Remember—Son’s War: Episode 10

After so many episodes of suffering, it’s about time we see some happy faces. Especially since it’s down to the wire with the retrial, and Jin-woo and his team are pulling out all the stops to have the truth revealed and his father set free. Jin-woo’s had such success in getting witnesses to re-testify despite all the odds, so it seems like there’s no way he could lose. Except, of course, his opponent isn’t just the court of law, but the corrupt and all-powerful Il-ho Group. Yeah, those smiles aren’t gonna last long, are they?


After Jin-woo is taken away to the hospital, Prosecutor Chae gloats to Dong-ho that the trial will be an easy win. But Dong-ho isn’t ready to give up on Jin-woo, even though he’s careful not to make it clear which side he’s truly on.

It seems Jin-woo’s fainting spell was due to fatigue, since he hasn’t slept much in preparation for the trial. Despite his team’s concerns about his health, he immediately returns to the courthouse where a worried Dong-ho tries to caution him about taking care of himself.

When Dong-ho sincerely tells him that all he wants from the trial is for Dad’s innocence to be proven, Jin-woo sneers that it’d be interesting to hear how Gyu-man would react to such a statement. He still believes that Dong-ho is an untrustworthy traitor, but Dong-ho tells him simply to focus on the case until the end.

The trial recommences, this time with the doctor in the witness stand. To everyone’s surprise (except Jin-woo), Doctor Lee confesses that he originally lied about Dad not having Alzheimer’s and Jin-woo’s supposed attempts to bribe him. Jin-woo also asks who was responsible for telling the doctor to commit perjury four years ago, but Doctor Lee stubbornly insists that he did it on his own accord.

That’s not the answer Jin-woo was expecting, but the doctor did it to protect Gyu-man, who pays him a little visit after the trial concludes for the day. Gyu-man is in full intimidating form as the doctor pleads with him, begging for his understanding. But Gyu-man drops the doctor’s glass nameplate on the ground, telling him that the only way he’ll forgive him is if the doctor crawls out of the room, carrying the broken nameplate in his mouth like a dog. Ah, the humiliating rites of appeasing a sociopath.

As he leaves the doctor’s office, Gyu-man gets on the phone to warn Prosecutor Chae that since she lost the first round today, she has to find a way to make absolutely sure Jin-woo’s father is proven guilty.

Jin-woo studies his wall of evidence, but this time his focus in on the news clippings of Dong-ho as he remembers Dong-ho’s recent acts of support. Boss Ajumma worries about Jin-woo’s new memory loss, but he warns her to keep it a secret. Instead, he wants to know if she thinks Dong-ho’s statement that he wanted Dad to be proven innocent was sincere. She says they’ll just have to wait and see.

When Jin-woo visits his father at the jail, he’s surprised when Dad greets him excitedly, recognizing his son. Dad chatters on about memories of when Jin-woo was younger, and it’s so lovely to see them laughing as they remember the good times.

Prosecutor Hong pays In-ah a visit, and she informs him that she’s aware of all his shady dealings with Il-ho Group. He’s not concerned, though, because she’s been reassigned to a new prosecution office — on the other side of the country.

Gyu-man is euphoric after his father compliments his business dealings and hints that he’s the only one who will be able to take over Il-ho Group, because apparently daughters don’t count. Ugh. But Gyu-man needs to make sure that Jin-woo doesn’t find Detective Kwak and put him on the witness stand like he did with Doctor Lee.

Jin-woo is already on the scent, though, having determined that Detective Kwak is the next likely suspect to help reverse the case. He tracks down the detective, now relegated to traffic cop. They both know that Gyu-man will be busy trying to eliminate all connections to the detective, and Jin-woo offers him a chance to reveal the truth.

In-ah hands in her resignation notice to Prosecutor Hong. She refuses to work in an environment that is so deeply corrupt and vows that, even though she will no longer be a prosecutor, she’ll make sure Prosecutor Hong is punished for his crimes. As she carries out her belongings, she runs into Prosecutor Chae, who cheerfully warns her that no matter where she goes, there will always be corruption. Gee, thanks.

Returning home, In-ah cautiously tells her parents that she quit her job. Mom is in disbelief, but In-ah says that she had no choice — it’s impossible to become a righteous prosecutor like she once dreamed of being. Mom is furious, pointing out that it’s ridiculous to quit a good job just because it doesn’t live up to your ideals, ordering her to go beg for her job back.

But In-ah retreats to her room, fighting back tears for both the destruction of her belief in the justice of the prosecution office as well as disappointing her parents. Mom’s still angry and orders to her to get out, which In-ah does — but more due to a phone call from Jin-woo than anything else.

Joo-il and Dong-ho sit dispirited in Gyu-man’s private nightclub room, and even though Joo-il attempts to go through the pretence of being jolly and helping Gyu-man entertain the ladies (or help the ladies entertain them), soon Gyu-man leaves in bored disappointment. That means it’s just Joo-il and Dong-ho left in room, and Dong-ho quietly reveals to Joo-il that he discovered his father was responsible for accidentally killing Jin-woo’s family.

He wonders why his father was driving like that in the first place, and asks if Joo-il knows anything about what happened that day. Joo-il says that he doesn’t, but his slight hesitation seems mighty suspicious. He asks if Dong-ho has decided what path to follow — to either stay by his side (and thus Il-ho Group’s side) and prosper, or be dragged down and destroyed through Jin-woo. Dong-ho chooses Jin-woo, vowing to repay his debt via Dad’s trial.

Jin-woo seems adorably astonished to find out that In-ah’s quit her job, but she reassures him that it’s all for the best because now she can start over with a fresh start. He could totally use another attorney in his law firm, right?

They celebrate her joblessness with beer and snacks, becoming adorably tipsy. He wonders if she’s going to cause him more trouble like she did that time when she drunkenly called him from the bar on Christmas (and he had to piggy-back her home), and she claps a hand over his mouth to shush him. They both freeze in sudden realization of their close proximity and awkwardly return to their corners of the sofa.

When Jin-woo says it must be difficult to give up everything she’s worked so hard for, In-ah tells him that all she ever wanted was to help the innocent who were wrongly accused. But she’s learned that hard work doesn’t always pay off. Aw, he sets up his bed for her while he takes the sofa, and they bid each other good-night.

That evening, Dad writhes in pain on his jail cell, but the guards walking by just ignore his anguished cries since it’s something he’s been doing every night lately.

In the morning, Attorney Song and Boss Ajumma arrive at the office, surprised to discover Jin-woo asleep on the sofa. They assume he fell asleep there while working late on the case, but when In-ah greets them, they take in her rumpled appearance and leap to some romantic conclusions. Alas, it’s not true, but everyone’s looks of amusement are so dang cute and it’s adorable to know that Attorney Song totally approves of this pairing.

There’s no time to dilly-dally, though, and as the loyal team of three get down to work, In-ah hesitates a moment before asking if she can be a part of the trial — this time as an attorney, not a prosecutor. She’s immediately welcomed into the “family,” and they commemorate the moment with a selfie. It’s all just so cute and everyone is just so happy, there’s no way it can last.

Annnnnnnd it can’t, as Jin-woo gets a phone call and rushes off to the hospital where he finds Dad in critical condition.

Joo-il and Assistant Ahn are making their covert plans to get rid of Detective Kwak, but their nearly-empty sauna is not as private as they think it is, since Attorney Song’s overhead everything and reports back to Jin-woo.

In-ah’s father finds her at Jin-woo’s office. Aw, he’s just the best dad ever as he reassures her that he trusts her decisions, knowing she’s thought a lot about it. Even though he (and her mother) might be sad that she’s no longer a prosecutor and will have to figure out how to make a living elsewhere, he encourages her to stay true to herself as she bravely begins this new journey as an attorney.

Late at night, Detective Kwak is strapped to the hood of a car, frantic as he watches the junkyard machines crush another car, foreshadowing of what is about to happen to him. Joo-il clearly hasn’t forgotten his gangster roots as he order his men to proceed with the utmost secrecy. Looks like the detective can kiss the world good-by as a giant crane extends down to pick up and crush the car he’s tied to.

But it stops at the last second — Jin-woo drags the crane operator out of the cab and takes over, using it to strategically place another car to block the gangsters from getting access to Detective Kwak. Then Attorney Song arrives in time for them to free the detective and drive off to safety. Detective Kwak is relieved, to say the least, by the sudden rescue.

At the hospital, Dong-ho checks in on Jin-woo’s father, demanding to know why his condition degraded so suddenly. The doctor thinks it likely has to do with the poor treatment (or no treatment, to be precise) Dad received while in jail. Dong-ho slips a wad of cash into the doctor’s hand, begging him to do everything he can to try and save Dad’s life. He needs Dad to live long enough to see Jin-woo prove his innocence.

He’s just leaving the hospital as Jin-woo arrives, and when Jin-woo is suspicious that Dong-ho is there, Dong-ho solemnly promises that tomorrow in the courtroom, he’ll pay back the sins he owes.

It’s a late night for everyone, as In-ah studies the documents in the case, Dong-ho ruminates over a disc labeled “Evidence,” and Jin-woo watches over his father, silently promising that he’ll win the trial and begging him to hold on a little longer.

In the morning, Dong-ho is stopped by his assistant, who’s worried about what Gyu-man will do if Dong-ho reveals his evidence. Oooo, so did he actually keep a copy of Gyu-man’s hidden-camera confession? But Dong-ho is determined, and once he walks away, his assistant nervously pulls out his phone.

Detective Kwak holds out his hand as a peace offering, apologizing for everything he’s done to Jin-woo — which presumably includes the attempted murder. It’s no surprise that Jin-woo ignores his attempt at a peace offering, merely agreeing that he, too, hopes his attitude towards the detective will be changed after the trial.

The trial begins, and Jin-woo notes his father’s empty seat beside him. Prosecutor Chae looks awfully smug, and for good reason — there’s a new judge. Seok-gyu is furious, demanding to know why he’s been disqualified as the judge for the retrial, and he’s told that they felt the trial should go to someone with more experience.

This new judge is clearly in Chairman Nam’s pocket, as the first thing he does is throw out the witness’s video tape that was submitted previously. He deems it inadmissible as evidence due to not being credible, and warns In-ah that her staunch protests could have her dismissed from court. Across the way, Prosecutor Chae smirks.

When Dong-ho arrives at the courthouse, his path his blocked by a bunch of Joo-il’s men. They immediately try to take him down, but he’s not the son of a boxer for nothing, and in the end it requires three of them to restrain him while Joo-il retrieves the evidence disc from Dong-ho’s briefcase.

Joo-il warns him that he can’t stand to see Dong-ho continue to dig his own grave like this, and he takes the disc and leaves while his men continue to beat up Dong-ho. It’s for his own good. Yeah, sure.

At the courtroom, Detective Kwak sits in the witness stand as Jin-woo questions him. It looks like the detective is answering honestly until Jin-woo gets to the most important question: did he illegally coerce a confession? Detective Kwak confidently answers that he didn’t, much to Jin-woo’s surprise.

Turns out, Gyu-man was using the detective as bait to lure Jin-woo into using him as a witness so that they could make sure the trial continue to go their way. Ohhhh, you evil, evil genius.

Time for closing statements, and Prosecutor Chae gives a passionate detraction of a desperate son determined to save his father at any cost, but the truth remains and in order to uphold the law, the original judgement of “guilty” should remain. It’s a crushing blow to our little team, who still seem dazed by Detective Kwak’s reversal.

A bruised and aching Dong-ho slips into the courtroom just in time to hear the judge ask Jin-woo for his closing remarks. Jin-woo describes the vivid image of his father, suffering from Alzheimer’s and rotting away in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. In the middle of his speech, his phone buzzes — it’s Boss Ajumma, and she’s crying. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Her voice breaks as she tells him that his father passed away just now. Jin-woo bows his head as he processes that information, and the judge asks if he’s going to finish his closing argument. In-ah leaps up to offer to do it instead, but Jin-woo says that he’ll continue.

As he struggles through his tears, he informs the court that his father took his last breath in the hospital. Powerful people may be able to get out of jail free, but the powerless can’t even get basic care when they’re sick. This reality is what led the defendant to his death, and even if the verdict comes back as “not guilty,” it won’t bring back his father. But only the truth will be able to redeem the defendant’s death.

The judge reads out the verdict for the retrial, pointing out the facts didn’t really change much from the original trial. He reconfirms the guilty verdict and death penalty. As soon as the gavel bangs, marking the end of the trial, Jin-woo bounds out of the courtroom.

He hurries his way to the hospital room where his father lies covered in a sheet. Jin-woo stares down at his dead father, and then collapses to his knees next to the bed, weeping his heart out as he asks how Dad could just go and leave him like this. Now what can he do about his father being falsely accused?

Gyu-man catches up on the news report about the trial, disappointed that he can’t act happy about the verdict due to the unfortunate timing of Jin-woo’s father’s death.

As Jin-woo holds his father’s memorial with only In-ah, Attorney Song, and Boss Ajumma in attendance, Chairman Nam holds a large press conference to reveal the business merger Gyu-man set up. But Chairman Nam has one more announcement — Gyu-man is now officially the head of Il-ho Group.

He seems slightly stunned at this reveal, and as everyone stands up to applaud Gyu-man’s promotion, Joo-il calls Dong-ho’s assistant to demand to know where he is, since this is an important event and he needs to get down here, ASAP.

Later, as Gyu-man makes the rounds at the party, Joo-il tries to reassure him that Dong-ho is on his way, but he was hurrying to finish up some projects first. Gyu-man, in his pleasant-yet-terrifying way, warns Joo-il that if Dong-ho thinks he can escape Il-ho Group, he’ll be immediately destroyed.

Dong-ho’s more urgent matters turn out to be attending the memorial. Jin-woo is understandably furious to see him there, blaming him for his father’s death since Dong-ho was the one who failed him in the first place.

Dong-ho’s eyes fill with tears as he earnestly apologizes, but Jin-woo threatens to do whatever it takes to ruin Dong-ho and everyone related to him. Those threats somehow lose their sting due to the way Jin-woo clutches Dong-ho as he breaks down in grief.

Chairman Nam commends both Prosecutor Hong and Prosecutor Chae for their work in Jin-woo’s father’s trial. It seems like they can relax once again. Gyu-man offers a toast to the future of Il-ho Group, and as the powerful drink to their success, Jin-woo returns to his home for the first time in four years.

His father’s shoes are still as Jin-woo left them, waiting for his return. As he sits in the darkened house, Jin-woo goes through his father’s belongings from jail, discovering the letters Dad wrote during his lucid moments.

He wrote that he misses his son, wondering if his shoes are still by the door, and even if Dad’s memory fails him, he knows that Jin-woo will remain in his heart forever. He hopes that Jin-woo will become a person who has more happy memories than sad ones. Ooof. Jin-woo cries as he reads the letter, and then clutches it tightly as he looks up with renewed determination.


How am I supposed to type through these tears? Give me a moment. *sniffle, sniffle*

…okay maybe one more moment, because I’m not ready to say good-bye to Dad just yet. Maybe I’m just as idealistic as In-ah, but I thought we’d find a way to clear his name and have a happy family once more, even if I didn’t think we’d accomplish it until near the end. So it’s a bit of a surprise to have both the retrial over and Dad gone when we’re only halfway through the show. It almost feels like we’ve reached the end of “part one” and we’re moving on to “part two,” which I presume will have a deeper focus on finding ways to take down not just Gyu-man, but the entire Il-ho Group.

I’m kind of excited about this, actually, since Jin-woo has the potential to be a total renegade now that he pretty much has nothing left to lose. While I’m sure he’d still love to clear his father’s name posthumously, realistically there’s nothing keeping him going except for plain and simple revenge. I want to see what sort of unhinged shenanigans would need to be required to go up against the loose cannon that is Gyu-man, especially now that Gyu-man has even more power. (Who thought that was a good idea? Oh, yeah — his equally psychotic father.)

But, as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility, and while Gyu-man is sneaky and smart, he is also the weak link thanks to his unpredictability. I also can’t wait to found out how deep the corruption goes, and if/when other people are swayed to Jin-woo and Dong-ho’s side. Attorney Ahn seems to grow more and more conflicted, and I wonder if he could be a possible ally. Prosecutor Chae also seems a bit iffy to me — I got the feeling she was once like In-ah back in her early days, and clearly there’s some history with her and Dong-ho. She hasn’t felt like too much of an opponent since she’s been there mostly to sit smugly at the prosecution table, but I think there’s potential for her to either be a formidable opponent or join Jin-woo’s crew (ideally the latter, because the more allies, the better).

I’ve come to love so many of our characters (or love to hate, in some cases), and I just really want to see them somehow succeed. Gyu-man can’t always win! In this “David and Goliath” scenario, David has to win in the end, right? Right? I’m at least hoping for some more cute moments, because seeing how happy In-ah was to be a part of Jin-woo’s team (and Attorney Song’s delighted approval about the potential for some romance) made me realize just how many anguished tears we’ve seen these past ten episodes. Would it really be so terrible to let the cute have more screen time than just a few seconds? Not that I necessarily need the presumed romance that will come between In-ah and Jin-woo — I just want everyone happy and smiling and banding together like the adopted family that they are.

I thought the war was going to be about Jin-woo’s father, but that was just one of the battles, it seems. This war goes deeper than we realize, and as we march towards the second half of this show, I’m excited to see what kind of secrets and decades-long corruption will be revealed — and how our intrepid team will survive through it all as they cling to their faith in the truth and try to avoid the long-reaching arm of Il-ho Group’s corrupt power.


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Thanks for the recap! Gotta love how Jin Woo is suddenly able to skillfully operate a crane.


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I laughed at that scene. It must have been because he's a "genius", apparently in everything... even operating a crane.


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My exact thoughts and reaction too lol!


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Ugh Il Ho group needs to be taken down as so.!!


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This episode is so sad. I can't believe we're halfway through the drama. With how heart-wrenching the episodes has been, I can only imagine how the rest of the drama will be.


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This episode was beyond sad,i was expecting to be truthful for Seo Jae Kyuk to die before the end of the trial or after it as his condition but didn't expect him to die that fast and that the trial to end in such a sad note and again with the same conclusion,i guess now the real story of Jinwoo revenge will start...now he really is down,he can't fall even more low(except dying or forgeting everything)and i see he is also ill,with his Partner being the only one who knows about his health condition,it seems he's also on a clock...Now i'm curious how will things change this time,what path will Jinwoo take and who will come to his help,curious if the Young Judge will appear again,maybe helping Jinwoo and the gang...he really needs more powerful people as well if he wants to change things this time....It's naive to think he can take as a 4 man group down that giant of Corrupt Empire when he couldn't do much harm the first time...now NGM is even more stronger,with more powerful,corrupt people by his side....I really wish that Jinwoo will clear his father name,even after death,to show the whole world what piece of garbage NGM really is along with all those who helped indirectly or not kill a man and destroy a family along if we can say many more lives in the process...I know more than sure we won't get a fairy tail ending(as we're already hinted with his sad future,being a empty puppet forgeting his dear ones) but i really hope the writer will give us a deserving reward and justice for Jiwnoo and send to jail those scumbags,i don't want NGM to die or some sort,i want him to rot in jail and suffer...i'm kinda sad and left with a sorrow taste after the ending of the episode,i really felt the injustice and the suffering and the helplessness of Jinwoo in front of a corrupt sistem and an Empire...

Yoo Seung Ho is always a stellar in sad/crying scenes,he can make me feel his pain and shutter my inside and actually make me cry with him,without a doubt one of the best actors his generation and i really think this drama will be a stepping stone


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So dad died!! :'( not fair. I cried a lot. With gyu-man' newly acquired power and Jun-woo's anger I can only imagine what's in store. And yes show give us some cutesy moment to relieve the dose of sadness blended into the film


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Yoo Seung Ho is forever crying and Namgong Min is too one dimensional. What's the point of revenge if daddy is dead? This show is getting meaningless, going to drop it.


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If your parent's name was stained for a crime he/she never committed, regardless of living status you would want justice to be served and name cleared no?


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loved you just for saying that.


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I agree with you @V, for me it is like a thing that child has to do if one is in Jin Woo's shoes. Because Dad deserved it, even when now his dad is no longer alive. He was being judged, cursed, and suffered, so the revenge does still has meaning.
Yes, this show is a bit mellow and not kind of fluffy-light, but I personally enjoy it, well maybe its just my cup of tea ^^


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Just when I thought this drama couldn't get any sadder... ugh I usually only tear up in melodramas but this one, this one actually made me cry.

But now that Jin woo's father died, he REALLY has nothing to lose now. Unless gyu man goes for his close friends or In ah... I hope he doesn't. Anyways I'm very excited for the next episodes. I can't wait to see an even more vengeful and merciless side of Jinwoo and more importantly, I can't wait to see smug-face Gyu man's fall in power.

On a side note, yoo seungho's acting is superb and I heard his scene in the court, where he makes his final closing statement in teary eyes, gained a "record rating" of 23%! I'm glad this drama's ratings are picking up fast.


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I can see why that scene broke records for this drama. I watched it twice, just to see how well he acted. His hands were shaking when he wiped his tears and I was like, oh, gosh, that's how a 22 year old would cry.

We forget, because Jin Woo seems controlled and intelligent, but he is, in the drama, only 22.

And also, why does he have to have memory problems? I know its going to be amnesia, but why can't it be something else less fatal? I want him to live happily after all this tragedy.


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I feel like his memory loss/problem is kinda like a time limit. Like Jinwoo has to bring Gyu man and the Il ho group down before he loses his abilities. Maybe if he didn't have such symptoms, this revenge-driven road that's he's walking on will go on forever. Idk if it's a good thing or not but his memory loss is kinda pressuring him to hurry up.

The consequences will probably be really bad in the end... Hopefully, Dongho or In-ah can take his place if something happens to him):


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I know melodramas always like to wring tears out of their audience but I think I've cried an ocean watching this one, despite its flaws. Please give us a few more happy and cute moments between the crushing emotional blows, show!


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Yes!!! Sweet moment of Jin Woo and In Ah! Not cheesy like so many Kdrama out there. I love it.

I cried a river when Dad died. Was he poisoned by the white-haired doctor?

This show is really really dark so far. Police, prosecutor, judge, even doctor took bribe under the table and used their power to torun an innocent man down.

As long as Jin Woo doesn't turn evil, I want him to bite back soon, even stop at nothing to win his ends.


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Argh! knife in stomach when the father died!

I know the whole drama is fairly sombre and melodramatic and seems to just keep beating our hero down, but in some ways its realistic - sometimes the good guys dont always win!


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odilettante dear, sincerely thanks for the recap that i dying to read. you shared in ep 8 this; "Indeed, for the first time I feel like I’m truly beginning to understand the full title of this drama, “The Son’s War.” It just so happens that everyone’s motivations regarding their father’s overlap and intertwine and are at odds with other, and it all depends on who is the better strategist and who can see beyond the next battle." this thoughts keep cycled in my mind, yes.
its really as you said, Remembering & honoring their fathers, its a War between 3 Sons.
I am very sure, these 3 sons’ lives were entwined together since that fateful car accident that ruined 2 families taken 3 lives. My guess is NGM’s dad was the one that somewhat enraged with something Dongho’s dad did (or refused to do), threatened his life. Thus DH’s dad was on the run away from the cops and the legal systems which were already in the Nams’ bag. So that car accident that killed the mom and brother, infact begun the war of 3 sons, were started by their dads. As drama could have it, that JW’s dad should ever worked under the Nam. And Dongho, unexpectedly acting attorney for ‘the father’ which family that his father had +wrecked accidentally.


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(continue fr #11)
3 fathers, who mold the characters of their son into what they are today. Dad Nam, is pure Evil. As much as we loath NGM, he is still a pathetic figure solely because of the “un-education” that his dad feed him all these years. Basically, the dad can even get rid of his wife (not preferred how and why yet), he is just a perfect sample of “Evils runs in the family”. The Next dad, Dongho’s, nothing much was revealed yet, but this dad loved his son so much that he is willing to get him a single ticket, away from himself, to get out of reach of whosoever he is running away from. Yet he make a mistake of asking Gangster friend Joo Il, to take over his father-role in case misfortune fall upon him. We do not fault Joo Il ajusshi’s love for DH to garner him a sure prosperity for his life. But ajusshi, don’t you find the very “foster son” whom you loved and tried protect, has lost all lustre in his eyes, since the day he lured him into the Lion’s den.


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(continue fr11.1)
That’s the 3 dads that was so involved in the war. We take a back step to see another dad, InAh’s, is really Some Dad. If only I had such a dad. Someone who will tell me to “Live your day to the fullest. Ride with the life’s tide! This is my life’s motto. It’s must’ve been a difficult decision. Go at it to the fullest, until you’ve left with no regrets.”
While many in past has been chiding Inah for her impulsive acts in fully trusting JW without knowing him that well in the beginning. But we must understand she was brought up as what kind of person under her dad. This kind of dad is rare to come by! Knowing exactly how much pains it cost his daughter to take that step, “You must’ve worried much more than we did”, telling her that and caused tears to swam her eyes in gratitude. Telling her to ride with the life’s tide, go at it to the fullest. With his assurance, Inah going to do more for JW, without reservation. I am looking forward to the first meeting between InAh’s dad and JW, after they officially being together, hope Inah’s dad can be the dad that JW was robbed of now.


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"Jin-woo threatens to do whatever it takes to ruin Dong-ho and everyone related to him. Those threats somehow lose their sting due to the way Jin-woo clutches Dong-ho as he breaks down in grief." saith ye, odilettante.
yes, i felt too that JW while hurl hates verbally across to DH, in not long future, the JW that i trusted will try to believe and accept DH again, infact JW which originally a kind hearted simple kid, will see where DH's come from. His stellar memories is not without benefits, as he remembers the look in DH sincere tired eyes outside Court corridors, twice saving him (dirty cop) and IA (strangling by scorpion-man). as much as DH can help JW's court and as mentor, in ways saved JW and redeem his dad's honour, not died as murderer not yet served death sentence. but JW needs to save DH too, DH has already crossed the thresthold where he witnessed a sin he commit sent someone to died without justice. its a life time scar. only the son of that man can redeem him. and DH and JW can redeem each other, with IA encouraging JW . the other son, i have given up on his redemption when he mourn that he cannot celebrate his victory openly because someone's father's passing. Are you human?


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I don't think this is really a spoiler, but don't read the next para if you're afraid!

I was checking out the wiki page and my heart blew up when it listed Judge Kang Seok-gyu as one of the underdog team. My thinking is that Cute Judge is going to quit as a judge, just like In-ah quit being a prosecutor, and this is Phase 2, where they bring Gyu-man down.

I'm not surprised Dad died (although I cried as much as anyone, sob). I think it was always a matter of time, because it's the last big push Jin-woo needs - to be left totally alone in the world, to hit the absolute bottom and lose all hope of that particular happiness, and that's what will bring him through the fire one last time, to make him a man capable of taking Gyu-man on. He'll up his game out of sheer ruthlessness and having nothing left to protect.

I've become such a Yoo Seung-ho fan in no time flat. His Woon in Warrior Baek Dong-soo basically took my whole heart. And the fact there there are tons of WBDS alumni here (including Swordmaster-Dad!) is just balm to my heart. Sort of. So much Yoo-Seung-ho-in-pain drove me to eat up Imaginary Cat, for Happy YSH.

I'm a bit surprised at the rumbles of dissatisfaction over this show, and particularly Jin-woo's character. He was always painted as naive, too trusting, young. Notice how his fierce expression and fighting words are always offset by adorably fluffy jumpers!! He looks and sounds youngest when he desperately wants to be strongest. It's his character's journey to burn and grow.

Then again, I've more or less lost my objectivity over this show, because I ADORE it. It would have to pull a Yong-pal to lose me (please don't, show!).

Also, how incredibly badass was In-ah, when she came into the court, and then, measured and deliberate, took the spectators' bench? Wait, that was last ep. But still. Immeasurably badass. More of that!


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fishfingers_fb dear, you said:
"I’m a bit surprised at the rumbles of dissatisfaction over this show, and particularly Jin-woo’s character....Also, how incredibly badass was In-ah, when she came into the court"
yes, in fact DB is my home when i started my fancrazes over KD swooning. always a secret lurker till Healer break my ice. i enjoy every drama recaps.... till recently this Remember recaps. while the agasshi recappers like dramallama and odilettante are pure delight to read, its feels angst to read the anti-rants after that. rantings goes against anything: JW's crying, plot holes, damning IA roles, IA's character and not much contribution to JW's cases... IA's age gap even.
too excruciating to drag on. has Dramabeans change? hope not, thanks God the Recappers are the saving Glory that make me to "want to believe" in her.


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Well people are allowed not to like what they don't like, and they're as free to discuss their criticisms as long as it stays respectful, so don't think it's bad! Good discussion comes from different views. It would be boring if we all sat around saying, 'urmagurd Yoo Seung-ho oppa so haat!' (he's not even my oppa...by a very long shot HAHA)

So don't feel bad when you see critical comments! You can love to your heart's content, don't let anyone take that away from you!

(also, sometimes fandoms are inexplicable. Like, I'm watching and enjoying the heck out of CITT but it's not the crack to me that it seems to be proving for everyone else. I'm not bothered by this. Although I want a crack drama. Crack dramas are so fun. Remember's subs take so long to release that it makes it a bit un-fun.)


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I'm watching CITT too! It's awesome! Not my crack drama tho. My crack drama right now is Remember. (Dazzling Temptation too! Regardless that that isnt being recapped here) lol


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I think it would be nice if the judge developed a relationship with In Ah - think they suit better. Honestly am not feeling the chemistry between In Ah and Jin Woo. I also think it's not necessary for In Ah and Jin Woo to have a loveline. They could just be pals, brought together under unusual circumstances. Whatever the case, am happy that more people are joining the Scooby Doo gang - Park Dong Ho-sshi, where are you?


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I love cutesy couplings better than sexy matchy couples... I think Jin Woo and In Ah have oodles of cute chemistry ...not sexy chemistry. That said...I totally love the judge too...in a more sexier way ...lol and him and In Ah would be a sexy couple ...definitely. JinAh is still my ship tho.


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Um, anyone else wonder whatever happened to Gyu Man's sister? She's completely disappeared in the last two episodes.


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I noticed that too. I guess she was busy filming for Oh My Venus.

Her character here hasn't interested me much, but she could be helpful to Jin Woo in taking down the corrupt Ilho group so I hope she becomes an ally.


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One of the inconsistencies of the show, amongst many others that people have mentioned in previous posts as well as on OT. I'll add another: Why isn't the public asking about Jin Woo's allegations of the Ilho Group's slush funds since his segment did air on TV before it was rudely interrupted by the arrival of my favourite baddie Park Dong Ho.
Also in the earlier episodes, I think Secretary Ahn did confirm to Gyu Nam that no copies of the noraebang confession existed so how did one turn up now? Albeit I do think it's impossible to tell if a file has been copied or not.
But strangely a high profile murder re-trial has managed to proceed without seemingly anyone questioning why Jin Woo brought up the Ilho Group during his illicit TV broadcast when on the run.


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Ilho group probably silenced the media or stopped any other leaks through their usual methods like bribery or threats.

The public is still not aware of how corrupt Ilho group is. They haven't seen any real evidence so there's nothing they are worked up about yet.

About the video evidence CD, I'm guessing Dong Ho had recorded the scene through 2 types of machines/back-up. Or he was able to download the file to USB and to CD, 2 separate storage devices, instead of copying the USB file over to the CD.


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I have seen so many crying scenes from Jin Woo in this drama that I was starting to become indifferent to it, but I was so moved by his scenes this time around. The moment in the courtroom when he got that tragic phone call was heartbreaking.

I had commented a while back that I wondered if his father would pass away earlier than expected, but I wasn't sure if the writer would really do it.

But this is better for the overall story. Now it is open to endless possibilities. Jin Woo has nothing to lose. I'm super curious about what is he going to do next. Is he going to mope around for a while or what? Probably not. Is he going to go after Gyu Man in a legal way as a lawyer? Find new crimes against GM? Uncover dirty secrets? Or is he not going to care anymore and is willing to bend/break the rules to take GM down?

Jin Woo has a lot of growing up to do and fast. I keep forgetting that despite being a lawyer, he is still a young kid. 22 years old. Still naive at times.


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I am another person who was not surprised be the death of Jin Woo's father. I rather expected that it would be necessary to push the story further.

As mentioned in the recap, I think that Prosecutor Chae was once very much like In Ah. In fact, I see a lot of parallel characters, the previous generation and this generation:

Chairman Nam/Nam Gyu Man
Dong Ho's father, Jin Woo's father
Dong Ho/ Jin Woo
Boss Soek as substitute father to Dong Ho/ Dong Ho as father figure to Jin Woo (possibly going forward)
Prosecutor Chae/ In Ah

In addition to the themes of corrupt power and people willing to fight that power, I also see the theme of the younger generation choosing to perpetuate or right the mistakes of the previous generation.


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Why do YSH's loved ones die in the dramas? First Bokgil, now Dad!!! :((


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can you not post ending spoilers like that??? You just ruined the goddamn show. Damn you to the pits of darkness.


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Amidst all the angst of this episode, is it very wrong for me to gush here about how much I love Park Dong Ho? His regret, so palpable, makes me want to comfort him. As a pragmatic cynic, I can understand why he took the route he did 4 years ago but had he known of its terrible consequences, am sure he would have chosen differently. Missing his colorful, 'happy' outfits and more pronounced saturi of earlier episodes. Poor thing is all dressed in gloom now.


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Btw I think Park Dong Ho is super hot and boy is he big! He towers over everyone in this show. Nam Gyu Man, not a midget himself, is completely dwarfed by his presence.


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I really like him & his saturi too. I definitely felt his sorrow and regret in this episode. He felt so bad for Jin Woo.

I hope to see him help JW soon. :)


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Regarding hunk Judge , being the gentleman that is he, he will not wish to win IA affection when he has already ask her plainly , how does she.know JW ( means close is she to JW that she as a prosecutor yet boldly testify that the JW that was accused as wanted murderer is innocent.) Which IA again without hesitation said she inspired to be a prosecutor because of his dad's case. He should know from the hint that JW is so important to her that affect her life aspiration, and changed her career direction. Based on the way Judge told NGM off boldly when NVM requested special favours . So did he march up to Chief Sen Judge demand to know reason of his removal from retrial. When he already suspected the foul play and felt JW angst . Don't think he will break up IA with the man she seems to loves.


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I for one , wouldn't sought to break up the OTP, when its mid of drama length. If one suggest IA and JW no chemistry. It's because Writernim emphasised on the war n casualties more. PMY and YSH are seasoned prof actress / actor. Its just plot requirement that the relationship should goes slow n mellow. I believe now suddenly change the direction and unpaired both, throwing in awkwardly Judge and Nam Y K as quartet love relationship. That will instantly spin into spoil the essence that has built up thus far.


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Even YSH himself when interviewed, said there should be a loveline with none other than IA (PMY), said even in midst of securing Retrial, should have some Moments of OTP. YSH himself said age gap no prob as noona is so pretty and make him feel comfortable too. This is a melodrama Thriller, not really emphasized on Rom, don't think will spin it dingo makjang Second leads win the girl / second leads win the boy stuff. But I looked forward to Judge and NYK becomes the spy within the Nam family and between the prosecutor. This war needs helps from diff skilled people. DH will be very mentor JW ever garner, be the brother that JW lost.


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This writer makes the characters one dimensional and handles all the emotions with a subtlety of a sledgehammer. Let’s talk about the main characters.

Gyu Man – the writer made him a god. He and his Dad have been endowed with such unbelievable powers and control over all mankind. Nothing happens without his knowledge and involvement. In reality, this character is the writer’s tool for lazy writing. I am quite sure his Achilles heel will be something trivial or obvious only when the writer decides it’s time for Gyu Man to lose his supernatural powers.

Dong Ho – I had such high hopes for this character but he turned out to be such a disappointment. So what was Dong Ho’s grand plan? The hidden disc? SMH. He didn’t have a plan, did he? He was just content being Jin Woo’s guardian angel to watch him suffer. Then, he’d save him from the brink of death, so that he can watch him suffer more. It was only when he discovered that his Dad was responsible for Jin Woo’s loss that he decided to take out his trump card which was duly snatched by Joo Il. I really thought he was just waiting for the right opportunity to strike at Gyu Man. I also gave too much credit to him wanting to help Jin Woo without guilt playing a part. Next time, Park Sung Woong, please choose a better drama. You are such a delight to watch but this show is making it impossible.

Jin Woo – no more words for sad puppy. If show didn’t make me indifferent towards YSH’s crying, I might have felt something at his torrents of tears in this episode. The drama should take a cue from shows like Reply 1988. I cried at so many scenes even when the characters in them weren’t bawling. If a scene is written and acted well, viewers will cry. There is no need for all those excessive flashbacks, never ending flow of tears and wailing. Dad’s passing is definitely a heart wrenching thing but after 5 weeks of incessant tears, I barely mustered a whimper.

If the main characters are terrible, what more the secondary characters. I give up making sense of people like Secretary Ahn. He is very selective at who deserves his sympathy. Sometimes, he looks disgusted at Gyu Man’s killings, other times he looks indifferent. Characters like Joo Il, Detective Kwak, Prosecutor Hong and Prosecutor Chae act like they have no moral compass of any sort. Couldn’t drama at least show them struggle with some sort of conflict even if they have no choice but follow Gyu Man or his father’s orders? Instead, all we get are gloats and smirks.

The only person whom I feel sad towards is Dad. Superb performance by Jung Kwang Ryul. I never had any issues with Park Min Young and she made her character, In Ah a lot more credible than what was written.

Someone in an earlier recap mentioned about how this drama could have been more interesting if it dealt with other cases along with the core one. That might work since we do not need to see the endless evil triumph over good in every episode plus Jin Woo and In Ah can...


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show their brilliance and gain experience as attorneys. Jin Woo can work progressively towards getting evidence, persuading people to his side and build a case against Gyu Man. These are simplistic scenarios but it's not a viewer's job. The writer is supposed to be a master at creating a story, develop interesting plots and making them work towards a grand finale. But I think it's beyond this drama.


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if seung ho, s tears does not move you, then I wonder what will move you,
I find myself crying in some scenes where he was not even tearing up, DAT,s how good he is, okay?

and this drama is way better than reply 1998.they are uncomfortable..


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sorry, I meant incomparable....


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Former President Nam (Nam Gyu Man's father) is way more psycho than NGY. He's just pure evil.
Hope the story will reveal all the evil deeds of NGY's dad had done.


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@odiellante, thanks very much, I always enjoy your reviews better...


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This drama has hit rock bottom and I am wondering how the writer intends to climb out of this. Poor dad died out of mistreatment and medical neglect before his mockery of a trial was even complete without his name being cleared. It can't get any worse than that. I was scared when I saw him being lucid and coherent - I just knew it was a foreshadowing of his death.

Who changes a judge in the middle of a trial anyway? Isn't it unethical to force a judge to leave a case mid-trial?

I can tell you the person I dislike most in the entire drama right now is the female prosecutor. Her words are sympathetic but are smirking and preening are not. I can't wait for her to get her comeuppance even though she's just doing her job. I dislike her even more than Gyu man at the moment.

Maybe it's high time that Jin woo stopped playing by the rules. His belief in the justice system got eroded for the second time (it's not like he didn't see the mockery of a trial that got his dad imprisoned in the first place), to keep believing in it is naive. I can't wait for him to pull a "Revenge" and make the people who imprisoned his father pay, one by one. ...Anonymously... of course. lol.


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Am so sorry about Dad.

I want destruction for corrupt prosecutors. Sorry I want all the bad guys to suffer. Well, not all. Gyu Man's driver/buddy/minion/slavey should get away with a light prison sentence. Our conflicted lawyer should have a redemptive death.

I just want our hero and heroine and their law firm to have a healthy happy ending.


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The saturi is back in ep 11 yay along with a dark red suit. Park Dong Ho is happy again!


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Getting so depressed watching this drama ):
Freaking spoiled myself after watching the first minute of ep 11 that showed the dad's funeral i initially thought it was Jinwoo dreaming. Soooo the death didnt hit me that hard..and i didn't cry at all. Am i a cold blooded zombie LOL Jinwoo's crying was really the best though.


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love this recap and I think i have to say that I have also become an overall Yoo Seung Ho fan because of this movie. I mean the movie can't get as bad as yong pal no matter what, can it? anyway, Nam Gyu Man has to go down sometimes soon, his face scares me half the time.


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I can't believe this show killed dad so early! I'm so sad right now! I really hope Jin Woo can get his revenge, fast. Can't stand seeing Nam Gyu Man's creepiness. He gives me the chills. I just hope he gets what he deserves! And his dad too! They both need to suffer for all those tears that Jin Woo shed!


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This ep has the saddest scene ever, when jin woo break down in tears beside his dad's corpse, and when ahjumma called while JW is saying his final statement, i was crying the whole scene, my body shakes because i cried hard while watching that scene. This is so sad. I'm not yet ready for his dad to die.. His dad didn't even saw his son before his last breath. Seung Ho have this kinds of eyes that will pull you in in a very emotional state and locked you there.


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