
Healer: Episode 16

Is that the “oh shit” face you’re wearing right now? Because it’s mountain after mountain for our Healer, whose every step forward is dogged by setbacks that land him in some new kind of peril at every turn. On the upside, the Scooby gang is solidifying and gaining members, and I absolutely love that. On the downside, all that new peril I just mentioned.


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Young-shin gets picked up by Moon-shik, thinking he’s taking her to meet his wife for an interview. She seems uneasy, but there’s no reason for her to refuse, so off she goes.

Jung-hoo locates the home of an ex-detective, intent on tracking down what happened to his father’s missing police statement. The man seems locked inside his head as he plays cards alone, and his daughter explains that he doesn’t speak. Jung-hoo sits down anyway and tries to ask questions about the 1992 case.

He finally gets his attention by playing a turn in the card game, which gets a reaction from the ex-officer, and Jung-hoo presses him to talk about the old case. Particularly the statement he took from the suspect named Seo Joon-seok.

The officer repeats that name, then says that “we” had to quit the force because of him. The daughter confirms, remembering being evicted from home in 1992, and provides the name of the other officer who met a similar fate: Park Dong-chul.

Jung-hoo gives the name to Min-ja to track down. She grumps that she’s not a machine who just spits out answers, to which he retorts that she pretty much is. Then she spots something on her map that sets her on alert.

She calls Moon-ho just as he arrives at the newspaper and hears that Young-shin scored the interview with Myung-hee after all. Ajumma informs him that Young-shin’s cell phone is being tracked, and she’s just arrived “at a place I don’t much care for.” She decided against informing Jung-hoo first, predicting that he’d go charging in.

Moon-shik takes Young-shin to Jeil Newspaper, and his string of praise for her recent work is puzzling, since her recent work stained his name and all. She explains having an interview scheduled, but Moon-shik says that he has already informed his wife of its cancellation. Over at the house, Myung-hee prepares freshly baked cookies and deflates when her housekeeper gives her the message.

He asks Young-shin not to meet his wife just yet, and explains that he has heard that there are dangerous people in Young-shin’s orbit. Well technically that’s not a lie if he’s talking about himself, but he specifically drops the name Seo Jung-hoo. When she pretends not to understand, he muses that “maybe only Moon-ho knows the relationship.”

Moon-shik takes out that old photo and identifies himself and his wife, and watches her reaction carefully as he points out Seo Joon-seok. He also points to Teacher and says he recently died, which is enough for Young-shin to start connecting dots in her head, though she does a good job of keeping a poker face.

Moon-shik describes meeting Teacher recently, who’d said he’d turned Jung-hoo into the Healer. Teacher at least stopped at reasonable limits, but Jung-hoo, that kid… well, he’s “started to cross the line.”

Young-shin asks plainly what she’s doing here. Moon-shik replies that his brother has joined forces with the Healer to oppose him, and he’s been told that Young-shin is quite close with Moon-ho. So he asks for her help in stopping them, “before they commit even bigger crimes.”

He calls in a certain Manager Ahn to brief her, saying she has to know the full story in order to join their side. Manager Ahn handles special investigations for Jeil Newspaper and introduces her to the Healer investigation team, and while she doesn’t place a great deal of stock in their accounting of Healer’s crimes, for now she has to sit through it.

Moon-ho charges into his brother’s office and warns Moon-shik to mess with him, not the kids. Moon-shik replies that he’s going to help the kids: He’ll turn Young-shin into a good reporter, and get Jung-hoo a good lawyer so he can turn himself in and be reintroduced to society. He has the gall to say he’s doing it “because I am their fathers’ friend.” You mean like Teacher said before you had him killed?

It’s so absurd that Moon-ho can only laugh incredulously in his face.

Young-shin practically rolls her eyes while the Jeil team presents the Healer as a loose cannon and cold-blooded killer. She fidgets impatiently, knowing the full story, but her old panic response starts to kick in—her breathing grows labored and her vision blurs. Is it from seeing Jung-ho’s photograph on he board?

The Jeil team gets a phone call from the ex-officer’s daughter, reporting dutifully that somebody came by asking after Seo Joon-seok. As instructed, she supplied the name Park Dong-chul. The Jeil employee informs Manager Ahn that their bait was taken.

Young-shin approaches the board and reaches a shaking hand out to the (mostly obscured) photo of Jung-hoo. She’s still rattled when she leaves the meeting, which is when Moon-ho finds her.

As they head to the car, Young-shin fills Moon-ho in on what his brother said about Jung-hoo being the Healer and working against him. Moon-ho readily confirms that he’s working with Jung-hoo.

But the strange meeting has made her start questioning things that don’t make sense—like why such an important person as Moon-shik would personally come to give her a ride, and why Moon-ho would do the same. It’s suspicious enough that when he approaches, she involuntarily steps back. He clocks her reaction and stops, while she asks him about the piece of fingernail he hired Healer to take from her. Why?

Moon-ho sees that there’s no more delaying and says that the time has come to tell her. Without further ado, he reveals, “Your biological mother is alive.” Oh phew. I was so nervous that he’d find yet more excuses to prolong the discovery.

Her first reaction is to laugh, but it soon becomes clear that he’s not joking as he explains that Myung-hee is her birth mother. “And your name is Oh Ji-an.”

He apologizes for not saying so earlier, admitting, “I was afraid, so I kept pushing it back.”

Young-shin struggles to take this in, blinking back tears. When Moon-ho steps toward her, again she backs away instinctively.

Ajumma traces ex-cop Park Dong-chul to a seedy club, and the whole thing leaves both her and Jung-hoo with an uneasy feeling. She thinks it’s too easy, and while he agrees, he decides to see the lead through: “I’ll have to turn a trap into a road.”

Jung-hoo steps inside and asks for Park Dong-chul, which prompts the employee and the club manager to whisper and stare at Jung-hoo. She quietly makes a phone call and Jung-hoo is told to wait. This could not look more suspicious if they tried.

At home, Dad casts worried looks at Young-shin’s bedroom, not sure how to approach her. In the aftermath of all this news exploding in her face, she has retreated to a corner of her room, huddling under a curtain. She reaches for her phone.

Jung-hoo lounges around the club until two thugs arrive to take care of him. Before they can get down to it, Young-shin calls, and he carries on a normal conversation with her while taking down his two attackers, barely even paying them any heed.

At first he doesn’t catch on to her strange mood when she tells him of meeting Moon-shik, who knows he’s the Healer. But gradually he clues in that something’s wrong; her voice is dull and her gaze vacant as recounts Moon-shik’s warnings that Jung-hoo is dangerous.

Then she mentions hearing from Moon-ho about her birth mother, surprising Jung-hoo so much that a thug sneaks in a punch to the face. He tells her he’ll call back, then quickly takes down his attacker and demands Park Dong-chul’s information from the scared club manager.

Jung-hoo slips outside just before the thug’s reinforcements arrive. He sticks a tracker on the vehicle, then tells ajumma to find out who these guys are—they’re not Double S guards.

That question gets answered for us when Jeil’s Manager Ahn issues instructions to bring Jung-hoo in on the Elder’s orders.

When Jung-hoo returns Young-shin’s call, however, she ignores the phone. Slumping to the ground listlessly, she picks up a photo of herself as a child with her mother. In flashback, we see Moon-ho providing her with documents and an explanation:

In contrast with her current condition, Young-shin is brusque and calm as she listens to Moon-ho describe the accident in 1992. He hands over Myung-hee’s hospital records, which list epileptic fits, brain injury, and depression; stress is a particular trigger. Moon-ho describes possible further damage if the oxygen supply is cut off to her brain, or even death.

Despite improvements over the years, Myung-hee can’t control her reactions to mention of Ji-an: “Your death memorial and your birthday—it’s like she lives just for those two days a year.”

He asks if she remembers anything, but she says dully that the only childhood memories she has are of standing by the highway with cars whizzing by.

Moon-ho asks her to understand that he didn’t tell her because he wanted to keep her mother alive. She replies that it’s easy to understand that she can’t tell Myung-hee she’s her daughter, but asks why he didn’t at least tell her.

In the present, Dad enters Young-shin’s room and sees her lying on the ground, ignoring the phone. Locked in flashback, Young-shin asks Moon-ho why she was abandoned. He says she was lost, then supposedly dead. Then when he admits to preventing Jung-hoo from telling her, she says with a bitter smile, “He wasn’t on my side then, Seo Jung-hoo.”

He has more to explain, but she shuts him down here, saying she’ll handle it herself. “Because you can’t trust me?” he asks. She says yes, then tells him that her name is Chae Young-shin, not that other one.

Now in her bedroom, Young-shin seems like she’s ready to burrow into bed forever, brooding—until suddenly she’s not. She shakes her head clear, gets out of bed, and starts picking up the mess. Aw, she’s back. Way to go, you.

Then one document catches her eye, and the name crashes into her brain: Oh Gil-han. The friend killed by Jung-hoo’s father. She rears back in horror.

At the bustling Someday office, the constant ringing of the phone has Reporter Yeo so on edge that he hilariously snaps that Chae Young-shin has disappeared on her beleaguered team and probably got dumped. HA. But since it was Myung-hee calling, she hangs up in disappointment.

She calls Moon-ho to ask about Young-shin, wondering about the interview. Moon-ho tamps down his own emotion as he says that Young-shin is dealing with a difficult personal issue, so asking to meet her would be “cruel.” Myung-hee scoffs at his exaggeration, but she gets the point.

Jung-hoo charges into the cafe to see Young-shin, slipping past Dad when he tries to insist on a talk. Upon his entrance, Young-shin freezes up to see him, but he just envelops her in a relieved hug, saying he was worried. She starts to return the hug, but drops her hand at the last moment.

He picks up on her strange mood, asking if she’s upset because he didn’t tell her about her mother. When she shakes her head no, he encourages her to get angry with him. She says that he did nothing wrong, which isn’t convincing to his ears, and he asks why she won’t look at him.

Then she starts crying, and he looks for something to say, mentioning how Moon-ho’s not such a bad guy for accepting the beating he delivered for lying. When he says he met Myung-hee, she asks, “She met you, and she was okay?” It’s a weird thing to say, and now Jung-hoo is sure something’s up. Grabbing the papers from her, he sees her father’s name and realizes, “It was this? It was about my father and your father?”

He admits that he knew but couldn’t tell her, “Because I was afraid you’d be like this.” She says that it doesn’t matter, but he points out that her reaction says otherwise. And when he steps toward her, she backs away. Ah, that hurts. You can see that she’s conflicted with herself for reacting this way, but she can’t help it.

He steps back to give her space and explains that he was looking for evidence to clear his father of the crime, and that he was going to tell her after he’d found it. With that, he quietly exits.

But moments later, Young-shin flies downstairs to stop him before he leaves. She entreats, “You have to find it and come back.” Oh thank goodness she isn’t giving up so easily. He nods with a small smile, “Okay.”

And then she adds, “Even if you don’t find it, come back.” He agrees.

She promises to look for that evidence too, and tells him, “You’re not a bad person.” Full of emotion, they embrace, while Dad and ajusshi drop their utensils in shock.

Jung-hoo wipes her tears from her face and leaves, since they’ve got an audience and all… and then he turns back, Dads be damned, for that goodbye kiss.

That night, Manager Ahn’s minions follow ex-detective Park Dong-chul and slip a tracker on him. The club lady provided Jung-hoo with this address, so now they’ll wait for the “target” to show up.

Thus Jung-hoo’s arrival at the scene gets spotted by the team. Thankfully he notices them, and more thankfully still, they don’t notice that he noticed. He manages to whirl Park Dong-chul into an alley unseen, and when Ahn’s team follows his tracker, they’re just led to the other half of their team, and find the tracker stuck to their car. Outsmarted!

From hacker central, Min-ja mutters at their stupidity and starts singing “I Am the Best.” Yes, we know, ajumma.

Jung-hoo takes Park Dong-chul to an empty church, and the man has already guessed that he’s Seo Joon-seok’s son, because “they” warned him that he’d come. They offered payment in exchange for being alerted to Jung-hoo’s actions.

Park Dong-chul says that it was Jung-hoo’s father’s fault that his life went down the drain. Jung-hoo remarks that all he wants is his father’s statement, but it sure is curious how violently the opposition is reacting.

He explains how the statement went missing, so he decided to track down the man who took it: Park Dong-chul.

Park scoffs that finding the statement is pointless, because it was falsified from the start: The one Dad gave is not the one that got recorded. Park Dong-chul and his colleague reported the offense internally and suffered for it. And now, I suppose it’s easier for the man to blame the dead Seo Joon-seok rather than some nameless, faceless evil.

Jung-hoo asks what his father said in his statement, and whether he admitted to killing anybody. Park realizes, “You… really don’t know anything, do you?” So tell us!

Late at the office, Moon-ho finds a pleasant surprise when Young-shin drops by bearing snacks and smiles. She admits to being unable to stay angry for long, and has a lot of things to ask him.

She starts by asking if they knew each other when she was young. I love how happy he looks as he confirms how super-tight they were, and he tells her about the parents working together and being incredibly close. Young-shin asks if she knew Jung-hoo back then, and Moon-ho says that they cried every time they met. “Because we fought?” she asks. “No,” Moon-ho answers. “Because you didn’t want to split up.”

Young-shin laughs, and decides that Jung-hoo must’ve cried first. “It’d be nice if I remembered,” she says wistfully.

She laughs more when Moon-ho informs her that Jung-hoo’s her oppa—by one month. (LOL. This was briefly mentioned before, that Jung-hoo was born in December and Ji-an in January, so technically he was a “year” older and therefore oppa, since Koreans count their age by birth year.)

Then Moon-ho tells her that her birthday is tomorrow, for which Myung-hee’s probably already busily preparing a bunch of food (which explains all the cookies and cakes). It sparks an emotional response in Young-shin, to finally know when her birthday is. Then she mentions the bad blood between Moon-ho and his brother, and his mood grows heavy as she asks why.

Back to Jung-hoo. Park Dong-chul drops a bomb when he admits to safeguarding a tape recording of Dad’s statement all these twenty years—and he told the other guys about it too, angling for a price. Jung-hoo immediately quadruples the offer, desperate to have the tape.

Park senses the chance to wring even more money out of the deal and tries to play Jung-hoo against the Elder. Jung-hoo tries to impress upon him just how very much he does not want to mess around with these bad guys, who would think nothing of killing him for it.

Jung-hoo begs the man to take his money and hand over the tape, and to save his life in the process. But Park fishes around in his pocket for something…

Moon-shik checks on Myung-hee that night, tucking her into bed before heading to his office. He smiles down at a photograph of himself and Myung-hee, not noticing that there’s a tiny device mounted to the underside.

He answers a call from Manager Ahn, who reports that the target just now turned on the cell phone. Crap, that was the thing in the pocket, wasn’t it? But on the upside, Myung-hee is totally listening to the call—she must have planted that bug! Go you, awesome lady.

Myung-hee listens to her husband ordering Ahn to mobilize everyone: “If that kid is the Healer as I suspect, he’ll be particularly skilled.” Ahn asks for a list of priorities to dictate how they respond in a worst-case scenario: Is it more important to get Seo Joon-seok’s recorded statement, or to get rid of Jung-hoo?

Myung-hee contains her gasp of shock as Moon-shik replies that the Elder cannot have such a tape leaking. At least Jung-hoo’s hit takes the backseat for now.

Moon-ho and Young-shin are heading out when he receives a call from Myung-hee, who hurriedly tips him off about Jung-hoo being in danger.

As she and Moon-ho head out, Young-shin calls Jung-hoo right away, warning him of the situation and urging him to run. Ajumma’s linked in too, issuing directions to the church and planning to send police at the right moment.

Jung-hoo turns sharp eyes on Park Dong-chul, who realizes he’s been sniffed out and tries to run. Jung-hoo grabs him, and Park makes excuses about how he had to do this. Jung-hoo turns the phone off, cutting the tracking signal, but the henchmen are already on the way.

Desperate and feeling time slipping away, Jung-hoo says that his father’s tape is the most important thing. He tries to usher Park away for the time being, but the man resists, naively thinking of all the money that’s been promised him. Jung-hoo bursts out that those thugs aren’t going to let him live, but the man doesn’t see that.

So Jung-hoo begs for just one thing, needing confirmation that his father didn’t actually kill anybody. Park Dong-chul promises to tell him when the others arrive, just as the screech of tires sounds outside. As henchmen storm the church, Jung-hoo grabs Park whether he likes it or not and pulls him along.

But Jung-hoo has to stop to fight the men who come at him, alternately running away and then running after Park to keep him from running away.

They escape the church, and again get stopped when the men surround them and charge Jung-hoo with fists and feet flying. He holds his own despite being vastly outnumbered… and then a car pulls up and a man steps out wielding a heavy metal pipe.

Jung-hoo freezes in alarm, and watches as that pipe swings straight into the back of Park’s head.

Park starts to go down, and the world goes silent (in a frankly weird edit) as he falls in slow motion.

Jung-hoo lurches forward to catch his fall, but gets knocked aside. Park’s head slams into the sharp brick staircase with a sickening thud.

Jung-hoo stares in horror. Police sirens sound in the distance and Moon-ho’s car arrives, but the army of goons retreats swiftly. They’re gone before you know it.

Jung-hoo rushes to Park’s side and begs him to answer his question, but comes away with bloodied hands. Park makes a wheezing sound and struggles to open his eyes, not quite dead yet, and Jung-hoo leans in close to hear his words.

Young-shin runs up and takes in the scene: Jung-hoo kneeling before the man, the bloody pipe on the ground.

Jung-hoo rises to his feet and meets her eye with literal blood on his hands. Moon-ho joins her a second later, followed by police… and Jung-hoo runs.


Ohhhh no, this doesn’t look good any way you slice it. It’s bad that he ran, but it’s also not like he should have stuck around to get arrested, especially when he’s already in murky waters with the law.

Even so, while I find this scenario itself highly angst-stirring, I’m not too worried about Young-shin’s reaction to the incriminating tableau. In a different drama I probably would be concerned, but this writer doesn’t pace her major plot points haphazardly; there’s always a certain thematic cohesion and direction, and not for nothing was this hour the Trust Episode.

For plot reasons it was important to see Young-shin’s reaction to learning the truth of her past, and I appreciated that we were shown the layers of conflict in the moment. It hurt to see her pushing both Moon-ho and Jung-hoo away, but I liked that I could see Young-shin disliking that about her own reaction—she doesn’t want to be suspicious, but she can’t just will herself into ignoring the doubts.

It was important to watch her work through her response, and I wouldn’t have wanted the drama to gloss it over—but given that it was such angsty material, I’m also relieved that this wasn’t belabored. I’ll attribute this to the writer’s skill, which isn’t in necessarily crafting wildly original stories (as we’ve noted, Healer has a lot of conventional elements, pulled from familiar stories), but in knowing what to draw out, and how much.

It’s one of those almost invisible skills, because there’s less of an obvious wow factor when your writer is gifted at finessing a scene for emotional impact and teasing out beats that make us squeal—or cry, or hurt—rather than, say, dropping amazing new twists. I think that may be part of why Healer has sparked a particularly fervent response amongst its fanbase, leaving even the fans wondering what exactly its pull is rooted in. Maybe Song Ji-nah is just a master puppeteer of heartstring-pulling. Like I said, that’s a gift.

Another thing that Song is deft at, which is something I particularly noticed and loved about Story of a Man, is the way she draws conflict out of people being weak and human, instead of purely evil. Okay, sometimes there’s pure evil in there, but many of the antagonizing forces are problems because they are weak, such as Park Dong-chul.

Granted he made me want to reach into my screen to beat some sense into him, refusing to see that he was playing with fire, but I found it so compelling the way he was half-talking to himself instead of Jung-hoo, trying to justify his reasons for betraying Jung-hoo—almost like he was asking for Jung-hoo’s understanding, or even blessing. He’d clung to his identity as a righteous cop whose life was ruined for sticking to his morals, and now he just wants to cash that in a little bit to make his difficult life a little easier. It’s too bad you can’t only sell a little bit of soul and keep the rest; it’s sort of an all-or-nothing deal when you’re talking about core integrity. That makes Park’s last-ditch effort woebegone and pathetic, and because it’s so desperate, it only deepens Jung-hoo’s own desperation.

You see this trait in other characters too, with various people creating complications because they’re just living out their own lives and doing their jobs, like Detective Yoon. I love these worlds that Writer Song creates, where everybody’s the hero of their own story, and there are lives being lived beyond the screen’s confines.

So back to the trust issue: Yes, Jung-hoo’s up a creek at the moment, but I don’t believe the writer gave us that awesome “come back to me” scene only to yank it out from under our feet in the same episode. My favorite moment was when Young-shin asked him to find the truth, and then asked him to come back even if he hadn’t found it. She trusts him anyway, and her faith isn’t contingent upon the existence of decades-old evidence. Which may in fact be just the thing Jung-hoo needs to hear, actually, if his last hope of having certainty is now dead and gone. He’s so desperate to hear the words telling him his father wasn’t a killer, even though he believes (mostly, almost entirely!) that Dad wasn’t—and maybe Young-shin’s display of faith is the example he needs to have faith himself.

(One last reminder: Please don’t live-watch the next episode in the post for a previous episode, because that makes every recap post a minefield of spoilers. I know not everybody harbors as much hatred of spoilers as I do, but those are the house rules. Don’t make me go over there and delete you!)


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Hiya Beanies,

I've been a little behind on my updates for Dreamingsnowflake2013's analyses but after watching episode 16 I just feel sapped of energy. First time for me that a drama can affect me so much but that only goes to show how fantastic this drama is! Now that I got my head around thinking again, I can finally comment. Despite episode 16 having a lot of revelations, I completely love episode 16. YS is such a strong character and her trust in JH is something all kdrama heroine must envy. I don't think she swill think that JH is the murderer, particular since she already knows he's out there searching for the real truth. Why kill someone who holds the truth...it wouldn't make sense. I would be thoroughly disappointed in her if she does doubt JH.


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Twitter Update - Title of JCW's OST

I'll Protect You

You know I'm extremely excited to hear this OST because as we all know this song is dedicated to CYS. It's about his love for her and since the title has been released. Looks like he'll do anything just to protect her. :)



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Next I'll update DSF2013's analyses below. Look forward to it :)


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@@AnnaAkana, I know I can't wait to hear it. Although, they will use his ost for the final episodes :( :( and from what I know that it will be a sing dedicated to young shin, so I'm hoping there will be no tragedies or seperations in the final episodes :(


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Any idea when it will be released? Will it be accompanying next week's episodes or only the final episodes?


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Omg I love the title. Can't wait to hear it <3


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Official KBS Healer clips, lets make them the most watched clips on their youtube page

Kiss Ep. 14


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I will wait (ep.13 i think )


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@nutella, thank you dear. I already contributed in watching them more than a 100 times lol since it aired. Favorite scenes, it brings back so many emotions :)


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thank you! I have also watched those multiple times since they are some of my fav moments. But I also try to watch them everyday bc I want to increase the view count ^^


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@nutella lol will do, I also want to increase the views just so they can see how popular it is :)


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Sub-thread: Dreamingsnowflake2013's EPISODE 14 ANALYSIS - PART 1

~The History That Repeats Itself~

What a cliffhanger! What an episode! It was epic in that SJNesque heart-wrenching way, which made me wish I had made an appointment with a cardiologist or at least called for an ambulance prior to watching it. At first, I tried to selectively forget those last 5 minutes and re-watch episode 15 for 10th (read: 110th) time, because when I was livestreaming it, the first thought which occured to me was that YS suspected JH of killing that man. However, after I calmed down and my brain started functioning again, my view of that scene changed completely. YS is visible shaken by the sight before her, yes, but for different different reasons than I initially thought - she’s shocked by the violence, the extent to which their enemies would go to achieve their ends, and her Jung Hoo, a victim, ending up being drenched in blood. She is aghast at what JH has had to go through in his search for the truth, how much he is actually putting himself in danger by pursuing it. I can even spot a certain hint of sadness in her gaze as if she blamed herself a little because she knows that he is doing it also for her. But what I really love is that her foremost concern is JH - when she hears the police sirens, she is alarmed that they would catch him and when he runs she isn’t disappointed but relieved.

If she will think logically, just as I think she will, YS will realize there is no way in hell JH would kill the only man who to his knowledge knew the truth behind his father’s case, not after she heard how desperately he’s been looking to uncover the truth. However, most importantly, this is HER JUNG HOO - the man she made love with without knowing his name, the man whom she trusted with her deepest secrets, the man she believed in despite knowing his past, despite knowing the worst of him. Despite operating on the different side of the law, JH is a man of strong principles; he has never taken a job which would hurt or cause death to another person no matter how much money the client offered him. Even in his blind rage following the attempted murder of YS and his teacher’s death, he didn’t kill anyone no matter how much they deserved it.

For a moment, let’s look at the bright side of things. JH’s already been framed for 2 murders so what does one more change in the large scheme of things, right? Don’t you even think that MS is overdoing it - he is basically making JH into some crazy serial killer. However, MS is all alone, while JH is the HEALER and now he has MH, Ahjumma, Myung Hee and YS to fight by his side, there is no way he could possibly lose against MS and his pathetic, foul tactics.

Now, the heartbreak aside, how narratively epic is the fact that JH is following in his father’s footsteps not only by searching for the truth and fighting against the Elder but also following his “accursed” destiny...


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JH has been in danger of meeting the same fate as his father from the moment he decided to seek the truth behind all the lies, just like his father had done; and SJN kind of hinted on it throughout the whole series with JH serving as his father’s dead ringer - the physical likeness, personality, talent for mechanics, both being reporters and framed for murders they didn’t commit… - it loomed over JH’s head like a premonition.

The two most interesting things about that scene: JH has obviously learned something important from the dying man judging from his astounded expression. I’m really curious what it was. Second, YS’s curious, cryptic expression at that bloodied iron bar because to me it appeared that she was stunned by it as much as by seeing JH kneeling over the corpse. Has it triggered her memory in some way? Is that merely her memory of the time she was abused as a child or is there more to it? Because if it was only the abuse she would have begun to panic rather than stare at it strangely. We don’t yet know under which circumstances she had gotten lost those 22 years ago? It’s suspiciously peculiar that she doesn’t have even a single, vague memory of her past before the time she got almost killed on that highway. We know her seizures happen when she witnesses violence but what if she had witnessed something even more violent than her abuse? What if it was the murder of her father, an event that would surely be a strong enough reason for her to subconsciously supress her memories? I’m purely speculating here but it’s really peculiar.

[Credits to @dreamingsnowflake2013, Tumblr] http://dreamingsnowflake2013.tumblr.com/post/109343187509/the-history-that-repeats-itself-what-a


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I super like this comment !!!!


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@AnnaAkana I've been waiting for you to post this. Thank you so much. I love her analysis usually of specific scenes or of the episode as a whole. It looks like she was devastated with episode 16 as well. But, I love how that last scene of desperation in Jung Hoo trying to find out the truth about his father, and the unfortunate circumstances of how Young Shin found him with blood on his hands. :( sorry just rewatched the episode, and it kills me every time how desperate and frustrated he is when park dongchul, is refusing to give him a definite answer about his father.


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@Turkish Rose

Haha I know what you mean, even when I first watched episode 16 I felt devastated at first and couldn't bring myself to comment nor read the recaps (until now hah). Only now am I able to go back and read everything properly. You're welcome, I'm glad you've enjoyed her analyses. Sorry for posting it late though :)


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@@AnnaAkana, better late than never I always say :)

But I'm glad you came back from the slumber of Episode 16 :)


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@AnnaAkana and @TurkishRose

I laud you both for being able to watch that scene again. I couldnt. I know it would put me in a slump again!

On the analysis, JH discovering something astonishing sounds like the major plot point next week. Judging from his guilty looks and running away like that, am pretty sure his brain stopped functioning for a moment.
And why do I get a feeling but its because he heard his father is responsible for YS father's death? Not murder , of course, but somehow indirectly responsible, something he unconsiously did that bought about his friend's murder?? And JH ran away unable to face YS at that moment?


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@Divyrus, yes I always like to rewatch scenes from the previous episode just to try to analyze the scenes more clearly. But I hope you're wrong about his dad being indirectly linked to youngshin's dad's murder. That would suck tremendously. I do think that, moon shik is the cause of death for young shin's dad. But I don't think jung hoo's father is related to the crime, only framed.


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Hope you are right and am wrong!


Who missed young shin talking to her sister BongSoo lol :) , here is the cute scene to remind us again how we all loved Bongsooki


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OMG that's sooo freaking cute!


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@dani, lol I know right? :) the moment I watched it, I had a huge grin on my face while watching and remembering how she always dragged him around soo adorable I swear :) :)


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Bong Soo ki!!!!Bong Soo Yaaa!!!!


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@Dani lool I loveeeee that and how she calls him..especially ep. 15 when she says she misses Bongsooki, lol you just brought a huge grin on my face :)


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He looks so cute just playing with toys that small. So adorable he is.


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Sub-thread: Dreamingsnowflake2013's EPISODE 14 ANALYSIS - PART 2


Only on Monday, was I thinking that I wouldn’t be able to bear the angst in episode 16 but, behold, 4 days later here I am, drooling and squealing over it like it was the best thing ever. And in so many ways it really was. This scene is so perfectly acted by PMY and JCW, and thoughtfully written by SJN with so many layers and nuances and it represents everything I love so much about this OTP. It wasn’t your usual kdrama stupid angst where the OTP lies and hurts each other in order to protect one another and which leaves you so frustrated. There was no noble idiocy involved, instead YS and JH talked, openly and without any pretences - it was raw, sincere and brutally honest. Yes, it did still hurt but it hurt so damn good and felt so satisfying, because this confrontation was something they’ve been both heading to from the very beginning. Their relationship needs this moment of truth, they BOTH NEED IT - JH because he needs to come clean with his lover about himself and YS because she needs to know everything about him, even his darkest, most painful secret.

I think the fact that JH has never shared with YS anything about himself - be it his personal life, his work as the Healer or his past - causes her dizziness. To be told so many horrible things at once must have been distressing and even more so because they taken her completely unawares. JH has never prepared her for any of this and her depressed state is completely understandable. I’ve noticed that YS and JH have SIMILIAR COPING MECHANISM - whenever they are downcast, they protectively wrap themselves in a duvet and hide from the world in their sanctuaries where no one can find them - THEIR OWN VERSIONS OF THAT SECRET SECRET ISLAND FROM THEIR CHILDHOOD. They really are two peas in the same pod - two introverts who are used to deal with their troubles on their own; they don’t have any close friends that they could confide in with their deepest fears and secrets except each other. In the end, YS shakes the suspicions off, obviously, determined to trust JH and listen to his side of the story until she spots the name ‘Oh Gil Dan’ and connects the dots. And this time she is really frightened.

I love that the moment JH sees YS’s incoming call he immediately interrupts his pub brawl and gives her his undivided attention. When he hears her speaking in that numb voice about her meeting with MS he becomes so worried for her - worried that she was in the same room with the two men who have tried to hurt her and worried that it could cause her another seizure. He stops thinking about everything but her and his only thought is to run to her and console her. Just like he cancelled his own birthday to save her, he even stops his quest to clear his father’s name because nothing is more important than her. The moment when he comes charging to YS’s room,...


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...worried for her, when she is at her lowest reminds me of the time when YS did the same for him only days ago. JH’s first instinct is to envelop her in his protective embrace, to shield her from everything and desperate to comfort her. The moment he takes her in his arms you realise he never gave a second thought about the lies MS must have told her about him, but instead how those vicious, distorted lies and half-truth might have hurt her. This physical intimacy has always come so naturally to them and you can really see YS’s first thought is to hug him back but her conflicted emotions stop her and, of course, JH immediately registers it; her silent resistance, the invisible wall that is suddenly standing between them. The need to soothe her, to assure her overcomes everything, as if it’s something visceral, and he embraces her for the second time, only for her to start crying in his arms and that is something that leaves him completely helpless - the fact that he somehow made her cry and he can’t bear to be the cause of her tears. For the first time, there is awkwardness between them.

When I realised that YS has assumed JH didn’t know about the connection between their fathers, it hit me that the reason why she was so reluctant to tell him was to spare him the pain; she was afraid that if she dared to say it out loud what it would mean for them.

"If it has nothing to do with us, then why can’t you look at me or hold me?" - JH

It’s so heart-wrenching to watch JH’s stunned and hurt expression when YS shies away from him; to see the woman he loves cower in fear of HIM! It feels like physical blow to his heart to be rejected by her and JCW is amazing because you can spot the sheer pain in his expression. I think JH could bear the world hating him but not YS.

What makes me love JH even more is that he isn’t angry nor does he try to persuade YS or defend himself, instead he simply tells her the the plain truth and leaves the choice to her. There is a fleeting moment of desperation in his voice, as if he wanted to make her believe him, as if he wanted to reach out to her with his love and his truth, and you can see how much he wants to cross the room and take her in his arms again and kiss her tears and doubts away and how much it costs him not to. Yet, he is still retreating and giving her space because he knows that is what she needs right now.

[Credits to @dreamingsnowflake2013, Tumblr] http://dreamingsnowflake2013.tumblr.com/post/109534231839/barriers-only-on-monday-was-i-thinking-that-i


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Thanks, AnnaAkana and DS2013

"When I realised that YS has assumed JH didn’t know about the connection between their fathers, it hit me that the reason why she was so reluctant to tell him was to spare him the pain; she was afraid that if she dared to say it out loud what it would mean for them."

This was exactly my reaction to this particular scene. The reason why she gathered the documents hastily so he could not read them. Though he did anyway.


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Such incredible detailed analysis. I love diving into her descriptions - it brings so many scenes deeply, fully alive. Thank you for posting!


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Oh sorry guys, I just realised a silly mistake...both analyses are episode 16 analyses. I forgot to change the title >.< lol


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Yes, I love her analyses. Thank you so much for posting these here, Anna.


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@saema, you're welcome lovely :)


@dramabliss, lunatic4kd

You're welcome :)

I thought the same too but only the second time round I watched that I realised she wanted to protect JH from feeling hurt. But after she knew he knows as well did it shock her for a second. I'm glad that YS is not your typical kdrama heroine and that she chose to believe in him. Because that only speaks volumes about her love for him and to let him know that even if his father did kill hers, she's not going to put blame on him. It was never his fault. I'm glad she went back and stopped him from leaving. I felt like that was the best moment there. Her belief in him just touched me in so many ways :)


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@Anna Akana thank you for posting this insightful analysis.

It's great to see that people like @dreamingsnowflake2013 and many others who post here are not just having a knee jerk reaction to episode 16 but to really look at the big picture and think rationally.

This makes me feel really guilty for doubting CYS (i.e. doubting the writer).


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I absolutely loved this analysis of the things that happened. It makes a lot of sense and it makes my heart hurt but also feel so much love. They are experiencing so much pain! This OTP is too great.


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@Helkwo and Alienkay

You're welcome :) right now I'm waiting for a new page of comments so post DSF's newest post. I'm so glad this episode is making her write more analyses than usual. It is after all a pretty good solid episode :D


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Thank you for this insperational comment!


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:) you're welcome!


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THIS! Such awesome awesome analysis!!! Thanks a lot!!


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Recently jcw's stuntman spoke about Jcw in Healer, he said the following :)
The action stuntman Cho Kyung Seob, who assisted Ji Chang Wook in perfecting his action scenes, comes from the action school helmed by action director Jung Doo Hong, and has actively starred in the action scenes of various dramas and movies for four years.

Cho said, “I am always discussing with Ji Chang Wook as we film. Ji Chang Wook feels like a hyung I know who lives in the neighbourhood. He takes good care of me, so I’m always thankful. Compared to me personally acting out the action scenes, Ji Chang Wook hyung is more awesome because he acts the action scenes with the emotions of his own character, so I will talk a lot to Ji Chang Wook hyung and discuss about each of our roles.”


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Lol such a cute picture of our otp bts :)



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Sweet and cute!! Semi-candid shot you think? It does not look fully posed, just them hanging out being themselves? :)


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Pmy is so tiny..so adorable , she is totally killing it as CYS ..I am a fan of hers now too!


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Ji Chang Wook just updated his weibo and Instagram with this adorable photo check it out :)




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omygowwwwd! saw it yesterday,lol.can't help my self not LMAO.he's just true boongsookie inside. i guess that was a special vehicle that ahjuma been pimped out for him to do his task!lol
if he's not cute, then what should i call it???? Jungho-yaaaaa, you make this noona swoon again and over again


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@redsun, I just burst out laughing from your comment. I'm sure ahjumma got it for him. ,:)


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Thanks to real life, I just caught up on episodes 15 and 16.

Episode 15 was awesome - lovely OTP moments, some forward plot, and the team coming together. Lots of warm fuzzies + story progression = perfection.

Episode 16 was definitely more somber. Glad that Young Shin is finally in the loop, ready for Moon Ho to really step up. Myung Hee getting her curious personality back is great to see. Great fight scenes with the baddies.

Now I'm ready for some forward motion towards taking down the Elder and Moon Shik. I think they are heading more towards revealing the truth of the murder, which will hopefully bring out more exciting conflicts/action. I'm ready for that piece of the show to pick up again. I'm worried that it will be all about toppling Moon Shik, which should definitely happen, but I really want Elder to be taken out as well for some resolution.

Overall though, loving the show. The actors continue to kill it, and JCW/PMY are doing a fabulous job as a believable OTP.


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Here's a list of his photoshoots, Thanks to thetalkingcupboard
Of which, this is my favorite( really miss Bong sookie) :


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Made my day...thanks ;-)


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Awwww.... Your fav 1 was too sweeeettttt ;)


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Some one commented in very 1st episodes that JCW is a combo of LMH and Jaejoong... Jaejoong has bit feminine features and LMH is the masculine one and JCW balances the two perfectly... I also think it's true , I think it's the privilege that JCW has that provides a wide range of characters from meek to romantic to aggressive to moody and careless obviously not denying his exceptions acting skills and eye expressions :)

In Heirs it was quite difficult for me to visualize LMH as a high school student , because he looks are way mature and manly for that. On the other, though for one shot only looks almost 5 years younger by changing hairstyle and with a cute smile .. Ha ha

The scene in ep 15 , when he was weaving hand to CYS he had a baby smile on his face :) I guess it doesn't matter if you are 20 or 28 , first love always makes you excited like a child :D
And in ep 10 , having his forehead exposed, he was just...mmmm just.... Just I lost words sorry. I swear I used to dislike guys with forehead wrinkles but now I find them sexy?????

Huh.... I am pathetic!!!! :(


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Forehead exposed + more wrinkles ?http://m.allurekorea.com/content/view_02.asp?menu_id=05030200&c_idx=012201010000227
He does look a bit like jaejoong.


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I can't open link :( by the way @saema are you laughing at me ???? Hmmmm????? ;) you should sympathise me chingu :)


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Ha. I'm not . Those were more pictures with his Forehead exposed and wrinkles. I'll post the link again from a desktop computer


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I am so glad that I wasn't the only one thinking that our JCW looks like a combo of LMH and Jaejoong! But, boy hasn't he taken the best bits!!

I love it when he crinkles his forehead, he's looks a bit like James Dean.


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JCW is so gorgeous now!! I can't wait to see him in his mid to late 30's - like Yoo Ji-Tae. That's when I think men become their absolute best looking - with a little roughness and life experience on top of the perfect skin and youthful glow of 20's. I mean, YJT - hoooo boy. I need to search out his movies. Anyone have recommendations?


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Hi, to a fellow YJT admirer. Oldboy has been recommended hereabouts and it's supposed to be an excellent movie, with YJT praised for his acting there. I'm tempted to watch it myself, but I am waiting for Healer to finish before I do that. Don't want my Moon-ho fixation to be adulterated. I'll watch Star's Lover too once Healer finishes its run.


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I see the resemblance between Jae Joong but I don't see it with LMH. I personally think JCW is better looking than both of them but that is my preference. ;) He definitely is more mesmorizing than most for me. He's a keeper.


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He is obviously better looking among the three :) I second that :)


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he's much pretty much like a bit of the best of everyone!there a tome when i even caught a glimpse of Changmin's TVXQ, maybe because of his lips. and when he disguise as the office worker, when his hair style require him to split his bang, gosh, i see uncanny resemblance with kang haneul!


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@redsun, it's funny you say this because I thought I was the only one who saw the resemblance with kang hanul, I think in every expression of his, you can see someone else beside him, he is just gifted like that :)


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Sub-thread: Links for voting to support Healer and JCW

I just wanted to draw attention in terms of supporting our actor – JCW and this drama Healer in terms of popularity since I believe this drama more than deserves the attention it is getting. Got a few links for voting below – so please do vote and show our support…

For Ji Chang Wook, he’s currently in first place here (after finally beating LMH) but he may lose his spot as soon as LMH’s fans notice it.



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For SH K-Star website, it’s all in Korean so I don’t know what the voting is for, but it seems like voting for the most popular drama/actor in South Korea.

JCW is currently holding second place (first place being Park Si Hoo), but I believe with our support we can pull him up to 1st place. He’s at the bottom fifth row up (or just control find “Ji Chang Wook”):



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a new count started today and he is very close to first place if we all vote we can get him there ^^
lets do it!


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How does one vote here? No directions given (even when I switched to English). Do I just click on the picture?


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just click on the picture of him (near the end) it will show you selected him by putting filling the circle under his name

then go down to the bottom and click the big blue bar (if it doesnt take your vote do all steps in incognito and it will work)

one vote per day ^^


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Same goes for dramas, Healer is currently second place (it’s at the bottom as well with a picture of Chae Young Shin as its poster)


Let's help spread this across all social media to gather support. I hope JCW and Healer wins!

Thanks all :D xx


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For SH K-Star, you can vote once a day - so what do you guys say let's make it a daily thing to vote everyday yeah? :D


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i always have issues voting for Healer. I can vote for JCW fine but when i go to the drama poll it wont let me submit my vote :((


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nvm if I use incognito it will go through
in case anyone else was having that problem.


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Haha same here I always use incognito when I'm at work. If I didn't I'm sure my browser history at work would be full of Healer websites otherwise LOL


I rechecked the poll and now JCW is number 1!!! Yay!!!! Keep it up oppa!


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I know right, I am so stoked that he's finally in first place!!! So proud of JCW oppa :D ♥


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Another poll

click on comments, find Ji Chang Wook's name and click LIKE
only clicking Like will count as a vote, comments dont count

JCW is in second place


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I voted for him too there :)


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Sorry everyone, I was one of those people afraid to watch this episode since I thought I wasn't going to get through this cliffhanger. However, I finally cave in to watch and I have to say, I don't regret it all. This episode was so amazing and brilliant. Although it was a depressing episode, the truth really do need to be exposed soon and I'm so glad that YS is finally in the loop. Like what @GB and Dreamingsnowflake said above, I really don't think YS will misunderstand. That cliffhanger wasn't really as bad as thought and given how we know YS by now, I would also be disappointed if she misunderstands (it would be very out of character).

All in all, great episode :)


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@ Teru

I'm so glad you've watched this Episode and found it good. It actually paves the way for more action, reveals and a chance to prove the strength of love. It was a very good episode although not so squee-worthy, but too much squeeing is also exhausting and will incur criticism too, LOL! We are so hard to please. :)


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I agree it really is hard to please lol we have episodes with a lot of squee worthy moments one moment then a serious episode the nnex, while still keeping a fast pace. No boring a draggy bits is what I love about this show. But yeah this episode is quite important in terms of paving way for more action and besides YS needs to know the truth by now anyway :)


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@ Teru

Haha...... Glad that you've finally 'delurked' out of ep 15 and am now in this thread. Isn't it time for polaris to do the same? :-D

Am missing polaris. :-(


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Haha my 'delurking' out of episode 15 was very much @Annabelle and my MDL friends fault. They've been consistently convincing me to watch episode 16. I know, I hope @polaris joins us soon. I hope i've convinced her a bit over at episode 15 if she by chance goes back to read my comments there :)


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Haaay, finally, Saturday. I knew that looking up your links and updates on our favourite crack at the moment will bring me a bit more energy. Even if it is raining outside. first rains in two to three weeks, so yay. What the earth needs. Now, what i need is your enthusiasm which doesn't seem to have waned. We went on a really good and exciting ride uphill this drama. We are now unwrapping the surface beneath, i hope i have the heart to see through the layers of betrayal, loss, pain. separating a doting mother from child is such a monstrous act that the reunion between YS and MH is anticipated. It will carry me through. And for our OTP, what else do you want them to do? The stepping back of YS from JH was heartbreaking was necessary, but still painful. The goodbye kiss and the comedic face of father and ahjussi really made me think, that surely, it won't end so bad? What do you think? How can we survive the two more weeks? and after?


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@ merry

I saw you on OT and replied to you there on what I need for the end of this show ... yes fan service of the sweetest, toothache inducing kind!!! LOL.

It's going to be hard to weather the immediate aftermath of Healer, but the sane side of us will come back into its own .... we'll have some (or many) re-watch sessions of Healer, shared commiserating on OT and communing at other recaps .... So we will do it @ merry, together, hand in hand! Fighting!!! :)


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Thanks, Gb. Hwaiting! Back to giggling on Healerites' posts on the next pages.


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Anyone one here love K.Will's songs and MVs? I just realised now that after going back to K.Will's videos that this isn't the first time I have seen Ji Chang Wook. I did thought that JCW looked familiar when I saw Healer but I couldn't quite picture where I have saw him before. So I thought Healer was the first time I have seen him...Surprised to find out that I was in fact wrong :) I guess I first saw him then but didn't "discovered" him until Healer.

I actually first saw him as the handsome guy back in early 2013 when I first got introduced to the world of kpop and kdramas. Thought I should share the MV he starred with everyone :)


Now that I've rewatched it, I just realised how incredible is acting is even for an MV. So much emotions in his eyes ♥


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I love a of K.Will's songs, thanks for posting his MV here @Teru. Much appreciated my chingu :)


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I know that the situation is bad and it is supposed to leave us on our toes. But instead I felt so relieved after watching the episode, because of Young Shin's display of faith and affection...that "come back to me, even if you don't find out the truth" was so wonderful. I ship them together so hard :D


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I felt the same sense of relief too and when I saw the ending I wasn't at all that worried. Maybe it's because I've been preparing myself so much for a massive cliffhanger that this one doesn't even seem half as bad as episode 12's cliffhanger. Especially after YS told him to come back to her - it would be very out of character for her to suddenly distrust him.


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@ Teru

YS running after JH, telling him to come back to her even if he doesn't find anything and huggiing him was such a KYYAAAAA moment for me.

And what a way to out her realtionship with JH to Appa! :-D :-D


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It's 4.52am here and I am not sleeping...well I suppose I don't have work later today since it's Saturday, but still....I hope this isn't a bad thing staying up reading and commenting on Healer :D


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@ Teru

I wake up around this time and start on DB!!! LOL!

Well, you'll have the rest of the year to catch up on sleep after two more weeks of this 7th Heaven Drama we are on, but rest enough and stay well!!!


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@GB haha lol, I might as well just not sleep anyway and drink coffee to stay awake. It would mess up my time if I sleep now. But I don't regret it, this only happens once in a while for me and I haven't come across a drama as good as this before to the point where I'm willing to invest my free time (which isn't much) into joining everyone with the hype. It makes my drama journey all the more fun :)


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@AnnaAkana....lol I'm also busy a lot of the times too and don't always find time to come back and comment. But don't worry @Growingbeautifully I did had a 3 hour nap just now. I can't pull an all-nighter no matter how hard I try (even with coffee). So Anna, I applaud you if you've stayed up too that is :P not saying it's good for the health but still take care and make sure to sleep too. I can tell Healer addiction is quite unhealthy amongst us all :D however, it's ending soon in 2 weeks so I guess my sleeping hours will hopefully go back to normal then!


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@ AnnaAkana and Teru

LOL! yeah we live in hope for normalcy after this ... after rewatching ... checking Tmblr, FB, Twitter, assorted blogs, re-reading recaps,.... Hehehe ... looks like normalcy will be a long time coming!!!


everyone if you are interested in purchasing a DVD/Blu-ray
here is some info.

YesAsia is also selling them along with OST Album :)


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I saw an earlier discussion about how Jung Hoo might die, but I think it is going to be Moon Ho, and I think it will is be Moon Shik who will inadvertently kill Moon Ho. So far, Moon Shik has little qualms about killing people, but he never directly attacks Moon Ho despite Moon Ho playing a significant role in pushing everything forward. So, I feel like Moon Shik might order Jung Hoo to be killed, but Moon Ho will be killed instead. Moon Ho is Moon Shik's achilles' heel for a reason...


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I had that theory too in my mind. If it's anything like City Hunter, I have a feeling Moon Ho may die and his death is the only way for MS to wake up to reality and realise what he's doing is not right. I really like Moonho so I'm quite scared for how his future will be...I too really want a happy ending for all our characters.


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That's interesting because I was thinking moon shik might die to protect them all.


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Yeah it could be either way, since I saw previous comments saying how MS could pull a Snape and protect his love ones...


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I'm with JCWlove on this one. My take on the City Hunter ending is that the 'father figure' would take the fall to protect his 'son'. Moon Shik might order the kill but Moon Ho would place himself in the position to be killed instead, and to prevent this, Moon Shik would 'take the bullet'. The only way he can redeem himself I guess. :(


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I've been afraid it could be Moon Ho too!


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Myung-hee is Moon-shik's biggest weakness though.

I believe MS is critical to turn the tide. For some reason I see him doing so mostly for selfish reasons, like "goal and objective realignment." Literally for Myung-hee not to totally despise him.


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I feel like Moon Ho and Myung-hee are both equally his weakness. When the elder got angry at the stunt that Moon Ho pulled, Moon Shik seemed genuinely afraid. I feel like he views Moon Ho as a wayward child to control like with Myung-Hee, but does care about his safety.


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Hmm should I wait for a new page to post another analysis or just post it now here? Last time I did that, a lot of people tend to miss it unless it's at the beginning of page :)


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By analysis I meant Dreamingsnowflake2013's newest post. This time it's on the scene between YS and JH at the Coffee Shop - titled "Star-cross Lovers".


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Wow, another analysis? I'm very impressed, you seem to have said a lot already! I suppose Healer is just that fantastic, haha. Looking forward to whatever you have to say regardless of how you post


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Thanks @blue_asteroid :) well I have it ready to copy and paste (all formatted with bold and italics) so I guess it's better I post on a new page once this page finishes. Shall be diligently watching this thread like usual for the new page to start :D


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When I watched Running Man when Chang-wook was guest (beginning with 211), I didn't know who he was, so I rewatched the episode recently, and it's so, so much funnier. It's like seeing through a different pair of glasses, knowing Chang-wook is the almighty Healer, yet in real life he acts EXACTLY like Bong-soo! So clueless, kekeke :P He even stutters like Bong-soo, how cute! And he couldn't lie at all, much to Kwang-soo hyung's annoyance. It makes me appreciate him all the more as an actor, I never would have guessed he was Jun-hoo unless I saw a comment that Chang-wook had been on Running Man before.

Everyone should watch Running Man with 'Bong-sookie', it is good for the heart. Especially after that Episode 16 cliffhanger.


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@ blue_asteroid

I'll definitely be watching and re-watching those episodes of RM for all the laughs and to see JCW at his most natural and terrified!!! LOL! Such a sweet baby, that guy. :D


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i cherish the moment when he yelled " OMMMAAAAAAAA!" that's bongsookie, bongsookie!


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I had the same experience. When I watched & read the recap of the said RM ep, I didn't know who that clumsy boy is (he IS rather boyish in that show LOL, and so small compared to the giraffe Kwang soo haha). I just smiled at his awkwardness, and thought "That guy is cute, humble, and never talks hahaha, but sure is good looking." To be honest, that ep wasn't that much funny, it was fun to watch, but there were many funnier episodes before, with much more "lively" guests :-D

But then, I found out about Healer. It wasn't even from the first episode. I've noticed JB wrote some preliminary articles & reviews about Healer before it aired, but somehow it didn't catch my attention. JB's recap of the 4th episode was the turning point for me. Idk, the headline screen capture of that ep just caught my eye, of Jung hoo glancing over at Young shin. He really could act with his eyes only. But that's another story hehe

What I'm trying to say was, after I found out about JCW in 0healer, then like you, I rewatched the said RM ep, and it's like a whole different episode LOL Yuupp, he's Bong sookie alright! I think I'd even commented about this too somewhere a few weeks ago :-D The cute & awkward boy had turned into a cute & awkward & aadooorkable man! Hahahaha I really miss our Bong sookie...


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Hi blue_asteroid, you are so right, JCW is so Bong-soo in RM 211 and 212. He even yell OMMA while in the middle of that roller coaster. He is so cute, so adorable, so pure I should say hehehe...


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I checked out that RM episode for Ailee vut I was pleasantly surprised when JCW came out. It was the first time I saw him and I thought, he's cute, he looks like Lee Min Ho (in Heirs). Even then though, I thought he was funny in a naive way (he was so lost, I felt kinda sorry for him, but he won me over with his charm!). I immediately re-watched it after Healer started and totally saw Bongsookie. So cute! (I'm just so glad he did not hurt his back on that piggy back ride mission LOL).


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I need to break the thread of discussions right now and take this moment to blatantly state one of the huge reasons I have fallen in love with k-dramas, k-pop and all of SK entertainment over the past 18 months since a United flight attendant (SFO to Seoul route)friend of mine talked me into watching Pasta after urging me for six months. (THank you Steven - I am FOREVER in your debt!).
One of the things I really love about this brave new works is how accessible the actors and singers are for us. I mean, they appear in variety shows, interviews and fan meetings. I watch Hotel King with Lee Dong Wook and I see the guy who played his evil father. And I'm watching Roommate from the beginning and loving the fact that Dong Wook brings his actor dad home for dinner and I get to see the real guy. Then I see the same actor in Shine or Go Crazy as a Court minister and I smile remembering him slurping noodles in the Roommate house. I see Ji Chang Wook on Running Man being adorably normal and then I see him walking the red carpet. I watch Joo Won breaking my heart forever on Gaksital and then I see him wearing a spa outfit on Happy Together and laugh like crazy. I see one of the top contestants on Super Star K on One Night Two Days and then I watch Sandeul from B1A4 absolutely slaying the old Yim Jaebeum song "I am a Candlelight for You" on Immortal Songs 2. And pop stars appear in dramas. And drama stars appear in musicals, like our beloved JCW!!!! THIS, my fellow HealerBeanies, is why I have fallen in love with South Korean entertainment! Their real selves are available to us. They do not remain enigmas. We see the sweet shy normal (who am I kidding?) Ji Chang Wook transform himself into the roles he plays and then call out for his mom on a scary ride on Running Man. American celebrities do not do this! We don't know the real people, so we don't have a chance to love them fully. With k-dramas and k-pop stars, we do. And I feel like a sister, mother, lover, fan, neighbor, friend to all of them. It's like this total, normal love and admiration. Can't express it well. Just can't. Am just grateful. That's all.


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@ lunatic4kd

Wonderful! @ lunatic4kd, lovely sharing!!! I've just taken it for granted that our celebrities had to keep appearing everywhere because their contracts made that the case, but it's true that they are just so awesomely accessible, human, ordinary, humble, hopeful of being liked and normal, hardworking folks.

We can't help but be drawn to them because they and we are not that different. We have our struggles and triumphs too, just in another arena. They are not afraid to show their true selves, their weaknesses and foibles. We can laugh with them, understand them and see ourselves in them.

On top of that, in the characters they portray, we can live vicariously with them their romances, sorrows, struggles and glory. You are right that this aspect of allowing us to see them being themselves even as we see them being their characters, makes us love them more. :D


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Such a lovely story! Thanks for sharing it with us.

I have quite similar experience regarding kdramas. My first was My Name is Kim Sam Soon. And then I couldn't stop looking for new dramas to watch. Then the OST's got me into kpop. The actors got me into variety shows. The SK ent industry really knows what to do to make people want more and more.


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I've not thought about this matter, but now that you've pointed it out, @lunatic4kd, I totally agree with you!


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wow, somethin fishy goin on!i got this from the healer facebook:


To everybody who had contacted [email protected] about the DVD/Blu-Ray:
That e-mail account was taken over by a hostile party and is no longer accessible by the DVD team.
We have created a new e-mail account: [email protected] so direct questions there or pm me.
The primary function of the DVD initiative was to convince the producers of Healer to release a director's cut.
That decision has been made and they are currently taking pre-orders.
That means the preliminary survey is over. It's done its job.
Now it is time to place those pre-orders to ensure you get it when they finally produce the DVD/Blu-Ray. The release of Blu-Ray depends on reaching 1,000 pre-orders by February 25, and only 1,000 copies will be made, so this is the only chance to get it.
The DVD will be released regardless of how many pre-orders are placed, but only the first 1,000 ordered will have a unique number assigned to each copy.
The details of what will be included in the whole package have not been finalized, but as we proceed with our negotiations, updates will be posted at http://cafe.daum.net/healerdvd.

For those of us ordering from outside of Korea, Innolife and YesAsia handle international payment and shipping. I have posted a very detailed instruction complete with screenshots on how to order from Innolife here. Their English is not that great, and even though we had provided a proofread version of their page, they refused to change it. Ah well.
YesAsia lists other region codes for the DVD, which I don't understand how that works. For now it would be safe to assume that the DVD will be in region 3 only. Innolife lists the Blu-Ray as region free, but YesAsia lists it as A, which is the Americas and Southeast Asia. So again, it may be safe to assume that it will only be for those regions.
YesAsia's Blu-Ray preorder link
YesAsia's DVD preorder link
Lastly, YesAsia lists the release date as May 22, so we have to wait for quite some time before we can actually receive the items.
So now, here's what I need you to do:
If you had helped spread the word about the preliminary survey, please spread the update about the new e-mail address: [email protected].
If you are interested in purchasing the DVD, place your pre-order at either Innolife or YesAsia.
If you are interested in purchasing the Blu-Ray, place your pre-order at either Innolife or YesAsia and spread the word around. If the pre-order sales does not reach 1,000 by February 25, it will be canceled and your money will be refunded.
If you have questions or suggestions about this whole process, e-mail [email protected] or pm me.
For more updates, keep checking the [Notice] In Other Languages at our website, http://cafe.daum.net/healerdvd.


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Hey ALL WE Wonderful People!!!

Good New Day (morning, noon, evening, night!!!)

We actually made it!!! With 2 and a half days to spare and even with an episode that seems to have sapped energy (and maybe even fervour) we have actually bypassed the 1,054 comments total of Ep 15 and seem headed towards breaking our own Episode 11 total of 1,067.

I thought this might happen on Monday, but it's only Saturday morning for me and the numbers continue to rise. Maybe more are becoming brave enough to watch Ep 16 too? It's really not that bad - promise! And it makes way for great stuff to be revealed and relationships to be strengthened.

(For the record, odd numbered Episodes and comments counts were: 9 = 1,049, 11 = 1,067, 13 = 1,029, 15 = 1,054)

Once we pass 1,067.... we aim for 2,000!!!! If we hit that, it will be our 4th time and we would have beaten K2H who did it 3 times. :D Healer Lovers, fighting!!!


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Haha yes! If we get 2000+ comments with this episode then we would really be the recoed holder. So far we're just equal with K2H at the moment :)

Healer fighting! :D


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Let's keep the comments rolling guys, I'm waiting patiently for the next page to come so I can post a new analysis :)

This episode really has a lot of interesting scenes to garner more analysis than other episodes (yay!) :D


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yes to 2000+


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one of best drama ever!!!


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my best drama ever, too!!!


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Agreed, best drama ever ♥


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Awesome drama!


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Haha @cat90 awesome isn't enough to describe how incrediblw this drama is. It's seriously a masterpiece :D


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Thought I should share this article with everyone :)


'Healer' Ji Chang-wook, his acting performance and the look to bring him golden time

Actor Ji Chang-wook's golden time is here.

People are buzzing about Ji Chang-wook's great action performance he has been showing in the KBS 2TV drama, 'Healer'.

Following his previous acting as the lonely emperor, Ta-hwan in "Empress Qi" 2014, Ji Chang-wook is drawing full support from both male and female viewers now with his role as Seo Jeong-hoo, in "Healer".

The online articles and videos about Ji Chang-wook have increased exponentially these days, which proves the heated interest about him from the general public.
Ji Chang-wook's accumulated acting ability is good enough to open him the golden time. He brought the character of lonely emperor to life expressing his pure love and maniac side in details through the lengthy period drama, "Empress Qi". In "Healer", he completely brought out his inner action actor quality through his role, Healer.

His endless transformation as an actor across various genres and times proves his strong status as an actor.

With Ji Chang-wook's proven acting performance and the look that gets female fans heart pumping, he is certainly on the exclusive upward trend in terms of popularity among all the actors in 20's these days.
A source related to Ji Chang-wook said, “As the current drama is about to complete, Ji Chang-wook is working even harder. For the remaining episodes, Ji Chang-wook will bring out Seo Jeong-hoo’s utmost true value to life in his own ways. We ask for much support”.
As he deserves of golden time and he continues with his efforts as an actor, he is drawing much attention as to how all of these turn out eventually.

Source: http://tvdaily.asiae.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1422594669844132002

Translation cr: http://ji-chang-wook-for-you.tumblr.com/


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@ Teru

Thanks for this. I'm so glad to know that his star is really rising now and that he is garnering lost more attention, not only outside Korea (such irony!!!) but at home where it matters .... so now he can get all the meaty roles and we get to see him frequently (I know ... don't mention the military stint :( ) and each time, knocking our socks off! :D


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Haha I know, reading that article makes me feel so proud of our Changwookie :) I'm glad he's finally becoming a rising star in his own hometown. He really deserves it and it's long overdue :) as for his military service...I don't wanna think about it yet. Shall be in denial and force myself to believe that he'll still be around a bit longer before leaving! :(


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Wow, thanks for sharing this! I'm so happy to hear that JCW is garnering this much success! Yes! Finally and about time!


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Thanks @Teru for sharing. JCW certainly deserves all the accolade he's getting. JCW fighting!


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This shall be my newest phone wallpaper! Thanks @Teru :D


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This is my take on the café’s kissing scene. I only could recall 2 other dramas that display the OTP got kissed with a spectator around them. Although I’m pretty sure, there’s also other dramas as well, but I just gonna stick with these other 2 that I also happened to watch and like them when it was on air.

The first is, of course the lip-switching between the accomplished body-swapper; Gil Ra-im and Kim Jo-Won in Secret Garden. And the second is, the I-love-her-so-much-i-could-not-care-about-me-being-the-chaebol-heir-kiss between Hyun ki-joon and Goh ah-jung in Lie to me.

Between the three kisses, after I thoroughly try to recollect all the emotional state that I was in by that time, again I have to give such highly praise for JH and YS. Because I could totally feel all the mixed emotion there, it’s like all those overwhelmed mental state were vividly display and transferred on to the universe, made all the viewers , that’s us, including papa chae and ahjussi transfixed by how raw and pure the gesture is. When YS run after JH, pulled his lapel towards her, was sort of assurance that she’s in this with him and she was sorry for the earlier convo which absolutely made JH check out of this world a bit. And the way JH caressed her and holds her, also the words that YS told him, papa chae and ahjussi could sense that this was not just an ordinary love spat. There must be a bigger issue around which make YS cocooned herself again. The jaw and spoon dropping was a nice added touch to light up the heavy atmosphere. It was a big revelation for Papa chae and also ahjussi, that their suspicious regarding the boy who made YS cried in ep earlier was indeed Bongsookie. But we still gotta wait how papa chae and ahjussi dealing with this, as we didn’t get a glimpse of papa chae reaction after the kiss. But I think he just wait, again, like always, until CYS came up to him and spill all the beans. He’s awesome dad like that. Oh, I also like the portraying of YS, which is perfectly fit for someone who just had some big blown of emotional turmoil; those unkempt hair of her, the traces of tears that left on her right cheeks, it just right.

As for other kisses, they also give me warm-fuzzy feeling by the time I watched them, but Not so much emotion, I saw it merely as the big grandiose news to everybody, "hey, I kissed the girl that I love," and that’s it. That’s it. No, I’m not lighten the effect of the kisses may impact to both OTP in secret garden and lie to me, since both of men are the member of high society who gotta up hold their family pride and everything, and by kissing the girl with all those spectator witnessing their lips exchange is totally a big thing for them to do. But none of them has the ability to move me to the extent of the healer café scene. But that just me. I don’t know about you gurls, beanies. Care to share?


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@ redsun

:-D :-D :-D

I've said it before and I'm not sorry to say it again:-

YS running after JH, holding his lapels, telling him to come back to her even if he doesn't find anything, and HUGGING him in front of Appa and pick pocket Ahjussi was such a KYYAAAAA moment for me! :-D

And what a way to out her relationship with JH to the people that matter to her most!


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Ah, great that we share the sentiment patinalee! :) i really cherish the scene, because i think that is the first test for their relationship. i'm so glad that it didn't take YS million years to resolve her mind. really a different twist from another kdrama formula.


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To the Singapore Beanies, GB, Kay, Wendy, et al.:

Did you gals make it to the meeting last evening (Fri)?
I was thinking about you and being there with you in spirit. I imagined you all having a great time, laughing, crying, screaming over His Royal Hotness, and the turn of events in Healer.
I hope you didn't pick a fancy venue on Orchard Road or in one of the hotels. You might get booted out of there for rowdiness or simply craziness. It might scare the other patrons! Ha ha ha. I know that at my own reunion with old classmates it got so loud that people were looking at us sideways, w very worried looks. So hopefully you went to a neighbourhood Kopetiam, Not in your own neighbourhood, so that no one knew you, and you can all enjoy the meeting to your hearts' content!
Let us know how it went. Cheers.


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@ KDaddict (are you in Singapore too?)

Hi there, yes we met up and had a rare 4+ hours of fun and talk and fangirling and pics/photo exchanges and plans for a FANS Project.

We're getting together today at my place to "shoot" something LOL! And what we said to each other ... "I can't believe we are doing this!!! I'd never ever think I'd consider doing something like this in my life!!!" We are crazy and we say it's all for the love of JCW and Healer. :D

We'll let you know of progress after today ... it's going to be quite an experience with us crazy bunch getting together impromptu (and may I add ... causing my household to look at me incredulously - "read my teenage children").

If do not make utter fools of ourselves, we'll put something up somewhere and give the link on DB ... maybe???!!!???? Gosh what are we doing? Utter madness!!!! Arrrhhhh!!!! :D


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argh, i wish i could joining the wookie fiesta!that must be awesome ^^ glad that you gurls had fun, please, please, do update here when you gurls finish it :)


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@GB my dear,
Am I in S'pore too, you ask. Are u kidding me? If I were, I'd have been there, cracking off-colour jokes and singing group love songs w longing to his Hotness! I wouldn't have missed it for anything! In fact, I'm so green w envy I can't stand it!
1 Qn: You didn't make utter fools of yourselves. Why on earth not?
Yes yes, do post link soon. Blowing kisses to u all.


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"and may I add … causing my household to look at me incredulously – “read my teenage children"
I'm laughing so hard right now. Healer has really ruined us all. I really wish I was there with you guys. Ah I'm so envious. Have fun and enjoy ~~
Please post the link if its okay with everyone. Its the only way we'll see what you all worked on.
And do tell us how today's get together was and what every one worked on. ?


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@Gb and the Singapore beanies

So you're all meeting up today? Are you guys together NOW? Wow, me envy envy.

If only I don't have RL responsibilities. Singapore is only one and a half hour flight away!

Do have fun, girls, unnis, ahjummas! And yes, please post links of...something! Your work, photos of your work, anything, even pics of all of you together!


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@ pastmidnite and ALL who are thinking of us Singapore Beanies doing weird things for the Fans Project LOL!

We're meeting in a few minutes time. I've got to go out to meet everyone and bring them over. We'll be thinking of you too!!! :)


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To Singapore Healer team, chukahaeyo for taking on the project, and haeng-un-eul bil-eo yo. I wish you well and am eager to see the result.

Indeed, you guys exemplify DB's tagline which should now read "Healer feeds our drama obsession."

Singapore Healerites fighting!


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@ dramabliss

Thanks heaps for the cheer and support!!! It's healerious!!! Until now I find it all so surreal.

I say to myself "You mean we got together, a whole bunch of total strangers, over an show and fan-girled for 4+ hours and in that time also confirmed that we'd do a video?

And the very next day, did we really just meet up again for another 4-5 hours and complete filming a video ... all for the love of Healer and JCW???!!! We did!!!"

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to do this ... I still can't believe it - can't believe I'm in this, that we did this, that it's going out there and people will be watching us!!!! Just so out of this normal world of mine!!

But really, my world has not been normal since I watched the first 2 episodes and came on DB, and found all the great folks here.... and you know what, I don't want it to be! :D


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@GB - Now you are a cool mom and all of you are cool ladies! Awww it seems you had so much fun together! :D

Man, what I wouldn't give to see MY mom spazzing about the same show and actor as I do. She likes the ahjusshi ones more. Maybe she'll like YJT though. ;)


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@ Omomo, pastmidnite, Saema and KDaddict

I've updated news on what the Singapore beanies have been doing today under comment 5.2.2. It was great fun and an amazing experience. We'll edit and set up a link, I believe, by the time the show ends. Look out for it!!! :)


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Looking forward to this Gb. Any surprises? First impressions? I browsed on some new dramas last nite and Healer's close competition on the same time slot is also really great. Watching it when i have time. One reason I feel why it has a bigger market share is the demographics. It think it is appreciated more by people who are really into television at that time. They are familiar with the actors, having grown up with them probably. Whereas, for Healer, the demographic is more widespread. We've got high schoolers squeeing with ajummas. Most of Healer addicts are also more into internet rather than television. So, there; my two cents on why what we are appreciating as international audience does not jive with korean TV audience at that timeslot.


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@ merry

Yes, about who appreciates Healer and why it's hard for it gain better ratings in S Korea. In their comments in 287 and 290, KDaddict and Xavienne also mention the possible and very likely reasons why.

We hope that the encouragement from International Fans in our little video will go some way to console the Healer Production Team if the ratings remain low for the next 2 weeks. They will then know that their fan base throughout the rest of the world is not at all insignificant and that our love for their hardwork, dedication and sacrifice is truly appreciated. :)


Hi All who are interested in the Singapore Beanies video making project ... I've left an update in Comment (February 1st, 2015 at 4:46 PM) of this thread under ... "Further Update from Singapore Beanies" :)


@ Omomo

Thanks for saying I'm 'cool' LOL! That is so nice. One of our Singapore beanies said I'm hip! (as I'm around her mum's age ... so funny). I'm just your regular kdrama-obssessed 'mother-figure' here. Yeah, let me treat your drama withdrawal sickness with chicken soup and Healer re-runs!! :D


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WoW it's amazing!! Thank u for sharing!!!


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Whooo! Awesome. Amazing. And great fun looking at the many faces of JCW. Thanks @Xavienne for sharing the site.


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Indulge me while I throw this in here:
One of the best things about loving Healer - besides Ji Chang Wook and the adorable Park Min Young - is discovering the stunning, handsome and superb actor Yoo Ji Tae. I think I have to watch his drama "Star's Lover" next. I just love the way this man moves and the way he acts. He seems like a pretty cool guy in real life too. Madly in love with his wife and the new father of a six month old son. I love thinking about Moon Ho going home at night to his lovely family after filming Healer.
Here's a clip of his KISSING SCENES from a "Star's Lover". Yeah, I thank me too!


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DO watch Star's Lover. I lost many hours of sleep over it. I'd watched till way past anyone's bed time, till my husband got up and looked for me. So I went to bed, only to wait till I hear his breathing, and get up again at 4am to continue watching. The story is simple, but there is sthg about the guy that's just irresistible. Don't say you haven't been warned.
(Forget that other drama that's making me cry in a corner. I saw your comment on that thread.)


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I am a fan of that sexy man too! After watching him on Healer I re-watched Secret Lover (he plays twins, so double YJT yay!), and I am going to watch Ditto again too. He is also acknowledged director on international festival. I read Dramabeans post when he won an award in France for his movie Mai Rita. Gosh this guy is just superb!


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Isn't oppa just awesome? Planning to watch Mai Ratima one of these days. :D

Technically, with my young age, YJT should be an ahjusshi and JCW is the oppa. But somehow I just got used to calling YJT "oppa" and JCW is "Puppy".


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haha you are right Omomo, it was Mai Ratima, and not Mai Rita, my bad. I am not that young, so I think I find this man extremely sexy due to my age hahaha. I love him in his tight working outfit, very pristine! Give me some YJT! And JCW is cute, but def like a little lost puppy ( as his role, which his acting is superb!) But, YJT makes me drool.


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Ha, ha, we belong to the same league, @Dani!


Well I have seen many comparisons between PMY and PSH but what I noticed was the reason behind liking PSH was only one i.e. PSH is a natural beauty, PMY is plastic. Okay I understood that could be a reason but one and only reason ??? That's truly sad .... I m not biasing PMY but PSH supporters should say sometimes that they preferred PSH's acting over PMY !!!! They are actress after all not show pieces. Why always looking for their beauty?????

Btw I just read some comments against JCW from furious LMH fans :P I bet I enjoyed ;) ;) waiting if someone comments about JCW


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link me juseyo, I want to read it too ~


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From int'l fans? I would (kind of) understand if the anti comments are from local korean fans, because I've heard about how crazy fanatic they could be.

I personally never hated an actor/actress/idol or any kind of entertainer out there, so sometimes I would be amazed and even shocked reading hateful comments from netizens, which thankfully I didn't find in the Healer recap thread, well, as far as I know (I haven't read all comments). Hope it stays that way :-)


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@mint and @pastmidnight

1st sorry @mint I wish I could get you the links but I just randomly watching JCW and healer videos, pics, polling sites and read the comments there I got few but I really can't remember , I think last I read something the site we are voting for born in '87 actors ..

I don't know is international or Korean but it was written in English :D


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@fantasy: It's okay, dear. I also read some comments here and there bashing JCW & Healer. I found them so immature and childish to be honest haha.


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Agreed they are so immature. I've dealt with these fans and I keep face palming every time they give a ridiculous reason for bashing Healer or PMY/JCW -.-


Pfft, obviously, those who are bashing JCW have NEVER seen him act before or watched him anywhere (including interviews/on Running Man) because really, how can anyone even hate such a sweet, earnest, and talented guy? Smh forever on those baseless negative assumptions with nothing but prejudice and no solid backing.

About Healer, I'm more level-headed against antis as long as they state legitimate and logical reasons WHY, and not just get off by saying "this show is boring/uninteresting" and other such BS. I'm more likely inclined to believe that they haven't watched the show AT ALL with those kind of trite comments. Nope, nope, nope.



Don't you find JCW's interviews so appealing??? He can openly appreciated his stunt double and he spoke that as if he did not do much stunts, I was first like "oh okay , he didn't do that himself" but later I came to know that he has actually done many of them.

Then again when MCs were congratulated him for healer getting the top ranking , he could just say "thanks" but he said " yes for sometime...." That time I really felt bad for low ranking but also proud to see he is honest and humble :) I really start liking his interviews but unfortunately he does not arrive in variety shows much :(



Exactly, with Healer I'm more level-headed with their criticisms too as long as they justify their reasons, not just there to bash. But when I see otherwise, god they better run away because I ALWAYS give them one hell of a lecture! And the next thing I noticed after my long 'lecture' about why they are wrong in so many ways...I hardly see him coming back to counter-argue what I've pointed out. So that only means they are wrong and Healer fans obviously wins! :P



Actually I am trying to ignore those now, as per my study till now max of my fav dramas and actors are not that popular :P


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The same types of comments happens with Pinocchio fans bashing Healer as well for no legit reasons. I had a pretty good argument with these type of anti-fans. It's ridiculous really with their behaviour -.-


I really don't understand what's with these pinochhio supporters!!!! I mean pinochhio is a good drama not even in same time slot , has comparatively good rating still what's their problem with JCW or healer????? I was watching Pinocchio before healer , to be honest I like their concept and I like LJS too.. But just don't like the direction and can't bear the constant crying scenes of LJS. Is the ultimate expression of your pain are tears???? Then they should watch the morgue scene in healer !!!!!
Ooooopppssss!!! Did I just end up bashing Pinocchio??? :P


@fantasy I agree, most of the time just feel shaking my head at them. And haha nahh not at all! Trust me I have seen way worse comments than yours bashing about Healer :)


@teru @fantasy @omomo @mint lol I think they are upset that so many of the Healer followers left the Pinocchio bandwagon. So they are furious.

I remember one of the comments was stating, that healer is so boring that they couldn't pay them to watch it, and it has the worst acting and cliche story line. I kept asking myself..like seriously it's that boring that nothing was interesting? And the acting is horribly wrong as well? I'm like maybe they are watching another show lol.

I stopped even caring lol


@Teru @fantasy @Omomo @Mint @TurkishRose

Totally agree. That's something I don't understand, great dramas are meant to be shared by us all. Why all the hate towards each other? Some fans are rather delusional IMO. I was a huge fan of Pinocchio before I got into Healer. And after comparing two dramas, I find Healer to be the better drama. That's just to my tastes, doesn't mean that I no longer appreciate Pinocchio. I hate the fact that some fans will just bash a drama for the hell of it. Looks like Pinocchio fans want to keep everyone there and not move on to another drama. They like to think that their drama is above all. Pffft I also stopped caring as well - they can think whatever they want to make themselves feel better -.-



It's not in dB


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This is why I love this community, because it's great to not come across comments like those here. Javabean has really created a site which we all treat each other with respect and accept differences of opinion. That is why I keep coming back to this site and prefer commenting here, it's above all others in my opinion :)


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I agree @Teru, this community is well respected for a reason. We're friendly and respect each other's opinion :)


Omg the preview is out guys on the official website ;-)


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Another Ji Chang Wook Banner, Yipee!

If you are going make more, pls make one with just his head shot. I'm greedy! Sorry.


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The question is, will DB even accept more? Lol.


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We can always try. They can retire old ones that they like less. ?


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So you are the one who is making these banners????


Everytime they come up, I just squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

And most of the last 50 comments, my eyes glazed over because of lack of sleep (its 3 AM here) but hearing banners am sitting straight up!!

THANK YOU so much Omomo!!

If I could make a request, can you do one with OTP?? There are so many scenes ( Am partial to the rooftop confession )
Your pick!!!!


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@Divyrus lol here you go again about the rooftop confession :) you want it in fanderay artwork and banner? I totally second that request please ;) @omomo it's like the best looking scene when they are both smiling at each other :) thank you so much in advance and thank you greatly for your awesome banners :)


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What can I say ! I love what I love! :D
3 days ago, I was SO partial to their FIRST phone conversation where she was confessing about her crushes, and he sees her smile and has that LOOK on his face!
And another 3 days ago, I was SO partial to their cafe hug and cream wiping scene.

This is the problem, I CANT PICK ONE FAVORITE ONE.

And this week's episode didnt make it easy!!

And I feel the bed snuggle scene when YS found him would look SO good at top of DB. Imagine opening up DB and coming to it !!!!!!


@Divyrus, wow it would be a sight to behold indeed. I hope jb and gf have read our comments and prayers and make it happen :D


he's wink at me!he's wink at me!okay, maybe not :


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Hi Beanies :) Important Fan Info below.

First I'd like to apologize "Sorry DramaBeans" for mentioning the below in this blog.

I don't know if this has been mention before but over in JichangwookKitchen.com fans can leave a message or picture etc for JCW which would be published in a book and then presented to him by DC gallery. You need to follow the rules and guidelines for your submission. All messages etc needs to be emailed by February 13th I think!

It's a great way to say hi, and let him know how much we appreciate his acting etc.....

Also just to say a big Thank You to Javabeans for super recaps of episode 15 and 16.

Beanies as always your thoughts and analysis were amazing, agreeing to all and laughing at most comments.

Will Young Shin still trust and believe in our hero being innocent and never intentionally hurt or harm let alone kill anyone? I hate it most when people know the truth but won't spill the beans because they think they are owed!!!


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Thanks for that @Minihaha

Here's the link for more into if anyone needs to refer to it :)



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Omg I got a new banner of Healer himself! It's dark and black and the title 'Dramabeans' is in blue but so very cool! I haven't seen this one before D


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Video of episode 17 preview out! Translation is also in the link below :D



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Thanx :)


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You're welcome :)


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When i started watching Healer, I read comment which said that " don't start watching this until the drama is finished" ! Now is totally understand why!!! I am going crazy waiting to watch the next episode! Am not sure if others feel this but now, at the end of 16th Episode, I am starting to forget Lee Min Ho's face! and all this while I never ever thought that was possible but watching healer changed my view, and I must agree when people say that this drama is much better than City Hunter! I am not disappointed by even a single episode from this drama with all the twists & turns.. I can't wait to know the truth but am also dreading that soon the drama might come to and end and no more watching healer!


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Accidentally replied to you as a new comment below (247) :)


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I got a PMY banner now :)


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@Meeni o completely agree with you. I also used to be a LMH fan after City Hunter (it was the first drama I saw him in) but after watching Boys over Flowers, the Heirs I realised he's a bit overrated for me. He's still a good actor, but no where near as good as JCW here. Healer is fast becoming my favourite too drama of all times now. I get why a lot of people keep warning others to not watch this until the show is over, but I beg to differ. Part of my huge enjoyment for this show comes from watching it with others. It's fun to join in the hype while it is still airing. After the series finished, you won't have anyone to squee or share the excitement with. That's why I enjoy watching it as it airs at the moment. Healer for me really has a solid plot and it's quite a refreshing take on a lot of references drawn from other works (e.g the whole Clark Kent/Superman take) while still remaining unique its own story. I can't express I'm words how much I love this drama but all I can say is, I've never come across a drama that have made me this way before. So to share and meet a lot of great people here thanks to Healer, and to be a part of this phenomena is something I find quite precious :)


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@Meena* sorry a lot of typos there :)


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@teru totally agree with you sweety. I enjoy healer so much, and enjoy it tremendously more because of all of you guys. Such a great experience watching it together :)


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OH dreamingsnowflakes already have the preview of ep. 17 But no more touchy touchy hugging our little lost puppy and his lady love. I am so sad. Give some love to JH/Bong Soo pleaseee


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Yup I posted that link at comment 244 :D


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Yes, Teru, I just scrolled up and found it. I want more love for the JH and YS T_T


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That's okay, great minds think alike haha ;)

I'm glad we're both stalking the same sites and updating them here to share with everyone too :D


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I was SUPER CURIOUS about the preview, been refreshing that page hoping there's a review. But, the review was MEH. if the direction is going for distrusting our little puppy love, it's def MEH. Am not going to watch the ep if the recap is sad and full of distrust from YS side. I am waiting for a better day. More love!


Just for llaugh, here's a funny meme...haha

"Flirting with the wrong guy when drunk"



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Sub-thread: Dreamingsnowflake2013's EPISODE 16 ANALYSIS - PART 3

~The star-crossed lovers~

It isn’t exactly difficult to pinpoint what makes this OTP so damn appealing because the answer is EVERYTHING! It doesn’t matter whether they are basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking or they are going through the first personal crisis of their relationship - because even amidst all the doubts and angst they are reaching to each other. In Kdramaland, the word “angst” usually stands as the synonym for 3 episodes of noble idiocy and zero relationship development, however, in Healer, it stands for moments of brutal honesty, raw emotions and 30 seconds of excruciating heartbreak before the OTP jumps into each other’s arms again and starts to publicly make out in front of parental audience.

"Every time you met, you would cry…because you didn’t want to say goodbye…" - MH

...and 22 years later, nothing has changed! Everytime they meet, there is always longing for it to last longer, a yearning for it to never end and an unwillingness to let go of each other. It doesn’t matter which of their meetings you remember, it’s always like the same - JH returning to steal a kiss from YS, JH wanting to ride with her at least for one more stop, JH grabbing her wrist to stop her from leaving their blind date… One just can’t live without the other.

YS and JH really give the star-crossed lovers vibe - having parents issues, suffering from the sins of the previous generation and facing an enemy from their past. The whole "your father might have killed my father but I love you anyway" trope feels almost Shakespearean. Plus no matter how epic Healer is, in the end it’s still a kdrama and the world would stop spinning on its axis, if there wasn’t trouble with the potential in-laws even if indirectly. We’re lucky the screenwriter is SJN because if it weren’t her, they would have ended up being siblings!


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"You have to find evidence and come back. Even if you can’t, come back. You’re coming even if you can’t find anything, right?" - YS

"I’ll find it." - JH

MY FEELS! They are so desperate not to lose each other! It reminds me so much of the scene in the hospital where YS asked JH the same question, with the same desperation and heartache, but now it’s even more intense because she shows her emotions so openly. Even though, she is conflicted, hurt and angry, it’s all out-weighted by her greatest fear, yet again - that one day JH won’t return to her; that she will ultimately lose him. She is literally begging him to come back to her while clutching on his lapels, holding on him for dear life! In the end, she always chooses JH; she believes in the man she knows rather than the people who who want to hurt him. In the end, nothing is more important than their love. It’s again the unconditional acceptance of everything the other person is - their pasts, presents, daddy issues and all.

"You are not a bad person." - YS

"I know that." - JH

I ship this so freaking much! YS has finally made JH to see himself as someone worthy of being loved, someone whose life is worth living! OMG! The heart-wrenching tenderness with which he is wiping away her tears (by chance imitating the very same gesture she gave him only days ago!). I’m such a sucker for these epic hurt/comfort fests! And that reverent look in JH’s eyes; watching her as if she was the most precious thing in the whole world - from the gentleness in his expression and voice you can literally feel the love radiating from his whole being! I love the gentle smile of silent consent he keeps giving her ever since that night on the rooftop, when he offered to YS to stay by her side forever! He can’t deny her anything, can he? I suspect JH would bring YS the moon and the stars and all she would need to do is ask. I swear, JH gives the best embraces - it’s like he wants to lose himself in her! Then he cups her face (again imitating her previous gesture from days ago!) before leaving… and he returns, does it again and KISSES HER! If there is some place even more shippy than the shippy heaven where I’ve been a resident since the beginning of episode 15, then that’s where I’m floating now on my cloud nine!

[Credits to @dreamingsnowflake2013, Tumblr] http://dreamingsnowflake2013.tumblr.com/post/109616107019/the-star-crossed-lovers-it-isnt-exactly-difficult


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