
Healer: Episode 15

Sweet! It’s a breath of fresh air to be able to sit back and bask for a while, because I dunno about you guys but I could use some recovery time from all the weeping and heart-wringing I did before. And with the plot continuing to speed along, I actually find myself able to enjoy the cheeriness more, because while I love romantic fluff (and would happily take tons of it, angst-free), you don’t always want it to happen at the expense of development, because then it feels like filler. Better to get adorable cuteness and forward movement in one fell swoop!


Just – “그대 때문에” (Because of you) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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So, that kiss. As Jung-hoo finally stops pushing Young-shin away and kisses her, it intercuts with memories of their first one on that rooftop, finally bringing together those two identities into one.

A short while later, we see two mugs side by side on the table, two sets of shoes intermingled on the floor, and two people lying in bed next to each other. Okay, the drama didn’t show us anything, but just knowing that they got an offscreen bed scene makes me happy enough.

Jung-hoo contentedly watches Young-shin sleeping, and looks adorably disgruntled when she starts to turn away from him in her sleep. He slowly slides his arm under her shoulders, and as she turns back into his side, he cradles her with both arms, going back to sleep with her head tucked under his.

When she wakes up, the spot next to her is empty, and she stretches awake… and finds Jung-hoo still looking down at her from the other side. They smile bashfully at each other, and then he ducks under the covers to join her.

Another cut later (yay! Y’know, I’m just going to be happy for them that there’s so much need to presumably cut), and Young-shin towel dries her hair after a shower. Jung-hoo takes over the task, and for a brief moment her eyes are covered by the towel, her mouth exposed, not unlike it was during their rooftop kiss. Ha, he goes in for one, only to have her inadvertently interrupt him by pulling the towel, and she catches him staring.

Later as he watches her yet some more, he envelops her in a hug and thinks, “I thought it was a dream. I don’t usually dream much, and wondered why this one was lasting so long.” As Young-shin tends to his injured arm, he can’t keep his hands to himself, touching her head and cradling her in his lap, adding, “So I kept needing to confirm whether it was real, or maybe not. And then I would think, Is it okay for this to be real?

He really can’t leave her alone for even a second, needing to hold on every moment, even when she’s doing something as mundane as cooking. He hovers around, dangling over her shoulder, and when she pushes back for some room, he just sneaks a kiss. And you know, she doesn’t really mind that so much.

He insists on walking her out, and she waves goodbye and boards the bus… only to have him step onto the bus at the last minute. He pulls her into the last row and squeezes her into the corner, loath to let any opportunity to be together pass him by.

Young-shin concedes to let him tag along for just one stop, but she can’t really pretend to be annoyed for very long and they cuddle some more. So he gets off at the next stop, and they wave goodbye for ages as her bus pulls away.

Back at home, Jung-hoo logs back online and talks to Min-ja, saying that he’s getting confused between real and fake, particularly since Healer work requires him to take on fake identities. Every time he steps out into the world, he’s been somebody else, “But when I’m with her I have to be real.”

He pauses to wonder, “But the real me? What is that? Does that exist?”

Ajumma just grumbles that he’s thinking too much, and that he shouldn’t: “When you think, you cause trouble.” Jung-hoo thanks her sincerely, to which she responds by totally ignoring him, because we know she’s a gruff ol’ teddy bear. And when Jung-hoo heads out “to find the real me,” she sighs that it’s time for a switch. She must mean Healers.

When Moon-ho arrives home, he’s surprised to find Jung-hoo waiting for him with a conciliatory six-pack of beer. Moon-ho’s glad to see him, and says he was worried.

He asks if Young-shin knows about his identity, and Jung-hoo says she figured it out. He’s thinking over how much he should tell her, but she isn’t asking any questions. Moon-ho catches on with a smile: “You like Ji-an. That’s why you can’t tell her—who she is, who her father is, or about your father.” Moon-ho asks for his understanding since that’s how he was—he liked Myung-hee and Ji-an, and therefore couldn’t tell them what he knew.

Jung-hoo gets down to business, saying that he wants revenge for Teacher’s death, and to clear his father’s name. He also wants to know when he can tell Young-shin her mother is alive. Moon-ho readily agrees, but wants to wait to tell Young-shin until it’s safe for Myung-hee—so, after they’ve accomplished the first two goals.

Jung-hoo doesn’t argue, and asks what method Moon-ho has come up with for taking down their evildoers. Moon-ho replies that he only has one way: “The method used by your father and Chae Young-shin’s father, the method I’ve only imitated my whole life. Do you want to try it with me for real?”

They drink to it, and Jung-hoo adds that Moon-ho was right about him liking Young-shin: “Just know that.” Moon-ho just smiles knowingly.

With that, they get to work. Moon-ho debriefs Jung-hoo on the facts: Moon-shik began working for the Elder in 1992. He struck out on his own years later, and the Elder sent him Secretary Oh, who’s got a few false identities, including that of a lawyer.

“The relationship between those two is quite interesting,” Moon-ho says, describing Moon-shik and his secretary as the two sides of a coin. With Secretary Oh carrying out all the dirty work, Moon-shik gets to keep his image pristine. Moon-ho notes that sometimes it really seems like his brother believes he’s done nothing wrong, like he can’t remember, and that’s why Moon-ho was fooled for so long.

That certainly seems true as Moon-shik arrives at the hospital to deal with Teacher’s funeral arrangements, calling him a dear friend and wanting only the finest. He looks genuinely bereaved as he carries his friend’s picture, as though he’d had nothing to do with his death.

Dressed in funeral black, Jung-hoo slips into the hospital to get to Teacher’s ashes first, leaving a box in place of the one he takes. He sees Moon-shik leaving the hospital with the decoy ashes, telling his Teacher that he couldn’t leave his remains in those hands. Jung-hoo promises to scatter the ashes in the South Pacific that Teacher liked so much.

At the Someday offices, Moon-ho directs his staff on their next broadcast. Thanks to their double agent Jong-soo, they’ve gotten their hands on Moon-shik’s prepared question list for his live television speech. Jong-soo has fed back information to the enemy that Someday is preparing something big, to coincide with Moon-shik’s broadcast. They predict that Moon-shik’s side will be beefing up cyber security in anticipation.

Moon-ho instructs Young-shin to talk with Detective Yoon as planned, and assigns her to work with a freelancer while Bong-soo is out on a leave of absence.

So Young-shin heads out to connect with the contact, and wouldn’t you know—there’s Jung-hoo, waiting to meet her. He greets her as though it’s their first time speaking, and finally provides a name: “I’m Seo Jung-hoo. I’m the freelancer who will need your help today.”

She repeats his name a few times, trying it out. “Seo Jung-hoo. Seo Jung-hoo-sshi. Or just… Jung-hoo-ya?”

I love how readily they fall into banmal (we can thank Bong-soo for making it so easy), and he apologizes for taking so long to get to this point. She smiles and says, “We finally meet,” and he smiles back at her.

And then she adds that he deserves a few blows anyway, and kicks him several times. Ha, I think he got off easy, all things considered.

They pull up to the police station, and she asks if he’ll disguise himself in order to go inside. He replies that his method is to use whatever is at his disposal, depending on the situation, and then clips a miked barrette into her hair. He tells her to say something, and she barks into it loudly, “I miss Park Bong-soo!” Don’t we all.

Jung-hoo follows Young-shin into the station, keeping his distance to make it look like they’re separate parties while she checks in. Then as soon as she’s granted access, he acts like he’s with her, which gets him past the checkpoint.

He has to leave her while she meets with the detective, so Jung-hoo issues advice like a nervous mother hen. When he starts to explain how to react if danger were to befall her, Young-shin points out that she’s in a police station, surrounded by police officers. With that, she joins Detective Yoon, having agreed to exchange information: He’ll tell her about President Hwang’s death, if she tells him about the Healer.

Jung-hoo continues upstairs for his own mission, disguising himself in a police uniform, and can hear over Young-shin’s mic as Detective Yoon excuses himself to work on a network server change that they’re kicking off in fifteen minutes. Ajumma realizes what Detective Yoon is doing and barks out a string of curses, calling him crazy.

Apparently her last hack must have pushed him to extremes, because now he’s decided to shut out all access to the police network from the outside. Yes, this blocks her out, but she’s offended in principle too, since it makes it impossible for the police to access their own network from outside the physical station.

Jung-hoo reminds her that that’s not her problem, and they return to the task at hand. She directs him to find any computer terminal to use as their entry point to the system, and it’s important to get in before the server reset in fifteen minutes.

So Jung-hoo caaaaasually sits himself down at a desk, trying to look as unobtrusive as possible. But his attempt to log in turns up an error page, and Min-ja deduces that even if all the police computers have been cut off from outside access, Detective Yoon needs at least one access point, and it’s bound to be his own computer. Time’s ticking.

When Detective Yoon asks Young-shin for her intel on the Healer, she thinks fast and admits the truth about meeting him. Then she gasps dramatically, pointing out the door. That’s him! He’s here!

Excited, Detective Yoon follows as she runs down the hall, zooming right past Jung-hoo, directing the officers far, far away. On her way out she marks Yoon’s computer by flinging her hat onto it, then surreptitiously motions for Jung-hoo to find that desk.

Jung-hoo heads into the cyber office and sits down at Yoon’s station. A few keystrokes later, he’s granted ajumma access. He’s out before anybody even notices.

Young-shin leads the cops all the way outside, at which point she stops in confusion and admits that she thought it was him—you know, this guy she has a crush on. HAHA. I’m so embarrassed for her even knowing she’s lying, and the look on Detective Yoon’s face is priceless.

The detective dashes back inside, not even noticing as Jung-hoo walks past him on his way out. Jung-hoo sternly lists all the violations she’s just committed, like interfering with police duty. She sighs heavily (“I know, it’s what I get for meeting such a boyfriend”), before dissolving into giggles: “This is such fun!”

She runs back into the station while he gapes in disbelief, though I notice the word he gets hung up on is “boyfriend.”

Moon-shik receives confirmation that Jung-hoo did in fact arrive from Russia recently—at least, the customs logs check out. But Secretary Oh has photos of “Bong-soo” taken by their police mole, from before Jung-hoo’s supposed arrival in the country. This just convinces Moon-shik that Jung-hoo is the Healer, and that he’s got the skills to change customs records.

Secretary Oh then plays the recording of the recent phone call between Young-shin and Myung-hee. Of course you’re tapping your wife’s phone.

Moon-shik confirms that Jung-hoo grew up without parents, and Young-shin grew up surrounded by ex-convicts. “So they never learned to acclimate to society,” he says, deciding that it’s his “duty” to step in. Oh, like you’re doing them a favor all of a sudden, Uncle Moon-shik? This man sure has a gift for reframing the truth for his needs.

At the station, we finally get an ID on the police mole who’s been feeding information to the bad guys. Ajumma gets his name, Park Ki-jung, and sends it along to Jung-hoo, who can’t shake his nervousness at leaving Young-shin at the police station, not after Teacher died there. But Min-ja warns him to stick to the plan.

Resuming their chat, Young-shin describes her Healer encounters to Detective Yoon. Her story is mostly true, but in light of recent events he’s now eyeing her with skepticism. Ajumma asks her to stall a bit longer, and Young-shin goes on, somehow making the truth sound silly and inconsequential.

Detective Park gets an alarming text from an unknown source, attaching a photograph of his meeting with Secretary Oh. His home address is listed, upping the creepiness.

Jung-hoo arrives at that apartment and gains entry. There’s a family photo inside but no family—they’re in Canada. Jung-hoo links the computer for ajumma to search, and proceeds to look around for clues.

Jung-hoo finds the important documents hidden in the toilet tank, which contains bankbooks under a false name. There’s also a vial containing a drug. He snaps photos, which then get texted back to Detective Park, who howls in frustration as he speeds home.

Moon-ho receives the same photo texts, including the log of bank deposits. He calls Detective Yoon, who’s still sitting with Young-shin, and offers up a deal, dangling tantalizing information as incentive for the police to cooperate. He says he knows about the Healer (the Teacher version) and wants to catch the person who killed him, and forwards the damning texts to the detective. Basically, one of their own is taking money regularly from the enemy—he’s a mole.

Detective Yoon bolts out of the office, gathering his team to go after their mole, Detective Park. Moon-ho offers to hand over all his information, with the condition that they be allowed to cover the case and broadcast the arrest. Which is asking for a lot, since the police would be exposing that a police officer murdered someone while in custody.

Unable to get in touch with Detective Park, the cops head out for his home next. Already Jong-soo’s on hand to film the action, while Young-shin grabs the mic to begin reporting on the scene.

Detective Park arrives home and sees that his valuable documents have been taken. He calls Secretary Oh in a panic, who stops him to ask suspiciously, “Which phone are you calling from?” He disconnects.

Detective Park grabs a suitcase and starts packing. Seconds later, Jung-hoo comes at him from behind and easily subdues him, wryly noting the futility of fugitives who stop to pack instead of just running.

Outside, the detectives and our reporters screech up to the building and race inside. The reporters get left behind at the packed elevator, so Young-shin just reports from there on the fly, interviewing the detective who’s been left behind.

When the cops get to Park’s door, they find a trail of Post-It notes with arrows drawn on them, leading them to a set of keys. Inside, the evidence is laid out neatly on the kitchen table. Healer is so helpful! Either that or he doesn’t trust the cops’ intelligence, which, frankly, doesn’t seem an unwarranted fear.

Another arrow points to the router, and then in the other room, they find their colleague, bound and gagged and shamefaced.

The reporters film his arrest as he’s loaded into the cop car. Jung-hoo joins Young-shin in front of the building and asks, “Miss, do you have some time?” Young-shin all but rolls her eyes and asks ajumma via her hairpin mic not to teach him such corny dialogue.

Ha, and poor Jong-soo finishes filming and turns around to find that he’s been ditched again. I so want Jong-soo to be able to watch the Healer drama after everything’s over, so he can finally see just how much he’s been missing all along.

Flashback scenes take us back to 1980, focusing on Teacher in his role as the motorcyclist diversion while his friends broadcast out of the truck. Moon-ho narrates to the camera the story of friends who were targeted for daring to expose the truth ignored by the media, and how Teacher spent eleven years in prison for that crime.

The Someday broadcast connects dots, painting the picture of a Teacher who had known dangerous things about important people, and died in custody.

Moon-ho outlines the monthly deposits made to Detective Park’s accounts, and the recorded call from Park to Secretary Oh gets played, which is pretty damning with the mention of them “catching on” and needing to run.

Moon-ho makes the link between Secretary Oh and Moon-shik—and then connects both men to the Teacher kidnapping. They even show the CCTV footage placing Moon-shik at the scene of the kidnapping on that day. Damn, he’s done his homework. Kudos, Moon-ho.

Watching from home, Moon-shik fumes and heads up to see Myung-hee… who happens to be watching that very broadcast. It’s only now that she realizes her old friend is dead, and Moon-shik fumbles to explain that he didn’t tell her because he didn’t want to upset her. She won’t look him in the eye and asks him to leave her alone, and all he can do is step aside. She closes her door in his face.

She turns her attention back to Moon-ho’s broadcast as he says that there are too many people who suffer unjust deaths but don’t merit so much as a mention in the newspaper. “Even if we can’t tell all of their stories,” he says somberly, “we wanted to tell at least one of them.”

Once again, his staff is pulled into his thrall, as Moon-ho concludes, getting a little choked up, “We remember you. To let you know this, we made this broadcast today. Thank you for watching with us.” Once again he bows his head to the audience in sign-off.

Damn, Moon-ho is good. He has a way of speaking that makes people sit up in awe, and it puts a tear in my eye.

Young-shin and Jung-hoo watch together, cuddled close, with Teacher’s ashes sitting on the table before them. Young-shin asks whether Teacher was a good guy, and Jung-hoo shakes his head: “Nope. He was a perverted old man.” She smiles and notes, “But you still liked him.” Jung-hoo says yeah.

She comments that he’s got a lot of good people around him, listing off ajumma and Teacher: “And me too. Of them, I’m the best.”

Jung-hoo holds her tight and thinks back to Teacher, and what it was like being instructed by him, and exasperated by him, and abandoned by him. But even that doesn’t have the old sting anymore.

Moon-shik calls Moon-ho that night, and as usual, their tones are both artificially light while both of them are fuming underneath the surface. Moon-ho pointedly addresses his hyung formally as mayoral candidate, saying that “we” have only just begun, noting that Moon-shik doesn’t have an “us” to refer to.

On the contrary, Moon-shik says patronizingly that Moon-ho’s still young, and that he does have an “us.” He describes his side as being held together by a sense of collective survival, where even though they’ll fight, they’ll stick together. Moon-ho’s team, on the other hand, is held together by nothing substantial, calling Moon-ho’s entire mission a flimsy justification.

Moon-ho struggles to tamp down his anger when his brother asks if “those kids” have faith in him. Moon-ho warns him not to mess with the kids, no matter how low he sinks.

Moon-shik returns, “Isn’t it you who messed with them first? They grew up okay—why stir them all up? I hear you still have nightmares. Shouldn’t it be enough that you suffer like that, and not make the kids do it too?”

Moon-ho asks if he can take this phone call as a declaration of war. Moon-shik chuckles that Moon-ho was the one to issue one first, via the broadcast.

In the morning, Jung-hoo wakes up in bed (sadly alone), and reaches for his phone. But as he calls Young-shin, she picks up another call, giving him the busy signal.

It’s Myung-hee, who asks to meet and invites her to the house. Young-shin accepts happily, and rushes out of the house, where she’s greeted by a driver with a fancy car. Seated inside is Moon-shik, who makes it sound like he’s here on his wife’s errand. Uh-oh. No no no. Bad!

Young-shin tries to decline but is persuaded into the car, and he comments on her not driving herself. She admits to having a fear of it, and supposes that it must be linked to some kind of childhood trauma. Sometimes she dreams about being on a dark road at night with cars zooming past her, and that’s a tidbit that makes Moon-shik’s face cloud over.

Then he slaps the smile back on and has his chauffeur drive on.


It was only a small glimpse, but I found one of the big intriguing moments of the episode to be the comment that Moon-shik doesn’t seem to view himself as culpable—and that he doesn’t even seem to remember sometimes. I don’t know if Moon-ho means that he just acts that way convincingly, which is entirely possible, or if there’s actually a deeper kind of psychological dissociation going on in Moon-shik’s mind, but I find it a fascinating prospect. It certainly fits in with what we’ve seen of his character thus far, where he so cleverly twists every situation to suit his needs at the moment.

We saw it several times in this episode alone, such as how he first sighs about “those children” being left to live wayward lives that he must now step in to intercept them from… and then later tells Moon-ho that the kids grew up totally fine and blissfully ignorant, and that Moon-ho would be the evil one for shaking up their peace for his own selfish ideas of justice or whatever. Both times I felt like he was totally talking crazy talk, but making it sound chillingly sane. In fact if we hadn’t seen him swing from one extreme to its opposite in such a short period of time, I might even think he believed himself when he was making all his justifications. Funny how he’s really the one with the flimsy justifications, but he manages to project that onto his brother and make it sound plausible.

So in that context I do cut Moon-ho some slack for his earlier inactions, because Moon-shik is a master mind-manipulator. My question is whether he manipulates himself while he’s at it—does he allow himself to fall into the illusion, or is he always in control? I’m not sure, but the question is intriguing. In any case, I believe Myung-hee is the key to understanding, because she’s been his reason for hurtling forward, however misguidedly. Now that she’s on her way to fracturing that bond, he’ll soon be adrift and then we’ll have to see what happens.

Speaking of adrift, I did love how quickly our main couple fell into step with each other, once they got past the whole deception-lies-denial part of the relationship. It’s gratifying to see how much Young-shin means to Jung-hoo not just as a romantic love interest, but as a symbol for so many other aspects of his identity. And you know what’s better than a hero with secret identities being tortured by his various facades? A heroine who gets a total kick out of the skulking, and proves to be a handy partner—she’s way more fun being an active participant than the object, or the damsel needing rescue.

I love that Jung-hoo’s puzzling over the question of who he is, when all along he hasn’t bothered to think of it. His core persona has meant just as little to him as the disposable disguises he adopts for each job, and that speaks to his emptiness in not having a reason for living. He has no idea of who he is, and no reason has existed to prod him into figuring it out, because what did it matter?

His primary motivator for wanting to find himself may be Young-shin, but I appreciate that it’s not just about romance here. I think of her as something of an anchor for his lost soul—not necessarily saving him single-handedly but providing a crucial point of reference, a guiding light that will lead him to himself. Because while I love them in love, I find it significant that they are both in need of figuring out for themselves who they are and how they fit into this world—it’s less of the you-complete-me mentality and more of them spurring each other to complete themselves, so they can be together as whole people.


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Thanks for the recap Javabeans.

What an episode! In spite of my fears of oncoming angst I think this episode made this series my all time favorite. It’s not just because of all the lovey dovey scenes, but more how natural they were to these characters. We watched them long for each other before and after Young Shin had an inkling of his identity. We saw that Jung Hoo runs to Young Shin when he is distressed and even if he cannot share his troubles her presence soothes him, he needs her hugs. Young Shin was happy enough to just spend time in his presence even when she couldn’t look at his face, couldn’t talk to him. So when they finally came together it was bound to be explosive.

Young Shin was so afraid that something happened to him, her first concern was his health. She warmed him with her body, fed him, nursed his wounds, tried to make him rest and stay warm and eat more.

For Jung Hoo this was a dream he did not even dare to dream. His first reaction to her presence in his house was thinking he was dreaming of her. When he realized he wasn’t, he tried to chase her away. When she wouldn’t go and he gave up he gave into that dream. But still, it was too good to be true. After all the people he loved who eventually left him this woman who he was trying to protect by sending away was refusing to leave him. In turn, she was trying to protect and care for him in her own way. To many, Jung Hoo looked clingy chasing her around the house, hugging, wanting to be close. While one reason for his behavior undoubtedly was how starved for affection and love he was, I think more importantly this was his way of making sure he wasn’t dreaming. People pinch themselves to check for this but I personally like Jung Hoo’s way much better. :) As we heard from his inner voice, this was so out of his experience to be real that he had to keep checking that it was really happening. To believe Young Shin was really there with him he kept wanting to touch her. Both sad and cute at the same time.

There is still so much to say about this episode, I hope I can find time before the new one airs tonight.


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Well aid. They yearn for each other and have this magnetic pull towards one another in times of happiness and distress.

Yes, she stayed and that's what mattered.

I agree, his method is way superior to pinching! More skinship please (I know, I'm greedy! MOAR)


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I forgot to write the most important thing I wanted to write because I was rushing for work. My point was even though I keep seeing the word "fan service" in regards to the opening scenes it did not look like fan service to me. For these people, at that stage of their relationship it was very natural act that way after the way they longed for each other for so long.

For Young Shin what I forgot to mention above is that she has been out of her mind wondering what happened to him for the last 6 days. While Yong Hoo was devastated over his teacher's death Young Shin was worried sick about him.

Also the way they acted portrayed how new lovers act very well. That's the period when you want to keep touching all the time, you don't want to be separated for a second. So I loved how normal and natural they felt, together in their own world away from everyone else.

I have seen dramas where the couple kisses all the time but you feel absolutely nothing. Chemistry is of course
important. How hard earned their love and relationship is also important but how organic and natural their skinship is also very important.


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I watched the episode without subtitles because I simply can't wait until they're ready, at first for me in all the Kdramas I've watched and even now I should've bee as sleep like an hour ago but I wanted to read 'Beans recap, cause I couldn't wait! I need to come up with better terms then "I love this show" or "this show is super addicting" because for me today's episode surpassed those references by lightyears... ;)


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Subs should be out already! :D


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Last an hour I kept refreshing the page hoping JB uploading the recap. I enjoying recap so much since JB fangirling and swooning hard just as much I am. Wow another great episode. This show surely kill me in right spot. The 10min early episode is are blasting cuz the amount of cuddling is just so much. I mean, it rare to see k-drama to have this kind of romantic scene, hugging & kissing and more skinskip just left me in awe. It soo real, I can't even tell if they just acting or what. Kudos to JCW and PMY for making the scene felt so real and written nim thank and give standing ovation for granted us wish..I mean that romantic scene.
Ok go back to swooning and dazzling for whole day....


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It IS so real right????? Makes me feel like all the other writers have never had a real relationship before, and were hence unable to write realistic romance scenes....

Either that or romance in Korea happens very differently, hence making me unable to relate to the scenes in other dramas? But this romance????? I completely identify with it.

The can't-get-enough-of-you that Jung Hoo showed was so real too.... (especially) for relationships in its early days..... the constant sneaking of kisses and touching..... Not wanting to leave each other even for a second.... Just looking at each other and not saying a word....


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The first 10 minutes was swoon-worthy and the affection-starved *animal* came out of Jung Hoo....move over CYS, I want him as MY man...

What struck me about this episode was how incredibly manipulative Moon-shik is and if you didn't know Moon-ho's side of the story, Moon-shik point of view could actually sound practically reasonable, conceivable, justifiable. What an interesting character...

Another thing that struck me was how Moon-ho (Yoo Ji Tae) totally lives up to his reputation as an amazing actor. He is totally owning the character of a star reporter with the ability to command attention and awe...totally swoon-worthy...

It goes without saying that the leads and supporting cast are excellent all around...


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One question: after YS said she's gonna hit him, he said that it hurts and stop hitting him, he them playfully wrap his arms around her and keeps tugging at his pockets. Erm? What was it? What's in the pockets??
Or is it just some couple banter haha


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@Stardust I found that also odd. I thought he was gonna give her something he had in his pocket but I didnt understand that either. Maybe the included wrong cut of that scene???


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yeah i thought i was missing something too
but then i thought maybe he's just fishing for his car keys haha


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That question can lead to a very dirty answer... *wink wink*


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Oh...as in? I'm intrigued.
What was he fishing for? Tell me!!!! Haha


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Me too . I was a bit surprised but didn't think too much of it while watching the episode. After seeing your comment, dramapenchant, ( my mind is in the gutter btw , Thanks to you) I was reminded of the Emergency couple recap where I read a similar comment)
I'LL paste the comment here, because , well, I hate not understanding a scene.
01 Mar 2014
I don’t understand, what is he trying to disguise?
He even hopped around..?!
What could have happened that we don’t get to see!?
I demand they show it!

01 Mar 2014
I as well, want answers!

01 Mar 2014
His male member below was blowing hard in the wind since he became excited by being in a close confined spot with his ex-wife who he used to have passionate sex with and his body remembered he body thus causing a fiery furnace in his pants which is why he placed his hand in his pockets so that he would have a total of 3 mountains (2 hands and the male flag ships)….yes one long sentence …I hope the picture is painted.



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What struck me was perhaps she was poking or tickling him from around the back into his side and he was being ticklish??!!! *blinking naive look in eyes* I'm innocent that way, you know!!!


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Uh huh, innocent. Totally.


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owellllllll, THIS ABSOLUTELY MAKE ME NEED TO GO BACK TO THAT CERTAIN SCENE TO INVESTIGATE!Thank Stardust, GB et all for giving me a grounded reason to push my abused-replay button. BRB, but don't expect me in like 5-10 minutes, it might took a while, in case i'll go with whole episode :P


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He was just fishing for his car keys, you byeongtae girls. :D Remember the next scene was them driving away.


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Yes absolutely! Giegie has the right idea!!! LOL!


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feel like this is crazy. Because of Healer, I created an Instagram account, Twitter, tumbler, soompi, I even created a weibo account and keep translating everything via Google. All this for the sake of our amazingly talented ji chang wook. I even came out of hiding here on DramaBean because of hope fantastic and obsessive this show has made me. Yet it’s so sad that an actor like him doesn’t get that much recognition and appreciation in his home country.

If only he can see how crazy international fans are here for him, than at least that would give him a boost for his hard work.

Sad about the ratings seriously, because I’m so in love with this show :(


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I think JCW just needs a link to the DB's Healer recaps and he'll realize how crazy international fans are for him lol


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The late start must have affected the ratings. If people tuned into the other channels and what they saw captured their attention they wouldn't have an incentive to switch. This episode would definitely benefit starting before the other shows because nobody would turn elsewhere during the first ten minutes.


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Oh yeah, totally forgot about the Asia Cup pushing the episode back.... darn. Such a great episode to pull potential viewers it.


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And the first 10 minutes were drama gold. If you missed those, this episode might have felt a little flat. The show was robbed. Robbed, I tell you!


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i'm with you! i came out after hiding here so long just because Healer! :))


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Felt like the first few mins was a MV!!!
Just one of those eps where you sit and bask with all the feels!!!


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Absolutely! Every writer's fan fiction fantasy brought to life! The initial 10 minutes alone would serve as a solid 2 part MV - ah, all those feels!


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I just hope that the Healer Team come across Dramabeans and Soompi Thread to know how they are so highly praised for delivering last night ep and the whole eps so wonderfully.

I really hope they won't get down because of the how-on-Earth-can-it-happen-are-we-watching-the-same-drama low rating. I'm scared that somehow it will influence the bang up job of the writer and PD-nim have done so far and then they decide that rating rules and turn this masterpiece into a full crap of makjangtastic edition.


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It's SSOO funny when JH practically hangs on YS's every step. You'll understand what I'm meaning when you watch the
ENG SUBS!!!!!! ;)


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Thanks jb. I did a live recap yesterday night at soompi (which is the aftermath of a warzone now- everybody dead everywhere), but I love reading your recaps. It's informative and very amazing. Btw, unnie you missed mentioning ahjumma's adorable singing and dancing. Haha. Thanks again. Very kamsa! *kisses*


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jung hoo is so whipped it's kind of embarrassing to watch
i foresee him annoying YS with bad pick up lines haha
"Miss, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

/cue ahjumma's long suffering sigh


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I'm constantly thinking that Young Shin was silently *face palming* throughout their interactions in this episode LOL


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i know i did
haha her face just said it all. like she'd prefer bong soo's dorkiness over all this cheese lol


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And that's why she kept asking when she'll see Bong Soo again. Almost like "please put me out of my misery".


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ah i think she's also kind of annoyed by his new take charge and capable attitude lol. she missed being in charge and bossing her junior around


Somebody better teaches uri Healer some tips of dating. Hand him the book "Dating manual for Dummies" or something!! Otherwise he'll continue embarrassing himself!!


@ dramapenchant and siesta

Yes, I actually like your take on this. She is missing Bong Soo not only because he was sweet and caring but because with him she could be in charge and boss him, and he did not glue himself to her or try to give her advice .... LOL! Well we all have to learn to adapt to people as they are and not as we wish they'd be. :)


Oh dear, i hope JH don't learn the lines Song Jae Rim drops in WGM. Mega cheese. Hahahaha.


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He might come up with his own and worse lines!!!! LOL!


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/cue YS' judging face, Ahjumma's 'Crazy boy' and fans' face palms and idiotic smiles.


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Most guys use lines. With this one, a look is worth a thousand words. No?


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The guy is totally hopelessly pussy-whipped! And we love him even more for it.


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Does anyone here can watch it on viki? it works on me in different drama but healer don't work. But I already watch this episode and you know this episode's title is "SQUEEEE" And now I'm being scolded here squee-ing, I blame you HEALER!

I really really salute Kim Moon Ho in this (or every)episode he have than. He deserve a one big RESPECT (if only he really exist).


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I like it that the writer doesn't make M Ho talk about saving his brother from doing further wrong, giving him redemption, etc., like in so many other dramas, which gets tiresome.

He is just indignant that MS had sold his friends down the river to reap the rewards of fame and fortune for himself. Now he kills Teach, and even want to go for the kids!


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try to instal Hola.org on your PC/laptop. That way you can open all of the blocking site.


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Omg this ep is just adorbs. Love clingy healer so much like everyone that is commenting here. The first 10 min of this esp my brain wasn't thinking or working as I was too happy and excited for our dear healer. I watch the raw how times just waiting for this recap so thanks javabean for the hard work.


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i can't help but find it stupid that YS would willingly be in the same car as MS . like MH kept saying he's a bad guy and finding out JH's teacher's killer was connected to him, i was all but shrieking "WHY YS WHY??" at the ending scene there :/


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My thoughts exactly!!! Like girl, you literally just watched a news report on the murder of JH's teacher with the implication that MS was behind it.

No matter how polite you are, it's okay to refuse a ride from a psycho!


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Poor girl doesn't know MS is a psycho.

No one bothered to warn her in advance. M Ho should have at least given her a call after talking to his brother on the phone after he called to talk about the broadcast.


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She's a reporter after all. It will be an opportunity for her. She felt safe meeting his wife at his house , the same applies taking his car. Despite all the reports on him, her job requires her to speak to the person and interview him or her. Similar to that violent loser mr Huang who beats women? She also gritted her teeth to interview him.
That's to say she doesn't know all that KMH or healer knows. So I felt it was logical to a certain extent.


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No, I think she's fully aware of the danger ahead of her. Look at her face! I see that she's nervous, but, idk, what I read from her anxious expression (sorry, I tend to read too much into things), I think she's hoping that Healer will come to her rescue...like what he ALWAYS done so far.

JH's call didn't get through to her because of MHee's call, and I think he will try calling her again. Hopefully, while she's still in MS's car. And then.... well, I could imagine a whole episode's scenario for all I care LOL

but what matters is I'm extremely curious about what will really happen next!

I just hope writer-nim doesn't take the standard road in kdrama land, which actually had started with YS getting inside MS car (while all viewers are shouting NO NO DON'T YOU F***** get in that car!), then follow that standard road of foolishness that we often see in other dramas. *fingers crossed*


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I read that "corny dialogue" as "horny dialogue"..... either my eyes or my brain got some serious damage after watching steamy scenes and Healer's byeontae face.


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Looks like most beanies have made the gutter their permanent residence. I know I have.


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But of course, my dear. The drool stops here in pools galore!!! Which pool will it be?

Swoony - with re-runs of Ep 14 and 15

Moony - with pictures of Moon Ho as well as poster of Moon Shik with spray paint cans that you can use to make him more beautiful

Looney - with all the above and fan girls in different stages of death (dies, dying, died-ed, resurrected and died again)



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Swoony, Moony and Looney. Ha ha ha.


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This is so great.


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A shoutout to Yoo Ji Tae's KMH. He really can do a hell of a broadcast. I'm really liking his characterization of KMH.


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Okay, finally i can talk about the little detail that made me go O.O.

I watched the first 10 minutes for maybe 20 times and I realised that when she pulled her hands out from the covers to stretch, there was the white blanket still half covering her, her white top she's wearing (yes too much clothes but it's a cold place I heard) and then something else - a linen off-white fabric that appeared from under the blanket.

AND when you see her wearing the said piece of clothing when he was drying her hair.... So she wasn't wearing it in bed! O.O

No wonder he dived into the blankets for erm, *cough* round 2 *cough*.

@dramapenchant who's complaining about too much clothes, apparently there was at least one less. :D

Okay now that I'm done with all pervy bits, I want to give praise to how JCW gives off the vibes of a man so smitten. All the little smiles, when YS called him the boyfriend, when he told MH that he liked YS, the clingy love-sick, can't-get-enough-you puppy who hang around her, that tender loving look that became something else when she woke up. You convinced me utterly JCW. And PMY and you have off the charts chemistry. All hail writer-nim and whoever did this casting!

I'm looking forward to tonight!


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Their chemistry is so darn fantastic, no feeling like it's acting. Just so natural.

Haha I've heard it's a cold place as well. That's why they had to employ *cough* um friction to keep each other warm.

Overall, great analysis of the bed scene! LOL


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Oh, I was wondering what was that gray-ish fabric that peeked from under the blanket. But I don't think those were her pants lol. The shade is sort of different.

But I actually noticed something else. When she stretched, her top slid off just enough to reveal her right shoulder. And... uhh... no bra strap. Maybe she could be wearing a strapless bra but considering what they just did last night, I'm willing to bet there's nothing underneath that sweater. *whistles*

(Ok back to the gutter I go!)

JCW and PMY. Dayum, you two! That chemistry can't be real. It can't it caaaaan't. We must have saved the world in our previous lives that we're lucky enough to be bestowed with this precious couple.


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I saw the no bra strap part alright. ;)

Good grief! What does it say of us women that when we watch a drama, these are the things that we look for? And that we get all hot and bothered with a bed scene, that is Off-screen for goodness sake?


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That our imaginations are hella vivid?


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That we're very dedicated drama lovers, willing to look 'underneath the underneath'? :D


And did you not find it sexy that he was wearing the grey sweater the second night, right when he called YS and it was busy> It is the same that YS wore the first night she was there? Just popping in here before slumberland as i need to be awake in 5 hours for the live stream. Healer team, we are with you all the way. You work hard for us, we return the goodwill with less than 5 hours sleep and working whole day without a peek at DB. Oh, i have skype call schedule after the livestream. My partners in Africa must be wondering how come we can converse at 3 am where i am. Must day starts and ends with Healer. Zzzzzzzz


oops*my days not must. really need my sleep. thank you DB for the recap and Healer team for another awesome episode. I will leave the rest of the gang here to express all the pent up goodness you inspired.


@Omomo Every comment! LOL Just give in already. You know you want to!


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I thought it was pretty clear that they are pants. I mean what I think I was looking at was the bottom part of the pants (upside down) and well...no bra straps, yup, details folks details but THANK YOU FOR THE DETAILS PD-Nim!

Okay, I gotta go wash my face and cool my pervy self again.


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@whimsicalnet and dramapenchant,
You two!
I rewatched that scene like everybody else; I also re-read your comment. I still have no idea what you r talking about. All I could do was stare at their post-coital bliss!


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I've rewatched that scene several times and, for the life of me, cannot see what you saw. I saw the other blanket (piece of clothing of darker shade.

As pointed out, yup, no bra (but of course!) And still no bra when she was drying her hair.

But whatever whatever, am in heaven. Such bliss.


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I have this suspicion about the ending of this drama. Healer might be hired as a detective, so he can actually use his amazing skills for the better of mankind. And I think Detective Yoon must seriously consider this idea, after the big help Healer gave him to catch the mole in this ep. After all, Healer is way more effective and productive than the whole cops combined.


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i'd rather he stay on as a reporter at someday news tho.. helping YS and MH on their crusade of bringing the truth out

besides i dont think he cares that much about justice and good of the people to become a good cop lol. he generally just dont care much about the world outside of his own circle


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I don't see J Ho as being able to fit into a bureaucracy as rigid as the police force.
Someday suits him much better, and it'll be like a family business, esp. if M Hee, the former ace reporter joins them.


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i second this!and oh, my vision would be JH's skill+CYS skill combine together during their diggin with story that they gonna be cover, just like the teacher cover. And the table will be flipping, as he is the ace of the field so he become the sunbae and teach CYS a lotta lesson about how to disguise etc.He said in ep 2, she look like an amateur car thief when she tailed her target, lol.


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this drama does provide us with a character of a typical second-lead, which is our dearest double spy, jong soo. i mean, like he is the lead's side-kick, he did the unmentioned little important detail, and like typical second lead, he has a crush on young shin.

not to mention, hes kinda cute. xP


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He does? Have a crush on CYS? I haven't noticed it.


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a little crush i think.
he mentioned in the undercover scene *the one that CYS got makeover into red dress* when uncle called CYS, and he wondering with bong soo what relationship she has with uncle, is it only sunbae/hubae or man/woman.
he said something like going to pursue her if its the 1st one.
but then again, no one notice him, just like another second-like character.


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why did i wrote second like. hahaha. i mean second-lead.


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Now ... going past those drool-nosebleed-inducing moments...

quoting Javabeans:

"[...]Because while I love them in love, I find it significant that they are both in need of figuring out for themselves who they are and how they fit into this world—it’s less of the you-complete-me mentality and more of them spurring each other to complete themselves, so they can be together as whole people."

I like it that the drama, so far, has established this line of thoughts pretty much consistently.

I have never considered the Teacher's leaving him for South Pacific as abandonment. There is only so much a mentor can do for him. Jong-hoo needs to learn certain things by himself, for himself, including finding himself, with guidance of another mentor: Ahjumma, and maybe later Moon-ho. Just as Yeong-shin put it, there are actually good people around Jong-hoo, that has helped in shaping him until now. Now, he must find out who he wants to be and what kind of future he wants, of which Yeong-shin is going to be a part.

Same goes for Yeong-shin. I like it that so far, she figures out key points such as Healer's identity by herself. No unnecessary drama. This gives me hope that she would handle the big reveal, of her biological mother and the incidents involving her and Healer's fathers, well. Although here, some drama of trust issues might be inevitable...


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I really loved the closure of Teacher from Jung Hoo's side. The flash back... the memories.... and then the little smile he had on his face at the end. It feels like he finally let the poor man go in peace , and that he had no more resentment of him.


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Our boy needs closure.
And a way to a new life, a new buoy in the body, I mean, person, of CYS.


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"Moon Ho notes that his brother really seems to believe he has done no wrong, and that's why he was fooled for so long."

Well, he, MHee and many viewers too.

Isn't scary that instead of a painting that ages for him, he has a robot-like creature who kills and maims for him, which affords him the pleasure to feel and act like a good innocent guy. What a set-up!


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The lack of redemption is frightening!

Secretary Oh is so creepy! What are they paying and feeding him, that he's so darn loyal?


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My theory was that Oh or whatever hell his name was, was/is in love with the Elder, so he agreed to being passed to MS as a spy.

Sorry. I just can't take him seriously.


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ROFL Totally explains it.


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Exactly KDaddict, I was also reminded of Dorian Gray when MH describes the relationship between MS and Secretary Oh. Shiverss... I want to see how it started, was it planned by Elder or did it develop beyond the influence of the Elder? And what can snap MS out of this delusion?

This may explain how for some viewers, we keep vacillating between disgust and pity for MS's character.
Now I need to brush up on the background literature.


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I love the allusion to Dorian Gray. I can't help but imagine the young, handsome, shy Moon-shik vis-a-vis the current one as a painting with the puffy face that gets puffier and more twisted as the drama progresses.


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Yeah, my thoughts exactly.
I mentioned this last time. That he looks a lot older than 22 years compared to that handsome guy who looks like Song Joong Ko. Or:
He is the reverse of Dorian Grey.
There is a photograph of his current self somewhere in the mention. It keeps getting younger as his misdeeds pile up, until it looks like his handsome young self, then Poof, he dies, or explodes, which would serve him right!


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This episode is the ultimate!!! Ooops... I should not say this as more wonderful episodes are to come.... I love the sweet JH and YS together... they are so so so destined to be united as one on all fronts: as best pals, lovers, soulmates, and now the perfect partners in crime! I have said this each episode... this drama just gets better and better and it is so true... And it does get better and better... the ante is upped each time. I thought my screen was going to explode with their sweet unbreakable bond! JCW and PMY are really the best... these drama is custom-made for them! In all aspects, Healer is a drama in a league of its own. The pace is perfect, the story, the suspense, the comic element... oh Ahjumma you are great!, the romance and the serious nature in perfect balance with the playful nuances... OMG HEALER, you truly stole my heart ...many times over and over!


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# Copied from https://www.facebook.com/HealerKoreanDrama?fref=nf

While the ratings don't make any sense, there is another way to show how awesome Healer is: participating in the preliminary survey for the director's cut DVD! Let KBS know that there is enough interest to make it worthwhile. E-mail your name/country/# of copies wanted/DVD or Blu-Ray to [email protected] to participate.
We need at least 2000 wanted copies for DVD and 1000 for Blu-Ray to make it happen, and the current figures are about 1400/500. The DVD initiative team is meeting with the producers and potential distributors this week!


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When J Ho heads out to find his real self, ajumma says that it's time for a switch, meaning a new Healer.

I suppose I wouldn't be totally against the idea of a Healer franchise, or at least a 2nd instalment, with a new Healer and a new mystery. But then it'd be hell to cast an actor that we'd like to play Healer 3.0 after we love Ji Chang Wook so so so so much.


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It wouldn't be the same.


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Do you think she's grooming up his side kick Dae Yong for that? I hope I got her name right.


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If ever Healer becomes a franchise, I wouldn't mind the new Healer to be the Dae Young character. Writer-nim can always come up with a compelling, puzzling backstory. We have not really focused on DY at all. What made her choose this job? How did she connect with Ahjumma?

Now, if this scenario takes place, who should be the female lead? The only actress that comes to mind right now is Ha Ji-won.

And maybe, just maybe, Moon-ho can be in that sequel as the male lead and love interest of the female Healer?

Just wishing...


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Ooooh that's a great idea! I'll totally look forward to knowing her story too!


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but there would be no more story left!
unless of course ahjumma manages to find another abandoned child with a dead father accused of murder etc etc


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You know, just the usge.


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thank you so much for the recap, JB!!
And now i have JCW running in my head for 24/7..



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Lots of SQUEE!!! This episode's recap comments might reach 3,000 or more. 4,000?


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Hi hi One n All, especially to all my Healer-ilous fangirls...Beanies!!! Am just so very Happy to read this post and thanks again, for all the Awesome and Wonderful comments^_^:)) Love love JCW and PMY for their great acting n chemistry! Thanks Javabeans for the recaps. Team Healer-yaah...Hwaiting^_*:))


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Wow I am gobsmacked 223 comments already :-p


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Man.loss words for this episode.full of fan service and love healer is such a big koala that want to cuddle young shin all the time.and his's eyes looking at young shin is so sexy.every episode I love healer more and more. I play this episode like thousand times and makes me sleepless.now I want to have my day-beauty-sleep but I'm just thing about wanting yo replay this episode's fanservice.


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After sleeping for 6 days without food and water, JH's stamina amazingly improved over night just having YS by his side. I guess it's cold no more for him :)


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i think the amazing thing is the source of stamina he got. its like after starving for 6 days, he still able to (borrowing ur term) "having YS by his side" over night. i wonder what YS fed him beside that egg porridge. and maybe love.


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little blue pills? lmao


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*nudges approvingly*


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a tone of abalone. . n ginseng.



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Goes to show the power of CYS' cooking. That porridge must have some magical ingredient that goes by the brand name TLC.


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Emphasis on the tender lovin'


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yay! FAN SERVICE at its finest! Is that even on the script to begin with or we somehow triggered the drama to do those things? not that I am complaining....

It was so daebak that I told my friend (a member of the Healer club) that Healer can end on that part and will still call it a good drama.

I haven't seen the whole episode yet but those few minutes made me so full already.


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Omg show you have totally ruined me..now the kdrama bar is way high up there ! Ji Chang Wook boy oh boy I love you to the moon and back (more then that) and park min young and yoo ji take are amazing ..there is some batshit crazy acting everyone is pulling up esp the ajumma..oh soo very cool .... Did I need to mention the crazy chemistry oh I can't get enough of it all ! Thanks show for showing that sex is what normal people have, there is nothing wronnnnnggggg in that !you need an standing ovation show...


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De-lurking! I've been reading DB for about a year, but Healer pushed me over the edge-- it's one of the first shows I have felt compelled enough to watch raw, though I generally have to go back to subs later to fill in the bits I missed.

Great episode! Much as I love the "hat" kiss, though, did anyone else want them to just leave the kiss alone in the beginning of the episode, since they cut it short last week? Intercutting it with the other one was a little distracting. Just let us revel!


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Heya there!

Same here! I just didn't see the point of them interspersing the hat kiss. I wanted the whole thing, the whole second kiss, long and uninterrupted. *pouts* lol


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But then I remember JB's explanation:

To quote: "...it intercuts with memories of their first one on that rooftop, finally bringing together those two identities into one."

Well I guess it makes sense. :)

But still, for the sake of my greedy desires, I still want the uninterrupted one haha.


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Anyonghaseyo! Welcome to the biggest drool pool in kdramaland. No fees needed except for your biggest squeal ever.


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I absolutely refuse to die just yet.

I'm resolutely waiting for that shot of JCW's apple butt!


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Hahaha apple butt??? :D


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You know, we saw Song Jae Rim's Apple butt in Surplus Princess. I'm still waiting to see JCW's!


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I know, I watched SP after I saw SJR on WGM. Do you really think PD will give us a shot of his apple butt? Isn't that asking too much after this episode's swoony scene? :D


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This episode is the sum of why I love kdramas so very much. The romance - it's is so perfectly mutual, the pace of the plot, the sister putting things together, proper justice underway - bad guys don't always win, but good guys sometimes they die young, and even though everyone will be related in the end (no surprise, it's a kdrama), the layers of the buried past being unearthed is satisfying.
I loved how they played the OST (eternal love) for Teacher and Jung hoo. There was definitely City Hunter deja vu with some of the very same lines, "Don't you have any fear?" and the tousling wet hair with a towel, even both wearing in white, and love-y back hugs, but that's okay - those are good scenes and fond memories.
I'm so happy and content with our OTP.


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The morning after scene was daebak!

And it was so real..... Brought back memories of when my husband and I first met (that's 10 years ago) and when I first stayed over at his place..... Hehe.

But watching it from a 3rd party view somehow is more squee-worthy hahaha.

Ahh memories......

Scriptwriter is jjang and so are PMY and JCW....!!!


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Being a veteran of K drama I was not excited when I read about the pre-production process/news.To me, Ji chang wook was another K actor. And I have to admit that PMY was not in my favorite lists. Sorry.

But since the first episode up until now, HEALER is the first drama that I have been like this.... I am so head over heels addicting to is. The production is so well-made. I am so pround of the staffs, the writer, PD nim and kudos to the 3 main actors/actress. The character of JCW portraits him smarter, sexier and more handsome. Also, I have adopted PMY in to my to watch lists.

Thank you very much javabeans for all the masterpiece and speedy recaps. I have always have faith in you.


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Wow you're really fast! Thank you!


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So what happened to YS' old cellphone (the one that belonged to her mom originally?). I wonder if it's going to reappear, and allow YS and her mom to recognize each other on their own.

I hope that Show won't break YS and JH apart, because of your-dad-killed-my-dad kinda reason. Please, Show, be different in approaching this aspect of the story! I'm loving the return of the action, and MH and YS' contributions to them. I want that to continue!

5 more episodes, guys... 5 more and it will end... I'm so dreading the withdrawal!


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Forgot to say, the hommage to Teacher was well done! We've seen those scenes/pictures before but they have a different feel this time!


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I don't think the cellphone will figure in the mother-daughter reveal. That phone was given to CYS by her adoptive mom, not Myung-hee.


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Ooh I thought it was given to her by MH before she went missing. Thanks for the clarification.


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Ah? I didn't know she had an adoptive Mom. I thought her adoptive Dad has always been single, at least, since he adopted her.


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I don't want to be the one to bring any negative aura to our squeeee fest since it's so darn awesome here but...

Is it just me or have I noticed that recently, there seems to be a small group of people who are jelly of the attention and popularity Healer garning? There's like this need to put Healer down which is not cool man.

*lord, please give me the strength to avoid confrontations with them*


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I know. It makes me quite sad. :(

I understand that Healer may not be those group of people's cup of tea, but is there really a need for them to hold the show's popularity against it?


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We'll just concentrate on like-minded folks and ignore them. We shouldn't let party-poppers poop successfully.

Ignore the trolls.


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Yep, totally noticed it. Let's not waste our energy for them. If "they" want to lurkin around here, and vomit a spiteful comment or whatever, just leave them alone, no need to reply the comment, they could bite their nails on their own. We, my friend, just keep these squeefest rollin :)


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Just ignore them. I notice in every popular drama thread, there are always some party poppers trying to downgrade the drama.


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amusing myself with the thoughts of what Papa chae and his gang of bandits would do to BS if he manages to find out where she was staying overnight and what she did there xD


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He'd pull out his BS disguise to look so defenseless that they'll fall over each other trying to make HIM feel better about the situation lol


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lmao remember when YS' someday boss was suspicious of her doing something to make BS run away after their sleepover? she's totally getting all the blame there haha


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That was hilarious! Like "what did YOU do again? You know uri Bong Sookie is weak and defenseless against you feminine charms"

And don't know why but I'm giggling at the "sleepover" bit.


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I wish that'd happen!!! LOL.... for dad and conman-ahjusshi to asking Young Shin "what did u do to bongsookie??! that poor guy...." and then be on his side lolol.


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my ovaries are exploding at the first 10 mins of episode 15..kyyaaaaa!!

I like that they wrap-up teacher's arc so nicely.


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OMG! This was just another great episode, it's astonishing! Need to hurry up and watch it with subs.


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So far, from all the dramas I've watched since mid 2014 till now, Healer has topped that. If I'm on Soompi, reading live recaps and screen shots at 6 am and on Dramabeans by 8pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, somethings got to give right?! I somewhat understand why the ratings are low. Its the fact that Punch has KRW and the latter drama has Jang Hyuk. While in Healer, you have an underrated actor who is trying to rise up to his fame. JCW has become by new bias. Can we just give JCW the applause he graciously deserves!? UGH! Healer has given me the feels and I seriously can't stop now.


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Another episode of total perfection! There is nothing about this drama I don't like; the acting, the characters, the script, the MUSIC... just LOVE it so much! Fun to watch, oh the romance, the action, every little thing is good~


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Another great episode, loving it!


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JH is the lord of jealousy !!!!!

I told before that JH is jealous of Bong Soo. In this episode he proved, he just ignored it when YS missing Bong Soo :P


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Hi, it's me reporting for someday news from heaven section 1992. There's a lot of happy-giddy-pervy souls here since last night episode, and every minutes, the angels are super busy takin in the new souls. I manage to interview one of the creaper, he said that he never seen anything like this in his entire life, and he said that he's absolutely tiredhyper by now when every once or two minutes there's like massive screamin soul yelled "oh, i'm dead by now" which is a cue for him to doin his job. If i correctly reading the log, most of the cause death were likely because an OTP overdose, heartattack, suffocating, etc. FYI, most these death scene were takin place in front of the PCs, TVs, i even see one newly souls clutched her tablet to her chest too hard which resulted a flat line for her.


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I would like to take a moment of silence to remember our comrade in arms who who have fallen to the power of Healer. *salute*


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oh, chuckles, chuckles :D


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let it be a consolation that they died happy


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LOL!!! redsun reporter-nim

"clutched her tablet to her chest too hard which resulted a flat line for her"

Not only death by show but flat chested by tablet LOLOLOL!!!


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Thanks for the LOLZ to the max, redsun!

That'd be me who flatlined clutching the tablet! hahahaha


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Let me put it simply;

I just love Healer.

Love JCW's acting skills, who am I kidding? I love his cuteness overload.

The best OTP chemistry that has ever existed in Kdrama world.

Fabulous writing and directing.

I know I am not saying anything new or original here, but I just got to express how I feel or I'll just explode.

For the past month I've been fitting real life in between Healer, instead of it being the other way around. And you know what, it's making me happy, let me enjoy this while it lasts. I have a horrible feeling that this kind addiction to another drama won't be happening any time soon, may be never again :-(


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@ helkwo

That fear of being ruined, therefore never again will we have this greatness in a show, runs in many of our minds. We have decided to keep in touch on OT so that we can continue to spazz with each other. And I'm thinking, so that we know what we are watching and can get together on new show Recaps as well. :) You can look for us by searching Healer Lovers.

Of course it will be hard not to compare all shows with Healer, but we have to move on. :D We hope that there will be more great shows from great writers and a Production Team who really respects their viewers like this one does.


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