She Was Pretty: Episode 10

It’s becoming increasingly difficult for Sung-joon to hide his feelings — the question is, what is he going to do about it, because it’s beginning to mess with his head. And he’s not the only one who can’t hide his feelings anymore, as everyone in our little love-square realizes that the lying and hiding has to stop. Unfortunately, telling the truth will be a lot harder than they think.


Hye-jin accidentally takes Ah-reum’s broken-down car to her interview, which breaks down on her. It begins to rain and she looks for a sign of where she is so she can call for help, and comes upon an accident in which the driver was badly hurt.

Sung-joon rushes to find Hye-jin when he reads of the accident, scared she was the one injured, and not even the rainy conditions frighten him as badly as the thought of her being hurt. Hye-jin sees Sung-joon yelling at the first responders and calls out to him, and his expression of relief is heart-wrenching. He runs to her and enfolds her in a desperate hug.

Sung-joon yells a little about Hye-jin’s carelessness, but she’s more concerned that he drove in the rain. Aww, she’s every bit as scared for him as he was for her. Sung-joon just stares at her, and says dazedly, “I didn’t know it was raining.”

Shin-hyuk watches from across the street, having also rushed to find Hye-jin, but he’s too late. He sees how utterly absorbed Sung-joon and Hye-jin are in each other, and he leaves without saying anything. He’s limping, and we see that he crashed his motorcycle in his hurry to find Hye-jin.

Safe in Sung-joon’s car, Hye-jin checks in with work while Sung-joon shoots her tiny nervous glances. He gives her a blanket (overriding her protests that he needs it more), and the drive back to town is filled with an awkward, hyper-aware silence.

Hye-jin turns on the radio but can’t find a station that isn’t playing a song about holding someone, so she turns it right back off. Sung-joon doesn’t seem to want to let her out of the car at her place, but all he can think of to say is that he’ll see her tomorrow.

She thinks about all the times when he seemed to care about her, and thinks to herself that when we want to tell the truth, we can hesitate from lack of courage. And in that moment of hesitation, it can become impossible to tell the truth. She comes to a decision and turns back, but he’s already driving away.

She takes a cab to his hotel, and sees him in the lobby. He calls out “Hye-jin-ah” — but he’s not looking at Hye-jin. She watches in shock as he approaches Ha-ri, calling her by Hye-jin’s name. In voiceover, she says that even if we muster up the courage to reveal the truth, some truths make us feel worse than the lies.

Hye-jin stares as her best friend pretends to be her, and Sung-joon apologizes for not keeping his promise again. He asks if he can beg off their date and rest, and Ha-ri agrees, but doesn’t give him her letter tonight, either.

Sung-joon watches her leave, and apologizes to her silently — he’d vowed not to do things to make her worry, but he thinks he may not be able to keep that promise.

Feeling betrayed, Hye-jin realizes how strange Ha-ri has been acting every time her new boyfriend is mentioned. She walks right into traffic, unaware of her surroundings, and rides the bus in a daze until it’s last stop.

Shin-hyuk calls her, and picks her up at the bus depot, having left the hospital where he was being treated for his accident injuries. He asks what she plans to do now — fight with her friend? Or tell Sung-joon the truth first?

Hye-jin sighs that she’ll wait for Ha-ri to talk to her, since she asked for time. She figures her friend must have a reason for lying to Sung-joon, just as she did back in the beginning. Shin-hyuk says he’s jealous of Ha-ri, enacting a hilarious bitch-fight like most women would do, saying that he wishes he had a friend like Hye-jin.

But Hye-jin just says that this is her friend, and Shin-hyuk offers her a ride. She notices he’s not on his bike, but he deflects her questions and takes her home. She thanks him, glad to have a friend like him at times like this.

He kids like usual, but does turn a bit serious as he asks if she plans to go to Sung-joon when this is all straightened out. She admits for the first time that she likes Sung-joon, sure that he feels the same about her, and that she’d like to be with him. This stings, but Shin-hyuk accepts it and throws her a little fistbump and a “Fighting!”

Hye-jin goes inside to find Ha-ri gluing the soles back on her damaged shoes, but they fall apart anyway so she offers to buy Hye-jin new ones. Hye-jin accepts her offer, which is unusual, but she just tells Ha-ri that of course — she’s her friend.

Home alone with his thoughts, Sung-joon says to a photo of his mother that this is the first time that he’s driven in the rain and not thought about the day she died. Hye-jin is also feeling contemplative as she sits in bed, pondering her puzzle piece.

The next morning, there’s an awkward moment when they run into each other outside the coffee shop and wonder what to say. Sung-joon takes the direct route and offers to buy her coffee, and doesn’t accept her no for an answer. He’s a lot calmer than she is, especially when he admits that he couldn’t sleep because of what happened last night.

Hye-jin spots Shin-hyuk on his way to work and claims to need to speak to him, rushing out of there like her butt’s on fire. She wails to Shin-hyuk that Sung-joon wants to talk but she feels like she’s going nuts, so he pretends to be talking with her as Sung-joon watches them suspiciously. They’re not fooling him one bit.

Of course, Hye-jin still has to work with Sung-joon, and she balks when she finds him in the meeting room when she needs to go in. She hides behind her coworkers when they head in for the meeting, terrified to be alone with Sung-joon even for a moment.

During today’s meeting, Sung-joon’s gaze bores holes in Hye-jin’s head, while she tries (and fails) to pretend she doesn’t notice. After the meeting he tells her to bring the minutes to him as soon as possible, and as soon as she does, his hug from the night before plays through her mind in romantic slow motion. Several times, ha.

She tries to scoot out of there but he tells her to stay until he’s done reading, and when her chair sits too low, he comes around to raise it for her. Of course, this requires him leaning in very close and touching her shoulder, and Hye-jin shakes so hard she looks like she’s going to explode. HAHA, he raises it all the way, so that she’s sitting higher than him.

Sung-joon starts to bring up last night, but Hye-jin jumps up, claiming that Shin-hyuk needs something from her. She tries to escape and is foiled by the door, and Sung-joon has to help her again — by opening the other door. How embarrassing. But when she leaves, Sung-joon heaves a sigh like he’s experiencing the same nerves Hye-jin is having. So cute.

Chief Editor Kim comes to remind Sung-joon about a dinner meeting tonight with a designer, giving him a particular suit of theirs to wear. HAHA, she tries to make the meeting sound like a date between them, but Sung-joon just gives her his “I don’t think so” face.

The mysterious novelist Ten posts a message that they’ll be meeting with fans in three weeks, to coincide with the release of their new book. Ten’s publisher wants Most to review the new book, titled “Memory,” which is Shin-hyuk’s wheelhouse. He complains, saying that Ten is too famous, and it’s no fun reviewing famous writers’ work.

Chief Editor Kim swans through the room speaking French on her phone, and the Most team discuss how she’s actually a lot smarter and more capable than they originally thought. They wonder about her true identity, but I don’t think she’s nearly as deep as they think, hee.

Everyone heads out for lunch, but Shin-hyuk is missing so Hye-jin hangs back to wait for him. But when she calls him, a woman answers and refers to him as “the patient,” and Hye-jin finds him outside heading back from a follow-up at the hospital. She pesters Shin-hyuk to tell her how he got hurt, but he just wants to go eat.

Sung-joon gets a call from Hye-jin’s younger sister Hye-rin, and he treats her to lunch indulgently. He laughs at her ordering like a tiny little adult, and marvels over her resemblance to her sister at her age. Hye-rin is offended, insisting that she’s much prettier than her sister, though she allows that Hye-jin is strong and has a good personality.

HA, Shin-hyuk whines and moans over his hurt arm at lunch, demanding that Hye-jin feed him. He still won’t tell her how he was injured, but he’s so adorable begging to be fed that she can’t stay angry at him.

After lunch, Shin-hyuk finally admitsthat he crashed his motorcycle. Hye-jin demands he hand over the keys, declaring it too dangerous and forbidding him to ride it again, but he just laughs at her. He half-jokes that she shouldn’t ask that if she has no intention of dating him, because it gets his hopes up. Aww, his mouth is smiling but his eyes are so sad.

Ha-ri helps a foreign hotel guest find a new tie after spilling coffee on his, and he mentions how touched he was to her boss. She’s told to expect a reward for going above and beyond to make the guest happy.

Sung-joon goes home for the weekend, leaving the suit Chief Editor Kim told him to wear behind at the office. She enlists Hye-jin to take it to him at home, so she tries to drop it off at the desk of his hotel, but he sees her and blows her cover.

He invites her in for tea but she declines, and he asks if he makes her uncomfortable. She doesn’t want to admit it, so she’s roped into having tea before she goes. She gulps down the hot tea (ouch!) and gasps, but she just wants out of there badly.

Sung-joon has something to say, but Hye-jin tries to write last night off as him just being worried for a colleague. He says blandly that he wouldn’t do that — he came running because it was her. Okay, awwww.

He softly tells her that at first he was annoyed by her, but at some point, he began to like spending time with her. But caring about her made him feel like a bad person, so he tried to dislike her. But after last night, he can’t deny it anymore, and acknowledges that something about her shakes him up. With trembling hands, Hye-jin proceeds to pour tea all over herself, so Sung-joon brings her a sweatshirt to change into.

She puts on the sweatshirt (which hilariously says COURAGE) but then she’s too nervous to go back out there. Sung-joon calls her out, and they both seem to realize the intensely intimate fact of her wearing his clothing. He grabs her wrist when she tries to walk past him, but only so that he can roll up the long sleeves for her. Sweet.

He apologizes for making her uncomfortable, and says that he didn’t admit his feelings so that they could do something about it. He just wanted her to know. He says that she reminds him of something that he’s known a long time. Somehow, when he’s with her, he becomes honest to a fault.

He tells Hye-jin that she makes him want to show his true self, and talk about himself, but he stops when he notices her eyes welling up with tears. She tells him that he didn’t say anything wrong, and he offers her a ride home. But when he goes to get his keys, she slips out.

When Shin-hyuk finds out that Hye-jin was sent to Sung-joon’s place on an errand, he shows up at Sung-joon’s with a giant smile, looking for her. He grabs a beer that he left in Sung-joon’s fridge, but Sung-joon smacks it out of his hand and demands to know why he’s following Hye-jin around.

Shin-hyuk says he’s sort of her guardian oppa, and turns the same question on Sung-joon. Is he her black knight who rides through the rain to save her? Sung-joon counters that at least he doesn’t make his feelings into a joke like a coward, and Shin-hyuk takes his leave. But in the hall, he drops the smile and his eyes go hard.

Joon-woo and Seul go to dinner, though she internally complains about always going to the same hole-in-the-wall restaurant. He notices her struggle with the spicy food and says he’ll have to come with someone else from now on, but she insists she loves it.

He cleans up food she’d spit out while she protests that it’s dirty, but he just says it’s not dirty, because it was hers. She asks if he likes her, and he’s all Yeah, you didn’t know? When he confirms that they’re officially dating, she wants a kiss, so he tosses her a little peck. HA. These two are adorable.

Shin-hyuk and Ha-ri talk over a beer at their convenience store, where he asks her if he can meddle in her life one more time. He tells her that Hye-jin knows everything, and that she’s waiting for Ha-ri to tell her the truth first. Ha-ri goes home, but she’s too ashamed to go inside, where she knows she’ll have to face Hye-jin.

When she finally goes inside, Hye-jin is there, looking at the shoes Ha-ri tried to fix for her. Ha-ri tells her friend that tomorrow, she’ll go back to where she belongs, asking for just one more day. She thanks Hye-jin for waiting for her, and for letting her tell her herself.

Hye-jin finally interviews the children’s book author, who notices that she knows a lot about fairy tales. Hye-jin admits that when she was young she wanted to write children’s books, too. The author encourages her not to give up and gives her a copy of her book as a gift.

Hye-jin reads the book, and as she walks, she sees that there’s a Renoir exhibit nearby. She stops in and finds “Dance in the Country,” smiling at the little hidden girl. Suddenly she’s joined by Sung-joon, and they both smile to see the other here.

Some schoolchildren come by and one comments that Sung-joon is wearing the same scarf they wear with their uniform, and he takes it off, embarrassed. But Hye-jin champions him and says that he’s very stylish, and he puts it back on with a smile. The kids tease that she must loooove that ajusshi, making both of them look around nervously.

A couple asks Hye-jin to take their picture posing as the dancing couple, and offer to take one of her and Sung-joon in return. Hye-jin waves them off but Sung-joon whips out his phone, HA.

He offers her a ride home on his way to his meeting, but she’s headed back to the office to work on her article. She says she’ll see him tomorrow, but it’s Sunday — “But even so, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

On the drive to his meeting, Ha-ri calls Sung-joon to ask him to meet tonight. He says his meeting will run late and starts to offer to see her tomorrow, but he stops and agrees, even if it’s late. He also has something to talk to her about.

Hye-jin sees Shin-hyuk in the elevator when she gets back to the office, but only Poong-ho is in the office when she goes upstairs. He mentions that Shin-hyuk went after her when her car broke down, which is news to her. She realizes that this must have been when he crashed his motorcycle, and runs out to find him.

She catches him outside and asks if he came to find her and had his accident, and he just gives her the saddest look. It’s a struggle to paste on his trademark grin, but he does, and admits that that’s what happened. He asks if she feels burdened, and says good, she should feel sorry towards him. He wants her to be worried about him, too. Dammit, he’s breaking my heart right now.

He plays her promise to grant him three requests, and decides to call in his third favor. He grabs her in a hug and tells her, serious this time, that he doesn’t think of her as a friend. He doesn’t ever want to be friends.

Sung-joon wraps up his meeting and calls Ha-ri, but she’s gone to work for a bit and offers to meet him later. She finishes up her work and starts to call Sung-joon, but he’s already there, right behind her. And he’s just heard her boss call her by her real name.

In voiceover, Hye-jin repeats that when we’re about to tell the truth, we can end up hesitating. And sometimes, that hesitation costs you the chance to tell the truth.

Sung-joon walks up to Ha-ri looking stricken, and says her name, “Min Ha-ri. Who are you?”


Well, I can’t say that I feel bad for Ha-ri exactly, because it’s true that this is a situation of her own making. I think even she understands that. But Hye-jin’s words are so true, that her hesitation when she decided to tell the truth resulted in her being caught and not given the chance to come clean on her own. It’s going to make the fallout that much worse, because you can say all day that you meant to tell the truth, but it rings false when you’re caught out while still perpetuating a lie. She’s had several opportunities to give him that letter and at least come out of this holding her head up that she did the right thing eventually, but now, I don’t think she’s going to get out of this so easily.

As for Hye-jin, it’s so like her to find out that Ha-ri has been lying to Sung-joon and to her, and to trust her enough to come to her in her own time. As outsiders looking in, it’s hard to understand that kind of trust… but knowing Ha-ri and Hye-jin’s lifelong relationship, I can understand why Hye-jin is willing to give Ha-ri that chance. She knows her better than anyone — she knows that Ha-ri wouldn’t do something like this lightly, and she also knows that she won’t be able to sustain it. She trusts their friendship, and that Ha-ri loves her enough to come to her when she’s ready to confess. And she was right, though it’s a shame that Ha-ri waited a little too long.

I’m glad Sung-joon finally knows for real, at least as much as that Ha-ri isn’t his Hye-jin. It was difficult to watch him feeling like he was betraying his first love, by falling for someone else. Of course we know he’s falling for his real first love all over again, but he doesn’t know that, and the guilt he feels seems so painful that he can’t even enjoy the fact that he truly is falling in love. He’s been so attached to the idea that he was going to find Hye-jin and be with her, which really hasn’t been a healthy thing for Sung-joon emotionally. But I can’t help but look forward to the moment when he discovers that he’s actually gotten what he’s wanted his whole life — to make his first love, his last love.

But in the meantime, I adore how he treats Hye-jin now that he’s confessed that he has feelings for her. Just the simple act of rolling up her sleeves was so sweet and tender, and somehow vulnerable. For a closed-up guy like Sung-joon to not only admit feelings for a woman that even he’s surprised affects him so much, but perform even that tiny service for her, is a very moving thing. I appreciate that he’s admitted that the way he treated her before was wrong, and I’m happy to be seeing some personal growth on his part. Nobody is perfect, and Sung-joon is under tremendous pressure from multiple sources, so I can forgive him now that he’s genuinely apologized. It’s interesting that the woman he thinks is his first love makes him even more closed-up… but without even knowing the truth, it’s the woman who truly is his old friend who makes him soften, and want to be better. So for Sung-joon’s emotional health, I’m happy that he now knows that Ha-ri is not his old friend, and he can move forward with Hye-jin without guilt.


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Watched it..and I'm the first to comment.?. Yes life is good- they should have made an episode halloween themed. It'd be extremely funny


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Some of the scenes don't make sense at all. Why did Sungjoon meet the little sister? Completely random, as is SH's visit at SJ's apartment. Why?
I have no tolerance for Hari anymore, I don't even care. And we're supposed to care because Hyejin cares but why?


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little sisiter and sung joon met before, i think in episode 4 or 5, they didn't have time to talk much because HJ made a fake call to sung joon, then sung joon gave his business card to sister to call any time, so she took the chance this time to have meal.
shin hyuk got to know that hye jin went to sung joons apartments to deliver his suit. anyway he is in love with hye jin, he went their with curious.

I think you can understand, sorry for my english


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Yeah. I remember that. But everything is so artificial, nothing organic. just.. here. this is a scene where they are having lunch, she almost says it all but he's again too aloof to catch anything what other people are saying to him. never listens. anyways. it's jut there to be there so that there would be a reason for the scene at the parents' house. That's what I meant.
And plot wise SH visit didn't do anything.
I see why these scenes are there but still it leaves me asking why why why.. If you get my drift..


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I too don't understand the scene with the little sister. It did nothing to the plot development


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It did. She almost spilled the beans. She even said "how's working with my sister at your compa--" So that was the fake out. And then he caught Ha-ri at the end instead. And it laid groundwork for the next episode too.


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Someone is always almost spilling the truth, but NO ONE ever does- intentionally or unintentionally.


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Also in a previous episode when they were at the countryside restaurant, Sung-joon admitted that he had no friends in Korea (no one to call to ask for help, to eat with, for ask for money). So Hye-ri calling him out for lunch was his first expansion of social circle.


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Good thought!
Kim sisters to the rescue!


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Also--I thought Ha Ri gave Sungjoon the puzzle piece--did I miss something--why does Hyejin have it back? I think when she went to his place for tea she should have seen it to know exactly what Ha Ri was doing to her.


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I think she only showed it to him. There was a very brief scene after that where it showed the puzzle again and it was still missing the one piece.


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Yes yes, she only showed it to him. After that in that same episode Hari showed him the piece, when he framed the puzzle back it was still missing that piece. It also makes sense that is why Hye Jin didn't miss that puzzle in her room. Else she would have asked Hari about it and wouldn't be so clueless till now.


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Let me explain the scene with the little sister and SJ. The little sister, Hye Rin, called Seong Joon right after the scene where Kim Ra Ra was basically hitting on him. She probably wanted to meet him again so she could be spoilt since he said he'd buy her whatever she wanted the last time they med in EP 4/5. But the scene was probably there so the actress could get more screen time and it was just teasing us since SJ missed an opportunity to learn the truth.


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Ah I loved this episode! I think it was the best one till now! :)


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Oh and I never thought I would be thankful to MBC for cancelling one episode last week but I really am. Otherwise, we would have been left waiting with this cliffhanger (and a spoiler trailer) for a week! I dunno how I would have been able to wait in that case.


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I agree; I hate to say it but shifting it so we're seeing the weekly cliffhanger resolved and being left on the midweek part is much better for my nerves!


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I don't know. I have mixed feelings after finishing ep 11. I might prefer to end on this cliffhanger. Coz we end on a high, excited high, omg can't wait for next week mood. Since now it ends on ep 11, in the middle of angst, my excitement to watch the next episode dropped considerably. Argh, can't stand noble idiocy.


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I came here after watching 11th episode, now i really don't like shin hyuk,i feel he is kind a wolf wearing a lamb skin.but i still adore his funny moments.
sung joon's acting is really really good, he is doing emotional parts with out overacting just naturally, Lee jun ki is the only actor i knew who could play emotionally but some times he is overacting.i am glad about PSJ, hope he will get more projects
and Mrs ra ru or ru ru , has she fallen for sung joon? it is really funny part.
love this drama.


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i just watched ep 11 and your so right, i absolutely love PSJ, his my fav actor right after Ji sung. not only is seo joon good at comedy but he really nails it when it comes to dramatic and emotional acting as well. i love the way he plays such a closed off, reserved, awkward, yet dorky and innocent character. lol so many ways to describe him. there is something about him that i cant help but be drawn to. well his done well for himself since he debut in 2011 and his a fast rising star. i hope he continues to do well in the future, he really deserves it. it takes a lot for me to be so taken with a actor but PSJ has done it for me. i've actually liked him since bang yong guks i remember mv.


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The best thing about Park Seo-joon's acting career is that he debuted after serving in the military, so we get him forever! He can snatch up all the parts when his peers are away, hehe.


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haha! That's what I call great news :D He has a good future in acting and in my heart <3 She was pretty love all the way ^_^


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OMG, that's great! ? Haha, I had no idea. Wish more actors would go to military early (like Yoo Seung-ho) or pre-debut.


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good for him; unfortunately my most favorite actors are all 87ers: lee minho, ji changwook, joo won, kim soo hyun, jung il woo


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Kim soo hyun born in 1988


lol, *evil laughter* his all ours now. but its damn lucky he already did his military service


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Can I have the honour to know, how the hell this hotness popped out from?

He's like thunder light, came from nowhere in the middle of drama but his random placement in any role "feels" sooo righttt and smoothhh, is like...exactly where he belongs..

cz model/good looking-guy turns actor usually get bashed or doubted for their real talent and solely counts on their look only, even their acting itself in chopping board already..

But watching him in KMHM and SWP, everything never been so assuring and no slight doubts.. lol


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I actually think his best role is in The Witch's Romance. He had full range there.


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what do you mean that shin hyeok is a wolf that wearing a lamb skin? ( i watched ep 11 and i cant see your point)


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He stopped being all friendly to her the moment he was rejected.


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i would be worried if he's all joking n happy right after being rejected. the way he reacted shows that he's human too. a lot of bestfriends act that way when fighting. but not for long. i believe their friendship is precious to shin hyuk so i'm sure he'll come around and be the awesome friend he has always been to Hye Jin. Unless the writer really intend to go 360 to make audience hate that lovable character all of a sudden. so saying he's a wolf wearing a lamb skin is too much imho. he's being sincere at being her friend since the very beginning anyway. it is not that he has hidden intention when he treated her nicely before he realizes he likes her.


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Why would he be the one to need space when he's the one who keeps inserting himself into Hye Jin's life?

I'm a guy, and I've been rejected by close friends twice. I didn't need space, because I valued the friendship as much as I valued any romantic feelings I had. Distancing yourself implies that you were a fake friend: You were just looking for a romantic relationship from the start.


Okay I'm sure I won't be the only one who noticed this - but isn't the puzzle piece of that little hidden girl with Sung Joon? Like, didn't Ha-ri give it to him or something? How did Hye-jin get it back?
Maybe I missed an episode?!! Could someone tell me I'm wrong and that the writer didn't make this mistake in this otherwise amazing show?
The leads once again show their chemistry. They should just act together forever (I'm kidding but I really don't mind).
Thanks Lollypip!


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I think the writers left us to fill a gap! :P.. I am guessing Ha Ri just showed it to him and then kept it back where Hye Jin would find it. Or maybe she gave a duplicate to him.


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I think ha ri just showed him, she didn't give it to him.


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I don't really think Hari gave it to SJ, she only showed it to him, some kind of proof. It was Hye Jin's, SJ gave it to her as a memento. And I don't really think Hye Jin wouldn't know if it was missing, I mean that puzzle piece means alot to her. Hari would be pure evil to steal that.


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Didn't he completed the puzzle at home that night?.

I think it's a duplicate.
At the time I thought that Hye-jin will notice if it was missing when Ha-ri took it.
They just didn't show us how she painted the umbrella on the back.


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He did put the puzzle back together, but that piece was still missing, its on ep 6.

Its so crazy that Hari would go that lengths just to make SJ believe she was his Hye Jin. I would really really hate her if she did that.


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Somebody has mentioned this before. But, the piece that is missing in episode #6 has the wrong shape. Is that a "stunt puzzle" or is it significant? Probably just a mistake in production. lol


Haven't noticed that the shape wasn't the same in ep 6. HAHAHA. OMG. But still, the part that was missing was the peeping noona. Yes, prolly a mistake in the props. 'Cause they corrected it in this episode. Laughing so hard at this mistake. Hahaha. Unless SJ have lots of puzzle, I mean same puzzle, with the same missing piece or part lying around and likes to change the one he displays at his pad every now and then. LOL


Haha. They even may have had a "stunt onion". The crying onion in the photo sent to Hye Jin did not seem to be the same one that was on her desk at work. I could be wrong. Also, at the end of this episode one person says "HaRi shi" but another addresses her as "Min HaRi shi". Was that an oversight or is that significant somehow? lol



"Min" is Hari's surname (last name), and in the workplace of the Korean society, co-workers with higher status than you would address you with your whole name, not just simply your name, that is why in that scene, her co-worker (presumably with a high position/ status) called her by her full name, whereas her other co-worker simply called her by name, because, again, presumably, that co-worker has the same status (and is probably the the same age/older) as Hari :)
That's how I see and understand it, and don't think it was a mistake or ever sight of the writer(s)
I hope this explains it?


Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain the scene fully. I was talking about when her boss praised her for doing a great job with the very important client. Her boss called her Ha Ri shi. Sung Joon was there to overhear that. However, he referred to her as Min Ha Ri shi. How did he know? That's all. Its trivial, I know.


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Just watched the start of ep 11 and your qn on how Seung Joon knows Hari's full name will be resolved :)


Am I the only one who thinks that the Jinsu corp is somewhat related to Hye Jin + Sung Joon ?
+ I think our second lead is Ten


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But why do I feel like Ten is Kim Ra Ra? Hahaha. And Shin Hyuk is the chaebol. Watched ep 11 three times, but there are parts that arent sub yet, so. Dunno. Haha


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i thin shin hyuk is heir of their rival magazine, "new look", as 11th episode he was spying the "most" what i understood is that


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OMG. I hope he's not a spy! :( I really need a full sub for ep 11 huhu.


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omg no way, imagine if he is and then he decided to help the MOST magazine by taking up SJ offer or he goes dark side.


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Then who is chief editor's nephew? I thought it was shin hyuk, how on earth is he spying on his father's own company magazine?


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I thought he's the chief editor's nephew. He took lift up Most building but Hye Jin didn't find him in their office right? So that means he took up to the executive level of their office to speak to the higher ups?


I totally agree with you! I thought the same thing!


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it's kinda boring these 2 episodes...
uhm, i still love her curly hair .
but the chemistry of the lead is cool


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All characters did some development in this except Ha ri.
Sung joon realized his feelings for hye jin and faced it (love him being sweet and kind )
Shin hyuk stopped goofing off and started being serious confess and move on so he could be less hurt.
It's funny how these two guys like to dig their own grave.
First shin hyuk why did you have to ask sung joon that he had feelings for hye jin when he knew she had loves him and that doesn't help you.
Sung joon why do care if shin hyuk is goofing off with his feelings when he was all being mean shin hyuk was by her side all the time.
Still these guys makes me laugh hard one by making crazy faces and another with serious face.
Hye jin 's trust for ha ri where can i get such a friend.
Ha ri she brought this on herself so she deserves it...
Next episode is boring.. Thanks mbc for saving me from that cliffhanger...


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i loved ep 11 specifically for HJ xSJ also HR and HJ but thats just me, it got more angsty on the friendship area, but had so many awesome otp moments and developed them nicely, also SJ said all that stuff to SH cause his the one who was mocking him in his own place about him coming and saving HJ, so SJ gave it back to him


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I think it was not bad decision for ha ri to follow her mother. She had missed her, after all. And it's kind of good for having her own time to heal herself


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Am I the only one who noticed the plot hole in the fact that Hye jin has the puzzle piece , despite ha ri taking it and giving it to sung joon ... Also sung joon's puzzle was complete , when it appeared in the shot he was holding his parents' picture ...


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From this ep? Part where he was talking to his mother on the picture? Puzzle is still incomplete though.

Hari just showed him the puzzle piece, didnt really gave it back. It was Hye Jin's. I think it was meant to be that way. Can't wait til they put it up together. It's like showing SJ / HJ is finally complete. With having each other. Oh my, feels... <3


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i think thats intentional by the writers and director


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Like tata mentioned above, the puzzle was incomplete. And it was incomplete after Ha-ri showed him the puzzle piece in Episode 6.


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i kept waiting for your recap. nice one....I love this onion couple. Finally.


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I love her looks either way although she doesn't really stand out with the current look. I realise that it's just not about the look through, funny I should say that. But she hasnt really changed too. She's still a bundle of nerves.


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Oops sorry this was meant for the comment below.


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am i the only one who missing the old "Jackson"?
the new hye jin looking too.. common..


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Missing Jackson too :( Her rosy cheeks, ugh so lovely!


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i like HJ whichever way she is. idk she feels the same but different


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I'm missing that too, as well as her bubbliness in the first quarter of the series. sometimes, it feels as though I was looking at an entirely new character.


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I miss the old "Jackson" too. I didn't LOVE her old outfits but she was much cuter to me before. Her new look is bland and I miss her rosy freckled cheeks.

I know her reasoning behind the makeover and while I understand/support it, I wish the wardrobe people had done more than dress her up like everyone else. She doesn't shine as bright for me.


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I love that she did it on a professional and personal level, but I do miss the cheeks! I miss the hair as well, but if we can have one and not the other, I want the cheeks!


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i loved this ep and i just came back from ep 11 and boy its not the lovey dovey ep i was expecting but i loved it anyways, idk melo/angst is my kind of thing plus i felt it was really good for the onion couple and we got to see the aftermath of the girls friendship, it was interesting how they took it, it fits in with HJ character but also shows he selflessness as being a flaw at the same time i understand what she is trying to do with HR. but that why i love it, the characters are complicated. im just gonna wait till ep 11 recap to talk about all this stuff, cause i feel like a lot happened to our characters

back to ep 10, i love how SJ character is so straightforward and honest, he was trying so hard in this ep to talk about the hug and his feelings but HJ kept on running away. also PSJ acting was so on point as it always seems to be. particularly in the hug scene, where he kept saying he didnt know about the rain. it was a really nice moment when he was talking to his mum in the picture as well. i nearly choked when he said he didnt sleep cause he was thinking of what happened last night. i also liked how HJ said he did that because she was his colleague and he said nope i did it because it was you, i was like my god this guy, someone stop him, honestly i would've melted on the spot.

also i laughed out loud so much when HJ drank that hot as hell tea and started to talk like smeagle from Lotr. i swear jung eum is awesome. when they were at the gallery i found it so sweet, i felt their natural ease with one another and chemistry and their reaction to the little kids saying there were in love was funny. gotta love kids.

as for SH sucks for him but he knew this for a while, lol maybe its just me but i dont get second male lead syndrome, although i also like SH but kinda wish is wasnt so flawless. i like my characters to have some flaws. and HR tsk tsk, girl you dug your own grave, but i still like HJ seems to care about her and have some sympathy. i like her character a lot which maybe strange for some, but its complex.
also love HJ she is such a darling of a character, most women in her position would have blasted their friend. but she cares so much for HR, she is her family and sister and they also have a special connection

ok so the sleeve rolling scene, i found quit intimate and i couldnt take my eyes of SJ lol, what SJ was saying really hit me right in the heart. gotta say guy is hella good with his words and it feels so sincere as well. his come such a long way, i feel like i was on a journey in falling in love with him as well lol.

one more thing to add, PSJ is extremely hot when his wet. that is all :D


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AGREE with everything you said about Park Seo-joon (my dear oppa!) I get that he's not the loud, colorful character in this show, but PSJ is so good at subtleties and displaying emotion with the slightest movement. Like in the rain, when he was just staring, you could see the worry and that he was finally in love with her. At the end, when confronting Ha-ri, you could see the slight anger just underneath his face. Ugh, so good.

And the rolling sleeves scene was quite special. I would love to see kisses (another thing PSJ is good at), but I just adore how much he cares about her feelings and her well-being.


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Ive only seen him in Kill Me Heal Me, he's a good kisser? OMG!! <3


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Witch's Romance, episodes 1,2, 15, 16. Go watch them now!


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I LOVE YOU. Very specific episodes. Haha. I will definitely watch it, as in asap!! OMG. Literally giggling right now.


@tata, there's a Youtube clip of it all that I just watched yesterday! If you want to see Park Seo-joon just being the most adorable, most understanding, most heartbreaking guy for 16 episodes, then watch the whole thing!


Seconded for Witch's Romance. You get a bonus side of bromance with Yoon Hyun-Min (they're roomies).


Third(ed?) for Witch's Romance! PSJ's so wonderful in that show. The drama's so adorable and sexy too, definitely my favourite :)


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YAAAS! His microexpressions are simply amazing. I find PSJ to be incredibly talented, no wonder he's my fave kdrama actor haha


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so right, and he definilty is great at kissing, awesome thing is, that he isnt afraid of skinship, he really goes for it.


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"...maybe its just me but i dont get second male lead syndrome, although i also like SH but kinda wish is wasnt so flawless."

I am with you in this. Of course, I can't help it when a 2nd male lead is being such a sweet puppy, and I end up falling for him, too. But I don't subscribe to this growing view that they are supposedly the "better" choice. What? Because they're sweet, and so, worse, one wrong thing the male lead does makes him a colossal a-hole?

There is also one thing that I have been noticing in Korean dramas. I am very curious about their meaning of, "I want you to be bothered by me. I want you to be sorry to me." This kind of line gives me the impression of 'trapping the girl.' Because it looks to me like the guys is telling her that she has a sort of an obligation to give him a chance, and she has no choice but to do so.

Anyway, I do live Shin-hyuk and his quirks, but I guess from the get-go, I just never wavered on my rooting for Sung-joon. I have high hope that they will give Shin-hyuk that happiness that he wants... it's just not with this girl that he likes right now.

Also, I really love Hwang Jung-eum in this role. I'm glad you mentioned that LOTR reference. She's so cool in that. I can't wait for the 11th episode to discuss about that street scene. I really loved her expressions during that moment.

Ugh, and Park Seo-joon. I love this guy. So much.

Okay, enough rambling, and I'm sorry for overriding your comments, but you did put the words I wanted to write out here, and so +++++++++++++1 to everything <3


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I think the "feel sorry for me" sentiment you're talking about is quite sad. Not in the I'm-gonna-cry way, but the almost-pathetic way. It feels like plea of desperation knowing that what you're pleading for won't happen. Someone strong like Hye-jin would never fall for it, which is why it's sad to me.


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Right in the feels :(


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I just took it as "I've fallen for you and I want you to fall for me too." It's just a different way of expressing the situation than we would in the West since typically the people in these dramas keep everything bottled up until the cork pops and they have to confess.


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no its totally cool lol, i like SH i think his funny as heck and nice guy, i've just always been that way when it came to 2nd lead, i know SJ was a mean bean at the start, but like you i never wavered primarily cause i know 2nd leads are designed to be seen as the perfect and better counterpart to the 1st lead. even if they are wonderful and cute. im thinking his character will get more stuff after ep 11 which is great, no matter what i like my characters to have flaws and positives, its just more meaningful to me personally, and it helps me connect better to them.

of coursei hope SH gets a happy ending, but he seems to be in the same situation as HR in the feelings department of someone they cant have.


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I agree a million percent! Although such a percentage may not be possible lol. I really love SJ's character. It's like I've been falling for him more and more. Why can't leads be this honest and straightforward? He went from denial and big time struggling with his feelings to this sincere and honest guy. His character development has been no joke and I really appreciate the how how he's written. Ugh ep 11 recap where are you...I can't wait for it.

Also, I never got SLS either oddly. Maybe, because I like what the leads have. They're all intense and lovely when they're together. So I like how the show is increasing their time together as the show progresses.


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more bromance. bye.


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I really love this episode because of the chemistry between our two leads. It is perfect and very sweet. It can easily be my most favorite episode so far, but I have a couple of thoughts to share. Please prove me wrong, because I don't want to dislike Sung Joon.
1) When Hari confessed her feelings to Sung Joon, he doesn't say anything but hugs her and says that he won't make her concerned anymore. So I assume they are dating. Nevertheless, he goes to Hye Jin and hugs her during the rain without any constraint. He even repeatedly tries to meet and confesses his feelings to Hye-Jin. It is very nice to watch, but technically shouldn't he contact Hari first to say how he wants to break up? Wasn't he cheating on Hari? Of course, he feels guilty, but that doesn't justify his action. And, he is still considered by some viewers as the "cool" guy. No, not cool.
2) I would be more happy if Hye Jin's hair gets messed up again like how it always does under that scene rain. I would be more happy if her makeup disappeared because of the water and her freckles show up because that what is logical.


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for #1, what you're saying is right, but Sung Joon was going to break up with Ha Ri this episode (i haven't really seen anyone mention this, so maybe they missed it or I read into it too much). He didn't know he was in love with Hye Jin until, as he said, when they were in the rain, so after he confessed he was going to break up with her.

for #2, i thought her hair was going to at least come back, but I think it's because her hair was chemically straightened and not straightened with heat *shrugs*. As for the makeup I have no clue, but I don't think she got that wet, maybe that was what they were going for.


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Her hair did get a bit messy again, but it's been cut and processed so it's not the same extremes.


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#1 I think Sung-joon only tried to confess his feelings in this episode. He was figuring it out the last episodes, and only realized it when he was rushing to find Hye-jin in the rain. Which is why, by the end of this episode, he wanted to talk to Ha-ri. Wasn't he mean to Hye-jin before he fired her because he was conflicted about his feelings? I think that was pretty much established.

#2 I am also curious about this, and I am actually waiting for her hair to get curled. But I just think, eh, what the hell? Maybe her hair got rebonded and permanently, and so, when it gets soaked, it doesn't go back to the vicious curls. As for the freckles, though, I don't know. Lol.


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For #1, I honestly didn't remember that they were "dating." I put that in quotes because he technically never said to her, "I like you. Let's date." And they weren't really communicating that last episode, and it's not like they were officially, exclusively boyfriend and girlfriend. So from my perspective, they weren't "dating."

He was going to tell her about his feelings when he found out the truth. So give him props for being decent and honest. It's not like he was screwing around behind her back. He was sorting out and confirming his feelings before he could properly tell her exactly why.

And truth be told, this "relationship" was built on Hye-jin's deceit, so I'm not bothered by it all. And I know that's not a real-world reaction, but this is only a show, just enjoy it!


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This. Me too. I never assumed that they were officially dating. I don't even know what to call their set up.

As I remember, when Hari confessed, SJ didn't answer. Wc to me is clearly an "I don't feel the same way" answer. As Hari also interpreted.

As to the promise that he won't make her worry anymore? Hmm. For me it was something like, I won't hurt you. Knowing he knows what Hari feels for him.

But yeah, the part where he said "I also have something I want to tell you." does sounds like he was going to break up with her.


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What i want to know, the make up hye jin is using...drenched in the rain and not a sign of "freckles"....lol


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Super water-proof makeup, can even last through the night into the next morning without touch-ups! LOL!


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Yes, yes! Super-duper waterproof makeup really does last through the night LOL

And for @Nhi (#14)
(2) About the hair, mine used to be chemically strengthened (I have vicious curls too!), and it stayed that way (straight, that is) for more than a year, in rain or shine! :-D


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At night at home, her red cheeks and freckles are back, presumably after washing her face. But her hair is still straightened.


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Actually this kind of makeup does exist. It's made for people with birthmarks or scars they want to hide. One brand name is Dermablend, and I use it to hide a burn. As confident as I am, sometimes it's just easier this way rather than put up with people's stares or comments. It allows you to live a normal life. So I can relate to Hye Jin's decision to take the easier path.


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She might be using that really heavy duty makeup people with serious skin issues and tattoos use. That stuff is like plaster, it would stay on if she didn't rub her face with a towel.


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when they decided who has the chemistry and they proved it.. I can't imagine how sung joon and hye jin now has OTP chemistry when before they don't,
seriously.. I can't believe when I watch them before and remember how I think it must be hard for them to have OTP chemistry,
I like the episode cause this drama need some salt (maybe just me), it might be look like easy problem, but I understand it's hard, friendship and love (I know that feeling)

but PSJ and HJE acting is no joke, it feels different and it indeed different, it even different with their chemistry in KMHM, the character move and it make me want to watch 1-4 ep just for their scene


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Their characters are soooo different from KMHM. I agree with you about their acting. It's pretty remarkable how they went from playing siblings in KMHM to playing an OTP here, in the same year, right after another, in two different genres.


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true, it really feel that PSJ is different man with different love, even if he is in same kind guy scene and he can became mean,
ok call me crazy, but I loved the way he has different scream, the 1st episode to the rough 4 episode and the breaking fired episode is different,
in comparison I really Masaki Suda also with his different type of screaming, it's small but he can make different impact just by his tone and sometimes it's really harsh but also can be half-ass scream

I also remember watching witch romance and he is so adorable but it different too...
he already went to military, maybe military is the real answer cause I really like actor in 30+ age .. haha


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lol "he already went to military, maybe military is the real answer cause I really like actor in 30+ age" i love this line from you.

but yeah i agree about the screams, it all varies, and the firing scream, was him pained and kind of going crazy because of his feelings for her, it wasnt truly because the dress being damaged and i loved how PSJ made it that way as well. i also agree with you about their chemistry, both jung eum and PSJ are amazing actors, i mean i didnt feel chemistry in KMHM, just sibling love, but here, its another level and watching them i forget they are PSJ and jung eum. i love when actors just dont just act but become their characters.


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+1 here...and "actor in 30+" lol


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PSJ is still young and he has finished his military service. How lucky he is...




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+1 PSJ is one of good actor in his age range and it need to be acknowledge,
his character is not new one but he played it well, two thumbs up for him


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The "Courage" sweatshirt instantly reminded me of Sassy Go Go.


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I am honestly disappointed Sung Joon found out on his own. He deserved to be told the truth and not have it unexpectedly hit him like a ton of bricks. I am equally disappointed Hye Jin found out about Hari on her own. If not for waiting for Hari's holier–than–thou reason, Hye Jin would have come clean long ago. I was raging when she refused to tell him. In. His. House. As. He. Confessed. On top of that, the reason Hye Jin so desperately wanted to hear never came. I can guarantee Hari would have never confessed had Shin Hyuk not told her Hye Jin already knew. She ought to look up the definition of "tomorrow" because every day is tomorrow to her. Hari should have sat Hye Jin down and admitted exactly how far her lie went, including the stolen borrowed puzzle piece, which I mistakenly assumed was given back to Sung Joon.

I would feel a bit cheated if Sung Joon does not get angry at Hye Jin for lying to him for at least an episode because no matter how you slice it, this was a betrayal from his best friend. He confided in her about things she already knew, yet pretended to be hearing for the first time, plus his character is one to lash out. Otherwise, what is the conflict in this drama? Can't only be about saving Most. Sung Joon's "I didn't tell you so we could do something about it" confession was utterly swoon-worthy, but Shin Hyuk's "I can never be friends" confession killed me. Hye Jin should get to keep both boys. Hari does not deserve Consolation Prize Shin Hyuk whom like Sung Joon, will always love Jackson more. Thanks lots for the recap, LollyPip!


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Wow. I do love your sentiments. Though I kinda expected it to be revealed that way honestly. As you said, Hari wouldn't have done it, with or without a push from anyone.

And I actually hate that she wanted to tell SJ first, I mean come on. Who does that? Between SJ & HJ, HJ would have been betrayed more right? SHE'S HER FREAKING BEST FRIEND, been with her, her whole life, SJ came out on the picture like what? For just 2 mos? Ugh. I so wanted to feel bad for her, but she keeps on putting the "victim-guilty" facade.

I watched it on live stream, and I was screaming at his confession. Even though I couldn't understand anything. Their face conveys their emotions. They were that good.


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I think it makes sense that Ha-ri should tell Sung-joon first. I see it as getting rid of the smaller problem first, and then dealing with the bigger one. As much as we sigh at Ha-ri, it was important that she end the charade with him because it showed her conscience appearing. It was her decision to stop (though she should've tried harder before and done it earlier), and she probably felt better knowing that she was going to end it without feeling like she was forced to (although that kind of happened anyway).

Hye-jin's voiceover about hesitation is pretty much Ha-ri all the time.


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Very good point there. Seeing it from Hari's perspective.

The way I saw it wc I think was wrong is that she wanted to clear her name with SJ first, like she was more concerned with SJ. The thing is, there was a point that she knew that HJ already find out about the deceit. If I was her I'd probably explained right away but that would totally look likes she's making up excuses. But it makes sense that she wasn't ready for HJ's reaction.

My comments are purely based from "If I were Hye Jin". I do have this thing where when Im so inlove with a drama, I put myself as the lead character. LOL


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tata, there is no right or wrong when it comes to personal interpretations! I love this board because we can all respectfully share what we think without fear of being wrong :)


Remember early on Hari admitted she'd never be able to stop herself and tried to get Shin Hyuk to do it for her by posing as her fiance. She was honest then at least.


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I could be wrong but I think the character of HJ has acne rosacea ( not that it matters). HJ probably used BB cream to cover up/ smooth over her face since there were scenes when she's home and the rosy skins were shown.
What I think the director forgot was the hair! What happened to the frizz after the soaking rain scene??? But like most of us, my attention was only to the sweet intimate scene when SJ rolled the sleeves for HJ( and completely ignoring the oops).
Onion couple fighting!!


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Daughter of a hairdresser here.
You can have treatments that alter the structure of the hair. Literally a reverse permanet.

In the past those weren't very effective, but nowadays they work quite well, Keratine treatments and such, I had it done.


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And whatever she had done cost her $400 i believe. That should get you the best treatment you could get, right? lol


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Yes, that was so pricey. Her hair should have been so perfect with that amount. Haha got my hair treated for just 1,500 peso wc is equivalent to $33, and Im quite satisfied with it, bouncy straight & soft. Dunno if its just cheap here or its just too pricey in SK. Haha


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Thanks LollyPip!

Just a little note,... poor Shin Hyuk was not so much limping as his arm was dripping blood in the rain. I feel sad for his great sacrifice for a girl he knows he will never have. :(


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Ok this is so sad. HUU


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Poor shin hyuk


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somehow, I find myself empathizing more on Shin-Hyuk than the other characters in the show.

from the get-go, SH had done a lot of things to HJ that I find more sincere and heartfelt (from say, helping her take care of sick Sung-Joon to telling Ha-Ri to confess everything, etc.) and what's more heartbreaking is that he doesn't ask anything in return.

of course, he won't end up with HJ, but I do hope he gets his redemption from his budding friendship with HR because if not, I guess I would have to let go of this show.


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I don't think shin hyuk done that much, he is sincere but so does everyone else in the drama, and he did ask anything in return as shown that he takes her kindness as granted and always shoved his way to make her did what he wants even if she clearly doesn't want it that way


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I'm getting very affected by Shin Hyuk's smiles. This episode starts a whole series of smiles that look like he's gritting his teeth. It's upsetting and painful to see.

Is there a theme of shoe metaphors among the girls? Before we had Ha Ri determined to own shoes that did not fit and which would hurt her. True to life in her dating decisions, always going for the wrong fit.

This episode we have her trying to fix her friend's old shoes, but doing it badly and failing. What might it be saying about her relationship with Hye Jin from now on? :)


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Shoes, the metaphors for Ha-ri's life.


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Wow!! I didn't catch that one, a message when Hari was fixing HJ's shoes. But I do hope they can fix their friendship!! Fighting!


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But Ha-ri also offered to buy her new ones after trying to fix the old ones didn't work. There's still hope for these bff yet!


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I was thinking the same thing about the shoe metaphors. Still trying to figure out what this latest one could mean regarding their friendship


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Thanks for recap :) i waited all the week for this update.
I really wait this drama. bcoz park seo joon rise second lead syndrome in kill me heal me. but now in this show siwon make my heart flutter.:'(. why they do this to me.?


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I like reading recaps here but have never felt so motivated to move my fingers until this episode.

This is the first time my heart goes out to the second lead.
Love the opening scene where Shin Hyuk limping back in the rain with blood trickling down his hand. He was so adorably sweet that I didn't really focus on Sung-Joon.

Yes, I prefer Hye-Jin with her sesame-sprinkled cheeks and messy hair. Too bad in our current society our notion of beauty got nothing to do with individuality.

Thank you LollyPip for the recaps!


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"I like reading recaps here but have never felt so motivated to move my fingers until this episode."

This is totally me too. I just lurk. Don't know what's up with this ep that makes me almost reply to all comments here. HAHAHA


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I may or may not have squealed excitedly to myself when I saw that you had posted a recap up for episode 10! There were so many cute awkward moments between our OTP and I'm glad Sung Joon finally admits to his feelings for Hye Jin, which I think definitely shows how they feel about each other even when he doesn't know that she's the Hye Jin from his childhood.
Second male lead sadness is in full swing here! What is it with second male leads that always gets us down.
I really admire Hye Jin for giving Ha Ri a chance. I know that she was the one to push Ha Ri in Sung Joon's direction first but she had thought that Ha Ri ended it a loong time ago when things weren't working out. I've seen other dramas where a friendship like this would get tossed to the side because of the betrayal.
A CLIFF HANGER! I can't wait until the next episode comes out.


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Hye Jin's a really good friend, a real one. Can't hardly find that nowadays. I'd rather get heartbroken from a guy than having to breakup with my bestfriend. I believe they would survive this.

Good news chinggu, ep 11 is out. But subs aren't 100% complete yet. Ugh.


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This was soooo goood! This would've been a worthy cliffhanger to leave for a week, so I'm just going to be enjoy having them resolved within a day.

First of all, can we just clap for Sung-joon and his honesty? I love Korean dramas, but I can't remember the last time the male lead told the female lead why he loved her. He didn't confess while yelling at her, he didn't try to force his lips on hers, he was considerate of HER feelings, and most importantly he wasn't a noble idiot because of love. He is just precious, and I am still just in awe of the writer for developing his character as such.

(And on a shallow note, how hot did Park Seo-joon look in the rain? And when he's staring intensely? Swoon.)

Second, Shin-hyuk is a great second lead. I mainly love his characterization, which lets me feel sad for him. I appreciate his struggle and how he handles it. He loves Hye-jin, knows she doesn't reciprocate, can be petty about her being with Sung-joon, but supports Hye-jin anyway, like when he told Ha-ri that she knew. I also appreciate his honesty at the end, even though it was too late.

Third, I completely understand Hye-jin's reaction to Ha-ri's deceit. It's what I expected of her and why I love her character so much.

I loved that Hye-jin found out about Ha-ri right away in the beginning of the episode because it just lets us breathe in her reaction and naturally agree with it. That's my take anyway. I mean, this show is predictable. We know the major plot points that are going to happen, but I love when they come unexpectedly (like in Episode 11 as well). I thought Hye-jin's discovery would come at the end of an episode, so I loved having two big moments kind of bookend an episode. I definitely was going "OMG! EEEEEEE!" both times.


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It was the perfect episode. The plot isn't necessarily something that can't be done several times over but the writing is really up to par. I like all the characters and don't hate the second lead female (although she stresses me out). The writing is great and the director let's the actors breathe and let their acting chops shine. They can interpret their characters their way and so their interactions feel natural and fresh.


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Yay! For sung joon confessing his feelings! He was gonna break it off with Ha Ri before he found out Ha ri isvfake Hye jin! I'm glad otherwise I feel like he is too hung up on the past.
Will reserve comments on Ha ri for the ep11 recap.


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Oh and where is the fizzy hair?! It was def raining!


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I believe she had her hair straightened or rebonded, which lasts like a perm, just that it's the opposite of curls. Water won't affect rebonded hair.


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Best episode


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Can we talk about how he was going to break up with ha ri even though he thought she was hye jin tho because glory lawd i'm feeling emotions.


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Yes! I feel like I'm liking Seong Joon more and more these days. I loved when he was thinking how he'd have to break his promise to HR/HJ. I was like yesss to no more denial! The guy is a go getter.


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Shin Hyuk in the rain gah, gah DDD: I was really proud of him when he walked away to let Hye Hin and Seung Joon have their moment, but I was also so sad for him when I saw he'd been in an accident himself, poor baby.


--also Seung Joon, aww bby, I was so proud to see he's aware he can't keep that promise not to worry "Hye Jin"-- but also

I was so amazed and awed at how she remembered that Ha Ri said she'd tell her everything and her fAITH IN HER AND AAAAAHHH. I was 100% Shin Hyuk during that scene, down to imitating what Hye Jin should've said were she less trusting and saying Hye Jin's almost foolish for trusting her so much.


Also pride for Shin Hyuk for being so mature and accepting of Hye Jin calling him a friend and saying how she thought Seung Joon liked her back, like wow bAE 100% SO PROUD OF YOU, YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD SECOND LEAD, AND MORE, YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD /FRIEND/ SHIN HYUK, SO PROUD OF YOU BBY.

I also laughed so hard at Seung Joon taking the initiative for once bahahahah, with coffee and chairs and all the glory. AND HYE JIN PANICKING AND RETREATING. This is such a great new dynamic tbh, I love it, please let's keep this up.

While Shin Hyuk is adorable, his immaturity while getting Hye Jin to feed him was really just another reason why he and Hye Jin won't work. You can't keep tricking people to behave the way you want in a relationship, Shin Hyuk.

AND THEN SEUNG JOON. THAT CONFESSION. WOW. I don't blame Hye Jin for tearing up at all, LIKE AT ALL. That was the sweetest, gentlest, most thoughtful confession I've ever seen in kdrama. How he was all, "I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. I didn't say it so we could do something about it. I just wanted to say how I felt." 100/10 SEUNG JOON.

I've no clue why Shin Hyuk decided to drop by for a visit tho, lol, it's like bby what were you expecting? Did you think you'd interrupt them in the middle of their confessions of undying love?

"Unlike a certain someone I don't wrap my feelings up in a joke, like a coward."

Wow, Seung Joon. Ouch. That was cold. Though you had a very valid point, which has been the point all along when it came to Shin Hyuk's feelings towards Hye Jin.

AHAHAHAHAHAH that side ship though. Do you like me? Are we dating now? Then kiss me! Then hold my hand! They're so adorable.

Annnnnnnnd Shin Hyuk's confession, gah. On the one hand, I've been really proud of you for how you've been handling yourself so far. But on the other hand, she legit /just said/ that she likes Seung Joon, thinks he likes her back, and is so glad she has...


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Whoops overwent the limit. To finish off:

....so glad she has a friend to confide to AKA YOU. Saying you can't be her friend is a bit much.

And ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Ha-Ri. That wasn't a good way for Seung Joon to find out gah. I kinda feel bad for her, because she's really lost her chance to explain to BOTH the people she wanted to explain to first the most. But she really did do this to herself.

Tbh while I was furious we were missing an ep last week, in hindsight, I'm really glad we did. I could barely wait a day for the next ep, let alone a week lol!


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2 thumbs up!:)


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Check check check!! Hahaha I can totally feel your giddiness dripping from my screen. I love it! Haha


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Yes! I also loved Hye-jin's acknowledgment of their feelings. It's just so refreshing to have a female lead go, "I like him. He likes me, so we should be together." And I also liked how she was a spaz about it anyway!


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"AND THEN SEUNG JOON. THAT CONFESSION. WOW. I don’t blame Hye Jin for tearing up at all, LIKE AT ALL. That was the sweetest, gentlest, most thoughtful confession I’ve ever seen in kdrama. How he was all, “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t say it so we could do something about it. I just wanted to say how I felt.” 100/10 SEUNG JOON."

OH, hell yeah! Can all confessions be like this? Instead of those usual, "I want you to be sorry to me" that still puts me off these days even though I have been watching k-dramas since the 2nd grade (I'm in 3rd year college now, lol). That confession was definitely straighforward, but yes, so so thoughtful--the kind that would make you feel this is one person you can give your heart assuredly.


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+100 Yes, yes and yesss my feelings for the most part. I didn't even finish reading your comment yet. I just relate totally.


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I love reading the recaps and the comments and I want to thank everyone at Dramabeans - writers and commenters for making my drama viewing experience even richer. I love reading that others squealed at the same thing I did or that they cried their hearts out for people that don't exist outside our tvs. I also love that a recap will clue me into something that I didn't take note of during my viewing cause I was eating or refreshing dramabeans for a recap update. No one in my real life watches Kdramas so it's nice to have a place where I can share my thoughts wo having to explain 9 episodes of backstory.

I do have a little quibble - I know that episode 11 has already aired and is in various formats of subbing on sites but I wish people wouldn't put spoilers - no matter how minor in the comments. It takes away my joy/anger/happiness at discovering it myself and it would be great if there was a way we could tag spoilers, so people like me could choose to be spoiled or skip it. I know that people get excited and they want to share their feelings immediately but I wish people could be a bit more careful.

I"m not sure how my comment will be taken but I hope no one is offended. Thanks.


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Totally understand about the spoilers. I try to comment about an episode as if I haven't seen the next one yet, but I know sometimes I fail at it. So no offense from me because your point is true and valid! We are all fans of this show and want to enjoy the experience of watching it as it's airing.


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No, I get you. I keep wanting to do it myself, and it is hard to restrain myself. While I really appreciate the recappers' work (I really really do!), these recaps are later than what we're used to, and are posted after the second episode of the week is aired, so it's harder I guess.


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You're right, it would be nice if everyone could keep in mind that all beanies deserve to be unspoiled. Isn't that the Golden Rule of posting? Sometimes I think DB could randomly remind us of that at the the top of some recaps because we forget the rules and get carried away.


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I know that when you watch two episodes back to back and there's only one recap, sometimes you forget which episode something happened in and write about it and then it's like crap! that didn't happen in this episode when people say "what are you talking about"

However, just having finished episode 11, I'm a little more annoyed at the "spoilers" posted in earlier comments cause a) I spent the entire hour wondering "oh is this when this is supposed to happen" and b) they were wrong about what was going on

and ugh, I downloaded the song Siwon sings in episode 11 and I might need to spend the rest of tomorrow in bed with this song on repeat


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I quite like this, and the next, episode. The tone of the show has definitely settled into angst, but it is a nuanced angst, the best kind. It feels as though the show is shifting to explore the dynamics of three kinds of relationships: romantic, unrequited, and friendship or sorority. And while I love romance, She Was Pretty explicitly stated from the start that this story had bigger stakes than that of romantic fulfillment.

What really makes this drama stand out is the friendship between Kim Hye-jin and Min Ha-ri. It is something of a unique experience to watch a show where two women are best friends and not in a toxic, crippling way. The real heartbreak is how the truth will affect this amazing friendship.

This episode: Park. Seo. Joon. The eyes, the restraint, his hands when he rolled up the sleeves of her borrowed sweatshirt...aigoo; My Lady Hwang Jung-eum, as always; SLS is real, but I have to agree with Sung-joon, hiding behind a clown's smile and expecting genuine romance is downright dumb. Don't turn desperate, Crazy Reporter; Hye-jin is a gif generator.

One more thing: it's stupid funny how viewers continually harp on Hye-jin's makeover, from her freckles to her hair to her personality. Is it wrong of her to take pride in her appearance, especially since she works for a fashion magazine? And if she isn't as loud and wacky as before (when everyone was complaining about it), could it be because she's busy launching her career? Maybe the writer and PD are examining how we, the audience, play into societal conceptions of beauty and femininity.


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I especially loved Park Seo Joon's acting in this episode. His emotional eyes, his little movements and expressions.


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i just amazed with most of the characters ekspression esp PSJ anx HJE...They are just brilliant actors....


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exactly PSJ and HJE really are wonderful actors


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Wow I don't know what's with the hate but frankly I really believe that all SH did was like the wrong person at the wrong time. Maybe cause I've gotten the second-lead syndrome but my heart goes all out to him because i'm pretty sure he's new to this whole r/s thing as many others and that's his way of expressing it. But still, perhaps his expression towards HJ has put himself in the friend zone so ya. But I hope that the ending will be nice and he actually gets someone he deserves. :D


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im pretty sure no ones hating on SH, i know i dont get second lead syndrome purely because 2nds leads a designed to be great, so it doesnt really peak my interest. all i want was his character to be more rounded like the other 3, his been the same from the start and theres nothing wrong with his quirky nice guy personality but compared to others his pretty flawless whereas you see the other 3 change and do not so great things and grow etc, i think thats what most are being critical on. but i expect we will see a different SH after ep 11, maybe some mistakes idk, i welcome it, but i dont think that will happen. also i deff dont hate him


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Loved the sincerity and straightforwardness of SJ in this episode! Loved all the feels! The rolling up of the sleeves was so touching.

Thanks, Show, for showing something other than a dress shirt (why would a male character tend to lend a shirt and not a comfortable Tshirt or sweater?).

Definitely one of my favorite episodes.


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+ 2


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PSJ is great in his role, he's making the most of lines that can often feel flat. Strangely, however, his character feels too bland. His emotions are spot on, but he feels bland.

I think it's because the other two main characters tend to become caricatures, and so even his adorable, understated moments don't pack a punch but seem to fade into the background instead. It's almost as if he's in another drama.

For this reason, I can't get behind the romance, it just doesn't work for me. The dissonance is becoming more evident with each episode - while his character in the first couple of episodes was overly cruel, at least it was another version of overacting.

Sigh. I really do want to like this, but my heart's not in it.


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Siwon's facial expressions are legit the best, but what you see is what you get with him. On the other hand, PSJ's acting is more nuanced and quiet, especially in the last couple of episodes. HJE seems to rotate, depending on which character she's with and what she's dealing.

So I think it makes sense that viewers will choose the man of which style they prefer, and vocally dislike the other. It's not simply an issue of which character you like better, but also about what style of acting you prefer, what tone you believe suits the drama.

I was whisked away by the fairytale, dream-like quality of the first episode. The second episode seemed like the opposite side of the spectrum for me - over the top and delivering on the comedy, but without the finesse and quiet control of the first. We continued with the latter concept until perhaps this episode.

Either the director is oblivious, or the actors can't find a middle ground.

WAILS. I love so many scenes from this drama. But I can't put it altogether!!!!


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I do find PSJ's portrayal of SJ to be very understated and even bland at times too but I still enjoy watching his character. I think it's just each actor's portrayal of his character and probably the writing that makes one guy seem so extreme and another seem so under the radar. So I often see people totally gushing over SH while missing SJ' s quieter moments.

Truth be told, it sometimes takes a second watch to understand why PSJ makes the character act a certain way. But once I understand where the character is coming from, it feels consistent. Still, I prefer if PSJ isn't so expressionless in portraying SJ. It feels weird to me and I've been noticing it more and more. So when be was staring at HJ in the meeting I first swooned but when I replayed it, it just looked a little creepy and tired.


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man i feel the opposite, i connect to his character a lot and the character certainly lands his punches for me. preferences


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I'm still Team Jackson...
Shin Hyuk has told Hye Jin in many ways that he cares for her..Just the way she was..She didn't have to be made over..
Sung Joon never even recognized her because he had this 'tunnel vision' and childhood fascination with her beauty when she was young.
I think it's not your outward appearance that matters, but the real personality of the person. Hye Jin has a good heart and personality no matter what version she looked like. Unfortunately, Hye Jin won't give Shin Hyuk the time of day or even a chance. He was being sincere to her, but she always laughed it off as a joke. Phooey with second lead syndrome.
Si Won is doing a great job in this role!


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It feels like Shin Hyuk fans are watching a different drama altogether...

When did Sung Joon ever care about Hye Jin's appearance? He didn't recognise her at first sight because she looks very different from what he knew, just like Hye Jin went up to a chubby speccy guy first. Of course after that Ha Ri was introduced as Hye Jin to him.

He fell for OG Hye Jin before she had a makeover and before he knew she was HIS Hye Jin. He didn't give a damn about her makeover either. Unlike Shin Hyuk who was visibly upset at her makeover because he found was prettier before.

If anything, Shin Hyuk is shown to care Hye Jin's appearance more than Sung Joon.


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Sorry if I came across as rude. I just don't get the SH/Siwon comments which go completely against what's actually shown in the drama.


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I agree with you. I understand the arguments made for Shin Hyuk but it was just never going to work. If we're all the way at EP 10/11 and the heroine feels nothing for SH and has even been clear about her feelings then we should be able to understand where she's coming from. Both men like her regardless of their looks. Let us be reminded that SJ fell for her little by little as he spent time in with her. He knows that he was being unreasonable before and apologized in ep 8 for his behaviour.

So I don't know why people keep believing that he only liked HJ for her looks or never appreciated her. Did we miss all the eps where he enjoyed her company or is the SLS just that strong?


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Yes to all of this! Sung-joon has never said anything about her appearance. He is the only character who hasn't. He said he liked her because of how he felt when he was with her. And if appearance were truly a factor, Ha-ri should've been enough, but she wasn't because she's not Hye-jin. This is the central premise of this show, after all.


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+1 tp


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You know what, I actually didn't care for how SH told HJ that she looked better before right after she came back. Everyone was gushing over how she looked and she was feeling good about herself and he comes over and rains on it. You could tell she was clearly irritated by it.

I appreciate his sentiment but his timing was selfish and I was hoping he'd just be happy for her. It'd be one thing if she was obviously uncomfortable with her new look but she wasn't at all.


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yeah you werent the only one that felt that, like i get what he was trying to do, but i didnt appreciate that either. it seemed like a back handed compliment in a way


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+1. SJ never cared about her appearance, but because the fake hye jin was in front of him already he didnt look any other way, which makes sense. he got pissed at her purely because of her erratic behavior at the office. he held on to the memory of his friends, the one who helped him and was a strength for him, not her beauty. but he grew to love the real hye jin without know she was the real one, he started to become a less rigid and angry guy and realized his mistakes towards hye jin.


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I am sooooo Team Siwon I don't know what to do! I have been pep talking myself lol. But yurrr, because I don't like Hwang Jung-eum that much, it's all fine. [I liked her way back 2013, during 'Secret' days, hated her after 'Kill Me Heal Me'] The other lady's prettier than her as well.


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there is a big difference between plain pretty(HR) and pretty appealing(HJ)


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Yay recap~
I've been waiting for this, thank you~
Our otp has so many scene together and I loving it.
That raining scene, SJ really telling how he feels with those eyes. oh the feels~
I love that SJ telling HJ about his feeling towards him especially before he found out that HJ is his childhood first love HJ. He is not liking her simply because she was his first love.
and HJ also openly said that she likes SJ.
and all those alien noises I made when HJ found out about HR. I can felt how much her heart crushed from her eyes. I feels that she feeling hurt rather than betrayed.
SH, oh dear SH, I dunno I feel about you in this episode. I'm glad that you left during that raining scene. But what you expected to find tho rushing to SJ's house the moment you found out about HJ's errand? And what SJ said to him is spot on. He always hide behind that smile.
I dont mind HR got caught tbh.

p/s: I hope that puzzle scene is not editing error. we probably didnt see the full picture about what happened after HR showed SJ that puzzle piece, just like we get new scene on the beach in SJ's flashback. I counted on you, show.


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This episode was just knocking it out of the park (I didn't even plan this baseball pun!). It was a perfect ep at least to me. Revelations just kept coming and while I'd wanted them to come early, it still felt about right this episode. Also, Seung Joon's straightforward confession was so sweet to watch. He knew he was attracted and so did HJ. Watching her act like a blubbering mess was funny. It was clear that she just wasn't used to a guy feeling so strong about her, even with SH's advancements which she didn't take seriously in the first place. I like Park Seo Join a lot but his statue-like face at times are too cold at times. Is the actor being tired the reason he looked so emotionless at times this ep? Or was it his interpretation of his character? It was too wooden sometimes and idk why when he can be great with his facial expressions doing dorky and clumsy.

And Seul and Joon Won's little romance on the side was really cute. Joon Won was so 'okay' about everything and I loved that.

Kudos to the writer for writing good characters. I think I liked SJ more and more as time went on. He was so honest and blunt about being interested in HJ. Then he even said that he wasn't asking for anything, which I really liked. He wasn't pushing HJ to make a decision. And he probably is the most consistent character seeing that he didn't do a whole 180. He has his vulnerable times and his more closed up times (I think its really his defense mechanism though).

Also, I felt sorry for SH this EP. I'd never felt anything for him on the romantic side and I still don't but it was tragic how hurt he got trying to get to her. Plus, he kept hiding it behind a smile. I wish he'd just stop trying to hide how he really feels with that jokey attitude. It's why I never took him seriously and probably why I never connected with his character. So SJ is right (though arrogant) about him cowardly hiding behind a smile with HJ. When SH gets all serious, it doesn't feel right to me. And his goofy attitude will be detrimental to getting the girl later on.


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Is it just me or did Park Seo Joon seem kind of wooden in this episode? I get that his character is kind of serious but usually he seems more alive than he did here, especially around Hye Jin. Something just seemed kind of off this episode... hm.

But man, let me tell you... I love how straight-forward Hye Jin was concerning her feelings for Sung Joon. And then his confession, too. Dramas so often go almost until the end with the characters being all, "Nooooo, I don't like him/her at all, we're just friends/coworkers, I don't like them at all!" and just lie to themselves. Liking someone isn't something to be ashamed of or scared of! So this was very refreshing to hear them just say they like each other. They like each other and that's that! And then Sul and Joon Woo had a similar scene... she was just like "Do you like me?!" and he just said "Yep" and they're dating! Haha.

And that chemistry between our two leads is sizzling! Sometimes in dramas, even when they have good chemistry, I still feel kind of detached from the romance, but man... with this show I swear I'm feeling the exact same way BOTH of them are feeling when they're around each other!


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I had been waiting for this recap, Thanks Lollypip!
I even tried not to watch ep 11 without your recap, but that failed :) So, I'll just share a few of my thoughts that I had the first time I watched ep 10 (I ended up watching it 3 or 4 times)

First of all, I really loved this episode, I felt a lot of emotions during this one.
I know this is done quite often, but I still get amused none- the-less when Hye Jin turned on the radio to drown out the awkward silence and each station kept playing songs about holding someone. (TeeHee) :)

And did anyone besides me tear up in the scene when Hye Jin came home and found HaRi trying to glue her shoes back together, and acting like all is well. The emotions that Hye Jin had all over her face (credit to Hwang Jung-Eum). The betrayal that she felt, mixed in with the love she has for HaRi and the trust that she had in her that she wouldn't do this without a good reason "because they're friends". Killed me. My heart just sank.

Okay so One thing I don't get, is on the night before, she just told Shin Hyuk that she likes Sung Joon, and she's pretty sure he feels the same way, but the next day, she trying to avoid him, and so nervous around him....Why??? Maybe someone can explain to me....

Now for some scenes that made gave me so many feels....
- When Sung Joon was helping lift up her chair in his office. You could almost feel them both just holding their breaths. ( and me along with them). The (sexual tension-can I say that? maybe too heavy for kdramas but can't think of another word) in that moment...heart be still.....No wonder he had to let out a big exhale when she left. HJ, why are you running from him again??

- Now I know a lot of you just luuv Siwon/Shin-hyuk, but I just never really felt anything for him other than his hilariousness (is that a word?). BUT, I felt he was a little sexy to me in the scene where Hye Jin is demanding his keys and he smiles and taps her hand away and asks her to date him, then tells her not to do that (get so concerned for him) as it "makes him exited for no reason" He made me swoon a little, I was like "Oh My! Serious Shin Hyuk ! OKAAAYY" LOL

I Love it when these guys get serious and honest about their feelings. And Sung Joon, you are gradually turning me into mush! --Scene where Hye Jin is with him at his place and he is so honest and patient and sweet with her. (I'm still not getting why she's so jumpy). His rolling up her sleeves and apologizing for making her uncomfortable. SIGH!! OH SUNG JOON!!!

Sung Joons endearing looks at Hye Jins little sister. Just because she looks so much like her older sister, he's just amused at her (bratty) personality.
The Looks Sung Joon gives Hye Jin at the museum....His eyes and his smile. (Man PSJ you are such a good actor) In fact, just loved the whole museum scene - kids etc.

And finally, Going back to Shin Hyuk, when he left Sung Joon's place. Did anyone else find it a little scary when...


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wow! never ran out of words before.. sorry for the long post....

......Did anyone besides me find it a little scary when ( in Lollypip's words) "Shin Hyuk "dropped his smile and his eyes turned hard" ???

And my final thought... back in episode 9, I was already suspecting that Kim RaRa was the famous author "Ten" but now I'm not so sure. I'm sort of leaning towards SH just by his reactions of having to review the new book. ....


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Wow 794 votes and 194 comments....I'm confused....

Anyway, I shouldn't be here, I'm still on episode 9 but I can never help myself when a new SWP recap is posted!


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Yeah, it's more than 800 now! Like the stars are going nuts :-D


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Hello. HJ said for SH something like "I will date with SJ when the mistake of HR to be HJ is resolved". She don't wanna date with SJ while the lie is not clear, because it is like begin a relationship with a lie. I think it's because she is avoid SJ. Sorry for my bad english.


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My favourite is the Jackson couple and i really hope them to be together. As for sung joon, I can't say that is truly in love with the current hye Jin because through out the whole drama his character is in love with the childhood hye Jin only, like he only sees her past not the present. Whereas rep. Kim is the one who truly likes the present hye jin even when she looked ugly and all miserable.


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im not sure we've been watching the same drama, he fell for the current hye jin without knowing who she is despite thinking his hye jin was HR, he was having a hard time going against hye jin who was HR cause of the memories they shared


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That's not really true. Sung Joon fell in love with the current Hye Jin before he knew that she was his past Hye Jin. Before she decided to change her appearance.

He can't find himself to connect with Ha-Ri even when she was claiming she was Hye Jin. Clearly he's in love with the present Hye Jin, not the past one.

The biggest difference between SJ and SH is that SJ gets Hye Jin. SH is kind and all, but he doesn't connect with Hye Jin at all. He's not the one who's able to encourage Hye Jin to move forward. He's not the one who sees the world in same manner as Hye Jin does.


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+1 It really does feel like some of us were watching as different drama. Ugh SLS sucks. Thankfully, I didn't get SLS but I've been there. The problem is that the only perspective you can see is the second lead. A lot of the times the heroine's feelings aren't really considered. It happened in School 2015 and the Producers.


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"everyone in our little love-square..." No, LollyPip, it is actually a love-triangle plus a lonely outsider-dot. ;) But I love you for your recaps. Thank you.


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poor shin-hyuk :'(
I hope something good will happen to him next weeks </3


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Aww.. my favorite part of this episode, when Shin Hyuk asked HyeJin to stop making his heart flutter.

I totally understand both HyeJin's reaction when she found out about what Hari did. If my bestfriend did the same thing, I would definitely wait for her to explain it me. Because I know she will have her reasons. Besides, it's not like she is dating or married to Sung Joon. Hari has been feeling guilty all the time too.


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Unfortunately, the new "Most-liest" hairdo ages HJ by about 15 years. I like her messy 'do (only tame it a bit)


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