IU, Ji-soo, Kim Sung-kyun for Bu Bu Jing Xin remake Moon Lovers

We finally have a possible leading lady for Moon Lovers, the Korean drama remake of Chinese time-slip fusion sageuk Bu Bu Jing Xin. IU (The Producers) is currently entertaining an offer to headline opposite Lee Jun-ki (Scholar Who Walks the Night), in what would be her first historical drama. The singer-actress has been involved in some controversy over her latest album this past year, but I’ve always liked her in dramas and think she’d make a good time-traveling heroine who steals princes’ hearts.

The original drama is about a contemporary heroine who time-travels to the Qing dynasty and gets embroiled in a royal battle between princes. The remake will take place in early Goryeo in the time of its fourth king, Gwangjong. Both Lee Jun-ki and IU are considering the leading roles and are unconfirmed for now. Meanwhile, there are lots of other princes to be cast — nine in all — and most recently, fresh-faced heartbreaker Ji-soo (Sassy Go Go) has signed on to join the pack. Also confirmed is Kim Sung-kyun (Answer Me 1988), who will play a government official.

So far, we have on our royal roster: Lee Jun-ki, Kang Haneul (Misaeng), Hong Jong-hyun (Mama), Nam Joo-hyuk (Who Are You—School 2015), EXO idol Baekhyun, and now Ji-soo. I certainly hope that at least one or two of them get other love interests, because that’s a lot of boys for one girl, even if that’s kind of the point.

This will be Kim Sung-kyun’s first non-cable television role; he’ll play a high-ranking bureaucrat, which will likely be closer to his darker movie roles than his goofball Answer Me characters. He’s good no matter the genre, though, and has done period films in the past. Ji-soo has been cast to play the 14th son of Taejo, a prince who grew up very differently from his older brothers, and received nothing but love and affection. The character is said to be a sharp contrast from his previous roles as rebel teenagers (who break my heaaaaaart) — his prince is the cute maknae who’s playful and well-liked, and will have everyone’s love.

The remake, helmed by PD Kim Kyu-tae (It’s Okay, it’s Love) and writer Jo Yoon-young (Cinderella Man), is currently being considered for a September 2016 broadcast on SBS. That’s not confirmed, but production will begin in January and the project will be fully pre-produced before its run.

Via Sports Chosun, Review Star, IS Plus, MBN


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Ji Soo after Kang Haneul and Jun Ki? This already sounds like a must watch!!! So much is going for it!


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But isn't there a little too much pretty for one drama?? I mean Lee Jun Ki is beauty incarnate, Haneul is adorable, Ji Soo is heartbreakingly good looking, and Hong Jong-hyun, Nam Joo-hyuk, Baekhyun and IU all are beautiful.

I hope they have a good enough story to back up so many actors. Otherwise it might just be a huge waste of talent!


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At least two of them are decidedly subpar actors, but honestly I wonder how this is going to turn out.

Drama remakes from China to Korea have typically never gone well, and I really don't know about the writer. I just hope that if Lee Jun-ki takes it, it won't be as maddeningly stupid as Scholar Who Walks the Night.


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@pogo, I agree with your sentiments. I don't quite like the plot of BBJX though it was so wildly popular in China. I just hope that it will turn out well, as I do not really want to see JK being bogged down by another project that is going to flop.


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I went and checked out bu bu jing xin after hearing about the Korean remake. I know it was hugely popular in China, but I can't say I like it, from the premise to the conclusion. But with so much pretty, one must sit thru it no matter what. I just hope it won't be too long.


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If anything, it'll make a nice wallpaper! BBJX was such a masterpiece, it''ll be hard to top, so I hope they do something different with it enough so we forget the comparisons.


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Exactly what I was going to say!


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Looking forward to see a non-angsty Ji Soo!


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"his prince is the cute maknae who’s playful and well-liked, and will have everyone’s love."
Sure.... everyone loves Ji Soo!! I'm more than ready to love him. Hehehe


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the lone bright spot is that at least this role won't be exactly like his previous ones? I mean, I adore him as Bokdongie and Ha-joon, but let the boy try something different now, three similar characters in a row would be overkill!


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He's still young! And I hope he will take various roles. Anyway he's now working in dramas and movies too! Crosses fingers this remake will turn out good.. :)


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hmm, guess that makes him either no. 10 or 14.


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oops, just read it again - ok. 14th.


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Ah..I really anticipating this drama.. Good cast, I hope everyone will give a time before judge anything.. Looking forward for this drama.. Moon Lovers, fighting !!!


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Ji Soo will play the 14th Prince? SOLD! *makes incoherent, high pitched noises*


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Yes and yes and YES!!!!!!!!!! I loved the 14th-female lead interactions the most in the original.


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14th is cute and receives love from all and not angsty? I guess they are reworking the original story then. Hope it will remain good! :)


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Yay Kim Sungkyun \o/
Not IU please D:
Dunno who Jisoo is


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if you don't know who jisoo is yet, watch angry mom and sassy go go...


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I would actually like to see Ninja Teacher in a modern action thriller now... but I have no idea how good the material is here...


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Oh man, Ji Soo is enough reason to be tuning in - even for what sounds like absolute crap. But that's only in my mind. I'll most likely bail after 1 episode if it's what I think it will be.

Also, why is Lee Jung-ki continuously being paired with actresses who look 10 years younger than him and would most likely make for an awkward pairing? I pointed that out in Scholar and man, the result was bad. IU has improved - particularly in her last drama - but pairing her up with LJK? Ehhhhh. Also, I'm kinda still disgusted with her scandal but whatever, this has nothing to do with what she does on screen, so...

Scholar sounded real bad from the get go, but this sounds even worse. LJK needs to go back to modern dramas, stat.


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There was no getting around the age gap in Scholar because it was intentional - they only courted actresses who were younger and looked it. And whatever chemistry they had was killed off (to be fair, it was there in at least ep 2) by having the heroine act like an utter twit.

Ordinarily I'd agree that IU looks way too young to play Lee Jun-ki's leading lady, but she did great with Jo Jong-seok in You're The Best Lee Soon-shin, and he's even older than Lee Jun-ki. I was sceptical about Producer too, but frankly as long as she isn't made to act like a giddy tween, she'll do fine here.


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I wouldn't say JJS is the best comparison when it comes to chemistry. The guy can have sizzling chemistry with a tree. He was fantastic with someone close to his age like Lee Yeon-ji and just as great with someone as young as Park Bo-young. On the other hand, LJK is the opposite where age isn't quite the issue, its more the spark. Look at his last three dramas for example. I didn't like his pairing with Park Ha-sun (thankfully, TW wasn't a romance drama), Nam Sang-mi and him together was like watching paint dry and I have nothing good to say about Lee Yu-bi and their non-existent chemistry.

Honestly, I think IU is the appropriately casted one amongst a bunch of young actors. LJK is the one who feels a little too old and out of place. But I haven't seen the original so maybe thats the point? Not sure but it does feel like a trainwreck. Hopefully not, we've had a bunch of sleeper hits this year; a few more than we've had in the past.


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Apparently the OTP in the original had a seventeen-year age gap, so if anything, LJK is a little young for the role.

I do think that with him, the writing hugely influences whether there is any spark or not. There is NO other explanation for why he and Nam Sang-mi went from having fantastic chemistry in Time Between Dog and Wolf, to as you said, as interesting as watching paint dry in Joseon Gunman. I mean, they're the same actors.

And in the same drama, he had sparks flying everywhere with Jeon Hye-bin even though they were antagonists ....sure, Jeon Hye-bin is a far better actor than NSM, but the JG script allowed her to actually show it. I wish he'd take it on board that he doesn't have to be the one carrying the entire show, and actually sign on to dramas with actresses of equal stature with him, because that at least means that their characters won't be as easily shafted. The last of his leading ladies to actually be treated like a character in her own right, was Shin Mina in Arang, and I don't think it was a coincidence that Shin Mina was A list by then.


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+1 (agreeing with you yet again ;-) )


Agree with just about everything you said. But was it just the writing with Nam Sang-Mi?

Her character was the sole reason I dropped Joseon. I found her portrayal to be so at odds with the character's description, I ended up shouting at my screen whenever she was on it. Not worth it.

The scene that was the straw that broke the camels' back (for me, anyway): The character was supposed to be geeeeeeenius smart. Yet when chased by the baddies and hiding behind a building, she's practically shouting a soliloquy at the character she's 'hiding' with.

Yes, the writer was to blame for the contextually nonsensical soliloquy. However, on her end, just using a hushed whisper would have made all the difference in how the scene came across.

So, for me, it was her portrayal that broke the suspension of disbelief on anything her character was involved in. Including the romance.


@Gidget - trust me, I was really unimpressed by Nam Sang-mi in that role too - like you said, the supposed intelligence of the character simply doesn't come across.

I personally found that she was adopting mannerisms that would have seemed less unnatural coming from an actress who was 5-10 years younger, but I can't pin too much blame on her if that was the way she was instructed to act. Just like Lee Yubi in Scholar (ordinarily a very expressive young actress who's particularly unafraid of looking silly onscreen, but a combination of sloppy acting and clumsy direction reduced her to a caricature and not a character). While I think she did better than Nam Sang-mi, I think sometimes there's really only so much an actress can do - and she really tried.


I'm not too interested in the story and I can't remember a sageuk I've finished yet....

As for the potential casting, IU doesn't just look 10 years younger, but she is 11 years younger. Though I guess in those times that wouldn't have been so uncommon... Still, unless the age gap is a specific plot point, I'm not a fan of such gaps.

I like IU, but I think I'd prefer her in something else or opposite someone else (tbh I haven't really been impressed with LJK's leading ladies in a while – which didn't necessarily always have to do with their acting, but somehow in the last two or three dramas of his that I tried the female leads were not particularly interesting – he had great characters, the but the female characters were perfunctory).

That said, I really liked IU opposite Jo Jung-Suk and they had a 12.5 year age gap!


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You nailed it about LJK's leading ladies over the last couple of years - their characters have been treated in a decidedly slapdash fashion, and it's not really a reflection on the actresses in question (Nam Sang-mi and Lee Yubi) when I've seen them do way better in other projects.

I love him, but his recent dramas would be 5x better if the heroines were ultimately allowed to behave like more than an accessory or a damsel in distress. Aand even when they did, it was in a 'tell, not show' fashion, so it never quite rang true. There were parts of SWWTN in particular where it felt like Lee Yubi was searching for literally any point of connection to make her character seem like less of a joke, or give her some depth (I've seen Kim Ji-won do a similar reach before, in Gap-dong where she played a similar rather one-note character.....it's a little painful to watch talented actresses struggle to make more out of terrible roles).


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Right? I think Lee Jun-ki should find himself a drama with someone like Gong Hyo-jin, simply because Gong Hyo-jin always picks fully rounded dramas where the males are interesting AND the females aren't just decorative mantelpieces with nothing to contribute to the story.

I swear if I hadn't seen Lee Yubi in Twenty (where she was the only good thing about that movie), I would have completely dismissed her after Scholar. But it wasn't her fault Scholar – it was a crappy role. Nam Sang-mi I've only ever seen in Joseon Gunman, and consequently have no interest in watching any of her projects. Same for Park Ha-sun.

If IU gets stuck in a role like this, I think she'd be wasted – because she has more potential than that!


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Gong Hyo-jin and Lee Jun-ki would be great together! I can see them making a lovely couple in a drama that actually is worth the time we give to watch it. Even him pairing up with Ha Ji-won or Lee Bo-young...

But its not just his leading ladies, I just wish he stops historical dramas already. Its going to be three in a row now with the last two being utterly unwatchable for me. I get that he's comfortable in it and that his fans like it, but he's a good actor; he shouldn't be worried about trying something different once in a while.



Yep, the issue isn't just the female leads (characters) but the overall project choices. I do think he chooses roles he feels will challenge him, but I'm not quite convinced he is seeing the 'bigger picture' – a fully rounded drama that works on all levels.

He's not made any films for several years either.


As long as they stick to the spirit of the novel/cdrama it should be fine. Bu Bu Jing Xin was first and foremost Ruoxi's (the female lead's) story, and she's a very well drawn heroine. Actually, all the women in the story are sympathetically written -- there's a pair who starts out as the typical scheming side characters, but as the story progresses they get fleshed out and humanized and you end up rooting for them as well. With all the focus on the princes' casting, I really hope the writer doesn't forget that.


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The only thing I've watched IU in is Producers. And I really liked what she did with that role. However, after watching Bu Bu Jing Xin, the fact that they've offered her the role makes me uneasy.

She doesn't put across the vibe that's consistent with Ruoxi's original character. And the scrutiny about that one point will be intense.

The actress that I think puts across the vibe needed for Ruoxi's character (going from a thoroughly modern death seeking second sister, to the sad disillusionment and diminished expectations of a concubine trapped in the Royal Court) is Kang So Ra.

Too many idols and teen heartthrobs. This makes me think they'll ultimately be fully willing to compromise the integrity of the show to pimp its revenue stream. *7000days 2.0*

In the end, if the producers are going to sell-out the show's production value, I really don't want to see any seasoned actor in this drama. Especially Lee Jun-Ki (for the same reasons everyone else is saying).


Isn't Nicky Wu like 17 years older than Liu Shishi? Anywho, I'm not a huge fan of UI actingwise, but I don't think she lacks anything in comparison to Liu for that role.


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Happy Holidays! I seldom agree with you but this time you nailed it. UI's "saucy" grimaces are far more geniune than the Liu's. I don't object any cast in a project that, let's face it, it's a Chinese "Harlequinish" web novel. Not that I mind. Harlequins have been my best friends during mathematics in high school. So good luck to a drama with plenty of romance, loads of brothers (with very easy names, just numbers), concubines, wives and time travel. What's not to like?


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And they're married in RL.


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I feel so happy with this news about the cast.
Please, IU take the role. She will be perfect to be the time traveller heorine in hanbok. Please!! I'm so excited already. hahahaha


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IU is very talented. She have proven a lot of things. So, I think, actually, I believe that she can do this role. NO DOUBT!!


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Oppa, our puppy Ji-soo AND Kang Ha-neul in the same drama?!

Please, PLEASE let the script be decent. PLEASE.


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Ji-soo and Kim Sung-kyun, Yes yes!!! IU, No no!!! IU's acting leaves so much to be desired...she might be a good singer but an actress- no.... Ji-soo deserves to be the lead... he is awesome!!!


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I thought IU put in a really good performance in Producer, it was one of the standout female performances of 2015 imo. I was surprised but I have to give credit where it's due, she rose to the challenge of a complex role and did it well.

I'm not familiar with the source material so I don't know how suitable IU might be for this particular role, but it's not like she can't act at all. I'd rather have her on my screen than assorted wooden Seohyuns and Suzys and what have you.


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I agree. IU is not a bad actress – and one with a lot of potential, which can't be said of most idol actresses and also not of some other 'popular' actors/actresses. She did well in both Lee Soon-shin and Producers.


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I agree about her having potential in the actual sense of the word,and not the kpop idol-actor fans' sense of the word.

(which translates to 'she sucks at acting but think of all the talent she HASN'T shown any evidence of so far, and assume she'll show it in the future!')


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Yeah, she seems much more natural and unaffected than 99% of her peers. Even in an idol vehicle like Dream High, she could have passed for a real actress. Not saying she's the next Sohn Ye-jin or anything lol, but props where they're due.


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Another "not bad actress" is not what we've been expecting for LJK's next work. At least, I know I haven't...


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@kalel - the thing is, I love LJK but post-Arang/Two Weeks, he seems to gravitate to projects that are centred on him and give his female leads precious little to do. Like I said, I think he'd actually benefit more from starring with an actress who can match him in stature and can carry the show right along with him.

IU's legitimately good imo, 'not bad' is actually a very conservative estimate of her acting abilities. But if LJK signs on for this along with her, I predict she's going to be reduced to another Candy stereotype - only it'll be Goryeo Candy for her this time.


@kalel – I don't disagree with you. If you read my comments earlier in the thread, I think she has potential, but I'm not sure if this is the right role for her/she's right for this role.

We're just disagreeing with the people that are saying she is a terrible actress.


Not only that, I feel like she doesn't get enough appreciation for how different those characters are, because that aspect gets overlooked in midst of the fact that she's cute and likeable in all of them. One of the issues that even the best idols-actors face is that they're largely typecast, so even if they're good you don't get to see any real range from them apart from that one character type they're good at.

But IU's shy, retiring, timid Pil Sook is nothing like her loud, cheerful, energetic Botong, both of whom are nothing like her Cindy. They're all far apart in terms of characterisation and nuances, for which IU deserves credit as much as the writing does. She's infatuated with her male leads in all 3 dramas, and yet those relationships can't be compared to each other because what she brings to them is very different. I think I need to stop apologising for the fact that I think she's a good actor period.


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Did you mean Seohyun or Seolhyun?


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The latter.


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IU's acting is awful IMO, but this drama sounds like a mess with or without her involvement, so whatever.


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I think IU's done fantastically in all dramas she's been in, she was even the best thing about the mess that was Pretty Man. And her Cindy was so emotionally on-beat and nuanced, I'm sold on her. After Cindy I definitely don't see her being awful.


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yeah, I'm starting to wonder if this is Opposite Day or something because IU's acting is leagues ahead of some of the insipid cardboard cutouts that seem to pass for acting idols these days.


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Yes! And they don't even have to be idol actors-- look at Gu Hye Sun in Blood. I mean IU's already established that she does emotional beats well; some of her scenes in the Producers had such an aching on-the-outside-looking-in feel to them that really struck a chord. Not to mention she made everyone root for her unrequited love to the extent that people were actually mad at Kim Soo Hyun's character for being so single-minded and dense (which was no easy feat I'm sure, it's KSH, ordinarily I'd expect everyone to root for whatever he wantswants). Also, afaik, IU's always had great chemistry with all her co-stars, she and Wooyoung are still shipped post Dream High, and the reactions to her and Jo Jung Seok were hugely positive too, not to mention the Umbrella Couple who really blew up. So idk, I'd probably advise cautioned faith instead of all this handwringing about her casting.


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Maybe people aren't comparing her to actors with bad acting skills and just don't think she can act. It's sad that these casting agents are allowing bad actors with recognizable faces to lower the drama standards (among other things like bad writers)


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...except that the reactions to her by the time her last drama wrapped, indicated that people thought (both here and elsewhere) that she was really good at her role.

She hasn't done any acting between then and now for that position to be reversed, so my only guess is that other factors are influencing the perception and assessment of her acting skills.


"…except that the reactions to her by the time her last drama wrapped, indicated that people thought (both here and elsewhere) that she was really good at her role."

It doesn't mean the poster above and other people didn't agree with that consensus at the time. Maybe some people always just thought she was just ok in the role and think of her full body of work and still don't care for her as an actress and then there may be others that are influenced by recent events but there's no way to tell. It's a bit much to assume that's the reason people don't care for her acting is because of recent events.


I agree with Fiona. IU's acting isn't good. But she is very cute.


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In Chinese version, the male lead is 17 years older than the female lead. People are complaining that our Joon is not old enough for the role.


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yeah and after the original the two leads got married in real life too LOL


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It's funny how people now insist IU's acting is bad, but the recaps and comments on the latter episodes of Producer and even You're The Best, Lee Soon-shin seem to indicate the exact opposite.


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That said, this drama sounds like a mess in the making. I hope pre-production helps it avoid some of the usual writing issues.


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Haters are always on IU's side but her lovers and supporters are always around her to protect and defend her.


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I never watch Bu Bu Jing Xin, if they want to remake Chinesse drama, why not Princes Huan Zu or i hope they remake Taiwanese drama Autumn Concerto.


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Aw, just hoping the drama isn't gonna be crappy.. I means, the last two Junki dramas weren't so good. I am hoping to be able to finish Junki's drama again since I like him quite a lot!


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Saw Ji-soo. Immediately clicked.


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Are you me? LOL same case here :p


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I used to avoid saeguk with passion but currently watching SFD and now this. Jisoo and Kang Haneul in one drama? SOLD


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Looking more and more like SWWTN. LJK has shown no improvement nor ability to expand his acting range, he has been displaying just a few canned expressions. Unless he made some remarkable turnaround, I will not be able to tell the difference between LJK in Arang, LJK in JG, LJK in SWWTN and now LJK in Moon Lovers. He was not much different in Two Weeks but it wasn't that telling with the benefit of modern setting.

IU looks too young but with such a young cast, it might work. The problem would be compatibility between LJK and her. Another pairing like SWWTN's which was so cringe worthy.

My bets on KHN and Ji Soo stealing the show and if Ji Soo is doing the 14th Prince, there will be few on the side of 4th Prince.


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It's obvious that you didn't really watch the shows named, cos Satoh, Hanjo-san, Tae-San and Sung Yeol were distinctly different, and LJK's acting was never in dispute. It was the story/scripts which were boring or slow or just plain bad in the case of SWWTN.

Ultimately, what's important is the actor's ability to emote and tell the viewers the story with his expressions, and not whether he looks the same from one drama to another. After all, it's the same face.

I'll rather have an expressive actor who can show us appropriate expressions for the scene in question, rather than an expressionless actor with blank eyes, where I have to guess what he's feeling or trying to tell us, the audience.

Maybe like some other actors, he should do plastic surgery after every drama, then he can show you a different face each time.


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I hope IU can pull it off or didn't end up in official line up
I don't have enough faith on her,
The prince cast is okay, idk about baekhyun and nam joo hyuk but they got, Lee junki, kim sung kyun, ji soo and ha neul,
so I really hope the leading lady play the part well and IU, despite her good story in Producer, her acting still bother me at some scene,


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I've never watched the chinese version of this but I LURVE IU! Loved her as Cindy in Producer and can't wait for this. Hopefully she'll sign on as the main girl!


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Finally a Jisoo who is not physically abused or beaten up by his guardian/parent <3


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Famous last words. XP


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I like IU but please reject thid drama please... jeballl


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Bu Bu Jing Xin is one of my all time favorite dramas! It is so beautifully filmed, elegant and adventurous with all the Emporer's sons (and of course, the time traveler). It's a great story, although I do hope they will go a little easier on the torture scenes in the Korean version. It's just too hard to watch that and I feel it really brings down the interstate and ratings. (I love historical dramas and I know there was torture in that era--we just don't need to see the details.)

The Chinese version was so excellent, and I loved every actor. I'm very excited and curious to see what the K-version will be like. I do hope they will add a few new surprising twists while keeping the main theme--only because it can get a bit boring to watch the exact same thing again.

I hope that if the Korean version of Bu Bu Jing Xin does well that they will also film the sequel (Bu Bu Jing Qing). The Chinese version was good but a bit lacking compared to the first (which is so often the case with any sequel to a really great drama).

And lastly, I hope that there is some way to avoid name confusion of the drama titles. There were so many different names in reference to the dramas that everyone (including myself) was fairly confused, i.e. Bu Bu Jing Xin is drama #1 but also called "Startling By Each Step," or was that "Scarlett Heart 1" since the sequel is sometimes referred to as "Scarlett Heart" (2)? Way too much name confusion--I hope it gets cleared up in the kdrama version.

Anyway, I will sooo be waiting for any and all news of this drama remake from January through September of 2016!
I'm so excited that I'll be "on pins and needles" 'til it finally comes out!

Good luck -- Fighting!! (:


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Hi, sorry if you already know this but bu bu jing xin is the pronunciation of it whereas scarlet heart is the English name for it so it isn’t really so many names, its the same for most Asian dramas.


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Not sure if this clarifies but Scarlet Heart is the English title and Startling By Each Step is the literal translation of the original Mandarin title.


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With the remaining casts other than the 3, I'm still wary. I hope it would be as epic and awesome as the BBJX that I loved. In the meantime, I'll sit in the corner biting my nails, waiting for the outcome warily, anxiously.


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"Interstate and ratings" was supposed to be "interest and ratings."


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I was doing the happy dance this morning when I saw Jisoo confirming his role in this remake!!! I was wondering what was happening to this drama since a lot of offers went out and the actors were still considering. So, I'm so happy that Jisoo landed a role and is playing 14th Prince!! The description doesn't mirror the original 14th Prince from BBJX, but I am ecstatic that he gets to be the cute, playful maknae instead of his angsty past characters. Yay, bring on the cute, Jisoo!! ^^V

I love KSK in Reply 1994, so I'm happy he's been cast. Haneul and Joohyukie have confirmed, too. Woot! Just waiting to see who else will be added and finalize their roles... I like LJG and IU, but I'm not quite sold how they will hold up opposite each other or in their own individual roles. The original characters and actors were amazing in BBJX. So, even though I don't have as high expectations for this remake, I still want it to be of good caliber. Anyway, watching this for sure!!! =D


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That's a lot of good actors/ actresses in a drama, I really hope that the director and writer doesn't let them down, as we know from previous experience (e.g. The Heirs), a star-studded cast does not always lead to a quality drama.


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JI SOO! Suddenly interested.


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And again people are being ridiculously over-critical of an actress.

Criticism is fine, but I can't help but notice that drama fans (not just here on DB but everywhere) are much more likely to give actors passes. When there are complaints about casting, 95% of the time it is because of the actress, not the actor.

It's fine to have your opinions but I think people should be a bit more conscious of how critical they are of actresses versus actors.


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I have a feeling the extra-ness (for lack of a better word) and the selective memory about IU's acting skills is really because it's this particular actress, not just any actress.

I don't see a problem with criticising actors of either gender who suck at their jobs. DB commenters have been equally harsh on male acting idols and rookie actors who turn out to be poor at their jobs (see comments on any post about Ahn Jae-hyun or Nam Joo-hyuk for proof), but I think at the very least we shouldn't drag the ones who DO act well!


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LOL where were you during that Park Shi Hoo post??


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and me want IU and ji soo lead the drama.
that would be lovely to have IU's cindy image with ji soo's bok dong image clashed :D


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This casting is not even close to the original. Most of the princes were much older and I actually took them seriously.
Nicky Wu and Kevin Cheng were in their 40s....

This is freaking early Goryeo and they are casting actors with very little to no sageuk experience *sigh*. Why can't they just do a modern take on it and stop making a joke out of a genre that was well respected for it's rich history and tradition.


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:( The worst thing is that I love pre-Joseon sageuk, but there are so few good ones. Even ones that started out with a lot of promise like Blade and Petal or Ja Myung Go got screwed over by production problems. Guess we'll just have to keep re-watching Shin Don.

At least Jang Yeong-sil is coming up really soon. I don't know anything about the writer or the director, but I think the topic has some potential and at least nothing is jumping out at me as a bad sign right off the bat.


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KBS produced some really good pre Joseon sageuks in the past like Tears of the dragon etc. The problem is they are collecting dust somewhere in their library because they refused to release them to the public after it's airtime.
We have no chance of ever watching Jeong Do Jeon with subs online unless we buy the expensive Dvds. Even that is already sold out.

We got lucky with Shin Don because MBC is making it available to this day.


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Yeah. I just keep thinking of how sad it is that Mr. X was basically chased out of town. He deserved a lot better, and if he were still around in a subbing capacity, I'm sure there would be amazing subs for Queen Insoo, Jung Do-jeon, and Cruel Palace (which deserves a lot better than DF subs lol). While I only became aware of Kdrama through streaming sites, the deeper my obsession takes me the more I realize that they're the worst thing that ever happened to this community.


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Who is Mr. X? He was a subtitler that was chased out of which town?


@confused. lol. He was a subber that worked with WITHS2. His sageuk subs are the stuff of legend lol--he has a very distinct voice and is known for providing both depth and precision in his translations. Obviously I don't know the whole story and I've just read up on bits and pieces here and there, but what I have heard is more than enough. When Dramafever came around, they tried to work with WITHS2 (for free), but eventually forced fansubbers out of the community and replaced their meticulous labor of love with the lazy, substandard crap we all know DF subs to be. There was some particular kerfuffle between Mr. X and DF, and I think they stopped him from working on a project (or two?) down the line (A Wife's Credentials I think?). I find it kind of ironic that they continue to use his and WITHS2's subs on a variety of projects, but I suppose that's what fansubbing was all about--the spirit of sharing something you love with others for nothing in return.


I miss his subs. He is old school and perfect for sageuks. He is the one only one that I'd call a history buff.


Starting out with promise...

Even the first two episodes of Faith were really good. But then the show lost its way.


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I haven't seen the original so I have no idea what to expect or how the adaptation will work out (I'm not optimistic at all)....but at least most of the above named people, with the exception of Nam Joo-hyuk and Hong Jong-hyun, can act - and in some cases, act quite well, despite people now making noises to the contrary.

I'm curious about Jang Young-shil since it's Song Il-gook's drama comeback. But the sageuk I'm really looking forward to is Jung Yoon-jung's (writer of Arang and Misaeng) take on Bride of the Water God. That one's also got a Goryeo look to it, judging by the manhwa's costumes - I REALLY hope they cast right and don't screw it up!


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Yeah, I am very curious about Bride of the Water God, too. I'm glad it's another adaptation--hopefully it will escape the gap between concept and execution that plagued Arang. I have to say, though, I enjoyed the visual world the manhwa created more than the story or characters (the art is amazing), so I think the PD will make or break that one. If only they could get someone like Kim Yong-soo.


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yeah, BOTWG is alllll about the pretty - the writer is going to have to cut past a lot of subplot crap to actually get a coherent story out of it (and give the heroine something of a spine).

And the PD really will matter here, for the visual element of the drama.


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I'm really nervous about BotwG. This could attract some pretty faces with zero talents just because the characters are supposed to be beautiful.


yeah, after Misaeng I'm pretty sure there are idols clamouring to be in the writer's next drama, and the prettiness element might possibly look like an 'in' to most of them, never mind if they can do sageuk or not.

if they cast any Nam Joo Hyuks, Ahn Jae Hyuns, Seolhyuns or She Who Must Not Be Nameds etc I will flip tables.


It's hard for me to explain :(. I'm not worried about IU because she is capable of pulling off Maertai Ruo-Xi part. Any lack of sageuk mannerism/experience can be compensated by her character's background. She was the youngest, maybe a bit spoiled and wasn't brought up as Qing lady to a t like her older sister. Her sister had to apologize for her improper behaviors.
I'm not expecting IU to act like a proper Goryeo noble lady. The princes on the other hand should.

Ruoxi's love interests Nicky Wu and Kevin Cheng were solid, chemistry and all. Everyone in Qing played their parts well and it kept the drama respectable as far as history goes.
I thought Nicky was perfect, even with all his prior experience with this kind of genre, he still did research on Yin Zhen and it paid off.


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yeah, a lot is going to depend on the writer and how they adapt the story to Korean history. But the very idea of this remake has had me nervous from Day 1, so I really don't think the cast is the issue here.

I do wonder if PD Kim Kyu-tae is going to resort to his usual close-ups, though. They'll need someone who can properly emote, if they're going to do that - close-ups can be pretty merciless at revealing blankness behind the eyes.


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lol he already ruins perfectly good performances with his close ups imo--nose hairs and pores can't emote, even if they belong to Gong Hyo-jin. But at least those nose hairs were real--imagine the amount of lace fronts we're going to see in this drama. Kim Kyu-tae doing sageuk is about as crazy as the idea of Kim Jin-min or Kwak Jung-hwan doing a trendy.


I'm having trouble imagining these young boys, some of them terribly stiff at acting and a newbie idol engaging in a bloody fight for the throne.


BBJX was no fluffy rom.com.


I agree with you. I don't really like IU in this drama but considering her character's background, it should not be a problem for her.

As for the princes, I agree with some commenters in finding the actors a bit too young. I'm not sure they can show the wisdom, experience and growth the characters in BBJX went through. The Chinese actors were all very solid in their acting and each of them, with their backstories made me feel for them (e.g. 9th, 10th prince, Minghui). Can these Korean actors do that?

Anyhow I feel that even if these actors are really solid, the writers and director are the ones who steer the way so I really hope that all these people can deliver a new take on it or an even better one than the Chinese production. However, seeing the standards the original one set, it would be hard. After all, adaptations strive to be better than the previous one. No director wants to hear "the other one did it better".


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I like all casts, and IU has shown improvement in her acting. But...

I wonder how they gonna make a remake on this C-drama? The original drama seems to be heavy drama (not yet watch but based on review by others), but the casts here... Seems to be a group of pretty boys chasing one girl ?? maybe fantasy sageuk will do?

For me, only Lee Jun Ki n Kang Ha Neul seems to be solid in sageuk among the casts. But lets see if this gonna be hit or miss.......


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Thoroughly enjoyed BBJX. Have my doubts about this. Main concern would be the script, first and foremost. LJK' s casting concerns me much more than IU's. She at least has improved in her skills, him, not so much.


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Quiet neutral about IU, have seen her better as well as her worse roles. What i'm worried is the otp chemistry. Given there're so many 'candidates' aka secondary male leads courting her, to make us root for her and the male lead, they gotta have one kind of chemistry. I remember i couldn't continue Scholar due to similar problem. I just couldn't buy the romance. LJK looks just too mature to me, and beside KHN i think the rest of cast just look 'young' compared to them. Idk how they'll manage every of the prince story or what i'm afraid most is some of them just be there as fan-service without contributing anything to the story. That said, with Jisoo playing a role different to his usual ones is sufficient reason for me to check out this drama, at least 2-3eps lol


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Jisoo... idk but suddenly I've a good feelings for this drama. Because so far in 2015, he's been picking good & interesting projects such as angry mom, sassy go go. And the newest, page turner.

I belive in you, wonderful Jisoo :'D

But, in case this drama turned out bad, I'm still gonna watch. Where else I could find Jisoo's happy-and-have-everyone's-love character?


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Right now all I want to be is IU


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Hi, sorry if you already know this but bu bu jing xin is the pronunciation of it whereas scarlet heart is the English name for it so it isn't really so many names, its the same for most Asian dramas.


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In terms of the age, Chinese actors tend to act out roles that are younger even when they don't look it so there's not much point comparing the ages


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I haven't seen the original but from what I hear, it's terribly sad even though the drama is amazing. I'm not a fan of sagueks either since I find them boring and stuffy except fusion or fantasy sagueks. I really hope Lee Jun-ki is not shortchanged again after the Disaster That Haunts My Dreams. That drama still makes me angry when I think about all the talent and potential wasted. I'm not the biggest fan of any of the actors but I pray earnestly that their efforts aren't wasted.


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I don't know why, but I simply don't like Lee Jun-ki. The same goes for IU. That's why I'm definitely out, though I really love Bu Bu Jing Xin.


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Moon lovers, please be good! Dont waste the appeal of this cast and the potential of this story.

IU is the right age for this character actually. In the original story, she's the daughter of a prestious general who is of maritable age so she's supposed to be young (though, she grows a few years older during the course of the story). Im able to picture IU as the likeable, smart and strong-willed heroine, who also has her vulnerable side. IU's portrayal of multi-facet Cindy comes to mind so im looking forward to her playing Ruoxi!


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I actually think IU is good for this role. The leading lady is supposed to be bubbly and fun in the beginning. I can totally see IU in that character. And depending on how she demonstrates the character's development, it'll help getting her recognised (or break i guess) as an established and mature actress.

The one problem i have is that all the princes look too young? They don't look like they are ruthless enough to fight for the throne and all. I am actually doubting how everything will turn out. With that being said, I'm always up for pleasant surprises.


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I really loved Bu Bu Jin Xin! Hopefully they can translate it into a good Korean version of it. A lot of the secondary cast have never acted in a sageuk which I understand is different from modern dramas because of the language and the costumes so I hope they don't mess it up.
I think IU is cute and bubbly. I liked her in Dream High, but I didn't like her in her subsequent dramas. This is a demanding role, and she has never acted in a sageuk before so maybe she's out of her league.


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I guess Korea doesn't care about the ratings? IU is hated in Korea right now. I bet the netizens are furious at her casting.


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Except that she really isn't.

She has not lost a single endorsement deal (companies will terminate contracts if they felt their continued association is hurting their reputations/sales), and she recently renewed her contract with Chamisul, a major Soju company, which is like her biggest endorsement ever. This is post-"scandal" mind you. Few celebrities have ever gotten endorsement deals from Soju companies, those that did are typically top stars (Kim Yuna for example).

The following pictures were taken 7 days ago at a Chamisul event held for IU. Notice the size of the crowd.



It has also been revealed by some people that a vast majority of the "negative netizen comments" are in fact being posted by the same group of 600+ commenters, each person on average contributing to 70 hateful comments each. Basically a very dedicated anti-fan club.

So again back to the question. Is IU hated in Korea right now? By a dedicated group of 600++ keyboard warriors spamming hate comments online, yes. The Korean general public clearly does not give a shit, however.


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Jisoo playing the 14th is perfect! 14th prince is my favorite prince from the Chinese version.


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I just want Lee Junki in a well written and well directed drama with co-actors who will match him (as in not going to be overshadowed by him). I haven't seen him since Joseon Gunman (which I didn't finish) coz I avoided SWWTN.


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I am currently in episode 7 of bu bu jing xing and so far it is an interesting show. I will remain neutral about iu because I really haven't seen any show from beginning to end with her. I hope she can pull the sassyness and comedic timing of the main character.


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