Mask: Episode 18

We know that Ji-sook will do anything to protect those she loves, and she sets out to beat her adversaries at their own game. But it’s not easy to out-fox the fox, and her willingness to put herself in danger to win this dangerous game could land her in the hottest water yet.


Ji-sook’s family plants a tree for Mom in their special place, alongside the other trees in memories of lost family members. Ji-sook remembers being a child, and asking her mother where people go when they die, and Mom had said they go to the hearts of the people they loved. She tells her mother to be reborn as her daughter, and to make her worry as much as she wants. She leaves the diamond ring she bought for Mom at the base of the tree.

At the house, Ji-sook looks through her mother’s worn possessions and notes that she never used any of the money Ji-sook sent. She tells Min-woo that she thought she did all this for her family, assuming money would make them happy, but it wasn’t true — she did it for her own greed. Min-woo says she did the best she could, but Ji-sook gives in to guilty tears.

Drinking again, Mi-yeon asks Seok-hoon if it caused him pain when he did all those bad things. She’s in pain, and she feels like she’s going crazy. Seok-hoon asks what she’s done, and Mi-yeon vaguely says that she only meant to interfere with the surgery, not for things to go this far.

She immediately starts justifying the situation by telling herself that Ji-sook’s mother was probably going to die, anyway. Seok-hoon asks who’s dead, but Mi-yeon doesn’t hear him, and says that it’s all that loan shark’s fault.

Seok-hoon has to go to Director Shim for an explanation, who’s only too happy to tell him how he told Mi-yeon about Ji-hyuk’s peanut allergy. He demands more money to say why Mom died, and explains that she just had a turn for the worse. Nobody killed her.

Min-woo watches over Ji-sook while she sleeps, clutching her mother’s apron. He looks at his remembrance from his own mother, her ruby necklace. He apologizes to her photo for having someone that he loves more than her, but he smiles as if he knows his mother would be happy to hear that.

Stepmom shoots barbs at Seok-hoon at breakfast for daring to eat with the family, and he offers to leave but Papa Choi tells him to stay. Next Stepmom goes after Ji-sook for picking at her food, asking if someone died or something. Surprisingly it’s Mi-yeon who tells her mom to leave Ji-sook alone.

Ji-sook stands up to announce that she’s been lying to the family, but Seok-hoon interrupts before she can tell them she’s not Eun-ha. He asks to talk to her privately, and he actually has the nerve to play to her sympathy, saying that he’ll be in trouble if she goes back to being Byun Ji-sook. She doesn’t really care, because she has nothing left to lose, so he threatens her father and brother. He implies that he was responsible for her mother’s death, and says her father and brother will die too, if she doesn’t comply.

Seok-hoon goes back to breakfast alone, saying that Ji-sook had something important to do. Min-woo goes looking for her, but she’s already gone, and when he calls her she tells him she’ll explain later.

She talks with her mother’s doctor, who says that her mother’s sudden illness can happen that way sometimes, and that her brother was turned down as a donor because of his allergic reaction. Ji-sook knows he would never eat peanuts, which is the most suspicious part of all this.

She also talks to Ji-hyuk, who completely blames himself for Mom’s death. Ji-sook asks what else happened that day, and he tells her he spoke to Mi-yeon the day before the surgery was scheduled. He doesn’t know why she approached him, but she did say something odd about Ji-sook needing to be responsible for the mess she made of the Choi family.

Min-woo confronts Seok-hoon, who says to ask Ji-sook herself about their conversation this morning. Min-woo says he has proof that Seok-hoon tried to kill him, and Seok-hoon calls his bluff — if he turns that evidence in, he’ll make sure something worse than jail time happens to Ji-sook. Min-woo thinks he’s bluffing too, but Seok-hoon invites him to just ask Ji-sook.

Ji-sook confronts Mi-yeon out by the pool about her discussion with Ji-hyuk, and asks what she did to him and her mother. Mi-yeon pretends innocence, then acts offended when Ji-sook doesn’t believe her. Ji-sook grabs Mi-yeon’s arm and demands the truth, and Mi-yeon flings her hand off, which unbalances Ji-sook.

In an eerie re-enactment of Eun-ha’s accident, Mi-yeon finds herself clutching Ji-sook’s wrist as she tries not to fall in the pool. But this time, Mi-yeon yanks Ji-sook up, saving her from the fall, as Min-woo looks on from the staircase.

It triggers a memory for Min-woo, of drinking the wine that day and falling by the poolside, and he starts to get dizzy. Ji-sook rushes to him, but he can’t see her, only a surfacing memory of Eun-ha falling into the pool as Mi-yeon walks away.

He passes out and wakes up in bed, with Mi-yeon and Ji-sook worrying over him. He orders Mi-yeon out, and Ji-sook says she didn’t call his doctor, so Papa Choi won’t find out. She asks if he turned in that video of Seok-hoon confessing, but he remembers Seok-hoon telling him to ask her about their conversation, so he does.

She tells him that Seok-hoon threatened her family if she goes back to her old life, and Min-woo sighs that the video won’t be enough to put Seok-hoon away for long. He thinks they should wait for another opportunity to gather more evidence.

Seok-hoon has something up his sleeve, because he meets with Ji-sook’s father and tells him that he’ll help his daughter go back to her old life if that’s what she wants. Dad asks if his whole family knows about her switch now, and Seok-hoon says that Papa Choi doesn’t know yet, because he’ll be too upset when he finds out. Seok-hoon takes Dad somewhere, saying it’s a surprise.

Ji-hyuk is supposed to meet Dad at the coffee shop, but Dad isn’t there and he left his phone behind. He calls Ji-sook, who instantly worries that Seok-hoon has done something with Dad.

Seok-hoon only takes him to buy a nice suit as a gift, and he takes a call from Ji-sook, making it look like they’re close friends. He lets her talk to Dad, who raves about how nice Seok-hoon is, and Seok-hoon takes the phone back and tells Ji-sook he’ll look after Dad and Ji-hyuk. He sounds friendly, but she hears it for the threat it is.

Before he hangs up, Ji-sook asks if he knows what Mi-yeon did to sabotage her mother’s surgery. He says that Mi-yeon does what he tells her to do, taking the credit for that situation, and adds that Mi-yeon helped him get back into the Choi house. He warns Ji-sook again that she’d better go along with his plans, or else.

Ji-sook goes into a bit of a shock and asks Min-woo for time alone to think, and wanders downstairs. Mi-yeon watches Min-woo as he worries after Ji-sook, and the two go to talk alone. Min-woo gets nostalgic about the time when he entered the household, and Mi-yeon remembers how he was afraid of water. She had defended him when Papa Choi had scolded him, and even sung to him.

Min-woo asks how Eun-ha died, but Mi-yeon pretends she doesn’t know. Min-woo tells her that he’s remembered how Eun-ha died, and practically begs her to tell him she didn’t do it. Mi-yeon says that it was only an accident.

He asks, if that’s true, then why did Ji-sook ask Seok-hoon today if he knew what Mi-yeon had done? He reminds her of her promise to make Seok-hoon confess, but says that he now questions her sincerity. He tells Mi-yeon that he won’t stand by if Seok-hoon continues threatening Ji-sook.

Ji-sook visits Eun-ha’s ashes, promising her to return her name to her soon. She apologizes for not being able to stop Seok-hoon from becoming a murderer as Eun-ha had wished, because letting him become a murderer is the only way to stop him.

Ji-sook calls Seok-hoon to the wine cellar to tell him that because of him and Mi-yeon, she can’t return to being Eun-ha. She asks him to kill her as Eun-ha, so that she can live a new life. She tells him that after her mother’s death she ran out of will to fight, and that he’s won. She’ll write a will giving him her shares of SJ Group, and leave quietly. Seok-hoon seems skeptical, but agrees.

Yeon-soo and Chang-soo have a little lovers’ spat about who is cuter (each thinks the other is cuter), and decide to make a competition of it, with the loser buying dinner. Min-woo storms through and tells them to knock it off, he’s having a bad day. HA. Then Ji-sook calls all the staff to give them gifts, but denies it when they say it feels like she’s going away.

Min-woo sees the tail-end of this and asks her if there’s another reason for the gifts, and if she has one for him. Smiling, she says she’ll get him something, but he doesn’t miss the tears welling in her eyes.

She meets with Eun-ha’s father to give him control of her charitable organization, which concerns him. He asks if she’s still planning on divorcing Min-woo, and she says that she can’t. She tells him all the things she’s sure Eun-ha would have said to him if she’d had a chance — that she always thought of him, and wished she could spend more time with him, but she understood he was busy.

She cooks dinner for Min-woo that night and when he asks what’s up, she smiles that this is the gift she promised him. At dinner, Min-woo calls Ji-sook out on her behavior, saying that she’s acting like she won’t be seeing him again. He asks for her honesty, and Ji-sook says that she’s just been thinking about how she wants to live her life.

Mi-yeon is upset about a news article announcing her and Seok-hoon’s divorce, but Seok-hoon says it’s not entirely wrong. Her mom had come to his office today to ask him to divorce Mi-yeon, but he’d declined.

The family discusses whether to release another article to set the record straight, and Papa Choi suggests the siblings and their spouses go on a vacation together to show the reporters how happy they are. Min-woo thinks it’s a terrible idea, but Seok-hoon plays the obedient son-in-law and agrees to go.

In private, Ji-sook says that before she goes back to her old life, she has things she needs to do. She promises to tell him everything when they get back from the trip. Min-woo says for her to only think of herself, knowing that she’s threatened to leave him for his own good before, but she assures him that’s exactly what she’s doing.

Seok-hoon has arranged a new identity for Ji-sook, and tells her that there will be a fire at the vacation villa while she’s there alone. She will disappear, while he’s arranged for a corpse that will be identified as Seo Eun-ha. She takes her new ID information, and in return she gives Seok-hoon her will transferring her shares to him.

Seok-hoon says that if she had only followed his plan, they would both be happy right now, but Ji-sook says he’s wrong — things would have turned out exactly like this either way. He seems genuinely sad, just a bit, but only wishes her luck on her third life.

But later when Scar asks if he should get another corpse ready, Seok-hoon tells him not to bother. He doesn’t need a corpse — he needs sleeping pills. When the fire breaks out at the villa, Ji-sook will be deep asleep.

Ji-sook composes a goodbye letter to Min-woo, telling him that she won’t actually be dead but living under her new identity. She promises to use this fake death to frame Seok-hoon for the murder of Eun-ha, and come back to him.

Ji-sook replants their flower in a larger pot, and Min-woo just knows she’s planning something. Instead of answering, she asks him to close his eyes, and when he does, she gently traces the lines of his face with a fingertip. She says she wants to remember his face when she’s not with him, and he says that will never happen.

The four arrive at the villa, and Mi-yeon suggests they have some wine so it looks like they’re enjoying each other’s company when the reporters arrive. But Mi-yeon’s claws come out right away when she calls Ji-sook by name for the first time, and pretends concern that she must have had a hard time hiding her identity all this time.

Ji-sook doesn’t back down, and says that it was hard, and asks challengingly if Mi-yeon hasn’t had a hard time, too. She says that everyone will learn the truth of what she and Seok-hoon did, and asks if living in fear is difficult.

Ever the peacemaker, Min-woo sees an opportunity to get everything out in the open, and asks why Seok-hoon tried to kill him. Seok-hoon still denies it, and gets Mi-yeon to back him up. Min-woo says he even has video of him admitting it, but Mi-yeon insists it’s not true.

Min-woo pulls Mi-yeon aside to speak privately, and asks if she’s been brainwashed. He tells her that he remembered what happened the day Eun-ha died, and how Mi-yeon just watched it happen. He saw her grab Eun-ha’s hand, and the look on her face when she let go.

Mi-yeon screams at him to stop, that it’s not what happened, and she runs out of the house with Min-woo on her heels. Min-woo loses track of Mi-yeon at the edge of the woods, and as he calls for her, Scar comes out of nowhere and whacks him in the back of the neck with a board, knocking him out cold.

Ji-sook starts to follow them out, but Seok-hoon stops her — they also have something to discuss. She checks her watch and notes that the reporters are due to arrive in a few minutes. Seok-hoon says that her replacement corpse will be arriving soon, and asks if she’s ready. She retorts that tomorrow, they’ll all be living new lives.

But suddenly her vision goes blurry, and her muscles go slack. We see that Scar had laced her wineglass with a sleeping medication, and Ji-sook realizes that she’s been drugged just as she loses consciousness.

Seok-hoon carries Ji-sook’s limp body to the bedroom and lays her on the bed. He reaches down to touch her face, but pulls back and says that both she and Eun-ha are going back to where they belong. Scar splashes gasoline everywhere, and Seok-hoon lights the fire. The two men watch the fire blaze, then leave — and in the bedroom, Ji-sook sleeps while the fire creeps closer and closer to her bed.

Min-woo wakes to find himself on a boat in the middle of a lake, disoriented and unable to get to shore. He can see the villa, already engulfed in flames. Inside the villa, the fire rises higher and higher all around Ji-sook, and she wakes to find herself completely surrounded by fire and smoke.

Outside, Mi-yeon watches the fire, and we see that she had found Ji-sook’s letter to Min-woo and already knew about Seok-hoon’s plan to (she thought) fake Ji-sook’s death. She’d ripped up the letter and called to stop the police and reporters from coming to the villa that night.

Ji-sook desperately searches for a way out of the fiery room, as Min-woo tries just as fruitlessly to start the engine on the boat. Ji-sook smothers the fire in front of the door with the bedspread, but the door handle burns her hand and she can’t get out.

Fighting his extreme fear of water, Min-woo tries over and over to jump into the lake and swim to shore, but he can’t bring himself to do it. He finally gets up his courage and jumps, just as Ji-sook passes out from the smoke. Min-woo starts to sink, then gets himself together and swims, frantic to get to Ji-sook in time.


Soooo many plot holes, but I won’t get nitpicky this late in the game. I’m still loving this show, and how much I adore the characters — even if the plot doesn’t make a whole lot of sense and has gaps you can drive a truck through. I honestly don’t even care, because I’m so damn entertained, and it’s a great ride even if it sometimes hurts my brain. I do hope that all of these unanswered questions get answered at some point in the final week (and we all know what those questions are, no need to go over them again), because I think we’d all like to know that there was a reason for withholding so much information until the last minute. I’ll be very disappointed if the show just leaves us without explanations.

One thing I will bring up though, is the sense I get that I’m supposed to be picking up on a message here, and I’m just… not? I know the show is trying to say something about lies, but I’m just not picking up what it’s putting down. Maybe you guys can help me. All this talk about lies, and how living a lie is like wearing a mask, and especially how Seok-hoon seems especially fixated on lies… it feels like there’s a message in there somewhere. Or I should say, Seok-hoon’s assertion that if he simply says something, it’s true, whether or not it’s actually true. I don’t think he truly believes that, because he seems perfectly capable of understanding the difference between a lie and the truth. He’s not mentally ill, apart from probably being a sociopath, but logic isn’t one of his problems.

Now Mi-yeon, I think, very easily convinces herself that a lie is the truth. That’s why it’s so easy for Seok-hoon to manipulate her — he just tells her to believe him even when he lies, and she does. Sometimes she fights it, and I still see flashes of goodness in her when she seems to want to follow the truth. But she’s too enmeshed with him, and too afraid of losing him. So she tells herself that the lie is the truth, and she truly comes to believe it.

At least Mi-yeon feels guilt when she inadvertently kills someone (and by “inadvertently” I don’t mean she didn’t know what she was doing, but that she didn’t plan these deaths in advance – they happened as a result of her recklessness, but murder wasn’t her intent), though it would be nice if she’d learned her lesson the first time. I get so frustrated with her, because something about her, a vulnerability, makes me want to like her so badly. And she has these moments when she’s worried about Min-woo, or feeling badly for something she’s done, and I just want her to snap out of it! Be the good person and good noona that I know she can be. But then she sees Seok-hoon, or just thinks of him, and she slides right back down into the mud. She talks herself back into being the bad guy, and it’s so hard to understand why. Don’t most people want to be a good person? Why this determination to do whatever it takes to make everyone else miserable, instead of searching for your own happiness? GAH.

But Seok-hoon is also pretty good at convincing himself of things that make no sense, like this belief that he must amass money in order to avenge the downtrodden poor of the world. No mention of what he plans to do with that money — he obviously doesn’t want to fund a charity, because he had that chance with Ji-sook’s organization and he was horrified at the idea. He never mentions wanting to help his ill father, so he doesn’t need the money for that. But he also doesn’t seem interested in material things… it really seems to be the power that money can bring that he desires. But what is he planning to do with that power? I want to believe that the writer knows the answer, but if so, then I feel that waiting this long to tell the audience is a grave mistake. I think he’d be a more convincing villain if we knew his motives. As it is, he seems to have a lot of bark and no bite, because the audience doesn’t get that lovely shiver of impending doom when he gets a step closer to his goal. By not knowing his reasons, we feel no fear of him getting his wish. And when you’re audience doesn’t fear your villain, something needs to change — I just hope it’s not too late.


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It really quite true, i realized that there wasn't and solid reason as to why seok hoon was going all batshit crazy, as for mi yeon i just feel that she's one love deprived woman who just wants to be loved and getting herself destroyed in the process, but on the bright side this drama never really pulled a long seperation between our main couple , let's hope that it will be a great finale week !


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Why does she want to be loved by Seok-hoon, though? That's what I don't understand. WHY HIM?

Given what she's learned about him, that doesn't really seem like a win. It can't just be because he's her husband. If so, that's a HORRIBLE message--although not unexpected.


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Well, he is pretty hot. If you assume he's a sociopath then it's likely his manipulation skills on a very personal level are probably outstanding. Look at his scheming on the show, a seduction wouldn't be hard. So he basically got her wrapped around his little finger and now she's stuck and emotionally damaged from it.


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i have no idea either :/ we'll watch this show to the end and find out - hopefully the writer would somehow explain it


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there was this little part, where we see seok hoon mum's funeral and dad of min woo, who is somehow responsible for it, so there is I think his thirst for revenge and lies comming from, because if you can live a wealthy life because of a lie, you could become a king of lies, unreachable and undestroyable and people will praise you, because of fear


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I don't care what the evil pair does (they are crazy and don't know what & why they are doing it).

why the suicidal plan ,of all BJS plan this was the worst giving him your "will" that was her death certificate, more than anyone she knows SH and his plans better.(I just thought what a sloppy way of writing to drag the drama )


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This might not be the best show to come out this year, but it is definitely one of the most entertaining show, this year.

so addictive


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Yes this drama is so addictive and the main couple are the cutest married couple ever ❤


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One thing I felt they got right in this episode was all the questions that MW was asking. Its time someone straight out asked the questions! It also seems only MW's questioning to MY makes her realise the actual deaths she's caused.

I was also confused as to why SH told JS that what MY dos was his idea. I mean he said MY is a nice person and all... I just really don't get how he views MY, as a pawn in his plan only or did he actually have some feelings for her? But his thirst for revenge just consumed him to the point where he doesn't care anymore.

I actually think the one person who seemed normal in this episode was the mother, from her perspective SH really should go and leave for her MY's benefit.

My guess for the next episodes is that MW will save JS, and she'll go into hiding letting him in on her plan. Then MW will act as a witness to say he murdered Eun Ha... Ahhh I don't know no more even my theory has as many plot holes as the drama lol
Just please let the series have a satisfying ending.

Thanks for the recap!


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Yh. For once I supported the mother. I srill can't get over the fact that they brought back this man into the house. If papa Choi knew SH's crimes til nw, he wudnt let the guy return. While I thought abeoji was suspiscious b4, nw im nt so sure. Seems SH is there bc papa Choi desperately needs his connections. He sold out his daughter's so called happiness to keep a cheater bc of his power. Begs the q If he really cares for his kids.


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I thought the dad was suspicious too, how can he not think that SH's is responsible? How come no one see how bad SH is for Mi Yeon and get her some counseling?


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Dude, base on episode 17 SH threathened the father because MW dad did not pay inheritance tax when he asked SH to transfer his shares to MW which may be a huge issue ?


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Just like what Plumewine mentioned, shouldn't the fact that Dad's tax evasion was discovered and only SH knew be the one fact that pinpoints SH as the culprit?

Plot hole, plot hole, plot hole haha

Speaking of MY needing counsel, it seems they've kinda dropped the whole MW being crazy and needing doctors help. Pretty sure the whole family needs counseling by now.


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SH told JS he orchestrated her mother's death to instill more fear in her, I believe. Because at this point she gives literally zero damns about what SH's doing, and she was all ready to tell everyone the truth about who she is. SH had to make her feel like he's still in control, so what he's saying is "I killed your mother so I can kill your dad and brother too. Be afraid."


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I'm still sticking to my "SH and MW are half-brothers"theory and SH is Cain.

I know from previous drama's that in Korea you can actually "adopt" your bastard children als your own legal heirs if you write them into the family registrar or something (thank you Heirs for teaching us something usefull despite the shitty script).

MY's mom is dad's second wife they keep telling us, so why would MW then talk about the time HE "first entered this house"? If he is the son from dad's first relationship, should it not have been the reverse? not to mention that she is his older sister? older halfsister, yet second wife? the maths are weird in this.

I say MW is the son of dad's mistress/true love who was married to SH's dad.
MW's dad his greed for a male heir forced her to give up her child and leave her family?
SH his fairy tale about wanting money to help the needy is just a spin he told Ji Sook to appeal to her good nature (and EH)to help him in his plans. He does not want money, he wants revenge and the power to get away with it.
What i find a little odd is that he clearly uses MY her affections for him to get his way yet the moment he investigated the death of Ji Sook's mom, he was concerned i think for MY, and he took the blame for the death to protect MY? Because he knew pissing off Ji Sook by touching her family was not a good idea.
Bit surprised he drugged Ji Sook to let her die but did not drug her enough to keep her asleep, either he wants her to suffer from ebing burned alive or subconsciously wants to give her a chane to get out?

One good thing, MY believes Ji Sook is out of the house according to her plan, so this time, se honestly does not know Ji sook is in danger.plz let this be the turning point for her.


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I agree about the revenge part. I didn't buy loot the rich and then rule them theory from the beginning. It is easy as they show in the flashback of the young SH in her mother's funeral.
and what had become of his father. It is obvious he wants revenge from MY's father...
BTW, he cannot be MW's half brother because MW and MY's father attended his mother's funeral... The father might have caused her death though...

If MY knew about SH's affairs and yet pursued him, it was SH who allowed it because he wanted to be in the family to exact his revenge which we'll know later why exactly...


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Sorry. Still nt buying that theory. MW's mom was nvr married to papa Choi. She was a KEPT WOMAN as EH put it all the way back in ep 1/2. MY's mother was the wife, the one in a legit relationship hence her clear disdain for MW (the illegitimate heir). So with this info its logical that MW wud assert that HE first entered the house. The dad brought him in as heir when his mom died plus he's a male. Remember he had said that he had nvr knwn of his dad's existence til when his mom passed away.

In addition, its been made clear that SH knws abt MW's mother. They clearly don't share a mother if SH used her to push MW further into insanity. They're mothers are nt one in the same.

I don't think the show has given us enuff info to support the "half-brothers" assertion if we go on wat we've been given. Plus there's still too little time to put that theory into the narrative taking the nxt 2 eps into consideration.


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Why did they kill off the mother towards the end?! :("
She was the one who missed her daughter the most...She deserved a happy union!
Is there no birth secrets or it won't be addressed like we thought...
MY has gone crazy....
Love the equation of the leads otherwise it was a heart wrenching and also a headache inducing episode with so many loopholes (but who cares).


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I sincerely am getting more convinced that EH and JS really were merely dopplegangers. I thought they were just twins but it seems more and more that they may very well just b dopplegangers. If that is so its nt a plot issue to answer since the shw set up this since ep 1. All those little thought provoking info abt an older dead sister might have very well been to confuse us.


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Maybe in the beginning they planned for the concept of twins, and then halfway through the writer scrapped it and just made them actual doppelgangers?


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Unexpectedly the main couple, romance and chemistry between Joo Ji Hoon and Soo Ae became the strongest point of this drama, not only for international fans but also for Koreans as it shows in the ratings, the plot may be incoherent and not make any sense, but nevertheless Mask is my favourite drama of the year so far and I'm extremely sad that it ends next week. Guess I'll survive though if the end means also the happy ending for Minwoo and Jisook.

PS. Did anyone's heart also flutter so much during the scene when she was touching his face? Oh my, in Mask you can find one of the most romantic momets I've ever seen, first 'I don't like your..' confession by Minwoo, the crossing-river-together scene, the staircase kiss, now this one and many many more, kudos to writer :D


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My heart certainly fluttered. Thats why Idk y sum are saying that they have suddenly gotten platonic. I was hoping he'd kiss her when she was trailing his face like that w her finger. Some serious self-control he's got there! And Idont like it haha :D


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I agree, that face touch was strongly erotic and innocent at the same time. Well done.


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haha same here. I really love their scenes together though it felt odd when she touched his face - I dunno why. May it be with a kiss or without I certainly feel their love for each other.


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I definitely agree!! Crossing-river-together scene, staircase kiss, so memorable moments...unforgettable!


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I can't believe I'm still watching this. (I quit after the first couple of episodes. I am having enough drama in my own life, thanks. And I usually don't like the stories where EVERYTHING is stacked against the poor, good, girl.) But I kept reading the recaps (excellent job, LollyPip--or should I say, "darn you!") and was sucked back into this drama. Mostly for the humor and the cuteness tucked in between the sadistic evil acts of horror.

But, I'm a veteran of K-Dramas now, and I'm just warning you, SHOW. I'd better get a happy ending!

I begrudgingly let you kill off Mom. But Min-Woo and Ji-Sook? They had better get a real (not "we'll be together in the next life) ever after--or I'm coming for you.

SERIOUSLY! (And bring video cameras, because I will turn everyone responsible into a real MAKJANG drama if you disappoint me.


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But does any1 seriously believe that our otp are going to die tho? I don't. More than half of us r here for the romance so its nt likely and it'd b ratings suicide. But I foresee a dumb open ended time jump ending right nw. Hope that doesn't happen.

And I also HATE anti-climaxes. I want a HAPPY ENDING or else...


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I think so far as the show progresses time skip is not appropriate. Everything needs to be settled at the present to create a more realistic appeal especially to OTP. Show we can't miss any of the OTP scenes!! They say there are so many plot holes- so many I cannot remember any. ?????


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Kdrama hell hath no fury but a wag _a _muffin scorned :)

Tell me what YouTube channel you will be using, this is one show i have to see :) :)


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"A person who wears a mask would never happy."
"But if you don't wear a mask you would not survive."
-Seo Eun Ha-

"If you wear a mask, at least you can pretend to be happy."
-Choi Min Woo

I think the underlying message in this drama is, whoever we are, we're also wearing mask everyday. We would wear a mask best fitting to ourselves. It's human nature to wants the truth and honesty, but we can't help entangled in the web of lies. The world we created has more lies than we can count for.

I think we're always vulnerable to lies and deceits, just like Mi Yeon here. And then there's Min Seok Hoon who you can count to always deliver lies and more lies. And he has really great ability to lie, to the point sometimes people can't distinguish the truth from the lie he created. There's Ji Sook and Min Woo too who want to know the truth and seem the only people in this drama who can't lie.

It's basically a drama that explores human ability to lie and deceive others and how we're actually wearing masks to present the best part of ourselves while hiding our scars/truth/identity, etc.

Seems I over analyze the drama.. Ha.. But I have to say, I also love this drama, batshit crazy and all.. Korean people are correct, makjang is entertaining! There's reason why it seems every makjang drama always get good ratings/reception from the audition, despite its flaws and plotholes.


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Ι don't think every makjang out there had such an amazing acting. This one is so addictive because, apart from the melo-makjang story, the cast has done its best for the most part. That's why everyone here tends to overanalyse this drama ( that or some people are just grumpy and party-poopers...believe me I've spotted a couple of them who can't enjoy their pastime and their hobbies and instead they keep trying to ruin it for the rest of us, hahaha). We luuurve it, that's why!

The quotes from the drama are so good for a quick recap on the whole story, just a week before the curtain falls. But I'd prefer for the title to have been "Heaven"or something like that...Am I grumpy or am I grumpy? :-) Yes, I am! It seems like the Mask is more of a way everyone's using in this drama, trying to reach their own personal paradises! Overanalysis rules, yeeeehhh..! ;-)


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I agree with you. Actually I hate dramas with same style and execution of story that I'm gonna say " Aish, the bad guy 's gonna kill again" or " the main lead is so argdnjsikkn***udhdkx " but Mask is an EXCEPTION. I totally overlook the flaws in this show and like Mi Yeon I lost all my logic in this drama to love it.


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I'm sure there's some revenge motive underlying Sook heon's actions. They've taken time to show us one or two moments of doubt when he looks at Ji sook. I don't understand why the writers decided to make Mi yeon into a double murderer. If not for murdering the playboy guy Sook heon would be in the clear right now from actually going that far. Yeah the plot is full of cliche's and holes but the lead couple is very endearing and it's been entertaining despite the problems. I love the cast.


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I agree this is all about revenge. I think he was taught at an early age to hate the family that caused his family so much pain. I think it is telling when SH tells the father-in-law that he has always done what he was asked without asking why. This may be a parallel to what his father told him to do. I don't think he can give this up, even when his dad asked him to forgive, because this has been his purpose in life. I think he just hates MW because he is weak and was handed everything.


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@Abeckam I agree. His story may be much simpler than we imagined. Perhaps he thinks that MW is too weak to deserve this much power that's been given to him w/o him asking for it. Whereas, SH has had to struggle and do ppl's bidding to get even a smidget of power. He thinks he can righ the imbalance if he, a 'poor farmer's son' attains the position of afluence in the SJ Group. Perhaps he sees it as balancing and setting right the wrongs committed by Papa Choi when SH's family suffered.


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While that may be true, I still don't get why he has mess with the son who had nothing to do with what happened to his parents. I really just don't get that. if he was after the dad fine, but why go after MW? He has to know that he already suffers because his mum is dead. It just bugs me; revenge on a family member of the perpetrator!


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Maybe it's because the father does love MW to an extent or views him as important, so SH decides to take/remove what the father sees as vital to his company and family in order to destroy him from within.

Blood ties seem to be a strong concept within this drama now that I think about it. Plus I'm not sure if its the same in Korea, but in China and mostly asia what the father does the son is indirectly responsible because he is his fathers child.


Thanks Lolypip for the recaps.

Yaiii to the plot holes, and MW's total acceptance yet passivity toward JiSook (don't think with latest escalation of SH's threads on JS, Min Woo will let JS face SH herself). But, I'm still sailing for the OTP cute scenes. All of them. (Maybe in real life too..)

Finally, The Choi has Korean dishes on their dinner table. They must have told the maid to get rid of Steak off the menu after some viewer's comments..HA


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The pic above, is that the first time seeing Suk Hoon with an open shirt? Cool to the max....


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You missed his shower scene?


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Thanks for the recaps.

Episode 18 definitely feels like they are drumming up to the last 2 episodes. I am quite skeptical at this point that all of the plot holes be filled, maybe a few?! I was hoping that JS could return to living her real identity, why bother with a third identity and just let the beans spill already so SH along with MY could pay for their dues. MY is truly in denial when confronted by MW. This woman is rootless! Let's see if she still has a even an ounce of conscience in her to save JS from the fire or even her half brother from the lake.

It's written all over MW's face that something is up with JS (another departure), hope he prepares himself both mentally and emotionally for what's coming.

Getting ready for hell breaks loose in the next episode but keeping my fingers crosses for a smooth sailing in the end. Let's take the final 2 episodes up a notch, huh! ✌️


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I think there are far too many plot holes to get filled at this stage. They would need extra episodes just for that.

But my biggest fear is that the writers pull another one of those "everyone is redeemed in the end" scenarios. I want the bad guys to get royally and truly screwed to the max for once.


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@Windsun33 or worse yet, the dreaded 1 yr later time jump where the writers pretend that all the plot holes are forgotten and covered. I really hope what doesnt happen is that theyll pull a jump. And then we'll c that it has been reported that JS died and poor MW didn't get there in time. Meanwhile JS has been living under the new false identity and right b4 the credits, she appears to MW. And then it ends with a kiss.


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Hellooo, @Windsun33 @Camille W

Nope, we don't want any of those 'quick exits/ending' scenarios to play out. Those are so outdated and I hope it won't be in any future dramas either. A good drama needs to have closure for the audience imho.

We've come this far on the MASK roller coaster so let's hope that the writers won't let us down. :)


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Fingerscrossed chingu! I really do dislike open endings.


Okay I don't really like that as well. But if it does come to that, I want a good kiss. ♥


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Or worse yet, they don't end it with a kiss and only stare at each other/handholding a la PMAI or GFB...

Fingers and toes crossed we'll get happy and satisfying ending!


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I think the best way to screw the bad guys and show their humanity (Seokhoon and Miyeon) is that maybe in the end, papa Choi didn't harm his dad and all the revenge plot will be for nothing. Imagine the guilt -it would drive him crazy.


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I agree, we're going to be left with some Swiss Cheese after this. Honestly MY is probably going to get off the hook and I really hope I'm wrong. She's now twice committed what I believe qualifies as "depraved heart murder" which is when "reckless endangerment" has fatal consequences.


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I wasn't a fan of Ep 18. So far, I have been totally fine with all the loopholes, because the acting's so fine.

Killing her mom didn't exactly sit down well with me either.

Horrors - not one of those too much detail wrap-ups with the OTP smiling and holding hands gazing into each other's eyes finito 5 sec finale.

The last 2 remaining episodes - please, just find ONE excuse to lock those two loonies up, finally. MJ and SH. If it's not one, it's the other. And stop that bad wig from making anymore than 1 FINAL appearance up to ep 20 = it's using precious screen time! And please STOP rehashing that pool scene - we GET it!!!

Give us at least one complete episode of romantic silliness between OTP - they're addictively cute, with their antics and interactions.

Thanks for recaps! :)


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Thanks once again LollyPip!
"Ji-sook will do anything to protect those she loves, ... it’s not easy to out-fox the fox, and her willingness to put herself in danger ... could land her in the hottest water yet. "

What a couple cliffhanger for our OTP! One party is in the hottest house and one is in the water LOL!. One may burn and one may drown but even in hottest water or near death, they are together! Got to love them!

What is so great about Min Woo is that once he decides to invest in his love and wife, he's with her all the way. Unfortunately, Ji Sook is still in her 'hiding-info-to-keep-MW-safe' mode (noble and possibly idiotic), and is trying to save the world by herself. I hope she has a back up plan like telling more than one person to get the police and fire engines over and not to listen to anyone except her.

I'm glad that this show at least gave us great OTP moments and lots of them, much of it I found acted as filler in this episode, and slowed the pace even more than before,... however I'm not really complaining since I've decried the lack of romantic moments in shows before.

I did not really feel the tension of the cliffhanger, somehow... maybe I'm just too sure that after a trope or two, our couple will be back together ... that is the only thing that will make sense since we've been getting OTP fan service for weeks. But I do deplore the burning of that lovely set ... rather a waste, I feel! :D


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Yh @Gb why is she still pulling the whole "just trust me cuz I can't tell u anything" charade? I got annoyed a little w that and can't help but wonder if this ep wasn't prewritten ages ago. It was very ep 1-esque. The whole style of the ep was akin to the delivery of the first 5 eps. Its kinda as if the writter took a k-drama u turn in ep 10 and has only just returned to craziville nw that the ratings r up.

Also agree abt the lack of tension for the cliff hanger this wk. Its probs the weakest cliffhanger so far along w ep 17's. But I liked this ep much more than ep 17's despite the cuteness. The pace was quicker w/o the cute scenes.

And I love ur juxtaposition of the water and the fire :) Idk y so little r commenting on hw MW overcome his phobia 4 his wife. I LOVED that.


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@ Camille W

That's an interesting point. It's possible that the writer wrote the beginning and the end of the story and then let fan service and ratings dictate what went into the episodes in between. Another reason that I feel it is possible is that Seok Hoon has gone back to being really bad (taking credit for MY's revenge, re-threatening JS's family, deciding to kill JS) yet at the same time, seems to have a bit of regret over JS dying.

I can imagine that if this was a 12 episode drama, the beginning episodes and these last 3 might have gelled together quite well without us noticing plotholes and still being wowed by a kickass villain!!!

Phobia - Yes, love how Min Woo risks drowning and has to overcome his fear for Ji Sook... just as he had pulled her out of the stream when she fell in, and just as she helped him across the water on the rocks bridge, and as when she helped him out of the pool, ... it seems it's his turn again to brave the waters for his love. :D


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@Growingbeautifully woah. I just realized the multiple use of water in regards to the otp! Its interesting that sum of their best moments with eachother had to do with water, the thing MW fears. Thx for pointing that out :) Makes me appreciate this show much more.

Idk if I would have preferred 12 eps. Perhaps 16? The pace wud have been much quicker than 20 but more satisfying than 12?


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Yeah...plotholes...I'm just sticking to Mask to the end for Jisook and Minwoo. Writernim, please let them have an ordinary, peaceful life together like they desire.
I think the strongest point of the drama is the characters. That's what keeps me going on, anyway. I'm character-biased, and I can turn a really blind eye at the plot holes just because I LOVE the characters.


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Same for me the characters are awesome and the acting is soo good!


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Same same chingu! If the characters r strong I can give the shw a pass when I see plotholes. Which shw has nw plotholes anyway? The actors r kiling it here.


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"No mention of what he plans to do with that money"
I'm telling you the money does not matter. He just wants to kill Min Woo. Money is just the excuse.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm nagging at you Lollypip, that's not what I'm doing. I'm just re-iterating previously expressed opinions!

Also @cocobeans, somehow the half brother story doesn't seem to work for me. Remember Seok Hoon's mom's the funeral scene? The way that scene was set up seems to contradict your theory. Min woo's dad was just in attendance while Seok hoon and his father were there as family. And he was definitely grinning about something, which is something I doubt he'd do. And min woo was nowhere to be seen which is even more weird because at the very least they'd let him attend his mother's funeral. I dunno *shrugs*, just feels like if your theory was right that whole scene would have played out very differently.


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Same for me too. I find the half-brother theory very unconvincing.


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This is completely off topic so let me apologize to everyone for bringing this up here .....

I can no longer "x" out of the ad immediately before the comments section in all of the Dramabeans posts. Not only that, but the same ad appears (only smaller), trying to load, in the lower right-hand corner of the screen everytime you scroll down to read a recap and/or try to post a comment, but you can't close it. It also disrupts the scrolling process, making it "choppy", if that makes any sense. ..... Is this happening to anyone else?

Again, my apologies for bringing up this issue here. Thanks everyone.

Now back to the Mask recap.


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Mask is definitely unpredictable. I didn't think the writer will go this road cause the makjang hit us big in this episode. The devilish couple stroke again and it hurts because i need them to go down and pay for what they did to innocent people.
I am very curious at how did Min woo survive in that mad house ??? The amount of evil Otp craziness is beyond words!!! one is motivated by revenge and the psycho wife can't control her own emotions and is destroying herself in a loveless marriage...at this rate they should just kill each other so we and our main lead can have some peace.

Thank you Lollypip for your great recap i am like you i still love this show despite it's plot holes and what matters to me now is a happy ending next week for uri sweet OTP.

On a funny note i need to say that i was laughing soo freaking hard when the butler was holding tightly that handbag gift from ji sook he was so happy i was like dude why are you all smiley and enjoying a handbag as a gift haha that's so weird LOL


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''at this rate they should just kill each other so we and our main lead can have some peace."
I love that.


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This is actually what I'm hoping for! That Mi Yeon will drug Seok Hoon and herself then either drive off a cliff with him or fall into the pool together.


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Sonia I've been saying this for a while too. They're too destructive to keep going. I see them ending very very badly. Perhaps someone will die.


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Ditto. Just kill each other off please ... while professing to love each other (at least true in MY's case).


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It is hinted through flashbacks that Seok-hoon's father died and Min-hoo's father may have played a part in Seok-hoon's family ruin.

Therefore, Seok-hoon sees nothing but revenge against the family, and it seems he aims to collapse everything from internally: money, power, family ties, and even commit murder against Min-hoo, the apple of his father's eyes.

In any other dramaverse, I'd totally side with Seok-hoon! He'd be the underdog we'd all be rooting for. But of course, he lost me at murder--a sign that his revenge has warped into something dark and monstrous. You still see flashes of old Seok-hoon when he is remembering Eun-ha, but as Ji-Sook said previously, he didn't truly love Eun-ha as much as he'd like to say he would. If he had loved her, he wouldn't have allowed his revenge to consume both of them in such a tragic and evil way.


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seok-hoon's father isn't dead. seok-hoon visited him in the hospital. he was clearly in some sort of accident that min-woo's father, or the company, was somehow responsible for, but he's not dead.


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I agree with everything u said excpt SH's dad dying as @bean noted. SH has just lost himself in his own scheming. He's at the point of no return. Even JS asked him to change his thinking but he refused.


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between you always choose the best screenshot dear lollypip ❤❤ ;) that moment ji sookssi should have kissed him while touching his lips too bad writernim missed that opportunity :/


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Thanks for the recap...
I hope the writer is nt go to kill JS of..... If nt I will be disappointed in this show.


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her wedding dream scene scared me it gave me a bad vibe i hope the otp will be able to get married again in the final episode i will hate the writer if he touches my otp!!


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I am throwing all logic out of the window and let the drama take me to where it wants to go... I am really hoping for a twist because the drama has been predictable yet not... I totally loved all the characters in this show from the Butler, maid, Chang soo, office staff to the main leads, they all have their moments!

Thanks for your recaps and comments..i have always enjoyed your point of view and has been following it since episode 1!!


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All the viewers are pretty much throwing the logic away and focusing on the characters. ;)
Yay I found the side characters really entertaining too! Changsoo and Yeonsoo are downright adorable.


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beside all of the plotholes, the show is really entertaining... thanks for the recap.. :-)


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Thanks Lollypip for the recap!

I agree wholeheartedly, that despite the show being "batshit crazy" at times, I just love it all. Kudos to the OTP. Their chemistry is overwhelming even though their acts of concern were often rather subtle (in the first few episodes).

Am so going to miss Mask when it ends.

I too, held my breath when Jisook traced Minwoo's features.. Omo omo...

Keeping my fingers crossed for a satisfying ending next week!


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I had better see a kiss at the last ep. If I get a good romantic seen b4 the end ill be so happy.

So yh hopefully we'll get a satisfying ending. :)


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I see that fire scene and I inadvertently laugh... because there's a huge ass window right behind JiSook's bed. Why would she choose to escape through the flaming door rather than the huge window? Even is she's on the second level, if she's faced with a life-or-death situation as just then, wouldn't jumping of or even abseiling off using bed sheets be more sensible?


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More sensible, definitely. However the show must have decided that Min Woo battling through flames to save Ji Sook (while calling her name frantically many times) will be more dramatic. Then the rescuer or rescued or both have the option to have their heads hit by falling beams and lose their memories... :D


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...all the more romantic because she will have finally become "Jin Sook-ah" rather than "Jin Sook-shi".


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Oh jeez, I can't even get her name right at this late date. Sorry, Jisookaaaaaahhhhh!


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LOL I had to tell myself that she was still drugged, right? But really, pick up any of the many floor lamps and start bashing out windows, hello? With that much fire going on she'd probably really be dead by now of smoke inhalation anyway.


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I bet any money that that was a directorial mistake rather than a narrative mistake. The director has been a little lazy abt attention to detail in Mask b4. Does any1 recall hw in ep 16 we were wondering where the papers in MW's hands went? Or better yet, hw JS had her previously cuffed hands, uncuffed to the wheel?


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Besides the big sized window right behind the bed, the fire safety technique/method Stop drop and roll is what popped up in my mind during that scene.


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That's what I was thinking about the window and the fire! But then I read somewhere else that if she opens the window or jumps out, all the oxygen will go into the room making the fire explode even more.


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When I watched that part ... "Seok-hoon carries Ji-sook’s limp body to the bedroom and lays her on the bed. He reaches down to touch her face, but pulls back .... " I remembered how some of us were commenting before on the possible screwed-up 'loveline' from SH to JS. Until now, I feel regret that the show did not fully go there.

I felt that it was throwing out hints of this and might have gone this way, but for some reason, the writer decided to just ply on more plot holes instead of developing this interesting arc.

Seok Hoon could have worked on his delusional plan of both revenge and getting everything that Min Woo cared about, and in the process started to want JS for himself. We would have had more tension filled plotting to win her over while at the same time, the continued gas lighting of Min Woo, etc. Then this scene here of looking tenderly at Ji Sook and almost caressing her, would have made sense.

It's a pity that the show decided to just go mainly with the romance, (and hang most other plot points) however at least they did that quite nicely. :)


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Ur so right. Until the last couple eps I really didn't see and ttly was dead set against the loveline so many ppl were seeing btwn SH and JS. But that scene where he almost caresses her face got me too. Its like this actor can have chemistry with ANYBODY. So perhaps it was a possible thing but the writer saw the love for the otp and didn't go there. All that hint-hinting is such a waste at this point.


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@Growingbeautifully @Camille W

Yah, after couple clues from SH (JS' photo in his wallet and also holding both pics of EH and JS) I thought that he would go after everything/everyone that means so much to MW. Maybe it was their (writers) intention to side track us. :)


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@ Camille W and luvKdramas

It's one thing to provide red-herrings to increase tension for mystery solving, but it's quite bad form to drop hints to viewers indicating probable choices and feelings a character may have, only to totally disregard these hints without explanation whenever some other outcome is required. And then, inexplicably, to show again these hints towards the end of the show!!! *sigh* :)


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@Growingbeautifully - Exactly! :)

It kinda leaves a bad taste. :(


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Mask is almost ending but I'm still waiting for SK to finally realize he has fallen for JS. Am I crazy or am I crazy? Blame SK's hotness! :D


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With a holey plot like this, crazy is one of the least things you may be ! LOL! How about this... SH realises that he can't bear for JS to die and goes up himself to save her, gets knocked on the head by a falling beam, loses his memory and becomes as tame as a pussy cat when he regains consciousness. :D


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I just love the recaps, but I'm done with this drama. I tried, but can drum up no interest in watching this episode or the next two. They have so screwed up what could have been great secondary characters, and Min Woo is boring. I'd rather have one man-up moment from him than 100 more cute moments.

In order to make Min Woo seem remotely manly, the writer has had to remove his brother-in-law's brain and his sister's heart. In other words, the only two things that made them worth watching.


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If I had known this drama was going to go Full Makjang I probably would have avoided it, but I have come this far so I might as well see the last part. Not like there is much else on worth watching besides Ghostess.


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Well, to each his own as the saying goes, huh? I don't regret picking this up at all. It made my wks and imho there really wasn't much seriously addictive competition tbh. I like this drama flaws and all. It might have made little sense plotwise but it was definately very entertaining. If nt I would have quit ages ago.

But all the best chingu! Will u keep up w the recaps tho?


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oh yeah -- I want to see where crazy sister and brainless brother-in-law end up. But i'm not invested in the OTP romance at all because our hero is less than interesting than his wife, his sister, and his brother-in-law. He is less interesting than pudding. I really cannot understand how a writer can so criminally misuse a cast like this.


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Love the show +1+1 all show and comments


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Overall, this episode felt particularly weird for me. It felt like all the progressive that was made was being undone but not really. We weren't telling secrets because everyone knows so we'll pretend no one knows.

Mi-yeon's character is really...interestingly frustrating? At this point, she recognizes the destruction she has caused. She's fighting so hard to escape the fact she's a murderer while continuing to kill people! I'm not really sure how I'm suppose to feel for her. Am I supposed to root her to grow a heart or call the police myself? And while it's confusing, these complex feelings about the characters make the show compelling and a hot mess all at the same time.


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+100 its really weird isnt it? U sometimes want to root for her. But when she doesn't come through u feel tricked. I feel so manipulated w her character. I say we just call the police on her. We'd b doing everyone a favour.


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Love this show... Tnx for the recap lollipip! Wen this show ends... Ottokke???


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I don't really enjoy this week's episode as much as last week's, mainly because I don't really see much of a progress from the previous episodes.

I think I've seen enough of Seok Hoon's cruelness and bad traits and at some point I really wish that I could see a good side of him before this drama ends. Although it may be kind of impossible

There is one particular thing I really wanna point out, why didn't Jisook try to open or at least break the window from behind the bed in the room? I think it would be much easier for her to escape through the window.

Anyways, it is lovely how Min Woo is able to fight his fear of water after seeing the fire coming from the villa, thinking Jisook might be inside. I feel the power of love coming out of him, well well.

But overall I have enjoyed the drama so much since the first episode. Mask really is the best drama currently airing. Cam't wait for next week's final episodes!


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Sometimes the PPL (health berry juice?) really gets in the way. I was puzzled by all the time spent on the gifts scene with the house help.

Plot holes aside, the story seems to be moving quickly and it does make us wonder what the writer will do now that the makjang has reached these levels. I mean how do you top a fire AND drowning?

Hope there won't be amnesia/time jump/separation this late in the game. Only two episodes, either will be filled with nonsensical PPL or some actual conclusions. Let's hope for the latter. Oh and if all else fails, just give us the cute OTP being cute. That's why some of us are on this ride anyway, LOL!


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@ Small Birdy

As long as is not WTF ending (sorry for the language) and leave us hanging guessing 'so what happened?' to the OTP. :)


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I think those random moments of her just giving a bunch of stuff away is totally jarring to the overall plot. It has to be mostly PPL. Those scenes seem to be just randomly inserted, more like adding in a commercial than actually part of the show.


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".. how do you top a fire AND drowning?.."

Just hope there are no sharks in the water.


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My horrible thought, which I have been trying to ignore, is that it will end up being some kind of flash forward, moment of death type thing like An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. She sees what will happen if she takes the deal to impersonate Eun-ha, decides not to take it after all, says to Seok-hoon, "So long, sucker" and plunges to her death hundreds of feet below.

Except she won't die, of course, because if there is one thing I have learned from my 3 plus years of watching is that people don't actually drown is Korean dramas. Especially if they first fall from a very great height with a serious bleeding head injury. It seems not to matter how long a person spends underwater, if it's preceded by a massive fall and head injury, he or she is guaranteed to survive!Most often with amnesia of course. Then she can come back, rescue Min-woo as Ji-sook, not Eun-ha, and get married for really real.


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lol, ok that shark remark had me snorting coca cola (insert PPL here) out of my nose....oh happy days...


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@Small Birdy I honestly nvr really paid attention to the PPL until people started pointing them out. But that nivea air freshener was soooo obvious. Its crazy. Yh, most of those scenes weren't that necessary. I wonder if nivea is on board just bc of the actress playing the maid. She's always spraying herself. Just take a bath girl! Haha. :p


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Now every time JS or MY is driving and is shown putting her foot on the gas (which happens a lot!), I assume it's PPL for the shoe.


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@Camille W - Wouldn't be surprise if Nivea is the sponsor. The maid, I googled her after she hit that high note at JS' birthday party and she is apparently a comedian and has her own show.

@ bbstl - LOL, so I am not the only one noticing those 'foot-stepping-on-the-gas-pedal' scenes!! One too many, don't you think so? :)


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*waves* hi luvKdramas! Yes I do think so, they must have a whole lotta shoes to sell! Maybe this sponsor is the company that Ha Ji Won works for in Time I Did/Didn't Love You, she made a mistake that got them stuck with a ton of inventory :)

I was trying to recall if we see the boys' shoes when they put the pedal to the metal?


*waves back* @ bbstl

No, there weren't any scenes for the boys' shoes on the pedal, LOL!!

MW could use a few fine suits though. I find his trousers were rather short and the jackets didn't seem to fit him either, all ill fitted. :)



Yes, in a show with so many dressed gorgeously, Min Woo was the most ill-dressed ever! I wondered why he always looked so strangled in his tie and why his suit did not look comfortable or big enough for him. Seok Hoon was always immaculate and even the minions all around looked fine! LOL!



I wondered if the actors have to provide their own wardrobes. I doubt that they would have any problems finding top brand sponsors especially for JJH (he's got the built!) since he used to be a model.


I've never really noticed the PPL until you guys all mentioned it now haha At first I was just like oh yea they like their products, but now especially when I think back to the shoes, it's pretty obvious. I will admit I a little bit swayed by the clothes the girls wear, they are all so so nice.


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Ok well I asked myself the question, "how can this drama get any more makjang" and I had 2 possible answers:

1. Face/Off
2. Seok-hoon and Scar are secretly lovers.

Now, while #2 would explain why he doesn't like to sleep with MY much and thus they've not had a kid so far, I see it as pretty unlikely. On the other hand, #1 is possible. Due to the fire, Our Heroine might need plastic surgery. While I'm sure we won't have a full face transplant her looks could change enough it creates a whole new identity for her.


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Thank u very gamsa Lollipip! I think all Ive needed to say has already been said above. But I'll say one thing: I loved hw MW overcame his phobia to save JS. I'll feel very satisfied if HE saves her bc I hope his choice isnt in vain.

Another possible solution cud be MY saving JS and MW seeing her do it. I think I'd be okay w that since MY showed that she can lend a hand if she chooses, as seen in this ep. But I do NOT want MY let off the hook.


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So I'm new to this show, so please forgive me if I go over old stuff - just started this week and enjoyed every episode till these last 2. Mom died?! That and Ji Sook keeping secrets again was when I finally got frustrated.

Ji Sook -why in the 'beep' would you trust THAT man to 'kill' you so you can leave. You lost your brain.

Mi Yeon - grow a back bone! At first I could over look your obsessive love, but have you thought that maybe your 'loving' husband may have slipped you some hormone pills for a false pregnancy. (Personally I think he had himself snipped) Also, you are misplacing your anger at Ji Sook - she 'has to suffer' - you don't think she has throughout her life. ARGHH - You had so much potential!

Seok Hoon- deranged. Take revenge on the appropriate person. Just another deranged psychopath (but acted well).

Min Woo - you've come along way baby! Keep going. How anyone could live in that house and maintain sanity is beyond me. I would have left long, long ago.

Also love all the side characters - doing a great job.

Please - no time jump or redemption arc.

Thanks LollyPip! Great recap and excellent screenshots!


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What i want to know is why did sh kill jisook. She gave him her shares. There was no reason to kill her?

Can some one analyse that scene where he caries her and almost touches her face. Does that mean he had feelings for her? It looked like a tender goodbye.


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I think the main priority for him isn't about money now. He (attempted to) killed Jisook because he doesn't want a fake Eunha hanging around (even if Jisook started a new idendity, he'll still know that she had been a fake before, and it hurts because he more or less had loved Eunha.) when the real one is dead. And there are two ways to do it: 1) Jisook telling the truth, but then Seokhoon will be in danger so obviously a no. 2) Kill her.

And for your second question...maybe for a moment he thought he was saying goodbye to Eunha again and he reaches out, but then he remembers that she isn't Eunha so he didn't touch her face. That's what I thought, anyway. ;)


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Thanks for your explanation makes sense.


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I know there are too many plot holes, but MW and BJS are just too cute and too loveable!
I hope there will be more romantic scenes in the last two episodes so I can selectively repeat just like I did to Goong! :)


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Definitely agree...that this drama holds many fan because of the main actresses and actors... Their play are really great and entertaining... *really become big fan of soo ae and jjh...
For the story, i really hope that MW had told papa choi evrthg and team up in making plans to take down SH... I mean papa choi seems to be powerful, he should have his own army without SH right? His the owner of powerful big company for crying out loud... *really hope so..
So JS and MW can be saved, and SH is proven guilty with Scar...
Then MY turn herself in for she have done, probably exile herself somewhere to become better...probably accompanied by her mom...
JS's name can be cleared as evidence from SH's laptop were found and have every footage and records to prove how she had been pushed to join by hanging her from a cliff...
Last thing...about SEH and JS... Their might be twins after all... I'm curious how from SEH side, their 'busy' parents have once said that she had another mother during their conversation in the car... From JS side, also remember that she once had a big sister who died, not really explained why... So this might be something that make it easier for JS to be able to rise again as JS...and explain to SEH's busy parents about whats happened between them..and put evrthg right to its places...
Ha...just wonders from me... Hoping the last 2 eps will be enough to put all holes and senses back to the whole story...
Big thanks to Lollypip for ur recaps...always looking for the recaps from dramabeans team for the insight comments...


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Why, oh why, Mi Yeon???

The writer is as wish-washy with her character as the character is herself. One moment she's fighting for good, the next she's reduced to Crazy Town and letting her husband get away with murder. If there was ever a time that this woman was actually in her right mind, it was long before this storyline began.

She tells the maid to get rid of her husband's things, then goes to his office and asks him to come back. She says she will protect her brother, and then lets SH have the opportunity to kill him. She creates a situation in which someone is badly hurt - or killed! - and then cries over it, only to convince herself later than she didn't do anything wrong.

I give up. I cannot make sense of her because she acts with no sense, or at least cannot maintain a level of sense, decency, and resolution.


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!!

I think by this point, I just care about JS and MW and not impressed by why SH and MY are doing. I also wanna sympathize with MY in her moments of vulnerability and goodness, but it's too late now. And SH is just hopeless. I don't know what he really wants or hopes to achieve.

It was sad to see JS doing her silent farewells with the gifts to the household staff and MW. I can't believe SH wants to kill off JS now and that MY is helping even if she thinks it's fake.



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For Miyeon who doesn't know the real plan, this is an opportunity for her: kick Jisook out and ' save ' her husband.


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MY is such a sad character... Already two lives were lost because of her, and now she wants to add a third? I thought she had a moment to reflect on her actions when she was by the pool with JS and pulled her back to safety... =0


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

I think at this point, I just care about JS and MW and don't really care about SH and MY anymore. I also wanna sympathize with MY in her moments of vulnerability and guilt as well as concern for MW, but she's too far gone. And I don't even get what SH wants...

I felt sad watching JS make her round of silent farewells with the gifts to the household staff and MW... Good for her for no longer willing to be SH's pawn. But SH... He really will kill her off after all this time?! Can't believe he'd do that and that MY participated in it as well even though she thought it was fake.

MW fighting!! I have no idea how you will make it to the villa in time... But thanks for conquering your fears and trying!!


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Oops... Sorry. Didn't realize the other comment got posted when I wasn't done cuz I was using another phone app and had to get the door.


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Agree, at this pt MY is too far gone beyond much redemption.

While she has good (conscience and love for her brother) in her, her obssession with SH overrides ANY sanity.

MW = monumental determination - his leap into the water (and for overcoming so many hangups, in his journey with JS)


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for once I wish that MW would save ji sook physically. he seems so weak physically. like being unconscious when he was shot on his arm? haha. hope the writers gives him more manly stunts.wishful thinking.


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for once I wish that MW would save ji sook physically. he seems so weak physically. like being unconscious when he was shot on his arm? haha. hope the writers gives him more manly stunts.


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I thought of something and it's on my mind for some time: has anyone watched Punch and was reminded of Ho-sung because of Miyeon? I remember that Hosung was almost like her, just...not so insane.
SPOILER for Punch:
...so yeah Hosung was the conflicted bad guy but kept going down to the depths of evil. So is Miyeon. But I think the writers did very different jobs of portraying this kind of character. I hope Miyeon will accept her wrongdoings like Hosung did in the end.


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I just don't understand why Ji Sook wanted her new identity, Kim Yu Jin. I think it just don't make sense. Before she decided it, she should thought that although she's holding new identity, Seok Hoon can destroy Kim Yu Jin anytime though. Beside of it, I'm upset why a woman who is kind such as Ji Sook took the decision (pretend burned out to polices and reporters to trap Seok Hoon).


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This drama tells us the fact that love can blind everything.

I'm afraid Seok Hoon will kill BJS's brother and father in the end with his cold-heart. Just thinking with 2 final episodes will all questions be answered. I wish this drama will end with a happy ending.


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Ok Mask has totally proven that makjang can be entertaining and addictive if done right? Lol I am not sure what they have done but I will have to chalk it up to the main leads who has amazing chemistry that I am blind, so blind in fact that I overlooked the gaping plotholes because this one's gotten me hooked line and sinkered from the get go. Mask is the most entertaining drama so far for me this year and I am not a melo watcher usually but this one's got some magic on it I can't explain so please Show we need fanservice up in here. Cause you can't do that touch on face without some action on the lips. Give us some love cause we are giving you ours too. Lol Mask fighting!


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I think....their whole money, is actually SH's family's blood n tears. Maybe MW's father somehow cheated SH's dad n took all the money?
or maybe, MW's fatherwhoeverhisnameis is a womenizer? And had a scandal with SH's mom which lead to her being heartbroken n died.
With only 2 episodes left...i rly hope uri PDnim can do wonders. I hate the bad feeling i have. Am still very traumatised by God's Gift 14days. ?


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I know SH is damn evil but he is also so damn hot!I really thought if there is someone that can save SH it will be JS but he can't be save ...he belongs in the jail. but killing JS is totally unexpected..He LIKES her didn't he? to keep a JS picture in his wallet, that a softy. I bet he is going to save her and when she wakes up he is going to say..I saved you AGAIN.


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AGREED SH is so damn hot I've never been more in love with a villain before. That smouldering gaze and sexy voice...I hope the writers keep him around so I can savour more of that before the show ends ):


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He is so deliciously evil and hot! That's why I can't help but root for him to succeed in whatever he plans on doing. ;)


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Why do I feel like there is something that this episode has not shown us? A plan b & c maybe? Jisook & even Minwoo has always blocked SK's attempts to destroy either of them before and I believe Jisook is smart enough to not fully trust SK his plan to "help" her get a new identity. I really hope I am right and that the writer will give us a deserving and satisfying ending for the otp and the others.


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So after reading a lot of the comments, everyone is focused on SH and why he ended up trying to kill Ji Sook. Because he's an evil SOB. A hot one, but an evil one.

However, this episode sealed the deal for me. Mi Yeon can kick rocks to the moon. Never have I ever seen a k-drama character get so many opportunities to redeem themselves and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME choose to do the worst possible thing.

1) She knew that SH was in love with EH and that they were involved. She marries him anyway.

2) She knew that her mother and her husband were both in different ways getting the maids/psychologist to drug Min Woo and make him think he was crazy - she ignored it.

3) She had the maid drug the wine EH was drinking, saw the woman stumbling by a swimming pool, walked up on her and then let her hand go and walked away as the woman was drowning.

4) She erased the video of the drowning all the while making her brother think he had gone crazy imagining it.

5) She actually saw her hubby try and kill her brother, then turned around took him back and pretended like it didn't happen.

6) She kept Ji Sook's mother from getting the transplant from her brother, which aided in her mother dying all of a sudden.

7) She worked with evil hubby to trap Ji Sook in the villa and set it on fire, then stood outside and watched instead of calling for help.

I. AM. DONE. WITH. HER! For life!


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The first several episodes of Mask had me hooked and it quickly became the favorite current drama I was watching....until the sophisticated brilliance and hotness of My Love Eun Dong came along...but the last few episodes of Mask have fizzled for me. Yes, I'm still hooked on the story and I love the OTP couple but the plot holes that @LollyPip accurately described as being able to "drive a truck through" in this last episode have me frustrated and disappointed in the writers. It's sort of insulting to viewers to be so obvious with the need for us to "suspend our disbelief" and go merrily along with everything. I love this drama but I'll be glad when it's over.


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