Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 5

Having the other Hae-young around starts to mess with our Hae-young’s life in some pretty significant ways. She’s finding it difficult to maintain her confidence when the source of her lifelong inferiority complex is right in her face every day, reminding her that she’s never measured up. What’s worse is that her presence is messing with Do-kyung’s head as well, and they both will need to find a way to deal with her.

(Now that the two Hae-youngs are occupying the same space on a regular basis, things could get confusing with their names. I’m sticking with “our Hae-young” and “the other Hae-young” when they’re together, and I’ll try to keep things as clear as possible!)

EPISODE 5 RECAP: “Crazily heart-wrenching”

On a dare from Soo-kyung, Hae-young runs towards Do-kyung and leaps, sure he’ll catch her. Wondering if he can handle the consequences of catching Hae-young, Do-kyung hesitates… then drops his equipment and grabs her tightly.

They both look a little stunned at the contact, and their hearts pound in unison. Then Hae-young hops down and breaks the spell, and Do-kyung asks if she’s crazy. HAHAHA, typical of them to ruin their own romantic moment.

Hae-young struts back to Soo-kyung and Jin-sang, full of herself for having won the bet. Until Soo-kyung informs her that her falsie fell out, and it’s currently on the ground at Do-kyung’s feet. Poor Hae-young has to slink back and snatch it up, avoiding making eye contact with Do-kyung.

To his credit, Do-kyung holds his poker face and doesn’t react to Hae-young’s humiliation. It’s not until he’s lying in bed that night that his mouth starts to twitch, and he giggles, then outright guffaws until he’s gasping for air. Hae-young can hear his amusement through their shared wall, and screams at him to stop laughing. She can’t help but notice though, that it’s the first time she’s heard him laugh.

Hae-young runs out of the house the next morning to avoid Do-kyung, but he stops to offer her a ride to the bus station. She grumps that he should buy her dinner in return for making him laugh, which gets him snickering again.

She orders him to stop it, and he looks pained for a few moments before he starts giggling all over again. Hae-young can’t help it, his laugh is too adorable, and soon she’s laughing right along with him.

The other Hae-young meets with her team for the first time, and they debate whether they should try to maintain their second-place position in the industry, or push for first place. She says that it’s easy to give up and settle, but then you might get a random supportive message. She remembers calling Do-kyung to say she’s missed him, and he’d been angry, calling her malicious.

She muses out loud that she’d wondered if she should rekindle things or let them stay ended, but then when she was running her marathon and got tired and began to walk, someone had called out a “fighting!” from a passing car, and it gave her strength to move forward again.

Later she tries calling Do-kyung again, but the call goes straight to voicemail. She calls his work number next.

When Do-kyung plugs in his dead phone, a series of texts pop up from our Hae-young all at once, demanding he take her to dinner tonight. There’s a message on his desk saying that he’s to meet Oh Hae-young at a steakhouse tonight, and he naturally assumes it’s his neighbor Hae-young, and smiles.

He texts our Hae-young to confirm the place and push back the time by half an hour, so when she gets off work, she literally runs out the door with a giant happy smile on her face. When she arrives at the restaurant, the other Hae-young is already there, and seems pleased to accidentally run into her.

She’s even happy for our Hae-young that she’s dating someone, but pouts that her own date seems to be standing her up. Our Hae-young comments on her confidence, though it’s not exactly the compliment the other Hae-young takes it to be.

They sit to wait at tables near one another, and both are expectant when Do-kyung arrives. He’s looking for his neighbor Hae-young so he walks right past his ex-fiancee, not even seeing her, until she calls out a nervous, “Oppa.”

He freezes at the sound of her voice, as if scared to turn around and see her… and when he does, he suddenly realizes the confusion their identical names caused. He turns to our Hae-young and says, “Let’s go somewhere else.” He walks out, ignoring his ex, but our Hae-young doesn’t follow right away.

The other Hae-young asks our Hae-young if Do-kyung is the man she’s started seeing, admitting that she invited him here and he must have thought it was his neighbor. She tries to sound breezy about their identical names still causing problems, but the expression in her eyes gives away her hurt.

Our Hae-young asks how they know each other, but before she gets an answer, Do-kyung strides back in and wrist-grabs her out of there. He takes her to his car, but the other Hae-young follows them out and begs him to listen to her for just a few minutes.

He yells that she’s delusional — he came here to see someone else, not her. He sneers at her to eat her steak alone, but she just responds that she missed him. The words instantly infuriate him, and he punches his car window hard enough to shatter the glass and shred his hand. He gets in and peels out, taking our Hae-young with him.

He doesn’t say a word as he drives, even though his torn-up hand must be agony. Hae-young remembers telling him that she wished someone would say it was no big deal to be dumped right before her wedding, and how he’d whispered that it was a very big deal, like a death sentence. She suddenly puts all the clues together, and realizes that the other Oh Hae-young is the woman who left him on their wedding day.

She spends the evening watching Do-kyung pound shot after shot of soju, and she finally asks simply, “So it was her?” She laughs wryly, agrees that this is a super shitty situation, and the two of them drink together.

Once Hae-young is good and drunk, she says that she thought his initial reactions to her were strange, but now it makes sense — she has the same name as the woman he loved so much. She asks why he never said anything when she mentioned the other Hae-young… was it fun watching her ramble like an idiot?

Do-kyung says that makes no sense, but he can’t answer her question of why he kept silent. She asks why he held her wrist at the restaurant, angry that she felt like a prop in his real love life, thinking he did it to make the other Hae-young jealous.

She gets right up in his face and angrily offers to tell her they slept together, and Do-kyung just yells that he’s sorry. He can’t handle her close proximity and walks away, while Hae-young hollers after him that he’d better not dare ever use her that way again.

Hae-young sits up late that night, listening for Do-kyung to get home, and she finally calls him to ask if he’s protesting. He doesn’t answer, but she leaves a message: “Come home.”

She even goes out to the street to wait, so she’s there when a driver brings him home, asleep in his backseat. Hae-young runs up to her place and pushes the cabinet out from in front of their door, opens his door from the inside, and piggybacks him in.

Do-kyung is just barely conscious as Hae-young puts him to bed, even rolling him onto a heating pad (and herself right off the bed, hee). She lies down to rest for just a moment, and Do-kyung throws a leg over her, pinning her down. She wrestles him off again and notices his scraped hand.

She’s back in the morning when he finally wakes, though she leaves as soon as she sees he’s conscious. He gets ready for work and notices that his hand is bandaged up.

Hae-young brings some hangover soup through the door for both of them, which I notice Do-kyung has left open. She makes herself at home while Do-kyung tries valiantly not to like it, but he finally joins her and obediently eats the soup.

Hae-young says that now that her male coworkers know she went to school with the other Hae-young, they’re suddenly asking her out to dinner or for drinks. She complains about being treated as a bridge, and asks sarcastically if Do-kyung enjoyed dating every man’s dream girl.

She’s on his side though, and fusses at him for showing how upset he was last night — he should have acted like he was fine. Do-kyung tells her to stop and she does, for a whole ten seconds, then she asks if he wants her help pretending to be happy.

They can put on a show, as if he’s forgotten the other Hae-young and moved on. She’d already told her they’ve started dating, so it will be easy to pretend they’re madly in love. Hae-young looks positively thrilled to be a threat to the other Hae-young for once, and she tells him that they can start tonight at her work event.

Do-kyung declines the offer, but Hae-young argues that it’s win-win… he gets revenge, she gets the upper hand for once. Do-kyung doesn’t think the other Hae-young is worth it, thinking he’ll just look pathetic, and that the best revenge is cutting her out of his mind and life. Hae-young finally backs down, but leaves the offer open if he ever changes his mind.

Soo-kyung finds a strange half-naked woman in her home, and belatedly realizes that she must have spent the night with Jin-sang. She doesn’t contradict the woman when she assumes Soo-kyung is his wife, and takes down a baseball bat and chases them out of the house, past Do-kyung, and into the street. She winds up and throws the bat, and it comes down right between Jin-sang’s legs, stopping him in his tracks.

He’s finally rescued by Do-kyung, and complains that he’s in more danger at Do-kyung’s house than his own. Do-kyung points out that Jin-sang is the one who brought a woman home, and Jin-sang is all Oh yeah, right.

Hae-young struts into work like a rock star, making even the men who previously ignored her take notice. Her good mood doesn’t last long though – when the other Hae-young calls for them to hold the elevator, our Hae-young quickly pushes the button, but one of the guys holds it open anyway. Damn.

He comments that they don’t seem very close considering they went to the same school, and another guy says that it’s hard to like someone with your same name, especially when they’re more successful than you. Then they literally run over our Hae-young while bidding the other a good day. Daaaamn.

The other Hae-young mentions what happened last night and how Do-kyung can be really mean, admitting that she wronged him badly. Our Hae-young says that she knows what happened, but the other Hae-young says that he doesn’t know the whole story of why she left him at the altar. Well, who’s fault is that?

She avoids the question of what really happened, and asks our Hae-young how she met him. When she hears they haven’t known each other long she seems relieved, saying that they didn’t seem to know each other well, and besides, how could he date another Oh Hae-young?

She adds that she was actually happy when he lost his temper, because it means he still has feelings for her. Our Hae-young looks like she might have something to say about that, but they’re interrupted.

Do-kyung’s mother intercepts him in the middle of recording a scene to introduce him to a director she’s signed to direct her movie. They want to hire Do-kyung to do the sound, but he snarks that he hopes they actually make a good movie this time instead of making “art.”

The director jabs right back, so Mom ushers him away. Knowing Mom is broke, Hoon immediately figures out that Do-kyung gave her money again.

The company holds a noraebang party to welcome the other Hae-young to their team, and it’s hilarious how eye-rolly Soo-kyung is all through the CEO’s speech. She finally interrupts him to speed things along, but he mentions how the two Hae-youngs went to school and admonishes our Hae-young to be properly respectful. Soo-kyung grabs his microphone away, which makes me love her.

The other Hae-young gives a cutesy speech and all the men cheer, while the women snarl. A coworker tells our Hae-young to take of her scarf since the other Hae-young is wearing an identical one, but she refuses, saying that she’d rather be embarrassed than lose.

Later, the other Hae-young gets drunk and clingy and starts telling stories on our Hae-young. Her tales sound funny on the surface, but they all highlight how our Hae-young had less money, or how her mother was embarrassing.

The other Hae-young is completely oblivious to our Hae-young’s unhappy attitude, and oddly, she asks if our Hae-young is dating anyone, as if she wasn’t just told that she’s dating Do-kyung yesterday. Hae-young says they are, and the other Hae-young abruptly asks if they’ve slept together. After a pause, our Hae-young says, “Yes.”

The other Hae-young just laughs and says she’s a terrible liar. She pinches our Hae-young’s cheeks and calls her adorable, until our Hae-young looks ready to slap her.

Things get even worse as the evening progresses, and our Hae-young is embarrassed when she basically gets booed off the stage while singing a song. Her work friend Sung-jin is sweetly supportive, but she insists on doing one more song.

The other Hae-young tries to cuddle up to Soo-kyung, who just threatens to smack her. She goes to cheer for our Hae-young while she sings, but a drunk coworker yells at our Hae-young again to take off the scarf so she won’t be compared to “pretty Hae-young.”

The other Hae-young instead offers to take her own scarf off, but before she does, our Hae-young screams, “Don’t take it off! You are you. I am me.” The other Hae-young smiles, and puts the scarf back around her neck. But our Hae-young receives a tongue-lashing for yelling at her superior, which hammers home that yet again, she’s considered inferior to the other Hae-young.

Do-kyung takes his employees out for dinner and says that from now on, they’ll take any jobs that come their way, regardless of quality. They all agree, since taking smaller jobs will mean his mother won’t know about their income and won’t try to take it all. It’s sweet how much that upsets them.

Do-kyung’s keen hearing picks up something, and he asks the restaurant manager to turn up the ambient music. He records it from the patio, taking in the night sounds from the busy street as well. He just happens to be near the noraebang right as Hae-young’s party break up.

Everything goes all sparkly when Hae-young sees Do-kyung next door, and her face almost literally lights up. She makes sure that the other Hae-young is looking, and goes running to him.

She jumps into his arms again, and he catches her just as he sees his ex Hae-young in the crowd. Our Hae-young whispers for him to swing her around, so he does this hilariously reluctant shuffle-turn. She pleads for one more turn and he complies, while actually curling his lip in disgust. Hae-young jumps down and orders him to put his arm around her, and she leads him to her coworkers.

But he whips her back around before they get near the other Hae-young, and have a wrestling match over whether or not to turn back. Do-kyung wins out of sheer brute strength, but the damage has been done, and the other Hae-young excuses herself with red-rimmed eyes. (And aww, Sung-min looks a little upset, too. Does he have a crush?)

Hae-young celebrates once she and Do-kyung are out of sight, but Do-kyung is angry at being used that way. He tells her that he didn’t come here on purpose like she thought, it was just a coincidence, and Hae-young is instantly sorry for misunderstanding.

Seeing his reaction, Hae-young tentatively asks if he still has feelings for his ex. She tries to spin this as a good thing, since their actions probably made her jealous. But Do-kyung nixes any further discussion of the other Oh Hae-young, ever.

He stalks back to the restaurant and nearly bites Hoon’s head off when he asks who that woman was. But he doesn’t get far before he starts to feel bad, and turns around to pick up Hae-young and drive her home. She’s genuinely remorseful and tries to apologize, but Do-kyung really doesn’t want to talk about it any more. He drops her off at the house and goes back to work.

Hae-young is lost in thought during coffee the next morning with Hee-ran. Hee-ran asks when she started liking him, and Hae-young remembers when he came back into the bar to ask why she was crying, and later that night, he’d told her that no matter what, she should go on living. She recalls how he put his shoes in her entryway, and when he’d told her she was pretty when she eats, and how he caught her when she jumped.

But really, she says that she liked him from the first moment she saw him, when he slammed into her and gave her a bloody nose. She’s liked him from the very beginning.

She tells Hee-ran that she always ended up with third-tier guys, but her fiance Tae-jin was the first man she dated who wasn’t somehow lacking. She knows that Do-kyung is also top-tier, the tier she thinks she can never get into. She had decided to just go for it and love until she was dumped.

She stands in front of the door between their apartments, glaring at the cabinet that Do-kyung replaced. She attacks it, yelling at it and Do-kyung, asking if he’s scared she’ll take advantage of him. She sinks to the floor when it doesn’t budge, thinking that the one thing about liking the guy next door is that at least now she actually looks forward to coming home.

She yells through the door for Do-kyung to come home — she won’t ask him to like her back, she’s just so lonely. She’s not aware that Do-kyung leaves his equipment on constantly, and it’s recording every tearful word she says.

Do-kyung’s therapist asks if he’s ever seen the woman he’s going to marry in his visions, and he says he hasn’t, he only sees Hae-young (and that doesn’t say something to you… ?). The therapist quotes Einstein and suggests that perhaps he’s experiencing actual memories out of order, and asks what’s the first thing he thinks when he sees Hae-young in a vision.

Do-kyung says that he feels very sad for her, so sad it makes him crazy. He threw a rock that broke her wings, and she flew into his arms not knowing the truth. He wants for her to heal and fly away. He thinks about his vision of running into her on the street, but the vision ends with her turning away from him.

He says again that he wants her to heal and fly, but he’s so afraid that while he waits, he’ll fall for her. We see that he’d heard her message the night he came home drunk, and it had touched him.

As the other Hae-young is walking home from work, she slows to window-shop, and suddenly curls in on herself. She crumples, keening and gasping for air, and a woman stops to call for help.

While Do-kyung is working on another scene (ha, that’s Lee Dong-wook in a scene from Bubblegum) he hears a loud crash in the next room, but none of his employees heard a thing. He goes looking for the source of the noise but finds nothing, and then he hears it again, this time accompanied by a new vision.

He sees a pane of glass being smashed as something is thrown through it, and on the other side of the glass is Hae-young, looking furious.


Of course the other Hae-young is sick, because this is a drama and isn’t that usually why people leave their fiance on their wedding day? Heaven forbid they actually tell the person they intended to make their partner in life that they’re sick, and ask for support. Much better to just disappear, scarring everyone emotionally, then show up a year or so later and expect everything to pick up right where you left off. I actually hope I’m reading the situation wrong, because this drama has so far avoiding the more annoying tropes, and I’d prefer it to stay that way.

I almost forgot that Do-kyung did something that harmed Hae-young, by having his friend withdraw his investment in her fiance’s company. No wonder he feels so reluctant to get closer to her — he probably thinks that once she finds out, she’ll never forgive him anyway. She’s dangerous to him, because he can’t avoid her and he can’t stop himself from caring about her, no matter how hard he tries. I think he’s beginning to realize that it’s already too late, though I expect him to try to fight it a while longer before giving in. I do like that he’s evaluating his feelings for our Hae-young independent of the fact that his ex has reappeared, which tells me more than any words how much he cares about her already.

Speaking of which, can we talk about the chemistry between Do-kyung and our Hae-young? Whew. When she got close to him and yelled, but he kept looking at her lips like he could hardly focus with her so close, my own stomach did a flip. But it’s not just physical chemistry — they have incredible emotional chemistry too, seeming to mesh together like they’ve known each other their whole lives. Hae-young feels comfortable enough to say exactly what she’s thinking to Do-kyung even though he gives her few clues that she’s welcome… she seems to just understand that she is, by the way he leaves the door open for her, or just his calm, open energy. Even when they have a fight, the next morning they make up without even needing to talk it out. Hae-young said her piece, Do-kyung didn’t argue (which is the same as agreeing that she’s right, for him), and it’s done.

On the other hand, it’s hard to watch our Hae-young wilting in the presence of her old rival, when we know that she has every right to own her awesomeness and leave the other Hae-young eating her dust. I don’t mean by pretending to date Do-kyung, because that’s deceptive and cruel and unworthy of them both. I just mean that Hae-young has gone to a lot of trouble to convince herself that she’s smart and beautiful and capable (which she is! She just took a while to realize it herself) and I hate seeing her lose all that confidence the moment the other Hae-young enters the room. I don’t even think the other is prettier than our Hae-young, but for argument’s sake let’s say she is… even then, it’s much better to have an amazing personality and to love yourself, than to be physically attractive. The other Hae-young is accomplished as well, but I wonder how much of her success was handed to her because she’s pretty? Seeing how people treat her, it’s easy to guess that even though she is intelligent and a nice person, at least a percentage of her professional success is because of her looks and her aegyo.

So I’m glad that last week, we got to see our Hae-young saying that even after what she’s gone through, and the hits her confidence has taken over always coming in second, she still doesn’t wish she were any different. She’s learned to like herself the way she is, and she takes pains to be the best Hae-young she can be. As she struggles to navigate her life with the other Hae-young in it now, I just want her to remember that, and her little rebellions like refusing to take off her scarf give me hope that she can do just that. Do-kyung already sees it; even if he’s not quite ready to open his heart and love her, he’s well on his way. Finding a partner isn’t the end-all-be-all of life, but loving someone and being loved can be a pretty magical part of life. Our Hae-young is more than deserving of love, if she only can let herself stop feeling like second place.


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Yay! I've been patiently waiting for your recap! Thank you LollyPip for sharing your awesome recaps and comments! :D


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oh my god! i am so in love with this ep! it is so funny i kept rewatching the first part for the 10th time already
please continue to be good, tvn please please pmease dont be cruel to us like what did to with cheese on trap


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I doubt that the pretty hae young has ever spoken to our hae young when they were in school, n now she is acting friendly n chummy with her.,, mehhh ?


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When our Hae Young was conked with the soccer ball in school, Pretty immediately knelt down and was concerned about her - honestly, I think. And her dorky double-take when she recognized our Hae Young in the office was pretty cute, too. She seems genuine.

She's probably one of those pretty people who don't completely get how differently they're treated based on their looks, because it's hard to get that sort of perspective. And to be fair, it can be really annoying to be gorgeous - a lot of very pretty women end up being pursued by guys who are more interested in status than in the women themselves.

I don't think Pretty Hae Young has experienced rejection much, and that means that she behaves obnoxiously at times because she's never really been smacked down, like most of us are as teenagers. There's a reason our Hae Young puts up with her fawning instead of yelling at her - her coworkers and boss would kill her for it. Pretty hasn't asked for that weird protective bubble, and in the long run it's probably hurting her because it means she doesn't know that people are just seething at her. She can't correct her behavior if no one tells her it's wrong.


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Yeah, I'm not sure why people are surprised that the other Hae-young is nice to our Hae-young. It seemed like in school they didn't talk to each other that much, like they weren't bffs but they didn't dislike each other, either. Our Hae-young even noted before that the other Hae-young was smart and pretty and popular... but also so nice that she couldn't even hate her for it. So when the other Hae-young comes to this new job she sees someone familiar, someone she went to school with. Of course she's going to be friendly. She's... a.... friendly.... person.....


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Agreed, other HY doesn't seem unpleasant and is friendly. I feel like that's because her whole life, she's never been disliked and so acts chummy with everyone. Maybe she thinks they reciprocate, but doesn't expect that our HY doesn't feel the same.


If not for her history with Do-kyung and the pain that our Hae-young experienced, the other OHY seems like a dorky awesome person, I want to be her friend.


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I know!! To some extent I would actually want her as a friend in real life.


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I don't know... I probably wouldn't like if my "friend" said stories about my undressing mom...


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I like the other Hae Young enough til that scene when she mentioned our HY's mom. That wasn't cool at all. I was ready to pull her hair at that point. Moms are off limits.


I feel like dramaland has been going through a drought lately (I haven't been able to truly get into another tvN drama since the once lovely but ultimately sour and stinky Cheese in the Trap — I'm still feeling the burn), so I'm so so happy to have discovered Oh Hae Young. Truly a beautiful little oasis.

Our Hae Young — fighting!


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couldn't have said it better


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Ditto! I love Our Hae Young and I'm loving the rest of the charactersin this drama as well -minus one, of course.

Fingers crossed for TvN not to do a "cheese" move on our drama??


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Our Hae Young and that Hae Young......much better


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Than you for the recap, Lollypip! Plus, your analysis was spot on.

Now that the hijinks are over (not that I hated them, they were immesely enjoyable), it is so good to see Our Hae-young and Do-kyung gain emotional ground. I love that he is acknowledging to himself that he might fall in love with her, while Hae-young herself, already likes him.

Agreed with how a life-threatening illness is not an excuse to leave somebody at the altar. Don't the wedding vows also contain the words, in sickness and in health? Even more so, Do-kying seems like the guy who would move heaven and earth and always be by your side. Why leave such a guy? Unless, his mother had something to do with it. Regardless, I cannot accept what she did. Calling off the wedding is another thing, but on the day of the wedding? Nope.

I love how Our hae-young still has a sense of her individuality, I wish, she wouldn't try to look for chances to one-up the Other Hae-young where their personal lives are concerned. It did seem initially that the act she was telling Do-kyung to put up, was more for herself to outdo the Other Hae-young. But then, nobody is perfect and I love Our Hae-young for her faults and awesomeness both. Apart from the love story, I am looking forward to Our Hae-young's growth the most. I am waiting for her to be her awesome self not only among people she is close to, but everybody.

Still unsure about the Other Hae-young and if she really is so oblivious to the damage her words might cause. Being oblivious in school is different, but being so when you are adult is being dumb. So far, the only character I find irritating is Do-kyung and Hoon's mom.

Waiting for Our Hae-young and Do-kyung to sizzle on screen! Just their proximity to each other had so much chemistry, I can only imagine how full fun the rest of the ride is going to be!


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I believe Our Haeyoung talked (and cried) to herself at some point that her antics were just an excuse to get closer to Dokyung rather than to show the Other Haeyoung off. That being said, I agree with your sentiment. I did not like it when Our Haeyoung jumped into Dokyung's arms and awkwardly dragged him around to show her coworker. It makes her look silly.


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Agreed that she later admitted to why she was acting like that, but to me, it seemed a bit of both her genuinely liking Do-kyung and one-upping Other Hae-young. Even if she would not set out on purpose to hurt Other, there is no way that the thought didn't cross her mind.

I totally agree that it made her look silly.

Also, I did want to bring this up but forgot in my initial commentbut I forgot:
Objecively, all the attention that Pretty Hae-young is getting at the workplace is making me uncomfortable and it is at the cost of hurting Our Hae-young. I mean, the majority of the guys mocking Our Hae-young in favor of Pretty Hae-young is horrible to watch. Of course, they do exaggerate it for the drama, but their behavior is execrable. I doubt in real life, a workplace would be so discriminatory. If I were Our Hae-young or even any other employee, I would quit such a workplace and report to HR.


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This strikes me as one of those classic Ally Mcbeal lawsuits (I recently watched it on Netflix). But that was such a hostile work dinner by all the male coworkers except her team leader. Unacceptable! And then to berate her for standing up for herself? The humiliation! I have a lot of respect for the fictional Oh Hae Young.


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that happen in real life too. my friend literally got draggedvin a mess that she did not do anything. the one who was responsible was the other girl she was cute and the boys in my class kind of fond of her because she was cute. the boys dragged my friend like hell even to the point where one of them literally get up to get physical with my friend. he got held up by our classmate. seeing that happen the cute girl then stand up and said she is the one who did it and that my friend had not done anything wrong at all. and the boys suddenly says its okay we accept your apology since you are cute. remembering this just make my blood boil again.


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My heart hurts watching this episode. The karaoke scene, I can feel our OHY pain and embarassment. That scene was great, my eyes teary the whole time.
The thing is, pretty OHY seems like genuinely nice, which is worse. You cannot outright call her bitch, because what has been shown to us so far, she never has any ill intention toward our OHY.
And then our OHY outburst in her room.. :(( I mean, we all can relate to her one side love to Do Kyung. The way she said she just feel lonely..ouch. :((
This episode really is crazily heart-wrenching, just like the title.


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I felt the same way. This episode started off funny, but it definitely made me feel so emotional for our OHY. The company dinner was awful.


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I'm not as quick to call her a nice person. She appears to be nice on the surface, but there is no way she can NOT know what our Oh Hae Young goes through. I mean, she saw an elevator full of men forcibly push our Oh Hae Young off an elevator, for goodness sake. At some point, she is either being deliberatly obtuse or it just doesn't matter to her that due to her presence, our Oh Hae Young is treated less than stellar. I'm not saying the treatment is her fault, but she doesn't care about it enough to do something. She is also self absorbed, to the point that she was oblivious to the fact that the stories she was telling were not flattering. She is also pursuing a man she treated horribly thinking nothing of it because he doesn't know the whole story. With all of that, I think she is nice on the surface because it cost her nothing, but I don't know if she would still be considered so nice if she had to put effort into it.


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Our OHY was the last on that elevator, technically...

I'm getting immaturity and maybe some social tone-deafness off of Pretty. It's like she doesn't really know what to do in a situation where people are rejecting her approaches, so she dials up the aegyo. But she doesn't seem malicious or to have any ill intent, she just is totally out of her depth when it comes to people not being swept along by her.


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Well, you have a point there. What I gather so far is the other OHY just oblivious and clueless. But I won't call her awful just yet.
What she did to Do Kyung was another story. The writer needs to come with a good excuse on why she left him at their wedding day. And I'm looking forward to it. The sickness excuse won't cut it for me.


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We find out the reason I. The next episode, and I actually think the writers did a pretty good job with why pretty OHY disappeared on her wedding day. The episode is out in dramafever already.


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Yes, I don't find her "nice" either.

She's not evil or malicious, but I find her very superficial and self-focused and, as others have said, tone-deaf to others. It's not just Our Oh Hae Young that's suffering because of her (with the Other Oh Hae Young just placidly watching – and we know she's intelligent enough to understand the "barbs" coming from the guys and that some of the things she herself are saying are... just not nice). She's also acting as if everything is all perfect with her former sister-in-law who very clearly is upset with her. Perhaps she doesn't want to confront what needs to be confronted (that she left Do-kyung at the altar) but she pretends she and her unni are all good (she could just maintain professional distance). And, nothing annoys me as much as people who disappear without a word for any extended length of time and then waltz right back in declaring "I missed you" and expecting for everything to be like it was before.

She may have had some legitimate excuse to leave and she may have experienced difficult situations herself, but what she did hurt people. Her pain/suffering (whatever it may be) does not trump that of others. If she can't acknowledge that AND accept that she now has no right to the relationship she used to have with Do-kyung, I will think of her as 'not nice' and self-absorbed.


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Agreed. The only way Pretty could not be aware of what Just is enduring by the comparisons and put downs is if she was of a truly low IQ, or grew up as isolated Royality. Neither of which is the case. She does have more of than an inkling...she just has her "shtick" down to a fine art.


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This is not drama related but a general observation that very few human beings can think beyond their situation. It's not a negative trait and all of us do that. We can sympathize and empathize but we can't be in other people's shoes(I don't think it happens). So its a high expectation IMO to expect other-OHY to understand our-OHY.
But i agree that the office fols going over board with other-OHY. I'ts okay that they are totally in awe of her but them putting our-OHY is totally irritating.
And I hope really hard that all this doesn't increase our-ohy's insecurities.


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I think she's meant to come off as clueless and nice, but I think it's just bad characterisation on the writers part, to be honest.


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Man, the show just feels so good.
I don't know why but this is the first drama that forced me to watch first, recap second.

Before, it was either, read the recaps first then watch the show or marathon the show after reading the first few recaps.

I'm really digging the story and the leads so far.


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Oh yeah. it needs to be said. Thanks for the recaps LollyPip and Dramabeans.


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Yeees same here !


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Agreed. I usually end up reading recaps and avoid a series until I can binge it. I am now officially hooked and watching every episode as it goes live. Ah the exquisite torture of it all!


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Does the plot kind of remind you of 'My Name is Kim Sam Soon' with the ex coming back into the picture?


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yes, a bit. and then the ex not necessarily bitchy type.


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^^ Yep, agree.

"ex coming back into the picture"

I feel like in half the Kdramas I see, the ex reappearing is a common theme.


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I thought so last week and even bet that the Other Haeyoung might have had cancer. Lol.


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but the ex thankfully is not sick like in Kim Sam Soon drama


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Funny that you mentioned MNIKSS. I thought of that show too – when they showed that snippet from “Bubblegum”. Because Bubblegum's female lead was Jung Ryeo Won, who was the second female lead in Kim Sam Soon, playing a char you can't really hate. Hee Jin wasn't bitchy or mean or spiteful but an ordinary every day girl who made a bad call and was then trying to get back to her beau. Too bad she was a tad too late and the beau had already fallen for Sam Soon. You can sort of empathise with Hee Jin.

So I thought maybe we'd have the same sort of 2nd female lead here, one that isn't outrightly mean or spiteful but ordinarily humanistic, nice even if flawed, one that we can sympathise with even if we do not root for.

Yeah, so that's how I got to Kim Sam Soon. Kind of roundabout way. And through Bubblegum! :-D


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It is difficult to comment on previous episode when I have already seen the next episode. It has been a while since a drama made me comment, so I am going to try w/o spoiling it for anyone.

I was definitely surprised by the over friendly behavior of other OHY with our OHY. I know we have been told only our OHY point of view so far. So, I keep wondering if perhaps there is more to their school days than what our OHY has told us so far. I am really curious how it used to be with them.

I also find that the future vision that PDK sees are very teasing to the viewers as well. It is almost like a preview of what will happen except here the character has this preview without context. Imagine living life like that. Dreading when that moment would occur, wondering why that happened..If it was scary moment, then worry...If it was fun moment, anticipating it etc. etc. It is interesting I think - knowing something will happen but not knowing when and why. But he does not show too much of stress around this which is also interesting acting / directing choice.


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I'm wondering if Pretty at least knows that it's a bit of an uphill climb to befriend women in an office full of adoring males, and she's overemphasizing her friendship with Our OHY to try and show she's not just all about the guys.

Which would be a good approach, if not for the fact that Our OHY has her own issues and is about to explode.


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Point well taken regarding why pretty is over friendly with our pretty


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I agree with you about the future preview thing. Because if I were Do Kyung, I would worry every time there is a bad vision, that this is probably the one, after Our Hae Young realises the truth. But the nice one's definitely bring a smile to my face and I am like 'Aha, We have that to look forward to!'

About the stress out thing -I think Do Kyung's pretty much decided to go with the flow. We know he decided not to avoid the visions when he caught her in the last episode. I do wonder though if he sees a bad vision, like the one of her throwing a stone, whether he'd not try to avoid it because he thinks he deserves it, with his guilt and all?


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Normally people would avoid especially Do-kyung should , considering him breaking her wedding . he should be no where near her...but he tried to avoid her by noticing her dress other day but when he saw some danger lured around her he ran to her.. His expression then was like lets go with the flow... (even the doc suggested that)

He has a ticking bomb in his pocket , but he is falling for her and he can't help it...
His tiny smile when he saw her in morning was adorable...(K-leads mostly freakout so this is special)

They have great emotional chemistry and are in such a sync. she yells at him and after a while calls him to come back which he does. Then he gets mad , yells at her and turns the car around and picks her both of them are cool no dragging .... back and forth from formal to informal speaking is spot on ....

I love this show another long week ahead...


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Usually when people angry, of course no one cares about the way one speaks. But I realized after that Park Do Kyung no longer use formal speech with Our Oh Hae Young. Am I hearing things right? Cuz I am still a beginner with Korean Language so I might be wrong.


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yup you got it right, he started using 'Banmal' in a full
swing to OHY


Thanks for the thought,Dramafan,it didn't really occure to me.And it is great thought to explore. Maybe he doesn't try to avoid it also because with the sign in the first episode there was no way.But it must be unnerving,so it may be easier to go withe flow for the time being.


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Also this drama gives me the warm fuzzies. I love dramas that do that.


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Me too!?


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me three


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why illness?
the only illness I can think that avoid you from attending wedding is sudden stroke or heart attack right at the time.
Isn't bride always has bride-maids or someone near her in the wedding day?

I still wait for the show to tackle the investment withdraw misguided jealous revenge undeserved thing, it still doesn't happen.

I know this may viewed as negative comment, but this show is one of show I like for the laugh and chemistry but I'll not gonna think about it cause it provoke me to be bothered by the plot logic, sequence of event, the moral boundaries and technology,
it's 2016 and no one can call some people to asked about something then choose to depress alone . . . .


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maybe you just miss a drama when everybody is averagely nice people,

cause I miss those feeling too since this bad feeling about other HK and DK that will be used as antagonist in the drama


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Korean weddings don't have bridesmaids (even if they're less traditional and more Western style)


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they still has someone near them, like friends and family before wedding


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You know no one has cleared the reason as illness.. so lets not come to any conclusion....

The only illogical thing I notice is that how does his sister or brother not know that she is living in second floor... no matter how careful she is that's impossible... And park hoon didn't notice other oh hae young in after party situation ?


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What makes you think she had any girls who were friendly enough to be bridesmaid? I hate the thought of it (because it's a poor excuse for her oblivious behavior) but considering her manner she might not have many real friends. I get the feeling Do Kyung and his family were her only friends.


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I need a man like Eric in my life. LOL. I loved when Do-kyung started laughing, both when they were going to sleep and in the next morning in the car.
Loving this drama, I am going to be anxiously waiting for Monday's and Tuesday's now.


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I loved those scenes, too! Laughing, smiling Do-kyung just warms my heart. Gah, this show is really perfect so far. I just hope the other Hae-young has a good excuse for jilting Do-kyung. I don't like how the show seems to be going down that fatal illness road... Please show -- be more original than that!


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lmao! I LOVE THIS SHOW! This is the show that I've liked the most ever since You From Another Star (Not even the oh-so-lauded Descendants of the Sun grabbed me like this one... I mean I haven't even finished DOS yet). I laughed so much with the opening scene, because that almost exact same thing happened to me in real life (LMAO), but I was saved from any embarrassment thank God.
Anyway I think that the reason I like this show so much is because PDK and OHY feel like REAL people, I mean I can totally relate with OHY because some of the things she's experienced during her school life. I love PDK because he's cute and caring, and because weather he likes it or not, or admits it or not... He's been fascinated with our OHY even before he met her. The scene where OHY picks up his wallet in episode 1/2, is absolutely epic. And I say that because you can clearly see the fascination in PDK's face because he's finally met her. Their circumstances aside, is like he's met the woman of his dreams... Literally. Sigh this drama is too much ?


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It's very rare to see DK smile or laugh but in this episode he did both not once but twice :D Our OHY is amazing !


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I haven't seen Eric in many dramas or listened to SHINWHA but I'm delightfully impressed by his acting.


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Just don't watch Shinhwa's variety show, especially Shinhwa Broadcast. It will totally ruin Do Kyung's cool image in our head...kkkkk


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@Oshi, moola

Yes be prepared to learn a new side of Eric if you watch Shinwa's variety, they are on another level!


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Noted and avoided...




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I always love Eric (both in dramas and real life!) but I have to admit that this is his best character (yet!) or it's probably because I love this drama so much that he couldn't be less loved!


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I think well its safe to say everyone thinks this show is great!!!!! They are portraying the inner turmoils of every simple women who went through being unrecognized, less appreciation, not to leave- being mocked. And that's why I think I enjoy it a lot more. But I think I am starting to hate the other hae young. Especially when she was drunk mocking our hae young and our mom at the karaoke place. I hope they don't turn her into one of those narcissistic personality who are just some other person behind their smiling face.
Do kyung shouldn't forgive her for oh so fatal disease excuse. I hope I just don't start getting frustrated bcoz so far watching this show is like being with your friends at a river bank on a cozy morning. ^^ I so love it.
I want to watch the hilarious comedy by his sister and friend a lot more. They are sooooooo good at it^^


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Fears not withstanding I get the feeling things are more complex then they seem. The writer is definitely seems to like the layered approach to all the tropes. A lot of twists though thankfully grounded in real emotion.


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Already watched episode 6, only thing I could say is "rest assured." Thank you so much for the recap!! This drama has such a warm fuzzy feel to it, and absolutely makes me love it.

I don't know about others, but I definitrly feel the other Hae Young has much more tragedy below her superficial perfection. In fact, I feel a bit of pity for her as well. One thing I love so far is the character traits and development the drama has to offer. Happy for more!


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To add, it doesn't make up for some of other Hae Young's actions so far, but I feel attracted to what bothers her as well.


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yeah, I feel bad for the other Oh Hae Young after watching ep 6. but still, doesn't make her less annoying lol


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I feel bad for OHY2 too. I'm kinda warming up to her so I hope she doesn't take the stereotypical 2nd lead route.


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I dunno, episode 6 made me feel that No Hae Young really had it bad and if she weren't pretty, rich, or successful she'd br just as miserable as Our Hae Young. Now I feel like both of them deserve a chance with Do Kyung, but I still am rooting for Our Hae Young.

On a side note, I thought the physical chemistry between the two Hae Youngs was fantastic in this ep. Probably just me, though.


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Wait what physical chemistry? What did I miss? being gay is of no use if I miss things!


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Agree.. with all the comments above,,
Everyone has hard life and happy to know that it applies to other oh hae young too...
Still what she did to Do-kyung doesn't get any less horrible... I love Do-kyung much more after episode 6


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It's so sad how two people can be compared to each other, causing one of them to feel incompetent. It's just so sad.
I love our main lead, because she DID take a long time to finally love herself, and it's so relatable!
We all have a hard time accepting that we are beautiful and we're worth it, and for our main lead, to finally find that peace then lose it altogether... I can't even describe it.
It's not that I blame the other OHY, it's just, if she didn't rub it in so much, it wouldn't be too bad.
It is hard to shadow someone, especially if that person is considered better. But I think our main lead is great. It's only her opinion that she should care about. Fuck everybody.
But then again, that's easier said than done.


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I am loving the drama overall but the biggest laugh inducing scene this episode must, hands down, go to the scene of our HY riding eric and desperately pleading with him to turn one circle ( JEBALLLL!) and then, anticlockwise again(ONE MORE TIME!) to the collective incredulous expressions on everyone. I had to rewatch it several times to appreciate the full awesomeness of that scene!

Thanks for the recaps Lollypip


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That shamelessness she has just made me laugh so much haha As if one circle wasn't enough, another had to be made and Eric's facial expression that whole time was just the cherry on top!


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Omg, the second-hand embarrassment from that scene was the WORST. I had to watch through my fingers. :D


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That was the best part! I had to stop and let myself feel the goosebumps and tears of laughter.


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I love that scene!
Did you notice that Do Kyung hugged our Hae Young tighter when she asked him to turn anticlockwise?
It's like he subconsiously wants to be closer to our Hae Young :)


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Yes. Even as reluctant and unwilling as he was, he did tighten his grip. I thought too how suggestive it sounded with her breathing into his ear " one more time". Or something to that effect.


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And he complied, either halfheartedly or unconsciously.. *LOL*


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That was part of what made it amusing. It's like he CANNOT not do it. It was SUCH a reluctant slow shuffling circle!! Sooo funny And all the while, his minions looking at him like pugs are flying. Hahahah


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I love when he barked back at his brother tho'. "Do you think I would just hug random people?!" Bwahahaha..
- Madly drove away the scene, turned back to give the lady ride, then dropped her home. She crept under his skin and totally ruined him. ^^


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I'm pretty sure they are super comfortable to be around each other, just chillin which is why they comply with each others request even if they feel reluctant. Which makes it all the more sweeter towards them being a couple.


It's recurring. Do Kyung just cannot help doing what Our Hae Young wants him to do.

In that scene where Hae Young cooked for him, he threatened to stop eating if she didn't drop the subject. But just a few words from Hae Young and he ate it anyway.


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It's well established that he doesn't seem to be able to say no to her really or throw her away. It's that more than anything else that makes it feel real (conscious thought vs instinct). Taps into the whole masculine image I guess : )


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Lol... So true. I love that he just listens to her and does what she tells him to do. It feels so real. Plus, they act like a couple already.
Also, I've never seen Eric laugh. So seeing him laugh in this ep made me fall for him even more. I laughed so hard when he was laughing. Lovely drama


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Eric has the same roaring laugh IRL, I really love it! Wish someone make a video compilation of Eric's laugh xD


The beginning oh my god, like just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the second hand embarrassment I felt through the screen was so real. I literally had both my hands to my face with my eyes peeking through my fingers. *screeches like a perodactly*, that scene was just too epic. Loved her hair flick, and little feet clap in the air when she felt so triumphant after the hug.

My favourite scene tho is actually when our Hae Young told Do Kyung off for grabbing her wrist. Sure he didn't mean to use her to make his ex jealous, but the fact that she confronted him with anger afterwards was just so refreshing. She spoke her mind and in the end, him apologizing made it so much better. Kdramas has forever made me side eye wrist grabbing.

It did annoy me in the latter half when she wanted to team up with Do Kyung to make pretty Hae Young jealous. I just felt like girl please don't stoop so low, where did all your self confidence go? Though I will admit its might be easier to fall back into old habits of having low self esteem around pretty HY, than it is to move on and act like nothing happened.

I saw on the previous episode recap there was a discussion on whether pretty HY was a mean person. Well in this episode when she brought up the bad habit of Our HY's mum, I thought that was really rude especially at a company gathering. You can diss the girl but not the family. The more I see of pretty HY the more I feel she has a niceness to her that seems fake? Most of the time she is probably nice, but when needed to she will use that veil of niceness to hide her mean intent? Why is this so hard to put into words...

Thanks Lollypip for the recap! Looking forward to everyones discussion.


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Even if No Hae Young isn't a bitch, she is really insensitive and tonedeaf, I was enraged during that scene. Poor our Oh Hae Young.


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Totally agree I was pretty ticked off during the company dinner scene. I mean there's gotta be a limit to how clueless as a working adult that you don't notice how badly someone that you know for so long is being mistreated compared to you. I especially found when she was saying how cute our HY is pretty condescending.


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I don't know what she should've done, though. Whether she removes the scarf or not, it would've embarrassed Our Hae Young. It's not her fault that she's the center of attention as it was her event. I really think the ball was on Our Hae Young's court that time.

Of the childhood stories, the only one that really crossed the line was the underwear one. I think Our Hae Young was putting malice into her thoughts.

In the end she even felt really bad about it all.


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That guy in the elevator literally explained Our oh hae young situation and she didn't think about it twice... That's just dumb.. How would she feel when someone talk things about her like that in an office meeting...
The guy who yelled at the scarf situation is the one who should be punished...


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I don't know she spent the whole night being complimented by her comparison to the Oh Hae Young they all knew before her and threw more kindling on the fire by telling embarrassing stories about a girl who is basically a stranger to her. To me it was to bond with the male team members, to pile on, if you will. Even if she felt bad about it after, it's still something she contributed to and who benefited from. But like I said I don't think it's malicious, but it is insensitive. And really she is a manager. Even if she's been coddled by men her whole life, she should be more socially aware. She is savvy enough to recognise that being buddy buddy with OHY, jut makes her look good to everyone and reinforces her positive points.

"Oh look at the pretty Oh Hae Young being nice to ordinary Oh Hae Young, oh what a nice girl!" The only person that doesn't benefit is our Oh Hae Young because she is made to look petty whenever she doesn't want to join in on the game where she gets to look like a loser in front of everyone.


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She wouldn't have those stories to tell if they were practically strangers. The underwear story was over the line, but how is the washing machine story even embarassing? When I'm together with my high school batchmates we tell embarassing stories about our high school years al the time. The way the scene played out, it seems to me that Our Hae Young was just making other Hae Young to be something she isn't.

Also, so what if she was being complimented all night? She deserved it (since it's her welcome party) and it's not her fault people were ragging on Our Hae Young. In fact, the first time someone said a bad thing comparing Our Hae Young to her, she immediately offered to back down.

The way I see it, Our Hae Young's insecurity has caused her to lose to other Hae Young on purpose, plus she's also shutting her out.


Sharing embarrassing stories is fine among friends who you know accept you as you are. In a hierarchical work situation it gives off more of an air of "putting someone in a certain place" Pretty Hae Young chose to share stories about her childhood friend that framed her as a poor person with a crazy, embarrassing mother. She put her in a disadvantaged place with her funny stories and sweet expression. While Pretty Hae Young is not the mean, entitled bitch throwing water in a poor girl's face, she does seem to deliberately cultivate the image she puts out. The attention and love is very important to her and she uses her "nice girl" manners to keep it rolling in.


"Pretty Hae Young chose to share stories about her childhood friend that framed her as a poor person with a crazy, embarrassing mother."

Or she was just telling stories about how fun and interesting Our Hae Young's life was when they were kids.

Yes, it MAY have been borderline inappropriate, and I'm not gonna excuse her for that, but why do we need to put malice into her thoughts?


Far be it from me to defend the her but has anyone considered that Other HY may be lashing out a bit due to jealousy? One call from Our HY and DK comes running....


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I actually considered that thought too, maybe after finding out about DK. She's subconsciously saying some border line mean things to get back at our Hae Young, to get back at her.


I feel like we are in the same camp about Noh Hae Young. There's this pretentious niceness that doesn't sit well with me. The stories about her family at the work dinner was very inappropriate and demeaning. In that moment she wasn't being a friend. It's like someone pointed out with the elevator, she clearly saw what the other men did, and as a "good friend" could have done something to help but didn't.

It doesn't help that I have seen her description of OUR Oh Hae Young in Do Kyung's flashbacks. I can excuse her high school self (even though I was already standing up for others in middle school), but there is absolutely no excuse for her adult self. While it's not her fault that OUR Oh Hae Young is so insecure, she definitely didn't help. Standing on the sidelines is close enough to partaking in injustice in my book.

Can you just imagine how different things would have been if she had taken more agency for the role that she inexplicably played in the torture of her name sake? We won't have a drama or maybe we will because I would be genuinely torn between them. Now, I just want OUR Oh Hae Young to crush her, be better than her at work, and to get the guy! Fighting!!!


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I wonder if at some point, her being treated better than others or in this case our HY, has become a habit for her? Like she just knows between them two, most people would choose her therefore it's majoritys vote and she just goes with the flow?

The show is handling her character quite well though, you can't really outright hate pretty HY, but something about her just feels off lol

To be honest I've met a few girls like pretty HY in real life. You can't really hate them because essentially they've never done anything outright wrong, but at the the same time, somethings they do just tick you off.


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Oh she might be oblivious. She might be doing it out of habit. But it doesn't make it excusable.

I do think that she is getting layers that makes her distinct from typical second leads, and I am confident that with the writing on the show so far I won't hate her character. I might even be sympathetic.

Plus, they have shown that OUR Oh Hae Young is also flawed. In fact, all 3 parts of our love triangle are flawed. Flaws are great and always welcome. They are part of all of us and definitely make the characters more relatable.


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Loved the wrist-grab discussion as well.

I remember watching Liar Game for the first time, and seeing the wrist-grab scene with the PD character and Shin Sung Rok, and everyone being *shocked* cause it was like the first female-initiated wrist-grab, like, ever.


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Ah - this comment brings back memories of Healer where the h dragged the poor hapless Bong Soo around by the wrist all the time.


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I agree here regarding the wrist pull. It was so refreshing and breaking the cliché of the K-dramas. I totally loved the drama at that moment for that one particular scene.


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I agree. I also love the showing-off-your-anger-towards-the-wrist-grabbing-scene by Oh Hae Young. I can sincerely feel her rage there.


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i agree with you dissing family is wrong and i can't believe pretty OHY asked her if she did sleep with DK so rude ಠ_ಠ


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the part where our HY called do kyung out on the wrist grabbing was great, I agree!


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haha! its so funny.. i cant help but laugh with do kyung's reaction.. its really my favorite drama right now. thanks for the recap! fighting!


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I laughed with him every time he remembered


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I just don't think the Other Hae Young is oblivious. Fine, you weren't aware that in High School, Our Hae Young may have suffered and I can sort of understand how you could act chummy with a school acquaintance if you met them later.

But see with Do Kyung in the picture now, it's weird if she still wants to act like they are chummy best friends. (Not that I am saying a guy should always change things between friends) She breezily wants to pretend like it's a non issue when it, clearly, is an issue and she is uses it as an opportunity to pump Our Hae Young for information. Which is okay, I guess, but her breezy smiley oblivious act gets to me!

Also I realise I am falling into the trap of talking of the Other Hae Young, when really all I want to do is flail over Our Hae Young and about how precious she is and how the show is rainbows and warmth. So that's all I am going to gush about from now on! :D


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Also, when Do Kyung is doing that whole fake step by step turn around walk thing with Our Hae Young, there is this moment where he seems to break into a genuine laugh! He was genuinely laughing in that moment wasn't he?

And what I forgot to add, thanks Lollypip for the recap!


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Here's the thing that really gets under my skin about the Other Hae Young: She is WILLFULLY oblivious.

I've actually had someone in my life who was like that. She uttered the most painful and damaging words with a sweet smile on her face and "good will" in her heart. And, she would have no idea what you were talking about if you protested. It was like she staked her life on NOT knowing since that absolved her from any responsibility.

It wouldn't take a genius to spot Our Hae Young's unhappiness at the company dinner, for example, but that never slowed down the Other from telling embarrassing stories or asking the most intimate question. Another example of her determined ignorance of others is sidling up to Soo Kyung, the sister of the man she left at the altar, for a drink. She may have the most golden reason for disappearing on the wedding day but she won't even try to understand that as Do Kyung's sister, Soo Kyung might have a HUGE issue with her.


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wilfully oblivious, is pretty spot on. It's like she realises these things but just goes ahead and ignores it in favour of getting what she wants.


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I'm dying to watch episode 6 soon, but I wanted to check in here before I do. xD

I adore our OHY so much. She's such an awesome, caring, & funny person so I hated seeing her being looked down upon by her co-workers.

Her comment about guys being in a different league from her just made me sad for her. She's better than she thinks. I started thinking about my own single life, trying not to think about the pressure of settling down, but it still got to me a little. I find that I can relate to Seo Hyun Jin's characters a lot. I felt the same when she was in Let's Eat 2. I love her acting. She is good at being strong and vulnerable.

I can't believe that Do Kyung is hearing noises along with his visions now! I wonder if the show is gonna explain more about the reason for his visions later on.


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Don't feel down Cocoboo! I feel the same way too many times, but really it's what you make of it. Sure it's nice to have a relationship but they come along with a bunch of problems too.


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Yeah, you're right. Thanks. :)


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I feel ya sister....#foreveralone


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-hugs- I guess we should enjoy our single life/freedom while we can. Lol


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LE2 was my first exposure to her as an actress and all I could think is why is she not in more things. I finally looked up her wiki page and realized she's done a ton of historical dramas. I'm really hoping after this show and Let's Eat she gets to do more comedies and romances.


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I think LE2 was also my first drama with her in it. Well, either that or The Three Musketeers. She was good in that drama too, but her character didn't stand out as much. It was still a good drama though. ^^


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Okay, I love this drama to the moon and back. But my love for it seems to scramble my brain and erase all eloquence from my thoughts. I have like a 100 feelings after watching this episode, most of them disorganized, but here we go:

1) Our poor Hae Young was so excited for her dinner date with DK, I was so sad it got ruined by Pretty HY's appearance.

2) I really like that the show allows HY and DK to get angry with each other, but than also forgive each other within the same episode. HY's anger at DK's behavior at the restaurant didn't stop her from taking care of him when he was drunk. DK's anger at HY's insistence at playing pretend in front of the other HY didn't stop him from turning his car around and helping her home.

3) I know that they literally live in the same house, but them referring to "home" (with the implied "our") makes my heart flip-flop.

4) I think some people might think the window punching was an over reaction, but I'm glad the show is allowing DK to be angry.

5) I still think the show is doing a good job at balancing sad and funny. But this was the first time I felt that the angst came close to outweighing the light-heartedness of the show. That karaoke scene felt excruciatingly long. (But maybe that was the point.)

6) I still don't know how I feel about Pretty Hae Young. But I like that I don't know how to feel about her. I won't spoil episode 6 in this thread (because it does change some things re: leaving DK at the altar). But I am still genuinely confused about how she feels about our HY. Her clingyness in the karaoke scene was so uncomfortable, it had me wondering if it was an act, or if she was really that plastered. As of now, I've come to the conclusion that her harmful actions, while still harmful, don't stem from malicious intent. The life she's had seems to have made her quite oblivious to other people's perspective. Her complete misinterpretation of her and our HY's closeness. Even her reaction to DK's anger (re: he must care if he's that angry) while technically true, seems warped to be in her favor.

7) I like that Pretty Hae Young's presence has initiated both regression AND progress in our HY. While I hate seeing her feel like she needs to lie in order to one up PHY, I thought the "You are you, I am me," line was a wonderful moment of self-assertion.

8) "One good thing about liking the guy next door is that I want to come home early. I never wanted to come home unless I was drunk before." Omg that's so effing sad. (This is also me poking the drama to address the causal alcoholism in the show. You have 3 characters that rely heavily on drinking as a coping mechanism. SOMETHING needs to be said.)

9) Love our leads acknowledging their feelings! While HY's was more straightforward, DK verbalizing that he's afraid of falling for her is important. That whole scene with his therapist was beautiful actually.

10) The chicken cutlet and noona's...


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...chase scene had me hollering.


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I also enjoyed the fact that they can argue like adults and also forgive like adults. There isn't any scheming between them thinking if I do this, they might think this. I feel there's a sort of camadarie that has formed between them. The maturity between them is quite nice, like when Eric says no, our HY actually agrees to it.

God forgive they start acting makjang around eachother.


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Don't say the word! It might happen and destroy my love for this show. Every time I hope for this sweet melancholy kind of show (This feel's so much like MNIKSS) something will inevitably ruin it.


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That punching scene felt real for me as I do the same(Its really a bad habit).. I once punched the wall so hard while arguing with my mother , my knuckles hurt for a week and I couldn't even hold a pen..
fake Injury was done in detail... and I'm glad it was not some white bandage covering his whole hand...


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I totally expected a huge white bandage on his hand the next day too!


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"That whole scene with his therapist was beautiful actually."

For some reason, I find his relationship with his therapist to be really endearing, in a funny sort of way. It's like, at first, his therapist just seemed kind of lazy & unkempt (he still seems this way, lol). He seemed like he was just going to write off Eric's character as crazy. So I kind of love how into it he's getting now, asking all these insightful questions. I also just find it sweet that a quiet guy like Do-kyung opens up so easily to him.


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Do-kyung is a man with few words as compared to our Hae-young who constantly speaks out her mind and soul. But he speaks through his facial expression especially his beautiful eyes. I am crazy over this drama and have been rewatching the episodes so many times. In the scenes of the OTP, I focus on Do-kyung's eyes and the way he looks at our Hae-young when she talks. Due to his profession as a sound director, her voice and words went through his ears and settle directly in his heart. I belive this is why he cannot but falls for her :)


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I love that contrast between them too. It's part of why they are so great together. They really compliment each other.


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I agree. I've noticed a few upset commenters here and there who don't like that Oh Hae-young is falling "first". They're concerned about Do-kyung going back and forth between the two Hae-young's, leading our Hae Young on because of the guilt he feels etc. But I honestly don't get nervous at all about that because of the way he looks at and thinks about her ALL the time. To me, that speaks volumes. I mean, he's exclusively having visions of her. That clearly isn't only because of guilt/pity. There's this fascination in his eyes whenever he is actually witnessing a moment come true between them that tells me he feels very drawn to her. Especially when he is given the chance to stop a moment from happening, but chooses not to.

I think it's easy to misconstrue his hesitance/mixed signals as evidence that he isn't acting out of genuine interest. But I definitely think he senses the mutual attraction and emotional connection between them and is consistently caught between trying to keep his distance because of what he's done and wanting to be the guy that catches her whenever she comes running towards him.


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Hey bing*

your analysis is spot on ...

I wouldn't love Do-kyung if he readily falls for her without hesitation that would mean he has no conscious of what he has done.. Even if it was a drunken stupid mistake it scared her for life...Even with all these hesitation he shows by his actions that he really is falling for her

Also who can blame her when he so supportive to her when whole world and even her parent(Unintentionally) added to her misery...

Besides Her liking him so much will add to all the drama when the secret is revealed... Also becomes one of the reason to forgive him after he atones his mistake...That's the sign of drama playing its cards right


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''Due to his profession as a sound director, her voice and words went through his ears and settle directly in his heart'' I LOVE THIS LINE


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This episode really give me laugh and warm in heart because of silly hug moments of Hae Young-Do Kyung. Not once, but twice! I love how open she is with her feelings. We knnow that Hae Young likes him very much from the reaction she showed after seeing him in towel.

When Hae Young told pretty OHY she already slept with Do Kyung, my mind said the girl said the truth. She was in the same bed with him even though he was drunk HAHAHA.

I don't care how messy their relationship will be, I hope in episode 7 we can see Hae Young-Do Kyung's first kiss.


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...oh god yes


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This drama is major love. enuf said.


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I thought it was hilarious how, when DK saw our HY running towards him, DK looked like he was shaking his head and pleading with her to not jump hug him again.


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LOL true it was like " Not this again"...


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Noooo! (I have to get it out this time)... why is that after I comment I see someone commenting the same thing below.... That just makes me feel bad for commenting.. Its not the first and its twice in this thread alone... (I can't read the whole thread again its long ;_; ) does this happen only to me...


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LOL yeahh his expression was screaming "HAJIMA GIRL....HAJIMA" hahaha but it's so cute of him to do exactly what she asked of him :D


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CITT was my true lurrrve ... it broke my heart ,,, After it ended in a trainwreck, i really lost interest in Kdramas ..

DOTS was like my rebound - superficial and did not last long (i dropped it midway)

.... Finally finally i'm back on the dating scene again with this show ..

This show just hits all the right spots for me. One thing is incredible that there is so much sadness in the characters' lives yet it never feels heavy or morose ... i always end up feeling happy after watching it .. it just balances all the misery with funny and utterly heartwarming scenes

I couldn't stop laughing at the falsie scene and the second time she jumps on him .. he is like shaking his head and going - not this again! .. And i loved the part where she calls him out on the wrist grab. At least they did not portray it as something to swoon about.

The other OHY is not outright evil ... but she struck me as someone who had more self absorbed .. she didn't look like she was deliberately putting down our OHY with embarrassing stories ... it seemed more like she did not care ... did not think that she was laughing at the expense of someone else ..

really enjoying this show .. the chemistry between the leads and between the supporting cast is amazing!


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Same goes for me with CITT and DoTS.. I'm so glad i found out about this drama ( I only started watching it when the 3rd episode already aired)
It's rare in KDrama that i can relate to the heroine , with a hero who is quite, caring, not so alpha.
I gotta admit, I know Eric since his SHINHWA days, but i never thought he could be this HOT. It seems the role of Do Kyung did him good.
The chemistry between the OTP is off the charts :)


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This is actually the first show i saw of Eric. I agree with you totally - so hot !! ... in fact i went back and watched a couple of episodes of 'discovery of romance' and i think he looks far far better here .. maybe he is one of those people that look better with each passing year .. or maybe the styling is on-point.

I think he totally sells me 'do-kyung' .. he looks like a man controlled, who is at top professionally, yet he has this whole cloak of weariness around him .. but still has a gentle, solid, safe aura around him ... i love him here

i'll second the chemistry ... totally magical.

Usually when the OTP is so strong, i fast fwd the rest of the cast scenes, they seem to break the narrative ... but here the secondary characters are a hoot! esp the deranged sister


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aaaaaah i totally agree!! he looks so much better here, in my opinion, although i did only watch a little of discovery of romance. i strongly think it was to do with the hair styling. And this line - ''I think he totally sells me ‘do-kyung’ .. he looks like a man controlled, who is at top professionally, yet he has this whole cloak of weariness around him .. but still has a gentle, solid, safe aura around him'' yessss omg the weird little mixture of different auras is what i find so attractive about this character


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I'm glad I'm not the only one responding to his character that way. I spend a lot of time praising SHJ and I do genuinely think she is the heart of the show. BUT I think Do-kyung is still the trickier character to play considering the mistakes he makes in the beginning. It's his gentle, thoughtful nature that makes it impossible for me not to want him to be happy, even after all the problems he's caused.


Ditto for me. I ended up binge watching Discovery of Love to get a feel for Eric's tendencies as an actor...let's just say I had some interesting dreams.


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I would like to know about these interesting dreams. ^^ They seem like good dreams. haha


Anybody knows that hangover food that Our Hae Young prepared in the for Do Kyung?

I might want to try that when I get plastered myself. lol.


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I think it's beansprout soup with rice (kongnamul gukbap) and here's a recipe for it: https://gangnamkitchen.com/2012/10/15/kongnamul-gukbap-%EC%BD%A9%EB%82%98%EB%AC%BC%EA%B5%AD%EB%B0%A5-soybean-sprout-rice-soup/

Here's another with just the soup and a non-spicy vegetarian version: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/kongnamulguk



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Yum... might have to try making this!


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I already watched Ep. 6, but I won't provide any spoilers. However, my prediction from my past comment was somewhat correct and I also changed my view about OHY2. It's sad that OHY1 is pretty much the only innocent person in this whole debacle. She's going to be devastated once she finds DK's connection to her ex-fiancee.

I feel bad for both couples. It seemed like they truly loved each other before the breakups. However, they lacked one of the key components of a successful marriage: communication. Everything that happened could have easily been avoided if they told their significant others about what was going on instead of dumping them. On the other hand, if that occurred then we wouldn't get to watch this awesome drama haha!

I'm anxious to see what happens next week!


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This. Communication. I feel bad for all the couples, but they really needed communication.


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This is most basic component of any relationship and especially romantic relationships.

Same thing happened in Marriage without Dating too. Father-Mother ready for divorce and no communication and when Ju Jang Mi visited the mother got the lesson that Things should be explained and clarified between couples an rushed back to GI Tee.

Ju Jang Mi's is very similar to OUR Oh Hae Young in many ways.


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If there was honest communication there wouldn't be birth secrets or dramas. It's rare and incredible if a drama can manage to exist without it while being any level of great.


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What I love most about OHYA is the complexity of all the main characters. We finally see our OHY break down into, by turns, a pathetic, sniveling mess of loneliness, and then a shallow, vengeful woman willing to use DK to give other OHY her comeuppance. It was rather shocking to see her capable of such connivery, and then even present it to DK as though she's most interested in doing it for the sake of getting his revenge on other OHY. Up until this point she had been portrayed as a suffering, innocent, wronged woman who put up a brave front and soldiered through her life. But I appreciate the writer showing us a more complex woman who I find even more likeable for all her faults.

And we as viewers know that when she find out that DK is taping all of her pathetic ramblings she will feel even more humiliated, (and hopefully, righteously angry at him). But really, that is a foreshadowing of the bigger storm looming when she discovers his role in the loss of her fiance and their future together. It will be interesting to see how she handles both situations.

I'm not sure how I feel about DK at this point. He's getting in deeper than he ever imagined, and it does seem like fate is playing a huge role in his growing relationship with our OHY. Obviously, if he tells our OHY the truth too soon, she runs back to her fiance, and end of story. If he waits too long, the same thing could happen as well, since he will have lost any credibility with our OHY, and she'll never be able to trust him. He reminds me a bit of the classic Greek hero, who tries to thwart fate, only to bring it about more quickly by arrogantly thinking he has any power over fate at all. There's a lot of hubris in DK, which made him capable of sending an innocent man's life down the tubes in the first place.

Finally, I love how the injured bird motif is being woven through this story. First we saw his vision of a bird hitting a window, then it actually happens. But the bird is obviously mechanical, so there is no real loss of life, and the our shock is relieved. When I saw that, I immediately wondered if the director didn't want to film an actual dead bird, and had just asked for a mechanical one thinking it would look real enough, or if the writer had meant something more by showing us that it was only a mechanical bird, and that what we initially perceived to occur was actually something entirely different; that is, the death of a bird was actually only the misdirected flight of a toy. If that was the writer's intent I think we can expect more misapprehensions before we are through. Things are not as they seem to be for our OHY, or for DK, and they may not be for us either.


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your comments on the injured bird motif are so very perceptive!! never thought of that


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You're aboslutly right about the mechanical bird being a metaphor for the dramas' view on everything happening. The interpretation of what we see isn't necessarily the truth is a theme in the whole damn show. In point of fact the writer wrote the whole drama based on this theme.

The ending of the engagement between Our Haw Young and her fiancee had four layers of what you see isn't what happened. The public see's one thing, Our Hae Young sees another and her fiancee sees a third while DK see's a fourth layer.

Every event and story within this drama is layered with perspectives and I love it to bits for it.


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Yes! I love how this drama places a lot of importance on perspective and misunderstanding. To be honest, the reason why dramas thrive on these things is because the greatest difficulty of social interaction is being able to find understanding in one another, but so often dramas don't explore it in the right ways.

This drama isn't flawless, but I do feel like it's touching on how, despite where people may be coming from, it's ultimately the actions they choose to take that will affect people going forward. The other Hae Young and Han Tae-jin may have their reasons for ending their engagements, but their words (or lack-their-of) and actions still dealt their damage, no matter the reasoning behind them.

There's actually an interesting parallel here. While HTJ and OHY2 may have sympathetic reasons hiding behind their hurtful decisions, Do-kyung has less admirable secrets from the heroine. Despite that, he is going to be alongside her during her most difficult moments, whether he caused them or not. I think that is going to mean a world of difference in the end.

I really hope the writer and director continue to flesh out these themes in a refreshing way.


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Hi, newgirl, msque, Oshi, and Chandler!

I get a kick out of your thoughts on the bird motif, perspective, and the characters and their foibles.

Now that I think back on the bird that turned out to be mechanical, I realize that it's more than just a means of avoiding cruelty to animal (i.e., "no birds were injured in the filming of this Kdrama). -- If only OHY were so lucky!

Fake bird as vehicle of visual misdirection -- but only from a distance. It's the opposite of the old Clairol Herbal Essence shampoo commercial "The closer he gets, the better you look."

I think there's a parallel between the mechanical bird and OHY's weird kinetic laughing doll. Gad, that thing is creepy. -- They are both self-propelled, but are directionally unpredictable.

The fake bird reminds me of Icarus in a way, with crashing into a window being the method of doom instead of the heat of the sun melting the wax wings. NOHY climbs and loses her grip along with her focus.

The sound of the bird -- If anyone could spot a fake, it would be DK. He might have followed the sound exactly because it didn't sound right. -- Somehow this might fit in with his auditory premonitions.

Bird with broken wing motif -- In school, OHY actually has a broken arm -- to go along with her nominally "clipped wings."

Bird vs. window - window wins.
Rock vs. window - rock wins.
"Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug."

Just as our perception is fooled by appearances, the entire show is based on the manipulation of reality via audio engineering. DK is a master of making films sound amazingly realistic. Then we see what the Great Oz is up to behind his curtain. Photoshop and CGI can now fake what we see, and foley artists can fake the soundtrack of our lives. Can we take anything at face value?

Characters with feet of clay -- Pettiness and vengefulness are less than noble qualities -- but they sure add a human dimension to OHY and DK. Without character defects, they'd be ideals, not human beings. Rising above their baser instincts gives them a shot at redemption. In their defense, they are under extreme duress when they go off the deep end.

Thanks again for much food for thought!


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I love this show. I love what it is doing to me. I look forward to Monday/Tuesday. My last show was Signal, and I'm already deeply invested in this one. I love, love, love our leads. Like someone said, their physical and emotional chemistry is off the charts. I love how outspoken OUR Oh Hae Young is. Thank you for calling out the guy for the wrist grab. (I did a fist pump). I love how they both care for one another without any major fanfare. I have always believed in the little things and this drama is hitting those points again.

I am worried about when Tae Jin comes back into the picture. The flashback of them (Tae Jin and Oh Hae Young) was super cute. I genuinely think that his "I hate the way you eat" was typical noble idiocy and came from a good place. He thought he was completely ruined and headed for years in jail, and didn't want to subject Oh Hae Young to the shame and heartbreak of seeing her newly wed husband going to jail immediately after their wedding. In my head, he was looking out for her. He would rather she ended with someone else than be with him and be miserable. I get that it wasn't his decision to make. But the point is it wasn't malicious. It was noble idiocy.

When Tae Jin does come back, I can't imagine how things will play out when he realizes why things went down this way. I still haven't forgiven Do Kyung for ruining someone else's life without the proper in depth research (like getting the right person, or that even if he was the right guy, he was involved in his misery in the first place). But, I am definitely falling for him, and I can totally see how OUR Oh Hae Young is too.

Thanks LollyPip for the awesome recap. I get to relive all the awesomeness with you and the other commentators which is just as amazing as watching the show.


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Yes. I wonder about Tae Jin too and even the drama, through DK's thoughts of being sorry for HY ( as in broken her wings) makes me wonder about how HY would have been if none of this had happened. She would be, in her eyes, first tier, with an awesome, successful husband who loves her.

DK put her in this position. How much of what he feels is attraction vs sorry will be hard to tease out. When HY finds out, she will Find it hard to believe that it is not just pity on his part. At least, it will take a bit of convincing surely.


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I agree with you that OUR Oh Hae Young will be so heartbroken and convinced that their relationship is purely because he pities her, and feels responsible for her situation (rightly so). I know Do Kyung isn't yet aware that he is falling for her, but I definitely think that he is.

I want tons of cute before the next shoe drops.


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Also very curious about TJ's return, and a little nervous that we haven't seen more of him by this point. Worried he is going to pop up for the second-half angst-train without much real character development. I know that's the fate of a second lead, but I'm hoping there is a twist for him- so far this drama has kept the old tropes fresh so here's hoping!


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I'm actually looking forward to his return, because I really want to see DK fighting for our Hae Young. Right now he's unsure of the situation teetering between whether he should or shouldn't go for her. Since our Hae Young is much more obvious in her feelings, many times I feel it's still a very one sided relationship between them right now. Her liking him more than he thinks.


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Right, but how can he possibly fight for her knowing what he did to them both? There's so much complexity there and I can't wait to see how Show explores it.


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Gosh, this drama gave me butterflies. It's been a long time, I have to say.

First, I was really impressed with that shouting match scene between our Haeyoung and Dokyung. It's so telling that a mere name entanglement via note could blow up into a really serious problem. It's something that can exposed the uglier part of themself: jealousy, hatred, inferiority, insecurity. That hurt and made them lash to each other. So it's a really good thing that our Haeyoung knew exactly why they did that and what they actually meant under all that yelling and quickly mended their relationship that very night.

Second, I'm still puzzled by the other Haeyoung. She seems nice even if a bit ignorant, but I got a feeling that she actually really likes our Haeyoung and maybe a bit envious of her life. And while she looks like an easygoing person, I realize that she didn't really told her coworker anything about herself, instead she mostly talked about our Haeyoung. So I hold a big hope that the writer will keep her character interesting and give us a sensible reason for her disappearance.


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I literally have a lot to say but dont know how to write it all. I just love all about this drama. End. Heheheh


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Hahah, it just made you feel so much and yet you feel so incoherent and sod it, here's a sentence.


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thank you for the recap!!!

I really love that they kept the last scene from episode 4. I like that look on Park Do Kyung’s face when he caught Oh Hae Young, as if shocked from the force of his decision, rather than the force of Oh Hae Young’s weight when he caught her in his arms.

There are a lot of hilarious scenes in this episode but also a lot of anger-inducing scenes. I really really want to jump into my screen and slap the other Oh Hae Young when she said, "Did you sleep with him?" Like, WTF GIRL. What gives you the right to ask that? I'm trying to feel a bit of sympathy for her but how can I, when she doesn't seem to think of our Oh Hae Young as an equal? It showed the first time when they met and she said, "You always had to go through so much trouble because of our names. I mean, US. it's troubling for us." BUT WE ALL KNOW SHE JUST MEANT OUR OH HAE YOUNG.

And that ending, when both our leads had finally confessed their feelings almost at the same time. It breaks my heart when Do Kyung admitted, "She got her wings broken by the rock I threw at her.” And then we’re reminded that Oh Hae Young was, literally and figuratively, broken that first time Park Do Kyung saw her. And how can that image not be the strongest image that reminds him of Hae Young? It’s a reminder of how fucked up she was because HE fucked up.

This drama is healing me and hurting me at the same time.


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And and and, one last bit: PARK DO KYUNG LAUGHING. That was a beauty.


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I swear, the expressions he went through when trying not to laugh in the car were the most adorable. I just, ahhhhhhh. Too lovely.


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There was this bit that I like, (this bit https://t.co/tajuEbFxpU ) where Hae Young was walking towards his car and you could see it in Do Kyung's eyes that moment where he remembered that funny moment the night before. It was such a subtle twinkle in his eyes. I thought that was really impressive of Eric.


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He seems to be a very physical actor. It's less voice and intonation for him then body/facial language.


Eric really did great job in this series. I saw his previous work, Discovery of Romance. There were one or two episodes that he even didn't say a word but I could feel the pain and redemption. And here, he showed even more as the man without words but we still can feel his emotions. Very well done and it's kinda rare happen in korean drama.


@hyuna There's this scene on DOR, where Yumi's character tripped so she was sitting on a bench and Eric's Kang Tae Ha was kneeling in front of her, checking her foot. Then she looked up and saw her crying. His eyes were pretty much doing all the talking, as he stared at her. The whole thing was a few minutes of beautiful and meaningful silence. One of my favorite scenes on Discovery of Romance. So brilliantly done by both actors.


I saw that one too! That bit where his eyes tells you he's about to crack up. I've only seen him in DOR and I forgot how he fared in that drama but I'm totally enjoying his performance here. He does have that soulful eyes that pretty much gets through me whatever emotion he's conveying.


Ahh, the broken arm gains new significance when you put it like that.


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I've always thought that her broken arm meant to say to Hae Young (and us, viewers), "just when you thought life couldn't be bad, it gets worse."

I never really given it much thought how Do Kyung saw Hae Young with that broken arm of hers until his admission. It was lovely and sad.


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This drama gives me the same feels as ally McBeal first season. A female lead that is feisty and emotional and unafraid to be so. I loved ally that first season and I love OHY too.

As for the other OHY, as someone pointed out, there are folks like that in real life. Pretty, confident, smart AND nice. It's just RUDE to be perfect. If you're going to be nice and beautiful, please be stupid. And if you're smart and beautiful, then be not so nice. To be ALL that, it's rude. Hahaha. Ok I'm joking Ya. Don't jump on me!


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The odd thing about people like that is that the imperfections in all human beings that get noticed/fixed because we are none of us self-confident early on never seem to disappear from them. The ability to feel empathy and consideration etc etc that we build into ourselves as way to cope isn't pushed onto them. They just have to smile and let things come.


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Seo Hyun Jin definitely become my new girl crush ??


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I first noticed her in The Duo, I watched all her sageuk dramas and I simply love her aside the character she portrayed. She is fabulous. She could be another LYW.


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Me too! Her acting feels so real!


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I know i love the girl ! she is fantastic in this drama ♥


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She's been mine ever since Three Musketeers, she's fantastic <3


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She has become my Unnie crush! Loved her since TM and LE2..


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Agreed! She's really charming especially in the funny scenes. I've never really seen her dramas apart from Three Musketeers, but she seems to really rock modern roles too.


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I knew it!Of course, she's terminally ill! If that's all there is too it, I still don't like her and her being sick won't change it. The company dinner made me so furious of everyone that I wanted to smash everything in sight!

I guess I'd have to watch Jeon Hyebin-Lee Junki cuts from Joseon Gunman now.


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The opening scene --- hi-la-ri-ous ! I like how our Hae-Young feels so comfortable with Do-Kyung to jump (? Hug?) him, and how she held her head high right after it. But I didn't expect the story twist with the bra insert flying off. OMG.

Soo-Kyung and the baseball bat --- hmmm no, that's not okay to throw that ! She could have killed people, seriously. I did not find it funny at all.

The karaoke scene --- Woah, I felt so frustrated for our Hae-Young. How could the other Hae-Young have said certain things (like sharing our Hae-Young's mom stories) and how could others treat our Hae Young like this?

The second hug/jump --- I loved Do-Kyung's expression. He figured quickly what would happen, didn't step aside (for a moment, I wondered if he would), just looked exasperated, and as if he was going to roll his eyes too. Loved his employees and brother's surprised look.


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This drama just keeps getting better, Im waiting for Yeon Woo Jin's cameo appearance, and also regular OHY's ex to show up.


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Oh my god. I really love Eric here. I didn't know I like him this much until this show. There, I said it. Okay, fangirl mode off.


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You tell im girl!


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Ahhh, it's so great to love a show and come here and see it getting even more love from everyone :) People are touching on a lot of great things, especially the wrist-grab fight, second hug scene and the chemistry between our leads.

I just wanted to note that, right before that hug, I love how Do-kyung wanted to turn the music up and record in a busy, loud area. I feel like that's a subtle indication of how being happy with her affects him. It always seemed like he was going far away from people when he went out to record, but he's opening himself up to different sounds because of her. Lovely.

It's weird. I know, outwardly, she's falling first. But it feels like he's falling deeper, especially since he's falling with the knowledge of how doomed he is in this relationship.


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As for OHY2, I actually have really interesting feelings for her. I agree with the comments that describe her as someone one might realistically resent in real-life, which makes her a better 2nd lead than most. At points, she seemed almost dorky in her enthusiasm and obliviousness in regards to Hae-young. But then, it also seems like she definitely has an understanding of the issues between them, and just chooses to act as "nice" as possible as a result? The problem is that her behavior comes off as condescending and inconsiderate.

I find myself annoyed with her character, while still wanting her and OHY1 to have a frenemy relationship that allows them to learn from each other. Though that may be hard with Eric in between them...

In the end, it's her handling of the engagement issue that drives me batty. If she has reasons for leaving, that's all well and good. But I cannot understand how she expects everyone else to give her the benefit of the doubt after how she went about it.


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The first few minutes had me laughing like a crazy person. I didn't see that twist coming. That was a really good one. And then followed by DK's guffaws which just warmed my heart. I've seen episode 6 already so I'll probably just wait for the next recap.


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Episode 6 had me like, " I was wrong."
That is all.

Korean dramas have evolved a great deal. We can't assume things anymore lolol


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Correction, cable dramas have evolved. Not so sure about the big three quite yet but they are trying!


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Just a thought, that the chemistry and dynamic our Oh Hae Young has with Dae Kyung is very silmilar to that of our Oh Hae Young's parents. He doesn't seem to say much, like Oh Hae Young's dad, but he really understands her, just like dad does her mom.


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I totally agree with u.. The dynamic is almost the same..


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I noticed that, too. But Dad's had many years of dealing with Hurricane Mom, and knows when to head to the storm cellar...


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YES, I noticed that too!

Much better for them to be like her parents than his, since his mother is a piece of work and our Hae-young is, well, NOT.


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Aww good point! I didn't think about that before, haha.


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OMG! I really love this drama and I can really relate to it!

Ever since I started school until now that I'm in college, I have several classmates with the same name (Sam) and even last name. I'd been in some trouble because our names would be mixed up by other people.huhuhu. The struggle is real.

Seems like the time has come that the Pretty Oh Hae Young will become overshadowed by our Lead Oh Hae Young and their lives during their high school days will be reversed..


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I love this show!!! It's breaking so many cliché's and the chemistry is so awesome and real between all the characters. There is not a single character i dislike because they are real not created caricatures. And there is some sort of a reason/depth to why they are such, good or bad.
The casting is also great. I feel for real Mama Oh and Our-OHY are mother daughter. Dk's family is also so unique. His sister for all the outward drama she cares so much about him that she gave ourOHY a hard time(not right but then thats how her character is, it doesn't come off with respect to her character sketch). I have a feeling now she might given a chance will be supporting our OHY since she's not falling for otherOHY's attention.

Curious Q: The preview of episode 5 showed a scene of DK telling mama OH to cut on her singing assuming it's ourOHY. But it wasn't played in the episode.


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I you have seen the drama Signal , you would see the same episode previews that seem to show the happenings from more than one future episode.

They started shooting (Another OHY) much earlier than usual so they had finished many episodes already and I think that they're more than halfway in their shoot during this time.


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OMG! I finally caught up and am so glad I can watch this love hehe (was always behind air times for SFD so didn't get to participate in the discussion.)

Love this show and I like how there are so many scenes of HY running. Makes me feel like she runs towards the future no matter what things life throws at her.

Also this is making me appreciate the background sounds of a show much more!

And also, I was like "HEY!" When I saw Bubblegum on the screen ;-)


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Oh this drama. Growing up there were ALWAYS other girls with my name in my class, and particularly in high school there was one I had so many classes with and she was just like the other Hae Young- whenever I heard "my" name called, flowers arrived, announcements were made, I (and everyone else) just assumed it was the for other, pretty, popular Kreyon, because 99% of the time - it was. Even now in my grad program, I'm still the "other" Kreyon. I am slightly more confident these days, but jeeze talk about a painfully relatable heroine....

Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned it but I loved that our Hae Young's encouragement ("fighting!") to other Hae Young during the marathon was what convinced other Hae Young to continue pursuing Do Kyung. Little moments like that make this drama so heart-wrenching.


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Hi, Kreyon...

There were about five girls named Cathy/Kathy in my high school class of 250. Had two of them in a class once, which was confusing from a purely logistical standpoint.

As for NOHY's peculiar response to OHY's cheer during the marathon, I absolutely did not see it coming. That interpretation was so far out, it was practically a non sequitur.

Stranger's encouragement during a marathon = Permission from the Universe to pester the fiance you left high and dry at the altar after he's told you to leave him alone?!?

This lady has a really strange thought process.

I also found it interesting when NOHY tells OHY at the steak house that she loves to hear herself described as confident. That really got my attention.

I've been trying hard to keep an open mind, but my detachment is being sorely tried. There's a lot of backstory yet to be revealed, and just watching raw episode 6 has my spider sense tingling.


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There is something so defining about a name - it is literally our identification to the world, and becomes so wrapped up in our personal, internal identity and individuality, just by the nature of its function in society.

You're right abut NOHY's reaction, so weird. But I do feel like it plays into her characterization as a girl who is used to having everything handed to her - she is used to the world revolving around her, so of course random encouragement = universe saying go for it, because that's what she always hears.

But yeah, ep 6 adding some layers to that, which - yay!


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Not only does the universe seem to revolve around NOHY... she tunes out the stuff that doesn't. She seems to be adept at holding unpleasant / unwanted realities at bay.

It peeves me no end that she pumps OHY for information (e.g., about DK -- but under the guise of concern that OHY got home safely after the mushroom cloud in the parking lot)... while dodging questions herself. So much for communication being a two-way street. -- Then again, this is the runaway bride we're talking about. Maybe we'll find out soon why she kept mum.

Regarding names: Kim Sam Soon teetered on the brink of changing her name, but ultimately made peace with it. I cannot imagine OHY even thinking about changing her name.

I was 33 by the time I married, and never considered changing my surname, which harks back to badass viking ancestors. On the other hand, I picked a nice flowery pen name for use in Kdramaland. ;-)

I truly believe there is great power in names, and that care and insight should be exercised in picking an honorable name for a child (or oneself) to grow into. It's not just a matter of the phonemes. To me, the meaning has to be worthy. I can only shake my head at some of the faddish monikers babies are being saddled with nowadays.


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Kreyon, I just realized I was in the same boat as you in parochial grammar school! Popular social butterfly vs. introverted bookworm. We used different nicknames, however. I wasn't cute, would have liked to have been a tomboy, and needed braces. I got used to being on the fringe at a young age, and cultivated my mind.

One day in 8th grade, a bunch of the other girls asked me why I was so gung-ho in class. Wasn't I afraid the boys wouldn't like me for being too smart?

The thought was totally alien. No way would I play dumb. I loved reading, and school in general. God gave me a brain and expected me to use it. So I did. That was in 1970.

It seems OHY has shaken loose some stuff for me, too.

*sends virtual hug if you need one*


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Thank you! I know, I never really thought about it much until watching this drama, but I do feel the constant comparison might have played a part in the long time it took me to be ok with being the quiet, "smart" one. But women in academia are a badass bunch and being around them everyday is inspiring. So from one bookworm to another - Fighting! :)


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Thanks, Kreyon!

In a past life I flitted around the edges of academia as a translator... and practically lived in the library, in the days before online catalogues. It drove me bonkers, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


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I dunno. Not sure if i will enjoy it if our hae young and do kyung get together. How will they resolve the issue with her fiance when he basically put him in jail and is now stealing his girl?

Wonder if do kyung and other hae young get back together


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Girl, we still have 10 episodes to go. There must be character and story development. Just enjoy the show...


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trying to enjoy =)


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at first i thought so too but then it was han tae jin's decision to call off the wedding and tell the girl "i hate the way you eat", he could've talk about it with her, just be honest. i get that he wants to protect the girl, but thats not how relationship work. they have to communicate. besides it's not 100% park do kyung's fault that han tae jin is in jail, he did do something wrong. from what i see, this is just how their lives supposed to go. it's their 'fate' like the therapist said, their whole lives are already written.


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fair point.. but what did tae jin do wrong? I might have missed something. From what I understand he was after investors, but when one of his influential investors pulled out, the other investors did as well.


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

It's official... I'm off the deep end enough to watch it raw twice while awaiting the subtitles. It helped a lot with tuning in to the body language and expressions. OHY has a ton of virtual monologues, but sometimes the repartee with DK is so rapid fire I cannot read fast enough, let alone focus on faces.

Best part of episode 5 for me was hearing DK laugh his butt off after trying in vain to stifle himself. It reminded me of getting the giggles in church. Helplessly slapping the mattress was an authentic touch.

I haven't seen Eric before, and must say that his acting is growing on me. His laughter is lovely. I've already been a fan of SHJ, and am enjoying their chemistry.

The gravity-defying falsie flip may have been a tip of the hat to Seol-Nan's spy training in SU BAEK-HYANG. It sure made me want to crawl under the pavement.

Lucky for me that this is a Kdrama, and that NOHY was not within throttling distance. Otherwise I'd be in the pokey for causing grievous bodily harm. Jeon Hye-Bin is doing a great job at getting my goat. GRRR!

I don't have a sense that NOHY is malicious. Rather, she might be kind of Aspergerish (like the younger brother in THE HOURS OF MY LIFE, but to a lesser degree). She's not condescending because she is completely oblivious to the emotions of others, and her effect on them.

It particularly galled me when NOHY grilled OHY after getting off the elevator, and said, "How could he date another Oh Hae Young. How could he date a woman with my name. So I don't have to feel too apologetic to you, right?" -- Shoe, meet another foot.

I'm about ready to make a NOHY voodoo doll!! And one for the Big Boss who repeatedly chewed out OHY. Made my blood boil.

So much for my halo...

OHY's immediate boss cares about her and might just like her in an unrequited way. It was sweet when he got up and danced around during her number. He was just about to say something to her when she charged off after DK. I'm still mystified as to why he told her that her scarf made her look like she was North Korean. Am I missing something?


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Good point. other Hae Young being Asperger-ish explains a lot. She's usually right, but she just doesn't realize the social effects of what she's saying.


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FINALLY!! Someone said this.

I'm usually a silent reader. I comment every once in a long looong while because I feel I'm not really good with words. And because almost all the time, what I want to say has been said by the other readers in a WAY better way (pun not intended) :p

"Asperger-ish" is really what I thought of the other Hae Young and sure she reminds me of Miura Haruma's character's younger brother in Boku No Ita Jikan.

Skimming through the comments I felt it's been a little unfair for the other Oh Hae Young to receive so much judgement as if there were no other explanations for her behavior other than that she seems willfully oblivious. Of course, it's possible that our Asperger theory be wrong and she turns out to be as willfully oblivious as many have expected but I just don't see her enough to judge so by now...

Still, I understand that her behavior can cause pain to others; in this case especially to our Hae Young. I would follow suit if you made one (vodoo doll, I mean, hahaa :D )

That aside, some times I'm put off by how predictable a Kdrama can be but in this kind of situation I like it predictable. I know our Hae Young will get her happy ending deservedly. I just want to see how amazingly the process unravels :)

Happy watching everyone! ;)


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I am a loyal Kdrama watcher who watches at least 5 dramas a day!! But this drama was is Super!! I love it so much! The last time i felt like this about a drama was "Secret Garden" . Thank you drama gods for giving me "Oh Hae-young Again"after a long drought!


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I love the main two leads with their contrary personalities but very effective to make them close each other even more.

Park Do Kyung, always say few words but whenever he talks, uri Hae Youngi will follow him sincerily and feeling happy.

Oh Hae Young, the bright, talkative and full of spirit girl who's the only one that can make Do Kyung follow her intructions lol.

How I wish we have more skinship next episodes. Hae Young is totally 'in love' mode on with Do Kyung. It's all over her face. I can't imagine how she feels when Do Kyung kiss her.


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One more thing. I think Eric Mun is one of the korean actors that has very beautiful side profile. I really love whenever they shoot him from the sides. He just looks so wonderful.


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Um this is hilrious and so true now that I think about it. Sorta helps me understand the Korean obsession with tall nose bridges. Smh. At myself.


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I think I saw an article about Korean actors with beautiful side profile few days ago, they mention Eric. It's in Korean though, so I don't get the details.


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