I Remember You: Episode 16 (Final)

We finally say goodbye to this gem of a drama, and while I Remember You’s ending might have lacked that emotional punch to the gut that I was thirsting for, it does tie a satisfactory bow on most of the plot points — and I say most, because some are intentionally left open-ended. Some close on a happy note, some end on a sad note, some evolve into an endless wild goose chase. But yunno what — that’s reality, and life goes on.

EPISODE 16: “I Remember You”

Hyun is still passed out from his sudden onslaught of memories. In his slumber, he realizes that all the cards that Min sent were scenes from the day their mother passed away. In his flashback, the two brothers are playing Scrabble with their mom when the doorbell rings. Mom goes to answer the door, and the visitor is a criminal Dad arrested, here to take revenge.

Mom falls on the ground bleeding as Hyun takes Min to hide under a table, then sees Dad’s work bag, which has a gun inside. Venturing into the living room, Hyun shoots Mom’s murderer in self-defense, and the recoil knocks Hyun out. After hearing the gunshot, Min emerges from his hiding place and sees Mom, Hyun, and the murderer all unconscious on the ground. In the aftermath, Dad covers it up, and while Hyun lost his memory of the incident, Min didn’t.

In the present, Hyun wonders if this traumatic experience was what caused Min to develop psychopathic tendencies. He jerks awake, and as the truth sinks in, he blames himself for Min’s situation. Ji-an notes his anguished expression and automatically jumps in to reassure him that whatever he’s blaming himself for, it’s definitely not his fault.

Min’s earlier words that he was born like that click into place, as Hyun realizes that Min was trying to comfort him. Min wanted Hyun to believe that his psychopathic tendencies were not caused by the murder of Mom and the criminal; he was merely born with it. Hyun breaks down in silent tears at the realization that Min didn’t want Hyun to feel guilty, and Ji-an grabs him in a hug.

Outside the room, Min overhears their conversation, and regrets sending those clues to Hyun.

The rest of the team interrogates Eun-bok, who stubbornly refuses to spill the beans about Joon-young. Eun-bok apologizes for murdering Chief Hyun, but Myung-woo just explodes that they want information about Joon-young. Seung-joo takes the softer route, and tearfully asks if Joon-young was more important than them.

Putting Hyun back to sleep, Ji-an heads out to chat with Min. Going in for a hug, she gently tells him that it’s never right to harm another person, and that people have to take responsibility and reflect on the wrongs they have committed. Even if Min doesn’t understand why his deeds are wrong, he should still own up to it, for Hyun’s sake. If Min chooses to run away from his punishment, Hyun will have to escape and hide with him. When it comes to that, neither Min nor Hyun will be able to be happy. This strikes a chord with Min, who recalls Joon-ho’s question if a happy ending was possible for both of them.

Min asks why it isn’t possible to cover up his crimes, since he only hurt bad people and it’s all in the past. Ji-an replies that as a police officer, she can’t ignore it. In the end, Hyun would be in a very tricky position, stuck between the two of them.

The mood is somber back in the police station, as the three investigators mourn the absence of Eun-bok. They wonder how much he must have been abused for him to think of Joon-young as his savior, and blame themselves for not knowing about his difficult past.

Ji-an visits Joon-ho to inform him about Eun-bok’s arrest. He feigns ignorance, but she tells him to cut it out, listing all the people who were harmed by him — her father, Hyun’s family, Eun-bok, Chief Hyun — but he justifies things by saying he never murders without reason. He only got rid of adults who abused kids, and used a bit of violence to eliminate a bigger threat.

Appalled at his words, she admits that while he had a painful childhood, there’s no way she can overlook all his crimes. He asks what she wants, and Ji-an takes out a gun, declaring her intention to off him. But she refuses to shoot, since doing that will reduce her to his level, and that will only serve to further hurt Hyun.

Joon-ho mutters that he actually liked Ji-an and never wanted to get rid of her. Frightened, Ji-an aims her gun at him, but he walks towards her, unfazed. Disarming her, he twists her arm painfully and shakes out her handbag to find her phone recording their conversation.

He moves to delete the recording, but she tries to wrestle the phone away from him. Grabbing her in a choke hold, he wonders what he should do with her. Ji-an baits him to kill her, since she’s confident her team will hunt him down and arrest him.

Team Leader Kang rushes in to save the day, and Joon-ho pretends they merely had a small tiff. Team Leader Kang came with the intention of reasoning with Joon-ho, but realizes that he expected too much. Joon-ho notes that everyone looks at him like a monster, and Team Leader Kang merely tells him to look at his own reflection.

As they leave the house, Team Leader Kang and Ji-an mention that they were both scared out of their wits, and Ji-an explains that she went alone because she wanted to see Joon-ho’s true self. Having thought long and hard about how to atone for his father’s sins, Team Leader Kang says that he has no other ideas other than apologizing on behalf of his father. Ji-an brushes it off lightly, since there’s no such thing as guilty by association in her book.

Her gracious response causes Team Leader Kang to stare at her in a mix of respect and gratitude. “I liked you. Because I was able to like you, I was glad.” He gives her a small smile, and then walks away while holding back tears. Aw. Back at home, Joon-ho coolly inspects his reflection in the window.

Hyun wakes up and offers to make dinner for Min, but Min already beat him to it. The brothers sit down to enjoy Min’s home-made food, although Hyun merely picks at his rice. Noting Hyun’s distraction, Min once again assures Hyun that it’s not his fault he turned out like that. Besides, Hyun’s reaction was in the name of self-defense. Hyun thanks Min for his encouraging words, and Min can’t help but recall everyone’s words that their reconciliation has only burdened Hyun.

The next day, Seung-joo has found two of the kids that Joon-young saved, picking up from Eun-bok’s previous research. A man and a woman are brought in for interrogation, but both vehemently deny any knowledge of Joon-ho/Joon-young, although the man does take extra interest in the present-day photo of Joon-ho.

Joon-ho visits Hyun, and proposes that they run away together with Min. He reasons that Hyun is unable to arrest him, since doing so would implicate Min as well. Thus, staying put would mean even more suffering for Hyun.

Slowly walking over, Hyun puts his hand around Joon-ho’s neck threateningly.  He says Joon-ho can do whatever he wants to him, but he’d better not mess with Min. Joon-ho merely gives a creepy smile in return, and having overheard the entire exchange, Min leaves without making his presence known.

Back in his own home, Joon-ho finds Min waiting for him. Joon-ho pretty much defies Hyun’s words and attempts to rope Min into leaving as well. Min doesn’t want to be separated from Hyun for a second time, or to continue being lied to by Joon-ho, but on the other hand, staying with Hyun won’t result in a happy ending either.

The investigative team is at risk of being disbanded, and Team Leader Kang declares to his father that he will do everything he can to protect his team. Deputy Chief Kang chafes at being addressed formally by his son, but Team Leader Kang merely says that Dad is childish for avoiding responsibility for his mistakes.

Min asks if Eun-bok has revealed Joon-young’s identity, and Hyun has confidence that he will do so soon. We cut to this heart-wrenching sequence of the team members taking turns to visit Eun-bok, each showing their love and concern for him in their own way. Although he tries to keep his poker face on, it’s telling that Eun-bok is incredibly moved by their words.

Hyun tells Min to ignore anything that Joon-ho says, and he agrees. Min then quietly asks what Hyun’s doing tomorrow, and Hyun takes the hint and answers that he has a looooot of time on his hands. Barely holding in his grin, Hyun brings up all the date suggestions that Min rejected before. Ha, and now, Min wants to do all of them.

They decide to take a walk in a park, and Min looks wistfully towards a couple taking selfies together. Hyun asks if he wants to take a photo, and Min first says he doesn’t like taking pictures before adding, “But you can if you want to.” So. Cute.

Their first attempt is not so successful (Hyun: “We should probably smile.”), and the second is equally bad as the two plaster on forced awkward smiles. But by the third time they’re finally grinning for real.

While walking alone, Joon-ho is approached by the man interrogated earlier. Just as Joon-ho recognizes him, the man stabs at Joon-ho with a knife, though Joon-ho’s quick reflexes allow him to prevent any serious injury by grabbing the knife with his hand.

Taken aback, Joon-ho claims that he saved the man, although the man shouts that no matter how terrible his parents were, he would have preferred to live with them anyway. This seems to resonate with Joon-ho on some level as he walks calmly away, right past his attacker.

Back at home, Hyun’s danger radar pings when he realizes that Min has been in the shower for way too long. There’s no answer when he knocks, and it turns out that Min is at Joon-ho’s place. He has come to end things with Joon-ho, and internally apologizes to Hyun for breaking his promise.

Min proposes that both of them disappear together, since they are both burdens to Hyun. Min repeats his promise that his last murder will be Joon-ho, and tells him to think of it as the price to pay for separating the brothers for 20 years.

Swiftly grabbing a knife from the kitchen, Min goes it for the kill, but is quickly deflected by Joon-ho. The two wrestle to the ground, and while Min manages to grab Joon-ho from the back, Joon-ho gains the upper hand and punches Min to the ground.

Joon-ho picks up the knife and stabs Min in the gut. Hyun rushes over, late by a few seconds, and sinks to his knees when he sees Min’s injury. He tries to keep Min conscious and Min thinks to himself, “Hyung, for 20 years, I hated you, I missed you, I waited for you, and I watched over you. That was the entirety of my 20 years. You were my everything.” And Min goes limp.

Desperate, Hyun tries to administer CPR, but Joon-ho matter-of-factly says that it’s useless. With lasers shooting out from his eyes, Hyun punches Joon-ho, and eventually manages to corner him in a stranglehold. But at the last moment, Joon-ho’s friend whacks Hyun on the head and he slumps to the ground, going unconscious.

He wakes some time later, and Ji-an voiceovers that Min had disappeared, just like Joon-ho’s corpse-less murders. WHAT? Nononono, say it ain’t so.

The team watches Eun-bok’s interrogation, where he confesses to stealing Joon-young’s fingerprint documents and burning them. He agrees to give testimony to Joon-ho’s deeds, and inwardly apologizes to Joon-ho.

Somehow, Joon-ho seems to know of Eun-bok’s betrayal, and turns on his phone, which the police pick up on. He makes a call to Hyun, and the two meet up. Joon-ho wants this chance to make an official farewell, but Hyun has one remaining question — why was Joon-ho so obsessed with him from the start?

Joon-ho replies that everyone had always treated him with contempt, but little Hyun had merely called him “different,” and for the first time in his life, he felt understood. Hyun was the kid Joon-ho wanted to be, while Min is his current alter ego. Chuckling at the irony of it all, Hyun muses that the one word changed his whole life. He states that there’s only one reason that he’s not killing Joon-ho at the moment, and asks for Min’s return, even if it’s just the corpse.

The police make their way to their rendezvous point by tracing Joon-ho’s cell phone signal, but find nobody there. All that’s left is Joon-ho’s phone, and he disappeared after that.

Hyun stops by Ji-an’s house three times as promised. On the last visit, he lets her know about his plans to leave for somewhere, but doesn’t go into details. And then Hyun disappeared as well.

One year later.

Thanks to Team Leader Kang’s efforts, the investigative team has survived, and they even have a new maknae to tease. Seung-joo still makes frequent visits to Eun-bok in prison, and it’s nice to see them keep their hyung-dongsaeng relationship.

On her walk home, Ji-an regrets not stopping by Hyun’s place once more, so that he would have to visit her three more times before disappearing. Team Leader Kang and Myung-woo pay a visit to Indebted Friend, aka “Dave’s ahjusshi.” Friend says that Hyun hasn’t contacted him, although the three immediately start discussing their dinner plans. What, are they BFFs now?

Back at work, Ji-an stops by Hyun’s old desk, and feels a sudden sense of longing for him:

Ji-an: “There are days when familiar places suddenly feel unfamiliar. On those lonely days, I think of you, Lee Hyun. If you think about it, we met because of Lee Joon-young, as children who’d both lost their fathers to him. When I think back, even in the worst situations, there were good things that happened — we got to meet each other. But if we hadn’t lost our fathers to Lee Joon-young, if such a thing didn’t happen to us, would we have met? I think we would still have met.”

In her fantasy, little Ji-an would have fallen for Hyun at first sight, while he’d tell her to get lost. Min would be with them, and they would grow up together. They would hang out and have fun, laughing at Ji-an’s disgruntlement at their liking of foreign movies without subtitles. They would even have guests come over from time to time — aw, it’s the team, with Eun-bok too, and Myung-woo finally calls Hyun “David.”

She’s woken from her reverie, and the team is called to a new crime scene, only to find that someone else has gotten there first: Hyun, coming back full circle to their first meeting. He reprimands them for being late, and launches into the details of the murder.

Myung-woo cuts him off, and Team Leader Kang marvels that Hyun’s still the same rude guy. Seung-joo goes in for a hug, but Hyun is quick to shove him off. It’s Myung-woo’s turn and he opens his arms wide… but Hyun just observes that he has aged. And finally, he gets to Ji-an, who returns his small smile with an icy stare.

Yesyesthankyou Min is alive, huddled in his hospital bed, as Joon-ho’s friend arrives to inform him that Hyun left just awhile ago. We get a glimpse of Hyun’s visit, where he was relieved to see that Min’s alive. The woman gives Min a present from Joon-ho — a new identity. In essence, he’s giving Min a choice: Live as Hyun’s brother but pay for his crimes, or remain hidden for the rest of his life. Interesting.

On a walk with Ji-an, Hyun says he knows apologies are not sufficient to make up for his sudden disappearance. Ji-an is burning with a thousand questions about his past year, but knows that he wouldn’t answer them anyway. She asks if he was chasing Joon-ho, but he answers that that’s what he’ll be doing in the future.

After Joon-ho had disappeared, Hyun had finally recalled the words Joon-ho said to him when he was a kid. “You can become as you wish. You can become like me, or you can become the opposite of me. There isn’t just one door. You can leave through the front door, or the back door.” He thinks to himself that he pities Joon-ho a little, but will not understand or forgive him.

Ji-an warns that if he plans to disappear again, he can just leave for good right now. Thankfully that’s not his intention, and she can barely hide her happiness at his answer. He asks if she missed him, and she shyly nods.

Pulling her in for a tight hug, Hyun goes in for a gentle kiss. They pull away and smile bashfully at each other, and then Hyun holds her face in his hands, and swoops in for the winner. Thank you drama gods.

At the hospital, Min is pondering his choice. He makes the decision and he leaves the hospital with a smile — empty-handed, the envelope (and new identity) left behind.

As Ji-an and Hyun walk hand-in-hand through the streets, Joon-ho walks past the couple. He voiceovers, “Hyun, I’m going to disappear now. So, come and chase me. Don’t give up, and find me.” Hyun turns back to see Joon-ho’s retreating back and thinks, “Don’t worry. Wherever you hide, I will definitely find you.”


Phew, what a packed last episode. In this episode alone, I counted two stabbings, three disappearances, two choke holds, two grabbed collars, five hugs (one denied), two confessions for our cute heroine, and one amazing mind-blowing kiss. All in a day’s work, I would say.

I Remember You was one of the few cases where I actually had no clue what I wanted for the ending, and trusted wholeheartedly in the writer to score the home run. I do wonder if Jang Nara’s scenes had to be cut down since she got into an accident on the day of filming, although I must say, her lips are definitely working. We’ve all had our fair share of disappointing finales, and while this one didn’t culminate in an emotional high on par with the reunion scene in episode 12, it did leave a sweet aftertaste. Certain scenes started feeling repetitive — Joon-ho just wouldn’t let go of his plan to live with the brothers, and people just kept going to his house to get injured. I also had expected some questions regarding Min as the mastermind behind all the crimes to be cleared up, but it seems that the show has just left us with clues, allowing us to connect the rest of the dots in our imagination.

This episode did a lot to clarify Joon-ho’s state of mind, which was previously an enigma. We finally understand that his obsession with Hyun didn’t stem from their uncanny similarities, but that Hyun was the first person to give him a break from the monster label. Because of that, Hyun held this special place in Joon-ho’s life, and it was a powerful moment when Joon-ho confessed he wished he grew up like Hyun. I expected something more concrete for Joon-ho’s character than another round of catch me if you can, but I recognize that the writer intended to leave it as such. Now that Hyun has found his allies, Joon-ho stands alone, which is a relatively different ballgame from what this show started out as.

I do wish we got to touch more on Joon-ho’s “vigilante” movement and his 20 years with Min. It would have been fascinating to see more of the other kids he saved, but I do understand the time constraint. Although the attempted murder by that man was a little out-of-the-blue, it did work to drive home the point that Joon-ho’s methods don’t carry through his good intentions. Like Ji-an said, even if most of the kids are grateful to Joon-ho, there will be one kid who begs to differ. That possibility never hit home for Joon-ho until that attempted murder, and Min’s attack added salt to the wound.

But gah, what’s up with the fake-out of Min’s death? Given how atypical this drama is, I actually wouldn’t put it past killing off one of its best characters, although that would leave Min’s redemption untouched. I do see the left-behind envelope as Min choosing to confess to his crimes, but more so to live as Hyun’s brother, and I’m impressed with how the writer crafted Min’s decision. It would have been too neat and unrealistic if Min suddenly had an epiphany of his guilt, so it’s actually fitting that it’s the identity of Hyun’s brother that pushes him to take responsibility. At the end of the day, Hyun remains the one who can get through to Little Bro and pushes him to fight the good fight and walk the higher ground. No doubt Min isn’t fully redeemed and “normal” as of yet, but that’s precisely why Min’s decision is merely the first step onto that path. And even if we don’t see the end, we know that it’s happening.

Bromance and romance are really the two sides of the same coin, although he romance did take a back seat for this show. For good reason too, because most of the development and angst were in the brothers’ lives. Of course, the show did a good job of giving us a heroine worth rooting for, who actually had a life and career outside hugs and kisses. Ji-an was active in her unwavering faith and support of Hyun, and her overall badassery for her puny size always won me over. It makes sense that her relationship with Hyun wasn’t earth-shattering and life-changing, because in her ideal world, all she wanted to do was be together.

Despite a few minor gripes I have, I Remember You remains a very well-crafted drama. Right from the start, the tone and the story was consistent and well thought-out, and every single scene had meaning behind it. The earlier cases served as a reflection of the main characters’ own struggles, and the show did a fantastic job of highlighting how alike the characters are, yet worlds apart. Despite the overall dark tone, it was balanced with humor and character quirks that were smartly incorporated without disrupting the flow.

It’s disappointing that the ratings were so dismal for such a well-produced drama. Park Bo-gum was especially outstanding; his split-second change of expression from smiling to resentful is forever inked in my mind. He and Seo In-gook nailed every scene they had together, and all the longing, heartbreak, and adoration they had for each other hit me straight in the heart. Their story was rather far-fetched for anyone to identify with, but those two sold it so damn well.

All in all, I Remember You will go down in the books for the drama that kept me so engrossed in the whole ensemble, right down to the last sidekick. I like that the takeaway from this drama is that you always have a choice in life. The show was populated with complicated characters and equally complex criminals, and set a high bar for future psychopathic thrillers. How would I rate it? 15 points plus alpha.


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Ohhh... so Hyeon is telling Ji Ann that he missed her, not asking her if she missed him. I think that fits more to their relationship. They always communicate effectively. They never throw unnecessary questions. I think I could understand if Hyeon wants Ji Ann to know that he's been missing her all this time. The fact that he didn't tell Ji Ann his whereabouts in a year might implies that what matters more is his feeling and his longing to Ji Ann.

Ah if only they had more time to edit the last ep. That last scene of Hyeon and Ji Ann could be more intense and that kiss as well.

I can understand that many people are shipping the bromance more than the romance. But I'm quite surprise to some comments saying that the female character has no contribution to the story. That's not true. Ji Ann is important for Hyeon.

I love that Ji Ann is being badass in her own style. She doesn't scream to show that she's passionate. She doesn't shout out loud to show that she's determined. She got mad, annoyed, and irritated at Hyeon at times but she easily let it go and stays on focus. That's very refreshing.


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In the beginning God works all things according to His good will, and good things happened even at worst times…
“…on those days when I am lonely, you’re on my mind. Even at worst moment, good things happened; after all we met. But if we didn’t lost our fathers to LJY, I think we still would have met each other somehow, I would have fallen for you at first sight… ” That was how much Ji-An missed him and on JiAn mind daily while she missed him a lot, holding herself together, because he mentioned he will be away for a while, she knew him well enough to trust and wait.
In many dramas, we always find the female lead asking the hunk, if history repeats, if he can have a choice to choose again, if nothing bad or good ever happened, will he still choose her? Here, we have JiAn self-declaration; even if history repeats or doesn’t repeat, many things happens or nothing happens, any special one appears in life or no one special appears in life, she will still love him at first sight. Compared to all the “I love you” sentence, or cheesy lines, this surpassed all…. I delight in day-dream of how Hyeon looked, when Ji-An told him this very sentence, “I would have fallen for you at first sight…” Blessed art thou, knowest ye Hyeon?
Ji-An was a simple girl, grateful that there are goods that cometh out of these unfortunately events; ability to meet and fall in love with each other. Even if right from beginning, LJY mom wasn’t raped and begotten, or Hyeon’s parents didn’t die, dongsaeng not kidnaped, she is very sure that: “I would have fallen for you at first sight” She will love him from first sight, he will ask her to get lost in spite of his cold demeanour, he will be moved and love her back.
It’s Ji-An of all person, that the Writer give a utopia dream to, which include Min, to show us her greatness.to bring forth a vision that she used to sustain her weary days of missing him, and giving us closures of the Future Post-Min’s released from Prison days. They will still grow up together, she will be the added sister that guides Min together with Hyeon, and help to feed Min’s good wolf within Min. “we would have gotten along well with each other…” To love someone, she also embraced the other person whom her most beloved one also loved dearly. To love Hyeon, she embraced and learn to love Min whom Hyeon loved dearly. Her love is not selfish, nor possessive. Whether if we go back to the Genesis what if nothing bad happen in the beginning, or forward to Revelation to what it shall be like when Min shall be released after serving his times in prison, she will still loved Hyeon and his Min.
(a tribute to Ji-An after racing thru 16 ep just for her.)


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500+ comments! Yay!


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506 comments and 4th page!! I am proud of our ever growing obsession! :) Cheers to all of us- Asmara, Mary of Bethany and LarryMimosa


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LOL... pg 4. i had a shock when i try to speed scroll down fast to find pg 3, what what-de? page 4, how did acchive that. give ourselves a pat on ALL our backs... CHEERS. like what Korean gals always say....
FIGHTING !!!!!!!!!


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hi, dear all.,.. many of our fans-friends have migrated to Twenty Again sites... eg. Growingbeautifully, Miranda...etc. all there... if you want meet someone , missed someone to talk to... 20's a noonas genre thingy, unlike IRY... if you need a break, then back again here. Its a complete Choi Jiwoo minus weepy moments things. but i still loyal to my 2 Ji-Ans.
oh, as usual, i just read and do my LOL thing there, i don't post like pre-Healer times. only Healer draw me out of my cocoon.
i lost stream of Yongpal and his icy queen turn crocodile... now i watch yongpal for the badass brother Jo Hyun Jae and the sassy wife.... still nothing like IRY.
then, i scroll thru ...she was pretty doen't leave any pretty impression in me, sorry ...
still, IRY DAEBAK!


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Twenty Again is awesome! I love everyone there. I stopped getting excited about Yong Pal long back but still watch it cuz I want to know how it will end. She was Pretty is funny enough, but I don't think ill love it.

IRY is still the boss. :D


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A Plea in defense of Ji-An
Ji-An growled: “Are you going to disappear without saying a word, if so, you can leave forever right here.” Which actually means don’t dare to disappear again, from now on. “I wanted to ask what happened, what you did and where, but you’re going to say not to ask you right?” (He smiled at her gentle protest, which sounds almost like a heartfelt confession.) Esp when she understood that she needs to press him to face his reality and conscience, it’s easy to just do what we think we have a right to claim what we deserved to have, especially when we were the one “sacrificed and were hurt” by who we loved, we always demand who we loved dearly to love us back with the same depth. And women always demands answers esp from the one they loved the most, when we felt we have “given” or been “hurt” enough. Yet she demand not her rights at least even to an answer, still waiting for him to reveal his thoughts, or explain things. I thought she was talking about waiting for him to take immediate action to persuade Min to own up by his own free will. No, she can even accept his empathy towards LJY (not just Min).
Ji-An proven again, that she was swift to draw conclusion from simple words that Hyeon said, Ji-An has this gift of sensitivity and decipher hidden thoughts and mood thru’ words or expression of Hyeon… She was swift to discern his mood-changes in unwilling to find the “murderer”, guessed is it because he worried it’s Min, she deduced that he already knew identity of both Min and LJY, and she furthered find the final jigsaw of Min’s identity herself…. Yet, after she fill up each puzzle, she waited, for him to take the next step, she waited as “someone close to Hyeon”. Even until that last moment in her life, when she herself was tempted to unleash the wolf within her against the person most deserving her vengeance, yet she hold back this right, because Hyeon will be hurt if she became a monster herself. It’s much easier for her to find some excuse to forgive Min, since he is her most beloved’s another Beloved, and Min has not personal wounded her. Yet she is also willing to trust and submit to Hyeon regarding LJY, trusting that Hyeon’s Good Wolf will know when the right time to deal with LJY is, and knowing Hyeon is also waiting for LJY’s good wolf to surface, and come clean himself.
“I missed you.” (or “you missed me?”)… “mmm…( yes)” “A lot.”… “mmm…(yes)"
The omega scene, Hyeon having his “precious” one’s hands to hold, as he start to live comfortably as one among the crowd, just living a simple life like everyone else. “In every story there is a start and an end, a story that’s started but hasn’t ended, and was paused in place… and so my story which was paused in place begins again.” His story still did not show the ends, it’s the process that walks towards that end that matter, that, he is walking with “someone precious”, someone “plus alpha” till his omega.


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having raced thru 16 ep just for Ji-An, to justify not just to anyone, but myself too, that she is worthy of being our very own "plus alpha" over loads of females characters. Such a "Precious" One is she that one day.. months or years later, we should go to Jang Nara own facebook, twitter site, and tell her, "Ji-An, i remember you".


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“Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” (Proverbs 26:27), the scripture delivered by Hyeon who found no comfort in his vengeance, towards the malicious father, who used his victim’s son to kill his enemy, thus the stone rolled and killed his own son. Witnessed the father wailing his demised son, doesn’t incur any relief or comfort, which surprised him, Hyeon halted himself as he asking myself, is he any different from that caged monster-dad? Ji-An just mentioned he is not a monster, really? (truly, a real monster will not ever doubt himself.)
“… for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me... For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:” (Romans 7:18-22). Ultimately, the Law of God is what helps us feed the good wolf within. Remember the ep 9 scene when Ji-An emerged from the washroom after cleansing her hands desperately (fresh from cupping Park So Yong the stalker’s face, Hyeon was wearing a bracelet with a cross diagonal on it, he was holding Ji-An hands to reassured her, he cared that she felt insecured and “flirty” after the incident.
Hyeon was guided by his faith in God, all alone these past 20 years to dwell with monster within, to feed the good wolf within, can only be done by defending on the Spirit within, from God. When you delight in the law of God, it will curb the monster within.


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Hi guys, it's blue moon here so I'm back to our lovely thread here. I finished Healer, yas! First drama after IRY painful withdrawal symptom, still have that tho hehe.

I like Healer. What fascinated me tho is, for me Healer and IRY kinda like a mirror in terms that both has similarity but contradict each other as well. No, I'm not comparing to say one is better than another. It's def a personal preference.

Both has their main OTP walking through a twisted bigger story started from their childhood time to present. But it also contradicts each other on the way it tells the story.

Healer is more elaborate on telling the feelings of the leads, the deduction of the conflict, and the childhood history which made me feel so invested on it. While IRY, as we know, always has that cryptic conversation and never speaks the obvious. And I find that both are satisfying, in its own way. How great is that.

I must say tho that I envyyy Healer OTP romantic scenes so much. Gosh, those two are really selling it eh. I could feel all the squeal and swoon by all healer beanies here in DB heheh Given that IRY OTP never reached that kind of romantic scenes, I was just left with my own fantasy of Hyun and Ji Ann. Sigh.

I saw you guys in Twenty Again. It looks fun, I might give it a try. Def waiting for Answer Me 1988 and CITT. Shall I see you there, dear IRY friends?


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I am glad you liked Healer :) I really loved it, but right now, maybe because its still fresh in my mind, i adore IRY. I never focused on the similarities between IRY and Healer, except that both have kick-ass heroines. The chemistry between the lead pair in Healer is sizzling hot, but the OTP in IRY is emotionally fulfilling for me :). I think SIG just knows how to show love. His eyes say it all!

You ll definitely see me on the Answer Me 1988 thread. I am not a big fan of the series as such(maybe because I am a 90s Indian kid and my growing up years were a lot different). But ill see anything with Bo gummie in it now :D.. What is CITT?

Btw do watch Twenty Again. Its such a nice, subtle show.

Hope to see you on other threads too:)


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"I think SIG just knows how to show love. His eyes say it all!"

Awww yes, I so agree with you on that! Did you watch Savvy? The romance is stronger there since it's romcom and sure SIG's eyes say love lots of time haha

It's not that I focused on the similarities of Healer and IRY. It just because IRY still lingers on my mind that it always comes up every time I watch anything, both Korean or Western movies. IRY just won't leave me heh

I read in Healer thread that some has commented on Healer and IRY. It was fun to read that. Glad to know that IRY got people who really appreciate the work of art by the crews and casts.

And yes, I also feel that the romance in IRY is emotionally fulfilling, for me too. Maybe that's why I think I'll always carry Hyun and Ji Ann in my mind and heart for a long time. Oh I just love them. Have you watched this fanmade MV?


This is so sweet. Makes me flutters inside watching this and remembering those two. :)

CITT = Cheese in The Trap. Def will watch Answer Me 1988. I love the Answer Me 1997, that's when I found SIG, thanks God. Love Answer Me 1994 too up to ep 10 before the story just went wrong.

Another heartwarming recap on IRY here.

Just as heartwarming as reading all of your comments here. Loveee :)


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Hey sorry for the late reply. I was out trekking in the Himalayas :)

Thanks for the amazing video links. They just made my day!

And that review of IRY.. It was so so nice. Plus i really loved the cast photos at the end!

I have seen and loved SIG's Savvy! I always wanted to comment on how he can look anywhere between 16 to 35 years old with just a slight change in his clothes and attitude. savvy was all about him trying to act mature. But while looking at the video links you gave. I realized how he looks almost older than Jang Nara who is, I think, 7 years older than him. While this certainly is also because Jang Nara looks like a child with her doe eyes, but I guess the real credit goes to SIG's acting.

I have heard so much about CITT on this site. It seems to be really popular. Have you read the web-toon? Could you give me a link where I could read it?

This thread has gotten really slow. I hope you read this message.

Love :)


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This was @asmara.. It somehow got added as a new comment!


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Hi ObsessedMuch, I read you! haha Thanks for replaying.
Welcome back from the mountain. Sure you are now catching up your dramas eh.

I just marathoned Twenty Again oh and I LOVE it to bits! Really my kind of show! I love Ha No Ra so much that I want to be like her later in my late 30s haha Thank you for the recommendation.

I just read the 1st ep of CITT webtoon and I like it. It gives you that subtle feeling of a university student life. But I didn't try to find the other eps after that heheh

This thread is getting really slow. That's okay tho. People move on :) And we can meet in other threads as well. Happy watching the last eps of Twenty Again :D

Oh and today is the day for Korea Drama Awards. Will SIG, JNR, and our beloved IRY writer win? Lets cross our fingers and start chanting prayers haha :D :D :D



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I am so happy that you liked Twenty Again. Lets meet on the threads of its next episodes as it seems no one is coming here at all! Which is not a bad thing at all as that shows that people found other good dramas too! :) Obviously, IRY is still one of the best dramas ever!

And I am so sad that none of our IRY crew got any awards. The selection seems so random! And if Ji Sung isn't getting an award for KMHM, then there is something seriously wrong with the judges!


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Well, that was intense.

Finally got down to watching and finishing IRY. Though I can't pretend to be a fan of the main leads, the second lead males and side characters made this a blast. Just...the all-round tragic tone of the whole drama had me taking days off between episodes to get myself back together. It's an awesome series, forever to be underrated but nonetheless, worth the watch.


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@Mae Welcome to this thread :) IRY was really amazing! I personally love the leads but I know that they are not universally liked :P.. Its upsetting that IRY will remain underrated forever, but I am glad I am part of that minority crowd who watched and loved it. :D


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uh I'd like to come to twenty again threads but to be there on the right time is kinda difficult heheh so I'll just be a happy silent lurker there

on KDA thing, I saw that many people questioning the nominees and the result as well. Well, maybe IRY will do better in KBS awards :)

welcome :D if you read this hehe so happy that you enjoy IRY. yes, it is underrated and the leads are not everyone's fave, but still, it leaves a deep impression :)


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@asmara So true about Twenty Again thread... There are just way too many comments there to find people you know! And as the last 2 episodes are going to be up, I am guessing those threads would be too crowded.

Other IRY thread regulars have completely stopped coming here! Still, ill be here once in a while. :)

Keeping my fingers crossed for a KBS award for SIG, PBG , Jang Nara or Choi Won young. They really do deserve awards. All of their acting was stellar.


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Awww so happy to know that you'll be coming here once in a while, dear :) I just watched the last 2 eps of 20A last night and tbh I love the prev eps more where Nora is struggling hard to be fit into college life. That's very sassy and inspiring, I miss that. Idk, just after the leads got to know each other's feeling, it's sizzling down for me hehe

Do you watch Sassy, Go Go. To my surprised, I enjoy it. Maybe because I haven't watch many high school dramas haha

Currently, I'm watching Sherlock series and oh my god, it is so true that IRY did give Sherlock vibes. The animation, the music, the style, and the lead, oh Lee Hyun how I miss you!

KBS, please give appreciation to this beautiful drama! I don't watch every dramas this year but shouldn't PBG be more likely to get the new actor award in KDA than an actor from a web drama? Hmm, confused.


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I told you! I fell in love with IRY mainly because I got so many Sherlock vibes! But I obviously stayed with the show cuz of its own brilliance :)

How did you watch the last two episodes of 20A already?? I thought they were to be aired this weekend? Are u Korean btw? I am from India.

I am watching Sassy Go Go. I liked it. I mean, I didn't adore it but I like its easy-going attitude. Loving the lead actor's smiley eyes! <3.. Plus I like Jung Eun Ji cuz of Reply 1997 already.

I am watching She was Pretty too.. It's very likable. I might get a major case of 2nd lead syndrome because of Choi Siwon's character.

I also started this show called "Because it's the first time". It has Choi Min Ho and the son from 20A. The first 2 episodes are quite nice.

Bo Gummy has to win some awards this year. *Fingers crossed*


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I also sometimes coming back here just for read if there is new comments. And i always happy is there is someone new who just watch this show and drop one or two comments.
I love IRY more than i thought, because i kind of can't enjoy another show as much as before i watch IRY.


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Hey @loveycat I hope more people like you keep coming back. It would make this thread even more awesome. Right now, asmara and I seem to be the only old ones still hanging around.

I know what you mean about not enjoying any show to the same degree as before. Before IRY, I used to gush about almost every kdrama. But since watching the brilliance of IRY, I can't really find another show of the same intensity. I mean I am not saying that I didn't love another show (A case in point being 20Again, which I absolutely adore). But, it's just that I can't be crazy about just any other show anymore. It was worse just after IRY ended. for a month, I couldn't even watch any other show for more than the first episode. Thankfully, that madness has dissipated now! :P


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Hi, thanks @ObsessedMuch i'm happy someone reply me. Because i can't release my obsession for IRY healthily, i watch it with my sister, but she not someone who willing to discuss over one drama again and again. T_T
20 Again is good, but still some of the story is little bit bored me.
Reading again the IRY's recaps and replaying the scenes, sometimes i got more new understanding about Hyun's and Min's thinking and feeling. Because after all of the episodes end, i still curious by some of their action.
But because the drama is over and i also see the discussion is over, i feel odd if i discuss it alone...
Like why Min use the scene of their mother's murdered drawing send it to Hyun for asking him remember him, not their father's.
My conclusion is, Min although never really know the reason why Hyun abandoned him, he still have some guessing that maybe the reason is his psychopath tendency, because that the very secret Hyun tell LJY. And is it possible that Min also guessing that LJY come to kill their father is Hyun's request to LJY?
LJY thinking that way, that he killed their father as a favor to rescue Hyun. If everyone even LJY said that Min is his alter ego, it is high possibility Min also think that way.
That so, Min send the drawing about their mother's murdered scene for remind Hyun why he become that way, part of it is to say, "you know why i become like this, but why you throw me away?", unaware that Hyun lost his memory about it. But then, Min also try to find any sign that Hyun looking for him?

But in any sense, for the murder he commited he said to his self it is for showing Hyun what he has become, why i can't connect it to the fact that Hyun said Min killed because the person he really want to kill is Hyun. So what the real reason Min's killing?
That bad peoples abandoned someone just like Hyun abandoned him, he killed them and then he send the card to Hyun for ask Hyun to stop him or to show Hyun what he has become?
What i see is Min hate Hyun, and deep down he blamed Hyun for his life, but the other time he miss Hyun and want to Hyun accept him back by showing he is not okay in LJY's care. Poor confusing little boy.

Look at my chatter, you will see i'm still in that IRY's world...
I just try to tracking Min's way of thinking from he being kidnapped until he become lawyer Jung. And i still not begin with Hyun's.


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Min's character is the most intriguing, the second is Hyun. I admited LJY track of mind is beyond my human brain ability, so because i don't know where to begin to understand him, i stop to try.
Hyun's mind is very insteresting, but because after all of the episodes, i find him more human now, and not to hard to understand his action. It's clear who he hate and who he love from begining until the end.
It's Min's character who made me curious, is he really hate Ji An? Is he have any warm feeling to his Samchon even just a little after spend 20 year life with him? He clearly love his brother, although he also hate him for 20 years. How about his feeling toward his father?
Has he ever miss his mother, after all clearly it is her murder's scene he never can forget that made him like that.
Hyun is forget, but how you explain to a little kid who clearly remember and see his mother being killed, if he ask about her, while their father cover it and his brother acted like nothing happened.
Min was never given an explanation for everything happened in his life. from his mother's murder, his father covering it like nothing happened, his brother casual act like they never have a mother, then his father's murder, and a random guy take him from his home and family.
I have more understanding now, why even if he is intelligent and a lawyer now, he have a severe problem in his view about his life and his own identity.
While Hyun doubting his self of being a mosnter who have causing his father's dead and Min's dissapearance, Min is believed he is a monster for LJY take him and his hyung sent him to LJY.
That so he live his life so reckless.


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Oh wow so many doubts and so much to discuss :)
I think most of these things could have many interpretations, according to what one wants to believe in. One of the best(or worst?) things about this show is that the writers left it open ended (maybe because 16 episodes was too little time to give an acceptable ending to this lovely show). So that makes it open to many interpretations.

I think Min sent the drawings to Hyun to remind him of their past. It was a plea to "remember him". His brother was his only confidante as a child and so he believed that his brother would always support him no matter what.

I think he started killing because that was his natural tendency. However he did believe that only Hyun could save him from his own true self. Also because of the way Joon Ho conditioned him from childhood, he had started to believe that his hyung had abandoned him. That may have turned his 'natural' desire to kill into a desire to kill the person who he had trusted the most in the world but who instead left him alone with a serial killer. Min hates Hyun because of what he has been told by Joon Ho. I think his 'samshun' did tell him, or at least inferred, that Hyun had left Min with him and quite possibly that he murdered the father for Hyun.

It's really hard to understand how Joon Ho's mind works. But Min is a little simple. You ask if he loved his uncle with whom he spent 20 years of his life. I think he did love him in his own way. But when he realized that he had been lied to all this time, that love turns to hate. It's quite fitting that he wanted his 10th masterpiece(murder) be that of Joon Ho. Remember how in one of the earlier episode they were talking about Beethoven's unfinished 10th symphony? They mentioned how many geniuses were never able to finish their 10th masterpiece. Same happened with Min. He decided that for all the lies he has been told, and for the way his and his hyung's life (and even Ji ahn's life) has been ruined by Joon Ho, it is quite fitting that he should be the last person that he kills.

I dunno that he has any feelings for Ji Ahn. He surely does not hate her. In the beginning he was curious about how someone had become so close to Lee Hyun(who didn't usually get easily attached to anyone). I think that interest initially developed into jealousy but later, for me, it turned into grudging respect for the kind of person she is.



I reckon JangNara looks baby face and suits Seo InGuk just fine. In saying that, I had so much issue in loving his love line in Savvy, now Lee Hana does look like his mom and the granny style of clothing does not help as well.

Regardless, I LOVE LOVE these 2 dramas. So much have been said in this Comment section so I wont be repetitive. Basically I agreed wholeheartedly at all the praises towards the writing and acting. And Park Bogum - how is he so good,he completely outshines Choi won young even though he is a lot younger.

And lastly, the OST is freakin good. I am still on withdrawal and I def have them playing in my Soundcloud on repeat the whole day.


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I'm going voting crazy!


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Hi,,, I hope there are still many people coming back in this thread.

I'm rewatching IRY now, for the fourth times already since there aren't many drama can pull out my interest currently. Yes IRY is worth to rewatch again and again and i don't feel bored at all.

Kinda feel sad that this gem didn't get thropy in KDA but since that award is crap, honestly i feel glad. Hope KBS will give it in the next end-year award.

Oh i just realized then, some of people here are also in the Healer's recaps. So the good news is, I just found out that both male leads JCW and SIG are trully best friend in real life. Whaaa....

These two hot guys often go karaoke together since they are live in the same neighborhood. I can't imagine if I live in the same area, probably i would sneak to their house everyday and night, hihihi.... :)


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Oh I didn't know JCW and SIG were friends. That gives me so much happiness. And maybe we can hope to see them bromancing in a show then! :P

I am hoping IRY wins some awards too! This drama was truly awesome :D


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Gotta go back to this recap to comment and vote. Totally LOVE this series. ♥


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Read the recap so many times but only recently watched the drama and loved all the episodes,

five stars all the way to the whole drama


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@no1 I saw you in all my favourite shows's threads when I went visiting them for stars :).. Seems like we have similar tastes! :D


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I was so disappointed with Korean Drama Awards. Praying that KBS will give the awards this great drama deserves! The actors were awesome (Jang Nara, Seo In Guk and the whole cast). The writing was consistently intriguing. Going back to vote for this drama! 5 stars for you. I remembered you, Drama!


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Oh, tears! Reading new comments in this thread really made my day. :D This is how bad IRY made me into hehe

So sorry, I wrote it wrong, I should wrote "the latest 2 eps" by that I meant ep 13 and 14 of 20A. I haven't watched the last 2 eps. Will do today. :) Kinda sad tho this drama should end, but there's still Sassy Go Go. I must say the male lead really loves to flirt. That smile to the EunJi!

On Sherlock series, oh I LOVE it so much. Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock is just to die for. He's a total jerk but you just can't ignore his charisma. I could totally relate to John Watson when he has to swallow his pride and other human's ethic when it comes to Sherlock. He just loves Sherlock like the rest of the viewers hehe

Someone said that Lee Hyun is a weak version of Sherlock. Yes, this could be true but then to expect someone to write a character as great as Sherlock is to expect another brilliant writer as the 21st century master piece. I prefer to take another point of view by saying that IRY and Lee Hyun gives Sherlock vibes and those excel in their own beauty. :)

What makes IRY beautiful?
For me, its the dialogue. The depth of those cryptic dialogue between the three male leads is beautiful and pulls me at my heartstrings. It delivers the unique characteristic and the sexy brain of those three. IRY used many metaphors, like that "I'll take care of my own tree from now." Oh who could forget that line. And that "tree" smile hehe

And the love line. It's not the major plot but that's exactly why I love it. The writer didn't go over the top with that and kept it simple. Even there's no romantic dialogue between them. It's just the way the leads talked to each other that made their dialogue deeper and always meaningful. Idk why but I always hear LH says "dangshin" in my head still until now lol. Oh God help me.


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Throughout every episode of Sherlock, I kept asking as to why John Watson takes the kind of shit Sherlock doles out to him. But I realized every time that I would have done the same if I was in his place. Sherlock is such an awe inducing genius that his irritating habits can easily be overlooked.

I really don't think Hyun is a lesser- Sherlock. There are similarities but Lee Hyun is capable of much more emotions than Sherlock. I got the Sherlock vibes from Lee Hyun but I stayed with the character purely because of SIG's amazing portrayal of him. Plus, the Sherlock vibes kinda go away after the first two episodes.

Oh I love how IRY used metaphors and other literary devices! The writers were quite awesome. Loved the 'tree' bit obviously. Plus, i loved the foreshadowing or mirroring of events. Like how when Ji An jumps out of the same window that Min had earlier jumped out of, she too finds Joon-Ho on the other side. The brilliance of IRY is visible in how it got even the little things right!

Btw what is the "dangshin" thing? I never understood it completely. I remember reading it somewhere in the comments earlier, but I forgot. :)


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Btw I feel so proud that we are nearing 550 comments. Our love for IRY is still shining brightly. :)


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Hope someone would reply me on comment 159, for help me answer some of my question. I want to hear others opinion.


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If some one here buy the director's cut dvd, i hope you will be generous to share it here. If it is not violate any rule.


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Oh that dangshin comment - I read that first here (it made me happy I have to say)


According to Google, dangshin is a You but in affectionate way, something like Dear? Hopefully a korean-speaker will clarify this to us.

Ahh the love line, it's not major but it give me weird flutters. How do they make a simple hand hold to be so hot?

I found this BTS and I have watched it on repeat few times because SIG is too cute.



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Ah I knew I had read about 'dangshin' somewhere but I had forgotten about it! :)

Thanks so much for the BTS. I love how he says it's just a habit to kiss back! Lol. He is adorable. <3


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reply @ comment ObsessedMuch . Thanks for your reply.
Hyun and Min sure a like, they both not easy to open up and close to anyone. I supprise that you think that Min has some kind of respect for Ji An, not just interest.
It is quite possible, remember Ji An success to get Hyun attention while he failed for many years. At some point he come to Ji an to know more about his brother in the begining episodes.
I'm curious if Min really come to police to surrender himself for killing, but there is no corpse, no effidence, no witness (the guy who transport the corpse not really witnessing Min killing that peoples, he also just really got see the last corpse), how they will process the case? The trial will take a long time to investigate, and for that time being is Min will be in jail? Is surrender himself can give him reduction sentence? Sigh.., i really need season 2..

Anyway for ease my crave to see PBG, i try to watch Cantabile Tomorrow now, i only read the recaps here in DB before and not interest enough to watch it.
But because my bias to PBG now, although i like Joo Won enough to come see him when he come to my country promoting Yong Pal, i must to say that the his character in Cantabile Tomorrow is not interesting enough and Neil's character is annoyed me to much. I see her as no respect at all to another peoples.
I not find the pairing cute or endearing, the side character is more fun to watch.
So i really just will watch it for PBG..sigh..


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I haven't seen Cantabile Tomorrow and I don't think I will. Joo Won is handsome and a good actor but I didn't like Yong Pal much.

For my Bo Gummie shots, I am waiting for Reply 1988. He looks so cute with that weird cut. Btw check out the BTS link that Boomboompow gave in the comments above. SIG, JN and Bo Gum are so cute in that.

Where are you from? I am from India and no Korean stars ever come here for their show's/movie's promotions- maybe cuz we don't really have many kdrama fans here.


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I'm from Indonesia ^_^, sometimes korean star come to my country, there is LOTTE Shopping Avenue here which from Korea. So they often invite Korean star to promoting their Shopping Mall.
And yes, i'm waiting Reply 1988 now, i even dream about it last night ~_~


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Dreaming about shows? Now that's a sigh of a true kdrama fan! :P


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Sign* not sigh


Really, this is the first time i'm dreaming for an upcoming drama to quickly airing. And it's because Park Bo Gum...
I LOL'ing my self...
Have you watch Pride and Projudice? I read some comment said it quite good.


Nah. I love kdramas but I didn't want to ruin my favourite story by seeing a bad production of it. It has been mostly called ok so I never got much interested in it


What do you mean by "ruin my favourite story by seeing a bad production of it" ?
Pride and Projudice?


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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It's one of my favorite novels and has had many film and tv adaptations.


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Oo...there is the novel. For a novel, the title sound heavy, it is in english? What is it about ?


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Oh yes! Its a very famous British novel of the Victorian era. You can check out the english movie by the same name if you want to. I think the latest adaptation came in 2005. Its on youtube:


Its a love story between Elizabeth Bennet (a very intelligent, gutsy middle class girl) and Mr Darcy (a rich arrogant guy). It's quite awesome if you don't mind an old era feel. Basically it's a classic story that has been told again and again through many shows. Usual kdrama heroes are quite similar to Mr Darcy- arrogant and rude.

If you want a modern version, then there is a Bollywood,version called Bride and Prejudice (in english though). It's quite funny. It also must be available on Youtube.

There was actually a very small, almost forgettable moment in episode 7 of IRY, where Lee Hyun closes his fist after shaking hands with Ji Ahn in the park. Many people noticed how its taken from the 2005 PnP movie when Darcy helps Elizabeth into the carriage.

Anyway, that's just me. I try to link my favorite shows and movies together :D


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"Sherlock is such an awe inducing genius that his irritating habits can easily be overlooked."

Ikr, I'll do exactly the same thing if I was in John Watson's shoes. Sherlock is too charming and charismatic to be ignored just because you are hurt by his words and acts. And also, that arrogance and annoyance from both sides that makes them so funny to watch. I lol so many times at those.

On that matters, I find IRY is very entertaining as well on the comedic side. Lee Hyun and Son Sunbae interaction as well as LH-CJA bickering is so funny and fresh. Every time LH underestimating Son Sunbae and mocks at CJA, oh it feels like a breath of a fresh air to me. Not forced at all and so enjoyable to watch. My fave is def when Team Leader Kang confronted LH to be the team advisor before giving LH permission to enter the crime scene haha that is so on point and very funny.

I def agree with you that IRY paid so much attention to little details and make it consistent throughput the series, like that "finger tapping" habit of Hyun and Min, Hyun saw that habit of Min's in ep 2 when Min first encountered Hyun. Hmm could it be that Hyun actually started to get a hunch since the beginning? But he couldn't say it because he always needs that 100% certainty before coming to conclusion?

On another note, this might quite a far comparison, but I read that Cumberbatch is being praised for his rich baritone voice, esp for that deep sexy voice of Sherlock. SIG, imo, is giving a different aura on his voice as LH. In Savvy, he talks like a teenager, but in IRY he talks with a deeper voice and oh it's so sexayyy lol. PBG also has that deep voice esp when Min talks ominously.

Oh, I could easily dragged my self back to IRY world with all those deep voice from Hyun and Min, that warm voice of Ji Ann, clumsy talks by Team Leader Kang, all wrapped in those awesome bgm and beautiful OST. Loveee...

Oh, and you already found out what that "dangshin" is. Isn't it just cuteee? The way LH said that to CJA. Awww...


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Oh SIG's voice! I could go on listening to it, obviously not understanding a single thing though! :P

Cumberbatch's voice however in a different category. I don't think anyone is in his league (except maybe Alan Rickman-the guy who plays Snape in the Harry Potter series). I remember watching a video on youtube where Cumberbatch was just reading a poem. Ah it was so mesmerizing. The comments on that video bordered on almost soft porn with the tame ones saying sth like "my ovaries just exploded". Ill leave you to imagine the not-so-tame-ones! :P

I stop myself from going back into the IRY world so soon. I want a time gap so that I can look at this show with new insight maybe.

The dangshin thing is truly cute. I love Guk-Nara so much! :)


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Cumberbatch really stole me in his Sherlock role and that on in Imitation Game. Before, I didn't even recognize him in his other movies that I've watched.

Could you give me the link to that you tube vid when he's reading the poem? Of course, I could find that my self but only to make sure that I could read those comments you have mentioned earlier haha

I read Cumberbatch short biography on Imdb. Wew, he really is born to be an actor. Such an impressive biography, both on the family traits and his elite educational background.

Nara-Guk is love. I could totally understand that some find them off pairing, because truthfully I feel the same while seeing them in real life. But as LH and CJA, their chemistry is sizzling right from the beginning. I couldn't see any age gap at all. That only proves that both are such a versatile actor and actress.

Oh, on another note, how do you put love emoticon here? Sorry, a low tech skill here hehe


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We all do need season 2, all we? It would be awesome to see the growth of Hyun and Min during their childhood and adolescence. Why Min became a murderer but very successful as a lawyer? And, why Hyun became so distant but also kind of dominating to others with that player like suave at times? I'd love to see that :D


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Ah yes, i also want to know, if Min said he watching his hyung for 20 years, but Hyun live in LA after he adult, so is Min sometimes go to LA to watching him? But the scene when he stalking him, all showed when Hyun comeback to Korea.
When exactly Hyun move to live in LA?
I also thinking why Ji an never notice Min before, when she stalking Hyun, and Min also never notice there is this strange woman who also stalking Hyun.
And if we count it correctly, is Ji An who stalking Hyun first, right after LJY and Min's dissapearence, Min i'm sure watching Hyun after he more grown up.
He cannot when he still a little kid, LJY will not allow him to go find Hyun, when he still adolescence and under his care, so i think Min begin to stalking Hyun when he already live seperate from LJY, maybe after he graduated (if he go to school) and become a lawyer.
But LJY absolutely know about Ji an stalking Hyun from they childhood, because it's showed Ji an talk a lot about Hyun to him from the beginning, that so he definitely know who Ji An is.
When LJY and Lawyer Jung showed in one scene for the first time in the show, they both looked supriesed to see each other around Hyun, and i think LJY talk first that " long time not see".
It showed that LJY don't really know that Min watching Hyun all of this time? And Min don't know LJY move to their old home's neighbourhood and also watching Hyun?
Wow i like to see all of it to be explore more and make a special episode.


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O i'm sorry, forget to ask you, are you from Indonesia or Malaysia? Your nama is mean "romance" in Indonesia Languange.


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Why, yes of course I'm Indonesian. :) Isn't "asmara" a great name because watching (good) Kdramas always makes my heart so full with "asmara" aka love? :) Hi to you too, dear db mate :D

It seems that Min had lived separated from LJH for quite a long time. That's why both of them looked so surprised when LH invited them for dinner. It kinda ironic to think that LH thought a lot about his past while being watched by three people (Min, CJA, and LJH) from his past all that time but Hyun just ignored them.

But then seeing how twisted Min is, we could draw a conclusion that Min spent his childhood and adolescence time with LJH. That's when LJH feeding Min's bad wolf sides and putting down Min's good wold side. When Min finally met his hyung, he also found back his compass of moral, thus Min started to grow his good wold sides, for his hyung.

I really think KBS kinda misleaded us with the premise. If only they promoted IRY as a psychological drama of self discovery to the past, IRY might did better in ratings. Or maybe not coz Korean audience are not ready for this type of drama hehe.


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Well, my sister work for Korean company, and one of her coworker who is korean said they don't like to watch korean drama themself, because their worktime is from 08.00 until 22.00 at the night. Just the housewife who love to watch drama and have plenty of time to do it.
I guess that also the reason, not many housewife love to watch psycopath story.
They must be prefer the more light and romance story.


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IKR, so unfortunate for IRY. If only, they counted the internet views as well. Sigh. Last hope is KBS Awards. Crossing fingers IRY will win some. Fighting! And, judges, be fair!


Best drama ever ❤❤❤


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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for you!


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I really become notice more detail after watch it again and again, when the last fight between LJY and Min, i realised Min lost to LJY because he hit him right at his wound from the first stab. That so Min look so weak after that hit and can't fight anymore.


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@Asmara I sadly don't have the link to that video anymore because I saw it more than an year ago. I'll post it here if I find it though.

Cumberbatch is a wonder. I too never noticed him earlier even though I had seen a movie where he played a rapist. I just really hated him there. But since Sherlock there is no looking back. He is good at everything he tries his hand at. He is surely one of the best British actors out there right now.

I am equally bad on tech skills. Usually, < and 3 together make a heart but this site doesn't seem to accept that. So many people here post stars and candies as emoticons! I wonder how they are doing it!! :P

Jang Nara has such a baby like face that she doesn't look her age at all. Plus, SIG has this ability to look like a teenage kid one second and then a 34 year old adult in the next second. I don't know how he does that but I think Savvy worked for me mainly because of his almost ageless acting! So a combo of these two hides the noona romance going on here! I mean I really can't see the 7 year difference between them! JN looks at max 2 years older than him, and sometimes even 2 years younger! :P


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Ikr, SIG can really pull it off as a teenager in Savvy but then he transformed into this hot mature guy in IRY smoothly. His voice, his looks, his attitude, all says mature, and hot hehe. On the other hand, JNR with her doe eyes looks much younger than her real age. LH and CJA is really two people of the same age falling in love. Sweet.

Do you know that Cumberbatch has became a verb? Here, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1212722/
Imdb trivia wrote that we could say, "I have cumberbatched England." How fantastic is that haha. Can't wait for Sherlock season 4. In 2017! Too long!


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@Asmara Cumberbatch as a verb! That's hilarious! And then he goes on to say that in future it might even become a swear word! I can totally see it happening. His name is so unique.

Btw have you noticed how witty he is? His one liners are awesome. His fangirls used to call themselves "Cumber-bitches" and on that he said in an interview: "I don't think they wanted to abuse themselves but it somehow happened". On his request, the cumberbitches have started calling themselves "cumber-cookies"!

Also did you see that video where he can't pronounce "penguins"? Its hilarious! I think it was mentioned in one of the Graham Norton shows.

Also, 2017? I thought it was 2016! :(.. But they are coming up with a Christmas special episode this year! Have you seen the trailer? I am so looking forward to Christmas now!


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Ok, I'll admit that I intended to keep this thread only for IRY but then you came along and brought all of this awesome discussion on Sherlock. I just can't! LOL It's hard to find here anyone whom I could talk to about Sherlock the series.

I just watched the trailer and it's HILARIOUS! Witty witty and witty. That's what make me fall in love with the series. Mrs. Hudson's "I'm your landlady. Not your plot device!" cracks me up haha oh my God, just come to my screen asap.

Thinking about that, wonder when and where will I be able to watch it? Any advice? Anything similar to MyAsianTV but for western series?

Oh, and thank you for all of your reply. Def I'll come back for more on IRY hehe


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@Asmara IKR? This thread was purely about my undying love for IRY. But I really love that you watched Sherlock, and that now I can indulge in my Sherlock-craze and Bennedict love here too! :P Btw, have you noticed that Kim Woo Bin looks a little like Cumberbatch? Just a little. Maybe it lies in the fact that they are both not traditionally handsome (Woo Bin once joked that he looks like a dinosaur and Cumberbatch once said that he looked a bit like an otter :P), and they are both so tall too.

The trailer is indeed hilarious! I love the writers of this show. They are true geniuses. Do watch this other British show by the same writers called "Jekyll". Its a mini-series with just one season. While not as awesome as Sherlock, it's pretty brilliant on it's own! I don't think the Christmas special of Sherlock would be available online. Do you get AXN in Indonesia? In India, AXN showed season 3 of Sherlock almost a day after it aired in the West.

Thanks for your comments too. Such a great way to keep this thread alive. Who knows, we might even reach 600 comments and the 5th page! Cheers! :D


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So happy to know that you're enjoying our discussion on Sherlock-craze, oh yes that is so true. I really wouldn't have thought that I would immensely enjoy Cumberbatch's Sherlock. Def it's the combination of Cumberbatch and Sherlock that blows me away.

Sherlock series writer is indeed a genius. The plot, the crime, the deduction, the animation, the drama, the touching moments and thrilling moments are all well written. It's a complete package in one show. Jekyll sounds so interesting, hope could find it here.

To think that they released the trailer months before the airing date, wew what a long preparation. Poor IRY, such a short time they have to write, to shoot, to edit, to make the animation. No wonder they didn't put any animation on the last series. Still, hats off to all of the awesome crews and casts of IRY. How I miss this drama.

And about that dinosaur and otter thing haha oh my God, what's with these celebrities comparing them selves with animal. SIG also did that. He once said that he and the other guy known as SIG lost brother because they resembles each other are basically have dinosaur face. And he often draws otter as his icon. Look at how far I dig up SIG life haha I never watched Woo Bin, but I don't mind at all with Cumberbatch's dinosaur face. He's freaking charming as Sherlock.

I don't think we have AXN here but hoping that I could find the Christmas special series. Oh can't wait! :D

600 comments on 5th page? Bring it on! :D


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@Asmara Time, really, was the one thing that IRY writers didn't have. This show could have been popular so easily if only they had time to write and also time for more episodes. There is so much more I want to know about our resident psychopaths and Lee Hyun.

I think I will love all actors who look like animals, if they are anyway similar to Cumberbatch, SIG or Woo Bin. You haven't seen any Kim Woo Bin shows? I am a huge fan, even though he has never had a leading role. I am so looking forward to his return to dramaland in 2016.

I can't wait for the Christmas special either. It's gonna be so much fun.

I realized it is back to us being the only ones on this thread. The star ratings brought many people back but I guess it got old! :P Still, I like it. This thread has become like a special place which I check every two days or so. Lets recommend other shows to each ither here. :)


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Hi @ObsessedMuch,

Time oh time. That's all that we need when we already has this super awesome script writing, directing, and acting execution. IRY could got more animation on Hyun's deduction and more eps on going deeper to our residents psychopath mind.

Just rewatched some fave scenes and I must say this, my top three quotes from IRY:
1. From the Great Gastby book on ep 5
"We took our oars to fight the current to go upstream. But we were always swept down to the past."
This piece of scene is like a beautiful piece of work of art. First, the build up it self. The way the camera shot Lee Hyun's back and moved along in that room only with the sunlight and that bgm is truly poignant and sad. Then the quote it self is downright true to our main lead history it self. Hyun might did well on his adult life but deep down he still lived in his past.
2. The Indian wolf story.
Now that I heard this quote from IRY, not only Hyun and Min, I my self kept this for my self. Such a spot on quote for the big story of IRY and the main question for our psychopath mind.
3. All the quote from Greek mythology i.e. Hyacinth, Leucippus, and Democritus.
Just.because.I like the way they say it haha esp SIG when he said Hyacinth and Leucippus oh so cuteee... can I keep that for my phone??? You know, just like Sherlock with that "ahhh..." ring tone from Miss Adler haha.

Back to Sherlock, I watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy for Cumberbatch. Sadly, he only appeared short and not so convincing imo. Sherlock is indeed the one character dedicated for Cumberbatch only. December, please come soon.


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Asmara, the first quote is my most favorite one in the whole show. I think I kept it as my status message on whatsapp for a while. Plus I really loved that whole case. And that guy (the young guy who is avenging his father's wrong case) is the actor who played the young Hyung in Pinocchio and I loved him there too.

The Indian wolf story is so precise and spot on for the whole theme of IRY. I loved that the writers did their homework so well. I always love a show with varied literary and cultural references. Oh btw, i am an Indian and I had never heard that folk tale but then again, India is so vast that its not a surprise that I haven't heard every Indian story (or maybe they were referring to a Red Indian folktale- which would then make it an American folktale!)

I liked the references to Greek mythology but more because of the depth it gives to IRY as a show. I love SIG's voice but because I don't understand a word of what he is saying, I am usually just focusing on the subtitles. It's really hard to truly love a quote unless you hear it in the language it was meant to be heard in. I am really thinking of learning Korean when I get time! :)

I haven't watched many Cumberbatch movies. Though he was quite good in Star Trek 2, and his awesome voice in The Hobbit. For me Sherlock = Cumberbatch forever now. I don't think ill like seeing anyone else play Sherlock any more.

On to a more unrelated topic. Recently the Indonesian police caught one of the most wanted criminals of India and handed him over to the Indian police. And all I could think of when I heard the news was- "Hey! I know someone from Indonesia" :P


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@asmara and @ObsessedMuch. Thanks to mention about quotes in IRY. I really like the no.2 quote about Indian's wolf story. It's become my favorite story and i also hold it for my self.
Our past is not determine our future, it's all depend on our choise what we want to become, what ever peoples said about us.
That's why i really love about Min's choise in the end.
I never watch Cumberbatch's Sherlock, so can't join your fun discussion about it, but i really like to read your comments here. So just want to tell you, there is peoples who keep coming back here just to read comments here, even if we not leave any comment.?


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@loveycat Aww you made my day! Thanks for that comment. And thanks a lot for coming back every time. I somehow just have to check this thread everyday. It is almost like an obsession.

You should really watch Sherlock if you can find it somewhere. Its a true gem of a show. And you can recommend other shows here and we can discuss those too.

I really hope there are many others like you who feel like commenting. :)


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wow!!!this drama is kinda classy and nice.


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Hi there, I can't believe I just reread all the IRY recaps and comments on DB last weekend. Oh gosh, never thought that withdrawal symptom could be like this haha. Not that I'm not enjoying other shows. I finished Twenty Again and I love it. I also watch Sassy Go Go and enjoy it very much but idk, it's feels diff from IRY experience. Still, can't wait to see PBG in Answer Me 1988 this Friday yay... Min is back haha...

@ObsessedMuch, on the quotes, sorry, I meant Native American story, not Indian, def my fault, I apologize. And on the Indian most wanted criminal, I didn't hear that, tell me about watching and rewatching Kdramas too much eh hehe, who is she/he? So happy that you remember me, or us, cause loveycat is from Indonesian too, thank you :D

@loveycat, thanks for the comment, dear. IRY indeed left many great impressions on us, from the quotes, the nature vs nurture debate, the nuance, and of course the slow building romance of Hyun and Ji Ann. Loveee...

@emkaydramalover, true isn't it? We all here love our classy directing and acting on IRY. Just hit you on the right spot. :)


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@Asmara Haha, it shows! :) His name is Chota Rajan and he is an underworld don. Basically, he was on top of the Indian Most wanted List for quite a while. He traveled from Australia to Indonesia and the Indonesian police caught him. He is currently being extradited to India.

So now I can think of two Indonesians instead of one whenever I hear any Indonesian news :P


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Ha.. i browsing on internet about that Indian don who cought in Indonesia you mentioned. He basicly turn himself to the police because his health in bad condition and there is many attemp to kill him from his enemy in underworld, if i not mistake.
Happy that you remember us when you hear about Indonesia.
Anyway i'm downloading Sherlock Holmes 2 series already, but still not have the subtitle so i have not watch it.?
I'm also waiting for Reply 1988 and miss PBG like crazy. Sigh... i embarrassed my self. That boy is 10 years younger than me.
Little bit worry his role will be heart breaking once again, base from his role's description. I can guess he will not get the girl, because he is just second male lead. But i hope they more focus to his baduk playing or the philosophy behind it like Jang Geu Rae in Misaeng.
I hoping a new kind story from this reply.
PBG is young and look like a good and innocent kid, but at the same time he also look mature than the other cast who have close age. Not his face, but his expression i think.
Any way, happy to read more comment here. I also still have a very very bad withdrawal from IRY. Still going around read all of another recaps and comments of IRY.?


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Oo i forget, i really amazed by how beautiful every angle of scenes and pictures they made in IRY. The angle, the lighting, the expression, the mood and the meaning in every scene, wow...i really want to learn cinematography now.
Sorry i have some difficulties to express my feeling for this drama, i could crying..?


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Hi i'm back, while i going to Soompi forums of IRY, i find this comments from Liddi. Well it's old comment, sent before the 2 last episode air, she still don't know the ending that time, but i like read her comment, there is few point i kind of never hear anybody mention it clearly, so want to share it here.

"- That scene when Hyeon tells Ji An that he was not lonely having dinner alone, pan out to his choice of company. What a heartbreaking moment to watch, knowing that for those past 20 years, he had been deriving a modicum of comfort from the ghosts of his past.

- LJY's motivation for killing, is pretty much driven by his need to liberate abused children from those who tormented them. Logistically and logically, I don't see any indication that he brings them into the fold and cares for them, the way he did Min. That is not to say that these children do not know him or what he has done, as evidenced by Eunbok's behaviour. Perhaps he leaves them to find their way in the world, away from the abuse, and how they turn out is very much dependent on what kind of person they are already, deep down inside.

- LJY targeting the Lee family possibly started off as payback for their father's complicity in his incarceration. However, his meeting with Hyeon diverted the plan somewhat. Confirming that the boy was tormented by the suspicions cast on him by his own father and the burden his young shoulders carried in protecting his younger brother at cost to himself, he saw yet another child who is suffering, and one he made a point of saving. His accidental custody of Min, and the snap decision to keep him away from Hyeon, was perhaps motivated by the knowledge of what Min really is, and in his (perhaps not so twisted) logic, it was best for both brothers not to be together. His affection for Min may have stemmed from an initially clinical interest in a boy who was already broken, but grew to be more than that as Min filled a part of the void in him. Interestingly, Min too left him and went into the world down the road, but perhaps he was fine with that, because the boy knows and accepts what he truly is, without censure.

- Min obviously grew up with a sense of hero-worship towards his hyung, and an implicit trust in him, which made his apparent betrayal even harder to bear. Knowing that, I wondered why, loving his hyung the way he did, he did not set the record straight when his father asked if Hyeon did the drawings, and even told his father not to believe a word Hyeon said. The only conclusion I could think of is that young Hyeon knew what his father would have concluded if he saw the drawings in Min's sketchbook, and had already instructed Min on what to say in a way that would protect his younger brother.

- There is no doubt that Min did kill those 9 people. His signature was on the bodies, and if he was just claiming to have killed them to get his hyung's attention, there would have been no need for the signature, seeing the...


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...., there would have been no need for the signature, seeing the bodies were disposed of and never seen again. Also, looking back, I don't believe there is any shadowy puppetmaster in the background, and everything Min did, he orchestrated alone. C-subs show that the mysterious "Director Ahn" was just a mistranslation of Director Yang, the killer of the first case.

The point interest me is:

The scene when Hyun imagine his father and Min as his dinner company is so sad. It's show how much he miss them and never forget about them.

And even LJY save many abused childs, but he not personally care and raised them like he do to Min, so basically Min is the only one who he really feel as his family. I think he just still in contact with few of them, like Eunbok to ask some help or visit them as an old friend.

About Min ask their father to not believe Hyun, i still little bit confused, but i think Hyun indeed tell him before that to not tell their father about his drawing, and Min realised that he will be in trouble if their father know the thruth, on the other hand he know that Hyun never can say a lie, so he said that to their father, thinking their father is more favor his Hyung, unaware that the problem will be that serious.

About someone bigger behind who support LJY and Min all of this time, i think it's just they know to much bad peoples with high position, that they use their intelegent to manipulate them for their advantage, but make it look like they were who being used.
Just like Director Yang who think Min as a lawyer do everything for him, when the truth is Min the one who manipulated and control him to do anything he has done.

That what i'm thinking.


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And the prosecutor who Min killed, he kind of want use Min as his puppet, as his "hand" he said. Like do dirty work for him, and he saying an illustration about a boy who hurt his friend by accident but the truth is he intentionally hurt that friend, while smiling to Min, it's more like he threatened Min to agree be his "hand" because he know Min's secret.

And now, I wonder the boy that prosecutor mention is pointing to Min or Hyun? We don't know if he know Min is proffesor Lee's son who missing.

If he know, that mean the boy he mention can be is Hyun, because their father cover that incident about Hyun killed the intruder who killed their mother, that must be need someone with high position to do that. That can be prosecutor Shin who help him. Hyun killing that intruder is self defense, but not every one think that way, that is why their father cover it. He doubt that Hyun really have murderer tendency and that killing is intentionally.
That so the prosecutor threatend Min with this secret.

But then, if he don't know Min is prof Lee's son, it can be the boy he mention is Min, maybe it's something happened in Min's adolescent.

I really suspecting the perosecutor is talking about Hyun, that will be make sense why Min kill him.


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@loveycat Yes there are many theories about the criminal that was caught. Most famous ones say that he got himself caught and that he was close to the Indian government or something. Obviously we won't really get to know anything because the real reasons never come to surface.

You and Asmara have now become synonymous with Indonesia for me. so if I ever hear more news about your country, ill think of you guys again. :)


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The scene with Hyun eating dinner alone is so sad that it is almost creepy. Actually it is really creepy and terrible. I think I felt my heart tug for Hyun then. I really wanted someone to just hug him in that scene. But he had become so accustomed to being lost in his memories that he almost did not want to come out of them. The writers did such a great job in writing Hyun's character and SIG acted it out to perfection.

My problem with the writers comes when I think of Min and LJY. They could have been sketched out more perfectly. I mean it is not even a mistake that I am pointing out because the writers really did the best they could in the short time they had.

But there is just so much that we don't get to know and would now never know. I have always wondered at the people Min had killed before. There was an attempt to humanize his psychosis by saying that he only killed the people who abandon people who trust them but his killing of his boss and some other things does not go with that theory.

I also wondered about the prosecutor boss. He seemed to know so much about Hyun and Min and maybe even LJY. Did he just know everything or did he also participate in any of the murders.

I would have also loved to see the other children LJY "saved". What sort of life did they eventually lead? I mean Min and Eunbok seemed to have grown up well and have been educated sufficiently to become lawyer and policeman respectively. So it seems LJY might have helped his other children financially too.

Anyway lots of un-answered questions as usual. IRY really needs a 2nd season. Maybe the same writers could come out with a similar sequel story even if they officially do not call it IRY2.


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Hey guys! I have found a review of IRY by Daegorr...


...and I thought this was super awesome :) you might want to check it out. Take care everyone :)

"Another evidence of the sheer amount of thought put into this show, is how the screens bearing the title of each episode actually form Min’s signature logo when you piece them together. Fascinating! Big thanks to the eagle-eyed Korean fans who discovered this."


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@Steady Thanks! This was an amazing find. Who knew the crew of IRY took so much pains with every portion of the story. So much detailing! And I love that we keep finding new things to love about IRY. :)


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Look how intelligent and dedicated our favorite Seo In Guk sounds in this interview! I think I fell a little more in love with him <3

I found this while browsing the site Steady gave a link to above. So thanks again Steady:)


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