Open Thread #422

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(Huh? OT is still empty)

Song Jae Rim, marry me.


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hehehehehe I can just imagine an autumn wedding next year. or I guess we can move it up to spring. the cherry blossoms are quite lovely in Korea in the spring.


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Invite me. I'll bring Jin Dong.


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And you won't have to pay for fake guests, we'll all come :D


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Keke... we went to a local Korean restaurant, saw a 'picture' of Song Jae Rim on the wall, and talked about Mary. :)


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That's so cool! :D I wonder why they had that pic up? The owner is a fan?


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Hello Everyone and Happy Weekend!

What I'm Watching... sort of...
*** SPOILERS ***

Bubblegum- After all the lovely heart-to-heart and truthful conversations, I'm now afraid after Episode 8, we're going to get all kinds of secret-keeping between our OTP (which the other party knows anyway) and the idiocy of protecting people who don't need protecting. For a show called Bubblegum the subjects being dealt with are not at all bright and colourful like bubblegum. I'm still being puzzled somewhat by the title... but the real bubblegum appearance in Ep 8 gave me pause... surely that is not the reason for the title, is it? It isn't surely!!! Errr... cringe???

Other than that, this turned out to be a better character and relationship development story than expected and at this stage I can still recommend it. We'll see after another 2 episodes.

Oh My Venus - I had no chance to watch Episode 1 but I was able to jump into Episode 2 after reading something of the recap. So they've managed to engineer many occasions for our OTP to be together which makes their coming together more likely... which is nice. I rather wish that we just had the OTP story with the losing weight for health purposes or something simple and that we could jettison great-grandma, dad and 2nd leads. Surely by now there can be other ways to add conflict other than with difficult elders and bitchy 'frenemies'. The side character friends however are keepers... let's get them all together and have more ma'am or noona and dongsaeng friendships!

High-end Crush- *** SPOILERS definitely ***
Speaking of jettisoning everything, the 2nd of this 15-minute per episode web drama seems to be doing mainly that. I mean jettisoning story even ... just giving us mostly OTP moments. I had a hard time trying to read subs for Ep 1 (the not very good English was laid over the still visible Chinese subs and flashed by too quickly to read fully!) and decided to brave Ep 2 without subs. What I gathered from my limited understanding is that there was nothing added to the story and several tropes were contrived so that our OTP do nothing much else except argue, throw daggers with their eyes and have quite a lot of skinship. Let's see ... there was the incident of accidentally seeing nekkidness, many wrist grabs that resulted in guy getting knocked out, a chase scene and hug ... quite a bit to satisfy die-hard 'romance-trope' lovers and this is just Ep 2. One wonders what else they will pile on.

One thing I can say is that Jung Il Woo does look very good in this show! :D

What I'm watching only vaguely with lots of FFDing and without knowing why except I need little breaks... Village and Glamorous Temptation. The latter is true to it's melo-ness but still not so bad that I run screaming and abandon it. Poor, brave girl just keeps getting one obstacle, danger or unfairness after another thrown at her. The holding factor is finding out how...


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Continuation ... The holding factor is finding out how she or her 'friends' manage to help her get out of the rut yet again. The plus points... "Ahjumma" being her usual no-nonsense self and the daughter.

After all that, to wash away cynicism, I may try Reply 1988 for some heartwarming slice of 'family-and-friends' life. :)


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The guy who played Praying Mantis in Last is in Glamorous Temptation as the younger brother of the female lead. I was tempted to watch the show just for him. Is he doing anything interesting or is he just a background character?


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Aah... that young chap... unfortunately he's hardly appearing at all. (But take this with a pinch of salt because I admit I skip watch this show) He's studying to be a doctor I think and stays elsewhere most of the time. He just appeared for a family meal and was fed up with being nagged at. I didn't get any impression of him in this show.


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You may try the webdrama called “Noble, My Love”… It is a bit silly/not coherent sometimes (like what a perfect lovestory in a teenage girl's imagination could look like), but it is still a nice (and short) watch. The male lead is the one who plays SJS's fighter friend in “Oh My Venus”. And it's completely subbed already.


if you want cute then "noble, my love" is right up your street. I watched it cause I liked sung hoon in "faith".


Thanks folks for the web drama recommendation(s)! The fact that they are short is a great selling point and a bit of romance and some cute never hurt LOL!


I just finished "the secret message". recommended.


He was really cute in Glorious Day.


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I've not heard of that one, I'll try to look it up. Thanks!


Your description of that web drama has me cracking up - most web dramas I've seen tend to be very short on plot, and some are literally just two scenes long before they cut to the 'cliffhanger', ha.

The only one I've seen which actually tried to string each episode into a coherent narrative, was Twenty Years Old (starring Beast's Lee Ki-kwang and newbie actress Lee Da-in). Which was super fluffy but also super cute, and was basically a self-insert fanfiction come to life.


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LOL! I just hoped that with 15 minutes, more could be shown besides accidentally seeing and touching, you know? :D The only other web drama I watched a bit of was Love Cells... it did have a bit more plot and things going on I felt. Still, it's only the 2nd episode and I really could do with good subs. Maybe I lost lots of good stuff in the dialogue... of sorts... when they weren't fighting or giving each other the evil eye. LOL!


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I saw that web drama too...and I agree, it is every bit a self-insert fanfiction. What fangirl hasn't dreamed of being her idol's first love?


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I’ve to admit I can be unreasonably petty-minded when watching drama. My disdain for characters who committed spiteful acts against my drama hero/heroine can easily be blown out of proportion. While watching Baker King Kim Tak Gu, I harboured a strong resentment against Ma Jun (Joo Won) due to the pain he inflicted upon innocent and trusting TG (Yoon Shi-Yoon) time and again. He was wilfully scornful and jealous of his half-brother, callously snatched away his first love, and caused him to be poisoned. Obviously, I must have liked YSY lots to have developed such a strong resentment against JW. I was also unimpressed that JW out-performed YSY. YSY probably made the wrong choice going down the flower boy path, while JW’s path to stardom has been comparatively smooth.

So I boycotted JW’s drama, with the only exception of Good Doctor. He was actually very likable in it and just when I thought my resentment against him was long overdue, Yong Pal started screening halfway through almighty oppa's SWWTN and stole all the limelight away. Ouch! How dare he!! Instantly, the impetuous teenager in me switched into automatic defence mode and started to badmouth JW like the way Shi-Won always did so vehemently in defence of her Tony oppa in Reply 1997.

Forget about Yong Pal, forget about Gaksital too, but I just could not strike Cantabile Tomorrow off my drama-to-watch list. It is a remake of jdrama Nodame Cantabile which I enjoyed tremendously. My curiosity drove me to watch CT and it was fun to nitpick JW as he would have to be damn good to surpass Tamaki Hiroshi’s portrayal of Shinichi in NC.

For a start, Shim Eun-kyung does not fit my expectation of Nae-Il, a quirkily cute and gifted pianist in the making. Ueno Juri is truly kawaii, so she was able to bring out Nodame’s character quite naturally in NC. SEK is pretty no doubt, but she is not considered that cute. I find her quite pathetic at times, she did put in very good effort into the acting but tried way to hard just to appear pleasingly cute. Off-hand, I could not think of any k-actress which could do a better job here, perhaps someone like Audrey Tautou of Amelie would fit the bill. CT did a great job in filming aesthetics and background music with a good repertoire of orchestral pieces being depicted. Considering that NC sparked an unprecedented interest in classical music in Japan, I think CT did earnestly attempt to do likewise to introduce classical music to its viewers and is definitely a much better production than Beethoven Virus. Typical of KBS drama, it is more conservative, at least CT’s version of Maestro Milch appeared more decent than the comically sleazy NC version.

The no nonsense and serious Cha Yoo Jin required JW to carry a snooty look at times. Needless to say, he could deliver effortlessly as he already mastered that atrociously arrogant demeanour in BKKTG. To be fair, he did well in bringing out the mellow side of the character kept hidden under the disguise of...


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nonchalance. I loved the scene in ep11 in which he consoled a nervy NI who freaked out before appearing on stage for her duet rehearsal. He was able to convey in a subtle manner the enormous depth of loving concern and patient understanding through a nod of his head, raising his eyebrows with a smile on his lips and the gentle look in his eyes. Lucky NI! How every girl must be yearning for such a brotherly ‘orabang’! Probably due to his musical acting, JW has great sense of music tempo which enabled him to deliver a convincing portrayal of an orchestra conductor. Much as I dislike him, I was attracted to his conducting. His tall built cladded in tuxedo commanded an amazingly majestic presence on stage in front of the orchestra when his hands swayed and swung in confident strokes to the music of Rachmanioff piano concerto no. 2 (one of my classical favourites!). His facial expression was solemn but bursting with gusto, it was remarkably superb. Ok fine, he has my standing ovation for that. He also presented an elegantly suave composure when playing the piano quite resembling pianist Lang Lang. I think the haughty character of YJ suited JW very well. Though his scornful smirk and stern grimace still irked me at times, I find myself liking YJ despite of my predisposed bias against JW. Compared with Tamaki Hiroshi’s portrayal in NC, I’ve to admit albeit reluctantly that I prefer JW as he was able to morph the two extreme sides of the character together more seamlessly. TH was not as annoying when he acted strict, he was also more subdued when he was being gentle. So JW has won me over big time, his acting was really decently good, no wonder he is doing so well not only on the small screen but also delivering an instant box-office hit.

If you like rom-com, you will want to watch CT, it is hilarious and heart-warming. NI was comically clingy while YJ was too haughtily shy to openly display his affection, but I really like the platonic love between them. NI’s admiration for YJ motivated her to soar to greater heights in order to keep up with his footsteps. YJ was her whole universe, she took great pains to help him overcome his fear of flying so that he could pursue his studies overseas. And YJ had NI’s genuine interest at heart, though he greatly cherished her talents and eagerly wanted her to succeed, he was not pushy but patiently guiding her to uncover her own talents at her own pace. Also, the camaraderie between members of the school orchestra was heartening, it brought back memories of my own high school days playing in the concert band. Supporting characters like Park Bo-gum, Go Kyung-pyo, etc. were all endearing too, overall CT does have lots to offer.

I’m currently watching Oh My Venus, SMA’s chubby lawyer character is refreshing, but SJS as chaebol heir feels like a repeat of the Master’s Sun version, it is below my expectation for now, but still quite fun to watch.

Have a great weekend beanies! :) 


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Such a great review on Cantabile Tomorrow! I also prefer Joo Won's Yoo-jin over Tamaki Hiroshi's Chiaki :D


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I still haven't gotten around to watch the korean remake of Nodame. It's been on my list forever.


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Awww, such a nice short review on CT. I love it as well, for its light, pretty landscape view and the warm feeling I got while watching it. Watch the original after CT, and CT managed to stay in my heart. ^^


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Thanks elric, Manin & Gaeina for leaving your comment.

It is not easy to make an outstanding remake, apart from Boys Over Flowers which was considered a great success, recent kdrama remake like The Time We Are Not In Love and Fated To Love You are drawing flak. So when I unexpectedly uncover an awesomely good one, I feel so passionate about it that I had to respectfully do a decent write-up to give CT its due credit and to share with others.

Another thing worth mentioning is, I find the theme in recent k-drama strikingly disturbing in that high-powered adults are imposing their views on the younger generation to regard peers not as friends but competitors to be ruthlessly defeated in order to stand out and be successful. Sassy Go Go has this message amplified throughout and a similar reprimand from Yoo Jin’s successful pianist father also constantly haunted him in CT. This got me to reflect quite deeply on the aggressively competitive pressure everywhere, in school, at work, etc.

What constituted success and what is considered a great life? Nothing comes free, success has a big price tag too, it all depends on what we deemed important in life. I think many would agree that we can lead a carefree and happy life without being successful so long as we are contented with what we already have and not be envious of the have-not. For me, the simple pleasure of watching a great drama can leave me gleefully happy for days. Perhaps, it is by taking the time to pause and enjoy the simple things in life and being appreciative of family and friends around us that can truly make us happy.


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Happy OT! I just realized that I have been watching a lot of tw stuff haha. :)

My Old Classmate - A decent film with a cliche premise. That ending was great though. After the hour mark, things got better.

You Are The Apple Of My Eye - In the same vein as My Old Classmate but better. So much better. It's nothing new. But the old does hit you with more feels, eh? I loved both the romance and friendship. Kai ko was amazing as well as his chemistry with Michelle Chen and I love the gang. That ending rocks! I keep on rewatching it. "You don't expect returns from everything you do." Ugh. My heart is still crying for them. And it was a happy ending no matter what others may say. A really happy one(I swear, don't let my tears fool you T.T).

Cafe. Waiting. Love - I'm so glad I didn't run away after the first few minutes that had me going-wtf? Once, I accepted that this wasn't meant to be taken too seriously, it was fine. Still, it was weird, stranger than strange and silly(really silly) and, uh well, you get the point. Then it felt like Alice in Wonderland. The movie was fairly predictable but oh so cute(though the camerawork was dizzying and distracting in a lot of scenes). And to borrow our angel's words, "Sometimes it's very funny but when you look into it, it turns out to be very moving." And yay for Michelle Chen and 'Groin'(I still don't know his name) as cameos!

So Young - Not as good as I expected it to be.

I Am Sorry I Love You - Aww. It's ending tomorrow. It was pretty decent overall(ending might change my opinion). Pretty but doesn't pull my heartstrings. I mean my fave character, Zheng Nan, isn't even well-developed but my heart kinda hurts for her(having SLS for the second female lead). And If Jian Hao gets a HEA and Shu Hai doesn't, I will flip tables. Totally convinced that Shu shu and Pei pei are the main OTP of this show lol.


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You should watch the TW movie recently released: "Our time". It is so heartwarming yet will leave you tearing at some parts!


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Have you found it anywhere streaming, with English subs, perhaps? We've been waiting since August for this! Perhaps even longer :)


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In my opinion that's one hell of a horrible movie. Really overhyped. The only redeeming thing is the theme song. I'll strongly advise against watching it. And the fact that the female lead scored a nomination for best actress is an absolute travesty. I would've thought the Golden Horse awards is going to do better than that.


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I quite liked Cafe. Waiting. Love. too (though I too predicted at a certain point what was going on).

I have nothing good to say about So Young.

Need to watch You Are the Apple of My Eye!

If you want another Taiwanese film: When a Wolf Falls in Love with a Sheep (also with Kai). A rom-com. It's quirky (cute hand-drawn art inserted throughout the movie) and laugh-out-loud funny. I really enjoy that it's very focused on friendship, and you really feel that the two characters get each other.


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I know I'm super late to this OT thread, but YES! Second the motion for When A Wolf Falls in Love with a Sheep. So adorable, with quirky characters. And the film makes excellent use of stop motion!


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D-day Two more episodes left, really hope that Woo Jin can get back to the hospital as a doctor, but I think it is quite unlikely. Love the actor though, he is the best discovery I have gotten from watching this drama, haha..

The Merchant Gaekju This is getting exciting, I knew Bong Sam's sister wont die so easily! Love the torture scenes as well, exactly my cup of tea!

The village How many episodes left? Somehow it doesn't matter to me who is the murderer after all..


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prettysup ~

I'm enjoying The Merchant. Need to watch Ep 17. Folks are missing a good show if they aren't watching this.


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@John - Exactly! I rewatch each episode at least twice coz the actings, the emotions, everything is so good, something which I hardly did for other dramas.


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The cast (um...Jang Hyuk and everyone else) are the guests on Happy Together this week for some fun.


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I have to catch up on Merchant Gaekju. I keep wanting to. Might just marathon it this weekend.


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When almost all nominators boycotting Daejong/Grand Bell Award :D


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Surprised not to see more discussion on this here. How can an awards show not have a single nominee from the main categories turn up?! I wonder who DID turn up.


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Maybe because this is 'drama' beans :D

Best New Actor: Lee Min Ho (Gangnam 1970)

Popularity: Kim Soo Hyun and Gong Hyo Jin, how can this one even happened? Both KSH and GHJ have no movie this year, popular for what then? It's film award!

Best Actress: Jun Ji Hyun (Assassination) - boycotted

Best Actor: Hwang Jung Min (Ode to My Father) - boycotted

Best Film: Ode to My Father

Best Supporting Actor: Ol Dal Su

Best Screenplay: Ode to My Father

Best Cinematography: Ode to My Father

Best New Actress: You Young Lee (Late Spring)

Best Supporting Actress: Kim Hae Seok (Ode to My Father)

Best Costume Design: The Royal Tailor


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Do people type their comments up beforehand and then paste them here as soon as ths thread is up, after spamminf the F5 button?

That's the only conceivable way there's such long comments after hardly any time...



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LOL or they must be really fast typists


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Ha, I'm guilty of doing the cut & paste :)

When I feel strongly about sharing something, I start off by mentally jotting down points before putting the bits and pieces together coherently in writing. I am quite slow with my thought process (a sign that I'm growing old!), if I don't do it beforehand, I will never be able to express impromptu what I really want to say. I am very impressed by many of you beanies here who can come up with such amazing and witty comments on the fly. :)


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nothing wrong with that :) people look forward to OT all week, so why not, eh ^_^


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I don't see what's wrong with that, to be honest - I don't do it myself but it's not like there's an actual post to be read in the OT, unlike in recaps (where I would consider the cut-paste-without-reading routine disrespectful to the recapper who's slogged over writing up the entire thing).


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yeah I don't really do it either. Although i did sometimes type up the kdrama toddlers stories simply because I wrote them by hand and so needed to type them up anyway. (sadly my saved document disappeared, will have to go through past OT's to find them all again).

I still donn't really see why it should be wrong, as you say in the OT. Especially when wanting to get all your thoughts of different dramas in at once, typing it up before hand might be usefull for coherency. Also not to mention that with all the time difference fro people on this site, some might construct their initial posts in advance when they have time in between work or what not.


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I've thought the same thing. Some days I look and see that OT is up and then in 30 seconds, there are BOOKS posted on here. : )


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Not that there's anything wrong with that.


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especially, if you like to read. :)


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K dramas: Dazzling Temptation, Six Flying Dragons, Master Of Trade, Village , Awl and Answer Me 1988.

C Drama: Love Me If You Dare.

Enjoying Kim Min-Jung in MOT, Shin Se-Kyung in 6FD, Shin Eun-Kyung in Village and Hyeri in AM1988


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I am also impressed by Kim Min Jung in Master of Trade (The Merchant). First time I have seen this actress in a drama.


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prettysup ~

I've seen her in two other dramas, Thorn Birds and Gap Dong.

I hated her character in Thorn Birds < (classic bitchy chaebol wench ), she was convincing.

Gap Dong was a disappointment, her acting was fine but the plot was a mess.


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She was given an amazing role in New Heart and she was great in it. I adored her in NH. If you like medical dramas, you should give it a try. The whole cast is fantastic.

I hated her in TB as well but she was not a chaebol in that one, just a poor orphan (given away by her own mother) into a foster family. I found her character to be the most complicated one in TB.


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I hated her in TB too. She used to be an endearingly supportive friend of Jung-eun (Han Hye-jin) but everything changed when she was assaulted by a group of thugs which she blamed on Jun-eun. It is really unfortunate that sometimes unforeseen events in life could have such a destructive impact on a person’s character.


For me, Awl is the best show I have watched in a long time. I'm a bit heartbroken that it didn't get a recap slot, as reading recaps after I've watched the episodes is one of my favourite things to do.


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I agree. Awl is one of the best kdramas we've watched in years. A difficult and not very "relatable" theme. Who wants to know what really goes on in the "blue collar" world, right? After all, it's not an office ...


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Thanks for recommending Awl. I've just started watching it and I like it so far! Really high quality drama indeed.


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You're watching Answer Me? Maybe i should watch it..since you are watching what I'm also watching (or wanting to watch). I've never watched the Answer Me series. The dramas just never called out to me. Plus i don't much like sequels/series.


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my favorite aspects to the answer me series are always the friendships. I miss a good friendship drama!


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I know what you mean. That was why i loved high school king so much. I was watching Sweet savage family and i thought, I love a good comedy about a family. Still not sure i'll try it though, since it looks as if the romances might be the focus.


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Ah i could never really get into high school king. donno why, just didn't grab me.

Sweet savage family sounded interesting from what little I have heard


Me too! I found the friendship aspect especially strong in AM1994, even though most think the standout aspect of it is the husband wars.


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I think the husband wars generate more attention simply because it's more emotional on the viewers behalf. Unlike a lot of shows where you get second lead syndrome and know you will suffer, it's not the same in the answer me series. because the second lead might not be the second lead.


Carole ~

The writers are earning their money here. There are comedic moments as to be expected of the Answer Me series, but the real pay off is when they take a closer look at the families of the characters.

Don't be put off by it being a series.


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I'll try to watch. Promise. Thanks.


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The answer me series is well worth watching (not that I have started watching 1988 yet). I loved 1994, - it's one of my all time drama highs so far. 1997.. was also quite good. I watched 1994 first, though, - that might be the reason why I thought it was better.


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will try. thanks.


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It is too early to tell, but so far I like this one the best among three answer me series. I love because they are not in the husband game yet, and story is more into family and friends (today is for Mothers - I teared up a little), and I love the songs.


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I still can't fully comprehend that Changmin and Siwon enlisted today. Sigh... All my fave 2nd gen idol oppas are serving in the military now - Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Donghae, Eunhyuk, and now Changmin and Siwon.

Then you know the massive 87er actor departure is coming soon. I don't know how I'll feel without Lee Minho, Joowon, Jang Geunsuk, Jung Ilwoo, TOP, etc. around dramaland. :(


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After I was heartbroken by Jaejoong and Yoochun's enlistments, I told myself not to fangirl over any more pre-military boys. So now I am happily fangirling over post-military men eg Jang Hyuk, Song Joong Ki, Lee Jin Wook without any worry of them enlisting haha...


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You've made a wise decision, which I'm unfortunately not. I'll be at lost and weep hard next year when the 87'ers march to the barracks.


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I don't know half those people, but I imagine it's probably devastating to young fans to see their oppas go to the military......but honestly, if years of watching actor oppas go to serve have taught me anything, it's that there will always be talented kids who will finally have the chance to show their stuff once the big stars clear out. And we will appreciate them for it!

I've never been super attached to the '87 lot myself, and Jung Il-woo and Jang Geun-seok in particular have been making such poor project choices in recent years that it almost feels like the military would be a welcome break from being subjected to another Night Watchman etc. But I will miss Joo-won, though I can imagine him gaining tremendously from the gravitas actors usually acquire after completing their service.


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Honestly, the one thing that's hitting me more with the enlistments is that the aforementioned fave guys (who I've spent most of the past decade being a fan of) are all just a year or two older than me, and them leaving is sending me alarms of being almost 30 and still ~unaccomplished. LOL

Then again, I am excited to see the projects Yoo Seungho and his peers like Lee Minho 93, Lee Hyunwoo, etc., will be given once the 86-88ers leave.


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Someone much wiser than me once told me that you shouldn't live your life on a time table - there's no real point to feelings of 'I must do X by Y age or else I'm a failure'.

And really, 30 is still young, despite what the media and society like to suggest, we won't be shrivelled old crones at that age. There's still plenty of time to achieve things!


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I'm not much into K-pop, but I saw tons of Changmin enlistment videos on instagram and... realised that the only thing I know about the guy is that the dramabeans-crowd believes him to be a bad actor.

It felt kind of cruel, really, so I decided to read up and listen up.

Very rarely do I think people look better after having their enlistment haircut, but mr Changmin definitely does.


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well, you can't blame us for believing Changmin was a godawfully bad actor based on his previous work......and people did change their minds after Scholar Who Walks the Night. (as in, he's not excellent but he at least became bearable - we give credit where it's due!)


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I've never really watched anything with him in it. Scholar who walks the night didn't really catch my interest, and I stopped both watching and reading recaps after the first few episodes. I always start watching dramas with Lee Jun Gi in them, but.. both Joseon Gunman and Scholar who walks the night just.. bored me to tears.

In no way do I think it's bad to point out bad actors, I just realised that the only thing I knew about the guy was that. That he's a bad actor. I didn't know he was a band member. Hadn't heard the bands songs. I have now, though. I did my research last night.


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I feel with you. Two years will hopefully go by quickly and they will all be back. I'm happy that DBSK did go in together though , imagine having half a unit for 4 years?


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I am so glad Siwon left us with his most hilarious role to dat to re-watch when everyone is boring and you just cant.


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Currently watching Soulmate right now. Only on episode 2 but I'm liking it so far. Definitely not like the typical Korean dramas around!


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Oh, you make me realize how I miss SDW in my small screen! And you also remind me of all the awesome songs in that drama, thanks dear! *playing the OST*


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Oh man, I watched Soulmate SO many times!! Such a good drama!


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I'm having withdrawal pangs from Sassy :( Mondays and Tuesdays won't be the same. I've still been creeping pictures and interview translations where ever I can find them. I want my YeonYeol back :( and the ot13 + teachers :(

Got into Love Me If You Dare based on the beanies recommending it last OT. I'm really glad I checked it out. The previews for ep 13/14 look amazing...anxiously waiting! (Though I wish it had the same crack factor as Sassy wahhhh)

My week has been mixed - I've been feeling pretty down and I had a panic attack a few days ago. Don't know why - second time I'm getting one in two weeks (and never had them before). Maybe I'm psyching myself out too much about school/work... *sigh*


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your first sentence is me exactly :( My Mondays and Tuesdays aren't the same either, but thankfully so far Oh My Venus isn't terrible so I don't want to throw rocks at it for taking away Sassy's time slot.


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I got myself tangled into the addiction of Love Me If You Dare too! Props to the writer for writing the heroine's characteristics as someone who is willing to take critics and sarcastic comments to grow and to polish her skills without being potrayed as dumb or helpless kinda girl . Wallace Huo as the main actor is NOT HELPING AT ALL. HE'S SO DROOL WORTHY and is one fine man. I am seriously considering to marathon all of his previous dramas (LOTS OF EPISODES. SIGH)


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twocents ~

I like the detective duo on Love Me If You Dare. They're adorable together. *

*As adorable as two people can be while investigating murders.


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Oh dear...Wallace is literally something else...and episode 11, I could not stop with all the crushing smiling and goofiness he was doing...so out of character and yet so IN character...he plays the role to the T....

This is my first Wallace drama, but definitely not my last!!! I might have to marathon everything he's been in aswell LOL


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Hoping that there wont be hatred and vengeance between both of the detective guys for falling for the same girl. I somehow like Simon/Bo Jinyan's sidekick bro better, Andrew the doctor. How did he survive Simon's pettiness through out the years is one hella achievement lol


I sincerely wish you the best to marathon his dramas haha. Most of his mainland china dramas are period dramas and I can't handle the number of episodes (super lazy with period dramas) with school commitment killing me huhu. Anyway, have you watched the teaser for his upcoming to be aired drama, The Imperial Doctress? This drama seems to be so interesting, kinda have Empress Ki vibe on it.


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I was a fan of him in really old days, like 2004 ishh??

He really a fine man. DROOL WORTHY TO MY LAST SALIVA. lol.

His old dramas I used to watch mostly TWnse :
Dolphin Bay : this one made him into stardom, he was a hot item that time haha.
100% Senorita, Westside Story, The Royal Swordsmen (WuXia drama), Chinese Paladin, etc.

He can sing too, ^^ He sang most for royal swordsmen.

Oh, and if you interested in TW drama, check Autumn Concerto too. Is really good and heartfelt.


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welcome to the club! I mean there is "oh, my venus" which is quite enjoyable, but still... SGG was such a pleasure to watch. oh, well...

and, yeah, "love me if you dare" is constantly delivering good episodes. nice to know other beanies appreciate it too.


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Thanks for everyone recommending Love Me, If You Dare - I just did a good, old fashion 12 episode marathon. I haven't done that since Healer and Kill Me, Heal Me.


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Hello friends!!
Last friday i was so depressed, but you guys cheered me!
Thank you for the hugs and cheers, they were comforting:)

And sorry i couldn't thank you individually..am keeping busy. Not an excuse, but I HAVEN'T WATCHED BUBBLEGUM EP 4 onwards. And LDW is my first crush!! Now its HEALER~YA but first is a first.

Happy with the way life is going, i wanted to be busy so no complaints. Kdramas are life but my dreams are oxygen.

Not watching anything till dec, i only vote for jcw daily. Please do vote for him, google 'lets vote for jcw' voting station is site name:)

Take care,
Love ya!!


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@ pancchi! GO GO!!
Glad to see you up and about. I hope things are working out for you.

BTW, what do you mean there's a JCW voting station? What site is that?


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Thank you Unni!
If life is down am gonna take it up:)

There is a 'VOTING STATION' where we can vote for our fave actors. Type- 'lets vote for (your actor's name)' and google it you will get it:)


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Hai all.

Oh my venus is so tempting. I will check it out after all this crazy week passed. SO JI SUB! My number one ajusshui. I feel like pervert seeing him in the bathroom.................

Oot: i really want to improve my english grammar speaking and writing. Anyone has suggestion? Heee, okay. Spam comment, i am sorry.


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I skipped the first episode of OMV so I never saw the bathroom scene :D But SJS's clothed self is quite enough for me!

re: English, I'd say the best thing you can do is just read good books or well-written newspaper articles (from papers like the New York Times/Guardian/Independent). They generally have good grammar and a style that isn't sloppy.


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also watch BBC shows like Sherlock, Merlin, Doctor Who and period dramas - the enunciation is very clear, so is the grammar (not like the kind of shows where there's a lot of slang and local dialect usage, which makes learning harder).

Speaking of learning, what kinds of shows are best for learning standard Korean from, if you want to improve your own speaking? I thought SGG was really good because it showed the language in usage without slipping into lots of colloquialisms, but I can't always tell. Does anyone else have any ideas/advice?


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yeah, UK shows are quite helpful that way - clear enunciation and even the shows with regional accents tend to make it so you know what their actors are saying (though I still struggle with comprehending some accents in rapid-fire mode, like Scouse - sorry to any Liverpudlian Beanies!)


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it's okay, nobody understands Scousers, not even them! (I say this with love, lol)


For learning Engiish, also try films like Pride and Prejudice, Merchant Ivory films, and TV shows like Downtown Abbey. Although the language is a little more formal and archaic, generally, you'll get good English without regional dialect or slang. If your English is such that you have some basic proficiency, then one good way improve is to watch it in English, with the English subtitles on. I find that helps me when I'm watching French films, so you start to tune your ear with the text, improving your pronunciation and vocabulary.


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@ Stuckonyou
Yes, I agree with what's been suggested here... even listening to BBC Radio helps, as recommended by a Speech and Drama trainer. I think he took down phrases and practised speaking them aloud, imitating the way he heard them spoken.

Speaking in English to English speaking people definitely helps.


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I forgot about radio, completely agreed. BBC worldservice allows you to tune in to their radio from pretty much anywhere, and the quality of language is excellent, particularly BBC Radio 4. The shows and contents are fascinating, too.

Another way is audiobooks and radio-plays (again, BBC excels at these). Just pick something you've read and enjoyed, in English or your own language, and hit up the audiobook. Librivox (did I get that right? Libre Vox?) provides a lot of free ones of classic literature, so try that, too!


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That's a very good tip! I also find reading recaps on dramabeans helpful for my English ;)


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I'm still not over the Sassy Go Go high - I was mildly heartbroken on Monday when I realised there were no more episodes, and compensated by refusing to leave the last recap, HA. What has this show done to me, seriously......

But I tried easing the withdrawal a little by rewatching Answer Me 1997, and it works a little? I mean, I can't watch Lee Won-geun and Ji-soo's last projects as high schoolers because their characters suffer too much (Wild Chives & Soybean Soup and Angry Mom respectively) but Answer Me is just the right sweet spot. And watching it, it was easy to see that Jung Eunji's characters in the two dramas were actually quite different.

Tried episode 2 of Oh My Venus, and it's largely being carried by the leads, especially Shin Mina. And I like that So Ji-sub doesn't feel like either his melo characters or Joo Joong-won, even if he needs to be fleshed out more. At least it doesn't suck, and doesn't have me pouting that Sassy Go Go's time slot was filled with an unworthy successor at the expense of having extra SGG episodes.

Speaking of the Sassy Go Go kids, I hope that potential Ji-soo/Kim So-hyun project is confirmed, Park Hye-ryun is great at youth dramas and these two kids would vibe beautifully together.


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Also haunting the SGG recap's comments for what else you guys have come up with! I love how it's slowly creeping towards 700 on the comment count. I've spent a ridiculous number of hours watching interviews and fanvids on youtube, and people have begun posting ost covers, too! (like this - I was going to go drop this in the recap but not got around to it!)


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hahahahaha I fell into the fanvid black hole too! I'm still on the lookout for ones set to the whistling song as it appears in the SGG OST - Yeol/Yeon-doo, Ha-joon/Yeon-doo, OT3, OT13, I don't mind!

I wish I had the time and talent to come up with some good fanfiction, too. I'm so not done with these kids and their world.


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if only that black hole had Yeol at the bottom of it, dancing.



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oh goodness, dancing Yeol.....well, he had to have one imperfection after all.


The whistling tune is Rely by Sol the Biz. It's a japanese song. In the show they played the instrumental bi - it's so catchy I've been humming it all week long.
I'm also suffering withdrawal symptoms - been watching six flying dragons and while I love that, I miss having something light and such positive energy from Sassy Go Go.

OMG I didn't re-watch Answer me 1997 but I re-read the recaps for it! hahahahaha because angry mom is too serious to re-watch and i don't know other drama with Crinkle eyes other than Moon embraces the sun. I can't watch that drama again.


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I know, I get this big stupid grin on my face just thinking of that tune - thank goodness they finally released the full instrumental because it's been haunting me ever since the very first moments of the show.

And Answer Me 1997 is good for attempting to recover, because while Crinkles and Grumpybear have done other dramas, they both suffer too much (especially grumps) in those for me to actively seek it out to rewatch. Crinkles especially is utterly adorable in Wild Chives & Soybean Soup, where he also plays a high school top student and makes an adorable pair with Yoon So-hee. Shame he was only playing the child version of the male lead though, they were much better than the adults.


I tried Oh my venus. I really did. I made it through the first ten minutes. It just didn't grab me.


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I think it probably helps to skip the first episode altogether, despite the So Ji-sub shower scenes (I'd have clocked out too, the less time spent with douchey ex the better). Even the recap of ep 1 sounded boring, but episode 2 picked up things quite a bit.


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Will try to give it a chance.


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Pogo! *sends virtual hugs*

It's always sad when a favorite show ends. God thing is, you can now marathon it all at once! ... you might come to love a new one? .... [insert favorite break up cliche here]

I have new kdrama toddler stories? Well, kinda?


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hey Manin! I know, it's always sad when a great show ends, but usually I'm happy to let go when I feel like it's told everything there was to tell.

And hanging out in the SGG recap as a safe place was hugely preferable to going on news sites and being confronted with the aftermath of Paris/Saint Denis over the last week (I hope any French beanies and their families are safe). I'll take kdrama toddler style over the spiral of violence, any day.


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Yes the world has been a sad place this week.. And by the looks of what happened in Mali is going to continue. My escape place has been working with the children (where it hasn't come up) and Garo. Love that franchise.


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I'm not over Sassy Go Go yet, but following @eunzit on twitter has helped so much...she's constantly posting translated interviews with the cast (Ji Soo, Lee Won Geun and Eun Ji in particular) and updating their Instagram pics and the like.
I've also started a rewatch of my favorite scenes starting from Episode 1 (I'm on Episode 4 right now, s many great moments in that one).


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I should start checking twitter, eunzit has done an insane lot of translation and I'm so grateful for that, really.


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Hi everyone! Just dropped by to say guys,if you haven't watched "Nirvana In Fire" yet you MUST! I just finished it and it's definitely one of the best drama[C+K+J+TW] I've ever watched! It's so well-written, well-acted and well-produced that I was awestruck! I HIGHLY recommend it!!


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what's it about?


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If you ask me about the genre then I'll have to say it's a political-historical drama which will sound boring and won't do this drama justice.It's actually a story about friendship, solidarity, love and sacrifice.Give it a try.You won't be disappointed :)


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Just say Hu Ge and I'll be there lol.


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+1!My sister and I have a new "precious" and that's Hu Ge. Wallace Huo is gorgeous but Hu Ge is quite more talented. NiF is magnificent...our true nirvana!


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LOL. Oh you..


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We've got recaps going on Problematic for both Nirvana and Disguiser - the two share much of the same cast and production team.

Although the stories are completely different, they are both fabulously well done in every respect. And as an additional benefit, we have some very knowledgeable Chinese readers who add a lot of background info to the discussion.


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Ohh, I'll need to check it out! IF my internet lets me Problematic again. *grumbles*

How is Disguiser? Good? bad?


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I prefer Disguiser to NIF, actually - it gets going faster, the characters are more recent (Japanese occupied Shanghai in the late 30s/early 40s) and while the stakes are VERY HIGH in human terms...there's more opportunity for humor, too.


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That sounds good. I'll put it on the never ending list. I've heard a lot of people talking about NIF but fewer talking about Disguiser.


Plot-wise, I feel like there's more going on in Disguiser. The first few episodes may be a bit confusing if you're not super versed in that part of Chinese history, in terms of who is on which side, but you understand better as the story unfolds. Amazing acting.

Honestly I personally prefer NIF just a liiittle more because I actually like the slower pace, but I highly recommend The Disguiser as well.


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JoAnne ~

I've watched the first episode of Disguiser.

Is it just me or have the Chinese upped their game in the drama market ? Good writing, acting, production.


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It's fantastic, John. Both dramas were completed prior to airing, if I am remembering correctly. It makes a difference.


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Yes! Nirvana In Fire is an absolute must watch!
I'm also watching Marry me or not ( TW) highly recommended. I've stopped watching kdrama after sassygogo, nothing interest me. Even OMVenus kinda lame despite SJS.


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I have it open on my tap to watch it!

... I just got stuck watching Garo again..


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I am watching it now and it's so good. I am not a big fan of Hu Ge but he is great in this drama.


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I tried episode 1 for few min... I got confused with so many princes/kings? I only watch like the first 10 min.. the subs were bad (or they were speaking in ancient chinese with lots poetry therefore couldn't be translated into english?).
Maybe i'll give it another go, so many ppl has said good things about it..


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I can give you a summary on the character relationships if you'd like.

There's the Liang Emperor and then 3 (+1) princes of importance:
- Crown Prince (taizi), Xiao Jing Xuan
- Prince Yu, Xiao Jing Huan
- Prince Jing, Xiao Jing Yan
- Prince Qi, Xiao Jing Yu (already dead at the beginning of the story)
(You'll notice the name after "Prince" is different from their given names, because that's just a title.)

The main character is Mei Chang Su, the leader of the Jiang Zuo Alliance. However, he's also the son of General Lin and was born as Lin Shu. Everyone thinks Lin Shu is dead, and this is explained later on in the drama.

General Lin was married to Grand Princess Jinyang, the sister of the Emperor, so that makes Mei Chang Su/Lin Shu the Emperor's nephew. Also, General Lin's sister Lin Le Yao was taken by the Emperor as a concubine (titled Consort Chen), and she was the mother of Prince Qi.

Lin Le Yao had a trusted attendant who was like a sister to her, and the Emperor also took her as a concubine, titled Consort Jing. Consort Jing is the mother to Prince Jing, and he and Mei Chang Su grew up together like brothers.

The Emperor's other sister, Grand Princess Liyang, is married to Xie Yu, an antagonist of the story. Their son, Xiao Jing Rui, is Mei Chang Su's friend.

The Crown Prince's mother is actually not the Empress, but rather a high-ranking concubine (ranked second to the Empress). Empress Yan adopted Prince Yu and treated him like her own son after his birth mother passed away. So there's the first power struggle there, between the Crown Prince and the Empress's (adopted) son.

Hope this clears up your preliminary confusion. xD I really advise you to keep on watching, though! Once you get a hang of the character relationships, it really is an amazing drama to watch.


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thx v v vmuch for this! :)


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I'm not watching as many K-dramas as I'd like right now. But I am really enjoying The Village and Oh My Venus. Bubblegum didn't really catch me with the first few eps and I never did get around to starting D-Day or finishing Mrs. Cop or Hidden Identity. I caught the first episode of Sweet Savage Family and was extremely underwhelmed, it's not nearly as interesting as the trailers made it seem.

I am still loving I'm Sorry I Love You (aka My Ghost Friend) the T-drama but I think it's down to about 2 episodes left. I started the Chinese series Wu Xin the Monster Killer and I like it.


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Does anyone over here watches Turkish drama? Or are we even allowed to talk about them here? In case you haven't, you must give them a try but the availability of subs is a big problem. Well if there is someone here who watches them, I would really like to have a discussion with them on the most anticipated show Kosem, which just started and can be considered (or is actually) the sequel of the marvellous Muhtesem Yuzyil. A website has relesed the subs for 1st episode and I hope they are not taken down.
So does somebody here watches Turkish dramas?


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I'd certainly try them if I knew where and how, and if eng subs were available - do you have any tips?

There's a beautiful Turkish writer, though (as in, her writing's beautiful) - Elif Shafak. If you enjoy reading and can handle the melo, give her books a try! She's also got an excellent TEDtalk on youtube, called 'The Politics of Fiction'.


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The subs are indeed diificuilt to find since they sell their copyrights to different countries and thats how i found them out. They were dubbed in my language but i think i have seen a few shows in amara.org. I saw Kosem's episode 1 in alaturca series.com. However I won't recommend watching Kosem Sultan before Muhtesem Yuzyil, Though they are not so related but I think uptil now that latter had a better story and great acting. Plus i guess theres a show"Ezel" that fully subbed on youtube.


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And yes I do know Elif Shafak but haven't read any book yet. Thanks for recommending the Ted talk.


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I watch Turkish dramas, hence the name ☺

I've watched ezel, Fatmagul sucu ne, Asi, aski memnue, adini feriha koydum, etc

Your right about the availability of subs, it's so hard to find but once you do find it, these shows are such gems honestly. Great storytelling, deep plots, emphasize in family and cultural values, and great acting.

I haven't watched muhtesim yuzeil, even though it's one of the most famous turkish dramas ever released.

I'll try to find more information about kosem and let you know.


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Sure do and let me know about it. You have seen all great shows but even amongst them i consider Muhtesem Yuzyil best atleast best uptil season 3, you can find episode 1 with eng subs on youtube for the rest there are translations and summaries.


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Thank you OT-ers for introducing LOVE ME IF YOU DARE. Wow! I marathoned 10 eps in 1 nite! This seriously beats all 2015 kdramas for me. If you like I REMEMBER YOU, then LMIYD is even better with the perfect balance of mystery, chemistry, romance, humour and super smexylicious male lead.

Any other Cdrama recommendation of similar calibre? Would like something to satiate my addiction in between waiting for more LMIYD during this kdrama slump year.

Dropped last 2 eps of SASSY GO GO and SHE WAS PRETTY because it got boring. Starting to lose interest in BUBBLEGUM because where's the plot. May most likely complete watching ACHIARA because it's just different. Picked up OH MY VENUS because of the leads.


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uhm..i might try Love me if you dare. I generally avoid C-dramas. But i did watch a bit of Love weaving through the millenium, the Chinese adaptation of Queen In Hyun's man. Not bad.


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I too have rarely gotten through full episodes of C-Dramas but Love Me If You Dare is an exception.

I think part of the reason is that it has more of a Kdrama 'vibe', can't think of any other way to describe it. Joy brought up a good comparison I Remember You. (although if I had read that comparison before I started watched I might not have started since I didn't care much for IRY) I do enjoy LMIYD MUCH more than IRY.


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Oh is it out? I was interested in seeing the chinese adaption. Where did you watch it?


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Do yourself a favor and check Love Me If You Dare out! It became the drama highlight of my week.
It is not flawless, but the main couple is fantastic! Love both of them so much.


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will try. wow! Love me if you dare, merchant, and reply... my week will be full. thanks.


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wouldnt say it is better than I Remember You. It often spends time on useless scenes and doesnt keep you on the edge just as intensely. will you be my assistant? yes? no? Ye? No? all that was really excess


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That's how Korean dramas work too. The repetitive lines. For example,

W: Would you like to be my assistant?

M: Did you ask if I would like to be your assistant?

W: Yes, I did.

M: Would I like to become your assistant?

W: Exactly.

M: I... I...

W: Yes?

M: I...

W: No?

M: Yes.

W: So you are going to become my assistant now.



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Hi there, fellow beanies:

Achiara: After this drama ends, I'll have to marathon to see if clues were laid out along the way. Am glad romance isn't being forced on our heroine. So far, the only truly loving male-female relationships we see are the relationships between pharmacist and art teacher and carpenter ahjussi and wife..folks who have left town and returned... even if those relationships have some weird tension going on. Am still not sure pharmacist and art teacher are lovers and not blood-related somehow...aunt/nephew? Am still unsure if carpenter is the rapist. But small-town Achiara has a serial killer, a regular murderer, a rapist. Mendel genetics: who has the psychic gene? Who has the Fabry gene? Love that "new" evidence and theories are often overturned in ensuing episodes. But that music; a bit florid.

Sweet, Savage Family: Silly and probably predictable but am loving it so far. Chairman's wife's book club choice is cracking me up.

Six Flying Dragon: Yep, i googled Yi Bang Won...and now am psyched for ya know... innocent idealism to grow into rigidity. Depends on how many time jumps are in store for us. Looooove Gil Tae Mi. Great casting.

All About My Mom: So loving this drama. Ex-husband of snivelling secretary is very scary. Haven't hated a villain so much in a while. Waiting for Cool Mom to get her comeuppance. Turnaround is fair play, right?

Awl: I love dramas where you learn history and learn human nature. This drama inspires me to stand up for myself more and helps me to understand why nasty people win in their aggression against wimpy folks. Awl executes all this perfectly. Ji Hyun Woo, such a good actor.

Glamorous Temptation: Oh my! The manipulation of the second lead, the point-counter-pointness of all this makjang, the weird family discussions. As for our schemers: it's funny watching cocksure folks being so committed to their plans utterly unaware they are dealing with half the facts. Hero's mom has got to be the worst avenger ever. When will she learn that her plans never go where she thinks they will? Now that Assemblyman knows everything the plot possibilities are endless and somewhat unpredictable. Just hoping hero and heroine know to trust each other no matter what.

Mom: I've been glancing at the synop for this for a while and finaly dived in at episode 19 and 20. PERFECT timing! Mom's BIG decision has been made and the ish has hit the fan. Am not interested in what happened in the past but will definitely be watching in the future.

Have a great weekend, all.


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Yes, I love Awl too, for the same reasons you said, it's very well made. It really takes the time to explore one situation and show the reason why everyone behave like they do. Because there is no comedy or romance and characters are too ordinary though charming, I feel it is a harder show to become popular.


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So glad you're watching it.

The best thing about Korean dramas is that there are no easy answers. American sitcoms and dramas always signal (by sweling music) that a character's thought is the "final answer" or truly deep. But in Korean dramas, there is always a deeper questioning of any moral, physical, intellectual, conclusion. One character says something incredibly insightful only to have another character counterpoint with another insight that questions it. One of the reasons i love kdramas so much. There are no easy answers, and the "final" answers are hard to put into operation.


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Hi Lixie, so coool you're watching Awl too. Looking forward to reading your thoughtful comments.


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Carole! How are you?


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It's been tough but am doing better. I should finish writing my email to you. Haven't read or written in a while but did manage to make it through the judging competition. My mind is working a little better now. The fibro fog is leaving. Still have to sleep though. Am avoiding gluten which supposedly wil help, and also trying to eat mostly raw..which also supposedly helps.


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Haha yes I've been missing your emails!

Glad you got through the judging comptetition and that hte mind is feeling better.

hope any of those things will work for you, and make the fibro better.


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I love Awl as well. It's not glamourous and nothing is overly dramatized. It's just about ordinary people who suddenly realize that they are all in the same boat and are expected to make sacrifices for profits and shareholder value with no real benefits coming to them. I find the older labour organizer's story especially moving. He's had his health ruined and still bears psychological scars from torture and police brutality but still remains committed to his principles and a better deal for the ordinary working person.

I like dramas about ordinary working people in jobs like supermarkets. It's refreshing to just not see chaebols and candies navigating the class divide in fantasized relationships but how decisions made in boardrooms affect livelihoods. Everybody is being exploited here, even Lee Soo-in's fellow managers who are being made to enact policies that they know in their hearts are wrong.


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i was afraid a romance woud be wedged in. So far, none. And --contrary to what man-desperate ahjumma said-- i don't see any hint that main character s married.


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I was wondering about that myself. He gets an e-mail or a text or something saying that a baby has taken his first steps or gotten a new tooth or something. I can't remember the specifics. He looks all misty eyed and nostalgic but is it his kid or what? The only character I'm even remotely interested in having a love-line is man-desperate ahjumma. I love her optimism. There is a guy out there for her and she's going to track him down, woo and win him, dammit! That and her pink lipstick, of course.


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yes! And he better be hot! I think she's cute and I'm tired of folks hating on overweight girls in dramas. We shall see what happens.


I sort of got disenchanted by Awl in ep 5 and 6 – too many flashbacks (jeez, an episode should not be like 50% flashbacks to explain characters' backgrounds. That's LAZY.). And the tortured-North-Korean-defector(?) bit was just so random – I don't think the drama needed that sort of twist.

Are 7 and 8 better?


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I think it's stil pretty good. The flashbacks aren't bothering me. We get to see why Mr Chung is the way he is.

BTW, am watching Senryokugai.. tsukoko and Second Love, two J-dramas. Second Love is a bit of a treat because the director has totally committed to the story and doesn't balk at the over-the-top romanticism. Am so hoping it doesn't end sadly.


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Answer Me 1988- You know the first two series 97 and 94, kind of flirted with the idea of loss. Sure Shi-won's sister and Na-jung's brother died but they happened long enough ago that they didn't really affect the families everyday lives anymore neither did it really affect us, or at least me, the audience as we did not know them. We did in97 get 2 or 3 short flashbacks of Shi-won's sister but still we didn't really know her. Both those pills Taek was taking and the preview for episode 5 have me wondering if they're going for a more palpable punch in the gut this time.
This is unrelated but the producer said he's stick with Answer Me as long as it's popular, so I hope this does well enough to justify one more series and if it does I hope they come forward to 2000, which is what I've wanted since 97 ended.

The Village- Still watching.

Oh My Venus- I skimmed the first episode I plan on watching episode 2 tonight.

Sweet Savage Family- I half liked the first episode half thought it was stupid. I'll probably give episode 2 a chance.

For my US friends, any big plans for Thanksgiving? Anyone else going out on Black Friday?

Am I the only one that doesn't get Doctor Who? My friend loves it and I've watched 3 or 4 episodes trying to get it, but I really don't.


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Answer me: yeah a lot of people have questiones whether or not he will die from what I've gathered from the recaps. Have yet to see the show myself due to stuff. It would certainly provide an intersting twist into the mix.

Another difference is how the death of a common friend ties them together unlike a family member, and how that changes the dynamic.


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um, I don´t think he can die, even if he is meant to, cause fan pressure has shifted course for plots more severely than that.
I sense that at least 3 dramas of late have succumbed somewhat to fan pressure and had writers changed stuff.
and I have heard how in I Hear Your Voice, Su Ha was supposed to die first, then fans outrage, and he didnt unless it was a dirty trick
and at some point of Two Weeks me and many others were damn sure Tae San or someone else of the main good guys was going to die, but no

clues can be misleading and not everyone who takes pills has a deadly disease. He might take them from some quilt-induced depression.


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I know but I swear that was a worried look on Taek's dad's face when he saw Taek had been taking pills.


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perhaps he is worried about a possible suicide attempt?


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Well, at the moment, I'm watching series nine of Doctor Who in the UK and I don't get it. There are quite a few things I feel frustrated with but that is more to do with the style of the main writer than the acting. The current actor Peter Capaldi playing the Doctor is brilliant, I only wish the story was better.

What episodes have you been watching? Right now, the current series is very much based upon what has happened in the last few years - the doctor realising that he may not be alone as the last time lord.

I'd recommend starting with Christopher Eccelston's time as the Doctor or David Tennant's run as an introduction to the series. It's much easier to follow and stronger characters and companions.


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I'm pretty sure the episodes I've watched have been David Tennant episodes. If I remember he's the one my friend said was his favorite Doctor.


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LOL, which three or four episodes of Doctor Who that you watched might make a big difference :)

The easiest way for a newbie to understand it is to go back to the beginning of the reboot, when Christopher Eccelson was The Doctor. It was the first major introduction to the series for a lot of viewers (here in the US, some of our PBS stations carried the classic show, but it was done on a station-by-station basis; where I live the classic series never aired). He's not my favorite doctor (I like the three after him, though, and he was only on the show for a year), but since the show had been off the air for years, I think they made things a little easier to understand for newbies.


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Yes, LizJ has explained far better, definitely best to start with Christopher Eccelston as the Doctor, to get a real sense of the character and the back-story of the series.

Also I think you have to think of the show as a box of chocolates, a peculiar assortment of stuff, you could be laughing hysterically one minute and then in floods of tears the next. Each episode is written by different people, intended to be stand alone -sort of a day in the life of the doctor. The basic theme is helping people, running away a lot, banter and everything else is really up to the imagination of the creator.

I just think it is really cool to have an anti-hero/hero as the main character that doesn't lean towards violence, of all the things you could have as a weapon. It's a screwdriver he chooses. Plus the fantastical creatures and worlds, a joy to watch.


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Apologies for the essay, I didn't realise I was so passionate about it...
Stand out episode for me from season 1 is Dalek, It's their first appearance in the reboot and I think you get a real sense of how dark Eccelston's Doctor is. Plus the idea of that type of Dalek is something that gets explored a lot in Matt Smith's -Clara Oswald arc.


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I forgot it was friday.. Was busy shoveling snow, and cleaning the house, which is what I ended up doing on my day off.

Oh and (for those interested): kdrama toddlers, season 2?
-Two of the kids ran into each other to hug and did the whole hug-kiss-spinn thing (although kiss was accidental). It was reminded me off the time the old kdrama toddlers did the "falling on to off each other"-kiss.

-two others showed how the "run into each other and lip collision"-kiss is done.

-had this conversation: girls 1 to boy 1"When I get older we should marry!". Boy 2: "No you can't you have to marry me. My dad said so!" Girl 1: "but, you didn't give me candy!". Boy 1: "I asked first so he gave it to me. Wait, do I have to marry him now?"

I also got asked if I was chinese by a little girl because I spoke chinese to her and her mother.

Dramaland: Garo! <3 so loving this series. so much <3


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Sorry about the snow shoveling. it's 60 degrees outside. Climate change alas.


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snow shoveling is okay. The snow is so late though. like 1 month at least. Tere s no doubt that clima change is happening.


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awwww kdrama: toddler style is back! That conversation about who has to marry whom for candy is just killing me lol


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pogo! Yes this week it is back. Hopefully this will turn into season 2 if I get enough stories :P But so far the kids here are a lot less kdrama-ish in general. Could be a cultural thing. But this week proved that there is still hope!

Haha yes, I was trying so hard to not break down into giggles during that conversation.


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I honestly don't know how you keep a straight face when you see this stuff firsthand, the marrying-for-candy anecdote had me letting out this weird high-pitched shriek of laughter and I'm only the one reading!


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Haha training! ;) But yeah it's a struggle at times. And I do fail!

But yeah always try not to, simply to not make them feel embarrased. Especially little ones, doesn't always realize that you are laughing of what they say because it is cute and funny, and get embarrassed thinking you are making fun of them. So it's a balance to find :)

It's especially hard when it's really cute and the child is just so serious. Like one conversation I had with 2 five year olds about same sex marriages.


Just a little bit on something fun and DB-related... 4 of us Beanies met up yesterday for the first time and for a Korean dinner in a Singapore restaurant. It was a riot. We had to inform each other what we'd be wearing so that we could recognise each other and when we did meet, it was just fun and hilarity all the way.

At first we almost did not get down to ordering since we were so busy talking and then after 2 hours of spazzing, we also took some time to get down to ordering dessert. We sat there for 3 hours and turned a few heads with our laughter.

Oh... and the food? We loved the Jajangmyun... after watching it make an appearance at least 3 times in Sassy Go Go, we just had to order it LOL! It was sweet and not too sticky and had nice bits of potato and meat in it. The Kimchi Pancake was not so much up our alley as it was sour and chewy and only a little spicy... maybe it was toned down? The Beef was great... so tender and seasoned somewhat like the Korean BBQ meats... and we had a Korean Ginseng Chicken soup which we had to season ourselves ... it was just pure chicken and soup LOL! and we had finally a weird but fun mix of the very hot and very cold desserts... Yes and the very best dish was the dessert of Sea Salt Caramel on Ice-cream with Cheesecake on crushed ice. *drool*

Thanks a heap ladies for meeting up and making it a blast! We never thought (where we were concerned), that reading a blog like DB would get us to actually meet each other and make online friends!!! And yes, in case some of you read earlier posts about my forming a group... this meet up was a result of that group. So Yay! for Beanies and Groups and Friendship!!!!


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oh, that sounds like so much fun! Glad you guys could meet up.


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sounds like you guys had fun! I completely forgot to email you about the group though! is it still possible?


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Hi @ Manin I replied to you in comment 22.6 below.


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I'm actually a little jealous reading this, it makes me alternately crave having people to talk kdramas with in real life, and also Sassy Go Go's radish pickles (which I have never eaten in my life but after seeing how cute Jung Eunji looks stuffing her face with them, I want them too!)


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That sounds like so much fun!!

Any toronto DB-er's want to meet up??


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You might want to add GB that it was with one Beanie from another country. So, as you can see, we are crossing borders making friends through DB.


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Hi All

@ Manin, yes the group is still open... you can find my email and the invitation in OT #419, Comment 31 and 31.4.

@ pogo (Sassy Go Go's cheerleader-in-chief) - we had the white version of the radishes but I've had the yellow ones before. Think of apple-like crunchiness with sweet-sour-tad salty mix. In which part of the world are you?

@ merry - yes... I did not mention it but is all thanks to @Divyrus who is visiting Singapore that the rest of us came together to meet up. LOL! And if only one more of us from our nearby Indonesian island had all the necessary docs, there'd have been 5 of us and we'd have been even more international. :D

So I've been saying to the group(s) ... make more visits out here and we can go tour the Korean restaurants... there seem to be heaps to explore!!!


Crazy isn't it? We'd need many days of eating to get through them! :)


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ooooh now that just makes me want the radish pickles even MORE.


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Hello GB unni,

It was really nice to read the accounts of what happened during your meet-up. I am so glad for you guys. Thank you again for starting that group :-) I look forward to finally meeting you one day, and the other beanies of the group as well :-)


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oooo beanies in Singapore??? I must have missed that open thread! I'll sign up please


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@dkaoru, GO GO!

Certainly you can sign up! Please go to OT #419, Comment 31 and 31.4 for the information and invitation. :)


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sounds lovely! happy for you. jealous too. must be nice to know other people from the same place who like kdrama...
here, korean stuff is still exotic. people are like: japanese, chinese, okay. but they hear korean and they go: korean? why korean? what is the reason? why not something else? ... you get the idea. :(


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@ kitkat

In which part of the world are you? I was thinking that the Hallyu Wave had reached just about everywhere.


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that would be slovenia. the only hallyu echo around here was psy. and that was it.


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Hi to all :)

I just want to ask about good korean movie recommendations. Other good asian movies are okay too.

You see, I am planning on visiting my family this weekend and my mother and younger sisters love watching movies that tend to move you in a way.(e.g. Ode to My Father)

They've already watched Miracle in Cell No.7, Hello Ghost and many more(not love stories). Thank you very much!


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I'll recommend the following:

Sunny (totally heartwarming)
Miss Granny (ditto - plus it's a great family movie)
War of the Arrows (action movie, but has a lot of heart despite its fast pace and stirring action scenes)
The Attorney

Among non-Korean movies, I totally recommend Kamikaze Girls - it's got two awesome heroines and their reluctantly formed friendship at its heart.


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I will definitely download all of them.


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as one - plenty of sport and friendship, based on a true event
always - romantic sort, a blind girl and an ex boxer, a bit sad at times but ends beautifully


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Thank you! I'll download them too :)


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I just had the longest tour, a job interview and I also peeled and chopped 35 onions. I feel like I was in a war or something.

Nothing much today
I watched some dramas everyone was recommending, but didn´t really feel it. Love me if you dare - it is ok, but it def doesnt make me squeal. and Nirvana in Fire - gosh, it is so cheesy! what on earth do you find in it?

cant wait for the Imaginary Cat to be subbed. For now, Awl is a very nice human drama. But I have only reached up to ep 5

I notice lots of dramas have concentrated on peoples´career, especially a womans career, their personal dreams and efforts to stand out and be acknowledged. It is a very relatable subject in real life, but so hard to make engaging on screen. and then we´ve had overachievers who go crazy under pressure. the stress of success. In that sense though, Love me if you dare is better, cause Jenny is keeping a cool and balanced outlook on career, if a bit mislead...
but she is chinese, and, maybe I am generalizing, but career women in kdramas are more often a bit crazier.

so question: who is your favorite independent career woman in kdramas? the most balance-headed, considerate and cooperative, or perhaps you like the viper-like ruthless queens?

I guess Jamie from Liar Game doesnt qualify though, she is more of a lone opportunist


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also, 1988! I can´t wait cause the preview shows a lot of sweetie Taek.
I swear if they give him a rotten character when he turns 40 I will throw noodles at them. in that sense I kind of want him to turn out to be the husband.... and yet, I don´t.


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Favorite independent career woman: An Young Yi from Misaeng


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My fave so far is Lee Yo Won as Choi Seo Yoon in Empire of Gold, then Jang Nara in IRY, Joo Yeon Hee in Nine and Kim Hee Sun in Faith.

Wish you tons of lucks with the job interview, dearie~. Ganbatte-ne!


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I like Lee Yo Won in Golden Empire too, she is the only reason why I sat through all 32 Ep. She was so cool, sacrificing everything to safeguard her dad's business even to the extend of trading her own marriage as a business transaction without batting an eye.


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I hope that onion dish was yummy and worth all that chopping and tearing up.


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it was, though a tad bit spicy, cause I added turmeric. These onions were grown near Lake Peipsi, which is famous for super strong and good onions, but you would really need diving glasses to chop them. otherwise you just go temporarily blind.


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I'm with @Annie, my favourite kdrama career woman is Ahn Young-yi, no contest. (plus points for her career not being anything glamorous/'cool', just a regular office job).


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Dalja from Dalja's Spring. Because she is actually working and a damn good career woman.

Not surprisingly, i find it very hard to dig for a good independent career woman in kdramas. LOL

Oh and Ahn Young Yi from Misaeng.

The only recent one is hmm. Cha Ji An from I Remember You? If she tones down her rashness a bit.

I seriously find it hard to come up with one. LOL


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Good luck with the job interview!
career woman in kdrama.. gosh that's a tough one....
I like Kang So ra in warm n cozy as restaurant owner - she's always trying to save money.


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Can't remember drama character names:
1) Chae Rim in Dalja's Spring
2) Ha Ji Won in In Time With You
3) Jang Na Ra in I Remember You


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well ha, Chae Rim was Dal Ja. tehee. and the other lady was pretty strong as well! I think she was played very realistic according to age and achievements.


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Help. I think I may be done with Kpop for all time.

I actually was always into dramas more than Kpop. But over the past couple of years I started to get more into Kpop because I was curious about all the idols being casted in things. I thought, oh I'll check this out one day when I actually stumbled upon a video on youtube.

Big mistake.

In like a few weeks I became super obsessed because it was literally nothing I'd ever seen before. Like all the crazy dancing and hair and whatever. All the 'hot' guys with lots of make up. And the crazy fans! Lots of fun, lots of excitement, lots of flash!!!! Right? You'd think it'd be amazing, right?

Nope. Kpop was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Not only are the idols the same factory, re-fried bullshit with the same concepts, the same music styles, and the same plastic visuals, but they are treated like GARBAGE by both company and fan. They are literal slaves and their music gets worse every year. I can't even believe it when I'm watching people spazz out over groups trying and failing to do the nae nae just because it got popular this year. And how groups are born, get popular, and literally crumble two years later. It's all so fast and meaningless and nothing has staying power except for the worst and most manufactured bs.

And then you have Kpop fandom. I swear, in drama fandom you might come across some disagreeable people, but nothing, NOTHING compares to Kpop stans. The level of delusion I have witnessed by even people over the legal drinking age makes me so...sad for humanity. Especially fans of SMEntertainment, that company seems to have curated the most psychotic and maladjusted people of all time. How people can go so crazy over the shittiest groups. Fans who will gang up on you for not thinking their faves have all the global relevancy in the world when their overall pay in the past three years is what Beyonce spends on Blue Ivy's hair cream. The amount of delusion when they think their idol oppas are more loved and relevant than top actors, or when they think some random SM rookie deserves to be the next Nation's First Love when at most she has the support of a handful of mindless fans - and the worst thing is that there is so much delusion, so much brattiness, so much cattiness, childishness and competition that they can just pull you right into their circle of hell to sling mud along with them. It's like banging your head against the wall.

Needless to say, I've seen the light. The groups aren't interesting enough, the music is still shit and the fandom is insane. Kpop is Satan. It is so not worth it.

I'm in dramaland to stay *shivers* But I just wanted to share my little Odyssey. I'm just happy I made it back alive.


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I m sorry you had such a bad expereince. I like kpop. Though I definitively see where you are coming from, especially in regards to some fans. there are lots of lovely people into kpop as well, however there are quite a number of loud black sheep.

My approach to kpop though is to listen to whatever I like. No matter the group. I can dislike one song, and love another from the same group and think that is okay. I try to avoid and ignore fanwars. they make me sad and frustrated. And unfortunatly for the artists it's they who will suffer from fan actions.

The kpop scene is similar to the scene everywhere though. Although even more intense than some, and yes a lot more unfair towards the artists in some regards.


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agree. well, I take this approach with any music. if I like more than half of an album then I purchase the whole package, if not, just the songs I wanna hear more often. and I don't give a damn about fanwars. I have a friend who's into exo and I'm more bigbang, akdong musician, cnblue, busker busker sort of thing. we just stick to the rule: tastes are not to be discussed. ;)


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Yeah me too. All types of music. I like what I like, and I respect other people liking or not liking the same things as me.

I like a couple of exo songs (their newest albume was good to work to, which is my highest mark of any albume :p) but also love suju, bigbang (omg their melon awards preformance was amazing) Like a bit of CNblue, FTIsland, and heard like 2 songs of busker busker. Not heared akdong musician though.


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listen, and let listen. ;) it would be so boring if all people liked the same kind of music. I just can't imagine listening to only one group or to a certain genre. am a bit of chameleon when it comes to music. love everything from beethoven, simon & garfunkel, juanes, nightwish, to roy kim.
akdong musician are siblings and they write their own songs. to me they are more indie than kpop but well, they won one of kpop star seasons and are part of yg family.
here's one of my fave songs from AKMU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUCIzn0mRHc


I find your comment interesting. My son is into many genre of music but he swears one of few music genres he dislike is K pop. He told me that his roommates kept listening to one of the BigBang's music all the time and realized that the music is really made to stick to our brain. However, he just cannot appreciate the music because there is something lucking. I have to agree with him but the same is true with many pop artists in the States.

I also find that counting of music video on Youtube does not make sense. Somehow some fandom members or agencies know how to score the counts high and they work on it religiously. They know how to rig the market. The popularity is not organically made, I am afraid.

Since I am Japanese I listen to some Japanese bands but not idols( because most Japanese idols cannot sing!!). I actually like Beast for their music among Kpop idols. They seem genuinely interested in making music despite of their idol status.( I consider CN Blue and FTIsland are bands but not idol groups)


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I actually like Beast too - discovered them via some dramas/web dramas starring the members, and was quite surprised to find their music was actually good and they can all sing! Even if all their singles seem to be breakup tracks lol.


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I'm sorry you've had such a bad experience with kpop. I agree the fanwars can be silly and intense, I really don't enjoy that part of the fandom, also learning what these teens have to go through is not something I wanted to know either. But in general I have more fun with the kpop community, though I understand how it's annoying for most. And about the music, I make a conscious effort to look for nugus/less popular acts (because they don't have as much fan power or recognition their companies invest a lot of time and care, for them to stand out among the other dozens of idols, so they tend to be better). Blogger's "best of the year" lists help a lot with this. <<< that doesn't mean I don't enjoy some big groups music!


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And 'cause you asked for help lol, here's some (hopefully) new kpop music for you. If these don't make you think kpop it's not that bad, maybe the genre is just not for you ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXNASnL3-aE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM5GpSPGk-Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGci0gLfv4k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBR8PQ-BUxU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PreOQpat5Mg


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I like some kpop songs (mostly as a result of having heard them in dramas) and a couple of bands like Big Bang/Akdong Musician/IU seem to put out good music (I've also come to really like Beast and Infinite for actually having decent vocals and dance skills), but the fandom culture seems to be mostly toxic and borderline insane, especially when dealing with extra-popular idols (the fans that show up here when an idol gets cast in stuff......I think it's self-explanatory).

I'm glad jb and gf keep this site free of kpop nonsense for the most part, I don't care about idols unless their bad acting stinks up dramas I'm watching - but I don't mind complimenting them when they actually do well, like Jung Eunji, Lee Joon etc. And I'm really glad they've fostered a community of mostly sane, reasonable commenters despite the odd one who goes HAM when their fave gets called out for poor acting.


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I'm ahjuma enjoying Big Bang, CNBlue, Akdong Musician, Busker Busker, Lee Hi and Humming Urban Stereo just to name a few.

If Kpop's not for you then explore K-indie such as 10cm and J Rabbit.


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I do agree with you in some points. And I was losing interest in kpop for some time too. But I have found a group I enjoy. Seems like good kids who love to sing, dance and have the most hilarious kinds of fun. And they are not afraid to show how dorky they are. Here are a few links if you are interested to take one last look.





Hope you find the half as entertaining as I do.


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Bubblegum -- so why exactly is it called that way? Surely it is not for just one scene. The tone of the show seems more melobthan bubbly to me. I'm concerned about the direction of the story, the reason why RH's mom opposes her son to date HA, the obsession of YS and her brother...

Tw-drama "Marry Me or Not" -- I couldn't finish episode 1. I got turned off at the scene where the lead female went to her friends' (or classmates) reunion and she was acting quite pretentious. I suppose this was just an act, right? I might give it another chance and pick it up again.


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Well hello there beanies!

It's been a while.

So current update, on the brick of dropping Bubblegum although the OTP is still cute. Trying out Oh My Venus and left wanting more. I will stick around for a few more episodes for the sake of So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah. (Cos you know why). Waiting for One More Happy Ending. Because i have 3 of my most watchable K Actors in one drama.

For JDrama side, about to try Minami Kun no Koibito. Just finished watching Hero Season 2, still wanting to see any drama within the genre of Soratobu Kouhoushitsu and Osozaki no Himawari. I just love this type of story instead.

Question to ask, I'm curious about We Got Married (the faux-marriage reality show) because i feel its pretty darn twisted. So I'm giving it a try. What couple should i give it a go?


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Kim So-yeon was reported she would participate in WGM. I totally forgot about it, need to check it out for the first time for her.


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@ Fab,

I watched a bit of her in WGM and she was so super polite and embarrassed and cute. The guy, Kwak Shi Yang had quite a time to get her comfortable. I have to watch the later episodes to see if she's loosened up a bit... took a glance... she still seems very self-conscious LOL! Poor girl!


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Hi @Growingbeautifully!
I figured she could be like that in rl, but I'm not quite sure about the premise of the show, f.e if it's all scripted reality, all she has to do is act. Anyhow I need to watch first to get an impression.


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Regarding We Got Married, Kim So-yeon and Kwak Si-yang are kinda the 'popular' couple out of the 3 couples. Kim So-yeon took quite a bit of time to warm up to Kwak Si-yang but I think at this stage, it's gotten better.

Sungjae and Joy (both of idol groups) are really young and not my cup of tea.

Oh Min Suk and Kang Ye Won are the 'oldies' out of the 3 couples - they're both in their mid 30s, so it feels different to watch them - seems like they're more certain; they know what they want in their partner. It does affect the way they behave even if it's just a faux-marriage.


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Totally agreed. I am a little sad. I wish SMA and SJS picked something else. Why, why?


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I'm totally enjoying Reply 1988 now, and once again they've made me care so much about practically the entire cast. ;___;
Don't even get me started on Jung Hwan and his adorable crush on Deok Sun <3 I totally didn't expect we'd find out he'd like her first out of all the boys!


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They're filming Sweet Savage Family in front of my house. It's the blue cafe in the posters, which I think is going to be a regular set for a while. They were filming when I got home from work at 7pm and were still filming when my husband and I went for a walk at midnight. Jung Woong-in looks really different (in a good way) in real life.

In other news, I'm really enjoying Oh My Venus. SMA and SJS really do have wonderful chemistry, and I'm really like how they've been dealing with the topic of weight. Hopefully they can keep it up until the end, because I'd hate to end this show by throwing things at the screen...


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WOW! So close! I wanna see how Sweet Savage Family turns out, it looks awesome.


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My city is home to MBC and SBS, so there are always a lot of film crews around. My neighborhood in particular is popular because of the variety of cafes and the nice houses on the other side of the street. I usually like to give them space so I don't get too close, but this is right in front of my house so it's hard to avoid haha.


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How fun! I like it so far and will keep an eye out for the blue cafe and think of you.


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It's a vintage cafe, so there are a lot of mismatched tables and random knickknacks inside. It actually shows up in a lot of dramas haha.

It really looks fun, but I haven't had time to watch it yet. Gonna have to make time this weekend I guess.


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After watching the first two episodes, it appears the cafe belongs to Jung Woong-in's ex. It shows up after they chase a guy around for a while. The escalator scene right before it was filmed in the shopping complex nearby. In fact, that entire sequence appears to be filmed in my neighborhood...


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it must be really zany.


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Jung Woong-in was yelling things in an overly cheerful way, so I think they're going for an over-the-top tone.


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For the beanies who watch "Love Me If You Dare"
can you help me satisfy my curiosity! i'm not watching it but i read a post that mentioned that the leading lady cook in her bathroom, can someone explain the reason why?


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because her tiny apartment doesn't have a kitchen.


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Yes, she only has a studio.


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Anyone know where Snow Lotus with English subs can be found online? Still raw on DramaCool.

Also, hope to see Gil Tae-Mi and Gil Sun-Mi have some scenes together in Six Flying Dragons. Great drama!


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Ok, so I recently started the drama Liar Game and OMG!!!! It's the best drama I've even seen, hands down. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. So obsessed! Also watching Oh my Venus, with much lower expectations. Hoping to start a jdrama soon. Any recommendations? The only one I ever watched was Hana Yori Dango and that was a while ago.


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Along with that, can someone explain to me why it only got 1% ratings, I'm confused


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Hehe. It aired on cable, where 1% is considered good.


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MinaBoom ~

Her apartment doesn't have a kitchen. Just a bedroom and the bathroom.


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Ships sinking left and right at Six Flying Dragons this week. Thank you to the production team for airing 2 episodes back to back after cancelling the Monday episode. I'm starting to dislike baseball. Anyway, I still got my 2 episodes dose for this week so I'm good.

I still need to catch up on the latest episodes of Awl.

Reply 1988 is okay. I'm still watching it.

By the way, any Infinite fans living in Vancouver? They're coming for a concert on Jan. 7 next year. Let's go~~~!

So many dramas. So little time. Have a good weekend, beanies~!


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Is Infinite actually coming to CANADA on their world tour?!?!?!! Holy sh-!!! I watch contemplating flying to LA to see them (again) but after going their for Big Bang in October I'm flat out broke. I totally have NOT been keeping up to date with their upcoming announcements for tour locations because I thought there was NO WAY they're coming to Canada.

I live in Vancouver!!! Please go with me! <333


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Excuse all my typos in my excitement and haste. OTL

* I was contemplating
* after going there


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LOL. Yes. They are coming! I was shocked to when my friend told me. I was like nah, as if they're going to CANADA. I checked their twitter and died. THEY ARE INDEED COMING! Yes! We should go together! I'm going with 3 other friends too.


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Yaaay!!! I'm always a bit wary of leaving my email on the internet so here's a link to my tumblr: http://s2bbinfinite.tumblr.com/

If you want to send me a message with an email address or something, we can get in contact :)

Btw not sure if you're aware but APink's also coming on Jan 5. Any interest? I really want to see Eunji live haha.


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The only drama I'm excited for is All about my Mom, it's all kicking off, and I love it. I was really upset last week, watching the CEO talk down to Jin ah and the whole ''I'm not this type of person'' speech. How could she speak so coldly to someone else's precious child!

Also watched:
Marry me or Not - Didn't realise that the OTP were from Office girls, so glad to see them on screen together again!
I'm glad to see that Roy and Alice are back together in different roles and I'm excited to see what direction their characters will go in.

Oh My Venus - Don't like that the JGW seems to be playing a similar type of role so soon after Birth of a Beauty. I can see why everyone fan-girls over So Ji Sub, he is very charismatic. I'll try to watch Master's sun soon, [although I might spent the whole time covering my eyes!]

Kiss Me Thai - LOVE. Nothing else to add, Blonde hair looks really nice on mike d angelo. Will he sing an ost? Love how they show naoki's true feelings to the audience so clearly.


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Forgot Bubblegum.
I seem to be watching an episode, skipping the next , repeat. I really hope Yi-seul finds happiness on her own merit, not with a guy but in herself. I cried with her when she said she was like misery. Sidenote - the close ups of the radio have made me want to buy it, looks very elegant and chic.


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Currently watching "My Unfortunate Boyfriend" and it is soo good and simple. No Min Woo really wow me with his performance as this naive, delicate, and a bit feminine guy who is really pure and thoughtful. Can't believe I have 5 episodes left. I wish there are more quirky and weird Kdramas like "My Unfortunate Boyfriend". It deviates from the norm but this drama has its own uniqueness and it works. I have my eyes glue on it.


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Has anyone cancelled their cable? If so, where do you watch Koreans dramas?

I've tried online sites, but there's always a problem. Always. Either the sound won't play, or it buffers every few seconds, or any number of things. It's a nightmare.

Any suggestions?



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I've always watched online, never on a "television" before and had no problems...that's strange but I'd check out the following



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Either on computer or Viki and Dramafever apps on a TV, through a Roku device (wifi).

Perhaps you are having a wifi issue, to have such bad experiences? I deal with buffering sometimes, but nothing like what you describe.


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I got a Roku device through Amazon, use the WiFi that I use for my computer. Never have any of those problems that way. I subscribe to Dramafever, Viki, Hulu, Netflix and Amazon video, and the total runs about $35 (US) per month. Far cheaper than cable. And you can watch PBS and others for free. Very simple to set up. Between Dramafever, Viki and Hulu you can see almost everything Kdrama that you'll want if you're in the US; J and T dramas, and movies from lots of different countries as well.


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I forgot to mention that, of course, I still have to pay for internet service from my local cable company, and naturally, they charge me an arm and a leg. My rate went up because I was streaming so much. And your TV needs to have an HDMI input to hook the Roku up.


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Download. Much easier than relying on dodgy internet streaming. Subs are generally out within a couple of days for currently showing popular dramas, some lesser known may take a bit longer. I download everything these days.


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Hi @Anna
Where do you download dramas, if I may ask? The best I could find is myasiantv, but it doesn't provide complete series for download.


I use doramax264 a lot. Also freekorandramas, hanazone.net for Japanese. And usually get my subs from subscene.


Dancing in joy because many of beanies are watching Love Me If You Dare! Lol. ???

Excited for I Have A Lover this week. They better not make it one episode only, again.


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Excellent show. The cheesy drama title doesn't do it any justice at all.


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Hi sera,

Caught up with I have a lover:-D after slogging thru the 1st 9 episodes, it was a joyride to see HG character as YG. Can't wait how she would feel once she finds out the truth, post amnesia... the main leads are simply amazing!


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I am all tapped out as far as Kdramas go. Sassy Go Go and She was Pretty was the last ones. Frustrated over Reply 1988 because of the lack of readily available subs. Not really feeling Bubblegum or Oh My Venus (might revisit though) so I tried some Taiwanese dramas like Moon River and Bromance but they seemed too cliche and I ended up dropping both after 5 or 6 episodes. I really need a drama to get addicted to right now.


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Give Love Me If You Dare a try. So many Beanies here enjoying so it should be good enough for you.


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Thanks. I might look into that one. Actually, I stayed away from it because the title was similar to "Marry Him If You Dare (aka Mirae's Choice)". I got so burned on that one that just seeing the words "If You Dare" gives me the shivers. lol


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well I watched it but I am not enjoying it. I am trying hard not to fall asleep, but better dramas havent been subbed yet.


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I now have a couple of years of Kdrama watching under my belt, and I notice that I seem to be dropping lots more dramas than I did in the beginning. I dropped SGG; apparently high school dramas really aren't my thing. I've also dropped Bubblegum. I really wasn't feeling any chemistry between the two leads, so could not invest emotionally in their future as a couple. (But yes, I too want that radio, and have actually been shopping for a couple of months for one like that!)

I am still watching Achiara; The Village, and liking it; and Answer Me 1988. I love, love, love the family and neighbors slice-of-life feels. I felt the last AM dropped that in favor of the shipping wars, which was a real loss. Hoping they don't make that mistake again. And yes, waiting for the subs on Dramafever is driving me nuts! But so worth the wait! I loved the scene in episode 4, where they are riding the bus, and he protects her from falling all over, and she notices the veins in his arms. It reminded me of when I was a teen, and I first started noticing and liking that in boys. And I haven't changed!

Speaking of which, I am also watching Oh My Venus for SJS's chest and arms. And they must know that the script is a little weak, so they're using those shots as bait to keep me watching, and I must say, it is working!
Kdrama has turned me into a dirty old woman. :)

I started Nirvana in Fire last weekend, and was impressed with the quality. I needed to read recaps to really know what was going on in the first 2 eps though. Thank heavens I found some. Nice to read here that they are on problematic of ... . I'll be sure and look for them. I also like the way I have seen women portrayed in it, so far.

Have a great week beanies!


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Sigh, is there a drama that's light and fun and positive like Sassy Go Go?
I need something light to watch. Been feeling down this week. Going through a lot at the moment - moving to another country soon, lost my job of 8 years, trying to make a career transition and start my own business. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything at the moment. I need a pick me up (that's not beer or donuts or anything sweet).


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Hello Everyone.

This is my first time posting on the drama. I have been reading recaps for a some time (a year perhaps!), and I just love the camaraderie developed in these open threads.

I am currently watching "bubblegum" and "answer me". Bubblegum is very cute, especially the shy gestures make me go aww. Does anyone know the song that plays in the series... "There's a little story"?

Answer me is interesting. I like Taek who is quite sweet. I miss Sassy tuesday/wednesdays.


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Welcome to the OT @Parichita!

It's always good to have lurkers de-lurking and commenting on these threads.

I miss Sassy Go Go too and am re-watching it here and there and back again.

I am also trying bits of Reply 1988 .... it's just that I'm now reading recaps before getting the subs, so I'm watching or FFD-ing the episodes way after they are recapped. It is a definitely well made, heart-stirring and heart-warming show.


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I always read the recap first anyway. That is how I decide whether I want to watch the show or not. Then also, with full time job, it becomes difficult to watch the show on the same day they are released. Sometimes I get to the episodes next week. So I read the recaps first and watch the episodes later. That is another reason for lurking, rather than commenting.


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Hi Parichita,

The song is called "Because I" by a Swedish musician named Lasse Lindh. Here's a youtube of it:


Some of his other songs have been used in kdramas. "Run To You" was in Angel Eyes.



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Thanks a lot for the link and the name of the singer. I just loved the lyrics of the song. And I would have never been able to guess it is Swedish song.


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Maybe, it has been discussed before but Oh My Ghostess is just so awesome and crunchy sweet. The chemistry is just so cute. I never thought I will say something like this, but that drama, oh come on! Park Boyoung is definitely a great actress. Not in the making anymore, she already is. Can you just switch from the awkward Na Bongsun to the carefree and flirtatious Boyoung in like... that. Okay, I just want to say my praise for her and congratulate on the cute drama that I'll surely watch again sometime in the future.

Another one I want to convey is what I think about Oh My Venus. Another Oh! What's with runaway chaebol guy again? Why should they always on the run with their own family? But John Kim is already a famous trainer then why should he cower to his own family? Nevermind. The first 2 episodes look promising but I just could not grasp the coupling. Not yet. But my level of expectation just dropped somewhere almost to the border of 'whatever'-ness.

Last one is Secret Message, the drama of Choi Seunghyun (Big Bang TOP) and Ueno Juri (Nodame Cantabile). Is there anybody else besides me, here, that watch it? I really don't understand that drama plot. Looks like just a dead set commercial target, no interesting twist of development going on. Maybe I am wrong, but this is what I have in mind right now


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Been watching Empire of Gold. This kdrama is full steam ahead... it doesn't let up one bit with the battle for the "empire" between the various parties that want to take over. I have to say, Seo Yoon is the first female lead I've seen that can go toe-to-toe on smarts alone with the men in her family. She's ruthless and self-sufficient. I love it. After seeing her take charge, I find it more depressing to watch kdramas where the female leads are always one step (or several) below or behind the male leads. Why aren't more Korean women portrayed as the dominants in society?


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