
Healer: Episode 18

Strap yourselves in, folks, it’s a roller coaster of an episode, running the entire emotional gamut—there’s plenty of cuteness and laughs, but with only one more week left, we can’t rest too assured in momentary comforts. We’re never far from the undercurrent of unease that runs throughout, reminding us that there’s just enough time for one more big fight. And that’s sure to be a doozy.


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Backing up a bit, we see how the tape made its way to Moon-ho’s broadcast, rather than into the Elder’s hand. Aha, so it was Dae-yong who got to the charnel vault first, and she finds a box tucked in the back containing the real tape. She swaps it for a decoy, then takes it to Moon-ho directly.

Moon-ho listens right away, then calls Jung-hoo to inform him of its contents. As they’d known, Seo Joon-seok wasn’t guilty, but moreover, he wasn’t even initially a suspect. He’d gone to the police to report Gil-han’s murder, with photos as proof. Thus the tape isn’t a suspect statement but a witness statement.

Jung-hoo has to pull over the car to process the good news, and he and Young-shin smile at each other.

Moon-ho thinks the tape is enough to take to broadcast, and tells Jung-hoo to come back. Jung-hoo asks Young-shin what she thinks, and she’s of the same mind as him: They’ll see through the original plan.

So now we resume with Jung-hoo capturing the Elder’s face on camera for all the nation to see. A bodyguard blocks the Elder from view, but Jung-hoo jumps into reporter mode (with some of Bong-soo’s demeanor) and starts asking a question. It goes ignored as the Elder leaves the room.

Jung-hoo has a few seconds of broadcast time before the guards close in on him, and calls out, “These people must work for the Elder! I’ll ask you a question! Surely you wouldn’t use violence and beat the reporter who came to interview the Elder during a live broadcast?”

His glasses and wallet are confiscated, and then the Elder returns to the room. Upon confirmation that this guy is a reporter named Park Bong-soo, he asks, “Didn’t you say you were the Healer?”

Jung-hoo laugh-stutters, “I-if I said that, ha ha, I was told you’d meet with me.” Gah, I am so glad Bong-soo is not real, because he would not be long for this world. The Elder says he’d talk if Bong-soo were the Healer, but if not… Jung-hoo guesses, “You’d k-kill me? But I don’t wanna die.”

He asks if “Grandpa” really is the Elder, and the Elder replies that he didn’t need to broadcast his face in order to ask that. But Jung-hoo counters that Gramps kills people who bother him, and he couldn’t have that—this is their way of posting a “Beware of dog” type warning sign.

The Elder crouches to meet Jung-hoo’s eye level and calls him child, asking who he is. Jung-hoo replies that there’s a man named Seo Joon-seok among the people Grandpa’s killed: “I am his son, Seo Jung-hoo. Grandpa, when you kill people in the future, you ought to think of their sons or daughters.”

Outside the house, Young-shin waits impatiently with a camera, trying to urge the police officers with her to intervene. But the police can’t do anything without proper authorization, so Young-shin just starts filming right there. There’s not much to see, but it’s enough to show police officers stationed outside the Elder’s house, and Moon-ho turns over the broadcast to show the scene. Within moments of it airing, the guards restraining Jung-hoo inside back off.

The Elder invites Jung-hoo to sit, offering Jung-hoo a drink that gets refused, and lighting an incense stick like this is some kind of polite visit. Jung-hoo has dropped the wimpy act and faces the old man defiantly, sneering at the Elder’s description of his side as “working to save people.”

The Elder explains that there’s the “us” who protect people, and the “them” who receive their protection: “Young man, which side do you want to be on?”

Jung-hoo is unimpressed with the Elder’s talk, but… wait, why are you fading and your senses dulling? Gah, it’s the incense, isn’t it? The Elder starts to blur in his eyes as the old man says he quite likes Jung-hoo but won’t wait long for his decision.

Jung-hoo tries to clear his head through the smoke, and then sees the stick and puts it out. Oh thank goodness. But the drugs have done their trick and he falls over, unconscious. The Elder leaves him in slumped in the room.

Back to Seo Joon-seok’s witness statement, which we see in flashback. Joon-seok sits dully in front of the detectives, emotionally traumatized from Gil-han’s death, and explains that “they” call themselves Farmers. As a trio, he and Gil-han and Moon-shik had been chasing the story for the past year when they received information about a planned truck shipment, which they took to mean slush fund movement.

Joon-seok describes the “farming” that this group does: They view the country as their field for the plowing, sowing money around to reap all sorts of benefits—political, legal, financial.

Young-shin finally gets tired of waiting and bursts onto the Elder’s property. She finds Jung-hoo starting to stir, trying to shake off his drug-induced stupor. She asks worriedly, “Why are you always sleeping when I see you?” He replies, “You always wake me.” Pause to aww.

She offers to take him to the hospital, but he asks to sleep a bit, resting against her shoulder and holding her arm. He asks, “Our fathers were very close, weren’t they?” Since he didn’t get to see the broadcast, Young-shin says that their fathers were loyal to the end, and recounts the events that we see in flashback.

1992. Moon-shik drives the car as the three friends follow the truck in question, and the mood is lighthearted with bickering and laughs. They think the task will be a simple matter of snapping a few photos showing the money handoff.

Upon arrival, it becomes evident that the situation is more serious than they’d anticipated. One truck contains large metal paint canisters, and another is filled with apple boxes containing massive sums of cash.

Gil-han wants to see inside the paint canisters, while Joon-seok holds him back. Gil-han just quips, “What are they going to do, kill me? A reporter?” But they accidentally knock over a bin that alerts the others to their presence, and Gil-han offers to divert them while Joon-seok gets to the paint cans. Before his friend can protest, he runs off and is quickly followed.

Joon-seok grabs a canister and runs back to the car, where he alerts Moon-shik to the danger. He tells Moon-shik to prepare for getaway, then heads back to get his friend.

When Joon-seok makes it back, Gil-han is already prone on the ground, his head bloody. Moon-shik arrives just in time to grab him back from going after the Farmer guys, but Joon-seok wells up in righteous fury. He starts snapping photos openly, and Moon-shik forcibly drags him back to the car.

The car escapes, and Joon-seok explains in his statement that he was on the run for days, and eventually found out what was in the paint cans. He explains that it was chemicals used in construction projects to weaken steel, and as soon as he reveals this, men in suits burst in to stop the proceedings.

Young-shin wraps up the story, and Jung-hoo sighs, “It’s over. The homework. For Teacher, Father, and you.” He’s free to leave the Healer behind, and Young-shin praises him for a job well done, Jung-hoo rests his head in her lap (…but… the Elder’s house…) and asks, “Living like other people—is it hard?”

“Let’s try it, living like other people,” she says. He asks, “You’ll be with me, right?” And she replies, “Of course.” He sighs that that’s enough, and closes his eyes to sleep some more, taking her hand in his.

Myung-hee prepares a nice dinner for her and Moon-shik, and her outwardly pleasant attitude puts him in a good mood. It seems she’s watching for his reaction as she tells him of watching Moon-ho’s broadcast and asks about what he didn’t tell her. He answers that he hadn’t been holding back from her, admitting that he’d suspected Joon-seok all these years, and the broadcast has allowed him peace of mind knowing that wasn’t true.

Myung-hee doesn’t like that answer (well, it is a blatant lie), and I wonder if she’d been hoping he’d respond differently. She keeps her pleasant face on, but looks meaningfully over at Ji-an’s birthday spread nearby. I do hope her suspicion extends to that story too.

Moon-shik retires to his study after dinner, and his mind flashes back to his first encounter with the Elder. And now we see what happens next: Moon-shik accepts that deal, and gives a witness statement to the police that he saw Joon-seok killing Gil-han. Interestingly, the first statement is given while he’s bloody, terrified, and shaking. The second time, Moon-shik is resigned and dead-eyed.

But by the third time, he’s crisp and alert, confident in his lies as he says that the money triggered Joon-seok’s greed. When Gil-han refused to keep it, Joon-seok killed him.

In the present day, the memory doesn’t even stir a pang of regret as he sits there, idly eating Ji-an’s birthday cookies, soul unruffled. Or maybe absent.

In contrast, over at the cafe, Young-shin and her father eye that cookie with reverent anticipation, both bummed to see that it broke in transit. Young-shin feeds Dad the first bite, and they marvel at the taste. Then Dad asks when she’s bringing “that guy” over, and she initially feigns ignorance (“Which guy? I kinda have a lot of guys”).

Dad tells her to drag him over, then sighs that of all the men, she had to pick one so weak and frail, always ready to cry at the drop of a hat. She dies laughing.

When she gets to her room, she’s startled to find Jung-hoo already here, having climbed in through the window and all ready for his hugs. She pushes him back to arm’s length and lays down a few ground rules about how to live like other people, which includes using front doors. And meeting her father to get his permission to date, which makes him grimace. Also, on his girlfriend’s birthday, he should give her a gift.

She holds out her hands expectantly, and Jung-hoo fumbles to come up with something. He gives her the necklace from around his neck, and she points out that it would be nice to get gifts that are new and wrapped. He tries to make it better by pointing out that his necklace has a tracker in it, but that just sounds worse, lol.

Young-shin lets him fasten it around her neck, and he asks, “Can I hug you now?” He grabs her in a hug without waiting, and she kicks him. HA.

He looks hurt as he asks why she keeps pushing him away, and she reminds him that he wanted to live, and love, like other people. He asks what this is, and she says, “This is… a little different from other people.”

Jung-hoo decides he can do things in the proper order, and tells her to wait. She agrees, telling him not to take too long. He notes the key points—father, salary—and she heads to the door to show him how to use it properly, only to turn around to see that he’s already left via window. Siiiigh.

Adorably, Jung-hoo then barrels in through the cafe doors, psyching himself up to get this over with. But the longer Dad stares at him blankly, the more his nerves falter and Jung-hoo mutters to himself that he can’t do it. He stammers to Dad that he’ll come back next time, and I love that he’s really not too far off from wimpy Bong-sookie after all.

Pickpocket Ajusshi enters just then, blocking Jung-hoo’s exit, and Dad slowly wraps his hand in an apron like he’s getting ready to inflict some pain. Jung-hoo says nervously that he’s here to give his proper greeting and get permission.

Young-shin hears noise and hurries downstairs, where she finds Jung-hoo in the study with Dad and ajusshi. Jung-hoo sends her pathetic pleading looks while Dad warns her to stay out of this.

Dad starts with the cafe kiss a few days ago, and just thinking of it spurs violent impulses. Ajusshi intervenes: information first, then kill. Ajusshi takes over the interrogation and asks how far they’ve gone, and thankfully Dad shoves him aside because I’m not sure that’s an answer they want to hear.

Dad asks if that soup was any good, and Jung-hoo answers that it was delicious. You’ll recall that Young-shin had called Dad for recipe instructions from Jung-hoo’s pad, and now Dad knows that Jung-hoo was the friend needing nursing all night long. Ajusshi has to hold him back while Jung-hoo darts around the room trying to avoid a beating while blurting, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

Making this even better is the fact that while sounds of destruction come from the office, Young-shin listens from outside eating ice cream. As you do.

The mood takes a darker turn, however, when later that night Secretary Oh makes his way inside Moon-ho’s apartment. This can’t be good.

At the paper, Editor Jang alerts Moon-ho to postings on the Someday message board that offer information from witnesses who’ve met the Elder. It’s unclear whether these tips are legit, but Moon-ho instructs his staff to look into them, and they’ll follow up on anything that sounds promising. Editor Jang points out that they’ll be understaffed, which is Moon-ho’s cue to introduce their new employee: Jung-hoo, or rather, Bong-soo, who is heartily welcomed.

While the team congratulates him for his intrepid undercover work, Young-shin tells Moon-ho about Jung-hoo wanting to live like a regular person, which Moon-ho notes isn’t the easiest thing. Young-shin quips, “I think living like other people means not knowing what you’re doing. What’s so great about that?” She adds that Jung-hoo’s done being the Healer, laughing that she thinks he got fired. Yay for ajumma.

Moon-ho informs her that Myung-hee asked for an excuse to meet Young-shin again. As they talk cozily, Jung-hoo shoots Moon-ho the side-eye and steps right between them, just like old times. Aw, jealous Bong-sookie.

Young-shin starts to narrate an explanation about a friend reentering mainstream society, and we see Jung-hoo adapting to civilian life. He struggles to remain awake all day at work, which she compares to being a wildcat—awake for the hunt, sleeping otherwise.

When his first paycheck comes in, Jung-hoo calls in to ajumma to ask how much it was, shocked at the paltry sum (“But… I worked a whole month!”). He even wonders if he should pick up some side jobs, but ajumma reminds him that he quit being the Healer and wants her earset back. Then she screams at her screen—not at Jung-hoo, but at the hapless newbie who can’t do a simple task right. Ha, is she training the new Healer?

It’s Dae-yong, who’s in plain view of all the car black boxes around her. Dae-yong complains that there’s no street in Seoul without parked cars, and ajumma barks, “That’s why your hyungnim flew around on rooftops!”

Young-shin’s voiceover comes from her conversation with Myung-hee, and she laughingly describes how this guy is a teeny bit older but acts thirteen, which is why she has to look after him. Myung-hee guesses that she likes him, then leans right in to brush a crumb from Young-shin’s face and touch up her makeup, their rapport already comfortable.

The day arrives for Moon-shik’s live broadcast interview, and at the last minute, Moon-ho receives the alarming news that Moon-shik arrived at the station and announced that he’d be deviating from the script. This is equally disruptive to both the broadcaster and Someday, but it’s worse for Someday, who’ve lost their opportunity to counter Moon-shik’s interview replies in real time.

At the station, Moon-shik just tells Min-jae, who’s interviewing him, to ask whatever she wants. The Someday team gathers to watch, and Moon-shik starts by deftly fielding questions about whether he’s able to manage Seoul when he can’t even manage his brotherly relationship.

Moon-shik speaks openly of Moon-ho’s current activities opposing him, but invokes his own reporter past. He identifies himself as a member of the pirate broadcasts that have garnered Moon-ho so much popularity these days and even pulls out that photo to show on air.

Calling himself a journalist who once fought for the freedom of media, he says that he has to take his brother’s activities in stride—because that’s what he fought for. God, that’s infuriating. Moon-ho watches with a sour expression, and is forced to cancel their planned broadcast, given the direction of Moon-shik’s interview.

Myung-hee’s reaction is similar, full of impotent anger, and Young-shin takes her hand as they listen to Moon-shik talking about how the press frankly has too much freedom these days, and in order for that to happen, those in power have had to sacrifice a lot. Oh, boo-hoo for the rich and powerful.

Then he takes out the old suitcase full of cassette tapes belonging to Moon-ho—so that’s what Secretary Oh was doing lurking in his apartment. Jung-hoo has to jump in to keep Moon-ho from physically assaulting his television as Moon-shik proudly shows off the tapes and the old Healer zine as treasured memories. His smugness is maddening.

Myung-hee watches bitterly as Moon-shik explains the meaning behind Healer, proclaiming the press as a force that identifies and treats society’s pains, and he just takes credit for everything like a goddamned hero. Moon-shik turns to address the camera/the public, saying that he worked to protect the media, and will now turn those efforts to protecting the city of Seoul, “as well as this country’s freedom, democracy, and order.”

Myung-hee cries to Young-shin, “I’m sorry.” Young-shin doesn’t understand why, but holds her mother in her arms as she cries.

Sitting grimly after the broadcast, Jung-hoo offers to steal back the tapes, which shouldn’t be too difficult. Moon-ho points out that he’s given up his clandestine errand-running job, saying that he’d like for Jung-hoo to live normally. “But… are you okay?” Jung-hoo asks. He looks over at Moon-ho and says in joke-relief, “I was really scared you were crying.”

Moon-ho returns, “I almost cried.” Jung-hoo asks if that’s because of the stolen tapes, and Moon-ho just tells him to buy some more beer and come over, because he’s got a lot of things he wants to tell him and Young-shin.

Our Double S Guards make a reappearance, although it’s to get shoved to the side as the operation gets taken over by Jeil Newspaper’s Manager Ahn. I suppose he IS more effective than Sang-soo, who finds his office taken over by the brusque newcomer.

Min-ja has her eye on Double S and notices the movement, as does Dae-yong, who’s staking out the building. They watch the Jeil team leaving the office, and Dae-yong wonders why they’re here. Ajumma merely replies that she’s making the Healer a retirement fund, and it involves the thugs who followed him after the ex-cop died. It’s likely that one of them was the killer—but why would they be affiliated with Double S?

Dae-yong photographs the Jeil team, and the closeup of Manager Ahn’s face niggles at ajumma’s memory. Where has she seen him before?

The Someday staff stays late working their way through the Elder tips, which are mostly duds. Moon-ho looks exhausted, but rather than take a break he’s preparing for things to start soon (…more things?). He’s not sure when or how they’ll come at them, but he knows to expect something.

While the staffers doze, Moon-ho finds Young-shin sleeping in Jung-hoo’s lap, clutching his arm. He notes that the couple is being pretty blatant, and Jung-hoo informs Moon-ho that she can’t sleep around just anyone. “What about you?” Moon-ho asks. “I’m not just anyone,” Jung-hoo replies.

Jung-hoo asks about Moon-ho fighting the Elder now, and wonders if that puts Young-shin in danger. Moon-ho doesn’t know, and asks if Jung-hoo would like to take her away someplace far, where it’ll be easier to live as a normal person. Jung-hoo admits that he’s hesitating over the idea: “I think it’s because of you. Leaving you on your own and going away just the two of us doesn’t feel right.”

Moon-ho touches hand to heart and half-teases that he’s touched. But Jung-hoo says seriously, “I can’t be without her now. So if it’s for her, I could throw you away.”

“That’s okay,” Moon-ho says readily, smiling. Ack! Stop doing things that make me scared for you!

In the morning, the attack begins. In a flurry of activity, Moon-ho is hit with legal documents, including a summons by the prosecutors’ office. Then a team is sent from the National Tax Service, acting on the report that misuse of funds were used to buy out Someday. Fuming, Moon-ho can do nothing while they confiscate everything.

It looks like they’re going after Someday big-time, and Editor Jang wonders to Jung-hoo whether his wife’s current business troubles could be related. Her restaurant was hit with a health inspection and enormous fine, and the timing makes him wonder if there’s any connection. But he shakes his head, telling himself there isn’t.

Later that evening, Moon-ho pulls into his parking garage, with Jung-hoo and Young-shin not far behind, armed with beer for a friendly visit. The second Moon-ho opens his car door, he’s ambushed—gack! Noooo, not Moon-ho!

His attackers drug him with chloroform. Their cars peel out moments later, just as Jung-hoo’s car drives in. That strikes Jung-hoo as odd, and the moment he sees the dropped camera in Moon-ho’s parking spot, his sense of alarm spikes.

Jung-hoo connects to ajumma right away, asking her to track Moon-ho, and gives Young-shin the choice: come with him or wait in Moon-ho’s apartment. She guesses that fighting is likely and quickly gets out of the car—better not hold him back. When he tries to escort her upstairs, she waves him off, and he’s pressed enough to hurry out after Moon-ho. Uh-oh. I have very bad feelings about all of this.

In the getaway car with an unconscious Moon-ho, the Elder’s minions find his cell phone and hand it off to a motorcyclist, who drives off in other direction. Crap crap crap.

Jung-hoo therefore follows ajumma’s instructions following the wrong vehicle, while Young-shin waits for the elevator to Moon-ho’s apartment. Someone joins her, and she nervously looks up… at a smiling, smarmy-faced Secretary Oh.


Well that’s certainly not a face you ever want to see, especially when it’s looking so gleeful. Secretary Oh should never be happy, because only bad things happen when he’s happy.

What a great (and terrible!) episode of turnarounds, coming off last episode’s euphoria of Team Healer pulling a fast one on the bad guys with such aplomb. Then there was all that relationship cuteness, and moments of warm humor, and promises of the future… and bam! We slam into a wall of darkness and unease. Dramatically, it’s fantastic. It’s just, as a viewer, I don’t know how much my nerves can take. I just care too much about these people, so sue me. *cries into cornflakes*

I was a little surprised to see the Elder storyline settle down so quickly after the live broadcast ambush, because while I knew that he would regroup later, I didn’t expect him to just… vanish and let the characters be happy and safe. I suppose that lull just makes the attack more painful when it comes, but it also serves the purpose in giving us a glimpse of life after Healer-dom, which I didn’t realize I wanted to see so badly until we saw it.

That’s not just because I want to see Jung-hoo normal and happy, but because there’s a thread of sadness woven into this concept of being reintroduced to society that I really appreciate. It’s amusing in the moment to see Jung-hoo’s reintegration foibles in a comedic light, but it also hurts the heart a little when you consider just how much of an impact his isolated life has had on who he is as a person, and how he reacts to the most ordinary of circumstances. It’s funny to call him thirteen and laugh at how he goes through windows, but then he asks in a plaintive voice why Young-shin is keeping him away from herself, and the reality comes crashing in: He doesn’t actually know how to react. He doesn’t have social graces. He’s always tired because he’s never had to be a functional adult.

It’s therefore just as saddening as it is amusing to see Jung-hoo struggling to adjust to mundane life, especially since this current life isn’t too different from what he did the first time as Park Bong-soo… it’s just that the first time, the job was the afterthought, the B-sides to Healer’s super-fly action movie A-story. This time, he has to live the B-sides as his main life, and the beauty of that is that this humdrum ordinariness is actually the goal he wants. Once he gets used to staying awake for a full workday and answering phone calls he doesn’t want to, that is. It might take a while, but thankfully, he’s got the rest of his life to figure it out.

I find myself flip-flopping on Moon-shik with every twist, and I suppose that indicates that he’s been very well-drawn on both sides of his character, because both of his extremes feel credible. Yesterday I saw him in a more sympathetic light, but today he went back to pissing me off, albeit in a good way because he’s showing more complexity and shades of his darkness, not just going back and forth between stark white and black. His interview was brilliant and infuriating in equal measure, and showed once more his gift in taking the truth and using it to shape the narrative he wants to present.

Nothing he said in the broadcast was false, and furthermore, you get the sense that Moon-shik truly believes his explanations of why he was acting for a good cause. He’s not just a good liar; he may be self-delusional about his motives, and that makes him a very dangerous character. It’s almost sociopathic, his ability to convey earnestness and truth in a way that’s just wrong. The Moon-shik of 1980 didn’t seem so bad, and the Moon-shik of 1992 (even after the accident) also appears well-intentioned and loyal. But there’s no getting around the fact that since then, he has made choices with his eyes wide open and is warping the past to bolster his actions in the present. That explains why Moon-ho and Myung-hee reacted with such frustrated rage, because he’s just too good at twisting facts into his version of the truth.

The explanation of the Farmers takes us in an interesting direction, shifting the story away from the personal injustices and into a darker well of institutionalized corruption. This is something Writer Song does particularly well (and reminds me of Story of a Man, in fact), and by the time we get to this part of the story we’re deeply invested because of the connection to our main characters. (As to the particulars of the case: I’m not 100 percent sure I’m understanding correctly, so correct me if I’m wrong, but the scene witnessed by Gil-han and Joon-seok showed the Farmers involved in a massive payoff that involved the willful use of bad construction materials. It turns this into a more dangerous issue than politicians merely stashing away illegal funds—that’s a bad enough thing, but at least not a direct threat to public safety.)

But on to Moon-ho, whose fate isn’t looking so good right about now. To be honest, I was never convinced he’d make it out of the drama alive, but the more he integrated with Team Healer, the more positive I thought his chances were for survival. On a symbolic level I argue with myself that it works better to keep him alive, as a survivor of this cyclical series of events that began in 1980; his internet broadcasts carry echoes of the old rebellious spirit, and because of his age he has always been smack-dab in the middle of the two generations, acting as a link but never quite belonging to either group. So he isn’t necessarily bound to the old tragedy, and I feel like an argument could be made for him being the way to break the cycle in the new generation.

On the other hand, recent episodes hint at his willingness to hurtle headlong into the fight without concern for coming out of it alive, and he might just go down fighting. It’s a lovely contrast to his earlier apathy, where he lived because he wasn’t dead, not because he had any great motivation to stay alive. Now that he’s discovered a passion to keep him going, surely the writer wouldn’t be so cruel as to snatch that away from us/him, would she? (Worried side note: She totally would be that cruel. It’s kind of why I love her writing, and also feel pain because of it.)

And perhaps viewed symbolically from the other side, it’s possible that the message for Moon-ho is that it’s more meaningful to live with purpose for a short time than to exist indefinitely without purpose. That links him closer to the older generation, most of whom met premature ends but whose lives were, as far as we can judge, well-lived and well-loved.

Aghhhh, basically I think this means that Moon-ho could live or die and either case is supported thematically and symbolically, and now I’m just scared. Don’t die, Moon-ho! Please?


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I am calling it a night...have healer dreams you all :-)


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Same here, I'm gonna make one more post below then calling it a night too. 2.38am over here on my side :)


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Good night! Sweet(Healer) dreams. ;-)
3 more hours and I HAVE to log off as well.


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Sub-thread: sia3's ANALYSIS (from Soompi page 834)

This is a really analysis I found on Soompi for those who are scared that MH might die...


Healer vs Faith: Foreshadowing of a Death or another Mislead?

I wasn't going to fry my brain, but then after seeing how Moon Ho's kidnap ends in a cliffhanger, and reading posts where people thought the conversation between Jung Hoo and Moon Ho in the lunch room is foreshadowing Moon Ho's death - something hit me! So now I'm going to go into a world of word vomit on why I now believe Moon Ho will survive, and become a grand-samchun for the aegi gom's aegi. *Kick-starting the Positive Thinking Brigade*

Here goes:

Jung Hoo has shown growth throughout the episodes. One of which is the change from doubting/resenting Moon Ho to trusting him, and work together. This reminds me how similar it is to Faith, again.

Similarity #1:

At the beginning, Daejang (Choi Young) is the commander of Woodalchi that protects King Gong Min, but he never cared, or served Gong Min with a heart/trust. At that time, it was just a king-servant's duty relationship. But later, Daejang willingly go to Gong Min, pledged his loyalty and offered his service in E08.

In Healer, Jung Hoo and Moon Ho's relationship were strained at first, and then finally in E15 - Jung Hoo seeked out Moon Ho, and offered 'his service' as Healer. With the willingness to drink beer with Moon Ho, Jung Hoo opened up his heart to accept and trust Moon Ho.

Similarity #2:

Both Daejang and Jung Hoo suffer the pain of losing loved ones when they were young. Then Daejang lost some of his best men later, and he beat himself hard for it (excluding Jang Bin*). This echos with Jung Hoo losing Teacher.

Note: *He was killed off because he had an emergency eye surgery, so could not commit to filming after.


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Similarity #3:

Daejang told Gong Min his first priority has always been Imja, and at the time he chose Imja. However, in the end, that wasn't the case. In E18, Jung Hoo informed Moon Ho that Young Shin comes first, and we will find out if that IS the case next week.

Similarity #4:

At the near end of Faith, Daejang was made to stand at a cross road - either attend to Gong Min/country first or Imja, because the enemies attack them at the same time. Doesn't this seem very similar to last night's episode? It looks to me Jung Hoo will be facing the same challenge next episode.

The point of this comparison is to show what could be the outcome for Healer based on SJN's writing style. More importantly, it will be meaningless for the main plot if SJN chooses to off Moon Ho's head in the end. Because I find Moon Ho serves a similar purpose as Gong Min - a King who command Daejang to rid the evils, and become a good king to his people that his predecessors weren't able to do. Moon Ho, too, is a leader leading the SOMEDAY News. He inherited the spirit of Pirates Broadcast, and he is still grooming the next generation. In the show, he's the star journalist that people pays attention to, who carries the image of justice, reporting the truth and fighting for the freedom of speech. Most importantly, he is the HOPE in the main plot. What Pirates Broadcast failed, Healer v2.0 will succeed, and they have to because the people (us, viewers) need to continue to hope and believe. Without him, the aegi gom will be lost. He is still very much needed to guide and command the babies to rise up and fight in the way of journalism.

Another observation I had noticed is that if SJN is going to OFF someone, she never gives any foreshadowing or hint. She always surprise us, so for Moon Ho's kidnap to feature as a next episode preview and cliffhanger - I'd say there is no way he will die.


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I can't predict what Jung Hoo will do, but I think he will manage it with the help of Ahjumma's wit, Dae Young & co. and perhaps Detective Yoon (put yourself to some good use, dude!). Jung Hoo has Team Healer backing him, they will persevere to the end to bring down The Elder & co. Not to mention, we might have a Darth Vader at the end to rid The Elder. :D I'm also not-too-worry about Young Shin if it's only Creepy OCD Oh there. Our girl attacked the Healer, I'm sure she can give Creepy a few kicks and runs away!!!

Anyway, this is what I think based on that conversation, and SJN's writing style for these 2 dramas. To me, that conversation has a double meaning: (1) to mislead us into thinking Jung Hoo will abandon Moon Ho, but on the contrary, (2) it is telling us he cares enough for Moon Ho now to not want to abandon him if he can manage to keep both by his side!

P.S. There were still casualties at the end of Faith, but the importance of that character is not equivalent to that of Gong Min / Moon Ho.

P.S.S. I can still be wrong about this, and SJN continues to surprise me as always. But there's that egging feeling I get that she's not going on the illogical route, and I wanna keep the Faith - 'Shin' (信) and 'Eui' (義) she has so strongly introduces it to me 2 years ago - that Jung Hoo is operating in the code of Shin-eui as well.

Shin = Faith/Trust, Eui = Loyalty. Shin-Eui is also about the relationship between two or more people.

~The End~

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... off to eat my fried brain cells :D


So I just wanted to say after reading this analysis, it made me feel better about the prospect of MH actually dying. I don't think he'll die now (fingers crossed) :)


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Good night my fellow healer-beanies :) ♥


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@Teru good night to you. Thanks for the post, you have given hope for a happier ending.


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Teru, I like your view of this and possible ending. Just wanted to add, I'm not sure that even taking Elder down, is the end of this, he mentioned all of "us".....so it's like the tip of the iceberg for team Healer. There is this interdependency between our team, if Moon-ho dies, who reports the findings to the public? Who has the charisma, is well known around the country to have people tune in. Without reporting, are we expecting the police to solve issues from now on? Not likely since it's been exposed how easy it is to corrupt them. I said it in an earlier comment this show has three leads: Moon-Shik, Young-Shin, and Jung-hoo, we need all three sides to get the whole picture.There are big questions that will need to be resolved in two episodes, Killing any of the three leads will simply throw a well written and thought out story into what could feel like a too predictable ending from all the foreshadowing. I don't think this writer has been predictable, and that is what has kept all of us hanging on week after week....


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Thanks for posting !

SJN does avoid the obvious route so far ! *fingers crossed*

@lilly of the valley

I totally agree with you on all your points !
I mean he is THE leader, who has to leave one day for his followers to pick up the mantle. But its just too early.
He has got lots left to teach the kids and pass off that integrity and inspire more and more.

Its just too soon !!!!


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after reading your analysis, Teru. I'll go with the another mislead. Looking the trend that SJN been throwing at us these couples weeks, crossing my fingers that she's gonna surprise us at another level. I just gonna keep a positive vibe that none of our scooby gang would got killed. #prayinghardtodramaGod


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What do you mean surprise at another levels ? What do you mean all couple weeks ?

You mean to say they were not fan service but memories and scenes to haunt us when they can never happen again ? You mean one of them is gonna die ??? :(
I mean , I totally had the same worry and scare mentioned it somewhere next page but seeing others think the same, am even more scared now. *bites nails*


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Ack no! Although I wouldn't be surprised at KMH's death around the narrative because it seems like it would be building to having CYS take the spotlight. I think of the characters, CYS is the only one that hasn't fully developed the way SJH and even KMH have. SJH with realizing the difference between his dreams (paradise vs CYS and basically reality vs ideals) and KMH with realizing he was living as a dead person; and I think they have moved forward admirably. CYS on the other hand, has had a very belated start to her character development since she didn't discover all the truths until mid-last week.


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@catch, hmm great points but I hope you're wrong about the death of moonho. I have a strong feeling that when young shin is left with that creepy Secretary oh, that she will get over her fears. And we'll probably regain her childhood memories. Somehow she..just like her mother have not healed..whether it be mental (young shin and fears) or physical (her mom's seizures) something BIG definitely has to happen, but I pray that no one will die


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That's very true. I would like to see ys overcome her childhood trauma (to an extent she's getting there through asking the questions she's afraid to ask) especially since I'd love her to remember her time with uncle MH and JH oppa lol

BUT I want MH alive so he can enjoy YS calling him uncle again...


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@dramapenchant, yes can't wait for those sweet memories as well between the uncle and his two little friends with their moru moru island :)


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@ TurkishRose

In re YS and Sec Oh, it would be great if YS knows from JH that the creep's OCD and how JH handled him then. Sec Oh can be neutered if YS just pushes the right buttons. It'd be great to see a woman wiping the smirk off that bullying coward's face.


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@patinalee I wish that could happen, I wish she can get over her fears and wipe that smirk off his face


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Dramafever has Episode 18 now:



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@late watch thank you. I usually end up watching raw on viki until they translate it. I enjoy the live comments, makes it feel like you're watching with someone else lol


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@fab totally recalled this scene too when the ending happened. It was defiantly a foreshadow for what was to come. :( I really hope that Jung ho won't have to decide on who to save. We all know he cannot live without young shin, but he also grew so fond of moonho as a mentor. Both choices would be a devastation for junghoo, so I hope there will be no sacrifices. I have a feeling that, they ate trying to get Healer, andnot ho, or young shin, it's all a real to lure jungho :(


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All of the recent events hint to Healer getting to that dilemma but I think the show has managed to surprise us every week with new twists and angles, I hope it's no different in the final week. :(


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That's what I'm expecting too .. ie the unexpected. No usual following the crowd, our SJN, just take what seems like a normal cliffhanger and hang it differently :D

The tension and suspense if necessary for the story to move along and to keep us on our toes, but the resolution might be anything under the sun. I'm hoping it allows our hidden weapons to appear wielding unexpected weapons of their own ... Dae Yong, ex-convict ahjusshis, even Dad and Someday News folks. :)


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It seems many of us have been too busy to comment like we usually do. But that does not take away from how amazing and fast paced theshow become. I cannot even imagine the different situations arousarising from the ending of ep.18 alone. I think in the long run, the elder wants to teach junghoo a lesson. He had to choose between his love of young shin, or save his new mentor moonho? But could this all be a plot just to get the Healer in the net? I don't know what evil plan maybe...But I hope no one will be hurt. I pray it won't turn Batman on us, when he was choosing between his loved one or the man who wasa great person for the people.


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Don't remind me of Batman! I watched the one with Christian Bale recently and that scene where the prosecutor was screaming go save Rachel is just heartbreaking, but I care a lot more for KMH and YS so I am trying to erase that Batman part from my head.
I am hoping Teacher dying is the only big loss we'll encounter...not another great character please.

I think the recent sad events in the show is what keeps the most commenters away. It was more fun to sqee and swoon over the OTP than sob for the awful cliffhanger. :)


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@fab sorry for the Batman reminder lol but it's the only scene that popped in my head the moment the episode ended. Hope I'm wrong :)


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I've noticed the decline in comments as well. Seems like people are afraid to watch the episodes in an effort to save their hearts lol or their waiting for subs

But even though I'm busy, I always make time for some healer #priorities


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Love your priorities!! :D

I've given priority to Healer and DB. All else pales and disappears, except family and work and volunteer work and health .... LOL!


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I'm actually afraid to watch ep 19 and 20, for fear of getting my heart broken into little pieces, a la City Hunter, K2H, EmKi, and 49Ds. In Faith, the Woodaichi's died. I'm sure in Legend some ppl died at the end, but that drama was so awful to me that I've basically wiped it off my mind.
Some dramas were better w/o the last 1 or 2 eps. I surely hope this isn't one of those.


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I think there was a phase when people were 'falling in love' with the drama, but now we're more into the 'head over heals' stage. You'd think that would mean more comments, but I think there were a lot of lurkers that came out to express their love for the drama in between 8-14, and now they might just be along for the ride.

It could also have to do with the romance. I personally love these recent episodes especially because of the Healer 2.0 awesomeness, but back when the romance first started to heat up it got a lot of people really excited. And there was a lot more speculation going on about how things would unfold (like how Young-shin would find out about Healer). Now I'm kind of at this point where all I ever comment on is how much I loved everything each episode...


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Haha @Chandler I feel like that's how I start all of my comments "I loved it when..." :P

Yes, when a show's this perfect, there's less comments due to the fact that there's really not much to complain about.

However, I hope for the finale at least that we can all work together to break the record, once and for all!


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@ dramapenchant, Chandler, Chandler

The finale had better be soooo good that there are just too many things to say about it. Then we can really break that record (our own at a scary 4,000+++) I look forward to that. :)


I think we've gone past the "craze" or as Chandler said, the "falling in love" stage, which was around episodes 8-14. That was the phase when the show attracted viewers and spurred some Beanies to delurk. Granted, we're all still pretty darn CRAY CRAY about his show, but now that the OTP is together, the mysteries have been revealed, and the show's about to end, we're too busy preparing our hearts for what's about to come. Hence the lesser amount of comments. It ain't a bad thing. ;) Heck, I'm having a hard time reading all 700+ comments as it is.


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Dramapenchant, I am actually in a stage, 'be still my heart'. I am so afraid I will get in to post depression mode after Healer has ended, so I try to minimize investing so much emotion to it like I did in previous episodes. I am prepping myself from Healer withdrawal. I have never been an addict before, so I know it will be hard. I want my Healer anonymous group to help with the post Healer syndrome.


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@ Dani

Yes, @Dani, we'll be here for you and for each other :) Just keep coming back to Ep 20 recaps and find us in the comments. We'll cry and go crazy together :D


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Haaa thank @Growingbeautifully. You are so kind. I am not an adult right now, am just a silly mature fangirl. Bong Soo Ki and Mon Hoo oppa really ruined me :))))


@Dani omg lol so cute " I've never been an addict before I think the majority of us have never experienced lol, so it would be interesting and heart felt to go through it together while we were so emotionally drained and invested in it. :(


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yes @TurkishRose, I would need Healer withdrawal after this. I will re-watch it from the beginning. Even going to watch that Running Man when JCW was in and he looked terrified in that episode. haha, he was far from Healer, more like BSki. Will be waiting for the last 2 episode and still wish that the OTP will have another drama together.


I don't know if I would be able to comment in ep 20 recap !!!!! I know I m going to be in a shock after Healer... I am pretty sure I am not able to watch any k drama after Healer but don't know for how many days??? Literally lost all interest over other dramas :(


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I understand you very well @fantasy. That is my feeling as well T_T



That might also happen to me. Don't worry we wil be helping each other in the ordeal❤️❤️❤️


It's partly RL catching up...and also now the DB-ers in my part of town have gotten together there's been a crazy transference of squeeing from the recap page to our whatsapp group chat instead! It's been insane, so I assure you the love ain't dying.


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Same. Have gotten quite busy, and plus, I think my phase of EXTREME excitement faded. I still love th show, but as plot points are getting tied together, and as real life keeps reminding me I need to take care of it if I want to continue my life after the show, I'm not able to indulge in Healer as much. *sigh* The struggle.


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@ Skyofblue

So true,... it's happening to me too ... RL must given the priority. It's been a fun ride, but it's not meant to take over our lives indefinitely. Now that the first blush of 'infatuation' is over, we need to act not only on how we feel but on what needs to be done. We're quite grown up!!! LOL!

Still, ultimately as we keep coming back to the last 2 recaps, the comments will keep rising, slowly. I wonder how many we'll hit before the month is up. :)


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@skyofblue lol so true. But I'm still as excited about the show as before, the only problem is ..how can I pause my real life and all the responsibilities it entails?lol but life is busy and I know many people are reading at least.that's what I do when I don't respond lol, I just read :)


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Likewise here @skyofblue...RL is indeed is real, we can only do this so much, we all need to get back at one point! Yes the struggle **sigh**. I know we can all do this...group hug to all!!!!


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I've been reading all the comments and there are so many layers to Healer it's so great to have others following the story and sharing their thoughts too! First, it felt like Myung Hee already knows Young-Shin is her daughter. In fact, I'm now wondering if she didn't know from the first time she met her, and that's why she took the flowers, and looked like she was ready to embrace her daughter. Moon-ho had already hinted earlier "What if your daughter's alive"...that time she got ill, and answered "It would mean I have been living this life while she's alone". Maybe that was her meltdown right there. Everyone has been witholding the truth to keep her from getting sick, but maybe she figured it out on her own already. Also, she recognized Jung-Hoo the first time she saw him. Wouldn't she have recognized her own daughter as well? Facing up to Moon-shik during the dinner was her confirming how much he would lie to her. He should have been affected by Moo-ho's broadcast, something like "I'm so relieved he is innocent, I never thought he would kill his best friend". However, his unaffected manner and answers , and the way she looked at the cookies afterwards....also, maybe that's why she apologized to Young-Shin for her husbands mockery, and manipulation during the broadcast, she knew he was twisting the truth of their friendship......


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@lilly of the valley, that's a great analysis. I too wondered why the camera paused a little when the cookies were there. But I don't think she knows it's her daughter yet, I think she only feels a closeness towards young shin, but nothing more. But who knows what the writer is aiming at in the next couple of episodes :(


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You never know, but it would be nice if she knows. The way she looks at YS and cares for her is just so heart warming, whether she already suspicious or not I think she will be very happy more than anything to know YS is her lost daughter; I can't wait to see them crying and embracing. I have a feeling that MH will eventually have a hand in saving YS and/or MH. She is strong in her own way and knows things.
About her recognising Jung-hoo, I think she recognized him because he looks so much like his father, so far that she thought in a haze that it was him.


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@fab, yes your soo right. The motherly look that she gives young shin is soo heart warming that once she does find out it will be a beautiful feeling , so definitely can't wait :)


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This community is wonderful and so glad that we'll still be hanging out on episode 20's thread to celebrate, commiserate and console each other.

When they first met and Myung-hee held out her arms for the flowers, it looked more like she was asking for a hug but I don't think she recognized that CYS is her daughter. I am really looking forward to their reunion even though it's going to be a cryfest.


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@Emi757, totally agree. I also don't think she knows it's her daughter, but it well definitely be a crying scene lol I'm not prepared for what is to come :(


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Big hug to all my fellow Healer Beanies!

MHee and YS definitely have a connection that's hard to sever but I'm still not quite sure if she knows.

But it would be a bit odd that she recognized JH immediately but not her own daughter...


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@Dramapenchant , big hug right back to you sweety :)

I don't think it's odd though that she won't be able to recognize her daughter for the simple simple fact that she knows her daughter is supposed to be dead versus junghoo is still alive. Who knows like you said, but my inner feeling tells me that she only feels this invisible attraction to youngshin, to protect her..But nothing more. We will see next week :)


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@ lilly of the valley, TurkishRose, Fab, dramapenchant, Emi757

Just wanted to let you know I'm sending out a big hug to all of you from over here!!! And yes we are going to hang out in Ep 20 Recaps, Yay!!!

And because I mentioned it, I will also be on OT. Anyway I was there on and off before so I'll be there too. :)

See you girls!


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@Growingbeautifully big hug back to you sweety you and all the beanies here. I think it would it be nice if each one of us dedicated his time and responded to five people it would really bump up tthe he comments :) :) it would be nice if we can keep up the momentum until the series ends. :) so shall we? :)


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LOL! Well TurkishRose, if there's something to say, I'll definitely say it rather than hold back! :)


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Doing that right now, Chief! :-D


@growing beautifully, lol I'm glad there is no holding back :)

@patinalee, your like so adorable I swear. :) but I definitely always want to look back in history and see how much we have been excited about this amazing show, and our excitement reached thousands of comments lol. :) anyhow I think if we did take the time to respond to five people, it would make more people participate in the conversation :)


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Big hug back at ya babe!


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Thanks @Growingbeautifully

I'm not too demonstrative or should I say before Healer turned me into a puddle of goo, I'm not effusive by nature - but yeah, hugs to you and all the beanies around here.

Group hug!

And I'll try to reply if I have something to say.

PS looking forward to seeing what you Singapore beanies have created


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@GB @Turkishrose @dramapenchant @patinalee @fab @em757

Am late to the party but can I squeeze into the bug group hug ?? :D just wanted to throw my love out !

You beanies are awesome !


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@@Divyrus just squeeze yourself right in the middle here :) there is still plenty of room, we will all be in need of it next week with our healer farewell party :(


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Hi lilly of the valley, I thought of that too that MHee knew already that YS is her daughter (the flower scene, her touching her face and putting make up and when she cries and say sorry). I don't know "mother's instinct" I should say.

But then whatever, i wish they will have a happy reunion as mom and daughter


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I have been thinking that Myung-hee knows or suspects that something is fishy with Young-shin. But I am also wondering about CYS's step-dad. It seems weird to me that a single man would be allowed to adopt a daughter. Maybe it is a cultural thing, or maybe it is just that he was the only one who wanted her. Perhaps, I am over thinking it but I am just wondering if there is more to stepdad's story. Something along the lines of the original healer being represented by him when he was in jail and then told him about CYS. Although I realize that this is a little farfetched and no evidence for it. But still this show has me wondering about all the characters, I can't help but wonder about the stepdad. Though I recognize I could be totally wrong. I also know it is late and I am tired and rambling. Commecing sleep more now.


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That's commencing sleep mode now. I apologize for any other errors. I told you I was tired. Brain out.


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there was a pic of YS, Dad and stepmom so i think she was still alive when they adopted YS


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YS had an adoptive mother as well, she past away. Don't remember the episode she was mentioned in though. Oh and YS's old phone was her mother's...
I think if her father had anything to do with Healer they'd have hinted on the possibility a lot sooner than now we're nearing the end. But you never know.


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Young Shin ah, what is wrong with you? Your boyfriend who was almost murdered that morning shows up at your bedroom to hug you and sleep with you and you push him away and demand a birthday gift? Where are your priorities girl? I'd be happy with a birthday kiss!

Also are you sure boyfriends who come to sleep with their girl use the front door and father just graciously let them in? And all this after the horse has already bolted... Young Shin must be thinking of drama couples who kiss or sleep together only once and hardly ever do it again after the first time rather than real normal couples.

I haven't watched the episode with subtitles yet but I was genuinely curious when I watched this scene and saw her continuously pushing him away.

I was worried for Young Shin at the end since Jung Hoo didn't even know she was in danger until I remember the tracker necklace he presented her conveniently and stalkerishly. However, that means Jung Hoo's words to Moon Ho about abandoning him for her will truly be tested now.

I really hope Moon Ho doesn't die. The good side lost so many already and poor Moon Ho was tortured, unhappy and guilty for 20 years. He deserved more happiness. I will be truly disgruntled if he dies.


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Haha although I was sad that JH didn't get his wish to hug and sleep with YS in her bed (b/c they really do need to christen her bed as well. They did it twice already on his bed is all I'm sayin') but if you watch thw scene with subs her pushing him away is much sweeter and cuter than it looked.

She wants to help him adapt to "normal" society and teach him the proper procedure to love and live amongst people. He's not used to it but he neneeds to learn. He's not a wild cat in the animal kinhdom who can just mate whenever he wants lol

Knowing how much of a romantic JH is, I'd think he would have gotten her a gift for her birthday but the tracker necklace was more convenient for the next plot developmeny. However, I don't think YS will use it since she knows that would force jh to choose her or MH.


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Although I haven't watched the whole episode yet I did watch that scene with subs and it was sweet, but still unrealistic. A normal love relationship does involve hugs and kisses and sleeping together (even innocently) and the desire to do so. If it doesn't then it's not normal.

By the way, I didn't interpret him wanting to go to bed as mating, was I too innocent there? I thought he just missed her and wanted to be with her, hug her etc. I mean, of course once there one thing would lead to another but I didn't think that's what he was asking with his words.

I think she will use the necklace, otherwise what was the point? But in any case isn't ajumma gonna get the signal? I mean Jung Hoo has to face some conflict and a difficult choice, otherwise if he just saves Moon Ho without knowing Young Shin is also in danger it will not be the same thing. He should know, be conflicted but find a solution to save both (I don't expect much of him do I? LOL That's why I think the poor guy deserves all the hugs and kisses he wants and didn't get all his life).


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It's not that YS's saying they won't be hugging, kissing, or sleeping together, just that there's a proper channel they need to go through, which they've bypassed thus far. JH can't just always leap into her room from her window whenever he wants like a thief.

Haha no, you didn't misinterpret it. My mind just happens to be in the gutter, always. When he said let's go to the bed and then talk, it was (probably) completely innocent, like lie in bed while hugging b/c he's not crazy enough to want to do the deed with YS where dad and ajusshi can hear them b/c let's be honest, they're probably really loud *winks*

Since we've been shown the necklace it should and will probably be used but let's hope YS doesn't have to use it until after JH has already saved MH. Forcing JH to choose is GREAT dramatically, but for my heart, I want YS to save herself so that JH can focus entirely on saving MH. Either way, I trust the writer, let's hope somehow both will live. :D


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@Moonbean @dramapenchant

Whether the portrayal of a 'normal' love relationship is realistic or otherwise must surely be viewed within it's cultural context.

In my part of the world at least, a guy won't even get to see his girl's room, much less gets on her bed, especially with the father (read parents) around. That would be the general rule of thumb, to which there are of course exceptions/variations - the individual may be living on her/his own, the family itself may be more permissive (or more restrictive) in outlook, the couple may be engaged and a myriad other reasons that realistically figures in the couple's interaction with each other.

Based solely on impressions gathered from kdrama viewing (without ever having been to SK), I'd say that YS' reaction to finding JH in her room was realistic. You just don't get to be on your girl's bed, whether you actually want to have IT on or not, when the father's just downstairs and you have not quite introduced yourself to Appa, Joog Hoo-ya. :-D :-D :-D


really, only twice, dramapenchant? In my dream, i had them do it at least thrice :D twice in the evening, and another once in the morning for us to witness, LOL


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+1 @redsun That's a conservative estimate. There's always room for error :P


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PS. He did get his birthday kiss and reward for saving her even though she knew neither his name nor face. She should have done the same is all I'm saying.


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right i was like why is she pushing him away?
She should comfort him further ;)

I think she just wanted them to start their relationship from this start this time more linear/normal.

When I saw Secretary Oh I was like press your necklace DO IT NOW. I wonder if she will hold back knowing the he is trying to save MH.

I hope no god person dies. Please dont break my heart


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I'm just wondering if anyone knows the rating for this episode compared to Punch and Shine or Go Crazy?


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From Hancinema
"According to Nielsen Korea on February 4th, the 18th episode of KBS 2TV Monday & Tuesday drama, "Healer" on February 3rd rated 9.1% nationwide with 0.6% up from the previous rating, 8.5%."
"SBS 'Punch - Drama' and MBC 'Shine or Go Crazy', which aired at the same time, rated 12.8% and 9.4% accordingly."

A little glad we're losing to Punch and not any drama...


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Thanks @fab :)


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they are so cute. I like how he was like I am not just anyone. AHH <3


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Because he's still creepy AF. Him being next to that puppy only makes it clearer to me....*shudders*


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I still hate him and I want to flush him in the toilet head-first.


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Do it! Do it! :-D :-D :-D


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I just did! :D


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That's a nice mental image. He is tiny which makes it easier to flush him...


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You should try it, too. A vengeance of some sort for all the evilness that he's been doing in the drama. :D


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I love all the links you post Fab! Thank you for them.


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Healer shots edited out of 18 &19- Myung Hee

1.After dinner with an obviously lying Moon Shik, Myung Hee orders a coffin and starts perusing the back yard.

2.After Moon Shik's perverted broadcast with Moon Ho's tapes, she orders a box of 13 inch steel nails coated with real rust prevention liquid and a hammer.

In filming now -We pan the backyard to find a cactus filled mound after she finds out what really happened to her daughter.


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@ PlumWine

Put those scenes back in!!! Do... don't edit them out! LOLOL!

I was so amused when MS said matter-of-factly that Myung Hee ordered the bug, etc but that things would get back to normal. That man is delusional.

If she could do that blatantly without caring what he thought, she could jolly well order a coffin or ... two ... why leave Secretary Oh out of all this fun???!!! LOLOL!


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How could I forget Secretary Oh?! His compulsiveness in cleaning, killing, and being a two-timing lackey really needs to be restrained.

Yes, when he was so matter of fact about the bug...definitely in his own world. He feels like he is allowing her to play, forgetting what she was before her accident. Actually, it takes a great strength of will to get out of bed if you are disabled, so already she has that mental strength. Why he thinks she will still love and understand him when he bends the truth for his own sake is beyond me.


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Healer OST part 6 by JCW Eng Subs


it is a very nice video of our lovely OTP <3


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Lovely! Thank you! :-)


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I heard that JCW is the most searched actor on Baidu. I have a feeling that he will take part in a Chinese movie someday.


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PBS is so clingy!!! i love it! hahaha. <3


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Wookie when he got ice bucket challenge:


ooh, are your cold sweetie?go get youngshin and hiding under the blanket and do whatever to keep you warm


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I was slightly confused. When Jung-hoo presented the necklace to Young-shin, was she surprised or disappointed? When I first watched the episode, I thought she was just teasing Jung-hoo when she was asking for a present, and was stunned to see he actually had something for her (albeit for selfish-ish motivations, haha).

Looking at the scene again, I wasn't quite so sure anymore. I would be a little disappointed if she was really meaning what she said, wanting a newly wrapped present, but at the same time it IS her birthday. Only comes once a year, after all.


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First, she's socializing into what BF and GF generally do for each other on their birthdays.

Second, I think any girl would be disappointed if on her birthday, her boyfriend completely forgot and started fumbling around to give her whatever he's carrying with him at the moment. Also, the necklace has a GPS on it LOL Controlling/stalkerish implication much? Of course, after he stumbled an explanation, you can see that YS didn't really mind and was happy about his gift.


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he didn't forget her bday tho, he just didn't know! even YS only found out her real bday recently

haha i thought he rather sound like a salesman trying to promote his necklace to a potential buyer xD


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yes I was thinking the same , He looked like a salesman

1. madam it has a GPS system
2. and you can turn it on and off whenever you want



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@ fantasy

the "madam" killed me XD


3. it is one of a kind item
4. and we have it on limited offer




Add home delivery too ... With a free back Hug :D


I know, right? His eyes were so wide as he insisted on the graciousness of his gift, I couldn't help laughing aloud


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Maybe I just have really low standards or I don't know what boyfriend/girlfriends do, but truth be told, I caught my breath when Jung-hoo whipped that necklace out. To me, it seemed to come of nowhere. I was confused why he was tugging at his sweater, then bam, there was a necklace! (And then the romantic-ness of it was ruined when he revealed the gift was actually a tracker, XD)

And of course Young-shin would be happy knowing her boyfriend is concerned about her :)


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@ tarquinn_blu

In actual fact, if I had asked unexpectedly for a gift and the poor guy had nothing but a chain that he was wearing, which might have been special to him, and he took that off to give it to me, I'd be sooooo touched. It would have showed that he really did not want to *not* give me something, and even something special to him, he would prefer to give to me than to leave me empty handed. Even with a trackker in it (which I'd find cool) it would still be romantic to me. :)


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@GB - Well, that definitely puts a romantic spin on things.

CYS's expression after JH whipped up that necklace definitely looked 'touched' to me. ;)


*omit one 'definitely'

Yah. My vocab is suffering now. Lol.



Lol, do we still have unused vocab left for our Healer feels?


@Sky - Gee. I've pretty much exhausted the entirety of my vocab for Healer. :D

I need substitutes for 'awesome', 'definitely', 'completely', 'amazing' etc, etc.


I finally got to watch this episode, and goshdarnit! I have NEVER been disappointed as each episode is a great episode in it's own way! So many parts to the whole to pick apart and rave about. I just LOVE this show! With 2 episodes left, I'm gonna die! Haha!


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I think healer is their target. Hope it all ends well


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@ ifescojcw

Yes it is healer that Elder wants to recruit to make him his own puppet, so those people who are precious to JH will be kept safe and as bargaining chips. If they got hurt, JH would never join Elder.

By seeing what plays out between Elder and JH, we will perhaps get to see more of Moon Shik's point of view, why in the end he caved in and totally became Elder's minion.


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Source # Facebook

Ji Chang Wook’s Fans Gift The Set Of ‘Healer’

[by Sora Ghim] Actor Ji Chang Wook’s fan club DayRock gave a big present to the staff of KBS 2TV drama ‘Healer.’

Awaiting the finale just a week away, the ‘Healer’ team has been working nonstop to finish the drama before the deadline. To show their support and to give the staff strength, Ji Chang Wook’s fans prepared a food truck along with presents.

Even in the cold weather, the actors and staff worked hard for filming. The food truck was a big help to the set, warming the atmosphere and filling the stomachs of the exhausted people. In addition to food, the truck offered coffee and snacks.

Not only that, but the fans also prepared sleep socks, hot packs, and hand creams to take care during the cold. This warm gesture enhanced the already amiable atmosphere thanks to the food truck.

Ji Chang Wook couldn’t hide his surprise at his fan’s present. He expressed his thanks and built up his strength to continue filming along with the staff.

Ji Chang Wook’s Fans Gift The Set Of ‘Healer’

[by Sora Ghim] Actor Ji Chang Wook’s fan club DayRock gave a big present to the staff of KBS 2TV drama ‘Healer.’

Awaiting the finale just a week away, the ‘Healer’ team has been working nonstop to finish the drama before the deadline. To show their support and to give the staff strength, Ji Chang Wook’s fans prepared a food truck along with presents.

Even in the cold weather, the actors and staff worked hard for filming. The food truck was a big help to the set, warming the atmosphere and filling the stomachs of the exhausted people. In addition to food, the truck offered coffee and snacks.

Not only that, but the fans also prepared sleep socks, hot packs, and hand creams to take care during the cold. This warm gesture enhanced the already amiable atmosphere thanks to the food truck.

Ji Chang Wook couldn’t hide his surprise at his fan’s present. He expressed his thanks and built up his strength to continue filming along with the staff.


It's a relief , though ratings are low, they may know the popularity of the show :) :)

oohhh it rhymes :P


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Yes, i am so happy they know a lot of people love this drama.

I also saw this
Actor Ji Chang-wook thanked his fans for sending food truck to the set.

He posted a photo on his Instagram along with a caption saying, ‘Fan club, DayRock sent us food and coffee truck. Thanks to you all, the staff on the set enjoyed the food. Thank you, DayRock!”.

In the photo, he shows V signs with his fingers smiling cute.

Netizens said, “I’m happy I’m your fan”, “There are good reasons why people like him”, “Fighting! Ji Chang-wook”, “Ji Chang-wook, He’s really cute”, “Ji Chang-wook, "Healer", be prosperous” and so on.

Source : news.tf.co.kr/read/en…

Translated by HanCinema


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What really irks me is the scene with the elder. Although he did not do anything to harm healer at the moment, why was the burning incense affecting healer only? When it's clearly on the table between the two, both of which are inhaling it.... Anyways, I'm thankful for all your recaps! It really helps me understand the little things I may miss!


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Elder has probably taken the antidote to the poison and is thus immure to its effects.

It's also very possible that the antidote was in the wine offered to JH but JH refused the gesture, and in extension, refused to work with elder so he suffered the consequences.


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Elder got a feel of JH then skedaddled with his security detail. Obviously JH couldn't follow.

It was weird that the compound was completely emptied out when YS and the cops barged in. Will Elder return or relocate for good?


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Hello fellow Healer beanies! I have finally found good WiFi in the high mountains of Colorado and have been able to catch up with both 17 and 18 on DramaFever today, plus read comments. WOW!!! Glad to be with you all again!


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Fellow Coloradan in the house! Woot Woot! (unless you're just vacationing/skiing then ignore this :D )


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@dramapenchant .... I'm back in Colorado for a week to decide whether to return here for good. I lived here (Vail and Steamboat Springs) for ten years and moved to Northern California three years ago chasing a job but I miss the mountains and my friends here so this is a test. If I return it might be to Denver instead of high mountains just for easier access to work and airport. Where are you?
I love knowing there are k-drama devotees everywhere and especially Healer fanatics. This drama has knocked me sideways in so many ways!


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I'm from Denver. :D You'll love the city if you do end up livimg here. Actually quite a few people have beem moving to Denver lately (them hipsters lol)


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Glad to finally have you with us again!


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Hi Lunatic4KD

Good to know that you're with us even in the mountains of Colorado! :) Hope you enjoyed the skiing! And the show LOL!


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Hello Unni! Nice to see you have found wifi from the depths of the mountain you are at.


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Welcome back to healerlandia. Glad you did not miss this week's episode. We should all be on the same page next week. I can just imagine how tuesday/wednesday will be. better file a leave from work.


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Our two healers together behind the scenes, soo sweeet :) :D



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Here's to hoping for more projects for Tae Mi. Such a cool gal. She's got that certain natural spunk that I like. Would love to see her in another action romcom which can put her mad Taekwondo and acrobatic skills to good use.


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There are more articles coming out about JCW and Healer popularity in China right now.

Ji Chang-wook Rose to Fame in China

Actor Ji Chang-wook ranked no.1 as the most popular actor in ‘Baidu’ which is the largest portal site in China.

The actor is showing off his charms from KBS2 Monday-Tuesday drama and strengthened his position as the top star in China.

Ji Chang-wook took the first place among other Korean male actors in search ranking. His name was ranked no.10 among Chinese actors. He is getting spotlight as his drama is aired through Sohu.com in China and is getting huge popularity in the country.

The actor recently opened up his Weibo account to start communicating with fans in China, and there’s much attention whether he will become a new actor to lead Hallyu.

Ji Chang-wook’s rep stated, “He is receiving a lot of casting offers in China. He will expand his career fields to be an actor who can enhance national prestige.”

| 위키케이팝 | 양자영 기자 |

[YANG, JA YOUNG / [email protected] ]

Source: WikiPOP


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Go to China...at this stage I don't care if you will do your next project in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, french or English, I just want you to do next :) please for our sake


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Personally, I want him to star in another drama after Healer, preferably a hit romcom to further expand his market in SK. Then get military service out of the way. After that, he can branch out to other countries if he wishes to do so. Or hit the big screens. *thumbs up*


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I too want him to do a romcom but good one, as per my experience , I get tired watching them after 14-15th ep ( if total 20 eps are there) generally... Even the popular romocoms like coffee prince, personal taste, flower boy next door.... Healer actually surprised me that I still love those OTP moments, generally in this genre after the OTP confess I find those romantic moments as wastage of time, better solve the mystery but with Healer it's never boring :)


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@fantasy - That's true. Exactly why I dropped all those dramas you mentioned halfway. Even You From A Star and Fated to Love You couldn't get me to watch them until the end. Maybe I'm just a picky viewer, but I guess romance and fluff is not enough reason for me to keep watching.

Actually, rather than a romcom for the big three (SBS, KBS, MBC), I want him in a cable romcom drama with the likes of Marriage Not Dating and Answer Me series. Those are the interesting ones in my book.

Agree with Healer. It has everything I want and more. That's why I'm still here 18 episodes later, expressing my love for the show. :)


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Please don't tell me about these 3 dramas ever... Because I start criticizing them always

2. BOF
3. Heirs
They are tooooooooooooooooooo much hyped, why I don't know , it was like an empty box wrapped in a gift wrapper to me


oh, i'll go with the cable dramas pleaseeeeeeee, they won't hold any bed scene like the big 3,kekekekeke #evilaugh


@omomo @fantasy

I hope so too that he do a summer rom-com with good directing and writing plus an equally credible female lead. I think he should play a chaebol ( I noticed all big A listers somehow has done a chaebol role already) ... Just my thought???

Or Why not the remake of In Time With You? ( just my thoughts again


Just read the press conference interview of healer... JCW said " it's my wish, healer to get 20% rating ".....

Are you disappointed??? Ji Chang Wook ssi you have acted extremely well, the drama was also awesome !!!!


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What actor wouldn't want his drama to reach 20%+ ratings?

But he seems happy with Healer so far, what with the international popularity and success + good reviews it's been getting. :)


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Hope so :)


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I think he was kinda upset due to the low rating for first few episodes, but he got over it quickly judging from his Instagram posts. He seems happier and more relieved now when knowing that Healer is well loved among international viewers. Within a month, his insta followers almost doubled, and he always ranks first among popular search on Naver, Daum and Baidu.


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I remember those melancholic Instagram posts of his. Haha! That depressing poetry. I can't.

Now it's pretty apparent with his posts and the BTS that he's really happy. Tired, but happy nonetheless. So I'm happy too!


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Depressing poetry? Where?

He's such a dork though. Love him.

Screw the domestic ratings. He's gained a huge international fanbase as a result. That counts for something.


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It's in this IG post: http://jichangwookkitchen.com/2014/12/28/instagram-update-28-december-2014/#more-5294

"Screw the domestic ratings" is what I said 10 episodes ago when it became pretty apparent to me that Healer isn't destined for high ratings.

Yup. Healer revived PMY's career, and now YJT's more known to the younger audience, but I think out of the entire cast, JCW is the one that has greatly benefited from the popularity of this show.


It's true he is mostly benefitted but that was well deserved too.. I will admit 100 times that PMY ,YJT and other actors were just awesome, even the minor roles like Jong soo, Dae young to villains secretary, KMS etc. But still JCW is the best one to me.. All others have to show growth in their acting, their character is the same, but JCW has to display 3 types if characters , so that viewers can distinguish them then again at a point he has to coincide and show that those three are the sub characters of one... It's too complicated , just because he acted so well , we can take it simply as well.
. Apparently Finer things are generally complex if you go to molecular level :) :)


@Omomo Thanks for the link.

LOl so deep...

I'm so glad to have found JCW thanks to this show. But I'm personally happy about PMY finally taking on a role that has converted me into a fan.


Agree about PMY. I've always liked her in a general sense, but now I can happily say that I'm a fan. She's rocking it as CYS! :)


I feel he is more popular in china, Taiwan than Korea... Why???


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:(( well it was his wish/dream but reality is that ratings right now for all dramas are bad. If Healer had gotten 15% it would have been pretty amazing tbh

JCW did gain a lot from this. His daum fancafe quadruple in size and he has more international recognition. I think he is pretty happy with the results. Of course I am sure he wanted more looking at this great story and how much he put into his acting.


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Is it weird that everytime I see a picture or video of JCW, I want to give him a big ol' kiss? Something about those lips...


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Oh! You mean that pair of kiss magnets lips? :-D


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PMY, you lucky gal. They've had four onscreen kisses so far. Adding in all the outtakes and cuts and re-takes for the kisses, who knows EXACTLY how many times she's tasted those yummy pair of lips. Om nom nom.


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So jelly! Omnonnom indeed. YUM!

I really wish they would release more bts or ng cut for those kiss scenes, or the bed scene just because I'd love to watch them be all awkward and laughing, kind of like the bts of the first kiss. I love awkward.


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Exactly why I'm dying to get my hands on the Director's Cut DVD. Imagine all the goodies it'll have! BTS for all the meaty scenes? Yes, please! (Or so I hope.)

But it's just so expensive. *cries BLOOOOD* Even if I want to support the show as much I can, I gotta be realistic. As a uni student with no steady income of my own, the price range is way too much for my measly pocket. :(


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Same here :( , moreover everything won't be subbed :(


Lol blood!

Same situation here! I'd buy it too if it weren't so expensive and if they'd actually sub the extra material as well.

Maybe someone will upload and sub the extra content? Pretty please? :D


@dramapenchant -

Nah, I don't think uploading the extra content will be allowed. I tried looking for the BTS goodies in the Empress Ki DBD box set, but as it turns out, sharing the material on the internet is illegal. :(




I saw the DVD set, thinking expensive as in 40 dollars or something, but then I see a three digit number?! It was over 100 dollars, around 160 I think. Bianhae Healer. :(


@Sky - Yup, more than $160. That doesn't even include shipping fees. *cries some more*

Siiiiigggh. No drama has ever, ever spurred me to buy its official DVD so I never knew the price range for a standard box set. Never thought it would be this expensive. I would've started saving up ages ago.


I'm in the US and it said that it was about 220 (with the cheaper shipping option) for the DVD and 320 for the Blu-ray.

The pre-order version also gets more stuff than the standard version.


not to mention all the hand holding and staring into those eyes.. girl must've saved a country in her past life haha


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Ji Chang Wook - 45.98% (5,323 votes)

Lee Min Ho - 27.41% (3,173 votes)

Ji Chang Wook fighting!!!



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Such fan dedication. :D *clap clap*

I wish fans would also focus on voting for JCW and Healer on some of the official polls, though.


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Which official polls? I would love know where I could support JCW and Healer.


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I unfortunately do not have the links. But there was one for an SK website and one in Facebook.


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In ep 16 I think a sub thread was posted about polls


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@ helkwo
The links are just above and below your comment and in the Sub-threads under Episode 17 Recaps, Comment 10 and below. both @nutella and I posted all the links there. :)


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Yay!!! Way to go JCW lovers. We are pulling way ahead.


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everyone dont forget to vote for JCW here

We are pretty close to first place if everyone keeps voting we may reach it ^^


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Finally finished watching this episode with subs, there are not enough words to describe how much i love this episode and how amazing this show is. The meet-the-parent session is so darn funny! He is really SCARED of YS's dad but he is so clueless since he lived without much human interactions for so long. That BongSookie reactions ain't fake for sure!!

And are there any other OTPs making out in the middle of battle and even in their enemy's house? I can't even....Jung Hoo and Young Shin are the cutest things ever in the existence of ever. And together...WOW just WOW.

About the ending, I'm trying to stay positive. I do NOT want an implied happy ending for our dear couple. I need to see them living happily ever after with 2 kids, 1 dogs, 2 cats and 3 goldfish along with uncle Moon Hoo. Dear drama god, please make it happen!!!!!


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Let us hold hands and pray together.


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Can't help but laugh during their heart to heart talk in Elder's house. I be like, "Excuse me, lovebirds. Sorry to interrupt you lovey dovey session, but umm... you're in enemy territory right now? PRIORITIES, people! Chop chop!"

I guess love numbs your sense of danger. Lol. :D


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Didn't you notice Elder et al vacated the premise?


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Damn typos.


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@Snickers - I did, but what struck me as weird is that would ALL of them flee the premises? Wouldn't Elder at least instruct some of his cronies to hang around for security purposes? Or safeguard his possessions?


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I guess Elder is not to be found by outsiders at all costs. So, they left. It's not like JH and YS would claim residency. Once they are gone, a few minions will be back to tidy up things.

At first, I wondered whether he would eventually return. Now, I don't think so. Otherwise, anyone off the street can come and bug him. Too bad.


I bet that traditional house is just one his many, many properties. Elder will make his reappearance. I'm not convinced that was the last we'll see of him. Felt too quick to be real.



I was referring to return to this place. I must give Elder props for being so calm and composed. It's never fun to have to pull up stakes at a minute's notice.


Aaah. Yes, that makes sense. :)

Can anything even ruffle that old man's feathers? He's too calm. Too genteel about everything.



Or love conquers all? :-D


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@patinalee - Indeed, love conquers all. Danger, strict dads, and undercover missions. Even potential bad breath and body odor. (referring to ep 14) Still couldn't get over that. Sorry, can't help but bring this up again. :D


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i thought we've concluded that he brushed his teeth after eating that porridge (and changed his pants+shoes)
as for showering, well it's freezing in there lol



Ohh... The body odour and bad breath again!!! Spare him now, he has started mopping !!! :P u didn't watch it ??? :D


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Mopping doesn't correlate to personal hygiene. Unless the PD-nim releases an official statement that he HAS brushed his teeth or showered during those 6 days of 'checking out of life', I will not be placated. Hahaha. ;)



Well, the place was cold and he was cold. Under such condition, metabolism slows and he is in superior physical shape so it might be like hibernation. BO shouldn't be much of a problem.

However, conditions in generally warmer and moist mouth favor bacteria, there was definitely bad breath.


That's what I am saying, the place was took cold , he was like a food preserved in refrigerator, it may not be fresh but can't be stinky .....ahheemmm... And he has the habit of brushing I am quite sure he has brushed after eating then got ready to leave CYS at home :)


Guess so. I forgot about the weather conditions in there. :) I hail from a tropical country, so I just cannot - for the life of me - imagine not showering for days.

About the bad breath. Hopefully he brushed his teeth between eating and getting dressed before YS kissed him. It would've been okay if it was one of those insipid K-drama frozen kisses, but noooo, it was an open-mouthed one. Haha.


Hahaha, my thought exactly. Can't help but loving these two more and more. They are indeed a very daring couple, kissing in front of parents, flirting while on mission, cuddling in enemy house...lol


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yeah for once i actually want a fairytale happily ever after ending for a drama couple


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I really hope Moon Ho survives!!! T.T I wish for him to have a healthy, happy life. But when he was taking those random staff pictures, I felt very anxious.

It irked me a bit that Young Shin decided to stay behind at Moon Ho's place alone. I guess she didn't know about his tapes being stolen from his place, but Jung Hoo did. Then again, JH was in a rush and distracted with MH's disappearance.

Well, this drama has been awesome and has not disappointed me yet, so I hope there will be good twists and Kim Moon Ho stays aliveeeee in the end.


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My life seems to have a series of unfortunate events for the past while.

Healer's finale is next week.
My first Chem exam is next week.

I...I...I don't know what to say anymore.


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Wow. Our exams are also next week.

But guess what I'm doing right now? Haha. I haven't even touched my notes. My priorities are out of whack, I'm telling you. I applaud you for managing to juggle Healer and schoolwork. As for me, uhh... well. *cough* It'll work out, somehow.

Finale week has come upon us. Unbelievable. Feels like it was only yesterday that I was eagerly awaiting the first episode. Slow down, time. I caaan't. :(


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Thankfully my professors seemed to be considerate enough to schedule their exams around my Healer obsession...or so I'd like to believe.

My priorities are so messed up. I'm currently studying for a sociology exam that's tomorrow morning but as you all can see, I've been slacking a little too much...

So sad Healer's ending next week, but I think my schoolwork and grades are going to be quite happy that I won't be consumed for another show for quite some time. Withdrawal will be such a b*tch.


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I'm even more scared for the withdrawal. I'm so doomed. Bye bye, grades.

Given, I won't allow myself to be so addicted to another show for a loooong while. So after my mourning for the lack of Healer, I'll be back on track with my life.

Unless JCW next drama manages to be just as good.


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Next drama??? When is it???? :(


@fantasy - Of course, nothing's been announced yet. But he's reportedly been getting numerous drama offers. Assuming he takes on a drama and not a film. There's still that Two Constables movie waiting to see the light of day.


Nooo not film , I want to see him for months :) but again I want him to do a good drama .... Aaaahhhh... What I want actually?????


Considering this should be my last show for awhile, as I am not interested in any of the currently airing shows, and plus there is the fact of coping without Healer and all of you guys. These threads have practically become a home for us every week; we just park ourselves here. What kind of transition to real life will we be facing....



Same here... I have doubts that even JCW's won't be able to erase my Healer impression... It's too deep :)


I wouldn't have guessed that you are a college student. You seem quite mature for your years. ;)


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@Sky, Omomo, dramapenchent,
You guys just have to study very hard once Healer is over. Your time will free up, but Qn is will your heart? All the best to the lot of u.
Sending you good vibes and brain power thru the internet.


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Thanks @KDaddict! *makes weird fingers and ooo noises* We have received your package good vibes and brain power.


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Thanks Javabeans for the recaps! Another great episode :)) Healer-yah ... DAEBAAK:))


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One question... Why JH made such big deal about his salary, isnt he like, rich- I mean , at the begining there was a scene where it was like " archived 64% of purchase price of the *island* ) right? So, that mean that he has money, he doesn't have to worry so much about current income . It is not a big deal, it is not even something important, it's just that -that part confused me. What do you guys think?


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I think he's used to make a ton of money from a few hours of work. Even when he knows a working stiff's salary is discounted compared to what he used to make, he doesn't expect such a huge discount.

I also think he hasn't completely given up his dream island yet. With his current salary, there is no way he can save enough for the remaining 36% + a sailboat + construction material + island living expenses.


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Saw something interesting on Soompi.

To quote ruizaio: "According to JH's backstory (written by SJN), the particular island he wants is $5.2 million, and he estimates he'll need $6 million in total for a yacht and all. That's how the DC fans arrived at $4 million."

So he currently has $4M. Yup, the guy's loaded.

But like Snickers said, he still probably hasn't given up on his island. That's why he worries about his salary not meeting his expectations.


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How great is it that we have a rich guy in a drama who's not a jerk? See it's possible :)


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Healer is breaking ground here. Lol!


As Healer, he got paid 5M won for a night's work. As PBS, he nets 900K won for a month's work. No wonder he can't get too vested and just falls asleep at his desk.


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I don't think he's only in it for the money, he is really trying to adjust to the "normal" life YS is in. He might not have said it, but I kinda get the sense he's given up on the idea of the remote island.
He is bored because of the shift to the desk job, where he has to sit around all day waiting for a phone call or an assignment. While as Healer he was out in the night doing exciting work that required him literally to run around to deliver vip errands. In between sleeping and working he exercised and ordered take out.


holy crap, he's rich.


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Even I would react like that. He decided to live like others bur actually has no idea what is that?? What are advantage and dis advantage of that??? Think for a while you used do a job of a good salary, u have saved some money then for some reason u left that job, will you look for a job with lower salary??? No either equivalent or higher.. And if you are thinking of buying peace and convenience with lower salary , then also he is not a bit interested or enjoying his new job... So it makes sense he would be irritated !!! It's good it's practical, despite of being hopeless romantic Jung Hoo do have an urge for money, which is natural for 28 years old man


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There are people who give up high-paying job for lower pay and more demanding work. They do so to follow their passion, e.g. a stockbroker opening up a local eatery. Of course, JH is bored to death by his current job.

I hope he finds a way to stay in shape. Much of what Healer does requires such precision that if his physical conditioning is off by a tiniest bit, big big trouble. Like falling off rooftops trouble.


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Yes but only when you have a passion and live for the new job , but for it's not the case and difference is too much


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i was thinking should he have an "ordinary" job like everyone else, he should do something like he's really best at. i.g. opening a private investigator agency would be a good idea for him, it has to be a legal business, just like the double S guard does, but with no shady background of course.


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Finally watched the subbed episode.
Jung-hoo's: I'm sorry-What did I even do?-I did wrong-I didn't do anything MUCH dialogue sequences made me laugh like crazy. He's answering his own question. LOL

If writer SJN would go ala Story of a Man, then we are in for a heartbreak next week. She could be cruel and kill off Moon-ho. *Spoiler*~~~~~Villain's sister in SoaM died. On one hand, it would be tragic and JH and YS would be devastated. On the other hand, I want to see what MS's reaction would be if his brother died. (I know I'm being masochist here.)


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You make me want to go watch Story of a Man again. I loved the villain. I loved what his sister meant to him. ahhhh So sad.


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Not yet done watching SoaM cos of Healer but I love the villain, too. He is both scary and hot.^^


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MoonHo gives me the same (sad) feeling the prosecutor gave me in City Hunter..... and we all know what happened to him. Also his conversation with JH at the firm, telling him it's ok if he leaves with YS felt like a goodbye....


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*goes into a corner and cry*

You're scaring me. :(


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None of us wants M Ho to die, but some of us expect him to. If he doesn't, all the better. Pleasant surprise. If he does, then at least we can't say we are blindsided.

Don't know what it is w KD writers nowadays, it just seems like they refuse to have Happy endings, as if that makes them old-fashioned, not hip! Blah!


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You're not the only one feeling this either, I also got the same feeling of MH being similar to Prosecutor Young Joo too. I hope he doesn't die :( it seems like in CH and even K2H, the guy dies in ep 19. Hence I am worried...


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If you are reading this ( I hope) , thank you dear for your effort to translate the video :) :) ... It was a quite big video to translate, still you did it .... By the JCW had five girlfriends before??, I mean I wouldn't have been surprised if he had 10 but is it okay to say in interview??? Korean fans don't mind that???

And it was soo funny that he always dropped something while eating and he didn't care about the costume.. Awwww give this boy food and he will forget everything :D

P.S @GB thank you for notifying otherwise I might not go back to see translated interview :)


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I know I couldn't believe how candid he was about how many past relationships he has had, very unusual for a Korean celebrity.

I kind of get the feeling that JCW is really down to earth, he said in another interview that he just walks around like a normal person and he doesn't mind too much when he gets recognized.


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Wow!!! So relieved u have read my post :) thanx again , you are such a sweetheart :) ... Down to earth? Yes he is... He is gaining popularity I am happy about that but also a little worried it may restraint his this "down to earth" behaviour and mentality...


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I remember he said he has had 5 GFs since 3rd year of hi school. 5 gfs in 10 years. Hmm.....
Wonder what those 5 girls are thinking now?!! Are they kicking themselves till they are blue and black in the shin?
Oh, I should have hung on to him! Look how very hot he has grown up to be!


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He said that I at the time of Five Fingers.... We still don't know the exact number upto now ;)


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I saw a more recent interview, I think after EmKi. he said the same.


Thank you so much for that translation ^^
I was also surprise he was so honest, another thing I like about him. It really bothers me when some celebrities like to pretend they have never dated >_>

By Five Fingers it was six since he admitted in an interview after Five Fingers that he was dating someone right before the drama started then they broke up.


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I'm sorry to butt in, but may I have the link to this translated interview?^^

Thanks @helkwo for the translations in advance!


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We have a link of raw interview and helkwo translated it.. You will get it in db ep 15 or 16 comment no 379 around sorry I forgot exact where I posted it, you may search the above


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Ohhh it's ep 16 , @GB has mentioned below


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I will try to translate the site below this weekend. But, as I have said before my Korean isn't that great. My reading and writing level is probably lower elementary school level.



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Hi @helkwo

You've done a great job!!! I really appreciate all that you've done. If it's too hard to get every word, just a good idea of what they are saying or what the page has written on it will do. I'm just so happy to have any Korean speaker/reader, at any level, willing to help translate for us. Do know that I appreciate you very much indeed!!!

I added more sites that people have asked translations for, but that's under Ep 16 recaps, Comment 379 onwards just to keep them all together. It's hard to keep searching thread by thread and page by page to find your words, so that's why I'm keeping them at Comment 379. We can then point people to go there if they want to see the translations. :) Thanks again!


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Ok, I'll go back there and post the translation.


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@helkwo ..you are such a ROCKSTAR ...pitting much effort for the translations....awesome.... Thanks


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Thank you lifesaver! You hard work is much appreciated. :D


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Thank you and we appreciate your time and work! It's great to have you with us.


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Thank you for trying to translate that article. I saw the high comment count and I was wondering what they said ^^
Much appreciated it <3


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How come I never get to see JCW headers? I know there were some prepared by omomo. What page are they in rotating headers. I get only the retired headers? Weh? anything i can do from my end to get them refreshed?


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It's luck of the draw. I can go for days w/o seeing one, and then Bam! I got 2 of them in the same morning.
Sometimes a banner stays put for an hour or so; sometimes it changes w each click.
I get so happy when I see a JCW banner!!
I wish all we had was JCW banners.


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I don't get them like ever ... Weeping in dissatisfaction ....


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Just after I complained yesterday about the lack of JCW/Healer banners I spotted three in just two hours! Decided to make a print screen and save them...xD


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You lucky gals ....


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To increase your chances, write this down: two tabs. :-)


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@fab even if I open 5 tabs all of them are not JCW... :-( :-( :-(


@fab same here! I've complained so many times about not getting JCW banners...then BAM got a total of 5 today! And I screenshot them all for collection :D


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Oh noooooo....something is wrong with DramaBay site, Google is giving out malware warning! I hope they fix the problem before next Monday.


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GB and Teru have mentioned
'Control + f keyword'. It doesn't work for me. Is it bcos I've a Mac? Or is it bcos I'm doing it wrong? Can sb pls illuminate in more detail. Thank you.


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Hey @KDaddict, I personally don't use a Mac, but as far as I know Ctrl+F is equivalent to "Command F" in Mac. Hopefully that helps? :)


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I just googled Mac's keyboard layout. Well it's a bit different from Windows and Mac seems to have both "Command" and "Control" buttons. So for Mac use the "Command + F" to search specific terms. For all Window users, it's "Ctrl+F" :)


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Thank you so much. How sweet you are!


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You're welcome @KDaddict, I'm glad I helped :D


found a fanpic for healer, kekekeke, i'm blushing :p



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Writer of this fanfic watch too much porn.


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It's really too much... Not in the sense that I didn't watch something like that but it's ruining my "Healer" pink romance idea...


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LOl, too much imagination :D it's wayyyyyy to reeedddd for my taste :P


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Omg @redsun...what did I just read? O.o haha safe to say, that was too detailed for my innocent mind (even though I'm in my mid-twenties)... Yes like @Giegie said, that was kinda like porn :P


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I actually regretted clicking the link, but I can't turn back and just read the whole thing and ended up embarrased of what I've just read. :D


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@Giegie haha ikr, I needed up reading the whole thing and was seriously blushing! I'm not even married yet so this whole fanfic was too detailed for me O.o


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Yep, it's too much. They shouldn't do this to our Healer couple. :/ But it's my fault for clicking the link.

Haha I am not married, too, and like redsun said it's not like we haven't watched sexy movies but this fanfic is a little bit too much.


I am regretting because as I have seen JH and YS , obviously mention of these names, their faces come in mind, I stopped halfway, because I don't think I should think anything like that about them


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It's like healer shades of grey ....


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Hahaha...that is the precise reason why I would never touch 50 Shades of Grey. Every tells me it's porn and the relationship is not a healthy one (more bordering on abuse) which is why I'm staying far farrrr away from that book! I personally don't get why 50 Shades of Grey is so popular anyway? Same thing with the Twilight Series, I read all the twilight books (which was okay but not the best) and even tried watching the movie. I fell asleep with the movie...twilight so just too cheesy *yawns*

Sometimes I just don't get why certain things get so hyped up. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, I get the hype because they are seriously good! But 50 Shades and Twilight? That confused me there... Lol :)


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And this is coming from someone who likes romantic stories. Just not cheesy ones or cliché ones. And certainly not 50 shades-type stories. This is why love Healer, it has none of that and has just about everything you would want in a romance story :)


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Twilight is seriously Cheesy :/


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Apparently 50 started as a Twilight fanfic! I guess there is something for everyone.

I am a little disappointed they had to cast Jamie Durnan in something I could never watch. ;|



Haha really? LOL well that explains why those two has so much hype! And eww a porn fan fic version of Twilight? How did that happen?? lol


I share your thoughts completely @teru ...I despise twilight like anything ...and I have 50 shades with a vengeance ... I a more into caring relationships so I just cannot stand it when the relations ships get abusive nor do I like when in dramas (hello kdramas) the abusive relationships are portrayed as hot and romantic ..the forceful kisses ..oh shudders ...no no nope...


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Hate ^*... I am ^*.. Pardon me for the stupid typos !


I love Twilight just because hehe. Seriously though, I love the genre, or anytng with vampire in it for that matter. I guess I am obssess with vampires. ;)


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@Giegie same here! I love vampire stories too, but for me Twilight wasn't as good as the first 3 seasons of "The Vampire Diaries". And when I said first 3 seasons, that's when it's still good, after wards the later seasons became a disappointment lol. But for me, Twilight was just average not great.


Twilight sucked but I still loved it, and Kristen's emotionless portayal of Bella didn't helped. :/

Eeeeeh TVD!!! I still haven't watched season 6 but yeah, first 3 seasons were awesome. But Damon is just soooooooo sexy, and his are just beautiful. ;)



Yay! I was a Damon shipper too and thought Delena had more chemistry with Damon than Stephen. I like Ian Somerhalder as an actor as well - he's rather wise for his age!

If you're into vampire genre, my guess is are you also planning to watch Blood as well after this drama finishes? I'm planning to (even though I don't like GHS as an actress) but I'm in it for the genre. Would be interesting to see and plus I also like AJH since YWCFTS and You're All Surounded.:D


Same here, Delena shipper, too. I was sad when they broke up because I thought they belonged together on/off screen. And that's supposed to be *his eyes are just beautiful*.

I was planning to watch Blood regardless of its cast (have no idea who the male lead is and I only saw GHS in BOF) because of my love for the genre but I don't think I can watch any new drama after Healer ends. *cries* I might check it out after I get over Healer though. I just don't know when.


I read until the middle and skimmed the latter half. Once I saw warning words I knew I needed to stop. Hahaha.

The author has quite an imagination. ;)


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@Omomo yeah you bet haha. I wished there was a bit of warning beforehand so I now to skim a bit. Lol


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@redsun I think I am scared for life...and I am married.

It was too much information, I know romance in Kdrama can be often frustrating to watch because of lack realistic physical contact but I think that's the reason Kdramas maintains it's fairytale-like feel.

Having said that, I too love the Twilight series and I am already booked to see Fifty Shades of Grey with girlfriends just because I really like the actor from The Fall. I haven't read FSOG and probably won't anytime soon.


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Exactly @helkwo ... K dramas are fairly tales :) I also want them to remain as fairy tales, I don't know why but never find romantic Hollywood or English movies romantic , even not the famous ones ( except P&P and FIOS) , I like American sci-fi of course, comedy, thriller, psycho thriller but not the romance


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I love Pride and Prejudice, my all time favourite book and the movie with Kiera Knightley is the best. Romance is my least favourite genre, I like movies with a lot actions.


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and this is all scooby gang in red carpet even:


oh, i wonder, i thought YJT is a newly daddy, right?but there's a kid with him, is the baby is his second child and the one he brought to the event is his first child?


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I believe his son who was born last year in July was their first child. It can't be him. That's his wife?

The look so good. JCW is the only one who can make that hair look hot. ;D


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Totally agree ..that center parted hair also looks hot on him ;-)


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JCW can change his look just by the way he holds his facial muscles, and he looks good any which way, in absolutely anything!


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@kdaddict seriously ..he looks so manly...forehead and all ...ah crap ,my mind is in a gutter again ;-)


Holy crap !!!! After forehead creases I am falling for centre parted hair style????? He is ruining my taste!!!!! Opaa you are really bad :( :(


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oy, @fantasy!yea, i found him so smexyyyyyyyyy when he's frowning yeah. when ever i google him, and found his pic with his frown trade mark i ended up hugging my screen!!! aigooo....go to the gutter with sumee


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But you know what I didn't like forehead creases and middle parting but ..... When it's JCW, he made me fall for these two things.

Have you watch the mbc drama award appearance, he wore white suit with his middle parted hairstyle, he was looking so cruel HOT !!!!


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Yes, yes, i've watched it with sub, and the bit when he's awkwardly greeting his sunbaenim and said he SINCERELY want to work with her, that just, i cant..dhhddoiuewi, he's indeed have that boongsookie persona after all, LOL.


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It's interesting that YJT's son has the same birthday as Ji Chang Wook, July 5th haha


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Ohhhh wow..thanks for the info !


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Bromance bromance please !!!!!


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No, that is not YJT's wife. I just saw his pre-wedding interview on youtube.


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oh, so probably that's his on-screen wife and kid? got that now


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and this scene from EK was just hillarious ;dD



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So I'm not sure if I am understanding correctly. All along, I thought all of them ran the pirate broadcast. Was Moon-shik just their driver?


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What Moon-shik said in his interview were all true. All 5 of them were part of the pirate broadcast.


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I didn't see him ever broadcasting or planning it. He was always just the driver far as I saw. On that tv interview, he claimed to have been a much larger part of it than he was, to make himself look good as the mayor candidate, so M Ho and M Hee were grinding their teeth.


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Like JB said above, nothing in his interview was false. He just twisted the facts into his own version of truth.


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if anybody could just make an MV and use his sound from this clip into MV from ep 15?ppft. oh my gosh, i'm doomed!


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Episode 19 written preview translated by sia3 on Soompi. It looks like 19 is getting more interesting now :)



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What is this??? "leaves" means????? What was written in the last sentence????? That's the last thing I would want to happen !!!! :(


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Oh I am sensing some angst ... ;-(


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Well I needed that preview; a glimpse of what's awaiting us in the finale week.
But it's not quite comforting. *clutches heart* The wait is awful why is it only Thursday.


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OH and this may be seen as a ****SPOILER****


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Uhoh, nooooo!!!!!!!!Pfiuuh, so Moon-ho save, thanks God. But i don't want anything happened to Ahjumma either!!! I think Ahjuma met again with her nemesis, those IT guy from elder part. She recall that she saw this guy somewhere, maybe it was from the old case. i have a vision that Ahjumma gonna team up with det Yoon.


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I absolutely do not want anything to happen to ajumma.,she is one go the best characters like ever ....


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Careful with the spoiler girls. :)


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I think we all forgot about that in excitement .... Blush blush ...


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We have no self control...shame.


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NO??! =0


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And did I mention that Ji Chang Wook's Instagram is so adorable ! :-)



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Aww he is adorable, I think he's sad that Healer is ending too. His Instagram post translates to "not that much time left..."


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Haha looks like I'm wrong with my translations. Here's the actual translation http://jichangwookkitchen.com/2015/02/05/instagram-update-5-february-2015/


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Did he just screencapped himself and posted it? LOL
And the comment I saw was: Healer, I want you huhu. Cute fan. :D


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He he he... He is so charming....


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Yes, he is. I hope he will continue to constantly update his sns even after Healer ends. *cries* at the thought of the show's end getting neaerer. ;(


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I hope so too, even my Yonghwa (CNBlue) continued to update his SNS constant even after his popularity skyrocketed. He was once like JCW and he still keeps it up even to now. I lost count of how many Yonghwa selfies there are already. So my hope is that JCW is likw Yonghwa and will continue his constant communications with fans even if he's busy :)


Yep our daily dose of puppy we require it,even after healer ends ..we need it to survive ...


Look at @Teru !!!! How openly she is declaring "my Yonghwa" !!!! Though I m not a big fan still noticed it :D from now on I will also mention "my Ji Chang Wook" my " wookie oppa" " my Chang Wook ssi" :D :D


@fantasy hell no...... he is mine ... And I am not sharing him... War declared ....



War??? Okay I am ready :) B)


So war it is !!!!!!! There is no backing down ...


Do your students know that you are like this??? I mean I can never imagine you are professor!!! :D you are too cool for that professor image, you know??? ;)



Hahahaha now that you pointed it out - thatvmade my laugh out loud! Lol, I'm not that bold...so my bad, typing on my phone means a lot of typos and missing words. I meant to write "my bias* Yonghwa..." (lol!). But yes you can see I'm a long time Boice here (anyone else here a Boice too?) and have loved Yonghwa since his first drama You're Beautiful. Back then CNBlue wasn't that popular and YH was like JCW. So I have watched YH's popularity skyrocketed over the years and that makes me so proud and happy for him (and the special thing is? He's same age and born on the very same day as me). It's like watching a person's journey growing to be successful. Like JCW, YH was very talented and back then all I wanted was for people to see this. He's been my top bias for a long time. Now it's JCW taking his place :) JCW reminds me a lot of YH starting out small then suddenly making it big. So I'm very proud of the two boys. I think we should use the "our" JCW so no need for war :P let's all love each other since this fandom is awesome fandom where we share our love for JCW/Healer :D


@fantasy too cool for school.. ;-) and my students don't think alike ,I wish I had more students like you ;-)


Omg @fantasy so true! Even I can't imagine my female professors spazzing over Healer hehe. Would be so fun to know though lol!

P.s. @Sumee you are teaching Biochemistry this semester are you? ;) I have a female professor/unit coordinator for that subject this semester :)


I meant you are not* teaching...


@Teru and @Sumee

You two know each other??? @Teru be confident... The birth day theory was awesome !!! Yonghwa is meant for you ;) I watched him only one "three muskateers"


@teru ha ha ha you bet , no I am way too far away from science ,I am into hotel marketing ! He he he ...I too wish I had healer lover students :-)


JCW knows his fans love him so I'm sure he'll continue to communicate through sns regardless of his busy schedule.

"My Yonghwa" cute!! A friend of mind introduced me to CNblue and I fell in love with his voice. I was humming Can't Stop Me Now? song for days when it was released last year. ;) Not a big fan of kpop, though.


@fantasy haha you can imagine my pleasant surprise when I looked up YH for the first time and discovered that he was not only born on the same year but on the same day as well! Whereever it's my bday, i know it's also his bday too ♥ I completely became his #1 fan then, he is just too special. He still is my special bias, but JCW is also #1 too so I'm a little torn haha. Yes I'm so glad you saw him in Three Musketeers, since he has improved on his acting so much. Before Three Musketeers his earlier dramas have been faced with so much criticisms, people keep bashing him and saying he shouldn't act since he can't act well. I felt sad for him and I was quote happy he never gave and up and just continued to work harder. In one of his interviews during Three Musketeers, people were surprised at his acting skills in TM and he said that if it weren't for the negative constructive criticisms, he wouldn't be where he is now. It was thanks to feedback that made him worked harder on his acting skills and it really shows in that drama. The great thing now is that he's finally getting the recognition for his acting, which makes me not only proud but so happy. I hope he gets more acting roles in the future :)

@sumee haha awww I wish I had Healer loving professors too! They're so rare to come by and through DB I'm glad I met you here :) I doubt anyone from medical school watches Healer...there's just too many serious students here lol! All my friends are busy prepping for the new semester while here I am going crazy about Healer and even working full time. I just hope I don't fall behind this semester and I know once the semester starts, I'm not gonna be focusing on dramas much. So I consider it such a blessing that Healer is during my long university break :)


@Giegie omg here's a small trivia, did you know in The Three Musketeers drama, when Dalhyang (YH) caught the bad guy he was whistling "Can't Stop" while walking out? I totally caught that tune and it was nice of the PD/writer to put it in the drama too. So awesome! And yes, Can't Stop is one of my favourite songs (amongst many others from CNBlue) :D



Likewise I was never much of a fan of Kpop either until CNBlue that is. I had listened to many other bands before but they enever enough to get me hooked. CNBlue is the first band that did it for me so I've been following them ever since. Now with my new discovery of JCW, I'm sure I'll be following him for a very long time too :)


I didn't watch TTM as I was so busy when the drama aired but I heard it's good. Too bad the planned 3-season was cancelled. That's nice of the pd, he must be close to YH. ;)

JYJ is the only group I listen to, and sometimes CNblue and Royal Pirates. They are pretty good.


@Giegie that's alright, season 1 is really good and although the 2nd and 3rd seasons got cancelled due to ratings (which I'm so not happy about) it still wrapped up nicely. I'm still very happy with season 1's ending since it's open ended (paving way to a second season) while also it's still a happy one as well for our Three Musketeers :D


That's nice to hear. You can just attend YH's concerts if you miss him. ;)


@Giegie lol I wish I could have the time to, but RL always takes priority for me. Even now during my uni break I'm still working full time and in a couple of weeks time it's back to full-on study to not fall behind. Sigh




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i just don't want moon ho to die!


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Me either :'(


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No one wants this is happen... :-(


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I know, but doesn't his scenes remind you of prosecuted Young Ju from CH before he died?? Hence why I'm a little worried. Although the analysis I posted at the top of this page plus that preview did ease me a little. But the possibility still worries me...


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Yeh correct ,now to think of it ..yep...ackkkkk ..fingers crossed


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Omg I love his facial expressions here on "The Musical" magazine :)



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Ohhhhh , now this


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Oh my god..... I just posted a wrong link... Please delete it DB ..... I was sharing the link on my fb..and I misquoted here..sorry....


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@giegie wow you too..my god I just melt wham I look at him... There so way too much hotness there ..... I need 100 ac's to cool down after watching that video... He just launched his own brand of clothes so self promotions .... And pure eye candy


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Yep! I first saw him in Doom 2 with Aishwarya and I became his fan! His green eyes are so pretty and he's a pretty good dancer, too.
All muscles and abs, eye candy indeed. :D I need ac myself LOL!


Oh my god! I'm so sorry Sumee. I thought you were Teru.


What's this ??? @sumee ;) like you have posted the wrong link


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Yes I was posting it on my facebook... And it ended up here ! Oh ..but he is my fav Bollywood actor ... :-) I m so sorry ...


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Yay! You're Hritik Roshan fan, he's my favorite Bollywood actor, too. Hello there fellow Hritik fan. :D
I love his movie Joodha Akbar.


Me too... He and Aishwarya rai was looking so royal in that movie


@giegie I just posted my reply at :-)


Oh hello hello @sumee and @giegie

You can't discuss about him in this thread okay?? Well I read somewhere that the actress of twilight Stewart once said she wanted her son to look like HR !!!!


@fantasy you yourself are doing the same ;-)


Haha! Like Sumee said, you're doing the same!
Can't blame Kristen Stewart, HR is so pretty.


Does anyone think that the necklace jung hoo gave CYS will come in handy in next wk's episodes?


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Definitely yes...was given to her with a purpose


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Yes I'm pretty sure it's gonna play a part in next episode :)


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Yep... But I didn't get why they erased the tracker system from her mobile


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May be for her to feel at ease ..you don't want to come across to your girlfriend as stalker !


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No @sumee there was definite reason but I didn't understand because of the sub


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Ok ok ..May be I might have missed that part :-( help please !



From what I understand with that scene was that JH needed to wipe her phone so that it doesn't leave any traces behind that could connect her to Healer. She is now working on the Healer team, and remember the police are still after Healer. JH was worried that she may end up being caught as an accomplice. Even if YS says she doesn't know who Healer is but with the tracker in her phone, it may give the detective some leads back to Healer (I'm not sure how it works though but that's what I think). Also YS may have other info on her phone that may give out clues to Healer so complete wipeout would also mean that everything installed (including tracker) would be wiped as well. Hope that helps :) unless I'm wrong and someone else has a better explanation :)


Jung-hoo removed the tracker hacker ahjumma installed in Youngshin's phone because some unknown source was also using it to probably trace hacker ahjumma's hideout since it was connected to her. At least that's how I understood it.


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Ahh thank you!! That made a lot more sense to me now as well. At first I thought it was so that YS would not be caught by the police but your explanation made more sense since ahjumma told him earlier before ethat someone else was using the tracker too.


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You're welcome dear. I watched the episode the other night so I remembered. :)


@teru and @ giegie you gals are fantastic ..thank you :-)


@Sumee you're most welcome :)