Oh My Ghostess: Episode 13

Ah, there’s lots of hurt feelings and confusion in the wake of last week’s big turn, but also a gradual clarity that emerges from the emotional morass. I feel like I’ve been holding my breath all series long for this kind of payoff, with the characters reacting in ways that are very real and relatable, but not angsty for the sake of angsty, or lashing out in self-destructive ways. It’s lovely to be reminded of how to pay off conflict and hurt without giving up caring or maturity.


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Realizing that Sun-woo didn’t fall in love with her because of anything she did, Bong-sun confesses the truth, that he’s not in love with her but the ghost who’s been possessing her body. Stunned, he stays in the cable car while she leaves crying, but as soon as the car reaches the top, he rushes out to follow her.

He catches up to her as she’s walking home, and first tries to believe she’s pulling his leg about this whole ghost business. But she’s completely serious, and he confirms that she really wasn’t the one he’d interacted or had skinship with, nor does she even remember those instances.

Sun-woo scoffs that it’s a ridiculous story, asking if she made it up to break up with him. She tells him sincerely that it’s all true, and that the ghost is the dead daughter of that restaurant ajusshi, which rings enough of a bell to give him pause.

Sung-jae broods over his failed attempt to run Bong-sun over with a car, and is more convinced than ever that Bong-sun is actually Soon-ae. He’s collected enough clues to pick up on the links, and guesses that Soon-ae’s been in the body all this while.

The next day, the restaurant crew jokes about Bong-sun becoming the boss’s wife now, so when she rushes in full of apologies for being late, they joke that she could be even later. Then Sun-woo arrives and puts everyone to work, going about his work briskly and avoiding looking at Bong-sun.

But the guys are having too much fun with the new couple, not realizing they’re on the outs, and pelt them with questions about the romance. Sun-woo shuts them down curtly with instructions to get to work.

The boys gossip among themselves, speculating that the couple fought. Always one to argue the opposite of everyone else, Min-soo proposes that the couple is just putting on the act to fool them, and that they’re really totally fine.

Soon-ae mulls over Sung-jae’s behavior, trying to figure out why he would want to run Bong-sun over. Unni advises her to recall whether he acted strangely to her when she was in Bong-sun’s body, and she notes how she recently gave him Soon-ae’s diary and asked him to look into her death. Since he tried to kill Bong-sun shortly afterward, there’s a possibility he’s related to Soon-ae’s death.

Unni warns that it sounds like he might be possessed by a malevolent ghost, which fits with all the unsettling details she’d noticed about him. Malevolent ghosts tend to possess long-term, and worse yet, if it’s in the body long enough it could become difficult to distinguish between the ghost and host. Furthermore, if this is true, he’ll be able to see ghost Soon-ae, so she’d better take care.

Min-soo pesters Bong-sun to find out what happened with her and the chef, and realize from her reaction that they must have fought. Sun-woo interrupts to take her away, telling the staff to take care of dinner prep, and they wonder at the seriousness of his mood.

Sun-woo has decided that Bong-sun is suffering from hallucinations, and insists that she go in for treatment. He’s practically dragging her along when she forces a stop, telling him that he must believe her, and that this is who she is. She’s lived this way for 28 years, and it’s been so difficult she’s contemplated death numerous times. She apologizes, then hurries off in tears.

Bong-sun arrives at an empty restaurant, where Soon-ae finds her and starts to launch into an explanation of her recent discoveries. But Sun-woo comes charging in, deciding that maybe Bong-sun is right about seeing ghosts, but that he refuses to believe it without seeing it. Bong-sun tells Soon-ae, “I told Chef the truth,” explaining that she didn’t want Sun-woo confusing the two of them anymore.

Sun-woo looks around in alarm at her one-sided conversation, and she explains that the ghost is here. Soon-ae makes a chair move, then lifts a ghostly hand to his cheek. He flinches at the sensation, thoroughly spooked.

Some time later, he’s still reeling, trying to make sense of it. He asks Bong-sun whether it was involuntary, and she’d been possessed without knowing. She answers that at first she didn’t know, and would wake up after being possessed. But later she allowed it, and the answer has him agog with disbelief. He can’t take any more and leaves the room, head pounding.

As he drinks alone, the details start to fit together about both versions of Bong-sun. He imagines the Soon-ae version of Bong-sun sitting next to him, chiding him not to drink liquor straight, and then Bong-sun on the other side saying the same.

Sung-jae happens by and sees him drinking, and asks after him in concern. He’s taken aback when Sun-woo asks if he believes in ghosts, but tosses out a casual “No, I hadn’t really thought about it.” Sun-woo figures that makes sense, and mumbles half to himself, “Na Bong-sun is Na Bong-sun, but doesn’t seem like Na Bong-sun…”

And, well, that’s enough to confirm for Sung-jae: “So, Na Bong-sun is Shin Soon-ae.”

In her room, Bong-sun looks over her scrapbook of articles about Sun-woo and calls herself a fool for thinking that she could make him hers, even in that misguided way.

He calls her out, asking why she fessed up: “If you were going to deceive me you should have done it completely. Why reveal the truth now?” He says he’d have preferred believing she was just bipolar, and raises his voice to ask why she couldn’t keep lying. Breaking down, he asks if it was fun for her.

She says it wasn’t like that, and he reaches out and hugs her, saying, “I’m going crazy, Na Bong-sun. Ghosts? Isn’t that something out of a movie? Who did I like—was it you, or the ghost?” That’s the million-dollar question. He asks why she did it.

“Because I like you,” Bong-sun says. “Because I like you so much, from the first time I saw you. I wanted to keep you with me even if it had to be that way.”

He pulls away, unable to look her in the eye, and says he needs time. She cries and sits outside for a good long time, while Sun-woo heads to his mother’s house for the night.

Mom is, of course, full of nosy questions and speculations about him and Bong-sun, though he tells her nothing.

Soon-ae thinks sadly of Sun-woo’s reaction to her touch, but reminds herself that she has bigger concerns: She has to find out about Sung-jae and warn Bong-sun about him.

Bong-sun makes a decision and starts packing her things. She pauses when packing her Sun-woo scrapbook, and starts ripping out the pages, one by one, tearing them into pieces. With bags packed, she’s out by dawn, leaving Soon-ae and her co-workers confused about where she’s gone.

The guys tell Sun-woo as he arrives, and he finds her space cleaned out and empty. She’s left behind the couple ring she wore around her neck, which he finds in the room.

The staff also realizes she must have gone for good, noting that her locker’s also empty and that things had been strained with Sun-woo. Eun-hee is upset to hear it, though Sung-jae takes this all in carefully. He supposes this means that Bong-sun is currently unpossessed, and wonders where Soon-ae is now.

Bong-sun wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, having been found collapsed in the street by Soon-ae’s father. He’d brought her home, and both Dad and Kyung-mo insist that she rest here for as long as she needs to recover, since it appears she’s left her job and home. She tries to decline the offer and says she can go to her grandmother’s, but they point out that she should get better first.

Sung-jae comes by the restaurant and looks around carefully, but finds nothing. Soon-ae comes by later to check in on her family, which is how she comes to see that Bong-sun’s staying here.

Soon-ae asks if Bong-sun left the restaurant because of her and apologizes, feeling guilty for the way things worked out. Bong-sun admits that she initially blamed Soon-ae, but recognized that it was half her fault. Plus, at least now she has memories with Sun-woo, whom she could barely even look at before.

Soon-ae tells Bong-sun that her near-hit-and-run was Sung-jae’s doing, and advises her to keep out of sight for the time being. Soon-ae adds that her lingering grudge may be something other than what she’d thought.

At the restaurant, Sun-woo is on top of his game and in such apparent good spirits that his staff wonders at it. Goofy Ji-woong even admits to feeling vicarious betrayal on Bong-sun’s behalf, because of how little their breakup seems to affect him. Joon sighs, “He’s a real disappointment.” And Min-soo, ever the contrarian, says that the chef is just acting okay and had sad eyes, proving that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Sun-woo lets down that guard when he’s alone, and the guys steal a glimpse of his bottled-up sadness.

At the police station, a colleague, Officer Kang (cameo by Ryu Hyun-kyung), returns after taking time off for her health. Sung-jae and his partner enjoy teasing her affectionately, though Officer Kang insists on doing things herself.

Soon-ae hangs back and sees her struggling to lift a box and decides her weak body is perfect for possession—a handy disguise, since Sung-jae is on to her in her regular form.

Now steering the body, Soon-ae saunters into the station, taking a look around and noting the drawer that contains her diary, which is kept locked. Soon-ae takes back that info to Unni, recalling now that Sung-jae acted strange when he insisted on keeping it. Unni supposes that the diary contains something that points to him, and wonders what it is. Soon-ae wonders the same, and Unni thwacks her head: “It’s your diary!”

So Soon-ae thinks hard, trying to recall anything that might be helpful. She pictures herself in the water and the tinkling sound of a lullaby, but that’s all. Unni instructs her to go after the diary.

At the end of the night, the assistant chefs pout, wheedle, and persuade Sun-woo into going out with them afterward. Aw, it’s nice to have your bros out to cheer you up. They take him out for drinks and do the dude-solidarity thing by saying you don’t know women and that they’re all trouble.

But Joon waits for a quiet moment to ask Sun-woo whether he really means to give Bong-sun up. He says, “The Bong I know only ever looked at you, from the day she first started. When she was washing dishes, and serving, and even resting—her eyes always followed you. I respect you, Chef, but if you give up on her like this, I’ll be disappointed in you. I know it’s not my place, but I like both of you and want you to be happy.”

Back in her Officer Kang disguise at the station, Soon-ae eyes Sung-jae and bides her time, waiting for her chance. So when the guys mention ordering food in, she offers to watch the station while they go out to eat, saying she has work to finish up.

As soon as they leave, she gets to work trying to jimmy the drawer lock open. She’s terrible at it, and gets caught by Sung-jae’s partner, Officer Hwang, who eyes her questioningly. He asks if she’s got any concerns or doubts about Sung-jae, so Soon-ae confides that she heard a report about Sung-jae possibly taking bribes or doing other unsavory things, and she got a report from above to look into it.

Taking her at her word, Officer Hwang sighs that Sung-jae’s dirty in more than one way, and says he’s found him suspicious lately too. He explains how he was recently attacked while in the process of getting the restored CCTV footage of Sung-jae’s wife’s hit and run, and that he thinks Sung-jae was at the scene. He suspects that Sung-jae is trying to conceal the criminal, but doesn’t know why. But he does have a plan in the works—he’d gone back to his attack site and recovered a piece of evidence that fell into a crack, which is being examined.

Sung-jae and one of the officers sit down at Dad’s restaurant, and Bong-sun hears them in time to duck out of sight before being spotted. Sung-jae keeps looking around, though it doesn’t seem he knows of her presence.

Sun-woo returns to Bong-sun’s now-empty room, and this time he spies the scraps of paper that fell under a shelf. He reads the torn notes written in her hand, recognizing the cabbage porridge recipe from Sunshine’s blog. And there’s another familiar dish—buckwheat pancakes, which he’d once taken Bong-sun to eat, when she’d been the real Bong-sun.

He pulls up Sunshine’s blog and reads a new entry about the pancakes, which she’d eaten “on a particularly hot summer night, with that person.” She uses words he’d spoken to her, about a chef being like a conductor of an orchestra. She also mentions the lesson when he’d had her taste seasonings and given her tea to cleanse the palate, and he realizes that this Bong-sun was sometimes there with him.

He pulls up her resumé to get the address listed there, and heads out in a hurry.

Kyung-mo drops by to offer Bong-sun an ice cream bar, gruffly telling her to eat up and regain her strength. She politely declines, and he hilariously takes her formality as “drawing the line” between them, and scolds her for being foolish enough to quit her job and mope around because that punk chef dumped her. He pouts that if she was going to reject Kyung-mo for the other guy, she should have at least been happy with him. Lol. I love perpetually wrongheaded Kyung-mo.

Sun-woo drives all the way to Grandma’s house, and she can sense just from her first glance that he’s from Seoul and uses knives for a living. She nods approvingly about him picking the right career for his destiny, which happens to match well with Bong-sun’s fate.

He looks around for sign of Bong-sun, but when he realizes she’s not here, he makes up an excuse about just saying hello while he was in the neighborhood. He tells Granny that Bong-sun is doing fine, and that she’s a sincere, thoughtful person.

Granny agrees, explaining that Bong-sun matured at a very young age, having lost her parents young. Growing up with a shaman grandmother couldn’t have been easy, but she never said a word against it and always took care of Grandma. She wishes that Bong-sun hadn’t inherited her gifts, or grown up lonely without any friends because she saw ghosts. Granny stops at that and apologizes for the rambling, insisting that he wait while she buys him a soda.

So Sun-woo sits there and waits, looking around the shabby home and imagining Bong-sun living here, caring for her grandmother. He thinks, “You were as lonely as I was, Na Bong-sun.”

When Sun-woo arrives at the restaurant, Kyung-mo storms up in a temper, calling him bastard for playing with a sweet girl’s heart and tossing her aside. He slaps him full in the face, asking why he hurt Bong-sun. Aw, the misunderstanding isn’t even funny this time with Kyung-mo so earnest and heartfelt, shedding tears as he says, “I never saw a girl so bright and positive like her, aside from my sister. But what did you do to her to make her crumple in a day, not even eating a bite? You call yourself a person?”

Sun-woo asks how he knows that, and Kyung-mo shouts that she’s staying at his house. Immediately, Sun-woo takes off running, and Kyung-mo says tremblingly, “Be happy.” You adorable fool.

Bong-sun steps out into the alley to take a call from Grandma, who asks if she’s doing okay. Bong-sun assures her that she is, and just as she hears that someone came by looking for her, Sun-woo shouts her name. He’s out of breath and upset and relieved all in one, and asks if she ran away just down the block so he’d find her.

Bong-sun starts to protest just as he reaches her and pulls her into a hug. Grabbing her tight, he says, “Don’t be mistaken, Na Bong. I didn’t come running here because I’ve forgiven you for tricking me. I was just so worried. My heart is telling me to hold you so I’ll just hold you for a little while.”

She tells him, “I missed you.” He tells her he can’t hear her, so she says more loudly, “I missed you, so much.”

Aw, and there’s that tiny hint of a smile. He pulls back and stammers, “I’ve been thinking, but one thing I’m sure of… I— From before— From way before you were possessed by a ghost, I saw you, and thought about you, and worried about you. So for now, don’t disappear from before me. It makes me so worried I feel like I’d go insane.”

She throws her arms around him and promises. And as they stand there holding each other, he finally starts to breathe easily.


Aw, I’m glad he came around, though it happened quicker than I thought it would. I don’t even think I would have minded it taking Sun-woo a little longer to work through his confusion, wrestling with the question of whom he was missing and whom he cared about. I’m perfectly happy with where he ended up, because it makes sense to me that he would see Bong-sun for who she was and appreciate that part of her, but I do wonder if it’s a little pat to have him so accepting of her. I would think he would also miss the Soon-ae half—he certainly had his share of falling-in-love moments with her, and would mourn that loss, even as the idea creeped him out.

I liked how the episode ended on Sun-woo’s comment about not forgiving her just yet, but acknowledging that he cares for her and doesn’t want her to go away. I think it’s fair to be confused and in love and need time without shoving her out of sight, and Bong-sun needed to be told that because as far as she knew, she meant little to him. I respected that she was honest and wouldn’t let him cling to false explanations, and that she went about it trying to make things easiest for all.

Now I’m glad we have several episodes left, so that we can now establish this new relationship between Sun-woo and Bong-sun, because it in essence is a brand-new dynamic. You could see Sun-woo trying to turn his brain inside out trying to figure out exactly where one person started and the other began, but that might just be an impossible task. Even though we always knew who was in control at what time, nobody else can divorce the two when they were in the same space; it’s almost like they became a third entity. Because even though you could argue that love is blind, and that it’s personality over corporeality, our knowledge of one aspect inevitably affects our impression of the other; Soon-ae doing something as a ghost is always going to be different from Soon-ae doing something as Bong-sun.

So I’m encouraged that Sun-woo has recognized that his caring for Bong-sun started even before any of these recent developments happened, and that’s bolstered by learning that her caring for him likewise was rooted in deeper context. But I don’t think he knows her that well yet, even if he connects with her loneliness and yearning and general personality. Heck, she doesn’t know him either, since she wasn’t very conscious for many of their interactions and heard about the encounters secondhand—and that’s after it was filtered and reinterpreted.

As for Soon-ae, I feel for her in that she’s the one with the rawest deal right now—she lost the guy, she has to uncover Evil Dude’s deal, and she’s still dead. But I’m glad she’s refocused her attention on what’s important, and that she gave herself a moment to think wistfully of Sun-woo but ultimately is very aware that her priority is to figure out the mystery of the bad cop and what he may have to do with her death. I’m looking forward to her partnership with Buddy Cop, and hope we’ll get a chance to see her sticking around for a while as the cop—mostly because I like seeing Soon-ae actively going after something. Other than sex, I suppose. Not that there’s anything wrong with going for sex! Just, you know, not when you’re dealing with evil ghosts on the rampage going on killing sprees, and the possibility of turning into one yourself. Priorities, girl!


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Thank you so much for the recap! My heart is so full of feelings, and so full (period), that I feel like I want to write a lot. This ep. was perfect, and a confirmation (as if we needed it) that JJS and PBY and KSG were perfectly cast for this drama. The way they emote, the way they become the characters (all the actors and actresses in the drama actually), those ways are sooo good!! This ep. was needed, and I am so happy that the angst and separation didn’t not last longer than one ep. Also, I won’t comment on it, but wow! The preview for ep.14 does not look good (and I will leave it at that).

I am so glad (and relieved) that SW chased after BS, and he didn’t let her get away with her confession. I am also glad and relieved that BS stuck to her story, and that she told SW the whole truth. I LOVED how things played out: disbelief and denial on SW’s part (to the point where he took her to see a doctor again), and then angry at BS for coming clean, and then breaking down and being miserable because he missed her so much, and because he loves her. I also loved how heartbroken BS was over losing SW (whom she loves so much). That walk from the Namsam (sp?) Tower, during which she kept sobbing (and couldn’t stop), oof! So heartbreaking! Yet, such great acting from PBY.

I also loved that over the course of the ep., SW and BS (finally) talked about everything that stood between them (those elephants in the room). SW asked her some hard questions, which he deserved answers to, and BS did not shy away, she answered them all. This is when she showed that she had integrity and that she understood and thought that SW deserved to know the whole truth, and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes one has to do that in life. I loved the conversation between SA and BS, which had both realize the ripple effects of their tricking SW. I loved that BS took responsibility for her actions (and their consequences), and that SA did not make excuses for how things unfolded (SW and BS separating, BS leaving because it was too hard to stay at Sun Restaurant).

I loved that they made SW need some time to process all the new information given to him, going as far as putting some distance between him and BS. I did say in ep.12 recap that I thought SW would need time to process what had just landed on his lap (Div, and GB unni). And I loved that GB unni was right: the other officer is playing a major role in figuring out what is going on with SJ, and BS’s halmoni is in the picture, and she helped bring BS and SW back together. I am so in love with Chef, BS and Joon!! They rock! And KM is growing up: he cares for BS so much that he is putting her needs and her heart before his, Awww… I loved how he took SW to task, and how he got mad at BS, because he is in love with her. I loved his “I just want to stay here [with BS] a little longer.” And he bought her ice cream, and paid attention to whether she was eating or not. I hope that he will treat his dad that way...


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I would have wanted Bong Sun to throw this question to Chef -- If she wasn't possessed by the ghost, would he have even looked at her? Or take notice of her?

For me, that question would be a better catalyst for our dear Chef to process his feelings rather than just Joon telling him to.


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@ Chesens,

You make some really good points, and you ask some really good questions. I am not sure what the answer is, however I think I told myself that Chef would have (or might have) eventually noticed BS romantically. We know he had noticed her, because he would get upset at her for constantly apologizing, and humbling herself (too much) in front of other people (and taking in a lot of abuse as well from others). BS being the way she was at the beginning of the drama (timid and deeply insecure), made it challenging for Chef to even know how to approach her. BS has definitely grown, and become bolder. I loved how she threw herself into Chef's arms at the end of this ep., when, when Chef confessed to her in ep.8, and hugged her, she did not hug him back. Granted, she was taking in what was happening, but I also think that she was not bold enough [then], to respond to skinship in the way she did at the end of this ep. She couldn't even tell him she liked him back then. Chef had to get it out of her. In this ep. She told him 3 times [I think], that she missed him, a lot.

I also do think though (having said what I said in my 1st paragraph), that Chef answered that question (or the writer addressed that issue) by saying (Chef saying it), that he had actually started to fall in love with her BEFORE she was possessed. And they made a point of showing the flashback during which Chef told the author of the Sunshine blog, "I like you Sunshine. We are emotionally compatible" (or something like that). It was a way for Chef to know (for himself) that he had liked BS for a long time, he just didn't know it, and he didn't know that BS was Sunshine.

I do see how Chef could have taken longer to sort out his feelings (to your point you made in your comment below,and to JB's comment as well), however I really like Chef and BS hugging, and doing other skinship-py things, and lying and plotting how to get together so "the children" won't know, so I am happy with how the ep. ended. I am also OK because I was given to see how JJS would portray Chef's pain, and a gamut of emotions (denial, taking her to see a doctor, trying to make sense of it all, anger, sadness, confusion, etc...) and he and PBY were simply excellent. I also want the writer to have the time (in the episodes) to write well the unfolding of SA's death, and SJ's part in it, giving time to Buddy Cop, and to SA (in Officer Kang's body) to play a good role in how things are solved. It would be nice if that part is not rushed, and hopefully it won't be. I do care that SA's death is being solved, and I do care about HOW it will be solved.

I have a couple of questions, if I may: 1-BS's grandma said someone was coming, when she was sweeping the floor. Was it because she sensed it? SW didn't call her beforehand or anything, right?
2-Can SA only possess physically weak bodies? She seemed relieved (or happy) to see that Officer Kang was weak physically, and I think BS is (or...


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The rest of my 2nd question: 2-Can SA only possess physically weak bodies? She seems relieved (or happy) to see that Officer Kang was weak physically, and I think BS is (or was) also somewhat physically weak.


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Thanks @Ivoire!

All in all though, I liked the progression of the story. TBH, I was afraid to even watch this episode because I know this was the angst phase. And I HATE the angst phase! If I could skip it in any show, I would. But then again, why am I even watching dramas for if not for the conflict and the sweet reward after? Hehehe...

So in a way, my disappointement (sort of) on the turning point of our dear Chef is not something I will hold on to against the Show. It's forgivaeable and something I can also come to terms to in a while. ☺️

As for your questions:
1. I think the grandma sensed Chef because he is a man of vitality so he must have a strong ki or something.
2. Yes, I also think that ghosts can only possess the weak ones. There was a time when SA tried to possess BS when she somewhat became a bit stronger, and SA couldn't possess her then. But I remember, SA was also ejected from BS when she got fever... So maybe being too weak can also push out a ghost.


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@ Chesens,
You are welcome! My comment seems to have given you some food for thought. If that was the case, good! And thank you for answering my questions (letting me know what you thought).


Hello again @ Chesens,
You know, I just reread your answer to my 2nd question, and now I wonder what are the "rules" of ghost-possessing in this drama universe. I wish we could know for sure. I feel curious about it now.


awww, we just can't give any additional screen time to our lovely joonie, can we?

anyway, jokes aside, though it's nice n BS needs to know that Chef care for her (the real her), that's not the main point i thought.. she left not because she feels she's not loved, she left because she hurt the one she loves so much..

so, BS being BS will not ask such a question to Chef.. it's beyond her to hurt him even further even if she's dying to know the answer..

oh, and joon being the catalyst.. i don't know.. i have a feeling chef will come to his senses even without those words from joon.. does a man have to like a woman just because she always liked him? strange logic.. rather, BS leaving was the catalyst really.. her not being there made him realise his own feelings.. the rest are just part of the process.. my thoughts.. ((:


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I think Joon pushed chef to stop focusing on his own hurt feelings and confusion. It’s not that he hears Bong Sun cared for him for as long as she worked there, rather Joon helps chef to see the bigger picture and remember that Bong Sun was probably very confused and that her good intentions (albeit mistakes) came from a place of true feelings for chef.


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I agree with Jenn. Well said, by the way.


@ y,

I feel that BS left for both reasons. She was surprised to see (and realize) based on what SW was sharing, that his memories (the ones that seem important to him) were the ones he had with SA, and that made her feel insecure, because as she said, "that was not her." She was not the one he was talking about. So she felt that she had nothing that proved that SW actually liked and loved her. I would feel the same way, if I were in her shoes.

And as you said, BS being BS, she was pained that she hurt Chef so deeply, which was why she kept apologizing to him. I think that she could not bear to face him any more, so she left Sun restaurant. I think it made a difference that Chef told BS that he thought he had liked her for a long time, and it made a difference that Chef told BS that even though he had not forgiven her for lying to him, he had missed her, and had been worried about her, and that he was going to hold her (for a while), because his heart wanted him to do that. I thought that was beautifully said. I work with children, and at times, I hug them because I simply want to hold them close to my heart. I felt that I understood what Chef was saying, and how he was feeling.


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I think episode 14 answers your question. A new, confident, attractive lady was hired to replace Bong Sun at the restaurant. She was a similar Soon Ae's personality (flirty with the guys), but not as bad. The minute she made a mistake, Chef fired her on the spot. With all the mistakes Bong Sun made and the over the top rude behavior of Soon Ae, Chef didn't even think of firing Bong Sun. He was willing to only accept Soon Ae's antics because he thought she was Bong Sun. If Soon Ae came to his restaurant as herself and acted the same way as possessed Bong Sun, her fate would have been the same as the new lady in ep 14---FIRED. He really likes Bong Sun and always has.


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For me it makes no sense to compare SA with the new employee. I do not understand that the writer wanted to show that. One thing to be optimistic and talkative, and another thing to want to escape from work for fear of breaking a nail. SA while there met its job even better than BS. Chef was more about to dismiss BS before, and he did not out of pity, and because he felt identified with her, and then he did not because he felt sorrier still to believe maniac. It really is hard to see love in that. If BS had been a man, also he falls in love with him by compassion?


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chef cleared this in his confession when he said he cared for BS, looked out for her and was worried for her even before she was possessed.


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@ chesen

chef cleared this in his confession when he said he cared for BS, looked out for her and was worried for her even before she was possessed.


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I hope that he will treat his dad that way going forward.


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I'm so glad that everyone said everything they had to say to everyone! It's so rare to see resolutions happen so quickly. I agree that he seems to have gotten over the Soon Ae portion of the heroine faster than expected, but maybe we'll see more of the conflict when he is with Bong Sun.. The writing is really good!


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+ 1,000. Well said!


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i am really hoping for more conflict next ep with chef...because if that is all they are going to say about it(bongsun/soonae)..I'll be really disappointed..especially because the writing has been so good. :)) so show, please also be good to Soonae!


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I think Joon pushed chef to stop focusing on his own hurt feelings and confusion. It's not that he hears Bong Sun cared for him for as long as she worked there, rather Joon helps chef to see the bigger picture and remember that Bong Sun was probably very confused and that her good intentions (albeit mistakes) came from a place of true feelings for chef.


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Sorry this was meant for a reply to "y" above.


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Oh noooo this is spoiler for me. Ahhh i haven't watched it yet. You're really fast for recapping it. Thank you javabeans! So glad that sunwoo like the real bong sun although he is still confused and not forgive her yet. Can't wait for the next lovey dovey moment hihihihi


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@ ramen, I really liked what you said.


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Kyung-mo's writing his own drama in his head, and I find that utterly hilarious. You go, Kyung-mo! Haha


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Lmao, I feel so embarrassed watching Kyung Mo, when did even he and Bong-Sun/his sister in relationship anyway, when did they break up ? till he can said this yigijibea broke his heart and leave him for Chef, LOL


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I felt that KM knew that he was not in a relationship with BS, and that he had never been into one (with her). He thought BS might be interested in him, before he met SW and realized that the two were dating (and that they liked each other).

KM decided then to "let BS go," for his own sake, I believe. He knew he could not get BS to like him (and he had nothing to offer her). KM "stepped aside," with the hope that BS and SW would be happy together. It is something that we see often in Kdramas, as you might know. I was surprised at the level of anger KM had towards BS (for being miserable, after walking away from SW), and his level of anger towards SW, which told me how deeply he had fallen for BS. Anger is often a cover for how hurt the person is. I loved seeing KM being protective of BS. I am glad to see that he has that in him. He didn't seem to have that when SA was alive, or if he did, he didn't show it. I would LOVE to see KM treat his dad with such care and love.


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Hi! Just want to give my 2 cents re: this particular matter.
Actually I don't think in this instance that KM's anger is due to him liking bs in a romantic way. Sure he did express his fondness/crush on her on previous episodes, but i think his strong emotions this time is due to him seeing his sis SA in bs' current situation. Remember in 1 of the previous episodes we found out that sa's family thought that she committed suicide because of some guy. Now km seeing bs all down & not even having an appetite makes him think that bs might be losing the will to live because of the heartache she's experiencing. He may have feared that bs will decide to end her life just like what he thought his sister did over some guy. Listening to his rant to bs, imo, it's his way of expressing his frustration & pain over sa's early demise. Maybe he thought to himself - if only he was able to say all these things to sa that he would have prevented what they thought sa did to herself...


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@ bipolarMe,

Hi to you as well. And thank you for giving me food for thought, and for making me think about this matter in a different way. I will admit that I was surprised at KM's strong feelings and reaction to BS's fainting and not wanting to eat. What you said made sense, it makes total sense, based on the context you reminded me of. This is why writing our thoughts helps (it helps me), because often I get a perspective I had not thought about. And some of them might not have been expressed if I had not written my thoughts (maybe. I am not being arrogant about it by the way).


i'm so embarrassed watching him, but i kind of don't want him to stop, ever. HAHAHAHA.


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I am so glad people talked over the issues between them. It kinda gets annoying when things get dragged out and then sudden confessions occur in the last episode, leaving me in turmoil.

The romantic 'false' male leads, aka Joon and Kyung-mo(if he can be even be labeled as one) have surprised me greatly.


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I agree with what you said, @ Denile. And Joon and KM surprised me greatly as well (in a good way). I felt for KM, when he had tears in his eyes, when he was confronting Chef. And also, he had the nerve/courage to call Chef names, so he was really angry (which meant he was hurt about how he thought Chef treated BS).


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My fav scene of this ep is.. the last five minutes before it ends,..
I'm glad that sun woo at the end can decide which one he loves.. hehhe
sure, i will miss the brave and funny bong sun possessed by ghost,..but it also interesting too see bong sun not to hold her feeling anymore... she even tell sun woo that she miss him so much..
Can't wait for tomorrow ep ^_^


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Ya, so much angst in the comment section week after week, when ppl were upset about not knowing which girl it was that chef fell for. Turns out Chef is as upset about it himself! And he figures it out fast enough which one he loves.

Tmr's ep should be SA's time to shine, or else next week. I know the writing will treat her well.


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Hahaha... +1, KD! With so little episodes left and this mini-wars between viewers, the writer decided to give us a rapid and firm answer through SW. A bit rushed imho, but who cares, right? Besides, it's the "inexperienced trio" trying to figure out what's going on with their feelings- nothing is normal and usual between them :-)
Ready for tomorrow's episode and SA's chance for resolution.


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Bong Sun FTW!


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I get Chef's desperation and then the relief when he finally found Bong Sun. But I find it a bit rushed for him to come to terms that even before the possession he was already looking at her and was worried about her.

We actually didn't see that. Not even as a flashback of some sort.

In that aspect, I feel that the build up to that point is somewhat short. But nonetheless, I'm happy we are now passed the angst and moving on to the kiss-and-make-up phase. Yes, Chef indeed!


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I agree. They should've given more glimpses of his worry for her before the possession.

I guess they're having us leave it up to the imagination. *shrugs* Oh well, I still really enjoy the drama.


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I compared it with Han Gyul's struggle in Coffee Prince and how he came to the point of surrender that he didn'tcare whether Eun Chan was a boy (or an alien! Hahahaha)... He just knows deep inside how he feels.

It was a painful realization even when he realized he could not stay mad at her for too long, because he loves her. So he went back to where it started, it didn't really matter whether Eun Chan is a boy or a girl. He loved the person that she is. Not her gender.

So when I look at the process that Chef went through, I cannot seem to connect how he went from confused between 'liking Song Ae or the real Bong Sun' to 'I've looked at you from the start' just by confirming that she's the sunshine blogger, getting a 'lecture' from dear Joon, hearing about Bong Sun's past from her grandma and the punch from little bro. Because all of those are external forces. The only thing that had me convinced that Chef faced his feelings head on was when he said that he's holding on to her because that's what his heart wants. And that would have been enough for me for now. It is what's most real at that time for him, raw feelings. He didn't have to convince himself that he liked Bong Sun way before the ghost possession. What's important is what he feels now and how he will act on it.


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<It was a painful realization even when he realized he could not stay mad at her for too long, because he loves her. So he went back to where it started, it didn’t really matter whether Eun Chan is a boy or a girl. He loved the person that she is. Not her gender.

It's not the same person here though. It might be true that Sun-woo cared for Bong-sun a bit before, but they would have done better to show the viewers that too. In Coffee Prince it was convincing because it was 100% the same person. Here, it's as Javabeans says – they don't really know each other very much.


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Hi @alua!

Yes, I get that it's not really and apple to apple comparison. But I guess my problem lies in how the Show brought us from Chef's confusion over his feelings for the 'girl' to where we ended the episode.

It's more of the build up of that that I wanted to compare with Han Gyul's. Because it is true that Chef doesn't know Bong Sun enough for him to say that he was in a way interested in her from the start. Or maybe the writers just expected us to accept it on face value which, to me, is the flaw here.


The only reason Chef let Bong Sun stick around all these years is because he was always looking at her--his sister even said he's the hardest on his mother and Bong Sun. He also doesn't have time for people he feel is incompetent---why didn't he fire Bong Sun the way he fired the other lady? Why didn't he fire Bong Sun when she almost burned down the restaurant or started harassing him sexually? Because she's always been special to him and he probably didn't know why. Emotionally, they are the same. For someone who misses a person when they are out of their sight, the two days Bong Sun was missing may have felt like a couple of weeks. It helps get your feelings in perspective real quick.


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Stellar acting by the leads and quite frankly all the cast members! Bravo to all. It's been such a long time that a drama this good - with no pretentiousness, unnecessary bells and whistles -- comes together. Thanks for the recap!
Joon = #1 bongsun-chef shipper. Love him.
Am super excited for the mysteries to unfold. But I'm getting a bad feeling that someone might get badly hurt during the process. Anyone else?


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Anyone else? I do as well. I agree with all that you have said, and I do feel that there will be some sadness in tomorrow's ep. Hopefully, SW will become part of the team/people who are working on figuring out what is going on with SJ, leading to SJ getting caught for his crimes...


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Hopefully it's Officer Choi and no one else.


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And Joon, Oh Joon!!! He is always the voice of reason. And he stands up for BS, and he has the courage to tell Chef what he thinks of him, and ask him to not give up on BS. I really loved all that he said to Chef. I also loved that Chef was right about his staff: they ARE a family, and I loved how the boys were bothered (and how much they were) by Chef and BS experiencing trouble in paradise. They missed BS (they had grown attached to her), and yet they rallied behind SW to help him not stay in a funk. They tried to cheer him up, by saying bad things about women (Awww…).

I also love that there were a lot of movement forward in this ep., regarding SA’s case. That gives me hope that things won’t be rushed, and that we might have enough time for some loving time between BS and Chef, and some good and fun times at Sun restaurant with all the family members.

So, I know I have used the expression “I loved” so many times in my comments (because honestly, I don’t know how else to say how I felt), and still, I would like to mention some of the highlights for me, though I really loved the whole ep.

1-I loved it when Chef said “I am so confused, I am going crazy.” And still, he reached out to her to hold her and hug her. That’s how much he loves her, and needs her. 2-I loved it when Chef said, “I have been having skinship with a ghost? (and all the other things he listed).” Yep! Creepy huh? 3-I love this ep. in part because both JJS and PBY are excellent at emoting. I could feel the pain of both characters. 4-I find it so cute that KM has a huge crush on BS. And I love that he is protective of her now. 5-Joon is a great guy! I wish the show would find an amazing girl for him. 7-Oh my gosh, GB unni was right: they are bringing back the other officer, and BS’s grandma, YAY!!!! 8- And BS has a lot of supporters: all the boys, and especially Joon and KM. 9-Chef has not changed. Upon seeing BS, he goes, “I am right. You only came this far because you were hoping that I would come and get you (or something along those lines).” Awww Chef!

Some of my favorite lines: SA to BS, “I think my grudge is not a virgin grudge after all” YES!!!!! Finally! SW to BS, “Don’t be mistaken. I didn’t come here because I forgive you. I came because I was worried about you.” “I am holding you like this because my heart told me to. I want to stay like this for a while”. (BG unni, KYAAAA moments, aplenty in this ep. :-) ) “I have watched over you, worried about you and liked you for a long time (or something like that).” KM to SW (as SW is leaving), “Be happy!” Joon to SW,”I just want the two people I like to be happy.”


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Same here! I like how the chef always makes lame excuses for his romantic actions.


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@ MissChiVyous, right? :-) And some of his romantic actions have been so telling, like the big bouquet of red roses he gave her, the couple ring, etc...


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Hi Ivoire,
I read you but could not reply at that time. Anyway, I'm glad to see you here and that in your sweet way, you've remembered me and what I said! Thank you ? so much, my dear! ?

I feel that I hardly have to comment as you've picked up the parts that I too noted and mentioned them so well here. If anything, all I can say over and over again is, what a great boyfriend Chef makes. I'd have loved to have met him and to have had that kind of attention, openness, admissions, expressions of his feeling for me. I'm glad that my husband is not too far off too LOL! But Chef is a dream bf. He does not leave a girl hanging uncertainly. Honest and impetuous and yet mature and wanting what is good for the other. Yes... just thinking about it makes the Kyaaa moments for me. :)

I found Kyung Mo so funny and irritating at the same time. It's true, that the way he is capable of thinking of Bong Sun, he should also think of his father. So this show gives us a few guys with rather extreme misconceptions ... Min Woo who always thinks he's right (but he's only right once so far), Chef who makes everything about himself so that he boosts his ego and Kyung Mo who has created a fantasy loveline between himself and BS without a shred of proper evidence. The ladies by comparison are much more down to earth, whether they are dead or alive LOL!

"Oh my gosh, GB unni was right: they are bringing back the other officer, and BS’s grandma, YAY!!!!"
Super yay! I love that when someone or something is introduced somewhere in a show, it is not forgotten, but is meant to play a part in helping the plot along or helping viewers understand the plot/characters. Then I feel those were not wasted characters and or filler bits, but well planned in the writing.

And to this part, "I think my grudge is not a virgin grudge after all” I add my YES to your YES!!! What a long time this took coming. Now I feel that if only the show had allowed Soon Ae to get out of BS earlier, and caught on to Sung Jae earlier too, there would have been more time for her to possess that policewoman and more time for BS to spend with SW, more chances for Shaman unni to give advice, etc.

And yes, Joon has been a consistently mature and nice guy. He genuinely liked BS as a person, maybe had toyed with the idea of linking up romantically with her for a while, but generally was protective and respectful of her. Next to Chef, he'd make a great boyfriend as well. :)

I hope you saw my replies to you in the last recap. And oh... pl see the email of a few days ago... I did not get around to checking email yet. Take care! :)


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@ GB unni,

How lovely to read your response :-) Yes, I always read your comments (if I come across them), and I do remember some of what you say :-) I had actually been refreshing this page, looking for your comment for this ep. So I am glad that you were finally able to post it :-) I usually write with you in mind, you know :-) I love how we look for each other's comments, if we know that we are watching the same show(s), to see what we each thought of the ep. :-)

About this, "I feel that I hardly have to comment as you’ve picked up the parts that I too noted and mentioned them so well here. If anything, all I can say over and over again is, what a great boyfriend Chef makes."
Well, thank you for saying that! And I agree with you, Chef is a dream boyfriend, who will make a great husband, methinks. I too would have liked to have met him, and experience what you describe in your paragraph. I also like the qualities you see in him, and I think you might be right. I love how Chef always compliments himself, and how BS seems to see through that, and goes along with it, and helps boost his ego. I also love how Chef allows himself to be vulnerable in BS's presence, the way he tells her things, softly and honestly. Like when he told her that "if she abandoned him, she would be dead." (in ep.11 or 12 I think). It was so sincere, and yet so vulnerable. I love it when guys do that (not to manipulate the girl), because it tells me that the guy is taking a chance, and trusting that the girl won't hurt him with that information (vulnerability), or use that against him. It's like the guy saying, "I am putting my heart in your hands. Please take good care of it, and of me."

And the way JJS makes his voice tremble when he gets emotional, I wonder how he does that. I would love to see him filming when he does that. I would actually love to see him on the set, period. He is quite shy in real life, so I would love to see him transform from who he is, to being the character. I also love how Chef is open about how he feels about BS, whether he is liking her, or having a hard time processing that she was possessed by a ghost. Like you said, he doesn't play games. Some of us might have to look into having him cloned :-) And Chef does skinship well btw: he hugs like he means it, and he is a good kisser (well... JJS is. He has a girlfriend though, so I will leave that one alone :-) )

And Awww... unni, I am glad that your husband is not too far off. Good for you! :-)

This is so funny, yet true. I literally LOLed when I read it, " So this show gives us a few guys with rather extreme misconceptions … Min Woo who always thinks he’s right (but he’s only right once so far), Chef who makes everything about himself so that he boosts his ego and Kyung Mo who has created a fantasy loveline between himself and BS without a shred of proper evidence. The ladies by comparison are much more down to earth, whether they are dead or alive LOL!"


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@ GB unni,

I have to rephrase what I said earlier: I don't know that BS necessarily sees through SW gloating, as much as she doesn't seem to mind that he does, and goes along with it. And that is good for Chef, to have someone like that, who knows how to respond to him.

About your 4th paragraph, I totally agree with you. And about your 5th #, yes, it was a long time coming. I was so glad it finally came. Better late than never, right? :-)

And about this, "Now I feel that if only the show had allowed Soon Ae to get out of BS earlier, and caught on to Sung Jae earlier too, there would have been more time for her to possess that policewoman and more time for BS to spend with SW, more chances for Shaman unni to give advice, etc." Well... Let's see how the show presents episodes 14, 15 and 16. Hopefully, they will be well done.

And I agree with all that you said about Joon. I will have to check your replies in the last recap. I think I read some of them, but I don't know if I missed some. I meant to respond, btw (to the replies in ep.11 and 12 recaps), however I was very busy with different things, and I didn't make it. Sorry. I will still try to respond, to finish that conversation, whether people read it or not. Often, some people watch certain dramas later, and our comments help.

GB unni, I did see your emails, and I have been meaning to reply. I think I have at least until Monday my time right (Tuesday for you). I will try to get to them soon.


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Sorry GB unni,

I had a question I forgot to ask: what does the expression " a stopped clock is right twice a day" mean (please)? (I am asking because you are good at explaining things :-) )

Also, I felt that I understood Chef's seemingly quick turn around from SA. I think I would feel really creeped out and spooked out if I learned that I had been dating and having skinship with a ghost, going as far as kissing him (and contemplating doing other skinship-py things with him, like sleeping with him). That would be a little too out there for me. I would want to move on really quickly. I would reflect on that, but only later, quite later on. So I understood Chef in this ep., and I was OK with his process.


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Hi Ivoire

... "what does the expression ” a stopped clock is right twice a day” mean (please)?"

It's a new expression to me in that I've seen more recently only. So My Guess: It's a little bit of an insult to dear Min Woo, he's like a stopped clock, or a record on repeat. He has not become more mature and retains the same opinions and attitudes ... in this case the erroneous idea that he's always right. However, surprise, surprise, even he is not always wrong... at least this one time he got it right, that Chef was appearing more OK than usual, all the more because he was hiding the pain and was not OK.

So Min Woo had that one insight so far and surprised us! :)


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it means exactely that. if a clock stops , still at 12 o'clock , it will still tell the time right 2 times a day, once at noon and once at midnight. It's an expression to say that person xxx at least will get some things right some of the time.


but according to the preview, who dies in the next episode? please don't tell me it is actually... ok i won't say it because SPOILERRR


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I think it's funny that she always takes her GIANT sword with her whenever she moves. It's SO HUGE and awkward - you'd think she's just leave it or something. She has enough other things to ward off ghosts! LOL~


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None of her items seem to work. lol People are probably thinking she's into cosplaying!


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I was actually glad to see that they had not forgotten about her items, because they sometimes do that in Kdramas (e.g. the little dog in The Girl Who Sees Smells).


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Awesome episode!! Everything was done so fast but in a smooth. Joon Kyung-mo helping the couple, officer kang and hwang teaming together and Soon-ae priortising her mysterious death before her sex grudge. Am so glad Sun-woo knew the blogger this ep rather than, say final ep! Superb, Show!!


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What is this ??

No makja, No noble idiot, no dragging, reasonable non-revenge side characters ?

I crown this drama the best of 2015 right now.


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I can see why PBY chose this drama as her return to dramaland--none of those elements!


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Me too. The best drama so far. Also. The evil spirit possession theme interests me a lot. I came to believe in it after staring into empty, soulless eyes of some mentally ill people, or accidentally stumbling on evil energy. Honestly. I'd rather watch that than dwell in the minds of handsome serial killers while rolling my eyes at Kdrama's writers' venturing into explaining away a psychopathic behavior.


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Sun-Woo and Bong-Sun/Soon-Ae (I don't care which) couple are SO unbelievably cute. Jo Jung Suk and Park Bo Young do such an amazing job - their chemistry is fantastic. They are so cute together you just want to ball up your hands and cringe up - in a good way. I don't ever recall seeing such a cute couple in a cute drama. I mean, there have been plenty of cute, pretty, loving great couples in dramas but no couple this Sugar Sweet CUTE! I love that unlike most male leads SW doesn't do macho too much, is realistic in his emotions and is not sparing in his affection and cuteness towards BS/SA. I also LOVE that SA is so forward, honest, upfront, affectionate and brash (has there EVER been such an openly sex-driven female lead in a drama? Ever??) and super cute that it's refreshing and hilarious at the same time. I LOVE how Park Bo Young is able to play both characters so well. She plays Kim Seul Gi to the tee - like she really is possessed by her. So impressive. Man, this couple is unbelievable. Love 'em.


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This hands down is one of the best korean dramas of all time. Incredible acting, wonderful writing and fabulous directing. This drama is just all around perfect <3. I just wish we had more time with these amazing characters.


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Still too early to say. I thought Big was fun until the last episode. It's now the most disappointing drama ever. Also, there are more better dramas imo, though I really enjoy this one.


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Well, based on his armband I think we can easily guess who dies in the next episode...


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Seems a bit obvious, eh. But I remember (from episode 1 of A Gentleman's Dignity) that one black line implies friend and two imply family. We'll know soon, I guess!


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Thanks for the recap.


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As usual, I thoroughly enjoy reading your recaps and afterthoughts, JB!!

This line was especially profound:
"proving that even a stopped clock is right twice a day."
Who knew that Min-soo would be right for once?! Maybe we'll be able to witness his being correct again before this drama ends just to prove you right! :P The actor did an awesome job with his ostentatious portrayal of the character.

I agree. Sun-woo should spend a bit more time reminiscing about Soon-ae. Perhaps a bit more time spent in comparing the two versions of Bong-sun will let him weigh his options better? Sexy vs. mellow Bong-sun...both good for different occasions. Didn't they say that men enjoy variety?

Does anyone have an answer as to why Sun-woo wanted Bong-sun to keep deceiving him?

As for Joon, I thought he would threaten to pursue Bong-sun if the Chef didn't chase after her. I guess we don't need added conflict to the drama...but Joon is sooo good-looking!! Why?!?

Can't wait until the next episode when Pandora's box opens and s*** hits the fan. teehee

P.S. I enjoy reading everyone's comments here as well. :)


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About this, "Does anyone have an answer as to why Sun-woo wanted Bong-sun to keep deceiving him?"

I think this would be a good application of "ignorance is bliss." I think Chef thought that things were better between him and BS when he didn't know about the ghost possession issue. Thing is that things were not better: SA fell in love with Chef, and became jealous of BS (and harmed her). BS didn't feel that Chef was in love with her (and she shriveled up in a day, as KM put it). A relationship (any kind, romantic or not) should have honesty and trust as core qualities (of the relationship), painful as that may be.

Chef said that he was going crazy, trying to make sense of things, and accepting the fact that he had been dating and spending time with a ghost (which to me is creepy), even kissing the ghost. Chef was going through a lot emotionally and mentally, and he thought it was a little easier when he thought BS was bipolar (easier for him). So he wished he could go back to that time, which was why he told BS "why didn't you continue to deceive me?". I hope my explanation helped.


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I like this episode because SA is SA, BS is BS and SW is not in the dark anymore. No more lies and confusion. Now, they can sort out their feelings for each other. In the final 3 episodes, besides solving the mystery of SA's death and revealing SJ's evil deeds, I also hope for time to develop the relationship between SW and BS. As at now, SW did not say that he loves BS, he only said he saw her, watched her and worried about her since the beginning. Hence, the real interaction, dating, love and skinship between them should start now. As for SA, I feel so sorry for her when SW creeped out as she pulled the chair and touched his face to prove her existence. Even if it is not love, I think SW should be grateful to SA for leading him out of his aloof shell, enabling him to forgive the unhappiness during his youth and also to take the iniative to express love (b4 that he can only hide his one-sided crush on SH for so many years).


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Love all the maturity of the characters. Though most people seems excited that SW realises that he does love BS, I find it hard to believe that he got over SA so fast. The writer probably had to make it happen this quickly to keep fans happy.

Most of the tender and special moments were spent with SA. All the kisses were also with SA...in BS's body. BS got the end of the kiss in the kitchen when SA left the body...and BS and SW did not get to kiss when he presented her with flowers as SA had pushed her. SW doesn't know all that - seems to think that manic is SA which is not true. Personally, I hope he does get to know. Doesn't he smile more whenever it is SA. And the title of the drama is "oh my ghost".

Am not saying that he should be with SA (since that is impossible) but they should have their moment to wrap up loose ends.

Anyway, find it unconvincing that SW now seems so in love with BS. He may eventually love her but....


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it makes sense that he will want to end up with Bong sun...

She's alive and he said that he likes her best in her"neutral state".

Even though SA has a great personality and she's quirky, she's dead and she uses other people' s bodies to do things.

if she posses a grandmother's body next, we certainly are not going to expect Chef to like a grandmother...are we?


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About this, "if she posses a grandmother’s body next, we certainly are not going to expect Chef to like a grandmother…are we?"
No, I would personally not expect Chef to like (as in romantically like) a grandmother next. You make some good points in your comment.


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This episode was too ... javabeans put it best by using the word "pat". SW finds out the truth and conveniently figures out that he's really in love with BS, who's alive and with whom this drama can pursue a happy ending. SW then practically forgets about any time he spent with SA - even though that was like 90% of the drama we've watched so far. SA laments over chef for ...hmmm... a second. Now we're all moving on to the murder mystery. Well, I suppose it was a good episode for SW-BS shippers, but it left me going, huh? What? Wow, that was really fast and really all very convenient.

At least it cleared up the neglectful grandma misunderstanding. Or did it? I'm so confused. Wasn't BS talking to Seobinggo and getting advice from her at one point? I mean, something must have led some of us to believe that Seobinggo was BS's grandma, right?


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Hi @Dissenter!

I'm one of the KW-BS shippers but I agree with you on the part on how Chef moved forward in this episode. I made a comment on this (9.1.1). I feel that Chef's turning point need not happen so soon.


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"SW then practically forgets about any time he spent with SA – even though that was like 90% of the drama we’ve watched so far"

I think this is still not clear whether he already forgets (or throws away) his memories with SA. He just worries her because she disappears and seems like he desperately wants to meet her.

and I wasn't surprised with Chef's 'fast' realization of his feeling tho. I told myself this drama would have BS-Chef as the endgame, no matter what happens in the middle.

So now, I'm just waiting for good resolution for SA story. I love her character from the start (whether she is in BS body or not)...and that doesn't make me hate BS lol. I like the more cheerful & confident BS, which happens after she meets SA. I'm looking forward to the new dynamic between BS-Chef too.


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Now that Sun Woo knows, I find myself caring less about the romance and more about Soon Ae's death. I like Soon Ae banding together with Officer Hwang. My favorite scene today was Kyung Mo's misguided anger. He is too cute. I appreciate your recap, javabeans!


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I was laughing at KM in this episode. He's starring in his own rom com in this drama - or I guess, for him, his own melo romance.


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Technically, he fell for his sister. Eww but lol He's like those guys who look for a wife that are just like their mother.


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haha, exactly! clearly he has a bit of a sister complex, but it's like men who say they admire women like their mother. so i didn't find it all that icky. the fact that he was so drawn to the possessed bong-sun just shows how much he loved and admired his sister, despite all their bickering when they were alive. it's the kind of love that you don't show but is understood nonetheless^^


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But he was so cute! He's an idiot, but such a funny and sincere one. His heart's in the right place, although he definitely has a few loose screws.


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i'm somewhat disappointed. everything just tied up so quickly. i would have liked the confusion over who sun woo really likes to have lasted a bit longer than it did. there's needs to be some angst going forward and him wondering about her. as much as i like bong sun as bong sun i was much more invested in her as soon ae. :( i'm sad that sun woo seems to think so little of soon ae. i know, i know...she's a ghost and it couldn't have been possible for their romance but still...i'm already sad for her. i'll continue with the recaps to save my heart and watch only if i feel better.


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This drama totally has my heart. It's the only one I'm watching right now but I'm very excited to watch every episode. I like how they throw us that question last week: "Who is it that Chef loves? Bongsun or Soonae?" and answers it on this episode. Ahhh, no frustrated hair pulling moments for me! Not a lot of dramas make me feel this way. No noble idiocy, thank the Lord! We still have 3 episodes to go do which makes me really nervous. 3 awesome episodes or 3 episodes to doom? Make it or break it? Writer-nim, please, please, please don't let us down! Thanks for the recaps javabeans~!


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Thank you for the recap!

I really love this drama..
Fighting Bongsun and Chef Sunwoo!
Of course Soon ae, hopefully find your peace.

cant wait for episodes 14 :)


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I love the feels in this episode and appreciate that the separation did not get dragged out more. As far as Sun Woo somehow forgetting about Soon Ae, I think he is just too creeped out right now to really think about it. Eventually, they will have to discuss it further just to clear the air. I hope the writers can give Soon Ae a proper sendoff. Maybe Bong Sun can lend her body one last time so Soon Ae can properly say her goodbyes to Sun Woo and everyone else. I just need to brace myself for more feels. lol


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I was disappointed with how easily chef resolved his feelings...btw Soonae is my favorite character of this show..so I am biased..but I really feel like they aren't being fair to her character if this is all she gets from chef.. yes you may have noticed bongsun before and worried about her before but it was soonae that was the person who really threw you together and spent the most time with and had the most skinship with and the most impactful moments with..she was the one who made you smile a lot more.. Show I really hope you deal with this somehow.. as for Soonae I think she just realized her situation and real grudge so it is def a higher priority but i kinda see it as a distraction from her feelings as well..so if she is magically ok next ep..show, we will have some words..


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I'm not biased in the sense that I don't think I really saw this as a SA vs BS thing in terms of who suits Chef better. I don't think this story really requires that kind of needless competition. Did I want him to be with Bong Sun? Yes but that's because the narrative of this story gave me that connection first and led me to believe that this was where it wanted to go-that it was setting up its foundation based on how SA helps herself resolve her grudge and helps two lonely people connect and find themselves in each other. Had I seen the SW-SA narrative connection instead, I'd follow that line.

But yes, I do think there should have been more acknowledgment of Soon Ae from his perspective. I'm not even fully convinced he resolved his feelings. I think he only scratched the surface by realizing there was a connection and feelings with and for BS long before her possession. But then he goes with that without stopping to wonder about who this ghost is that he met and bonded with in the interim and why did she do what she did.
So in that sense, they really didn't leave enough room for the two part "Sun Woo is Uber Confused about Love and Everything is a LIE" show. Lol I did enjoy his moments of WTF has been going on, but poor boy was so sad and confused and betrayed! Maybe they will get to it though before we end our story, let's hope!


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^i really like what you wrote. and i agree about the needless competition thing, this pitting the two female characters against each other and hating one or the other. i never doubted that bong sun and sun-woo would end up together because well, bong sun's the main character. i guess i can see how they set it up from the start and how their love is based on emotion, a "deeper" connection between the souls in their upbringing, personality, love of cooking, etc. sun-woo's current personality is not so much a complete reinvention of his self, but uncovering the real personality that was buried by the bullying. and we've seen in previous weeks how bong sun actually has a mischievous, bright side to her, once she gained confidence and was spared from seeing ghosts and getting sleep regularly.
so i accept it...but like you said, there could have more acknowledgment of soon ae. all we got was him recoiling from her ghostly touch and him imagining her version of bong sun. i mean, in the past episode, all the memories that he talked about were with soon-ae, which prompted bong-sun to realize that it wasn't her. so even though i don't like needless angst drawn out for episodes and episodes, i did think it was a bit pat.

BUT that said, i love how all the characters are so realistically flawed. sun-woo with his ego to make up for his past, soon-ae falling in love as she'd never had before, regretful and desiring more time...just a little more, even giving in to her jealousy in a moment of anger. and bong sun- not just the typical downtrodden innocent heroine, but loving someone from afar and being content with only that at first, but giving into her desire to gain his love even through false means because of how much she loved him. and i love even more how she admits her greed to him, all of this.


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When I said I was biased towards Soonae I didn't mean it in the way that I would rather have her with Sunwoo..but rather I care more about her character in general..and since she fell for the chef not having him realize her part in his falling for bongsun..that there was someone else who he cared for and enjoyed her antics that wasn't bongsun..that bothered me. :) I do think its early and have hope the writers will deal with it more, though.

I never really saw the SW/SA pairing as an actual possibility because she is dead..and while i think they would have been a cute match if she were living..well even if she were still alive she likely would not have even met him nor would she have had the plus of being bongsun with the chef already caring about her..even if he didn't think much about it..so I pretty much always thought it would be BS/SW though without SA intervention it likely would have taken forever..if not at all because SA really did help BS step out of her shell...idk if she would have done that otherwise..though Joon might have played that role..oh Joon. :))


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@ Lizzie: Oh Joon indeed! Haha, closet SW-BS shipper right there! He was so cute all series long-I wish we'd had more of him! Especially drunk!Joon.

My bad, after hearing people make shipping into such a competition recently, I'm always on my guard haha. But I def agree- before the end, we need to see moments of acknowledgement from him that SA was a part of his progression to who he is now-that she helped him be this person. Narratively, she really did get all the moments you typically see kdrama couples get (including the piggyback! cliché) so I feel like the writer would really be doing SA injustice if her love isn't addressed by Chef.

@ peaches: "sun-woo’s current personality is not so much a complete reinvention of his self, but uncovering the real personality that was buried..." That's just....so perfectly well said! I agree completely. He was always this person underneath but you can tell he struggled to really express that vulnerability and really address his emotional scars.
And yes! This drama does one thing really well, and that's allowing our characters to breathe. SA may be that typically loud bright personality that livens up a room, but she struggled with her personal feelings and doing the right thing organically coming to the right decision and then protecting BS. Same with Bong Sun-she could have resented SA forever but instead she admitted her part in wronging Chef and committed herself to the truth no matter how painful. And Chef, this emotionally arrested man-child has it in him to put his love first and stand by it even if it means leaving himself open to hurt constantly. <3


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Lovely episode :D :D This show is just so good, you know every episode will be so enjoyable
I'll miss those 3 so much, and little bro too :3


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Man I feel like I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I think JB put it best. This episode may have been a little too "pat" for me.
For one, I'm a BS/SW shipper from episode one but more than anything, I like stories that pace themselves well and keep me focused on both the romance and the story. (I'm a huge fan of City Hunter and He Who Came From a Star-very different dramas but both had great pacing and stories). Mostly it's about the balance of keeping your story light when it needs to be light and then moving it forward when it needs to build on its story.
Had this revelation come about a week earlier, we'd have had more time for SW to confront his feelings. Instead of bypassing SA's version of Bong Sun completely we might have seen him truly confront his memories of her and then maybe then the revelation that he liked "Neutral BS best!" would have held more impact.
Is that weird? That I'm happy he's with BS but sad he's totally NOT REALLY confronting his SA feelings? Because that really deserves a conversation.
Here, you have a great story, interesting characters played by amazing actors. But the pacing has been off since episode 3-4. For one, I've complained enough about Bong Sun not getting enough screen time to build on her story. But also because Soon Ae's story wasn't moving anywhere outside of her misguided fixation of what her grudge was. As viewers, I get that we often know things before our characters know it but if you have your character fall TOO behind our pace, it gets draggy because you have viewers going "Come ON already! Catch up Soon Ae!"
That was my feeling today when Soon Ae finally says that she realizes her grudge isn't about her virginity. Because hearing this in episode 13 makes you really want those hours of drudgery back.
I feel for her though- she can't have the guy, moving forward she'll discover the nature and reason behind her death, and she'll have to say good bye to her family and the man she fell in love with- it's going to be painful to watch her sadness that's for sure. She deserved so much more!
So I'm happy our story is moving forward but still grumbly about that long drag in between that missed so many great opportunities (1. for more BS-SW moments we could have utilized in this episode 2. For more forward movement in our murder mystery 3. More crime-solving ghostess-ghost sisterhood!)
Also my fave two side characters? Mom and Joon! With Kyung Mo a close third!


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Jo Jung-Seok nailed that last scene. His worry, exasperation, hurt, fear and love all came out so well. The trembling voice, and the way he sounded near tears really got to me. I love the way he plays his characters, and his Chef is one of my all time favourites, although Eun Shi-Kyung continues to hold that very special place in my heart.


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There is only one true Chef! in kdramaland and that is Lee Sun Kyun in "Pasta". lol j/k


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Bot Soldier holds a special place in my heart too!


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@ Emmy,

+10,000 about what you said. And you said it well. I LOVE JJS in this role the most, with ESK being a very, very, very close 2nd. JJS is really good at portraying emotions (simple or complex), and I LOVE how and when he does the trembling in his voice. That gets me, every single time. I find that JJS also has a face and body language I can easily read. The emotions he portrays come forth clearly. Makes me wonder what he is like in real life... I simply love his acting. Also, I was wondering if he smokes. Does anyone know? I am just being curious. I am not judging him.


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I think JJS does smoke. I checked out his movie with Shin Mina, and if I recall correctly, there's a scene of him smoking.


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@ BedeliaJane,
I am under the impression that he smokes as well, though I have not read anything about that, to be honest. Thank you for answering my question.


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+ 1,000,000!


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You know, I don't mind who SW ends up with, as long as they justify it. Frankly, if they didn't want SW to end up with SA, they shouldn't have given so moments to those two. There should have been more moments between BS & SW. I am disappointed in the way SW came to terms with it so quickly. If this was not a Liberty taken by the writer then some of my theories are 1) no matter what SA & BS shared the same face for him. So when she left, no matter whom he loved, he at least didn't want her physically away from him. It doesn't necessarily mean he wanted BS. 2) him realising about her being alone, him saying he cared & watched over her from before she was possessed. Well, we already knew all that. It was established early on. But it wasn't romantic. It had been established that it was because he used to get bullied as well cause he was so meek. He was also alone. Which is why he wanted her to take charge, because he saw his past in her. 3) & because of point 1, he didn't pause to think about the SA & everything they shared. Again, if the ending was not just an easy way out for the writer then we will get to see him discover just how many moments he shared with SA & genuinely think about who he loves. 4) judging from the teaser for ep 14, when SA, BS & SW gather to tell him about SJ, his pose seems closed, defensive, intimidating (before BS says it obviously). Which shows that he does feel hurt & betrayed by SA cause she lied to him as well and so he is latching on to BS because at least she is alive & THERE. she is the opposite of her. It's like a rebound. It could also explain why he got over BS's part in it so quickly. Betrayal hurts more when it's done by the one you love.

If however, this was an easy way out, then it's really disappointing cause as DB said, they frankly don't know each other at all. It's also unrealistic that he wouldn't think about the SA side at all. As seen at the end of ep 12, all the moments that had him falling for her were with SA. Realistically, a relationship like that would fall apart in a matter of weeks if not days. There would be so many discrepancies between BS & the SA version he loved. It will frustrate him as well as BS.

Before I get any hate, I like both the ladies guys. My point here is not that SA & SW should be together, but rather, I am throwing shade at the writer. I don't care who ends up with SW as long as they justify it. It was a conscious decision to push the romance between SA & SW for so long which is what I don't like if they were going to have SW & BS end up together. Yes I ship SA & SW a little bit more cause come on, dramaland has never had a heroine like her &I I would have loved it if this drama had been brave enough to go the unconventional way. However, it's not a deal breaker for me cause honestly I am more invested in SA's story outside of the romance. How did she die, etc. so yes, if they want to bring SW & BS together then please just justify it properly. Make...


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Make him genuinely think over all the time he has spent with SA, let them have a proper goodbye to close that chapter of their lives forever, & then you can move on to BS. I will hurt for SA, I will be a little sad that she did not get the guy, but I will be happy for BS & SW because I they deserve happiness as well.

I guess my rant can be summed up simply as - give me a good story, drama. Not fan service.


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Very well said! So I'm not alone thinking about this thing!

We have 3 episodes left, so let's hope it won't be messed up 'cause this show has been being good all this time.


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yeah man, I'm with you on this. If you're going to spend half the series on 98% SA and SW don't short change your own story and have him ignore her in the 11th hour. Don't poke holes in your own ship! If you go with it, justify WHY you just spent most of the drama with Soon Ae in Bong Sun's body. We didn't need the possession to be dragged this far along if it was about Bong Sun and Sun Woo all along-I honestly thought we'd be going the open ended route with Sun Woo maaaaybe starting over with BS in the ending. Now I'm just even more mad we barely had any moments with Bong Sun because it really feels like it's grasping at straws. I knew it'd happen too-that if the writer pairs these two together without proper build up we'd end up feeling bereft of proper development. I love the IDEA of the two of them together because the foundation is there-but without the two having had any big emotional moments to properly bond over it just seems a little ridiculous.
Maybe it's just me and this drama. Maybe I just wasn't meant to give it my heart. It's never going to go down on my list of forever loves like CH and YWCFTS no matter how much I love JJS, KSG, and PBY and their chemistry. Sigh.


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You said it all.


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My heart exploded out of sheer joy for this episode. That is all.


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Kyungmo is tooooo cute!!!
Its not too late to make a new small gf charcter for him,pdnim!


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I think it was fast the way he resolves his doubts BUT he just said he wants to be with her, he isnt talking about fervorous love yet (and thats good)

I knew the blog would come into play at one point and the writer showed us that before, so that wasnt out of the blue. I knew the lonliness would play a part. So if we think about it there was a little connection between them before the possession, like he said. And lets remember that he spent time with the real Bong Sun after the possession began and he liked those moments. Some one mention in the comments above that he said and more than once that he liked "neutral Bong Sun" and he said that when she wasnt possesed. So like I said, the writer left clues here and there to sustain his feeling for Bong Sun.

I know that say things based on the preview can be misleading, but the first part of the preview shows that he wants to take things slow and from the beginning but now with the real Bong Sun, and thats its just logical and even that way he is not throwing away his attraction to Soon-ae, he is just moving on.

Thank you for the recap!


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I love this episode!
Well I don't quite see this as SunWoo resolving his feeling,
He just said he hasn't forgiven her, but he just doesn't want her to disappear from his sight anymore,
what he knows is that from the beginning he already cares for her even before she was possessed.
so I guess it's his way of saying he still doesn't know who he really loves, but he doesn't want to be separated from BongSun, regardless of whichever "person" she is.
So I don't think his confusion ends here so quickly, he might has things to think about later on, but with the real BongSun by his side.
I hope this gives chance for him and the real BongSun to have their romance blossomed without SoonAe as the mediator. I love both girl, but I am on SW/BS ship :)

I've been following soompi thread on OMG, and wow, the shipping war there is no joke, lol.
I am just glad here in DB we all chill out no matter which couple we're shipping for, and giving our opinions in calm state of mind.


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Omg, yes! The shipping wars.in Soompi have beem awful. There are two users in particular that were going at it, they were almost calling each other names and I was like "Girls, calm down, can't we talk about this like adults?" Makes me scared to post there, so I just read the comments and the episodes descriptions.

And as a fellow SW/BS shipper, I agree with you. SW still has a long way to go and the writer has bern very smart with the dialogues, thats why SW specifically mentions he hasn't forgiven her yet. I think, like some other users have said, that this story arc would go smoother if SW had spent more time with BS, but at least the writer left enough details (the blog, the EH/SW convo about BS in the first ep, etc) that this doesn't come out of left field. Let's see how the writer manages this situation in the next episode, both characters deserve a good relationship!


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I am not in any ship honestly. But I have question, Sun Woo go through the writings of Bong Sun, he went her home get details about her life then Joon also told him, that how much Bong Sun love him... I wonder if he could go through the same things about Soon Ae, like how lovely she were, how much hardworking, she was actually the life support of her father, and most importantly Soon Ae loves Sun Woo. I feel sorry that there is no one to tell about her.

But I also think Sun Woo wants Bong Sun actually, cause even after he got the proof of Soon Ae's existence, he did not go to check about her to her restaurant, did not even wanted to see a picture of her, he just did not have any interest. Yes I feel pity for Soon Ae


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"I know it’s not my place, but I like both of you and want you to be happy.”

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I pretty much teared up. Dammit Joon!!! <3


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SA - SW shippers are biased.

Chef thought SA-BS was the same person so, how you are so sure he only liked the SA part? Chef kept throwing hints that he liked quiet BS too, and that she was a bit annoying in her manic state.

Plus, for me, they are not in "love" but "felll in love" relationship. It isn't so deep yet, they barely started to date, they didn't even kissed much or slept together.

Imo, both BS, SA, Chef are in love, but their feeling isn't yet love (deep)

So I'm sure their feelings, relationship will work out, because chef is compatible with BS too - her grandma made it clear this episode they are a "perfect match - four ying, four yang.

But one thing I agree with SA and Chef shippers, SA-Chef farewell. Both need this to move on.


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mistake: Imo, both BS, SA, Chef fell** in love


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whooooaaa thanks for the recap because I need to wait a little longer to download eps 13, huufff~ bad connection...

Sunwoo likes Nabong since beginning from her blog. he just didn't know the author of sunshine is Nabong. VERY INTERESTING DRAMA!!

I really like Park Boyoung. she's a great actress. and I'm impressed by I'm Joohwan acting. he's got the 'devil' character. I feel afraid every time he showed up. actually since ep 1, I feel something 'weird' about him.. and Jongsuk is really charming.

I'll waiting for ep 14 recap... :)) thank you dramabeans.


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We have several episodes left? I thought this drama is only 16 episodes?


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The moment when Soon Ae touched Chef's cheek, I swear if I was the chef I would faint then right away , that was actually scary after seeing moving of the chair :P


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I felt the same way. I would have been really spooked and creeped out.


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Thank you for the recap and I totally agree with your comments - before and after the recap. I liked how you started your end comments, because if I had to sum up ep 13 in a word, it would "Aw"...


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so i'm still trying to work out whether joon actually liked bong-sun but gave up because he knew she liked chef, or if it's really just been platonic like all along. either way, JOOOONNN!! <33

i thought the way chef came around near the end felt a little too pat too, but i was so happy to see bong-sun and chef finally together again that i didn't really mind LOL. still, i feel like if they'd gotten to this point quicker, chef's turnaround could've been given more time to develop naturally. i just still don't understand why soon-ae ended up getting so much screen time. but it's great to see soon-ae just being soon-ae and getting invested in something for the right reasons, and to finally get to know bong-sun a little more now.


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This is so funny.

When dramas prolong angst, we complain. When dramas resolve things quickly, we complain too. There's no way of satisfying us is there?? ??

Anyway, my 2 cents worth:

1. Chef didn't say he's in love with BS so we shouldn't be too quick to comment on how fast Chef came around. I'm hoping to God the writers give us more insight into Chef's thoughts on SA. He cannot just ignore her like that. I like BS, I really do. But please don't leave SA hanging without closure before she goes to the afterlife. Chef needs to acknowledge that he loved both. Its kinda screwed up, too bad. He was given a third version (neither BS nor SA) so we can't exactly make Chef choose one over the other. On hindsight, I'm beginning to think that Chef may be right to want to wish he lived with the lie forever. Oh well ? your fate, our dear Chef.

2. Following that, I reallyyyy want a final body possession so SA can say her goodbyes to Chef. And for Chef to acknowledge that he did love her.

3. The whole time I'm watching this drama, I am constantly reminded of Coffee Prince. That drama kinda set the standard for me. This is a really close second ?


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I really don't think most of the complaints are about how fast the angst phase was resolved but how it was justified.

As some commenters have pointed out, the romance in this drama since about episode 3/4 onwards was SA-SW based with BS popping in for cameos. I know that the writers have peppered episodes with BS-centric things like the blog entry or chef saying he prefers her neutral state but in the end, a vast majority of the romance interaction and development was between chef and SA. So I am baffled, disappointed and feeling cheated by the fact that within an episode, Chef has decided it was BS he loved all along....

I fully understand and agree that as SA is dead, the final outcome should be of course be Chef and BS. However, I hoped for chef to recognise and admit his feelings for SA and resolve their feelings before parting rather than just plain denial it ever happened. Because BS's conclusion to everything he said before the break up in episode 12 was correct... it was all SA. Does he even have a memory of his interaction with BS when she wasn't possessed?


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Exactly! I don't want to give away any major spoilers but judging from ep 14, it looks like the writer really did decide to go the denial way. We might get a half-hearted, end of the series goodbye but not a proper reflection & resolution of feelings when it comes to SA & SW. sad. this drama was so close to becoming one of my fav dramas.


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So so true. And so so sad, as this drama was one of the highlights of 2015 up to this episode. Still enjoying the mystery but no longer on my absolute favorite list (long live City Hall, Joseon X-Files and Story of a Man).

At the moment, the turnaround in Ghostess giving me Coffee House-esque vibe... (took me ages to stop ranting over that...)


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I'm wondering if 20 episodes would do the series justice? So much time was spent building the story, an equal length of time should be given to resolve it :/


I just noticed this episode, we finally know BS's age....she's 28?! She looks so much younger than 28 haha... ?


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This episode is wonderful. Love it.

I wonder whose funeral is in the preview though.


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