
Healer: Episode 16

Is that the “oh shit” face you’re wearing right now? Because it’s mountain after mountain for our Healer, whose every step forward is dogged by setbacks that land him in some new kind of peril at every turn. On the upside, the Scooby gang is solidifying and gaining members, and I absolutely love that. On the downside, all that new peril I just mentioned.


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Young-shin gets picked up by Moon-shik, thinking he’s taking her to meet his wife for an interview. She seems uneasy, but there’s no reason for her to refuse, so off she goes.

Jung-hoo locates the home of an ex-detective, intent on tracking down what happened to his father’s missing police statement. The man seems locked inside his head as he plays cards alone, and his daughter explains that he doesn’t speak. Jung-hoo sits down anyway and tries to ask questions about the 1992 case.

He finally gets his attention by playing a turn in the card game, which gets a reaction from the ex-officer, and Jung-hoo presses him to talk about the old case. Particularly the statement he took from the suspect named Seo Joon-seok.

The officer repeats that name, then says that “we” had to quit the force because of him. The daughter confirms, remembering being evicted from home in 1992, and provides the name of the other officer who met a similar fate: Park Dong-chul.

Jung-hoo gives the name to Min-ja to track down. She grumps that she’s not a machine who just spits out answers, to which he retorts that she pretty much is. Then she spots something on her map that sets her on alert.

She calls Moon-ho just as he arrives at the newspaper and hears that Young-shin scored the interview with Myung-hee after all. Ajumma informs him that Young-shin’s cell phone is being tracked, and she’s just arrived “at a place I don’t much care for.” She decided against informing Jung-hoo first, predicting that he’d go charging in.

Moon-shik takes Young-shin to Jeil Newspaper, and his string of praise for her recent work is puzzling, since her recent work stained his name and all. She explains having an interview scheduled, but Moon-shik says that he has already informed his wife of its cancellation. Over at the house, Myung-hee prepares freshly baked cookies and deflates when her housekeeper gives her the message.

He asks Young-shin not to meet his wife just yet, and explains that he has heard that there are dangerous people in Young-shin’s orbit. Well technically that’s not a lie if he’s talking about himself, but he specifically drops the name Seo Jung-hoo. When she pretends not to understand, he muses that “maybe only Moon-ho knows the relationship.”

Moon-shik takes out that old photo and identifies himself and his wife, and watches her reaction carefully as he points out Seo Joon-seok. He also points to Teacher and says he recently died, which is enough for Young-shin to start connecting dots in her head, though she does a good job of keeping a poker face.

Moon-shik describes meeting Teacher recently, who’d said he’d turned Jung-hoo into the Healer. Teacher at least stopped at reasonable limits, but Jung-hoo, that kid… well, he’s “started to cross the line.”

Young-shin asks plainly what she’s doing here. Moon-shik replies that his brother has joined forces with the Healer to oppose him, and he’s been told that Young-shin is quite close with Moon-ho. So he asks for her help in stopping them, “before they commit even bigger crimes.”

He calls in a certain Manager Ahn to brief her, saying she has to know the full story in order to join their side. Manager Ahn handles special investigations for Jeil Newspaper and introduces her to the Healer investigation team, and while she doesn’t place a great deal of stock in their accounting of Healer’s crimes, for now she has to sit through it.

Moon-ho charges into his brother’s office and warns Moon-shik to mess with him, not the kids. Moon-shik replies that he’s going to help the kids: He’ll turn Young-shin into a good reporter, and get Jung-hoo a good lawyer so he can turn himself in and be reintroduced to society. He has the gall to say he’s doing it “because I am their fathers’ friend.” You mean like Teacher said before you had him killed?

It’s so absurd that Moon-ho can only laugh incredulously in his face.

Young-shin practically rolls her eyes while the Jeil team presents the Healer as a loose cannon and cold-blooded killer. She fidgets impatiently, knowing the full story, but her old panic response starts to kick in—her breathing grows labored and her vision blurs. Is it from seeing Jung-ho’s photograph on he board?

The Jeil team gets a phone call from the ex-officer’s daughter, reporting dutifully that somebody came by asking after Seo Joon-seok. As instructed, she supplied the name Park Dong-chul. The Jeil employee informs Manager Ahn that their bait was taken.

Young-shin approaches the board and reaches a shaking hand out to the (mostly obscured) photo of Jung-hoo. She’s still rattled when she leaves the meeting, which is when Moon-ho finds her.

As they head to the car, Young-shin fills Moon-ho in on what his brother said about Jung-hoo being the Healer and working against him. Moon-ho readily confirms that he’s working with Jung-hoo.

But the strange meeting has made her start questioning things that don’t make sense—like why such an important person as Moon-shik would personally come to give her a ride, and why Moon-ho would do the same. It’s suspicious enough that when he approaches, she involuntarily steps back. He clocks her reaction and stops, while she asks him about the piece of fingernail he hired Healer to take from her. Why?

Moon-ho sees that there’s no more delaying and says that the time has come to tell her. Without further ado, he reveals, “Your biological mother is alive.” Oh phew. I was so nervous that he’d find yet more excuses to prolong the discovery.

Her first reaction is to laugh, but it soon becomes clear that he’s not joking as he explains that Myung-hee is her birth mother. “And your name is Oh Ji-an.”

He apologizes for not saying so earlier, admitting, “I was afraid, so I kept pushing it back.”

Young-shin struggles to take this in, blinking back tears. When Moon-ho steps toward her, again she backs away instinctively.

Ajumma traces ex-cop Park Dong-chul to a seedy club, and the whole thing leaves both her and Jung-hoo with an uneasy feeling. She thinks it’s too easy, and while he agrees, he decides to see the lead through: “I’ll have to turn a trap into a road.”

Jung-hoo steps inside and asks for Park Dong-chul, which prompts the employee and the club manager to whisper and stare at Jung-hoo. She quietly makes a phone call and Jung-hoo is told to wait. This could not look more suspicious if they tried.

At home, Dad casts worried looks at Young-shin’s bedroom, not sure how to approach her. In the aftermath of all this news exploding in her face, she has retreated to a corner of her room, huddling under a curtain. She reaches for her phone.

Jung-hoo lounges around the club until two thugs arrive to take care of him. Before they can get down to it, Young-shin calls, and he carries on a normal conversation with her while taking down his two attackers, barely even paying them any heed.

At first he doesn’t catch on to her strange mood when she tells him of meeting Moon-shik, who knows he’s the Healer. But gradually he clues in that something’s wrong; her voice is dull and her gaze vacant as recounts Moon-shik’s warnings that Jung-hoo is dangerous.

Then she mentions hearing from Moon-ho about her birth mother, surprising Jung-hoo so much that a thug sneaks in a punch to the face. He tells her he’ll call back, then quickly takes down his attacker and demands Park Dong-chul’s information from the scared club manager.

Jung-hoo slips outside just before the thug’s reinforcements arrive. He sticks a tracker on the vehicle, then tells ajumma to find out who these guys are—they’re not Double S guards.

That question gets answered for us when Jeil’s Manager Ahn issues instructions to bring Jung-hoo in on the Elder’s orders.

When Jung-hoo returns Young-shin’s call, however, she ignores the phone. Slumping to the ground listlessly, she picks up a photo of herself as a child with her mother. In flashback, we see Moon-ho providing her with documents and an explanation:

In contrast with her current condition, Young-shin is brusque and calm as she listens to Moon-ho describe the accident in 1992. He hands over Myung-hee’s hospital records, which list epileptic fits, brain injury, and depression; stress is a particular trigger. Moon-ho describes possible further damage if the oxygen supply is cut off to her brain, or even death.

Despite improvements over the years, Myung-hee can’t control her reactions to mention of Ji-an: “Your death memorial and your birthday—it’s like she lives just for those two days a year.”

He asks if she remembers anything, but she says dully that the only childhood memories she has are of standing by the highway with cars whizzing by.

Moon-ho asks her to understand that he didn’t tell her because he wanted to keep her mother alive. She replies that it’s easy to understand that she can’t tell Myung-hee she’s her daughter, but asks why he didn’t at least tell her.

In the present, Dad enters Young-shin’s room and sees her lying on the ground, ignoring the phone. Locked in flashback, Young-shin asks Moon-ho why she was abandoned. He says she was lost, then supposedly dead. Then when he admits to preventing Jung-hoo from telling her, she says with a bitter smile, “He wasn’t on my side then, Seo Jung-hoo.”

He has more to explain, but she shuts him down here, saying she’ll handle it herself. “Because you can’t trust me?” he asks. She says yes, then tells him that her name is Chae Young-shin, not that other one.

Now in her bedroom, Young-shin seems like she’s ready to burrow into bed forever, brooding—until suddenly she’s not. She shakes her head clear, gets out of bed, and starts picking up the mess. Aw, she’s back. Way to go, you.

Then one document catches her eye, and the name crashes into her brain: Oh Gil-han. The friend killed by Jung-hoo’s father. She rears back in horror.

At the bustling Someday office, the constant ringing of the phone has Reporter Yeo so on edge that he hilariously snaps that Chae Young-shin has disappeared on her beleaguered team and probably got dumped. HA. But since it was Myung-hee calling, she hangs up in disappointment.

She calls Moon-ho to ask about Young-shin, wondering about the interview. Moon-ho tamps down his own emotion as he says that Young-shin is dealing with a difficult personal issue, so asking to meet her would be “cruel.” Myung-hee scoffs at his exaggeration, but she gets the point.

Jung-hoo charges into the cafe to see Young-shin, slipping past Dad when he tries to insist on a talk. Upon his entrance, Young-shin freezes up to see him, but he just envelops her in a relieved hug, saying he was worried. She starts to return the hug, but drops her hand at the last moment.

He picks up on her strange mood, asking if she’s upset because he didn’t tell her about her mother. When she shakes her head no, he encourages her to get angry with him. She says that he did nothing wrong, which isn’t convincing to his ears, and he asks why she won’t look at him.

Then she starts crying, and he looks for something to say, mentioning how Moon-ho’s not such a bad guy for accepting the beating he delivered for lying. When he says he met Myung-hee, she asks, “She met you, and she was okay?” It’s a weird thing to say, and now Jung-hoo is sure something’s up. Grabbing the papers from her, he sees her father’s name and realizes, “It was this? It was about my father and your father?”

He admits that he knew but couldn’t tell her, “Because I was afraid you’d be like this.” She says that it doesn’t matter, but he points out that her reaction says otherwise. And when he steps toward her, she backs away. Ah, that hurts. You can see that she’s conflicted with herself for reacting this way, but she can’t help it.

He steps back to give her space and explains that he was looking for evidence to clear his father of the crime, and that he was going to tell her after he’d found it. With that, he quietly exits.

But moments later, Young-shin flies downstairs to stop him before he leaves. She entreats, “You have to find it and come back.” Oh thank goodness she isn’t giving up so easily. He nods with a small smile, “Okay.”

And then she adds, “Even if you don’t find it, come back.” He agrees.

She promises to look for that evidence too, and tells him, “You’re not a bad person.” Full of emotion, they embrace, while Dad and ajusshi drop their utensils in shock.

Jung-hoo wipes her tears from her face and leaves, since they’ve got an audience and all… and then he turns back, Dads be damned, for that goodbye kiss.

That night, Manager Ahn’s minions follow ex-detective Park Dong-chul and slip a tracker on him. The club lady provided Jung-hoo with this address, so now they’ll wait for the “target” to show up.

Thus Jung-hoo’s arrival at the scene gets spotted by the team. Thankfully he notices them, and more thankfully still, they don’t notice that he noticed. He manages to whirl Park Dong-chul into an alley unseen, and when Ahn’s team follows his tracker, they’re just led to the other half of their team, and find the tracker stuck to their car. Outsmarted!

From hacker central, Min-ja mutters at their stupidity and starts singing “I Am the Best.” Yes, we know, ajumma.

Jung-hoo takes Park Dong-chul to an empty church, and the man has already guessed that he’s Seo Joon-seok’s son, because “they” warned him that he’d come. They offered payment in exchange for being alerted to Jung-hoo’s actions.

Park Dong-chul says that it was Jung-hoo’s father’s fault that his life went down the drain. Jung-hoo remarks that all he wants is his father’s statement, but it sure is curious how violently the opposition is reacting.

He explains how the statement went missing, so he decided to track down the man who took it: Park Dong-chul.

Park scoffs that finding the statement is pointless, because it was falsified from the start: The one Dad gave is not the one that got recorded. Park Dong-chul and his colleague reported the offense internally and suffered for it. And now, I suppose it’s easier for the man to blame the dead Seo Joon-seok rather than some nameless, faceless evil.

Jung-hoo asks what his father said in his statement, and whether he admitted to killing anybody. Park realizes, “You… really don’t know anything, do you?” So tell us!

Late at the office, Moon-ho finds a pleasant surprise when Young-shin drops by bearing snacks and smiles. She admits to being unable to stay angry for long, and has a lot of things to ask him.

She starts by asking if they knew each other when she was young. I love how happy he looks as he confirms how super-tight they were, and he tells her about the parents working together and being incredibly close. Young-shin asks if she knew Jung-hoo back then, and Moon-ho says that they cried every time they met. “Because we fought?” she asks. “No,” Moon-ho answers. “Because you didn’t want to split up.”

Young-shin laughs, and decides that Jung-hoo must’ve cried first. “It’d be nice if I remembered,” she says wistfully.

She laughs more when Moon-ho informs her that Jung-hoo’s her oppa—by one month. (LOL. This was briefly mentioned before, that Jung-hoo was born in December and Ji-an in January, so technically he was a “year” older and therefore oppa, since Koreans count their age by birth year.)

Then Moon-ho tells her that her birthday is tomorrow, for which Myung-hee’s probably already busily preparing a bunch of food (which explains all the cookies and cakes). It sparks an emotional response in Young-shin, to finally know when her birthday is. Then she mentions the bad blood between Moon-ho and his brother, and his mood grows heavy as she asks why.

Back to Jung-hoo. Park Dong-chul drops a bomb when he admits to safeguarding a tape recording of Dad’s statement all these twenty years—and he told the other guys about it too, angling for a price. Jung-hoo immediately quadruples the offer, desperate to have the tape.

Park senses the chance to wring even more money out of the deal and tries to play Jung-hoo against the Elder. Jung-hoo tries to impress upon him just how very much he does not want to mess around with these bad guys, who would think nothing of killing him for it.

Jung-hoo begs the man to take his money and hand over the tape, and to save his life in the process. But Park fishes around in his pocket for something…

Moon-shik checks on Myung-hee that night, tucking her into bed before heading to his office. He smiles down at a photograph of himself and Myung-hee, not noticing that there’s a tiny device mounted to the underside.

He answers a call from Manager Ahn, who reports that the target just now turned on the cell phone. Crap, that was the thing in the pocket, wasn’t it? But on the upside, Myung-hee is totally listening to the call—she must have planted that bug! Go you, awesome lady.

Myung-hee listens to her husband ordering Ahn to mobilize everyone: “If that kid is the Healer as I suspect, he’ll be particularly skilled.” Ahn asks for a list of priorities to dictate how they respond in a worst-case scenario: Is it more important to get Seo Joon-seok’s recorded statement, or to get rid of Jung-hoo?

Myung-hee contains her gasp of shock as Moon-shik replies that the Elder cannot have such a tape leaking. At least Jung-hoo’s hit takes the backseat for now.

Moon-ho and Young-shin are heading out when he receives a call from Myung-hee, who hurriedly tips him off about Jung-hoo being in danger.

As she and Moon-ho head out, Young-shin calls Jung-hoo right away, warning him of the situation and urging him to run. Ajumma’s linked in too, issuing directions to the church and planning to send police at the right moment.

Jung-hoo turns sharp eyes on Park Dong-chul, who realizes he’s been sniffed out and tries to run. Jung-hoo grabs him, and Park makes excuses about how he had to do this. Jung-hoo turns the phone off, cutting the tracking signal, but the henchmen are already on the way.

Desperate and feeling time slipping away, Jung-hoo says that his father’s tape is the most important thing. He tries to usher Park away for the time being, but the man resists, naively thinking of all the money that’s been promised him. Jung-hoo bursts out that those thugs aren’t going to let him live, but the man doesn’t see that.

So Jung-hoo begs for just one thing, needing confirmation that his father didn’t actually kill anybody. Park Dong-chul promises to tell him when the others arrive, just as the screech of tires sounds outside. As henchmen storm the church, Jung-hoo grabs Park whether he likes it or not and pulls him along.

But Jung-hoo has to stop to fight the men who come at him, alternately running away and then running after Park to keep him from running away.

They escape the church, and again get stopped when the men surround them and charge Jung-hoo with fists and feet flying. He holds his own despite being vastly outnumbered… and then a car pulls up and a man steps out wielding a heavy metal pipe.

Jung-hoo freezes in alarm, and watches as that pipe swings straight into the back of Park’s head.

Park starts to go down, and the world goes silent (in a frankly weird edit) as he falls in slow motion.

Jung-hoo lurches forward to catch his fall, but gets knocked aside. Park’s head slams into the sharp brick staircase with a sickening thud.

Jung-hoo stares in horror. Police sirens sound in the distance and Moon-ho’s car arrives, but the army of goons retreats swiftly. They’re gone before you know it.

Jung-hoo rushes to Park’s side and begs him to answer his question, but comes away with bloodied hands. Park makes a wheezing sound and struggles to open his eyes, not quite dead yet, and Jung-hoo leans in close to hear his words.

Young-shin runs up and takes in the scene: Jung-hoo kneeling before the man, the bloody pipe on the ground.

Jung-hoo rises to his feet and meets her eye with literal blood on his hands. Moon-ho joins her a second later, followed by police… and Jung-hoo runs.


Ohhhh no, this doesn’t look good any way you slice it. It’s bad that he ran, but it’s also not like he should have stuck around to get arrested, especially when he’s already in murky waters with the law.

Even so, while I find this scenario itself highly angst-stirring, I’m not too worried about Young-shin’s reaction to the incriminating tableau. In a different drama I probably would be concerned, but this writer doesn’t pace her major plot points haphazardly; there’s always a certain thematic cohesion and direction, and not for nothing was this hour the Trust Episode.

For plot reasons it was important to see Young-shin’s reaction to learning the truth of her past, and I appreciated that we were shown the layers of conflict in the moment. It hurt to see her pushing both Moon-ho and Jung-hoo away, but I liked that I could see Young-shin disliking that about her own reaction—she doesn’t want to be suspicious, but she can’t just will herself into ignoring the doubts.

It was important to watch her work through her response, and I wouldn’t have wanted the drama to gloss it over—but given that it was such angsty material, I’m also relieved that this wasn’t belabored. I’ll attribute this to the writer’s skill, which isn’t in necessarily crafting wildly original stories (as we’ve noted, Healer has a lot of conventional elements, pulled from familiar stories), but in knowing what to draw out, and how much.

It’s one of those almost invisible skills, because there’s less of an obvious wow factor when your writer is gifted at finessing a scene for emotional impact and teasing out beats that make us squeal—or cry, or hurt—rather than, say, dropping amazing new twists. I think that may be part of why Healer has sparked a particularly fervent response amongst its fanbase, leaving even the fans wondering what exactly its pull is rooted in. Maybe Song Ji-nah is just a master puppeteer of heartstring-pulling. Like I said, that’s a gift.

Another thing that Song is deft at, which is something I particularly noticed and loved about Story of a Man, is the way she draws conflict out of people being weak and human, instead of purely evil. Okay, sometimes there’s pure evil in there, but many of the antagonizing forces are problems because they are weak, such as Park Dong-chul.

Granted he made me want to reach into my screen to beat some sense into him, refusing to see that he was playing with fire, but I found it so compelling the way he was half-talking to himself instead of Jung-hoo, trying to justify his reasons for betraying Jung-hoo—almost like he was asking for Jung-hoo’s understanding, or even blessing. He’d clung to his identity as a righteous cop whose life was ruined for sticking to his morals, and now he just wants to cash that in a little bit to make his difficult life a little easier. It’s too bad you can’t only sell a little bit of soul and keep the rest; it’s sort of an all-or-nothing deal when you’re talking about core integrity. That makes Park’s last-ditch effort woebegone and pathetic, and because it’s so desperate, it only deepens Jung-hoo’s own desperation.

You see this trait in other characters too, with various people creating complications because they’re just living out their own lives and doing their jobs, like Detective Yoon. I love these worlds that Writer Song creates, where everybody’s the hero of their own story, and there are lives being lived beyond the screen’s confines.

So back to the trust issue: Yes, Jung-hoo’s up a creek at the moment, but I don’t believe the writer gave us that awesome “come back to me” scene only to yank it out from under our feet in the same episode. My favorite moment was when Young-shin asked him to find the truth, and then asked him to come back even if he hadn’t found it. She trusts him anyway, and her faith isn’t contingent upon the existence of decades-old evidence. Which may in fact be just the thing Jung-hoo needs to hear, actually, if his last hope of having certainty is now dead and gone. He’s so desperate to hear the words telling him his father wasn’t a killer, even though he believes (mostly, almost entirely!) that Dad wasn’t—and maybe Young-shin’s display of faith is the example he needs to have faith himself.

(One last reminder: Please don’t live-watch the next episode in the post for a previous episode, because that makes every recap post a minefield of spoilers. I know not everybody harbors as much hatred of spoilers as I do, but those are the house rules. Don’t make me go over there and delete you!)


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My heart.. Someone save my heart.. Please, its going to explode.. Waaaaaahhhhh... Healer is the death of me.. Waaahhh *totally speechless*

Why is it not monday yet!? OMG that cliffhanger!


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Healer, we *only* have ONE heart! Please treat it well!


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oh my heart......i hate cliffhanger...i know all the sweetness going to be rip off ...
and my husband ask me why that tense look on my face lol

healer is always my reward for going thru monday blues...counting days for tuesday


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Moon-shik is the biggest hypocrite of all tge hypocrite out there.. I pretty sure agafter this episode he is UNHINGED and I wouldn't be surprised if he joins all the mentally unstable characters littering dramaland this day. Because, SERIOUSLY how can he spout all the things he's said about helping the kids and being friends with their fathers and teacher if he'snot mentally ill in any way. My insides are literally twinsting in hatred and in the absurdity of all the things he said during his conversation with Moon-ho.


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Yeah, I was actually hoping for a redemption arc for him, so that we wouldn't have to color him one color, but *sigh*


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Actually I thought they've done a pretty good job with shading Moon Shik - he's not pure villiany evil, he's really a mix. You see him being weak, selfish, and giving in to temptation...mixed in with bits of pure evil of course. So, pretty much very gray and relatable, I think. I find him self-delusional, which...y'know...happens in real life too, where some people wonder why they are so hated, and you're all like, WHY don't you know?? LOL

I'm OK if they don't put in a redemption arc for him, but I'm hoping that they balance the scales of justice somehow, because SURELY he must get SOME kind of comeuppance??


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I thought he was gray too but now not so much. he seems a pretty solid color of horrible to me.

They hint towards him killing the teacher, he has no problem of getting rid of JH, he does not find his love of his life's daughter after he loses her, and they also hint towards keep said love under drugs so that SHE WON'T BE ABLE TO THINK.

That's more than 3 strikes. MS, you're out. Scale of justice? There's gonna have to be shit ton of bricks to balance his wrong doings.


@azfih Yeah I do think he is horrible, but it's an interesting shade of horrible. It's not over the top villainy without rhyme or reason. So, yes, still a horrible human being, but I like that the writer really infused different facets of him being horrible for e.g. the way he twists reality to fit his perception (like, him being Teacher's and CYS's Dad's 'friend' and therefore wanting to 'help' the kids...by like putting them away in jail or offing them LOL). It's twisted, but...it's a relatable kind of twisted if that makes sense? Criminal but not without reason or rhyme. You can sorta see what's driving him, really.

Also, scales of justice, as in, I'm hoping at the end, he'll live a life worse than death if that makes sense (but it has to be pretty horrible, and not just being locked away in jail, but probably something like Myung Hee denouncing him publicly and maybe getting a new love or sommmmeeethinnng LOL). I feel like, at this rate, death is too cheap for him!! Make the man suffer for making our beloved CYS and JH suffer!!


His comeuppance was already set into place when Elder mentioned his weak points: his brother, his 'wife' and the girl.

He's already lost his brother - Moon-ho said he would not call him 'hyung' anymore.

He's already lost his wife - even though he doesn't know it yet, there are fissures in their interactions & she's spying on him, obv not trusting him....

So he's already destroyed - even though the aftermath hasn't hit him yet. Maybe he subconsciously knows it, so that's why there's no more lines-in-the-sand morality for him. He's lost everything he cared about, even tho he's powerful & rich now, and there's nothing to keep him accountable to anyone - even the Elder - he's already dead inside.

OOHHHHH like the contrast with Healer - who had no reason to live before but now has reason to live (to find evidence, to live with Young-shin), now Moon-shik had reason to live (to pay hospital bills & save Myung-hee's life) but no longer.


a tragedy but inexcusable.
many sins generate from mainly that few : namely MONEY, LUST, FAME (SELF)
it takes one of those mentioned above to push one to the Dark Side.
with moon shik, he succumb to all three. he desire the sky beyond the heaps of junk cars at his junkyard, secretly worried by staying long, he will become those spare parts also..
he lust after flesh, flesh in sense of money.
he sees the love of his love, becoming some body wife, and he should have stop there, no, he goes on in secret again, wanting that which belongs to another, he lust after what his eyes sees, also another aspect of flesh.
then he believe he should be driven around by chauffeur in Ferrari kinda branded, he is gems in the making, he should soar beyond that sunset which he watches with Myunghee... why should he looks at sunset, he should become that Sunrise tomorrow.
he succumb to the pride of LIFE, PRIDE OF SELF.
we are tempted day in day out like him, but the differences is, whether we succumb or fight against.


With Writer Song , we may just expect the unexpected, that she may allow Junghoo to prove h us father innocent without carry out justice on his own and crossed over that unpardonable line. He might just become the real HEALER in integrity and greatness . He will forgive but hand MS over to detective Yoon. May even visit him in prison .


Actually I think Moon Shik is a well written study of a sociopathic personality. If you look at the traits he matches closely: charming, highly manipulative, sequential liar, who can believe all his lies are truth, preys on the weak and has a need for total control (look how he treats his wife!). Sadly I believe these types are nearly impossible to treat so no redemption arc likely?


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I see where you come from, but I up the ante with Borderline Personality Disorder.

Moon Shik doesn't lack empathy, but he uses what can "read" from people to manipulate them.
One of his core motivations is his dread of rejection by his wife and the fear of not becoming the most improtant thing for her made him "lose" Young-shin as a child.
He is Anakin, so in the dark side, but still making up excuses to keep Padme.


@ lucy
I love your Star Wars analogy - yes moon shin has gone over to the dark side.
I do not understand how he could abandon and pretend that missing little Ji An was dead. It's cruel and whatever he is doing to SJH is totally despicable.
I believe that evil people justify their evil deeds. That's how they convinced themselves to commit crimes and injustice. They believe they have an inherent right to own something that belongs to other people. The enemy steals, kills and destroys.


@Lucy , Shuerei.
don't know about such medical terms. but i do know of quite a handful of such people living real lives around me. yeah, they don't kill or rob, don't even scheme to kill or rob... but they are always the top people, like the mafia boss ... the "forefathers of past era" "PATRIARCH" of some golden ages, and descendents from that era... much "worshipped" (I REALLY MEAN WORSHIP) by a branch of people from all over the world, because of their work planting people all over world, they do have great followers... and only the Secretary OH people directly around the PATRIARCH FAMILY will known their dirty deeds... huh, there are such people really around, not just in godfather triology.
they don't kill, rob, rape... but they scheme to overthrow, frame, remove from power, destroy a person reputation, and many just blindly believe. and these Heads seriously think they are innocent, and they are doing the society a great favour, educating the young, the "wrong and wayward" according to their eyes.
there are too many moonsik around us, really "have clear conscience" that they are "wronged" by many, and they are victimized by critics who try to find out their dirty deeds.
generations after generations, their next generations garner new followers....
these does happens in real raw reality around us.
moon shik is real.


In Scifi ages of Avengers , Transformers, Superman, even HARRY potter .... spiced up with their alien villains, evil super bots, Devil himself..... that's elements of what blockbusters made of. .. ELDER fix into those cheap sense of GREAT EVIL
Great that this drama don't fall cheap into Deep Dark Black in ELDER. but created the more subtle but real in everyday life's different shades of Grey, and this grey was tranformed from some tainted white in the beginning. Diff between junghoo and this Grey Shade is a thin line, both not starved of people who stayed exist in living them, both still craved for love and be loved. Junghoo was in spite of love rejected/deserted, still end up willing to be hurt and restraint and sacrifice. The love of MS possessed, drowning in his pride of how great his own love for MH,.his own "sacrifice" for MH, his indulgence in his process n depth of his "loving" become greater than that OBJECT of his love, mainly MYUNG HEE.
In real lives,.real villains do love also, but they end up loving themselves , their SELF more than the object of their love. That was the crossing over from white to grey to black process.


@ Mary of Bethany
Oh yes! Your analysis is really deep. The deliberate sin - sin of commission is grave. When moon shik fails to do what he should do or ignore /prevent crime - he was committing sin of omission. Sin nevertheless. Crime indeed. There are lots of people who feel they are doing good eg they took money from people for charity and then they never put it to good use. So the money is parked in the bank. Is that justice?

Then like u said some folks are powerful and elite. And they maneuver politics and circumstances for the general good and yet their policies and actions caused marginalization of the poor, the innocent ...

And some built schools, orphanages and yet they treat women like second class citizens .. They appear to be benevolent yet they are not righteous

Mary you have a very deep insight. Wow


I know exactly how you feel.... it drives me nuts every time i have to wait for an another episode.....
But i really feel sad for them because inspite of such a good drama the ratings are soo low.... What kind of drama does the korean citizens like if not this...

Anyways monday please please come fast...


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Koreans definitely have different taste in drama. This isn't the first time a good show has few followers in Korea. I'm sure many beanies here can name a few...


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I think the ratings are low because it had a slow start. The show has definitely gotten better and better. Also, this drama lacks star power, which Shine or Go Crazy has. I'm sure many followers of Pride and Prejudice just continued to watch the same channel and not just start watching Healer. Unlike Punch, this drama doesn't seem to appeal to the older audiences. Then again, my parents are following it though.


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@ RR94

It beats me too...

Korean drama viewers' taste.

I hope they will be able to sell Healer overseas and make profit...and I hope it boost JCW's popularity overseas by the millions!

There...I said it...


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yes, yes agree....the cliffhanger...what will happen to our adorable couple...

strangely, it's so strange that only 1 portal carries this drama - dramafever - with subs.... so sad...


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HI Capricorn, I have watched it on myasiantv.com. dramacool.tv, dramanice.com and dramafire.com all with eng sub. so it is not only dramafever that has this drama


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Oh! really good news!


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Dani...thanks so much for the info!!!


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you can also watch in gooddrama.net and dramago.com


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Kate...thank you too!


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That was so depressing, my heart fell when young shin saw junghoo with blood on his hands, and his face showed fear that she might misunderstand him. :(

Sooooooo in love with this show even though this episode wasn't high on romance, but so many things were unraveled which was great for the plot.

Addicted and can't wait until next episode.

jung hoo fighting


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I've just read SJN Q&As. She said ep16 was the most difficult one to write.


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Jung-Hoo’s reaction to Young-Shin pulling away from him was heart breaking to watch. The pain in his eyes just wrenched my gut. I am just an average k-drama viewer and probably not able to articulate this well. However, JCW’s acting is so subtle and nuanced. He doesn’t use overly exaggerated expressions to emote. A great example is the morgue scene from last week. I think in lesser hands there could have been loud wailing and screaming. Instead, his shock, his denial, his utter disbelief at his loss was portrayed with such control. It was powerful but controlled. The way his voice broke saying, “Enough” was so palpable. His eyes are intense and “say” so much without any dialogue. Healer is my introduction to JWC. Prior to this drama I only saw him on Running Man where he seemed so innocent and adorably awkward when he tried to lie about the number tiles. The biggest compliment I can pay him is to say when I am watching him, I do not see JCW acting as Jung-Hoo. I simply see Jung-Hoo.


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Oh halo120... so true. This is my first meeting with JCW too - this amazingly wonderful, talented actor! (Where has he been? and what have I been watching?) His looks, his expressive eyes and sweet smile are just added bonus.


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Its the same for me. The man AND the show - a total relevation!


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I hope CYS will do the right thing. Trust in out SJH all the way. Don't trust what you see but what you sense.....


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Thank you JB for this very quick recap, again! Love reading your insights....


Oh wow you said EXACTLY what I wanted to say!

JCW can emote so well with just his eyes, without saying anything or doing any moves.

I too, see only Jung Hoo.

I too, don't see JCW here at all.

Love it!


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folks,great news.
JCW is recording an OST for Healer.


am thrilled.
had always known he can sing.
many can look cannot sing nor act, always known that e can sing, many who sings cannot act, those who act cannot sing.


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Great analysis and insight, @halo120! ;)

I cannot agree with you more!

JCW has shown in many dramas how he can act,
how immensely talented an actor he is,
with his pitch-perfect delivery
enabling the viewers to be completely mesmerised by his acting.

Do look our for him in his other dramas that I have watched :

Smile, Dong Hae
Warrior Baek Dong Soo
Empress Ki

You will not be disappointed! ;)


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Add Bachelor Vegetable Store too! ^^


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Yes, @Jen! I watched him in that too but I prefer him in the other dramas. ;)


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Just popping in to ask...what about Fiver Fingers?

I've watched Smile Donghae, currently on WBDS, and will go to EK next. Still not sure about BVS since the review was really awful on DB. I would just be fast forwarding to only his scenes lol.



JCW was good in BVS but because of the story, or the directing or the editing or all of them, to me JCW did not get to shine in that role.

In fact, I remember him looking gaunt, weak, washed-out and like a shadow of his awesome self in that drama. I guess it was because of his character but still...the drama itself was a disappointment.


Five Fingers he portrayed a negative role :P (I heard only) and the drama was not soo good , but his acting was well . I dont want to watch him as villain do I did not.


I personally feel that JCWookie is the best in 'Healer' and 'Empress Ki' ...the other dramas he's in are just okay, but he's put forth a lot of effort to improve in his acting ability and it has really paid off in the above 2 dramas...I've seen all of his dramas except for 'Bachelor Vegetable Shop' and 'Five Fingers' ... by taking the challenge of different roles, it's given his acting breadth and depth


Hi there, @goo! ;)

I didn't watch him in Five Fingers because he was not the lead. Hehehe...I am biased in that way.

I also heard that he was an antagonist in that drama, which made me thankful I didn't watch him there because I don't like him playing a bad person. ;)


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actually, through the end JCW character in Five Fingers turn better. He is not totally villain there. I like that he can play villain role well. An i found first his talented aura first when he play villain T-ara MV Cry Cry. I think that's why JCW that we saw today are really good actor. Practice make perfect. And i love his honest real life persona. I also already watch his guest starring in Running Man. He is so cutely honest and i like that rather than actor that keep being cool.


re: 5 fingers.
Actually his role in above mentioned drama , not as the core baddies, his mom used him as her weapon to get even with her jealousy over the husband, her ambitious to defeat the Princess Hour 1 's Prince, so much so she implant jealousy, injustice, pride, status threatened, , anger in JCW ,.. to make him even envy of her attention shared and given to the half brother. It's disastrous bringing up, or should I say purposeful negligence that mould Jcw role into scheming to excel at all cost. She even encourage and cover up for JCW even . When add to JCW antagonizing realisation is, not just the heir to music Empire was threatened, he got to share mom whom he loved dearly, and the love of JCW life belongs to P. Hours' Prince. Last blow was, the Prince was actually the real son of his beloved mom... So just pit him deeper into the abyss... thanks goodness , all is not lost, he redeemed himself at the end. Actually I think the five finger analogy should be him actually.
He carries the baddies role well in h us own unique way.
But only with healer , finally he peaked.


i'm watching warrior baek dongsoo atm and JCW was good in it as always (tho i think his growth as an actor was most prominently shown in Empress Ki). but the wooden heroine and the rather boring story kinda ruined my enjoyment of it. i just don't get the gist of the plot at all tbh


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I agree that the lead actress was a bit wooden but I'm not sure if it's because of the way she is as a person, or because of the way the writer wants her to act in that role or both. Hehehe!

But my focus was on JCW and so I was happy just focusing on him. As for the plot, it's a historical depiction of that era, not sure if the writer wanted it to be a fictional depiction or a true depiction of history but once again I just focused on JCW. I guess I'm just biased in that way. hehehe...


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I think Baek Dong Soo's leading female role was acted very well by the younger version, and for that matter, JCW's younger version by Yeo Jin Goo was fabulous too!

So to me, its not the role that requires the female lead to be so wooden and expressionless and emotionless. Its because she is a rookie and CAN'T act at all.


I didn't watch Five Fingers too coz I don't like makjang and melo storylilne and all the other actors/actresses inside EXCEPT for JCW are not my cup of tea.

But do give BVS a chance. Even if DB didn't like it, I did although I have to say that most of it was because JCW portrayed his role really well and I didn't mind the other bachelors in the store lol. The only part you need to probably skip or ignore is the mother-daughter part. You'll know what I mean when you watch it kekeke. JCW did a wonderful job here!


So good did he immersed into FIVE FINGERS , till he makes you hate him that. The hunk there was then that Princess Hour 1 's Prince, JCW can carry the weight of a wounded baddies well. This is called professionalism. Actually he stole the shine from that Prince ... but back then , he has not " becoming" yet. So I dint really bothered much about him, just knowing this guy not just "super junior faces" only.


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I love how we all talk about JCW not from a subjective point of view like we do other actors. When I am reading all these comments, I see that we are admiring him as an actor and that's what draws us in. It isn't like others where we base it on looks and overlook their acting and become biased. I can see that we all genuinely love JCWs acting and that's where we become bias, this is a great thing. Witnessing it for the first time for me that I've felt this way about an actor...and might I add, actress.


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The acting is so strong from the leads to the supporting cast, no weak link at all. I was a little late finding Healer but am so glad to discover not only JCW but also YJT.


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of course we admire his acting skills and if you want to know how we admire his looks then you should go back to ep 10 comments ;)

For me it is JCW's look what caught my attention, to be honest I did not really like or dislike the 1st ep, It was just okay. The 1st words I said after watching him is "oooohhh he is handsome" , after that I wanted to know if the guy can act or not and continue to watch ep 2 and so on....

I really admire his acting skills but it is also true I never admire any K actors for his looks before him


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38 episodes in on Empress Ki. You probably already noted that both Teacher and the client in Ep 1 of Healer were both in Empress Ki. Small world.


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I rewatched Always(2011) recently and teacher/ajhumma appeared both together as a nurse and a patient. It just made me rewatch healer from the first episode ^^.


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Is that the So Ji Sub movie where he was a boxer? If so I watched it last year and totally unable to remember Ahjumma and Teacher in it. Now I may have to go look for that scene.


I recently started sons of sol pharmacy and well, ji Chang wook's character couldn't be more different from Healer. He's the maknae of the family and cries a lot ? I'll continue watching it to see what they do with his character. I watched Empress ki too last week. I skipped a few episodes in between, the plot felt very repetitive. It reminded me of jang OK jung.


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Thank you all for your comments and suggestions! You're all the best!

I will probably go through all of them since I'm so captivated by JCW's acting.


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ugh true, JCW is a gem.

But the one that wowed me the most would be YJT. Damn, his eyes. They're so full of emotions. Damn.


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Yes, Yoo Ji Tae too! Again, never seen him before but am totally impressed with his acting in this show. He is so charismatic and nails the nuances so effortlessly. And then I googled him and he is equally impressive as a humanitarian. I think he might be Christian. If so, big yey!


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Yes big yay! I just read on wiki that he works with World Vision and Compassion International among many other charities. Our family has sponsored children through Compassion. Yoo Ji Tae is also the other stand out for me in this drama. As javabeans wrote many times, his "gravitas" in this role makes me feel his burden, guilt, and anger. The way he delivers his lines, so often through gritted teeth as he's tamping down his emotions and that quiet fury he has. Again, no over-acting.


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Never has a man with a slight overbite been so damn attractive. (So. Much. CHARISMA.)


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Yes, JYT is a Christian, and currently doing graduate studies in social work at the Catholic University of Korea.


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jyt a christian. WOW... NICE!
catholic studies? catholic studies will end up monk?why not protestant Bible College?


Isn't it nice? A man so talented, tall, good looking and buff, has a BIG heart and active faith too! Great package!


Yes Yoo Ji Tae wowed me from the beginning!

Just read something from koala and she was talking about how she feels when veteran actors are put as 2nd leads to younger actors these days and 1 of her examples was Healer, Yoo Ji Tae/Ji Chang Wook. She sounded like the veterans are put to waste in such roles since they are capable of much bigger/better skills in lead roles.

To me, it is a natural way in any job. The younger ones, especially those with talents, need to get groomed and trained to takeover the younger roles. The veterans need to be ready for older roles etc. And to viewers like me, to have BOTH talented actors (young and hyung-levels) in ONE production is a gem! We should be thankful and enjoy that while we can.

Love Yoo Ji Tae's eyes too. Very expressive!
*and of coz he's gorgeous to look at too ^^


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I think YJT has not been "put to waste" in his role as Moon-ho. He is perfect for that role! Can't think of any other "older" actor who can have that bearing, that presence, that gravitas, as well as the ability to show the different layers of emotions required by the role.


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Exactly! No one would have been more perfect for this role. After reading what koala wrote about yoo ji tae, I felt a little sad. The ratings have been low too and he'll probably not pick another drama after this. But, I can't imagine any one else playing this character so well. They need some one who connects both generations.



Koala also cited Empress Ki as another example of casting veteran leading man as 2nd lead against Ji Chang Wook. She can't see WHY everyone is shipping whinny Ta Hwan with Sng Niang (hope I remember her name correctly?) and hence couldn't stand Ji Chang Wook then until Healer.
(well, I'm glad she likes Healer)

I think she missed out the point about ACTING capabilities of these so-called younger leading men and that this capability plays a HUGE part in any drama, as lead or 2nd lead. It is precisely the acting capability of JCW in Empress Ki that got us all shipping for Ta Hwan with the female lead. If I remember correctly Ta Hwan was not supposed to be the lead initially and yet his performance as Ta Hwan made him seemed like the lead (and eventually the writer probably MADE him the lead)

It is also his acting capability that made us head over heels in love with Jung Hoo. In fact, its a pleasure watching Jung Hoo's scenes with Moon Ho, so preciously few still, because BOTH are so charismatic and BOTH can act so well (especially with their eyes!).

So YEAH to Yoo Ji Tae as 2nd lead because he certainly stole all the scenes he is in so far. He is absolutley NOT a waste!


he is perfect as Hyung.


I cannot agree with you more :-) Actually this drama introduced me to this actor and I can't imagine anyone else in this role... love him


You are so right Jen!

I mean I watched Empress Ki because of Healer and I needed my JCW fix for the week. So I understood me supporting him despite the character being such a wuss.
But with every passing episode, I could clearly see why there was so much shipping war during that drama. His eyes are his biggest asset!

And yeah about YJT, I have never cared much about him in this drama, for all the hiding he did initially. I came around to him only when he started being as uncle to Jung Hoo and caring about him. But this episode, when he started laughing at his brother's belief that he is a friend of the kids dad, Man, he stole that scene!!!

And also the scene where he picked up Myung Hee's call about Young Shin! What a refreshing feeling to have a second lead with so much stuff and so real.

Just like what JB said, each characters are heroes of their own story!!!! I had been struggling to point on why am this into the drama and that is one more reason.


@Jen. I don't know, JCW was solid in Empress Ki, but he wasn't so impressive that he was blowing Joo Jin-mo out of the water or anything, and the character wasn't all that great; it's not a stretch to assume that it was fan service. I'm not trying to knock JCW, but Ta-hwan was no Spike. Or, to use a better example in case you aren't a rabid Buffy fan like me--Ta-hwan in Empress Ki didn't come close to, say, what happened with Bidam in Queen Seon Deok, where the character ran away with the show's heart and soul and Kim Nam-gil gave the performance of his life.


I am YJT fans as well. I always think he is so smexy with this tight tshirt that shows his nice body. Jaysus, did I just objectify him? His eyes, and his uneven teeth is really so cute. I love when he smiles.


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JCW acting is uh-ma-zing. There's no doubt in there. But still, everytime i watched healer, my heart 70% for YJT and 30% for JCW. Idk why, but i cant really resist YJT charm.


YJT definitely has impressed me and I'd love to see his movies - as an actor and director. I'll defintely search them out once Healer is over. But I doubt I'll watch "Old Boy"


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I just checked they have Oldboy on Netflix US. with lots of praised, I don't really like crime movies, but I might try to watch it. He had some sexy scene on Secret Love, double YJT there!


Yeah, I saw that too. I read her 1st paragraph and made a hasty exit. I normally camp there too as DB and KP are two of my favourite k-drama blogs. But there are times when I just don't like what is pitched, so I don't even join the discussions. I will probably return to that blog later on (as in much later).


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What site is KP?


hi halo120, perhaps Wits meant Koalasplayground.com site


Thanks for the recap as always you worked hard!

So true that deep expressive eyes of JCW speaks volume and the layers of emotions he is showing in every scene separates him from average actors of his generation


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His eyes remind me of Chun Ho Jin, the veteran actor who played the President in City Hunter. Your comment regarding "separates him from average actors of his generation" makes me wonder why he hasn't quite achieved A-list status yet. He's been the lead in high rating shows like Smile Donghae and Empress Ki. Yet he doesn't seemed to have broken out like a Lee Min Ho or Kim Soo Hyun. Any thoughts on that?


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i think that accounts to his choices of projects so far- daily dramas, sageuk, makjang, doesn't really resonate with the young and trendy, more towards the older generations. most people nowadays dont have the time to watch dramas or sageuks with that many episodes without an A-lister cast in it

and the fact that he rarely have an entertainment program appearance also doesnt help. empress ki did go a long way to make his name more recognizable tho


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Recently read an article stating going on more variety shows might help propel him. However Lee Min Ho has not and does not do variety as far as I know yet he's wildly popular. I think Kim Soo Hyun did a few episodes of Running Man. I keep mentioning those 2 actors since they came off successful drama runs. I am not sure who else is considered an A-lister in their age group. I thought JCW was sweet and affable on Running Man but also uncomfortable. Cannot verify, but one commenter (not sure where, don't think it was on this site) noted that Lee Min Ho had some 30 CFs compared to JWC 5. JWC's acting has been so amazing in Healer that it would be a shame if does not garner him lots more attention.


even though most of JCW dramas have high ratings they were not that popular to the general public and have a huge following, unlike LMH and KSH's breakthrough dramas (LMH with Boys before flowers, and KSH with the moon embrace the sun and recently YFAS)

he is starting to get a lot more popular since Empress Ki tho


I think what makes an actor "A-list" are the "Prince Charming" roles....

Where you either are a chaebol, great at fighting, or have superpowers... and you fall in love with that ONE GIRL. And love her so much you would die for her.

These are the roles that made Lee Min Ho, Lee Seung Gi, Kim Soo Hyun, and Robert Pattinson (from Twilight which I didn't watch) who they are now, adored by fangirls.

Ji Chang Wook hasn't had a "Prince Charming" role yet and this is his first. Which also probably explains why this is the first time many of us have even noticed him.

I have heard of his other dramas like Smile, Donghae, Empress Ki, Five Fingers, etc. But the plotlines just did not attract me enough to watch them.

Unfortunately, I pretty much only watch dramas where romance is involved and where I like both lead's faces.... *ashamed to be so shallow but it's the truth*


hi halo120, in my opinion, his acting abilities and talents the way he embraced those different roles in all his shows and the hardwork (based on the many articles i have read about him) he puts before and during a project makes him apart from his contemporaries. Yes Lmh and ksh can act but it is not as deep and as committed as when Jcw does. dont get me wrong i respect LMH and KSH on how and where are they now and and with their statuses as celebrities. everytime i watch jcw i always get the feeling of fulfilment and completeness because JCW has done what is expected of him which i dont usually get with not just LMH or KSH or the other younger actors. i do not know if i am making sense here ( not a usual commenter pls forgive me:(

With regards to being yet an A-list status, that's also a question in my mind, maybe he is just a"late bloomer" and that this Healer will soon sealed him that status. let us pray it will happen because i think JCW deserves it now! perhaps he needs to be more visible in many social gathering so that it will boost more his confidence. i read somewhere and even in his many interviews that he is qiuet shy in person. omo now i am sad if this frantic accollades he is now receiving will get higher notches in the top actor listing!


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To me, JCW is admirable because I can really feel his passion for acting, and how he immerses himself in his roles....

And he gives me this feeling that he is in this industry to because he loves acting and, and not doing it to seek fame/money/etc.... though of course those are great perks.

But now that JCW is on my radar, I'll follow his shows to the end.

All the way until he takes on Grandpa roles.... because d'awwww.


Agree...I think he's a somewhat late bloomer and as commented above, he's really worked on becoming an great actor by taking chances ie complicated (Empress Ki), even villainous roles (Five Fingers), and doing musicals. I think when you've reached super star status, like LMH and KSH, it is hard to take unattactive or villanous roles, because it will put a dent into your popularity and things are going so well with so many CF's ...


I so much agree with you. I believe JCW is so absorbed in his character as JungHoo. The way he looks at her, those looks in his eyes are filled with so much love I really find it hard to believe he is acting. And not only his eyes, like in episode 14, the part when she wiped away his tears, even his lips were shaking, that's some raw acting out there.
I just finished watching Empress Ki also, and despite how much i dislike his character there, his acting was phenomenal. The way he portrayed Tahwan was so real and professional, which made him not get overshadowed by veteran actors like Jo Ji Mo and Ha Ji Won.


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Yes, I watched Empress Ki too, and JCW's acting is one of the things that pull me 2 it. Even though Ha Ji Won (as a veteran) was awesome in it, as a new actor he felt equal to her in every sense.


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My thoughts exactly Mint, I really wonder how PMY feels ~ she really must be immune to those stares,lips,hands... To not feel anything at all. Lucky her, would love to be in her shoes for just 1 day... ☺️


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Gosh!!!! I agree with you!!!

I have never really watch JCW drama but now I'm a fan!! His acting is so good that I am with him all the way.

I was bawling when he lost his Teacher, the sadness and subsequent depression is so real. This episode shows again how good his acting is.
His pain and heartbreak is palpable.

Healer is so awesome. Everyone is firing on all cylinder I can't enjoy it more ^-^


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He actually predicted that she would treat him that way when she found about her father and his. I thought she wouldn't care, her not knowing the parents much and all, and I was hoping that she won't let the parents history to taint her view of JH, and even though I know it didn't do much damage, it planted a seed of doubt in her about JH, which is what makes me sad.


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Hey Azfih,
Good to see you here!!

And yeah that made me sad. The first time I watched the episode, I didnt get angry at Young Shin but I felt mildly bothered on her reacting so strongly.
Then while watching again, I get it. Her reaction is exactly what it needed to be.
If we had just glossed over the fact, then Young Shin wouldnt be the awesome character she is!

I got to say PMY did a awesome job. She made me invest in the struggle she is faced with!


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Heeeeey Divyrus :D was wondering why I didn't see you last night.

I feel like it fit the character role quite well too actually and makes the story more realistic, as she believed in Healer being a good guy because of a few instances of kindness and she fell in love quite quickly. Because we know JH we root for their love, but it is only understandable that she doubts him, as she just found out his name the last episode!


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Hey Azfih!

Yep I had SO SO much to catch up on work in last couple of days(Its work hours for me when recap comes up). I have been quite distracted with Healer that I have been putting off so much work, delaying them :P

Then it came to such a point that it cant be ignored anymore :D

And yeah, I am still not able to comprehend her sleeping together with him without knowing his name! It totally made sense and both were in right place but still , not even knowing name! Proves how deep their love and connection is, in a way even they dont understand!!!

Keeping in sync with how much she has followed her feelings, getting that seed of doubt felt totally realistic!
Even though she trusts him, I am sure there is a load of angst on next episode!


Totally agree with you there! I watched this episode raw without any subtitles and I could tell exactly what he was thinking in this scene even without the subs!! His acting is very well controlled and not over the top, it's actually very natural...and those eyes oh god those eyes that speak a thousand words!!!


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@primadonna. healer was the one and only drama, i watched raw without subtitle on youtube, and the one and only one i bothered to wait for the exact timing and watch LIVE. never watch LIVE on any drama.. wouldn't be bother. never bother sign up and log on twitter, tumblr, instagram, only for HEALER, then do i bothered to log on.. i basically sign account and let it go inactive in past.....
healer - give us many 'FIRST TIME".


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Yes!!! really the most expressive eyes....


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Totally agree with you. Jcw I also never heard of him before healer. And I remember here on Db them talking about this show when it was about to air, and with a few teasers, I thought I might check it out when I'm bored.

Little did I know that I would be this obsessed and possessed by this incredibly written and well acted show.

Ji Chang wook saranghee :)


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Similar situation, saw the write ups before the premiere and thought it sounded a little hokey. Saw that the writer was Song Ji Na, who I only knew from Faith which was a bit disappointing, so I didn't plan on watching Healer. I cannot recall why I bothered to read the recaps or at what point I picked up the show (it was already several episodes in). The high comment count probably piqued my interest. Whatever the case I am now hooked on the show and as I've written so immensely impressed with JCW and YJT's embodiments of their characters.


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I totally agree with you. JCW is "simply Jung-hoo."


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loved his spirit, he don't wallow in self pity and grief, he worked hard toward gathering evidence, not just for himself, so that his heartstring (YS) will not get her heart shattered by him too. he fight on for her, prove his father's innocent for her too. if it is for himself, he will just drop all and go some Europe Island (aka moro island) and live on, find or no find evidence. it for YS that he must find evidence. beautiful JH.


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Thank you!


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Please reply to this Comment and indicate here Want To Send Video if you want to make your own video for this DB project,
AND send you video to @ Rainerust at email: [email protected]. She will do her best to splice and edit to make 1 DB Fans' vid of the acceptable length.

"Send in your videos or Dropbox links (if you upload your vid to Dropbox) to the above link – try to keep your slice within 20 to 25 secs or less; I might cut as needed if it’s longer though. Send in the following:
– Parodies (dances e.g. CYS or Ahjumma dancing)
– Favourite scene takes (e.g. Coffee Ahjusshi + Ahjumma?? the rooftop kiss, if you can coerce your other half into doing the scarf/hat thing with you LOL)
– Your love messages for the Healer team (production or otherwise)
– …and if you want (and are brave enough) bloopers are OK too. I like including bloopers at the back of all my videos LOL.

Can folks please send in your stuff/slices by 1 Feb 2015 6 pm my time (which would be GMT+8) – I’ll need some time to edit it, and am hoping to put up the link for y’all in the Ep 17 recap AND send it in to the Soompi Forum (deadline is 10 Feb so it’s fairly tight).

For info, the link to the fan project that Soompi is running is here: http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/2025904/healer-international-fan-project "


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BACKGROUND to the project

Repost from Ep 15 Recap (Comment 17 n following)
After much debate and as we did not get that much response, we seem to have decided to jump on the Soompi Fan Project bandwagon instead of doing something on our own. The Soompi project is to send Email to the Healer Team which is organised under different Chapters. Read more about it below…. Among the things we can send are fan-made videos, memes, jpegs, fan fic,…

From comment Ep 14 Recap Comment 31.5 Bojana suggested: “Well I think that making a fan video is the best idea!!! Sending food needs a lot of coordination and work, I don’t think there is so much time left to do it. But a video made by fans could get their attention and at least make them laugh :D.”

And from comment Ep 14 Recap Comment millionstars: “okay guys since we wanted to do a project as dramabeans’ healer fans but since we’re doing it through the soompi project, here’s what i propose: According to the Int’l fan project info page, one of the thing we can send in the email is a 5 min(max) fan video, so why don’t we put together videos from all the beanies here and send it as ONE video? ? ? how does that sound?”


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To: SINGAPORE Beanies - latest update

We have confirmed a meet up for this project at a place called Miam Miam.

Date (tomorrow): Friday 30 Jan 2015

Time: 6pm-8pm +++

Address: Miam Miam
#02-14, Bugis Junction
200 Victoria Street

Come with your thinking caps on!!! :D


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Hi SIN beanies . Huh. Plead your forgiveness , really couldn't come . Few reasons, minor one is I have meeting every Friday. Major reason I just couldn't "show faces lah, just take one person to recognise me and I die already. . "
But was thinking can I suggest some fun things for you girl to experience, maybe you can bring a white stuff bunny as signal, or some small candle light, or clothed in hoodie leather jacket. ..then take a photo together and add in... fun huh? Enjoy have a healing time tonite.
Please please plead forgive me not coming. I may write something n send you gals after finish .


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@ Mary Bethany

Sure thing! I was thinking maybe a short poem or whatever you feel comfortable writing. Something we can read aloud maybe? Read you later!! :)


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not good in poem.
writing some "thoughts".

did some stars.. but really sucks.

so howdy the meeting last night? did you gals brought bunny rabbit to meet? (i was having meeting till late myself. )


@ Mary of Bethany

For your answer please see what I wrote to @KDaddict under Comments 235 and following. But I'll update here under 5.2 if there's anything to update.... or maybe in the next recap. We will need time to edit the video clip that we want to do. :)


Another Update from Singapore Beanies

Good news! we met today for 4+ hours again and it was a fun time well spent and lots of hard work LOL! .... we had dinner .... discussion ... review of the scene we wanted to shoot (it's a secret for now :D ) ... timing for each take ... check on angles and going for it with minimal rehearsal. I am so impressed by our 'professionalism' LOLOL!

Guess which scene we shot! :)


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Further Update from Singapore Beanies

Wow! one of our team spent hours yesterday and actually managed to complete the first rough cut of the video! It's still not quite ready to be presented to the world but it's a great piece of editing work, all things considered. So in the plan are better versions of the video that will be re-edited perhaps, and we'll let you know about them and when or where they may be 'released' in future Recap threads! :)

Good job! and Much thanks!! to the Singapore Healer Lovers DB Team!!! We had a super fun, great time! :D


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So envious of you all's dedication and creativity. Looking forward to your creation.


I'm so, so excited! ?can't wait for what ever you guys are preparing.


@ Emi757 and Saema

Awww, thanks so much for your kind words and 'envy' LOL!

We certainly have something in store ... but hey, no one has tried guessing which scene we took to shoot / parody yet. It was supposed to be a simple scene but it took 3+ hours Hehehe!


We are getting together to make our video. If you’d like to join in and don’t mind leaving me your contact details (email and mobile number), please email to [email protected]. So far preferred day is Friday night/s and location in town. :)


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Awesome! I don't live here anymore but nice to know that you and others are hailing from here.... Feels like family!


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@ gilamonsterya

Going away does not actually make you less of family. By all means, do consider yourself part of the Singapore Beanies gang! :)


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Dropped you an email, hope it went to the right place.


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Okie @ Rainerust. I just replied to your email. :)


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I knew it was coming. Our OTP had to face some challenges, to their love, their faith and their commitment to each other. But the ending was still hard to take. It looks baaadddd for Jung Hoo. CYS needs to muster everything she has, that fortitude and strength of character, to go beyond what she think might have happened, to seek the truth of what really happened.
I love that in every episode, the writer does not fail in giving us such sweet OTP confessions that get immediately tested. Just earlier in the episode, CYS affirmed her belief that JH is a good person, that he will not do anything bad. And then she sees this... a man dead, seemingly bludgeoned with a steel pipe, and his blood on JH’s face and hands, and body.
She also declared that whether or not his father killed her father, is of no consequence to her, because they are different persons. I bet you that belief will also be tested in the next episode before it gets resolved.
Writer-nim, thank you for finally revealing the big secrets to CYS. Now she’s on board. Our three leads can now work together as a team, to rescue Myung Hee from the big bad wolf and out of that lair she is trapped in; bring down the wolf and the biggest nemesis of all - the Elder.
We are close to the end, I am looking forward to finally discover the big picture. It’s like a tapestry. We began with the corners, and little by little, the image is exposed, but we have yet to see who or what caused the tragedy we have seen in this part of the picture. That over there is where we know someone brought down the gauntlet that killed two of the friends, maimed the other one, and conquered the soul of the last one. Why? How? We have yet to see.


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So glad that YS is in the know now! Team Healer unite!!

Although my heart broke for JH, I'm glad YS stepped it up to reaffirm her love and faith in him. Let's hope those remain firm next episode because this is a test to their relationship indeed, but once they pass, I think it'll be smooth sailing on the trust department. I totally believe that YS will figure out on her own that JH didn't murder the man since she's smart and can put the pieces together that there must have been thugs there (b/c isn't that why she and MH were rushing to JH in the first place?)


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This writer has been fast in resolving misunderstandings so far. There is hope that she'll keep it that way.


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And I love her so much for it. Writer Song jjang!! <3


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Why do I keep feeling like Jung Hoo is about to be branded as murder suspect even though everyone around knows he didn't kill him just like his dad ?

I have a bad feeling as if history is repeating itself !!! It worked once, there is no reason it won't work again !


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Heart meet hammer.


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but the last scene has been set up in such a way that Young Shin is logically expected to spark a new flame of doubt for Jung Hoo (remember how in the first parts of the episode, Young Shin keeps encountering unfavorable facts about Jung Hoo), putting her "trust" further to the edge, which I think may be difficult to recover. Unless, of course, if she will be able to see things in a larger perspective or in the light of past accidents -- that someone is behind every tragic death and that the truth is bent in such a way that justice loses its way back. this, I think, is where the story will come to a full circle -- returning to the past to understand the present. good lord, this drama is killing me.


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@wits, Tapestry--that's a lovely metaphor.


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Agree with you! This is a true test of their love for each other. I'm hoping we're steering away from noble idiocy here. My heart sank at that last scene when Yong Shin and Jung Hoo were looking at each other. Nooooo please survive through this and work together to defeat Elder! Please don't let this be a repeat of history when the wrong person was framed...gah!

P.S. I love how Yoo Ji Tae fills up the screen with his presence every time he's on. It's like you're sucked into his performance. Really mesmerizing.


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Thanks for the recap Javabeans. I have only watched the episode raw so far so my understanding is limited but I still already have a few things to say.

I'm the kind of person who feels the reverse of Shakespeare's words: all that ends bad is bad. An unpleasant ending can ruin what was otherwise a very pleasant experience to me. That's sort of how I feel about the ending of episode 16. It made me already forget all the cute in episode 15 and the awesomeness of Young Shin earlier in the episode.

I know how shocking these revelations must be for Young Shin. To a certain point I can understand her wavering or doubting a bit. It's only human. However, she is smart enough to know that Healer cut her nail for a DNA test. Knowing she is adopted, she guessed rightly that it was for a paternity test. She even questioned Healer on whether he was her father or brother. Then she learned that Moon Ho had hired Healer for this task. With all this information, shouldn't she be already suspecting that they know things she doesn't? Nothing really surprising there. In fact she should have been pestering them to get that information.

As for whether Jung Hoo is a bad person or not: This is the guy who tried to push her away from him just to protect her in spite of how much he wanted to be with her. These are all facts. He told her he could hurt her. He told her there are many things he was hiding from her. She said she doesn't care. After he gave in, she saw what she means to him. Before she ever met him she had a respect for his ethic of not killing. As to the whole your father killed mine story, it should have no bearing on their lives even if it is true. Now with all this information and her love for Jung Hoo in spite of all this she ran after him once she saw how her reaction to him hurt him. I am just hoping she can maintain that in spite of what she saw at the end. She should know he doesn't kill. And a bit of thinking should make it clear that he has nothing to gain by killing that person in particular.

As for Jung Hoo, once he heard she learned about her mother and realized how distressed she was, added to that Moon Shik's claim that he was a bad guy, he ran to her to comfort her, ease her worries. As he kept doing in his house he kept wanting to hug her and touch her but when she didn't respond, avoided his eyes and even backed away from him he saw the beautiful dream slipping though his fingers. He has more reason to hate Moon Shik than anyone else. From Myung Hee he stole her daughter, from Young Shin her mother, from Moon Ho a clear conscious and the ability to see his loved ones happy. But from Jung Hoo he stole his father, his father's good name, his mother, his Teacher (someone wrote recently that Jung Hoo was orphaned three times by Moon Shik), tried to frame him as a murderer. If all that wasn't enough now he is trying to take away the most important person to him. If Jung Hoo didn't kill Moon Shik, he wouldn't kill anybody...


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...else either.
I want to go back to Jung Hoo's attempt at finding the real him. I hope he wasn't talking about discovering the truth about the crime his father was accused of because that in no way has impact on who he is. Parents have an influence on a child if they raise him. Furthermore, Jung Hoo didn't grow up labelled as a murderer's son, so he wasn't affected that way either.

The problem with these kinds of cliffhangers to me is that they don't cause excitement, curiosity or impatience for the next episode. They cause me anxiety and annoyance. Now who watches a show for those? If anything, this dampens my excitement so I can get back to real life.


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Just read the recap. So the episode is called Trust and Young Shin told Jung Hoo to come back even if he does not find evidence. That is beyond awesome and makes me feel much better.

We haven't been shown explicitly but with the past he has Jung Hoo must have abandonment issues and Young Shin sticking with him through thick and thin based on her faith in him alone would mean a lot to him.


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One more thing: Jung Hoo made himself totally vulnerable to Young Shin. She knows where he lives, he told her his real name. She even has seen ajumma's face. If he was trying to use her for anything (I cannot imagine what) he wouldn't have opened himself up so much. Young Shin must be aware of this. Frankly, there is still enough conflict to drive the remaining 4 episodes what with clearing Jung Hoo's father's name, discovering the truth behind those events, defeating Moon Shik and the elder, reuniting Young Shin with her mum, finding Healer a new job and finding ajumma a new Healer, finding some sort of happiness for Moon Ho... So there is no need for Young Shin to believe or suspect the worst.

Do I sound like I am trying to convince myself?

I am not worried about things getting sorted in the long run but I just don't enjoy this brand of angst.


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The writer has been very sensible so far with how she's dealt with the angst (ALL the angst, like, Young Jae dying and CYS finding out the truth about Healer and THEN about her Mom and THEN ALSO about her dad and JH's dad) so I'm hoping she keeps the sensibility levels up. I'm worried that last scene might be the straw that breaks the camel's back, but I'm hoping that CYS manages to work through it (since she's been doing SO WELL so far!) and doesn't jump to assumptions or conclusions too fast.


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Yes, I'm crossing my fingers for that as well. I agree with your assessment of the writer. This drama has become my all time favorite because of all this and in fact after everything I read about Story of a Man on Dramabeans it's fast climbing up on my to watch list.



Yes, yes, Story of a Man is a must-see drama. I didn't even know before this recap that it was written by the very same Song Jin-Ah.

And to top it, Ahjumma is also in that drama. She plays a badass cop there.


I love ajumma. All the more reason to watch it (as if I needed more)


@Rainerust: yes, we're not left drowning in angst, and neither are the characters.

Young Shin had a little slump - and then she snapped herself out of it. She was still shell-shocked, but she didn't let Jung Hoo leave without an affirmation of her love and trust. What a heroine!

It goes without saying that I appreciate JCW's acting and action: Healer's as cool as they come. But for me, Writer Song's creation of "Chae Young Shin" as a match for Healer is what elevates this show - she managed to give us a heroine as awesome as the Healer himself, and who is most definitely her own person, but who complements him in every way! Kudos to PMY for bringing Young Shin to life, too!


I want to talk about Dad. How much does Dad know? It doesn't look like much. But the relationship between him and Young Shin was so comfortable before he must be worried sick that she is closing herself to him so much. Now there is the added complication of telling an adopted parent about a birth parent so she will probably be even more wary but before she didn't know that and still didn't share her problems.

Obviously Dad and Ajussi are guessing this is all because of a man. They even have a guess as to who that man is. A guy they know as Bong Soo! Did they know who Young Shin stayed with the night she didn't come home? After this episode of their relationship being outed to them I am sure they can guess. But I'd like to see a father-daughter chat on it at some point.

There is also the issue of letting them know of Bong Soo's real identity and why he was hiding it. Dad so wanted to talk to the guy that made his daughter cry several times but did not get so much as a hello or goodbye. Dude, I see that you have other priorities but that's not the way to endear yourself to your beloved's father.

Jung Hoo lives so out of convention that I have difficulty in imagining him as a guy with his prospective in laws so I really want to see it. Myung Hee will probably be delighted but I'd like to see him with Dad.


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LOL actually I think Dad will be really supportive and sensible...and Coffee Ahjusshi will bust a blood vessel!...when it comes to JH being a prospective son-in-law. I do think though that Dad will be confused with all the changes in JH's personality (wouldn't it be awesome if he was forced to keep being Bong Soo FOR Dad and Coffee Ahjusshi?!) and finding out that CYS's real mom is alive. Hmmm...and if we all agree that Myung Hee deserves a better man, then perhaps Dad could be a distinct possibility?


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Nah, to your last sentence.
Both Dad & Myung-hee are so 'pure' in their first(?) loves, that I can't imagine a happy wrap-up to pair them off together. Young-shin's adopted mom was mentioned to be super awesome....and Oh Gil-han was her college sweetheart/forever love....so they can be happy for Young-shin & Healer, happy to be friends...but it would muddle the "pureness of lurvvvee" that the older generation had to find second loves.

This isn't real-life! THIS IS HEAALLLLEEERRRRRRRR (so please forgive my wanting to keep it all 'fairy-tale' & neatly organized ^^;;)


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Moonbean , I get your concerns and where it is coming from.
But young shin stopping isn't from doubt on Jung Hoo, I took it as her instinct to fear that murder weapon, violence and blood.
I don't think her brain is even working that time.


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I'm trying to think whether we saw her in a dangerous situation since her last episode. I was thinking that whole trauma was forgotten. Let's see if it comes back at the beginning of the next episode.


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I get angry when good guys make stupid mistakes. We've been saying since at least last ep that M Ho should warn CYS about his brother, and tell her about her mother. Give the girl some credit for being able to process hard-to-stomach info.


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I don't understand why Moon Ho needs to censor everything.

I know he is a great guy and stuff and he is good intentioned, but could you please tell her the whole truth about how he suspects his brother is involved in the murders and deaths of their fathers and how there is this damn character, the elder who is playing with them in the background?



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I actually think there's some chance Moon-ho did tell her, because of the way the scene cut out. She asks why they have a bad relationship, and then he has this very thinking pause. We don't see the rest of the conversation because they cut ahead to getting Myung-hee's phone call, so there's room in there.


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I dunno... it might have cut away to leave room for interpretation, but when they are leaving the office for the night, Young-shin is way too peppy & happy to have heard news.

Like it took her ~ half a day to process her mom being alive, feeling deceived from Moon-ho & Jung-hoo not telling her all the facts. So when she hears the full story (we're not even sure of what that is, Moon-ho has suspicions but it was never solidified because he never reported it or really acted upon it), she can be all happy because there's this Great Evil Elder pulling strings, killing peeps, framing Healer? Is it that she can be happy because Healer isn't a killer, despite the fact that she's just learned that he's in a dangerous position (with the Elder or Moon-shik gunning to trap/frame him? <- this is just in general, not the specific present-time situation of him being at the chapel)


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I was contemplating about this too.

I think he did tell her, vaguely and without too much detail (because technically he is still just speculating himself).

And hopefully YS would pick up on it and realize the MS is behind all the evil stuff. And that would reinforce her trust in JH that even after seeing him beside the dead ex-cop with blood on his face, her trust in him will remain.

MH and YS leaving the office in "good" spirits could mean that MH was able to shift the discussion to lighter and fonder childhood memories. To move away from the talking more about MS and what happened in 1992.


exactly! Why didn't he tell her the damn whole thing!


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Like my bro loved ur mom although she's already married and he lost you on purpose (left u on the highway for dead) and probably killed ur dad and healers dad who are his best friends.
And what's worse, I AM in the know but I kept silent for years.
Erm...hard to explain yeah? It does make him look bad as well


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Plus did it not more than once KMS implied to KMH that he is as guilty as he is and they are on the same boat?
For all u know, KMH was quite involved in the original incident, he prob witness it and kept silent?
I mean all he's doing now is noble and great but he is doing it out of penance and guilt, to right the wrongs. Doesn't mean he is any more innocent than his bro.
Love the characterization. Yoo Ji tae is a joy to watch!


I know M Ho is a good guy, means well and all, but in this ep, I'm angry at him for a lack of moral courage thus far, esp. when he was explaining to CYS about her mother's brain disease/condition needing absolute non-excitement.


But Jung Hoo was also involved in this decision, because he wanted to find the evidence clearing his dad first before going clean with CYS right? And I think Moon Ho just hadn't figured out how to approach/broach this situation with CYS - I find it a hard situation in general. I mean, how do you just go up to a person and say, "Er, by the way you were adopted right? I know your real mom, and she's alive, but we can't tell her you're alive, cos otherwise she might die due to the stress/shock."

Plus, my impression is that Moon Ho hadn't known ALL the while - he only found out that CYS/Ji-an was alive when he was asked to move the grave and the grave was empty (two months before the timeline when the first episode screened). Wasn't that why he started using Healer to look for women who matched Myung Hee's DNA? But from everything that's been hinted at so far, it does sound like something shady went down in 92 (and we still don't know what) and he was certainly involved in THAT (possibly complicit through silence)...I think it's been really interesting how both brothers are threaded in shades of gray, and while we've been rooting for Moon Ho so far, there are certainly lots of things he's done and kept silent on that are fairly reminiscent of his brother...simply that, I think, he's more self-aware (less self-delusional) and thus bears greater guilt / has more of a conscience / has the stronger moral compass guiding his actions (?).


@KDAddict, azfih, stardust

As JB mentioned, he might actually have told her already (the cut conversation). And, earlier, he said he had something more to say, but CYS stopped him, saying that she would find out for herself.

I can understand our seeming frustration with MH for not spilling the beans. It is because we know a lot more than him and we get impatient with the dilly-dallying! From the narrative point of view, I can understand why the writer made Moon-ho reluctant to reveal the whole truth (he was that, even with SJH). And from the character's point of view: MH only had suspicions, which are only getting confirmed with recent events. So it is only recently that he could openly declare war against KMS, and divulge info to SJH and CYS


I know about the Cut that JB was talking about. I mean J Ho could have, should have said sthg to CYS Before that moment. If not about her mother, then at least about his sicko of a brother.


But I'm also not sure if he was trying to portion out everything because he was already afraid about how the truth would hit re: her mom (and this is clearly re: about the fathers since she figured it out herself and it came as a shock/realisation, not as a pause where she's recalling it as a possible trauma).

Am not sure whether she was told about Elder - there's a possibility that yes, she was told (since as JB mentioned, there was a cut away from that scene) but the whole scene just...doesn't look good for JH.


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The minute I saw that cop from 22 years ago being played by that particular actor, I knew it was bad news bears. He had never played a good person in his career, as far as I've seen.

I understand J HO wanting to get that tape out of him, but the char being played by that actor, should no way cough it up!

Of course that we are still at ep 16 also is the cause of it. Too early to have solid evidence to put MS and his puppet master away!


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I had never known that actor, but for that 10 mts , I was intrigued by him.
Exactly what JB said, his actions and his desperation - giving up his soul for one last attempt at life.


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Wow.. It's getting more intense
And another week of cliffhanger.
Off to read! Thanks JB!


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Aah, we have news from the man himself about his OST coming out.


Such an enthusiastic kid is our JCW. Too cute! :D


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I didn't doubt for a second that he'd sing an OST. He's a musical actor with a wonderful voice for crying out loud. Why would any exec worth 1% of his pay let that go to waste?
I thought they'd wait till later in the course of the drama to announce it, just to heighten the anticipation and maximise sales.

Good news!


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His voice is so eargasmic....


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Ki ki ki ki........

This being the 1st page, I won't say more.


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Now you are making me go to youtube!

I have never heard him sing!!

*GASP* I know, I suck. There are tons of JCW videos that I have queued in YouTube. WHERE IS TEH TIME!

So if I have to hear one song, one song in the time I have, which would you recommend??!?!


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@ Divyrus

I'd say listen to To the Butterfly, the OST from Empress Ki. :)


@Divyrus *double gasps*

I agree with GB. "To The Butterfly" is pretty good. Been listening to it on repeat. :D


@divryus +gasps+ you haven't heard .to the butterfly? Sooooo mesmerizing and incredibly touching. God his voice is so manly and at the same time you can feel the sadness and pain his song is emitting...can't wait for healer ost



@GB @dramapenchant and @TurkishRose



That was one thing I didnt think about much before now that is also stuck in my head!!!

I totally watched his musical videos too!! Imagine watching those eyes act and sing IN REAL JUST BEFORE YOUR EYES



There is a sincerity in everything he does!!!!!!!!!

Now am BAFFLED too!! How come he is not even more popular?!?!?!?!

Am not gonna lie, I was totally expecting something like 'My everything' before I clicked play!


Can see how much he loves doing what he does!!!!!!!


@Divyrus, simply wow him singing on stage looks so thrilling. He truly enjoys acting, even in front of a live audience.

Btw, so proud of you that you finally listened to his 'Butterfly' ost ;)


@Divyrus Just hearing his speaking voice, you know that his singing voice would be wonderful. Every time he speaks, my ears perk up just a little more. So deep and smooth LOL

Also, check out this video of him singing for fun, so freaking adorable!








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Great news!! Thanks so much GB dear! ;)

Looking forward to listening to it again and again and again and again and...well...you know what I mean...hehehe

It's what I have been doing with every single one of Healer's OSTs so far - listening to the songs on a continuous loop since they first came out but still enjoying every single lovely, entrancing, enchanting, mesmerising note in the songs! ;)


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"It's a beautiful feeling" is a line I hate in the first OST, but at the same time I like the rest of the song LOL.

It's almost a guilty pleasure.


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Its like "Love is the moment" in Heirs! hahaha


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Love is the moment - *shudder* Got that still makes me cringe. If the show had actually been good, maybe I would have excused it, but the actress was like a dead fish, and LMH, just....weyyy?

Give me back my hours, stupid Heirs!


Eternal love is a nice song!
I hated "love is the moment"!!! Oh gawd the thing is the moment u guys mentioned it the darn song rings in my heads non stop.
Lee min ho whey whey whey? From badass city hunter to...high school? What the....%#^*+^++, clearly the drama left me trauma.
I am awaiting his next drama choice for goodness sake pick a good one!


Tei – Words My Eyes Say (눈이 하는 말) Healer OST

Who are you looking at? What are you thinking about? Sometimes, I stare at the side of your face You probably don’t know Seeing your back makes me sad When you turn around I want to spread my arms and hug your back I want to hold onto you so you can’t go

Don’t know why Why my eyes only look for you Why it looks at you and hurts I don’t know why my heart keeps crazily beating

When my eyes meet yours I try to turn away In case my eyes say the words That my lips don’t dare say, the words I love you

Don’t know why Why my eyes only look for you Why it looks at you and hurts I don’t know why my heart keeps crazily beating I don’t want to let you go

As if I’m dreaming with my eyes open You’re close but you’re so far Stay by my side I’m afraid you’ll leave if I say that to you

Do me right, I don’t want many things If only I can be in your heart If I can see you, that’s all I need I don’t want to let you go I don’t want to let you go

(that's my favourite)


ahh.... they such get a Ed Sheeran OST.



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"they should get a Ed Sheeran ost"



It's a bit different for me. I don't hate the song, it's just the lyrics that I dislike, almost making me wish that I don't understand English. There'd be no reason for me to complain then, for I actually don't mind the tune. :-D

I find the lyrics weak, lame, corny and childish. What I imagine a 15 year old would be writing to his first crush, lines like “It's a beautiful feeling what we've got inside” or “Do you believe in the power of everlasting love”. So much so that I sometimes dread the start of an OTP moment expecting to hear the song soon and when it starts to play, my enjoyment of the OTP scene is a wee bit diminished. Without fail.

On the other hand I like the Korean OSTs, especially Ben's “You” and I'm thankful that Viki even subs the songs. Listening to the song is better when you can follow the meaning. LOL.


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It's a bit different for me. I don't hate the song, it's just the lyrics that I dislike, almost making me wish that I don't understand English. There'd be no reason for me to complain then, for I actually don't mind the tune. :-D

I find the lyrics weak, lame, corny and childish. What I imagine a 15 year old would be writing to his first crush, lines like “It's a beautiful feeling what we've got inside” or “Do you believe in the power of everlasting love”. So much so that I sometimes dread the start of an OTP moment expecting to hear the song soon and when it does start, my enjoyment of the OTP scene is a wee bit diminished. Without fail.

On the other hand I like the Korean OSTs, especially Ben's “You” and I'm thankful that Viki even subs the songs. Listening to the song is better when you can follow the meaning. LOL.


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Ackk! Double post.

Sawrry. :-(


LOL Sawwryy XD I excuse you patinalee, because of that sorry. XD just kidding

I feel the english part patinalee. I don't get why koreans (or even other countries, like Indian songs) incorporate so much english into their music, when the korean or their language sounds sooooo much better! I mean, I love the 4th OST (I think its 'you'?), its so beautiful!

LOL I know the lines are corny and childish, trust me, but I am still guilty of liking the chorus. It always gets to me :p


@patinalle and @azfih

Am right with you on this one. I love love love love hearing korean songs!!!

I dunno why if its because of the attachment and routine of seeing dramas and being in this part of pop culture or its because of the language, I love the way the songs make me feel. Even though I dont understand a thing, my heart constricts and skips a beat depending on the song!!!!!

K-OSTs can easily change my mood in a instant!!


Ha, again we think alike!

I first absolutely refused to like that song because of that line.

But I failed spectacularly when the line "I am eternally yours" came.
There is something so nice about the word eternal.
And it so fits in with entire story that I went nuts over the song!


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@ Divyrus LOL we really DO think alike.

I remember when I first heard the song when it came on I was like WTF?

After a few episodes, I was sitting there going "Oh my love, I am yours, etc...."





he he exactly!
I think the first time I actually noticed the song when it came during the first rooftop scene where he held her hands, and I was like 'Awesome scene - bad music, I want Korean, Show!'

And after sometime, my heart started to swell everytime the song came on!!! :D

I forgive the cheesy lyrics just because it fits Jung Hoo SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!

NOW I WANT JUNG HOO TO SING TO YOUNG SHIN! Come on, we can have a nice domestic scene! Eeeeeeee!

@dramapenchant how is that for our wish scene? JCW singing as JH :P


@Divyrus Yes. Yes. Yes. ME want!!!!

WE know YS has a habit of singing when she's nervous so how about JH singing to her when the situation arises??


Hehehe!! @azfih ;)

I have to agree with you that after a while the first few words can grate on the nerves but then because of the singer's beautiful rendition of the song, and the utterly mesmerising melody/music/score, the song just sounds so beautiful to me! ;)


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I really like 'Eternally Yours". For some reason it reminded me right away of OMD (Pretty in Pink movie soundtrack) or a song from the 80's/90's. That song would have fit very well in a John Hughes film.


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koreandramalover I just hate the way he says beautiful LOL But I still have it on my soundtrack. and for some reason, whenever I listen to it I get a giddy feeling. I attribute it to half good melody and the other half to the Pavlovian effect because it always go on when we have an epic scene with our OTP.


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But the song fits so well that it felt that it was made for Healer. Imagine JH saying "Eternally yours" to YS


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@coby I totally always imagine healer singing it to young shin...the words seem like they aim at her. I know how everyone says it's corny, but I love it so much. I feel the wOrds so much, and my heart literally flutters every time it comes on...

I'm eternally yours.. favorite line :)


Hi @ kay

We in Singapore, are thinking of meeting up this Friday evening. Can you make it? Also can you email me your mobile number so that we can group chat? I left my email address in Comment 5. :)


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Hi All
I understand that JCW sang several OSTs. Besides the Empress Ki and Five Fingers OSTs, what others did he sing?


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With what I could find on google, seems a OST for each of his drama.
Warrior Baek Dong Soo and Bachelor's vegetable store

Am totally gonna go watch Warrior Baek Dong Soo after Healer ends!!!
Right after I finish Empress Ki :P


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@ Divyrus

Thanks, will look for them. :)


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Wonderful episode! Ugh, this week just seems to be going by so slowwww. Monday, come quickly!

And as always, thanks for the recap!! (:


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I don't hate this ep so much for the angst, cos we saw the angst coming from a mile away. We knew it was lying in wait for us.

But I hate that M S had the chance to ambush CYS and plant a seed of mistrust (towards M Ho and J Ho). It'll come back to bite their asses later, won't it?

And I hate that J Ho is there at the end with the dead cop, with blood all over himself. It'd be too easy for the arriving cops to only see that and apprehend him as the murderer, for lack of evidence to the contrary. Hate it!


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The evidence is pretty damning. Even CYS, who knows JH doubts him, why would police officers on a meager pay try to think it out.

But at the same time, CYS doubt in him is forthcoming, she did fall in love with a guy she actually did not know much about. So we can't even blame her for doubting him.


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yeah. it's inevitable. the possibility of doubting Healer is already lingering in the previous eps (remember the scene before Young Shin's movie date with Healer, when before leaving her house, she turned around and recalled the detective's words about Healer's crime?), but she just keeps brushing it off. this time, in this ep, she needs to face it head on.

so I think the misconstrued evidence fell perfectly into place, perhaps to present the greatest internal conflict this couple is yet to face.


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Exactly. and I am glad the author added this, because it makes it more believable and a tad more realistic

I love the way you said "to present the greatest internal conflict this couple is yet to face" perfectly put!


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J Ho is walking around in his army jacket and baseball cap. Not much of a disguise. He is identifiable as Healer from a distance. Same baseball cap, same height and body build, and same Unique beautiful facial profile.


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Not much of a disguise but I thought he looked so hot in his outfit today. Especially the glasses! And the hat. I have a thing for JCW and hats.

Haha, so true about the "unique beautiful facial profile".


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"I thought he looked so hot in his outfit today."

Has there ever been an outfit that u/we didn't think he was hot in?


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I actually have an answer for this LOL

His outfit from yesterday's episode when he met with YS and introduced his real self for the first time...Me no likey.


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actually i think his hair there bothered me more than the outfit tbh. all flat and limp


@siesta JCW totally got a haircut. Not sure how I feel about it in certain scenes since it seems too thin and flat as you mentioned.


@dramapenchant and siesta - His hair was actually a hot issue in soompi. The lack of hair volume bothered them, lol.

It's a given the JCW is good looking no matter what, however, the hairstyle amplifies a person's looks. I liked JCW's hair the most during his RM episodes. I dig orange-brown hair on him. <3


Something is wrong w my eyes (and a lot more). I see him as perfect in every shot and every outfit. TBH, I haven't been able to tell there's a change in hair style despite repeated viewing.


@KDaddict.....roger that!! i'm wondering what they are all saying. since its an issue on soompi..then im the blind one

plus his outfit yesterday....probably because i like green or JCW i just could not find a fault


You are the blind one? You and me both.
The outfit was Green? I didn't notice. I only saw him, and not much of anything else. Sorry state to be in, but I'm not sawry.



He he, neither do I!

Most of the times I am lost in his eyes, when I do come out, its his lips and after that his jawline.
Never noticed his clothes much :P

I dont like that turtle necks he keeps wearing, I mean why would anyone wanna hide his neck! I wanna see his neck!!!


I noticed less Healer's flat hair and more Young-shin's flat hair. her hair used to be a bit wavy & had volume when she had a sparkle in her eye (first episodes, stalking that celebrity).

This week & last week, her hair has lost its oomph as she's lost some of hers.....


We are so funny ... fashion now is it? :D

I had to look very hard to notice it, but yes, JCW had a trim which neatened the edges and there was slightly less volume.

PMY's hair only looked flat for a bit but on the whole had enough body and bounce and she looks very good in this hairstyle.

As for the clothes, I seem to like all layered looks and winter wear, so it was mostly all good to me!!!LOL!


and I am the blind number 3... I actually like the look, it was so full of boyish charm :) then again what I dont like about him????


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@fantasy .....i could not have said it better


i am blind #4... i think that was the hondsomest in this show i dont know! but he looks so refreshing perhaps he has rested for a while with ample time of aleep since his musical has finally wrapped up the other week


To tell you the truth, he used his good disguises in places where he did not need them. remember the nerd disguise he wore to CYS restaurant? Those are the kinds of disguises he should be wearing when he, I don't know, um, hacks into a police station!!!?????

But on the other hand, I like him sexy so I won't rgue much about the outfits.


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would you not be suspicious if you see such a hideous goofy person come into your office (one you have never seen before) and use the computer....to me that look stands out..

theres no way i'll have such a look in my vicinity and not be suspicious.

go to a police station, be a police man....go to a laboratory, be a lab attendant..(i think thats how disguises work)


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I didn't mean that disguise in specific should have been worn to the police station but similar disguises that would mask his face so that they would not be able to get a good shot of his actual face. A beard for example, or mustache, scar, wonky glasses, different color hair etcc.....


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wonky glasses....haha :)

Yh you are right


Ha ha yeah! I loved him in that disguise!!

I guess he doesnt bother much about it now, he is being Jung Hoo more than Healer anyway!


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@Divyrus Yeah, he kind of is like F*** it. LOL He's gotten a lot more desperate to find the truth about his dad since he's only human which paves way for a bit of sloppiness. Also, since he's planning on giving up his healer identity to live a "normal" life with Young Shin after the mystery is solved, there's less need to conceal his identity.


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But that makes me worry! Teacher took blame as healer but still with last episode cliffhanger, I dont want him in run with police again!!!


Ooh I only noticed the colors.
As Healer - he only wore black (absence of self/identity)
And I was like yay, he's wearing colors...

He's slowly finding his identity - reflected in his clothes. He's no longer in costumes....but HIS (Jung-hoo's) clothes... you know?

Also sartorial aside, Young-shin's been in a lot of neutral white or black clothes thesse past few episodes. What happened to that fiery red? I must rewatch & observe other costume changes!


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Chae Young Shin is one great girl. I love her so much!


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I'm with you on that. Actually all the women are proving to be pretty great ladies. Ahjumma, you are definitely the best!


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True. Hurray for heroines who are smart, not the typical damsels in distress, fickle, idiotic characters in kdramaland!!!


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wahhhhhhh i didnt even watch the episode yet so idk why i'm here...but wahhhhhhh........... T_T


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AND... this is why I freaking LOVE Young Shin. Best heroine in a long, long time!!! So sensible. So rational. GAaaah, total girl crush right now! BUT, that look of doubt at the end....Ahhhh, so worried.

My heart completely broke for Jung Hoo during their "confrontation". I know YS didn't like how she was reacting but to see him realize that she was distancing herself from him was so sad!! His questioning why she wouldn't hug him or look him in the eyes, sounded so wounded.

But thank god YS didn't let JH leave on bad terms! How sweet for her to tell him to come back to her regardless? And app and ex-con ajusshi's reaction to their hug was hilarious!

And damn that was a hot kiss! MOAR.


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Something that I noted and that really touched me during the scene between Young-shin and Jung-hoo was that even when she was pulling away from him and even when she was so confused about how she should be reacting, she was still trying to protect him from finding out because she knew it would hurt. And you could tell that she totally would have tried finding out the truth on her own too. I really loved that touch.


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That was truly sweet touch. Just emphasizes the truth that we already know about JH and YS, which is that they have this need to protect each other with all they've got!

Also, it was sweet of JH to try to lighten the mood and his constant apologies were adorable. I totally swooned when he told her to angry at him rather than hold it in.

When he stepped away from her and the look in his eyes as he realized what was happening, gaaah. Heart, crushed.


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so true...i loved this scene so much, the pain is so real but the love between them is so strong. ahhh this couple are so credible, our OTP in its truest sense!


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@ chandler, dramapenchant, rigby, Divyrus, CZ

I agree with what you've said about this OTP relationship. Looking back now, it seems to me I've never come across an OTP relationship where both persons are so reasonable, so able to reason things out, to communicate the important things and to stick together realistically.

It was the most important thing in the world that YS ran after JH and held on to him to tell him to come back no matter what. This part is often (always?) neglected in a drama at the high point of couple angst. Instead of coming together, couples are usually split apart to mope or do stupid things.

This OTP knows how to work to keep themselves together and to be united/together so that they can work best. I can't express how much I love this and applaud the writer again and again.

That is why, despite that look of shock on YS's face that we are left with, I have not much stress over the OTP. I believe YS will trust JH, so will Moon Ho, Ahjumma definitely and even Myung Hee. I love this Team Healer or rather Team Jung Hoo that has formed. May they have 4 more wonderful hwaiting episodes ahead fighting the baddies together!!! :D


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And you know what makes me feel so GREAT about this entire thing?

That their OTP journey has always been up, the next step, the next place where their relationship could go!
I was re-reading JB's recaps and finding the slow growth of its popularity and addiction interesting, and I could see how much the OTP has grown.

There is something so nice about re-reading recaps , you discover something new rather than while seeing the episodes!
Its been a really really awesome 8 weeks run you know!
I dont remember the last drama that was so consistently good!!!!!

Just tow weels to go Healer team! Fighting!!!!


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Truly @ Divyrus, it is as you say ... its the growth that makes for the greatness of this show. That there is good, realistic progression and not stagnation or backtracking, especially in the OTP arc, makes this such a good experience. No feeling that we wasted our time or that we were being disrespected.

Even in the reveals that are exposing the bad guys, we are moving along somewhat. No time fillers or deliberately eeked out suspenseful moments, just good story telling from page to page/episode to episode. Daebak! :)


That scene was well written and acted out.
I mean usually in kdramas, when the confrontation finally happens, I would be like yeah-yeah-we-know-cross the mountain fast-please.
But here I could feel the tension, the hurt, the strain. And it felt like those are needed. Each look, each hug, each dialogue. Every emotion is so out there and so well portrayed. I wouldnt have minded if they had drawn out the angst for at least few more scenes.

I usually skp angst scenes, but man if the angst doesnt FEEL SO GOOD in this drama!
I dig that feeling it gives me!!!!


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& the best part was that after they had that talk - both of them were more fired-up to go & find evidence.

So Young-shin, after thinking through all the news, gets back her spirit & spunk to go ask sunbae Moon-ho for the details and Jung-hoo heads off to find the trap/trail/road. I love that both of them inspired each other to get moving, instead of moping and crying and sad face and music and staring out at the rain kind of angst.

Best couple ~~ that encourages & inspires each other to do/be better!~!~!


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It's fitting that M Hee be the one to bring down M Shik's house of cards. She is his Achilles' Heel after all.

Don't get this man at all. (Good thing I don't or else I may be a potential psychopath). What's the joy in keeping a woman you love, one-sided, crippled, drugged, locked up in your house, in her own bedroom, when you go in and hold her hand and put her to bed? And you feel all's fine w the world?


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I was so excited when I realized she planted a bug in his office! Finally, MH is using those journalism skills again!


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what's bothering me is where would she get the bug? it's not your common household thing! she can't exactly move around much and the risk of being tailed is high

internet shopping?


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LOL Even so, I think her orders would be looked through before they get to her anyways. The lady has no freedom.

Sooo maybe she just happens to have a collection of them under her bed? Or she made it? She asked MH for one? Or she found a bug MS placed in her room against him? IDK...


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That's a valid point. How did she get the bug?


I think she stole one from MS


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+1. LOL.
Yes, steal from the guy's stash of weaponry to bring him down. Poetic justice!


It's A Bug War


LOL @siesta... internet shopping!!


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@siesta again...one of those plot holes that I'm just whistling and be like, 'suspend your disbelief...' LOL also cos right after that she called Moon Ho, and I was like, WOMAN ISN'T YOUR PHONE BUGGED???? (Unless Moon Shik suddenly lost the ability to do shady things like that because Secretary Oh got arrested...)


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she doesn't know its bugged...so from her own point, it still falls under legal reasoning. even if he gets to know, we wont know until next week. i'm sure he doesn't even know how to operate the damn thing :)

plus the idiot thought she was asleep...would not be listening in on her conversation for 27/01/15 again because he already called it a day.



I was fist pumping saying You Go girl!!!

I totally want her to leave the house and stay with Moon Ho. Moon Ho said YS bday is tomorrow. Hope mother and daugther celebrate together in some way!!!


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The fact that this is a fictional world and Junghoo is not a real person just breaks my heart.


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And mine.

(but on the bright side, JCW is real)


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LOL right now, at this point of the story, i'm glad he is not real. Imagine, he is on the run for so many murders, can even get arrested because he is already on the shady side with the police, his girlfriend thinks he might be a murderer, the only link to clear his dad's name is gone. Shitty end of the stick indeed.


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I completely agree with you about this episode being all about trust. The drama would not simply backtrack by having her suspect him now, especially when logic supports that he would never have done something like that. I have complete faith in this writer. I mean, with our whole Scooby gang (which, btw, is giving me total Story of a Man feels!) coming together, there's just no way for any sort of misunderstanding to occur. And, much like those of the first generation who have complete faith in Seo Joon-seok's innocence, I'm sure Young-shin, as well, will have complete faith in Jung-hoo. (Or else I'll be very very sad)

That said, this doesn't make this ending any less horrible! This is hands-down the worst cliffhanger yet, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be living in episode 15 until Monday...

Thanks for the recap, JB :)


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Ahhhhhh logic. In the hands of a different writer, I might be hesitant to claim that the logic-gods will work their magic but in this case, I completely trust Writer Song to know what she's doing. All that set-up previously must be for something. Everything happens for a reason in this show.


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i feel like she first gave us a headache with the whole CYS finding out about everything...then gave us painkillers when she easily forgave him for everything.....

and just when the painkillers were kicking in.....she hit our hearts with a sledgehammer. how should we survive till next week???

but believing the trust streak, i hope CYS's reaction at the end might just mean "OMG!! THIS ISNT HAPPENING!! WHAT DO WE DO NOW??" in episode 17.


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Ahem to be precise, the first 10 minutes :P ;)


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Thanks for your awesome recap JB! I'M DYING for waiting this.
Just finished watching raw episode and i'm so upset for another cliffhanger *tear*
many twist and ONLY 4 more episodes left *andwaeeeee*
Healer is masterpiece..
i'm so deeply in love with HEALER and thankyou for ruined my life writer-nim.. *90 degree bow*


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Just seriously... what is this drama doing to me? It hits all the right spots, from "awww" to "omg no don't you do it ajusshi."Ughhhhhhh

Btw kudos for having Royal Pirates as song of the day! loveeee


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I agree with all of this, especially the Royal Pirates part. She posted my favorite song from my favorite band on an amazing show. Javabeans, you rock!!!!


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NOOOO Young-Shin-ie..... WU HUEI HAJIMA.... don't misunderstand him TT____TT


Writer nim...


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GAHHHHH!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHY YOU END THIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Where can I watch ep 16 dramafever hasn't aired it yet! Want to watch it already! *_*


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Watch it on Viki.com. If you're in the US use an extension for the Google Chrome internet browser called Hola.


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you can watch it on myasiantv.com! It comes out subbed faster than dramafever.


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Is my Asian TV legit though? It seems as though they steal subs, and I'm not even sure they're licensed to air the Dramas they show. If you want to support the Drama, use Viki, or DramaFever. MyAsianTV doesn't help the Drama, or it's ratings.


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"Tomorrow" is Jian's BD. Will she get to meet her mother on her BD?

Come next ep, she'll call her mom to revive their prior appt, go there, and see her mom go all out in preparing a feast for the "dead" Jian, and she'll know that she's infinitely loved, won't she?

In drama after drama, what I take away is that everyone of us needs sb to love us, unconditionally. As long as we have that, we'd be ok come hell or hi water, ya?


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I hope she'll be able to have a glimpse of just how much she means to her mom....

but as soon as I heard that it's her bday "tomorrow", I've been hoping that she will be able to celebrate it with her "oppa" ahem, JH. Maybe some birthday sexy times?


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You just can't think of anything else, can u?
:D (Pot calling kettle black). I know for once that BDs are for moms, silly.


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Nope. If only you could see a map of my brain. More than half is dedicated to Healer and specifically byeontae thoughts regarding our couple.


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LOL! dramapenchant .... no! really!!! We had NO clue! Not a whit! LOLOL!


i actually think it's best for myung hee to not meet YS as jian. let her think her daughter is already dead. they can build a new relationship as MH and YS- sorta like sisters/surrogate mother


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The girl can go to the big house as CYS the reporter for the delayed interview, and see what M Hee, whom she now knows to be her mother, is doing to celebrate her daughter's BD, which is her CYS's real BD. No problem there.


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I think it is better for her to think Ji AN is dead too. Frankly, this is one of the story arcs that bothers me. It is too Makjang for my taste. While I don't mind the fact that she is the mother because that is really important for the overall arc of the story with MS and her dad and stuff, i don't want a sobfest encounter for when her mom realizes that this is her daughter.


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I hope the writer will "ease" M Hee into it by giving her a chance to get to know CYS the reporter, take a liking to her, and be like,
"You are the same age as my daughter; you are a lovely girl, and I feel close to you; if my Jian were alive....." Then when the big reveal comes at the end, it wouldn't be so shocking, n it wouldn't be detrimental to her health. Happy ending!


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I'm hoping it doesn't turn into a sobfest either. I'd be more impressed (and touched) if she could somehow control herself the way CYS did when the news was broken to her about her mom - I love that sense of restraint and feel like it's somehow more realistic than just breaking down immediately. And hopefully it doesn't trigger any of her illnesses :/


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I hope so too! She grows to love Young Shin as an "adopted daughter" and then gradually finds out, so that it's not too much of a shock for her body.


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I was actually imagining Myung Hee meeting her as Jung Hoo's girlfriend.
Remember how adorably touched she was when he confessed he liked a girl?
In that way, YS would be like a daughter in law to her!


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I like the way you think Divyrus, I really do. It would be a great scene if we get past the sobfest and realize her best friends son and her daughter are together after they wree such close knit friends


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Yeah I trust this writer on this!

The entire parents generation affecting kids , this entire 16 episodes could have gone in so many different ways.
Right from Jung Hoo finding about his dad to now.
But the writing has been excellent. Just like what JB said, teasing out the moments to get our emotions out rather than finding twists.

Am sure the reunion is gonna be tear inducing and as heartwarming as it can be!!!


Awww that would be really nice!


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@Divyrus Awww, that would almost feel like everything has returned to its rightful place huh? I like to believe (and as the writer implies) that if none of the crap that tore apart the parent's generation happened that YS and JH would have gotten together (and possibly married) by now as well. Kind of like the romance in R1997 perhaps. :D


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Yeah and everyone would be one big happy family!!!!

R1997 was one awesome story. I have a very soft spot for best friends turning to lovers!


Hm.... one part of Myung-hee's great stressor was that her family was dead (husband & daughter).
After having physically healed (sans the immobility), Myung-hee felt great grief at having survived when her loved ones were no longer there.

I think to find out that her daughter was alive, and that she was raised in a lovely home (minus the not-speaking b/c of trauma part), would help comfort her a lot, give her a reason to live, heal her more that having 'adopted' the young, cheery, idealistic reporter.

Right now, Myung-hee has no reason to live - not even the nicest 'younger brother' Moon-ho, and only looks forward to prepare the birthday dinner & memorial table for her Ji-an. So if Ji-an came back - happy, healthy, smart, in love, working hard, etc etc - it would be way good for her. I think....


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writer-nim,one episode,u made us happy.d next,sad.

highlight of d week- JH and YS kissing in front of dad and ajussi. I smell trouble for him lol. He has to face all d ex-cons next.

P.S- ivoire,I miss ur posts.


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ah, if that actually happen, dad and ahjussi just gonna at "WOW" that dorky PBS is hella good fighter, LOL


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or he's just gonna play act getting beat up like he did in ep 4 complete with bongsook's shrieks lol "appayo!"


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aww! what a great call back comment.

His cowardice in that scene was so fun because we knew what he was actually capable of!


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@ siesta

Yes! Yes! I want this!!! I want a whole lot of ahjusshis trying to beat up JH and he goes around all Bong Sookish pretending to be hit. So funny!!! Ap-pa-yo!!! LOL!


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Hmm, me too!
Where did Ivoire go?


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Hi All who have asked about Ivoire,

She emailed me that she's taking a break from drama for a bit but will be glad to know that you've mentioned her.

I'll tell her you did!!! :)


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The kiss scene was awesome! While watching this scene, I was yelling at the screen, "Guys, Young Shin's dad is right there!" Lol I can totally see CYS's dad and his ex-con buddies teaching him a lesson. Also, Healer would definitely play-act as Bong Sookie and take a beating out for respect.


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Love everything about this drama.

Thank you JB.


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Dad's and Ajussi's reactions and their expressions during the hug and the kiss! Priceless. Nobody is telling them what's up. Pheww, at least I got a comic relief in such a heavy and cringing episode.


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LOL He kissed her in front of the dads!!! I can't wait for a more comedic scene where they confront him on how he kissed their daughter in front of them when all the angst is over. It makes me ROFL just thinking about it!


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Poor dads. They're totally in the dark about everything. Just a few episodes ago they were suspicious of BS, imagine their shock now to see the "idiot boy" and their precious YS hugging/kissing. LOL.

Oh Dads, you've no idea what these two have been doing all this time. ;) *wink wink* You never should've let YS sleepover at a "friend's" place. Ahahaha.


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Well arent we all glad, she got to sleepover now? :P


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LOL the "idiot boy" isn't so much an idiot boy anymore is he? He all grown up ROAR LOL


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Dad is going to put 2 and 2 together and find out that his precious daughter has been sleeping over at Bongsookie's....... oh I'm looking forward to the suffering that Bongsookie is going to go through for that.


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Aren't we sadists @ Wendy! LOL! Let the daddy-JH fun begin!!!


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Bong Sookie has to face the gangster adjusshis haha. It will be so much fun!


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After a super "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" with all those clingy moments of JH & YS, this ep sunk my heart! Woah!

I know, YS will still believe JH. Of course we saw what happens!


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Thanks for recapping so quickly.

Watched both episodes raw, but I have to watch again when subbed so I can participate more intelligently in the discussion.

Can't say it enough but I love this sow!


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dang! *show* not sow


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Strong episode once again. JB you speak my thoughts!
Like you I like how YS react to the truth, it took her conflict to get past it. But it was resolved in a quick but yet delicate manner. Many a drama will use this conflict for episodes. The scenes were beautifully crafted. Her withdrawal from healer, her own shock of her reaction. And damn those hurt eyes of JCW, it was like he received a punch to his stomach. He was so beaten and sad.
And her words to him: come back even if you cannot find (the truth)

You are right, writer is good at pulling heart strings. I have tried pulling a friend to watch healer. She asked for a summary and was incredulous "so what.. his dad killed her dad, and they fall in love huh, evil bro in conflict with bro with conscience, evil bro in love with a woman he can't get hence his fall in moral values...YAWN, that an a thousand other dramas yawn" - you see! She doesn't see the catch, I supposed that's why the ratings are low too. They can't attract new viewers. It's not an attractive storyboard but the execution of the characters are great. Such a shame but I'm glad I'm on board! Enjoying the ride. I finally can feel it and dare to say it : drama may end strong!!! (Ok better not jinx it )


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I knew it! that that bad ex-cop Park Dong-chul will die. I guess JH will really have to get all info regarding his dad from MS. And please I don't want to see JH behind bars.


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I think it's so freaking adorable that JH constantly call YS now (comparatively to before). Last episode, he did it first thing in the morning and in this episode, he called her to check up on her. Awww.

And it's so hilarious that he ALWAYS picks up her phone calls now, regardless of whatever situation he's in. She's his first priority and that's ridiculously sweet. Like on JH would be able to hold a conversation while beating people up LOL


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Priorities mate!
Haha and he was still like "were u very busy? I called you three times"
Clingy much?
I don't get the last phone call though "I knew you will call by tonight" ???
As in? Did I miss something?


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They parted at Coffee Bay. He left in a hurry. They haven't talked. He knew she'd call, i.e. he knew she couldn't stay away from him for long either.


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lol didnt she hear the background sounds of people getting beaten up tho?? xDD JH even got punched when the phone was still up on his ear lol


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I cracked up when she asked "are you with someone". Like ummmm did she really not realize that perhaps he was in a middle of a fight? That background noise, his heavy breathing were pretty good indicators LOL


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haha yeah i was like D'OH! when she said that
taking down those goons one handed was so badass tho, he wasnt even concentrating lol


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Heavy breathing could be cos he was thinking of her though! no? okok i'll crawl back to my hole and keep my imagination active


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@Blurbel LOL now that's my kind of response *high 5* join the ever growing dark side filled with fans who can't contain our naughty thoughts!


LOL I swear JB needs to stick a label with 18++ just before the comments really get going, if any more suggestive scenes, like the heavy phone breathing (and yes, Blurbel, I must admit...that crossed my mind VERY briefly indeed) are shown in the drama. Tsk, tsk! Must say I like the balance of skinship shown so far - the sweet kisses, the comforting hugs (and the blanket draping hugs of course), the handholding, the hair-touching. The cast is really hitting it out of the park with their nuanced acting here, plus of course, YJT's meaningful gazes loaded with subtext.


@Rainerust YES, the level of skinship is so wonderful!


I felt tingles every time they are apart and end up thinking about each other. Especially how his entire demeanor changes when he is in call with her.

Would you have imagined Healer or Bong Soo talking like that few episodes ago??? This is just Jung Hoo!!!


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Sigh... only 4 episodes left. This is going to be one of those Drama's where I become depressed after it ends. This usually only happens to me after I watch Dramas with 50+ episodes. After I watched Empress Ki I felt lost, and the final scene didn't help me get over it either. My eyes must have been blood shot red, and pouring tears like a faucet.


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I watched EK twice; but to this day, I haven't watched ep 50 and 51. I pretend it ended when the Goreyo King left. Good enough closure for me.
Some ppl hate spoilers, but I like them for giving me the gist of what lies ahead, so I know to avoid the hidden rocks.
I always read the comments under any new ep at Maplestage before clicking. If they are complaints, I save myself hours and regret.


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That is what I am planning to do for EK, I'm still on 38 though.


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LOL! I think there is some telepathy going on!!!! Am also on episode 38!
:D :D :D


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I don't think you'll regret it, but it's just sad. Damn that traitor Kol Ta.


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Haha...I will be doing the same thing...I'm on episode 20 right now...


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i watched this ep live without subs and frankly was disappointed by YS' distrust in JH. then i saw the trans for when she grabbed his coat and asked him to come back to her with or without the evidence and my feels got a 180 turn. keep trusting your man, YS!

balls o' steel, JH has xD kissing her smack in front of the Dads! do you have a death wish, boy? lol


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and poor dad and ahjussi!they must be flippin shock atm. In normal situation, they just gonna drag that boy who kissing their precious princess, but since the emotion are strange, they can't even talk about it nor ask YS about what the hell exactly goin on?!


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Thanx for the recap JB!!!!

I watched raw yesterday, now read the recap. though you are not concerned about YS's reaction, I am :( . she stopped JH because she has no reason to believe MS but after watching he own eyes.... I only hope she would not believe that because she knew JH was trapped. still I am worried. I am not going to see the subbed version before preview .... It's weird because I know in the end Good will conquer the evil, (may be some sacrifices cannot be avoided) still I just cannot bear JH to see like that. when he was stepping backwards away from YS, it hurt, it really hurt... this man can kill people by his acting , so intense!!!!!!


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one of the memorable convo in this ep for me was when JH complained to ahjumma that YS got to see her face while after 8 years of working together all he got from her was a strange pic of a praying mantis. and that it brought tears to his eyes. HA.

i nearly busted a gut there


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i'm sure in the end, they'll meet face to face! just the idea of it makes me excited!


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Oh my.reading the recap and everybody reaction and a bit of this episode's clip I have no heart to watch it.afraid that my heart can't take the pain seeing joon hoo having that kind of trouble.oh my.can we fastforward to episode 19 so that all clear and only left happy time.


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i was watching raw last nite,really, i don't evem bother to rewatch again with sub. I come to DB and read the recap to thoroughly understand what i've watched last night. I just gonna wait until ep 17 air,and keep replaying the ep 15 only, that's my cope mechanism. hix


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Yeah, a JCW banner that Omomo made. What a fitting banner for this thread. Love it!


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What an episode! Kudos to writer Song for not dragging the whole revelation thing like that scene where Young Shin gets to discover her true identiy. I was never fond of the whole birth secret scenario and I've been anticipating about how the writer is going to actualize it but it's a real relief that they did not make it dramatic and cliché.

AHHH! 4 more episodes to go???!!! WHY!!!

Thank you as always for the recap:)


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Anyone else get real annoyed at those detectives and blaming JH's dad for their problems?

Like should Seo Jeon Seok come back from the grave and apologize for getting framed for murder and then murdered? Instead blame those evil motherf***ers out there trying to rule the world.

It's like they couldn't understand that Jung Hoo and his dad were victims just like they were.


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Yeah...but when you lose your job and spend the next 20 years basically living hand-to-mouth, it gets tough to maintain that sense of justice that had spurred them to report the discrepancy in the first place.


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& I think it was a bit more complex that blaming his dad for losing their jobs. Maybe it was like pandora's box - Healer's dad (& his friend) investigated something too big to handle and the repercussions spilled out over all of them.

Like "why you gotta dig into that, reporters? you got yourselves killed and us de-badged!" and less of Jeon-Seok-killed-someone kind of blame.

All of the ajusshis wanted to be moral, but the evil just overcame them and now, this ex-detective is like, ' I should have sold-out then - so that I could still have a job and not have to live out 20 years near poverty.' Instead of wanting to take down the bad guys, he just gave up & got angry about his having done the 'right thing.'


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Thank you so much Javabeans, It's true, i hang on to your every word because you help me understand the story better and your insights kind of justifies why i am so emotionally invested in the show and why i empathize with many of the characters.

I love how you explain things, you are so right, there is a hero in every character, and even the bad ones are still good characters. The writer is as efficient and effective as you describe her. Even in the angsty situations - or should i say even in this one hell of an angsty episode, there is sense to it all, there is a basis for all conflicts and the resolutions that follow.

Thanks Jb. two thumbs up for this recap!


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If every episode has new mystery and new development like this, I'm gonna love this drama more!
I love the intriguing part when Jung Hoo looking for the clues the most! It makes for a compelling watch and the way the drama builds and presents the mystery is very good! :D


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*ride on my own comment* ;)

"Healer International Fan Project"
Anyone here who are avid Healer fans, it's your opportunity to send your messages, MV, fanfic, fanarts, etc of your own creation to us. We'll get in contact with Healer production team too in Korea :)
See this poster:

or send your own fanart/fanfic/MV/fanmessage to:
[email protected]



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We're compiling a fanvid for DB readers (if folks send in their stuff on time!!) :)


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sometimes i can't be certain whether Monn Ho was laughing or crying..


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it's probably both. the incredulity of Moon Shik's reasoning is both laughable yet pitiable and tear-inducing from the frustrations they cause. :(


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That's probably exactly the way his brother makes him feel.
MS says these outrageously ridiculous n offensive things that makes sense to him(self), and you want to slap him and call a mental institute for him at the same time.

Isn't YJT great that he can convey such conflicting emotions w/o saying a word?


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It might not a big moment but my heart skipped a beat at the scene when the man with the metal bat got out of the car to kill the ex-cop. It reminded me of YS's past memory of being cornered and possibly beaten by a man with a metal bat. Is it possible for the Elder's minion to pose as one of her past foster parent to keep MS in check? Or am I just too paranoid about the whole trauma issue?


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A thought provoking episode. It shows us the harm of withholding the truth for whatever well justified reasons. However, to search for and to speak out the truth could be extremely costly. It takes extraordinary courage and perseverance.

To quote Atul Gawande, " the courage to seek out the truth...such courage is difficult enough. We have many reasons to shrink from it. But even more daunting is the second kind of courage-the courage to act on the truth we find.".


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@Cindy Hear, hear!

And we can see it in MH's struggle to find the truth and then the even more daunting struggle to act on the truth. What will be the reaction of the people involved? We see that MH-noona potentially get fits and even death, MS spirals out in even more delusional deeds when they are faced with the truth. Such risky business but one he still has to take on..


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Thanks for the eloquent recap, JB. Very much appreciated. So, finally, the angst we had. We saw it coming after they fed us with the heaven scene on previous episode, and now they drop us hard to the bottom of hell. I was so glowing yesterday, borrowing the glow that JH and YS shared. But now, my day is dark and muddy, i'm channeling what might JH felt atm.

what a poor puppy you are , JH. He must be overwhelmed with all this shit happening. He's been framed as a murderer before, but this time is bad. i can smell it. I hope that YS won't be easily fool. That's why MH, you gotta tell YS everything, don't give her half of everything.

i wonder where JH went after that church incident, it's gonna be too dangerous for him to get back to his lair, i guess?since rite now, YS is really fragile, i'm afraid that this fragility will led her do something that might jeopardize JH safety. Probably JH will reunite in Ahjumma place, that will do, rite? and i do hope ahjumma could find any CCTV on the location.


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YS would never do something to jeopardize JH's safety. I'm more afraid that she'll do something that'll put her in harms way in an attempt to protect him (as this couple seems to love doing for each other ^^).

And I trust YS to know better than to believe what she saw (which admittedly looked pretty bad). Ajumma, please work on getting some CCTVs to defend his innocence, stat!

Yes, this frame job is much more well done. When that cop hit the brick, I was screaming at JH to stay the hell away from him. DO NOT GET HIS BLOOD ON YOURSELF! But he couldn't hear me sadly.


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That was my main concern: do not get blood on yourself!

I was so impressed with this shows storytelling pace and layered narrative style, but that moment when JH grabbed the ex-cop, with no gloves on of course, it felt like a very cliche moment. Then of course he had to SMEAR the blood on his face. Ugh! *rolls eyes*

But that's ok, it can't be perfect all the way through. I still trust in SJN writer-nim. Fighting!


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This. This is what I've been waiting for. Epic in the way that only SNJ can do.

All that came before was lovely and squee-worthy but it’s the anticipation of the fight that looms ahead, between those who are good and strong and have faith and those who are weak and corruptible, that’s making me a bit woozy with both joy and stress.


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