
Healer: Episode 19

Only one more episode left! Are we all going to be okay tomorrow? Heck, are we all okay today? Today’s episode is, in true Healer style, is full of both setbacks as well as successes, mixing in the payoffs with new threats to carry us into the finale. We’re delivered into, out of, and into new troubles—and while the immediate future remains a question mark, I leave this episode feeling hopeful and optimistic. Don’t crush my hopes, Healer!

(I love the interplay of black and white in this top image, and the framing of their bodies—while possibly unintentional, the interlinked arms makes me think of yin and yang, its two halves balanced with and against each other.)


Son Seung-yeon – “보이지 않아도” (Even if you can’t see it) [ Download ]

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When Jung-hoo realizes that Moon-ho’s been kidnapped, he heads off immediately to find him, leaving Young-shin behind to wait in the apartment. Unfortunately, she’s got a visitor, and he comes with bodyguards.

Jung-hoo arrives at the empty Someday office, where the sound of a ringing cell phone draws him to the studio. He answers.

The voice at the other end addresses him by name and as the Healer—it’s Jeil’s Manager Ahn, who has taken over the Double S Guard control room, and he watches Jung-hoo via the cameras in the studio. Manager Ahn states his intention to hire the Healer, which Jung-hoo flatly rejects.

He hangs up and heads out the door, but stops in his tracks when the TV screen flicks on, showing live footage of an unconscious Moon-ho in a locked room. The cell phone rings again.

Jung-hoo’s first impulse is to chuck the damn phone in anger, but he holds it together and answers. Manager Ahn tells him to hand over all the informant tips that have come in to Someday from Russia. Clock’s ticking.

Young-shin, meanwhile, finds herself cornered by Secretary Oh and his henchmen. He sits her down in Moon-ho’s apartment and waits while holding a small case. Young-shin tries to engage him in chitchat, which goes rebuffed, then casually touches her necklace and turns on the tracker.

Jung-hoo links ajumma to an office computer and asks her to find the relevant information. She points out that it won’t be there, because those computers were already confiscated—they must not have found what they were looking for. Hence this trap.

Ajumma informs him that Young-shin just turned on her tracker, but he’s not worried because they’d agreed she would wait in Moon-ho’s apartment. Ack! He assumes it’s nothing.

Then he remembers that one phone tip that came in, which Young-shin answered when he was too sleepy to take proper note. He thinks back to that call, and while the caller spoke Korean, now he recognizes that there was Russian in the background. He finds the device that recorded the calls in a desk drawer, returning to the cameras to show Manager Ahn.

He plays just the beginning to confirm this is what they wanted, and Manager Ahn replies that he’s passed the test. He assigns him to a second mission and sends him a text, to be read on camera. Jung-hoo reads it and laughs mirthlessly.

On the other screen, he sees Moon-ho stirring awake. Jung-hoo calls Manager Ahn crazy and tells Moon-ho that he can’t comply with the threat, and that Moon-ho will have to secure his own release. He heads for the exit.

But then, Manager Ahn plays a different feed—it’s Young-shin with Secretary Oh, and Jung-hoo’s gaze sharpens as Secretary Oh opens his case and takes out its contents: a glass vial and syringe. Agh! They planned this one out pretty cleverly.

Ajumma tells him to stall, because Dae-yong and her backup guys are on the way. But Manager Ahn only gives him ten seconds to decide, and Jung-hoo grits out his assent. He takes out that message and starts reading: “My name is Seo Jung-hoo.” Ah, crap, it’s a fake confession, isn’t it?

Manager Ahn stops him to direct the scene, making it so it doesn’t look like Jung-hoo’s being fed words over the phone. Gotta look natural, you know. Then he orders him to begin again, and Jung-hoo complies, raging on the inside while he confesses to killing ex-detective Park Dong-chul behind the church.

Mid-confession, the laptop turns on in Moon-ho’s room, and he watches Jung-hoo taking the rap.

Once that’s done, Jung-hoo demands that they follow through with Young-shin’s release. She’s been confused this whole while, and is further perplexed when Secretary Oh just packs up, excuses himself, and leaves with his henchmen in tow.

Jung-hoo demands to know what they’re after, and his screen switches yet again, this time connecting him to the Elder. The old man congratulates him on a job well done, and gives him the new deal: Jung-hoo will work for him, and the Elder will care of the people he loves. The confession he recorded will never have to see the light of day if Jung-hoo goes along with this.

Ah, then he uses familiar words: that all Jung-hoo has to do is “close his eyes once,” which is what he’d said to Moon-shik on their first meeting. Now I wonder if he’s got additional blackmail on Moon-shik, in case the initial threat to Myung-hee weren’t enough.

Moon-ho is allowed out of his locked room and led to a gathering of media bigwigs, over which his brother presides. Moon-ho asks if this is all Moon-shik’s doing, and gets back the reply that this happened because Moon-ho pushed too hard: “Do you know how hard I had to work to save you guys?” Hm, I wonder if there’s some truth in that, and this was the alternative to having them all die. Or maybe he’s being delusional again.

The VIPs raise a toast to Moon-shik becoming mayor and Moon-ho being given Jeil Newspaper to run. Hyung advises his brother to smile, “if only for Jung-hoo’s sake.” Moon-ho is livid, but can’t do anything about it.

Jung-hoo rushes to Moon-ho’s apartment, by now secured by Dae-yong and her team, and finds Young-shin inside. He holds out his arms, and she charges into them, sniffling.

He can only get out a ragged, “If you’d been hurt…” and she realizes that he was more scared than she was. He makes sure she’s unhurt, then sits her down to say that he’ll be unable to continue in his normal-guy life for the time being. I’m so worried he’s going to take this burden on alone, but thank god he tells her everything—that he was blackmailed into a false murder confession, and that he has to join the Elder.

She’s outraged, and realizes that she was the source of the blackmail—now her encounter with Secretary Oh makes sense. She cries that he shouldn’t have made the confession, but he just holds her close, then promises that he can’t work for the Elder. She threatens, “Don’t you dare. I’ll go in and drag you out.”

But that means he needs to go on the run and stay away from Young-shin for now. She wants to do this together, but he isn’t willing to make her an accessory and a fugitive.

She asks, “But… how can I see you?” They both know she can’t, and he holds her consolingly.

The brothers retire to Moon-shik’s study, and Moon-ho pleads with his brother to let Jung-hoo go—he isn’t someone who can be ordered around, and he fears that Jung-hoo will end up hurt. Moon-shik chuckles that Jung-hoo will be taken care of by the Elder, and that this is actually good fortune, because the Elder will cover up everything for him and lavish him with things he couldn’t dream of having on his own. “Like you?” Moon-ho asks.

Moon-shik smiles, “If he turns out like me, he’d be a massive success.” That smile slips when Moon-ho points out that betrayal and murder were part of the process, and Moon-shik says defensively that he didn’t kill his friends. Maybe, but Moon-ho counters that he made them die miserably all the same—and also made Moon-ho lie for him.

That makes Moon-shik glance uneasily at this bugged photo frame—ah, so he does know of Myung-hee’s spying—and he warns Moon-ho not to go too far. Moon-ho’s face twists as he explains that he still has that nightmare, where he told the detectives that Gil-han and Joon-seok fought often over money.

Moon-shik tries to end the conversation here, but Moon-ho continues: “What about Ji-an? What did you do to her? How could you say a living child was dead—”

Moon-shik grabs that photo frame and rips off the bug.

Myung-hee opens her eyes in bed. Next to her is a laptop computer, and her eyes fill with tears. Yay, she knows!

Min-ja finally identifies Manager Ahn, recalling that he was involved in the last case she worked as a detective. As Jung-hoo follows him around town, Min-ja fills him in on Jeil’s “special investigation team” and how they’re involved in fishy activities. His thugs were the ones who attacked him at the church, and they’re working with Double S at the moment.

Jung-hoo follows Manager Ahn to an unknown building and slips inside his car, swiping his black box chip. He supposes this may be Ahn’s secondary home base and, by way of confirmation, kicks every car in the parking lot to set off their alarms, sending the owners hurrying out to check on their vehicles. A few familiar henchmen are among them, and now he knows which van to sneak into, swiping more black box memory chips.

Min-ja tells Moon-ho that Jung-hoo’s goal is to find the true killers in order to render Elder’s blackmail invalid, but he’ll have to act quickly before the Elder catches on. He’s also left a message for Moon-ho, requesting that he keep Young-shin busy at work.

Young-shin is doing just that, keeping her chipper attitude in place, and Moon-ho passes along the message that Jung-hoo’s fine. She asks if Moon-ho will take the offer to run Jeil, and he says that he’s tempted to—he could bring along the Someday staff with him, even.

She asks if he’d be able to continue the work they’ve been doing here, covering the 1992 story, and he says it’s unlikely. So she asks if he can finish this story before leaving, because she promised Jung-hoo to cover his share in covering the story. She adds hesitantly, hopefully, “If we do this, wouldn’t the Elder—that crazy old man—fear us just a little? I’d like if he did.”

He asks if she isn’t scared after being targeted by them, and she admits that she is: “But those people are like zombies. So we have to fight. If we just stay put, we might get bitten and turned into zombies too.” She makes a cute zombie gesture that makes Moon-ho laugh.

Her comments revitalize him, and he gets back to work planning the next broadcast. He tells the team that it won’t be an entertaining report, but it’ll make the Elder hurt by digging into how he earned his money. At the crux of that issue is the 1992 anti-rust paint incident.

Moon-shik isn’t pleased to hear that Moon-ho’s staying put at Someday and that Jung-hoo is on the run, since that means they’re still resisting. He has Manager Ahn wait one more day, after which they’ll hand over the confession to the police. He sighs that it’s a waste of Jung-hoo, for whom the Elder had hopes.

Jung-hoo gets to work identifying the Ahn’s henchmen, starting with their fingerprints. Dressed as a pizza delivery guy, Jung-hoo follows one thug into the bathroom and purposely bumps him so that he touches the mirror. He drops a soda can in front of another guy, who helpfully picks it up for him. Their prints don’t match any in the police database, but Jung-hoo recalls with certainty that Park Dong-chul’s killer swung a pipe with his bare hands. Those prints should be in police files, which means he hasn’t gotten the right guy’s prints yet.

Ajumma asks where he’s been sleeping at night, and he answers that he doesn’t like being alone because it spurs him to think too much. So he’s been going to places surrounded by people.

That night, Young-shin tries calling Bong-soo’s number, but finds that it no longer exists. Hoping that perhaps he’s out there watching, she peers out her window and deflates in disappointment to see nobody around. Turns out he’s at a PC room, watching Young-shin’s videos on the Someday site.

Moon-shik sits down to breakfast in a great mood and compliments Myung-hee’s cooking. She thanks him for always eating her food happily, and for taking care of her these past twenty years. There’s something in her tone that takes the smile off his face, and she reminds him of what she said when she agreed to marry him—that she couldn’t be his woman, but he’d said all he wanted was for her to be next to him. She thanks him for that, too, because she had nowhere to go and he made a place for her.

She tells him Moon-ho’s on his way to pick her up, and that she’ll be staying with him for now. Moon-shik asks with difficulty whether he did anything wrong, which is laughable to the point of pathetic. He prods her to tell him what she means to do, and she says, “My daughter Ji-an must be alive. I have to find her.”

She declines his offer of help, telling him she’s sorry: “I can’t trust you.” He protests feebly, and Myung-hee asks outright why he lied that Ji-an died. He stammers that she died—that everyone said she died.

Struggling over her tears, Myung-hee says, “I understand now. All this time, I tried really hard. But I understand now why I couldn’t love you.”

He begs her to hear him out, that she’ll understand when he explains. But Moon-ho walks in now, and Myung-hee asks him to take her away. Moon-shik crouches before her wheelchair pleadingly, and she takes his hands and removes them from hers.

Moon-ho brings Myung-hee to the Someday office for her interview as a former pirate broadcaster. The staff greets her with a hero’s welcome, and they thrill in excitement when she calls herself a huge Someday fan. Myung-hee asks Young-shin if her boyfriend is here, and Young-shin confides that he’s not here because he’s fighting the Elder. She complains, “That crazy old man likes my boyfriend—he wants him to work for him! He was totally low about it too, blackmailing him!”

Myung-hee asks if she means fighting literally, and Young-shin defends her boyfriend using his fists, ’cause he certainly can’t just sit there and let the old fart hit him, can he? She speaks animatedly and makes cute fist-fighting gestures, and through the window, Moon-ho smiles to watch them chatting.

Jung-hoo lets a couple of Manager Ahn’s henchmen “capture” him, and they bring him inside to the others. Jung-hoo says that he figured picking them off one by one would have taken too long, and this way he can take down all five at once. With that, he launches himself at the goons, and while he takes a few hits, he manages to dispatch them all.

Ha, then while they sprawl on the ground in pain, he goes around collecting thumbprints from the guys he hasn’t gotten to yet. That’s a telltale sign, though, alerting the baddies that he’s out to track down the killers instead of merely being on the run. Manager Ahn suggests that taming Jung-hoo isn’t likely, preferring the option of sending him to prison. He also reports that Healer’s hacker partner “seems to have taken the bait.” Wait what? Noooo, ajumma!

Jung-hoo makes his way to the riverbank, wincing in pain while he tends to his swollen ankle. He wonders what Young-shin is doing, while she wonders the same from the safety of the office. She tries Bong-soo’s number again, and gets the same message.

Addressing him in her thoughts, she tells him of her mother coming to the paper and how she’ll have to introduce him to her sometime. “No, do I have to introduce myself to Mom first?”

Dae-yong arrives at the river to collect the evidence from him. Jung-hoo addresses Young-shin in his thoughts too, saying, “I’m a little confused. I can fight as much as necessary, and the more I fight, I learn how to win. But Young-shin, right now I’m not sure who I’m fighting against.”

Moon-shik is alerted to Moon-ho’s latest live broadcast, which picks up the story from the 1992 deaths. Moon-ho reports on that fake paint, which was designed to do the opposite of its stated purpose: Rather than prevent rusting and corrosion, it sped it up. They air Young-shin’s interview with the foreman of a construction crew, who mentions a bridge he worked on—he’d applied that paint to it, and it collapsed before it even opened.

That construction company had been on the verge of bankruptcy, and was then acquired by a different company for a dirt-cheap price—a company whose majority shareholder was Omega Investors. Myung-hee interviews about investigating them with her fellow reporters, describing how there were suspicions that Omega would purposely ruin companies with accidents or rumors, and then an Omega affiliate would buy it up.

Moon-ho explains that the head of Omega Holdings was recently featured on their broadcast, and goes as far as to identify the Elder by name: CEO Park Jung-dae.

Detective Yoon returns to his car and finds the door ajar and a laptop open in the passenger seat. He turns it on, and ajumma logs on to greet him. Aw, does he actually have a crush on her? (She grumps that he’s probably still single and he perks up, saying she must’ve been thinking of him all these years.) But she’s got important business to discuss, and sends him a photo of Manager Ahn, asking if he remembers the guy.

Detective Yoon recalls the case: They’d been investigating allegations of Omega Holdings laundering money, and there’d been a genius-level hacker kid there (Ahn). Ajumma informs Yoon of the fingerprints she’s left for him, which belong to Park Dong-chul’s real murderer—the current suspect is a frame job.

Detective Yoon keeps trying to interject sentimental comments about how long it’s been and how they should meet in person, but ajumma briskly moves the conversation along. She tells him that if they’d wrapped up that case properly then (I’m recalling the order she was given to cover up the investigation), at least four lives would have been saved: Go Sung-chul, President Hwang Jae-gook, Teacher, and Park Dong-chul. She directs him to cross-check the prints with the pipe and tells him to call if he needs to contact her, having left a phone for him.

He sputters ineffectually when she hangs up abruptly, but cheers up to see the phone next to him. You big doof. But it’s understandable, since ajumma’s awesome and I’d totally have a crush on her too.

While ajumma gets to work on the black box footage, Jung-hoo parks outside Double S headquarters explaining that his ideal scenario is to track down the confession tape and erase it, starting with searching this office. Of course, charging in to grab crucial blackmail material is hardly wise, and ajumma grumbles more colorful epithets describing what she thinks of the plan (the words “puppy fart” are used). But he knows it’s rash, and resigns himself to waiting.

But as ajumma copies the data from the memory chips, one of them triggers a signal in Ahn’s headquarters. Crap, that must be the bait. He works on tracking the signal and orders all available guards to go after ajumma.

Jung-hoo sees the small army of guards rushing out and tells ajumma that he’s going into the office while it’s empty. He easily evades the stray guards in the building, arriving at the control room undetected.

Jung-hoo just leans over the guard’s shoulder, then sits right down next to him and plugs in his phone to link in ajumma, leaving the guard totally stunned. He asks the guy where everyone went running to, threatening to deliver pain if he doesn’t talk.

The guy says, “Hacker Healer.” Alarmed, Jung-hoo calls out to ajumma and reads the address on the tracking map, asking if that’s where she is. She gapes, “How’d you know?”

Jung-hoo tears out of the building and drives off like a madman, while ajumma packs up her station hastily. She grabs the necessary hardware first, then pauses to see all the sentimental knickknacks hanging there. Nooo, just runnnnn! You can knit more when you’re safe!

Manager Ahn’s troop arrives outside her building as ajumma’s heading out—and at the last second she disguises herself in layers of clothes to look like a harmless hobo. The guards run right past her, but one knocks into her and a hard drive falls out of her bag. Crap crap crap. She keeps walking, but Yo-Yo sees the drive, senses something weird, and chases after her.

He grabs hold of her, just as Jung-hoo flies in, thank god. Ajumma pepper-sprays Yo-Yo while the other guards hear the commotion and head their way. Jung-hoo shuts the doors on them and looks at ajumma for the first time in surprise: “You’re ajumma?” Haha. What a way to meet.

They run off together, and make it safely away, phew. Jung-hoo drives them to the river, where he casts such curious looks at her that she threatens to tear out his hair if he looks at her again.

He offers to take her home, while she apologizes for leaving behind the black box chips. Aw, it breaks my heart a little every time somebody tries to talk normally to her and she just brushes it aside to focus on work. Jung-hoo just tells her that he’s figured out now who he’s fighting, and says that it was so boring just going around collection minion fingerprints. He turns to her and asks, “Wanna do something more fun with me?”

She scoffs that she won’t do anything without pay, but he tells her it’ll be really fun: “I’m the Healer. Try trusting me.”

The next day, Young-shin arrives at the airport carrying a bag, and both Jung-hoo and Moon-ho join her, looking equally travel-ready. Then Ajumma joins them too, completing Team Healer, and the four of them strut off together.


Woohoo! I sense a clever plot in action, and anything that gets our team united and purposeful gets me excited. If tomorrow were any episode but the finale I would be very worried, because I recall the last time Team Healer came together and executed an awesome plan, which was swiftly followed by a hefty counterattack. But I actually think that because we’re so close to the end, and because of the nature of our story at this point, it doesn’t make sense to go out sadly. When the drama started I could see it going either way (happily or tragically), but based on where we’ve come thus far, tragedy doesn’t make sense. Purely from a narrative standpoint there isn’t the time to do that kind of emotion justice.

I’m not saying that Healer must end on a happily-ever-after note with perfect conclusions for everyone, but it’s a well-written show that must end satisfactorily. Thinking of how deeply Teacher’s death affected everyone, I can’t imagine treating anybody else’s death with cursory concern. We can’t dive off the deep end with one episode left and resolve everything satisfactorily, right?

See, so logically, dramatically, practically even scientifically, the story just dictates that we have to get a happy ending. Right? I’m totally not clutching at straws, right?

True, there were definitely hints of unease running throughout the episode, which were too purposeful to be throwaway details (and this writer doesn’t do pointless details)—like Jung-hoo’s injured ankle, or the references to Jung-hoo’s inherent untameability, which make me think of his affinity for nature documentaries and the reference to him being like a wild cat. Oh wait, now I’m remembering that the leopard went down fighting with a broken leg. Crap! Now I wish I hadn’t remembered that. Is it too much to hope that was a coincidence?

I did love Myung-hee’s reaction to finding out about her daughter, because it proved (as we’ve all felt) that she would be strong enough to handle the news. I don’t think the brothers’ concern was exaggerated and I can see why they wanted to veer on the safe side, but it’s gratifying to see her accept the truth and resolve to deal with matters. I even really respected the dignified way she said goodbye to Moon-shik, which may be the best way to send off his character. I’ve felt torn about him all drama long, because while he is definitely in the villain column in my book, and doesn’t deserve to have excuses made for him, he was such a humanized villain. His rationales, while often twisted or misguided, had an internal logic that I could follow even when I disagreed.

And while keeping a woman essentially hostage and treating her like an extravagant toy is hardly the kind of love that’s healthy or desirable, it is a form of love that Myung-hee acknowledges, and I believed her when she said she was thankful to him for all that he did for her. She could have railed on him with all the fury in the world and have been justified, but her generosity even in leaving him gives me satisfaction—not for him, but for her future, that she’ll go on to have a happy and healthy life free of bitterness.

Most of all I love Young-shin’s zombie analogy, which was both cute and entirely fitting to the occasion. Moon-shik took the “if you can’t fight them, join them” approach, deciding that it’s okay to slide down a slippery slope as long as you don’t fall all the way to the bottom. So what if you give up a little bit along the way? It’s better than fighting painfully every step of the way not to give up an inch, isn’t it? Yet calling the opposition zombies is an efficient way of illustrating the all-or-nothingness of integrity: You’re a zombie or you aren’t, but there’s no going halfsies about it. And if I have to die at a zombie’s hand, I certainly want it to be while fighting life and limb every second, rather than lying there in despair, waiting to be devoured, trying to console myself with the thought that zombie life isn’t really all that bad.

So we fight, because the alternative is no alternative. And if you have an awesome team of friends with whom to fight alongside, all the better.

Bring it on, finale!


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JCW banner yay!

Now that JH's injured leg is mentioned, I don't remember him mentioning if the leopard in the documentary has survived, right? Don't you dare hurt Healer show!


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Healer Finale hashtag:

#HealerFinale #GoodbyeHealer


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Just tweeted it thanks :)


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The feels I felt during "The Walk to the Airport" was so intense, it borderlines the feels I felt when I watched "the Walk to Arlong Park and the many more bad-ass walks in One Piece.

Damn. Healer You are AWESOME!!. You have shoot yourself to my 2nd top spot for KDRAMAS just after Gaaakksitaaaaaalll!


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i also loooove gaksital!!! but healer has become my number 1 now.. hehe :)


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- Ahjumma representing Teacher

- JH representing his Dad, Joon Seok

- CYS representing her Mom and Dad, Myung Hee and Gil-Han

-MH representing a better, more awesome version of Moon Shik


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less than 2 hours left before the final episode of healer will air... i feel so excited but.. that feeling of not wanting it to end... show.. pls end happily. we want our happy ending for the couple!!!


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With just 1hr 20 minutes left before the live broadcast, as per usual i'm posting instructions below on how to do this for newcomers. Let's all enjoy the finale episode together. The more the merrier :D


1) when it’s almost time to air, go to their website http://www.kbs.co.kr/

2) At the top left hand corner, next to the KBS logo, there should be a tab called “On Air”. So click on the drop down arrow.

3) This should give a list of channels currently airing live at the moment. Click on “KBS2″ tv which should then pop up a new window.

4) This new window should have the player there and at first you shall see a few ads but then it should get to the drama right after.
I hope this helps. You can have a go at it now if you want before Healer airs (just note another program may be on instead).

**Note: apparently it seems Chrome browser works well as I read previously that safari didn't work. Remember to have your Flash Player updated to the newest version too. Good luck! :)


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Am at work and I will missing live broadcast again!

hopefully I will be home soon to watch it raw!

Cant believe its actually the last Tuesday like this!


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Yeah it's sureal and sad and sad...
I am hoping to catch a little bit of the live ep on my phone. Don't fail me phone!


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what app you'll be using fab?mine use the olweb, but yesterday was lag terribly :(


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Olwb or KBS, but both don't respond as of now. I am worried. :'(


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I'll be thinking about you and I think also @Teru and @Annabelle who are probably busy too ... so if it's any consolation, you are not alone. :(

Yes watch the raw and come back and give us another one of your great succinct fave moments of the show. :)


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@fab @GB

Its been 2 hours since I saw the episode and I still can't get over it.

Its really over. I just never expected to feel this sad!

I mean am realizing how much I had been in love with this show !


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I can't get enough of the end! It's epic how our scooby gang got together looking almighty cool and collected. Especially after poor JH had spent days chasing after bad guys on his own. They couldn't have picked a better background than the airport for the scene!


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I'M SO NERVOUS UGH. I'm even more nervous than the time I was about to do my thesis proposal defense.

Woooh. Someone hold me.


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grouphug, @omomo! we be strong together!


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Group huddle!!!


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56 min to the live streaming people!Brace!Brace!Brace!
Give me a happy ending, show!puhlease


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Hi Everyone, one more hour to go!!! Who's watching the live streaming? Will you be back here to have a non-spoiler party? I know I shall! :D

I've sent off some emails to the Production Team. I hope they receive them and of course also the Singapore fanvid. They might be having their own celebration tomorrow and I hope they get to see and read about our love for them. I wish I could see their faces as they read or watch us. I want to know if they laugh or look aghast at how we mangled that scene. *Sigh*

So, now .... it's time to get supplies ready, ...
-ensure family is well distracted - check
-switch all devices to silent mode - check
-do not disturb sign on door - check
-pillow to absorb shrieks and squees - check
-boxes of tissue and empty waste paper basket - check, check

I'm ready, how about you? :)


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em rewwdeeeh @GB let's have a pre-wrap-non-spoilery-party-here?


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@GB, I set my alarm to 4:15am but I kept waking up with a start and checking the clock since 2:30am. Finally, I just gave up! Been ready since 3:30am!

Good morning ladies! *waves*



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you're sure a fighter @ottoke
where are you from? I'm just so lucky that i'm at GMT+7 so, we're behind KST for 2 hours.


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Nevada, USA, @redsun
Love this show! Totally worth it!


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@ Ottoke and redsun

*Waving back* Glad to see you gals up and about at your ungodly hour!! LOL! 7 minutes more!!!


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Wow, @Ottoke!! I salute you for your endurance! See you at the finale!! ;)


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LOL @kay, I think I survived it because I only started watching live from ep. 17 on. I just wanted to give it a try and was totally hooked. I would have been a zombie had I done this from ep. 1 on.

You guys made this sooooo much fun, THANK YOU!!!


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We've been quiet, haven't we?

Gearing for the end that will start in about 1 hour's time.

Glorious end, let it come.

See you in recap 20.


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Ha, IKR @whimsicalnet
i guess everybody just on their anxious state of mind, LOL. including me :P


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One thought for the airport scene... It seems everyone is dressed in all black except JH...?

Hope it doesn't mean anything, though... just worried 'coz writer-nim is very particular on such tiny details.

*fingers cross for a happy-healthy-Healer-in-the-end!


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Yeah, I spent so much of the drama being worried about Moon-ho's fate, that it wasn't until this episode that I even suspected it might actually be Jung-hoo who sacrifices himself. Gah, please no!!!


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This is completely unrelated to Episode 19 but right after watching Episode 19, I went to thein shower today thinking about the show and ended up reading the wordings on the shower heater as “Healer”. I had to (literally) slap myself to make sure that I was still okay. D:

So to answer javabean’s question I don’t think I will be okay tomorrow when I’m finally done with this show, it will probably take me sometime to fully recover from all the withdrawal episodes I’m bound to face, till another show comes and sweep me off my feet again like how Healer did to my life.

Another confession - I’ve completely finished up my broadband data trying to stream Healer last night and I’m now left with super low broadband data for the rest of the month, and streaming the last episode tonight will be impossible T.T So I’ll just wait for the full episode to be out, and in the meantime putting the whole Healer instrumental soundtrack on loop.

Sigh what am I doing to do with the Healer void once this show ends asdghjadkl ;’(


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Does anyone know where can I get the english SRT of this episode?


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subscene dot com


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I'm panicking knowing that Healer's finale will be on in an hour.


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chill @coby chill, we're in it together! :)


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KBS 2 crashed, lotsa people couldn't get it loaded. try this link at youtube, hopefully it works:



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Maybe it crashed due to so much traffic from Healer fans all over the world trying to catch the finale. LOL.


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LOL me too! Mine crushed for the first time ever and would not open up! *cries in a Bongsookie way* :(


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Hi Gals
See our comment below under 1.2.1 ... it is not crashed but we have to wait for the current show to be over before we can stream from KBS2. :)


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yeah @omomo and bongsookie, that what's everybody has been thinking too. The traffic must be crazy, LOL

so i tune in in the youtube link by now, sure lotsa people camp right there, LOL


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Oh its working now KBS..i am nervous i do not know???


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Less than 1 hours to go for those in the same time-zone as Singapore! ;)

I have to say that even if the finale does not end with fireworks, Healer has already won the only place in my heart reserved for the BEST DRAMA OF ALL TIME for me.

The reason is because right up till the penultimate episode, I was begging for more from Song Jina, and that is not something that has happened before for me.

In fact, even though some people said that Healer is not perfect, I am of the opinion that since no drama, nobody and nothing in this world CAN be perfect, we should not even mention it because it is unattainable.

But what we can do instead is SEE what is PERFECT in Healer because it is as close to being perfect as it is possible to strive for in this world.

Thus, Healer is PERFECT IN MY EYES. Period. ;)


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Perfect is in the eyes of the viewer, as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, @ kay? :-)

For me too, Healer is as perfect as a drama can be. :-D


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Precisely, @patinalee! You said it! My sentiments exactly! Thank you for saying it!

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. So too is perfection. ;)


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Totes agree!!!


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Thank you, @Ottoke!! ;)


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To this point, Healer has been a drama that's refreshing and clean-cut. It doesn't drag nor slow down towards the end.

And thank you Song Ji Nah for creating characters that are less brooding and no self conflicting. I love the openness between the lovers - JH telling YS that he is being blackmailed straightaway upon seeing her, YS not being self conflicting or made a big fuss about JH and MH not telling her about her mother. JH did not distance himself from YS although his father is the suspected girlfriend-father-murderer.
Things we had seen too often in drama, "Why did you lie to me.." and "I cannot tell her the truth, I must leave her for her sake". These don't happen here. :)

I am glad, JH is back into Healer mode, it's thrilling and it's what got me hooked with this drama in the first place.
Just when I am clenching my teeth for Ahjumma in danger, I ended up laughing at their first meeting.


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Ops.. forgot to mention Myung Hee is such a strong character, try to find the truth and unwavering once she made up her mind. MH although was a bit conflicting at first but he had good reason, to protect Myung Hee (I don't think he meant to protect his brother at all). Now he's on show hand mode.


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Refreshing and clean-cut. Yes, such apt words to describe this show. :D

Sure, Healer may not revolutionary or anything, but I would give it a 90% 'fresh' rating, definitely.

And I guess objectively speaking, it's certainly far from perfect. But then again there is no such thing as perfection and TV is all about viewer preference. And I just so happen to be a viewer who's completely, irrevocably, totally in love with Healer!


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Jung-hoo and Ajumma's way of meeting couldn't be any more perfect! Love it!


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Forgive me, beanies, I'm such a sentimental one...

Can I request everyone for this ceremonial virtual group hug for the win..?!!!

*silence please...

Thank you for Dramabeans. Thank you for Javabeans. Thank you for a wonderful writer, PD, OTP, casts and crew. Thank you for JCW. Thank you for the wonderful beanies, friends and strangers we met along the way. Thank you for this wonderful drama. Until the end and forever... HEALER, HWAITING!!!

***virtual group hug, everyone!!!


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*Grabs Polaris for a tight hug*
Seriously I can use lots of hugs right now, I am even scared to watch the episode live b/c I am afraid not take it. I am sad and terrified that's the last one. I have no doubt that the ending will be great and epic and all kinds of good things, but I just don't want it end now.

Big thank you to everyone involved in the ride. You all and Healer were SUPERB. <3


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Hugging you right back @Polaris!!!


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Hugging you back @polaris. ❤️


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I'm sad to admit that my KBS2 does not open up for me. Other channels works fine though like KBS1 but not KBS2 :(

Besides YouTube - which I know sometimes does not work and can have issues, does anyone know of a better live streaming link?


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I keep getting this message popping up every time I try to open "본 방송은 저작권 관련으로 서비스 하지 않습니다" which is a first.

Google translated it and it says

"This broadcast is not service to the relevant copyright"

What's going on? *cries*


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This happens on Tuesdays.... I get it every time.

You have to open up KBS2 after the current episode of whatever they are showing now is over. Because this current show is not meant for international broadcast.

At 9.55pm my time, Healer will come on with adverts, preview, title tune, ads again and finally the show. So try again in a few minutes :)


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It's quite the apposite for me, I get the episode perfectly on time on Mondays and Tuesdays are uncertain. C'mon KBS!


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Ohh that explains, yes 90% of the time I watch on Mondays and Tuesday I open it up late. It always worked for me. THis time I tried going in early and it didnt work. LOL

So I should open it in a few more minutes now? Are you doing the same too?


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People were able to watch yesterday's ep live on youtube, I am crossing my fingers now because that can fail us too.


OH @GB it works!!! Thanks so much dear! *Hugs*


@fab KBS2 now works :D


Ooooh the window is finally open and video is working! Never was this happy to see a commercial! Eeeeeeeeeeek I am too tense now. Breath in, breath out...


Not to worry, every Tuesday no on line streaming during this time, I think someone mentioned before because the current on air program has no live streaming license, something like that. It will be alright by 9.50 local time, usually. Try to get in again at that time.


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Ah thank you so much @Nee. I didn't want to use OLweb.me because my antivirus detected a trojan downloader there. Didn't want to infect my computer and have tried all of the servers. At first it tells me to turn off my AdBlocker to work (which is what I did), then ads starts to pop-up. Then ost of the servers, I keep getting a warning from my internet security that there's a trojan. So just be warned...in case anyone didn't know.


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Thanks for the heads up.


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You're welcome :) You're as long as you don't download whatever "flash" player they tell you download. I know my flash player is already up-to-date so I'm falling for that. Some of the pop-up ads are not good either so I turned back my AdBlocker again. Better safe than sorry :)


SOrry I meant you're safe* as long as you don't download whatever it asks you to download, or click on the ads buttons etc


Oh I know all about it. Same thing goes for Myasiantv which seems very popular here, it's just very bad for your device.
Endure it all for the sake of Healer. :D


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arghhh... i'm feeling so tensed!!! healer!!! fighting!!!


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What a sucker of an episode ... This drama is all heart and no nonsense .. Love love love it ... This is the best kdrama I ever watched ????? thank god for blessing this world with Ji Chang Wook ..I cannot thank you enough ?
JB you are really cool while fangirling?
Waiting to watch episode .. Won't be able to watch the episode live ????? it hurts so bad .. Catch you gals later .. Have fun


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See you later, @Sumee dear! ;)


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Everytime I get into KBS website, can't help staring at the moving banner. The best look of JCW in Healer. :)


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Gaaah! KBS is not working for me today!


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Why? It is working over at my side.

Want to try this?



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I am ready and waiting...still praying to dramagod for a happy ending.


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me too I'm praying too :)


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OK KBS2 is up!!! :D


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i cant believe am on youtube livestreaming on standby for the last 18 mins! awgawd. dear show what are you doing to me?! ..1 min to go!!


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Super duper nervous. Multiply that by 90000x.

OMG show. You can't do this to me!


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OMG, less than a minute guys!


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It started!! YAY so happy ♥


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And drama God just act so awesome!!!


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yes the scene I've been wanting came true :)


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bahahahaha so funny!


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I knew he would come back just like before! Boy has a death wish LOL!


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It's not working for me...I guess I have to wait


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Missed 10 minutes, just glad kbs is working now!

Oh it crashed again!


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Dae Yung, you're all kinds of awesome!


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Enjoy the show guys! I am not watching it live this time as I don't want my viewing to be interrupted. I am watching episode 16 on KBS world instead. Is it really Healer's finale episode now? ;(


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Guys, a friendly reminder not to post spoilery comments about the finale.

I personally don't mind, but JB and many others do ;-)


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oh my, Song Ji Na, Song Ji Na sshi, you are indeed a gift from heaven! A million kudos for you **MEWITHBIGSTUPIDGRIN**


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Hear, hear @redsun!! Hehehe!!!

A million kudos to Song Jina sshi indeed! ;)


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"Oh wait, now I’m remembering that the leopard went down fighting with a broken leg."

The leopard was alone and fighting a losing battle.

Jung-hoo finally has family, his very own pack by his side. And he has found a reason to fight. If that leopard had had even couple friends at his side, they would have decimated that hyena pack. As will Jung-hoo.

Providing they don't split the party.


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Ok, this episode was just AWESOME ! Thanks always JB for your recaps, I don't what I would do without them.

Things I really liked in this episode :
- When JH raced back to MH's apartment and opened his arms for YS and she jumped into them. I thought it was very sweet and poignant. Their love is so visceral that they can't bear to be physically apart. They kept touching each other to confirm the other was alright, and I think it's so sweet and so real I can't help but be overwhelmed. You can see their actual pain when they part, and we know it's been only 2 days when they have this telepatic conversation, but for them it feels like years.
- When JH tells Ajumma he can't sleep in quiet places. Before, he would have loathed to be with other people, and would have seeked refuge in an isolated place. Know he's so used to being a part of the real world he can't go back to being alone.
- When MHee left MS. I was sooooo satisfied to see the hurt on his face ! (Does that make me a sadist ?). She was so both cold and thoughtful : she clearly makes him understand she disapproves of his choices, but she also tells him she's grateful and we can see that she means it. So cool !
- When JH meets Ajumma. His face xD Seriously, this scene was EPIC !

Looking forward to tomorrow !! :)


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Yes!!!! Daebak 10,000 over 10!!!


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Phewww I just finished watching ep. 20 live. no spoiler, but... I want more Healer!!!!!!!!! I want more PBS!!!! Bongsoyaaa!!!!! Is this really the end, no more Healer next week. I am crying T_T


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I'm just going to keep rewatching. This was so good. Just the best ever!!!


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This would be my project tomorrow too @GB. Re-watch from ep 1-20. OMG I so miss all of those holding hands romance and the looking in to each other eyes. No Kdrama ever made me feel this gooey


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@Dani same here, no drama ever has given me this many feels!


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The ending credits brought tears to my eyes. It is the end...I will never forget this drama (how can I when I'll be re-watching it a lot?!?) THANK YOU SJN for a fantastic story!


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agree @Ottoke. Thanks SJN, and please write another drama for JCW and PMY.


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Haha I know.... I want a season 2!!! How am I ever going to find another drama as good as this ever again?? :(


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How am I going to see Bongsookie with all of his mighty awkwardness that's super cute??? Howww??? I don't know how the story goes with season 2, but I want moreeeee!!!


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waving from cloud nine y'all :D


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@redsun I'm in heaven already, that was jusT AWESOME ****** :) :)
❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ


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I'm in heaven too - so much feels! ♥


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Hi from the rainbow @redsun


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waving back at you @redsun!! ;)

*waves happily*



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im happy yet im weep! Show! you're the most Daebaklucious in KDRAMA History!!!!
Group hug, beanies!
The WS starts to kickin!!
See you on ep 20 recap, we gonna open the camp there!


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Omgggggggggg DAEBAEK :) :) :)

I loveeeeeee HEALER :) :) :) :) :) ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ


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wow wow wow wow PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Absooooluuuutely perfect! Can't wait for the recaps!!

Kudos to all!!! Thank you Writer-nim and all Cast and Crew!!! Terrific, stupendous job! :D


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Super perfection ..?


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Rating 1,000,000 over 10 (heheh sorry @GB I just had to make my score higher than yours :P ) since that's how amazing ep 20 is!!

I'm going to be sad, since this is officially my TOP drama of ALL times now! Best drama ever ♥


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It was, though I want more, more!!!


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I have gained moksha ...... ??


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Hi there, @Bongsookie! ;)

I totally agree with you 1,000,000,000 times!! ;)


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Heheheh! I don't mind... give it the highest score you can, it still will be not enough. :D


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Hahahaha................................................ :-D :-D :-D



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Assa... Defuckingbak ?????


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Yes yes yes ...best ever


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YES YES YES!!! @Bongsookie! ;)

Missed you around here!! So glad to have you back!! ;)





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I am crying and laughing ... Like a fool ...


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Hot dammmm ...
I just watched the ending only..
Goodness gracious ...defuckingbak.. 1000000000.....


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