
Healer: Episode 16

Is that the “oh shit” face you’re wearing right now? Because it’s mountain after mountain for our Healer, whose every step forward is dogged by setbacks that land him in some new kind of peril at every turn. On the upside, the Scooby gang is solidifying and gaining members, and I absolutely love that. On the downside, all that new peril I just mentioned.


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Young-shin gets picked up by Moon-shik, thinking he’s taking her to meet his wife for an interview. She seems uneasy, but there’s no reason for her to refuse, so off she goes.

Jung-hoo locates the home of an ex-detective, intent on tracking down what happened to his father’s missing police statement. The man seems locked inside his head as he plays cards alone, and his daughter explains that he doesn’t speak. Jung-hoo sits down anyway and tries to ask questions about the 1992 case.

He finally gets his attention by playing a turn in the card game, which gets a reaction from the ex-officer, and Jung-hoo presses him to talk about the old case. Particularly the statement he took from the suspect named Seo Joon-seok.

The officer repeats that name, then says that “we” had to quit the force because of him. The daughter confirms, remembering being evicted from home in 1992, and provides the name of the other officer who met a similar fate: Park Dong-chul.

Jung-hoo gives the name to Min-ja to track down. She grumps that she’s not a machine who just spits out answers, to which he retorts that she pretty much is. Then she spots something on her map that sets her on alert.

She calls Moon-ho just as he arrives at the newspaper and hears that Young-shin scored the interview with Myung-hee after all. Ajumma informs him that Young-shin’s cell phone is being tracked, and she’s just arrived “at a place I don’t much care for.” She decided against informing Jung-hoo first, predicting that he’d go charging in.

Moon-shik takes Young-shin to Jeil Newspaper, and his string of praise for her recent work is puzzling, since her recent work stained his name and all. She explains having an interview scheduled, but Moon-shik says that he has already informed his wife of its cancellation. Over at the house, Myung-hee prepares freshly baked cookies and deflates when her housekeeper gives her the message.

He asks Young-shin not to meet his wife just yet, and explains that he has heard that there are dangerous people in Young-shin’s orbit. Well technically that’s not a lie if he’s talking about himself, but he specifically drops the name Seo Jung-hoo. When she pretends not to understand, he muses that “maybe only Moon-ho knows the relationship.”

Moon-shik takes out that old photo and identifies himself and his wife, and watches her reaction carefully as he points out Seo Joon-seok. He also points to Teacher and says he recently died, which is enough for Young-shin to start connecting dots in her head, though she does a good job of keeping a poker face.

Moon-shik describes meeting Teacher recently, who’d said he’d turned Jung-hoo into the Healer. Teacher at least stopped at reasonable limits, but Jung-hoo, that kid… well, he’s “started to cross the line.”

Young-shin asks plainly what she’s doing here. Moon-shik replies that his brother has joined forces with the Healer to oppose him, and he’s been told that Young-shin is quite close with Moon-ho. So he asks for her help in stopping them, “before they commit even bigger crimes.”

He calls in a certain Manager Ahn to brief her, saying she has to know the full story in order to join their side. Manager Ahn handles special investigations for Jeil Newspaper and introduces her to the Healer investigation team, and while she doesn’t place a great deal of stock in their accounting of Healer’s crimes, for now she has to sit through it.

Moon-ho charges into his brother’s office and warns Moon-shik to mess with him, not the kids. Moon-shik replies that he’s going to help the kids: He’ll turn Young-shin into a good reporter, and get Jung-hoo a good lawyer so he can turn himself in and be reintroduced to society. He has the gall to say he’s doing it “because I am their fathers’ friend.” You mean like Teacher said before you had him killed?

It’s so absurd that Moon-ho can only laugh incredulously in his face.

Young-shin practically rolls her eyes while the Jeil team presents the Healer as a loose cannon and cold-blooded killer. She fidgets impatiently, knowing the full story, but her old panic response starts to kick in—her breathing grows labored and her vision blurs. Is it from seeing Jung-ho’s photograph on he board?

The Jeil team gets a phone call from the ex-officer’s daughter, reporting dutifully that somebody came by asking after Seo Joon-seok. As instructed, she supplied the name Park Dong-chul. The Jeil employee informs Manager Ahn that their bait was taken.

Young-shin approaches the board and reaches a shaking hand out to the (mostly obscured) photo of Jung-hoo. She’s still rattled when she leaves the meeting, which is when Moon-ho finds her.

As they head to the car, Young-shin fills Moon-ho in on what his brother said about Jung-hoo being the Healer and working against him. Moon-ho readily confirms that he’s working with Jung-hoo.

But the strange meeting has made her start questioning things that don’t make sense—like why such an important person as Moon-shik would personally come to give her a ride, and why Moon-ho would do the same. It’s suspicious enough that when he approaches, she involuntarily steps back. He clocks her reaction and stops, while she asks him about the piece of fingernail he hired Healer to take from her. Why?

Moon-ho sees that there’s no more delaying and says that the time has come to tell her. Without further ado, he reveals, “Your biological mother is alive.” Oh phew. I was so nervous that he’d find yet more excuses to prolong the discovery.

Her first reaction is to laugh, but it soon becomes clear that he’s not joking as he explains that Myung-hee is her birth mother. “And your name is Oh Ji-an.”

He apologizes for not saying so earlier, admitting, “I was afraid, so I kept pushing it back.”

Young-shin struggles to take this in, blinking back tears. When Moon-ho steps toward her, again she backs away instinctively.

Ajumma traces ex-cop Park Dong-chul to a seedy club, and the whole thing leaves both her and Jung-hoo with an uneasy feeling. She thinks it’s too easy, and while he agrees, he decides to see the lead through: “I’ll have to turn a trap into a road.”

Jung-hoo steps inside and asks for Park Dong-chul, which prompts the employee and the club manager to whisper and stare at Jung-hoo. She quietly makes a phone call and Jung-hoo is told to wait. This could not look more suspicious if they tried.

At home, Dad casts worried looks at Young-shin’s bedroom, not sure how to approach her. In the aftermath of all this news exploding in her face, she has retreated to a corner of her room, huddling under a curtain. She reaches for her phone.

Jung-hoo lounges around the club until two thugs arrive to take care of him. Before they can get down to it, Young-shin calls, and he carries on a normal conversation with her while taking down his two attackers, barely even paying them any heed.

At first he doesn’t catch on to her strange mood when she tells him of meeting Moon-shik, who knows he’s the Healer. But gradually he clues in that something’s wrong; her voice is dull and her gaze vacant as recounts Moon-shik’s warnings that Jung-hoo is dangerous.

Then she mentions hearing from Moon-ho about her birth mother, surprising Jung-hoo so much that a thug sneaks in a punch to the face. He tells her he’ll call back, then quickly takes down his attacker and demands Park Dong-chul’s information from the scared club manager.

Jung-hoo slips outside just before the thug’s reinforcements arrive. He sticks a tracker on the vehicle, then tells ajumma to find out who these guys are—they’re not Double S guards.

That question gets answered for us when Jeil’s Manager Ahn issues instructions to bring Jung-hoo in on the Elder’s orders.

When Jung-hoo returns Young-shin’s call, however, she ignores the phone. Slumping to the ground listlessly, she picks up a photo of herself as a child with her mother. In flashback, we see Moon-ho providing her with documents and an explanation:

In contrast with her current condition, Young-shin is brusque and calm as she listens to Moon-ho describe the accident in 1992. He hands over Myung-hee’s hospital records, which list epileptic fits, brain injury, and depression; stress is a particular trigger. Moon-ho describes possible further damage if the oxygen supply is cut off to her brain, or even death.

Despite improvements over the years, Myung-hee can’t control her reactions to mention of Ji-an: “Your death memorial and your birthday—it’s like she lives just for those two days a year.”

He asks if she remembers anything, but she says dully that the only childhood memories she has are of standing by the highway with cars whizzing by.

Moon-ho asks her to understand that he didn’t tell her because he wanted to keep her mother alive. She replies that it’s easy to understand that she can’t tell Myung-hee she’s her daughter, but asks why he didn’t at least tell her.

In the present, Dad enters Young-shin’s room and sees her lying on the ground, ignoring the phone. Locked in flashback, Young-shin asks Moon-ho why she was abandoned. He says she was lost, then supposedly dead. Then when he admits to preventing Jung-hoo from telling her, she says with a bitter smile, “He wasn’t on my side then, Seo Jung-hoo.”

He has more to explain, but she shuts him down here, saying she’ll handle it herself. “Because you can’t trust me?” he asks. She says yes, then tells him that her name is Chae Young-shin, not that other one.

Now in her bedroom, Young-shin seems like she’s ready to burrow into bed forever, brooding—until suddenly she’s not. She shakes her head clear, gets out of bed, and starts picking up the mess. Aw, she’s back. Way to go, you.

Then one document catches her eye, and the name crashes into her brain: Oh Gil-han. The friend killed by Jung-hoo’s father. She rears back in horror.

At the bustling Someday office, the constant ringing of the phone has Reporter Yeo so on edge that he hilariously snaps that Chae Young-shin has disappeared on her beleaguered team and probably got dumped. HA. But since it was Myung-hee calling, she hangs up in disappointment.

She calls Moon-ho to ask about Young-shin, wondering about the interview. Moon-ho tamps down his own emotion as he says that Young-shin is dealing with a difficult personal issue, so asking to meet her would be “cruel.” Myung-hee scoffs at his exaggeration, but she gets the point.

Jung-hoo charges into the cafe to see Young-shin, slipping past Dad when he tries to insist on a talk. Upon his entrance, Young-shin freezes up to see him, but he just envelops her in a relieved hug, saying he was worried. She starts to return the hug, but drops her hand at the last moment.

He picks up on her strange mood, asking if she’s upset because he didn’t tell her about her mother. When she shakes her head no, he encourages her to get angry with him. She says that he did nothing wrong, which isn’t convincing to his ears, and he asks why she won’t look at him.

Then she starts crying, and he looks for something to say, mentioning how Moon-ho’s not such a bad guy for accepting the beating he delivered for lying. When he says he met Myung-hee, she asks, “She met you, and she was okay?” It’s a weird thing to say, and now Jung-hoo is sure something’s up. Grabbing the papers from her, he sees her father’s name and realizes, “It was this? It was about my father and your father?”

He admits that he knew but couldn’t tell her, “Because I was afraid you’d be like this.” She says that it doesn’t matter, but he points out that her reaction says otherwise. And when he steps toward her, she backs away. Ah, that hurts. You can see that she’s conflicted with herself for reacting this way, but she can’t help it.

He steps back to give her space and explains that he was looking for evidence to clear his father of the crime, and that he was going to tell her after he’d found it. With that, he quietly exits.

But moments later, Young-shin flies downstairs to stop him before he leaves. She entreats, “You have to find it and come back.” Oh thank goodness she isn’t giving up so easily. He nods with a small smile, “Okay.”

And then she adds, “Even if you don’t find it, come back.” He agrees.

She promises to look for that evidence too, and tells him, “You’re not a bad person.” Full of emotion, they embrace, while Dad and ajusshi drop their utensils in shock.

Jung-hoo wipes her tears from her face and leaves, since they’ve got an audience and all… and then he turns back, Dads be damned, for that goodbye kiss.

That night, Manager Ahn’s minions follow ex-detective Park Dong-chul and slip a tracker on him. The club lady provided Jung-hoo with this address, so now they’ll wait for the “target” to show up.

Thus Jung-hoo’s arrival at the scene gets spotted by the team. Thankfully he notices them, and more thankfully still, they don’t notice that he noticed. He manages to whirl Park Dong-chul into an alley unseen, and when Ahn’s team follows his tracker, they’re just led to the other half of their team, and find the tracker stuck to their car. Outsmarted!

From hacker central, Min-ja mutters at their stupidity and starts singing “I Am the Best.” Yes, we know, ajumma.

Jung-hoo takes Park Dong-chul to an empty church, and the man has already guessed that he’s Seo Joon-seok’s son, because “they” warned him that he’d come. They offered payment in exchange for being alerted to Jung-hoo’s actions.

Park Dong-chul says that it was Jung-hoo’s father’s fault that his life went down the drain. Jung-hoo remarks that all he wants is his father’s statement, but it sure is curious how violently the opposition is reacting.

He explains how the statement went missing, so he decided to track down the man who took it: Park Dong-chul.

Park scoffs that finding the statement is pointless, because it was falsified from the start: The one Dad gave is not the one that got recorded. Park Dong-chul and his colleague reported the offense internally and suffered for it. And now, I suppose it’s easier for the man to blame the dead Seo Joon-seok rather than some nameless, faceless evil.

Jung-hoo asks what his father said in his statement, and whether he admitted to killing anybody. Park realizes, “You… really don’t know anything, do you?” So tell us!

Late at the office, Moon-ho finds a pleasant surprise when Young-shin drops by bearing snacks and smiles. She admits to being unable to stay angry for long, and has a lot of things to ask him.

She starts by asking if they knew each other when she was young. I love how happy he looks as he confirms how super-tight they were, and he tells her about the parents working together and being incredibly close. Young-shin asks if she knew Jung-hoo back then, and Moon-ho says that they cried every time they met. “Because we fought?” she asks. “No,” Moon-ho answers. “Because you didn’t want to split up.”

Young-shin laughs, and decides that Jung-hoo must’ve cried first. “It’d be nice if I remembered,” she says wistfully.

She laughs more when Moon-ho informs her that Jung-hoo’s her oppa—by one month. (LOL. This was briefly mentioned before, that Jung-hoo was born in December and Ji-an in January, so technically he was a “year” older and therefore oppa, since Koreans count their age by birth year.)

Then Moon-ho tells her that her birthday is tomorrow, for which Myung-hee’s probably already busily preparing a bunch of food (which explains all the cookies and cakes). It sparks an emotional response in Young-shin, to finally know when her birthday is. Then she mentions the bad blood between Moon-ho and his brother, and his mood grows heavy as she asks why.

Back to Jung-hoo. Park Dong-chul drops a bomb when he admits to safeguarding a tape recording of Dad’s statement all these twenty years—and he told the other guys about it too, angling for a price. Jung-hoo immediately quadruples the offer, desperate to have the tape.

Park senses the chance to wring even more money out of the deal and tries to play Jung-hoo against the Elder. Jung-hoo tries to impress upon him just how very much he does not want to mess around with these bad guys, who would think nothing of killing him for it.

Jung-hoo begs the man to take his money and hand over the tape, and to save his life in the process. But Park fishes around in his pocket for something…

Moon-shik checks on Myung-hee that night, tucking her into bed before heading to his office. He smiles down at a photograph of himself and Myung-hee, not noticing that there’s a tiny device mounted to the underside.

He answers a call from Manager Ahn, who reports that the target just now turned on the cell phone. Crap, that was the thing in the pocket, wasn’t it? But on the upside, Myung-hee is totally listening to the call—she must have planted that bug! Go you, awesome lady.

Myung-hee listens to her husband ordering Ahn to mobilize everyone: “If that kid is the Healer as I suspect, he’ll be particularly skilled.” Ahn asks for a list of priorities to dictate how they respond in a worst-case scenario: Is it more important to get Seo Joon-seok’s recorded statement, or to get rid of Jung-hoo?

Myung-hee contains her gasp of shock as Moon-shik replies that the Elder cannot have such a tape leaking. At least Jung-hoo’s hit takes the backseat for now.

Moon-ho and Young-shin are heading out when he receives a call from Myung-hee, who hurriedly tips him off about Jung-hoo being in danger.

As she and Moon-ho head out, Young-shin calls Jung-hoo right away, warning him of the situation and urging him to run. Ajumma’s linked in too, issuing directions to the church and planning to send police at the right moment.

Jung-hoo turns sharp eyes on Park Dong-chul, who realizes he’s been sniffed out and tries to run. Jung-hoo grabs him, and Park makes excuses about how he had to do this. Jung-hoo turns the phone off, cutting the tracking signal, but the henchmen are already on the way.

Desperate and feeling time slipping away, Jung-hoo says that his father’s tape is the most important thing. He tries to usher Park away for the time being, but the man resists, naively thinking of all the money that’s been promised him. Jung-hoo bursts out that those thugs aren’t going to let him live, but the man doesn’t see that.

So Jung-hoo begs for just one thing, needing confirmation that his father didn’t actually kill anybody. Park Dong-chul promises to tell him when the others arrive, just as the screech of tires sounds outside. As henchmen storm the church, Jung-hoo grabs Park whether he likes it or not and pulls him along.

But Jung-hoo has to stop to fight the men who come at him, alternately running away and then running after Park to keep him from running away.

They escape the church, and again get stopped when the men surround them and charge Jung-hoo with fists and feet flying. He holds his own despite being vastly outnumbered… and then a car pulls up and a man steps out wielding a heavy metal pipe.

Jung-hoo freezes in alarm, and watches as that pipe swings straight into the back of Park’s head.

Park starts to go down, and the world goes silent (in a frankly weird edit) as he falls in slow motion.

Jung-hoo lurches forward to catch his fall, but gets knocked aside. Park’s head slams into the sharp brick staircase with a sickening thud.

Jung-hoo stares in horror. Police sirens sound in the distance and Moon-ho’s car arrives, but the army of goons retreats swiftly. They’re gone before you know it.

Jung-hoo rushes to Park’s side and begs him to answer his question, but comes away with bloodied hands. Park makes a wheezing sound and struggles to open his eyes, not quite dead yet, and Jung-hoo leans in close to hear his words.

Young-shin runs up and takes in the scene: Jung-hoo kneeling before the man, the bloody pipe on the ground.

Jung-hoo rises to his feet and meets her eye with literal blood on his hands. Moon-ho joins her a second later, followed by police… and Jung-hoo runs.


Ohhhh no, this doesn’t look good any way you slice it. It’s bad that he ran, but it’s also not like he should have stuck around to get arrested, especially when he’s already in murky waters with the law.

Even so, while I find this scenario itself highly angst-stirring, I’m not too worried about Young-shin’s reaction to the incriminating tableau. In a different drama I probably would be concerned, but this writer doesn’t pace her major plot points haphazardly; there’s always a certain thematic cohesion and direction, and not for nothing was this hour the Trust Episode.

For plot reasons it was important to see Young-shin’s reaction to learning the truth of her past, and I appreciated that we were shown the layers of conflict in the moment. It hurt to see her pushing both Moon-ho and Jung-hoo away, but I liked that I could see Young-shin disliking that about her own reaction—she doesn’t want to be suspicious, but she can’t just will herself into ignoring the doubts.

It was important to watch her work through her response, and I wouldn’t have wanted the drama to gloss it over—but given that it was such angsty material, I’m also relieved that this wasn’t belabored. I’ll attribute this to the writer’s skill, which isn’t in necessarily crafting wildly original stories (as we’ve noted, Healer has a lot of conventional elements, pulled from familiar stories), but in knowing what to draw out, and how much.

It’s one of those almost invisible skills, because there’s less of an obvious wow factor when your writer is gifted at finessing a scene for emotional impact and teasing out beats that make us squeal—or cry, or hurt—rather than, say, dropping amazing new twists. I think that may be part of why Healer has sparked a particularly fervent response amongst its fanbase, leaving even the fans wondering what exactly its pull is rooted in. Maybe Song Ji-nah is just a master puppeteer of heartstring-pulling. Like I said, that’s a gift.

Another thing that Song is deft at, which is something I particularly noticed and loved about Story of a Man, is the way she draws conflict out of people being weak and human, instead of purely evil. Okay, sometimes there’s pure evil in there, but many of the antagonizing forces are problems because they are weak, such as Park Dong-chul.

Granted he made me want to reach into my screen to beat some sense into him, refusing to see that he was playing with fire, but I found it so compelling the way he was half-talking to himself instead of Jung-hoo, trying to justify his reasons for betraying Jung-hoo—almost like he was asking for Jung-hoo’s understanding, or even blessing. He’d clung to his identity as a righteous cop whose life was ruined for sticking to his morals, and now he just wants to cash that in a little bit to make his difficult life a little easier. It’s too bad you can’t only sell a little bit of soul and keep the rest; it’s sort of an all-or-nothing deal when you’re talking about core integrity. That makes Park’s last-ditch effort woebegone and pathetic, and because it’s so desperate, it only deepens Jung-hoo’s own desperation.

You see this trait in other characters too, with various people creating complications because they’re just living out their own lives and doing their jobs, like Detective Yoon. I love these worlds that Writer Song creates, where everybody’s the hero of their own story, and there are lives being lived beyond the screen’s confines.

So back to the trust issue: Yes, Jung-hoo’s up a creek at the moment, but I don’t believe the writer gave us that awesome “come back to me” scene only to yank it out from under our feet in the same episode. My favorite moment was when Young-shin asked him to find the truth, and then asked him to come back even if he hadn’t found it. She trusts him anyway, and her faith isn’t contingent upon the existence of decades-old evidence. Which may in fact be just the thing Jung-hoo needs to hear, actually, if his last hope of having certainty is now dead and gone. He’s so desperate to hear the words telling him his father wasn’t a killer, even though he believes (mostly, almost entirely!) that Dad wasn’t—and maybe Young-shin’s display of faith is the example he needs to have faith himself.

(One last reminder: Please don’t live-watch the next episode in the post for a previous episode, because that makes every recap post a minefield of spoilers. I know not everybody harbors as much hatred of spoilers as I do, but those are the house rules. Don’t make me go over there and delete you!)


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Hmmmm comments are fewer,usually by now there are over 800 comments.


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Slow and steady @ k lava. It was a trying episode and exhausted a lot of us I believe. LOL! I know I am taking a long time to come to grips with things. :)

We may not have that many comments this time but no fear, the good times will come around again!!!


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It's because we are all quiet and gathering our own strength for the bumpy ride ahead - much like what happens when the captain's voice comes on in an airliner and asks that everyone return to their seats and buckle up for the expected turbulence ahead. Even the flight attendants have been told to sit down...the mood is solemn and uncomfortable but we are trusting the experienced hands of the captain and co-pilot ....our writer-nim and director-nim will get us all safely through. I really believe that.


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Comments are becoming more contemplative, with a lot less SQUEEEES than usual since we're neck-deep on the thicker side of the plot. (Don't underestimate the power of the squee, lol. Those alone can generate more than 1000+ comments.)

Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with the slowdown of the comments. It gives more chances for the Beanies to catch up with all the posts and insights. :) Plus, 600+ is already an abnormal number for a DB recap, wouldn't you say so?


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@ Omomo

Yes you are right. Anything in the 250+ range is actually very good for most shows. I was taking a quick look at the number of comments for some other shows deemed good.
So many had many episodes getting nowhere near even 100. Very few had episodes that hit 400-500.

Also I looked at the OT count and other than last Friday's at over 1000, the rest are mostly in the 200-400+++ range, so over 650 for an episode is very respectable indeed! :)


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@Omomo , @GB, @Lunatic4KD

You are all right. I thought it was me and my bad week, but this episode have given everyone a somber feeling. Strange how the show can affect our moods!!

And on comment count, we do not have to beat our own count. More than the count, I love how I like to talk to you all and share same thoughts.

Am so glad Healer gave such a awesome place to meet people and in turn thanks to JB for giving us such a awesome welcome in her home!!!


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I so agree with you @ Divyrus, it's the being able to talk to each other that I treasure. Whether the mood is up or down, we can still have meet ups and discussions here.

Thank you very much JAVABEANS and GIRLFRIDAY!!! for generously letting us use this space. :)


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i think a lot of us are afraid to watch this episode like me
but yea it is slower


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Yeah, this is true. There are a lot of people who are holding off on watching this episode. They'd rather deal with the ep 15 cliffhanger LOL. I'm personally glad I watched 16, even if it's driving me crazy.


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made me cry again. the room scene was heartbreaking :( all he wanted to do was hold her and comfort her but that darn MS! but at least she did not give up so easily so yay for love, fighting!


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Subtitle for this episode is "To you again". We miss Ivoire's comments in which she mentions the things she loves and why. Well I can only give my take on the show. Although my mind has been engaged elsewhere in the last few days, my thoughts always came back to Healer. It is so apt for me to have the episodes subtitle for myself, "To you again".

This was an episode of major revelations, all laid at the feet of hapless Young Shin, who in any case is the one who needed to know, so it is to her I look to know where we are in the OTP relationship. Up to this point she is still the one who grew up remembering nothing of her life of age 5 and under, except that she had been alone and terrified on a busy highway. So well has her mind protected her by keeping the memory under tabs. But in this episode we realise that actually YS has survived constantly on the brink. At any moment, she could return to that traumatized little girl. It was by sheer will and intelligent thinking, that she did not.

We see at the start, she is happy to be given a chance to interview Myung Hee, and is puzzled and uncomfortable at Moon Shik's interception and postpontment of this important meeting. Faced with a series of unexpected revelations and realising MS's aim is to discredit Healer and Moon Ho, she starts to get uneasy ("Healer has gone over the line?" "committed a crime?" is there violence in store?)

At first she wants to dismiss what she hears, but then Ahn points out that she knows Healer quite well. She literally turns her head away from the screen and tries to not look at the signs of violence that had been done and to not associate it with Healer. When she hears about Seo Joon Seok being the murderer of Oh Gil Han, something, a memory? is triggered and her panic attack threatens to overwhelm her. She tries to regain her bearings by going towards the photo of Healer and reaching out as if to touch him for comfort, but draws back her hand.

Then she encounters Moon Ho and the questions and suspicions about him activates some self-preservation instinct that makes her keep her distance from him. The second lot of shocking news now falls into her lap: overwhelmingly disturbing information: that Moon Ho had kept secrets as to her parentage from her and that her mother could die if she knew of Ji An's survival. She has another near attack.


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She admits to not trusting Moon Ho and possibly by extension, JH who also had to keep the secret and needs to distance herself to be alone and to think. We see her enclosed behind the curtains, needing a safe place to process the monumental revelations that fell on her like a deluge. The pleasant morning anticipated with Myung Hee seem so far and in a day gone bizarre. Interestingly her next priority is to be open with Jung Hoo: she calls, telling him directly that Moon Shik knows he is Healer and says he is dangerous, that she knows her mother is alive. (Hearing this JH is distracted so that the baddie gets a punch in. Boo!). She does not have the chance to say that she also knows that JH knew about her mum and had not told her.

After this she is sapped of energy, cocooned, under her bed and not taking her calls, recalling all the info given by Moon Ho. Finally she has processed it and consoles herself enough to get out of her hidey hole but (the third shock!) is once again thrown by the horrible realisation that the killer of her father was no other than Jung Hoo's father. Before she can process this further shocking information that has so much implications for her and Jung Hoo, JH himself comes in, not noticing that she is bracing herself against not him personally but who he represents.

Without being able to make sense of the violence in which her past is enveloped, she cannot at first return to the open, trusting person that she had chosen for herself to be. She can only give him brief glances and flinches away, much to her own chagrin, because it is not what her heart wants and she sees that he is hurt. Rationally she knows it is not JH's fault, but emotionally she is torn between loyalty to family and loyalty to JH.

Jung Hoo tries to reach her by drawing her near, then by consoling the wounded child in her, and finally by talking and distancing himself so that she can regain her composure. Hurt by her seeming rejection, he leaves, but this brings her up short and make it apparent to her what she really wants.

Her instinctive flinches followed by her own anguish show that part of her heart wanted to trust but another part held her back. In the end, it was the love that won out when she ran after Jung Hoo to hold on to him, determined that he knew she would accept him no matter what, wiping out the earlier rejection.

Then after all that which should have felled a weaker soul, that amazing girl decides to find out as much as she can in the best way, interview Moon Ho who had wanted to say much more earlier.

When she and Moon Ho rush to the church, poor YS is confronted (by the 4th shock) by the aftermath of violence. JH bending over Park and a bloody pipe. It is no wonder her steps falter. Dreamingsnowflake2013 says at this stage her horror is not necessarily that she thinks JH killed, but that she sees with her own eyes, the extent to which our baddies would go to hide the truth and that once again JH was placed in the...


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... JH was placed in position to take the fall. We end off here, but I want to salute the character of YS.

When I consider the number of intense shocks she received, the momentous but core-shaking news that affected her identity and then the snap decisions she had to make under those circumstances, I am in awe. It is possible to will oneself to be rational, but to then be able to act on it in the face of so much that casts doubt, is extremely difficult. I tend to think, that I would not have been able to come around as quickly as YS did. She made a consicious decision to trust JH before, and she did it again, intelligently, lovingly, geneously. "To you again" in heart and mind. Team Jung Hoo, fighting!!!


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Beautifully said.


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Thank you so much @ Lunatic4KD :)


Where is Ivoire? I don't see her name in the thread anymore.

I am thinking if the pipe would again make Young-shin remember her chilhood memories, like what happened at jerk Hwang's place. This time to show us what really happened that time. I am also expecting to see Jung-hoo in Healer get up to sneak into YS's room so they can talk about what happened to the detective. I'd like to see if it will make YS think if JH has been in her room before. ;)


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@ Giegie

Ivoire told me that she will be taking a break for a while but will be back. I'll inform her that you missed her :)

That's an interesting point. She can still remember her childhood after age 5 and how she was beaten, so that bloody pipe could also have elicited some kind of fear reaction from her. Another reason why she stopped and had that look on her face!

JH going to her room speak to her, dressed as Healer .... I like the idea that they can clarify what happened, however he is dressed. The thing is, she never saw him dressed as Healer in her home or near it. There is no connection to how he was dressed. She might not think that as Healer he was in her room, however she should have guessed by now that as Healer-PBS he had planted 2 recorders/sound transmitters in her dad's office. And she did not tell dad. :)


@growingbeautifully: but didn't she go in and out of foster homes for a few years after KMS abandoned her again? (she was first found at age 5 when she was left at the garbage dumping bin or smth, if i remember right, before KMS "lost" her again.)

she was adopted by AWESOME dad at around age 8, so she'd have memories of that age. as the kid playing young myung-hee looks basically the same age in all flashbacks, one can't tell when the bat-bone-breaking (and resulting PTSD for her) actually happened. didn't AWESOME dad (okay, i know he's chae chi-soo, but to me he's AWESOME dad. and the sidekick ahjussi lol) have to coax her from her hiding place at the orphanage after she was left there once again, all bruised?
so the beating would be closer to when she was 8 than when she first went missing. she'd definitely remember that. but remembering when she was 5 and living at home, remembering JH too... kids so young usually don't remember those years.

then again, JH was only one or two months older and he imagines he remembers her. only in kdramaland :D


Aw, I hope she'll join again in the thread.

It's just that I think it would be easy for him to sneak into her room in Healer mode. Besides, like you said she never saw hin dressed as Healer, and wouldn't it be cute to appear in front of her as her long time crush Healer? ;)


@ Shelly

Yes, you are saying what I said too, ...

"She can still remember her childhood after age 5 and how she was beaten,"

... she was in and out of foster home after age 5... it is after age 5 that she seems to remember, not before. The beatings took place in foster homes between ages 5-8. That's why in the last orphanage she was hiding and unable to speak due to the PTSD as you so rightly point out. :)


@ Giegie

Ooh that's a nice idea. He can appear as the enigmatic Healer of her crush. Everyone has seen him in his Healer getup except YS! LOL!

Better still, she should cosplay Healer-ette and they should take a couple photo, Healer and Healerette having tea, together at home! Hahahaha!


Thank you for breaking down the scenes and helping us understand this character. ☺
About Ivoire, I miss seeing her around. I know she left her email address on one of the comment threads but I can't find it. Is it okay if I take her email address here?


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Hi Saema, email me and I'll connect you to Ivoire. My email address is: [email protected] :)


Ok, now that I processed all the feelings this show gave me (or I think I have processed them, but clearly not completely since I still watch the first 10 min of ep 15 at least once a day), I have some questions and some things I noticed.

First, about what happened in 1992. It's a bit fuzzy, and I hope they will clarify it, because I have to admit I'm a bit lost. We know that Daddy Bear 1 & 2 went after a scoop with MS as the driver, and there was an "accident" where GH was killed, JS was hurt (I think) and pointed as the suspect, and MS was there as a witness who later gave a false testimony. I think at that moment MS didn't know anything and was still a good guy. Before he met the Elder as we saw in the flashback.
THEN or AT THE SAME TIME, MH-noona has an "accident" that gets her into the hospital (car accident ? Or did she cross the path of Creepy Thug with his metal bat ?), and she was separated from Ji An. Her being at the hospital brings MS to make The Bad Choice.
But what happened to Ji An in the mean time ? Did MH-noona tell her to hide in that closet we saw in her nightmare ? And how did she find herself near the trashcan where the police found her ? Anyway, MS came to take her back and "lost" her on the road. Is it the time when she went to the highway ? But how did she get her ribs broken ? Because she seemed fine when MS got to her.
Soooo many questions >.<)


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@ Lu

WRT to Ji An being in closet and beaten ... this is way after she was found and in foster homes or adopted. She was adopted and sent back to the orphanage 4 times!!! One of those times in a forster parents' home she was abused and so her need to hide in little space or find her safe Moru-Moru island started up.

At the time Moon Shik found her, she had not been adopted or beaten, but had been lost (we do not know how) and had been hiding near the trash cans.


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My recollection of the events relating to JA/YS are as follows: -

1. JA was first lost when she was 5, reason yet unknown.
2. MHee who was hospitalised then, asked MS to find her, which he did at an orphanage, only to promptly lose her again.
3. JA was shunted between orphanages and foster homes for three years, from age 5 until she was adopted by Daddy Cha at age 8.
4. When she was 7, JA was physically abused and had her ribs broken. It was then that she tried to commit suicide.

YS' attempted suicide back story was used to talk Yoon Hee out of her suicide attempt and this narration was witnessed by JH. I think that was the first time JH felt a connection with YS, they shared a common history of abandonment.

The other questions you've posed cannot be answered now. Details yet to be revealed.


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there's nothing precise on WHEN myung-hee's wounds were caused. she definitely doesn't seem to have gone on the elder-catch with the three friends of the old chain (JS, KMS and gil-han) so she might very well have been attacked after they were caught by elder's underlings (i presume.)

maybe she was chased by them (for reasons unknown yet) and left ji-an at the trash cans, to send KMS for her later. but if she was attacked soon after the men went down, then ji-an was found and taken to the orphanage for quite a while before KMS came for her - he met with elder and was all bloody and bruised, but there were no bruises when he had ji-an in his car. i think some - much? - time had already passed between myung-hee's being attacked and ji-an being recovered from the orphanage the first time.

or maybe myung-hee went looking for her husband when he didn't return in time and crossed the elder's path?


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@GrowingBeautifully, @patinalee and @shelly
Thank you for your explanations, I had forgotten about the time gap between when she was 5 and lost and when she was 8 and adopted (I remember now the scene on the roof ^^). I really look forward to the moment when the writer will reveal everything to us (and to the characters) !! :)

Something I also wanted to talk about (but it wasn't put in my comment, I don't know why) was 2 funny things I noticed :
- In ep 8, when YS does the camera test with BS, Ajusshi is putting sugar on a cake. Then YS talks about the snow : I thought that maybe the sugar symbolized the snow and how sweet this first snow will be (we all know why ;) )
- I think that Creepy Secretary Oh has an obssessive disorder (I'm not sure of the English name) : he always need things to be well aligned and put perfectly (like with JH's chair in the police station in ep 13), and he always holds his briefcase with an angle of 45°. Maybe it will be useful for our heroes, like he keeps a notebook with everything he does, because he is that meticulous... ^^'


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heeee, i didn't notice the 45 degree angle, lol. but secretary oh definitely has some form of OCD. it must kill him not to tie all the knots and eliminate all threats to elder, lol.

re: the snow. but did you notice the bear reference? and mom's white (polar) teddy bears? (in the scene where young JH found her with her new son.) and how cold it seems to be in healer's lair all the time? (okay it's winter, but he doesn't seem to care for space heaters, YS has to bring one to him when needed.) and what's one of the first things he tells her when she finds him in that bed? he's cold. cold and snow (and eventually melting the ice, lol) play big parts in the drama's background themes. these bear cubs are toughing it out... their time will come :D

and ahjussi spoiled that cake with too much powdered sugar. he should give it to JH. i don't know, did we notice him liking sweets?


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Oh I didn't notice the reference to the cold with the polar bears ! But now that you say it, it makes sense :)
It is true that all the cold references may be to express the cold of the world they live in (with all the murders and fake testimony), and also how lonely and cold JH's life has been before (and this "melting the ice" as you said is JH getting back all his forgotten feelings. Yeah !).

I don't know if JH likes sweet things, but he did wanted a cake for his birthday, so maybe yes ? JH, if you like sweets tell me, I'll bake aaall the cakes you want !! :D


Remember, at first his coffee was bitter all the time and he kept adding sugar? He probably likes sweets


@ Lu

The reason for the sugar overcoating in ep 8 - apart from references to snow, cold and bears - is found in ep 13.

The sugar overcoating scene followed closely in the heels of the camera test scene. YS in the guise of testing the new camera, poured her heart out to BS through the camera lens, of the crash of her two crushes, the first thinks of her as a human shield and the second thinks she's a delusional attention seeker. Even though she managed to hold back her tears, she was deeply affected by that 'knowledge'.

In ep 13, Dad and Ahjussi found YS crying over a man. In considering who that man may be, Ahjussi dismissed her two crushes and instead guessed that it must be BS. Ahjussi griped that YS confides in BS, that she tells him things she doesn't tell Ahjussi even. That Ahjussi had SEEN her confiding in BS.

Thus Ahjussi overcoating the cake in ep 8 was actually due to his ASTONISHMENT in seeing YS confiding in BS, an almost stranger. YS who until that time had hardly any friends her age and had never brought any friends home before. To see YS pouring her humiliating embarrassment to BS shocked Ahjussi so much that he didn't realise he had overcoated that piece of cake while starring at YS and BS, mouth agape.

As to Sec Oh, I realised he's OCD only after the police interrogation room scene when he picked up JH to go to MS. The setting was so incongruous for Oh to be concerned about the furniture that I noticed it immediately. Still slow to catch on though, for apparently there had been two other clues thrown in before. :-)

For the bag - why clasp it close to his body when the bag has handles for carrying. I just hope our guys can get this snake well and good before the show ends.


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Sub-thread: COMMENTERS CONJECTURES Part 2 (The first part on our happy ending is under Comment 141)

Conjecture about the kind of punishment Jung Hoo will get for the crime of: *pompous officious voice* the display of intimacy in the cafe and rubbing it into the face of dad and ahjusshi. I would like to include also some added retaliation from dear YS who is still peeved that Bong Soo is gone.

1) Dad and ahjusshi threaten JH so much so that the Bong Sookie part of him shows up again and he is cringing and trying to make himself as small as possible to avoid attention.

2) YS, realising that JH never cared for her song and dance performances, decides to unleash a whole spate of classic songs on him, sung badly by her and makes him dance the bird-head-jerk dance with her!! LOL!

Any better punishment to bring on?


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I LOVE #2! Although out of place, a little comedic relief from all the heavy stuff would be great appreciated. :D

My hopeless romantic mind is conjuring a cliche yet swoon-worthy punishment.

After a TALK, Dad forbids Bong Sookie from entering the cafe for the time being (let's say a month?) and of course, our stubborn and clingy Jung Hoo won't have any of that. So during the night, he makes use of his Healer skills, sneaks in Young Shin's bedroom, and they have their midnight rendezvous with lots of lovin'.

Don't throw rocks at me please lol. I live for the cheese!


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More cheese! More cheese!!! I'm feeling mouse-like :D


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@GB and @omomo

I actually miss her song sequences!! I was totally expecting her to do that at Jung Hoo's place!!!!

And about him sneaking into her bedroom, I have been waiting for THAT sequence FOREVER! :P


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more cheese please!


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if someone get the subbed video of the link below, please post it , I enjoyed it even without sub ... moreover JCW was singing so beautifully :)



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Adorable! Contrast those boyish great looks, sweet face and winning smile with the deeply hurt and exhausted KCW face and demeanor in the opening scene of episode 15 and what we are looking at is an unbelievably and undeniably BRILLIANT actor. My respect for him as an actor just keeps growing and growing! Can any of us imagine what's in store ahead as JCW matures even more? Wow. Simply…WOW.


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Meant JCW, of course….where is my coffee?


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@fantasy, nope unfortunately couldn't find anything. However did you try ji chang wook's kitchen? They have most of his stuff translated, and I'm sure if it isn't you can recommend it to them.

I did enjoy listening to his laugh, and hearing his charming voice lol :)


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Ohhh I can recommend??? That I did not know... Thanx :)


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@fantasy, lol I think, so don't hold me accountable if they refuse you ;)


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@ fantasy

I've been asking @ Jov.ie if she can translate some Korean sites. They are usually written Korean though, so not sure if she'll do videos. You can ask her.

To go to one of her blog pages:

To make your request:



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oh god , don't make those lovers to have misunderstandings between them , well 3 days go , in fridays ' they upload previews of ep 17 , you can watch them on youtube or ''healer korean drama ''facebook profile . plz like that page , you guys can find every juicy news about this drama ohh 1 thing did you guys know that ji chang wook performed a song for healer ost !! it's gonna be out in early february !!! HEALER LOVE YOUUUU!!


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Hi All

Thanks to @ nutella who mentioned that she's so used to seeing the Countdown and Record Breaking sub-thread, that she wondered where it was.

So OK, here it is :)


Usually for even numbered episodes, we have 5 days (120 hours) in which to comment and spazz. Since Episode 8 we've never had less than 1,000 comments.

I'm thinking however that Ep 16 will be an exception various reasons already mentioned in this thread (briefly people are busy or have deliberately not watched this ep or are kind of down after this ep and have not much energy to comment and definitely because there is less reason to squee).

So for Ep 16, we can aim for a more modest 60-70 comments a day in the next 5 days, to bring the figure to near 1,000 or just over, we would have hit the same target as we have done for odd numbered episodes.

(9 = 1,049, 11 = 1,067, 13 = 1,029, 15 = 1,041)

For Ep 17, the aim will be the same ie go into 1,000+ or beat our own high of 1,067.

For Ep 18, if there are things to squee about, we can aim for the 4th time to go beyond 2,000, which breaks the K2H 3x. Their high score was 2,362. So we can also aim for that figure.

As usual after that, we only have our own high comment count to beat, and we've set our own bar so high, I don't know what we will manage. :D But we can try and it's fun to have a target to reach!!!


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Oh, I forgot the countdown part ... we are at 668 comments now ( ie 332 to go to hit 1,000)

93 hours to go before Ep 17 airs or

106 hours before the Ep 17 recap.

332/93 or 332/106 = 4 comments an hour to hit 1,000 :D


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Wow thanks for the count down . Will definitely hang out here, I have nothing else to watch because none of them compare to Healer :(


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Ha and I just wanted to say : I love all your posts. This thread feels weird if I don't see your comments.


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@ Saema

Thank you for saying so!!! I'm so uplifted by your words. I had no clue. Usually I just write what comes to mind, never knowing if anyone reads and I'm always thrilled to get any response. Thanks so much Saema, you've made my entire weekend!!!! :D *cheesy grin that will last the whole day or until my face aches* LOL!


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GB, you're the one writing all the amazing posts. ?I really really hope another series comes along where I can see your comments. I would love to. Here's a special present for your awesomeness :http://thefangirlverdict.com/2015/01/26/pure-pretty-ji-chang-wook/


@ Saema
Thanks my dear!! You are a gem! :D


@ Saema

Come find Healer Lovers on Open Thread too!!! Then we can find out which recaps to hang out in to find each other. :)


999. We reached 1k and today's Friday ?


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thanks for this
i miss your sub-threads in the latest episodes i think commenting is easier when there are subthreads. Thank you for your hard work ^^

I guess we already broke the K2H record
but comments dec. a lot for the last 2 episodes


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What will be YS's 1st reaction at starting of ep 17

1. Just standing there shocked
2. Distracting the police there
3. Just leave the place and look for JH
4. Having trouble to breathe
5. Call ajumma to check the CCTV footage


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or 6. keeping silent and trying to decide how to lie on how she didn't see the face of the person who ran away when the police came (JH, in other words).

she's gonna have trouble with that part, imho. and the detective from the cyber team is... errr, should be already suspecting her of being somehow linked to healer. then again... he's also supposed to believe the healer is already dead.

will he let his obsession with the healer turn a blind eye to the new developments?...


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May be... This time worse, because Moon Ho was there too, and Yoon already knows Moon Ho knew Healer personally and if he figured out about hacking then CYS could be in danger :(


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I thought about something really cool and thought provoking response to trying to figure out what could happen after her shock of seeing him there and then running away.

What if after seeing the metal rod and blood, bits and pieces of her suppressed trauma related memory comes back to her and it gradually does in the episode. That could really help her piece her childhood back together.


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she already well remembers the bloody metal bar and the beating - that's why she goes into hyperventilation whenever she thinks violence is about to happen around her.
but she wouldn't connect it with her younger years, 1. because kids don't normally remember younger years (even JH said he "thinks" he might be remembering the secret-secret island story that we saw in a flashback, not that he "did" remember it) and 2. she wasn't beaten in her younger years, actually she was well loved and so would have no memory of violence to awaken. UNLESS she saw mom being attacked and that's why she went silent when KMS was retrieving her...

so many questions, so little time left...


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@ fantasy

I was trying to reply to this comment of yours yesterday but my son took over the computer. LOL

After thinking a bit more I'm going to say there are 2 possibilities of greater likeliness ie more likely they will happen:

3. YS gets herself together after the shock and first chance she gets, she calls JH to clarify what's happening and to assure each other that they are OK.

4. She will a panic attack after a day of several near attacks, and since that bloody pipe strikes too close to home for her, because she was beaten by sticks/bats ... JH will have clocked her shock before he runs off and will hang around to watch if she is OK.

If she is having an attack and has no one to help her, he will risk exposure by going to her. :)


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OH MY GOSH YESSS! Picture of JCW on dramabeans :D


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I'm soooo happy I managed to get a screenshot of it. Kamsahamnida DB!!! :D :D :D


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Omg @edeline can you upload that screenshot? I haven't seen many jcw banners..I've only seen it once. So please post it dear :)


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@TurkishRose Haha I'm not that tech savvy >< how do I upload it? Or perhaps I can send the screenshot to your email?

SIGHHH JCW looks so hot in the banner


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Lol @edeline that makes two of us dear :) I'm not tech savvy either..



U can simply go to DB banners and check all the banners there :)


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Lol @fantasy really? Omg * hides in embarrassment*

Thank you :)



Take a look of comment 157 ... If you can find the subbed video of these plz plz post here,


Oudiya??? Everyone???


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Ji Chang Wook, has surpassed my expectation of how well rounded this actor is. I know many of you have already mentioned that scene when he tried to get closer to her, and she backed out away from him. The look on his face and the anguish in his eyes cannot simply be explained in words alone. You have to watch that scene again to truly appreciate jcw's acting.

On sites like Navar, Healer posts have high volumes of comments, but contrary the ratings for the show seem not so high. I'm hoping for high ratings in the upcoming episode because I know how Koreans love drama and sadness :)


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I couldnt agree more. The subtleness in his eyes and face expressions is enough to convey feelings and emotions others try to do with saying a lot of words. He doesn't need words. That is what you call a brilliant actor. Same with YJT!


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@Alienkay, totally agree with you sweety. It's amazing, and I don't love him only as an actor but I feel that I love his real Bongsooki personality. When he is on interviews, he looks so scared lol, awkward yet so charming. Check out his latest interview on jcw's kitchen :)



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You are so right TurkishRose!

His acting in that scene, that hurt, uncertainty!
I dont want to leave PMY out of it. It never becomes perfect and whole unless the other side is not strong.
They both make each scene magical and so real!!!!


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@Divyrus, your absolutely right. I know we are always gushing about jcw, but that shouldn't take anything out of pmy's acting. I was even thinking about that yesterday while I was rewatching ep.15, I was trying to imagine different actresses opposite jcw in specific scenes, but she conveyed sui much emotions with her facial expressions. So kudos to her :)


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So well said. You know what I like about her more? She is so natural. Usually there are 2 types of kdrama female characters, either the timid and awkward about romance or the one who is spunky and goes for it.
The latter is fun but this, her take on it , I like very much. So natural. Much kudos to the writer and kudos to PMY for bringing it out so well !!!


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@Divyrus lol so true about the spunky characters which I love more, depending on the story I guess. I loved Go Ara's character in You're All surrounded when she bumped in leesungi's bare chest and instead of running away...she sniffed him some more...and says..''hmmm..strawberries'' lol such a classic scene :)


Can't hardly wait for monday!! I can't even wait for tomorrow to come. I read somewhere that they release the preview of upcoming episodes every friday, at least i can get a glimpse of what will happen next.
CYS fightiing!!


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Mels, I can't wait either. The show is so touching and incredible that it makes you thirst for more. Hate watching anything LIVE I swear, because the wait kills me. Add Healer and our love of jcw to the mix, and I'm killed twice lol :)


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Ok so my all time favorite kdrama (pre healer of course) was The Master's Sun and that also made Touch Love my favorite Ost. So I got so excited to know that someone actually made a MV of Healer with Touch love as a background. So check it out :)



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I downloaded it :) it was good... But so far I liked the FMV of JCW , drop dead ;) ... I already posted . I also posted some FMV in subthread you can check


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Lol @fantasy I did check them all out, and they were simply drop dead gorgeous lol * loud thud, I dropped dead *


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Hmmm.. I am going to post few more :) I cant post everything I have, still the best one I would try to :)


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@fantasy I can't wait ...please post more :D


I love that OST! Awesome!


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This was beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


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@Chandler @Alienkay, your welcome you should watch the original video, Touch Love, for the Master's Sun. Amazzing with so jib sub , and Hong hyo jin:)


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@ fantasy, TurkishRose, Chandler, Alienkay

Thanks for the links! You can start a new Sub-Thread for LOVELY LINKS 2 and add your links there. Or re-use the one in Comment 140 so we get all the hotness together Hehehe! I want to find all these links too!!! :)


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@Growingbeautifully yes ma'am will do, :)


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I love it <33
Thank you!


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@nutella you're welcome sweety, glad you enjoyed it :)


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Update: JCW is singing an OST for Healer!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS :D That's one more song to add to my daily playlist.

Update 2: If you download the KWave App, there's a pretty long feature on our dear JCW.


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@edeline thank you sweety, can't wait for the ost either. I'm already so addicted to his 'to the butterfly' it's crazy. I find myself humming to its tune, especially the part he says 'Biyanio'..'I'm sorry' soo sweety, sad and amazzzzzzing:)


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cant wait for this OST


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Thank you @Growingbeautifully, @Lunatic4KD and @Omomo and many other regular commenters for keeping this thread going with your wonderfully insightful comments.

As you have guessed correctly. I am one of those people that haven't been commenting as much because it has taken me days to recover from episode 16.

At first, I felt so devastated and this feeling of dread wouldn't go away. The way JH looked at YS in the last scene just made me so afraid of what will happen next.

I had to conscientiously remind myself that it's not healthy for what ever happens in a drama to effect my real life because I was actually in the dumps because of this episode.

However, reading the comments here, have made me more hopeful about how the story will progress from now on.


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Hang in there @helkwo. We're all in this together.

I made a dive into the depths of depression on Monday that I haven't experienced in a LONG time and it took awhile for me to realize that the main effect was from Healer - being so in love with the whole production and the feeling of what happened to my body as a result of episode 16 was a total shock. Hopefully, not many people read the post I made on that day. It's almost embarasing. That's how deeply I (and many people, I suspect) are being affected by the brilliance of this show. I am an intelligent, mature, big-world person who always copes effectively with daily life and it felt like I had been drugged or knocked unconscious on Monday after beautiful highs of episode 15 WOW - that's SOME influence this show has! It has brought me up short to have to admit how much dramas have taken over my life in the past year - so I'm actually grateful that the power of Healer has reminded me clearly to keep real life and fantasy separate. I could easily go down the rabbit hole forever. My daughter would find me in a closet, wild-eyed, sucking my thumb and clutching my iPad with its battery dead if I let dramas become my most-real life. I promise NOT to let that happen................................................ least, not after Healer!!!!!! I'm gonna let Healer keep affecting me any way it wants to!!!


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@Lunatic4kd, you broke my heart. :( but you know what, that's tells you how incredible this show has been. For it to affect us so deeply like this, it's crazy. We laugh, cry, and get our hearts broken simply from watching something out of the imagination of our gifted writer. It's so interesting to know that these actors brought out the life of their characters to the point that we cannot separate fact from fiction.

@helkow, I've been feelings the same as you dear right after the episode, but I told myself that it was such a heart felt episode that it needs to be discussed and felt by all of us.

Hope the next episode would be more amazing :)


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@ lunatic4kd

Your words resonate with me, but I'm staunchly keeping myself out of the closet ... mainly because I prefer my big monitor and PC in the study LOL!!!

Maybe it's precisely us the "intelligent, mature, big-world person(s)" who are most struck by what has happened to us, just by our watching this show (and for me, by getting more on board with DB). It was a complete shock to me that I can be as giddy and emotional about something virtual as I was as a youngster, as I am now in my relatively 'more senior' years.

I comfort myself saying I'm glad I'm not alone in this; .... I think I appear crazy and yet I know I'm not; ... And in the end ... who cares ... the ride is so joyful, I want to enjoy these last 2 weeks freely without thinking so hard.

So I join you in saying ... let Healer do it's worst to me!!! I'm gonna love every moment of it anyway!!! :D


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@helkwo @TurkishRose @GB @Lunatic4KD

All your words hit so deep.

All the stories, books, shows and movies I follow is to escape the reality of what am feeling at the moment.
Real life never magically disappears. But everytime I get lost in a beautiful story I come out feeling refreshed like all
my issues are not half as hard. It gives me such a energy which is why I keep coming back to them.

And there is the occasional time where Fiction takes over Reality and I so love such times.
Because it makes me feel like a young girl lost in her dreams of castle and prince. And its not a easy thing to feel like
young again. Its to be cherished a lot.

Whenever my friends laugh at me unable to understand me, all I ask is how many times in life have you lost your mind in
excitement so much that it made you incredibly happy with no strings attached??
Most times they dont even understand what am saying anyway :P

Am so gonna miss Healer. Like so so so so much. Its been SO SO long since a story that is in no way relatable to my own life
has felt THIS GOOD.


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@ Divyrus

Be assured that over here you have more friends and we will be able to understand!!! Understand toooooo well maybe ... so much so that WE need therapy LOL!!! We all become group therapists together and treat each other for Healer withdrawal...yeah! :D


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@Divyrus I hear you loud and clear. It's so fascinating, how unexpectedly Healer took over our lives, and will simply depart from it breezy like that # tears ++ tears# :(


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@GB and @TurkishRose

Yeah!!!!!! DB is such a , such a , such a awesome place!

I never comment much (NOT AT ALL in fact), my total comments in just this one week would be more than the count I have posted in last 3 years following this site.

But I always like how nice this entire forum feels like. Opinions are respected and hate for the sake of hating (which is EVERYWHERE on the internet) is never here. I like reading people comments and how friendly you people are when catching up with each other.

Am so glad the power of healer pulled me into commenting and making friends like this!!

I havent made friends with same passion in YEARS. My real life and people are unbelievably different. Where I have to explain or I give up trying to explain and live in my head.

So letting it all out, FEELS SO DAMN NICE.

Hope we could catch up on our obsessions and our latest craziness even after Healer ends!!!!

As much as the show is awesome, am gonna miss this awesome commenting here as well!!!


And yeah I forgot to mention, on how I joined this entire party SO SO SO LATE and I dont feel like that at all! As I said, this place is awesome and I made myself at home :D


@@Divyrus awwww your so cute. I'm exactly the same Divyrus lol. I've tried to convince my sister in watching kdramas, but have failed miserably. It's a breath of fresh air to squee and enjoy our otp together here and not be embarrassed about it lol.

I wish we can continue staying in touch post Healer. Its interesting to know that you have been lurking here for more than 3yrs, and I've been here I think for a year and a half. And I had only comments once or twice too lol. But it's nice that instead of always reading people's comments to actually participate in something we all care about.

Healer has done that to us, so glad for your friendship :) and everyone else here



Healer has definitely brought people out of lurking!
And in this day and age, with hundred things to distract and stuff to take care of, pulling us out to comment is no easy feat!!

And yeah, am also looking forward to catching up on OTs once this ends !! If there is one thing to look forward to once this ends, then it would be this!


@ Divyrus and TurkishRose

Your words on feeling a sense of belonging here makes me very happy and gives me the warm fuzzies LOL! This is what I always wanted a commenting experience to be ... a gathering of like-minded persons or persons with respect for each other, who could become friends, agree to disagree and feel a part of a community.

With so much that is different from this environment in our lives, it is wonderful to have a space to come to where we are accepted as we are, where there is no pressure, where we are heard and better still, understood and empathized with.

I hope there will be more opportunities for more persons to feel encouraged to come out and have their say, share their thoughts and add to the richness of our discussions. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Thank you JB and GF for opening up this blog to us. It means so much to us to have this space to meet and know that we are not alone."

Let's keep in touch, everyone!!! Let us know what you're watching and we'll keep meeting up in other recap threads and on OT. :)


@Divyrus and @Growingbeautifully, couldn't agree more with both of you, and definitely look forward to seeing you guys in the open thread :)


@ helkwo

Thank YOU helkwo for joining us here and adding to the great feeling of sharing in the joys, stress and woes together. If not for many like yourself, we'd be a sorry bunch ... or I would!!! So much emotional investment needs a release and being able to let it out and loose here with you is soooo great! :)


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thanks for the recap JB looooooooooooved it, i think it had everything in it sadness shock rebellion romance, im dying to know the secrets of the past like seriously it sounds like a governement conspiracy or something and everyone is linked in it the friends from the past moon ho our OTP the detective and ahjumma everyone know something im quite sure.
anyway it's sad some people are not supporting just because the 2 episodes are not like i mean that ep 15 was like the best fan service but i m always curious about what happenes next in the plot because i have no idea how the writer is going to reveal it all


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@ghiza, surprised at the decrease of comments from episode 15 to this episode. I mean we all love the otp romance, but the plot and the story is so intriguing, that I'm so attached and obsessed still just to find out what happens next.

Healer, great complex story telling and so intriguing. Maybe everyone is just busy this week in their own real life, that the virtual life is slacking :)


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hi thanks for responding do you happen to know if there is any written preview for ep 17 ??? pleaseeeee


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@ghiza, it usually comes out on Friday, that's if they decide to release an early trailer before Monday. If it comes out, I'll definitely let you know :)


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thank you so mush to let you know im from morocco first time ever writing a comment about a drama although i watch k drama for 7 years now :) its my favorite so far frankly


@ ghiza

Welcome to commenting! I'm ambivalent about previews. On the one hand, if it is already attached to the end of the episode, I usually watch it. But on the other hand, I may prefer to have no idea of what will happen and avoid spoilers. Then after I do catch a preview, I may find that it gave me more to be concerned about, so it didn't help to relieve the stress at all!!!! :D


@ghiza, lol welcome out of hiding :) I've only been a kdrama watcher for almost 2yrs, but Healer is the only one that makes me unable to watch another drama with it. I'm usually juggling 2-3 dramas at the same time, but not with Healer. My mind is so preoccupied with Jcw and all his glory :)


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Could not agree more. This is drama #100 (really!) for me and I'm completely bowled over unlike any other time and there have been some AMAZING experiences in the past 18 months. I've never commented before Healer. Now I'm so relieved not to be alone!


yes me too normally i would wait while watching another 2 dramas but now ugghhhh i can't even focus on work lol this is crazy
the only thing i would want is for the ratings to go uppp like seriously even the arabic world is shaken by this drama the episodes are translated in arabic so quickly after release !!!!!!!!!


@ghiza I have noticed that it's getting very popular amongst the Arabic speakers. If only the cast realizes they have huge fans outside of Korea, they would be grateful.

@Lunatic4kd we are simply alike, and I'm afraid after Healer I will probably go back to


Back to lurking in the darkness on dramabean :(

Sadly it takes a great show for me to come out and comment. I've loved misaeng for example, but was never compelled to join the conversations. So hopefully something amazing like Healer comes along again :)


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@Lucifer wowy it's a bit expensive for a DVD set right? But I would definitely love to keep this forever and ever in my home collection


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I'm not sure what's the normal price for a DVD set but both DVD and Blu-ray does include:

Re-edited version of the 20 episodes
Special features (commentaries/interviews/behind the scenes/outtakes)
4 different postcards with printed autographs
A photobook with at least 50-60 pages

*English subtitles will be included only for the episodes.


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Here's the link on how to order:

Note: Unfortunately, the DVD is only available for Region 3 (Southeast Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau)


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@Lucifer, ugh that sucks :( hopefully soon it would be available for international fans.

Thanks for posting the links though :)


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Yup it sucks but I'm guessing it's because most replies from the preliminary surveys were from Region 3? Not sure though.

ALSO "if the number of pre-order sales does not reach 1,000 by February 25, Blu-Ray release will be canceled and all payments will be refunded".

Either way, I hope many people will order!


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@Lucifer, the only problem with them maybe not reaching the expected sales, because of how pricey the dvd sets might be. But I hope and pray they can sell fast, at least for the mere thought that the staff and the whole cast can feel somewhat appreciated :)


YesAsia is also selling it everyone. In case you prefer to buy it from them. I think shipping will be free since it is expensive on yesasia


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A couple of questions are bugging me:

Obviously, based on episode 16, we received a whole bunch of new information about the past - and that clearly shows us how much more there is to reveal. Much of it we cannot even guess at this point.

HOWEVER - did any of you see what I thought I saw (or am I nuts) during the Ahjumma flashback when she sees her crying husband slumped in the stairwell telling her their son has died...then it switches to the detective in her division telling her that everything needs to be repressed. I was immediately struck by the thought that the detective was the SAME guy as the new husband of Jung Ho's mother in that flashback scene. Am I crazy?
Also, it seems like too much of a coincidence to me that Young Shin's AWESOME dad was/is an attorney to convicts and ex-convicts and he sought out the little YS to adopt - going back five times to win her over. Is it possible he was connected to all of them in 1992? At this point, he is just AWESOME dad to all us - he doesn't even have a clue yet about Bong Soo-Healer story. It seems to me there are too many coincidences to not be somehow connected. I also think that YS was in the same horrific accident that crippled her mom but escaped and wandered off. Her memory is understandably repressed.

Any thoughts from the Beanut gallery?


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i can't see dad keeping her past from her just to protect her - he went back for her because he's a defender of lost causes and he's just AWESOME like that :D
if he knew about the whole thing, i think he'd either had told her all about it and let her decide what to do with the tale, or taken her away from seoul and to some faraway spot in the country where none of it would ever find her.

they are in seoul, right?

no way in all this time when she's been a bit in a crush over the awesomeness of MH's reporting, dad wouldn't have noticed who her crush was or spoken about it. imho, considering the lack of alpha posturing and brazeness when taking the actress over to the police and then facing the reporters, dad is more like a quiet type of guy, who doesn't need muscles or cheek to make his point.
(i'd really want to see him and MH alongside, though, he's built like a mountain too. definitely the protective dad kind, and he doesn't have to even DO anything to impress that fact on the watcher :D)

i didn't look closer at either JH's mom's new husband, or at the cover-up cop. maybe they only looked alike because they're both dressed '90s style?


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Re JH's step-father and Cop Min-ja's boss. They kind of looked alke because of the gaunt features, but JH's stepfather looked younger than that boss cop. I don't think they are the same person.


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At the end of ep 16, Young-shin is due for a full-blown panic attack. Jung-hoo knows she's at the scene. If he doubles back to watch over her, he'll see what's going on and rush to her side.

At a minimum, a major weakness will be exposed. More than that? Take a deep breath, then off to see the grand wizard.


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he can't come back to her even if she'd start hyperventilating, his face is covered in blood.

which also means if anyone sees him around and remembers his face, he's doomed unless ahjumma found some cctv around and has proof he didn't do it.

there had better be cctv in that area!!!


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But we also know he doesn't think clearly when it comes to her! It's a scenario that I don't want to see happen. (Really don't want to take antacids for a TV show.)

Then again, maybe this is how they end up getting a deeper look at Elder Inc. Elder wants to meet him, according to the subs.


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are we sure that's a good idea - allowing them to meet? i seem to remember a certain congressman who was going to be the next mayor with the full support of elder - until he wasn't anymore, and he just poofed out of existence.

what if elder decides healer's not gonna turn ('cause he's not KMS) and so he wouldn't be worth the effort of getting and keeping alive? if JH ends up in jail, there's always another crooked cop to serve him poison.

let's hope she doesn't panic so he doesn't come back so the cops don't arrest him, and that elder's underlings are already home watching asia cup football games, not staying around to catch him on the sly.

i got a bongsookie banner!!! the first time for me. lol, i miss him. gonna yell along with YS about missing him :D


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Elder Inc. can bail him out first, get a sense of him, then decide to eliminate. But, that will be a few moves away and anything can happen in between.

I miss Bong-soo too. Let's face it, Jung-hoo can be a pill sometimes.


Does Moon-ho still have all the Moon-shik videos he "secretly" recorded? Those might have been useless before. Now, quite useful if MH wants to go nuclear.


@ Snickers

Yes, I've forgotten about those recordings of MS's dealings in the office. Can Moon Ho ever use them? They will also incriminate him for being silent and complicit.


@ Growingbeautifully

Thus, going nuclear. Assured mutual destruction, almost. See who blinks first.



I agree with you! I dont want him to meet Elder!

Elder seems to have the power to manipulate and make people believe in something they dont even feel!

JH is just getting out his shell and I dont want him messed up again!!!!


@ Snickers

You point is a good one for the conjectures we had. JH sees that YS is shocked at the scene of death. He has to run off because ahjumma had got the police to come just at the right time. But knowing YS may have another panic attack, he may double back to keep watch on her. If he sees that she is with Moon Ho, he may not do anything, but if she is alone, he will definitely show himself to help her past her panic.

We were commenting that we hope he will have a heart-to-heart talk to her after this ending, as soon as possible, to clarify and give each other assurances. :)


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He actually doesn't look guilty at all. Young-shin had Bong-soo's blood on her from helping him.


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but he was bongsookie (and not dark unknown maybe-t00-dangerous healer) and she didn't have time to panic. she didn't even see the violence taking place, just the effects of it. she's not squeamish about blood, mostly, doesn't she cut herself in cans all the time?
he doesn't look guilty, but shocked and a bit numb, maybe. still he has the presence of mind to take off, lol. the man's made out of contradictions.


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@ shelly

YS might not have witnessed the violence but the blood spattered weapon used was a metal pipe and YS has a history with pipes - she was abused with one. Sight of the pipe itself may trigger an episode.

Also, YS is not totally impervious to the sight of blood. When she was being briefed by that sanctimonious turd, Manager Ahn, YS started to get blurry eyed and short breathed and she kept re-focusing on the photos of the dead Goh Cheul (?) the courier, lying in a big pool of blood. There was no physical threat to her then, but YS was somehow affected by the talk of violence and the visuals of its aftermath.

Thus I think YS' reaction was due to the sight of the bloodied metal pipe and the signs of violence rather than the thought that JH might have killed Park.


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I was restraining myself from comments for episode 16 because , even though I knew that something like this was coming, I definitely wasn't prepared for it...
This last episode left me speechless, * something that is really weird for me, you know....
I now fully understand how involved I am in this show, that it actually hurt me to watch, like it was real........What is wrong with me??????????


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@jp lol nothing is weird with you, join the club of 'Healer has affected my life', it is interesting how invested we are with the story, and how involved emotionally we are. It's something alien to me as well, because I'm not, and I mean, I'm NEVER EVER this involved in a drama where I have an urge to search about news about it, watch mvs for it, and stare at its main hero like this lol 'blush ' :)

So no fear, healer is here :)


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I know, right? I do that too. And I never have done that before, with any show.. and there are other shows that I love..But I wasn't this crazy about them..................
I joined club long time ago, I am already crazy fan :D


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@J.P. - you are SO not alone! Welcome to the loony bin with the rest of us. You'll be safe here.


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@J.P. and lunatic4kd

Yup, you'll be safe and healed with us! We'll need and have group therapy when this show is over! LOLOL!


Always warm welcome :) Tnx ,and see you all in the next recap :)


P.s Tnx JB for great recap


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I feel like YS is not going to misunderstand JH, particularly because of the last scene. There is a camera shot of YS taking a step forward during the last scene whereas in the rest of the episode there are camera shots of her taking a step back, from both MH and JH.


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Good catch @ Chandra! :)


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Omg I might sound nerdy, but I finally saw the Healer banner with all of its glory.omggg looks so awesome with him dressed all in black and DramaBeans is written in the background. Sighhh amazing job to the creator :) :) :)


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Thought I must share this. Get your full dose of JWC goodness here while we wait impatiently for Monday to arrive:


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@ encoeci

Thank you. I enjoyed this again, (I think!) but we cannot have too much of Ji Chang Wook so yeah let's get more doses. Doc says it's good for healing. LOL!


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@growingbeautifully are you sure it's healing? I'm being totally ruined by Healer, not that I'm complaining though, hehe. Come, gimme MOAR!!


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@encoeci, thank you sweety it's so nice to go gaga over this swoon worthy gentleman lol ,:-)


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Thanks for the link!! SO MUCH PRETTY!!!

@TurksihRose I squeed so hard when his banner came though!!

How many JCW and Healer banners are floating around anyways?
I got one JCW and one Bong Soo one, thats it :(

I wish at least for next couple of weeks all my banners are only of JCW and HEALER!!

And I so wish for one banner to be made of our OTP!!!



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@Divyrus, you read my mind, I wish our otp would show with all of its glory on big banners all the time on db when we least expect it :)

Lucky you that you saw the banner twice, I only saw jung hoo in his healer black form it was soooo sweet lol squee :)


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Cant JB make a special exception to her rotating banners rule and make them only Healer and JCW related till Healer ends??? Its like Healer has taken over DB (which is true in a way, anyway :P )

Pretty please JB?? Or maybe thats too much of a request? Since there are tons of non healer fans who come everyday as well !


@Divyrus omg lol you want all those Healer haters to come and kill us? There are a couple of people on the open thread last time that were talking so harshly about how they don't understand the crazy healer fans lol. I'm sure girlfriday and javabean would be against it lol ;)


Yeah TurkishRose, so true. We would be butchered.

And its not fair in any way , DB is a place for everyone!!! :)


@Divyrus true indeed my friend ;)


Moon-shik chose getting the tape over getting rid of Healer/Jung-hoo. Not exactly rational. Securing the tape will be easier with JH out of commission.

As for the tape? It seemed like the cops were treating this case as any other death/murder investigation. Then, "paperwork problem." Unless Park Dong-chul always secretly recorded interrogations, there is no tape.


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Many people are complaining about the less amount of comments, I admit comments are much less. But please be understanding it does not mean we don't love healer anymore. From my personal experience I tried to watch another shows like KMHM and HJI but these are of no use. Healer has bewitched me, body and soul.

The reasons for less comments are I think as someone already said, we just went crazy about the skinship moments and almost half of the comments were like "squeeee" and "awwww" sometimes" I am dead, in heaven" .... Obviously those comments are not appropriate for this ep.

Next what in my case, this ep was obviously shocking, not because healer was in trouble it was quite given but after the scene of YS and JH, I was kind of assured that teams are decided now it was the time of battle. But last scene and YS expression ..... Ooohhhhh!!!!

The ep 16 was like a storm. 1st lightning suddenly you see a Ra in the dark but next it thunders and you find yourself still in dark, frightened !!!! :(


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Yeah, I mean, my reason for commenting less right now is because I feel like I have a lot to say, but I just need the time to sort out my thoughts. This episode was really enjoyable for me and it still gave me one of my favorite OTP moments yet. I just keep not having the time to write any in-depth posts!


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I agree, I am so pumped for what is yet to come and how things will reveal and how the showdown will be executed! We all so much emotions pent up (with shock and contemplation rather than squee and hot damn) so we are just calming down and preparing ourselves mentally for what is to come! Awesome of course! And sadness!


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well said


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@skyofblue - where are you? Haven't heard from you in awhile. You're only 70 miles south of me. Don't make me come searching for you!


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That's what I was wondering! I think she had exams to finish up, but I'm sure she'll catch up with the eps and join us commenting soon :)


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@Chandler and @Skyofblue, Us California Healer Beanies gotta stick together! And @TurkishRose in Seattle (?) I think you're precariously balanced on the same tectonic plates that we are. (GO Seahawks!)


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@@Lunatic4kd lol dear not in Seattle but in another gloomy state without my healer, and it's called Michigan :) we are only 3hrs apart, but seconds apart from our love of Healer <3

I know most of everyone does get busy eventually, either work, school or family, and add to that a sad episode filled with a great cliffhanger, and you got not many comments here. I think we should worry less about the quantity, because the quality of the comments here are pretty fantastic. I've read some pretty interesting logics concerning the plot, so it makes for a very nice read. Thank you guys :)


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@ TurkishRose

Illinois here.


@snickers lucky you I'm originally from Chicago...I miss my windy city :( where are you at?


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Chicago Northwest Suburbs.


@snickers that's awesome. I think your the only healer lovin Chicagoans here :) but I do count as half a Chicagoan, so your not alone lol


@ TurkishRose

I don't mind being alone. Living alone on a deserted island was my dream first. Somewhere off British Columbia or Nova Scotia.


@snickers sounds pretty cool, it almost sounds like what Jung hoo had in mind? ;) but I'm sure most of us, especially with this nice cold freezing weather, would love to go somewhere tropical...just the thought makes me warm inside.


Awwww, I feel so very appreciated! Thank you very much for noticing my absence. That Exam fiend came and pretty much locked me behind its claws, so I had to take care to that before my return. I finished on Tuesday though, so I am now back!

Again, thank you all for wondering where I was. It is a nice feeling


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Gracias por el resumen esperando que llegue lunes cuantos capitulos son


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@ cgh

errr.... English translation please ... so we can respond to you. :)


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i look up at google translate: she (er, might be a she..LOL) would like to thanks for the recap, and also like us, Cant' wait for monday too :D


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I am crying and laughing at the same time in that part where CYS ran after JY saying come back even if you don't find anything, then hugged, and the dad and ajhussi dropped their things in shock. Show I LOVE YOU SO!!!


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Oh and when he kissed her, in front of them, I almost died laughing!

I was really worried about noble idiocy happening in this episode, and dragging it on and on, so I delayed watching up to today, Thursday. I should have trusted our daebak writer-nim!


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@ottoke lol, yes I laughed too, it was so awkward for them to be standing there while the two love birds kiss, but I loved that moment so much. I thought it was so sweet and brave of jung hoo to do that. I love their love


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actually Jung Hoo is Socially Challenged boy... give him sometime, slowly he would understand what he did :P :P

I sometimes imagine a scene of JH and YS wedding, where daddy cool repeating his 3 warnings
1. Don't let her drink
2. Don't let her open cans
3. Don't let her witness any violence

JH " Aiguesmida" with his legendary nods :) :)


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@fantasy omg lol that would be Daebaek :) I really wish they can give us a wedding, white dress, and the whole nine yards.


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I love their love.

@TurkishRose Nothing else to be said!


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@Divyrus thank you ma'am, glad you agree :)


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To be honest, I don't really mind if YS misunderstand JH. Of course she has been portrayed as a strong character up till now, but she's also a human being after all. Judging from the timeline, she's only known JH for around 2 months, which, in my opinion, is not long enough to understand everything about him, so i can't actually blame her if she has doubts about him. Also all the information about her past, her mother are coming up so abruptly. If i was in her shoes, i would be freaking out and confused as well.
As long as they don't drag this misunderstanding too long, i'm totally fine with it. I believe all these obstacles will make their relationship grow stronger as they will work together eventually to fight against the Elder.


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@mint totally agree with you, but I don't think they will drag it out because there is still so much mystery to be unraveled, and to add to that they are separated won't be good for the plot. Their love is supposed to be unlike any other because they have a bond that will never break, they are eternal soul mates. Omg lol, I think I'm quoting the ost ..sheesh I need a life :)


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LOL love that, Turkish Rose!


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@ottoke, omg thank you for making me feel normal lol :)


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text preview is out!

/sigh withholding judgement for now


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@siesta thank you for that, never realized that release a summary for every episode. It's interesting, I wonder if they will be releasing a trailer tomorrow though? I guess we will have to wait and see :)


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my two reaction :

1st "oh shit"
2nd "oh yes"


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Do any of you guys have any to watch list post Healer to ease your pain? If you do, please share and maybe we can end up watching something together :)

I wanted to start kill me heal me, for the simple fact that I love ji sung and hwang jung um couple.

I also would like to see hyde, Jekyll and me, for the simple fact that I miss hyuin bin so much after SG

I'm contemplating on watching Empress Ki, although I've understood that it has a horrible ending for our beloved jcw. But I might give it a try, if I found any company to watch with lol :)


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Unfortunately, at this moment i'm not ready for any dramas yet. Healer has drained me emotionally and physically haha. It's taking too much of my time like my day basically involves school, work, eat, sleep and check everything Healer and JCW related on soompi, DB, Tumblr, Twitter and Weibo.

There are so many dramas i want to watch like Hyde, Jekyll, Me, Punch & Shining and Go Crazy. I watched ep 1 of each of those, they are all good but by some reasons i couldn't continue (blame it on Healer lol).

I'm watching My Too Perfect Sons, which is pretty long (54 eps) and JCW doesn't appear a lot, but it's a heart-warming family drama. I enjoy it a lot and JCW is such a a crybaby there lol.


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@ TurkishRose

I'm considering the following that are also being recapped, so we could meet up on those threads.

Heart to heart
Hyde, Jekyll, Me
Kill Me, Heal Me

Not Recapped but I did start watching and may continue...
Sweden Laundry
Valid Love


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Currently, besides Healer, I'm only watching The Simpsons, Supernatural, the news and Blackhawks games.

2014, I dropped Empress Ki and Joseon Gunman, but tolerated Age of Feeling/Inspiration Generation and Nightwatchman's Journal.

I guess I can better tolerate supernatural/mythical stuff even when it's mediocre or just plain bad. So, I'll give Blood a try.


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yeeeaaahhhh... BLOOD !!!

Let's see how the whitey act???? he have to act well, he is showing him after JCW... It's sad even HB failed to attract me :( though I don't know is HB or the actrees who repel


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I've only seen Hyun Bin in Secret Garden. Don't know the lead actress in HJ&M. I was interested, but HB's chaebol hair and another romantic comedy & mystery... Too much.

I've only seen Gu Hye-sun in Boys Over Flowers. My indifference towards her is not a deal-breaker. Don't know anyone else in Blood. American actors tend to be stoic. As long as the story keeps my interested...


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I'm planning on watching Warrior Baek Dong-so then Empress Ki...I'll need a JCW marathon after Healer...


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A warning(?) regarding Warrior Baek Dong-soo: It's much more about bromance. There is no chemistry between JCW and either of the potential love interests.


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@Snickers and @oOttoke

I am planning on Warrior as well.

And I dont mind lack of romance, all I wanna watch his EYES and GET LOST IN THEM FOREVER


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Hehehe, Divyrus, you read my mind!


@@Divyrus, yes THOSE EYES, definitely see a great reason to watch it. Plus I also liked yoon seung ho (from I miss you) I actually liked his acting alot more than the other two leads. So watching both won't be a bad idea :)


Thanks for the warning, Snickers! I think after our Healer OTP it will be hard to ship JCW with another lead, so I think I'll be ok. Bromance!!! I briefly saw Yoo Seung-ho in Missing You and I was intrigued by him, so a bromance between these two - looking forward to it. :_)


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I don't know what I will do, I guess I will take a long break from watching kdramas,as I have invested way too much time in healer ,I will be totally drained by the end of it . I am watching season 6 of white collar ( Matt bomer is my guilty pleasure ) ;-)


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me tooo... will take a break , have to study a lot, I have not studied a bit since the end of dec :P


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I haven't slept properly since ages ,always lurking around for healer updates! I feel feel so empty when healer will end,but I will be more relaxed !


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LOL! @ fantasy and Sumee

Sounds like the end of Healer will be good for your health and studies!!! I too will need to sleep more and spend time on other RL things that I've been putting off. *sighs*


@fantasy @growingbeautifully totally right ! I need a big long break ,so that I can stay living the normal life (which seems like a distant dream right now) even with so much travel I am doing all I think about is healer ;-)


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Me too, i think I will stop for a while watching Kdrama, I have given so much emotions, invested so much time and sleepless nights in Healer. To aggravate things, I do not know what am I gonna do after Healer's finale, so sad, so draining I should say (but i had the best of my kdrama addiction in healer, this is my happiest I should say again!)

Lord help us!


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Planning to start on marathoning the suggested dramas from TvN right after Healer: Misaeng and Liar Game. Let's see how much I'll like 'em. :)

And maybe Sons of Sol Pharmacy and Smile Donghae if I have the time. (I will endure the length, for the love of JCW! lol)

But I guess I'll only be truly happy if a new show for our Puppy will be announced. Hopefully one in Summer. Poor guy always suffers through the winter in most of his dramas. Plus, I wanna see him NOT wearing winterwear/thick clothing for a change.


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Liar game is good and Misaeng is awesome but (it is not a spoiler iI suppose), don't you expect any chemistry only expect math okay??? specially in Liar game :)

Misaeng is totally different genre, I wonder JCW has to compete with Im Siwan in awards :P , and Kang So Ra just rocks :)

A little off topic but I want Kang So Ra in a main role, I already mentioned in previous eps I want KSR and JCW act in a good drama, Han Groo will be good too :) ... can I hope a rom com of JCW in summer ??? :)


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@fantasy - Oh it's totally fine! I'm okay with no romance as long as the story is super engaging. *thumbs up*

Haven't watched Kang So Ra in anything before. I guess I'll have to see her performance in Misaeng first before offering any opinions about her being paired up with our Puppy. :) Yes for Han Groo though! LOVE her. I'm clamoring for JCW in a summer romcom too! Or really just any JCW drama. In SUMMER. I wanna see him wearing t-shirts *cough biceps and triceps cough*


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I also have seen KSR in two dramas only, in Doctor stranger ( drama not that good) she was impressive though she was the 2nd lead and in misaeng too she acted well but again no such romantic angle ... Pairing JCW and KSR may look actually

Han groo is beautiful beautiful beautiful :) acted well in MND but to be honest I did not find the drama very appealing though I am a big fan of rom com :)



I hope too for a summer project for JCW and with KSR or Han Groo (OMG that's what I have been thinking weeks ago!) A rom-com would be another hit for JCW. I hope too that he plays a chaebol??? with good writing and directing plus an equally credible heroine. I think playing chaebol will seal him a spot as A lister. just my thinking...


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MISAENG!!! Decidedly, definitely, absolutely, totally awesome!!!


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My good k-pen pal is thoroughly engrossed in Kill Me Heal Me and I will start that one after a healer is over. I'm curious about Hyun Bin's show because I really like him but I'm also a rabid fan of Jang Hyuk and I'm disappointed in Shine and Go Crazy. Wanted to try to watch SoMETHING while waiting for Healer 17 so I tried out SAGC. It's totally weird...trying to be a comedy...script and scenes totally disjointed - almost uncomfortable to watch. I dunno....maybe I'm so in love with Healer that nothing feels right. Roommate is right and so is K-pop Star 4.... They are both great right now because they are reality and they are sweet and funny and touching...just real people hanging out together or singing their hearts out. I just know I can't stomach another drama right now...am actually wondering if one will EVER feel right again after the magnificence of Healer. The bar has now been set WAY high.


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My to-watch/to-read list:

Kill Me Heal Me (has the word "Heal" in it :-D)

Hyde, Jekyll & Me (for HB, who else! But although I watch almost all of his dramas, he will still be Sam shik to me)

Blood (out of curiousity, and of course it comes after Healer ends *sigh*, and I've got so used to our weekly mon-tue activity...aaah, I'm sure gonna miss you, Healer, and this thread :-( )


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Hey, Everyone, while we are considering our future without Healer with all kinds of horror LOL .... remember to look for each other on OT. We'll still be spazzing there on what we are doing to survive post-healer under sub-thread 'Healer Lovers'. When we know who's watching what, we can still meet up on those recaps if DB does them. :)


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Thanks, @Gb... It's a good idea to meet up on OT post-Healer. I noticed that you had already started the Healer Lovers sub-thread last week, but I had trouble posting at that moment so I couldn't give my response.

I usually don't go to OT, seems like they have groups of regulars there and I always have no idea what to write LOL

But the last OT had over 1K comments, so I had to check, and as I suspected, Healer fans (and antis hehe) had a lot to do with it :-)


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@GB and @pastmidnite

I never go on OTs either. Usually I find its over by the time I get up! Which time do they usually get started??

But post Healer - I would have no choice but to be camped there!


@ Divyrus and pastmidnite

Yup once Healer is over, we can sort of camp there LOL! I know it comes out pretty late... 6.00am DB time which makes it around 10pm my time on a Friday. Let's just keep in touch... share our ups and downs if we can ... no stress. This is meant to be fun and uplifting for us all. :D



Yep! I want to!! Will get into schedule groove in couple of weeks mostly :)


@mint, @Growingbeautifully, @fantasy, @ottoke, @snickers, @sumee, @omomo, @dramabliss, @Lunatic4kd, @pastmidnite

Looks like our lists are almost the same. We definitely need to keep up to date with each other when there is an OT thread.

I forgot to mention that as soon as Healer Wil be over, I would like to marathon it again. There is a joy of watching the show completely without any breaks, it's like reading a book without any breaks. So definitely looking forward to watching the journey from the beginning.

And Misaeng was sooooooo good. Even though it's without romance, but oh boy does it make your heart ripped apart and fully satisfied. Totally recommend:)


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@mint, @Growingbeautifully, @fantasy, @ottoke, @snickers, @sumee, @omomo, @dramabliss, @Lunatic4kd, @pastmidnite

I put up another Healer Lovers comment in OT some minutes ago. Let's see if anyone responds yet (or whether we get antis LOL!) I don't really mind. A response is a response and that means something affected someone. :)


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@Turkish Rose

I love your likening seeing show completely to reading books without breaks. There is nothing like that few hours of forgetting whats going on around us.

I havent watched Misaeng yet, I have been putting it off for SO LONG! I dont want to look at cubicles and corporate life in a show as well. I know i get enough of it daily!


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@Divyrus, lol I'm sure you are tired of the cubicle life as well. At first before I began Misaeng, I had the same feeling...what is so appealing about office work? Well to answer that question I had to go watch it, and oh boy was it soooo satisfying. It's so real the obstacles our hero had to face that you would think it's a raw portrayal of your own working life, and what you had to go through to fit in. It's simply beautiful, and believe me not a dull moment ever felt.

So defiantly check it out :)


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yes its there for THAT one day when I feel WHY THE FUCK DOES ONLY MY LIFE SUCK SO BAD!

So I can see it and feel better that am not the only one! I know my work life is way better than many out there!


TurkishRose, Misaeng intrigued me too and I was actually planning on watching that last December, but I started Healer first and the rest is history...I will eventually get to it but I have a concern. I love Kang Ha neul. I know he's not the lead and that's ok, but is he a bad guy in that show?


@Divyrus lol you are soooo cute. But believe me watch it, and you will see your work life in another new light. In a better way, you will appreciate it so much that your boss will be grateful that you watched it :D

@ottoke, lol totally understand that healer cannot be watched with something else. And about kang hanel, he is also a main character and without spoiling anything, you will love him in misaeng as well, definitely watch it :)


I think it depends on the mindset you bring into watching Empress Ki that will make you watch it until the end or not. I personally loved it. I didn't watch it for JCW because I didn't know him at the time. I watched it for Ha Ji Won because I really wanted to see her kick butt and be a really strong female lead. Then when JCW's character was introduced, I liked him but I seriously routed for the second main lead until JCW's character grew on me. He did a phenomenal job at portraying his character and the ending makes sense to me. It was sad but it flowed with the story. It's one of those dramas that has twists and turns and keeps you on your feet because you want to see the bad people go down so badly! That was my take on it and it turned out to be a good drama. Then I fell in love with JCW's character because he made his character lovable and understanding.

I will watch KMHM and HJ and I when Healer ends. I am too invested in Healer to have the heart to watch other dramas and expect them to be as great as Healer. JCW and PMY just set the bar so high so...I am having a hard time moving on.


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Am encouraging you on Empress Ki.

Its a daunting watch true, but that is one series that is MADE for marathon!!
Am in episode 38 right now and as I mentioned before, even knowing its bad ending doesnt make me wanna stop.

You will see a different side to JCW that would only make you fall in love with him more.

And once I complete Empress Ki, I will be going to watch Warrior Baek Dong Soo. I need JCW in my life.

No Shame.


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@Divyrus...so I should definitely see Empress ki? I've never done a 50+ episode so it's all new to me. But I've seen the 'to the butterfly' mv, and it looks so magical. I'm already in love with that ost, so maybe i will definitely watch it.

But, I wanted someone to watch it with...Unfortunately you are almost done with it, so can't ask you :(


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I have never watched a korean drama with someone else!

How about we try to do it with some other drama? I wanna try it!

And for Empress Ki, dont worry, you wont even know the time or episode number, the story will totally fly so fast that you cant stop yourself from clicking on next episode!
The story is so fast paced and so entertaining!

Even I cant believe I watched 38 hours of it! LOL!


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@Divyrus lol alright I'll marathon it after Healer, hopefully it will fill a gap after the darkness of Healer :(

@AlienKay, those two, jcw and pmy, have indeed set the bar so high. That it would be so hard to compare their chemistry with anyone else :(


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Aweeeeee..so adorable !


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4 more days!


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ok.. that cliffhanger!!

at first i was disturbed at CYS's eyes at the end.. it felt like she might misunderstand JH in there... but after thinking about it longer.. there might actually have some conversations that happened when they saw each other. because the scene was cut and we just saw JH running already when MH arrived.

it's a bit sad that there's only 4 episodes left.. i really wish a happy ending for our couple. they deserve it right?

i only started watching healer at first because i was curious and pinocchio was almost ending that time.. i don't know if i should be glad that i decided to watch it when it's not yet finished because the wait is killing me. i usually watch a drama after it ended so i could watch it in one go. i don't like waiting.. hehe.

but healer got me so hooked.. it's really been a long time since i got so addicted in a drama.. after gaksital.

come fast monday.. argh!


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Gaksital has been my number one favorite for almost a year. Gahhhhh I love it so....but Healer has come along and taken the top spot. Cannot imagine two better dramas standing together in my heart for years ahead. And then at the awards show at the end of December to see Ji Chang Wook and Joo Won sitting side by side at that table. gAHhhhhhhh! I'm done. That's it. Over and out!


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Dear Beanies sisters,

can you please help to vote here?


JCW is about to win the first place!! the margin is too small!


Muchos loves from Soompi sisters :D


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Done - Again!!


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Done again ;-) he is leading now :-)


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He is? Last time I voted, he's still 2nd, only 100-ish votes below LMH.
Well, that's wonderful news! Good for him! Good for us LOL


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Yep he is..power of healer I bet !


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Yay!!! I just checked ... He's in first position now... got 2,806 votes now and has 33.79 per cent. Number 2 position is 80 votes less at 32.82% . Yeah JCW!!! Way to go JCW-lover Beanies!!!


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done it. so how is actually the poll works?we could vote for several time after 24 hours has passed or something?


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JCW is now number 1 and seems to be pulling away. Hurray!


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Wohooooooo omg Ji Chang Wook your amazing. Finally the number one spot you so deserve. :)

I voted for him, although I think you can't vote more than once in a day, but haven't tried it so not too sure :)


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Yay! He is officially number 1 and going very far ahead of his competition!!! Yay!!!


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As on Sunday night (my time) JCW is far in the lead with 39.77% ie 3,854 votes. This is 932 votes ahead of the number 2 position. So Good Job all who voted!!! :D Let's keep him in top position for as long as we can.


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I dunno if this was posted before ,but oh my goodness gracious this is way too much ! I a fanning myself nonstop..
Yes you all are welcome ;-)


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i saw this yummy yesterday, and i couldn't help it by feeling all the giddy. I was literally tip toeing when i scroll down all those JCW pics in all his hotness, since my hubby was seating behind me watching his tv, lol. I'm so afraid that i might gettin busted-drooling over some dude whose like 7 years younger then me, lol.


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@redsun, same goes for me ,my husband knows that I watch kdramas a lot, but he was telling me this time I have gone way too far..and calls me crazy ;-)


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This is an Amazing post. I loved how she categorized it under different titles. Thanks for sharing?


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He's so freakin' hot.


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Thanks for sharing Sumee, I am terribly devastated now with all those hot pics...my husband too says I am getting crazy with this JCW fingerling hahaha....


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I have a question here... why healer does not use the video against MS, that he used to blackmail him???? He told he would destroy it but are they that true to their words???? is not it weird ???

any thoughts ???


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I think he still has them (will come in handy later )but I guess they were thinking the situation will not get that bad !


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right now, i'm totally cocooning my self in the 2:30-8:04 of ep 15 for my copping mechanism while wait for ep 17. keep replaying that over and over again, and thanks God i'm not somber anymore. i'm bravely looking for the ep 17 now.


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Can't wait for next Monday, thak you for the recap DB!


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I am back! Exams finished Tuesday, and I had a bit of stuff with myself and real life to deal with, but I am back! It seems I'm kinda sapped of the precious energy I had with Healer, but I'm still pinpointing why. It is not the show's fault though, it's most likely the disappointment I received with school. *sigh*

It is also quite late at night here's so I'm just going to say one thing before I leave. Finally saw all of ep 15 and 16 today.

16 was amazing. What a great episode. That revelation to YS though...I'm actually quite glad the drama didn't play it up as EXTREMELY HUGE AND WOAH like some other dramas do, but rather kept it subtle, and actually quite realistic. The way YS dealt with the shock was very well done. And the fact that she was fighting with herself concerning JH when he came to her- it was painful, but well done. For a moment, it seemed the drama would be going for the angsty route, as she flinched away from JH. Man, that has got to have hurt, especially since just the other day, she said she would stay by his side and didn't care about what he was hiding from her. I was muttering to her through my screen "No no no", as JH's face flickered with hurt.

But then, she comes flying down, grabs his lapels, and says that he should find it and come back. Which was great, but it made my heart sink somewhat. Was that the only way she was going to accept him? And THEN she says "And even if you don't, come back."

I love Chae Young Shin. What an awesome character. The end.


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Hi Sky! *hugs* Ugh. I know. School has been sucking the life out of me as of late too. The thesis I'm working on is driving me up the wall. *facedesk* But I digress.

Of course, I still drop by DB during my free time to re-energize myself. Like I'm doing now. :D I just cannot function without my daily dose of Healer and comments from all the awesome Beanies. Plus the occasional lurking on Soompi, Twitter, DF and other sites to sniff out some juicy Healer-related goodies to serve as my "battery". Lololol.

Well said! Chae Young Shin is THE girl. You don't get to see a lot of k-drama heroines with such a winsome character like hers nowadays.


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@Omomo and @Skyofblue - gotta hand it to you two, and all other students, for even managing to get ANY studying done during Healer. I'd be failing every subject. We didn't even have internet when I was in college….hard to believe, right? It's taking enormous will-power and a guilty sense of responsibility these days for me even to manage my real life effectively because of Healer, so I am super proud of you!


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@skyofblue, @omomo welcome back and omg great job guys that you're able to manage your real life and healer life as well lol.

@Lunatic4kd, totally agree. If I was still studying now, I would probably fail because the focus will be totally missing lol.


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Welcome Skyyyy!!! Managing studies with fiction obsessions is not easy , I know the pain :P

And now am working, I find them even more hard :D

And right you are on that. SHE ROCKED.


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Well, I'm finally going to marathon the drama up to this point! I know there have been many people doing that multiple times a week, but I actually haven't done it at all yet. I usually just end up watching the episodes that air each week over and over, but now I feel like going back and watching the Bong-sookie moments from the very beginning through Young-shin's freshly opened eyes. Plus, I just miss Bong-soo!


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I wish I can marathon the drama as well but school is just not permitting me! *pulls at hair* As much as I hate to think about it, the ending is merely two weeks away. Coincidentally the same time our exams will end. I will DEFINITELY be able to marathon Healer then. In all of its glorious 20 episodes.

You just reminded me of how much I miss Bong Sookie too. *sniff*


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Me, too. Bong-sookie...Bong-sooya...Bongsookie! ;(


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@geigie, lol I love that line especially with the cute way she says it and how he responded to her lol epic :)


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Beanies, allow me to digress a bit from our squees over OTP moments and angst over current state of affairs to heap some praise on Secretary Oh.

Oh, uh-huh, I mean the guy who plays the role of Secretary Oh. That’s veteran actor Jung Gyu-soo who has been in numerous movies and dramas. The one role I can remember at the moment is that of the heart specialist who operated on Dokko-jin in Best Love.

If the leads are killing their portrayals, I think the same can be said of JGS. We know he’s some kind of sociopath/psychopath. His demeanour and body language (almost timid, subservient) contrasts so well with his sneaky looks and shifty eyes. He also has this way of holding himself, a bit stooped, with one shoulder lower than the other, arms closed to the side. Anyways, the whole picture and body language oozes malice but in a very subtle way. It makes him much creepier than those villains with scowls and and in-your-face aggressive stances.

Am not sure if that visual of the character has been defined by the writer, or has been carefully put together by the actor, but suffice it to say that Jung Gyu-soo is slaying the role.

So Secretary Oh I confine to a really hot place down there, but JGS I praise to high heavens!


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Yep, the actor is slaying the role. And for some reason, he reminds of Gullom character from the movie Lord of the Rings LOL! He is so good/bad that I want to flush him in the toilet head first. :D


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Agreed! I also love Detective Yoon and AWESOME dad and the coffee shop ahjussi. Stellar actors all around.


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The detective! I like his character too.


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for those wanting to oder the Drama DVD
YesAsia is selling it. They offer free shipping so it may come out to be less total than the other place.


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Main reason for the decrease in comment :

"Everyone is busy re-watching episode 16". Hahaha :D

That episode is really priceless :D. I may not be commenting often but rest assured that each and every comment is read and is well appreciated! Thank you Healer for these wonderful beanies who never fails to make me smile everyday!

P.S. Waiting for more comments to read..Hehehe!


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*decrease in comments


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@xavienne, lol totally agree. I know I already rewatched episode 15 & 16 twice. Loved 16 so much because of how the plot is moving :)


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