - they'd be at different schools entirely.


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True. I mean, times have changed. You wouldn't necessarily have Tri-Lambs in with Alpha Betas on the same campus.

*just to throw in that random 80s college film as an example*


what I like in this drama is gary played by soo hyuk and nothing else. really can connect with this drama and its already episode 4. why the main OTP never appeal their charm and got me hooked with them esp the main girl..


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Well....I beg to be differ. I think the main OTP has serve more than enough to keep me watching the episodes. On the contrary, I haven't found something interesting on Gary's stories . I love LSH but I can't really connect with his character at the moment.


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The OTP is really doing their job.The scene where SH asked BN "what do you want to do" after pretending he is asleep and the last scene where they stared at each other got me squealing silently. Maybe its personal preference and taste.


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Give us more Suho and Ryangha moments, please... Their dysfunctional bromance is so cute. One likes to overanalyze the situation, and the other has a wild imagination.


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I like the way Ryu Jun yeol'acting. We can see that his facial expression changing by acting . This epi 4 will rescuse viewer rating of future episodes. So far this drama is getting better and better. I have confidence on Ryu Jun Yeol.


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While I think Ryu Jun Yeol is a good/natural/promising actor, I honestly can't tell if he is slightly awkward in certain scenes (it's most noticeable when he's acting opposite Hwang Jung-Eum) or if he's just really convincing at making Su-ho come off as awkward and uncomfortable.

I have to say, this is the first drama that I like Hwang Jung-Eum in. I'm noticing how good she is at turning awkward/uncomfortable situations into something heartwarming and comfortable for the actor/character opposite her. She has the talent to bring out the best in the other person. I like that.


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I so agree! That Jun-yeol is a promising-getting-better actor. Some of his delivery is too fast and too one-toned which makes for an awkward conversation, but that can be due to Su-ho's genius and nervous character - he spits out words quickly when he is uncomfortable. So while I don't like it, I still appreciate the director/actor making it a trait and an conscious decision to portray him like that.

I also think Hwang Jung Eum is knocking out of the park with another of her dramas. She's doing a fantastic job as a quirkly person, with less of the odd screechings.


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Something's off with Bo Nui's character calibration. Su Ho at this point is far more insightful and thoughtful about her, and he's practically parked on the spectrum. Bo Nui is coming across as desperate and manipulative, which is just so insane when paying a little attention to the guy works just fine. Why would she buy an entire fish dinner when he's JUST told her he doesn't like fish? Why is she believing his mother over his own words?

And of course I can't help but hear that she's paying for a suite in a five-star hotel (with room service!!!) and think about her hospital bills. The annoying thing is, she probably could have expensed all of this to the company if she'd pre-sold it as field research. She says it right there as she's convincing him, and why not structure the dates as research outings to fancy places all-star tennis players go? And, you know, not spend money that you need for Bo Ra.

I don't think I'm supposed to be watching this show and feeling incredibly worried about Su Ho being hurt by Bo Nui's callous opportunism. Because if he falls for her and finds out she shagged him on the orders of Mean Shaman, then he's just being used again.


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Hmmm... i see your point...but ive thought about it. She might not have informed him abt the shaman but she did inform him sh doesnt have feeling for him and i felt it was clear with suho that its fake dating...doing things couples do without feelings. I cant say JSH is being used if its part of the terms in their contract.


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You're right, they play her desperation too realistically, so it's grating and not wacky. Because her circumstances are sad. Am living for RJY though, he's adorable, quirks & all.


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Well, when he first told her he didn't like fish, it could have been a "weak excuse" for her as she saw him toss the sandwich away. But yea, girl, take the guy at his word!

I also felt a bit off about her paying for a hotel amidst her money concerns; why not just invite him to her house <_<

But for your last point; it's fine line, but I think that's why she hasn't pretended like she has a crush on him to sleep with him. That would be deceptive, absolutely. But she's angling for a one night stand; a clear end to a relationship after 3 weeks, so Bo-nui is using him, but he knows he's being used too, from the start, with the whole contract and "I'll give you the IF game if you give me 36 hours of your time"


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I'm on the other side of the fine line - she's presented this as a contract relationship and assured him she doesn't like him, but isn't the premise of every contract-marriage storyline that it's a paper-only thing until emotions overcome the contract? I have a really hard time thinking Su Ha could interpret her sleeping with him as anything but a sign of actual interest - she certainly hasn't made it clear that's her goal.

He knows he's being used to pretend they're dating. It's a whole different thing to have Bo Nui deceptively working within that agreement to get him to sleep with her, and also completely unexpected (any contract marriage that involved actual sleeping together should raise serious eyebrows, because it's supposed to be a for-show relationship).

Whole thing is making me increasingly uncomfortable - not because of any moral qualms regarding sex, but because the sex is not included in the contract and would absolutely indicate something more.


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Contract-marriages have been for show (on kdramas) to put off mothers or ex lovers or the press etc. But this contract was never about showing other people - it was (to Su-ho's misunderstanding) a bucket list of dating experiences before she dies. Fitting with the virtual reality game thing; they will have a game of virtual dating.

So Bo-nui has ulterior motives, but she isn't going to put on an act to seduce him: like lying about dying, or about her loving him, or even drugging/*love potion would be the G-rate comedy terminology* him. . She is going to use her time to straight-up seduce him. It's still his choice whether to take her offer or not.

But yes, in real life, it's such a crazy unacceptable idea to even start with.


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I'm enjoying things so far, but maybe it's because I had few expectations of this drama to begin with. I agree we need more contract relationships hijinks though. Scenes that don't involve our leads interacting are pretty dull.

I'm interested in reading the original source material for this though. Does anyone know where I could find an english translated version of the manhwa?


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Dig the "beta boyfriend"! Feeling like this show is a good watch after this episode, maybe it's picking up its pace onwards. So far the premise works, and Su Ho is a super adorable geek. Love how his character is not socially inept and awkward in spite of being a genius, but because of it. Appreciate that Bo Nui just stated straight up that she wants to bed him :D Am surprised that Ryang Ha didn't come up with the idea that maybe what she wants is a sperm donor with a genius DNA, haha.
And so far nobody, not the second leads and the gambling-addicted ex_boss, is mean just for the sake of being mean! (Ok maybe Su Ho's dad, bet he was the reason why Su Ho can't stand the smell of fish.)
Although it strongly reminds me of She Was Pretty, finding this show a relief to watch together with the intensely emotional Oh Hae Young Again. Need something cute and sweet to balance my kdrama watch!


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I am too, like you - balancing LR with OHY Again ;)


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I will scream if we never get an explanation for Bo Nui's constant crimes against denim. We saw her closet, we know she owns normal clothes - what is with the HUGE number of hideous, enormous, denim outfits she wears for most of the show?!

Is this part of her superstition? Did the shaman tell her to wear a piece of denim at all times, the more the better? DENIM.


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LOL am i right. Her outfits are horrendous. BLEGHHH!!!


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This comment is hilarious. Literally everyone else in the show dresses nice but her!


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Hoo boy, DENIM. This is an actress that seems to only ever be dressed terribly though maybe the focus is usually on giving her the ugliest haircut known to man (Bo Nui is at least a step up from the usual).


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from the instagram related to LR,RJY and HJE, these denims are the fashion nowadays in korea ,mostly worn by Yippies(Young Professionals) although you may see it as odd,but these Denims including torn jeans are what "Clicks" in the korean fashion,and since HJE is considered a fashionista ,we cannot help but... Btw these clothes she wear are from the clothing brand HJE endorses (Muzak) and definitely sold all throughout SK.


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Waaaait wait wait wait - those are actually designed and sold in stores? SERIOUSLY?! I thought they were put together by the props department as some sort of shorthand for "she's poor and not really great at sewing, but she makes the most of what she has"! It never crossed my mind that they would be anything other than one-offs from the costume department.

...even the weird denim belled shirt with matching bicep-skirts?

Oh god, this is the worst news. I saw all of the 70s stuff cropping up in Entertainer and called my fashion buyer friend to find out if it's trending, and horrifyingly she said it's coming back - but the denim's gone over the line.

I'm laughing, but it's horrified laughing. Good lord.


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A big big big yessss! These torn denims are actually sold in stores and Koreans love them, many Koreans send their own pictures to HJE,LR,RJY instagrams wearing those clothes just to show off that they are wearing the same.These clothes of HJE are actually the fashion trend in SK including her hair.She is a trend setter, actually, during the KMHM days, when she as ORJ has this weird hair pins, many Koreans do buy and try to accessorize their hair win those pins.if you go to Korea now, you will probably see a lot of pixie haired Koreans because she also endorses one of the biggest and most popular hair salon in the country ALLU together with JCW.


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I remember the hair pins - again, I thought it was the costume department telegraphing that she's not all there. Oh my.

Ripped jeans is fine - it's the outfits that look like large panels of denim strung together with drawstrings, or the long skirt of stitched-together yards of denim, or the bicep skirts - I'm looking at Muzak's site and not seeing any of those. Muzak's site actually looks pretty good (well, aside from some seriously questionable site design choices).

But if you're saying that those pins were a genuine fashion trend then all is lost. I give up. I'm just going to have to duck and cover and hope to weather the storm. But maybe the most-extreme Korean trends don't make it to the US? Maybe we'll just get a toned-down version of 70s denim, escape lightly.


@miranda...hahaha, I too are not comfortable with these style,I think it is another brand,I just saw them in the instagram, those denims are really off in my taste, but since it is being used in the drama, I think its for the image of her character (I hope I am correct) anyways ,she is wearing tasteful clothes in formal occasions (date)so probably I'll let it pass.^-^


In my country (which is not Korea), female professionals from the IT field aren't gonna wear those "normal clothes" in her closet to work. Fashion standards are not the same in all countries. It's usually gonna be (denim) jeans and a blouse.

I think her fashion is a bit uncomfortable (because it's denim), but it's just normal, not hideous.


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HAHAHA... maybe it was bargaining piece: for somewhat acceptable and cute hair, Hwang Jung eum asked for freedom to go long-skirt denim crazy in her character.

If anything, the shaman would have told her "yellow is her lucky color" because instead of wearing sexy red or black to seduc Su-ho, she wears a bright eye catching yellow dress.


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Dear dramabeans, can you please tone down on saying.. why it taking so long etc? In every recap??

It really sets the mood off. You have been saying it for all 4 episodes now. Even korean viewers are saying that the story is moving fast.

I love youre recap, but can you tone on always being negative.


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Hi Beta!

Well, I think it's because they are experienced, analytical drama watchers. They have seen so many dramas over the years that they are able to be critical but fair. I don't think it's negative to not love everything you see. It's just the result of the matured approach that they have established; the culmination of years of loving dramas and discussing them.

Re: pacing - For a contract to take 4 episodes to get rolling...that is pretty slow. It's different to base things on relationship pacing...as in, how many episodes it takes the main characters to kiss or sleep together. If they sleep together Episode 4 or 5, then that's pretty fast for their relationship (because they don't have one). But there are many other aspects of the story to consider, such as character development and establishment of overall plot.

These fabulous bloggers aren't saying the show isn't enjoyable! There are just so many dramas these days that not every one can be absolutely fantastic. We're all here to enjoy them for what they are, but sometimes it is also fun to dig deeper into the conversation and critique them (just like film, books, music, etc). It just takes the conversation to new levels and different directions.

Glad you are enjoying the show! You can add your constructively positive comments to the conversation.


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Honestly, the setup on this one has seemed draggy. Marriage Contract had the contract in place by episode two; Entertainer had ripped down its lead and started building him back up again by two as well. But Lucky Romance took until the three and a half hour mark to get its two leads on a date.

More than anything I think the problem is that there was little intersection between Bo Nui and Su Ha until the very end of ep 3. That's unusual.


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I personally thought this episode was hilarious, especially on Suho's part. This is weird (and i hate to keep bringing it up) but i thought RJY had perfect comedic timing in R88 but in this drama it can either be a hit or miss depending on the scene. Like sometimes his reactions are really funny or kind of slow and awkward. His mannerism are always funny to me though like the different expressions he makes.

I think one of the commenters made a really good point about how the music part of the drama is kind of dead which also makes our reactions dead too so that might be why things seem so slow.

I actually think the Gary character is adorable the more i watch but still fond of RJY's character too. I've loved HJE since High Kick and even though I didn't always watch her dramas after that, I feel a kind of loyalty to her because I enjoy her acting so much (especially when she tones it down). So, I'm in it for the long run.

Maybe it's because i'm not trying to watch anything heavy and I'm perfectly fine with a flimsy plot-less drama with actors i really like lol.


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The Amy-Suho scene had the kind of intensity and tension that I would want from the main couple. All that hidden hurt and thwarted expectations. Her "sooha-ya" just got me. Can Bonui move out of the picture please?

Also this is my first time watching Lee Chung Ah & Ryu Jun Yeol and both their voices are so characteristic and unique.


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I have to agree with girlfriday here. As much as I'm loving the main characters and the budding romance, everything else comes off as a bit extra. And the flashbacks, I thought we were done with them in episode 2! That being said, I'm still enjoying the drama and am loving the budding, sweet chemistry between RJY and HJE's characters. I think if done well we'll get a really lovely romance out of this. Also, can I just say, LSK is killing it in his role! I haven't seen him in much but from what I've seen he's definitely improved a lot. He's so charming and likeable in this role. He really does seem like that sweet little kid Shim Bo-nui played with they were younger. They are adorable together! (Though I'm firmly on the #teamsuho camp romantically! ?)


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It's true people have different types of humor. Because I for one have had many LOL moments just w/ expressions alone! But the biggest ones I've had is when I can actually see him as a tiger. From wearing STRIPED shirts to even his behavior at times. The way he was acting, his positioning at the table, exposing his toes (like if they were his paws). Then this moment has been on replay and it is split your sides hilarious! I have tears every time I watch it from laughing so hard! That is when he literally leaps...more like pounces on Gary! They way he caught air and in sandals no less! I can't. But I'm also glad that it seems BN w/o him even noticing is already changing his world. Lately, he hasn't had time to calculate anything because she is unpredictable and very illogical in her ways. Nothing she really does makes sense so he can't prepare for it. In fact, I feel in this very ep they alluded to "street smart" vs "book smart". With how Suho doesn't even know or has been exposed to "perverts/flashers". Also to balance it out we had a few heart warming moments. Her being able to actually witness what it is really like to be him and the effects of it. Which allows her to slowly but surely be there for him and tear down those walls. How sweet how she grabbed him by the hand and took him away. There was also signs of jealousy from him when looking at BN and Gary! Oh, but you always have him being caring towards her in his own way. Knowing that even though he is risking himself w/ no real chance of beating the person he think is about to attack her, he still tries to "save" her. He then even buys her medicine for what he thinks ails her, given the "signs" he took as showing illness. Then to tie it all together you find out that the real reason he agreed to the date is because of thinking he is giving her some dying wish and not for his own convenience is just too touching for words. Yeah I'm hooked! Can't wait! IMO it's keeps getting better and better.


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Agreed. I'm looking forward to next weeks episodes!


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Yep. It's getting better. I totally enjoyed this episode.


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Thank you! This calls for a realignment of my perspective of the show! ?


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Look. At least it picked up the pace. However it's a huge disappointment to me. It's not as fast moving or zippy enough. I had to read recaps for episode 2 because it was boring the heck out of me.

Episode 4 is watchable but I am forcing myself to watch it without fast forwarding. Since I love the main leads actors and all. The 2nd leads are both tall and lean. Why do they sound so artificial and false? The lines are not flowing or witty. It sounds corny.

I think the writing is the issue right? It is not a fun drama. The episode actually felt poignant. Her reasons for sleeping with him, a tiger; really sad. It is hard to watch when it's not funny because having a one night when the heroine sound sane makes her look pathetic.

The only upside she doesn't need to screech.


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Totally agree, Ck! When approached with realism, I start to think, "This isn't fun anymore." I think of the "real life" implications of a one night stand and what emotional damage this could cause to both of our leads...if they were real people. It takes it out of the realm of funny rom-com. I want my rom-com back! :/


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I started a little cold on this one, but I'm really enjoying it now. I like the weird off centered feel, even as they pull out a trope then deconstruct it a little
. I mean he actually asked her about her terminal disease and she told him (partly) the truth. The set up with Su Ho and his friend's wild hypothesizing was hysterical, but I'm glad that the illness illusion didn't get dragged out. Looking forward to the next episode. (Please Drama Gods, go forward, not backward! )


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Biggest benefit of this show, HJE not screaming through it all. Proves she can play a quirky character without splitting eardrums. My feelings. How many times will they expect drama watchers to suspend their disbelief watching the same characters over and over again? She's a computer programmer that can't multiply. He's a constipated nerd that barely registers any outside stimuli. I guess RJY realized he was playing the same guy that he played in Reply. I don't know if he realizes it or not but it makes me wonder if this is the only thing he knows how to do. I get why everyone likes him so much he's got those big chubby baby lips and I think a lot of women love that "still waters run deep type". Just hope it doesn't turn out to be his regular schtick. This second go round is making me lose interest in him altogether.


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Oh My God you guys, I'm sooooo glad I decided to catch up on this show. Holy crap! Okay not as advertised but I am loving it.

Okay, Bo Nui's life is actually tragic and is being played that way by our heroine. By end of ep 4 I was teary eyed at her desperation. God I love Hwang Jung-eum, she is making a pitiable character very easy to root for. Pitiable is not really a trait I love in a heroine but somehow she does it.

I'm really enjoying both RJY's and Lee Soo Hyuk's characters as well as the second female lead. For me this episode is where everything finally clicked. I'm on board.

I really want him to find out about the lucky charm tiger thing though. Hopefully I won't have to wait till ep 13 for that reveal.


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I think you nailed it. Her performance is really solid and makes me like a character that could easily be unlikeable.


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I get the part that our heroine is so obsessed with sleeping with the tiger that she doesn't care about her work, to look up who Gary Choi is, nor does she care about her long lost childhood friend to even ask him once what's his job... but why didn't Je Su Ho recognize Gry Choi. There is even a scene where he watches his game... it was so ridiculous...


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Oh my. You are totally right. Forgot about him watching his game. Maybe he got confused when Bonui called Gary by his Korean name?


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Ha, apparently I've turned my brain off while watching this show coz I didn't even realize that Su Ho must recognize Gary Choi, duh! XD Man this writer really needs to sit down and work on the script.


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Seeing Suho expression at that part I believe he recognized him as familiar faces but maybe not connected them yet as Gary since Bo Nui called her as Gun Wok, and I believe his mind is not in the right moment for him to think about it I supposed.


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If he was not portrayed as a genius... ok getting confused was believable. Anyway he saw the guys face before bo nui called his name too... Su Ho wanted to speak to Gary Choi personally too.... According to me, him being the president of the company and not recognizing a man, with whom you desperately want to meet and do business... that too a man whose face is all over the media, on top with genius brain is ridiculous... I don't understand what the writer is thinking way too many times. This was just one instance.
For example...what would you do if you are hard pressed for money for sisters medical bill, but at the same time you believe that you need to sleep with this one guy... take him to an expensive hotel, order food he already said he didn't like or set a romantic date at your on house?? Bo Nui character is contradicting herself on so many levels. She lacks logic and we are supposed to believe she is a software programmer... a profession in which logic is its religion.


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I think there's a difference between logic/mathematical genius and social genius, IQ vs EQ, to me Suho is only genius in IQ but for EQ (social thingy) he's bad at it, therefore he might not reconnected Gun Wok as Gary yet.
As for Bo Nui, yes it's not so logical booked a hotel while she is struggle for money. And to consider Bo Nui is an IT as well, but her world had turn upside down from unlogical reason so logic may not work with her again. Meanwhile for dinner with fish, I don't know maybe she thought when he told her that he don't like tuna, it was just an excuse from being rude throwing her sandwich?


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Thank you for the recap! ;D
Will he? Won't he? Can't wait for next week.


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Thank you for the recap girlfriday?, although I have to disagree with what you've said about the show being too slow, not funny or too serious. It was fast and funny, maybe the funny part wasn't delivered as intended to be due to the lack of background music. For me the funny part was enough and right in proportion, I don't want it to be too comical since there's a big chance it will ended as a failure and become too silly for me to watch like come back mister or high end crush, ugh, hate it. They do need fixing the background music asap because it's important to deliver any emotion they want to convey to us, hope the music director working on this asap otherwise they need to change the music director, chaebal. As for the serious vibe on the drama, I like it since it felt natural and make the story more believable ☺
Anyway, episode 4 was sooo good, the best episode so far, they're going to the right direction for sure, it's getting more and more interesting.


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I like this episode. I laughed.


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I am falling under the spell thst is Ryu Jun Yeol. It took 3 episodes, but he's grown on me and now I think he's the most charismatic person ever. He and Hwang Jeung Eum are just a bundle of laughs. These last two episodes have really improved in quality and are hysterical.


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Rest assured, you're not the only one falling under the spell that is RJY ;)


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Yay! It managed to actually bring a few laughs for me this time! *gasps* Shocking. A rom com that can make you laugh. Bo Nui trying to seduce Soo Ho was pretty funny and just the right amount of cringeworthy. But sadly the fact that she's using an innocent guy that's even been used by so many people before leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And even she is being used, by that quack shaman who needs to stop inhaling glue and giving out bad advice to people desperate for just a little hope. She really should start using her brain though, it's not like she's lacking in the intelligence department, considering her education and programming skills.


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I really liked this episode. I laughed out loud several times. Even though it didn't actually seem that funny, for some reason I couldn't stop laughing.

I also actually really disliked the first episode. It took me three days to finish because I kept stopping to watch something else.

Also really like the chemistry between the leads.


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I personally LOVED episode 4! :)) To me, it was a really funny episode. In addition, I LOVE Soo Hoo's facial expressions.! :))) His acting is really good. To be honest, I have very recently finished watching "Reply 1988", which was great except the ending. I fell in Love with him in the reply 1988 and I was so sorry that he didn't succeed in his love. The way he acted in Reply was so good that still It makes me cry when I remember episode 18!! :(( So here I am enjoying watching him all funny, awkward and nerd. His character is so damn good. :))


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Can someone tell me what is the name of the song that is played at the very end of episode 4?! The singer is a woman. I couldn't find it :((
I would appreciate you if you dear beanies tell me :))


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It's the ost of drama by Soyou called Tell Me.


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@ shokoof thank you :)) I downloaded it, thank you so much


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I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to follow this drama or not. I like the actors in this, but the premise just wasn't enough to pull me in. Then, earlier today, I was bored so I just decided to see what this shows like. I started reading the recaps and.... I'm hooked. Not sure what it is about this show, but I find it utterly hilarious. Su-ho, really, is what draws me in. I love the actor and the character. HJE is, like always, amazing. Bo-nui is hilarious, and awesome. But seriously, I hate her hair! Change it please, show! All in all, I'm going to continue to follow this show. Lucky Romance, along with Entertainer (though I'm behind on it), and Mirror of the Witch, are the three best dramas I'm following at the moment. (All are good, but really MotW is my favorite.)


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I wonder why the genius JSH didnt notice that Gary Choi is SBN's friend. He could have askes SBN to talk to Gary Choi instead


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I don't know...at the beginning I checked this only for HJE, since it started quite boring, and now that I am starting to enjoy RYJ's role, the "sleep with me" issue comes out...I am suffering for her, she seems so sad and forced, with a guy that is treating her so badly most of the time. Not sure I can keep watching, I am struggling to find the funny side of all this.


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Just one thing I really wanna complain about aside from all the other things ......HER FRIND (THE GIRL WITH BIG GLASSES) I really hate how she is over exaggerating her character and how fake she appears >. < yes I'm complaining about that and I think no one will appose me XD
thats it ...cuz I dont wanna say anything more since we r still In ep4 and kind of started to love the drama.


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I AGREE WITH YOU! that character is so badly played!!


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My BABY Dal Nim??! NOooOo she's my fave! (i agree that sometimes she kind of overacts - esp in the 1st episode - but i'm really warming up to her!)


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100% agree with you. Her character actually drove me AWAY in the middle of episode one and I wasn't at all interested in coming back until watching RJY win the Baeksang Arts Award yesterday and decided to come back in and catch up with Lucky Romance. So glad I did....but the big glasses and braces office worker girl made me crazy in the first episode because I worked in large corporations for 30 years of my professional life and we would NEVER tolerate someone that nervous or inept in a position of responsibility. She reminded me of why I seriously dislike Woody Allen movies - all that nebbish victimy whining and shaking...so not true for a good and valuable office worker at that level. Anyway - it's just the way the character is written and I'm glad we have other wonderful characters to focus on. I'm loving this now - and especially appreciating HJE for the very first time - no screeching and a stunningly beautiful haircut. Oh - her wide shoulders and beautiful skin with that nightgown are lovely too - just like the glamorous way she dresses for award shows - or maybe she's glowing because she just got married?????


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I finally on board after ep 4,
I re-watch the earlier ep and now I get the sense of humor,

I just hope su ho talk a bit slow, I didn't catch many word and I have to pause when I read subtitle then have my delayed laugh....

I also like how 3 leads here seems to be really good at their acting, the not convincing enough bo nui, the always nervous su ho and the adorable puku,


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True! His character talks so fast. plus the camera angle shift so fast when he is talking, it is making me dizzy. To think that I have to read the subtitles as well! Talk about multitasking, right?


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I love this show so much. It's a standard trope but the actors are making all of the difference to me. The only thing I would wish to improve is more of the main couple. Don't waste too much time on secondary stories, PLEASE!!! We need other stories but the main should be main, especially when they are so good. This is not the case like High Society where the mains can call in sick and I wouldn't care lol

Also, I LOVE that the romantic hero is in often in shorts lol


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Heol. Drinking tea with Su Ho. Reminds me of Ji Hoon's "Make tea" in MC. ?


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Oddest PPL for Expedia, our poor heroine booking a lavish room at a fancy hotel when that money can be used for the hospital bills. Do they not think viewers look into this miniscule details? I hope they would be a logical explanation how she expenses it away as business expenses.

I also find it refreshing our RJY is clad in such clothes as it befits the industry they are in. No more suits and ties leads.

I find it odd that they have aged down Hwang Jung Eum as her character is born in 1991 and Gary Choi is 2years younger. Though the child actors playing them, makes the gap look bigger, got confused on Gary Choi age.


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I don't know, but grade B is still good....no?
So why the complaints?
Though perhaps it would be better to give the grade after the comment section (to avoid prior bias/dissappointment when reading the recap)... just a suggestion...

I personally think that "B" is a fitting grade, even maybe a bit generous if we take all sides of the drama into account.
I find both the directing and the writing at fault.
The actors are great, though. And they are the ones keeping me watching. Especially Ryu Joon-yeol, I really like his take on this nerdy CEO and his faces are hillarious :--)

I'm willing to switch my brain off... I just want a better flow... and smoother funny scenes, Show!


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The grading is somehow vague, so maybe putting it below would avoid disappointments.


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It funny how you say, "because now we’re FINALLY done talking about it and doing something; it just shouldn’t have taken this long" and we are just in the episode 4. Haha.

But I agree, the show is kind of slow but I think episode 4 is just the right time to pick the story up.

Also, I just want to vent how irritating Bo-nui's friend in Zeze is. Isn't she the girl in Mirror of the Witch?


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Call me a geek but seriously, this show have some genius ability to crack geeky jokes, and those kind of jokes are actually my favorite kind of jokes. And all the tsudere stuffs, I just cannot. LOL.

Definitely my favorite drama rn. I mean, a mixture of silly and desperate geniuses, weak hearted tsundere, and super cute second lead is all I need. hahaa

but it felt like all the main actors didn't show new sides of them completely - RJY still owns the same jungpal (88) vibe, HJE with her jumpy and cheerful hyejin (She was pretty) personality and soohyuk with his sleepy chan gyu (Neighborhood hero) style.. but I'm not going to thoroughly complain tho. super cute chemistry :)


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this is my 1st comment on DB... read all over the comment section makes me wanna give my own opinion.

First, i'd like to say i really got hooked with this drama! maybe because i keep my expectation low so i think this drama is neither really good or bad.

next, i feel smh bothered with some people commented about Bonui's illogical act... in my own perception, Bonui has paid all the hospital bills with the money she got from the "IF" contract. The day when Suho agreed the dating contract, that day (at 5 pm) was also the deadline of Bora's hospital bill payment. So i guess she had paid it all bcs Bora hasn't been moved yet. With that logic, Bonui is still placing Bora as her 1st priority. But actually deep inside i'm not really agree with her spend all her money lavishly just for that "one night stand".

So let's just enjoy this show everybody!^^


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