Remember—Son’s War: Episode 20 (Final)

Grab those hankies, because we’ve reached the finale and you’ll need something to wipe away those tears as we say “good-bye” to Jin-woo, In-ha, Dong-ho and the rest of the gang. Remember’s final episode pulled in the show’s highest viewer rating of 20.3%, and for good reason: it’s about time we saw what happens when the good guys finally win, bringing the Nam family to their knees. As it turns out, megalomaniac chaebols can’t get away with murder after all.


As Gyu-man screams after his departing helicopter, demanding that it return and take him with it, In-ah and the cops arrive to arrest him. In an interrogation room, she shows him proof that his fingerprints were on the murder weapon. He casually brushes it off, reminding her that it’s a closed case. In-ah bristles as his joking manner, but he refuses to say anything more to her until his attorney is present.

Even though Assistant Ahn was the one to turn in the real bottle opener, he’s still complicit in the murder. Dong-ho approves of his decision to turn himself him and take the punishment, counseling him that if he surrenders, he could beg for leniency. But before he does, Assistant Ahn wants to see Gyu-man one more time.

Jin-woo is already assuming (correctly) the Nam family will try any corrupt means to escape the trial they can, so they’ll need to move fast. In-ah will reveal all of Gyu-man’s crimes at the next portion of the trial, and Dong-ho and Prosecutor Tak will conduct a search-and-seizure of Il-ho Group’s documents and assets.

Chairman Nam’s trying to get in touch with his powerful connections when Yeo-kyung arrives to let him know that she was the one who tipped off the prosecution of Gyu-man’s planned escape. She may be part of the Nam family, but she’s still a prosecutor at heart: if her brother killed a man, he should pay for his crime. She blames her father for making Gyu-man like that, and says a final good-bye, unwilling to be a part of a family who think nothing about killing a person.

In-ah and Jin-woo gather the evidence they have against Gyu-man, including all the shady business dealings. But Assistant Ahn’s testimony won’t be enough — they’ll still need more witnesses. Jin-woo visits Gyu-man’s old buddy Chul-soo in jail, reminding him that when he’s released, there’s a chance that Gyu-man will get his revenge. But if he testifies, then they can lock Gyu-man up forever.

The other side is busy pulling in those favors they’ve been paying for all these years, and under threat of blackmail, the Deputy Minister reluctantly agrees to speak to the high court judge.

Making good on his promise, Assistant Ahn visits Gyu-man in jail. Gyu-man assumes he’s there as a friend, and asks him to testify at the upcoming trial. But not testify truthfully, of course — instead, to tell everyone that he committed perjury. He’ll pay him a billion won.

But Assistant Ahn refuses, much to Gyu-man’s shock and anger. Is he just going to turn himself in, then? Assistant Ahn tells him that while a bird is alive, it may prey on ants, but once it’s dead, the ants are the ones who eat the bird.

He’s finally discovered that it’s your friend, not your enemy, that makes you lonely. Thanks to Gyu-man, he’s been too lonely for too long. He seems sincere as he wishes Gyu-man well, but just after he leaves, Gyu-man mutters that Assistant Ahn isn’t the only lonely one.

At the courthouse, a large group of protesters are demanding that Il-ho Group be closed down and that Gyu-man be given the death penalty. Gyu-man is escorted past them, more amused by their antics than anything else. But when they start pelting him with eggs, he attempts to break free and charge at them, furiously yelling that they’ll pay, but he’s dragged back by the guards.

In-ah’s in her prosecutors robe, ready to enter the courtroom, when Jin-woo thanks her for helping him. He apologizes for being such a burden but she reminds him that, as a prosecutor, she’s just doing her job. Besides, she wants to do this for him, too.

The trial commences, and when the new judge enters, In-ah and Jin-woo exchange concerned glances while Attorney Hong and Gyu-man share smug smiles. Even so, In-ah begins, requesting Assistant Ahn as a witness. But Attorney Hong objects, saying due to the witness’ relationship with Gyu-man and their recent argument, the witness is likely to commit perjury.

The judge decides on the behalf of Attorney Hong, and at In-ah’s protest, warns her that if she hinders the trial from commencing, he’ll have her thrown out. As if to prove his point, when one of the protesters leaps up to insist that the judge is being fair, he orders security to remove him. It looks like the Nam family is getting their way, just as they always have.

During a short recess, where In-ah’s plea to have Assistant Ahn as a witness is once again rejected, Attorney Hong asks the judge for a favor regarding her next witness. As the judge walks back to the courtroom, he’s stopped by Jin-woo who asks for a moment of the judge’s time.

The trial recommences, and Attorney Hong’s smug face turns to one of shock when the judge accepts In-ah’s request for their second witness. That’s not what he was expecting, especially after pulling in those favors.

But it turns out Jin-woo knows the judge is bought by Chairman Nam, and had warned him that the Deputy Minister is currently being investigated for the bribes he’s received. If the judge doesn’t want to become the next news-headline like the Deputy Minister, then he’ll have to be fair and just during the rest of the trial.

Detective Kwak settles into the witness seat, giving his testimony against Gyu-man. But that’s not all — In-ah also has signed confessions from Chul-soo regarding Gyu-man’s illegal business practices and from Jin-woo’s father’s doctor, admitting he’d originally lied.

Then she calls her final witness: Jin-woo. Attorney Hong leaps up in objection, pointing out that Jin-woo is currently suffering from Alzheimer’s, which will discredit his testimony. But In-ah fires back, telling the judge that the symptoms are temporary and he’s fine to testify right now. The judge accepts Jin-woo as a witness.

Jin-woo admits that he’s been investigating Gyu-man for the past five years, knowing that he was responsible for Jung-ah’s death. What he’s found in that time is that instead of turning himself in and reflecting on his sins, Gyu-man has been creating more sins to cover up his previous ones.

The courtroom audience murmurs in shock as Jin-woo rattles off all of Gyu-man’s heinous acts, concluding that the reason Gyu-man didn’t think twice about committing murder is because he believes he’s his own law and can survive by crushing the weak. Gyu-man is ready to jump across the table and commit another sin against Jin-woo, but Attorney Hong settles him down.

At the final verdict, the judge declares Gyu-man guilty of not only sexually assaulting Ha-young, but also murdering Jung-ah, as well as many other crimes. The penalty: death.

The gavel bangs down, bringing the trial to a close, but Gyu-man is furious at receiving a death sentence. When Attorney Hong tries to calm him down, Gyu-man punches him in the face and then leaps over the desk, desperate to reach Jin-woo, who sits unmoving in his seat.

The guards rush to restrain him, and as they drag him out of the courtroom, Gyu-man screams that he’s “Gyu-man” — he’s “the law!” His continued threats of killing Jin-woo echo into the courtroom as the guards drag him down the hallway.

Seok-gyu visits Assistant Ahn in jail, updating him about Gyu-man’s trial. Assistant Ahn admits that he thought he would be pleased to hear that his old boss got the death penalty, but instead he feels bitter and frustrated. As a friend, Seok-gyu admits he doesn’t feel good about it, either.

As a “thank you,” Ha-young gives In-ah and Jin-woo a cute pair of monkeys, which she says is a symbol of good luck. She’s moving on with her life, which is going well — she’s even managed to get an acting job.

On the other hand, not doing so well is Gyu-man, who begs the jail’s doctor to give him some pain meds, but the doctor — knowing full well who he is — refuses and orders him to be escorted back to his cell. No privilege here, buddy!

As they’re returning him to his cell, they run into model prisoner Detective Kwak, humming a hymn. He politely greets Gyu-man by quoting a Bible verse, but Gyu-man mutters that if Kwak thinks he’s safe even jail, then he better think again. But Kwak peacefully tells Gyu-man that he’ll pray for him, which only enrages Gyu-man even more.

Jin-woo visits Gyu-man in jail, telling him it will be the last time they see each other. Gyu-man takes it as a chance to taunt him about his failing memory, but Jin-woo reminds him that it’s because of Gyu-man that he and his father’s lives were destroyed.

Gyu-man doesn’t accept responsibility, telling him it just his lousy fate. Fine, then — but now it’s Gyu-man’s fate, because he’ll rot in jail until he dies like Jin-woo’s father. That’s impossible, though, because he’s the almighty Gyu-man, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get out.

He warns Jin-woo that even if he forgets everything else, he better remember Gyu-man, because he’ll make Jin-woo pay. Jin-woo just sighs, telling Gyu-man that it seems his life is pitiful, too. But Gyu-man refuses to accept anyone’s pity, especially from Jin-woo.

Jin-woo’s next stop is Dong-ho’s office, where he confesses that he doesn’t feel as satisfied as he thought he would be after seeing Gyu-man finally in jail. Dong-ho agrees, and Jin-woo admits that, despite all their differences, he and Dong-ho have had similar lives after all, and maybe even a comraderie. Aw.

Dong-ho is ready to find him the best doctor in the country to help him retain his memories, but Jin-woo doesn’t want that. He asks Dong-ho to just pretend not to know him when Jin-woo forgets him — there are too many bad memories surrounding Dong-ho. It’s harsh, but true, and Jin-woo asks for just one more favor before he completely forgets everything: continue to honor their 50,000 won contract.

Chairman Nam visits his son in jail, and Gyu-man begs to get him out. Even though his trial helped to ruin Il-ho Gorup, he promises he can rebuild the company once he’s freed. But Chairman Nam blames himself for appointing his inept son as president of the company — how can he fix it, anyway, after the damage he’s done?

But Gyu-man continues to plead. Is money really more important than family? For Chairman Nam, who spent his life building the company which was destroyed by Gyu-man in one day, yes, it is. He no longer considers Gyu-man his son. After all, when a person’s becomes worthless, they must be thrown out. The chairman leaves without looking back, and Gyu-man’s face crumples in anguish as he screams for his father.

The chairman may not be quite as heartless as he seems, because he yells at Attorney Hong for not sorting out business matters while he’s been seeing to his son. But Attorney Hong has a plan.

Over a friendly drink, he meets with Dong-ho and Prosecutor Tak. He’s willing to trade his loyalty for information about Il-ho Group. Prosecutor Tak isn’t too thrilled at Attorney Hong slipping through their fingers while they take down Chairman Nam, but that’s okay, because Dong-ho has his own plan.

Prosecutor Tak and his men arrive with their blue boxes in a search and seizure of Il-ho Group’s documents. Dong-ho tells the chairman that he’ll soon be joining his son in jail, but Chairman Nam stubbornly insists it won’t be that easy to take him down.

In his jail cell, Gyu-man sits alone, thinking back to when his father made him president of Il-ho Group. He also remembers Dong-ho’s warning that his father is the type to throw away anyone who no longer is useful, including his own son. As his father’s words “You’re no longer my son” ring his ears, Gyu-man drags his chair to just beneath the barred window.

He takes off his jacket and ties it around the bars. Then, with a look of resigned despair, he stares at it for a moment as tears fill his eyes. Presumably using the jacket as a makeshift noose, he kicks the chair out from under him.

Word of his death reaches his father, whose shocked grief is severe for a man who’d recently declared he had no son. Gyu-man’s suicide also spreads throughout the news stations as they report that the death won’t stop the investigation of Il-ho Group.

Jin-woo and his team watch the news, and Attorney Song admits that even though Gyu-man was an evil bastard, it doesn’t feel that great hearing he died like that.

Boss Ajumma points out that even until the end, Gyu-man refused to take responsibility for his actions and instead took the easy way out. Jin-woo and In-ah study the wall of Il-ho Group evidence, where Gyu-man’s photo now shows an “X” through it.

Chairman Nam tries to contact Attorney Hong, but he’s busy ignoring the chairman’s calls as he interviews for a new position in a large law firm. If ever the chairman needed a lawyer, it’s just then, because Prosecutor Tak arrives to arrest the chairman for his crimes.

As the news stations report on Chairman Nam’s arrest, Prosecutor Tak tells Dong-ho that he finally feels relieved. It seems like the reign of Nam terror is at an end. There’s just one loose matter to tie-up.

Jin-woo tells In-ah that he’s going to quit being a lawyer. He only became one to exonerate his father, and now that he has, he can rest and let it go. He teases her to stop being so nosy, but then he remembers all the times she was in his life — from the beginning when she gave him back the ring, to when she helped him escape the gambling hall, to when they cleaned off the graffiti on his house. Aw.

He admits they’ve had some good memories together. She grabs his arm, telling him that now they can do everything they couldn’t do before — such as have a real date.

In-ah returns home where her mother makes her a peace offering snack, and then asks if In-ah can really handle taking care of Jin-woo. She insists that she can, reminding her mother that she got her stubbornness from her. Aw, I’m glad to see this family together again. Even if Mom is a little gruff, she genuinely cares about her daughter.

Attorney Hong is ready to start his new career at the (somewhat shady) big-name law-firm, but In-ah arrives with a warrant for his arrest in association with Il-ho Group’s crimes (and attempts to cover-up those crimes). Attorney Hong may think that he could get away with everything because he provided the evidence, but In-ah and Prosecutor Tak are going to make sure that prosecutors will no longer be bought by the rich and powerful.

Jin-woo visits his family’s memorial. He wonders what it would have been like if they could have lived a normal, peaceful life as a happy family. It must be their memorial day, since Dong-ho also arrives to visit his father’s urn. He calls out to Jin-woo, who turns and stares at him in confusion: “Do you know me?”

Thinking a moment, Jin-woo realizes this is the lawyer who’d once drunkenly came to show off that he passed the bar. He pleasantly greets Dong-ho, who quietly admits that they share the same memorial date for their family, so they’ve run into each other a few times.

It’s a remarkable coincidence, Jin-woo says, especially since they’re also both lawyers. Dong-ho vaguely admits they do have an unusual connection. As Jin-woo leaves, he asks Dong-ho if he knows the best compliment an attorney can give to another attorney. Dong-ho answers that’s it’s “defend me.”

Jin-woo smiles as he tells Dong-ho that when he saw him just now, those words came to mind. After he leaves, Dong-ho, who’d been struggling to maintain his composure, finally breaks down in tears.

In his law office, Jin-woo opens up the stove and studies two journals, one labeled “Memories to cherish” and another “Memories to forget.” He puts the one “to forget” into the fire but holds on to the book “to cherish.”

The next morning, In-ah arrives at the office only to see that Jin-woo’s desk has been cleared. She hurries into the secret room, but that’s been cleared out, too. The only thing that remains is the pair of monkeys, Jin-woo’s mother’s ring on its chain, and a tablet set up and ready to play.

In-ah sits down to watch the video message Jin-woo left behind. He’s aware of her unspoken decision to stay with him, but he can’t let her endure that hardship. He wants to her to have happy memories of him. Even if all his memories disappear, he’ll still forever remember her. In-ah cries at this gentle and sweet good-bye.

A year later. Dong-ho makes his closing arguments to judge Seok-gyu for his client, a little old lady who was scammed out of her business. Seok-gyu rules in her favor, and afterwards, he tells Dong-ho that he was really impressed at how personable he’s become with his clients. In-ah arrives just then, and Dong-ho brags about the large attorney fee he just got.

Seok-gyu confirms that it’s been a year since anyone has heard from Jin-woo, and Dong-ho sighs that he just disappeared like the wind, unwilling to let anyone suffer because of him. In-ah’s convinced that he’s healthy and doing well somewhere.

At what is now Dong-ho’s law office, Assistant Ahn brings out a tray of sweet potatoes for everyone. Boss Ajumma (who is now a lawyer herself, yay!) can’t believe that the little old lady Dong-ho just defended only paid in potatoes — if they keep letting their clients pay like this, they won’t be able to afford their rent.

But Dong-ho reminds them that their law office’s motto is to defend those who really need the law to protect them. In his last meeting with Dong-ho, Jin-woo had asked him to take care of his law firm and become the attorney who fights for those who need the law the most — to become the attorney that Jin-woo can no longer be. Even though their law firm may not be the richest in terms of money, they’re at least rich in friendship and loyalty.

In-ah finds Jin-woo leaving a note on the memory tree, and he smiles at her in greeting — and then just walks on, not recognizing her. She stops him, and he asks who she is. Seeing her crestfallen expression, he quickly apologizes if they’ve met before, but his memory isn’t the greatest. She just tells him that he looks like someone she knows.

After he leaves, she studies at the notes on the tree, finding the one from him: “I imagine the pieces of the memory I lost are with you. Those memories, keep them forever for me. I wish you happiness always, wherever I am.”

Smiling, In-ah clutches the note to her chest, then runs out to catch up with Jin-woo. She holds out the necklace — his mother’s ring — asking if he remembers it. But he doesn’t, and then he turns around and keeps walking. Slowly, she follows him.

In a voice over, Jin-woo says that he was a lawyer who used to remember everything — it was a blessing and a curse. Thanks to those memories, he’d been both happy and unhappy.

Dong-ho and the rest of the Jin-woo’s old team watch Jin-woo’s video message, where he tells them that he really won’t be able to forget their time together and all the great times they’ve had — for that, he thanks them. Jin-woo: “Even though memories disappear, the fact that I exist does not.”


I’m still a little unsure about the ending. I’m generally a fan of vague endings — I actually like keeping things a little open-ended, because then it’s up to my interpretation what happens next instead of me wanting to argue with the writer about how it ought to have ended instead. But sometimes — like now — I could use a little more explicit closure.

Does In-ah find a way to make him understand that they actually know each other quite well, and the note he left is actually a note for her? Does she follow through on her promise to take care of him? Heck, how has he been taking care of himself this past year in the first place? He has no family, as we know, and no job, either. Alzheimer’s is no picnic, but I can’t imagine her letting him go just like that, now that she’s found him.

At any rate, I’m glad to know that everyone else I care about on our team of intrepid heroes seems to end up well and healthy. Dong-ho (and his flashy suits!) gets to take care of Jin-woo’s team, Seok-gyu continues to be an honest judge, Prosecutor Tak gets to make sure no other prosecutors will be so easily bribed, and Sang-ho and Assistant Ahn’s bromance will live on forever.

This was not a perfect drama, but it did have incredibly compelling characters that I grew to love (or hate). The script itself wasn’t exactly original, and there were plot-holes galore, but the beauty of the show lay in the way the actors were able to take these characters and elevate them to a point that they were more than the sum of their parts.

I’m especially impressed with how Namgoong Min was able to take a character that, on paper, seems like a ridiculous two-dimensional evil villain and turn him into something dynamic and original. There was a level of intensity within Gyu-man that was always vibrating beneath the surface, and you never quite knew when it would burst and rain down destruction to those who were nearby. Yet very rarely did it feel like the character was too over-the-top. There was always something within the crazy that somehow kept him grounded. Or perhaps I’m just looking for an excuse to explain why I actually cried when he died.

Maybe it was just sadness over the fact that Gyu-man finally realized what a pitiful life he led. When stripped of his power, and the power he yields over those around him, there’s no one left who cares. Even his father turned his back on him, and that’s the one person Gyu-man so desperately worked his whole life to impress.

I have to wonder if his suicide wasn’t just due to the realization that his father not only wasn’t going to free him from jail and thus he had failed, but also that he, who’d been trying to hard to live by the tenets that people are just objects to be used and thrown away, now decided to throw himself away, since he was of no more use to his father. The Nam family twisted equivalent of falling on your sword, so to speak.

But is Jin-woo really all that different (besides the whole having a moral compass and not killing anyone)? Because he, too, seemed to know that he would only become a hindrance, and then decided to take himself out of the situation. While it’s his life to live, I still really wish he’d given In-ha the opportunity to help care for him instead of just disappearing like that. Although I do really respect the show for not finding a miracle cure for Jin-woo’s Alzheimers (even if I secretly wish there could have been one), and while I wonder if Jin-woo will disappear from In-ha’s life again, I am at least content to know that deep down he knows that she still cares about him, even if he can no longer remember her name or her face.

There is, perhaps, no true happy ending here, despite our characters finally being vindicated. War is never pretty, even when one side eventually wins, and in this “war of the sons,” the true victor is the one who knows that he remains in the heart of those who remember him still, even if he himself has forgotten. A bittersweet victory, perhaps, but at last there can finally be a sense of peace now that the truth has won.


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Namgoong Min was a typhoon in this drama. A++++ acting. What a talented guy. And for YSH's age he did amazing as well. The acting honestly was great on all fronts. Idk how I feel about that ending but it was I think the best they could give us.

Congrats to the entire team for the show being so successful! Hopefully YSH doesn't go disappear on us. I demand more dramas! Preferably with less tears next time.


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Um. How has JinWoo been able to live for a year with Alzheimer's with no aid? How has he not been hit by a truck or something yet? I doubt he was in a nursing home or something since DongHo would've most likely found out where JW was hiding ... This is the thing that doesn't make sense to me most how is he able to write a note and walk all around the block with Alzheimer's??? How does he remember to dress so nicely and look so put together???


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Since I talked about what I think he did in my comment below, all I'll add is that if Dong-ho knew Jin-woo didn't want to be found, he would absolutely respect and trust that, and let him live how he wants.

There's no reason he can't write a note - we don't know what level his condition has got to. And all we saw is a snippet of him at the tree and walking out. Who's to say there isn't a car around the corner with a nurse, and he's dressed up for the special trip?

Honestly, none of it is far-fetched. I can understand the complaint of not wanting to have to fill in the holes yourself, but I think this was the director's way of making the reality of his condition hurt less for the viewer. The last thing you want, after you've been through this much with these characters, is to see them lose themselves and become helpless and dependent. We had to finish on a note that gave us hope at least for his peace of mind, if not for his health. Then our last memory of him would be the serene, unburdened Jin-woo.

I, for one, choose this ending over the alternative of seeing him worsen.

(But given full-on choice, I choose MIRACLE CURE! Sense or no sense.)


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I worked in Alzheimer's research and basically all I did all day was sort through patient charts from the time of their diagnosis to their death. So, yes, I've seen cases of severe Alzheimer's and late stage dementia. My grandmother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and trust me when I say this, Alzheimer's is not a death sentence per se.

Typically with Alzheimer's, even extreme cases of early onset like this one, patients have deficiencies in certain areas like memory, cognition, or motor control. For most patients, it's a deficiency in predominantly one or two areas rather than global loss of function. It takes YEARS for Alzheimer's to develop into the inability to write a note and to require assistance from a nursing home, especially now that there's medication to control Alzheimer's. The average time it takes for someone's Alzheimer's to progress is ~14 years actually. In cases like this. the deterioration is far more rapid but can still take years.

At the time of the ending, JinWoo would probably have had trouble remembering small details (i.e. turning off the water, flushing the toilet) but will still retain the ability to write and recognize where he is. He would also be able to dress himself with no problem. That said, he'll slowly start losing pieces of himself and that in itself is not a pretty sight.


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i am still at soompi, where some were still there chatting.
found your article, very insightful. can i seek your permission to post your sharing of Alz patients up there. i can don't quote your name, just your notes alone.
kindly approve.


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Throughout this drama (and many others) I've learned to stop questioning the logic of things and just go with what the show tries to sell.


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i will agree that is often the way to go...

just until you just can't with the logic anymore anyway


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"There is, perhaps, no true happy ending here, despite our characters finally being vindicated. War is never pretty, even when one side eventually wins, and in this “war of the sons,” the true victor is the one who knows that he remains in the heart of those who remember him still, even if he himself has forgotten. A bittersweet victory, perhaps, but at last there can finally be a sense of peace now that the truth has won."

This is the perfect wrap-up. I couldn't quite put my finger on that thing and you've done it perfectly, odilettante.

Also with you on Gyu-man's death. My heart was crying but my head was saying, 'he killed remorselessly' and it was a big cognitive dissonance moment.

I reckon that when Jin-woo went away, out of their world, he probably checked himself into an assisted living facility that would specialise in looking after patients like him. To live gently and quietly, as happy as it's possible to be after vindicating his father and seeing justice served, and not making himself a burden to his loved ones. I think...that was his choice to make. I don't usually think that those kinds of choices can be made one-sidedly, but it felt like finally, after all this time, Jin-woo deserved to have it his way. He'd earned that much.

Yes, it was an imperfect drama. It should've been way shorter. Park Min-young was criminally underused. But it was through this show I developed an everlasting Yoo Seung-ho love.

Thanks so much to both of you for your thoughtful and enjoyable recaps!


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Thank you for the recap. I loved this ep., I thought some moments were funny (GM and the cop in jail and him preaching to GM), I loved that most things were worked out well, and I found some scenes sad, like the ending.
I too had some questions, and noticed the many plotholes. I wish there were not so many. I really did enjoy the acting from everyone, however. Off to read...


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Abit late to the party but i found the cops preaching funny too.died lafing


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Seriously? Like c'mon. I feel so sad that jin woo left without saying a word. I don't get a happy ending: not like the film showed signs of a happy ending. I really wished his alzheimer was treated, logic be damned...it's the least he deserves after being through hell and back. An lonely ending armed with only memories to remember is way too cruel ...I'm crying right now.


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Really admire with nam goong min's acting in this drama. His eyes can talk his despair and his anger. So proud of him, he immersed his character so well. Heart breaking and cry so much to see him in jail, with his teary-eyed commit to suicide.

Waiting his new drama, want more psychopath role again. Lol

Hopefully the next drama, he will get lead role maybe an ambitious heir but has a gentle heart for his woman. Haha


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couldn't agree more


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Just a ridunkulous ending for a show filled with fabulous actors and humongous plot holes.

"I have Alzheimer's so I will walk the earth all by myself."

"You have Alzheimer's, we'll let you walk the earth by yourself."


Thank you for the recaps and thank you to all the wonderful characters who filled this show.


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This drama will always be perfect in my memory! ;)


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t feels like I've watched a long movie. One of the best K-dramas I have ever watched. And I just love the way how this show ends. What a touching & beautiful ending!
I want to show my respect to Yoon Hyun Ho for his great writing. Thank you, writer-nim, PD nim, all cast & crew. You all did great jobs.

Yoon-sshi. You are so so so mean, giving our OTP just one kiss ans some hugs. I was expecting more, including triangle loves (Jin Woo - In Ah- Seok Gyu, In Ah - Jin Woo - Yeo Kyung, even Jin Woo - In Ah- Gyu Man!), but you didn't let something like this happen. And in the end, it turns out that I really love this way of writing. It makes this show different from so many typical K-dramas out there.

I hope Seung Ho & Min Young will be paired up in another project very soon. Even though they didn't have many romantic scenes in this show, they had such great chemistry. I want to see them in lovey dovey scenes in future projects in compensation for this show!


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Here is my interpretation about the ending. In the end, Jin Woo lost his memory. His brain can't remember In Ah, but his heart does. That's why he wrote her the little card in which he wishes her happiness.

Speaking of In Ah, her heart aches because he didn't recognize her at first (Maybe he kept a photo of In Ah in his "To cherish memories" book & he was just acting). Anyway, from his calm aura, she's relieved now knowing that he doesn't suffer from bad memories anymore. That's the reason why she smiles even when he doesn't regconize the necklace he gave her. With her stubborn nature, she follows him and will stick her nose in his business to make sure that they will spend their time together from now on, including real dates (I'm sure she will. It's Lee In Ah that we are talking about) and won't let him run away from her this time. (I wonder whether he will remember that he decided to run away from her or not ^^)

Thinking of the background music in this scene, "Can you hear me", by Joo Young: Can you hear my voice right now. My heart always looking for you. If I call, would it be you? If somebody looks back, I wonder whether it’s you. I call you every day because everything in the world looks like you". To me, it implies that even though he can not remember her voice and her face, he has been looking for her, who has become his memory.

It's an open ending that you can imagine what happens next. She will seduce him, they will get married and have a cute kid (little Jin Woo with super memory), I think (^^). He may go rest in peace some day, with his beloved family around him. Maybe not, who knows (Having Hyperthymesia & Alzheimer at the same time itself is unbelievable). Maybe someday, his memory miraculously return and he can remember everything.. It's bittersweet, yet realistic and satisfying happy ending for my beloved OTP.

Just imagine what he does to earn his living now. Let me see... Maybe a novelist (his very first novel "War of a son" will be a bestseller), or maybe a webtoon artist. Haha. Jin Woo must have some hobbies or a career that he want to pursue when he was in highschool, right?.


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Vantpc; i like your ending more. that should be the ways isnt it?


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I love this ending @Vanptc!

Aww I cried so much cos I didn't get a happy ending on this one!

I totally want to publish the fanfic ending I wrote for an alternative ending but I am a bit too sad to type it out... Your ending cheers me up!


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Omg I want to read your fanfic. It would be very beautiful. Write down, pleaseeee!!!


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@Vanptc :)
Okay, so after talking about it in my previous comments, this is how I kinda wish that last scene in our lovely Remember unfolded...(And I didn't even tweak the actual setting at all so I hope it ends up in some extended version of Remember somewhere, lol)

In Ah walks into the room with the tree and sees Jin Woo. He turns and smiles. She smiles back. But he walks past her. She goes to the tree to read the note. She chases Jin Woo down the street and catches up. He gives her his attention. She looks straight at him...

"Do you remember me?" She asks.

Jin Woo smiles apologetically. He pauses for a beat. "Forgive me if I don't... Are we supposed to know each other? He then asks hesitantly, a bit shaken. In Ah can't help it. Her face falls.

She looks down and grabs something out of her pocket. "How about this?"

She holds up the necklace and the ring. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks. Jin Woo observes and realizes... He reaches into his own pocket...out comes, a hankerchief. He dabs at In Ah's tears, his fingers brushing her cold cheeks lightly. He experiences a quick flashback of hugging In Ah that runs up and through his body like an electric current. He gasps and tries to draw his hand back. In Ah reaches out quickly with her other hand and clasps Jin Woo's hand so his hand stays in place. "I think I remember you... But ...but every memory is gone... My memories...?" He admits to In Ah shakily...


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In Ah's lips tremble again. Jin Woo keeps talking. "...but you were there... Always... You were so important to me, weren't you?" Jin Woo says as he reaches out and touches In Ah's neck. In Ah gives a tiny nod, lips pursed wistfully. "And now every memory of you... Us... Is gone...?" Jin Woo expresses.

"Yes." In Ah finally says, firmly. "Jin Woo, Ah, your old memories are gone. They are all cleared! But they only left... so you could have a blank page ... A blank page you could write some new memories on...

Jin Woo stares at In Ah, taking it all in. He blinks. In Ah continues.

"For a long time, your life was filled with so... Much...pain. But it doesn't have to be that way anymore..." In Ah tells him tremblingly, a sad but convincing smile on her face. The corners of Jin Woo's lips lift into a sweet smile. He stares at In Ah intently and slowly enfolds her in an embrace. In Ah is deeply moved and closes her eyes to savor the moment. She wraps her arms around Jin Woo too, the necklace and ring dangle down his back. Their moment freezes in time for In Ah.


They begin to walk up the hill but In Ah walks ahead slightly, quite glad. She slows down and turns around. Jin Woo catches up with her, all the while, never taking his eyes off her. In Ah grabs his hand and Jin Woo lets her. They now walk up the hill together, side by side, in perfect pace, smiling at each other.

In Ah's Voiceover, as they walk..."I know he's going to forget all about this coffee date, like he has the one we had yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, sighhh...but at least, for a moment, a couple of hours, today, Jin Woo and I can make a memory I will always remember..." FIN

And that's a wrap! To all warriors of the son who have been with us through it all, I say Thank you! And I love you! Good night. :)


Warrior Affie, (that's how we call ourselves "warrior" back in soompi):
your fanfic gave us the closure that Writer Yoon Hyunho's felt lacking, while his has enough hints to suggest that IA will never give up staying beside JW, it doesn't give us glimpse into what will be like in the past one year, did they really create some memories like simple dating for IA to savor, or create any solid picture of how he will react to her prompting and how comforted he will be by realising she is the one he remembered as 'someone' that holds all his lost memories. i wanted to see a gratified IA too, in seeing swift moments when JW suddenly remember some scene of herself.... while i don't crave for more kisses and skinship anymore, i want that 2 minds to sync. and thank God your fanfic provide that closure...

Affie warrior, can i seek your permission, to advertise your "fanfic of ep 21" your version, to my soompi site warriors there? can? please please please,.... some of them will be crying with happy tears upon reading.


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Maybe someday another doctor finds that Jin Woo's "Alzheimer" is a wrong diagnosis, it is just "memory loss in detail". He still vaguely remembers overall things about his life. Of course, he is healthy enough to live with In Ah a happy and productive life ever after


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its KDland, so anything can happened. your wrong diagnosis, was the 'miracle pill' that i secretly cashing in...hahhaa.
anyone watch that warm "Twenty Again" where Choi Ji woo was diagnosis wrongly as dying of Stomach Cancer by 3 months time, thus went into College to 'Live Again' to fulfill her bucket list...i was kinda of hoping Doctor diagnosed that he has a rare kind of milder Alz, or memory loss due to extreme stress.... let that be Remember part 2 please.
if they can have Mrs Cop 2, why not Remember season 2?


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Omg it seems that we have the same taste! I am a fan of Twenty Again, too. Yes! If we have Remember season 2 in which wrong diagnosis about Alzheimer to be revealed (just "memory loss in detail"), In Ah seduces Jin Woo and win his heart again, then I' die a happy fan.

More Woo-Ah, please!!!! My best OTP so far. Seung Ho & Min Young have become my best favourite onscreen couple, so I am looking forward to seeing them to be paired up in more projects soon.


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Warrior Vanptc (that's what we call ourselves "Warrior"):
yes, think we have the same taste, (if you also like Healer also then we really have the exact taste, complete sync.)

Healer's JCW and PMY is my first onscreen OTP so far, then they become my Real Life Couple OTP, the only OTP i ever ship in entire life.

but Seo Jinwoo and Lee InAh has became the most achingly beautiful and selfless "Onscreen Couple" that shaken me to core... Yes, "Woo-An" couple, that's what we call them back at soompi. while many very good sincere chingus do still honestly think they lack chemistry or think Remember don't need loveline to thrill (but they mentioned with respect)... i did found some among those who truly, like you and me, love this OTP to our core, senses, vitals and organs.... its rare to have a couple that stirred such emotions given their very few skinship moments.... loved a relationship that developed from just colleagues or friendship... then go thru sufferings and years of frank, unreserved and comfortable interaction which leads to True Love... i loved just that kind of love...
decipher their interaction and those smiles and gazes and comforting words, is like reading heart-rending poetry.....
very different feels from the Healer's OTP, JCW and PMY which i ship in real life.


All's well that ends well and all that right? I wish I could see the behind the scenes footage of the scene where the helicopter takes off without Namgoong Min. I swear, he, Park Min Young and Yoo Seung Ho were struggling to keep from laughing! I wonder what was so hysterical about the scene, though I must admit Namgoong Min killed it as usual.

As usual kdramas paint a very unrealistic portrait of Ahlziemers disease. Realistically, by the time Jin Woo's illness has progressed to the stage where he can't even remember his own name, it is accompanied by bed wetting, peeing on oneself (cause one can't remember to use the bathroom), poor hygiene and grooming, irrational anger and outbursts, disorientation and short term memory loss, in some cases it would be impossible for the Ahlziemers patient to carry on a conversation such as Jin woo had with In Ah simply because the patient would forget what they were talking about in the first place.

Ahlziemers not a pretty disease by any means and I think it does sufferers of the disease a disservice by showing Jin woo looking perfectly healthy walking off into the sunset with In Ah trailing after him. Where's his nurse? Who will ensure that he gets back to where he's supposed to be in one piece? Why was he left to go out on his own? Smh.

I can't blame In Ah's mom for not wanting her daughter to end up as a caretaker for Jin woo. Studies have shown that loved ones who are caregivers of Ahlziemers patients have a shortened life span because they undergo so much stress, and in some cases professional care is needed. I hope this doesn't sound uncaring, because I mean it with deep compassion. I lost some very dear to me from the disease, and his wife who was his primary caregiver, died shortly afterwards.


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I'm so sorry for your loss.

However, I would say that instead of taking liberties with Alzheimer's in terms of the severity and the likely presentation of the disease, I'd argue that the writers took liberties with the degree of memory loss that Jin Woo has. After all it, makes for better drama. It's far more dramatic to have someone forget his entire identity instead of merely small details of the past, like the year he was born, or repeating conversations over and over again, as is often the case with Alzheimer's patients.

I don't really know the exact time frame but I'd argue that Jin Woo's ability to function independently is a far more likely scenario. He should have control over most of his memories but have difficulty remembering specifics.

I should also note that Alzheimer's is different for every patient and there are specific arenas in which there is neural degeneration. For many, there is a deficit in a primary area, like memory. Even when the disease progresses to late stage Alzheimer's, the degeneration in terms of memory, cognition, motor control, etc. still occurs in different magnitudes. So someone may have no idea who they are and have frequent hallucinations but still retain bladder control, etc. At the stage that you're describing, someone is probably in hospice care and wouldn't be out in the first place.


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Val chingu:
i wrote something at #24. felt that you may identified and hope you like.


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something for you.
i may post some info for Alz tomorrow on my weekend break.

can i seek your approval to repost what you wrote about Alz to my chingus elsewhere... to let them have a real life testimonies on Alz. i need "real people talking", not just web reports to show my friends what i mean....
thanks for your "He should have control over most of his memories but have difficulty remembering specifics."
that give me comfort that he will remember on/off, at least a little of her, and at that moment of memories rekindled, both of them will hug and be gratified and cried with joy... i want to imagine that.
so thanks a lot.


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@Adal... Hahaha. I thought I was the only one who saw that! I think they were amused by the centrifugal force being discharged by the chopper! In a brief shot, YSH looked like he was about to topple over... So much wind force... NGM looked just fine screaming at the chopper though... Even I found it hilarious! I'm betting they did too lol


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lol I think you worded everything perfectly Odilettante. I'm not gonna complain too much abt this drama cuz overall it still managed to entertain me. It was frustrating, yes, but at the same time I couldn't keep my eyes away from the screen.

Plot wise, it could've been better. Like if they took out the JW having alzheimer thing and emphasized a bit more on Dongho's character? I swear I was so ready for him to be all a badass lawyer again along with Jinwoo but, sadly it didn't happen :/ And what happened to his backstory btw? I didn't quite get what happened with his father and Nam Ilho... I get secretary Ahn's pity for Gyuman but I just wished they'd show at least some kind of flashback where Gyu man, Secretary Ahn, and Seok Gyu were all friends (like maybe a snippet of the past where Gyuman wasn't evil) Idk what to say about the last 10 min of the ep tbh LOL Like I guess it was.. okay? Idk I want to pretend I didn't see it but at the same time I don't, and in fact wished there was MORE to see...

I can't stop praising the cast cuz really, they were amazing tho. I don't think it was easy for YSH to continuously squeeze out tears episodes after episodes, and how hard it must have been for PSW to speak in satoori throughout the whole entire drama?? And not to mention NGM who makes a hella convincing villain (I wouldn't say he stole the whole show tho but he certainly did steal the ending haha I had to keep reminding myself that he was a murderer and a rapist in order to stop myself from pitying him at the end.)

Overall, not a bad drama. Would recommend it, but only to certain ppl... Success or failure, it's just preference tbh. I'll be looking forward to YSH's next proj~


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About that flashback thing - I think there could have been something like this too. Like, Gyu Man & his secretary were high school friends. I wanted to see some flashback about that. Like, maybe Gyu Man wasn't this evil when he was younger. The drama managed to tell a lot without such scenes but I think it would be interesting if this friendship was more developed. And that friendship with Seok Gyu also wasn't quite explained.


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I haven't watched yet but I wanted to get in early and say I loved Namgoong Min more than ever! And that this show is a credit to the Korean Outerwear Manufacturing Industry, I will always "remember" it for the exquisitely tailored suits and coats.


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I loved the coats too! Omg This show had so much Coat and Jacket porn lol


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...And that this show is a credit to the Korean Outerwear Manufacturing Industry, I will always “remember” it for the exquisitely tailored suits and coats.

It sure is! An abundance of coats/jackets to crave. Also, the wardrobe people/stylists did a great job with the suit selections Nam Goong Min wore too.


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Sigh...Glad this one is over. I have been waiting for another drama to take its spot since ep 6. That was when I went from, ooo I really like this drama to...What?


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Sad for sure. I've said all along that getting justice in the end is better than not, but the price was astronomical. For a flash, I saw Harry (I Miss You) in the wheelchair in the psych ward - no, it's not the same, but a deteriorating Jin Woo and a broken Harry are both so heartbreaking that either way, I just can't take it.

Once again, it's a story that you couldn't explain to someone and have it make much sense. Especially to someone who doesn't watch kdramas - it would drive them in the opposite direction permanently with no hope of ever winning them to the kdrama side.

That's why it's so fantastic to have the db community to hash out the incredibly inexplicable story lines and events in our beloved kdramas. We get to say things like "Oppa" all we want and no one judges us.

I will say that the acting was excellent, no complaints there. Jin Woo, aaugghh! Poor baby!

What's next after Remember?


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So, I didn't keep up watching this drama, but the recaps I did. I can totally imagined Namgoong Min's dynamic performance as Gyuman. It was ridiculously awesome!!!! Great job to the actors and actresses!


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I truly enjoyed this show. I almost hoped that the show would throw the miracle recovery in 'cause I really wanted everyone to end up together as a one big happy family. *sigh*
I like that the message on that paper might have been for everyone and not just In-ha. He can't remember all those memories certainly- but everyone else remembers it for him. I also liked the fact that he chose to leave and not burden anyone especially In-ha.
Sad to see this show go, despite its flaws (could have been 16 instead of 20 eps) I did enjoy it.


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Thanks for the recaps. Even when i cannot manage to watch the episodes, i can continue here and laugh with the comments. So thank you one more time !!

Can't wait for their new dramas. All of them.
And NamGoong Min !!! Wooah !! Like Wooah !!

Saw him the first time in The girl who sees smell And OMG i was just off because although i knew his character was evil I couldn't repress myself from somehow loving him.
He can switch from the sweet and absolutely hot man to a psychopatic and even hotter man.

^_^ aaaaaaaaah can't wait !! I hope that we'll have a lot of dramas that good this year. It was a great journey.


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Finally... it's over. I liked the first few episodes but the interest kinda fizzled out after the dad died. Because what's the point if he's dead anyway...

Where can I watch NGM as a normal guy without the creepiness or craziness? Most of his roles are the same: Secret Hotel, Girl Who Sees Smells, and here in Remember.. I want to see him like a boy next door type.


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Watch Unemployed Romance. It's basically a comedy about a break-up and the first few episodes are told from the heroine's perspective.Then it switches to Namgoong Min's as the hero. He is very funny and sweet and somewhat dorpy in it. ER was the first thing I saw him in and, until his role in Remember which he knocked out of the park, I primarily regarded him as a comic actor. But he's just a really, really good actor, period.


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Check NGM out in I Need Romance 3! He's 'normal' there... ;)


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The court case was great.

The epilogue not so.

I will really rather he wakes up one day, not remembering anyone, but smiling.

Instead he pulls some weird disappearing act and than suddenly appear in the middle of nowhere.


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Thank you for recapping this. I stopped watching about half way through because it was such relentless bad news all the time. But I was curious how it turned out, so I appreciate being able to check in here.


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So.. they left Jin-woo like that for a whole year?
Thanks for recap! At least we got some happy ending.

Some from Interview with Park Sung-woong/Park Dong-ho after the show-
About his image in 'Remember', he said "I am actually cute. I am not scary, right?" because he played evil characters in movies. "It has been 3 years since I did a drama after 'Gaksital'. I felt burdened, I did 'Hide identity' in TVN, but hasn't done one in a major station. But I loved it after I read episode 1 and 2. I thought Park Dong-ho character was Daebak. One thing is that Dong-ho speaks with KyungSang province Satoori/accent, and I was cursed by GS people for my bad satoori."

He was known for his unique flash suit fashion in addition to his Satoori in the show. He said his first white Suit was most memorable. "I filmed the first scene wearing white shoes and white socks. It looked so good. But Lee PD said it was too regular so I folded up the pants. When I walked with blue suit, everyone laughed. I asked staffs in charge of outfits where they got them, and bought one Orange color coat for myself. I really hated the Purple color suit that I wore when I helped Seong-ho in the court, but it got into the news item, and I became to like it."

About Yoo Seong-ho, "Yoo Seong-ho did such a good acting. During his crying scene, Jun Kwang-ryol(his father in the show) and people around (staff and others) all cried together as I heard." "He is the nicest guy among all the men I have met. He is mature for his age. I asked why he went to the army at such an early age, and he said he needed time to think because he started his acting career too young (me: You don't say! I still remember him as 7 year old boy throwing fits, demanding Kentucky Fried chicken in the movie 'The way home'). He is serious, cautious, cute and nice. I loved him and became his fan. There were times I felt like giving him a back-hug, and he took it smiling when I back-hugged him."


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About NamGoong Min, "Nam Gyu-man is the evil character in the show. Later in the show, the character turned into a comedy. I provided him the source. I told him to say "I will kill you first" with Satoori when I told him "Jun-woo will kill you" when he visited me while I was in prison. And I think that must've been fun. Gyu-man made progress after that. Min acted the character strong at first, but later acting gained sympathy as well".

About the scene eating Gogooma/Sweet potato and Cider/Sprite (as fee for the court defense in the last ep), I said "WTH". The show received criticism from viewers that it makes them feel stuffed like a sweet potato (frustrating). He said "That scene was writer's idea. Lee PD used to go to writer Yeon hyun-hoo's house to sleep when the filming ends at 2AM, and I think they were hurt by those comments". I said "WTH, why I drink Cider while eating GoGooma?" Lee PD said "Viewers want Cider (Make you feel refreshed/relieved from frustration), and I am shooting for your cider commercial."

About when he is satisfied with his acting the most, he said "When I don't feel I am acting when I am acting."
He actually majored in Law. "I went to law school because of my father. I had a war-son's war. My father said it is nice to have a judge/prosecutor or doctor in a house, and since I do better in school than my brother, I should go. I wanted to do something I like to make money and feel happy, but it went nowhere. And my friends said the chance of success in the field is like winning the lottery. I didn't have confidence I would make it, but couldn't give up either. Now nobody mentions about it." And he continued "I will work hard this year too. Fans' cheering gives the energy, is a great source of strength for an actor to endure all."


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Namgoong Min also had an interview.
About Nam gyu-man character being similar to Jo Tae-oh of Veteran, "It was similar in the beginning, but I didn't care much. People said I might become someone(Yoo Ah-in)'s epigone when I took this role, but how can they be same when the actors are different? When I think about it now, they worried for nothing. I think I fulfilled the responsibility playing Nam Gyu-man character... When I got the offer for NGM role, he was the fifth important figure and had small part. But character was good. It was the second evil character I would play after 'Girl who can see smell', but I wanted to take the challenge on how to portray the person differently."

"I felt relieved when the show ended. I started my acting career in early 20's and had life and social experience through acting. Mostly I have done quiet roles. Because Nam gyu-man is like a bomb full of anger, I worried about how I can master the role. Working 3 weeks worth of lines worrying, I was conflicted with myself, but PD and others helped so I became
confident. PD (Lee Chang-min) was such a great person. Shooting two 70 min dramas a week, he led the filming himself and believed in actors and gave his trust.

About ad-lib which he said he did a lot, "I memorized the lines, but thinking that PD and writers trusting me made me say
other things and it came out natural. On the scene I was about to run away by airplane, I said to Jun-woo "Catch me if you can" which was ad-lib. Since writer trusted me, I could act freely. If Gye-man was scary to the end, he would've made the viewers (and me) feel uncomfortable."


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About Nam getting worked up acting, "When I had to throw temper in the court scene, it was so hard that I said I was going to die. Keeping yelling seemed to have made my vocal cord strong. I think I mastered all kinds of angry acting. I am amazed at myself being alive after getting angry so much. I might be in danger(health-wise) if I were a little older."

"We could give viewers Cider(relieved from frustration) only when Nam gyu-man is punished, but then drama will end. I am sorry I went around doing evil things." He said he felt good being a key player in the show, but he has no sympathy for the character "Nam gyu-man was trash. He only knew himself. He had huge personality problem who did not know he did wrong when he committed crimes."

About future role, "Netizen say they are scared even when I just smile, I'd like to do a humane/caring character next time,
so that people say 'Oh this role suits him too. He has this side not just having Nam gyu-man image. I think I can do that. I don't feel too much burden about NGM character. Even though people say he is bastard, I assume they will forget about him in about 3 months. If they don't forget, I will just do the different character. I am confident."


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Yaaaaaay! Thanks for posting that interview! @fan


Hahaha thanks for this. I'm one of those fans who need to see NGM in a normal drama as a kindhearted person.


@fan. And I mean....alllllllllllllllllll the interviews... Lol


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I read in another interview that Park Sung-woong actually graduated from law school -- his parents made him go -- and this was his first chance to put his training to work, because right after school he went into acting.

If there were ever a U.S. remake, I hope Dong-ho's fashion is modeled on Gary Spence, a phenomenally successful real lawyer who often wore cowboy boots and blue jeans when arguing cases.

I see some parallels here with The Chaser. As with Detective Baek in The Chaser, setting things right in Remember seems to end in the sacrifice of the hero; it's not about revenge and having things your way. And I think it's neat that Song Yong-gyu, who played the seemingly corrupt Prosecutor Tak in Remember, also played the smarmy, truly corrupt Prosecutor Park in The Chaser.


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It felt so wrong but I actually cried when Gyuman's dad throws him away. And cried again when Gyuman decided to end his life. He deserves all of the punishments he gets but dang Namgoong Min's acting made me feel bad for wanting him dead. NGM seriously stole the show especially in the last 4 episodes.

Yoo Seungho did extremely well too. He has super bright path ahead of him. Can't wait for more dramas from NGM & YSH!


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Same! +1000


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odilettante Sunbae, like you said; "Alzheimer’s is no picnic, but I can’t imagine her letting him go just like that, now that she’s found him." the key point is since the very stubborn IA which JW said will poke her nose into his business, will never ever let him go. with this, at least we can get the most respectable Open ends. here i post something i wrote, hope Sunbae, will take comfort:

Did he not said he can feel IA sincerity thru her words and “eyes”? her eyes by now, is glimmering with new sorrow, new wound, if he can feel anything, this should be the moments, the pain of a woman’s heart revealed fully in her eyes looking at the man she missed for a good year, realising he didn’t miss her after all.... And had to act as if she doesn’t recognized him. I believed the first feels she just gave him min earlier, were eyes of a woman in rapture joy of gazing at the lost love that was just found, and now sudden transformed into anguish.

JW’s note: “I’m sure all the pieces of my memory that I’ve lost are with you.” thus far only One Person walked with him the longest, who will has All the pieces of his memories, so this is address to “That Person” he knew existed, (writing to the IA that he forget but still feeling her loving presence very vividly in his heart while his mind forget her details, knowing that whatever information he lost inside his mind, is not totally lost, just locked forever in him, with the key lost. But he know it is safe-keep with her completely, his very comfort. “Please cherish those memories forever”. He knew that she will keep those memories he can’t retrieve as something so precious to her heart that she will remembers for him, even if he can’t be happy with remembering them, knowing these memories will make her happy, this become his comfort. “Wherever I am, I always wish for your happiness.” Wherever he is while not being with her, he wish for her happiness, that lies in remembering that he loved her deep buried inside him, until the day he lost his memories. That wishing tree, is a prayer tree to pray to God for the loved one, that very note is for her, written while he has so called forgotten him, but still treasured the feeling she gave him. That Note that she received will be the pivot point that motivated her to go on, knowing he did remember her, every times in the future when she felt discouraged, she will fall back on the joy when she read this note, that she realised that he did remember the feeling of happiness and comfort and love, of why she loved him, may still all be there inside him.


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A using the same pendent that help dad to recall JW, such an object so dear to JW, he cannot don’t recognised (After a pause far too long, a gaze too lost in the necklace longer than should be, a smile too frozen, he collected himself, and smiled again “No, I don’t remember.”)
That note that she just read will be the Note that hold her on forever, to accompany her to walk behind him most of the time when he forgets, and once a rare moment walked beside him, when he remembers her. Her notes she received and his necklace. Thus, it doesn’t matter anymore to IA, that he forgets the ring, as long as she knows he remember the person he wrote the note to, a person he wanted to keep remembering her...

i loved and cried almost more than 10 times over these words, written only when he lost his memory, that's why the more precious it is.   Final words JW for IA: “Although memories become lost, the fact that I existed, does not.” By the fact that he still exists in clear sober state, even if without those memories of IA, about her face her name her speech her actions. But by been existing, he will never cease to provide her chances to create more good memories together with her. Memories doesn’t just belong to the past, it is still creating right ‘now’, this very moment as so speak…. As long as she has found him, and he does exist, memories can be created daily with her. Today’s memories will be lost tomorrow, but tomorrow has its own new memories, and she will stored them back in her memories bank, as long as he stay within her reach, allowing her to follow behind him, walk beside him.


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Selfless sacrifice are big extract words, it simply, both of them think more for each other than for themselves, making sacrifice completely at expenses of self. The fact that she existed deep inside his heart, because he still exist in clear mind, even if his memory is gone, it is never ever lost totally, she still exist in him.

By then, the OST that best portrayed how JW missed IA, yet couldn’t bring himself to acknowledge her and let her stay, played..... “Can you hear me?” (by Jooyoung)
”Can you hear my voice right now
My heart always looking for you
If I call, would it be you?
If somebody looks back, I wonder whether it’s you
I call you every day because everything in the world looks like you.....
....If I could hear your voice or your breath
Probably I cannot say anything, Probably I cannot do anything.
yes, even if IA tried to find him, in the beginning he “cannot say anything, Probably cannot do anything.” to protect IA from hurts. But just like at the wishing tree kiss, IA will melt his determination and accept her again. Same spot when they met again, means Hope is not all lost?
Now remembered what he said at his farewell clip to IA: “... You showed me with your heart, that you truly wanted to stay by my side, and proved it with your eyes.... Even if all of my memories die, I will forever remember you.”  What was lost deep inside his mind did not really died, no memories were taken out from his mind, it just went disappear deep into his inner-space of his mind, but if he has a will to desire to remember her, his heart who loved her will try to remember her forever. As much as the Ring pendent was the key, so is her sincere earnest eyes will be the key to unlock his memories, as much as JW looked at DH at the columbarium, and ‘remember’ him as someone he want to depend upon, so when he looked at IA at the wishing tree, he paused for a long enough moment gazed at her, sufficient enough for us to believe, he remember the feelings she gave him all these 5 years. “and proved it with your eyes”, I guess in future years ahead from ep 21 onwards, her eyes will prove again and again, the feeling she still have and the feelings he continued to have, never-ending. By IA’s earnest eyes, that smile and that breathe of determination after JW turned away and walked, she still follow after, show that she will persevere and melt him again with her “ I will be your memory.” in answer to his wishing her to cherish all those memories. Did not that sentence earn her a well belated kiss. Best comfort he can give her:
“I’m sure all the pieces of my memory that I’ve lost are with you. Please cherish those memories forever. Wherever I am, I always wish for your happiness.”


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""...What going to stay with me, is the feeling of Happiness and comfort... i may not remember your name. But i know that i love you, that i feel safe with you, you're someone who's hands i want to hold.... Those feeling and emotions and the reasons why you loved me, may well still all be there..." (quoting a medical report of what will happens to Alz’s patient)



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So this drama is finally over, i'll miss all the cast, especially ysh, he killed it, i understand his decision for making that type of choice, he does not want to burden anyone, and he made sure all his loved ones dind'nt face horrible ending, even after everything dong ho has put him through, he still saved his ass at the end of the day.
Actually this ending is more realistic than some other dramas with full happy ending, because i can't bring myself to think of any better ending, he left them without saying goodbyes to treat himself, hoping that one day a miracle would happen to him and he'll go back home to his loved ones, but jin wooya, you should go back to people who loves, by that they would be watching over you..

Gyu man deserved what he got, you all know what, i think it would have been a fair world for him if he'd had a little remorse in him, i think jin woo would have forgave him if he'd apologized to him on his knees begging for mercy, but all powerful gyu man can't sink himself so low to apologize to jin woo, i'm sorry jin woo, is that too painful to say?

After he ruin a whole generation's life for his own good, not even a blood sucking monster wouldn't take apologizing in to consideration, but he has proven to be worse than a vampire, so sorry to sound rude but Even till his last moment i never felt sorry for him, all those scenes of his, that they were supposed to be emotional, i just founded myself laughing because he spent all those moments breaking things, lol..

Looking forward to ysh next project..


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I have become a true fan of all these people and I will follow their projects henceforth. Yup!


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“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

vikkytan, couldn't agreed more.
Gwak: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life thru’ Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(at his, NGM threatened, “you jerk, do you think l’ll let you live, after betraying me.) see, not repented yet!
Gwak: “Jesus says we should forgive and love our enemies.... Brother Gyuman, I will pray for you.” (at this, NGM totally lost it)... “Amen”.
just like what Manger Yeon said, in the end NGM chose the easy way out, SBS arranged such to angst fans as they know killing off a well-loved Villain make all missed him more for better dramatic effect. But I will preferred that NGM initially fight with the poker face Gwak as cell-mates in prison, and Gwak will sing “Hallejulah choruses” to NGM, I will be happy to see more scenes of NGM’s veins exploded when Gwak told him “Amen” when he vowed curses by the sun-moon-stars... set apart how awesome Goongmin Nam did to his character, he did destroyed life, not just one, but many, and till his last breathe, his took his own life, still a master of his own life, and not to pay for his sins in the right manner, while he has tasted the most anguish level of been forsaken by the only hope or ‘Idol” of his life, its this forsaken that broke him, that one final night of his wasted life. Just one night of hellish feels. But he has given many of his victims years of hellish agonies. And he still does not repent at the last moment. Of cause I preferred that he served Life sentence, and see him become like Gwak singing hymns, both of them can join some prison ministry sing Duet… hahaha… better than wrote him to hang himself. (just my 2 cents)


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Couldn't agree more, gyu man is the devil himself, i don't buy that idea of the director trying to make us understand that his father was the one who turned him to evil, he's evil himself..


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@cruel... I happen to think Chairman Nam deserved to have a self possessed and self destructive son like NGM... I feel like it was all very karmic... Ball thrown at the wall-esque...


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And I'm actually saying this because of Dong Ho's dad's situation... Not Jin Woo's....


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I'm gonna type here.... Thank you for the recap! You are awesome Odilettante! Before I even read the recap....
Now I'm going back up to read the recap! Lol!


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Done reading!

And here are my true sentiments...

I loved this show! Reallllyyyy did and still do, pretty much...

But I hated the ending! I cried buckets when NGM's dad dumped him and he killed himself... I did the 'Nooooooo' scream at my screen in fact! Wtf. Hehe! I had to 'Remember' he was the villain from the start! He does sulky spoiled brat so well! I was truly sad he had to take the suicide route! Truly!

YSH and PMY... Oh my lovelies! Gosh... Couldn't they like just give us more loveliness from those two! We were so starved of affection already! Boo hoo! I wanted more...

It would have been doable... I ll try to publish my fanfic to prove it! Argh! I'm a bit sad now tho. But I'm happy every one else got a cool ending... Or their comeuppance! Hurray!

All is well in the world again!


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if you publish your fanfic... i seek your permission, to help you advertise elsewhere...eg. soompi. hahaha
YSH and PMY is one of my Fav OTP, beside JCW and PMY the real life one.


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@maryof bethany. Yes indeed you may! You have been such a delight


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oh, thanks for your approval.. i sent another request "for publication" up at 11.2.2. didn't see your reply here.
okay, am so thrilled... okay. i will proceed to spread the love of Woo-ah, to soompi sites fan. oh, you may want to go there and lurk... see "soompi forum remember war of the son". after posted, i will let you know.
thanks, Warrior Affie.


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ok, i posted there.
Affie, suddenly a thought came, are you by any chance ever lurk there at soompi? i know some among here did...
i am playing "double agents", i go there tell them about here, and something tell them things i read here.... hahaha. i came here remind chingu here about soompi and what they say...
hahaha. thank God Beanie Recappers didn't kick me out... hahaha.

many thanks again for your approval.


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and a few points taken too... for not leaving me with a truly memorable OST ... i really love it when a show does that to me! i guess Remember has to count is lucky stars that is had all the perfect actors with their egregious charm going for it! cos that pretty much made me overlook every thing else i would have been picky about! good on you, Show, for having stellar actors!


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Ysh and park min young the most beautiful couple..


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echo what Gwak said, (sincerely)


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Yoo Seung Ho - Park Min Young have become my best OTP so far.


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The End.

Okay, I have enjoyed this series tremendously, and am in a way sorry to see it end. The resolutions to the varying story lines, I felt went well, but . . . .

I have not read all the wonderful posts that we in the outside universe have written. I also in my life have been late to the dance more than once, but . . . .

I understood that Jin-woo was going to at some point have a mental ’breakdown’ and this was a large part of the story line. What I guess I do not quite grasp is, huh????? His mental dexterity fled, his remembering times/places/peoples also fled. The end shot is him at the message tree (?) being found by In-ah, he does not remember her and she follows him, discretely into the sunset, ok. I do not need to know what he was doing in the year interval, but kind of took from the story line his brain and functionality would be mush. He sure did not articulate, interact and physically look like mush. Did I miss something in the ’lost’ mind/memory department??


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How abt the murder of jung oh's father?


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Well, they charged Attorney Hong for covering up that murder... The prosecutors knew he and Il Ho Group were behind it.


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Kind of dreaded watching Remember – War of the Son week in, week out. The writing was overly dramatic and so much of it felt manufactured just to tug at the heartstrings. I tried to stay tuned for Yoo Seung-Ho but ended up dropping the drama at episode 10. Didn't plan on picking it back up either. Just couldn't resist seeing the rest of Nam Goong-Min's performance as Nam Gyu-Man for myself. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given it a second thought.

Question: what is the name of the instrumental violin background music (bgm) that sounds a lot like the theme music from its predecessor The Village: Achiara's Secret.


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Three times a charm, just realized that I watched Yoo Seung-Ho in Imaginary Cat, Remember - War of the Son, and The Great Queen Seondeok all at the same time. :)


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somewhat my answer went to #35.
to your question of violin background BGM


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Volin BGM:
"Lamentation" by Ray Ambler Baguilat


"Frozen Epica" by Ray Ambler Baguilat (i think this should be the haunting one you mean.)


while i don't agree with your comments. Remember is the only one Drama that awaken my slumbering tears gland for a long time, i only cried that much since about 15 yrs ago by Winter Sonata (while i don't really cried much for my OTP drama Healer)... this Remember is imprint into me, created my Fav Character individually, Jinwoo and Inah, not really my OTP, but my fav 2 characters, has indepth virtues that not many antifans noticed.


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So.... Here goes nothing. This is actually, believe it or not, my first Kdrama in my entire life. My sister kept trying to drag me into watching with her since years ago, but i've always been reluctant due to clichè plots/endings. She managed to drag me in to Remember, for the first time. What dragged me in was : 1. Revenge/ Law Story ( my fav since i was a young age ) and 2. JW had hyperthemesia. So i was immediately hooked on just waiting every week for a new ep to come out. Loved it immensely despite all the sadness glooming in pretty much the whole story. This show lacks direct romance and i'm pretty much okay with that because i think the story potrayed on how both fell in love with each other was , to my opinion, one of the most beautiful love stories out there. Amidst the hardships they had to go through, they found each other. The ending potrayed one of the many hardships they had to face through again as lovers. They have been through so much, they surely can go through anything, even JW memory loss. The OST at the end was perfect actually of potraying their relationship. While many may argue and rant due to his Alz, i believe it's a blessing in disguise. C'mon no kid wants to go through that much crap in his first 22 yrs of his life, while having hyperthemesia on top of that, remembering all the past hurtful events. So it was a well written ending to me ( secretly hoping there is a season 2 tho.) . I actually did not tear at all this show (i have a cold heart lol) except for the final ep, especially the scenes with DH and IA in the final 15 mins. It has been a great journey, from a son's war to prove his dad's innocence to the wish of a man who wants nothing more than to just spend the rest of his life with the woman he loved. Though they were major plotholes, i managed to overlook it w/o much of a problem.
Oh, i actually ship PMY and YSH, they look so cute , not gonna lie. ( no offence to Healer fans out there) .

This drama will always be in my heart, for teaching me some lessons a normal drama would not. So here's hoping for season 2!


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you may want to wander into another site: Soompi, where there are still some chingus still talking Remember, thought not that many compared to 2 weeks ago. we have lots of materials there, i yaked a lot there too. you won't be disappointed.

most of the sites in web are almost sleeping mode already, except Soompi, and dramabeans is quiet down now.
yes i wish for Season 2, but KDland, when they have season 2, most of the time they don't bring in same Leads, which is frustrating.


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its make a whole lot diff when you have liked minded chingu yak and swoon together. oh, we called ourselves "Warriors" there.


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This could be the best drama of the year if the last few episodes didn't dissapoints, i was so amazed from the first few episodes where the story growth was damn epic and it truly showed how dark it is the world but the last few episodes feel lack of content and everything finishes quickly thus the ending is already expected. It's still a worth watching drama and the melody of the drama is awesome!


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This drama was painful from start to finish and yet I couldn't stop watching. I loved the characters and the acting was incredible. I cried so hard at the last episode (and let's face it at almost every episode) but honestly that last scene was just too much. I wish that Jin Woo would have let himself be surrounded by his friends even if he didn't remember everything. This one just hurts.


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What you guys rate this drama? I would have rate it 10/10 (same scale with drama beans).


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This is the saddest kdrama i've ever watched and i want to praise Seung Ho for his acting. I thought he is around 20 y/o on Missing You because of the adult role, turns out he is a teenager in that drama. When i watched this drama, seung ho is really matured, you can't tell that he is very young and his age is less than 25y/o. I think that is because he started as a child actor. I love how his eyes convey the emotion to the viewers. His eyes is overflowing with emotions. The scene where his father died and he is still in the courtroom, i was crying for that whole scene until he went to the hospital, and seeing his father lying lifeless on the hospital bed, he breaks down in tears, i can't help myself but to cry with him. That part is really touching and emotional. Imagining myself having a friend or a relative with Alzheimer's, i can't even hold the thought of it.
Another thing is Nam Goong Min's acting, I hate him so much and it's nice for an actor right because he fulfilled his role as a villain. He deserves those awards he got from this drama.
This drama ended last year and i was able to watched it yesterday. I finished it for two nights LOL and every morning, i have a puffy eyes. I think every episode that have a crying scene, i also cried hahaha. Good thing no one asked me why eye have puffy eyes.


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omgeee!!!, there should be a continuation drama where Jin Woo miraculously regained his memory hehe....I'm just half through the series but impatient ME, went on to check the recap of the last episode because I thought there would be a solution to Jin Woo's memory loss huhuhuhu...Thanks for the recaps Dramabeans!!


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