Fake punches and a script read for Bring It On, Ghost

The first script reading for tvN’s upcoming supernatural rom-com drama Bring It On, Ghost just took place, and reportedly the chemistry was off the charts. Starring Kim So-hyun (Who Are You—School 2015) and Ok Taecyeon (Assembly), this drama is about a ghost girl and an exorcist boy who fight their way into love.

We have Kim So-hyun playing ghost Kim Hyun-ji, who spent her past life studying too hard and died right before taking her college entrance exams. So she’s completely wide-eyed and excited about learning how to have fun. From watching dramas to realizing the existence of boys, she’s having the time of her after-life. Then we have Ok Taecyeon playing Park Bong-pil, the neighborhood exorcist guy who gets rid of your unwanted house-ghost for a fee.

In the original webtoon, Hyun-ji was the one ghost Bong-pil couldn’t get rid of, who just happens to end up haunting his house. So maybe cohabitation hijinks are in the works? It’s just that the age gap makes it slightly weird.

Anyway, there are some other strong comedic actors rounding out the cast for Bring It On, Ghost. Kwon Yul (One More Happy Ending) is playing the mysterious veterinary professor who also has some sort of sixth sense. Kim Sang-ho (Lucky Romance), who is absolute comedic gold, will be appearing as the understanding monk who plays a big role in Bong-pil and Hyun-ji’s adventures. Kang Ki-young (Come Back Ajusshi), who was a hilariously disgruntled sous chef in the quirky drama Oh My Ghostess, is playing a character from the afterlife for Bring It On, Ghost. In addition, Lee David (Mirror of the Witch) is reuniting with his Who Are You—School 2015 co-star Kim So-hyun in this new drama as a model student in charge of a supernatural afterschool club.

Before Oh My Ghostess and Master’s Sun, I was a bit skeptical about the horror fantasy genre mixing with my beloved romantic comedies. However after seeing the humorous yet meaningful dilemmas that an element of the unnatural could present in an otherwise formulaic love story, I’m completely on board, and captaining my own supernatural rom-com ship. That being said, it’s going to be pretty hard to follow up ratings record-breaker Oh Hae-young Again. As the follow-up Monday-Tuesday drama to that show, Bring It On, Ghost will start airing on July 11.

Via DongA Sports


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LOL She looks like Taecyeon's little sister. This couple is so cringeworthy.


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definitely agreed that she looks like his little sister. and i'm not even against large age gaps since i do believe that when you watch a drama you go by the age the story depicts them as and that when directors cast, they should cast people who resemble that age despite their actual age.

but i'm gonna be honest. i don't even care about the age gap, i'm just disappointed that they couldn't cast a better actor to act with kim so-hyun since i find her incredibly likable and is becoming a wonderful actress to watch and Taecyeon...well....yeah. not even trying to be mean since i love 2PM but....his acting isn't so great from all the dramas of his that i've taken a look at. so yeah, kind of more disappointed about that than the age gap everyone's fretting over.


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I have generally felt the same way, but then I'm thinking about the dramas he was in and now I'm wondering if he just hasn't really had a chance. All the dramas I've seen him in have been fairly mediocre. Not terrible. Not good. Just... bleh. And that's how I've felt about his acting. With the exception of Dream High, which is a drama I loved, but not for the quality of the actors, lol. He was too young and new during Dream High so I'm not counting his acting skills from that one. My point being, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I think he has the potential to do well if he is given a good script, character, and supporting cast.

Or I just am not willing to accept him being terrible because he is the first Kpop Idol I ever fell in love with. Perhaps I am biased, but I remain optimistic. He can do it! He can... probably do it? Yeah. He will be fine. Fine just fine.


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He must have lived on the fast lane as Lee MinHo, thus aging themselves... Sad...


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He looks his age though... it's just that his age is not 18. (Or 17, for this matter.)


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He looked his age though. Handsome, tall and witty. Nothing wrong with that. I'm not sure if your eyes or judgement are missing here....


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A 16yo girl in a cast full of grown ass men.
Paired up romantically with a man 11 years her senior.


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Yikes and side eyeing all the people who thinks that grown ass adults romancing minors it's ok, and more because

a. the age of consent it's 16!!!1!
b. it's ONLY a drama!!!1!!
c. the 28/30 years old doesn't looks his age!!1! and she doesn't look like an actual minor!!1!
4. they have (?) soooo much chemistry!!1

Seiously, what's SO wrong with this people??


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Maybe the ghost will tutor him in Chemistry. Don't want that "past life studying too hard" part to go to waste...


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Hee. I see what you did there.


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I couldn't agree with this more. Yes I don't like the whole minor-adult-in-real-life situation any more than most people, but there's no need to lash out on people who are okay with it! Everyone has different opinions and POVs. What is wrong for one may not actually be that wrong for another.


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KSH could have refused the project if she was uncomfortable with the pairing

Actually, she was the one who confirmed casting in the role first - if anyone, it was Taecyeon who should have had the decency to reject this role, and I judge him for not doing so.


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It's tough to judge the actor for taking the job he's offered. Blame the director, producers, and casting agents? Hell yes. But I don't think Taecyeon is in the position to turn down casting offers.

And honestly, I'd be much more worried if this was happening in pretty much any other country, but the extent of physical romance in Kdramas is usually pretty limited, and is likely to be VERY limited given the conditions of this cast. If what we're worried about is KSH being forced into age-inappropriate situations with a 27 year old man that make her uncomfortable, I just don't think she's going to be exposed to that enough to be panic-inducing. If what we're worried about is her expressing romance with a 27 year old... Eh, it's acting, would it be terribly different with a 21 year old guy?

Bottom line, I think the most that's going to physically happen is a backhug or peck on the lips. I will absolutely revise my opinion if they shock me completely by including a bed scene or similar.


oh, he's no rookie - he gets jobs in plum projects without having to show a shred of capability , and this has been the case for the last six years now. Most successful kpop idols of his vintage are in more or less the same position, if they've been acting. And he's not short of jobs in general, so it's not like he has to take this one or else he starves.

And honestly, the issue here isn't only with making a minor act out potentially uncomfortable romantic situations - very young girls get paired up across various media with much older men in every country. But I really think there's a problem when even minors are drafted into the portrayal of such relationships (which goes a long way towards normalising them) - a line needs to be drawn somewhere, and I felt the same about 14 year old Kim Yoo-jung potentially playing 30 year old Lee Je-hoon's gisaeng baby mama in Secret Door.


Are there any actors who are 16-18 who can take on the lead role then? I mean if your problem is that she's underage then she should be paired with someone else who is underage. I find it hypocritical that for you people the problem is that she's underaged, yet if an actor was 20 there probably should not have been a problem. Let me remind you, his character is a college student. So clearly should have known they wouldn't have bought in someone her age to play the lead role. It's as simple as is. If you find a problem, go get something done about it, instead of hiding behind your keyboard crying about it.




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Fuckin...I honestly thought he wasnt confirmed. this is SO disappointing! like it's bad enough that he's a wooden/bland actor. but in what world is a nearly 30 yr old man a "boy". let alone in comparison to a 16 YR OLD. why is a child being paired with a grown man?? AGAIN? its so awkward and creepy. its made worse cuz this is supposed to be a "cute" rom com. with a bickering couple and it just...how creepy and weird...like i am so confused with this casting choice? like it would be wrong no matter how he looks but he LOOKS HIS DAMN AGE. not baby face or slender or small or ne thing, like say how Yoon Si Yoon is. (im not watching his drama either, but im not a huge sageuk fan so i was already on the fence about it so the casting of ksr, made the decision for me real quick) but in this case like no one can look at Ok Taecyeon and think "cute kiddo" like u would look at So-Hyun who looks like the actual child she is.

like i just...I like Kim So hyun alot but if they couldnt find or didnt want to cast an actor in her age range, then why tf didnt they just pick an older actress? am I to believe there is a dearth of talented or at least semi-decent actresses in their 20's? rly tho??? esp since picking an idol is on the table, then just pick a girl idol to pair him with. kpop is overflowing with pretty idol girls with possible talent in their 20's!
just sucks, i really wanted to watch this, i woulda been willing to try it if the only issue was an actor idgaf about like Taec and the insult that is pairing him with someone possessing the level of talent that KSH does. but no the creepy age gap is non negotiable for me. (also yikes at saying they had "chemistry" i think i actually felt my skin crawl).


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Oh you should watch Beloved Eun Dong. The 1995 time-line were a 11 year old with a 21 year old as lovers...and it did show love between them both.


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ewww no why. (this does remind me of that older jdrama Majo no Jouken. where a teacher/lady in her 30's falls in love with her teenage student and then tries to run off with him. that was so effed up omg)


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It was puppy love and not physical, and she was playing 13 and him 17. It was only one episode and the story continues when they are adults.


Oh, Majo no Jouken.

Waku waku Japan tried to make me watch it (They called it a trendy drama!) but I read the summary on Wiki and was like "NOPE!"


I was fine with that because it's not really romance, more like an innocent crush. It was also a small part of the drama and both actors did well.


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Not defending Kim So-Hyun being a minor, but y'know, Namgoong Min and Minah are 15 years apart.

So, the "11 years her senior" argument is invalid.


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I'm sorry but Minah is 23 years old - WELL into adulthood, compared to Kim So-hyun's 16.

Drawing false equivalencies doesn't obscure the fact that KSH is a minor being paired up with an adult man over a decade her senior.


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All of this. When people make these comparison of so and so actress with a much older actor. It's like, so so and so is a grown woman well into a adulthood. KSY. KSR and the likes are little girls, again, LITTLE GIRLS barely into their teenage years being paired with very grown, fully realized adult males. We need to stop pretending the two are the same. They are not the same at all.

As with Witch, no matter how good the story and how recommended. I can not bring myself to watch a child who is now being made to play a 22 year old adult (why didn't they use her for the childhood portions and cast age appropriate adult for older version?) being romanced (because you know they going to fall in love) by a 30 something adult.

I don't care if it's just fiction, a drama, or characters. That is nasty and unacceptable and to pretend otherwise simply so you can be entertained is wrong to me. I am okay with people who can admit "I am a fan of problematic things and while this age gap is grossly wrong. My entertainment needs trumps this and I am able to ignore it while watching" Still wrong but at least you know it's wrong. However to defend the whole practice, make un needed comparisons, and go on like the whole thing is "okay because it's not real"...NOPE!


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I am okay with people who can admit “I am a fan of problematic things and while this age gap is grossly wrong. My entertainment needs trumps this and I am able to ignore it while watching” Still wrong but at least you know it’s wrong.


I've been watching kdramas for years now, but I'm seriously rethinking whether I should continue - there have been previous situations where minors were cast with way older adults but they were infrequent enough to be dismissed as one-offs. But seeing what's happening with the Kim teens (Secret Door, MotW, this) makes me seriously think it's time to seek alternatives.


THIS. im so over people constantly throwing out "oh its just a drama" "oh they are different ages in the drama" and just generally trying to excuse and normalize this kind of thing. it doesnt matter if they are playing adults in the show when in reality the girl is a minor, why not get actual adults, its obvious when you pair a young girl with a grown man, its jarring and uncomfortable. im not watching mirror of the witch, and i dont think i'll be watching this, im not even sure about moon lovers yet. and you really hit every point, people trying to make false equivalence forgetting that the difference is both are actually adults in those cases and the other is a minor. i generally dont like huge massive age gap pairing on both counts but im fine with it as long as they are both adults and its not jarring, meaning one doesnt look extremely young while the other looks old.

i've been seeing the things you mentioned on dramabeans comment section a lot and your right instead of trying to excuse it or normalizing it just admit its what it is and enjoy watching it. and yeah its other peoples viewpoint but lets not pretend somehow that removes the problematic elements.


Totally agree. I really find this trend of pairing minor girls (and boys) with adult men ( and women) gross and disturbing. Is it really that hard to cast two legal age adults together for these romantic roles? Or a teen boy and a teen girl for these teenage roles?
So many dramas I was looking forward to- now not because of this inappropriate casting trend.


Like I said, I'm not defending the KSH being a minor.

I just don't want people bringing up the "11 years apart" argument because it's irrelevant.


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"I just don’t want people bringing up the “11 years apart” argument because it’s irrelevant."



If you're going to throw in a number like "3-5 years is okay, but 11 years is not!", where do you draw the line between it being okay or not?

Isn't it just an arbitrary subjective assignment in your (and a bunch of random people) case, then? Who are you to throw shade on what the arbitrary, subjective assignment of the appropriate number for other people is?

And just in case somebody throws in the argument that "It becomes an enabling of statutory rape!", how does it? Are we denouncing romance between minors now, because that's what is gonna be shown in the show. Or are we implying that there'll be actual sexual relations between the actors? Because that's just stupid.

I have a problem with Kim So Hyun being a minor, and that's only because I don't have confidence that Taecyeon can pull off a teenage boy. That makes the portrayal of teenage romance, no matter how innocent the intention may be, flawed. The 11 years gap is immaterial, I've seen actors in their 30s pulling off teenagers just fine before.


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The massive age gap in this case is relevant because Kim So-hyun is a minor, while Minah is not (which you ignored in your initial statement).

And your claim that people are 'implying that there’ll be actual sexual relations between the actors' makes absolutely no sense - what people do object to is that casting a minor actress with someone pushing thirty and looking every bit his age and then some, goes towards normalising such pairings and their portrayal.

Sure, we live with massive age gap pairings in all manner of media, but people draw the line at minor girls being drafted into the service of normalising this. It's really not an 'arbitrary subjective assignment' at all, and if you think a 3-6 year gap in age is in any way equivalent to an age gap so wide that they'll never even be in the same decade of life..... well, I have nothing to say.


The problem is Kim So-Hyun being a minor AND Taecyeon not being able to pull off teenage boy. The massive age gap is irrelevant.

"what people do object to is that casting a minor actress with someone pushing thirty and looking every bit his age and then some, goes towards normalising such pairings and their portrayal."

If Taecyeon can pull off a teenage boy, then it normalises nothing, because what is portrayed is romance between minors. It's not like the actors are actually going to have relationships with each other.

The problem is Taecyeon's ability and looks, NOT the age gap.

"Sure, we live with massive age gap pairings in all manner of media, but people draw the line at minor girls being drafted into the service of normalising this. It’s really not an ‘arbitrary subjective assignment’ at all, and if you think a 3-6 year gap in age is in any way equivalent to an age gap so wide that they’ll never even be in the same decade of life….. well, I have nothing to say."

It IS a arbritrary subjective assignment when you cannot say when it'll be okay. You're just throwing out numbers you think AREN"T okay, but those are your own personal opinions and not actually subject to any actual restrictions. You can't even say when it starts being NOT okay? 7 years? 8 years? 9 years? No one assigned the "3-6 year" number but you.

In fact, I said, 3-5 years because that's genuinely what I would be subjectively comfortable with ignoring acting ability, but you use 3-6 years. Because 3-5 years would disqualify Suzy/KSH in Dream High for example.

So yeah, either you don't understand what "arbitrary" and "subjective" mean, or you're just hating the situation without knowing that actual, rational, reasons for your hate. Like you said: you "have nothing to say", because you don't know yourself exactly where the distinction lies.


I actually meant to type out 3-5 years, but apparently typos never happen to you, lucky person. Might I remind you that the '3-5 year' gap, btw, is a number you threw out there because YOU are 'subjectively comfortable' with it.

But since you've taken the opportunity to attack me for it anyway, I'll roll with said typo - a 6 year age gap is slightly more moderate than an 11 year one because at least the two people at the opposite ends of that age gap could have been teenagers at the same time.

Yes, there's a huge difference between 13 and 19, but it's beyond laughable to suggest that criticism of an 11-year age gap is somehow 'arbitrary' compared to a lesser one, especially when the younger person is underage.


Also, there's a huuuuuuge difference in the appropriateness of an 11-year age gap between, say, an actor who is 60 and an actress who is 49 and the 11-year age gap between a 16 year-old actress and her 27 year-old male counterpart.

Kim So-hyun left childhood behind a mere 5-6 years ago. That 11-year age gap? It represents 69% of Kim So-hyun's life at this point. If she were 49, childhood and even adolescence would be a far-off memory, and the 11 years would only represent it would be 22% of her life. This is a MAJOR difference, and people aren't side-eyeing it for nothing, especially when you consider the patriarchal backdrop of the entertainment industry that this is playing out against.




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I don't find age gap btwn them any more disgusting then when there's a 10+ age difference btwn older woman and younger man, and there has been quite a few with large differences. Witch's romance, I hear your voice, and that piano one I haven't watched that aired 2(?) years ago.

As Deadpool said in that movie, I don't know if it's sexist to hit you (to have a much older man and younger woman)? Is it more sexist not to hit you (not have this pairing when the reverse happens all the time) ?


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Park Seo-joon (Witch's Romance) was 25.

Lee Jong-seok (I Hear Your Voice) was 23.

Yoo Ah-in (Secret Love Affair) was 27.

Are we REALLY comparing this to casting Kim So-hyun (16) opposite a 27 year old man?


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So pairing a minor teen with a 11 years older man is the same as 20s actors playing 20s characters in noona romances?


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Before we see all those "noona" (older woman, younger man) pairings, now it's the little lolitas trend (young teenaged girls with late 20s/30ish men)...


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I wasn't a fan of those either but at least the actors portraying those men weren't minors.


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exactly. i like noona romances, but i would never be on board with pairing a teenager with a grown adult. no matter the genders involved.
if this was a noona romance level age gap. she would be 24 and he'd be his actual age atm. i cant think of any noona romance where the woman was in her or pushing 30 and the guy was still in his TEENS.


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Well, there's The Witch's Romance, where Uhm Jung Hwa was pushing 40 and Park Seo Joon was 24, but that's why it worked for me. PSJ wasn't a teenager then. -.-'


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But they do have minor male leads paired with the mature women before (Flames of Ambition). Also, the pair in the secret love affair looks like mother and son, no matter the male is a teen or not.

I think Asian drama and movie producers like doing this. They play with the norms of the society, mostly because it draws people's attention a lot. More people checking it out even it is creepy. Besides the ahjumma/ahjussi romance, they did the teacher-student romance (shown as a legitimate relationship mostly), siblings falling in love without knowing (ew), there is even this Korean awards-winning movie with a father and daughter... I cannot even write it here, sooo disgusting. I love Asian dramas, but this is what it is, they sometimes are intended to be creepy.


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That was exactly the point of Secret Love Affair. We're supposed to see how the dynamic is screwed up and even the poster would depict the relationship as off-kilter and probably lopsided in terms of powet. I'm totally okay with that casting because it was necessary to the story, Unlike this recent spate of grown men being paired up with minors.

Remember the brouhaha about Can We Love?, where Yeo Jin-gu was supposed to have a melodramatic loveline with teacher Lee Bo-young. They scrapped it due to the uproar about the casting. So, why is it that we now get these dramas starring the three Kims?

That aside, thanks for the Flames of Ambition reminder. I guess I really scrubbed Yoo Seung-ho from my mind really effectively to forget about THAT.


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Also in SLA there was a certain meta-level, as they showed a relationship like it happened in RL between Ivo Pogorelich (then 17) who met his piano teacher, the married Aliza Kezeradze (then 39), fell instantly in love and married her 4 years later. They were married and very much in love till her death 16 years later.


Bring it on Ghost
Mirror of the Witch
Doctors (eventho Park Shin-hye isn't a teenager, but still quite an age gap)

I can handle Doctors and Entertainers, but not sure whether I'm up to watching Bring it On Ghost or Mirror of Witch... can't imagine the romantic scenes without grossing me out...


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The ages of the actors aren't so bad in Doctors, it's just the fact that he's her high school teacher... makes me :$


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Add Scarlet Heart (IU is 11 years younger than Lee Joon Ki) and Moonlight Drawn by Clouds (not that big age-gap but some)

For me some of them, with the one you mentioned, are a bit, I won't say gross, but awkward! Some will work fine others don't. But it's the same for noona romances.
For myself, I would perfer the "natural" man older than women, but it's just personal taste, no matter if the heroine is 16 years old and the male lead is almost 30.


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But Lee Joon Ki shows no sign of age gap with IU...


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Sorry to break your bubble, but the 3 Kims are all minors (15-17 years old)


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These young child actors are age appropriate for their characters.

Kim Sae-ron is 16/17 playing a 17yr old in MOtW, Kim Yoo-jung is 16/17 playing a 17 yr old in MDbC and Kim So-Hyun is 17 playing a 19 yr old.

It's the leading men (with the exception of Park Bo-gum) that are way too old making these talented young girls looks like little lolitas.

I wish there were more Yeon Jin-goo (lucky guy) but we do have younger Lee Min-ho, Noh Young-hak, Yoo Seung-ho, Lee Hyun-woo who are closer in age to be their leading men.


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Opps Kim Sae-ron 15/16


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Yeah, they should just clone Yeo Jin-goo. It seems like a really lopsided generation. There are so many seriously talented teenage actresses it's crazy--Kim Yoo-jung, Kim So-hyun, Kim Sae-ron, Seo Shin-ae, Jin Ji-hee, Kim Hyang-gi...


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or they can just cast oh jae moo, seo young joo, park gun tae etc


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This. There are plenty of young talented age appropriate teen actors who could act along side these talented young girls and hold their own. Yet, these actors are not afforded the opportunity to showcase their talent and in turn build a fanbase, and their star power up to that of leading roles like Yeo Jin Go.

Instead roles that should be offered to them (at least let them audition) are being handed to all too grown men (who in my humble opinion are not as talented as them). My boy Chae Sang Woo, would have been perfect for the role of the ghost busting teenage next door. Instead the role goes to 30 year old Taec...

The talented teen actors are out there: Baek Seung-hwan, Yoon Chan Young, Choi Won Hong, etc. So many of them, but since the it thing to do now is pair girls with men, people assume the talent isn't there like it is with these young girls, and that is not the case at all.


@LIn +1000000


Totally agree, @Lin @hanie.
There are great teen actors and actresses all around, and the teen actors should be given the chance to shine as well in these teenage roles.




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Does Kang Ki Young have an obsession with ghost dramas? Haha


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I was just wondering the same thing


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They look even worse than the MOTW couple. He doesn't even have a baby-face. He looks like he should be heading to the army.


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So True!!!!!


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He should be heading into the army...soon.


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omfg i thought he already went but i forgot he's my age so he's got another year or two before he absolutely has to. like he's even been called a "beastly idol" cuz he's tall and stacked (aka buff aka swole aka chocolate abs aka u get the idea) and the nto pair him with cute lil bb So Hyun. i cannooooooot. Like YSY is even older (and it was just as offensive) but the way these two look together is somehow even more jarring than how he looked with KSR (which was still rly jarring.)


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I'ts this the year of Cringe Worthy Age Gape Difference?!
Taecyeon’s being next to that petite girl makes me feel so uncomfortable. I hope I'm wrong... T_T


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The thing is the actress looks quite mature.. in her acting and demeanour..


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*pukes on keyboard* words so many statutory rapists and pedophiles have used. (not saying OTY is one or even the casting dept. its just very Unfortunate Implications thing to say. ever.)


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yeah, especially in this context.

I really do think that when it comes to this issue, we as kdrama viewers need to go beyond 'ooooh, pretty on my screen!' and think very hard about whether it's worth supporting this or not. I've been ok in the past with age gaps up to 6 years, but this new generation of extreme ones is just....no. It makes me uncomfortable to watch it, no matter how good the drama is on its own merits.


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Next to him, she most definitely does not. She looks like a CHILD in that top pic, this is just unfortunate all around.


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In Marriage Contract the age difference was about 17 years, but she was already 27-28 in real life. Everyone was bugged about that before they watched it but the actors made it work. In this one however, they need to tread very lightly since she will be only 17 in a few days.
So far in Mirror I have not seen anything cringy.


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Taecyeon is a bad actor, that's the point


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I'm actually more worried about this. Haha. Kim So-hyun acts so good for her age. I just hope there's not much intimate scenes because I can't take that.


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How did Kim-soo hyun (actor) worked with both terrible actors taecyeon and Suzy in dream high and even made it work... I guess that's what makes him an awesome actor..
At this point this show is really going down the hill.. Its such a waste the premises looks so fun and all the other casting is spot on.. Let there be last minute change and have ji soo... That's not happening is it *crying in a corner*


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I personally don't mind big age gaps, no matter which gender is older. I didn't have a problem with Marriage Contract or Witch's Romance where there was a huge age difference between the actors. Actually, I absolutely love both of those shows. The problem I have is when one of those actors is underage. Witch's Romance and Marriage Contract might have had huge age gaps (19 and 17 years respectively) but both of the younger actors were of age and were portrayed of age so I had no problems.

Why couldn't they wait just 2 more years for these young actresses to actually become legal?


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that's why I don't understand the way kpop is fine with miniskirts but bare shoulders are too sexual, showerscenes in dramas are so wanted but kissing somebody with passion is a rare item or they make this OooooH! sound in variety shows or interviews while previewing it, why darker skin is considered ugly in 21. century when all people get naturaly tanned with sunshine, why alcoholism is uknown and undesired definition when heavy drinking ability is like 10 + in your CV, why the double eye lid surgery and a ultra skinny figure is a must while they are making fun of the actors who didn't do it or don't have it - there's lot of mystery in k-culture...


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@ BC,

You took the words right out of my mouth!


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Nodding furiously with BC.


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AMAZING!!! you said everything that makes me wonder as well. I had no better words to describe it.
However, "why darker skin is considered ugly in 21. century when all people get naturaly tanned with sunshine". THIS. It's the only thing I would love to have in my country, I'm naturally white, very white, and in my country, where we have beaches and a nice summer, being white is ugly (I hear in the summer all the time that I need to catch some sun and be tan, because I'm way to white). Here, tanned = beautiful.

As for miniskirts, isn't it the same in the other asian countries (japan and china)? Miniskirts is a trend while bare shoulders and kisses is a taboo


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My best friend is as well like that, when she catch some of the sun she is red like a lobster and with the intensive sunshine her hair becomes like the peroxid blonde ones. I've never understood her desire to be tanned, she used to use the skin colouring lotions and damaged her beautiful baby face. There are people who were addicted to solariums and were so unnatural tanned that it started to be disgusting and they were risking to get skin cancer years ago.

I think the beauty standards in some countries over the world are a caricature of the society. When we compare for example Brasil with Asian countries it feels almost the opposite = tanned skin, tiny clothes revealing most of the body, just plastic surgery stays as a common point for all of them. Lots of european actors are complaining about the Hollywood standards. Keira Knightly mentioned once that everybody is complaining about her tiny body, that she must have an eating disorder, but when she goes to some castings for hollywood movies she feels like the fat one in there. I don't know why we became so obsessed with beauty standards. But it looks like it's implanted in human beings for decades and it won't change any better so far.


Exactly ! ... why pair a minor with an adult ... you said everything i wanted to say.

in our tv industry, they paired a 15 yr old girl with a 30 yr old man! they played a married couple! And the fans went crazy talking about "chemistry". They have a huge loyal following. ... it made me ill.

in our movies, they regularly pair 50 yr old men romancing 24 yr old girls (though never vice versa and thats a whole other issue) ... but it never ticks me off bec at least they are both adults.


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just for a second I thought maybe you are from India too......
the land where men in their 50's romance girls 16 and above.

I even thought that the pairing you talked about was familiar...maybe sasural simmer ka with anandi of balika vadhu...she's 18 and he's 36 now but they started 4 yrs ago and that was just creepy as they play a married couple. Also there have always been talks of a real life relation ship between them and that is just so puke inducing for me..


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My thoughts exactly! I don't care for large age gaps (unless it's like a 40 year age gap or something lol) but I think the main problem here is that they are casting a minor with a grown ass adult.


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Marriage Contract was totally fine for me since UEE is not that young anyway and they look like the character. MotW, I did have some doubts on this one but they're more focused on the curse and making the best of their lives despite being in unfavorable situations. This drama, however, just doesn't click right with me. I tried really hard to be positive since I like Taec but after having a look at the manhwa, I really don't know.

And that last picture looks like she's with her uncles. ㅠㅠ


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Ah so this is happening... This feels like the premise of an anime (from a webtoon to anime is not a big stretch). I don't know if I'm going to watch this... At least I like this premise more than MOTW.

I'll say it again n again: Age gap is fine as long as both are adults smh...


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I agree.. but she's still a TEENAGER


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Oh gosh, this pairing is really happening, another reason for Another OHY to never end. SIGH


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My mind keeps trying to overwrite Taec with Jisoo. Sorry Taec, I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating crackers but I just don't like this age pairing. Alternately if Best Ghostess Ever Kim Seul-gi were the female lead...


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I also don' t like the age gap trend - but what if they don't have a "love-relationship"? I mean she is already dead and the possibility she will come back alive is (hopefully) not so big. I mean like in CBA, because there wasn't too a really love relationship when the two Ajhussis came back.


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it says in like the first line of the article that there will be a love line/romance. so, :/


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If that's the case, then it won't be like the manga at all.


They had romantic tension even in the beginning of the manga. They even kissed (though accidentally) and that's how they started opening up to each other and eventually decided to live together (kinda).


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They should have just cast an older actress for the romance to work. What's the point of bringing it on with a ghost if we can't have the fun as much as in the manga (I miss Kim Seul-gi).

I love Kim Sohyun and I know she'll do good as the ghost but that's why I'm against her having a love line with too much age gap.


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it's not only the age difference but his big compared to her at least in motw yay has baby face to make him look young and he can act.no offense I don't like taec. acting I don't get how the producers still cast him when ever viewer was against it.I hope the drama doesn't ruin the fun of webtoon like lucky romance.


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I love Kim Sohyun and Taecyeon but if this director is aiming for a love line between these two. Yikes. I MEAN 575226885598 actors her age and it ended on Taecyeon???!


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Especially when there's Kwak Dongyeon who's probably perfect for the role.


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I was excited about this drama, but the main character is Taecyeon. I think he is a very bad actor. And now with this question of age, I think I will pass away from this drama.


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Pass away as in dying?


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The first picture says everything I feel about this casting


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Lawl, poor Taecyeon... But I agree, I still have no idea how ppl let this slide and that it's actually happening. Yook Sung-jae being reunited w/ Kim So-hyun in this would've been perfect.


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Exactly! Ji Soo would have been good too. Our dreams were shattered.


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lol I see what you did there.


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Don't see what the big fuss is about the age difference - they are actors and professionals and it's not like she's romancing a 40+ year old guy. Kim Sae Ron is younger than Kim So Hyun and Yoon Si Yoon is older than Taecyeon. And she's playing a dead girl ghost - I mean she stays that age as a ghost, 17 is the real age of a girl right before she's taking those exams anyways.

I think that last picture looks so strange though - Kwon Yul's eyes are bugging out, looks super creepy.


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plenty of people find the pairing in MOTW gross too. (i def do) and chose not to watch it. so idk how the actors ages in MOTW makes this somehow less creepy or objectionable.


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You know in every day life this pairing is not legal.

How come people don't find it wrong that minor is paired up with an adult. I don't care if it's work. I presume her management in lieu of parents gave consent. But anyone who doesn't find it wrong in real life men are jailed for kissing a minor. But just because it's a Kdrama and it's work it's fine. Like you can look at the screen and enjoy a kiss between them? Far out.

It's called ethics!!! Besides being a crime. Shesh.


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Child labor law? There's gotta be one in Korea, right? I mean isn't it a 1st world country? Or wait...does this not apply? Ugh...she's a CHILD.

Having said that, I googled and here's what I found:

Age in consent in Korea is 13. Smh.


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I've always wondered, is that everywhere in all cases?

Because in Japan, national law is 13 too but almost all prefectures have it at about 18, and there is also some weird law where under-18s actually can only give consent if married or with parental approval, and to get married that young they need parental permission. So that would put the actual age at 18.

The Japanese laws about age of consent are all over the place and confusing so I wonder if the Korean laws might also be that way.


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you cant be serious, age of consent is 13, wow, just wow. :/


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Geez. No wonder this drama pairing isn't a strange one.

Age of consent in my country is 16 and even so I'd still find it weird to cast a 16 year old with a man in his 20s but if that happened here it wouldn't be illegal.


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What happen with Kwon Yul precious face?


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I can't understand the big fuss is about the age difference. Suzy was almost same age at Dream High and it was such a big hit. KSH is a not an innocent kid, she's mature actress., and they are not going to sleep together.


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Suzy had only a 6 year age gap with Kim Soo-hyun and Taecyeon in Dream High, though she was a minor at the time.

This though? Is five years later, the age gap is ELEVEN years, and KSH is still a minor, "mature" or not. If he had any decency, he should have turned down the role since she was cast first.


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'Exorcist boy'?? More like exorcist grown ass man... *sigh* im sorry but shes a fetus! and Kwon Yul as the second lead is not appropiate either.. why cant they cast high schoolers/barely legal males??


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Still very confused with the decision to cast Taecyeon...his acting is not that impressive...also the age gap is so huge and he doesn't have babyface...I hope that this drama will have terrible rating to punish casting directors who think this kind of pairing will work


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I am so done with all these age gap couplings. Are casting directors out of appropriate aged actors and actresses? I know it's the new trend and all, but I'm over it. I'm also getting annoyed at all the hypocrites that are bashing Taecyon because he accepted the offer and letting Yoon Shi Yoon in MOTW slide because he looks "young". The age difference between Taecyeon and Kim So Hyun is 11 years. But, the age difference between Yoon Shi Yoon and Kim Sae Ron is 14 years. No matter how young he looks, YSY's age difference difference with KSR is bigger than Taecyon and KSY. What if it was a YOUNG looking 40 year old with a 16 year old? Is it still okay because he looks "young"? I'm just saying, if people are going to hate, don't be a hypocrite.


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Yoon Shi Yoon accepted the role before the lead actress. He most likely didn't know who was going to be his leading lady. Maybe he's disappointed too if he didn't expect such a young lady to be chosen as his partner.


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I was honestly against the MotW coupling as well but I missed Yoon Shi Yoon so much and gave it a try. I guess the reason why it works for some people (like me) is because the drama is good and he romance is barely visible. There's not a lot of romance in sageuk anyway. But this one is screaming rom-com and lovelines everywhere.


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Yoon Shi-yoon was the first one to sign on for Mirror of the Witch, it wasn't till later that they cast Kim Sae-ron.

And here Kim So-hyun was the one who confirmed acceptance of the role first, Taecyeon could have backed out but chose not to - he deserves to be torn a new one.


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"What if it was a YOUNG looking 40 year old with a 16 year old? Is it still okay because he looks “young”? I’m just saying, if people are going to hate, don’t be a hypocrite."

exactly this, i've seen it all over, people saying oh well his young looking, yeah but tbh she still looks like a child and who really cares how young looking he is, what the limit to how big an age gap can be with a minor as long as the actor looks young.


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KSH shouldn't've given him fake punches.. Give him the real ones!.. for us the bitter fans.


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I fasted and prayed for 7 days and 7 nights so that taecyeon won't accept the lead role but he did so I sighed deeply and I gave up because I know the ship as already set sail.... I just hope the spirited of a dead but talented actor swap bodies with him so we will see his face on screen but a different acting because I really want this drama to be atleast good for the sake of my dongsaeng kim so hyun who is probably going to be the saving grace of this ghost drama.

I'm a lover of ghost related stories and also kim so hyun's unnie so I won't let their age gap or taecyeon's acting abilities deter from watching this drama.


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Yeah,me too!


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uhh...yeah i won't be watching. i like Taec well enough in 2pm but in dramas, he leaves me cold. i won't care enough about him to get invested in this.


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I'd rather have a 2PM comeback tbh.


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Hm, I will wait and see. I have faith in tvN's producers and their choice, haven't yet been disappointed. I wouldn't like to see such pairings in real life but so far MOTW makes it work. Now, if this truly turns into a serious trend of frequently casting underage actresses with much older actors... I would def oppose that. Two dramas is not yet a trend.


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still have hope Taec will drop out and Yoo SeungHo will replace him :-)


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I'm happy to see Taecyeon again..
This drama gonna be on my list! Yay!
Glad to see Kim So Hyun this fast after page turner.. Fighting!
Anyway.. I hate horror tough.. T-T


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I'm so against this pairing but I hope that when it airs, I'd have to eat my words.


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Omg, I don't want something like this to happen. He's just too old to be her male lead. If only it were Ji Soo or Yoo Seung Ho. The PD must be crazy.


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Not only does taecyeon not match the character's actual age, he doesn't match sohyun visually or in talent....

it must be nice to be an idol from a big 3 company. can get leading roles with terrible acting that doesn't improve for the last 6 yeats.


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I know, right? Forget acting, they don't have to be able to sing either (which is supposedly their day job). So in essence, you can get pretty much an entire showbiz career when you're good at nothing besides being photographed, what a life.


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I do not want to be antagonistic, but what does the writer mean when s/he said that "reportedly, chemistry was off the charts" as if to lift directly from a PRESS RELEASE THAT OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THE ACTORS? That was an awkward comment to make, especially when the phrase "it’s just that the age gap makes it slightly weird" sounds like a token attempt to echo the commenters' reactions. I don't know, the thing I liked about JB and GF's news articles is that they feel more personal, sincere, incisive, well thought-out, and best of all, witty.


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this drama got me with the fun sounding plot line but lost me at the casting of Taecyeon /sighs I'm still in denial tbh even with these pictures LOLLLLLLLL


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Oh. That Taecyeon casting pushed through, huh? Age gaps aside, this would not have been such a terrible idea if only the show cast an actor who can actually act. But, oh well, what's done is done.


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Taec can't even act against KSH fake punch and you expect me to buy that they are in the same age bracket & have a romantic love line, show?


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The preferential treatment tho. You guys really /didn't/ have to recap the script reading for Moonlight Drawn by Clouds ?


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I was actually really looking forward to the discussions that that post would've fostered...

Honestly, the MDBC cast looks amazing. Kim Yoojung is my fave, but the rest of the actors are quite talented as well (I'm actually really intrigued by Lee Seo Won, seeing that he's a rookie actor). Hopefully they release some stills soon.


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I wish they'd chosen an idol that could act and wasn't too old for So Hyun like D.O. or Baro or Lee Tae Hwan.

I'm watching Mirror of the Witch and I think I would cringe if they showed anything above piggy back rides, hugs and eyelocks. So far it's been very good, and the age difference hardly shows but even then just the idea of a 30 year old man romancing a 16 year old makes me scrunch my face in disgust. Hope they keep it cutesy.


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Look at the over reaction...
stop pushing your standard on every one else. age gap in couple isn't a big deal in every part of the world. nor is the age of maturity same everywhere.


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I'll watch for my daughter Sohyun... but Taecyeon though... low expectations for him but maaaaybe he'll prove me wrong? :(


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Finally it's here, oh taec please surprise us!!!


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kpop fangirls really will excuse anything. I saw a handful on twitter making excuses for some asshole who was drunk driving, so I suppose accepting a role in a romance with a minor is really nothing compared to that.

I love Oh Hae-young again, but I think after that's over, I'm done with kdramas, at least for a good long while. It's not a big deal, but I'm really not cool with supporting an industry that sees nothing wrong with this casting, or Kim Sae-ron's in MotW.


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I like Taecyeon, because he is probably the most humble idol in the industry, his farm-themed reality show really shows how much of a shy and sweet guy he seems to be in real life. Letting this really clear, because of what I will expose next.

There's something people who accept (or defend) this kind of casting can't (or don't want) to understand. The industry has an interest is perpetuating this stupid Lolita-thing. It's part of the system, and we can say only the viewers can change this system. If they don't watch, they will stop, because shows are like a product, and when anyone is consuming it, the market is forced to either change it or removing it at all of circulation.

That's an the idea (it doesn't matter if is scientific or not) that women are naturally more mature than men, that they grow up faster, I mean. Alright, it can be truth (which I don't think at all), but at the end of the day, just because a person has more mature views on a subject, it doesn't mean she or he is psychologically old and therefore will be (or has to be) interested in someone way older who thinks the same way.

That's the major problem in the 21st century mentality, but at least some of us are informed enough to see that the Lolita-concept is an issue. Imagine past generations, I mean, generation of people who were born a long time ago and believe / believed is normal to a sixteen year old girl be paired up with a twenty seven year old guy? That's sad.

Anyway, the only solution for this problem, for the problem of the system, is not consume the product. Simply this. If this kind of thing (because it seems like a trend nowadays) fall on public execration, it will not be made in media, if not anymore, at least for awhile, when this kind of "movement" will be needed again, because the world is cyclical.

Sorry, I've been thinking a lot about this subject in general because of some discussions we have about it at college. All I've wrote isn't targeted to this drama or to anyone in special. I don't want to offend anyone.


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As much as you dislike somebody, how can you just call him/her as "some a--hole"?


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late but - to answer your question, it's because they were drunk driving. And drunk drivers are assholes by definition.


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The age-gap is not a problem at all. I'm more upset at the fact that they choose Taecyeon to be the lead. As the person who read the weebtoon, I can't see Bongpal in him at all. I hate the fact that he's too tall. Bongpal supposed to be short...


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So much controversy. Poor Taec. My advice to him is to make a career change. Just switch from subject to object in his next drama. Like a floor lamp. He's got the height and that special glow about him.


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These vile useless wannabe-funny comments again.....


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Taecyeon oh no!

i dont care about the age gap, this guy cannot act, period.


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We all have the choice to not watch it. And should many people decide to skip it, the news and the reason for it will spread within the industry as the internet ratings are watched closely, too.

But is the age gap as problematic to the target audience in Korea as it is for us? Does anyone know?


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It has been my last hope that Taecyeon wouldn't be cast for this or would step back or whatever but now that I've seen the photos of the reading...

Like is that an odd trend now? After the "Time-Travelling"-Trend, the "Vampire"-Trend and the "Split-Personalities"-Trend comes the "Very-Young-Actress-and-the-Grown-ass-Man"-Trend? There are just so many right now that I won't believe it's just a coincidence. "Mirror of the Witch", the upcoming "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds", "Entertainer" (you can't convince me that the pairing Ji Sung and Hyeri isn't odd), and now this too.
What is going on?!


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wahhhhh!!! so taec really made it!
i thought they still cast the male lead.
okay, i wish it doesnt turn out weird.


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Taecyeon I love you but why?


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It would only be nice if there's no romance and keeping him as an old looking high schooler, like it was done in The Flatterer. Shouldn't have talked about this one, since the perfect actor for Bring It On, Ghost is on it (Kwak Dong Yeon).

Also, not watching this. With a few exceptions, media is over already. These age gaps are disgusting, my time is too precious to waste on things that will make me nervous and make me want to write a book about how oppressive world is to girls in general.


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Where are the younger male actors? Shame on whomever cast Taecyeon. Teens with teens would work best.


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Totally agree, @John.


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I LOOOOVE Kim So Hyun and Ok Taecyeon... but them together as a romantic couple in a show? Ugh. No. Just no. Tbh I don't mind the age gap if it doesn't look obvious, but it's glaring on this one. They could've casted a more appropriate male lead for my baby girl, like Lee Hyun Woo is ok with me.


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