Lucky Romance: Episode 11

Su-ho is going to have to work harder if he plans to win Bo-nui’s heart, because she’s got a lot more to worry about than dating. Bo-nui has never let her guard down because she’s so afraid she’s a danger to others, and a lifetime of self-doubt is a high wall to tackle. It will take determination for Su-ho to convince her to feel secure and safe, but luckily, he’s got a plan and he’s willing to to go extremes for a chance with her.



Bo-nui allows Su-ho to kiss her for half a moment, then she pushes him away saying that she doesn’t want this, but he says she’s lying. If she truly didn’t like him, she wouldn’t have been crying when she said it. Even the Tin Man knows that means it was a lie.

Bo-nui doesn’t deny it anymore, but she says that letting herself get this far was a mistake. Su-ho reaches out to comfort her but she slaps his hand away and says they should stop here.

Su-ho grows upset and asks why, when she can’t even hide her feelings from him. But Bo-nui is content to like him from a distance, and insists she can get over him that way. He can’t understand why she doesn’t even want to try, and asks what he should do to convince her of his feelings. He’s even willing to go to a fortuneteller with her.

Bo-nui asks if he would really do anything, and Su-ho tells her to just name it. “Forget what happened today. Everything you said, and the kiss.” He’s too stunned to respond, and Bo-nui leaves.

Su-ho wanders home like a zombie, wondering why this is so hard. He gets a thought, and thinks it might be possible…

Bo-nui dreams of Su-ho, waiting for her with flowers and a smile. She runs into his arms and he catches her, and she thinks that she’s never pushed for her own happiness. But in Su-ho’s arms she feels safe and happy. The fortuneteller’s voice breaks in, “That isn’t yours. That happiness isn’t yours!” and Bo-nui wakes with a start.

After the previous night’s drunken shenanigans, Su-ho’s mom decides she’s over it with Dad. She draws a line through the yard, forbidding him to come near the house. She’s also taken all of his shoes, but Dad retorts that she’s the one starting rumors by hanging around with Chicken Ajusshi so much.

Mom says that he’s just a neighborhood oppa who makes her think of her childhood, but Dad doesn’t believe it’s that innocent. He accuses her of planning to run off with him, making her scream in frustration.

Ryang-ha greets Su-ho with confetti and congratulations, assuming that he took Bo-nui to that nice restaurant and won her heart last night. But as soon as he sees Su-ho’s dejected face, he complains that Su-ho botched it. But Su-ho angrily insists they didn’t go out, so he didn’t get dumped, okay?! Okay, little buddy.

He steels himself when Bo-nui comes to his office all excited, hoping that she’s realized she made a mistake. But she’s here to ask him to be her lucky charm again, because Bo-ra opened her eyes.

How much do I love that despite his personal disappointment, Su-ho is nothing but happy and relieved to hear this news? Bo-nui still thinks she’s being greedy and selfish for wanting to see her sister, but her first thought when she got the news was to tell Su-ho.

She pulls out some red thread first, wanting to protect him and Bo-ra, and instead of mocking her superstition Su-ho just smiles. They tie their pinkies together and go in to see Bo-ra.

Bo-ra is awake, and Su-ho hilariously coughs, wanting to be introduced. When Bo-nui says he’s her boss, he objects, and re-introduces himself as “the man your unni likes.” Hee. He starts peppering the groggy Bo-ra with questions, and when Bo-nui tries to stop him, he instead settles in for a long chat. I love this so much.

He tells Bo-ra how her sister did so much to try to save her, and asks her to get up soon and tell Bo-nui to be happy, to love as much as she wants, and to hold onto the man she likes. Bo-nui just listens, and looks at him softly.

When they eventually leave the hospital, Su-ho tells Bo-nui to give up. “Give up trying to force herself, and come to me.” He points out that Bo-ra woke up the day after they kissed, so she must see that as a good sign. Bo-nui argues that he doesn’t believe that, but he says that what’s important is that she does. He understands why she needs to believe in something ridiculous, because now he feels the same way. Awww.

He pulls out the tiger necklace he made for her, and says that when he was a kid, math class was boring because he always knew the answers. But he learned to wait for the other kids to catch up, so he can wait for her, too. He gives her the necklace and says that the answers are a given, no matter how long it takes. So when she’s ready, she can come to him willingly. They head back to work, still tied together with the red string, and Bo-nui willingly follows.

Amy decides to get her hair cut short, I guess thinking that if she looks more like Bo-nui, Su-ho will like her. That’s… disturbing. Luckily Gary calls to ask her opinion on diamonds versus emeralds, and she rushes out to meet him at a jewelry store where he’s looking at rings.

He says that he’s so used to girls approaching him, that he confessed his feelings accidentally. Now he feels he needs to do it the right way. Did he forget the part where he was rejected??

Amy yanks him out of there to remind him that he’s going back to Canada in a few weeks. Gary pouts that she is too, and yet she’s still pursuing Su-ho, and Amy says that he’ll come around once he’s done being distracted. Gary says that he’s serious about Bo-nui, since he’s buying a ring and all.

Chicken Ajusshi delivers food to the Zeze office, where he’s immediately pounced on and asked why the president of Coconut Company bowed to him. They’ve figured out that the name of his restaurant, “01 Fried Chicken,” refers to the fact that he’s the genius first-generation programmer Ahn Yeong-il.

He tries to scurry out of there, but they ask him to take a look at something in the game program that’s been difficult to fix. It only takes Chicken Ajusshi a few seconds to pinpoint the problem, though he humbly says that Su-ho could have done it better.

Su-ho takes him down to Ryang-ha’s shop to pay him for the damage to his restaurant, though Chicken Ajusshi declines. Su-ho asks how he knows his mom, and Chicken Ajusshi says that they were friends in college. He doesn’t know why Su-ho’s dad acted that way, and he’s uncomfortable with Su-ho’s repeated apologies.

He admits that he’s been Su-ho’s fan since his first game seven years ago, and he always goes to his new game showcases. He says that he was at his peak at Su-ho’s age, but despite all the accolades and success, he soon realized that it was a lonely life. No woman would be the wife to a man who lived for his work.

He urges Su-ho to hang onto the person he loves. Su-ho says that he’s the first person to tell him this, and promises to visit him often. Once Chicken Ajusshi leaves, Ryang-ha starts in with the teasing, saying that Su-ho doesn’t even realize he got dumped.

Bo-nui looks at the tiger necklace, and thinks about how Su-ho said he was willing to wait for her. She starts to put the necklace on, but quickly hides it when Amy walks into the restroom. Amy preens when Bo-nui says she looks pretty, wondering if Su-ho will like it, then pretends that his name just oops, slipped out. Right.

Amy is impressed with the game’s progress, though she has a few corrections to make, mostly in defense of Gary’s image. She snaps that she expected better of Bo-nui, saying that she doesn’t know him as well as she thought, and tells her to put more effort into it. Well, meow.

Later Dal-nim asks what Bo-nui did to upset Amy. She asks if she’s mad that Bo-nui dumped Gary, which Su-ho accidentally overhears, and his pleased smirk is adorable. He asks the ladies if Amy gave them too many corrections, but they promise it’s do-able.

Su-ho adorably walks backwards in front of Bo-nui as she heads back to the office, and before he leaves her he whispers that she did well and he’s proud of her. Okay, stop making me swoon.

Gary sets the stage for his proposal, and texts Bo-nui to invite her to dinner at his place. She turns him down, blaming the extra work Amy just gave her, so he calls and asks her not to avoid him. He says he’ll wait, but she quickly hangs up when she sees Su-ho leaving his office.

Su-ho asks if she still doesn’t have an answer for him, knowing that she likes him and not understanding why she doesn’t just say yes. Bo-nui says she already told him no, but he just says she’s wrong, the answer is YES, and he grumbles that he’ll wait some more.

Amy startles him when he gets outside, and wheedles him into a grudging dinner invitation. The meal reminds him of eating with Bo-nui, which makes him smile, and Amy misunderstands and thinks he’s remembering when he was eighteen and she bought him sushi. It had made him sick, though Su-ho doesn’t really recall, and Amy wonders why he can’t remember when he always had a better memory than she does.

That was the day he first told her about his father, and the day she became special to him. She’s hurt that he doesn’t remember, and Su-ho gently takes her hand. But it’s all in Amy’s head, sort of exactly like their relationship, and in reality she lets the subject drop.

The mention of sushi has Su-ho ordering some to go, which he says is for Bo-nui since she’s working late. Amy sighs that he’s certainly changed, worrying so much about his employee, but Su-ho clarifies that she’s more than an employee. Amy thinks it’s just a momentary obsession because Bo-nui is a novelty.

Su-ho looks at Amy blankly and asks why she came back when he told her not to. She says she was curious about the boy genius who looked so lost, and he asks if she thinks that was love. He’s not being snarky — he’s really asking, because that’s how he feels about Bo-nui. He can’t stay away from her, and he doesn’t want to see her in pain or unhappy.

After Gary films a brief refrigerator CF, we cut to Ryang-ha teasing Dal-nim and her puppy in the park. Dal-nim complains that his advice isn’t helping her land Su-ho, so she’s come up with her own plan and asks for his help. Ryang-ha promises her that if she just listens to him, he’ll have Su-ho sitting right next to her, so she promises to do anything he says.

First things first, she has to lose some weight and get rid of the glasses and braces. Once she does all that, he says he’ll tell her what to do next.

Bo-nui leaves the office late, and hears a haunting whistle in the building. She follows the sounds and finds herself on the roof, where Su-ho is waiting for her with dinner. He avidly watches her eat, wondering if she’ll come to him now, but quickly backs off when she starts to put the food down.

Bo-nui says he shouldn’t whistle at night, it’s bad luck, but he says he did it on purpose and even chose her parents’ song, “Sad Fate,” with her in mind. Hee, he’s so proud of himself.

Su-ho tells Bo-nui that a person tends to remember the last of any experience. So it’s his plan to turn her sad memories into happy ones, such as associating her parents’ song with something good. Bo-nui seems touched, but she says he still can’t whistle at night, and that writing his father’s name in red did result in something bad happening. HA, Su-ho’s face.

She asks if he’s talked to his dad since his drunken fit, which makes him uncomfortable. But Bo-nui says that his dad obviously loves him and probably feels bad, and just doesn’t know how to show it.

Su-ho asks if she ever wonders if it would be easier if her father wasn’t her biological father, but Bo-nui says he should talk to his dad about that, too. He says that they’re both too stubborn and don’t know how to apologize, like magnets that repel each other — they’re too alike.

When Bo-nui doesn’t show up, Gary decides to bring dinner to her, and finds Boss Won asleep at the security desk. Boss Won sends him up to the office, where she’s trying to work while Su-ho stares at her, ha. When she tries to direct his attention to the computer he leeeeans in close, as if the screen isn’t big enough to see from across the room.

Gary sees them that way, with their faces close and smiling, and he leaves without delivering the food.

Su-ho makes the most of his proximity to Bo-nui, and when she turns to face him, he closes his eyes and puckers up. She chickens out and shoves him, threatening to file for a restraining order, but Su-ho whines that they already kissed! Twice!

Not only that but she kissed him first… which Bo-nui barely remembers. Su-ho grouches that he didn’t hear bells or anything like people say you do with your first kiss, which is news to Bo-nui. She just assumed he kissed Amy, but Su-ho is upset and embarrassed now.

He blurts out that everything he did with Bo-nui was his first. His first confession, first holding hands, and first kiss, and bluhbluhbluh… he tries unsuccessfully to stop talking, HAHA. He nervous-laughs that she’s responsible for him now, and escapes to his office.

He takes a moment to compose himself and bravely goes right back out, but Bo-nui leaves before he can say anything else. Su-ho cringes at how badly he flubbed that whole conversation.

He calls Bo-nui later to see if she got home okay, as he hangs up the pictures he took of her on the retreat. He says that he misses her, and Bo-nui pretends to lose the connection and hangs up. Su-ho wonders how long she’ll take to answer his simple question, and tells her picture to hurry up.

Bo-nui performs her nightly prayer, and this time she asks for help for herself. She wants to trust Su-ho, and hold his hand, but the help she wants is the ability to control her feelings.

Gary shows up on Bo-nui’s doorstep the next morning, and gives her a pair of sunglasses to hide her face from the reporters. She apologizes for not showing up last night, promising to eat with him soon, and he sends her off to work with a smile, though the smile drops once he’s alone.

Boss Won stops Su-ho’s father on his way into the Zeze building, disbelieving that he’s Su-ho’s dad since he’s got a description, and this man is sober. Lucky for him, Bo-nui recognizes him, but he’s embarrassed now and beats a retreat.

Su-ho jumps on the elevator with Bo-nui and asks how things are going with the game. She says it’s fine, and when he slips in “What about dating?” she forgets herself and starts to answer something about tonight. She stops herself, but he gives her this smug look like Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Su-ho is thrilled that he’ll have his answer by tonight, until his mom texts that she’s at his place. He realizes that he’s got all those pictures of Bo-nui up in his room, and runs downstairs to ask Ryang-ha if he gave his mom his passcode. Then he literally rips the edge off the counter when Ryang-ha says he did. ~PFFT~

Su-ho is panicking so hard he can’t unlock his bike, so he grabs a taxi and rushes home, not even stopping to say hello to his mom but just running straight upstairs. He doesn’t see anything, and before she goes she says that he should come home more often and she won’t have to come to his place, begging him to talk to his father.

It’s unclear whether Mom saw Bo-nui’s pictures, but interestingly, she calls Bo-nui out for coffee to get to know her better. She asks all about Bo-nui’s family, where she went to school, and even whether she’s dating Su-ho.

She’s surprised when Bo-nui denies it, since she knows her son likes her, but Bo-nui says that she doesn’t return his feelings. Mom gets upset that Bo-nui rejected Su-ho, but takes Bo-nui shopping for makeup (threatening to buy her a mink coat if she refuses, ha).

Aha, she did see the pictures, because she tells Bo-nui that she saw them all over his room. She backs off when she sees Bo-nui’s discomfort, but insists on giving her the makeup anyway, and asks for a favor.

Ryang-ha teases Su-ho about the pictures and actually manages to make him smile, calling him a pervert who likes Bo-nui’s rejection. Su-ho says that it’s not like he’s waiting for a train that will never arrive — his train will arrive eventually.

Both men freeze when Su-ho’s phone lights up with a call from Bo-nui, then freak out like little girls. Su-ho plays the call super-cool, which Ryang-ha assumes means he was rejected again, but they do the Happy Dance of Joy when Su-ho says she asked him to lunch.

Meanwhile Bo-nui prays at her little altar, over a talisman with Su-ho’s name on it, that all obstacles will be removed.

Su-ho’s mom finally hands over Dad’s shoes and tells him to come with her, threatening to divorce him if he refuses. All he’s allowed to say today is “that’s right.”

Su-ho gets ready for lunch, changing outfits a thousand times and practicing being cool in the mirror. He shows up all excited to tell Bo-nui that he finally understands the theory of relativity, because ever since last night, every minute felt like an hour, and now that he sees her it feels like time has stopped. That is the most adorably geeky thing anyone has ever said.

He’s all eager to get inside and talk, but Bo-nui stops him, and he looks at her with this betrayed expression when he sees that his parents are here. She’s prepared to leave, but Mom asks her to stay and eat with them. Su-ho shuts right down, which is painful to see.

Mom says it’s been almost twenty years since they all ate together, and she wants to talk and let go of all misunderstandings. She tells Su-ho that Dad has stopped drinking, but Su-ho is completely unresponsive, and Dad breaks script to tell him to stop being so obstinate.

Su-ho stands to leave, but he turns back to ask his dad why he threw a seven-year-old into the ocean. Dad says he just needed to learn to swim, still refusing to admit it was wrong, and Su-ho tells him that he’s been afraid of water ever since.

He says that even the smell of the ocean makes him sick, which is why he never goes home (they run a fishery). Dad still accuses Su-ho of being unreasonable, calling him an arrogant know-it-all ever since he was little.

For once, Su-ho speaks up. “I was just a kid. The ocean and the dark nights frightened me. I was a child scared of strangers touching me, laughing at me and watching me. You are the ones who didn’t think of me as a child.” He leaves, and Bo-nui goes after him.

Su-ho shakes off Bo-nui’s concerned hand, and she apologizes for not telling him about their plan. He agrees that she should have, but says that what angers him the most is her. “I know I’ve been chasing you. Did you think you could treat me however you want?”

Bo-nui says that she felt bad for the way he hardened his heart against his parents, but Su-ho says that doesn’t justify lying to him. Bo-nui admits she was wrong, but says that it was still Su-ho who had the worst behavior today, and Su-ho reels. “So I’m at fault again.”

He tells her that he didn’t know she thought that way about him, and that he was excited all morning to see her. He thought they were solving their problem together, “But I guess I was wrong.” He apologizes for bothering her, and turns to leave.

He stops as soon as he turns the corner, waiting to see if Bo-nui will follow him. But she doesn’t, and Su-ho keeps walking.

EPILOGUE. After Su-ho blurts out that Bo-nui was his first kiss and escapes to his office, Bo-nui collapses in her chair. She lays her head on her desk and smiles, “That was his first kiss.”


I hadn’t thought deeply about the differences between Su-ho’s and Bo-nui’s family lives, and how that could affect their relationship with each other. I can see both of their sides — Su-ho has been deeply scarred by his parents, but Bo-nui wants him to appreciate them while he has them. Still, it was wrong of her to lie to him, to use his feelings for her to trick him into a conversation he wasn’t ready for, and I’m glad he stood up and said so to her.

Backing up a little… wow, how wonderful was Su-ho’s morning-after-the-kiss confession? I love how he was able to articulate to Bo-nui how he feels, and that he understands why she needs to believe in something even when it doesn’t make sense, because he’s now hanging on even though it doesn’t make sense. His explanation of how he’s used to getting to a place first and waiting for others to catch up was so sweet — he was basically saying that it’s okay if she’s not in the same place as him right now, and reassuring her that he can wait for her. I also appreciated that he was telling her that he’ll back off and cool down, but it doesn’t mean he’s giving up — he just wants her to come to him of her own volition. If Bo-nui hadn’t fallen for Su-ho yet, surely that did it. I know I would have been a puddle.

We finally got to see in this episode why Gary will never get the girl — when he confesses and she turns him down, he decides to double down and goes ring shopping. Talk about jumping the gun. Aside from the fact that she just told him no, does he really think that Bo-nui is the kind of girl to be swayed by a bauble, and would he want her if she was? I think Gary said it pretty well himself — he’s so used to girls throwing themselves at him (or he’s watched too many dramas) that he doesn’t understand that the worst thing you can do when a girl doesn’t like you is to push even harder. He’s only going to push her away, and ruin their friendship in the process.

The difference between Bo-nui’s rejection of Gary and her rejection of Su-ho is obvious to Su-ho… he knows she likes him, but he understands that her circumstances make it hard for her to easily accept love, whereas Gary is trying to make feelings happen where they don’t already exist. Both men know how she truly feels, but Su-ho is the one who actually attempts to work with her. When Su-ho is rejected, he backs right off. He lets Bo-nui know that he’s still there, and he’ll wait, and that he understands how she’s feeling right now. He’s willing to give her space and time to figure out everything that’s happening in her life, including her feelings for him, and he tells her bluntly that he won’t give up but at the same time, he doesn’t push. That’s how you win a girl’s heart… not with shiny rings or a pretty face, but by letting her know that you understand her and giving her room to think. He’s not perfect, and he still gets impatient, but ultimately he’s willing to hang in there for her to come around on her own.

But I also like that, while he’s waiting, he’s stepping up his wooing game. He’s thinking about what Bo-nui likes, what would make her happy, in an effort to convince her that he’s the one for her. Rather than just insisting he likes her, he’s thinking about her and her needs more than his own, which is a step in the right direction. Bo-nui has never taken care of herself, and that security is what she wants and needs, even if she hasn’t yet figured that out. But Su-ho has, and he’s doing the exact right thing by showing her that he can be that for her. His decision to take her bad memories and make them happy is so insightful of him, and really shows that he’s interested in her well-being beyond just whether or not she likes him.

But it’s nice to see that even though he’s starting to think more emotionally than rationally, it’s not changing Su-ho in any fundamental way. He’s still the dorky awkward guy who flails all over himself when he’s around Bo-nui, who falls back on his robotic vocal tics and insistence that their relationship is only logical when he gets unsure of himself. But it’s wonderful how he’s using his nerdy tendencies to help Bo-nui, such as using psychological theory to make a plan to turn her sad memories into new, happy ones. The Tin Man may be discovering his heart, but he’s still the lovable Tin Man in the end.


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Friendly public service announcement:

Things have been getting increasingly heated and off-topic in Lucky Romance posts, so I'd like to issue this reminder to keep things civil and keep things on-topic, please! That means: Don't accuse or insult other posters, and keep tempers reasonable and words polite.

Our rule here is: If you can't play nice, you can't play.



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Thank you Javabeans! I was wondering if Santa Claus would need to be called upon. Reading some of the comments lately I was like "uh uh...somebody's being naughty where is Santa"! I don't post much but still enjoy coming to this site to read all about it--as I sure can't watch it all! So Thank You for keeping this site a great place to yes...feed our Kdrama obsession!


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there's so much ppl in lucky romance omg i thought ep 11 was bad but ep 12 was... lucky romance's ppl is worse than yong-pal's.


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oops, i forgot to put my actual feelings for the episode. i hate how amy keeps trying to tell su-ho how he feels. so what if his feelings for bo-nui aren't really love (though they are)? he's still allowed to explore those feelings and she has no right to tell him what she thinks they are.


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Just forget bad people and cheers for the cute ones! Su Ho and Bo Nui, Ryang Ha and Dal Nim..


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Still not as bad as the One Big Hyundai Commercial aka DotS.



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Gary's refrigerator was so cool. Although I think I can make my own sandwich without it... I want Gary to re-focus on his dad again. And, I want Amy to get herself a new friend, so she won't go bothering Suho anymore with her 'issue'.


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As awesome as that fridge was, it had him making a sandwich with bananas and tomatoes and no crusts. I think you're probably better off making your own sandwiches.


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Yeah, it's like waching a cooking competition show from Food channel ("chopped")... Ingredients from your basket: bread, lettuce, ham, and.... Banana???


Your comment made me giggle, Amelia. The PPL in these past episodes made me cringe with their obviousness but the refrigerator one was at least entertaining. I kept thinking that the sandwich looked pretty terrible for the simple fact that is was insubstantial white bread and for the fact that it was called a fruit sandwich. Ick.

Su-Ho forever. He's too freakin' adorable. The way he flails all over. I especially liked the bit where he admitted to Bo-Nui stealing his first kiss and then his tongue just malfunctions and he makes incoherent noises!

Still don't care about Amy and Gary's love fails but I'm liking the signs thus far that they won't be able to shake our main couple.


I liked the fridge but seriously - out of all the recipes in there you go and choose the weirdest one??? facepalm!


Consulting your refrigerator for a sandwich recipe may be a new low in cooking INability.


I want to watch a 30 minute commercial of that refrigerator. If I had it, i wouldn't get out of my kitchen


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I love the really obvious ppl especially in this week's two episodes because it's so cheesy and crass. That fridge is hilarious to me. If you're gonna do ppl, you have to go ALL IN.


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That fridge though xD Is it cool? Yasss. Do I really want it? Naw.


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I have to say I didn't really care for the make up or apps PPL (although I'm a make up and smartphone addict myself) but that fridge?! I want.

I swear to god kdramas and their home appliances PPL make me want to move to SK right now. Washing machines, garbage disposals, refrigerators etc. give 'em to me. (lol does this somehow reveal my real age?)


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(Oh and let's face it LR still has a long way to go until it reaches the PPL galore that was disguised as final episodes of DOTS. ;-) )


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High five! LOL

Imagine a life where you have these:

Gary's fridge
Washing machine from Angry Mom
Garbage disposal from OHYA
Hyundai that drives its freaking self from DotS (not so I can take my hands off the wheel to kiss my husband, but so I can pick up stuff that the kids keep dropping ?)

There's be more time to catch up on kdramas!! LOL


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I'd rather have smart car Andy from Love Me If You Dare. He was awesome!


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I am just wondering... Gary plans to live in Korea for only 2 months and goes and buys that fridge? When he leaves, can he please donate it to me?


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Cute cute cute cute cute..
Soohuu is my alllll time favorite Kdrama hero..
NO second male Syndrome for me in this drama :))))
Ryo Joon Yeol is so charismatic and talented. I wish the ratings were much higher.


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mine tooooo!!!! in fact, i've never been addicted to a kdrama actor as much as i am to RJY. dying to see more of his work!


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Agreed! I've never seen him act before but will be watching some of his past stuff after LR ends.


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su ho is the custest kdrama male lead i've ever seen


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Yes yes yes yes :)))


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he is the nicest male lead evaa !


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He's strangely attractive and charming xD the only reason I'm still hang in this drama, Ryu Jun Yeol.


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Couldn't agree more! I'm watching this show just to see him making faces and hear his ramblings. I never thought that I'll keep watching this drama.


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I loved that monologue(?) SH had with BN about the math problem...

I'm not sure if SH knows what's stopping BN from going to him; he'd asked but all she said was that her heart won't listen to her mind. I'm not sure if BN is fully aware of what scares her so much either-- that her bad luck would harm him? I don't think so... she's using him as her "talisman" to see BR so it'd be something even she can't use as the reason. It's getting to a deeper lie about herself that she's wrestling here... that she doesn't have any right to happiness. "I'm cursed, of course I won't get to be happy." Then it turns into: "My curse has killed my parents, and severely hurt my sister... I don't deserve any happiness because I'm the bane of everyone's existence..." and then the lie just gets so much more ingrained in her understanding of herself. Like I said, to SH, this has turned into something much more than just proving superstitions wrong. He hasn't quite verbalized it yet, but he's caught on to the fact that this is about her getting out of all those lies about herself. So our lovely SH offers her time to figure it out... he's persistently around and letting her know of his affections, a little pushy that way, but he doesn't throw out the answer to her existential crisis at her. I like that.

BN, bless her heart tries to help SH solve his problem too. Good job at SH getting to finally address the big elephant in the room-- he's been hurt by his parents in ways that didn't seem obvious to them, or they'd underestimated its gravity... I still can't wrap my head around what exactly SH feels towards his parents... maybe he doesn't know either, having a different mind than others, being more sensitive than they all realized, and having been separated from them at such a young age. He simply never had the time to ask a simple "Why?" or tell them "That hurt me a lot". I mean I know many find his dad's attitude off-putting but hey... that's honestly how a lot of old-school Asian parents behave... it's opposite day and protect my pride with teflon day when they are confronted with something they may have possibly did wrong. And gimme a break, SH IS a lot more sensitive than most kids, compared to papa Je's tough love MO... and in response, SH almost raced to get beyond the hurts, appeasing himself with academic and career achievements. It's almost like he wants to outrun his hurt like one might try to outrun his shadow... (i.e. uselessly)

Hahahah this is a fluffy show (as much as I love SH/RJY and at least don't find BN annoying.. maybe even some pity)... so maybe I'm trying to tease too much out of this LOL


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I really loved your analysis of SuHo's relationship with his parents and how he IS really sensitive indeed. And your analogy of his method of overcoming the hurt with a 'race' of sorts, was spot-on!


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I preferred BN's previous approach where she chastises him for not talking to his parents even when his dad got injured ... And he then took a step to actually call his mom. Baby steps. Progress! ... But this was like being blitz-attacked. Totally wrong approach.

btw, why is he angry at his mom? Did the show ever mention? She seems to love him


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She was the one who dragged Jim into the spotlight and all the tv/cameras stuff. I think earlier episode had him being interviewed & on display at like age 5.? So instead of regular village childhood, Suho was between national scrutiny vs outcast of the hometown (because he did books and math instead of playing physical games and swimming with other kids)


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Thank you. it makes sense. Thats why he just tosses money at his mom. bec that what what she wanted before


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Thank you hartofseeker for the insights about SH's parents. My parents are EXACTLY the same as his... my dad is even tougher than Papa Su's, and my mom is as fluffy and superficial as Mama Su's. And no matter how many times I tried to talk/make them understand, it just doesn't work because they are who they are. That is the reason why I find BN's pushiness SO GOD DAMN FRUSTRATING!!! Sure - it's because she lost her parents and she's trying to make SH be more grateful. BUT the main difference here is - her parents were very loving. Her childhood was blessed with a set of loving and considerate parents... I mean they even went to karaoke together, one whole family!

So no matter what her reason is... she just FAILS to see things from SH's perspective, which is the most annoying thing ever. There is not an ounce of love connection between SH and his parents. Forcing that to happen after so many years, is like forcing an unrequited love to become true.


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Hahaha I can't say the way BN did it was the most sensitive way, but from her perspective it was a small move too... just to get the family to have a meal together... plus she was about to tell him why she called him out here but our lovestruck boy got too excited. Learning what other ppl need and what would fit their needs vs make things worse takes time, just like how SH needed to learn how to navigate btwn her terrible self-view and superstitions. And in the same way it was hard to swallow at first for BN, SHJ needed that first uncomfortable nudge too. BN (again) learns a bit slower than our genius boy but she is open to learning... I'll leave it at that.


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+1, you described it so well, the two of them come from a different family background and opposite character so they have a different perspective. Love to see how they will manage to understand and adapted to each other. Ep 11 & 12 was tons of cuteness, can't stop smiling and giggling the whole episodes. Love the idea of Bo nui being his first in everything too, first confession, first hand helding, first kiss, first throw up at each other, hahaha, bo nui~ya, su ho~ya, you two are the oddest but sweetest couple ever.


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Enjoying the drama quite a bit. Finally we get to see RJY do something besides be pensive all the time. He has dimples and a great smile.


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As K-drama watchers, we've been conditioned to suffer from Second Lead Syndrome. But Ryu Jun Yeol is doing a perfectly adorkable job as Je Su Ho, I forget there are other males in this drama. I actually feel bad that I don't even feel bad about Gary ?

And I keep finding myself needing to rewind to read the subs because I keep staring at his lips ... they possess the same powers as Lee Seo Jin's dimples.


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I agreed. I like how SH was so direct in his words that it should have crushed any hopes that the other girls have for him. Right now, I am just feeling sorry for gary for not feeling sorry for him in the drama. Huhuhu...


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honestly speaking, the sw doesnt even let gary and Amy's character to grow. it's like they're just there to pursue the leads, and thats that.
i wish we can see more of Gary "finding the dad" and even Amy's professor dad background.


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yeah ! I want him to shut all bo-ni boxes (ring box, lunch box) and go through the box his father left( that crying scene was heart wrenching, LSH is doing a wonderful job but his talent is wasted as PPL tool ).

If they make him magically find his father at the end through an owl. I'll beat the writer to banana pulp and make a sandwich.

Amy doesn't exist she is just a combined delusion of all characters.


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That's not gonna happen. it's why i never invest in 2nd leads. Just try and get them to show some skin instead. much more efficient use of time I should say ;)


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OMG how can the simple act of walking backwards, a casual half-wink, or the words blah blah blah make my heart flutter so much??!! I'm not a Kdrama newbie anymore!!!

I am loving all the cute. I do worry though, because if there is ever a kdrama character more prone to noble idiocy, Bo Nui would be the one, since the whole premise of her character and the relationship conflict was that she whole heartedly believes in sacrificing her happiness (and body!!) for the good of those she loves....

I started watching Lucky Romance to help me get through the "teary" bit of OHYA, any recommendations on what to watch to help me through the inevitable here? Sugar level needs to be high though, cos this show is sooooo darn cute!! I am loving it though!


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Try "Queen In Hyun's man"


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I know we are going to have like 2 weeks more to go with this drama but I can already imagine how painful it would be for me to go through that painful withdrawal syndrome. The last time was 2 yrs ago. And now this. Why RJY has to be so damn perfect?


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Ikr, that walking backwards scene made me things too. It also reminded me how I felt when I first started to watch kdramas.

SH character reset my kdrama feels to default, he is the cutest male lead ever.


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What I enjoyed about it most was the subtle line he managed to keep between it being a seductive pose and one that was just a cute guy being doofy. There are so many ways you can play that and he caught just the right blend. I kind of hope someone image caps it and does a dark sultry song....*loses self to images*


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THE WHOLE WALKING BACKWARDS THING HAD ME SCREAMING OH MY GOD IT WAS ADORABLE honestly one of my most favourite scenes in a romcom so far


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@msque OMGGGG me too! I thought I was the only one. NOt sure why but my heart fluttered so much I was squeeing and squeeing. Replayed that scene again and again. Such a simple act when you think about it but somehow, it was soooooooo sweeet!!!!!



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@Ane @msque @ mawu So glad I wasn't the only one who went gaga over Suho walking backwards lol! I would so be a puddle of goo at the end of that scene!


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Make room for one more:) If I remember correctly I hid my face in the pillow and made some weird sounds. Honestly don't know what happened, he was just walking backwards. I didn't even know that walking backwards is a thing. *mental note* Oh, it is.


Oh my god ! I am glad am not the only one who has the-first-time feels !

I was just thinking the other day how RYJ breathes new life into such a long going on genre ! Its exactly like watching a kdrama hero in love for first time! And that is after 6-7 years of watching kdramas !

And THAT WINK - god, I blushed for a moment!
All his scenes are so replay-worthy !


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I have rewatched this episode quite a few times, and I'm not usually one that does THAT! It's like I'm watching my first drama.....!! (Okay I did that with Healer, and only Healer!)


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I would recommend "Flower Boy Next Door" for a similar vibe to this. The male lead is very different but similarly adorable. EVERYTHING about this show is cute.

Also try "Witch's Romance". I laughed out loud a few times watching this one.

These are the two fluffy romcoms that come to mind with the sweetest male leads.


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Yes FLower Boy Next Door has a similar dork with intelligence feel. It's one of my favorite no plot awesome character kdramas.


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Ooooh I have seen Witch's Romance, that was very cute. I think I saw one episode of Flower Boy Next Door but must give it a decent try, thaaaanks!


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Try falling for innocence. The male lead has the same vibe with SH, adorable and funny. Despite few angst, it was one of my fav fluffy romcom.
I have replayed the male lead scene over and over like here, sugar high!


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Yup! Falling for Innocence has another adorable 'malfunctioning' male lead.. Lol @ him calling his assistant to say "where am I right now?"


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"Happiness won't last! *points to random dating couple* You think you will be happy forever???"

LOL that lead was crazy. Funny. But crazy.


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@mary, That scene where he mad at random couple was sooo funny. I thought he was the cutest male lead ever, but it was before I know Suho.. lol

Btw, i rarely comment on recap thread before because I couldnt really articulate what i have in mind. And reading all the comments were already a lot of fun. But it turns out after i start commenting, there's no stopping me. You girls are awesome bunch to share this addiction!


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@.milliver. Thanks for the recommendation I've seen that one, but all these quotes make me want to re-watch! And you're so right I've been a lurker for ages but commenting and watching with everyone else is so much fun! No one in my "real life" watch kdramas ... Sigh...


@Lime chilli,

So we'll be the newbie commenter buddies, lol.

Its a whole lot different experience commenting and watching at the same time. Though maybe i will skip next 2 ep, because the waiting for the finale will kill me..

But im not ready to say goodbye to Suho yet..


Why does Boni wear thick socks with pumped sandels? Is it trendy in S.K?


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it's trendy yes. i saw Ko Hyesun wore it too. Ha jiwon, and a lot of idols too.


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I've noticed it since Baby Faced Beauty and found it weird but cute.


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I think my brain wanted to go back in time and make all the people who laughed at me when I did it watch this. Damn fashion trends are to slow...


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Thanks so much for this wonderful n insightful recap which I have been waiting for the whole day yesterday.
Let me explain, we always appreciate your recaps n always read them before watching the episode but nowadays with the show being telecast "palli palli" within 24 hours of Korea's broadcast we get the broadcast before your recap.
If course we still enjoy your recap n screenshots n get to re-enjoy the show!
Keep up the good work.


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OMG SU HO IS SO ADORABLE ASDFGHJKL. Any ways Amy and Gaerui yes Gaerui not Gary LOL are clearly stepping into delusional territory. Like wtf. It's sad to see the ratings though. I hope the ratings don't prevent Ryu jun Yeol from doing anymore dramas because I luv him.


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Lol by the way Amy calls her athlete, I was debating whether to call him Carrie or Carey xD


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its more like "gawwrryy " sounds like JJH said Sawrryy in My love from the star lol


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Not a fan for the story itself, but what make this drama works are the actors. HJE, is great as usual. LSH n LCA, well, i think the writer not doing justice for their character. RJY? don't get me start on this man. He literally can elevate anything. Such talented actor. I have to restrained my self not to capture his expression everytime he came up on my screen, and its hard!
Wish he will sign another drama after LR end. ASAP. I liked to see him in melodrama.. wonder what he could do with that XD


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I am glad LSH took this role though. I think he did a good job. At the beginning of this drama, I had a hard time to unsee Gwi... Now, I only see him as Gary, the cute boy next door.


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Nooo-----! No melodrama or tears.... Ryu Jun Yeol needs to keep BEAMING, don't hide his dimplessss with sadness or noble idiocy.... waaahh


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By the way can anyone please explain to me why is it in Korean culture that the 2 brothers in Five Enough cannot marry their girlfriends just because the girls are in-laws.


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It's because everyone shares similar surnames. there is this huge fear of incest. There used to be laws preventing people with the same last name from marrying. In the show it's a huge deal because the boys mother hates that kind of thing. She wouldn't give approval to one of the boys if she finds out about the sister in law thing.


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Lucky Romance didn't start off with the right foot on romcom (the soundtrack proof it!), but as time goes, I think it's become a nice light-hearted romcom.
I don't have to think too much and have good laugh.
This drama can lift my mood after watching reaaaaallly tearjerker drama *cough*dear my friends*cough* and serious drama like mirror of the witch.

Thanks for the recap!


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agree...they release the OST only after ep 5 or 6. and they finally realised what was missing. soyou and Junsu's song are very good and match with every romantic but cute sccne


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Can't Je suho be any cuter? How can he made me grinning like crazy for the time he appeared on the show?
I tend to be trapped in second male lead syndrom that I would feel so broken heart if the OTP get together, but in Lucky Romance, I almost skip all of Gary's part.
Like everyone said, Je Suho is the most charming male lead ever. As for ryu jun yeol, I watched answer me 1988 but my love was for uri Taeki for that time, but ottoke? This time RJY made me head over heals for him. You nappeon namja!!!


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I believe that ratings can never change the fact that all these actors are simply great actors. I believe if the story is believable through what have been portrayed by the actors, they are definitely good, superb actors. HJE is always the best girl crush for me because she manages to make me fall in love with all her male co stars no matter who they are and now I'm so obsessed already with the character JSH and RJY the actor. I know I am really hooked up badly on a show when I start giggling like school children and getting spaced out for most of the time. Yikes! Damn my stupid heart, again.


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Thank you for the recap @Lollypip!

Loved the episode, and agree with each and every word you said about how Su-ho is giving Bo-nui space to overcome her doubts.

Loved, loved, loved the conversation (albeit one-sided, sort of) Su-ho had with Bo-ra. I can already see them as a cute and happy family.

I really don't like where they are going with the 2nd leads. Kudos to Lee Soo hyuk and lee Chung-ah for still making me for them.

Also, about the sandwich Gary made- I also saw that he cut slices of bananas on a tray. Please tell me he didn't put those in the sandwich. I have been thinking about this yesterday and can't get it out of my head.


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Well, fruit sandwiches are a thing at Korean convenience stores. My Korean Husband did two videos on YouTube about it. The fruit sandwiches didn't sound or look very good! So let's hope Gary just put those sliced bananas in their own pretty lunchbox container all by themselves.


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Ooh, I didn't know that was a thing! I was just confused since the sandwiches he did make did look good, but the thought of a banana slice somewhere in there made me cringe lol.

Yep!! Perfect meal followed by a dessert- fruits!!


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Je Su-ho is love. How grateful I am that he is not a chaebol jerk and an arrogant geniuuuuus. And thanks to Ryu Jun-yeol for making this character so adorable and lovable. All his detail expressions are looove.


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Episode 12 has me scratching my head, but I enjoyed episode 11 so, so much. I don't think I've ever watched an episode of anything that had me flailing around this much with cries of 'SO FCKNG CUTE' under my breath multiple times in the space of such little time.

Because omg. Su-Ho was beyond adorable in this episode. Him walking backwards and peering down at her. The part where he confessed to her being his first...everything. Omg. It all had me biting my knuckles in an effort to not scream out loud with people sleeping close by. The space he gave Bo Nui to work out her feelings and come to him when she wanted, was admirable.

Things I didn't like:

Ryang-Ha telling Dal-Nim to lose the braces, glasses and weight for LOVE, wtf. Like, the girl is stick-thin already. A move I was hoping he wouldn't go for.

The whole thing at the end with Bo Nui still continuing to wholly defend the dad, despite the pain she could clearly see Su-Ho was in. Sigh.


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He told her to lose (ok, glasses, braces are doable, but weight!!) and she lost it in one night?! Can I have what Dal Nim is eating ... or not eating.
I would eat what Dal Nim is eating, but I would never wear what Bo-nui is wearing. Her stylist should be fired.


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Kong Shim's style in Fair Lady is also ridiculous. Looks like she went and bought alll overalls in all colors that Seoul ever had. I understand the desire of both dramas to present their heroines as somewhat simpleminded and not caring about what they wear. Ok. Fine. But they achieved a completely different effect. Both Kong Shim and Bo-nui look like they spend hours infront of the mirror thinking only of what longest dress goes over what jeans or what overalls dress goes is more retro. Hey. In real life, the busy working girls who don't care about their looks and short on funds, would put on a simple t-shirt with those jeans. Or just borrow older sister's clothes (in Kong Shim's case) that are right there, within her reach. That's what I did at her age.


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That's my thought as well! I tried to work out the characters' reasoning for their (poor) fashion choice though. Gong Shim is probably a girl who wants to go the extra mile for her office look but has poor taste. Boni is probably just... different xD.


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I kept thinking why they made such a fashion choice.. May RJY has thinner legs than HJE or they didn't want them to be compared or something(" yeah! I'm out of my mind"). that's the best logic explanation I could think.

They want su-ho to be geeky so went with shorts, She can't ware pants while he is in shorts that would be weird( from their POV). Every time he is in suit for presentations she wares good dresses like yellow one.

But why denim they could have gone with leggings and there are hundred ways to cover legs or they got PPL for denim and since Su ho can't show them off they went with HJE??

Forget denim what's the thing on her in the last scenes i don't get it .. I'm I fashion blind or something.. It distracts so much and she wares it again in ep 12 why??


Despite Bo-nui's denim fetish (yes I've come to the conclusion that it's not just love anymore lol) I'm also wondering...how isn't she sweating her ass off under all those layers of thick fabric...it's scorching summer in SK.


I think it's for the character's sake? Bo nui wears multiple layers of denim or multiple outfit at once to prevent her bad juju affect Zeze or others around her (hints: bunny and raccoon costume) + she made it herself (hints: Bo nui part time job, sewing machine at her home), so it might not looked as good as the one in stores XD


100% agree about both characters! If you didn't care about fashion at all you'd be way more low key. In Beautiful Gong Shim it's absurd but in Lucky Romance it's so distracting I can't even take Bo Ni seriously!


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So true! Lucky romance has gone from a drama that had me interested with stuff here and there to one that's managed to put a full blown grin across my face throughout the entire episode.:)
Except at the ending.
Bo Nui really really shouldn't have done that. Blindsiding Su ho into meeting with someone who's the root cause of so much of his pain was just wrong. Especially when she was aware of it.
And her comment that his attitude was the worst cuts even deeper. I don't understand how she can ask him whats so wrong with him extending his hand out first without realizing that he's been doing exactly that with her and all he's gotten in return is rejection.
I can understand where Bo nui's coming from and that she had good intentions but those words were unnecessary and uncalled for.


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Thank you Lollypip for the recap! I've been having a pretty stressful day at work so reading this was just refreshing!

I don't think I've ever been this smitten with a k-drama lead before, he is literally A-DO-RA-BLE!!! Thank goodness for the 10 second backwards button on Viki, I was rewinding every single scene he was in!
Did anyone catch his little wink he did to Bo-Nui?? *swoon*


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Hahaha I did! I screamed "OMG Did you just wink at her?"
My Hubby thought I'd gone crazy!


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First time commenter, long time lurker on DB. It's incredible that this is the drama that made me come out of lurkdom, but I just love the OTP sooo much. The plot is pretty thin, but there is so much heart, and HJE and RJY really make the characters come alive. They both fit their roles perfectly, and have amazing onscreen chemistry. This show is seriously candy for the soul!! I wish the ratings were higher! But then again, Healer didn't get high ratings either when it aired, and it's one of my favorite kdramas ever.

I have already seen every episode TWICE just waiting for each week because I can watch RJY's acting and mannerisms in a loop and never get bored!! I'm totally addicted to him!

I pause so many scenes because he is so detailed in his acting. I loved so many scenes in episode 11 (ok let's be honest, I like ALL his scenes in every episode)...

- The hospital scene where he re-introduces himself to Bora.
- The red string scene outside the hospital where he explains how he had to wait for others to do math.
- The "blah blah blah" scene puahahaha I was dying.
- Him changing into a million outfits for their "date".

But I think HJE is acting so well here too, and it is the two of them together that really carry the show. I like her better here than in SWP or KMHM. She is not over the top at all - she is tender, warm-hearted, genuine, kind, and radiates sunshine even though she's experienced so much pain. HJE makes me believe that she is a girl who desperately wants to love this man right in front of her, but is scared, holding back, and failing. I'm seeing a lot of subtlety and nuance in her acting too.

Anyway, I wrote a novella just to basically say that I'm OBSESSED. Love this show! It's my weekly crack.


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Candy for the soul! ^^!!

I really loved all the little mannerisms that, if included, would have made this recap like almost 5x longer. His running out the door to stop his mom, his face when lifting the counter in panic (then Ryamgha couldn't budge it at all!!!) And his leap into the cab (very like Hobbes) and rushing in all sweaty and panicked but trying to be all cool shooting his mom out of his house.... sooooooo adorableeee


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I died laughing the way he got on that cab .. That was hilarious.....


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@ange and @Cz

I was just reading ange's list and thinking to myself: the taxi! You have to add the whole running to the house bit! That was just pure ART, lol. Then saw your comment, Cz.


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@eva @Agree @cz: omg how could I forget to list the Taxi scene?!?! Hahaha that whole scene of him trying to unlock his bike all the way through leaping into the taxi was yes... PURE ART! He's AMAaaaZIIIINGGGG... swoon.


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ahh You've made me recall those scenes again!! His full on running, and (great editing cut!) to him peering over the counter to Ryangha - he asks him in a very rapid, almost garbled, rushed question in one wheeze: "didyoutellmymomthepasscode" Ryangha, surprised, repeats to translate and answer, then that FACE Su-ho makes O___O as he cringes. He lifts the bike rack few times too, as if that would help unlock the bike XD


I don't know if I was more annoyed at Amy for telling Gary she would help him pick out a ring or at him for letting her. (It was bad enough that he went ring shopping to begin with, but to let her pick it out? Grrrrr.)


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Thank you Lollypip for the recap! I was wondering does anybody know the kind of sunglasses Gary gave Bo-nui? Like the style and brand name?


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I really like this drama because it is staying true to being a romantic comedy. Yes, there was angst baked in the k-drama cake with what happened in the past and with the coma, but the show never lost the funny. So many rom/coms go full melo and often for half the drama. Both actors are doing a great job but for the first half this was HJE show and she did an excellent job. Now I get to see more of the male lead's personality, and he is adorkable. Hope it finishes strong...don't fail me now drama.


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I feel like the comedy & drama angst were flipped! We got high stakes life threatening danger in early episode and then all the sweet comedy in the second half! Even the Zeze company is getting jokes and screen time + more Dalnim now yayyyy


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Funny when the show started I thought Tiger hunt would be the most hilarious part and will turn to emotional once its over but it was other way around. Once hunting was past that it came to su-ho region and found its adorable comedy


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Am such a sucker for cute geeks, gosh, the level of adorableness...
Not loving how Ryang Ha treats Dal Nim, hope he's going to fall for her soon so she can make him suffer a bit as payback (before eventually having their happy end of course), but so loving his bromance with Su Ho! Always cracking up hard whenever these two are in the scene, like the fallen confetti and Su Ho's petty "clean this all up!" and the counter top thing and the shared giddiness over Bo Nui's call. A shout out to the subber of YOF Iceland, please accept my gratitude and love as I can watch Jung Sang Hoon being dorky in real life too.
As for the second leads, wondering whether their ears are functioning or just being there as a accessory..?
*surreptitiously watching ep 12 in the office


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Sanghoon is very warm and hillarious in Iceland YOF. he's trustable and easy going. he's in charges of cooking for the boys and eventhough his cooking is limited but he always made the boys full and happy lol


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I super love the bromance too! their interaction is a must watch scene, it was always hillarious. I like jung sang hoon, first time saw him in SNL's fifty shades of grey skit .. that was crazy hillarious and since that his face just stuck in my head. So when I watch YOF Iceland, ahaa that was that dude! and ofc as you said he is dorky in real life and good musical actor too ..


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What, YoF Iceland is finally subbed?!?! OMG, is it Christmas already?! I've been waiting months and months before finally giving up since nothing happened. Eek.


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"Su-ho gets ready for lunch, changing outfits a thousand times and practicing being cool in the mirror. He shows up all excited to tell Bo-nui that he finally understands the theory of relativity, because ever since last night, every minute felt like an hour, and now that he sees her it feels like time has stopped. That is the most adorably geeky thing anyone has ever said."

IKR!!! The writers must've patted themselves on their back when they came up with that, ugh, too darn cute.

Thanks for the recap! This drama is ramping up the cute & I'm loving it so much. I just wish Bo-nui can let go of her superstitions; I get that that's what makes her character, but it's increasingly frustrating to see her denying any chance of happiness by putting too much weight into superstitions / her supposed unluckiness. I suppose old habits die hard, and she's been living under the impression that her bad luck affects everyone she loved.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm enjoying the cuteness so much and I just want Bo-nui to reciprocate it & let herself be loved so that we can have more cuteness :P


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The "Getting ready for Date" scene...soooo cute! And I found it funny that they switched up so many tropes too! Instead of the girl primping, nervous for a first date, we get a montage of Su-ho and all his dorky 'cool looks' that he tries.

And theeen, instead of water-throwing, money-in-envelope, pride-stomping, angry showdown with a future mother-in-law, Su-ho's mom takes Bonui shopping, forces her to accept gifts, and says for them to date because Su-ho likes her! Ahahahahahhaaa


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I can totally eat banana with a slice of bread. It does not taste weird,if fact I recommend layering butter,cheese and perhaps slice of processed meat (unless you are health conscious,omit this). It just taste marvelous.Perhaps it is an Asian living in tropical Asia with its abundance of bananas and it is used in various methods to eat.Fried,soup, part of bread meals and etc.

By the way the ep11 preview basically,gave so much of romantic moments that we can look forward too.


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Ooh, I didn't know that- I have to try it minus the meat tho, since I'm a vegetarian. But nutella and banana in a sandwich sounds awesome- so I will try that.

Agreed about the multiple uses of bananas. We even use banana leaves as a plat in our traditional ceremonies- and banana fritters are the best!!


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Also try peanut butter with sliced banana on top of bread. so.damn.good (and somewhat healthy if you use non sugary PB)


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Peanut butter, banana and mayo was Elvis Pressley's favorite sandwich just ask my mom. lol


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@lollypip - I loved your commentary that put SH's pursuit in perspective. Bec of all the 3 romcoms i watched recently - OHY, Gongshim, LR - have ppl pursuing the other person despite being rejected. And i was getting increasingly conflicted about what constitutes 'not giving up' and what is 'the inability to accept a No and being stalker-ish'

On to the show

- SH!!!! ... urghh ... why so cute? The 'blah blah blah' had me snorting. And the multiple outfit changes. So freaking cute.

- That dad is irredeemable. nearly drowning a child and blaming him for it?

- BN telling SH that he had the vilest attitude *shakes head* .. like wth!

- Noooooo ... Dal nim don't get a makeover. You are awesome as it is.

- Gary buying a ring? Really ?

btw, is the show is saying that the shaman nonsense was true ? Bora opening her eyes post kiss ? Does that mean if BN had slept with a tiger her sister would be cured ? I wanted that shaman to be outed as a fraud. Anyone who tells a woman that she needs to sleep with a stranger deserves to be whipped.


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for reals, Amy and Gary just define the term delusional, don't they? You can't even pay attention to their characters, they're so ridiculous. Sheeeesh, beat it already Canada's calling ??


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I like both the actors but i'm not sure what purpose do they serve in the story. usually the 2nd leads provide conflict both in the lead's and the audience's mind ... but here they are not even remotely in the running - BN treats Gary as a brother and SH has told Amy clearly that he loves BN. So what are they doing here ?


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Gary and Amy are unfortunately just props. Gary has become the product placement, Amy...well, she got very little to go by already in the beginning. If the writers don't care about their characters, why should we?


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Oh I think Dalnim is shedding her glam look for sure. She was clearly struggling in heels and though she received attention from men when she fell, it's gonna be only Ryangha who's always there for her whether she's dressed to the nines or not.


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I haven't seen the next one yet. but damn, i don't want DN to lose those Harry potter glasses ... i wanted to punch RH when he gave the cliched 'cosmopolitan' advise


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I don't understand Gary's character at all. No matter how much I trust my neighbor noona, if she's devastated that her little sister may die, I would go look for her to make sure she didn't harm herself. Not sitting around to prove me right to some romantic rival. Better safe than sorry.

And then when Gary saw reporters snooping, why would he put sunglasses on Boni (other than for PPL purpose)? They still look chummy, she's still recognizable, and it's a good tabloid photo-op. Ironically, the tabloid article features the very picture where Gary gave Boni the sunglasses.

And then the ring. Seriously, dude, that's how you scare girls away.


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Exactly, thats why Gary confuses me. He loves her yet does not talk her out of the madness of seeking strange men ... nor does he look for her when she is supposedly suicidal .. I adore LSH but What a way to waste an actor.


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A well thought tiger amulet against a diamond ring on a whim.. that's the difference between su-ho and gary ..


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Exactly! And how dainty that tiger necklace is, nothing flashy, actually barely recognizable unless you zoom in, just something between the two of them. Sigh.


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I agree with bibs99. As much as I love Su-Ho, part of his persistence with Bo-Nui has seemed a little stalker-ish to me. I was actually a little uncomfortable with his kissing her at the end of the previous episode and when he reasoned in this episode that she shouldn't be so shocked since they've already kissed twice (when he tried going in for another smooch). [Just because she was ok with it once or twice doesn't mean she's ok with it now.]

As and audience we know that BN likes him and I'm willing to grant that SH, as the genius analytical thinker that he is, is able to read the signs and call her bluff. But to any casual observer, it would seem his feelings were one-sided.

If he weren't our male lead, but rather, the second lead, we'd be less ok with his behavior.

That being said, it was helpful to read Lollypip's comparison of SH's pursuit of BN versus Gary's. Though, personally, I would consider SH's way of constantly checking in with BN a little too pushy for my taste, it's true that he's giving her space and time to consider her feelings.

A part of me wishes SH would take her words at face value since it bothers me how often we see characters (especially females lately) lie about their feelings. It almost seems like it's encouraging guys not to believe what a girl says and just keep pursuing them until they cave. I'd prefer a world where people can trust what the other person is saying is truthful...but that wouldn't make for much of a story I guess.

I would never lie about my feelings and restrain myself the way BN is doing. So if I told a guy I didn't like him, I'd mean it and expect him to leave me alone. SH is just so adorkable and realistically flawed that I have to remind myself this is the dramaworld, not the real world.


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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you ... You articulated it so much better than i could.

I can understand the determination to not give up on a relationship but not the determination to convince the other person to ENTER the relationship ...

I saw this in OHY and in gong shim too. You can call it double standards but when guys do it, doesn't it reinforce that stupid maxim - 'when a girl says no, she actually means yes' nonsense. And that is dangerous

Again, Its done really cutely here so its not unhealthy or scary or irritating ....but i'm just curious about what people think of this dating strategy(?) on principle.


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Agreed completely. For drama sakes and because he followed up with it adorably I took the development as is, but really a part of me was like 'she said no. Even if her heart felt otherwise or whatever, she chose & decided no. So accept it & let her accept consequence of that too.'...


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i think in SH's case, because she knows that BN tend to do things which is endanger herself, so he's worry about her, and there he is stalk her here and there. in any case, if the girl is doing very well with a well family, i think suho is not going to do this extreme. but few episode back we saw how bonui doesnt care about herself.

and the fact that after the kiss bonui said to his face " i would liking you from a far" is like a statement itself " i like you too, but i know you understand why i cant be with you" thing. hence comes this push coming from. its not because he didnt believe her, but because, in fact she did said she liking him back.

I think Suho understand perfectly what hold her back...thats why he try to make whatever hold her back for coming to him is not going to hold her back anymore. thats where the checking of hospital action coming from.
it's not that he did it only for bonui will accept his feeling, but because he knows, if bora getting healthier, he would make Bonui happier as well. he thought about Bonui's first...not just keep convince her that she likes him back without doing anything to changes whatever hold her back.


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I dont think SH being too pushy in this case. Because just before the second kiss he did ask if BN really dont like him then he will leave her for good. And i dont doubt that he really meant it.

But since she clearly says she likes him too. It's just she doesnt think she deserves to be loved. And like how SH told RH, the train is coming. He's just patiently waiting while convincing her that he is there.


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Me too.. He says he likes her and she says she likes him too ... It's mutual feeling yet she want to end it on her own accordance..that doesn't make sense at least to me.


Agree! I think it's obvious to both of them that they like each other. SBN even admitted during the kiss scene that she didn't know how she got this far, and confessed her feelings. I loved the analogy he used about a train never coming versus a train that will eventually come. There are a lot of great one-liners in this show!


Thank you. This makes more sense now. He simply in not pushing her bec she is nice and he likes her *cough-gary-cough* but like you said, he understands whats holding her back and that she DOES like him


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Thank you so much for this! I was uncomfortable with the way SH acted like she should be okay with a third kiss...simply because they'd kissed twice before. And definitely - just because we, viewing from a third lens, know that BN does reciprocate SH's feelings, doesn't make his refusal to leave her alone as pertains the whole romance issue. Indeed, he's incredibly cute about it, and giving her some space as to her feelings, but ultimately his methods are still very pushy.


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Upon reflection, and reading some other comments, I must add that to a certain extent, SuHo's 'pushiness' would be needed in order to crack the walls he knows she's put up against happiness.


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Although i think, from SH pov, his first kiss was disaster (with all the morning manic brushing). I guess he likes the second one, and maybe kinda addicted to it thus ask the third one.

His expression (the first pic of the recap) is a bit childlike asking for candy. or its just me looking at him with pink glasses now..

Goshhh im so into him i can justify whatever he does.. Crazy..


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I also watched all the three show.. surprisingly OHY came as the most cling for me (Though I love her for that), Gong shim choice to wait was thought full... But su-ho is the best who makes an effort to understand the reason and not just push his feelings.. a K drama lead is never a boyfriend material in real life.. But Su-ho is...

How can she resist such a adorable human marshmallow with such a kissable lips... She is really no-ni..His face drop when his parents arrived broke my heart and her comment on his attitude was so wrong .
“I know I’ve been chasing you. Did you think you could treat me however you want?”was one of the best line i have seen in K dramas..


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I'll agree about OHY. There were times i wanted to high five her and at times i wanted to slink in my blanket with second hand embarrassment

Ditto. my heart broke for him when she sort of said that you don't know how to love.

I am seeing what everyone above has written and it makes sense. SH has a clear indication that she likes him (she pretty much said it) and he knows her hang-ups better than anyone else

So unless someone pushes through, she is going to remain in her self imposed isolation forever.


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I had to drop OHY after episode 12 because she was such an annoying heroine to me. She came off as abusive, clingy, and crazy.

I love how innocent and certain Suho is. He is very black and white, yes or no, love or don't... and he consistently, steadily goes after Bonui with his heart wide open without any game playing, but at the same time... he is giving her the room she needs.

He's laid everything out on the table, and now waiting for her response. That's why I thought the red thread scene was so beautiful too... what he said about being so fast at math and having to wait for others, and now will wait for her is so poetic. It speaks volumes to me about how he respects where she's at right now, while still in active pursuit of her. It's romantic. Who can resist??


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I'm pretty ticked at RyangHa telling Dal Nim to get a makeover including losing weight, assuming that in 12 we will see his jaw drop when her physical appeal becomes apparent to him. Blech. Show, please find a way to change that up, I'm begging you.

Su Ho, I love you and hope diving into that cab didn't hurt you too much because it was a complete crackup for us. My heart broke when Bo Nui seemed to betray you, and no less by aligning with the parents who've never understood that they did the same. We hate to see you hurting and promise it will get better soon *sniff*.


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That last photo... I cant even deal! What a good looking face and oh my goodneessssss gracious ! I think i just died d.kasdjafdslkfsd


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Your username, like @Alison said, I love it as well.

You know, after 10+ years of watching kdramas, this is the first time I realized that my heart can skip a beat just by watching a hero. I usually measure how strong an OTP chemistry by how much my heart skips evertime I see the OTP together on my screen. But this time, it's totally a new feeling for me. My heart races when I see Suho and Bonui, but my heart beats even faster even though I only see Suho. He is SuHot, indeed. I think I've fallen for a kdrama character. Silly me.
On one hand, I'm sad that this drama will end in 2 weeks and I can't see SuHot anymore, but on the other hand, the faster it ends the better it is for my health. Lol.


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Are we gonna about Ryangha at all?

I adore the actor on SNL Korea, but over here he's just hilarious and amazing. His comedic timing is gold.


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Thank you for the recap! I really love how SH and BN are so perfect for each other and really... need each other. Looking back at the first episodes, they were both so extreme in their own ways, it's nice that they could open up to each other, learn from each other and find some balance together. Which is the total opposite of Gary and Amy. Gary and Amy are so stuck in the past there is no growth for them. They still hang on to 10 years ago. Amy doesn't understand why SH is not falling at her feet because she used to be his world. So it's interesting that SH and BN, the awkward ones are learning to live better in the present while Gary and Amy who are supposed to be the "cool, good-looking" ones are not going anywhere in the present because they are stuck in the past. Maybe for Gary it is because he did come back to his past by coming back to Korea. So that's where he is. And it's interesting that for them Canada is the future, where their life really is. There seem to be no future in Korea for them, they are not making connections, this is just a passing episode in their life where their first love live. I love how SH is so innocent in his development. It is like seeing a child grow where everything is still pure. In a way, because of his non-childhood that kept him closed off to the world his experience as an adult is childlike which is great to see. BN is too lucky! Well, they both are, this is lucky romance after all!


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Her outfits are truly awful. Not just a little bit- but like distractingly bad in every single scene. I normally don't notice or care too much about character wardrobes... But a dress over a turtleneck with ruffle bell bottom pants and then socks plus platform sandals. Too much!!


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I thought it must be a fashion thing in South Korea, cos Bo Nui keeps wearing these dresses over her outfit, then I watched the last episode of OHYA and So Kyung did the same. The problem is that the dresses are those which shouldn't be worn OVER anything, they're like underwear or slips or something?


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Her dress is distracting. even more because SH put a super adorable fashion show getting ready and then BN shows up with that super ruffle dress.

I am not a fashionista at all, but on that scene i was like, what is that???


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I need at least one drama this year with a female lead with fashion sense (so far the second leads and supporting characters were all fine). I'm not expecting another Cheon Song-yi but come on dramaland, you better make it up to me for enduring all this eyesore in 2016.


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Didn't she get married in real life this year. I was wondering if she was covering up a baby bump but then there was that one scene with a decent looking dress. I pretty much try to ignore the women's fashion in Kdrama because it's usually pretty bad. I think people complaining about all the denim and this crazy bag lady layering that's been going on in this drama is what devolved the last thread into name calling or something. Problem is, it's a legitimate criticism. Those outfits look like she dressed from the recycle bin.


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RJY definitely continues to shine in this show and I just love the blahblahblah part when he ended up confessing everything. His facial expressions are all on point.

Su Ho is just too adorable and I need more backstory as to how he and Ryangha became such good friends. More like, I probably just want to watch more of them together being adorkable and flaily.

Here are the few reasons I can think of as to why Bo Nui is dressed the way she is (because everyone else in the show seems to be dressed just fine):

1. HJE is so pretty in real life that it gets in the way of the story line so it all needs to be covered up with the inexplicable fashion sense.

2. It is stipulated somewhere in HJE's marriage that she can't be dressed normally.

3. Revenge of a very convincing stylist that managed to get everyone else on the production team on board.


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So I initially thought 1. Like her outward appearance was a reflection of all the chaos and disorganization in her inner life. Also her boss wouldn't pay her so it tied into a narrative about being a "broke and downtrodden but cheerful" Candy.

But now she is well-employed and venturing out of her self-imposed shell. So the wardrobe makes no sense to me. Her clothes in Secret were pretty dowdy but it fit the plot and character.


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Good Lord her - the stylist's- fashion sense kills me. The clothes have no relation whatsoever to her character because surprisingly enough there are days when she dresses quite well.
But then there are other days when the camera pans over her and I breathe a sigh of relief thinking it wont be a total disaster today. Then they just have to cut to her lower half and the sigh turns into a choke-sob-croak-wail.


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Actually, as far as her character, I kind of noticed that these later episodes, the clothes were lighter (material and color) whereas before it was dumpy and heavy and dark denim.

Bo-nui has a few dresses for special occasions - like her date dresses (yellow one, pink/coral one) but for everyday, (why?!?)) it's dresses over denim. I thought her pineapple dress in this episode was pretty cute (or was that next episode?)

Anyways, Yellow is a really lucky color for her, Blue is what people are "usually" dressed in (Su-ho wears a lot of blue too), and the BIGGEST thing is: in her dream, she was wearing a pretty white dress, no denim in sight. So clearly, 'pretty and dressed up' in her mind does not equate to wearing jeans as a fashion....


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4. It is a trade off between her & Suho. He gets to wear shorts & casual wear only if Bonui wears twice the amount of clothing. PPL gotta pay for two character costumes, and dangit two costumes will be worn!! (By poor Bonui)


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Does HJE see herself in mirror... She is a pretty lady and has good fashion sense (I follow her on IG).. Why is she letting them do this to her.. It was understandable in SWP but why here ?


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@Kazzah Exactly. In her previous roles, her clothes were reflective of her character/role but this one just leaves me confused.. and distracted. I think they might have been going for quirky candy because she's superstitious?? Though I think I would've appreciated it more if they made her dress in a way directly dictated by her superstitions. Like, it'll have salt sown into it or she'd wear red more often.

@Iris I feel the same when the screen pans out! I'm just left there going "whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

@Cz Can't we just have multiple ridiculous reasons as to why she needs numerous wardrobe changes in one dramaland day instead lol.

@Agree we all want to know the same thing lol.

I wonder how the Korean viewers are reacting to it though? I would think the production team is following the online feedback and... we can't be the only ones confused right??


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To my understanding, Bo nui sewn her clothes herself and use that multiple layers outfit to prevent her bad luck being transferred to others around her, like when she used that bunny costume or raccoon.


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I have no quarrel with quirky Candy fashion! Heck, I grew to appreciate some pretty strange outfits on Gong Shil in Master's Sun. I think they were done right there- played down the actress's glamour, reinforced the character traits, and drew a big contrast to the uber-chic reserved lead male.

I'm not trying to start a flame war or troll anyone-- I just find HJE fashion in this show genuinely perplexing. I thought maybe it's a new trend or street fashion thing in Seoul now that I just haven't here seen in California.


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Hey I just had a thought. What if the bad fashion is supposed to reflect that Bo Nui made her own clothes? She made clothes for Bo Ra (Bora's favourite dress was one made by unni) and she worked a part time job at a seamstress didn't she? Maybe that was what the stylist was told but not made clear in the storytelling. Or maybe she's just a bad stylist. Haha, just trying to come up with a good reason!


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There was a late comment in a previous recap from a KR fan. She says BN's character sews her own clothes. Not sure how true that is, but there you go. :D


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Hahaha, thanks Mary! Makes me sound less delusional with my theories!


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I think su hoo need to back down a bit,
give her a space, she said no and maybe she didn't mean it but still let her breath since meeting and fall for you is not part of her plan,

Bo nui also need to stay low for su hoo's parental problem,

I really like this character driven that is still in a boundary of getting to know each other better,


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Is it only me that I can't take my eyes off of JSH lips.hahaha. And that twinkle in the eyes looks so real. I have major crush and I went squee queen everytime I watch him. PERFECT acting!!!!


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Not only you girl! I totally watch the show just staring at his lips! Oh boy! Did you see the half-wink? I almost peed on my pants. Lol!


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Seriously, anyone who have not fallen for Ryu Jun Yeol from this drama before would seriously be head over heels for him now. His understanding attitude really is pulling my heart and this time it's not a delusional one like Amy is having now. That is really refreshing to see :)


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This damn drama! Really! how can they keep bringing more sweet cute swooning things over and over every week?!! I can't .. no words!! RIP my soul .. for dozens times already ..


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seriously!!! in other dramas, when all the conflict is resolved and it's just cute coupley things, sometimes i get bored and move on... but not this couple!!! i can watch episodes and episodes of them doing sweet swooney things with each other and my life would be complete!


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First time to comment here in dramabeans though I'm an avid reader.

I love love this drama. Just like everyone here, how I wish the rating is much higher and I do hope it will not affect RJY getting new offers for another drama or movie. I've watched him in Reply 1988 and he was really good (I was rooting for him) but here, he's definitely BRILLIANT! He elevates the fun-ness of this drama - of course with the help of the other actors but his acting and adorkableness is clearly more outstanding than the rest. Fans of the show acknowledge that (as evidence of all the compliments he's getting from here). His acting is really catching. I can watch the drama just looking into all the expression in his face - sadness, pensive, serious and specially his happy adorable face. Whenever he smiles, I catch myself smiling too (sorry Replay button).

I'm Asian so I definitely understand SBN - her being very superstitious and holding on to her beliefs to get her through life (although her going out with someone she doesn't know and trying to sleep with them is really extreme). I like my own Suho! Someone who can show me the way to blissful happiness (Oh yeah, I have one already but he's not as adorable as Suho).

Above everything, truly enjoying the show even SBN outfits. Hey, its her style and as long as she's confident, then so be it. I do like her dress the first time she tried to have a date with Gary and the orange knitted dress when Suho saved her from the crooks trying to video her.

Happy watching everyone! 2 more weeks!

P.S For those who have not watched YOF Africa, please do so. You'll fall in love with RJY's real-life personality. He's really a very good Oppa/Hyung - the way he took care of his dongsaengs. He speaks English very well (compared to other Korean actors) and he's well travelled - based on his IG posts, he's been to almost all Asian countries which is quite impressive.


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"The difference between Bo-nui’s rejection of Gary and her rejection of Su-ho is obvious to Su-ho… he knows she likes him, but he understands that her circumstances make it hard for her to easily accept love, whereas Gary is trying to make feelings happen where they don’t already exist. Both men know how she truly feels, but Su-ho is the one who actually attempts to work with her. When Su-ho is rejected, he backs right off. He lets Bo-nui know that he’s still there, and he’ll wait, and that he understands how she’s feeling right now. He’s willing to give her space and time to figure out everything that’s happening in her life, including her feelings for him, and he tells her bluntly that he won’t give up but at the same time, he doesn’t push. That’s how you win a girl’s heart… not with shiny rings or a pretty face, but by letting her know that you understand her and giving her room to think. He’s not perfect, and he still gets impatient, but ultimately he’s willing to hang in there for her to come around on her own."

LollyPip, I love how you phrased that here! My sentiments exactly..


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Hello @mary, the late comment on clothes from the previous ep's comment was me :)

I've done more thinking and re-watching of the show and my hypothesis is this (re-post, apologies to those who've already read it):

To everyone who's been frustrated at Bonui's rather eccentric dressing, I want to offer a perspective which someone else pointed out to me, and I had one week's worth of thinking and reflection (and replays) to offer to you:

_ On Bonui's dressing - they're hand-made _
I want to point out (as a former wardrobe mistress for theatre productions) that there's a reason for Bonui's fashion disasters - have you seen evidence that she makes her own clothes?
1) Ep1 - one of her part-time jobs was making clothes,
2) Bora (in a flashback scene) says that her favourite clothes are the ones Bonui makes for her
3) the finishing on Bonui's clothes tends to look home-done - e.g. the denim dress when she first visited Bora with Suho was completely unfinished (trailing ends), and
4) the clothes she wears also looks like they were cobbled together from two outfits, like both outfits were "worn out" in some areas but they could be deemed by someone poor as "still salvagable/still able to wear".

I think Bonui's outfits say so much about her socio-economic background. She's poor, and has gone through financial hardship to put Bora through school, and then pay for her medical bills, even dropping out of school probably because she couldn't tackle everything at once - school, earning money for the family, and Bora's illness. What's kicked in is her practicality - as a programmer and someone who is (presumably) fairly sensible, she prioritised her life and money, and doesn't spend on clothes and make up.

So she pulls used clothes together, patches up what can be patched, creates her own designs, and sews them together. Have you seen her at the sewing machine that time when Suho was at the park waiting to give her the company retreat photographs? She's a pro - the sewing machine she owns has a very central place in her living room, so it's used often, and is in good repair.

_Home decor and more socio-economic clues and cues_
Futher, if you look at her apartment, you'll see more clues that she's self-made a lot of items. Look at the apartment when she takes Suho back and lies him on the futon couch.
(1) there's a basket on the table with a handle, which is quilted and looks hand-made,
(2) the table has some crochet decoration under the glass top, which looks hand-made,
(3) the cushion covers on the futo are also crochet
4) the drunk bear now has a scarf which looks hand-made - and
5) the bear's stuffing which was coming out of his head in Ep1 has been fixed since a few episodes ago,
6) the "carpet" in the living room area (which the futon and table rest on) is a mismatched quilt as well.

I'm in awe of the wardrobe mistress for thinking so far into her character to dress her so true-to-life.



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So while I would love to see Bonui dressing a little sharper, I hope all of you who are frustrated with Bonui's dressing start enjoying the wardrobe as an "unsung hero" who also gives voice to the heroine's life story.

:D Ok this is my 2c. I hope I have contributed to your understanding and enjoyment of the show, as you all in this community have added to mine!


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Also please remember that while she currently has a job and has some back pay, she still owes about 3 - now 4 mths worth in rent (I don't care that Gary has paid for her; she still owes it and she needs to pay it), and she was late in paying Bora's medical bills already once.

Assuming rent is at least USD2K, she owes 8K, plus a new stack of medical bills.

If I were her, I wouldn't be thinking about a new wardrobe.


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I get your point but being poor and making your own clothes doesn't mean they should be b*tt ugly... They are incredibly awefully designed, paired and those sandals with socks, jesus christ... I hope this never becomes a real life fashion trend, it's seriously an eye-sore!


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Not to mention that if they want to emphasise her being poor by ddressing her like this, then they should be careful about designer sandals (!) and expensive Samsung phones, too.


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I think since it's a product placement they have no other option for that, otherwise we have no show to be seen right now ^^,


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That's just her style of clothing, that's how the character wants to dress. Being poor has nothing to do with it. Comments like these are not needed. It's understood that that is your opinion, but these kind of hateful comments are pointless in places like this.


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do you happen to know the title of the song used when Soo Ho was changing clothes and all and he cannot decide what to wear. Been searching for it for ages. :( Thanks for the help!


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Does anyone know the song at the end of this episode? I'm curious, because I really like the sound of it and I'd like to find it.


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