Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 3

Beautiful Gong Shim continues to entertain as our heroine starts the next chapter of her life, joining the workforce with enthusiasm and blunt honesty. It’s an uphill battle though, in world completely different from what she’s used to. Gong Shim’s lucky to have one or two friends there to support her, but her biggest obstacles may come from her own flesh and blood.

Thankfully she’s got Dan-tae on her side to realize when she needs a shoulder to cry on, and when she just needs a drink.



Gong Shim, Dan-tae, and Jun-su are all smiles and laughter as they toast to Gong Shim’s new position, but their revelry is interrupted by the arrival of Dan-tae’s father.

Father and son relocate to a restaurant, where Dad can’t quite meet his eye. Dan-tae asks why his father has come now after not wanting to see his son for five years. Dad admits that he missed him, but was too ashamed to come sooner. Dan-tae sweetly answers if he’s sorry, then just don’t leave again. His father finally looks up and they share a small smile.

Back on the rooftop, Gong Shim returns from the convenience store with ice cream. She briefly goes starry-eyed when she sees that Jun-su is fixing her favorite chair for her. Gong Shim marvels at Jun-su’s carpentry skills and he confides that he’s been taking carpentry classes to learn how to make furniture. When Gong Shim muses that she’d like to learn, Jun-su invites her to join his class… until he remembers that there’s no room for new students.

Jun-su mentions that they’ll see each other at work now, though Gong Shim is quick to reassure him that, as an executive director, he should feel free to pretend he doesn’t know her or even treat her poorly. Jun-su looks confused asks why should he do that when Gong Shim is his friend. *Sigh*

Jun-su encourages Gong Shim to treat him not as someone of rank, but as a sunbae, and to come to him if she is having trouble. The stars are definitely back in Gong Shim’s eyes as she wonders how anyone can be so perfect.

Gong Shim runs down to tell her family that she was not only hired, but she’s now secretary to the Star Group president! Gong Shim’s mom actually hugs her, while Gong Mi looks confused that her sister snagged such a high position. Dad straight-up faints.

Gong Shim goes back up to the rooftop to share the exciting news with the plants from the housewarmings she didn’t get invited to. She imagines herself in a wedding dress, sitting in a carriage with Jun-su. They drive by her old friends and Jun-su calls out to them, “Don’t even think about coming to our housewarming,” then snuggles with the blushing Gong Shim.

Gong Shim grins at the daydream, till she realizes what she’s doing and starts whacking own head, calling herself crazy, which is when Dan-tae chirps up from behind to ask if she’s fantasizing about something embarrassing.

Dan-tae correctly guesses that she was thinking about Jun-su. Putting two and two together with the wig curling and daydreaming, he figures out that she’s got a crush on the chaebol.

Gong Shim vehemently denies it, but Dan-tae says it’s obvious and Jun-su has probably noticed as well. Gong Shim asks with dismay if it’s really that noticeable.

Gong Shim forbids Dan-tae from revealing her crush to Jun-su and even offers to treat him better if he’ll keep the secret. He immediately takes advantage of that, suggesting that she return part of his rent when he moves out, because he intends to find a place where he can live with his father soon.

Gong Shim sputters that no landlord would do that, but Dan-tae has to merely mention Jun-su to make Gong Shim cave to his request. In return, she says he’s better “zip it” about her crush.

Dan-tae pretends to see Jun-su behind Gong Shim, making her spin around smiling…to no one. Dan-tae laughs himself silly while Gong Shim grimaces.

The next day, Gong Shim heads into work where she’s shown around by a pretty secretary who is clearly unhappy with the new hire. Jun-su’s mother and father (President Seok) arrive and bring her into the office for a chat.

The president looks downright pained with Gong Shim’s appearance, while his wife is happy now that she’s taken away his eye candy. When he leaves, his wife takes the opportunity to give Gong Shim the rundown of her job responsibilities: Don’t talk about their family affairs outside the office, and report any of the president’s affairs directly to Jun-su’s mom.

Dan-tae’s father follows a written address to Jun-su’s family home, but gets scared off when Grandma comes out. He runs off just as Dan-tae comes sprinting up to play Grandma’s chauffeur for the day.

At the temple, Grandma finishes her bows and comes down to the car in a good mood, but Dan-tae stops her with a serious face. He hesitantly admits that while parking the car, he got a tiiiiny scratch on it, stepping back to reveal a giant scrape along the entire length of the car. Yeesh.

Grandma is understandably mad, yelling at him for being irresponsible. Dan-tae promises to pay for it, but she just complains at his carelessness, wanting to leave. He stops her again, asking if he could use the restroom before they go as it’s an emergency.

Fed up, Grandma grumps at him to be quick and gets in the car while Dan-tae waddles off, clutching his rear.

Grandma sits stewing in the car when an older woman taps on her window. She asks after Dan-tae and when Grandma replies that he’s gone to the bathroom, she tries to give Grandma a bag filled with fresh produce, claiming that she knows it’s not enough, but it’s all she has.

The woman reveals that she is the one who scratched the car, not Dan-tae. In a brief flashback, we see Dan-tae was talking on his phone when the grandma came down the hill, pushing a heavy cart. She’d lost control and it had crashed into the car.

Dan-tae freaked out about the damage, but seeing the distress the grandma was in, he told her to just run away and he’d deal with it.

At work, Gong Shim greets an executive director cheerfully, but freezes when she realizes that this is the man she’d called an “old dog” during her interview. The president comes out in the hall and the man asks if Gong Shim is really his new secretary. At the president’s confirmation, the man muses that his wife must have been really mad about his affairs.

Gong Shim offers to prepare tea (cha) for their meeting, and the president tells her to have the cha ready in 20 minutes. With her eye on the clock, she boils water and waits to get the timing down.

After convincing her boss to let her take over the company’s Star Group account, Gong Mi prepares to meet with Jun-su. She assumes that she’ll be dealing with him as a director of the company, but sours to see that her meeting is with another Star Group representative, who is most definitely not Jun-su. Gong Mi requests to deal directly with Jun-su, but the representative scoffs that the director is far too busy to deal with this kind of thing.

Speak of the devil, Jun-su spies Gong Shim in the hallway and stops to ask her about her first day, asking if she got through okay. She confesses making a mistake: When she’d prepared tea for the president, she hadn’t realized he’d meant he wanted the other cha (car).

Jun-su bursts out laughing, and Gong Shim joins him… which is when Gong Mi comes around the corner and sees the two laughing together. At their happy camaraderie, Gong Mi stares in shock. Gong Shim catches sight of her sister, but Gong Mi uses the now-familiar “pretend you don’t recognize me” face and walks away before Jun-su spots her.

Jun-su’s father heads into Grandma’s office (she’s the chairwoman of Star Group), but is told by her secretary that she has a guest inside: the driver Ahn Dan-tae. He finds this curious.

Using the stairs on his way out, Dan-tae comes upon Gong Shim getting harassed by two other secretaries in the stairwell. The women are angry that someone with her background and looks got the prized president’s secretary position.

Gong Shim doesn’t understand what she did wrong and the women twist the knife, telling her she was hired simply because she’s ugly and the president’s wife wanted to stop her husband’s affairs. Dan-tae looks on as Gong Shim tries and fails to hold back tears.

Gong Shim leaves the stairwell to find Dan-tae waiting by the elevators, and their familiar banter is witnessed by President Seok. He quizzes Gong Shim about Dan-tae, listening intently when she catalogs everything she knows about him: how he eats convenience store food for every meal, wears capri pants a lot, has an annoying way of talking, and oh, is also a lawyer.

President Seok assigns Gong Shim the task of finding out everything she can about Dan-tae, claiming it’s a test of her abilities.

Gong Shim starts by calling Dan-tae, and actually plugs her nose to raise her voice to aegyo level, although the strange pitch freaks Dan-tae out. Gong Shim drops the fake voice and asks if he has time tonight to have a drink with her. Remembering the bullying he overheard Dan-tae’s face softens and he says he can make time, thinking she might want company.

Cut to the pair downing soju beer bombs while Gong Shim not-so-subtly grills him about his life. Dan-tae takes a bathroom break and Gong Shim uses the opportunity to mix more drinks, filling Dan-tae’s glass with nearly all soju while her own is mostly beer.

But when the server asks Gong Shim to move tables to make room, the glasses get switched. She doesn’t notice, and watches gleefully as Dan-tae downs his glass in one shot. Then she takes a sip of hers and realizes there was a switch-up, but has to down the whole glass.

Dan-tae finishes and quips that the drink seemed a bit weak… and Gong Shim face-plants onto the table.

Soon, a very intoxicated Gong Shim is pouring out her heart to Dan-tae, calling him Ahn Dan-taxi. She laments that her sister is better in everything as she’s the pretty one that everyone likes. She tells Dan-tae that her biggest mistake in life is being ugly.

Dan-tae’s face fills with pity as she tells him that when she was younger, her favorite game was hide-and-seek, because that was the only time her parents cared where she was. Gong Shim got really good as hiding so that people would keep looking for her, making her feel missed.

Outside, Dan-tae tries to persuade Gong Shim to go home, but she just wants more alcohol. She compromises by asking him to play one game of hide-and-seek with her. Exasperated, Dan-tae agrees and Gong Shim lets out this adorable squeal as she runs away to hide.

Turns out Gong Shim wasn’t lying: She is REALLY good at hiding. Dan-tae finally finds her hiding in a trash heap, a plastic bag covering her head. Gong Shim crows about how well she hid, even getting him to take a picture of her in her hiding spot.

Dan-tae just stares as her with this look, asking how she could choose to hide in garbage. Gong Shim waves his concern off, saying that he took too long to find her. She tells him to try again and sprints away, shrieking with laughter.

Dan-tae finally finds Gong Shim in yet another bin, curled up and asleep. He sighs.

Dan-tae piggybacks Gong Shim home, smiling when she talks to him like he’s her taxi driver. Half-asleep, she asks if he’s ever heard of someone getting hired because they were ugly. Muttering that she has pride too, she admits that being hired for her bad looks hurts, but she couldn’t even say anything.

The next day, a severely hung-over Gong Shim tries to get ready for work in her room/Gong Mi’s closet while her sister berates her for drinking so much. Gong Mi tries to pry for details about Jun-su, but Gong Shim flatly says that she can’t divulge any details about Jun-su or his family.

Just then, Gong Shim gets a text from Jun-su, which Gong Mi notes with interest. Jun-su tells Gong Shim about a spot that recently opened up in his woodworking class and encourages her to register today. Gong Shim can’t hide her happy grin.

The second Gong Shim leaves the room, Gong Mi descends on her phone, reading Jun-su’s text and getting a crafty look in her eyes.

Dan-tae happily slurps down his most recent convenience store food purchase as Gong Shim passes by. She implores him to forget everything that happened last night, and Dan-tae asks if that means he should delete these pictures…

Gong Shim remembers the photos of her in the garbage heap, while he teases her about how he naturally wouldn’t send them to Jun-su or anything. He texts them to her, but when she doesn’t get them, he looks at the message and realizes he’d accidentally sent the message to Jun-su.

Gong Shim grabs his phone, panicking as she sees that Jun-su not only received the picture, but has already replied with a whole lot of “hahahas.” Dan-tae tries to quietly sneak away, but Gong Shim grabs his hair yet, screaming that they can just die together.

At the office, Gong Shim has to report that she has nothing to report on Dan-tae. Jun-su’s dad gives her two days to find out everything about him, or else he’ll start to reevaluate her position.

At lunchtime Gong Shim heads out to register for the woodworking class when Gong Mi calls her, practically ordering Gong Shim to go home and pick up her seal stamp and bring it to Gong Mi’s office. She lies that she’s in a meeting with a client and needs it, then hangs up on her sister’s protests.

Gong Shim rushes home to look for her sister’s stamp, only to get another call from Gong Mi that she just “found” her stamp in her office. Frustrated, Gong Shim rushes over to the class to register, but the teacher informs her that somebody claimed the last spot.

Dan-tae and Jun-su share a lunch break together and Dan-tae asks if Jun-su would consider deleting the picture he sent him of Gong Shim. Jun-su seems more curious about how she ended up in the trash in the first place, laughing that it must have been fun.

Jun-su mentions that he’ll be meeting Gong Shim later, which gets Dan-tae’s attention. Jun-su tells him about the furniture class, and while Dan-tae smiles back, it seems rather forced.

That evening at the workshop, Jun-su is expecting Gong Shim to take the empty work bench, only to have the teacher introduce a different new student: Gong Mi.

Gong Shim heads to Dan-tae’s law office, which is empty, and jumps when an office window is suddenly shattered by a rock. The door bursts open, and a bunch of gangsters barge into the office.

The men start trashing the place while the leader demands Gong Shim tell him where Dan-tae is. In spite of her fear, Gong Shim manages to stand up and whimper that he shouldn’t be doing this.

The thug raises a pipe to hit her, but his arm is grabbed from behind by Dan-tae, who calmly tells him to apologize for the vandalism, and for scaring Gong Shim. When the man refuses, Dan-tae asks his trademark question: “Do you want to go by the law or by fist?”

The group relocates to the alley, and Gong Shim watches in horror as Dan-tae faces the five men by himself. She needn’t worry, though, as Dan-tae’s super senses kick in and he easily dodges hits and deals blows.

After dispatching the gangsters, Dan-tae bounds up to Gong Shim, asking if she’s okay and giving her a gentle smile. The cops arrive to take care of the gangsters, and Dan-tae heads off to take care of matters at the station.

While Gong Shim helps the office manager (and Dan-tae’s aunt) clean up the mess, Aunt reveals that Dan-tae is actually an ex-convict. When he was in high school, Dan-tae got into a fight with some other kids, one of whom was a chairman’s son. He ended up getting unfairly sent to jail because he didn’t have enough money or power to pay for a good lawyer.

Gong Shim guesses that he became a lawyer to help those like himself. The manager says that more than that—he does it out of guilt because his mother passed away while he was in jail. Dan-tae is trying to ease the guilt of not being with her by helping others in need.

Dan-tae returns from the station just as Gong Shim and the office manager are leaving. The manager tells Dan-tae to take Gong Shim home since they live in the same house.

On the walk home, Dan-tae notices that Gong-shim has a cut on her wrist and goes into angry mother hen mode, yelling at her for not telling him she was hurt. He grabs her hand and starts pulling her along, presumably to treat the cut.

Gong Shim digs her feet in, dragging him back toward her. She surprises him by reaching up with both hands to hold his face, tilting his head this way and that. She moves his bangs aside to reveal a tiny scratch on his forehead.

She starts freaking out that he’s bleeding… until she realizes how close they. Flustered, she drops her hands and hurriedly steps back. The two stare at each other, neither sure what just happened.


Oooh, I love it! I was wondering when the show was gonna step it up between our two leads and this week it delivered.

The chemistry between Namgoong and Minah is just incredible. Whether it’s playful banter, hair-pulling, or piggybacking, these two are delivering some major feels all around. I’ll admit I was hesitant to root for their characters as I thought the interactions between Gong Shim and Jun-su was pure puppy-love magic, but this episode turned it around completely. Don’t get me wrong, Jun-su is cute, and he and Gong Shim definitely have a spark of their own that makes you feel warm and cuddly, but I think Dan-tae really GETS her. He sees right through the façade she puts on, to the girl underneath who just wants to be seen, only to be ignored again and again.

I really like how Dan-tae seems to know intuitively what Gong Shim needs, like getting the Boss’s Wife to apologize to her. I was so impressed with how he carefully and diligently uncovered the whole situation and then found a solution that suited everyone, Gong Shim especially. And then again this week, Gong Shim hadn’t called him out to talk about her problems at work, but that turned out to be exactly what she needed.

The hide-and-seek game, which started out so light and fluffy, turned into a really powerful scene when Dan-tae found Gong Shim hiding in the trash. His stunned and almost — but not quite — pitying expression just about killed me. He couldn’t believe that Gong Shim was so okay with hiding in the trash, like she’d completely accepted the idea that she belonged in the garbage. It’s amazing because I don’t think she even realizes that she has such a low opinion of herself, but Dan-tae does. And his face when he finds her in the trash yet again? Ah, the feels.

I’m going to have to try really hard to make sure this doesn’t devolve into a rant, but I can’t talk about this episode without bringing up Gong Mi’s character.

To be honest, I was making up excuses for Gong Mi during the first two episodes. I felt bad for what she went through at work, and I cut her some slack given that she was the breadwinner for the entire family. Plus, her parents haven’t helped much in their unanimous support of their eldest daughter over their youngest. But after this episode, I have officially cut her loose. I was able to explain away everything except her pursuit of Jun-su.

I really don’t understand it: She’s had a single glimpse of the guy and that’s enough for her to sabotage her sister’s relationship to steal him for herself. Because that is exactly what this is. For her to try and take that away after everything she’s already taken from Gong Shim… it just isn’t human. How she could care so little for her own sister’s happiness is beyond me. It’s like she didn’t even consider it. Gong Mi knows she’s taking advantage of her sister, but either she just doesn’t care, or she’s so used to pushing Gong Shim aside that it’s now expected. She saw what she wanted and assumed that, because her sister doesn’t matter, she could go ahead and take it.

Okay, so I ranted a little bit.

It may be only Episode 3, but already this show has me completely invested in its characters, and that would not be possible without the outstanding cast. I have to officially take back every hesitant thought I had about Namgoong playing a romantic lead. In my defense, his performances in past shows always seemed like he never really got the whole facial emoting thing down, but obviously he’s figured it out since. Maybe he just had to play a couple villains before he could be the hero.



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Love this show!!!


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You are not alone this drama makes me warm and fuzzy inside


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Same here. This is easily one of my favorite dramas on right now.


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Loved this episode ! I like how serious DT was when asking JS to delete the hide and seek pic. Deep down, I believe he didn't find it funny and may have thought it as how HS feels of herself at the lowest. Something that is very personal and vulnerable that isn't meant to be shared. And I feel that DT didn't agree nor like that GS felt that way.

I love DT's soft expression when piggy backing GS ...


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NGM is extremely good as making sure you know when the non-screwball side of Dan Tae is surfacing. And I'm very impressed that his sudden moments of seriousness do not immediately make me think "ah, and now Namgoong Min kills someone" because let's face it, that pattern is pretty strong.


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you just wrote down what I thought too, Sophie.... it is those small moments of sincerity of his heart that makes this show a lot more enjoyable to me... In the previous episode too... the way Dan Tae 's expression changes the moment he sees the video of assault on Gong Shim is really a scene that touches our hearts... It like he can feel that pain... Its not sympathy or pity... but real empathy. And that empathy is what makes Dan Tae a wonderful human being. And
namgoong Min has really did an awesome job... the way his eyes show all this depth during those scenes... Oh the feels... and the actress Minah is also super awesome. I have't watched her in anything before... but is nailing it to the core.


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Ahhh...This show is getting close to my heart...that feeling when you are invisible but want to be noticed..who doesn't go through this phase in their life...its just that Gong mi's character is so real that I want to go through the screen and give her a hug...And Dan-tae please don't ever leave our poor puppy ...


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Thanks @ CandidClown

This is one show that gets me roaring with laughter every now and then and at every episode. Cutest wacky couple I've ever seen. Kudos to Nam Goong Min and Minah for being spot on screwball, zany and so committed to it, despite how embarrassing it was. Their comic timing and interactions are great. I've got to find and watch the BTS of this show. It must have been a riot! :D


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They put some bloopers at the end of episode 6! They're hilarious and now I just want more!


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Yes - such a riot!!!!! I can't even begin to imagine how much they all must be laughing on set! Nam Goong Min's eating scene at the beginning of episode 6 made me laugh so hard that I was crying!


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Oh lucy yo... you already got to see ep 6... I'm waiting for the subs to come out... I'm holding myself from watching it raw for now


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Wonderful recap, wonderful!

I laughed almost straight through this episode. Except when he found her asleep in the big trash barrel, that time my heart stopped a bit. What a powerful show.


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I never liked Nam Goong Min when he was playing a "sweet guy"--he just seemed sappy, and his style of looks did nothing for me. As the villainous Chef-nim, he stepped it up and I reevaluated in his favor. But this--as a non-conformist goofball he has found his stride, and expressiveness is really your style! I now find him a complete hottie as well--but more importantly a good actor. Those other roles were apparently too cookie cutter-like and flat. Hope he continues to get good writers and directors that allow him stretches like this. Hooray!


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I started this show yes and I love it!!! It is seriously hilarious and Namkoong Min is nailing it as Dan-tae. I thought I would like Lucky Romance better but I didn't like the first episode so I dropped it for Beautiful Gong Shim and I have no regrets!

I have been ranting about Gong Mi ever since the gas station incident. She is the worst. I saw how little she valued her sister when she not only selfishly got her to drop the lawsuit but also when she went to that event with her Boss's wife, the woman who beat the crap out of your little sister. I just lost all respect for her. Especially in the later episodes.


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Gong Mi is kind of interesting. Reprehensible, obviously, but you can kind of see how her brain formed the way it has.

Her entire family has cast off Gong Shim as useless. Her mother constantly puts down her father as a failure, and Gong Shim is referred to as having gotten all of her father's genes. Their mother is sure she could have used her looks to marry someone much better, and Gong Mi's gotten all of THOSE genes. And on top of that, Gong Mi is keeping the entire family afloat financially - she's the breadwinner.

I'm sure Gong Mi's gone through life thinking that she naturally gets the best of everything through merit, and it's a shock for Gong Shim to start getting the things that "naturally" should funnel to Gong Mi. But I also suspect that she sees anything Gong Shim gets as being wasted - the whole family thinks she'll amount to nothing, Gong Shim herself has been downtrodden her entire life, and Gong Mi just sees that she herself would be able to make so much more of these things. So in a twisted way, the entire family including Gong Shim would benefit from Gong Mi taking advantage.

What Gong Mi is doing is terrible, but it's a direct consequence of parents who prized beauty, played favorites, and created an atmosphere were Gong Mi sees herself as the most important, capable and worthy person in their world. Gong Shim's just baggage.


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What you said really makes sense Miranda. Yes, Gong Mi is made what she is by her parents... and its also the parents lack of attention or rather lack of expectations and therefore no attention of Gong Shim that helped preserve the innocence and good heart of Gong Shim. These points become evident in later episodes more I think. Though it helps us to pity Gong Mi, it makes us deplore the parents more...especially her mother.


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I agree - I really want something to happen that she can't manipulate her way out of so she has to figure out that she can win things fairly. I think she isn't doing it to be vindictive or mean, it's like she just doesn't see how her actions can actually hurt Gong Shim. Or like she feels entitled to whatever she wants but doesn't realize it. I like her more than I usually like second-lead mean girls and I'm hoping she develops more as a character.


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I've been looking for a drama to satisfy my needs and this one does it to the next level! I started watching out of boredom but found myself in love with every aspect of the story and our leading couple. I can't believe I ever doubted this drama. I knew nam goong min was amazing but I was completely caught by surprise by minahs stellar performance. I don't even see her as minah anymore but rather the fragile yet lovable gong shim. I know it's only 5 episodes in but I'm already calling this drama my fave of the year!


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I'm so elated about Beautiful Gong Shim being recapped here on Dramabeans. Time flies by a little to quickly because Namgoong, Minah, and Joo-wan make it such a fun and entertaining show to watch. And my appreciation to you CandidClown for Episode 3's recap.

Piggy backing off of your rant about your growing aversion for her sister, Gong Mi played by Seo Hyo-rim...the fact that she will end up with Star Group's other grandson Seok Jun-Su (Ohn Joo-wan) doesn't sit so well with me. Having to watch this play out for 20 episodes, I dread it. Writer Lee Hee-Myung, I beg you to think outside the box and spare us having to sit through Gong Mi's character being rewarded with the chaebol 2nd lead despite all her antics. Jun-su deserves a better partner and pairing - a million times better!!!


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<Having to watch this play out for 20 episodes, I dread it. Writer Lee Hee-Myung, I beg you to think outside the box and spare us having to sit through Gong Mi’s character being rewarded with the chaebol 2nd lead despite all her antics. Jun-su deserves a better partner and pairing – a million times better!!!

I want to upvote this a thousand, hundred thousand, million times!


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Oh I just love it when Gong Shim starts pulling Dan Tae's hair.. She even threatens him with hair pulling...lol
This series the best one on my watch list now...


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Haha me too! I love it when the female lead has some sass and isn't afraid to use it to show how she feels.
Anyway it shows how comfortable she is with Dan Tae because only he has seen her fierce side. Well her and the guy she called a "dog" at the interview ?


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yea...that old dog part...omo.. I wished I could reach through the screen and give her a pat on shoulders after she finished speaking...


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Yes!! I've watched too many dramas where the leading lady is supposedly sassy and independent, etc. etc. but they never actually do anything! She's a breath of fresh air, really.


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They're having a riot with that wig! The places it turns up: DanTae's head, Gong Shim's feet, the dog. Lol. Can't wait to see where it ends up next.


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I like the show but mostly for Minah and even Oh Joo won but not so much Nam Goong min. He's just "flat" to me. I see zero chemistry between him and Minah. She's carrying this drama and doing a darned good job of it. I guess I'm just not a Nam Goong min fan although I've watched a lot of his dramas.


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I feel just the opposite. I actually didn't come around to GS personality till the sixth episode. Dantae, I feel is anything but flat. Alas, we can agree to disagree.

Amazing how we could be watching the same show and have completely different reactions, but I guess that's part of the fun.


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I totally agree with you. If anything I find the 2nd lead flat and boring (and boring with GS, who I find obnoxious lol) while everyone else is pretty interesting, even the evil sister from hell. I especially look forward to Dantae's backstory coming out more and to learn more about his "family".


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Thank you for the lightening speed recap! :)
I totally love this show! I laugh out so loud sometimes I even surprise myself! Such a feel good show. Brilliant acting. .lol..love the cast! ADT is soooo much better at comedy than being the villian. Gads..I can't stop smiling when I even think of this program. Kudos everyone!


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Huh....I was just getting ready to say, DB has been tardy with the recaps on this one. I watched episode 5 today.


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That's because they decided to recap this show around the time the 4th episode aired, so they're'll still catching up.


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^^^^ TRUE

Thanks for explaining things, Mayisoon :D


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Beautiful Gong Shim

Loving this show! Thank you Dramabeans team for recapping it.

I'm finding Dan Tae more and more intriguing as the episodes go on. Gong Shim and Jin Su's characters are easier to understand.

But Dan Tae has so many facets to his character:

The serious side- lawyer, helping to bring justice to those who need it.
The caring, sweet side- seen a lot this episode when his eyes go Soft when he looks at Gong Shim. Made all the more special because he doesn't care if Gong Shim knows but he does all he can to care for her in the background. I melt!
The superhuman/hero side- when the world slows down for him and he Dodges. Wonder if it works for bullets too? Hope to not need to find out.
The wacky crazy side- the side Gong Shim sees the most when he teases her like when he wore her wig! I die laughing.

Nam Goong Min is doing a pretty good job melding all these aspects together, and I love it when he is zany teasing Gong Shim and then suddenly his eyes go all soft and he looks like he wants to do everything to keep her happy and safe.

Hope the show keeps it up!


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love the way you differentiated Dan Tae's various facets...


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I'm looking forward to seeing how they get Gong Shim to see the caring side of him, and whether he will still have those zany moments. Because I'll need some sweet moments with them both not intoxicated at some point to believe in the romance!
But I ship these 2 because Dan Tae is the only one who has seen Gong Shim at her lowest and who she isn't afraid to be her craziest and speak her mind to. And he cares for her, despite the hair pulling, and yelling and scolding. What's not to love about that?


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If it works for the bullet then

Dan Tae is THE ONE!!!!

quick, choose blue or read pill


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Haha! Matrix fan? Lol. Yeah I guess the slowing down and dodging is a bit like Matrix now that you mention it.


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it hard to resist Matrix relation when there's dodge bullet sequence in slow motion, hahaha


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I think the love and quirky for Dan Tae already explained enough, Minah also really cute
I translate Minah as Kawaii rather than kyeopta since I don't think she has the aegyo but she undeniably cute when look at her. She is such a delightful girl.

Junsu is just a nice man who is really nice, unbias and just nice. I can't really said anything about him beside being nice, kinda like the opposite of Gong Mi. He is born with everything and achieve what he wants because he capable of that and still become as nice as possible, doted to his parents and being a good human being. It's hard to resist his charm if you know this kind of person.

Junsu and dante is two opposite friend. One with snarky tongue, no sense (nunchi eobseo) and the other come with smile to everyone type of guy. Both is equally attractive and caring, it just depends on who you prefer (up to this week watching, who knew who can be bad, but please no one)

Gong Mi for me is simply someone who thinks she deserve anything by no means. She just someone who want to get the best for herself because she believe she is born with the capabilities. On the other side, in the office she can't use that capabilities to the maximum bc she isn't born with the power and I think she also face it hard in her own way.
The wrong side of her is that she doesn't care about others, it just about herself, no consieration to other people, even to gong shim. Stealing the spot from your sister behind her back is not nice, that's a no no.

*I think my opinion kinda mixed since I've watch to ep 5 and the plane just too much too handle.


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Loving this show much! I can not wait for weekend to come. Waiting for 6 days for another episodes is a total torture. If only I had the power to make everyday as Saturday and Sunday. Oh I wish.


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I just marathoned this last night, until 4am! Love this show so, so much.

Call me crazy, but at this point, I kind of want Gong Shim to wind up with JS, and DT to be with GM. I know, GM doesn't deserve him, and should wind up living alone with a hundred hungry, smelly cats. But I like the thought of these pairings in an oppa-sites attract way. GM deserves someone nice who likes her for who she is now, and JS is that. GM could teach him everything she's learned in the school of hard knocks. And like wise, DT could knock some sense into GM's head. I know, in the chaebol universe JS's parents would never approve, but I would enjoy watching it. But then, that might be another show.

I've only seen NGM in Unemployment Romance, so I don't have the same problem others have in wiping the bad guy impression out of their brains. But his acting, while never terrible, has really improved since UR. Go, NGM!


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I also think Dan Tae can knock some sense to Gong mi,

she doubles cross gong shim again,
it doesn't hurt to say if she got the information from gong shim, gong shim is not an embarassment,

Junsu and Gong Shim also can work nicely because he is realy nice and she is a blunt to thing she doesn't like and like,
She shows directly that she is changed and the obliviousness can be saw.
But if you asked, she will tell and she accept explanation.


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<Junsu and Gong Shim also can work nicely

Maybe. I appreciate how Junsu just likes Gong Shim, esp. when many judge him for this (brownie points to him)* but in the other direction Gong-shim is blindly high-school crushing him. She's lucky that the guy is nice, but I don't quite like the way she treats/sees him and acts around him (the prettying up etc) b/c I don't think it makes a good basis for a relationship or friendship.


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I remember she only try to be pretty one time by curling hair that doesn't work and pretty much has the same look for dan tae and Junsu.

She acts okay around him,
I really don't get this, am I the only one who saw that gong shim act the same to both guys?

and junsu don't ever have any reaction to her look except accepting it, on the other hand, dan tae is the one that has too much complaint about her looked,

in real world, the better flow relationship is easily saw for gong shim and junsu, they met, get attracted, become friend and may have relationship, they don't even have language barrier like gong shim and dan tae


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I think Jinsu is super sweet to Gong Shim, and he is a wonderfully vulnerable puppy dog kind of character. But I don't ship them because Gong Shim is too careful around him, she tries to be what she thinks he wants, she pretties herself up (omg the permed wig cracked me up) and isn't her real self.
With Dan Tae though she is uncensored- she says what she thinks, she does whatever she feels like doing (hair pulling, teasing, yelling) and she is the most honest and true with him.
And he likes her for who is really is. I'm a total sucker for this. After all, we all try to cover up our perceived flaws and present our "perfect" selves to others, but to find someone who sees our flaws and loves us in spite of them- to me, that's true love.


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I think it bc the recap only around ep 3, but gong shim definitely show herself , her real self around junsu,

Dan Tae just provokes her anger and make her show her anger mode while junsu doesn't, I don't really think that's her true self or anything, it just another side that shown to dan tae bc of opportunity, junsu doesn't fool around her or poke her to make her angry, why she should be angry?

but upon watching more episode, I can see how gong shim open up to junsu about what she want,
she treats both guys equally, she only try to be pretty a 1st and mesmerized with junsu kindness but she also shows junsu when she tries to make a distance.

I think like this bc I don't think gong shim cover up herself in front of Junsu or try not to be herself. On the other hand, junsu dan totally be himself in front of GS while Dan Tae hardly can,


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I think i get what you mean about Gong Shim not really putting up an act for Jin Su. Gong Shim as a character is straightforward and real and she doesn't put a front on for others.
I guess what I meant was that Dan Tae has seen more sides of Gong Shim (i haven't seen epi 6 yet) compared to Jin Su and he has seen her with many more emotions- vulnerable and hurt, happy/excited and furious and angry. And this is a more accurate reflection of who Gong Shim is. Also, Jin Su sees Gong Shim a lot at work, and work isn't an environment Gong Shim is comfortable in so she can't really be her real self.
That being said, Im not feeling that Gong Shim likes Dan Tae, while I can definitely feel that she likes Jin Su. So it will depend how the story goes and characters develop. Im hoping the romance between GS and DT will become more mutual and not so one sided. Or else i'll be quite sad really!


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I agree, that she treat both guys equally,

I don't think being a mean friend then turn into lovers is more realistic than being a good friend that then found love,

just bc people have seen the worst of you doesn't and still act nice mean you are fated with them or putting an effort to look nice is a fake love,

put up a work to be better in front of someone is not a bad thing, It preferred for me to have a chance to get close, then you can decide whether he/she can accept your darker side,
you can't just show someone your darker side and miraculously think they hate you when they taken aback,


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Okay, but seriously, can we talk about the LOOK that Dantae gives Gongshim after the fight? Gah! He is SO SWEET to her, and in that moment after the fight where she's shaking on the stairs and he comes to check on her, his feelings are just written all over his face. Maybe he doesn't realize his own feelings at this point (ep 3), and Gongshim sure doesn't (that girl is oblivious), but they're definitely developing at lightning speed.

Also, Minah is just killing it as Gongshim. There were a couple of rough spots in the beginning, but now she completely inhabits the character and I don't even think of her as Minah anymore. She IS Gongshim. I'm really impressed by her, to be honest; she completely exceeded my expectations.


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Can someone explain to me the family relationships at play here? Are Jun-su and Jun-pyo half-brothers or cousins? Is it a matter of a mistress or a second son? Is Grandma not Jun-su's grandma, or does she just reject him? I don't know if it's me, the writing, or the subs I'm watching, but my understanding of it keeps changing every time they talk about it.


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as far as I knew, they kinda like cousin by law....
Grandma-Grandpa are not related by blood with Junsu's dad/the chairman/gong shim's boss, so junsu is not their grandson,
Their only grandson in jun pyo, and their only in-law is junpyo's mother

I think Junsu'dad is adopted or a cousin thei raised since he said the grandpa is his dad but not directly related, I think this will be clear if we knew junsu's dad relation to the grandma and grandma,

Hope this helps


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I also am confused. But this is what I think:
Jin Pyo's mom is sisters with Jin Su's mother.
Jin Su's dad is a ?bastard son and so the marriage was frowned upon/not supported.
Jin pyo's dad is the son of Grandma (chairwoman of Star Group). Or maybe it's his mom that is the daughter of Grandma.
She died but I don't know what happened to his dad though.
But somehow Jin Pyo is the "true heir" to the Star group.
But since he disappeared, Grandma wanted to keep it in the family so she was forced to acknowledge Jin Su's family?
Though this sounds super messy to me. I have no clue. Lol


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Didn't see your comment Sancheezy! Heh. But yeah I think I have made more assumptions than I should. It's probably more complicated like you said.


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I also want to know how junsu's family come to the Star Group's Heir kind of thing,

I get confused listening to junpyo's mom called junsu's mom sister in law and how both junsu's parents called the grandma eomoni and no one called eomma then no one explain where's the grandpa too.

They did sounds super messy


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At the very least we know that Dantae and Jinsu are related by blood, hence the egg allergy. Identical allergies are never red herrings in kdramas.


my understanding and spoilers(?)!- joon pyo and joon soo both share the same grandfather. grandfather's lawful wife is joon pyo's grandmother while joon soo's grandmother is the grandfather's mistress. joon soo is considered to be a bastard(?) grandson.

That is why joon pyo has shares in star group and not joon soo or his father who is the president (if im not mistaken). When joon soo's grandmother, mother and father filed a declaration that joon pyo has been missing all this while (so that they can free up joon pyo's shares i assume), joon pyo's grandmother made a big ruckus out of it which further strained her r/s with joon soo. she probably thinks that he has an ulterior motive of wanting to be nice to her.


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That would make sense of where the second grandma comes in, and why Jun-su's dad doesn't have any shares.

It's also confusing because one or two of the English-language blurbs/summaries I've seen call Dan-tae and Jun-su half-brothers (way to not even pretend it's a secret, copywriters), but I remember Jun-su's dad saying he was technically Jun-pyo's uncle (I think?), and Jun-su's mom is certainly not Jun-pyo's mom, so that's not possible.

I wish I knew, because I already think Grandma is unreasonable, but maybe it would make more sense for her if I knew how they were all related, especially if Jun-su has no blood relation to her.


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I can understand why Gong Mi is so mean as to want to "steal" Jun-su.
To begin with, she first saw Jun-su when she was being forced to hang her apron over - something totally cruel when it was already given to her. Because Gong Mi is feeling the huge weight of supporting her parents and her sister not only financially, but also being their sole pride, and is expected to succeed especially for her beauty. She has to be completely PERFECT. The charity event was a symbol of "making it," and an entrance into a wealthy, luxurious society that's so different from her own, that she's desperate to have. She's ashamed of he situation, Gong Shim of course but I'm sure her parents too - for basically freeloading off their daughter who has to suck up to the her boss's wife who ABUSED her sister. That can't be easy. I think Jun-su for her represents an opportunity that's barred from ever having and she'd just like that one chance - she wants to win just this one time. And especially since she feels like all she has is her looks (that's what everyone tells her too!) so she's desperate to date him because that doesn't only represent a financial success + access to higher society, but having him is an affirmation of her looks since that's all she feels she has really.

Second, it's easy for Gong Mi to ignore Gong Shim's relationship because 1. she's accustomed to it and her parents have built her up to be more deserving 2. she doesn't think Gong Shim is deserving of Jun-su (because see 1) 3. it's easier for Gong Mi to succeed on her own and to drop everyone else (read: Gong Shim), in effect, divorcing herself from her own roots/family because 4. Gong Mi is entrenched in a society where only money, connections, good blood, have power (ironically in a justice society)

Now these are just all my reasonings, and I really hope the drama takes advantage of this great character build-up/background to bring Gong Mi around too - that would be fantastic character development :)
however I can easily see a lesser drama ignoring this rich potential and just making her a bitch :(


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I like your points about GM. And I do like that she made up an excuse so that she didn't have to "keep company" with the lecherous politician. It seems the company did hire her for what her looks could do for them rather than her ability as a lawyer, and she's only beginning to see that.


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Loving this drama! Loving all the main characters except for the sister Gong Mi & their parents. Is it only me that I think it's hilarious that even though Dan Tae can sense bird poop falling & fight seeing 5 guys in slow motion but everytime Gong Shim grabs him by the hair he's defenseless and he never even tries to dodge it! I think that's proof he's already smitten with her! ;D


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Hahaha, that's true! When it comes to hair pulling, she's just too fast for him!!!

It'd be funny if by the end of the drama, Namgoong Min really has some bald spots and has to resort to wearing a wig!


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Nam Goong Min is going to sweep all the acting awards this year alllllll. And Minah is a revelation who knew she could act so well!!!


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Thank you so much for deciding the recap this drama! Never in a million years would I imagine that Namgoong Min could make me laugh so hard until my neighbors start banging on the wall because of the ruckus I'm making! Maybe it's because of all those creepy roles he had before, it's almost become second nature to me to tense up and almost expect a bloodbath when he shutters his eyes, close off his face or do his crazy laugh. It took awhile to sink in that his Ahn Dante might be crazy but he's not a psycho killer. It's like seeing a mutant use his powers for good rather than evil^^ And I'm just as surprised at Minah! Gong Shim just keeps getting cuter and cuter and I love her off-the-charts chemistry with everyone, whether it's with Dante, Junsu, the "dog" director or her chronic liar unnie. This story is a keeper^^ I'm looking forward to all the fun recaps and comments for this show.


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This is my summer to watch comedy..I like it even better than Lucky Romance.
I'm glad that you will be recapping this series.
Didn't know what to expect of Minah's acting, but she is so amazingly quirky and cute.
Gong Shim's hairdo was putting me off in watching this show. It grows on you. It's her perfect hairdo which suits her to a T. Hopefully, her bald spot will be healed and she will grow confidently. Gong Shim will be recognized as "beautiful" person in her heart, and she can have a normal hairstyle.
I'm enjoying both her and Namgoong's performances. I'm surprised that he is not a psycho murderer for a change.
I've haven't laugh so much in a comedy for a long time.


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I can actually understand the sister a bit since that whole family treats GS like nothing, so she's probably not even thinking she's hurting her. She just doesn't think of her period. Her desires and needs come first. This is the same woman who kicked her sister out off her bedroom to make a closet... I don't think she cares what she does to her one way or the other. Stealing her class isn't even the worst thing she's done. But I don't understand why the evil sister wants Jun-su so much from seeing him one time. He's something she was denied so she has to get him since she's used to getting anything and everything she wants? I really hope she doesn't get him in the end. Not without totally falling from grace and learning to be a decent person at least.

And I really love Dan Tae and how he treats and understands GS. Junsu might appear the "nice" guy on teh surface (and he is), but Dan Tae is the one who truly understand hers and her feelings.


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I love that Gong Shim kept her wig in her daydream.

Minah & Namgoong Min arGuin gives me life.


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