Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 5

Sometimes, life can give you troubles from carrying a drunken neighbor home. But that same neighbor may just be the person to help you blow your nose, keep your wig from sliding off, or tie some utilitarian pigtails. All that and more cute shenanigans hint at some growing feelings in our leads, and it’s as equally mortifying as it is endearing. In addition to the budding love/hate relationship, we get a look into Dan-tae’s past and his potential role in discovering his unknown secrets.



Clutching her sore back, Gong Shim worries that the restaurant will be too extravagant for their wallets, but Dan-tae insists that he can afford it, jokingly adding that he’ll eat ramen for the next two months. Jun-su pulls up to the restaurant in his car, and Gong Mi’s eyes widen with recognition of the two waddling into the same restaurant.

Once seated, Gong Shim looks through the menu with disbelief. There’s no way they can afford a single dish, so she fakes an intensely painful stomach ache, and Dan-tae falls for the act. Gong Shim now clutching her back and her stomach, they walk out of the restaurant in a hurry. Gong Mi watches them leave with a sigh of relief and jumps in surprise when Jun-su arrives.

Gong Shim drops the act once they’re out of sight of the restaurant, and a worried Dan-tae looks betrayed. She explains that there was no way he could have afforded anything on the menu, and Dan-tae laughs. He grabs her arm and suggests they go back, but Gong Shim yells in pain again. Thinking she’s joking, Dan-tae teases her about crying wolf again, but this time it’s real. She reminds him why she’s in pain in the first place, and Dan-tae obediently assists her on their walk.

At the restaurant, Jun-su and Gong Mi make small talk about her appearance on TV. She introduces herself as a lawyer and gives him her business card. Jun-su doesn’t have any business cards and vaguely explains that he works at a nearby company while operating a restaurant. The manager of the restaurant comes by to greet him, but Jun-su slyly shoos him away.

Gong Mi emphasizes that they’ll split the bill and apologizes for her forward approach. She compares it to running the 100-meter dash and confesses that she thought a lot about him after he drove her home that rainy night. Jun-su partially reciprocates the feelings but compares his approach to a marathon. Gong Mi seems hopeful at his positive response, but Jun-su clarifies that he just wants to be friends. She accepts the rejection and agrees to their new friendship.

Dan-tae continues to copy Gong Shim’s granny pose, and Gong Shim yells at him for making her this way. She thinks back to piggybacking blackout drunk Dan-tae on her back and gets even angrier. Then, she clumsily trips on her own feet and begins to fall quickly to the ground, face first. Dan-tae uses his super-slow vision and super-fast reflexes to catch her just before she hits the ground. He proudly tells her that she would have broken her nose without him, and she sarcastically thanks him.

Gong Shim tries to buckle her shoes but cringes when she bends her back. Dan-tae bends down to buckle her shoes while she tries to remain disgruntled. When he comes back up, he tells her that jokbal (pig’s feet) is the best for her recovery, though he only says so because a jokbal house is right behind them. Gong Shim figures that Dan-tae would have been a fraud if he wasn’t a lawyer, and they head inside.

Dan-tae gives Gong Shim the royal treatment since he’s indebted to her, and Gong Shim seems a little uncomfortable to be treated so nicely. When Gong Shim chokes on water, Dan-tae replaces her sliding wig and runs to her side to help her blow her nose. As she digs in, Dan-tae also notices that her hair keeps getting into her food, so he gets rubber bands to tie her hair in pigtails.

He looks at her new pigtail look with endearment and comments that Jun-su would have liked to see this. Gong Shim turns serious and requests that he not reference Juns-su in the future. Dan-tae looks thrown off by her terse request but complies.

At home, Gong Mi thinks back to Jun-su’s rejection. Looks like she isn’t as cool with it as she let it seem.

The next morning, Gong Shim marches off to work and ignores Dan-tae’s distractions because she’s late. He follows her because he’s going to her company again for the car accident settlement and explains that he made a huuuuge scratch on the side of Grandma’s car. Gong Shim gasps at his accident and realizes that she’s been distracted again. She runs off in fear of being late.

While running to catch the bus, Gong Shim trips over her feet and falls flat on her face. The bus halts at the stop and the passengers laugh at the scene. Embarrassed by her fall, Gong Shim stays on the ground and urges the bus to go on. Then suddenly, she’s lifted off the ground, hands and feet in the air as if she’s superman. Unfortunately for her, Dan-tae has come to the rescue and lifts her up. He revels in the applause for a bit before pushing her onto the bus.

Gong Shim is absolutely mortified and runs off the bus as soon as he gets on. She catches a taxi, and Dan-tae is right behind her to board the taxi with her. He wonders why she ran off the bus, and he proudly reenacts his savior moment with his fingers. Gong Shim looks at him brimming with anger and explains that she ran off the bus because she was so embarrassed. Dan-tae looks sheepish realizing that it’s all his fault again.

At the company, Dan-tae tells Gong Shim to have a good day at work and admits that he’s here two hours early for his appointment. She shakes her head and advises him to come to his senses. Dan-tae imitates her nagging once she walks away and notices her cold greeting to Jun-su. He thinks back to her drunken pity party, when she told him about overhearing Jun-su admit to being nice to her out of pity.

Gong Mi finds herself being targeted for evidence fabrication, since her partner on a case, Choi sunbae, admits it to the boss. Choi sunbae insists that they fabricated the evidence together, and she hands the boss a letter of resignation. Gong Mi refuses to accept this, but her boss demands a letter of resignation from her as well. Never mind that, she’s fired.

Outside the office, Gong Mi asks Choi sunbae why she would sabotage their jobs. Choi sunbae reminds her that she would do anything to bring down Gong Mi (because Gong Mi took her case), even if was at her own expense. She has no worries, since she can establish her own private firm, but what about Gong Mi? Choi sunbae spitefully offers her a position at her new firm, if Gong Mi’s looking for a new job.

Jun-su invites Grandma to their restaurant opening, but she refuses to go to his restaurant. He insists that it’s for the company, since they’re using the company’s products in creating the menu, but she flatly rejects his invitation. She assumes that he’s just like the rest of his family, greedy for money. Jun-su looks hurt by Grandma’s harsh words but accepts the rejection stoically.

Dan-tae overhears the conversation as he’s waiting for his appointment with Grandma. So when Jun-su exits her office, they exchange an awkward silent greeting.

Dan-tae’s here to respond to Grandma’s request to search for Jun-pyo. He has to decline the case because he’s not well-equipped with the knowledge or experience for such a search. Grandma sighs that she’s done everything and tells us about the day Jun-pyo disappeared.

Flashback to Jun-su’s first birthday celebration. When Little Jun-pyo and his mother arrived at the venue, and they were lukewarmly greeted by Jun-su’s mom. Jun-pyo ran off to the balloon man while the mothers chatted. Jun-su’s mother expressed disappointment about Grandma and Grandpa’s absence at the celebration, but Jun-pyo’s mom consoled her to not take their actions to heart.

Jun-su’s mom returned to greet her guests, and Jun-pyo’s mom looked around for her son, only to realize that he had gone missing. At home, Grandma received a mysterious phone call asking for a hundred million Won to get her grandson back.

Frantically calling out for her little boy, Jun-pyo’s mom ran through the streets with Jun-su’s mom at her tail. She spotted Jun-pyo walking off with an unknown man and recklessly ran across the street towards him, blind to the truck that was quickly gaining on her. With the same slow-motion vision as Dan-tae, Jun-pyo watched his mother slowly get hit by the truck and hit the ground. Jun-su’s mom ran away while Jun-pyo fainted at this sight, and the kidnapper carried him away. Fatally injured, Jun-pyo’s mother struggled to say her son’s name and of the butterfly tattoo on the kidnapper’s arm before she fell unconscious.

Back in the present, Grandma pleads to Dan-tae that he reconsider. She’s had years of experience working with people and knows when she’s got a good person in her midst. She ask that he think it over again but keep her search for Jun-pyo a secret, and Dan-tae agrees to do so.

Dan-tae sneaks into Jun-su’s office and startles him before they sit down for conversation. Dan-tae asks if Gong Shim has been ignoring him lately and if Jun-su ever told Gong Shim that he treats her well because he feels bad for her. Jun-su claims that he never said that to her, but then he remembers his conversation with his mother and realizes that she must have overheard the conversation. They realize that it’s all a misunderstanding, and Jun-su wants to find Gong Shim quickly to clear it up.

On that note, Dan-tae has another question for Jun-su: What does he think of Gong Shim? Jun-su says that she’s cute and puts him in a good mood. Then he asks Dan-tae that same question, and Dan-tae says that she’s like a misbehaving younger sister to him. Let’s see about that, boys.

It’s Jun-su turn to speak, and they go to the rooftop to talk privately. Jun-su asks if Dan-tae overheard his conversation with Grandma earlier, and Dan-tae nods. Jun-su explains that he’s never had a good relationship with Grandma because she believes that he caused Jun-pyo’s disappearance. He hopes that Jun-pyo will come back alive for Grandma’s sake and for his sake, so that he can gain his hyung and be on better terms with Grandma. Dan-tae listens and puts a consoling hand on Jun-su’s shoulder.

Gong Shim heads to the attic to water her plants, and Dan-tae asks what she’s doing there at this hour, suddenly speaking in satoori. They have a full-on conversation, until Dan-tae turns around to reveal an earpiece — he was having a conversation with someone else on the phone. Gong Shim realizes that she’s been talking to herself this whole time, which gives Dan-tae another fit of laughter. He advises her: “Don’t believe everything you see, nor everything you hear.” He clarifies that people may take words to heart, when the person saying them may not fully mean it.

Gong Shim thinks that he’s speaking nonsense and adds another to the list of alternative jobs for him: Fraud and now Sham Creator. Though he may not make perfect sense, she admits that his piece of advice settles some of her inner conflicts. As she walks away, he smiles and says that he’s able to settle those conflicts because he knows them.

Second Grandma (Jun-su’s grandfather’s second wife) tells Jun-su’s mom to push Jun-su to get married, since a pretty wife and babies are obviously the way to hyungnim Grandma’s heart. Jun-su’s mom promises to try to convince her son, but she doesn’t look too convinced by this plan.

Gong Mi arrives on set for her TV appearance, but the PD tells her that she’s been replaced. They were given an order from the higher-ups, and they are continuing the show without her. Next, Gong Mi seeks out a sunbae to help her find a position at her firm. But the sunbae can’t help her because Gong Mi’s been blacklisted for her supposed sketchy business with evidence fabrication, and her pleas of innocence aren’t enough to get her hired anywhere.

Helplessly rejected, Gong Mi stands in front of the courthouse but quickly turns around at the sight of Dan-tae, who’s just won a case for his client. He suggests they go out for naengmyeon and spots Gong Mi as he walks by but doesn’t acknowledge her. Naengmyeon is more important.

Mother Gong heads to her Miss Korea alumnae group, ready to network to find Gong Mi a husband. She’s welcomed by all the ladies, but the attention quickly shifts when Jun-su’s mom enters the room. There still seems to be a rivalry between the Mother Gong, Miss Korea Jin, and Jun-su’s mom, Popularity Award. But it seems like Jun-su’s mom won their stare-down this time, as she tucks in the tag on Mother Gong’s dress.

These returnaholic ways are a regular habit of Mom’s — so regular that she’s been blacklisted at the department store. We see Dad struggling to persuade the department store worker to take the dress back, forcing himself to cry over his wife “sick at the hospital.” Mom signals Dad to cry louder, and he does as told.

At home, Mom and Dad cook to the recording of Gong Mi’s TV appearance, having memorized every part of the debate. They both know Gong Mi’s part by heart, and it’s so cute. Gong Mi comes out of her room and turns off the recording.

Mom vows to get back at Popularity Award with Gong Mi’s emerging fame as a lawyer, and that only makes Gong Mi more at loss. Mom asks Gong Mi to prepare a couple autographs for her friends who’ve been asking, but Gong Mi yells at her mom and walks away. Dad offers to forge the signatures for her, and Mom cutely accepts.

When Jun-su sees Gong Shim working at his father’s office, he makes it a priority to clear their misunderstanding. He clarifies that he was appeasing his mother by agreeing to everything she said, even when he didn’t believe everything she insisted upon. He apologizes, and Gong Shim smiles as if she wasn’t affected at all.

Back to their friendly relationship, Jun-su offers to help Gong Shim with her work. To appeal to President Seok, he gives her a couple pointers, and she wonders if he’s a real angel. Gong Shim delivers her report to President Seok with bigger font for his old tired eyes and prepares a drink to ease the heavy alcohol effects for his meeting later that night. He seems impressed and gives her two free movie tickets to go with her boyfrie– er, her friend.

Gong Shim thanks Jun-su for the tips and shows him her movie ticket reward. He envies her, since he’s been wanting to see the show, and Gong Shim jumps at the opportunity to watch a movie with him. She even thanks him for wanting to go with her. Aw.

As President Seok leaves the office, he tells Gong Shim to keep up her good work and gets a pat on the shoulder. Her proud moment is shattered by the sudden appearance of Dan-tae, who comments on her acknowledgement from the president. She shows off her free movie passes, and Dan-tae is mesmerized, like “oooh, I want.” He pouts that he’s busy, and Gong Shim says that fortunate, since she’s seeing the movie with Jun-su. He pinches her shirt with his fingers as if he’s pleading to watch this movie, but Gong Shim frees herself from his hold. Oh, is that jealousy I sense?

Dan-tae meets with Grandma and updates her on his progress in tracking down information on Jun-pyo. Grandma looks happy that Dan-tae is taking on this case and affirms that Jun-pyo is alive. She shows him the necklace she received in the mail and reveals that she was waiting for its sender that day in the park.

At home, Dan-tae calls his aunt to ask if Dad made it to the Philippines safely. Aunt lies that he did, though we see Dad eavesdropping on the phone call around the corner. When Aunt returns to the hospital room, she finds an empty bed with a note from Dad telling her that he’ll be heading to the Philippines and not to worry. Frazzled at the sudden disappearance, Aunt runs out of the room to look for him.

Gong Shim and Jun-su watch the movie, and Gong Shim is bursting with excitement. Meanwhile, Dan-tae paces on his attic, wondering about their movie date. He imagines a very intimate date, with the two feeding each other and cuddling. And so we find Dan-tae chocking a plant to death with his jealous face, and it’s just too funny.

Worried about the date, Dan-tae repeatedly calls Gong Shim, and she uncomfortably glances at her ringing phone, trying to ignore the calls. Eventually, Gong Shim steps out of the theater to take the call and asks Dan-tae why he called. He explains that he called because she didn’t pick up and then realizes that he actually had no reason to call. He quickly makes up a fake reason that he was having problems with the boiler, and Gong Shim seethes with anger that he would call her for a boiler problem on a hot day.

Gong Shim hangs up and returns to the theater, but Dan-tae calls again, this time on a video call. After some thought, Dan-tae came up with a — in his mind — a better reason to call. He asks Gong Shim to keep her phone held at the screen so that he can watch a free movie with them. HA. Gong Shim yells at him for wanting to get arrested and hangs up.

After the movie, Jun-su wants to treat Gong Shim to dinner, since she provided the movie tickets, but he’s tight on time for his restaurant opening meeting. He offers to buy her dumplings for her four-person family, and Gong Shim asks for a separate order, clearly for Dan-tae. She even pays for it herself, and Jun-su notices.

At the convenience store, Dan-tae makes a face on his triangular kimbap that looks exactly like Gong Shim. Gu-nam comments that it looks like Gong Shim, but Dan-tae denies it. He seems more irked by Gu-nam and shoos him away before returning to work on his Gong Shim kimbap.

Gong Shim enters the convenience store, and Dan-tae quickly covers up the kimbap. She offers him dumplings, since all he eats is convenience store food. When she tries to take away the kimbap, Dan-tae tries to stop her and stuffs it into his mouth. Gong Shim takes his actions as an impolite rejection of the dumplings she got him and storms off in rage.

Dan-tae trails after her, trying to explain with his full mouth, but Gong Shim doesn’t want to hear his excuses. On her way up the stairs, Gong Shim loses balance and starts to topple over until Dan-tae catches her and pushes her upright.

But in the act, Dan-tae gets pushed backwards and rolls down the stairs. He’s clearly hurt his arm but pretends that he’s okay when Gong Shim comes rushing to his side. He tells her to go home, and once she’s out of sight, he cringes in pain.

The next morning, Gong Shim waters her attic plants and sees the cast on Dan-tae’s arm. Shocked at his injury, Gong Shim approaches him and asks if cast was from his fall the night before. With a serious look on his face, Dan-tae says he has something to tell her.

Slowly, Dan-tae walks towards Gong Shim as she walks backwards until she hits the wall. He slams his cast against the wall and gets close. “From now on, I don’t want you to be close with any other man.” Then he leans in closer as Gong Shim squirms uncomfortably.


Awww yay, he confessed! It’s refreshing to have such a short period of denial and angst, but such things I wouldn’t expect from Dan-tae anyway. He’s just a little boy now and always, and all he wants to do is play with Gong Shim. Why deny himself the joys of being with his playmate? Gong Shim may be oblivious to her feelings now, but there’s got to be something if she’s answering Dan-tae’s calls (begrudgingly, but still) while on a date with another guy. And then paying for Dan-tae’s dumplings. Girl, you like him just as much.

This show is so precious and so full of inexplicably enjoyable moments. It can’t be the plot because that thing is dry as hell, but somehow our characters (not all, but most) are able to keep this show watchable. I can’t get enough of our eccentric couple, Gong Shim and Dan-tae, who are out of this world. They seem like animated characters, with their exaggerated facial expressions and simple minds. It’s extremely entertaining to watch them bounce off of each other, bickering over the pettiest things yet always approaching each other with the best intentions. Honestly, the humor can feel a bit lowbrow at times (Catch the falling girl! Catch the sliding wig!), but I find myself laughing all the same.

But as much as I adore Gong Shim and Dan-tae, they alone can’t cover up the flaws of this show. There is nothing really driving this show plot-wise other than the search for Jun-pyo, who is definitely Dan-tae. It’s only a matter of time and how Dan-tae finds out, but it’ll happen eventually. Dan-tae’s side of the story has more makjang tendencies, and I’m not interested in dipping my toes in that territory. In the meantime, we’ve got nothing substantial. So when we need conflict, the only thing Gong Shim can get mad at is the triangular kimbap to stir the pot and be a cute little plot device.

While I do appreciate aspects of Gong Mi’s character — her assertiveness in confessing her feelings to Jun-su, whether or not they were driving by her ambition; her responsibility and burden to be the breadwinner for her family — she definitely isn’t the most trustworthy of characters. The true content of her character is determined by how she accomplishes these things and her motives, which don’t seem to be innocent most of the time. I’m really ambivalent about Gong Mi’s character, and more disapproving when it comes to her actress. Seo Hyo-rim isn’t really doing it for me as Gong Mi. Maybe she’s doing a good job in making me detest the character, but I think she’s just kind of meh at acting. It could be relative, though. Her expressionless awkward acting and robotic delivery juxtaposed with Minah’s Gong Shim just doesn’t compare.

This show shines with Gong Shim as our central character. It’s gratifying to watch her insecurities slowly getting replaced with confidence, and thankfully, she’s got two fanboys by her side to help. It’ll be interesting to see how Gong Shim deals with the difference in who she’s set her eyes on and who she’s set her heart on. More accurately, it’ll be a beautifully awkward discovery by Gong Shim with plenty of tripping over her own feet and inciting the most animated jealousy. While alcohol has definitely been a great facilitator thus far, there’s nothing like jealousy to spark some feelings and action.


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Gong Mi is a manipulative shrew. There is nothing she does honestly. Even the forthright announcement at the restaurant was all a calculated ploy to snag the guy. Mark my words, we'll see her lie, deceive, conceal information, and manipulate circumstances to favor her. She's 10x worse than More-Popular Oh Hae Young.

I keep meaning to mention I adore Jin-Su's parents. Those actors were also a couple on What's With this Family? so they have great chemistry.

I've been trying to figure out for a bit now why this show feels so fresh and zany and I suddenly realized it has several elements of (but doesn't really meet the definition of) a screwball comedy.


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it's so weird but i cannot stand gong mi. i think it's because the moment she smiled after watching her sister cry over getting hit for NO REASON at the gas station i was like girl bye then like every other thing she's done to her. UGH.


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Did she really? I missed that. Oh wow. That hurt me.


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I'm with you on the dislike for Gong Mi. Chief of which is how she treats her sister. I just can't get over how she undermines her sister at every turn and how she took away her sister's bedroom and turned it into a closet.

I mean, I see her admirable qualities, but it doesn't make me in any way sympathetic to her character. She's very calculated, and I'm beginning to see why. In order to survive at that law firm and to climb up the ladder (since she was only hired for her looks) she had to be that way. But doesn't one draw the line when it comes to one's own family?

Now the tables have turned and she no longer has a job and is blacklisted, and her clueless younger sister is the one earning an income. I wonder if the dynamic at home will change in any way. Probably not, as they expect her to marry a rich man "since she's so pretty". Honestly, her parents should be shot for turning their daughter into a cash cow. I can see why she resents Gong Shim, because the family's expectation of her sister is so low and the burden on her is so much.

I'm very glad Jin Soo rejected her request for a relationship and just wanted to be friends with her. But I'm sure she's not done scheming. Maybe if she realizes that if she could just be real, then more people would like her for herself.

And what's with her staring at Ahn Dan Tae every time she bumps into him? Does she feel guilty for treating him like trash??


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Ahn Dan Tae "Gong Shim is like a sibling that doesn't listen to me"

*later that ep*

*boiling with jealousy* I don't want you near other guys

I love him!

Am I the only one who laughed like a lunatic when Joon Soo rejected her highness? Althought I find his relationship with Gong Shim meh, but I don't want greedy sister to get him.


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i have to agree. I don't want Joon Soo to end up stuck with someone that I thoroughly detest! She is a lying, sneaky, manipulative person for whom I feel nothing regarding her job loss. She flat out deserved what she got after stealing her sunbae's case!


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And it was a CLASSY rejection too.. I was pointing and laughing at her! She thinks she is slick but the guy is probably used to women like her.


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I laughed because she was so thirsty. She's also pretty dumb for someone who is supposed to be smart. Play it cool a while and get to know the guy. He actually seems like he could be semi-interested in her (or the person she's pretending to be). She overplayed her hand though and got rejected. And the best thing was he was so nice about it lol

And GS and JS bore me as anything more than friends, but I definitely do not want the sister getting him.


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JS is so sweet...when he smiles, his face crinkles up like a little boy and his eyes are so expressive, they flit from hurt in one minute when grandma lashes out at him, to wonder the next when he stares at GS...I love this boy. He can act. He's so refreshing. I want to cuddle him.He needs to learn to stand up to the people in his life but he is such a warm, caring person, and it comes across as so real and unaffected.


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I am absolutely loving Dan Tae and Gong Shim! And, frankly, don't think that Gong Mi is particularly pretty. I cannot abide anything to do with the girls' parents, and really don't care for Gong Mi. I find myself skipping through the parts that don't have Dan Tae and Gong Shim in them! Nothing will keep me from seeing how their relationship works out! I am really looking forward to everyone finding out that the quirky, weird Dan Tae is really Jun Pyo.


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Me too! Well I'm starting to want to skip, even the Joon Soo bits unless Gong Shim or Dan Tae are in them. Not because I don't like Joon Soo (I do, he's a sweetie pie) but because everyone surrounding them are terrible people.

I just want Gong Shim, Ahn Dan Tae and Joon Soo to spend their time together having fun. That's enough for me. Forget plot!

Gong Mi, my god I'm really starting to dislike her. So manipulative and damn what's with that sourpuss face. all. the. time.


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Joon Soo with Gong Shim is meh, but them three together is kicks off the antics! I do like how Joon Soo's interactions with Gong Shim gets Dan Tae up on his tippy toes!


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I like how DT and JS are getting close to each other as friends (for now).
Seeing DT being jealous and falling for GS is so cute and hilarious.

I've meant to ask before but forgot: how are DT's dad (who raised DT) and his aunt related? Are they brother and sister? I don't know Korean but I thought hearing her calling him "yeobo"... I'm guessing I heard wrong?


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She called him 'hyungbu' which is her older sister's husband.

Since he's not the biological father, I wonder how he came to be with Dante, and why he feels so much guilt. Maybe he was the truck driver?


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Ah 'ha ! Thanks for the clarification regarding the name. It makes more sense now.

I'm curious to know how the dad came to raise DT too. Perhaps he was hired to temporarily keep DT, during the kidnap. But he ended up keeping and raising DT, and thus, feeling guilty?


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Maybe he's the one who found him back then left at that shop,the one Dante dreas about,the little boy waiting outside the photo shop,for some reson i suspect he lost his own child back then and both him and wife took him in as their own without meaning to return him even if they knew his family was looking for him and made him as their son...I'm more curious as if Jun Soo's Dad knows about all that hapepned back then and is in as teh wife clearly knew/saw who kidnapped him or is oblivious...


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That dream of the little boy at the photo shop breaks my heart....I hate it when children get hurt. The Hokkaido incident where the little boy was left at the forest was so painful for me. I imagined what the little boy must have gone through, his tears, his fear....please God have a miracle happen and let the little boy be safe.

JS's dad must have been in on the kidnapping; he looks so guilty...perhaps he was tasked to get rid of the boy, but couldn't bring himself to do it? The kidnapper seems to be oblivious to JS's existence, he must have been assured that the boy is out of the way.


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DT aunt is his mother's sister and she was calling his father brother-in-law


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Wait, I just thought of another possibility...the deceased sister found the little boy wandering at the photo shop and brought him home. She realised that he was the missing heir, but couldn't bear to give him up. Her husband went along with it, hence his guilt. What do you think?


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Imo that's probably what happened. I think the parents were innocent in that they didn't mean to do what they did, but guilty in that they couldn't give up the child. He was probably missing/lost and they found him, he probably had no memory of what happened (since it's a kdrama) and only later did they find out who he was. By that time they couldn't stand to lose him so they kept quiet about the whole thing since he was happy and they loved him.


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Gong Shim's great fall and the way Dan-Tae lifts her like superman is just absolutely hilarious. ?

All the weirdness that the protagonists of this drama exhibit, it feels real fresh and funny.

I am going to keep coming back for more!

Thanks for the recaps dramallama!


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it's a cute show lol. when i'm sad i watch it. i skip the grandma stuff bc i want her 2 apologize to jun su. dan tae and junsu are the cutest pair of sibs or w/e sad we can't say the same abt gong mi and gong shim.

also the way dan tae treats gong shim is amazing and makes me smile.


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generally not into like the candy girls but i hope gong shim can break away from all the people that tell her (her family, mostly) she's not good enough because i mean damn that's all they tell her.


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I generally hate it when guys in drama interrupt dates like Dan Tae did, but I didn't this time because he was the one who fixed their relationship again to start with, and she could have just not answered his calls. Then she goes out of her way to buy him food after he was so annoying... she soo likes him. It's going to be great when she figures it out. The two of them are what keep me watching this show. Such a cute pair.

I also feel Gong Mi could be interesting instead of just hateful, but she just really isn't. Something is missing. She also doesn't show enough of good side for me to give her a chance. I just feel the need to skip her scenes.


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I am glad to see karma kicking Gong Mi's butt so early in the show. See what happens when you backstab others?

And Dan-tae!! Let me count the ways I adore you... He is seriously my favorite character and I just love his interactions with Gong Shim. I can't wait until they both are aware of their feelings!

And this plot is dry as hell. Lol. Thank God for awesome characters like these to carry the show!


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I feel like the writer also wants these weird, unique characters and their developing relationships to be the star of the show anyway.


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Overall, I like the show and the quirky leads are at least something new but...there are pieces that really bother me. I know people don't like Gong Mi but I could see where she was coming from in the first couple of episodes. Her selfishness relating to Jun Soo and the lying she does to keep such knowledge from her sister is terrible but she not doesn't inspire as much hatred from me as some other second lead females have. I guess is helps that Jun Soo doesn't seem too interested.

Who I find to be more dislike able than Gong Mi (at least in this episode) is Grandmother. I can understand with her suspicion and dislike of Jun Soo's parents who seem overly eager to get their hands on her money and company. What I can't sympathize with is that same dislike aimed at Jun Soo. We've seen nothing to indicate he shares his parents' sentiments and seen only his desire to make his grandmother like him. The only way he's "wronged" her was by having a birthday party, when he was a baby, during which Jun Pyo went missing.

If they have lived together all these years as a family, I think it would be impossible for her to still dislike him. Hating takes a lot of energy and I just don't believe you can keep up that level of vitriol for 26 years without completely poisoning your entire personality.

Personally her level of love/obsession for the missing Jun Pyo seems just as unhealthy as her hatred of the family around her. Maybe it's a cultural difference or the fact that I've never experienced that type of loss. But I know on a personal level that it's hard to keep up your hatred of something you experience and see everyday, for years.

Maybe I'm interpreting the scene wrong but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to see her so hateful towards Jun Soo and then so trusting of/confiding in Dan Tae seconds later. The Grandmother is supposed to be one of the good guys. I feel like I'm supposed to like her and feel bad for her, yet I don't like her. At least Gong Mi is meant to be unlike-able.

And as cute as Gong Shim's parents are together sometimes (like when they quote Gong Mi on TV), it's hard to forget how little they seem to value Gong Shim. And so I have a hard time liking them because they so clearly play favorites with their own kids.

Also, I didn't think Dan Tae calling Gong Shim at the movie theatre was cute. But then, Gong Shim was pretty dumb to not only keep her phone on and not on silent, but to then answer the phone. Just 'cause someone calls doesn't mean you're obligated to answer. In terms of human motivation and how people really act, Dan Tae's motivation was at least clear: jealousy. Why did Gong Shim answer (repeatedly)? Because the script called for it, not because that's what real people do.

Sure, we know that deep down she likes him (or will by the end of the drama) but so far I don't feel like we've seen any real evidence of such. As far as I've seen, she likes Jun Soo and things Dan Tae is...


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...annoying. Feel free to correct me.

Rant over.


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@Eyes - I totally agree about the grandmother. JS keeps reaching out and she keeps slapping him down so hatefully I feel nothing for her but dislike. Knowing she's probably treated him like this his whole life she shouldn't be surprised when karma bites her on the behind!


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I agree too. I like Grandma's interactions with DT and feel so bad for JS - and the two extreme reactions don't seem to belong to the same person.

Here's what I really don't get though - this isn't the first drama where the 2nd wife's child is adopted into the family. Is this really done there? I mean, pardon me and my selfishness but if my hubby has a child by a mistress (especially one who is still alive) then I have no intentions of bringing that child into my home and raising it as my own. I might consider it if the mistress died but most likely I'd be leaving my hubby for being unfaithful anyway. But in kdramas this seems to happen a lot and I just don't get it.

That said, it doesn't excuse Grandmother being rude to JS because he is truly the innocent in all of this. And he especially seems like a truly good guy who does not have designs on the inheritance.


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It only happens if there are no other male heirs really, so they start going into the illegitimate children since they have some blood relation. Or the patriarch is a jerk and doesn't care what the first wife thinks or feels 'cause he likes the mistress or their children more and wants them around. I want to say it's a rich family thing rather than an everyday disfunctional family thing. I don't think most wives would stand for that unless they're major doormats that are financially and emotionally powerless


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I agree. Grandma is a truly repulsive character. If Jun Soo turns to the dark side because of her, and she gets to be happy, then I'll.... I'll.... I'll be powerless to do anything... but I'll be in a foul mood!

In her mind, maybe accepting the younger grandson means not caring about the return of the older? Or that it is ok that the older is gone?

In my mind, why should I feel sorry for the loss of one grandson if you treat the one you have like garbage?

(Note to second-grandma: I highly doubt that a great-grandchild would win the heart of someone who rejected a one-year-old grandson).


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"If Jun Soo turns to the dark side because of her, and she gets to be happy, then I’ll…. I’ll…. I’ll be powerless to do anything… but I’ll be in a foul mood!"

So we will find out that for Jun Soo's first birthday, he, (as a one year old) schemed to have his half brother kidnapped? Wow, wouldn't THAT be a twist.


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Thanks to you, Wag, I have now narrowed down my list of suspects to the cunning baby Jun Soo. Just knew there was something shifty about that baby face...


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Love it! LOL! Halmoni was right all along!


That's possible. Bcoz i think JS's parents/father was involved in the kidnapping. The butterfly ajusshi is now in the board of director, maybe that's the price he got from JS's father for his successfull kidnapping. If JS later on find out about it, and he picks parent's side over grandma, I can't fully blame him, because grandma keeps pushing him away.


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I'm not sure we are supposed to like her being mean to Jun Soo, but he is also not her grandson. You can see she did not like the family back 26 years ago, and losing her only grandson only made the situation worse. I'm sure she'll have to eventually apologize for her actions though. I think she's so nice to DT to show she's not a bad person and she has an instant connection with him because of who he is.

I also didn't think it was cute he called her, but there is such a thing as turning off your phone. He wasn't physically there bothering her.


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I agree with what you said about Grandma and losing her grandson and having to suddenly treat people you don't like as family.
Another point which made me think she isn't a bad person deep down was when her car got scratched and the old lady came to give her vegetables as an apology. Now if she was truly was the typical arrogant "you poor people are beneath me and not worth my time" kind of character, she would have stuck her nose up at the old lady and ignored her, esp since she was in a bad mood after her car got scratched. Instead she got out of the car and talked to her and accepted her apology and gift. Of course I could be reading into too much since it was probably a plot device for us to see how magnanimous Dan Tae is, but I didn't hate the Grandma so much after that.


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It's not so much that I'm arguing Grandma has no redeeming qualities. She clearly is and can be nice. It's the contrast of being so mean to people who - while not biologically related to her - are her family for all intents and purposes, but then so kind to a supposed near stranger (though we know Dan Tae is her grandson). I just have a hard time believing in that giant contrast of behaviors.

And while I can understand her basic motivations to dislike her "family" what strikes me as unrealistic is how hateful she's managed to stay for 26 years or so. As I said before...I have a hard time believing someone can keep up such anger and hate for so many years without poisoning the rest of their life.

On a psychological level, constant exposure to something we don't like often desensitizes us to it, reducing our negative feelings or at least causing some level of acceptance/tolerance. It takes more energy to hate something than it takes to love it or at least not care about it. I would believe in Grandma's character more if her attitude towards Jun Soo was, at the least, more indifferent or grudgingly tolerant.

But I guess some of my lack of understanding could come from the cultural difference. I know blood lines and biological family is a lot more important in Korean culture than in American culture. I understand it on a logical/evolutionary level but not really on a personal/emotional one. The families you choose and create are just as good as (better in some cases) the one you are born to, in my opinion.


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Okay, yes she's mean to him when he asks to come to the restaurant opening, but I don't think she goes out of her way to be nasty to him just for the sake of being nasty. They still live in her house and the son was still adopted into the family. He still works at the company even if he has no shares in the business. So, she could actually make the family's life a lot worse off than it is. Does that make her behavior right? No, but she's really not as bad as she could be given her power over them.

She just doesn't like them and doesn't appreciate JS efforts to get closer to her. That is why I can see how it wouldn't influence the rest of her life. Most of the last 20+ years has probably been her ignoring the rest of the family and obsessing over what she lost. Tbh, it's a shame that family (minus JS) is probably guilty of what she thinks since it would be better if they were good people who cared about her, but they don't obviously.


I think Grandma is bitter at life and what she feels she has been left with. And yes, 26 years is a long time.

Maybe its because I don't like Jun Su's parents even more. They are the stereotypical wealthy snobs. And they are clearly after Grandma's wealth. I mean, why on earth do you need to force Grandma to pass her shares to you, when you want them? Jun su's dad already has the prestige of being company president, living the high life and his wife is fawned over by all her classmates so its not like they are suffering. Grandma knows they want her money. Jun Su is the only one who is nice but I'm not surprised if Grandma thinks that his parents are trying to manipulate her into liking him and they passing on her wealth to him. So she dislikes him by default.

So yeah, I pity Grandma and really don't like how she is treating Jun Su, but the nasty ones are his parents.


The parental figures in this drama all seem to be flawed, from the bitter grandmother, to the self-centered, arrogant chairman and his wife, and the dysfunctional, materialistic parents of GS and GM. The only parental figures that are portrayed as loving, kind and warm are Dante's aunt, and possibly the deceased mother - Dante loves her and misses her, so I am assuming she was a kind and good mother. There's not much interaction between Dante and his father for me to know what kind of father he was, but Dante seems fond of him and cares about him, so I'm guessing he's a good guy, in that sense.


I can't get behind grandma. Even if she didn't like the family before and even if Jun Soo isn't her grandson by blood, that doesn't give her a right to treat him like crap. He's nothing but warm and kind to her and she basically tears him down at every opportunity. He just wants her love and she just wants him to live in guilt over something he had no control over, that wasn't even remotely his fault.

She's a mean spirited person who only cares about blood and I can't sympathize with that at all.


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I don't like grandma or mom and dad either. My biggest drama pet peeve are nasty parental units. Some of them are down right criminal. Always to be explained away or at least forgiven by the end of the series. I loathe this drama trope. This drama has them in spades.


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I agree with you on all counts. Gong Shims family is deplorable and Grandma is way overboard... and also DT's aunts behaviour was not acceptabe... but I'm glad the show is written such that these irritating charecters take to the background...after their part is over. There are tons of other things that let our focus shift and hence remains enjoyable.
And about the phone thing... if it was me... I would have simply put the phone on silent and let it ring... I believe anyone would only do the same thing. The most I would have done is to send a msg 'watching movie... call back later'. Not more than that. But I would walk out of a theater like that, if only I love being getting disturbed by that guy. So it was done either because it was warranted in the script or because Gong Shim enjoys the attention she is getting from Dan Tae... She loves being angry at him for irritating her. Also... I've felt that Gong Shim over reacts on things that Dan Tae say and do... She literally get more upset than is required...all times.


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I am so in like on this drama! Drama? More like a comedic farce, and oh the fun. Everyone, ok almost everyone, plays off each other so well. Elder sister Gong Mi can just go find a hollow log to live in in the forest, and no one would miss her. I know I would not, but then I guess every 'drama' must have its villain, so they they can be 'redeemed' and loved? Ya, right????

Help here, I think somewhere I have missed something? How are Jun Su and Dan Tae related, same father, by aunts, uncles, grandparents? Still trying to figure this out in my mind.


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Junsu's dad and Dante's dad are half-brothers, so they're cousins. Dante's dad was the legitimate child and Junsu's dad's mom was the mistress, which half explains why halmoni is such a jerk to Junsu.

We're going on the assumption that Dante=Junpyo. If he's not, that would be one heck of a twist!


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If Dan-Tae isn't Junpyo, then could it be?
Gu-nam (GS' guy friend who now works at the convenient store downstairs)???


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Correction: ... then * who * could it be ?


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for some reason, i don't think that Jun Pyo = Dan Tae, even when all the hints are pointing out at him (even I myself think I'm weird for having that kind of doubt). I think Jun Pyo has died. here's my theory:

1. when Dan Tae's dad crying in front of the tree, he said "I'm sorry little one (미안하다 아가야). Who is this little one?

2. if you watch it again, Dan Tae's father NEVER mention to the granny that JunPyo is still alive. he only wants to meet her, and maybe confess something

3. if you watch again the scene where Dantae's father conversation with Dantae's aunt about how he's going to confess 'his sin' to Dantae (don't bother the translation, focus on their convo in korean) they never directly addressing junpyo=dante. they would address Junpyo as Junpyo or "that kid" and Dantae as Dantae

4. We know that Dantae's father is not the one who kidnapped Junpyo. but doesn;t mean that he's not involved on Junpyo dissapearance. he could be the Old Dog Ahjussi's alley or something.

5. Idk, i just think that the plot is just way too plain and dry if Dantae really is Jupyo. I mean, the writer is the same person as Rooftop Prince and Sensory Couple's writer. during the first few epsiode of SC (s)he made all the hints pointing at the doctor for being the criminal, when later revealed that the chef is actually the one. (s)he can do the same this time.

as I'm writing those theories, I realized that most of them are actually coming from me being denial about the fact that it's 95% possible that Dantae=Junpyo ㅠㅠ. I'm sick of chabol story, and I want my big baby Dantae forever be a guy who's ordinary and relatable (in terms of social status), not some chaebol's long lost son. plus, if Junpyo's dead, I want grandma to learn to love and appreciate Junsu more since he's also a good kid, way different from his parents.


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This is so interesting. How would you explain the dream then?


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Maybe the little one is their real child? Jung Pyo might have ended up being a replacement child for their child who died. So instead of properly mourning him, they just replaced him. That's my feeling anyway. I think the adopted parents were good people, but obviously did something wrong in not giving Jung Pyo back.

If DT is not someone else, but is just the son of the father what exactly does he have to tell him that would ruin everything? Why does his father feel so guilty (and distant)? The dream and egg allergy also point towards JS and DT being related.

It's really unlikely he's not because Jung Pyo being alive is the only thing that can bring closure to events that happened as JS said. Not to mention kdramas love their long lost chaebols way too much for it to be anything but the obvious. DT being some random guy also does nothing for the major conflict between the family and the grandma either. They are trying to get JP declared missing/dead so they can take the company stock.

It actually would be interesting if Grandma had to learn to love the family she has, and learn to mourn the family she lost but that seems unlikely to me given the fact that she's actually right about that family (minus JS). I think any twists (if they are coming) are about the events that led up to his kidnapping and what followed.


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I would enjoy this twist. I hope you're right!


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I had similar thoughts to yours. I just have a question. If Dan Tae was dreaming about himself, won't he recognise his younger self? On the other hand, the younger Joon Pyo had the same ability as Dan Tae to see fast moving objects in slow motion.


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I strongly believe that Jin Soo's parents are in on the kidnapping of Jun Pyo.

When Jun Pyo's mother was hit by the truck why did Jin soo's mom run away instead of staying by her side to see that she receives help?

Did Jin soo's mother see who kidnapped Jun Pyo?

Why is Jun Pyo's dad besties with the man who kidnapped his nephew?

All these bothersome questions are what makes me feel that they probably schemed to get the child away, but things got complicated when the accident happened.

And when will Dan Tae realize that he's investigating his own disappearance?

I hope his adoptive father comes quickly to clear the air. It's not right that he's sitting on the future of someone he calls his son.


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Thank you all for the explanation and possibles in way of thoughts. Didn't Junsu at one point identify butterfly boy as his 'uncle'? If his father is the half brother of Dan Tae's father, this would make butterfly boy his maternal uncle? Right?? I disagree with someone's thought of her not seeing him, and think she did. Lending credence to the thought that Junsu's parents, or mom at least was 'in' with the entire event.


"...she’s answering Dan-tae’s calls (begrudgingly, but still) while on a date with another guy."

All I could think during this scene was how rude she was not to turn her phone off, not only during a date but during a movie! Having someone use their phone, even fleetingly, in a movie theater is not only distracting, but infuriating.


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I can't un-see Minah as G-Dragon now, after my friend mentioned the resemblance to me.


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Why has no one mentioned that the kidnapper works for Joon Soo's dad? I am pretty sure that is the same person as the "dog" director that Gong Shim told off in the interview. Also if it is the same person than Joon Soo's mom clearly saw him and would recognize him now so was he hired to get rid of the competition "Joon Pyo" and got a cushy job at the company in exchange?


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Ahhhh - you're right! I thought he looked familiar!

On a different note, I had been wondering if Gong Mi would somehow end up working with Dan-Tae and that would end up causing her to have a change of heart. Now that she has been fired, maybe it will actually happen. I just don't want DT in any way, shape or form to develop feelings for her! DT and GS belong together! (I don't necessarily want JS to hook up with GM either but would that would be a little more acceptable.)

(But I am rather glad that GM got fired - maybe she'll have some more bad luck that will make her think about her selfish, lying ways...)


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I was hoping she would go to Dan Tae for help, too. (Maybe he could (what is the word I'm looking for????) redeem her--without screwing over Gong Shim to do it.

I don't know. I really liked this show, but what the heck is happening to these people???


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I think he was Joon Soo's mother's brother from what I understand? Or maybe I'm mistaken. He's related to her in some way I think anyway. Obviously she saw it all and knows what went on because she probably set the whole thing up


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Wow. If Jin Soo's mom set the kidnapping up... We are in for some serious angst down the road. Poor poor Jin Soo is all I can say. He is really the most innocent one in all this and yet he is going to get so many problems because of this.


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Yes, for sure the kidnapper is Director Dogster and there was some degree of collusion between him and one or both of Joon Soo's parents in the kidnapping plot (I suspect Dad). At some point we'll see his butterfly tattoo.


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If GS can make 2 guys fall in love with her now while she's wearring a wig and feeling inferior to her sister, what more when she gains her confidence and lets her hair down literally and figuratively? Those boys better be ready for more competition!


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Actually, maybe 3 , if we count GS' friend who now works at the convenient store downstairs... although we don't know since when he has been interested in her.


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Thanks for Episode 5 so fast Dramabeans team! It's nice to have a bit of this show to discuss everyday!

I actually think that perhaps the show is starting to teach Gong Mi a lesson and maybe her arc of redemption? I don't think she hates Gong Shim actually. She is just very self centered and insecure. She thinks she is the most impt in her family and she has been used to having her life and problems always come first. She also has stress as she is supporting the family. Though she was initially successful career wise, she desperately needs to continue to be successful, failure is not an option. This makes her selfish and do treat the people closest to her like Gong Shim badly. This doesn't excuse her lies and deceit, just that I do understand a bit of why she is so desperate to succeed in life.

And karma is coming back to bite her. She is the one failing this time not Gong Shim, and has to tell her family and disappoint them. And she has to learn that it's ok to fail and that her family will still love her.
So I'm intrigued to see where her character is going in the coming episodes, or if she will sadly go full evil sister on us. But I don't think so really, or maybe I just have high hopes for the writer.

Can we talk about Dan Tae? I think his character is going to make or break this drama for me.
The description of Dan Tae being a little boy is spot on. I'm not sure even he realizes what he is feeling for Gong Shim and he really is super eccentric. What I like though is that Nam Goong Min is totally invested in the character. He gives is 100% to acting out the eccentric side of Dan Tae. Can't reconcile this eccentric side with the serious or caring one yet, but maybe I'm not meant to and that's who the character is. Unfortunately eccentric Dan Tae isn't quite clicking with me yet, a bit like how he ain't quite moving Gong Shim's heart yet. But I'm willing to hang around- pls don't disappoint me Show!


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I really thought the wig and clothes were incredibly unflattering in the beginning but now I've come around. I kind of don't want Gong Shim to change and become 'beautiful'. She's already cute as is, and as @Dreamfish points out has managed to snag the interest of two incredibly eligible and kind bachelors.

She's probably going to have to lose the wig at some point though, eh? It's grown on me.


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I guess I'm the only one here with a case of 2nd lead syndrome. I just happen to think On Joo won in this drama is darling. He's not only got chemistry with Minah but he and Nam Goong min are more interesting to me than the main couple. Still, to me another episode down, Minah is stealing every scene. This drama is hers.


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Agree with you that it's Minah's show. She is what is holding it together and I'm here to see her growth.

Maybe many people just have a soft spot for quirky eccentric men. Like Johnny Depp, who I think is super talented but yet very strange in a fascinating way. Nice guys are great in real life, but boring in a drama?


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I don't know you can be nice without being dull. I know it's just me but I find Nam Goong min dull. Especially when he plays a nice guy. He's bit better as a villain. Just not one of my favorite drama actors I guess. I don't find him annoying he's just "there". If you know what I mean.


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Guess I'm glad then that I haven't watched him being evil in anything else? Im not sure why you find him dull when really he changes so much from scene to scene since his character has so many different sides to him.

Compared say, to Jin Soo who is really just the typical Prince Charming type- comes from a rich family, yet humble because he has big a chip on his shoulder given to him by Grandma, and is desperately trying to prove himself to her and gain her love.
hmmm... though when put like that, JS does sound quite swoon worthy. Guess I can understand why you are having second lead syndrome? :)

Maybe Im also just blinded by Nam Goong Min. I think he is very good looking. haha! Im sorry I'm shallow that way. ;)


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*hi fi* for this being blided by Nam Goong Min. I dont know when did I this crazy about any Kdrama male lead (without showing any of his choco abs, of any swooning romantic expressions so far)
His expressions are so priceless and how his eyes show the affection he has for Gong shim just proves how he can enlighten the screen just by being there or showing his yummylicuous smile...:D


guess I'm also blinded by Namgoong Min.. I liked him as villain in sensory couple and remember...and I don't usually fall for villain roles... and now I also like him doing the nice guy role too... I guess Namgoong Min and Ji Chang Wook are my biases...


It's not just you
I am in love with nice guy even though they called boring in drama, but I always appreciate the nice guy


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I love the main characters in this show and their interactions are hilarious. I am going to continue enjoying all the fun because it will soon become angsty like all dramas do in the second half.
Thanks for the recap Dramallama. :)


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How cute were those pigtails! So cute!


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HAHAHA! I'm loving the title photo of Gong Shim in pigtails! In fact, it's making me want to check out this drama. LOL.


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Gong Mi is a throw away. I'm in this for our beautiful quirky lead and her two adorable "buddies".


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Totally agree, the plot is MEH, but I love the characters in this cute and quirky drama. I'm addicted to watching it.
I love the Bromance between Jun Su and Dan Tae. I know it's a matter of time before they discover they are related which should make them even closer.
Minah is absolutely spot on as Gong Shim. I love her in that weird wig, and I hope she remains the same looking person for a while longer. She is adorable and has made me laugh so much.
I'm not impressed by Seo Hyo Jin's lifeless acting. MEH. I'm glad Jun Su had enough common sense to dump Gong Mi. I hope they don't change her into a redeeming sweet character later on. Hate it. I hope they don't mess it up and end up together because Jun Su is so nice and deserves someone better who is not selfish, manipulative, status and money hungry. Gong Mi has to get over herself and that everything doesn't revolve around her.


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I love this drama...
Its making me crazy... ?


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I like the scene where Junsu apologized to Gong Shim and cleared the misunderstanding. It was heartfelt and sincere.

The Gong Shim kimbap was cute!


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Aaaaa my heart felt like its going to burst anytime soon... hihihi


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Ahh such lovely show this is. And as always DT - GS make it worth watching.
DT is clearly falling for his landlady and that too pretty hard...GongShim kimbap is the example that how badly he misses her that his subconscious mind can even draw Gong Shim on kimbap so that he can have her cute face in front of his eyes. He is jealous and his reactions were so endearing. Him being with her in those small moments tying pigtail and shoe buckle are the ways he is giving her a support system that Gong Shim never had in her blood related family. And I am sure in long run he will be same for her in big things and by then she will have her affection grow for him so that when he will disheartened after knowing his reality she will lend her shoulder to him.
I can see them becoming a perfect Lock - Key combination in future cause they both fit each other so well in their childish and innocent ways.

Rest characters...Gong family disappointed me badly. Who treats their own kid like that even if she is not beautiful or capable still she is doing her best to have her own place in world but instead of acknowledging and appreciating her they keep on demoralizing her. That's just not right.

Jun su ... like him just as second lead and m happy not having second lead syndrome so I can enjoy watching my OTP. He is cute and good hearted but poses no threat to Dan the as Gong shims love interest.

I am hoping DT take the lead and confess the love so that we can have Gong Shim 's some more unique reaction towards love confession and more of DT GS banter fight and fun.

Thank you so much for the recap.


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Thank you for the recap and especially the last screen-cap! Dan-tae's Jealous face is just priceless, that scene killed me, I couldn't stop laughing!

I don't really care about the plot and all "Jun-pyo kidnaping mystery" I'm watching the show for the CUTE and FUN, enjoying the bickering moments and the sweet ones like tying her hair, awww! And I think the show is doing a good job delivering the cute, I'm in as long as it keeps doing that!


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I have been a huge fan of Namgoong Min for so long, he was so underrated. I am glad that he is finally getting his due. And Gong Shim-ah, the guy you want to be with is not the one who is nice to you generally but the one who is willing to blow your nose and tie your hair for you. Its easy to be in love while you're high up but difficult during the lows.


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Hi Gem! I'm counting myself as a new fan of his, I'm sorry I didn't notice him sooner.
Any other dramas/movies etc with him in it to recommend me to watch?


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I hope you don't mind me giving a recs

Can you see my heart - weekend drama


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yea... Dan Tae sure is husband material...


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I was just dying to say this once. But omg Minah is so cute in this show.


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Oh... this is my fav ep so far... I was dying to say this.... yay! got it out of my system finally.... thank you so much for the speedy catch ups...you guys are awesome...❤


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ok, let me say this even though I'm the only one here-I don't like Nam Gong Min's character here. I dont like Ahn Dan Tae (not that I hate him). I like Jun-su more and the scene at the cinema, him calling Gong Shim non-stop is hella annoying. Can't you at least control yourself and know that they're in cinema and not disturb them? I'm not really having a second lead syndrome but I like Jun-su's character here and I don't want him to be hurt. A rich-cutie-humble-kind guy, what more could you ask for? I am watching this drama cause just to kill sometime since there's no good drama's to watch right now (aside from Oh Hae Young), I manage to get through since Minah is likeable and I actually like her in Girls day but her and Jun-su's cute interactions and relationship developments is what making me continue to watch this drama but Ahn Dan Tae's character is really annoying! Si--won's character in She Was Pretty was kind of similar with Nam Gong Min's character here, and I love Siwon there, but here, its really not working. Seriously, he keeps following Minah, doing those weird stunts,things, ugh, sorry for my rant. Its my opinion, we differ, so dont hate on me.


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I found Ahn Dan Tae to be quite irritating this episode. I mean the man doesn't know his own boundaries so I was very glad when Gong shim yelled at him to give her space. Oh my goodness, get a clue! She was most likely embarrassed by falling flat on her face in front of so many people and then he lifts her up and takes her into the bus. Really! Ugh! And then follows her into the taxi and crowds her. Ugh!

And what's with the constant calls when she's on a date with another guy? Obsessive much?! Stalkerish much?! It's more a wonder that Gong Shim didn't turn off her phone and just call him later or put her phone on silent. I hope he learns to treat her with more dignity - like a lady.

But then, I guess it's in keeping with his vibe as a weirdo, that he doesn't know much about personal boundaries when it comes to someone he likes as much as he does Gong Shim.


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She’s had years of experience working with people and knows when she’s got a good person in her midst.

*looks at how she treats Jun-su* I call bullshit, Grandma.


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What's up, all is going perfectly here and ofcourse every one is sharing facts, that's in fact excellent, keep up writing.


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Awesome post.


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