Remember—Son’s War: Episode 9

More pieces of our sons’ wars come together, and it’s time for Dong-ho to dig into his father’s past. The combination of fate and Dong-ho’s conscience tempt him to dump Gyu-man, but it seems as if this silent observer may need a bigger push to really escape the devil’s grasp. All the pieces are there — they just need to be strategically timed and placed to combust our ultimate enemy, Il-ho group.


Before In-ah gets a chance to reveal Blue Scorpion Hand’s location to Jin-woo, she gets knocked unconscious by our killer. Jin-woo loses her on the phone call, and the heightened sense of urgency sends him racing through his memory. Scanning through every detail in his mind, he finds a lead on the killer’s location and runs off just as Dong-ho arrives behind him.

Once In-ah regains consciousness, she demands to know who ordered Blue Scorpion Hand to kill the witness. Blue Scorpion Hand responds to her constant demands by pulling the fish line of out his watch and chocking her.

Dong-ho arrives at the clock shop, and when he finds the shop closed, he breaks entry. He stops the killer and tells him to let In-ah go, since she’s not related to this case. When Blue Scorpion Hand refuses, Dong-ho takes matters into his own hands and immobilizes him.

Jin-woo runs in and tries to wake In-ah. Thankfully, she slowly opens her eyes, though weak and injured.

At the police station, Joo-il warns Blue Scorpion Hand to watch his mouth and assures him that they’ll get him out. The detective tells them to wrap up their talk quickly and smirks at the “gangsters,” an insult noted by Joo-il.

When Jin-woo is released from the station, he’s met with Lawyer Song, Boss Ajumma, and In-ah, who all look relieved by his clearance. Secretary Ahn reports Jin-woo’s release to Gyu-man, who starts to boil with anger.

The beginner driver who cuts him off on the road becomes his scapegoat, and he cuts the woman off to stop her on the road. He grabs a golf club from his trunk and runs onto the hood of the car.

He warns the woman that he’s in a bad mood and orders her to stay in the car if she doesn’t want to get hurt. Then, Gyu-man proceeds to wildly hit the front glass like a madman, yelling about things not going his way.

After his dangerous tantrum, he smiles at the frightened woman and calls Dong-ho to take care of his incident.

Joo-il storms into Dong-ho’s office and asks why he messed up this plan. He’s done all of this for Dong-ho, doesn’t he know? Dong-ho pleads that Joo-il stop doing all the dirty work and start living for himself. But Joo-il tells him that he’s never regretted a decision he’s made, and if he’s decided to work under someone, he’ll compromise his morals to carry out an order.

Joo-il leaves Dong-ho with an ultimatum — be dragged down by Jin-woo, or live prosperously with him while taking orders — and hopes that Dong-ho will remain by his side.

On their way back to the firm, Jin-woo tells In-ah not to fearlessly chase a killer, but she claims to have been more worried about clearing Jin-woo’s name.

The witness’s daughter is waiting at the firm and hands them a phone with a recording. She tells them that her mother asked her to reveal this clip to the world if anything happened to her, and it only seems right that Jin-woo do so. She tearfully apologizes on behalf of her passed mother.

Dong-ho arrives at the scene of Gyu-man’s incident and hands the woman a thick envelope of money. He asks her to keep this incident away from any media outlets and then asks himself what the hell he’s doing.

Jin-woo watches the recording of the witness admitting to perjury during Dad’s trial, and the clip gets sent to Judge Seok-gyu supplementing another attempt at retrial. This time, the retrial goes through, and Jin-woo tells the media that the law must reveal the truth, despite attempts by those to evade just punishment.

Gyu-man and his father watch this interview, and Gyu-man immediately gets on his knees, begging his father to give him one more chance. President Nam glares at him and walks toward his beating equipment, but Gyu-man follows him and continues to beg.

President Nam barely gives him one more chance, threatening Gyu-man that if he doesn’t want to end up like his mother (huh, his mother?), he better clear this without a scratch on Il-ho Group.

Prosecutor Hong scolds In-ah for not following orders and chasing down a suspect without permission to work on the case. He reminds her of the boundaries as a prosecutor and warns her that she won’t get off easy next time.

After he leaves, In-ah gets a call from her colleague with updates about their caught suspect. It seems like they’re trying to cover it up, and In-ah responds with exasperation that Detective Kwak is at it again.

Prosecutor Hong calls President Nam to introduce him to a new player. Just more duplicity from our resident Papa Villian.

When Jin-woo and Lawyer Song arrive at the prison for a visit, they see cameras and reporters crowding around a prisoner release. Lawyer Song explains that it’s President Kang, who squirmed his way out of a 10-year sentence to a 5-month sentence after putting on an act as a Parkinson’s patient. He shakes his head with distaste.

Jin-woo smiles when he sees his father, but Dad seems particularly cautious today. Jin-woo tells Dad that the court has approved his retrial, but Dad tells him that he doesn’t want a retrial because that person told him that he’s a murderer. Shaking his head, Jin-woo asserts that Dad wasn’t the killer, that person was. He promises to proceed with this retrial, and Dad thanks him with smiles that attempt to cover his stomach pains.

Enraged by the deteriorating health of his father, Jin-woo storms into the prison doctor’s room and demands proper treatment or a compromised sentence for Dad. The prison doctor nonchalantly says that they shouldn’t fret over minor memory loss, and Lawyer Song erupts with accusations about leniency towards a rich fake Parkinson’s patient and ignorance towards a real patient. But the prison doctor just shrugs that it’s not his call — it’s the prosecutor’s decision. Ugh.

In-ah goes to the police department herself to argue Detective Kwak about the swift closure of the Blue Scorpion Hand case. He claims that the evidence was clear and no further investigation was needed. She argues that there were more players behind him, but he says that halting further investigation was Prosecutor Hong’s orders.

In-ah visits Jin-woo’s alcove, where he reveals evidence of Prosecutor Hong’s alliance with the Nam household. Their omnipresence in the system is alarming.

Dad seeks medical attention from the prison doctor because of his unbearable stomach pains, but the doctor just gives him simple pain medications. Although Dad begs for better treatment, the prison doctor ignores his pleas and orders the guards to drag him out.

The prison doctor updates Secretary Ahn on Dad’s condition, which is only getting worse without proper Alzheimer’s medication. Gyu-man expresses relief about Dad’s memory loss, which is unlike Jin-woo’s stellar memory. He pities them (“Being poor is a sin.”), and Secretary Ahn glares at him from the rearview mirror.

Gyu-man visits Dong-ho’s office to thank him for taking care of his roadside anger incident but seems irate at his interference in Jin-woo’s riddance. “Hunting dogs should act the part and just bite whatever bait we throw them. If my hunting dogs can’t hunt, I kill them off.” He threatens Dong-ho with a wink and leaves.

Dong-ho runs into Prosecutor Tak and his police hyung at a restaurant, and they share a drink. Dong-ho recognizes the officer as Prosecutor Tak’s hometown hyung, but drunk Officer Bae clarifies that he was an acknowledged police officer in Seoul before he was transferred to that small village where he met Prosecutor Tak.

Officer Bae blames that car accident for his demotion, and though Prosecutor Tak argues that it was a simple DUI case, Officer Bae claims that it was more. “Have you seen anyone drive drunk with their son in the car?”

Dong-ho freezes as he remembers his father’s DUI conviction. Young Dong-ho argues that a father would never drive drunk with his son, but the officer closes the case.

President Nam and Gyu-man arrive at the prosecutor’s office to meet Prosecutor Hong and another prosecutor. In-ah sees the interaction from afar.

The new player is Prosecutor Chae, who’s agreed to defend Gyu-man in the retrial. They go out for a meal, and Gyu-man introduces her to Dong-ho, since he was the lawyer on the initial trial. They already know each other though, since they were classmates in school.

After seeing Gyu-man off, Dong-ho tells Prosecutor Chae that the world must have changed the once “Justice Goddess.” But Prosecutor Chae argues that she hasn’t stooped down to Dong-ho’s level. He sold justice for money, didn’t he?

Dong-ho says that they’re both working the justice system for money now, but proud Prosecutor Chae differentiates herself, claiming that she won’t change face in the courtroom like he did.

Jin-woo tries to find his second witness, Park Dae-soo, but a neighbor tells him that the family moved out in the middle of the night. Turns out, Secretary Ahn has already gotten to Park, as we see the bribe in exchange for keeping his mouth shut.

Dong-ho meets with Officer Bae at the police station and asks him about the car accident from yesterday. As he hears more, it’s clear that it’s his father’s accident, and he asks for the case files.

Boss Ajumma smells something fishy with Park’s disappearance, and Jin-woo knows something is up. He asks Lawyer Song to look into Park’s whereabouts and Boss Ajumma to continue following the prosecutor’s movements while he goes out in search of another witness.

Prosecutor Hong assigns In-ah to help Prosecutor Chae in the retrial of his original case. He smiles as we flashback to his motive — a conversation with Gyu-man about forcing In-ah to give up her prosecutor robes by putting her in an intolerable position. In-ah responds stoically to the order.

Jin-woo pays a visit our quack doctor, who’s now promoted to assistant director of the hospital probably thanks to his false testimony against Dad’s condition. Doctor Lee argues that it’s all behind them, but Jin-woo haunts him with the crimes of his past: inducing mental diseases in healthy patients to rip off money. Jin-woo offers to bury his malpractice suits if he confirms his false testimony in court.

Dong-ho receives the case files and looks through the listed victims. He recognizes Seo Jae-hyuk’s name, but the connections really sinks in when he sees Jin-woo’s name. He realizes how twisted their fates have been and holds in a cry.

Prosecutor Chae assures In-ah that she understands the frustrations, but they have to follow orders. She also advises In-ah not to blindly follow her assertion of truth and reminds her that Prosecutor Hong’s promotion to branch chief depends on this retrial.

Dong-ho visits Dad at the prison and introduces himself as his lawyer in the original trial four years ago. Dad thanks him and apologizes for the hardships Dong-ho must have gone through after his client was put on death row, which only deepens Dong-ho’s sorrow.

He talks to the prison doctor about Dad’s destructive Alzheimer’s and grabs him by the collar. Indignant and regretful, Dong-ho tells him to never refer to a patient by a number in front of him.

At the courthouse, Prosecutor Hong tells Jin-woo that he’ll be facing In-ah for the retrial in court. Later, In-ah tries to explain, but Jin-woo already knows that this was Prosecutor Hong’s doing. He knew it wouldn’t be easy and tells In-ah not to be sorry — he’ll win this trial no matter what.

Dong-ho visits his secret bank vault, where we find that he’s been keeping a copy of Gyu-man’s murder confession. It looks like the incriminating evidence is making a comeback.

In-ah comes home, particularly cold and sensitive about her prosecutor job. When her mom brags to her friends about her prosecutor daughter easily taking care of her friend’s case, In-ah yells in frustration that this isn’t why she became a prosecutor.

Dong-ho’s brooding about Dad’s apology in prison gets interrupted by Gyu-man, who calls him to Jin-woo’s firm. Gyu-man offers Jin-woo money and a position, but Jin-woo just smirks that Gyu-man should try harder to pay off his guilt.

When Dong-ho arrives, he tries to tell Jin-woo that this retrial is just as unbeatable as the initial trial, but Jin-woo doesn’t care to listen to a traitor’s advice. Gyu-man says that people like Jin-woo annoy him the most, since they attack with nothing to lose while he’s got plenty to lose.

Gyu-man gives up trying to convince Jin-woo and asks Dong-ho to take care of the persuasion. Once Gyu-man leaves, Dong-ho tells Jin-woo sincerely hopes that he can finish what wasn’t finished four years ago.

Prosecutor Chae and Jin-woo meet right before the trial. She comments on his youngster looks and disingenuously wishes that he’ll win for the sake of his father.

In-ah walks through the hall contemplating her role in this case before entering the courtroom. She hesitates before filling the empty seat next to Prosecutor Chae and decides that she’ll withhold from providing any aid in this case. She sits down as an observer, as does Dong-ho in the back.

Jin-woo shows the video of our killed witness admitting to her false testimony against Dad. Though the evidence seems to disadvantage the prosecution, Prosecutor Chae remains calm. She claims that the video confession cannot be used as evidence because it was a coerced confession.

She summons a witness to the stand, and this supermarket worker admits to seeing Jin-woo “threatening” the witness. He heard only bits and pieces of the conversation, but the witness’s attempt to call the police was clearly noted. Prosecutor Chae claims that Jin-woo threatened the witness as the suspect’s son.

Jin-woo objects that she’s going off of mere speculation, and although his objection is upheld, Prosecutor Chae has more evidence. She uses the witness’s voice analyses to show her anxious state while filming this video, further supporting her claim that the confession was forced. Damn it, she’s good.

Next, Jin-woo brings the witness’s daughter to the stand. She says that her mother’s confession wasn’t forced, and she knows because she personally filmed the video. After Jin-woo visited, the witness asked her daughter to record her admitting to perjury. Jin-woo didn’t even know this video existed until it was brought to him.

The judge calls for a recess. Jin-woo and In-ah take a coffee break, and she speculates that she’ll be the only one to ever sit in the audience with prosecutor robes on. He asks why she decided to do so, but In-ah saves that conversation for later. He’s got a trial to worry about.

Jin-woo calls in his next witness, quack Doctor Lee. He begins to introduce his witness, “Our witness is the assistant director at Il-ho Medical, Lee…” Jin-woo struggles to remember the doctor’s name, and his hesitation seems to surprise everyone but especially himself.

Wide-eyed, Jin-woo apologizes and tries to go back in his memory. But when he returns to the moment in Doctor Lee’s office, the name plaque is blurred. He can’t remember.

Jin-woo begins to tune out of the present, and flashbacks flicker through his mind. His father’s arrest, Jung-ah’s father’s funeral, the death sentence. Then, Jin-woo stumbles back, and his limp body falls to the ground.


Though this doesn’t come as a surprise (since it was in the promo), I’m not quite prepared for Jin-woo to start losing his memory. I was hoping he’d get a taste of sweet victory before losing his hyperactive memory because poor Jin-woo has suffered enough already. But the stakes and desperation are not greater than ever. The more you suffer, the sweeter the revenge?

I’m glad we’re finally making some progress with Dong-ho’s storyline, since he’s been frustratingly passive these past few episodes. He still can’t seem to make up his mind though, which is starting to irk me. Part of me understands and sympathizes with the purgatory he’s living in — trying to stay loyal to his father figure, Joo-il, while feeling massive guilt for betraying Jin-woo. But at some point, he’s just got to choose. Where did that riot of a lawyer go? He started out with so much interesting potential, but he’s completely lost that spark. I need him to be as flashy as his suits stat.

Gyu-man has completely lost it, but his oblivion towards his lack of morals is still semi-entertaining. He’s very volatile and one dimensional, but you know, I don’t blame him entirely. Sure I’m terrified of Gyu-man and his anger outbursts, but I think he’s a character to be pitied. He knows nothing more than to get rid of people he doesn’t like and kill people in his way. And he only could have learned this from the worst: Papa Nam, who seems so self-righteous in teaching his son all the wrong and evil things of this world. Maybe further exploration of that hint about Gyu-man’s mother may tell us more about the infamous Nam household.

In-ah, the complete opposite of Gyu-man and Dong-ho in many ways, seems to be doing exactly what I’d want from a passionate and fearless heroine. Although she’s underrated, underused, and pretty much the archetype of a righteous prosecutor, I find her extremely likeable. She moves this plot and trial forward, though her definite views on justice and morality do make her vulnerable. I don’t see her naïve beliefs in the justice system lasting much longer, if she’s going to face the corruption of Il-ho group.

In a way, In-ah reminds me of Park Min-young’s character in A New Leaf, which I can’t help but compare her to. Apart from the fact that both shows are about the justice system, I think both characters exhibit similar underwhelming yet admirable traits. We don’t see enough of In-ah, but one act of defiance or one assertion based on a deep belief in justice makes her an integral asset to the show.


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frustrating show.
the writer does not know how to excite the viewers.
it's all depressing.
also, too many plotholes to ignore.


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Don't know why some people rated this episode so low, even lower than the previous 2. I personally enjoyed it a lot, much more than last week's. 2 amazing scenes with great acting stood out in particular to me: NGM loosing it on that poor woman's car and JW fainting in the courtroom. The only thing I didn't get was why it was necessary to introduce that new female prosecutor, yet another baddie, as if this drama lacked any.


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I agree with you on the 2 amazing scenes. But I personally enjoyed the adding on of another baddie. There's only so much the Nam family can do if they did not have a slew of lackeys and paid lowlifes.

how satisfying it was to me that by that introduction, In Ah could sit herself out of aclearly orchestrated situation. The good ones are overpowered and outnumbered but it would make the triumph in the end all the more satisfying! With many more devils getting their due than just the one standard villain!


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I don't know why but I don't think in enjoying this drama
Lots of intense suspense filled moment.


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c'mon give the guy a break will you!! as if he hasn't suffered enough now memory loss??? it's really frustrating stop for a while about this let's give him some romantic time!!! :-) :-)


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c'mon give the guy a break will you!! as if he hasn't suffered enough now memory loss??? it's really frustrating stop for a while about this revenge thing though his father deserves justice let's give him some romantic time!!! :-) :-)


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Ummmm.... I don't know if that will be believable, Feti. One does not simply switch off their overriding desire to achieve certain things to pursue love... lol! I mean, I want lovey-dovey times as much as the next person ...but I can forsee people questioning the same lovey-dovey scenes they asked for if Jin Woo is still languishing in jail. Or questioning his brilliance cos his memory is so flawless cos it can't be natural... they did state that he suffers from an illness that would trigger memory loss so it should come as no surprise to viewers. Instead, Im impressed that Jin Woo's acting of the part got us soo affected.


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I meant... if Jin Woo's dad was still languishing in jail...

?... be natural... i guess people would also be like, people dont experience memory loss like that. Heck, everyday people forget everyday things everyday, y'know!


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Seriously show memory loss? The power given to the bad guys is becoming just too much for goodness sakes


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This show is getting too depressing.. Even if the bad guy gets punished in the end, the good guy still gain nothing.


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I am getting tired of NGM evil acting. Will still watch to see the good triumph over evil.


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My theory is that he took this part because his character is so emotive. All of the characters I have seen him play are cool and reserved and at most mild. Even the menacing sociopath in his previous show came across as slightly irritated at worst. So, being able to scream and golf club a car window must be awesome feeling. He even said this character is even more of a piece of work than murder chef was and ... it's true!


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Oh, my heart breaked when Jin Woo fell down onto the floor of the courtroom. This show is so unfair to him! He has suffered enough! Now even suffer from losing memory!? Are you serious, writer-nim?!

I am very pleased to know that Gyu Man is raising his curiosity about "prosecutor Lee In Ah". I wonder what will he do the next time they met.


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To tell you the truth I enjoy every second of this drama. Some of you wrote that it's too dark, and too depressing but I actually like it because I'm tired of all those "good wins against the evil" dramas... Yeah, it's upsetting that Jin Woo lost his father and now losing his memory, we can clearly see that luck is not on his side... But somehow I want to see Gyu Man winning in the end of this drama... Am I weird? :D Maybe, but there are so many situations in real life where people with power mess this other people and don't get what they deserve... So, it would be realistic for Gyu Man to avoid punishment, right?


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Same here Anonym. I get the visceral need to see the underdog win against all odds, but in real life that just doesn't happen too often. Personally, I'm thinking that Gyu Man won't win in the end, because even if Jin Woo loses his memory too, InAh and DongHo still have the potential to be a formidable duo. Especially if Hyungnim/JooIl decides to stop taking orders from GyuMan.


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Thinking it's realistic that the bad guy may win isn't the same as wishing for it to happen. I can't understand how anyone would wish for it. The only occasion where I can somewhat root for a villain is when it's done for revenge, which isn't NGM's case. I'm all for dark dramas, I prefer them myself, but one must be seriously twisted to wish for someone as completely despicable as NGM to win in the end. And here, I'll add on something that I've noticed more and more and which I found revulsing and that's some fangirls' attempts at cleansing NGM of all crimes, because the man happened to have an even shittier dad than he is. Sorry, but a criminal with a criminal dad is still a criminal. Once you're an adult, no matter how you were raised, you're supposed to know right from wrong and you just don't try and find excuses for a grown up man who rape and kill and fell no remorse for it, even if he got a few beatings with a bamboo stick. It's one thing to understand the birth of a monster, it's another to try and absolve him of his crimes. It's not just on this site, but I have seriously seen some comments that made my skin crawl. Not the first time it has happened sadly. Everytime a bad guy is played by an attractive actor, the same thing happens and makes me lose every time a bit more faith in humanity.


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200% agree Sonatine...unfortunately, it seems like we're living in a scary, sick and twisted world. Looks like I'll stop watching this show for now and just read the recaps, as I don't want to waste any of my time and keep my sanity. LOL


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Whisper...we are living in a scary, sick and twisted world...that's the absolute truth. I live in a country where justice can be parlayed for money and favours.

We're not in Kansas anymore. The world is not an Utopian place. That's why I love these edgier portrayals of life... Drugs, corruption and the like...it's all there and they are real


Sonatine Warrior,
understand your angst and frustration, as i seen the same thing over and over again. that's why i left a note back at ep 8:
cut it short. i invite you to go soompi forum where like minded chingus shared and fellowship:

ok, up to you, but welcome to join us.
find it too InAh and Jinwoo -bashing going around some sites.


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@yonaomi123... This.

Exactly! Who are the people making the Nam family this formidable, untouchable entity? Their paid lackeys! Without them, they ll be nobodies...


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I admire In Ha's stand and the guts it took her to sit in the audience at the same time I cringe at her naivete. She's under obligation to do her job of prosecuting a person who is innocent, just as a public defender is under obligation to defend the guilty. Whether Jin woo's father is innocent or not is irrelevant, the burden of proof is on the defense. She should still do her job, I fear she's going to lose her job over this.


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Oh! and I was going to say I admire Park Min Young's changing her hair style from drama to drama. I appreciate it. Some actresses wear the same hair styles, the same "look" in every drama they are in. I have to admit that after a while, it gets exhausting watching them, so it's nice to see actresses who put in the effort to make their characters look different from one another.


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You know this drama gave me a newfound appreciation of PMY which I had signed off after City Hunter and after watching Remember, I went back to watch one of my fave crack dramas, SKKS, which at the time I mostly watched for Yoo Ah In and Song Joong Ki and for some reason I actually found her better this time around. Also, I think that short hair really suits her well. I think she's now joined the ranks of actresses who can make me watch a drama just because they star in it, like Ha Ji Won or Go Hyun Jung.


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Dong Ho had my attention from the first time I saw him ... but the show lost me after episode 4. I too really like PMY and the character she plays here. But Jin Woo bores me silly and evil NGM is too over the top to be interesting either. I'm just reading recaps and waiting until the only two characters I'm interested in take control. Which I hope they do, but I sense it could be a while.


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Anyone knows who's the actress playing Prosecutor Chae? She looks so familiar.


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her name is Oh Na Ra


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she acted in Yongpal as one of the nurse noona friend of Yongpal. she also acted in Oh my Venus as Kang JuEun's best friend, the one with the kid.. she's always those spirited sidekicks, or friendly ahjumma... first time see her as semi villain.


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Jo Eun-Ji was the actress who played Joo Eun's bf in Oh My Venus, not Oh Na-Ra.


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oh,,, sorry, made mistake. they look quite alike.


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@ tara97 @ marybethany
Many thanks!!! Yup, now I remember her from Yong Pal. She looks younger there...


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I loved her in Yoona's street. She was ex-pickpocket and married to a ex-police officer (and running a Noraebang). She was a (musical) singer? I think.


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btw I am so frustrated with this show so far because JW doesn't seem to get a break. I am waiting for his winning moment and hope it comes soon.


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pls, the director should do something to stop jin woo from alzemier shit.


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Dear dramallama,
thanks not just for recapping, but also for speaking up for InAh. i am starved to hear like minded thoughts regarding her. you said, " Although she’s underrated, underused, and pretty much the archetype of a righteous prosecutor, I find her extremely likeable. She moves this plot and trial forward, though her definite views on justice and morality do make her vulnerable....
We don’t see enough of In-ah, but one act of defiance or one assertion based on a deep belief in justice makes her an integral asset to the show."
seriously, i had enough of talks about how redundant she is to aiding JW, or chiding her under-develop character.
okay, finally we do have someone as a recapper, to speak justice for her.
while i thought and be satisfied that PMY nailed her career as a fine actress finally by Chae Youngshin, i think it will be hard to come by, to have 2 awesome performance in a single year or back to back years. then she just prove me wrong. she carried In/ah and claimed it her own.


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while many still think that she lost her lustre during first 4 ep, just running at rear of JW... at most show some sympathy.... arrgghhh... trash these kinda thoughts.. i realised, sometimes because of personally experiences, what we see in shows, and decipher in some characters are vastly diff from each other. what i can see, is her valiant, in fighting off and argueing with mob defending JW... then some will argue off, don't understand wherefore cometh her trust in JW? easy to answer.
her first encounter with JW was extraordinary by itself, she almost sent the boy into jail, and stain his future, be it not that he has stellar memories.. thus it leaves a deep impression in her, and make her guilty that she did owe him Big Time. then JW dad case exploded, But her dad witnessed that the JW's dad that he knew will never kill.. this set the background of her initial faith in him.
i found in her first 4 ep, trust and not depending on what others tell her to bellieve. gallantry, and quick wit to defend JW. righteous sense, that Truth will defeat facts.


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but at ep 9, she nailed her role as the female Lead that we were rooting for, in midst of flooding critics. while some may say that's so dramatic... seriously , what's in KD that is not dramatic?
at least we found ourselves a female Lead that is willing to throw in the towel, even if that towel cost 4 years of hard works, and sweat to own.
is her role mainly exist because every drama needs a pretty lead.. no... i think she should be the voice and heart and conscience of JW, as JW may spiral into revenge and even may temporary lost himself. so Inah exist to remind him to focus and not lost himself for the next 10 ep. she will be his brain, his memory when his stellar memories slowly drained away... she will be the one that remind him what kind of person he once were, after he lost his memory. all these i am looking forward to see.


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Im loving your commentary. We are like-minded. I m really into embracing the escape-into-another-persons-world experience the drama wants to give me. Enjoy the chills and thrills and highs and lows of the ride... ive never known any other way to watch a drama ! Hehe! But to take it for what its worth till I cant stand it anymore lol!

Im loving this show so far tho!


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I like Dong Ho. I like his contrast with Jin Woo. While I understand how frustrating it must be to watch him always on the sidelines, I think the actor plsys his character very well and I understand his dilemma and his choices of appeasing both sides here and there depending on the situation.


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nice one, marybethany u just says it all.


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so nobody among them really had the initiative to duplicate all the possible evidences they have?

from the slush fund to that wiretap video, they really did not bother make any copy or backup on the cloud?

are these people that stupid? or the writer's too stupid to think along those lines?


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EXACTLY! i like this drama a lot but how can these supposed to be awesome lawyers has no common sense to backup their evidence??? i don't have super memory ability, but I never forget to backup all of my assignments for school and work damn it. Jinwoo should have made a copy of that NGM confession video when he saw it the 1st time with In Ah. So frustrating!


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Lol. U don't know if there might be back ups...the show isn't over so I won't sell them out yet.

Ten year olds make copies of things these days ...it would be beyond juvenile thinking if they did not make copies of the electronic evidence... Unless there is a grander plan, maybe


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*** Please be careful in posting EP 10 SPOILERS! *** I've already watched EP 10, but noticed a few spoilery lines mentioned here.

I'm very curious about Nam Gyu Man's mother and his relationship with her. I don't even know if she's dead or alive.

This episode didn't do much for me. The next episode left more of an impression.


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Please stop spelling "choking" as "chocking". And thanks for the recap.


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gyu man has been winning so far, it won't be a bad thing if jin woo starts crushing him from episode 11 onwards..


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I like this drama more each week. Gyu is obviously a sociopath but whether he was born that way or made that way we don't know. I was hoping for more insight into what's going on with memory loss and it will be interesting to see what direction they take. Lots of possibities and I don't care about any plotholes, I care about how well the cast works together and I like every single character, both as individuals and as an ensemble.


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Pls I don't understand what u meant Park min young is underrated,in this drama or real life?


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Underrated PMY,what do u mean


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She means in this drama... ;)


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So far, most of Jin Woo's headway in defending his father's case, has been based on witnesses 'coming forward' due to guilt or threat. So he spent the last four years preparing how?

Oh sure he got the law qualifications but not much else to bring the bad guys down. I really like this show, they are just not writing smart enough for the premise (wizkid hero).


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You know one doesn't become a lawyer in a blink, right? He had to study all those years. It's actually a very short time and most people are a bit older than he is when passing the examination, so I don't think he had much time for preparing anything else. He was also pressed by time as both his dad and then him happened to suffer from alzheimer (his discussion with the lady manager shows he's aware of his illness), so he knew he had to hurry and get that retrial even if he wasn't completely ready. And honestly, if NGM hadn't everyone on a payroll on such an extensive way, he would have succeeded.


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inept writers.
could have been truly engaging if they do something like with six flying dragons does.

threat failure then success or even some little success that could offer glints of hope for the next episode.

this drama is all about the sorrows. when they lose, they lose. when they win, they win. nothing challenging then redeeming in any episode.

what are they planning for the villain's sister? shouldn't she be somehow useful to the hero?

i don't really understand why that lawyer had to carry his evidence with him to the court when he already knew that it is inadmissible in court. the least he could have done was to leak it to the media. if he was really that prepared to betray his villain bosses, the least he could have done was produce duplicates and send them to the media. he could just pin the blame down to people who may have repaired his computer.


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Dear me! the character torture in this drama! I know he's gonna lose his memory and all but I'm hoping it's like some rare but operable brain tumor instead of early-onset Alzheimer (with attenuating death) coz.. my need to see justice done --especially re the prosecutors' office-- is getting bigger everyday.


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I'm wanting to see more of Gyu Man's Sis and I want to see him weak in the knees for some girl. He needs to want to please some person other than dad. So wishing he could meet a candy and fall for her. Not a chance, right?


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Not gonna happen.

I don't think he cares for his dad as a person, it's more like he needs his dad's approval else dad will disinherit him. I wonder what the dynamic between him and dad will be after ep. 10. (No spoilers here).

I don’t think he's capable of caring for anyone other than himself.


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I don't think so -- only the actor is keeping him from being completely one-dimensional and it's an uphill battle that he might yet lose.


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yeah, he's very one-dimensional and the actor is sooo good. It's as if the writer is equating depicting extremes of one trait as character development.


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I haven't seen the latest episodes yet since I've put this drama on hold, however, a thought occurred to me. Maybe JW's Alzheimer symptoms are just results of him being under so much stress. Meaning it affects his memory but temporarily. He's not really gonna get Alzheimer's. Do you guys thinks so too?


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I'm hoping this as well.


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Me too !!
Because if it's Alzheimer then JW's health is in danger too and I really don't wan't to see a sad ending !


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The pace seems slow. I will have expected more cases. more of a build up. This is jumping into the main case... very very very very slowly.


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I don't think the father is actually dead. I have a feeling that there is gonna be a plot twist. And remember guys, good always prevail over evil. Those bad guys are gonna get their karma in the end just wait and see.


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Maybe they should present the main case progressively along with other cases as the characters grow, like ' i hear your voice '.
Just an opinion.


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President Nam (Gyu Man's dad) is way more psycho than his son, totally in a different level.
At least Gyu Man still show his emotional sides, but his dad is emotionless, pure evill!!!

I guess, in the end, it's not In Ha or Jin Woo who finally solve (win) the case, but Gyu Man's assistant who revealed all the wrongdoings of his boss, because GM want to dispose his assistant friend for knowing too much and of no use anymore. Hope the latter got a chance of switching sides to the Jin Woo before he was murdered.


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Love two eps this week


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Yoo SEung Ho acting is so unbelievable, so wonderful!


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Hope to see love line of HoYoung couple soon.


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i specially adored the ep 9 scene where JW assured IA he understand where she comes from when Scum Hong tried to split them apart by cruelly told him IA will fight as prosecutor . even before IA tried to explain, knowing she will find difficulties and felt guilty, he saved her angst, spared no mins in telling her, he knew its Hong forcing her, by that ensured he felt no grudge against her. awww...
Next,then knowing IA will feel worry still for him, since she is not able to help him, he is fighting the battle alone again without her helps, and she will be forced to gathered evidences against him.... he furthered ensured that he won't go easy and too complacent because he knew its a uphill battle.... he is prepared. awww (x double portions)......
finally, making sure IA won't feel guilty, and that he wants her to know he knew her guilt exactly, "don't worry about how i felt..." that is the meaning of don't apologize to me... you know, and felt, there are words unspoken, and both felt and heard and comforted each other. ensuring her, he will win, isn't that what she become prosecutor for, he will do that himself, even though she in her drunk state told him, she will save his dad.... awww... (x triple portions)....
thru-out that short (sound simple) dialogue... flowed hidden, a mature growing affection between both, thru-out his eyes was tender, his tone is mild, his smile genuinely moving, he think not of himself, ... ..given any other Kdramas, the hunks will go chiding the female lead for betrayal, or bites disappointments.


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Thanks for the recap!

This is the reality. A world where the rich get away with so much is nothing new but thank goodness, this show is not afraid to show it. Its been awhile a viliain completely wrapped me up in full-on abhorrence and disgust. NGM is hitting it out of the park. How can one have no consideration for anything or anyone? His upbringing could very well have been hard and unrelenting but he should be able to rise above it all. We humans can be complex that way. NGM looks like he enjoys crushing the underdog... like they exist for the sole purpose of being crushed if they ever cross him. Amazing acting...tho he sometimes looks too amused for his own good.

in-ah, In-ah is just awesomeness! I dont get myself sometimes. Loving an actor in one thing and not another. :) I cant wait for her to shine more! I agreed that she has been underutilized thus far. I really want more of her.

Im totally understanding Jin Woo more now. He's still young. He's still impressionable. He knows haven't really gone his way but he's still optimistic. And he's too emotionally highstrung to pay attention to new love! I get it. I only hope his journey has some future highs cos he's had so many lows, it doesn't seem possible even. Totally does tho. I know people with tragic lives. That sh*t is real. His acting is not total perfection but he's made me fall in love with the character absolutely... granted...it's more of complete sympathy I feel for him.

Im agreeing with Recapper Dramallama on everything on Dong Ho. What a downer! As probably the first person to realize how in-over-his-head Jin Woo was... he took shedding his moral responsibility to Jin Woo to alarming heights by being such a turncoat in the first trial and it baffles me that he continues to do so! Can he be little bit smarter than these chaebol lowlifes?! What gives...? A smart slick lawyerlike him ought not be torpedoed by the likes of NGM who is often completely thoughtless! I want to give much more credit than that! Much much more!

Lets see what is yet to unfold...


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Thanks for the recap, looking forward to the next one!
Gosh if the corruption is all true, im scared of the modern society!!!
Story has great potential but more romcom is needed to balance the heavy dark plot! Maybe a love triangle between the judge, In Ah and Jin Woo would be nice as well as some more chracter development for Gyu Man's sister. Overall, more comedy snipits should be in place for more audience enjoyment level.


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They will make it pentagon here. ^^

I mean Miss spoilt Yeo Kyung -> Jin Woo - In Ah <- (Mr evil Gyu Man + handsome judge Suk Kyu)


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Boy! I would love to watch that!


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Waiting for ep.10's recap...


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I think peoples are forgot what is yoo seung hoo's character is. He is the lawyer who had excessive memories that will suffers Alzheimer's. So he will lose his memories some day. So that, dong ho and in ha will helps him to clean his father 's name.


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I want to like this show. But I can't seem to. I find it tiresome, and I don't like any of the characters really much, though I like many of the actors. I was behind, and then I marathoned thru ep 9 this past weekend and I just ... couldn't care much. I think I might just skim the recaps going forward.


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