Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 2

Cute and funny is what this show is shaping up to be so far, even though our heroine rarely gets perceived as such. All everyone sees is an unremarkable face, but luckily for her, there seem to be two men who see beyond that and are drawn to her genuine nature, her conviction, and her strong point of view. She may use a bike bell to ward people away, but I have a feeling these men will be staying around and helping her out because a good heart shines brighter than beauty.



Gong Shim arrives outside Guh Reum (means “walking” in Korean) Law Firm to take her case to someone other than her sister, but is disappointed to find that Dan-tae is the lawyer who works there.

Dan-tae asks if she’s a stalker since she seems to be popping up everywhere he happens to be. Gong Shim is convinced he’s a pervert, but asks if he’s really a lawyer just to be sure…only to have flubbed the word “lawyer” by melding it with the word, “pervert.” Oops, Freudian slip!

While explaining that she just happened to be in the area, Dan-tae spots bird excrement falling from the sky in slow motion, moments away from hitting her head and quickly pulls her to safety. She’s flustered by his sudden move, but begrudgingly agrees to continue the conversation inside his office since he’s pro bono and she’s broke.

Meanwhile, Gong Mi is at the gas station directing her sister’s supervisor to delete the CCTV footage of the scuffle. He’s hesitant to do so sans Gong Shim’s approval, but Gong Mi identifiers herself as her sister and falsely informs him that the two parties have already settled. When Gong Mi learns that her sister still has a copy of the footage, however, she’s none too pleased.

Gong Shim gives Dan-tae the 411 on what happened and expresses her desire to sue the woman who attacked her. His joking face grows serious as he watches the CCTV footage of her beating, but Gong Shim leaves right away when her sister calls.

At a café, Gong Mi warns that if Gong Shim sues her boss’s wife, she’ll have to resign and will no longer be able to practice law in Korea. No work equals no money to keep the family afloat. Gong Shim says she’ll provide for the family somehow, but this isn’t the answer Gong Mi wants.

Gong Mi drops to her knees and unleashes the tears. She implores Gong Shim to consider how hard she worked to become a lawyer and to think of her parents who need her help. She acknowledges that she’s being reprehensible and apologizes profusely for being a pathetic sister.

Next thing we know, Gong Mi deletes the footage from her sister’s phone and thanks her for not going forward with the lawsuit. Gong Shim clarifies that this doesn’t mean she forgives the woman who attacked her, and her sister sympathetically agrees.

Outside the café, Gong Mi calls her boss and assures him that everything’s been taken care of; the victim dropped all charges. Her boss is relieved by the update.

Gong Shim wonders if she did the right thing and concludes that everyone’s better off because of her decision. Plus, it wouldn’t be the first time she sacrificed herself for the sake of her family.

The next day, Gong Shim realizes that she left her bike bell in the rooftop room accidentally. Dan-tae catches her unlocking his door and asks if she’s breaking and entering now, and Gong Shim replies that she technically didn’t enter yet. She doesn’t get why he hasn’t changed the passcode, and he says it’s his to do whatever he wants with it.

When asked why she left her consultation with him so abruptly, she informs him that she no longer plans to sue. Surprised, Dan-tae asks if she settled instead. Gong Shim retorts that settling means forgiving that woman—she’d never settle. Dan-tae insists that suing is the best course of action, but she maintains that she has no plans to press charges anymore. End of discussion. And besides, she already deleted the footage.

Gong Shim apologizes for trying to get into his place while he was out. Her plan was to quickly retrieve her bell and leave, but since that didn’t work out, she asks Dan-tae to get it for her.

That evening, Dan-tae stops by the gas station where Gong Shim was assaulted. He asks the supervisor why Gong Shim dropped charges, showing a selfie of the two of them to prove that they’re friends. The supervisor says he already deleted the footage when her sister was here since she had told him they had settled.

This is news to Dan-tae since he knows Gong Shim didn’t settle, and he heads to a nearby convenience store to further investigate. He not-so-subtly leans over the counter to take a peek at the CCTV monitor, and the cashier correctly guesses that he’s looking for a camera that faces the gas station. A female lawyer inquired about the same thing earlier. Unfortunately, none of the cameras point to the gas station.

Gong Shim arrives at the gas station, and her supervisor informs her that a man stopped by and wondered why she wasn’t suing. He confirms that the man was wearing flip-flops and capri pants, and Gong Shim wonders why Dan-tae is poking around. So when Dan-tae leaves the convenience store, popsicle in hand, he’s greeted by Gong Shim angrily stomping toward him to ask why he’s going around asking about her incident. She orders him to stop meddling in her affairs, and after she storms off, he mimics her outrage, heh.

Gong Mi is at a bar with her boss and other male colleagues. He suggests she appear on a TV program and start making media appearances, so she can be their newest star attorney. Gong Mi is pleasantly surprised, and everyone raises a glass to her.

Gong Shim drinks with her best friend Gu-nam, ignoring his advice to go home. Gu-nam is the first to notice a man staring at them from the convenience store, and Gong Shim turns to see Dan-tae staring, armed with a creepy smile and friendly wave.

She reminds Gu-nam that the creeper is the perverted lawyer he introduced her to. Declaring her appetite ruined, Gong Shim gets up and heads home, which is right above the store, and trudges up the steps to…Uh-oh. Is she heading back to Dan-tae’s place again? I hope he changed his passcode!

Gu-nam introduces himself to Dan-tae as the friend who recommended him to Gong Shim. Dan-tae asks him why Gong Shim suddenly gave up on pressing charges, and Gu-nam replies that although she really wanted to sue the woman who attacked her, that woman turned out to be her sister’s boss’s wife. Gong Shim gave up for her sister’s sake.

Dan-tae returns home, and much to his dismay, sleeping inside is Gong Shim. Again. He tries to wake her up, but she doesn’t budge, so he yanks off her wig… only to unveil her feet! HAHA. He goes to the other end and pulls the covers, revealing Gong Shim sound asleep and clutching a giant scrubbing brush and a bar of soap.

He gingerly takes the brush from her and sees a line of toothpaste on the bristles, gagging at the thought of brushing teeth with that. He cringes again to see the bar of soap she’s clutching, which has a corner distinctly bitten off. Yuck.

That’s enough grossness for Dan-tae so he peels out of his home, shrieking that he can’t take it anymore. He finally decides to change his passcode, and randomly punches a long series of numbers, knowing that the code can be up to twenty digits. He’s proud of his “smart” move, but can’t seem to recall what the new passcode is, heh.

A bit later later, Gong Shim bursts out of the room, chiding herself for ending up here again. Dan-tae’s relieved to finally be able to sleep in his own home, and surprisingly, he remembers the super long passcode and enters with ease. Dan-tae has the same recurring dream that night. He’s transported to the past, and he reaches out to a boy, bawling for his mother. But as soon as he extends his hand, the boy vanishes. Dan-tae wakes up in a panic and wonders who the boy is and why he always appears.

At the Seok household, Jun-su’s mom bemoans the lack of a proper birthday breakfast for her son. Jun-su reassures her that he’s fine without it, but she’s still resentful, especially when Grandma bitterly reminds them that she lost both Jun-pyo and his mother on this day. There’s nothing worth celebrating, and she plans on going on her annual trip to the temple to pray for Jun-pyo to come back.

Grandma admonishes Jun-su’s mother for celebrating her son’s birthday with a bazaar. Jun-su’s mom corrects her and explains that she’s holding a charity bazaar to aid the poor; it’s not a celebration. Grandma tells Jun-su to mourn for his missing cousin and to refrain from joy today, and that’s the last straw for Jun-su’s mom. She snaps and yells at grandmother that it’s not Jun-su’s fault that Jun-pyo went missing.

Grandma retorts that Jun-su’s mom wouldn’t even be in this house if it weren’t for Jun-pyo’s disappearance. Jun-su’s mom shouts that she’s tired of the constant Jun-pyo talk and urges Grandma to move on and consider him dead because it’s been nearly 30 years since his disappearance. However, Grandma is adamant that Jun-pyo is still alive somewhere.

Dan-tae waits outside to be Grandma’s driver today, and she seems to take an immediate liking to him.

Gong Mi is surprised to learn that her boss’s wife wants to attend a fancy charity bazaar with her. Her boss explains that it’s his wife’s way of expressing gratitude, and while’s it’s a good opportunity for her, Gong Mi laments that she’s not dressed formally enough. Pssh.

Meanwhile, Gong Shim is working on her Italian in her sister’s second room/closet, which is where she sleeps now. Mom steps in to grab some clothes for Gong Mi and orders Gong Shim to drop it off with her sister.

Gong Mi waits impatiently for her mom to drop off clothes, but freaks out upon hearing that Gong Shim’s on her way—she can’t run into the boss’s wife, after what she did to cover up their relationship. Gong Mi tries to rush out and stop her sister before she arrives, but the boss’s wife is early and Gong Mi can only frantically text her sister to act as if they’re not related and to hide.

Gong Shim arrives and doesn’t register Gong Mi’s frantic motions for her to get lost. She does see the woman who attacked her approaching, though, and hides behind a beam in the nick of time. Then she watches her unni smile and greet her attacker, and her gaze turns hurt and angry.

At the bus stop, Gong Shim muses that she pities her sister who, despite being a hotshot, still has to fawn over people like that woman.

Boss’s Wife explains that to Gong Mi that they’re going to an exclusive bazaar held by the madam of Star Group. Only the crème de la crème will be there, and the apron Gong Mi is holding is her invitation to the event; attendees must wear it to gain admission. Gong Mi thanks her for the invite and beams.

Jun-su and his mother (the madam of Star Group) cordially greet the guests, and he attracts admiring glances from Boss’s Wife and her daughter, who has unexpectedly joined her after hearing Jun-su would be here. So Boss’s Wife claims the apron for her daughter instead, and Gong Mi pulls it off and hands it over, feeling distinctly like an outsider now.

Jun-su’s grandmother is driven back to her house, and she thanks Dan-tae for the ride. She can’t help but stare as Dan-tae walks away. Something about him causes her to linger.

Gong Shim looks glum as she walks home and gets recognized by Jun-su, who stops her to say hello. It takes a bit of prodding for her to recall him, just as Dan-tae appears and wraps his arm around his new pal. He holds a hand to his forehead to mimic Gong Shim’s curtain bangs and comments that she’s unforgettable because of her style.

Gong Shim doesn’t appreciate his remark, but Jun-su sweetly says he likes her hairstyle. The compliment takes her aback, and Dan-tae suggests that she doesn’t take it too seriously, but Jun-su genuinely means it, and insists that she really does look cute with her hair like that.

Gong Shim excuses herself, feeling self-conscious, though a smile creeps up on her face. As Jun-su and Dan-tae play basketball, Jun-su tries to pay him for driving his grandmother. Dan-tae politely declines, suggesting that Jun-su buy him a drink next time.

Jun-su asks if it was difficult driving his picky grandmother, but Dan-tae replies that it wasn’t at all because she shared fascinating stories of her life during the Korean War. Jun-su is surprised to hear she divulged all that, and it gives him pause.

Jun-su offers Dan-tae a job working for his family rather than driving people around at night, and doesn’t believe Dan-tae when he says he has a job as a lawyer. He keeps insisting until Dan-tae shows him his business card, and then Jun-su is mortified at his faux pas. Dan-tae doesn’t take offense and explains that he doesn’t make enough money as a lawyer so he moonlights as a designated driver.

Jun-su still feels bad about his misunderstanding, and Dan-tae says he’ll invite him over to his “penthouse” some day. They resume their game, and Dan-tae shoots and scores. But when he does, he’s reminded of the CCTV footage he saw on Gong Shim’s phone. He realizes there was a snack truck across from the scene of the assault.

Dan-tae heads to the snack truck near the gas station and converses with the owner, who explains that he’s only here in the evenings to sell snacks to the students who study nearby. This confirms that the truck was present during Gong Shim’s incident.

Gong Shim sees Dan-tae there and is annoyed again at his meddling, warning him to cut it out.

Walking home that night, Gong Shim notices green leaves fluttering to the ground from above, looks up, and sees Dan-tae mindlessly plucking away at her plant and dropping the leaves.

She dashes up the steps, fuming, and demands to know why he’s ruining her plant. Dan-tae thinks she’s overreacting and explains that he tends to pluck at stuff or tear paper while he focuses on something. Gong Shim screams that she also has a habit of pulling people’s hairs when she’s angry, and lunges at him.

He yelps in pain while they dance around the rooftop during their kerfuffle. He says her plant will grow back, and she retorts that his hair will grow back too, haha. Eventually, he’s able to wrestle out of her vice-like grip. She bellows that he’s a pervert before storming off.

Back at the mansion, Jun-su’s mom informs Grandma that she’ll be overseeing the hire of her husband’s new secretary, since he had an affair with the previous one.

Gong Shim has an interview for a temporary retail job, and tries on her sister’s clothes. Gong Mi is unimpressed by the sound of the job and the way her sister looks in her clothes, so she suggests that Gong Shim wear her own clothes to appear “practical” rather than “impressive.” Gong Shim hopes that acquiring a job will make the hair grow back in her bald spot.

Gong Shim fervently prepares for her interview at a cafe and memorizes the following: “With the determination to sell sand in the desert and ice in the North Pole…with passion, with all my passion, I will work with kindness and sincerity.”

Boss’s Wife finds Dan-tae waiting by her car, and gets huffy at his suggestion that she apologize to Gong Shim. She’s confident he doesn’t have any evidence to support his claim, until he mentions that there was a snack truck across from the gas station that night. Her face drops as he takes out his phone.

Interviews are underway for the Star Group President’s secretary role, and pretty candidates who impress the president are a definite “no” for his wife.

After oversleeping at the café, Gong Shim rushes to her interview. Luckily, she runs into Jun-su in the lobby, who arranges for her to use the executive elevator to get to her interview faster and wishes her good luck.

But…she enters the room where Jun-su’s parents are wrapping up interviews for the secretary role. Not realizing the mix-up, she launches into her passionate spiel about how she can sell anything, which confounds the panel.

Jun-su’s father and his colleague make fun of her dowdy appearance, jeering that she doesn’t even have a nice smile to sell as a secretary. Jun-su’s mother, however, looks intrigued by her.

Gong Shim finally realizes she’s in the wrong place, interviewing for the wrong position, and apologizes. But one last jeering comment makes her stop to give the men a piece of her mind.

Gong Shim: “Is it fun to make fun of the way people look? Is a secretary a gisaeng from the Joseon era who has to sell her smile? How long are you going to remain stuck in the past? That’s why old men like you get called ‘old dogs!’”

You tell ‘em, Gong Shim! She advises them to get their act together before leaving.

Later that day, her supervisor from the gas station calls her and tells her to come to the station. When she arrives, the woman who attacked her is there, here to apologize.

Gong Shim’s not convinced by the apology so the woman says it even louder, bows in remorse, and even starts (fake?) crying. Eventually, Gong Shim finds it in her heart to excuse her. The woman reports back to Dan-tae that she apologized to Gong Shim, and Dan-tae commends her. He also deletes the CCTV footage taken from the snack truck’s black box, and reassures her that the original files have also been erased.

That evening, Dan-tae returns to his rooftop with a grill and some sausages. He notices that Gong Shim is in a lighter mood and he smiles, knowing that he had a part in it. He tells Gong Shim that Jun-su is coming over, but that he forgot to purchase vegetables.

He asks Gong Shim if she has any, and uses that as a reason to invite her to dinner as well. She’s hesitant to join, but remembers that Jun-su liked her hair, so she sprints downstairs to grab some vegetables from her house. She also curls her hair.

Jun-su arrives for dinner and asks Gong Shim how her interview at his company went. Dan-tae quips that she probably failed, and Gong Shim acknowledges that she definitely did. But Jun-su thinks she probably did just fine and decides to find out the results.

While he’s on the phone, Dan-tae pokes fun at Gong Shim for her crush on Jun-su; he points out that she put some effort into curling her wig for him, and Gong Shim warns Dan-tae to zip it!

Jun-su congratulates Gong Shim for passing her interview and scoring the Star Group president’s secretary job. She’s shocked by his news, along with the fact that the president is Jun-su’s father.

Dan-tae reluctantly admits that he’s impressed and gives her a thumbs-up. The guys raise their beer cans to toast her success, and Gong Shim still reels from the unexpected good news.

Just then, Dan-tae looks up and sees a middle-aged man arrive, with a grim expression on his face. Dan-tae stands, surprised to see his father.


The arrival of Dan-tae’s father could only mean we’ll learn more about Dan-tae’s past. So far, all signs point to Dan-tae being long-lost Jun-pyo, and I’m looking forward to his backstory.

I’m really liking the bromance between Dan-tae and Jun-su! Even though the show will probably tear them apart with a birth secret, I’ll enjoy their friendship until then. Jun-su appears to be the chaebol son who didn’t turn out to be a spoiled and entitled brat. He genuinely values his newfound friendship with Dan-tae, and they get along really well, on and off the basketball court. I also love the way he treats Gong Shim, like a person who exists and has feelings. And he finds her cute!

I love how despite Gong Shim’s repeated objections, Dan-tae went ahead and figured out a way for her to get some closure on the terrible gas station incident. He confronted the awful woman who attacked her and low-key threatened her with evidence, which pushed her to face Gong Shim and apologize for what she did. Now, I’m not sure how genuine that apology was, since the theatricality of it seemed to increase over time, but there’s still value to it. Gong Shim deserves an apology at the very least, and Dan-tae made it happen. And he didn’t even tell Gong Shim that he was behind it!

He did way more for Gong Shim than her sister, Gong Mi will ever do. The way Gong Mi fretted about her outfit to the charity bazaar showed how little she cares for her sister. She was excited about the prospect of attending a swanky event with her boss’s wife, the very woman who threw trash at her sister’s face and mercilessly beat her up. Misguided priorities, much?

She’s so embarrassed by Gong Shim, that she didn’t even want her to come to her office. I understand why she wanted Gong Shim to hide when the boss’s wife was around, but before she even knew the wife arrived early, her panic upon learning that Gong Shim was on her way was totally unwarranted. Gong Shim agreed to drop charges in order to protect her older sister, and Gong Mi is ashamed of her?

The contrast between Gong Mi and Gong Shim is rather stark. Gong Mi is self-serving and manipulative, while Gong Shim is caring, honest, and agenda-less. The scene in which Gong Shim expressed pity that her sister had to kiss up to her boss’s wife illustrated this perfectly. She felt bad watching her sister do that. I doubt Gong Mi felt bad for pushing her sister to drop charges. She may have effectively conveyed that during her tearful plea, but only as a way to convince Gong Shim.

The comedic moments in this episode were downright hilarious, especially when Dan-tae finds Gong Shim asleep in his home again. Gong Shim’s feet underneath the wig totally caught me by surprise. I only wish I knew what happened after she ate that much soap because I doubt anyone would be fine from consuming it. Even little moments like Dan-tae lovingly clutching his sweet potato or acting like the world ended when he dropped it made me laugh.

It’s interesting to see Nam Goong-min’s facial expressions in a different light because I’m so used to interpreting his smiles as menacing, and his deadpan faces as the calm before rage. However, props to him for fully committing to his nice guy role because he’s convincing and endearing as Dan-tae. I do worry about Dan-tae’s junk food diet though, but if he gets that much joy from cheap food, then who am I to judge? Also, I wonder what the deal is with his superhuman ability to perceive movements in slow motion. How did that ability come about?

I hadn’t seen any of Minah’s previous acting work, but I’m pleasantly surprised by her portrayal of Gong Shim—her emotions and actions seem nuanced and appear to be coming from a place of authenticity.

This episode was solid, and the show is definitely on the right track. Here’s to more humor, cute, and heart!


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I'm inlove with this show, my fave of the current airing along with Another OHY. Can't wait for tomorrow's ep.

Minah is good at acting, Nam Goongmin is as great as ever, and their chemistry is great, I so ship them. Their characters are so simple yet fresh and amazing <3 <3


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The show is nailing everything. I fell out laughing when she came back with that wig flipped (curled).????. The weekend is finally here! Come on mirror and shim!


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I keep seeing the fancy super-antique royal wedding crown from Goong on her head with that flipped up wig.


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i really, really love this drama. i still think gong shim looks like gdragon in drag, though. i'm not complaining, mind you.


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Omg I am so glad I am not the only who has thought this!


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No, I see Lee Hong Ki! She even does the same lip curl and has a husky voice like him!


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What a great person , Dan-Tae is... Genuinely helping a new friend who deserves an apology... (where is the world coming to? How could people like the Boss and others think that it is acceptable for the Boss' Wife to treat another person like this?)

I personally found the password change scene funnier than the wig/brush/soap scene. But in overall, I really did enjoy the episode.

I hope the bromance won't be broken for too long...

Can't wait for the new episodes this weekend!


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I actually think they should change the description of the show on drama fever and Vicki to read that Dan-Tae has a heart of gold. He definitely earned that title.

She may have a good heart, although she is constantly judging and misjudging Dan-taa, but I still think he's the one that deserves the title.


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I have serious doubts about Dan-Tae and his true intentions though. One clue is the phone mix-up with Jun-Su - it does seem rather a convenient confusion for someone who can see bird shit falling in slow motion. Then there are times where I find his expressions not very sincere, minor blips in the cheerful weirdo persona. Can call it leftover feelings from his earlier roles as a serial killer but I just cannot buy that he is as nice as he seems.


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I think it just may be residue from his past charectors. He even said, if he's not looking, he's not going to catch it. Hence why GS got a good whack at him.


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Oh whoops, that might be from a later episode ... I don't remember. MInor SPOILER alert for the previous comment just incase.

<= pregnancy brain


I am loving this show. Therapist between Gong Shim and Dan Are is just fun to watch. I like the three of together even more when Jun soo is included. The energy and chemistry of this cast alone is enough to bring me back week after week.


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Therapist? I meant the raport. Lol


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the tree friend who just happen to meet and behave good warms my heart.

It's like what you said about Gong Mi, chickachunga, these 3 people make friendship with no agenda other than to know each other.

junsu respect dan tae and vice versa, junsu accepted dan tae's friend and act so warm towards gong shim , then dan tae is that naughty friend that like to tickle you bc he wants it, they are fun together.

Dan tae really thinks gong shim is weird but it's okay,
and gong shim thinks dan tae is the weird one and it's okay too

I pray for the last long friendship,
3 of them is different but they genuinely care about each other
and thank you dan tae, you give gong shim apology she deserves, that's like the middle ground of the problem to get solved and make everyone accepted the situation to move on


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I adore this drama. Top of my list from everything now playing. Thank you for recapping.


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Woot! Only 1 day away from new Gong Shim!! Love, love, love this show. This episode, phew Gong Mi, what the heck! I've really tried to maintain my sympathy for Gong Mi because she has a lot of pressures in her life, including potential sexual harassment if she doesn't do SOMETHING at work. She has a tiny bit of leverage now which makes me happy. But. The way her whole family treat Gong Shim is just atrocious.

I blame her parents more than anything but Gong Mi has not benefited from the way she was spoiled. I just hate seeing them all treat Gong Shim so dismissively. Grr.

Gong Shim is the light of my life, I love everything about her (except the way she allows her family to bully her - not that she doesn't try to argue for better treatment). I love that she never acted afraid of Ahn Dan Tae in the beginning when she thought he was a thug. Calling those old rich guys 'dogs' was just brilliant. 'You're embarrassing your children' - SO TRUE!

I love her little angry face and her total weirdness.

Ahn Dan Tae is also amazing, I was so blown away by the way he got justice for Gong Shim in the way that she wanted. She wanted an apology, she didn't want to jeopardize her sister's job. He's so thoughtful and lovely. His joy at eating convenience food just kills me. I adore his weirdness too.

So my wish for this series is definitely more friendship time with our 3 mains (Joon Soo, Dan Tae, Shim) and a redemption story for Gong Mi. Girl you need to grow a heart.


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I am also hoping for a redemption story for Gong Mi. I am finding her fascinatingly complex. She is supporting her parents, paying for their rent, expenses, debts, and her mother's shopping habit. And she's doing it by kissing up to bitchy entitled women and dirty old men. Constantly under threat of losing her job. At the same time, she is absolutely hateful to and dismissive of her younger sister. As well as anyone else she sees as beneath her, or with the possibility of dragging her down. She is manipulative, opportunistic, selfish, and ambitious. Not that being ambitious in and of itself is a bad thing, but Gong Mi doesn't seem to care who she steps on to get ahead.

But there is still enough there that I am holding out hope for redemption.


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So happy this is being recapped!
I'm in this for the interactions between gong shim/dan Tae/Jun su. Love them all with each other whether it be romance or bromance.

I hope gong mi doesn't become just an "evil sister" because that's what I feel she is starting to become, especially in the later episodes. Here I can still justify her actions somewhat as being the result of her not wanting her boss to know the real relationship between her and gong shim so that her "achievement" in getting the charges dropped will not be seen as less remarkable.

And I agree with a lot of what Chickachunga said about Minah doing well in this role- I've mentioned it in OT but she reminds me of Yang Guo in Down with Love played by Ella Chen. I really like Ella after that role. I felt she played it with such heart and gusto. And I feel the same feelings towards Gong Shim too.

It's my first ever "real time" watching and drama and commenting. *waves hello to fellow Beanies* excited and hope the show doesn't disappoint. Can't wait for the episodes tonight/tml!


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When I watched the first episode, I thought she gave off "Eun Chan" vibes...


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Oh? Coffee prince Eun Chan?
I haven't seen that yet though I've heard and read a lot about it.
Maybe I really should try to find some time and start watching it.


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This show is so much fun! Laughing out loud is so much better than crying every episode. (Thank you, Marriage Contract.) I love the three main characters, not so much the older sister. Is it just me, or is there a strong resemblance between Ohn Joo-wan and Lee Won-Keun when they smile? Every time I see OJW smile I think of LWK...and there I am, smiling like a moon-eyed loon myself. Sigh.


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I love this drama! It's criminally underrated. Love the quirkiness of the characters and appreciate the fact that this show does the exact opposite of a cookie-cutter kdrama by making each character likeable, or at the least, relatable. (As frustrating the older sister can be, but what sibling isn't?) The chaebol mom is actually a sweetheart and the father a bit of a doofus but it's amazing how everyone is so sweet, especially the son, who I expected to be cold-hearted and spoiled like most k-drama chaebols. Love it. Hope it doesn't disappoint!


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Yayness! Thankyouu DB for the recap and comment. Can not wait for tomorrow's 5th episode to be subbed. I'm so much in love with all the weirdness they deliver; weird couple with a kind and warm hearts. I wish I had someone whom I could share my weirdness with.

Now my Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are perferct watching Beautiful Gong Shim-Another Oh Hae Young-Entertainer every day. If only I have no work to submit. Ha!


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Yes, Exactly! Me too, @dramaworldFan. Out of the doldrums and into paradise we are!


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The banana scene on the fishing line!!! I sprayed my coffee all over my keyboard! Thank goodness his banana was "OK on the inside!" OMO I'm so in love with this drama.


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i'm so glad you guys ending up recapping this show :) it took me by surprise too and i'm really enjoying all the small quirky moments like you said as well. hehe the gogoma scene killed me.


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I like this drama is funny and cute.to be honest in my eyes these drama is better than lucky romance. I like on this drama even if both of them doesn't like each other they don't treat e.other harshly.it's good both of them are kinda not rich(at least for now)


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I am so far enjoying this show, but it's odd to me. I know it's because of Nam Goong min. For me he just has no personal charisma. He's an attractive guy but he's just so dull. I'm enjoying Minah's performance. We've seen this character before but she's doing an admirable job with an overused character. Our 2nd lead is going to be a heart breaker if he continues to be a nice guy. Oh Joo won is adorable when he smiles.


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Lovely drama. Great characters. I absolutely adore the Gong Shim. Perhaps she is completely new, she is perfect fit for this because she is nailing it. And I did not think I can so easily fall for Namkoong Min's charms despite liking him in both his previous villainy versions - but he is freaking adorable. The bromance is great! The grandmotherr-(unknown)grandson is great, the fun chemistry between the two boys and the girl is great...

And then there is so much stuff that kind of moves you enough to tears too..

This drama was not in my radar at all, but so glad I decided to watch. It is really lovely. Strong recommend so far. Really cute and fun.


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He can't do much with the character, I suppose...he's supposed to be happy and smiling and upbeat all the time, and that can become predictable after a while. The second lead guy's character is more interesting, conflicted, unable to voice his true feelings, trying so hard to be the good son and desperately trying to win his grandmother's approval. Perhaps they'll make NGM become hard and bitter after he finds out the truth?


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Sorry, this is supposed to be a reply to TJ's comment above


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Thanks @ chickachunga.

I'm glad DB decided to recap this show. It's unusual and quirky, and therefore not entirely predictable and so it is intriguing. Between this show where our hero is able to see (speedy things) well and OHYA where the hero hears well, we are getting our eye- and ear-ful! :)


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Loving this! As guacagnnochi said, it is way too underrated! Does anyone else think that it's a bit like the odd-ball version of Shining Inheritance? In any case, there is a vibe in this drama that reminds me of K-Dramas' golden classics.


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Hello Chickachunga! Welcome to the dramabeans family! I am so happy that you are recapping this series because I really find the show very entertaining and endearing! It is such a gem for me! And I loved your comment: "because a good heart shines brighter than beauty!" I cannot agree with you more! I hope you'll catch up with the series soon! See you around! <3 <3


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Love this show! So glad to see the recaps. I adored Namgoong Min in CYHMH, and loved how he freaked everyone out playing creepy villains. I am back to adoring him again!


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I was so surprised to like this show, I expected yet another „common” rom-com, but this is done right!
I really enjoyed Minah's acting (haven't seen her in anything so far), and the quirkiness around everything is really refreshing, as everyone said.
It reminds me a bit about Shining Inheritance, but without the melo (so far). I've seen till ep 4 and I just like it. It's not original, but so endearing and quirky, and done right.
Actually, if it were me, I could do with this kind of rom-coms and nothing else.
Gong Shim, fighting!


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What I love about this episode:
How Gong Shim gets her apology,
What follows after Dan Tae finds Gong Shim in his apartment for second time.... I laughed till my cheeks hurt...
And Gong Shims little speech, especially when she said old dogs... It was right upto the point....and it touches very accurately on what a modern working women has to face in the office. While men are valued solely on their competence, there is tendency to objectify women.... and Gong Shim and her wise retort deserves a standing ovation.


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I really thought she was going to walk away but when she told that man off, I was standing and cheering!


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I also have the ability to see fast things in slow motion. Although the way I obtained it wasn't voluntary. My neighbor's son had a crush on me and broke into my home and tried to sexually assault me. I had been taking martial arts classes and was still a beginner. But I was able to apply what I'd learned and fought him off. Followed by police and later a trial...but that's a long story. But after the attack, in martial arts classes, I could see the motion of my opponent's hip as he raised his leg to kick me and, despite the fact that he was already in motion to kick me, I could kick him first!


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I have to confess, I felt sorry for Gong Mi after watching her tearful apologies and what I thought were sincere pleas to her sister to drop the charges. I was moved by her, before her later actions showed what a truly self serving b*tch she is.

I can understand feeling pressured because she's essentially the breadwinner of the family. And taking on her boss's wife would ensure the death of her hard earned career. But after seeing the way she undercuts her sister at every turn, taking away Gong shim's room and turning it into a closet, and the way she's always hiding from Gong shim in public, as if she's ashamed of her sister, makes me seriously dislike her. With a sister like that, who needs enemies? I expected her to introduce Gong shim to her boss' wife. Family is family after all, and at the very least, the boss's wife owed Gong shim an apology.

I blame the parents for creating two tiers of people in one house.


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Their parents really did a number on their daughters and I really hope seeing how despicable their older daughter (eventually) acts will have them wailing on the floor in regret. The oldest has a superiority complex while Gong Shim has a inferiority complex.

I would highly recommend family therapy for all of them!!

I really love how DT has picked up on the dynamic and how deeply it has negatively affected Gong Shim. At the same time, you don't feel he compliments her or watches out for her out of pity but because he genuinely likes and cares for her. I live for the moments in episodes 3 and 4 when he gets serious and compliments her in such meaningful ways.

You can tell it hits her like a ton of bricks and she almost can't compute what he's saying. It's on a different level of the 2nd lead just saying she's cute or complimenting her hair.


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Right before I read this recap, I read this Cracked article (see #4):


Of course Cracked's write-up is overly simplistic, but the research behind it is interesting. Apparently people from East Asian countries usually have their "first memories" much later in life, which would explain something that's always confused me in dramas and manga--how an audience just accepts that fairly old kids forget their early childhoods, like Dan-tae if he really is Jun-pyo.

Of course, it's probably not an accurate phenomenon as portrayed in dramas, but if it's a cultural thing then I understand how writers and viewers can suspend disbelief on things like kids of 6 and 8 (Heart to Heart and Healer) forgetting the names they were born with (and the accompanying memories) by the time they're adults.


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Enjoying this drama so much.

btw: If G-Dragon had a younger sister, she would look like Minah!


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Even though this show has every cliche, it's still enjoyable. I do fast-forward through the long scenes of Gong Shim crying.


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Every time I start to feel bad for the sister snd sympathize with her breadwinner responsibilities, she does something so snake-like and cruel that I hate her anew.

How can you smile at the person who gave your sister a trauma?

Sigh, life is complicated like that. I've had to act like nothing in the face of a trauma cause.


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