Orange Marmalade: Episode 4

Well, the cute was short-lived, as we’re thrown right into the deep end of the human-vampire conflict. Jae-min learns some terrible truths about Shi-hoo and Ma-ri, and both vampires take matters into their own hands, with varying tragic results. But while it may feel like the end, it’s still only the beginning of this story, and there’s plenty of time to rectify mistakes of the past.


Jae-min and Ma-ri walk back from the lighthouse, and Jae-min takes Ma-ri’s hand shyly then grins like a big doofus when she lets him. He drops her off at the school where the kids are camping, and says he’s going for a walk. He can’t stop turning back and doof-grinning, even laughing at his own silliness.

He turns serious when he’s alone, thinking how Ma-ri had seen a blessing written on the lighthouse, assuming it was for another Jae-min. But he’d known it was his own mother who’d written it, and he wanders past the house where she lives. He can’t bring himself to go to the door, loitering outside the gate.

Inside, Mom serves Han a drink of synth-blood, and he says he wishes he could visit here more often. Mom asks about Shi-hoo and says she wishes they could all sit down as a family for dinner. But Jae-min still doesn’t know that Shi-hoo is Han’s nephew (and by extension, a vampire).

Han exposits that Shi-hoo is on his last chance and will face the Ahn-chi punishment if he steps out of line again, and tells Mom that Shi-hoo is more troubled lately because he found out his parents will be staked. Mom says it’s got to be hard, knowing his parents were punished because of him, but Han says he doesn’t know that part yet.

Except, he does now, because Shi-hoo was standing outside the door and heard everything with his sensitive vampire-hearing. Shi-hoo storms out, but rounds on Teacher Han to ask if some new information has been found out that changes the punishment.

He’s beside himself with fury and grief that his parents have been suffering because of him, and just snarls when Han says he was too young to know what he was doing. Oh no, he attacked a human when he was little, didn’t he? He figures that his parents must have used their vampire abilities when it happened, and his lost expression is just tragic.

Shi-hoo isn’t in any mood to be placated when Han insists it was just an accident. They discuss vampires, their abilities, and the VCS at top volume not realizing that Jae-min is right on the other side of the wall, listening to every word.

As Shi-hoo is walking away, Jae-min confronts him about being a vampire, and both boys are clearly just itching for a fight. They punch and kick each other, and they appear evenly-matched, but Shi-hoo has the advantage with his quick vampire healing.

Shi-hoo pokes Jae-min’s sore spot about having a vampire stepfather, earning a few more hard punches which heal instantly. He jokes that he’s actually at a disadvantage in this fight because he won’t show bruises, and it will look like he unfairly assaulted Jae-min.

Jae-min taunts him to hit him with his full vampire strength, scoffing when Shi-hoo says it would kill him. Jae-min snarls that Shi-hoo is only a blood-sucker and will never be human, but Shi-hoo counters that being a human isn’t all that desirable.

Jae-min cruelly says that vampires like Shi-hoo should be separated from society, and Shi-hoo tries to throw another punch but is blocked this time. Jae-min warns him not to come near Ma-ri again, and Shi-hoo just laughs, but doesn’t reveal Ma-ri’s secret.

He goes a bit too far and says that Ma-ri’s blood might be tasty, and Jae-min knocks him to the ground. Shi-hoo bounces up and says that vampires may not drink human blood these days, but they’re still attracted to humans with sweet blood. And to him, Ma-ri is the sweetest.

Realizing that in a physical fight he’s outmatched, Jae-min backs off, but calls Shi-hoo dirty before he walks away. This, more than anything, seems to hurt Shi-hoo, and he just stands there looking stricken. He calls after Jae-min that he’s not the only one with scars, and that someday he’ll be unable to forgive himself, too.

Unaware of the boys’ fight, Ma-ri sits in her tent and thinks of Jae-min, and smiles. She says out loud that if this is a dream, she never wants it to end. Jae-min goes back to the lighthouse and sits as Shi-hoo’s last words echo in his head. And Shi-hoo in turn thinks of Jae-min’s warning to leave Ma-ri alone, as silent tears stream down his face.

Teacher Han searches in vain for Shi-hoo the next day, and tells Ma-ri that he found out why his parents were punished. We see the events in flashback, when Shi-hoo’s parents had lost their son at the age when young vampires can’t control their blood-lust. They found him latched onto a man and trying to bite him, and had used their powers to get to him quickly and save the man.

Shi-hoo’s father had tried to apologize, but the terrified man had run from him, straight into the path of a car. Shi-hoo’s father used his powers again to stop the car, but in saving one person, the driver of the car had been killed. Immediately, a tracker in both of Shi-hoo’s parents’ necks had started glowing, calling them to their punishment. Oh, that’s horrific.

Ma-ri goes looking for Shi-hoo, but finds a beaten and bruised Jae-min instead. He downplays his injuries, tensing when she asks if he’s seen Shi-hoo. She lies that she’s only worried because they have to perform soon, and Jae-min offers to help look. When Ma-ri says she’ll go with him, Jae-min grabs her roughly and orders her never to be alone with Shi-hoo.

A pair of young brothers lose a balloon near a piece of construction equipment, and the older brother climbs up after it. He steps on a knotted rope and loosens it, then freezes in fear once he gets to the balloon.

Jae-min and Ma-ri come across the boys while looking for Shi-hoo, and Jae-min doesn’t even hesitate, climbing up to save the young boy. The knotted rope loosens further, and when Jae-min gets the boy down, the heavy crate that was being held by the rope crashes to the ground. Nobody is hurt, but the rope tangles around Jae-min’s foot, and soon he’s swinging above the concrete.

High on a cliff over the sea, Shi-hoo hears the boys’ cry for help and Ma-ri screaming Jae-min’s name, and his eyes flash vampire-purple. Desperate to save a bleeding and unconscious Jae-min, Ma-ri calls upon her own never-used vampire powers, and just as her feet begin to lift off the pavement, a blur pushes her aside.

It’s Shi-hoo, and he orders the boys to go find someone to get them out of the way, then turns on Ma-ri to yell at her for what she almost did. She runs back towards Jae-min and Shi-hoo again sweeps her off her feet, actually depositing her on the other side of the bay.

Wait, can vampires FLY? Apparently they can at least jump really far and fast, and Shi-hoo whooshes back to catch Jae-min just as the rope lets go of his leg.

With Jae-min injured but safe on the ground, Ma-ri leans over him and Shi-hoo steps away. On Shi-hoo’s neck, his tracker starts to glow. Oh no. He hides it from Ma-ri with his collar, and says he’s going to report the accident.

Ma-ri tries to wipe up the blood, but when she touches it, her vampire senses take over and she starts to lean close to Jae-min. Her eyes glow and her fangs come out, but suddenly a voice calls her name, and she jerks around to see Ah-ra standing there, looking horrified. Oh dear.

Jae-min is taken to the hospital, and Ma-ri sits in the hall in tears, feeling like a monster. Meanwhile Ah-ra goes through Ma-ri’s things back at the camp, dismissing her packets of “tomato juice” and wondering if she saw Ma-ri wrong. She checks Ma-ri’s makeup bag and opens a tube of hand cream — but instead of cream, it’s synth-blood.

Jae-min’s mom and Teacher Han arrive at the hospital, and Han and Ma-ri talk while Mom goes in to see her son. Han apologizes for not telling Ma-ri he was married to Jae-min’s mother, saying that Jae-min wanted it kept a secret. Ma-ri realizes that this is the rift between Jae-min and his mother — that he hates vampires that badly.

Mom gently tends to her unconscious son, and Jae-min slowly comes awake. He looks at his mother, but doesn’t speak a word. Out in the hall Ah-ra confronts Ma-ri with the tube of disguised synth-blood, and Ma-ri knows her secret is out. Ah-ra asks if Jae-min knows, but Ma-ri can only stand speechless.

Shi-hoo is back on the cliff, ignoring both the multiple calls from the VCS and the tracker insistently glowing in his neck. He does answer when Ma-ri calls, and tells her that he’s been targeted by the VCS. They probably already know where he is, and are on their way.

Ma-ri argues that maybe it will make a difference, that he used his powers to save someone, but Shi-hoo has already made a decision. He tells Ma-ri to graduate as she wanted, and never to get caught. Ma-ri promises, and Shi-hoo hangs up. Oh please don’t let him be planning what I think he’s planning…

Ma-ri sits by the road with all of her possessions, preparing to leave. In her head she apologizes to Jae-min again for liking him, and says that she has to be an invisible person now. In a taxi with his mother, Jae-min calls her over and over, but Ma-ri never answers. As he stares at his phone and Ma-ri deletes his number from hers, neither of them notices that Jae-min’s taxi passes within a few feet of Ma-ri.

Back at the school, Jae-min confronts the other kids and demands to know where Ma-ri is. They’re startled by his bruised face, but everyone looks a little guilty – all except for Ah-ra, who does a bad job at hiding her triumphant eyes. Jae-min drags his friend into the hall and forces him to confess that Ma-ri left.

Jae-min walks all the way to the bus station in the dark, but Ma-ri is long gone. Shi-hoo’s words that Jae-min and Ma-ri aren’t suited for each other echo in his head as he searches in vain. Even as he suspects her secret, he thinks to himself that a truth that can’t be confirmed, isn’t the truth.

Shi-hoo sits all night on his cliff, looking at a locket with a picture of his parents and himself as a child, and crying that he should never have been born. As dawn creeps up, his tracker becomes more and more insistent, but Shi-hoo doesn’t budge.

Shi-hoo takes out his Sun Protection Ampule, but instead of taking the injection, he smiles ruefully and throws it into the sea. Oh no, please no. He stands and, with resignation on his face, holds out his arms to welcome the sunrise. Shi-hoo’s skin starts to smoke and burn, and a sort of peace comes over him as his final thoughts linger on Ma-ri, and he disappears.

Back home, Jae-min runs to Ma-ri’s house, but it’s closed up and her entire family seems to be gone along with her. Realizing that it’s over, Jae-min thinks of their few happy moments, and cries for the loss of the girl he loves.

Two weeks later.

Jae-min finally goes to the music room again, and finds Ma-ri’s music composition book where she left it for him. Hands shaking, he finds a note inside from Ma-ri: “Jae-min-ah, I’m sorry.” He gasps in pain, and for just a moment he sees her in front of him, playing her guitar and smiling. He thinks of her apologizing for that time on the train, and her explanation of their band name.

His phone rings from an unidentified number, and it turns out to be Ma-ri’s mother calling, saying that Ma-ri is missing. Despite there being a typhoon moving in, Jae-min catches a bus and runs to their lighthouse as lightning flashes all around him.

Scared, he slowly climbs the lighthouse steps, but Ma-ri is there and safe for now. She doesn’t even seen surprised to see him, as he cries again in relief. Jae-min asks if she came to make a wish, but Ma-ri says in a dead voice that her wish will never come true.

He asks what her dream is: “To live as a normal person.” With this confirmation of his worst fears, Jae-min’s face crumples and he asks if it’s true that she’s a vampire. He wants to hear it directly from her.

Ma-ri apologizes, saying that she had to lie to him to hide her secret, and Jae-min complains that she apologizes too easily. Can she just say she’s sorry, and it’s over just like that? He begs her to just say it’s not true, and he’ll believe her.

But she can’t lie anymore, and she confirms that it’s true — she’s a vampire, the one thing he hates the most. Jae-min screams that it can’t be, but Ma-ri continues, saying that she knows he wouldn’t respect her for lying but she just wanted to be happy once. Like a lighthouse, she wanted to be someone’s light, even if only for a moment.

Jae-min tries to say something further but Ma-ri tells him to go, and backs away when he tries to come closer. One final time she tells him, “For liking you… Jung Jae-min… I’m sorry.” She takes another step back and puts a hand on the railing chain, but it gives way and she starts to fall backwards.

Without thinking Jae-min lunges, catching Ma-ri and swinging her to safety. But his momentum has him falling over the railing instead, and he barely manages to grab hold of the chain in time. Ma-ri tries to pull him up but she can’t reach his hand, and Jae-min locks eyes with her just before lightning strikes the chain. He’s knocked unconscious and falls into the sea.

As he sinks slowly under the waves, Jae-min says in voice-over that he has something he needs to say to Ma-ri. “Vampire or not — it doesn’t matter. It has to be you. For me, it has to be you.” Before he sinks too deep, Ma-ri comes gliding through the water… she’s not even swimming, but propelled by some mysterious force.

She gently carries him to the surface, and on the beach, Jae-min coughs out a lungful of water and gasps for air. Ma-ri cries his name gratefully, but when he looks her in the eye, he asks, “Who are you?” Oh no.

As if that’s not bad enough, while Ma-ri processes the act that Jae-min has lost his memory of her, the tracker in her neck begins to flash.

Two months later.

Jae-min rides the train home, and a smiling Ma-ri sits next to him. He looks at her blankly, and she echoes his first words to her: “Jung Jae-min, you go to our school, right?” The words trigger a faint memory of his own voice saying those same words. And as he looks at her in surprise, her clothes shift from the school uniform, to a plain hanbok, and back again.


A girl who looks like Ma-ri, wearing that same plain hanbok, washes clothes in a river. A young boy with Jae-min’s face, also wearing hanbok (though his seem to be of higher quality than hers) helps her with the washing. When their hands touch, a shiver of awareness passes through both of them, and they sit staring for a long moment.


I have so many feelings, I don’t know where to start! First of all: Shi-hoo. I had a horrible feeling that he blamed himself for his parents’ punishment, but finding out that what actually happened was truly not his fault, and a terrible accident that happened while his father was actually trying to save someone, was just tragic. Shi-hoo’s face when he discovered that his fear that his parents were being punished because of him, and that their punishment was being changed from Ahn-chi to staking (which I can only assume is exactly what it sounds like – an execution), was just too awful to see. It’s bad enough to know that his parents have been isolated and starved for years, but to find out that they will now die, and to believe it’s all his fault — it’s no wonder that Shi-hoo felt he had no choice but suicide.

It’s such a telling thing though, that he didn’t just give up on life — he made a choice, to sacrifice himself for Ma-ri. On the surface it looks like he did it for Jae-min, but in actuality it was for Ma-ri. Shi-hoo stopped Ma-ri from making herself a target of the VCS by using her vampire powers, and used his own to save Jae-min, therefore losing his own life. Once he chose to use his abilities, he was dead one way or another, whether by staking by the VCS or by his own choice. While my heart just broke for Shi-hoo as he stood on that cliff, I respect that he went out on his own terms. And if he had to die, at least it was a beautiful and meaningful death.

But Shi-hoo wasn’t the only one forced to make a terrible choice this episode, and for once I didn’t mind the “noble idiot” flavor of Ma-ri’s leaving Jae-min. She didn’t do it for Jae-min’s own good and against his wishes, nor did she feel sorry for herself afterward. She did it for an actual good reason — she knew that Jae-min would hate her when he found out she was a vampire, so she never expected their romance to last. She simply enjoyed their moment for what it was, then once she was outed by Ah-ra it was over, and she accepted that. Rather than drag it out and put Jae-min through a painful confrontation, she simply bowed out gracefully.

I wasn’t too happy with Jae-min’s behavior in this episode, and his fight with Shi-hoo is a prime example. Jae-min acted as if he had a right to be angry with Shi-hoo for being a vampire. But I think, since they were never friends, he wasn’t entitled to have any opinions on Shi-hoo’s vampire status whatsoever. Starting a fight and saying such hateful things to a boy who had just gotten terrible news about his parents was pretty low and immature on Jae-min’s part. Not that Shi-hoo was ever very kind to Jae-min, but he didn’t deserve to learn that his parents are going to die, then have Jae-min spit in his face that they deserve what they get.

And I know that, in the end, Jae-min decided that his love for Ma-ri was more important than whether or not she’s a vampire. That’s all well and good, and very romantic, but I would have liked to see Jae-min learn that lesson in a better way than I want something, therefore I’ll justify it for myself. But we’re only four episodes in, and hopefully as we go into the noseon phase of our story, there will be time for Jae-min (or his historical doppelganger) to learn that vampires are, as Teacher Han put it, just people with different eating habits. They feel and they love, and they have made a good-faith effort to get along with humans for hundreds of years. It’s time for the humans to stop treating them like animals and start treating them humanely.


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All was merry till we hit episode 4.
Seriously, I have no words. It's like they pulled out all the kdrama cliches in this one episode and why the heck is our second lead dead 4 episodes in!?!?! And now Jae Min has amensia? And the end of the episode looked like a completely new drama!


Next Jae Min finds out his birth secret - he's half vampire who comes from a cheabol family, right after he finds out he's got cancer, oh but all that will end with the white truck of doom because Jae Min quite literally cannot survive unless he lives in a bubble.


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My reaction exactly just after finishing ep 4, honestly reading your comment shock me for a second, all this happened in about 1/2 hr.
and i was starting to get hooked (run off crying or to the next plane to seoul so i can give the production team a piece of my mind)


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LOL this comment is hilarious. Btw Jae Min won't get hit by the white truck of doom, he's gonna magically switch bodies with Ma Ri at the last moment and her vampire powers are gonna save them both! Joking aside, I'm so confused with the Joseon time thing coming out from nowhere. As much as I love Shi Hoo, it's a shame to see him again through some time travel reincarnation thing that we were given no warning about. The time jumps are frustrating and was I the only one that was disappointed that nobody else seemed to really care about Shi Hoo's sacrifice? Of course his uncle was searching for him but other than that I feel like no other character really recognized his sacrifice or cared about it in the aftermath :( Hope they find a way to go back to the school setting with all the characters but that's gonna be doubtful with the direction they're heading in now


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LOL! This must've been what it felt like for people who watched BIG through the end, cause I felt like just watched one of those dramas that go to the file "Those that Should Never Be Named". Ugh! I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 episodes, thinking this would be such a show! But this last drama just made me say all kinds of things I shouldn't say. That said, I enjoyed the cast! Adieu! I won't be watching the next episodes.


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So funny. ?
I understand why everyone is pissed and confused, cos the drama certainly make a LOT happen w/in a very short time, AND then completely change tag. (The amnesia is VCS wiping the slate clean for JM, right? Does it have to take away everyone's memory at school regarding Mari?)

However, I don't mind the change of time period per se. If drama wants to bring us back in time to tell the story of how vampires and humans reached an "agreement to coexist in peace", w the humans in control, I'm okay w it. For 1 thing, the boys look great in hanbok, hee. This is not to say that this ep has been done well.

My biggest beef is this tho: If baby vampires are prone to bite, and they and their parents are punished when they do, then why the hell are families w young vampires living within the general population? Aren't they just accidents waiting to happen and families waiting to be broken up? It's like setting the babies up for outing themselves, and parents would no doubt step in to intervene and then get punished. No wonder there are only 150 vampires left. Conspiracy!


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Well the family wasn't punished for the biting child, they were punished for 1) revealing their abilities and 2) that leading to a humans death.


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Like I said, when you have a biting child, you'd want to stop it in whichever way is necessary: like when his father Flew down from the footbridge, thereby revealing his ability, and 2 try to stop the fleeing guy from being killed, thereby leading to a human death.

The consequences came about All becos he was trying to prevent his child from biting. So every vampire who has a small child is in danger of doing the same just by having them live in close proximity to humans, No?


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Lol! I get what you mean..well, I guess the writer didn't bother to care about the logic as the whole plot itself is so ridiculous to begin with


Thank you! I was starting to think I was the only one annoyed as hell by this episode. I feel like I just finished watching an entire drama and Im about to start watching a new one...one which by the way I would never watch because its filled with Kdrama cliches that just about every kdrama viewer is completely over (been there, done that, over it). In the beginning this drama looked promising because of its unique plot but damn now I'm just confused as hell. This storyline is just spiraling out of control and I'm hoping that the writers can tidy it up and refine it because it would be a waste of a good cast and an interesting plot.


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haha. I feel you. I was totally blindsided by that ending/epilogue. I thought why is the recap late. is it because the recapper also in shock by the unexpected turn of event? Unless one hasn't read the manhwa then maybe it doesn't feel all that weird. hehe.

No wonder they seem to complete more than halfway of the manhwa within 3 episodes coz looks like they are expanding the story and giving it a totally new direction. It did take the wind out of my sail, but nevertheless i will have to wait and see the next episode to know where this is going.

Having said all that, I really enjoyed Yeo Jingoo's acting here. Dramatic/melodramatic is really his forte. Regardless how this drama goes, i think i will keep replay this episode just to watch his act.


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Dude seriously...I was wondering why everything was happening so quickly and then BAM no more webtoon lol then again, I wasn't really expecting too much similarity since they changed most of the characters for the drama. Like, not only the romance, but Mari's relationship with her friends in the webtoon was a big part of why I liked it. :/ merp oh well


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I sooooo love Orange Marmalade until THIS happened. What in the world were they thinking when they made this BIG dreams overturn?!

I don't understand! Am I watching Xmen with the main story, origins and then the future? I will still watch the next episode and see what will happen.


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My feelings exactly! I really loved this drama until the last 30 mn or so, I feel a bit cheated :(


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Show could have been much better if they actually followed the webtoon storyline. They always ruin these comicbooks for some reason.


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What's up with Joseon part? No complaints in seeing more Jonghyun but I'm so confused what... Was this in the webtoon??? o_o Well I guess I can only hope that Joseon part makes the ending of this drama happier than today's ep because that was just utter misery ;-;


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No. I just finished reading the webtoon and there's no Joseon flashback or anything like that at all. It's like they're only adaptating the key elements of the webtoon (characters and vampires). And it just shocks me cause it's totally different. But the first 2 episodes had quite the same story and same pace as the webtoon though


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Orange Marmalade is slowly turning into a train wreck. Which is extremely disappointing because the first two episodes were so good, but then the third episode glossed over all the important parts, and the fourth episode had two time jumps and killed off a main character, and now the next episode is sageuk? What in the what? Are the writers abandoning the webtoon entirely? An underwater rescue and amnesia -- you are not School 2015.

On a positive note, I really liked the fight between Jae Min and Shi Hoo (although Jae Min never finds out Shi Hoo is a vampire in the webtoon). If you replace "vampire" with any prejudice, Jae Min's insults are reality. Jae Min's mom and Shi Hoo's uncle or even Jae Min and Mari, if he knew the truth, are comparable to interracial couples. Jae Min's accident had me on edge, but I immediately started worrying about Shi Hoo after he used his powers in front of the little boys. Then when he died and nobody cared, I felt like giving up on this drama. Are they going to time jump from sageuk back to modern times? Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!


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A few people said in the episode three thread that supposedly the middle four episodes are sageuk and then we're back to present (or future present).

I also thought that fight between Jae Min and Shi Hoo was one of the better and more realistic moments. What I liked about episodes 1-2 was not only the pace but that things felt believable because of how they let it unfold. This fight was a nice flash back to that and I wish that Shi Hoon wasn't dead because he was a really interesting counterpoint and forced the most reflection out of everyone. I also was beyond annoyed that nobody gave a crap when he died.


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Not slowly, this train wreck is on full speed


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Can we say the show jumped the shark????? So frustrating!! It had such promise, Romeo and Juliet with vampires! But then BAM!! smashed to smithereens. And now it's turned into a saeguk??? What the f*ck?!? Where did THAT come from...apparently out of the writers ass. Haha

Thought, Shi Hoo was captured by the vampire police before he was able to commit suicide. He isn't dead but is residing in a cell waiting to be rescued by Ma Ri. I liked his character and his death seemed too sudden (like so much of this shows plot) to be real. What does his death serve in the bigger picture? It wouldn't motivate our leads in any way. We only just touched on his background. Hey, he is a tragic character so BAM!! lets kill him off right as we start to empathize eith him.

Ranting, I know. I apalogize. But the feels....


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I was reading the recap and once we got to the scene after shihoo's suicide I was insanely angry once again..untll the end of the ep. that no one seemed to care about him..I was freaking pissed when I was watching it..its so damn tiresome idk about watching the rest..maybe just the recaps till I feel a little better about it..or I forget my anger at the show..


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I thought the pace couldn't get worse than episode 3 but I was wrong!! 12 episodes is just not enough time to cover this much ground. It's virtually impossible for me to be invested in any of the scenes or characters when the speed is this quick. Every time there's one emotion from a character, there's a completely different one five minutes later. I found it dizzying.

I still love some elements of this show though, and while Jae Min is an ass in a lot of this, I think it's a pretty accurate representation of a lot of people who go through what he went through. Misplaced plain and anger often results in prejudice etc. I just really wish his range of emotions could have really been developed.

I was also quite annoyed that nobody really seemed that concerned that Shi-Hoo was being hunted and ends up going off and dying on his own. I realize his parents are not around but he still had family of sorts.


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Whoa, whiplash.

I really enjoyed the first few episodes, but this one's got me worried, and I think it's because we got no foreshadowing that this time-travel/reincarnation thing was coming. Like, NO warning, so much so that this feels like a panicky writer switch rather than a well-planned plot.

We're kind of invested in even the secondary characters in the present day, so it's weird to think that we might be abandoning them entirely - and hard to believe that we actually are going to come back to 2015 much now they've killed off the second male lead (and one of the more interesting characters).

I was expecting more from this drama, since they're on the less-rushed airing schedule. But this... Really? Did marmalade even exist in Joseon?


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haha marmalade definitely existed in another part of the world, at least in the second half of Joseon dynasty, though I doubt anyone in Korea knew what it was at the time..

haha maybe the joseon equivalent for the marmalade metaphor is the stuff you make yujacha with! that stuff has been made in korea for aaaages :p


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worrying about marmalade in Joseon era????? what will they call a VAMPIRE in Joseon era??? they cant use English right??

what they call vampire in Korean??


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+1 to all these comments. I thought I'd lapsed into a weird dream when I got to the last five minutes of this episode.


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lol they DO say 뱀파이어 (baem-pai-eo; the english word transliterated into korean) but ive also read stories that use 흡혈귀 (heup-hyul-gwi, literally 'blood-sucking demon/ghost')~


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Ugh I'm so upset. I read the webtoon and from what I know, Joseon is not a part of it, and Shi Hoo doesn't die. What bother me is I know they only have 12 episodes, but compared to the webtoon it honestly escalated so fast. I'm so upset over this development, and I'm actually kind of questioning the recapper who isnt questioning this transition. I really, really want someone to make sense of this, because to me, and from what I can tell to the Korean viewers as well, it doesn't make any sense at all.


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All i can say is Thank heavens this is being recapped because my desire to watch it every week as soon as it's subbed has gone away :(

I know it's an adaptation, and can deviate from the webtoon as much as they can ... But the slow courtship between Ma Ri and Jae Min in the webtoon is very sweet; and interactions of Shi Hoo and Ah Ra very funny. I'm still crossing my fingers that all the cute is still there, but the whiplash-inducing time jumps kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.


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i havent read the webtoon but it sucks to hear taht ah ra was actually interesting/funny in that instead of the total pill she is in this one (and shi hoo didnt die .__.) i was hoping we'd see her grow up a bit in the remaining eps & watch shi hoo work thru his rage/hurt
but then she outs Mari and shi hoo KILLS himself and before i can even process how fucked up that is or for any of the backlash from those two huge events to make an impact on the narrative (which could have easily filled up another 3 eps at least!) we're in suddenly joseon period???

I mean it sucks for me esp cuz i have never cared for korean historical dramas. at all. im just so lost? what in the world motivated this huge deviation not only from the webtoon but from LOGIC AND SENSE?

i enjoyed ep 3 and i was shocked by the developments of ep 4 but figured it would be handled appropriately in the following eps (was hoping shi hoo's "death" was a fake out)
but instead it just came COMPLETELY apart! and Now I hear this wasnt in he source material which concerns me further cuz while the source material maybe flawed, it did have a full planned out arc already finished. and considering live shoots are a common thing in sk productions even cable dramas like this one...it just doesnt look good no matter how u spin this.
im rly rly disappointed. i dont think i can keep watching until i hear how it goes from here. sucks this is only one ep a week too. it'll make this joseon detour feel even LONGER. (they have 12 eps and they better not spend another 5 in freaking joseon period.)



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Such a shame. Ah Ra's character had the most development (apart from Ma Ri's) in the webtoon because she was fighting it so much. She didn't want to accept the fact that she's actually starting to like Ma Ri, and that she's being drawn into their circle of friendship. She even protected her at one point.

I still respect the writers' decision to give the drama their own twist that would separate it from the webtoon, but i'm only gonna be in for the recaps and not to watch. It's very frustrating to watch 2 fast forwards this episode, and then a HUGE leap back in time for the next.


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Ah Ra and Soo Ri both had such nice character development in the webtoon, and they both got completely shortchanged her. On the plus side, Shi-Hoo is much less of a jerk?


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But i'd take "jerk" Shi-Hoo any day over dead Shi-Hoo :)


What about the band, tho? Haha


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Right? The band was such a great vehicle for the characters to develop themselves and their relationships/friendships.

But maybe the writers have something in store for us that will justify the whole Joseon-Amnesia tropes.

So thanks, Lollypip for the recap! Will wait for the next one :)


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As you guys said above, the first 2 episodes were great and then in episode 3 you notice that they gloss over some major points and start to speed everything way up. I had my worries that this would start happening and it seems like that is the way it's headed.

I would have loved for them to push both episode 3 and 4 back and give us something more. He also has amnesia now? WTF.


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What... just... happened? I came for the high school vampire angst, not a sageuk. I have a bad feeling this drama is trying to reach way farther than they should in terms of story scope.


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Whoa. What happened?!

I knew they were changing things when they added the VCS, made the vampiric abilities different and changed a bunch of characters...but this is like going in a completely different direction from the webtoon.

Maybe they wanted to go for a more epic, large scale feel, hence the Joseon flashbacks and VCS threats and amnesia(?!?!), instead of the webtoon's more small scale, intimate focus. It could work really well, or this could end up as a total train wreck. I guess time will tell?


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Yo Jae-min is the worst. Whenever he spoke I wanted to yell, "The world doesn't revolve around you!"

LollyPip, you pointed out that his fight Shi-hoo was uncalled for. Honestly, it was just so self-centered and filled with prejudice that I was horrified. But Jae-min's conversation with Ma-ri was also just wrong. The whole time he's crying about how she didn't tell him and how he would believe her if she lied and he never once thinks about how hard the situation is for her. Yes, maybe he was lied to, but for her, she's had to experience prejudice and persecution her whole life. Furthermore, exposure could risk the her safety and that of her family.

At the end of this episode, when he got amnesia (augh why), I decided that there really is no redeeming quality for Jae-min. The only good quality he posses is his love for Ma-ri but I still find that self-centered. He doesn't think about how she struggles...and honestly I wish Shi-woo could come back so I could have a real hero to cheer for.


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I have to agree that Jae Min is self centered, to him,everything revolve are around him

He went on and on with his vampire racism falling to understand that not all vampires are bad, he has teacher han as an example but he failed to see it

His relationship with Mari has no depth. It's basically teenage infatuation. He don't even understand her and what Shi Hoo said to him previously was spot on

On the other hand, Shi Hoo is self sacrifing
You can see him blaming himself for whatever that happened to his parents and punishing himself by creating troubles
The reality is that he is just a lonely boy that wants to be loved and accepted
He can go extra length for the person he cares e.g Mari even though he knows that by doing it, it's the dead end for him


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I have to agree with Miss D & Sophia that Jae Min is a self centered boy.... Except that I like the fighting scene between Jae Min And Shi Hoo because I don't expect Jae Min to change overnight. I like this epsiode because it all boils down to what Jae Min is- a typical high schooler or a teenager as to contrast what Shi Hoo and Mari are - vampires who need to stay low profile. When he found out Shi Hoo is a vampire, his hate and jealousy kicked and control him. He is young and bound to make mistakes for being a jerk towards vampires and realize the world don't revolve around him once he step out of his comfort zone. Did anyone realize he was filled with jealousy when Mari was finding Shi Hoo. He was relieved and joining the search after Mari said the search is about the performance later? (Anyone? :/).

As for the next half, he was changing because maybe as puppy love takes everything over even if it started to crush and burn since their love blossomed at a highway speed? He just want to be with Mari despite she is what he hates the most.

Aside from that, I secretly wished that Shi Hoo was saved by VCS and taken away before he got sunburnt. I don't want great actor to die in a story and I never get to see him again.

As for the joeseon part, I'm trying to believe Pd-nim and writer-nim because they delivered good 3 and 1/2 epsiodes. I hope it got to do with Jaemin's blindly hatred towards Vampires.


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They are getting off track from the webtoon.

Might gonna stop watching this drama.


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

This drama just took a nosedive... That shift to Joseon at the end... What in the what?! I read the webtoon and there's nothing about Joseon. So, did this whole production team decide to cram the webtoon in 4 eps and go off in a totally different direction, skipping all the major developments? =X

I just really feel for Shihoo in this ep. That scene on the cliff when he killed himself was so heartbreaking to watch. I'm so devastated with all the pain he had to cope with knowing what his parents suffered was the result of his childhood actions. =( How can you kill off a second lead in 4 eps?

Mari's pain is also expected since she knew her identity would eventually be discovered somehow. I just hope she can find happiness.

Jaemin is insensitive and self-centered. I don't like his misplaced anger directed at Shihoo. And now with this sageuk transition... Amnesia? Recarnation of Joseon Jaemin? What?! *sigh* They'd better improve in the next ep since this feels like branching off into a totally new drama.


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I love the webcomic. And I was really looking forward to this drama. 1-3 I could live with although no Suri and the emphasis taken off JaeMin's mom to the Vampire stepdad is unnecessary and removes 2 really big catalysts for Ma Ri's character development. But I think the most frustrating thing is taking Ma Ri and making her a sidekick in her own story. The emphasis was taken from active women in the story to guys. Si Ho didn't sacrifice himself for Ma Ri, his character was solely for his own amusement through out the show, including annoying the heck out of Ma Ri and harassing Ah Ra. Ah Ra's failure to be win Jae Min is comic relief through out the story. I'm angry that took a great comic with an easy to simplify story and obliterated the heart. And to add insult to injury they make Ma Ri merely a reactor, not someone active in her own story. SHE saves Su Ri which transforms vampires to heroes instead of monsters in her friend's eyes and in her own. Su Ri was the first friend to know what Ma Ri was and not care. Drama better get it's act together because episode 4 needs to be staked.


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Yeah, I was planning to watch this drama but now I don't know.... My two theories about the Joseon part... What if he is a vampire also an they meet in during the Joseon dynasty and now he is getting his memories back???? Maybe they are hiding him for whatever reason. Or the most likely one they are pulling the cliche that they meet each other in a past life and they meet each other again. I sincerely do not know anymore that part left me completely confused.


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I'm lost. I don't understand. What the hell just happened ? XD

Did the second lead die... in the middle of the begining ? And what about the memories... of another time ? At least, it's another twist in the amnesia plot, but, seriously, I feel like this episode fucked up everything. It wasn't even so good... now it just became very crazy and very weird.


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In time With You Remake will be like that, they will be changing everything,


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WELP. im out.

call me again when they go back to HS setting. if they ever do. -_-


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This episode... What is this episode? LOL Very intense and fast and packed and all.
The highlight? SiHoo died! What the heck! How could they kill him off just like that? And nobody cared!!!! Nobody cared for God's sake!!!!!!! Mari whom he sacrificed for just forgot him! His uncle... Where is he? His uncle's wife who seemed to care for him... Where is she? His new family, his friends at school... Why just why this boy is being treated this way!!!!!! For some reason now, I want Sihoo to come back and kill everyone! Seriously! I'm so mad. Anyway, I have a feeling that Sihoo did not die. Someone must have saved him or the VCS caught him before it was too late or maybe he just changed his mind and decided to take revenge on the cruel world that considers him a monster. I really don't think the writer would dare to waste such an interesting and loved-by-viewers character at an early stage. He will come back. I tell you.
That annoying Jaemin is too selfish and haughty! I just hate him. Why Mari should explain herself to him? Why he asked her to lie for his own satisfaction? Why he treated Sihoo as if he were some low creature right after Sihoo knew the truth about his parents? He's one cruel human being!
Another thing that I did not like in tjis episode was that there were too many flashbacks. I mean they could've replaced them with some lovey-dovey scenes between Jaemin and Mari or some Sihoo scenes. And that Ah-ra, they should have layered her. She's such a typical plain second female lead.
The Joseon era, I like this idea hahaha I'm a fan of period dramas therefore I'm looking forward to ep 5. I think the drama will get better in the Joseon episodes.
Last, I hope people stop comparing the drama and the webtoon. It's obvious the drama has taken different direction. I still find this drama enjoyable because I don't compare it with the webtoon which I found pretty boring. Just give this drama a chance. Personally, I won't give up on it.


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This episode was... different, in that it transitioned into something quite unexpected, but I'm still intrigued as to where they will take it from here. I never thought they'd stick to the manga anyway, which is a shame, but still, I won't knock them for putting their own creative stamp on it - so long as that creativity is kept in check!!

On the bright side, at least we get to see Shi-hoo in a bygone era!! Bring on episode 5!!

Thank you for the recap, LollyPip - a pleasure to read, as always!


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We seem to be a small minority, here. I haven't read the original manhwa; however, I've read comments about endless chapters of push-and-pull between the OTP, high school bands and friendships. I won't lie: sounds fun, but since I'm not a teenager anymore I think I like more the new "fruit" of which they decided to make the marmalade. I can see where the writer is coming from and how he tries to use his limited 12-eps. drama. I don't blame him, XD!
So, yea to original (but not tiring!) plot and nay to lots of classes, high school crushes, bi@@y 2nd female lead etc. BTW, directing and lighting are fantastic! Just bring SH back and we're on board^^
Thnx, miss LollyPip for your recap! Hope we all stick around through the finale


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I'm also still intrigued enough to continue. It's a novelty for me to come across a show that has to be completed so quickly when there's so much going on. In other shows, there were too many times I wished the production team would edit lots more and speed things up.

That being said, though, I feel this show could still have given more time to relationship development. The time given to the saving of those 2 little boys could have been cut a bit more just to showcase Shi Hoo's vampire powers (and the repercussions of their use), which I guess was the point of having those kids in this episode at all.

Waiting for Episode 5. :)


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I'm speechless.


The first 3 episodes were good. So, what happened to Episode 4? They gave him amnesia. They killed Shi-hoo and now, they're back to the past?!? They're off the track. This is definitely not like the manwha.


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This episode I was like "what the hell?!" so many times. The moment he said "who are you?" I was so furious I told myself I wouldn't watch anymore if the writers made Jae-min an amnesiac. We never even found out how he knew Ma-ri was a vampire. I feel so cheated. It's like someone abducted the writer of episodes 1-3 and replaced them with whoever wrote this episode cause I refuse to believe it is the same person. And what the hell was that ending? Are we dealing with a past life love story all of a sudden. I can't even anymore. Show you better redeem yourself by next episode or I will curse you and take away your sun-protection ample and make you stand outside till you burn. Rant over!


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I thought it was implied that Ah Ra and the others told Jae Min about Ma Ri's true identity, with the way they gave him hesitant looks when he asked them where Ma Ri was.


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@ Ek Ladhki Thi and @tiramisucake

Yup, I thought that by the sheepish and uncomfortable silence in the school room where the girls had slept, that everyone already knew and Ah Ra had that satisfied look of being the one who had revealed the secret. So Jae Min found out from his friend.


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OMG it's so upsetting because this drama had SOOO much potential in Ep 1 and 2 and I was looking forward to next episodes and then Ep 3 came and they went through it like the Flash, everything was going so fast, the pacing was horrible, but I hoped it would get better and then Ep 4 literally ruined EVERYTHING! I have no idea what the writers were thinking. Why the hell is this now a historical drama?

Honestly this drama is now up there as one of the worst dramas I have ever watched. I feel incredibly bad for the person who created the webtoon, to see their world destroyed like this.


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What the what? I haven't even read the original webtoon, but I'm just confused. Everything seems to be going so fast and nothing makes sense. Doesn't seem like I'm the only one either.


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Actually, from the first ep this drama has always been fast-paced. I've finished reading the webtoon before ep 1 aired, because i want to know what this story is about before watching the drama. And it was disappointing from the start. I know the production team wanted to make the story not too predictable, but this is going too far from just a simple twist. This is a change of direction. Rather than focusing on the simple high school romance/friendship story, they go all twilight on us. the ambition is too big. Orange Marmalade itself is not a story focused on Ma-ri being a vampire, instead it is focused on how Ma-ri is different from the others, and how in the end everyone (including herself) accepts her despite the differences. That's the story i want to watch, but sadly they won't give me that. :( so i guess i should just drop this one.


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Really confused at the end of this episode. First, with the amnesia bit. I didn't know falling off a lighthouse and into the sea can cause amnesia? Second, Ma-ri sitting next to Jae-min in the train. I thought she left cos she was caught already? I thought she decided to let him go? I'm not a sucker for angst okay but I wanted some explanation on both their parts and not just a two month skip. And lastly, the hint of the Joseon episodes. I was just left there infront of my phone screen asking, "what the hell will just happen?" I didn't know I'd be up for a sageuk, I thought it'll be an (angsty vampire) high school drama. But anyway, it's a good thing I love sageuks and I'm really curious as to how the story will go now that they are moving it to the Joseon era. I just reallyyyy hope that they have some sort of REASONABLE explanation why the Joseon parts must be added. Whew keeping my fingers crossed!


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I think it was the lightning/electrocution that gave him the amnesia. Not that I think that's an better.

I also think since he had amnesia and she left that they probably started over at a different school? Jae-min's mom probably jumped at the chance to start over with him.


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Actually I thought he did not have any memory loss. He could mean he wants a restart between him and Mari. :/ or maybe I am wrong :/


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I was actually wondering about that too! He was speaking of not caring if she's a vampire or not in voice over when she saved him and when they got to shore...he doesn't remember her anymore? I was just ???


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HAHAHA! Same here! I watched it for the 2nd time to understand what is happening in ep 4.

But I think Joseon era is some sort of Alice in the Wonderland thing? It is the trio's past but Jaemin is thinking about it while losing conscious? :/


About them being in a new school also confuses me because if that's the case...why did Mari want to leave cut ties with Jaemin but went to study in his new school? I'm sighing so hard with all these confusion and no proper explanation. I doubt they can still explain all these since next episodes will cater to the Joseon parts aw


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Well she did cut ties but then reunited with him. She's pretty close to his stepdad so if Jaemin started living with the stepdad and had no memories then perhaps she saw this as a second chance. After all he did save her in the end and showed that he cared for her more than his prejudice. I would think it would be hard for to leave him again (especially since cutting him off still left her a mess - this her running away from home and ending up at the lighthouse).


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That's a good way to put it. But I was disappointed that we have to think of all these possible scenarios when they have to give us explanations about what really happened.


Oh I'm definitely annoyed and think this is terrible storytelling. It's not that things make not sense it's that it's all to compressed so there's nothing to make sense of. Nothing is fleshed out. It's just flashes of scenes. Flashes of what could have been. Meh.


About them being in a new school also confuses me because if that’s the case…why did Mari want to leave cut ties with Jaemin but went to study in his new school? I’m sighing so hard with all these confusion and no proper explanation. I doubt they can still explain all these since next episodes will cater to the Joseon parts aw


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Now that you mention his mom.. I'm wondering what he thinks about his step-dad now. Or vampires in general.


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I am pretty disappointed about how this episode turned out. For it to end so abruptly feels surreal. And for Shi hoo to die so tragically smh. Ottoke? What were the writers thinking?! Now it looks like they are going to rewind back to the past to the Jeseon era, but I honestly don't know how it makes me feel going back to the past when I know that the present ended so sadly with Mari and Jaemin breaking up, Jaemin losing his memories, and Shi hoo dying.

Shi hoo! What a tragic figure! Smh.

So is the drama trying to push reincarnation? We are supposed to believe that all the major players reincarnated from the Joseon era to the modern one?

Part of my disappointed lies with Mari. I can't help feeling that she could have been a better friend to Shi hoo especially since his uncle explained his circumstances to her, but she was too besotted with her love for Jae min to pay attention to her friend. We can try to blame Jaemin for fighting Shi hoo especially when he learned that Shi hoo was a vampire, but the truth is that Jaemin knows very little about Shi hoo, what trying circumstances he was under, and what the challenges of being a vampire is, in a human dominated world. But Mari understood, she can relate, because she is one herself. If she wasn't trying too hard to fit in, she would've been there for her friend. And maybe Shi hoo woul've hung on a little longer and not chosen the suicide route. After all, he showed his powers to save a life, and that ought to count for something.


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Sorry, spellcheck... .disappointment. ..would've. ...

Guess I'm really pissed off at this episode. If at all the writers wanted to go back to the Joseon era, wouldn't it have been preferable and less jarring to use flashbacks or epilogues a la 'Delightful Girl Choon Hyang'? There are other less jarring ways to introduce this time line than killing off a major player and hi-jacking the plot from a high school romance.


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I was agreeing with you as I read your comment. It's sad that at least between the only 2 young vampires in that part of SKorea there was not more rapport or concern. It could be also the fault of the speeding up of this story that all the nice moments between individuals, growth of relationships and understanding, etc have been swept aside for the major plot movement.

In like manner I felt we should have had:
-A growing friendship between Ma Ri and her band mates and even with Ah Ra.

- More occasions with sweet daddy vampire and Ma Ri, Ma Ri's family with Shi Hoo, Jae Min and his mum.

They should have given this story at least 16 episodes since there were so many relationships to explore and so much growing up that Jae Min has to do. :)


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Thanks for the recap Lollypip! And OMG WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED IN EPISODE 4?!

Was loving the first 3 episodes and thought to myself, "ah this drama is surprisingly good for a teenage vamp story" NOT. WHY WRITER NIM WHY?!

Shi Hoo totally didn't have to die. And two time jumps? And travelling back in time? All in one episode. I'm so confused! Should I continue watching or not? BLAH.


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Why kill the best character off and what are they doing, Amnesia seriously, so weird this show.That tracker thing is horrible makes me thing about End times /revelation /mark of the beast.
Anyhoo anyone watch Yeo jin gu on Entertainment weekly so cute.


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Yes ,the three of them are on ET this week, so cute.

But won't Ship-hoo show up in the past now that we're back in time when the pact was made?


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But won't Ship-hoo show up in the past now that we're back in time when the pact was made?


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Looks like there will be a mini Iljimae reunion (that and the characters seem to have teleported into their world). But yeah don't think I'll be continuing with the series. I decided to check the series out because of the webtoon but doesn't seem to be much semblance to the original story.


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after the first 2 episodes this drama went from something good to crap


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Just a thought but if the vampires are drinking synthetic blood why can't they just through some food coloring in there to disguise it better?


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Did this show change writers? The pacing and the tone changed so suddenly. I never read the webtoon but the first 2 eps were good.
I am holding out hope that Shi hoo didnt die and someone rescued him last minute because in kdramaland if u didnt see the body it means the person is not dead


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Orange Marmalade has been good with its first three episode, however, episode 4 got me all,... I don't know... there are so much feeeeeels, with second male lead, Shi Hoo committing sucide(noo!!), Jae Min having anemia and the Joseon era(?!!?). This is so confusing.
But I will still watch it no matter, because vampires. :P And, it was so cool to see Shi Hoo using his vampire powers. Hey, look at the fast-speed and the flying ability, omg >< FLYING?? I mean, it's probably the first time I watch a vampire show where the vampires could actually FLY.

Hopefully, the show will explain everything we're confused about and EVERYTHING. I hate how this show is only aired once a week D:


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By the way, I forgot to add that I have already read the webtoon version(English) . I should say that the webtoon version is better, even though the pace is really slow. It haven't even got to the part why is it called Orange Marmalade, or performing at the festival. It's still ongoing D:


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Thanks so much LollyPip! You're very busy! Not just this show, but you're also recapping Masked Prosecutor!

I was saying elsewhere that this show had the shortest happy moments in romance ever. Just one night and it was overtaken by so much stress and tragedy. I hope it's all made up for in the following episodes and in the back to the future ones too!!!

I'm putting all my 'could have beens' aside and thinking about 'what might bes'

The tragic present cannot be resolved in the present, therefore the VCS (in the name of Anh Chi punishment) bring the main protagonists into the past to give them a 2nd chance. Maybe only vampires who used their powers to help others and humans who have been helped (plus hopefully a few friends) get to go back in time to work things out. Shi Hoo is there and gets to be with his parents. Everyone has amnesia and all start from square 1. At a designated time, if events play out better in the past and better ties between protagonists are formed, VCS will switch everyone back to the present or future-present...

Everyone gets to meet up again, as if they had never left the present time, and this time (hopefully) not with total amnesia but with a sense of destiny together. Then we can have a different trajectory with all the 'could have beens' in place in the remaining 4 episodes:
- The band going on to perform again (hey, afterall the show is called after the Band's Name!)
- Ah Ra becoming less of a bitch
- Shi Hoo more at peace with himself
- Ma Ri able to let herself like Jae Min
- Jae Min becoming more mature and caring for others
- humans taking a baby step to acceptance of vampires ie all those considered 'others'.


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I really find this a somewhat reasonable explanation for the Joseon and future present parts omg


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LOL! thanks??


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I've given up on trying to make any sense of this show and will now proceed to just sit back and enjoy it. Amnesia? Sure. Josen era flashback? Bring it on. An interesting character who had very little actual impact on the story or characters? Why not.

Though between Shihoo's cliffside "I hear humans in distress" moment and the Josen bit, I keep getting hit with reminders of You Who Came From Another Star, but with less serial killing and comedy.


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This episode was a mess. I sure do hope they turn things around starting this week. I had such high hopes for this drama because episodes 1 and 2 were done really well. But then episodes 3 and 4 was one train wreck after the other and it hurts me because I don't want to let go of this show. I mean, I'm here for Yeo Jin-goo!!! *crossing all fingers*


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Hope it gets better next episode.


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This drama has become a big no for me now. The first two episodes were quite good until I slightly lost my interest after reading the recap for episode 3 and now I'm about to leave this drama after the Joseon era takes place. Really, i dont know whether the writer wants to turn this drama into a comedy or what. Will just focus on school2015 and exgirlfriend club.


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Now please don't tell me that the man who died in the car accident was Jae-min's dad!


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And please tell me that Jae-min is/will not PRETEND that he lost his memories, just to stay in that comfortable situation


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Hahaha! Omg. I think it could be true.


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I only watch this for Jonghyun, and I'm very happy to see his improvement in acting. Tbh, he looks so beautiful in AGD but his awkward acting makes me cringe. But he's doing fine in this series. That moment when he was stunned by Jaemin's insult and he just stood there silently, the look of hurt in his eyes was so so sad. Never thought Jonghyun's cold (though gorgeous) eyes can emote that well. I'm actually excited about the Joseon setting. Can't wait to see Jonghyun wearing hanbok and speaking in that peculiar tone of the old time. Hope Shi-hoo will get some more love and care, even if not from Mari.


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I have the exact some thoughts as you!
I heart broke into tiny pieces when Jaemin insulted him. I was so angry and upset how he treated Shi Hoo. Mari, with her near indifference was not much better.

Jong Hyun recently posted words of wisdom on his instagram, and this was part of the list:
"You didn’t really want to die, you just didn’t want to live this way"

I immediately thought of Shi Hoo. He most likely did not want to die, especially when his parents died to keep him safe. But he knew he was going to be punished. The next best option is to take things in his own hands. Not much of a choice really and I felt like he had nothing to live for.

Lets hope Shi Hoo will be treated better in the next episode.


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Am I the only one here that still loves Orange Marmalade? I didn't read all of them but from skimming the rest of the comments it seems like it.

"It’s time for the humans to stop treating them like animals and start treating them humanely. "

Good luck with that humans don't even treat other humans humanely.


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@ Sajen
I'm still with this show!!! And @Munster below too ...

Besides liking the many things that need to be resolved in the story and the characters both young and not so young, I'm intrigued enough to know how well the Production Team can go so fast paced and still hold this all together, or whether it's going to fall apart. At least with just 12 episodes, there's less time invested in this to find out!!! LOL!


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Since KBS is so very much an expert on special mini-dramas, it looks like the first 4 episodes are dedicated to a high school love, the next will be a mini sageuk and the rest...well, we shall see ^^
Amnesia or not, time and space continuum leaps, resurrections (for SH, of course!), internal love...lol, everything sounds good as long as it's well-executed. I couldn't care less whether the ideas come from a toon, a manhwa, books or someone's vivid imagination. The acting and the directing are amazing; if the script can keep up then "all's well that ends well"!^^


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@Sajen and @Growingbeautifully - yeah, I'm on board! In spite of my little rant over the 2 main leads, I'm willing to give this drama a chance just to see how it will all plays out. And keeping my fingers crossed that Shihoo did not die. No, please no.

Besides, this drama is beautifully shot. I'm captivated by it.


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Freaking- AMNESIA AND "(possibly) soulmatey" (?)/past era stuff!? This is what I get for risking it and watching an unfinished and therefore un-DB-rated show... especially a teen vampire romance one... It was so cute...but... amnesia? Really? I hope that will be resolved "quickly" and even brushed off. I would accept the people trying to shock us by making us think he will have to deal with amnesia when in fact he just temporarily has some memory issues...
I hope he doesn't "remember" things from a past life while he's in this amnesia state... I rather liked that they were just two kids who ended up liking each other despite differing... stuff. I don't need it all tied up with Fate and Destiny and stuff. (Okay I admit that the possible connections they all had Are pretty coincidental though.) Will continue to watch cautiously, with low expectations (so that I may be pleasantly surprised, hopefully).


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Hmm, in spite of the roller coaster ride, I still like this drama. I read the Webtoon and found it a little boring so I'm ok with the drama people taking a different spin to it. I'm excited for the Joseon era as I hope the drama will explain how the peace treaty came about and help me understand why 300 years later vampires are treated as outcasts? Also, from Ep5 preview it looked like Jingoo's and Jonghyun's characters are good friends. Bromance!!

**Rant Start*
Having said that, I do agree that the drama could slow down a little for character development. I know the two leads fell in love (because the drama said so) but I cannot understand WHY. And, I'm just overall disappointed with both their behaviors. Jaemin for the way he treated Shihoo at Shihoo's most vulnerable time and for calling him dirty. Really, Jaemin? Dirty? For the most popular boy in school, there has got to be more to you than just being good at sports and being brainy (I'm doubting that now), right? Stooping so low to hurt a fellow schoolmate when that 'person' hasn't done anything but to be born the way he is? t couldn't get over that hurt look in Shihoo's eyes.

As for Mari, she should've known better. She's a vampire herself and knew of all the struggles of being one. She also knew of Shihoo's parent's predicament and how lonely Shihoo is. She knew Shihoo used his vampire powers for her and she knew that he was being targeted by VCS after that. But what did she do? Nothing! Because not being found out as a vampire so that she can continue living as a 'normal' person trumps reaching out to her childhood friend? When said friend has been there for her so many times? Geez! Any by the way Mari, why do you need to apologize for loving a human? How many times must you say "I'm sorry but I love you" to Jaemin?
**Rant Over**

Phew! Sorry, I got to get that out. It's been grating me since I finished episode 4. I don't know if I've been to unrealistic in my expectation of two teenagers but yeah, I would have loved it if the drama slowed down a little so that I could understand them better. As it is right now, I no longer care about either one of them and how great their love is. All I care about is what happened to poor baby Shihoo?

So I hope the Joseon episodes can explain some things and have Mari and Jaemin redeem themselves when the story moves back to present day Seoul. This drama has to do right by Shihoo and the general Vampire population. I just cannot accept how the humans in this story treat Vampires like animals.

On a shallow note, as long as Jonghyun is still onscreen, I'll tune in faithfully. He's so gorgeous! :P


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I also think Shi-hoo and Jae-min's characters are friends in the Joseon parts! I just really really hope they are!


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Like you said I really didn't like JM in this episode he's way of thinking and the words he said to SH!!!
I feel soooooo sad becuase of SH i didn't expect him to die!!! :(


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I have to admit that I'm so disappointed with this episode. Especially Shi-Hoo' suicide scene and the amnesia and the Joseon era. I don't mind if the writer fasten the plot from the webtoon or change the story a bit (like the writer did in the previous episodes) but this episode is too much mess, I kinda hate it. Too many Korean drama cliche in this.

But, though I'm disappointed with this episode, I'm not disappointed with the actors so I'll try to give a chance to the next episode. Maybe there we can get the answer of the weird things that happens in this episode. And I really hope this drama wil back on track and be the cute-mellow-comedy-vampire-high-teen drama like it used to.


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Okay, like everyone else, I'm not quite on board yet with the amnesia and Joseon stuff. Also, exceedingly confused that they killed the second lead, because wait what? How? And right when he became my favorite character, too. With that said, Shi-hoo's suicide is probably one of my favorite drama scenes...the cinematography, music choices, and symbology are lovely and well-done (and Jonghyun is REALLY pretty, and can act, which helps). So I'm not sorry we got that scene out of it.
Seriously, though. I will continue to watch, but Show, PLEASE get your act together. I've really liked what's happened so far (I haven't read the manhwa and don't care to, so if people could stop comparing that would be great) but I'm a bit worried about future episodes. >_<


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OMO! This drama has more personalities than Ji Sung in Kill Me, Heal Me.


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Wait! Now that I'm thinking about it, Sihoo did not hurt anyone when he used his powers unlike his parents so he's not going to be punished... Right? Or he's going to be punished because he used his powers regardless the fact that he used them to save a human? I'm thinking about that because I really don't think Sihoo died. The VCS probably saved him before he turned completely ino dust.
I do agree with the comments about the beautu of the suicide scene. The cinematography, the music and the acting got me bawling like a baby!
I'm still on board.Historical dramas are my thing. Bring it on Orange Marmalade! I'm soooo ready for the Joseon story. And it seems like Jaemin and Sihoo were close in the Joseon era. Oh yay!
Ah yes thank you very much for the recap LollyPip. Your opinion on this episode was very insightful actually.


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I'm sad this show went off the rails so quickly. Did they have a writer switch after the first 2 episodes? Or did the writer just feel they had followed the source material closely enough to start and now it was time to make stuff up? (as what happened with True Blood)


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