Girl Who Sees Smells: Episode 3

Our duo grows closer as they work on Mu-gak’s case and Cho-rim’s audition, and they both finally come clean about how their past traumas have affected them. Rather than be put off by each other’s oddities, their confessions create a unique sort of kinship, even as they both start to realize their growing attraction. But there’s still a killer on the loose, and the search for the truth unearths more questions than answers as danger looms closer and closer.


Standing at the site of the accident, Cho-rim stares as she watched the missing girl Ma-ri’s signature scent ride from the ground behind Mu-gak, wafting off the road and toward the river below. She follows the scent and gets too lose to the drop-off, losing her footing, and Mu-gak quickly swings her away from the edge and into his arms. For the second time he holds her close a bit longer than necessary, and they both seem intensely aware of the other before they pull apart.

As Mu-gak steps backwards nervously, he trods on Cho-rim’s sunglasses where she dropped them breaking them clean in half. Her loud reaction irritates him and he reminds her that he just saved her life. He takes the pieces of the glasses, and redirects her attention back to Ma-ri’s scent trail. Cho-rim looks again, and points to the river. Oh no.

Out in the mountains, the chief (whose name is Detective Kang) directs his men as they search by using a bullhorn to project his voice, hilariously aiming it right at his detectives’ ears. He’s enjoying that too much for it to be entirely accidental, hee. Mu-gak calls to say he’s found the missing girl, so they all head to the riverbank where her car is being pulled from the water.

As Cho-rim watches from a distance, the detectives open the car door to find Ma-ri’s body in the car, as they feared. They call Lieutenant Yeom to the scene, and she curses as she confirms that Ma-ri has a barcode etched into her wrist — it’s definitely the Barcode Killer again. She asks Mu-gak how he knew the girl was in the river, but he just silently looks over towards Cho-rim (which the sharp-eyed Yeom catches).

The Chief of Police comes to inspect the scene, and orders a special investigation team to be created for this case. Detective Kang motions over his three lackeys, but when the police chief orders Lieutenant Yeom to head the team, the three hilariously sidle over to stand next to her instead. Yeom asks permission to include one more person on her team, and handpicks Mu-gak, to everyone’s surprise (including Mu-gak).

When Cho-rim gets home, her (adopted) father is on his way out, but he takes time to remind Cho-rim that she only has seven months left to give acting a try, then she promised to quit. But there’s no bite in his bark, and Cho-rim seems to know it by the way she aegyos him. She brings him his favorite steamed buns, but that only sparks more interrogation about why she was in that part of town, and she blames the Frog Troupe. Aw, these two are so cute.

Detective Oh runs into Lieutenant Yeom at the station, but neither of them seem happy to see each other. They know each other from previous Barcode Killer investigations, and Yeom tells Oh about the murderer’s latest victim, but he reminds her that he’s no longer a cop — he just works security now.

Yeom pleads for him to tell her where the only surviving witness is… ah, so she doesn’t know that he’s taken her in as his daughter. Oh reminds her that there was no evidence the daughter witnessed anything, and that anyway, she died when she was hit by the car that night. Yeom is smart and figures she was only reported dead and is actually under witness protection, but Oh holds tight to his story.

Creepy doctor Chun Baek-kyung reads an old article from when Cho-rim’s parents were found dead, and we see that he’s bought a ticket to the Frog Troupe’s show. He takes a call from someone named Kwon (I’m assuming Chef Jae-hee), who tells him about the news from the police station, and Baek-kyung says he’ll meet him in a few minutes.

Mu-gak goes to the restaurant to talk to Jae-hee, who admits to being extremely distracted and looks like he’s been crying. Mu-gak offers to let Jae-hee see Ma-ri once before the autopsy, and Jae-hee tells him that she never mentioned having any family so he’ll be handling the funeral.

Mu-gak asks if Jae-hee knows Baek-kyung, and probes for information about him since he’s on the suspect list. But just then he hears, “Are you saying I’m a suspect in Ma-ri’s murder?” from Baek-kyung, who’s standing right behind him, listening. Damn, could you be any more creepy? He seems a bit amused to be considered a suspect, and offers to answer Mu-gak’s questions himself.

Mu-gak asks about the frequent calls to Baek-kyung from Ma-ri’s phone, which he explains away as her being his patient. Jae-hee elaborates that he introduced them, since Ma-ri was having trouble with pain after spine surgery. Mu-gak asks why his office was closed for the last four days, and Baek-kyung testily answers that he was in Jeju. He clams up after that, and Mu-gak leaves after saying he’ll be in touch later.

On the street, he finds the shattered pieces of Cho-rim’s sunglasses, and goes into a store to replace them. When the salesperson tells him they’re fakes, he grumbles that she made such a fuss over them and buys her a real pair. That is so cute.

Baek-kyung shows up at the Frog Troupe show that night, but spends more time watching Cho-rim than the show itself. Cho-rim takes a break for a drink, and he follows her to the hall. He approaches her slowly from behind, and reaches into his jacket for something, but ohthankgoodness, Mu-gak arrives in time to stop him from doing whatever-it-was he had planned. Mu-gak doesn’t get a good look at him as he runs off too fast, but Cho-rim recognizes the scent of the hospital in his wake.

Mu-gak takes off after Baek-kyung, leaving Cho-rim talking to herself, so she’s surprised when she sees the troupe director behind her instead of Mu-gak. He asks why he hasn’t seen her practicing with her new partner, guessing that she only brought him once to trick the director, but Cho-rim swears he’s her real partner.

After the show, she follows Mu-gak’s scent trail (which looks like sparkling, icy blue crystals) and vents about her director’s accusations. She yells at him for not practicing with her and keeping his end of their bargain, but he just says talking too much will make her hungry. HA, his deadpan expression is awesome. He invites her to follow him to dinner if she wants to yell some more.

Mu-gak steals every bite of meat at dinner, and Cho-rim asks if he’s always this selfish. He never comes to rehearse with her, and now he’s taking all the food. Mu-gak does look a bit chastened and orders more meat, and when Cho-rim isn’t looking he sneaks a sunglasses case in front of her.

HAHAwhoops, it’s the broken glasses. Mu-gak snatches them back and gives her the new ones, thanking her for helping him get a place on the investigation team. Cho-rim politely says she should probably give them back since they’re real and hers were fake, but her adorable smile gives away that she loves them and Mu-gak practically blushes.

The waiter brings their meat, knocking over Cho-rim’s water and splashing some in her left eye. It dislodges her colored contact, and Mu-gak sees her blue eye for the first time. He says nothing, but a little boy at a nearby table calls Cho-rim a monster, so she hides her eye and leaves quickly.

Mu-gak finds her contact and follows her out, and when Cho-rim tries to duck into a cab he grabs her wrist and tells her not to run from him… “I’m just like you.” He says he’s also a monster compared to other people, and they find a place to talk, where he tells her of his sister’s murder three years ago.

He’d torn apart the police station like a madman, throwing chairs, breaking things, and demanding they find his sister’s killer. He’d screamed that he was going to kill the murderer himself, and it had taken several cops to (barely) keep him from destroying the place.

After two months of no leads, Mu-gak had started to feel a constant pain inside and hadn’t been able to sleep, until he finally fainted while in the aquarium at work. He’d been taken to the hospital, and we see that as he’d been wheeled in, he was wheeled right past an unconscious Cho-rim as she was taken out. Mu-gak says he was clinically dead, but he’d miraculously revived ten days later.

He reveals that after he woke up, he’d lost all his senses. He can’t feel pain, and he can’t smell or taste anything. Cho-rim says it’s almost the same as her story, and tells him about being in a coma for months and waking up with a blue eye and the ability to see scents.

She asks about Mu-gaks gluttony, and he says he can’t taste the food but it feels like he’s trying to fill an emptiness inside. Cho-rim suggests the emptiness is in his heart, then cutely asks if she can hit him, since he can’t feel anything. And Mu-gak almost, not quite but almost, smiles.

They head to a coffee shop (where Cho-rim’s friend, whose name is Ae-ri, also seems to work) to work on their skit for the troupe audition. Cho-rim pulls some props from her bag, handing a silly wig to Mu-gak and donning one herself. He tries to be too dignified to wear the wig but she nags him into it — but not before much eye-rolling and long-suffering sighing.

As soon as Mu-gak starts his lines, he becomes incredibly animated again, making the oddest faces and noises, and OMG I can’t breathe. Even Cho-rim stops to laugh at him, and he yanks the wig off and looks embarrassed. She sobers up and tells him this is her last chance since her father wants her to quit the troupe, and Mu-gak promises to try his hardest to help her like she helped him. Awww.

The next day, Mu-gak takes Jae-hee to see Ma-ri’s body, and Jae-hee dissolves into tears as the reality hits him that she’s really dead. Mu-gak leads him out of the room, and Lieutenant Yeom watches them go with a strange look on her face.

The new investigation team inspects the site of the car crash for clues, and Detective Ki brings the couple that accidentally hit Ma-ri’s car into the river that night. Everyone watches their car’s black box video, and the couple apologize for not reporting the accident sooner. Detective Yeh asks Mu-gak how he knew where to find Ma-ri’s car, but he just claims he got lucky. Lieutenant Yeom’s way of looking at him intensely shows she doesn’t believe this for a second.

At the station, Yeom sighs at the men as they play games to determine who buys lunch, while she tries to concentrate on the clues they’ve found so far. She retreats in disgust to a vacant room, and finds herself looking through a one-way mirror at Mu-gak, who’s gone to an interrogation room to think.

He has his most serious face on, and he stares intensely into his side of the mirror… then pulls a face and makes the weirdest noise ever. HAHAHA, he’s practicing Cho-rim’s skit, and he’s so serious about it which makes it even funnier. He even dons the wig again and tries out different expressions and noises. Yeom watches him with a growing look of confusion, then busts out laughing at his antics.

Later, Detective Yeh briefs the team on Ma-ri’s autopsy results. She didn’t drown, and there were no rope marks on her neck, leading them to conclude that her airway was most likely blocked while she slept. Her time of death was roughly three days before her body was found, which is right in line with the pattern that the Barcode Killer follows.

He shows them something strange — there was a necklace with a key charm found in Ma-ri’s stomach. It’s unclear whether it belonged to her, or whether she was forced to ingest it before she died. Detective Kang wonders if it’s some kind of dying message from the victim.

The friendly detective (we learn his name is Detective Tak) comes in with more interesting information — there are only two roads that lead to the place where Ma-ri’s car was hit, and those roads are monitored by video cameras. But there’s no recording of Ma-ri’s car passing either of those points, from the time she disappeared to the time when her car was found in the river. Strange.

Lieutenant Yeom orders Mu-gak to get Ma-ri’s medical records from her doctor, though Baek-kyung makes it clear he’s only complying because Mu-gak has a warrant. Mu-gak asks about his alibi of being in Jeju at the time Ma-ri was killed, thinking it’s just a little too perfect. Baek-kyung shuts down again, refusing to answer, and Mu-gak leaves for now.

Detectives Ki and Yeh visit Ma-ri’s roommates again, and they identify the key charm as belonging to the box where Ma-ri hides her diaries. They open the box to find it empty, but her roommate swears the last time she saw it, there were at least ten books in there. She says that Ma-ri’s boyfriend, chef Jae-hee, was in the apartment recently.

It’s the day of Cho-rim’s audition but Mu-gak hasn’t shown up yet, and Cho-rim nervously calls him. He promises he’s on his way, but Lieutenant Yeom calls him and sends him to Jae-hee’s home to ask why he was at Ma-ri’s apartment. He finds Jae-hee burning some clothing and yanks them out of the fire, but Jae-hee says they’re Ma-ri’s, and he’s only burning them because they remind him of their frequent fighting.

Jae-hee claims to know of her diaries but says he never read them, though she wrote in them every day. He says the clothes are all that he took from her apartment, and Mu-gak apologizes and leaved quickly.

The director starts the audition, but by the time it’s Cho-rim’s turn, Mu-gak still hasn’t shown up. She valiantly tries to do the skit by herself, but the director angrily stops her and yells at her to get off his stage — she lacks the right mindset for being a true comedian.

The troupe goes out after the audition, and it’s sweet but sad how Cho-rim congratulates her sunbaes’ success and pours drinks for them. The director suggests they all move to another bar, but when Cho-rim tries to join, he tells her she’s no longer part of their troupe. He even warns the rest of the actors not to associate with her anymore. Oh, ouch.

Mu-gak finally makes it to the theater, and tracks down the troupe as they walk between bars. Bitchy Woo-ya tells him drunkenly that he missed the audition, and that Cho-rim is still in the last restaurant all by herself. He finds her there, gulping down shot after shot and so drunk she can barely open her eyes.

But she can still see his sparkling blue aura, and knows he’s there before she ever sees him. Mu-gak apologizes, and Cho-rim yanks him down to sit with her, then passes out in his lap. Awww. He takes her to a park and brings her some medicine, and against his better judgment he agrees to spin her on the carousel. As she spins she laughs, then cries, then laughs again, as Mu-gak watches guiltily.

He eventually leads her to a taxi but she shoves him away when he tries to get in with her. He asks the driver to take her home safely, but when the taxi pulls away, Cho-rim must have slipped out the other door because she’s sitting in the street. Mu-gak groans, and is forced to piggyback her home instead.

So cute — she leads him by pulling on his ears. But a too-hard yank brings his face veeery close, and he can’t help but be aware of her pretty face so near his. By the time they’re in front of her house he’s exhausted, but she’s too drunk to say she’s home, so he whines that they’re just going back and forth, back and forth… The words seem to spark something, and he heads for the police station.

Lieutenant Yeom is at the station reviewing the Barcode Killer’s previous victims, Cho-rim’s parents among them. Mu-gak comes to tell her that he’s thought about Baek-kyung’s alibi of being in Jeju, but what if he was traveling back and forth? He could have come back from Jeju, killed Ma-ri and left her body in the car, then gone back to Jeju.

He offers to find the evidence, but just then Cho-rim comes wobbling around the corner. Mu-gak starts to apologize to Yeom, but she stops him — something about Cho-rim looks familiar, and she quickly pulls up a photo of the victims’ daughter. She looks closely at Cho-rim, recognizing her as the witness who supposedly died three years ago.


I’m going to start sounding like a broken record, but it bears repeating — this show just keeps getting better and better. Only three episodes in and we already have a new murder case, a suspect or two, a cute side-plot involving a theater troupe, and a lead couple who are fast becoming friends and well on their way to becoming interested in more. And yet, I don’t feel like the story is being rushed at all, and every detail is placed just perfectly so that there’s no confusion about where all the pieces fit.

I like that things are moving along quickly, because it hints at a lot of storytelling yet to come and a lot of secrets still to be revealed. Especially involving our doctor and our chef… I’m just intrigued by how they both will fit into the murder plot, and the greater story itself. How did they get to be friends? Did one, or both, of them kill Ma-ri? How are they linked to Cho-rim and Mu-gak’s tragic pasts? I’m dying to know, and I have a feeling the answer won’t be so simple as anything we’re thinking at this point. I’m beginning to see that this show doesn’t do anything simply, and will be stingy with doling out the clues while giving us just enough to keep us on tenterhooks waiting impatiently for more. As if we aren’t already!

My favorite part of this episode was the growing closeness between Mu-gak and Cho-rim, as Mu-gak finally opened up about his sister and his own strange reaction to her death. It was sweet that he told her about himself to make her feel better about her own strange ability, and I love that he didn’t shy away from her odd appearance without her colored contact. There wasn’t even one second where Mu-gak looked disgusted or frightened, and I fell in love with him a little bit, on Cho-rim’s behalf, for that. And it was touching that he immediately wanted her to know that she’s not alone, and that he also feels like a freak, but that doesn’t mean that either of them actually is a monster. They’re just people who were touched by tragedy in a way that left them physically, as well as emotionally, scarred.

And Cho-rim’s response to Mu-gak’s reveal was just as awesome, because she didn’t seem fazed at all. Not only that, but she knew right away that his ability to eat massive quantities of food was his way of trying to fill the hole in his heart. You could almost see Mu-gak relax when she expressed an instant understanding of how he feels, and that almost-smile was just adorable. Finding someone who gets you isn’t easy, much less someone who understands the strange aftereffects of a traumatic past. These two are going to be too cute for words when they stop hanging out together because they need the other’s help, and actually begin to like each other.

But it looks like they’re going to have a lot to go through here very soon, especially if Lieutenant Yeom is about to blow Cho-rim’s life to bits by revealing her true identity. I have no doubt that Cho-rim will react with the same poise and humor that she approaches everything, but that first realization that her whole life is a lie, and that her parents were brutally murdered and the murderer is still out there and probably looking for her, is going to be a tough one to get through. I just hope that Mu-gak is strong enough to be her friend through it, since the discovery of her true name will no doubt lead him to realize that his sister was almost certainly killed in Cho-rim’s place. They’re going to need this friendship if they’re both to survive.


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I was dying from laughter when Mu-gak was practising his lines in the interrogation room omfg. Never going to get sick of Yoochun's troll face HAHAHA.

I loved how fast-paced this drama was in the first two eps, but in this ep it sometimes felt like it was hurtling at breakneck speed. I was kind of surprised at how quickly Mu-gak opened up about his sister. I mean, being a little too fast-paced is 100x better than being draggy, and I'm glad that the drama doesn't linger on unimportant plot points, but sometimes I just wish that it'd let the story breathe for a bit. I was hoping for Mu-gak and Cho-rim's connection to build up in a natural, gradual kind of way, but that scene came so quickly and suddenly that it seemed a little forced imo. But as I said, I'd rather a drama be too fast-paced than too slow.

Yoochun and Shin Se-kyung have great chemistry together - they bounce off each other so well, especially in the comedic scenes. :D And the drama's been doing such a great job of balancing the heavier scenes with comedy. I really hope it never stops being funny.


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That particular scene in the interrogation room with Moo-gak's silly acts....EPIC!! I literally rolling and laughing so hard. I think he just need time and space to think about the case...and BAMM...


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I saw the behind the scenes for that and the actress playing the detective totally cracked up immediately when he did it. I wonder how many takes it took for her to not.


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Can you give a link for the behind the scenes video if you still have it? I would love to watch it! :D


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I think she meant the NG video


I hope it will stay this good but I doubt it (sorry just past experiences with kdramas). I'm just really glad it's only 16 episodes.


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That!! plus the "I-don't-believe-what-I-see" expression from Lieutanant Yeom, champion! I mean, considering the serious look on his face before this happens, I literally ROFLMAO, Mugak is a joker.

Seriously, everybody should say no to spoilers when watching this drama. That's how you can enjoy the drama to the fullest.

So far so good, I'm loving it.


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I am in love with this show, and this couple, and this story. Okay, this is dangerous. I still have exams.

Why do good dramas have to come when we're too busy to watch them? *cries a river*


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I know right I have so many dramas that I am currently watching.


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I feel you...
Man I cant wait for next week


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I never thought much of Yoochun, but the guy is <3 <3 <3

His serious personality contrasted with his comedian act, is just too cute. More than cute, its the kind of funny that makes you happy. I swear I paused and laughed for 5 mts in that cafe scene !!!!!


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Omygawd this is amazing.... I'm loving it to bits!

Btw, am I the only one who thought, Cho Rim pulling Mu Gak's ear means she wanted a kiss or two?

...... Ok, or maybe I'm delusional......

HELP! I'm being Smelled!!!!! XD


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YooChun is hilarious as MG! Love the lead couple.
And love their adorable chemistry.


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Ditto to all you've said here! :)
Their chemistry is just so natural, so unforced, I like it.


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Thank YOUUUU SOOOO MUCH!! I just watched Ep 4....and the BTS...hahahaahahhahahahahahahaha.. Yoochun is sooooo good that even their BTS is hilarious.


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I watched Shin Se Kyung in Fashion King and man, has she improved tremendously in her acting skills. Love both of them. Excellent acting.


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The scene in the interrogation room. Haven't burst out laughing out loud like that in ages. He is comedy gold!

I have no words for this drama. I love it more and more with each episode, it's almost like it has no flaws! Keep going like that, writers. Actors are amazing already, so the only thing that needs to keep being good is the story.


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Am I the only one who waited since episode 1 for them to reveal how Mu Gak (Yoochun) "smells"? xD
Could be me being a bit biased but I really wanted to know how he smells and I think those frosty blue crystals are a great fit!!


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I really enjoying this show. It's well written, well balanced, and intriguing. I'm also enjoying cute interactions between the leads. It's really endearing to see both Mugak & Chorim are working hard to fullfill each other's dream. Mugak practicing his line inside the interrogation room was priceless hahaha. Hilarious!

Secondly, I'm thinking, maybe, doctor Chun & Jae Hee are both killers but they don't works together. If they are, I'm pretty sure Mugak's sister won't be killed becos the real killer has seen her face when he was at her house. But on the other hand, there's possibility that Doctor Chun wasn't the killer but only investigating the bar code case. These two people are very suspcious.

Oh gawd.. This show completely hooked me. Can't wait for next week!


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Loved it. I think Yoochun is this "work-horse" type of actor, he seems very diligent and thorough, not very flamboyant or, how to put it... not a male diva? but at the same time a bit of a goof, from what I see from the BTS so he basically has everything Mu Gak does. Keeping that serious face in a funny situation, that makes it so much more on spot.

and Shin Se Kyung is just adorable.

when it comes to the killer, I think they are probably misleading us heavily with the doctor. They dropped TOO many too OBVIOUS hints that they had to know get us hooked. then they can lead you on and shock you. It feels like fish bait. But I am not a fish!I think either the doctor is the guy who hit Choi Eun Sol with his car, or.... ort is possible that he would have wanted to finish off the person he hit?
see the show is twisting our brains in the most stereotypical way a brain can be played. we have two contradicting basic beliefs. 1. "all people are good". 2. "trust no one". so we want everyone to be a good guy and that very belief becomes the seed of suspicion in the back of our heads.

the chef is more suspicious to me. but that can be discussed after ep 4.


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or the doctor is connected some other way. is it the "excluding everything else, the remaining facts however improbably must be true" or is it "what seems the most probable is probably true"? which is it in this case?


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Am I the only one who gets a weird vibe from Lieutenant Yeom and think that perhaps she might be the killer?


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no, she is just a little bad actress.


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I second that. Her pronounciation is awkward and monotone..


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I don't think so. She has a slight lisp but her facial expressions are on point. I like her portrayal of the no nonsense profiler.


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The weird vibe I get from her is more related to facial expressions. I don't know if it's awkwardness or surgery or what, but there's something very off about the way she interacts.


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true. I feel that they heavily put shady info on the doctor. I also share same suspicious about the chef...he's too good to be true.


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Totally agree.

Yoochun fits into Mugak's role perfectly and Sekyung is fitting into Chorim's role quite well too, love this couple, they better give this a couple some awards come year end, lol

"the show is twisting our brains in the most stereotypical way a brain can be played."
This is what I like about this show. Both smells like killers, but who knows, maybe both are not, can't wait to find out what's in store.


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I never thought I would love this show! This pairing sounded meh on paper but their chemistry on screen is all over the place! :D I like how they begin to naturally grow fond of each other, instead of the usual bicker-fight-poof-love kind of storyline. SO SO SO SO adorable <3

Somehow I have a feeling the Doctor isn't the killer, chef is hella suspicious though. Each time Nam Goong Min plays a second lead role I always end up being very wary and suspicious of him. He's SO good at being all shady and stuff.


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Yes! I'm always suspicious of Namgoong Min too - is he really shady in all his dramas? Can You Hear My Heart, My Secret Hotel, etc...


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He was very funny, sweet and not a bit shady in Unemployed Romance


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I liked him in Unemployed Romance! Found him a bit meh in everything else I've seen him in though.


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Isn't it weird how he never looks at anyone until the last second when he talks to them? It just bugs me a bit.


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Sometimes i hope the recap come fast after the drama aired (like angry mom and super daddy) since it is still hot to discuss before the next episode comes. But i really appreciate your work, thank you...

On the other hand, the rating is keep increasing. Hope they can maintain the momentum and keep up the good work.


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Micky's Close-ups make me think of the Song Triplets of Superman Returns. He looks like he still has baby fat and his troll face remind me of the triplets' dumb-founded expression when they don't know what to make of sthg. I believe that when Micky has children, they'll be as adorable as the triplets.

Some say that SSK is doing well in this role. Some say her acting is exaggerating. Of course it is. But, what I realize is that watching an actress u don't like, even when she doesn't completely suck, feel totally diff from watching sb you like, e.g. I don't/can't ship her w our detective. Instead, I ship him w his female superior, even tho I know they aren't a couple.


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hahaha..most of his fans loves to compare him & Manse of triplets tho..Both are cheeky, troll & free spirit


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Really? I thought I was weird to see the triplets in his face. I'm currently in love them. LOL.


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There are some baby pictures of Yoochun which look alike Manse + YC still has baby cheeks that u want to pinch them so badly LOL..also their attitude especially the troll part..haha

I'm in love with triplets too! Daehan Minguk Manse are the most adorable triplets I've ever seen in my life! too adorbs to resist ;)


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baby pyc and dae han :)
bluesky is right though
his personality is more like manse


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Even if I didn't like SSK (Which is not the case coz i loveeee her in this) it is hard to ship MG with his senior, she is really plain and monotone, and the way she read her lines is even so boring and awkward, not to mention her looks seem not to match with him, in the last scene she seems much older than him. That wouldn't matter if she has a more interesting character and acting, but she doesn't.


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IKR, it does't make sense. :D
Not that I've any real love for the female detective team leader, but w/o her, I'd ship our adorable detective with his Captain and all his male colleagues before the main girl, just cos I don't want a char played by SSK to get him.


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so far i have not seen anyone saying that about this drama. I saw similar things in others and it is annoying tbh lol


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So u "loveee" SSK w 4 "e's", and I don't.

Any viewer can ship or not ship the OTP.

If u find that annoying, then chat boards are always going to be annoying to you TBH.


KDaddict - blah blash

could you write your name and your text properly at least if you want to make a point?


The detective woman is deeply invested in these cases, and I wonder what her personal connection is to them. I wonder if a loved one of hers was killed by this killer.


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chwaerrrrrrrrrr!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
when he practiced the skit in the interrogation room ROFL!!! bwahahaha...I'm dying of laughing!!! With his deadpan face, makes him more hilarious :lol:

too many cute & funny scenes in this episode. I literally cried at audition scene tho..but she cracks me up when she slipped out the other door of the cab..hahaha!!! I love this show! I love this couple! and I love the mystery+thriller element


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Couldnt agree moreeee!!! Love it love ittt


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I'm glad our leads share their secret/inability. They trust each other and try hard to reach their dream together. <3


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Whoever killed Cho-rim's parents and chased Cho-rim (the killer clearly saw her face) that night must be different from the one who killed Mu-gak's sister (didn't recognized her face, but only her name). But they are probably working together. The docter and the chef seem suspicious. But the doctor is almost too suspicious!


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Thanks very much LollyPip for the good recap!

LOL! If ever there was a couple that was meant to be together, it would be this one where one can slip in unseen into a car, while the other can slip out unseen!!

It's great that the relationship between the Moo Gak and Cho Rim is given enough time to develop, and so naturally. This is one show where despite the weird premise of loss and gain, everything else seems so normal.

I am hoping that they get much more time to become fast friends before 'lovers', and that they can weather the tough truths that are coming up.


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'weird premise of loss and gain of one's senses' ... I mean.

Is Dad Oh hiding Cho Rim entirely on his own, ie keeping her existence a secret from the police as well, or is she part of a witness protection program? The latter would pre-suppose that the police are satisfied that she is a witness.

When Chef Kwon called Doc Chun and mentioned the police, from Chun's reaction, I had the impression that Kwon knew the police were coming and was calling Chun for reinforcements... which would mean that they are more than friends ie accomplices?

I've only ever watched Nam Goong Min (Chef Kwon) in My Secret Hotel and in We Got Married, and he seems to have the same appearance of being quite placid, or of often looking at a person but not really seeing him, or of being distracted. Granted, in this show, he might be distracted by grief,... but his absolute mild placidity is unnerving. I'm wondering if this is his rendition of becoming unresponsive due to grief, of being a stony hearted killer or if he is just being himself!!!

A sub-side story I'd like to see the development of is of Liet. Yeom getting the better of the rather complacent and arrogant Det Kang. He was obviously displeased to have to hand the Special Investigation over to her, even grabbing the sd card of the car's black box which was meant to be handed to her.

Bringing Liet. Yeom into the story is a great way to maybe help Cho Rim question her own past that she has forgotten. I believe that after some tentative questions, Yeom will realize that Cho Rim really cannot remember, and will not force the truth on her at one shot, but will still try to get her to remember.

Time to watch Episode 4!!! :)


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HI there GB,
I'm watching this for Micky and the way the smells look. Wish I liked his costar.
Haven't loved anything since Healer. Enjoyed Hogu some. Only watching The Song Triplets in Superman Returns. The current KDs aren't my thing.
Waiting for new batch of dramas to start.


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Hi KDaddict?JCW

Good to 'see' you. I know I have a problem with some other actresses/actors, but fortunately am prepared to say that, like her or not, SSK here is doing sufficient justice to the role, for me.... so in this character I like her.

I am sufficiently gripped by the story too, the mystery of why there are barcode murders, and with the chance to 'play detective' with all the suspects offered to us.

I hope you find some dramas that hold your interest. A couple of interesting ones seem to be coming up from what I read on DB. :)


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How on earth can we be so similar?? After Healer, I also didn't watch any KDs. Just spending my week squeeing over Daehanie, Mingukie, and Manse adorable cheeks and enjoying they abused Il Gook appa..hahhahha.....Girl who sees smell is my return to Kds. LOL...


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@ neutral and @Giegie

Hi to you too! Glad to see you as well and that you're enjoying the Murim coupling.

I envision some kdrama tension-adding elements of push and pull and maybe a misunderstanding or two before these two become an official couple. However, we viewers know that they already are an unofficial couple, in all their togetherness and hijinks. So much to enjoy and look forward to!! Read ya again! :)


"If ever there was a couple that was meant to be together, it would be this one where one can slip in unseen into a car, while the other can slip out unseen!!"

LOL!! So true. They should just get married already, haha


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Hello GB! Glad to see you here. ^^

Agree with you about Murim couple, they are meant together and they should just start dating(in the drama). I almost died laughing at the taxi scene, the look on Mugak's face when he saw Cho-rim seating in the street was priceless! :D

Thank you LollyPip for the recap. :)


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I love this show. I love the moments of this couple. I love its pace. Omg I just can't get enough of it. Wed-Thurs, please hurry ♡


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Love this episode to pieces..~~love the part when chorim contacts falls out and reveals her eyes...why would people scared of that beautiful greenish blue eye,it is so mesmerizing to look at..and why mugak is so adorable...i can't help but catches his whining way of talk...like when he needs to buy the sunglasses or when he is looking for her house while piggybacking her...its so cute..at last we can see how mugak scent is..beautiful blue colour ice crystals..and when mugak grabs chorims hand before she went inside the taxi..we started seeing couples of flower looking scent floating..love has started to blossom...wee~~~


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"why would people scared of that beautiful greenish blue eye"

I guess her left eye is not supposed to be beautiful greenish blue, it's supposed to be monster-like green eye or something. That's why when everybody sees it, they are going, is she a monster? She's feeling so insecure, that's why her adopted dad had to buy her that contact lens.

Maybe you are seeing "beautiful greenish blue" eye because this is a drama, no viewer would want to see a monster-eyed female lead, do they? ;)


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I like that explanation. Heterochromia is not that a big deal, tho when I was a kid it scared me to see peoole like that, but grownups usually dont freak out. Would be cool if all her eye was green, not just the pupil


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I'm always thinking about how hard it is for Cho Rim to do what she does, because EVERYTHING emits smells. For instance, the show just depicts Mu-gak's frosty scent trail on the ground, but makes it seem so easy because they've isolated it from amongst the thousands of other scent trails of every single person that has passed that area over the past few days. What about all the lingering scents in the air...and are they carried away by the wind? Her whole vision is supposed to be clouded by flying things when you think about it.


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Cho Rim was scared when she woke up from coma in Ep 1 coz she saw all the smells around her...

I wonder when Mu Gak fall for her then his smells will had some love emoticon or something related to love~? hahaha


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Yes, when she first regained consciousness, she saw a mass of scents coming at her and freaked out. Somehow, (to avoid seeing this as a plot hole) she seems to be able to isolate smells with practice, I guess. At least for purposes of this drama we need to suspend disbelief

There is another plot hole to do with seeing smells... if a person does not touch the ground, how can she see their smell on the ground. We are asked to believe that she could see Ma Ri's scent on the ground when the body should have been in the car.

Like you say, scents are blown away by the wind. It will be extremely hard to find a trail of scent as it gets fainter and less visible. However, if her vision is really as good as a dog's nose, I suppose that should not be an issue either. :)


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It is not on the ground, it is floated in the air, and ofcoz the air is above the ground level, so she saw it like that. Chorim said she saw it behind Mugak, she didn't say it is on the ground. And it is your sight, like something is not literally on the ground, but when u stood from afar, it looks like it is on the ground. It is some kind of physical rule and sight whatever i don't know how to explain.


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Thanks @meh, however if the scent was above the ground, all the less likely that she could have seen it as it would have dispersed and been blown away after 3 days!!! :D


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I'm more spooked about Oh Cho Rim's ability to teleport out of vehicles - first the bus in the last episode, and now the taxi.... she got out in less than 3.5s it took for Mugak to tell the taxi driver to drive her home....


“I’m always thinking about how hard it is for Cho Rim to do what she does, because EVERYTHING emits smells.”

This happened when she first woke up from her coma, when her special ability's still alien to her, she totally freaked out, remember? But now after 3 years living with this new “friend” of hers, she must’ve used to it and learnt how to use it to her advantage.

Like what @Growingbeautifully says “she seems to be able to isolate smells with practice, I guess. At least for purposes of this drama we need to suspend disbelief” : )

I’m sure you don’t come watching this drama expecting the lead girl to scream in every single scene because she can see all sorts of mixed scents floating in the air throughout all the 16 episodes, do you? lol

I don’t know if you realize, it seems she’s only seeing scents when she concentrates, like, remember how Mugak tests her ability in the second episode? She doesn’t immediately see the scents from under the paper cups, it’s only when she concentrates, she can see ;)

Anyway, I don’t remember the male lead in ICHYV hearing every freakin’ voice from everyone’s heart, why is nobody complaining? lol


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Maybe because they (also in IHYV) filter out the 'noise'. btw IHYV it was contradictory.PSH complained his world was noisy and was wearing headphones and in one of the episodes we see him hearing all the thoughts of the people around him in some mall even those with their backs to him, but the heroine could hide hers by hiding her eyes. ..


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I definitely don't expect the girl to scream all the time, neither am I complaining about how unrealistic it is because it already is. Just pointing out something that I find myself thinking at the back of my mind every time they depict single scents, because I would always be reminded about how there should be a thousand scents at a single spot given the number of activities that took place or people that passed by that spot over the past few days.


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Cho Rim has dreams of her own and strives hard to achieve them. Even when she is let down by Mugak she valiantly tries to hold the fort by acting out the skit on her own. So her desperate attempts to hang on and subsequent devastation at being kicked out - I feel her on this. And this is a heroine that doesn't hold back on how she feels, if she's upset she definitely lets Mugak know it, look out for ep 4, hehe.

And Mugak, it's great to meet a regular nice guy as a male lead in a drama. From picking up Cho Rim's stuff when she made her hasty exit from the bbq to ensuring that she doesn't hit her head on the cab door. And that he's a natural comic who doesn't think anything of his talent!

In short, many thanks to the writer for giving us 2 flesh and blood characters that I would like to know in real life! Never once do they make me feel that these are people I will only see in a Korean drama.


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"From picking up Cho Rim’s stuff when she made her hasty exit from the bbq to ensuring that she doesn’t hit her head on the cab door."

I love how he pays attention to all these little details, Mugak is such a gentleman. All these little details, are they in the script or in Yoochun, I wonder, lol


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is it that the doctor got the name and person mixed up and killed mugak's sister instead of oh cho rim?

because if that's the case here, i wonder how they will react to this truth. both of them.

i have a few things to highlight about ep 4 but since the post is not out yet i'll just hold on to my horses first


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Certain things I like in this episode:

1. A doctor in a drama who understands what confidentiality of patient's data means.

2. A very drunk Cho Rim telling Mugak to take care of himself instead of worrying abut her, haha.

3. The rivalry between Lieutenant Yeom and team leader Kang for authority in the investigation team, although it may exist only in the team leader's mind only. I can see how galling it's for him to have to take orders from a younger and female colleague when in his own territory, what more in a patriarchal society like South Korea.


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Thanks for the recap!

Yep, this show - so far - deliver great vibe to me. I like the storyline, i still have dilemma on Chef and the Doctor, love watching MG die trying to rehearse (healthy laughs indeed :D), and more engage to CR feelings. I like how she interact with the "father" all bubbly and cheeky.

This is an adaptation from webtoon right, does anyone know what is the title? i had download the webtoon app but cannot find match with the drama title. :(


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냄새를 보는 소녀
Just copy paste it, it should be the first article that popped out on google page. Its avalable on Olleh website. I've try to read the webtoon, it's totally different from the drama. The webtoon is currently still on going.

I honestly much prefer the drama adaption. The webtoon is very much centralised on the Oh Chorim, there's barely romcom in it, thriller, and have no comedy element at all.


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Thanks so much, Leah.

I thought the webtoon already ended...


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I think the writer of this series did warn viewers that it's going to be different from webtoon, and so far I'm loving this series, so I must say thank you Mr Writer! :)


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This drama makes me happy. I'm truly loving it and that BTS was the icing on the cake. Even the producer knew the BTS was worth sharing :)


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I really like that Mugak and Chorim get closer to each other, be there to each other, be open about their past. slowly but surely love is in the air.


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My theory so far is that the doctor and the chef are the culprits and work together. The chef was smelling like Joo Ma Ri the day our couple met him, and she was kidnapped before he came back to the airport, so it would be strange that his clothes can keep her smell so long...well, not sure about what are the rules for our heroine talents, haha!!

Loved this episode as well, the mix of comedy, mystery and romance in the making has me hooked. Mu Gak was adorable following Cho Rim after she got embarrassed by losing her contact lens, he was so cute I wanted to hug him. Looking forward to see this ship sailing :-D


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

Really loving this drama. The gag scenes with Chunnie at the coffee shop and interrogation room were priceless!! ROFL I like his chemistry with SSK so far.

It's great to see both leads being able to share their traumatic experiences with each other honestly and not being repulsed


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SSK really nailed it! Wait till ep 4, she's hilarious!

And I think the Dr is actually CR's guardian, maybe her real uncle or something, coz he's been going to Jeju probably looking for her for the past three years. And he recognize CR right away from just a glimpse when CR first visited his hospital.

I would say that the chef is actually the best candidate for the killer.


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I like this theory. . . and maybe the doctor is keeping the chef close because he wants to prove that he is the serial killer somehow.


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That makes sense! I like this theory too :)


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I like your theory! that makes sense to me + he have CR's x-ray record in his hand


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I'm confused, how were Moo Gak and Cho Rim rushed to the hospital during the same time if he passed out days after his sister died, and Cho Rim was rushed right after the car accident?


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I meant months.


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No, I actually meant days.


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Moo Gak was admitted into the hospital while Cho Rim was transferred to other hospital.


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It was 2 months. I think the girl was just being wheeled around the hospital after doing some tests on that day the guy was admitted. She was admitted 2 months before him.


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They should have made the color of her one eye white or something weird like pink. The whole thing about her being called a monster because of her eye color is not really convincing. She looks hot with that green eye. lol


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i think monster was also translated as alien
i dont think anyone wants to be an attractive ET.. or maybe they do ... idk
but IA she looks cute


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This show is freakin adorable! I love how easy going everything is amidst all the murders and serial killers. I was worried about my major SOGC withdrawals, but thankfully this drama makes things a lot better.


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I don't understand. The doctor only went Jeju for 4 days. Yet it was said he left on the day before the model disappeared and returned after she was dead. But the model only was killed on the 6th day after she disappeared right ??


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I thought he left for Jeju Island on the 4th day that Mari was reported missing. If he is the serial killer, this would give him time to kill her, go back to Jeju Island and stay there until Mari's body was discovered in Yangpeong.


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mu gak is ironman. realistically, mu gak's body should be in bad shape... even the case in the early episodes where his shoulder dislocated, accident and was beaten by chair, it should leave bruises/scars on his body/face (but unfortunately there is no stripping scene)... and it absoultely takes time for him to heal, he may not feel the pain but his body should not work perfectly functional as healing takes times...

the murder in hospital should be a high profile case. honestly, hospital is the most trusted place for saving life (unless it is human error), but for a cruel murder happened to the patient is really out of mind. how it turned into dead end is not really convincing. but hope it will be unraveled soon as mu gak get access to the file.

and cho rim should date the chef or the doctor. then mu gak can start expressing his feeling more...


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he probably has been beaten up like crazy so he can tough it out and heal faster.


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The only thing I disliked about this episode is the slomo skinship 'moments'. I mean we know they're going to end up together, they don't need to hit us over the head with it over and over again. Cut it out with the slomo 'hey-this-is-a-moment' scenes.


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Haha, romance adds to the rating. First time I see someone complaining about it :)


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip.

I love our feisty heroine. Don't mess with her. That scene where she had to jump up a bit to smack Mu Gak is hilarious.XD

I am also interested in how MuRim's pasts are tied to the chef and doctor. I bet we'll be in for some big surprises.

I think that Cho Rim's cop father is the key figure in this grand mystery. The man is holding lots of secrets. According Yeom Mi's conversation with Mr. Oh, Choi Eun Sol/Oh Cho Rim is listed as dead and was never an eyewitness in the police records. I am surprised that the person in charge of the Barcode case does not know that Choi Eun Sol is still alive. At this point I don't know if the dad is hiding Cho Rim with the consent of the Witness Protection Program, or he just faked her death on his own. The fact that he no longer works as a cop is highly suspicious.


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the father as the killer would be daebak imo


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Ugh, don't know if I can handle that twist. Too makjang for me. And poor Cho Rim.

Bu then again, the writer wrote Yawang.XD


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Although I'm still hoping that the dad's intentions were pure when he chose to hide her. Perhaps he thought it would be best to protect her from her past and the killer.

By the way, I'm loving this drama. Great to have one that's as interesting as KMHM and Healer. I thought it would be a long time for me to be hooked again after those two but TGWSS with the mystery, comedy, awesome chemistry of the OTPs got me back to anticipating the new episodes every week. I'm not a fan of both leads but I'm finding them so adorable and hilarious here and I think they're amazing executing their scenes! Micky is too funny (didn't expect that!) and SKK is so endearing (didn't expect that too!). I'm pleasantly surprised with both leads and this drama. I'm looking forward to more.

Thanks for the spot on recaps!


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Very suspicious indeed. I re watched episode 1 to check. When the fake dad found the dead couple he did a double take when the other cop mentioned the daughter's name was Eun Sol and he whispered to himself, "she's the witness...." He could be in on it
Separate note - I am now confused with this scene when I re watched this because apparently Eun Sol was identified through her school uniform....but didn't the killer rip her name badge from her coat before she ran off?


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3 episodes in and its already my favourite drama this year and in my top 3 rom coms


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Totally enjoying this show!


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This couple is just too cuuute!!

And that Coffeesmith ... is it the one in Garosu-gil? If it is, that's my K-drama moment of the week - it's the one near my hotel when I went to Seoul!! Squee~~!!!


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I was half expecting Mo-gak to put on his wet suit and dive into the river to look for the car haha... Wonder if we will see him in the wetsuit again or not, he looked kind of hot in it in episode 1.


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Apparently, Cho-Rim has teleportation powers when she's drunk. That scene was funny.

The adopted dad seems suspicious but he might be doing it just to protect Cho-Rim from her dark past since she remembers nothing.

The question of course is, why did he decide to adopt her?

Mu-gak lashing out on the police. Uh-oh killer, you messed with the wrong guy's little sister. Also, don't just barge into the suspect's office and show that you're doubting his alibi if you don't have hard evidence.

The chef burning stuff a while ago. REALLY suspicious. Probably the diaries, though Mu-gak would have seen burnt pieces of them already if there were that many diaries.

I'm glad to see this show taking off. I have great expectations for this.


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