
Healer: Episode 13

Big movements ahead! As fun as it was to watch Bong-sookie being jealous of himself, it’s time for life to step it up and throw bigger frustrations in his path, which are equal parts entertaining and angst-inducing. Plus, with the outing of some truths come new unanswered questions, throwing our characters off-balance as they try to figure out how to juggle what they want to know with what they can stand to know.


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Backing up a few moments, we rejoin Jung-hoo’s mother as she is approached by Secretary Oh at the restaurant. She lies that she’s been out of contact with her son for a decade, and says she’s here to meet a friend. Secretary Oh offers to wait with her, and when Mom nervously excuses herself to visit the restroom, he swipes her cell phone.

Aha, so Mom’s not in danger after all, and she slips out the back. But Jung-hoo doesn’t know that, since her phone is tracked to Secretary Oh’s car, and he charges into the trap willingly. He fights the SS thugs in the parking garage until he’s hit with a tranq dart, then goes on the run, making it up the stairs to the roof.

That’s where he gets shoved aside, his Healer trappings stripped from him in a flash: It’s Teacher, and he dons Jung-hoo’s cap, glasses, and bloodied jacket, even cutting his arm to make the impersonation credible.

So when Yo-Yo and his posse order Healer to show himself, Teacher meets their incredulous faces with a sheepish grin. He says, “Whoops, I’ve been caught.”

Min-ja calls Young-shin and asks her to search the premises for Bong-soo, who is likely injured. Young-shin scours the area and heads down to the parking garage just in time to see the SS gang screeching out.

Young-shin overhears Detective Yoon reporting over the phone that somebody’s been caught, then spots the drops of blood on the floor. So when Min-ja calls back, she tells her frantically that Bong-soo must have been taken away by the goons.

But Ajumma tells her firmly that Bong-soo isn’t moving, so he’s hidden somewhere on the premises. Young-shin asks suspiciously how Min-ja knows, but time is of the essence and Ajumma entreats her to hurry. So Young-shin continues the search, and when she recalls Bong-soo saying he likes high places, she heads upward.

She makes it to the rooftop, where traces of blood lead her to Jung-hoo, slumped in a corner. She hurries to cradle him in her lap, covering him in her coat. In tears, she calls emergency services for help, begging them to hurry.

Jung-hoo is taken to the emergency room, where the doctors are more concerned with his unconsciousness than his bleeding, wondering if he took drugs. While he’s treated, Young-shin calls ajumma’s number, only to get a recording that it doesn’t exist.

Sitting at his bedside, Young-shin asks Jung-hoo to wake up, since she’s bursting with questions she wants to ask. Jokingly, she hovers in front of his face and sing-songs, “Bong-sook-ah, wake up~”

His eyes start to flutter open, and she sits up excitedly. He sees her blurrily and murmurs her name, holding his hand out to her. She takes it, and immediately he appears to sink back into sleep, although his hand keeps a tight grip on hers—and once again she’s reminded of her handhold with the Healer.

Last time she shook away the thought, but today’s circumstances have her brain whirling differently… and she thinks of the little details that now fall into place… like Healer asking how many pills she took, and Bong-soo handing her those pills.

She drops his hand in shock and rears back, seeing him through new eyes. She runs to his car and starts searching for clues, and comes upon a little case. Inside, she finds a tiny folded paper star—it’s the star she made while chatting on the phone with Bong-soo, sighing about the Healer not coming to her. Jung-hoo, you hopeless romantic.

She recalls his confession on the rooftop, when he’d told her he could live “in the appearance you want, for a long time, being very careful, next to you.” It sounds different in the context of knowing, doesn’t it?

When she returns to the hospital, Jung-hoo’s awake and changing into clothing brought by Dae-yong, who takes the first opportunity to excuse herself from this awkward scenario. Jung-hoo freezes at the sight of Young-shin, knowing he’ll have to make a convincing explanation, and also that he doesn’t have one.

So Jung-hoo says lamely that he took some sleeping pills that kicked in late. His arm injury, then, “is because I fell asleep… and… tripped.” It’s super unconvincing, and they both know it.

Young-shin asks how Dae-yong knew he’d be here. He doesn’t have an answer, and after a moment Young-shin offers him the excuse, saying that she got a call from someone who might be his mother, and that she was so preoccupied she forgot to call back. His mother must’ve searched all the hospitals in the area.

Jung-hoo asks if this gave her a scare, and apologizes when she says it did.

It certainly feels like they both know that they’re lying to each other, playacting this scene because they don’t know how else to handle it. As he starts to leave, she stops him to ask that he’ll be back in the office tomorrow, like she’s scared he won’t be. He signals yes.

She holds it together until he leaves, and then her tears spill over.

In the car ride, Jung-hoo hears from Min-ja that his mother is safe at home. That’s a relief, but he’s upset that Teacher got taken in. A sudden thought makes him check that the paper star is still in its case, and he’s relieved to find it there.

Jung-hoo ignores ajumma’s directive to rest and orders the car to Moon-shik’s home. The bastard messed with his mother and Young-shin: “So I have to make sure he can’t.” Ajumma asks if he means to give him a beating like he did to Hwang, but Jung-hoo growls, “I’ll kill him.”

Ajumma and Dae-yong both refuse to take him there, so Jung-hoo forces Dae-yong out of the car. She’s pretty tough and fights back, but he gets the upper hand and is ready to charge after the baddie.

It’s a good thing Dae-yong isn’t afraid to challenge him, and she has the keys. She shoves the phone in his face so Min-ja can yell some sense into him, about how he can go ahead and kill whomever he likes—but does that mean he’s ready to give up ever seeing Young-shin again? They need to find out why Young-shin was targeted, and don’t forget that Young-shin’s mother lives in that house.

Frustrated, Jung-hoo beats the steering wheel. But at least he’s been stopped.

At home, Young-shin’s strange behavior has her father and ajusshi worried. She stares vacantly for a while, and then the tears have them really alarmed.

“Dad,” she says brokenly, “that jerk deceived me all this time. Everything single thing he said in front of me was a lie. And I didn’t know and told him everything.” But she couldn’t confront him, “Because if I told him I knew, he might just leave. Because I might not see him again, I couldn’t say anything. And I can’t not see him again—I can’t handle that.”

Dad doesn’t press for an explanation, but he and ajusshi are both curious about the source of her heartbreak. Ajusshi knows she has two crushes, but doesn’t think this is about either one. Instead, his mind fixes on Bong-soo—Young-shin doesn’t confide her feelings even to them, “but she does to that dummy.” So he’s the one.

Dad brings her a warm drink later, and Young-shin asks why he chose her, pointing out, “I’m difficult to love.” There were lots of more lovable kids at the orphanage, but she was a difficult child.

Dad laughs as he recounts her difficult traits, but says he didn’t take her: “I just waited, and you came.” He explains sitting there quietly until she took his hand first, and so he brought her home. He says he was prepared to wait longer, but she came to him faster than he thought, reminding her that she’s not very stubborn.

She leans her head against Dad’s shoulder and assures him that she’s very nearly done crying.

Watching the CCTV feed, Min-ja sees Moon-shik and his guards arriving at SS headquarters… and then moments later, a couple more cars pull up. She chuckles upon recognizing Detective Yoon and reaches for a cell phone…

Moon-shik is ushered inside to confront the Healer, who has been insisting he’s a good old friend. Moon-shik confirms this and asks for privacy, extending a hand that Teacher cheerfully rejects. He sticks to the explanation that he’s been the Healer all along, laughing that it was quite fun taking Moon-shik’s money. Then he asks pointedly, “Is Myung-hee still sleeping? How many hours does she sleep a day?” What an ominous thing to say.

That sends us into a flashback to the hospital in the aftermath of Myung-hee’s accident. Teacher arrives out of the blue, a few months out of prison. Moon-shik greets him warmly, but Teacher’s full of hostility and says openly that Moon-shik’s actions are suspect. He outlines the odd sequence of events: Three bears go out “hunting” for a story and two die. The survivor quits his junkyard and suddenly gains a high position at a newspaper. Moon-shik asks his friend to hear him out, but Teacher’s not having it.

In the present, Moon-shik explains that Jung-hoo came asking about his father, and that kids don’t know “what sacrifices we made” to build up their world. Teacher laughs in his face, but Moon-shik warns, “I will not tolerate the destroying of the peace we’ve preserved in this world. We call those people outlaws. Why do you live as an outlaw?” Teacher makes a claw gesture and retorts, “Because I’m a bear.”

Moon-shik asks if Teacher has teamed up with Moon-ho to dig up the past. Teacher replies that two papa bears have died, leaving behind two mama bears and two bear cubs: “There have to be three bears for the song to work.” Then he sings the childhood ditty about a family of three bears, with Mama, Papa, and Baby.

Moon-shik warns that he’s very angry, and not to make him angrier. Teacher asks, “Were Gil-han and Joon-seok the last people you killed? There are more, aren’t there? But don’t think about messing with the two bear cubs. I’m going to protect them. Because I’m Papa Bear’s friend.”

Detective Yoon and his partners are surprised when patrol cars join them in front of the building. Hearing that they received a report that a kidnapping victim is inside, Detective Yoon is thrilled at the excuse to charge in.

Moon-shik is ushered out the back exit to avoid being seen, and Teacher sings the Three Bears song at his departing back. Moments later, the detectives arrive.

Jung-hoo’s mother is secretly photographed as she meets Jung-hoo in front of her apartment. He’s aware that they’re being watched and tells his mother quietly of the situation. He asks her to act like she’s seeing him for the first time in ten years, and she answers that it’ll be easy to act happy to see him.

They relocate to a cafe, and he apologizes for never giving her his number and only calling when he wanted to see her. But he won’t be able to do that for the time being, he says, to keep Mom safe. She doesn’t protest or ask questions, and they both notice when their stalker enters the cafe and sits nearby. He sets out his cell phone casually, recording their conversation.

So when Jung-hoo’s voice gets hard and he says that today is the last time he’ll be seeing his mother, she goes along with it. He tells her to be happy in her new life and forget him, and that she did him a favor in abandoning him so he could find his own path.

Even though the words are for show, Mom still gets emotional as she apologizes. Jung-hoo issues a cold goodbye, saying that he’ll wrap up his business here and never come back to Korea, but mouths at her not to cry. Then after he leaves, Mom bursts into heaving sobs.

Flashback. Mom watches her (other) son playing on a playground, shocked when a young Jung-hoo arrives and declares, “Found you.” He eyes her with bitterness but she’s only concerned for his health and tries to give him her coat, which he shoves away. Mom falls to her knees sobbing, and then his little half-brother charges up to him and bites his leg, telling him not to make his mother cry.

Only now does he know that Mom has a new family, and that hurts. Jung-hoo says accusingly, “Why can you live with him, but not with me?” Mom just sobs, “I’m sorry,” and Jung-hoo yells at her not to cry, because then he can’t say anything.

As he leaves, a man chases after him to say that it was all his fault, and that he begged Mom to marry him, and that Mom always speaks of Jung-hoo while crying. Jung-hoo looks back to see his mother watching and asks if cries every day. The husband admits that Mom cries easily, and Jung-hoo tells him to make sure she doesn’t anymore.

He knows that the coat the man is carrying is for him, so he just says gruffly that he’ll take it, and walks off having done what little he could to make Mom feel better. Agh, such a little big man, grown up before his time.

Next Jung-hoo goes to Moon-ho, who assures him that nobody will mess with his mother anymore—Moon-shik was only testing whether Jung-hoo was the Healer. He says that his hyung isn’t so low that he’d keep going, which seems like it could be true in this case, but also seems naive of Moon-ho. I hope for his sake he’s right.

Jung-hoo reminds him that his brother used Mom as bait and tried to kill Young-shin. His impatience is at odds with Moon-ho’s infuriating calm, and he demands to know why Young-shin was targeted, intent on ensuring that she’ll never be in danger again. Moon-ho tells him a man named the Elder is the real one pulling the strings, and that’s who they’ll need to go after next.

Jung-hoo asks who this “we” refers to, and Moon-ho replies, “You and me, and probably Young-shin.” Jung-hoo’s not very interested, guessing correctly that Moon-ho’s tactic will be to expose the Elder using the media. Jung-hoo is just interested in finding his father’s police files and getting rid of the evil, to which Moon-ho chuckles that killing one Elder will just lead another to take his place.

Just then, the doorbell rings, and Moon-ho sends Jung-hoo to answer it, saying merely that it’s “the woman I like.” In irritation, Jung-hoo opens the door… and finds Young-shin there. Wait, did Moon-ho just confess his intentions?

They freeze to see each other standing there, the air strained between them. Then Jong-soo joins them, completing the team, though he remains the one leg that’s hopelessly out of the loop.

Moon-shik urges Myung-hee to take her pills and go to sleep, but she decides she wants to spend more time awake. She says it’s fine if she’s in pain, but she wants to do some thinking, since it’s been ages since she’s done any. She starts with twenty years ago, asking about her hospital bills—she was laid up for a year in a VIP room. How did he manage to pay for it all?

He has a ready answer—he sold his junkyard—but Myung-hee says with a cold smile that she’s going over the math. And when he takes her hand, she pulls free again.

Moon-shik doesn’t understand the sudden change, and it unnerves him. The sight of his water glass grabs his attention, and he inches it closer to the edge of the counter, almost in a trance, until he pushes it over the edge. It shatters. Foreshadowing?

Young-shin gets to work on their new story—digging into the background of the next mayoral candidate, aka Moon-shik—and interviews Moon-ho as a part of it. She traces Moon-shik’s trajectory from 1992 till now, finding his sharp rise to media executive quite unusual.

Moon-ho recalls how in those days, a lot of visitors had come by daily—but they weren’t from the media. Jeil Newspaper was on the brink of bankruptcy, but an investment company named Omega bought up shares, and immediately afterward, Moon-shik became president. “Isn’t that interesting?” he asks.

Jung-hoo snatches a moment to connect with Min-ja, worrying about Teacher being held at the police station. He’s ready to charge in to free the old man himself, but Min-ja orders him to stay put, feeling assured that Teacher will take care of himself.

It’s bad enough that Young-shin is distant with him, but now Jung-hoo has to watch her chatting cheerily with the boss and sidekick. Moon-ho assigns them each a stack of research to get through by tomorrow, and ignores Jung-hoo’s protest that he’s busy tonight. Jong-soo, on the other hand, is happy to go home with Young-shin to work together, and Jung-hoo simmers in the background.

So the three reporters head over to the cafe, and Dad welcomes the newcomer. Jong-soo’s eager to impress Dad, to Jung-hoo’s disgruntlement, and Dad and ajusshi try to figure out which guy made Young-shin cry. They’d thought it was Bong-sookie, but seeing her being so friendly to the other guy, they’re no longer sure.

Jung-hoo shoots daggers at Jong-soo (seriously, if looks could kill) as he reads over documents with Young-shin. Finally he heads out in agitation, looking for a drink, and Young-shin finds him there to offer him a choice: east or west. He picks east, and she tells him the result: They’ll stand next to each other for a minute and talk.

He asks what west would’ve gotten him, and when she says a ten-second hug, he immediately turns to her with outstretched arms and says, “I want to switch.”

At least that makes her laugh, and he says he’s relieved, because he thought she was angry with him. She replies, “I’m not angry, I’m holding back.”

“Holding back?” he asks. “Yeah,” she replies, “from wanting to hold hands.”

He stares down at her, surprised. “I want to hug, and talk all night,” she says. “And kiss too.” Omg. He’s stunned speechless, and then Young-shin clarifies, “I want to do that with him, but I’m holding back.”

Ah, boo. Note that in Korean, it totally sounded like she meant she wanted to do those things with Bong-soo, until that last part. I’m sure that ambiguity was intentional, too—it’s her small way of expressing her feelings while preserving his facade.

When she moves away, Jung-hoo stops her and comes around to face her, like he’s going to say something… do something… But then he shakes his head, unable to take it any further.

“He still hasn’t come,” Young-shin says. Jung-hoo says, “He’ll have a reason.” She agrees, but says the guy is still a jerk. And thus, even though she’ll wait for him, “Still, it makes me furious.”

He acknowledges that, and for a brief second, Young-shin rests her forehead on his shoulder. He reaches up to touch her, but she pulls away and moves past, their hands barely brushing. And then Jung-hoo reaches back wildly to grab for her, but only gets empty air. He looks crushed.

In the morning, Min-ja catches a glimpse of suspicious activity on her security monitor: Secretary Oh meeting someone. We don’t see him clearly, but she seems to recognize him.

Teacher eats breakfast in custody, and Detective Yoon arrives to interrogate him, starting with the name Jo Min-ja. Teacher feigns ignorance but Detective Yoon isn’t fooled, since Min-ja, his former sunbae, is listed as visiting Teacher in prison five times. She taught him all about hacking, and yesterday he encountered a familiar pattern.

Teacher smiles and says he’ll have to surrender himself: “I am the Healer.”

Outside the station, a police officer drops something in to a trash can, and the camera lingers on a small glass vial. Hmm.

Min-ja calls Jung-hoo once she’s recognized the man who met Secretary Oh—one of Detective Yoon’s minions. Crap, so an insider at the station is in cahoots with the baddies. At that, Jung-hoo starts running.

Teacher gives his statement, giving the basics of his Healer activities, and volunteers to start with the most recent and work backward. He fidgets with his collar and adds, “I don’t have much time.” Shit, what was in that vial? Shit, what was in his breakfast?

Young-shin continues her research and comes upon a happy photo of Moon-shik and his wife. She lingers on Myung-hee’s face, though she doesn’t quite know why yet.

Teacher offers up information readily about his latest work being for Moon-shik, confirming that he’s acquainted with the cases of Go Sung-chul and President Hwang.

But suddenly, he begins foaming at the mouth, even though it doesn’t wipe the smile from his face. “I told you,” Teacher gurgles. “I don’t have much time.”

His head drops onto his chest. Detective Yoon tears out of the room to get help.

Jung-hoo hurries to the police station and sees the ambulance out front. A body is wheeled out on a gurney, a sheet pulled over its head. An arm falls limply from under the sheet, revealing the telltale wound on Teacher’s arm.


Noooooo, not you, OG Healer! At first I wondered if he’d poisoned himself, but upon consideration I think it’s likelier that Teacher recognized the symptoms kicking in and decided he would confess before he died. I was angry with him for the way he abandoned Jung-hoo, but I’ve grown really fond of him, and found his combination of smiling facade and seething undertone to be really compelling. This drama has done a fantastic job casting everybody’s past counterparts and Teacher is one of the highlights, where you can really see how one grew into the other. His constant grin can be aggravating sometimes, particularly when Jung-hoo’s dying for him to be serious, but it’s completely in line with his character—and as an added bonus, it’s gratifying to see how much it pisses Moon-shik off.

That scene with the old friends was one of my favorites, and it’s because Teacher is so glib that it’s powerful when he lets that steeliness show through, as he did when he vowed to protect the bear cubs. He may not have foreseen that he was walking into his death when he took Jung-hoo’s place, but it was still moving to see how he took on his fate anyway. Maybe it even satisfied him to think he died via poison that might’ve taken Jung-hoo instead. In that way, Jung-hoo’s two closest loved ones have both shoved him away to protect him, and it’s extra poignant (and yes, frustrating too) that they would willingly accept the smaller pain to spare him a greater one. The fact that he’ll learn this far after the fact feels like one of those great sorrows of growing up—you don’t appreciate things until it’s too late to take back your reaction. But that’s life.

It seems likely that Moon-shik gave the order to kill Teacher after their face-to-face, which adds another to his body count tally. Sigh. It’s interesting to see that in the flashback scene, Moon-shik may even have had an explanation that made some kind of sense—it doesn’t absolve him of his decision to sell his soul, but I do believe that at one time, his heart was in the right place. And funny enough, I feel like if the five friends had remained alive, Moon-shik wouldn’t have been tempted away to the dark side, because even if he didn’t have everything he wanted and his thirst for greater things in life remained unfulfilled, the friendships would have been enough. But once that cracked, Moon-shik lost the shield of their influence, and then it’s just been bad choice after bad choice.

I find Moon-shik a nicely shaded character who doesn’t strike me as being a one-note villain, but admittedly he’s getting eviller and eviller, enough that I have little sympathy for his actions. I got chills at the suggestion that he might be doping Myung-hee on purpose, to keep her insensate and caged at his side. Prior to this episode I thought he was taking advantage of her condition to keep her housebound, selfishly but with good intentions. It didn’t strike me that he would medicate her so heavily that she would spend most of her time asleep—and that’s particularly creepy, because it suggests that he wants her as a possession, not a partner. If he’s truly just trying to keep her pain-free, then maybe he’s not quite the devil incarnate. But now I can’t shake the idea that he’s keeping her on needless drugs so that she doesn’t think for herself, and that makes me shudder.

Moving on: Young-shin knows!!!! I wasn’t sure what I wanted of her reaction to the discovery, but it was interesting to me that she was more betrayed by Bong-soo than she was excited to know who her Healer was. Granted that could just be that shock is the first reaction, and she’ll come around to gladness next. But it makes sense that she was hurt by Bong-soo, because she’d poured out her heart to him in a way that was much more intimate than the moments she’d spent with the Healer.

I loved that Young-shin told Jung-hoo that she was angry with him, because while we all know (and are waiting for the day when) she’ll forgive him eventually, the ends don’t justify the means—that’s not a good enough excuse. It matters how you do things, and it matters that she’s hurt in the process, and even though she recognizes that she won’t stop having faith in him, she won’t postpone her feelings just because he isn’t ready to explain himself yet.

So I loved that little moment when they brushed by each other, wanting to touch but not emotionally ready yet. I appreciate that as much as we want them to just shove aside the logic and take everything out into the open, there are credible reasons for why they haven’t gotten to that point. In the meantime, they’ll speak in veiled comments about some mythical third person, and I’m excited to see more of that because those double-entendre conversations can be so revealing—where they’re speaking about one person but meaning another (…although okay, Healer and Bong-soo are still the same guy). Ironically enough, the false front can allow them the freedom to be honest about their feelings in a way they can’t be in a plainspoken way, and that is never a bad thing.


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ok, that was quite a sad scene, but the end will justify the mean, whatever.

I can't focus on all the chaos that is going on with that cafe scene betwen Bong soo and Yeong Shin , that is everything to me for now, it was beautifully executed and this kind of conversation is rare..talking about a third person which they both know is in the same room with them yet pretending he is somewhere but there.

Geez, I am just watching but i can totally feel the tension as if I'm on the same room with them. gotta watch that again.

And the way you stare, Bong Sookie, arctic ice will surely melt. must be hard to be Park min Young, unless, of course, she is so immune to these stares by now.

Jealous Park Bong Soo is also a riot! Whoa,boy, no matter how good looking you are than maybe the other guy, when the green monster bites, it shows. Dagger looks alert. The other guy is so unaware tho,lol!


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Final l'y!!! Can i talk about jcw acting i mean the scene with his mom when he Was all cold but shook his head telling her silently not to apologize OMG ans when he told her not to cry that Was it for me i freaking love his acting squeeeeeeeeel


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JCW is an awesome actor


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He's an awesome actor indeed ♥


I'll loved that part with his mom! When he whispered don't cry... Dagger through heart! That was so well done!


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Like what dreamingsnowflake said in her analysis, JH has such a big heart and never leaves anyone he's loved even if he's been abandoned. He's a hero with a big heart ♥


Ya i was also very sad at that moment. That scene Tucked at my heart. I kept dreaming about that scene very sadly. I thought I was the one to note only that scene but I m. So getting so worked up Becoz of that scene and that flashback with his mom that I m having a problem getting over it. Pls don't something


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And I also liked that scene very much where moon so watches father and son walking around the junkyard showing same mannerisms. It was so emotional. I was just gonna cry ??????


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1. I am just wondering how PBS's car ended up in hospital coz CYS doesn't have a driving license....
2. So I guess PBS's island could have been an unconscious desire to retreat and hide in the momoru island whatever - stemmed from some hidden childhood memories...?
3. And did he give teddy bear to CYS? Coz his mom was sewing/making lots of teddy bears?
These little details are so intriguing


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Well I have a few theories which I can try an answer...

1. PBS's car ended up in hospital most like because his helper picked it up. Or it could be that the rooftop is very close to the hospital itself.

2. True I think it is his subconscious desire that could've played a part and also his painful childhood from being abandoned from people he loves too.

3. Hmm which teddy bear? I must've missed that *off to go watch episode again*



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wow, you're good.
I would have missed that - for logical reasons the car must still be at the mall at that point - so let's presume she went back there. If his helper had moved it, CYS would not know where to find it, since they (helper and CYS) don't meet until after she returns.
On that note: I believe PBS finding the little star, was not a clue for him that she didn't know about him yet, but confirmation that she most likely did.


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I'm so late guys but I love this show!!!? I'm soo upset about teacher dying guys??. There is a part of me that's hoping that teacher isn't really dead and that he will somehow show up!!! Did anyone else find it weird that it seems as if teacher knew he was going to die? He was soo happy with that breakfast and saying it tasted good etc. and he told detective yoon he only had a short time left right? I guess he realized he was poisoned?? I mean, does it seem like he KNEW what was going to happen or is it just me? When I saw the show I assumed teacher made it LOOK like he was dead to protect Jung Hoo but maybe i'm off base. After all, ajumma did say there were bad guys in the place where teacher was being held.? But it still seems a bit fishy and weird to me!!???


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Well, fuck.


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Oh fluck! Oh Fluck! Oh Fluck! :-(


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Hahaha well I had this same reaction when teacher got killed too! LOL


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Fuck. That soo the word.


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Agree, it so the word...although I won't say it out loud lol


LOLOL same reaction too with that ending ;(


I knew teacher was going to take the fall! i just knew it! darn!

Yea, CYS figured it out on her own, fast enough too! now, find momma bear, okay?


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Yes, it's too bad that the teacher should die tragically like this :'( there's no more old bear to protect the 2 cubs. While 1 oma bear seems also calculating to go on war with his evil husband, yet i'm a bit worried about her safety.

btw, for those who wants to try watch live streaming using android phone, just download the app from olweb.tv, i swear last night was watching with almost minor lag comparing to stream directly from kbs using pc. So i really hope the internet connection God is not put some acting tonight.


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Teacher's sacrifice was sad - there's analysis on his sacrifice on page 3 if you want to read. It's under "sub-thread" :)


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Thanks Bongsookie, those analysis were great! Not surprised especially coming from DF2013 herself :)


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Oh my Gosh! I just saw your name, and can't stop laughing :DDDDDD


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haha she used to just be called Hawoojinruinedme until Healer came along LOL


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Lol, indeed.


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I felt soo bad that i was crying just thinking about it afterwards.....the preview made me cry even more... there is going be more heartbreaking scenes because we are just coming into the main aspect of it..

maybe by next two episodes all the truth will be reaveled...and more tears will be shed...

i really hope in the coming episode that there will be a steamy emotional kiss scene... i know that is a very selfish wish but i really wish it happens....cant wait to see whats gonna happen..

PMY & JCW fighting!!!! Love you guys..


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I KNOW!!!!!!!! *sobs* why him??

I felt so sad for JH...now his only father figure died. Cases like this usually I always hope for a kiss from his girl to heal him of the heartbreak. Well I guess we would just have to wait and see next episode hey..


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well, ditto


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Your comments are great! LOL


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Noooooo not teacher! Just when he has redeemed himself! Gaaah *tears*


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Teacher!!! It's such a big lost.


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Such a loss indeed. I can't fathom the idea on how Healer will reveal himself considering teacher just confessed to the crime. I believe the teacher did that to free jung ho from any responsibility and to live add himself and not as the Healer. Maybe jung hoo will now exposed and open to the public be able to solve the crime from 20 years ago.


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It's sad loss indeed, but somehow I can't help but think that teacher's lost will be a turning point for our characters. He's probably gonna be a catalyst for JH to seek revenge.


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Yes, but it's necessary to propel the plot to the next level. J Ho and M Ho have to up their game too.
M Shik is a murderer.


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RIP Teacher. *clogged nose* *sniff* Your sacrifice will not be in vain!

Now that "Healer" is essentially dead, JH can finally use his own name and start anew. Maybe this is the start of his journey of becoming a reporter (with Moon Ho's guidance)?


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But why does it seem likely that Moon-shik was the one to add to the body count by directing the poison? I'm confused because didn't the sleazy secretary guy try to kill CYS without the instructions of MS last time?

And no!!!! I wonder whether JH feels guilty because he fell into the trap to save his mom, when Ahjumma advised him against it. I mean, not that he should but that is a common theme (I'm thinking Harry Potter and Sirius Black, anyone?).


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@azfih Because of the change he saw in Myung Hee. She was there silent and without questioning all these years and then suddenly one day Healer shows up, she is startled, goes to meet Myung Hee's mom, lies after that, then now wants to think about what happened that many years ago.

That must have pissed him off real bad. Now I wonder what would the reaction be for each small thing Myung Hee is gonna do move away from him.

And right you are Harry and Sirius comparison. But Harry was plain stupid there. I mean out of all the ways they could try and do, and tehy could do Magic for god's sake! Half my time at age of 13 would have been to think of alternative ways in which Harry should not have been THAT stupid. If I had been Hermione, I would have knocked him out and locked him inside while I devised a BETTER plan!

While I was getting side tracked there, he is gonna feel guilty as hell but I dont think there is any way to pull out here because tehy all were in danger with or without him going out!


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@ Divyrus

Thanks for clearing that up! :) Yeah, I shudder to think what MS is going to do in the episodes to come. Especially if he is deranged enough and so unhealthily obsessed with her to the point that he drugs her.

Yes, Harry was pretty stupid. The idiot could have used I don't know, like 101 ways (like I don't know that thing they used in the fireplace to go to diagon alley, apparition (contact someone they know who knew how to do it etc... and on and on), to simply contact Sirius, but instead he goes rushing off to the ministry of magic. LOL.

OOOPS, sidetracked. But I still think that JH (while of course he is still human and therefore prone to make mistakes), should have listened to Ahjumma when she warned it was a trap. On the other hand, if they had been holding my mom hostage, I would have barreled in their guns ablazing LOL.


You are right in that, he shouldnt have rushed in blind. But still I dont blame him, what if it was really his mom and after what secretary did with the lift to Kill young Shin, he cant really take a chance. So cant fault him completely.



Oh yeah, that is true, and even in that situation with saving CYS he did put his identity at risk (not wearing his outfit and all), so it does fit in with his character. LOL


I dunno why I put "LOL". Force of habit, sorry :p


Wow @azifih *high five*

I was thinking Harry Potter and Sirious Black too when teacher made that sacrifice!! I was so sad to see teacher gone, he really did loved JH and wasn't a jerk all this time. Even leaving JH was meant to protect him from discovering and being hurt by the truth. Although JH was confused by teacher abandoning him, it wasn't without a reason. Now it's really sad because the one person who raised JH up into Healer has died...his caretaker, mentor, and someone who he could talk to in all those lonely years growing up. Like others, I am so angry at the baddies for killing teacher. And if it weren't for that foreshadowing of MS, I would not suspect him to be the murderer. That foreshadowing scene was there for a reason before teacher got murdered...so my only conclusion is MS really has gone over to the dark side fully. Before he was hesitant and like what JB said it was his friends that kept him from going to the bad side. Myunghee was the last person to hold him from going evil completely. She was his last weakness, so when she finally let go of his hand...he became bad (hence the foreshadow).

Those are just my thoughts :)


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That makes sense, thanks!

Yeah, it would be definitely a blow to see someone who raised you to pass away, but what is even more poignant of his death is the fact that JH was so angry (rightfully) that he was abandoned by teacher, just to find out that teacher ultimately sacrificed his life for JH and YS. He never stopped caring. But I think he will probably be able to heal a scar, which is that no one cares for him, because the Teacher sacrificing his life, shows that there are people who love and loved him deeply.


bongsookie, what is worst than not having tasted at all... is to desire, to yearn, .years came and gone,a dn you giave up desiring, give up normal life,, give up wanting and giving....finally to hold for a short while, then you lost it agian, as in forever.. this is one of the most saddening ep of whole 13 ep... when you receive what you deserved, and yet, lost your mom, your mentor, lost the harmony and the closeness with the "blood cell" of your life... you dread this moment, while you do desire it, you gave it a try, wanting to give up all.. just to be normal... but none of the both of your "self" is neither the real you, which one of your "self" can protect her and love her more.. and you see her gotten more hurt because of your silent... your mom, your mentor, your heartstring... poor poor sookie... suddenly i understand why i loved your characer to much now, not just a pretty face that look like JiChangWook... nay,,, if bongsook can make Yeongshin wanted to protect him, then we noona really aching for you to have someone to love you finally, in the person o Yeongshin. ... such a heart wrenching night was the last.... just stare at the blank lap top scene.. wouldn't sleep. poor boy.


You're right. It could be either MS or the Elder. The loose end the writer's been dangling has been the fact that the Healer had the blackmail tape with the Elder's face clearly seen.


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I could be wrong, but my guess is that the poison was the Elder. Moon Shik is shady and deserves no forgiveness, but I'm of the mind that he's never outright committed murder. He's just an accomplice and a red herring. The drama of him pushing the glass off the counter and Teacher being poisoned... it just seemed a little too tidy given the subtlety the show has shown previously.


P.S. I also feel like Moon Shik has enough gray that a redemption arc could be in store, but I'm not holding my breath. I guess the opposite could be true too but I kind of hope they don't make him outright evil.



Also a little skeptic if MS did the poisoning. He knew for sure that Teacher isn´t Healer and though Teacher was a liability, would he really be that quick on his feet? Smells like Elder to me, who rather won´t take any chances. Still, needless to say, that MS is flipping coins, now that Myung-hee won´t hold on to his hand anymore. If he was greyish until now, it will be deep black soon enough.

I actually love that the Elder is a bit forgotten (those smiling old men, who have nothing else to say besides: that-was-entertaining-now-do-what-you-have-to-do in semi dark rooms, oh so boring!) and MS is making his own choices. I don´t think he´s in this, because he made one bad choice after the other. He actually needed just that one very bad choice in the beginning(alas, he could´ve died along his friends heroically, or just keep quiet and watch Myung-hee die, because he couldn´t afford to save her...mmm, tough one), the rest is history.


I have no doubt whatsoever that it was on MS' order that Teacher was poisoned. Perspective change as do people. The MS of today is not the MS of 22 years ago who even if he did not cause the death of his two friends, at lest gave false testimony regarding that incident. For the poisoning, consider:-
- the policeman who did the poisoning met up with Sec Oh, sufficient to trigger Hacker Ahjumma's alarm for her to send JH to the police station where Teacher was held.
- MS gave the order for Goh Seung Chol(?) to be killed and Healer framed for the murder, without batting an eye, and for the simple reason that Goh Seong Chol knew Je Il newspaper is involved.
- Teacher alluded to the fact that GH and JS were not the last of MS' murder.
- MS' cryptic order to Sec Oh to either pull Healer to their side or failing that, to do the usual - which to me means killing Healer.
- MS is righteous of the peace he has kept and is angered by the subversives who are out to disrupt that peace, even if they are old friends.
- MHee's moving away from under his thumb and reclaiming a semblance of her past independence has unhinged MS.

These are the reasons why I think Teacher was murdered on the orders of MS.

As for MS nudging the glass off the counter, I actually fear for MHee's safety; that if he can't have her completely under his thumb or like a prized possession, he might as well have her killed. Isn't MHee one of two fatal wounds?


...one of MS' two fatal wounds?


I am so heartbroken. I didn't see this coming - teacher... I can't even utter those fatal words. I didn't realize how vital his role was coz I had assumed he would end up with ahjumma.
Now this...
This episode is just too much. I can't take it. Please please do something about it. My jung hoo is devastated...


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AARGHHH ..I thought he was faking it ... but that small scene in between had me confused earlier and then it clicked that Teacher really died after his fake confession. So sad! :'(
Hate Moon Shik and his cohorts
CYS knows it all, hope all three concentrate on uncovering the truth.


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Thanks so much for the recap JB!

I still can't with that ending. I had so many tears that I held during this episode. Teacher! Sabo! No!


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Yes, such a sad sad episode. My heart felt like it was ripping in thousands of pieces the whole time. It was agonizing to watch bong soo and young shin together achingly wanting to be together but something greater and more dangerous is preventing them to. On the other hand, I pray that teacher didn't die. It will defiantly destroy jung hoo so much because he had lost the few most important people in his lifetime.

God I swear his loneliness just tears my heart right open. Please someone give him happiness. :( :(


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Just out of curiosity, I'm just wondering if you can help me out. How do get your texts to be all bold, italics, underlined, ccrossed-ou, etc on dramabeans. I've been trying to do but failed miserably haha. Care to help a fellow beanie out? :)

Love you thanks in advance! ♥


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Lol AnnaAkana you simply do this...

Bold.... place words here and do this without the spacing in between the parenthesis

Italics and close

Etc.... hold that helps :)

Healer Fighting


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Lol I tried to show it to you but it bolded right away..let me try again..:)

place words here but do it without the spacing between the parenthesis..for italics replace the letter 'b' with 'i' hope that helps


AnnaAkana lol sorry last time.

For bold place the letter b between and when your done writing, put this on the end /b between

You would do the same for italics but instead of b, it's the letter I.



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Between this type of parenthesis


You can use the following tags Bold Italic Underline.



Did I tell you how much I love you? Thank you so much!! Thanks to you I was finally able to learn what it was called and was able to properly google it - HTML. I just learnt a whole bbunc. The reason I asked was because I'm responsible for reposting some analyses I found on Tumblr and a lot of the times those analyses use bold, italics, underlines, and deleted out words. So every time I copy and paste into here, the meaning gets lost because I didn't know how to do it. I've just learnt a lot of new things today thanks to you. It made me think I must be living under a rock all this time haha.

On top of reading your comments I just learnt how to do the rest here http://www.w3schools.com/htmL/html_formatting.asp

Okay let me give it a try and see if it works:

small text


Haha okay I'm still new at this, but it looks like only bold, italics, and delete works. The rest doesn't :(

But it's still very cool! Thanks heaps :D ♥




Just gave underlining and highlight another go so fingers crossed I hope it works

PS. Sorry JB, I'm just learning here, I hope you don't mind this. This will be my last one :D


Guess it didn't work :(


LOL thanks guys for tutorial ♥


AnaAkana lol :)

You did it. I tried copying and pasting the html codes but it still went through and you still couldn't see the proper way to do. Lol glad you finally got it :)




Lol. @test haha

Looks like all of us are learning something new at DB. You beanies are awesome for helping out one another. I love this community!


I want to give it a test too...

Healer Fighting!
I wonder if this will work





Yes..it's so saaaaddd
*grab a bunch of tissue*
RIP Teacher..
Uwaaaaaaaa T.T


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I was crying at this scene too *sobs*


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me too :(


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Thank you for the recap! Some people might have come across this, however I thought I would mention it, since some of us were talking about this last week. I saw this on one of the Healer’s FB pages: https://www.facebook.com/HealerKoreanDrama

[Healer Director's Cut DVD Set/ Blu-ray]
Korean fans in the consultation to purchase "Healer" Director's Cut.
For details, please go to Healer DVD office website: http://cafe.daum.net/healerdvd
If you are interested in purchasing it, please send an email to [email protected] with subject line "Preliminary Survey"
And fill in the following information:
1. Name (English)
2. State where you are from (English)
3. I want to buy the number of (quantity)
4. DVD or Blu-ray
Note: Participation does not mean purchasing is obligatory.
What is Directer's cut? Re-Edited episodes by the director with commentaries, actors/actresses' interviews, unreleased BTS footage and out-takes plus all kind of goodies .

Back to the drama. I am loving the evolution of MH noona, in the way that she is starting to distance herself from KMS, and question things. My wishes might come true, if she ends up playing a big (or significant) part in solving what happened 20 years ago. It is great to see the chasm that is happening, between KMS and her. And what a chasm, it seems to be.

I didn’t expect Teacher to die in this ep., and I was sad to see him go. Besides having to distance (even more) himself from his mom, SJH lost another person he loved. It’s a good thing that won’t happen with CYS. I loved it when KMH told Healer, “the woman I love is here. Please open the door,” and CYS showed up. That was so sweet. I wonder if KMH sensed the tension between Healer and CYS. And SJ continues to be funny. I love his reactions in the show, and the way Healer ignored him, when he handed him the cameras.

Well, I guess CYS knows now, who Healer is. I loved their scene at the hospital, and the one at the café (of course). I am also impressed by the fact that, even though their romance has been “pink” so far, their confessions to each other, and their romantic interactions feel so intimate, and so sensual at times. That’s some chemistry. And the look of longing Healer had on his face, while CYS was telling him the things she would like to do with him (Swoon, and awww). I also feel that hands are quite significant for this couple: the holding of hands, the “barely there” touching of hands, etc… After all, that is how CYS finally realized that PBS was Healer.

I LOVED, loved, loved CYS scene with her dad. That is one good and devoted man she has (besides the ajussis [sp?]) It was so touching to see the two of them, and hear how CYS came to be a part of that family. And I loved how she put simply her head on her dad’s arm, looking as if she knew that she could always lean on him.


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Myung Hee is also one of the characters I'm on the lookout for. I know she's a strong woman deep down, she just needs some time to free herself from Moon Shik's grasp.

It makes me so glad that KMH hasn't turned into a third wheel. The way I see it, he's actually playing matchmaker between JH and YS. And "the woman I love" bit was just to tease JH and make him jealous (because it's sooooo obvious)!

Agree with the chemistry thing! I can't believe the amount of *cough* sexual tension between them, when there's barely any skinship!


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Hello there Omomo, How you be? :-)

I think there are some comments you left me in epis. 11 and 12 I never got to answer to. Regarding joining you guys in the pool of drool, that looks well… wet and… slimy, so I will let you guys enjoy! :-) Also, though I like (or maybe really like JCW), I think some of guys love him more :-) so I thought I would leave you in like-minded company :-) In RE: to my comment about leaving JCW to you (and not fighting you or GB, or some of the other beanies for him), as your brain told you (already), YES you are (such a fangirl)!!!! I understand the love though, I have been there :-)

I really love MH, she has such a presence. I watch every ep. Intently, however, I am literally glued to the screen, when she comes on. I am hoping that writer-nim will give her sth significant in RE: to solving the mysteries, and continuing to unravel for us, who KMS and the Elder are (and other players). I look forward to her reunion with CYS, that one will be, ouf… (will be very moving, I imagine). I wouldn’t be surprised if when they 1st meet, neither one knows that they are related, though CYS’s reaction today, at seeing the pix was interesting. And I agree with you, once she frees herself from KMS’s grasp, it will be interesting to see what happens.

I am glad KMH is not a 3rd wheel either. So you think he knows SJH loves CYS? There was that look on his face, when he asked SJH to go open the door, so you could be right. KMH playing matchmaker? Hum… I don’t know. RE: the sexual tension, you are so right! It’s there already! And everything they have done so far has been so innocent, yet there are all these feelings and wants, and longings! I just LOVE how their romance started, and how it has progressed. I LOVE that they can convey so much, with the kind of skinship they have (or barely have), and with all the double-entendre conversations that take place. I look forward to the next kiss, considering where they are at, emotionally, and in the plot. So do you think SJH knows, or suspects that CYS knows, that he is, Healer? Maybe not (yet)? Since he seemed relieved, when he found the little star in his car.

On a different note, I am curious about Det. Yoon’s involvement in things now, since “Healer” died in front of him. I am also patiently waiting to find out (fully) who KMS really is, and what Elder means to him. I love that so many men are protective of CYS: her dad, the ajusshis, SJH, KMH. I am glad that even though she doesn’t have friends, she has a strong community. It seems that you and I might have the same subs. Did yours had CYS saying, “West would have meant 10mns hugging, (or 10secs)?”


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what a night for bongsookie. you got a 3-fold lost tonight. you gain access, to what your desire for so long, meet your mom and mentor, meet your girl finally almost in your real self.. you lost all 3of them in one night...think i am going to remember your character for a long long long time, even after your show end at ep 20.. yes, not so much because you looked handsome like Jichangwook... but because somewhat that stupid writer of Healer really managed to make my heart sincerely wrenched for your plight.. such a poor poor poor brave brave bongsookie.


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@ Mary of Bethany: I loved what you said, so well said. Though I didn’t feel that PBS lost his girl, he simply didn’t have her fully yet, which is why I think CYS decided to patiently wait (for Healer to come to her), because she is already his, and she told him that. I feel the same you do about PBS/Healer/SJH: I will remember him long after the drama is over (he is one of my favorite characters), and yes, much credit goes to writer SJN, to the director, and to JCW. Like you, I have been able to feel all that Healer feels. I loved this, ” such a poor poor poor brave brave bongsookie.”


"It was so touching to see the two of them, and hear how CYS came to be a part of that family."

This scene was also such a nice tie-in to how CYS is choosing to let Healer to come to her in his own timing, rather than forcing the issue into the open.


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Hi Gidget,
FYI, I left you a response in one of the previous recaps (either last week or the week before). I did love how CYS "protected" Healer. Not saying anything at the hospital, covering for him when he couldn't answer about his dongsaeng being at the hospital, etc... giving him the opportunity to come to her when he is ready. t Yet, she wanted to make sure that she would see him again, b/c she is as much in love with him, as he is with her.


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yeah with all the action there is no need for an actual love triangle. and moon ho was totally messing with jung hoo when he said cys was "the woman he loved" esp since he DOES love cys but not in /that/ way. its clear he still sees her as a cute baby sister even now. which i love cuz otherwise i would have found it creepy tbh and wholly unnecessary for plot or romance angst. as we can see there's plenty of that as is! i rly like moon ho tbh as a character and heir apparent to where the original 5 left off before all the tragedies overtook them. hopefully junghoo and youngshin will be part of the New Gen of rabble rousers in their parents places.


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@ Tai,
I agree with you that there is no need for an actual love triangle. I didn't think KMH would have romantic feelings about CYS, and I am glad we were right about that. I also do love that he loves her dearly, as he loves her mom also (who loves him back). So KMH was messing with SJH, huh? Interesting... I had not seen that, when I watched the ep. I also like KMH as a character. Let's see if this happens, "hopefully junghoo and youngshin will be part of the New Gen of rabble rousers in their parents places."


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@ Ivoire. Agree with almost everything you say.

My fav scene in this was the one with her dad. It was so beautiful, the dad was so understanding. I felt that when the dad said that he waited for her when he was first adopting her, it was as if drawing a parallel to JH and YS, as if, YS was thinking then I should wait for JH to admit he is Healer and come to me too, and the pain would be worth it at the end, and you can almost see her calming down and relaxing at her dad's words. Far-fetched?

Also, my second favorite scene, the cafe scene was roar. Their chemistry is not something to make fun of, shit.

Finally, I like that Myung Hee is getting smarter in terms of MS, BUT I'm really, really worried that it is going to push him over the edge further, if possible, and that is scarrrrryyy!!!!


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Hello azfih, good to read your thoughts :-)

I loved what you said in your 1st #, and no, I don’t think that it is far-fetched. It is quite plausible. I love that scene, because it reminded me of some of the comments by beanies who wished there were more scenes with the dad, and that was answered in this ep. I love CYS’s dad. He can be tough, yet there is a gentleness and a strong protective side to him. He can also be a patient man, and that says a lot. For me, that scene reminded me of the one of CYS and her dad at the park, when he 1st sang to her, and gave her the power to “shut him on or off”. I love that he didn’t push her, and he waited (and as he said, he would have waited some more). I really loved your perspective, I had not thought of that. I LOVE CYS’s relationship with her dad, how she can lean on him. I don’t know how she would move to an island, and leave her dad behind. And Healer will eventually follow in her dad’s footsteps, we know he is totally devoted to CYS. I found interesting that she asked her dad why he loved her, as if she didn’t deserve it.

Yeah, that café scene, I could feel the chemistry coming from my computer screen. I love how tentative SJH was, trying to touch CYS. The hesitation… You could feel him longing to do just that, and yet, as JB said, he might not be ready to out himself. And that makes me LOVE how JCW communicates that battle in himself. No words said about that, just the way SJH conveys the whole struggle. I love that JCW/Healer is given a gamut of emotions to portray, and he is doing it well.

Like you, I love that MH is getting smarter, and yes, I am a little worried about her. I am so curious about that cup that KMS pushed over the edge (and how platonic he remained), and what that might mean. Did he do something like that (to MH) in the past, or is he considering doing that in the near future, if she continues to probe?


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@ Ivoire

"I found interesting that she asked her dad why he loved her, as if she doesn't deserve it".
Yeah! That scene broke my heart. She looked so small and insecure. But she is lucky that her adopted Dad is such a kind and loving man. He is her rock.

The second comment - I will write an intelligent comment... *melts to the floor remembering* (Sorry this is a trend of mine, when something gets too steamy, I melt) :p

I think the cup being pushed to the edge is literally a representation that the fact that MH is rejecting has pushed him over the edge. Almost like he has wholly crossed over to the dark side?


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@ azfih,

Yes! You are right, she did look small and insecure, when she asked that question. When I heard her say that, I felt like she was wondering (maybe?) why Healer liked her. What would make him like her? So she talked to her dad, about what was attractive about her. Maybe she was also trying to understand why PBS had to lie to her, for so long. So the lying might not have been the problem, but why he continued, when he knew how she felt about him. And I agree with you, her dad is an awesome dad!

I LOVED your 2nd comment, so funny!!!! :-)

About this, "I think the cup being pushed to the edge is literally a representation that the fact that MH is rejecting has pushed him over the edge. Almost like he has wholly crossed over to the dark side?" You could be right. KMS was already in the dark side, so maybe he will be more into it? It was just interesting how deliberate he was, in pushing that cup, and its execution.


@azfih I understood the YS decision to wait for JH the same way. That scene between YS and dad was truly amazing, I´m such a sucker for sweet father-daughter relationships and these two are just adorbs!


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Yeah, that conversation had crazy layers to them! So meaningful!


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I loved their convo and their father-daughter relationship. Such a heartwarming one :)


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Thanks for the recap. Holy crap. 300 and more comments already?

OMG, this episode. That scene in the hospital was soooo awkward and tension-filled. SO delicious. I love my OTP with a side of angst.

And then the scene at the cafe, the way their hands grazed and then he reached back...OMG, I CANNOT. *flail*

I agree with the recap, that Young Shin feels betrayed by Bong Soo and it does make sense. I mean, from what we can see, Young Shin doesn't have a best friend, her life revolves around her work, that's pretty much it. And then Bong Soo came and she poured her heart to him, their nightly chats were comfortable and sweet. Bong Soo has become her best friend so....the fact that he was lying to her all the time stung like a bitch.

AND TEACHER!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Geez, that scene between Jung Hoo and his mom, and the flashback, I sobbed.

So much goodness.


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@ Julia,

You summed it so well, "So much goodness!" I love that the drama is keeping its quality, ep. after ep. About this, "OMG, this episode. That scene in the hospital was soooo awkward and tension-filled. SO delicious. I love my OTP with a side of angst." I am with you there. I LOVED the hospital scene, so many layers.
And about this, "And then the scene at the cafe, the way their hands grazed and then he reached back…OMG, I CANNOT. *flail*" Hahaha, I loved your reaction!

You know, when I watched the ep. I didn't think deeply about CYS's perspective, RE: feeling betrayed by PBS, but you and JB have a point. She was betrayed, though PBS/SJH didn't mean to hurt her. Maybe he didn't know how and when to tell her? I wanted to see CYS continue to develop feelings for PBS more, before the reveal.

I am there with you on this one as well "Geez, that scene between Jung Hoo and his mom, and the flashback, I sobbed." I love all of Healer's scenes with his mom.


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That missed touch when JH swung his arm back wildly to try and grab hold of her...it was sooooo full of meaning. You could see his regret, and his longing, and yet his insecurity at telling her the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That moment when he told her, "Surely he has a good reason." sounded like he was begging her to understand him (or rather, his alter ego)... and I loved it when she replied, looking him straight in the eye, "Surely he does. But I'm still furious."


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And I loved that moment of understanding between both. That there is a good enough reason and she acknowledges that.

You got to love Young Shin for that, after all she has been through with Healer and Bong Soo, from DNA test to kissing her to not confessing, the way she understood and make the decision to wait, it says volumes about the kind of person she was ( a kid refusing to come out of hole ) to trusting her dad to trust a mysterious person and now to trust Jung Hoo.


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@ Divyrus, I loved your analysis. I had not thought of that, CYS's journey in how she came to trust and wait on a stranger (and the people who helped her along the way, to get there).


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Yaaahhhh.... They are sooo good in mixing delicate skinship with passionate love :) in every episode they just surprize me with that, I played already 10 times the scene of that missed touch.

And I am happy that inspire of choosing east she gave him half hug of 5 seconds ;)


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This, "They are sooo good in mixing delicate skinship with passionate love." Yes, they are...


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haha so true


WOW!!!! @ Rainerust,

I soooo love your perspective! I had not thought of that (all those meanings). I also thought interesting that he swung his arm back WHEN she was already out of reach, which to me, conveyed that hesitation I mentioned earlier. He wants to tell her, he really wants to, BUT… he is also afraid, insecure. Remember that he also hesitated (briefly) when he kissed her? And the way he slowly closed his right hand, felt like an opportunity he had (which he did), yet he missed it (when she decided to leave, since he was not fessing up), and yes, he regretted it. I also loved how she barely put her head on his chest, letting it rest there for a min. And SJH wanting to hug her then (and then she moved). That scene was awesome. I watched the ep. live this morning, and when the subs were out, I was dying to know what they said to each other during that scene. I also seriously LOVED how he looked at her, during that entire scene.

On a different note, I find (younger) KMS so full of restraint. I watched him in today’s ep., and I realized that he (almost) never smile, yet he smiled (barely) in this ep. He seemed happy to see Healer, and I wished Healer/Teacher would have listened to him, that day in the hospital.


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@Ivoire Re: Moon Shik - I think it's actually probably what drove the nail in deeper for Moon Shik, when Young Jae refused to listen to his excuses - his two friends were dead (for reasons yet that we don't know), Myung Hee was in danger, he had lost Ji-an, and then Young Jae came to the hospital showing him what he did not want to see - the cracks in his own soul.

It's the role that Young Jae plays in the 5 friends; he's basically the fool (see Shakespeare) who reflects the painful truth even though he always seems smiley and jokey. I thought it was especially clear where he told MS to fess up to liking Myung Hee, and get rejected so he could cry and let it all go and go back to being friends, and then again in this hospital flashback, where he basically asked Moon Shik what exactly he had done such that he could have gotten a promotion and a 'step up in life' when all his friends were dead, or dying, or missing in their vigilant pursuance of the truth.


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@ Rainerust, again I love your perspective in your 1st #, especially this, “Young Jae came to the hospital showing him what he did not want to see – the cracks in his own soul.” I had noticed that KMS always seemed to be on the fringes of their friendship, almost like he was never fully in. You never see him play with the others, laugh, or smile. Maybe half a smile, but not fully smiling. He never seems happy. It kind of makes me wonder why he was friends with that group in the 1st place, really. I can assume that they maybe met at school, or in college, and they all loved media, or were interested in it. But why did he continue to hang out with them? Was it once again because of MH?

About your 2nd #, you make another good point. KMS seems to hold a lot of things inside. He never confessed to MH (when they were younger), and that could have tainted/damaged his “friendship” with the other four. And I agree with you that the question he asked KMS (about what he had done), was an important one. The sad thing is that KMS had already rationalized why he did what he did. Some beanies in previous recaps’ comments mentioned that, that was part of the problem with KMS, that his distorted version of what is acceptable, and the way he justifies things in his mind is very troubling, and it is. That also makes him feel that he can continue to do what he does, killing people (by not having a direct hand in it), steal important info (with KC, who died), manipulate and change the truth in the media, etc… I might be alone in this, however I really love how KMS is portrayed and I love the actor who plays him. He is very nuanced in his body language, and in his facial expressions. I also appreciate how slowly the writer is peeling the layers of every character in the drama, and how things from the past are revealed, in a measured way. I personally like KMS (not what he does). What would the drama be, without him?

You know, I had some questions about previous episodes, and I thought that maybe you could help me figure them out. 1-In ep. 11, I don’t know if you noticed it, and if you might remember, however, there was a scene where KMH was talking to Healer, and it sounded as if he called him, “Jeong-hoo-ni.” I don’t remember if it was in KMH’s kitchen, or in the junkyard, but I remember (thinking) that I heard something like that. Did you? 2-Ajumma reads all of Healer’s emails, right? So she probably knew the whole content of CYS’ email to Healer (he did stop her, when she started reading the email to him). I was just curious about that. 3-My last question is about Healer’s glasses in ep. 12. I know we saw on the board of the car, how he could see the images and written characters Ajumma would send to him, but does that mean that those are actually appearing on his glasses, and that is how he could see? They don’t reflect that far off, do they? I hope my question makes sense.


@Ivoire Hope you are still reading this given Ep 14 just came out HAHAHAHA

Re: your questions 1) I thought he was calling him Jong-Ho (his real name) rather than Bong Soo, but I could be wrong. 2) Yup I'm pretty sure Ahjumma filters Healer's emails and decides on what jobs they can do or makes the first cut decision before letting JH know (he obviously makes the final choice). 3) Yup the images were appearing on his glasses - think Google Glass type technology (which apparently has been piloted by the healthcare industry and was great except its way too expensive to be mass produced for now. I assume if we wait another 2 to 3 years that would change though).

Hope this helps!!


Hello Rainerust,

Yep, I am still here. I just got done watching ep.14 raw, which I found to be beautifully done (some thought it was slow). Though I didn’t understand a lot of it, (language-wise), I did “understand” a lot of it, if not all of it. I had a sense of what was happening, and why. I credit the writing and the acting for that. And I have said it before, however I really LOVE the music in this drama, the compositions they have, and how they come into the scenes. I find myself bopping my head to some of the songs. Also, I know it has been said before, yet I find interesting the parallels this drama has with City Hunter (in RE: to the heroes, what happens to them, around them, to the people they love. CH lost his “mom” in that drama, and that drove him crazy). I won’t say more, so I don’t spoil. Also, JCW is a really good actor, that was confirmed again in ep.14.

RE: my questions: 1-Yes, KMH called Healer JH, but one time, I am quite sure I heard him say “JH-ie,” because that got my attention, and I wondered if I had heard right. 2-OK, makes sense. 3-OK! Makes sense that the healthcare industry would pilot those glasses, with all the information medical professionals need, that could be useful to them. Once again, your answers helped! Thank you, I appreciate that!!


"that grabbing... that holding of hands... that slight touching of fingers..." all are his only means of telling her what words cannot... an ensuring her how he felt. wanting to comfort her when the dilemma of hurting her more if she knows... every time, he got her arms, hands.. even, when after she told him about wanting to hug and kiss, then he managed to hold her back, and almost wanting to confess... then he hold back again.... yes, the begging for forgiveness and understanding in hinting "he has a reason"... she left again, but this time round, when he need most , he missed when he try grabbing, love that part when he swung back wildly to grab... ouch, we all felt the regrets, the pain, the anguish...... poor boy.


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I feel like after watching all these episodes of Healer, there's some kind of emphasis on hand holding. Like their hands are significant for their relationship and tells a great deal of how they feel. Even YS figured out Healer's identity through hand holding...just something about those hands makes it so intimate and sensual. I love how the writer have written it like this ♥


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meniscus, don't know if you're going to still see this since recap 14 is out...

I felt that the hands were used as a metaphor in this episode:

CYS'S Dad, reaching out and waiting for CYS - acceptance, love, trust

CYS and BS grazing hands - (so much tension in that microsecond shot), repressed passion but hot dang, undeniable chemistry

BS's backwards grab - longing, insecurity, regret

MY slowly but firmly removing her hands from KMS - distancing herself from him

All beautifully done :_)


I couldn't more agreed with you @Ivoire.. your 'sensual' word mafes me squueee..
Gaahh.. our OTP is killing me


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I couldn't more agreed with you @Ivoire.. your 'sensual' word makes me squueee..
Gaahh.. our OTP is killing me


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@ NovaKarlina, yeah, some of their scenes are quite sensual, and feel very intimate, though I am really impressed that the gestures themselves are quite innocent, which is why I love them so...


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I agree :D


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@ meniscus, thank you! :-)


Hi, Ivoire! Agree with all your points. I hope myung hee finds some thing out. She lives with him after all.
I didn't expect the teacher to die too. I'm afraid of what this will do to jung hoo . All that Jung hoo has that's left of his teacher are their memories. And that one picture that every one has. It always felt like Jung hoo never hated his teacher even after he abandoned him. In episode 12, he recalls what teacher taught him, applies it and then says that old man probably never even did what he talked about. I really liked their mentor - student relationship.


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@ Saema, hi! :-)

Thank you for your words in the "Odds and Ends: All Hail the Power of the Squee." I understand what you were trying to do, and I appreciate it. Staying within the confines of ep.13, I too am concerned about JH and how Teacher's death would affect him. Teacher left JH before, but he was alive, and he eventually came back. JH would be angry at him, but he loved Teacher, and he loved his company. This time though, Teacher left, and he is not coming back. And as someone said earlier, Teacher died, b/c JH decided to fall for the trap, when it turned out that his mom was not in danger, after all. They just made it look that way. If I were Healer/JH, I would feel guilty as well, tbh, because of the way Teacher died (but because of why. That was more between KMS and Teacher).

About this, " I really liked their mentor – student relationship." I did too...


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@Ivorie You are right on their romance.
Its so sensual at times.
I usually dont like in kdramas how they separate the skinship from love like its another bridge you got to cross. Most of the time , its a natural process that goes together. And I like how they have developed their entire romance in similar way. It just feels so natural to have her talking about all the things she would like to do and how she is angry and she is holding it in.
Poor Jung Hoo, how much can he hold it in!


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@ Divyrus,

About this, “You are right on their romance. Its so sensual at times.” It is, isn’t it? I also love their timing, in their scenes. They must rehearse those scenes, to make them look effortless and fluid.

What did you mean here, “I usually dont like in kdramas how they separate the skinship from love like its another bridge you got to cross?”

I tend to like how they do skinship in Kdramas, because it has made me appreciate that process, that time, and what skinship means in terms of how far the characters are in the relationship. I loved that conversation CYS had with JH, and how she was letting him know how she was feeling, and what she was thinking, knowing that he was Healer. She didn’t mince her words, yet she was also transparent about her longing for him, and about her desires. I loved how SJH turned to her, when she mentioned that she wanted to kiss him, and that look he had, when he looked at her. I am really appreciating, and really loving how JCW can say a lot about what his character is feeling, without actually saying a word. That’s really good acting, and becoming the character. And yes, poor JH, how much has HE been holding in, and for how long?


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Hi everyone!
I am yet another dramabeans' silent reader but this drama just deserved all the thousands comments it gets, and I just can't stand still on the side without participating in the history in the making.
Few things: Firstly, the main casts are well appointed (I ship jcw and pmy) , their acting are just superb. I truly enjoyed reading all comments here.

.. And it is a refreshing to see awesome acting by JCW. he can just relay so much emotion with his eyes and other subtle body movement. I just found him sooooo irresistibly sexy.

@ivoire: your comments are very insight full, it is amazing how you can churn so much thinking so fast... I think I read it somewhere that you took notes while watching. Still reading them is a delight, just to think of it, it is like a book club, alas a Kdrama Club B-)

Anyway great chemistry between our OTP, can't wait to see more.... And the interaction of the other characters. This drama is of collectible qualities!



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Your right,the hands,the fingers, the fingers say everything.
They have some serious chemistry these two and as I was watching I kept thinking they are amazing actors it's hard to believe it's not real. Especially at the hospital, so incredibly akward and layered,I was so nervous and anxious it's not even funny, I even forgot to breathe for a bit.
I enjoyed the teacher 's scenes immensely, he was awesome with his taunting, I sang along to his papa bear song that I learned from Full house.I'm sad he died,but he was cool till the very end.
Oh, Ivore thanks for saying you loved my comment in the previous recap,for some reason it made me immensely happy.please do watch Empress ki, it's the best drama I watched last year and for a long drama,it doesn't have any lulls in-between, it's incredibly addictive,I've personally rewatched it 4 times.it's up there for me with Coffee prince,My lovely Kim Sam soon and secret garden.Dvds that I don't travel without. I envy you to be able to watch it for the first time, the feels ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭


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@ k lava,

You know, with the importance and the many scenes their hands have in this drama, they (SJH and CYS) have developed their own communication style (kind of), it seems. They made me rethink what it means (or can mean) to hold hands, and the many ways in which couples can hold hands or do things with hands. Hands are very important, we do so much with them, in so many capacities. In this drama, as lovers, they made me rediscover how you can have limited skinship, and yet have passion, intimacy, and sensuality. Not bad, not bad at all.

And yes, they do have really good chemistry, I agree. And not only in the romantic scenes, but whenever they are together, in a scene. I liked what you said here, “They have some serious chemistry these two and as I was watching I kept thinking they are amazing actors it’s hard to believe it’s not real. Especially at the hospital, so incredibly awkward and layered, I was so nervous and anxious it’s not even funny, I even forgot to breathe for a bit.” The hospital scene was a great one, which conveyed a lot, in not only what they said to each other, but also through what was not being said. It was a great scene, really well done. I loved that moment, when CYS asked about the donsaeng knowing where he was, and SJH looked at her, and he had this long pause, because he didn‘t know how to get out of that one, so she gave him an excuse. As JB said, even he knew he was in trouble, as far as covering for himself.

About this, “he was awesome with his taunting.” Yes, Teacher was. It was like he knew how to get under KMS’s skin, and he did, every time he taunted him. So did you learn the Bear song in the drama Full House with Rain? (I was just curious).

About this, “Oh, Ivore thanks for saying you loved my comment in the previous recap, for some reason it made me immensely happy.” You are very welcome!!!! I did love your comment. I usually try to respond to comments, or/and add my 2cents worth to other beanies’ comments, however I don’t always manage to do it. So I am really glad that you actually saw my comment, and that it made you happy. Thank you again for your recommendation, and for letting me know that there is no lull moment in that 50 ep. drama (which I was dreading). That will encourage me to watch it, and I will prepare myself to experience many feels :-) Can I squee with you then? Where can I find you when Healer is over? Are you on OT? Or do you want to exchange emails addresses? (I have done it here before). And because as you said, the drama is addictive, I will wait until I have more time to start it :-) How long ago did you buy the DVD, and where? And you travel with it? Cool!!!!!


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thank you for posting info about the DVD
they said in their fancafe that it comes with Eng Subs for the drama but that if we want directors comment and interviews to be subbed we need to show a lot of interest (in other words they want a lot of ifans to answer that survey)

Please if you are thinking that you may want to buy it, just reply to the survey and express interest in having interviews subbed in english.


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@ nutella,
You are welcome! And thank you for letting us know, that if international fans would like the interviews, and the additional features (on the DVD) to be subbed in English, we will need to let them know. I intend on doing that. Do you have an idea of how much the DVD might cost, please?


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This is a repost in case you missed this. :)

(From Ep 12 Recap Comments 447 from Nutella and 465 from R. Thanks to both of you!)
For those who are interested in a Healer DVD Director’s Cut, e-mail with
– subject “Preliminary Survey”
– name
– country
– number of copies / DVD or blue-ray
“... to [email protected] to let us know that you’re interested in purchasing the DVD/Blu-Ray. Participation does not mean purchase is obligatory.”


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also we need to make sure to mention that we are interested in interviews and directors commentary to be subbed, they said they are waiting to see the amount of interest to see if it is something they should do or not

Thanks for posting this


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Thanks for this info! I'm gonna definitely buy a DVD for myself as a graduation gift hehe


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Sub-thread: LETTER to All who pass this way

1)If you’re surprised that there are so few sub-threads on this first page, it’s because other than the RATINGS, FANS PROJECT, LOVELY LINKS and WHERE WE ARE, we’ve decided to post all others in pages 3 onwards. So please use keys ‘CTRL+F’ to search ‘sub-thread’ to locate them.

2)In 4 weeks, we are going to be adrift without recaps *shuddering at the thought* and our withdrawal symptoms are going to be super acute without Drool Pool or HRUSG to turn to. So a few of us mooted this idea... let’s meet up at Open Thread. I’m going to go on Open Thread for as many Fridays as I can, and add a Comment There to All Healer Lovers … then I’ll be constantly watching it to find you my fellow Healer lovers/addicts. So if you’d like to ‘meet up’, you can go there too and search: ‘Healer Lovers’. If you do not find the ‘Healer Lovers’ sub-thread, you can create that sub-thread in OT yourselves too and the rest of us can then find you. What do you think? :)


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I love the idea of 'meeting up' at least once a week in the OTs after Healer ends. Because I wouldn't know how to survive otherwise. Oh, the tragedy!

And thanks for the tip about the DVD! I'll be sending an email asap!


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I don't usually say much in OT cos by the time I wake up, OT's usually pretty much over, but I'll stop by and say hi if I'm ever on at the same time you guys are. ;) I have enjoyed squeeing with you guys over Healer in the last couple of weeks - it's been absolutely awesome.


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It's a great idea-meeting up on OT. I'd love to do that. ☺


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I will definitely be stalking the OT on look out for fellow depressed Healer addicts after the show ends. We should be able to tell where we are by all the sad faces and the "what do I do with my life now" posts, haha. But seriously speaking, I will be on the lookout for ya'll on OT after the drama ends (coughneverendinginmyheartcough)


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Aaaah thanks for taking charge hon. We need that! Healer lovers fighting. ;-)


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@GB that's a great idea - I love the meet up every week. We can hang out there to talk every Friday. I'll be diligent beanie and probably will go from our recap thread to OT :)


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Thanks Bonsookie! I look forward to chatting with you. Do you mean to start this Friday? IE move back and forth from Healer to OT thread? We can do that too. :)


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The meet up is a great idea @GB!


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omg thank you for this. aaaaamazing episode AGAIN. This show will be the end of me seriously. Also love all the developments into a bigger story, I feel like this show will have the momentum going into the final stretch of something greater than the sum of our beloved characters! Perhaps at the expense of a happier ending, but that's what great stories and great writing are :)


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Yea, the momentum, i hope the show keeps it up! So many things happening all at once, not just with the conflicts, but with the romance! the romaaaaance!!!

Can you imagine a better first confrontation than the one in the cafe? wow, not that JH confessed or YS called him out on being healer, but well, it was a more poignant revelation of identity and feeling. And i can't believe how expressive JCW's eyes are!!!


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Definitely the best first confrontation. Am sure we were all kind of hoping it would be cute and exciting and fun but this makes their story much better.

Cutting to the fun part o finding they are the same is exciting for us, but for Young Shin it was more about trust and hurt. I was glad that was not overlooked. That her anger and hurt is there for all to see.


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Absolutely right, @Div! When everything's cleared up, the pain would hopefully give way to happiness and giddyness (LOL) that her Healer-crush was there beside her all along because try as he might, he couldn't stay away, thus being BSookie was the best he could think of... Coz honestly, what's better than kissing Healer and hugging BSookie? It's knowing they're one and the same, right? But that's for later... now, we wallow with all that longing... as of the moment i am swimming in the pools of sadness in Junghoo's eyes...


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His eyes are MADE for us to get LOST right?

Like that is the whole purpose of its creation.
The entire cafe sequence, the more I replay the scene, the more I am finding each single time!

The moment when they both finally acknowledge and come together is gonna be so sweet,sensual and heartfelt at same time!


JCW's eyes are the best...so expressive ♥



This show has captured my heart entirely, yet I couldn't tell you exactly the reason why. Its like a perfect recipe that you get accidentally while cooking, and you have no idea how much of each ingredient made the recipe so special.

I really thing Young-Shin's revelation was perfect, in both execution and timing. I could feel her anger and frustration at being tricked and lied to, and at the same time I feel angry and frustrated because she doesn't know the whole story yet. I wonder how long it will take for Healer to know that she knows...

CAN I ALSO SAY THAT I AM BEYOND HEARTBROKEN AT TEACHER'S DEATH? I did not see that coming. He was one of my favorite characters, with a complexity that we never were truly familiar with, and I feel that its a shame that we didn't get to use all of his potential. Just thinking about Jung Hoo/Healer's heartache is painful for me. I'm anticipating how he's going to handle it, and whether he'll lash out.

ALSO, THE ROMANTIC TENSION IN THIS EPISODE WAS TO DIE FOR. Knowing that Young Shin knows exactly what she's saying when she's talking about Healer to Bong Sookie/Bong Soo/Healer/Jung Hoo makes that entire conversation more complex and intriguing and squeeeeeeeworthy, and the funniest thing, he doesn't have a clue. Watching him pine is making ache for him in pity and I just want to hold them in a hug together, but I can't, so for now, I'll just hug myself and wait for tomorrow's episode.


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You are so right on that cooking comparison!!!
Its like all the ingredients are in such right volume that it cant be re-prepared no matter how many times with perfect instructions!!!

The Teacher's death - I was not prepared for this! I loved the way the actor pulled off his character. The tension in scene when old friends met , I was hoping him to be a formidable opposite, but to have him be snet of so cruelly like this!

And the ROMANTIC TENSION.. Its just too much. And For first time, am not concerned with when and how it would culminate and just LOVING this dynamic. Their love story and arc is one of the compelling that I have seen in recent times!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Sub-thread: LOVELY LINKS – managed by Giegie and Skyofblue

This sub-thread continues from Ep 11 and 12 Recaps and brings together a list of the links you sweet Beanies want to share with us.


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I saw this lovely art on instagram.
Chae young shin talking to Bong Sook over the phone.
When he hugs her in episode 12
When she cries over the phone and he looks up in frustration at his inability to do any thing. http://instagram.com/p/xySh0njW1r/
When he sees her in the red dress
Of them as kids
When he comforts her at hwang jae gook's place http://instagram.com/p/x--S54Gef1/

Her illustrations are amazing. You can see all of them here.


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Thanks for sharing these links @Saema. The person drawing it is very talented ♥


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You're welcome :) She is! looking at these pictures makes me want to watch those scenes again..


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Wow great links, thank you ♥


Sub-thread: WHERE WE ARE – managed by Giegie

Here’s where we come to, to find Beanies in our neck of the woods in case, you know, we want to meet up for soju and to marathon Healer re-runs together.
You can state: Country – Region/State (your name/moniker)


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Norway :D lol. Hope that there is someone on my side of the globe lol hahahaha


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WA Australia here :)


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USA :)


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(Repost from Ep 12, Comment 555. Thanks kappa!)
"AGB Nielsen ratings are out!
nationwide: - - - Seoul:
Healer 10.3% Healer: 11.3% (wohoooooo!!!!!)
Punch 10.4% Punch: 10.8%
We’re leading in Seoul!"

NOTE: The reason we are so hyped up on this thread is so that those who have not noticed Healer, do start to notice this lovely show. That being said, we are mindful that JB gets an email for every comment made!!!! Therefore to avoid jamming her inbox, we will try our best to post sorta high-brow and low-brow, analytical and descriptive, intellectual and feels-based discussions as show-related comments. Then when we can no longer contain ourselves, we are entitled to 1 looooong squee or groan, and although JB and GF say squeezing is welcome, we might then hold our peace. At least until we cannot contain ourselves any longer!!! :D I know, I know, this does not help much in reducing the comments explosion, but if we do not post *just* to raise the comment count, it will help somewhat. :)


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Record breaking targets:
1) Break the 1,065 comments record for odd numbered episodes (1,056, 1,048, and 1,065 so far as of 19 Jan 2015) and maybe head into that distant 2,000 zone.
2) We've broken the 3,000 comments total twice for even numbered episodes (4,027, and 3,280++ as of 19 Jan2015) We definitely want to do this 2 more times to beat K2H, who had 3 episodes go beyond 2,000. But also, shall we aim to go beyond 3K consistently? Yes?

OK Healer Lovers, let's go! Ga-ja! Fighting!


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HEALER-yaa.. fighting
So deeply truly and madly in LOVE with you ♥


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YES! let's do it :D I can't wait for ep 14's recap though,and if that recap gets <2301 comments then we have officially beat K2H's record in having 3 episodes with 2000 comments.

On another note, I absolutely love this episode and the way YS handled the truth in finding out who Healer is. She really cares and knows that she loves JH so she doesn't push him away nor do that noble idiocy like typical kdramas do. So this just cements why I love YS's character all the more. By far one of the best heroines I've come across Kdrama-land (the other being Choi In-ha from Pinocchio). :)


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Are we on track for this episode? it seems a bit slow lately, mainly bc a lot more ppl are spazzing on forums/twitter


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Yeahh this thread seems a bit slow lately :( Although it was an awesome episode with a cliffhanger but I can blame since episode 14 is 2x more awesome so I guess everyone wants to squee about next episdoe!


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YES!!! Healer Hwaiting!!!


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Healer 파이팅!


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So happy about the increase in ratings...I was hoping for Healer to break the 10% mark at the very least but it really is a solid drama :)


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unfortunatey, it went back down for ep 14...... TT TT i think i will try watching punch just to see how and why it's doing well in the ratings....i didn't watch it yet beause it seemed really depressing...but maybe i'll give a try too....still Healer is my favorite right now, just not in the mood for something dark though I do like Rae Won as an actor


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yea i am sad it went down :/ i dont really like melodramas but i think Korea really likes shows like that

I hope we stay around 10%. It does have some popularity in Korea and it usually trends on naver and other search engines. Also JCW has been trending after the episodes on many search engines. His character was trending yesterday on Daum.
But I am glad it has a lot international popularity. We are all under a Healer spell.


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OMG YAYYYYY! *dances around* I'm glad this show's ratings has increased! :DDD

Off to watch episode 13! EEEE :D


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So happy for the increase in ratings, cant wait to see what ep 14 rating will be like :)


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YAY!!!!! Healer!!!!!!!!! Is this for episode 12 or 13? I would really like to know if it for ep 13, because I know they have been wanting to hit the double digits. This show seriously does not get enough recognition.


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It's for ep 13..
So happy that finally it reaches double digits!

Next target, beat Punch n be the frst!


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Thanks and yay!!! Hope healer keeps going up in the ratings game!


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The ratings shown here are for Ep 12. Sorry, I too was not too sure. Ep 13 ratings will be shown under Ep 14 recap. But can also be seen under Comment 194 on this thread. :)


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Ah thanks for clarifying this @GB :)


yehey, Healer is up vs Punch on the rating race, so happy!!
now it's time to watch, so excited!!!


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Those 2 are always at neck and neck in ratings. So glad Healer is catching up. It even beat Punch at one point too.


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I was definitely one of those people so thank you. I always watch out for comment counts not only on this site but tv-related ones to see which is garnering the most attention. Would have never touched Healer if I hadn't noticed the spike in ep 8 and then the further spike in ep 10. Crazyyyyyyyyy.

Even told my friends about it and how it pique my interest, so I started watching it a couple days ago and man. Thank you people, thank you.

I do wish there was some sort of liking system on this site though. So I could just read the meaningful comments and not the one sentence squees. Wish Healer was being noticed on reddit....I wonder if it'd be too much to make a post advertising it. Like "Guys WTF WHY ARE YOU NOT WATCHING THIS???"


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YES! you should totally do a posting in reddit. I watched this drama thanks to all the people here garnering so much interest for the show. And I have not regretted this decision despite almost graduating and needing time to complete a thesis. This drama has been something I look forward to when taking a break from writing. It's so good to vent my excitement here with everyone (even though I am always late to join the party...can't be helped really).


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Oh yeah, as for the liking system...DB used to have a +1 button back then. Now I'm not sure why it disappeared but I wish it comes back again so we can like comments.


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Yep. Teacher is #DEAD. TT_TT


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*cries in a corner* I'm trying to make myself believe that teacher isn't dead....he isn't dead!!


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*sobs* I kept chanting "he's not dead, he's not dead, he's not dead" over and over in my head.... :(


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@rainbowvows You can't die yet, there's another great episode waiting for you tomorrow/today (depending on where u at), so buckle up, then we can all die tomorrow and try to get resurrect next Monday shall we LOL :D


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I feel like each week is LONGER than the previous.
It's been getting more difficult to hold that breath for a week.


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You're right! As soon as Monday comes and Tuesday is over, it feels like the rest of the week is just draaagggiiingggg


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I feel your sentiments too! Each week feels longer too, but then again I have a deadline to meet each week with thesis writing so my week feels both long and fast at the same time!


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Uh, what's 13 is out?


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Ah I get it. I thought I missed some thing while I watched the episode :D


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How I felt the entire time,then waiting for subs.but I managed to get with full subs at 3 am on YouTube and immediately rewatched it then when I reached the east, West scene the video dissappeared Argh something to do with copyright laws or something. But it was good,so good.


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Hey, guise!

I thought I should bring to your attention some constructive criticism gathered from other Dramabean posts that we might try to keep in mind while enjoying each other's company. This is by no means trying to regulate what you say, but just a suggestion so that we can make it more inviting to others.

1) Let's make our posts productive. I am excited about the number of posts we are reaching and the drool-inducing looks of JCW, but maybe we can add such comments to the end of comments we are already making about the episode. For example, "the reveal of that secret was really intense and I'm so glad she finally knows.[etc.] P.S. I can't believe we reached 3000 comments!"

2) I don't mind long comments, but others seem to be intimidated by such. All I can suggest is just read through your comment before and see if there are any superfluous words or repetition happening? If you don't like to read through everything, a trick I use is ctrl+F and search for a word I remember in the post I'm looking for. You could also do this if you want to just find posts about Bong-sook or Young-shin for example.

3) Disagreements are cool. Let's not attack those who are not as hopelessly addicted to this drama as we are. You can make a counterclaim stating why you think they may be wrong, but be respectful. Also, if you are a person who doesn't like the drama, please review your comment and realize you are surrounded by those who really like the drama. We want to welcome all viewpoints, but consider that swooping in, saying "I hate this drama and y'all suck," then flying out might not be the best course of action. Let's make this into a good debate, not a fanwar.

Again, these are just some suggestions. You know I love y'all, right?


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@Crysta Hear, hear!


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Hear hear :)


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Thank you again JB for the speedy recap.

However, I would like to point a different interpretation on the scene at MH's apartment. It does not seem like MH is confessing his intentions (never got the 2nd lead vibe from MH wrt to YS, more like an uncle to a niece), I think he is teasing JH about his infatuation on YS.

Even when he handed out the assignments, there was a smile on MH's face as he was observing JH's reactions around YS. For someone as observant as MH, I think he has cotton on to YS-JH and I hope he will also actively get the OTP together, much like what Ahjumma did in Ep 12. Go, Uncle MH and stop with the back-and-forth ambiguity, I really want to like you and forgive you for the sin of silence *sob, sob*


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@autleaf Oh good, I totally got the same vibe you did too - I'm soooo hoping he plays matchmaker (like Ahjumma)!


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then again, uncle is only stating the truth: JiAn really is the girl he loves/likes, as a niece.

and everytime the reporter squads are in their office, i cant help thinking that its really looks like a family bussiness with the uncle mentoring his niece and nephew to succeded this business.


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Your comment on famil business made me go awwwww.

It really sounds so warm when you put it like that. I wish after its all done, they keep going on like this. Uncle with his nephew and niece.

But teacher's death has me worried about this show's ending.


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Yeahh I do feel the same moon Ho working as a matchmaker , he did not ask or tell anything to JH of his feelings fo YS.. But he has eyes and ears, he can see JH's concern about YS and what was JH's last condition??? Oh yeah, keep YS safe why??? Obviously because he loves her


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@Autleaf. Yeah, I saw that too, and even though he said that, he seems like he was teasing JH more than actually meaning he like YS in that way. He feels more like an uncle to YS than anything else, for sure.

And even if it is, I think it is too late to make him seem like a 2nd lead, especially cuz God knows we don't need one in this show. The first 2's chemistry is steamy enough. LOL


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WORD. +1


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+100 :P


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@Crysta I like point 3 a lot. I was considering stepping out of the comments page because it seemed like a lot of flaming was going on and really, I wanted DB to stay cool - I don't mind respectful disagreements, but I dislike it when people are disrespectful of others' feelings and comments on BOTH ends (whether you like or dislike the drama). Everything in moderation, guys!


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++1. Can't we all just love each other?

I get uncomfortable with all the insults being thrown around too. :(


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@ Omomo Yup! I'm all for the love!! ...was going to ask for world peace while I was at it but I think I shall stop while I'm ahead LOL


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Yep let's all share the love here ♥♥♥♥♥


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Woah, really? I must have missed these comments. I haven't noticed much negative energy on these threads...


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Me too. I'm blissfully unaware of those insulting comments.
Commenting should be fun n friendly.


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me too :)


Same here actually. Didnt get any negative comments and people have been very supportive of each other


@ Crysta. Yeah! I got flamed by a person who was insulting someone who was insulting us Healer fans, so I stopped responding before I went into a never ending time warp LOL

btw... just for jokes, but I think JCW eye comments are quite intelligent comments. I mean, he does most of his talking with his eyes doesn't he? I think along anaytical essay on them is something I would read 3000 comments of. LMAO XD


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You know @azfih, 7 out of 10 times I read a comment which resonates most with me and I click to reply, I see you are the commenter. :P

Am pretty sure our brains are twins here.

And yes answering to your comment, HIS EYES.
I wonder how he learnt that, to emote with his eyes! Wish there is a interview on how he acts! So many things in one instant!!!!!


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@ Divyrus
LMBO, same here. I love to read your comments because the resonate with me too *cheers*

I wonder if i write a poem of the many facets of JCW'S eyes, that would be considered literature and deep analysis right? Cuz I will do it!


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You totally should.

Actually that gives me a ridiculous yet brilliant idea, but I think I'll wait to implemement my plan until next episode's post.


There is this interview with JCW in Entertainment Weekly in KBS World, I think it's the New Year Edition. Even the interviewer was giddy during and after the interview. She got to measure The breadth of JCW shoulder!!!!
Maybe you can find the cut in YouTube.


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@azfih Hahaaaa! I guess the eye comments really go under the "intelligent ones"! With Healer it´s just a bit hard to hold yourself back, even if you know, you might be annoying to some people.
I´ve never commented on DB that much before, so I´m a little ashamed of spamming JB mailbox, but still, there´s so much to say!


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LOL, I'm only come out of lurking for a few dramas, and usually those are done and gone. This is one of the first times that I have commented so many times, that other people recognize my name LOL, So don't worry Eva, I feel you :D


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Completely agree with you, especially number three. I think the first one might be hard for us all to achieve, although I will definitely try. Thank you for the suggestions Crysta.


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thankyou for your suggestion.. :)
but honestly i'm only agreed with number three..


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Gaaah they killed Teacher. TT_TT

I’m not quite sure how I feel about him just yet. I think I like him, but my affection for him is nooooo way near my love for all the other characters on the good side. Tbh he’s a character I can take or leave, BUT!!! I know his death would cause Jung-hoo great great pain, and for that I’m so upset they killed him off. I mean, he didn’t even have his time to shine yet! I was hoping for him to team up with SJH and KMH in unraveling the mystery of the past, and it pains me that we’ll never see this anymore. I was also hoping to see the 3 remaining alive friends in a scene together, once and for all, for them to finally have it out and what not, and I hate the show for depriving it from them, and from us.

This is the first time I’m not looking forward to see the next Healer episode, as I’m not quite ready to see Jung-hoo so heartbroken yet.


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I'm especially sad that teacher got killed off after declaring that he'll protect our two baby bears *tears*

But this turn of events will definitely affect JH big time. We all know how protective he is of his loved ones. They are his kryptonite as hacker ajumma said. The death of teacher will probably push Jung Hoo over the edge. He was already prepared to kill Moon Shik in this episode so I'm afraid about how far will he go now that Moon Shik has proven that he's evil as f***!


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@dramapenchant YES, am afraid he is gonna go over the edge too. NOw the only thing that is holding him together is Young Shin. The Only thing.

And now I have a feeling ahjumma is gonna come out of hiding. It just got personal for her.


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@Divyrus How sad is it that Young Shin is his only lifeline? Imagine is something happened to her. He'd go crazy.

Yes, time for ajumma to get her hands dirty.


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Yeah that sounds so tragic. But you know what I love most about their love ?
Its not like one person is all dark and another is all ball of light and energy.
She has had a dark childhood herself and she is a lonely soul. Imagine the first friend to bring home. And when she admitted I am difficult to love, I was so pulled in. That kind of self awareness is not something you can sense when you look at her from outside.
And Bong Soo being all lonely all his life and growing up so young( that coat scene in flashback had me in tears) , he is not all that dark. He has a lighter side to him which he never has had a chance of showing it out.

They are not polar opposites and thats rare in a kdrama!



Would it be too much to ask for a scene where they lie in bed together, hold hands and just share EVERYTHING about themselves to one another? At this stage JH knows more about YS (even her dark, painful childhood) but YS is yet to see just how tortured he really is.


The worst thing that could happen than being crazy is he might decide to suicide like his father..
ANDWAEE..! It can't happen!
*sob* T.T


@dramapenchant I dont think that is too much to ask. Am not sure whether the location would be bed, but am pretty sure there is gonna be a scene when he is talking and young shin is listening and crying and feeling heartbroken. Hopefully ending with a makeout.

I want Young Shin to know all about him, every little thing, its time this started going both ways!


I'm still in denial...Teacher is NOT dead...He's Not Dead! Until I see his ghost just like when Eun Shi Kyung aka Earnest bot showed up to Jae Shin (TK2H) then I will never accept that he's dead!
He can't die yet! He said that he's going to protect the two baby bears! He must have some antidote, 9 lives, time machine or something! Nope! Nope! He ain't dead yet (*singing like a maniac) LOL :D


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let me sing together with you *LOL
i'm still in denial too..
Teacher will shows himself alive maybe in tonight or next episode..
I'll wait until the last episode..
poor Teacher. Poor uri Jung Hoo


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Of course Teacher is not dead! What are all of you talking about? He's a big ol' grizzly bear! He's not going to drop dead only by a vial of poison. If so, he'd be dead years ago.

Ahjumma sent the ambulance, and Teacher will be saved!



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I'm hoping your right about that


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Maybe Teacher had to die for a good reason- that way Healer will have enough rage to destroy them , to , I dont know...seek for justice , or something. I think that is the "point of his death"
Healer would be mad angry and will do anything to bring them down..I mean, something had to happen so that our good guys start DOING something productive.......Just the theory


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I think the impact of Teacher´s death would´ve been greater for the viewer if he´d stick around another episode or so while "protecting little bear cubs". He´s been away a lot and though I was fond of him, his death felt just "necessary" at this point to push JH character forward. The whole ep 13 belonged to teacher, but, I don´t know, I think it was just too quick for me, so I had trouble getting emotionally invested.


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Argh! I hate that this show forces me to watch the raw. My knowledge of Korean, being completely derived from watching dramas, covers a few of the following:

Mother and Father (and other family relationships)
Jjajangmyun and ramyun (and more food, kogi!)
Coffee and tea (and delicious and soju!)
Your Majesty and Your Highness (thanks, saeguks)
Love and die (and fool)
Elevator and CCTV (and all those English medical terms)
Where and how (Why? Who? I’m good with questions, suck at answers, though)

So unless we’re watching a drama about people sitting at home eating and calling one another “punk” and “crazy”, I don’t get a lot out of it. Still, I was up before work this morning watching Healer unsubbed. Show, what have you done to me?????


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Ohhhh you are being HEALERious :D welll my knowledge is limited to that extent still this show compel me to watch raw :)


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LOL! All that i know I've learned from dramas too and you've listed most of it. Watching raw is a challenge but I have to laugh when I catch myself feeling inordinately proud over recognizing various curse words. Yep, I think I could almost cuss in korean! :D


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U know what I did the same..I watched the unsubed version 2 hours ago and shockingly understood most parts then came back here..now waiting for the subed version to watch again


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LOL Mel, you and me both, while I sure get 30% of what is being said, the other 70% is loss on me, I really can't work out the more deeper conversations. I know all the bad works, like dog poop, idiot, etc
I know all the exclamation words, such as Omo, daebek, Wae, etc you get the drift.

Sometimes my guessing is spot on, of what was said, due to the few words I could really understand and the scene in which it is played in.

Healer is addictive an this particular episode was really sad and heart wrenchingly painful.

To have Teacher sacrifice himself to shield and protect Jung Hoo is such a sacrifice and you know he did it without any regrets. He knew he had been poisoned, instead of telling Detective to save him, he just confessed. I really think that the story could of allowed Teacher more screen time and an even more significant role in revealing the truth before he was killed off. Isn't it telling that Teacher asked the question of Moon Shik, that he didn't just stop at killing both friends. I loved that he said that he would protect the 2 bear cubs, because he is papa bears friend (soooo sad, he tried his best to raise Jung Hoo in the only way Teacher knew how, as an excon/healer/friend/bachelor and once he thought Jung Hoo could survive without him, he left I know it sucks, but I'm sure Teacher was making another life lesson point to Juung Hoo ensuring that he could still function without leaning on anyone, because Teacher knew that one day Jung Hoo's fate would be to clear up his dads name etc).

Its ashamed that Teacher could not have met up with Myung Hee, before he died, and shame that he couldn't see Jung Hoo's mum too, because she needs to know that she shouldn't feel guilty that she stopped her investigation into Jung Seok death to protect Jung Hoo. Moon Shik really is despicable, he is a very layered evil man, who thinks that he is the one that created the current nice peaceful environment that the younger generation is enjoying, by offing everyone one that stands for truth and justice, or those that don't fit in nicely in his pocket and scheming!

I'll stop for now as post is getting too long, next will be dissecting other characters and the way the drama makes me feel.


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YES! I wanted Myung hee to meet teacher. Meeting an old friend from college who was so close would make her feel better.
He could have helped her find out about what happened back then.


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Me too! I'm so bummed they never even got to speak! How sad...the last of her 'good' college friends died and she never even gets to see him :'( She's really just had it so bad. I can't wait until she reunites with Young-shin!


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I grew so fond to the teacher. And I felt like I can feel JS's pain when he saw teacher's hand dangling out. It was a heartbreaking scene and was executed well.
I can't wait for tomorrow episode after seeing the preview.
Healer is not healing me because I'm dying while waiting. The cliffhanger is too ughhh


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"Healer is not healing me because I’m dying while waiting"

Totally agree with you ^^V


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"Healer is not healing me because I’m dying while waiting."

LMBO. This name has nothing to with this show nor what it is doing to its fans. It's ironic, is what it is. LOLLLLL


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I take a break from refreshing DB every minute to go downstairs and grab a bite, and I come back to see it uploaded and with 20+ comments already? Aigoo, you people. Ahaha.

JB! Once again, you're such a lifesaver. Thank you for the recap! :D


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@ Omomo this is me, every Tues/Wed when the recaps come up. Worse, it's actually lunch time and I'm usually preoccupied buying food or chatting with colleagues, and then BOOM 100+ comments by the time I'm on the recap page (and I usually like reading the recap before commenting because I don't catch everything when I watch the raws). I find it kind of amazing how quickly comments are generated... which, of course, speaks to the delightful writing of both JB and GF and the rest of the awesome DB team, and to all the lovely folks hanging out in the comments section.


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Story of my life! It's also lunchtime around my place when JB posts the recap.

Hear ye, hear ye! We'll forever be grateful to the awesome DB staff. And what would I do without your comments, guys? I would be a lost puppy, searching for love. Lol.


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I'm always forever grateful to JB for creating and running this website. And to all the staff here as well. I love this community and I love reading all the recaps. JB/GF and all other recapper's insight/analysis to each drama is amazing. Thanks so so much ♥


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It just keeps getting better! Thanks for the recap :)


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and next ep gets even more better ♥


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I loved the symbolism of Moon Shik pushing the glass over the edge. He's decided to take the full plunge into the dark side. There's not turning back now.


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Yes. This.


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Yes this foreshadowing... that scene made me feel scared of his character


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That's what I thought. i was glad she was becoming smarter but it is also horrifying because the guy was batshit scary in terms of his love for MH as is. Finding out that she caught on would basically mean this guy would do anything to hold onto her, regardless of what is.


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Agree but after that scene I'm kinda scared for Myunghee as well. I mean we see evil guys killing ones they love because they believe it to be betrayal. What if...and I mean, what if....he tries to murder MH, or even Elder may try to murder MH for that matter?


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Totally agree :)
And make me HATE him more and more


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I officially hate his character after seeing his foreshadowing scene and teacher's murder.


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Interesting. I hadn't thought of it that way. I was thinking it was symbolic of Myung Hee's trust in him being irrevocably broken.


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That's a good way to think about it too, I hadn't thought about it your way. But that makes definite sense!


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The glass tipping over was symbolic to me in that I thought it was showing Myung Hee's shattering trust. Things are really breaking apart now


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That's interesting how people have different takes on this scene. I was the same as JB, since I saw it as a foreshadow into the dark side.


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I am worried the glass is MH, as she is so fragile and completely at his mercy. In his horrifyingly quiet, deadly rage, he is considering crushing her, too.


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Yes that's what I think too! I was thinking of MH and how he might step into the dark side to the point of killing her too if she oversteps her boundaries.


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Young-shin's father is my favorite :-)


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You mean, after Healer, BS and JH, right? ;)


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Agree :)


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I'm with you 100%.


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@whitewire he is an awesome character, and so real. This is how fathers should be in dramaland! Parents! Nice parents! I'm so glad both Healer and Pinocchio had nice fathers.

Of course, JH's Mom is nice too, and even though she abandoned him, it's...kind of understandable (now that we know what went down) that she only did it because his life was threatened, and that she would do anything for him (and she obviously hated that she couldn't be there for him). That conversation and flashback was heart-wrenching (I couldn't decide whether more for his Mom or for him)...but CYS's Dad still wins Best Parent Award hands-down I think.


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I'm with you on the Best Parent Award!

Appa deserves a medal and a trophy and a gift certificate worth 10 years supply of quality coffee beans for his business. :D


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He deserves a parent award too in my opinion, along with a citizen award for helping those out of jail. That papa is a guy with such a big heart. I'm glad YS got raised by him, it explains her bubbly and bright personality :)


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The family moments are so well touched upon.

In perspective, all the facets of the story are well said.

Old friendships, obsessive loves, abandoned kids, parents, mentors.

In the second episode, when Young Shin mentions she doesnt hate her birth parents because even though they abandoned her, she met her dad because of them. I rolled my eyes a little as I thought it was the ever bright personality Kdrama heroine. But after this episode, I actually can sense what she means.

Her dad is awesome. Her reaching out to him and him comforting her , all feels so real.


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I agree with you. He's one of my most favourite dads in Kdrama ever. Both YS's dad and Dal-po's & In-ha's dads (pinocchio) are favourites!


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I agree too :)


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*CRIES*NOOOO. Why did they do that?! I really liked the teacher. When he sang about the baby bears I was so touched-and then he dies. UHG. On the other hand, I loved the scene where Jung ho says that he wants to pick the option to hug for 10 minutes :D
I'm so in love with this show. I don't know how I'm gonna survive till episode 20 with the amount of squealing I do for every episode. sigh.


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oops. left something out:

Thank you so much for the recap JB :D


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I smiled so much when I read your name, littleprince, because watching Healer has brought the story of The Little Prince to mind a few times.

We've been watching our favorite leopard being tamed (and in a sense, his taming of Young-shin). Since the (ep 8) kiss, I've been reminded of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's definition of taming in The Little Prince: establishing ties = letting another become special to you, and then becoming responsible for that someone (or something) that you've let into your heart. Jung-hoo's decision to kiss Young-shin to reassure her, his offering to live "as she wants, carefully, by her side", his need to respond affirmatively to Young-shin's date request despite Ajumma's valid objections, and even his instinct to want to kill Moon-shik to protect Young-shin are all forms of Jung-hoo's becoming responsible for his new beloved. (Plus, he really is that into her, lucky girl!)

Also, when Jung-hoo was telling Ajumma that humans all used to seem alike to him until he met Young-shin, I naturally thought of the fox telling the little prince: "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world....”


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I have not read the story but your comparisons adds a nice layer to the abandoned souls meeting and finding each other.

"To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world….”

Thanks for pointing it out!


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Oh, I had forgotten Little Prince! Such a nice parallel!


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@anotheraddict This is a beautiful, beautiful parallel, and yes, you're right, it absolutely does fit the Little Prince. I love how everyone discovers new things each episode about this drama!


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Now I want to read it again.


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Wow such a nice parallel. I have never read the story either but I love that you pointed it out here. Thank you so much for posting your analysis :)


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I really appreciate how skillfully they're handling the dual personalities.

Having watched a TW-Drama that did not manage it well at all just recently, I was very afraid when I saw what territory we were approaching.

I needn't have been!


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@ JoAnne OT, but can I hazard a guess that you're talking about TWdrama Fall in Love with Me? I'd debated watching that, mostly because I seriously love it anytime dramas pull the Superman/Clark Kent thing (heck, I even sat through 11 episodes of Yamapi for Kurosagi!) but I chickened out because I kept seeing terrible rants about how the material was handled online.

And back to Healer, yeah I agree, almost every character here has some sort of dual personality (and some have more than one alter ego aka JH/Healer/PBS) and it's fascinating to watch the writer(s) balance the way the past and present collide, with all these people's different facades.


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I thought about FILWBoF, too, and was glad she never really saw ALL of Healer.

His scent, though, how could she not have recognized that? I know they decided to go with touch, but we all know how much stronger and specific memories are connected to smell.

Anyway, secret is out now!!


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Thanks for the recap JB!

I cried a river during the scenes:

1) The young Jung Hoo who went looking for omma and found her with her little boy. That sequence until his stepfather came with a coat for him, nearly killed me. As you said JB, what a big little man our Healer is, at that point, recognizing and understanding what is required of him to make things ok (omma doesn't cry any more). What kind of a life is this? For a young boy? So deprived of love and even sacrificing what little hope of getting any for the sake of his mom and her new family? Bawled.

2) The older Jung Hoo (the rapper) with his omma at present, bidding farewell, AGAIN at the cafe, Again, what kind of a sh** life is this? No wonder Jung Hoo said he doesn't/didn't have a reason to live. What for? If he is to face such pain again and again, not even knowing why. Bawled.

3) Yong Shin & appa scene at her bedroom. Even though she's had a pretty rotten childhood, her appa is such a heartwarming guy and brought her up to be such a heartwarming gal. I will have to consider her "lucky" as compared with Healer. Here is how you raise a kid, people! With love, no question ask.

4) Strangely, I didn't go gaga over the almost touching scene between Yong Shin & Jung Hoo at her cafe this episode. Yes it was heartwrenching watching Jung Hoo's restraint and hurt in his eyes, but other scenes stole this one from me.

5) I am so angry with all the villains here, that I screamed when Teacher was poisoned. Why are they still NOT punshied? Not one of them!? And yet Teacher has to die for Jung Hoo (love him for that). The baddies better start dying soon or else.......

Finally, writer-nim! Don't you dare let another goodie die any more! I can't take it. I .... just..... can't!


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Everything you said. Other scenes stole the limelight away from Jung Hoo and Yong Shin for me, which is okay because the bar is set so darned high now, I'm expected to have my heart pummeled at every scene change.


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me too... have never cried for so long over a drama ... and i did just that, not once, but 3 times for ep 14, mmm.... when a drama can brought me to tears, it really means something to me. first, i was when JH cried in the mortuary, then when he was in the car, then he was moved by YS when she hug him... oosp. my emotion far spent after this drama end at feb... sometimes we all needs a good cry over some good show.. thanks for the Healer Production Team for such a journey we are walking together thru.


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Screw not having any subs..... I latched onto ep 13 like a leech Ready to pull blood and boy it didnt disappoint.

I cant wait to watch tomorrow with the subs!!! Lol.


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Here the link for episode 13 with full eng sub..
Happy watching ;)

[Korean Movies] Healer Episode 13 English Subbed …: http://youtu.be/3nx7ChgDo2s


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Hahaha I have long given up on waiting for subs for this show. I can no longer wait another minute until live broadcast just to watch the show. Even though I have a looming deadline to meet by the end of each week and I absolutely dread how each week goes by so quickly (I have a thesis to write), I also dread the long wait til next episode. So I go even to the point of scheduling my workload to fit in 1 hour of the live broadcast each week just to watch Healer.

I never thought Healer could ruined me like this...man I indeed lack a lot of sleep!


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Awww, I never knew that Bong Soo was the first friend she brought home. No wonder she felt so betrayed by him. She trusted him and as ex-con ajusshi said "the secrets that she doesn't tell us, she tells it all to that ignorant guy".

And as well all know, Young Shin’s appa is amazing! I like that Young Shin decides to wait for Jung Hoo like how her dad waited for her. Good things come to those who wait.


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I think it's that talk w her father which teaches her that good things come to those who wait. Poor girl was beside herself before that.


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Yeah it was definitely that talk that made her realize that waiting isn't such a bad thing.


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I understood that YS was more shaken by the simple fact that she can´t say anything to this treacherous s*head of a Bong-soo, because he might leave her for good. Of course she was hurt and really pissed, but that´s nothing she can´t handle in the long run, even if BS is the first friend she ever brought home.


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Moon Ho said something similar to Jung Hoo, about "waiting for Young Shin to come to him" rather than telling her straight out that she's Ji Ahn.

I hope Moon Ho can recover those family ties and isn't left out of the group hug - especially when his own brother is getting scumbaggier every moment!


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I didnt know this either....he really was the first friend she bought home for a sleepover too. The first friend whom she feels comfortable around. The first friend whom she can sleep peacefully at her side. he first friend to give her sense of calmness feeling....BS/JH really is her soulmate.


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For the first time in my years of watching k-drama, I actually watched this episode live, same time as the korean broadcast time! Totally couldn't wait another minute ><

My curiosity over the week on whether she'll find out about Healer is finally answered! I may sound like a broken recorder now but I really love this drama and it's kinda scary.

Thankfully there's Kill Me Heal Me to make Monday wait more bearable nowadays.


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Mine was answered too and I love how she figured out his identity...by touch. She knows exactly how his hands feel like and then to just confirm her hunch she found her origami star.


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It kinda reminds me of how Song Jae Rim just knows that the hand he held was Kim So Eun's in We Got Married.


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Yaaaaaa, uri Teacher!!!! Hang on there.... Arrggghhh, this episode full of excitement... But I'm so shock about Teacher's condition... Aaaaaaaa~ Detective please help him~


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it made me cry so much when I saw the look on JH's face :(


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And it's here.

I relive the show again through the recaps and gratefully gain more insights. I fully felt the angst of Jung Hoo and Young Shin and eagerly await their resolution, although I must say that the preview for the following episode had me slightly worried. I hope we will see soon Young Shin not needing to 'hold back' from all that she wants to do with her man.

I am a little worried at the potential body count of this show. Of the original 5, only 2 remains. Why, Teacher?? My heart breaks again for Jung Hoo who's lost another significant person in his life. sob.

Thanks again for the recap.


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I had this feeling that in the end, five of them will join each other's company. Something like reliving their friendship on the other side. You know, or one of the two (between MS and Myung Hee), will see the other four laughing and bonding together in vision.

I believe their friendship was sincere and real, until Moon Shik felt powerless of himself that he took Elder's offer to join him to gain more power. Based on Young Moon Shik's deeds and the way he was with his friends, he was the silent type. I think he found himself so useless and different from them. But his friends doesn't think of him that way.

Indeed, Moon Shik has done evil actions (like using JH's mother as a bait).. but I am not fully sold that he was the one who directly ordered his friends' death... but I think that point will definitely come (100% Evil Moon Shik) when Myung Hee hate him and detest him.


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......and then there were two..
Its really really heartbreaking to see how the 5 friends ended up in present. 3 of them dead. 1 paralysed and 1 on the way to become an evil monster. Especially now that his peaceful world with myung hee is slowly being disrupted.
And at the end of the episode, was that a new ost? :O


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OST 5: Because of You by Just



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Thankyou @Omomo
you're so fast.
i've been curious fot that song too


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Thanks Omomo for the name of the song :)


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and to the add to the fact that they were all trying to fight corruption in the first place. and corruption or whatever the hell happened split up families, friends, and caused the loss of lives.
*shakes head* this is why people in the real world try to avoid problems.


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You are so right. It started with a noble thought to end corruption and now only two left.

I am worried how Myung Hee would react when she finds all her 3 friends have been killed because of her husband now.

But avoiding it is what took it this far. Teacher should not have given up. Before Moon Shik became all this pwoerful, he should have intervened and tried his best. At least let Myung Hee know of his suspicions. She was his friend too. To let his friend be with a murder-suspect is not the right thing to do.


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@Divyrus What's sadder though, is that I think Moon Shik still THINKS he's being noble and doing it all for a good cause. It's both his reason and his excuse and you see this in how he responds to everything, saying that he was 'forced to run for mayorship' and that the younger generation doesn't know what was 'sacrificed to keep the peace'. I do think his friends had been his backbone (more so Gil Han and Joon Seok than Young Jae, who seems more like the free devil-may-care personality in the 5 friends although he does have a backbone of steel too) and so when he lost them...he just...lost his way. Eh. But that doesn't make him redeemable.


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Well said!

you know what I think happens most of times among friends from school or uni? They spend so much time together and having common goals that they feel they are pretty much as similar as people can be. And when out into world, the dynamic changes. Group becomes disintegrated into twos and threes. Time apart changes the closeness of friendship.
From start, he has been the odd one out. His silence when all are having fun, his small smile when all are laughing, he was always different , little bit on dark side. Am sure his feeling of quite not fitting gave him that uneasiness at early age.

Rememeber what teacher said to Moon Shik in flashback? Advising him to Acknowledge he likes Myung hee , confessing , then getting heartbroken and having a drink or two and then going back to being friends? or the entire friendship of the group would be ruined??

Werent they so true! Him avoiding it at that age kind of feels like the root to everything !



I mean of all the shows and turns, I never once thought this would turn into a dark place ! Seriously ! Teacher dead ????? After it all ,at least one person who has been there for Jung hoo and he is DEAD ! My heart totally breaks for him ! He shouldnt have confessed, he should have rushed himself to emergency ward and cured himself !
He abandons him till the end ! I know he is doing sacrifice ,but MY HEART CANT UNDERSTAND IT !

Moving on to so many things that my brain can't type right now!



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i'm mad too :(
It's horrible tragedy..
after read JB's recap and (finally) finished watching episode 13-full-subbed.. i'm still sobbing.
it his decision and his last effort to protect our beloved 'baby bear'. T.T


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Yes but still he should have at least tried to save him.

The way he left with humor and not a ounce of seriousness is very fitting with his character!


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He died in a way that was very fitting for his character. I believe he died happily as well knowing that he protected JH's identity with his death. It was a noble death but definitely it wasn't something that he planned so hence why it is so sad. He made good on his promise to protect JH until he died, but I do believed that he really wanted to care for JH and YS. That death was a murder...


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It's a well executed episode!
Can I say that I'm relieved that the show is holding up on the storytelling?
We had a couple of revelations in one episode.
- like JB I totally like the standoff between teacher and KMS. Teacher was absolutely seething with sarcasm in his gleeful tone but yet hard in his statement that he will protect the cubs. Totally pissed KMS off but I don't think he ordered the killing. Elder prob did it but KMS wouldn't have stopped it.

- ohhhhh nice twist to how YS handled her reveal of BS being healer. She was giving him chances instead of outright confronting him at the hospital. Great actin there by both you can absolutely see the wheels turning in their heads as both find ways to make lame excuses for EACH OTHER. I was a little worried that YS will take the familiar route of All kdrama heroines when she started crying - u noe heroines who start out with spunk and end up as whiteboard at the end of a drama BUT her "confession" of wanting ALL skinship at the cafe....*rawr....* ! My eyes were like Bongsokie, wide bigger as she says it. You gotta love a girl who is upfront eh. And yeah she tells him she wants to do all those but she's mad and angry still. I like it!!!

- all in all, everyone was great in this episode. Even KMH who only had one scene. I'm liking him. He doesn't believe his bro will go so low even though he spews how evil his bro is whenever both are in conversation. I agree with JB that he is naive, and I do believe that a part of him wants to save his brother too. Hence going after elder. I'm just hoping KMS hasn't gone that far into the dark side. Let's see how he reacts with the death of his friend. I don't think he ordered the poisoning tbh.


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@Stardust Am also relieved after this episode. I mean for all the fan girling we all do, every episode I go in I go with worry because what if it goes downhill and what if the show does something wrong. And after every episode, am relieved.

It was a strong episode that bought all characters and plot forward.

I mean I dont even care that much about the broadcasting or journalism, the plot to bring down Moon Shik that way. Am all like Healer being impatient on that way. But man, I like the way it gets tied into Myung Hee's curiosity on how he got rich in first place. Its like mom and daughter moving to same the point and gonna meet in the middle!


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"Its like mom and daughter moving to same the point and gonna meet in the middle!"

I like the way you phrased that! They've emphasised all along how the kids are so similar to their parents ... Moon Shik's no match for both Myung Hee and her daughter. Girl power!!


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+10 girl power indeed. I love how all the female characters here are depicted in this drama. Not one female is seen as a weak girl.


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I agree with all of you, such a strong episode (I watched it twice to properly enjoy and understand).

1) I acutely felt how the Healer is feeling cornered, while:

- wanting to set things straight with Young-Shin but can't

- wanting to stop anyone close to him from being hurt and can't

- wanting to act and do anything (given his skills) and finish the baddies but he just can't - because it's this bigger plot which he really can't handle by himself. I think this is somehow meant to be a lesson to him: how he really can't act alone and does need others' help (even while trying to make justice, beating up people like Hwang Jae Gook just isn't enough; he needs Moon Ho's help even if he doesn't like it/want it). It's this situation, as in the City Hunter: it doesn't end with killing the five baddies, it has to be taking away their power and disarming their scheming, which is, of course, more difficult. Also, in this arc, nothing beats friendship and teamwork while fighting against evil.

2) When Teach died, I felt too that the ugly just got (even more!) real and it also gave me a City Hunter feeling. I know, I know, some characters (the right ones, that is) have to die in order for the narration to be more compelling, but it gave me this dark feeling and I hope that, in the end, the joy given by a proper ending will surpass the sadness and the tension and... well, all this darkness we got from having to fight those bad guys.

3) Because of this 'dark' feeling, I miss the lighter, happier scenes in the early episodes. Do you think we might need some of those to relax a bit? That or this emotional roller coaster will have us die before the end because of its tension. Not that I complain, no, no! It was perfectly written, directed and acted, soundtrack perfectly put in place and that gave me so much heart trouble...

4) The OTP's lovelife... words aren't enough. I agree with what's been said so far and I'll just go back to review all their scenes (from all the episodes, that is).

Love you guys, everyone!


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Nr 3! I also missed the sweet-cute moments in this episode. There were some and they were great (the scene at the cafe, when YS listed ALL the things she would love to do with "that guy" was just plain awesome), but as we can´t have a show solely consisting of those moments (though I don´t see the problem really), we have to get on the emotional roller coaster. I don´t even want to see the next episode. I´m so gonna die along JH broken heart.


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Great episode but I ended up too sad cuz of teacher.
Jung hoo once again has no one.
father dead,grandma dead,mum re-married,now teacher dead. why does he have to suffer again? why?
it's not fair. writer-nim,my heart is broken.

loved the CYS and BS/Healer/JH scene. the jealousy,d almost hug and d "hand-porn".I want them to take it to d next level(after YS is done being angry though).

sad sad episode. Teacher is gone.

p.s yay for ratings.

*back to sad-angry mood


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Re: the hand porn

I really try not to dwell on shipping the actors in real life, but I'm afraid I can't help but ship the hell out of their hands. It's like they have their own relationship (and it ain't "pink").


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hahaa "hand porn" there was a meme for that going around. It's kinda funny...although I don't know the link but I saw it on Twitter LOL


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Yea, true JoAnne. Somehow they have hit all the right buttons, with pleasant turns. How handholding can be so hot! How phone calls can be so intimate. Yay. We're slain! Keep it up show. Writer-nim, PD-nim, you rock. And the acting, terrific.


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The way he turned for the 10 second hug. *sigh*. The part that gets me is when he tries to reach out for her at the end. It almost looks like an invisible wire is pulling him towards her. Ugh, so good.


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@merry and @azfih

Intimate , hot and sweet at sametime!

And when he reached out for her hand, it was like a involuntary reaction that just pulled him to it.

And you know when he slowly starts to pull his hands out of his pocket when she says she wants to hold hands, hug and talk all night and when he turned towards her when she mentions wanting to kiss, the way he is constantly surprised at her, his conflict between wanting to give in and wanting to know more about the danger. SO GOOD.


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This was supposed to be a reply to JoAnne in 24. While i was writing my measly 5 -6 lines, 10 comments sped past through. wow. thanks for the recaps, btw, and this forum.


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I find the analogy of 3 Bears, regarding Moon Shik, his friends, YS and JH is appropriate...
In a way, Moon Shik is not a bear anymore, but monster... His friends trusted him so much, but because his selfishness and already sold his soul to devil, he became like this. Leaving 2 Mama Bears and 2 Bear cubs...

And my personal shoutout to Teacher who sings 3 Bears song, reminds me of Full House and Master's Sun!

Still sad Teacher is died this episode after being soo awesome confronting MS and protect JH as Healer. :(


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Totally agree with you.
MONSTER is the best way to describe KMS.
He was scarried me in this episode.


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His humanity is already died inside...
I can't believe he would just do everything like that, even to his close friends and their children! Not human anymore!!


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yes i agree with you. I really liked when the teacher said dont touch the baby bears bc i will protect them ;(


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First thing first: This drama is killing me.

And did you guys check JB's song choice for the recap? It totally fits with this episode. Never heard of Nemesis before, but I have a feeling that I'm gonna be listening to this one song for the rest of the day :)


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Just gave it a listen.

Wow. This might be my favorite of JB's song choices for Healer thus far. Although I also really loved the one for Ep 8. Uggggh. Can't choose!


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Ok.. now that I have gathered all my thoughts together... Let's talk about Detective Yoon's character. At this point, he probably plans to find MinJa and demands an explanation from her. Or he might start researching the time when MinJa quit her detective job, and from there, links it up with 1992 accident involving JungHo's and YoungShin/JiAn's dads. He'll slowly but eventually realize that these might be related (seeing as to how Teacher reveals himself to be Healer who was somehow put in prison because of this accident)...
AAAAAhhhh I hope he'll team up with our 3 bears and MinJa to reveal the truth!


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Yea Detective Yoon is not really my favourite character and even though I get frustrated with him sometimes, I still hope that he will help Healer to fight against the baddies


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I'm pretty sure Detective Yoon will join Team Healer.

Btw, I don't think it was mentioned in the recap, but (according to Viki's subs) Yoon commented to Teacher that he had liked his sunbae, Min-ja (context left open to interpretation). Perhaps they'll get their own HEA~ sharing kimbap, and getting turned on by their joint hacking tours de force (like the OTP in Secret Love Affair did playing piano duets).

Didn't Ajumma look cute with her hair pulled back in the headband?


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Yes yes loving ajumma with the headband too haha
and yea it would be fun to see them together. I originally ship her with Teacher but now that Teacher is gone (bawling :( ) I think they would make an awesome hacking couple


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When Det Yoon said that he had like his sunbae and he recognized the pattern while they had that hacking contest during the parking-lot fight, I was all awwww! He recognizes her from her hacking pattern! That was oddly intimate that he would remember such a thing, though not entirely random, because he had been her pupil. Though he didn´t mean anything romantic with it, I just couldn´t help myself and jumped on the shipping wagon, heh. Min ja and Det Yoon - hwaiting!


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Who else is touched by the conversation between YS and Daddy cool???

"I am difficult to love"

" I waited and you came by yourself"

And I m melting here :)


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I know! Relationship between YS and Dad (together with ex-con ahjusshi) is heartwarming as ever.

But now I also see JH's mom in a new light. Although she loves her son in that nobly idiotic kind of way, I kinda get her now. Gosh, and it just pained me to see Jung Hoo having to put on his big boy pants so early in life. It's miraculous that he didn't grow up to be an unfeeling robot.


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He was definitely very mature for his age. So understanding. Mom lucky to have a son who put her happiness before his.

I want YS to hear his real life story in it's entirety so that he can just always lean on her when he has one of those days (which seems to be quite often).


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Omomo, I didn't completely understand, her leaving him. Can you please explain a bit!? ( I really want to understand why she left jung hoo )


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Mom left young Jung Hoo because she didn't want him to bear the stigma of being a 'murderer's son'.

She did everything in her power to clear her late husband's name but was stopped by Moon Shik (with Elder's influence) and told her to just let the matter go, lest she and her son face the consequences.

Due to her broken-heartedness (over losing her husband and failing to deliver him justice), she seeks out happiness by entering into another marriage. She feels guilty for leaving her son behind, of course. But she breaks down whenever she sees him (his face probably reminds her of his Dad).

Uri Jung Hoo, bless his soul, decided to be mature about this and accepted his Mom's decision. He is really such a good boy. Aigoo.

Idk if I explained it accurately. Anyone is free to add some details or correct me if I wrote inconsistencies.


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Oh, thank you for the explanation. It must have been a very difficult choice to make. It looks like she regrets it. Her scenes with jung hoo are hard to watch. I hope they meet soon, she has those cute pictures of the otp as kids.


I actually still don't get it. How did leaving him release him from the stigma as a murderer's son. Explain it to me like I'm five. Does leaving him mean losing his identity or something? She seems to have left him with his grandma. He still went to school before being sent to juvie.

As far I can tell he'd still be a "murderer's son", except now he was also abandoned by his mother while being a "murderer's son". He still has the same name does he not?

I also wondered why, when he did find he mother and stepfather, did they never bother offering him a place to live with them from now on. Granted he probably wouldn't want to but I just felt so bad for the kid. It was kind of like "I'm sorry for abandoning you *tear* okay goodbye now" hahaha.

I really like how they're relationship is now but the past scene and reasoning is still a bit iffy to me. Probably like the only iffy thing I have with this drama.



Oh I have such a beef with JH mother! And bit of beef with JH being so cool and sacrificing about it when young. I understand that the unresolved charges against JH dad and his consequent "suicide" was eating JH mom relentlessly, but leaving a little boy to grow up by himself? I seriously don´t see how that makes anything better. Granted, JH mother was constantly reminded of JH dad by her son, but still...STILL I just don´t get how you can abandon your own son.
Especially the reunion was just ridiculous. Two grown-ups letting a small boy walk away, because there´s nothing they can do about it...emm, right.
Of course it was sweet that JH couldn´t stay angry with his mom and just sort of accepted it. If he´d stay, his mother probably wouldn´t stop crying and he wanted her to be happy. Well, i have no problem with JH being a little angel, I just have hard time buying it.

But all this whateverness aside, I was so touched by that flashback, because it struck me how very little JH has changed over the years. He still has that super defensive I´m-all-drown-up-and-don´t-need-anyone act on most of the time, especially with MH, though he´s pretty round on the edges with YS (and occasionally very mature), but that makes him even more vulnerable in a way, because he almost dosen´t know how to act around her.


This episode full of hard tension.. hard angst.. but thanks for dramagod that's still a little bit of romance and humor in.. the scene Youngshin cry into her father's arm make me cry and the climax when Flashback of Junghoo with her mother new family.. im crying like a crazy woman.. crying for han river i think.. and for Teacher.. thats too sad seeing him poisoned like that.. im really proud of our teacher.. he's trying to protect junghoo untill he'll die.. poor junghoo.. i think he's the most pathetic in this drama.. I afraid that he'll try to do something stupid.. Why disappear the world? No hurting yourself! Jebal junghoo-yahh..

And for happy news.. finally Our Healer reached double digit!! So happy!! I think korean viewers is liking mellow drama with full of angst, isn't it? Poor my heart T.T

okay Drama God.. passionate kiss juseyooo for tonight's ep.. !!!


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Dear JB your recap really makes my daay yeheeyy..
firstly i wanna say
JCW is soo damn hot !

I think this is the most emotionally episode so far..
made me cry on SJH's memory about his mom and can't help myself to cry outloud when Teacher's suddenly death.
I think he knows that he was poisoned but WHY so keep talking uwaaaaaa T.T

My heart brokes too when CYS cry..
And still Healer really hooked me


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Most of the time am too distracted by his eyes, lips and jawline to even look at his shoulders!

Maybe I should rewatch one more time just to see his shoulders!


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Yes coolest scene in that green house and when yong shin rescued him lol


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Yep one of my fav scenes. and that smile on JH's face when YS grabbed his hand leading him out :)


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Ah!!! Loved this episode! Why did the Teacher have to die?!!
And she knows!! When will Jung-hoo know that Young-shin have found out he is the healer!!!
This show is so addictive!!


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Just wondering about the scene when MS was staring at the glass of water and pushed it to the edge and it shattered. I know that there is a deeper meaning behind that because every scene in Healer has so much depth that will always be brought back in later episodes. So does anyone have any idea of what they are trying to say or anything about foreshadowing like JB said?


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I'm guessing it means that he is not holding back anymore and is going all out from now on, which is actually quite frightening because I don't want to see YS and Healer getting hurt


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That scene scared me. Does that mean he will force myung hee to take meds? Or is her life in Danger?
And I did not completely get what javabeans said about him keeping her as a possession! He had a crush on her back then.
Also, in episode 12, Moon ho says : Will you protect her by breaking her legs? And building a cage for her
That is scary to consider. If he had some thing to do with why myung hee turned out that way.


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Yes I am scared for Myung Hee to but I don't think her life is in danger because he loves her like waaaay too much and the reason why he joined the dark side was partly because of her too so yea


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I think that now, more than ever, Moon Shik will go after Young Shin, as a means of "breaking" Myung Hee into submission and staying by his side. He no longer cares if she's a drugged up doll or worse (if he ever loved her as a real person, that is). I think he won't care if she knows the truth about him, either - he'll just hold her hostage to his obsession.

Btw, I may be remembering wrong, but it's quite telling that the Elder has named Ji Ahn and Moon Ho as Moon Shik's 2 "weaknesses". But I don't think he's named Myung Hee as one? Is that because it's a given that she is his weakness, or because the Elder is not underestimating her?


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If I remember correctly, Myung Hee and Moon Ho are Moon Shik's two weaknesses as pointed out by the Elder. And then when they found out about Ji Ahn, she became his third.


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Ah, thanks! I thought that must be it, but just couldn't find when the Elder said it!


I dunno, I kinda thought it was cos he felt he was being pushed to the edge - and Myung Hee had been his 'lifeline' in a sense; she was his anchor and the reason why he'd turned to making the bad choices he had, yet now to realise that she doesn't trust him, and that she doesn't love him...it shattered him, I think. Hence, the glass shattering. It's also worrying because now that his lifeline has been severed, it makes him that much more unpredictable. It's possible that, before this moment, he could have been redeemed (very, very slim chance, but still a chance), but now...I think it's practically impossible.


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I love your thoughtful answer! I so agree that Moon Shik is so much more dangerous now that he realised the person he loves the most no longer trust him. Plus, judging from how unpredictable this drama is, I'm scared of all the things he might do now


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Ah! So glad I found your comment! I agree that the glass represented MS. I can't help recalling him talking about his " mortal wounds", and he knows now his happy idyll has come to an end. This is where I'm going to take a different approach to mainstream view and wonder if perhaps this truly was a red herring, that Sec. Oh was ordered by the Elder and this might actually START a redemption arc for MS. I know hope is slim because of the threat he made to Teacher at the end of their meeting but I really, really hate to see him crossover completely to the darkside~can't there be a Darth Vader redemption here at least?? Ah well, I guess I'll find out today...


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I think I heard that Three Bears song in 'Full House', didn't I?


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It's the most popular Korean nursery rhyme. It gets sung in a lot of KDs, and yes in FH as well.


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I've practically figured out all the lyrics just cos of the number of times I've heard it in Korean dramas LOL


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I guess we've just officially announced Three Bears as a K-drama trope.


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Young Shin - Healer - Bong sook , I thought that was enough. Now throw Jung Hoo into it !

The reaction was so well developed ! I mean, like JB I wasn't sure what the reaction should be , and I am sure we were all fantasizing a lot on cute and romance, but this angst IS SO GOOD. Just being there and want to hug and kiss, but not able to !!!!!!


Usually such a situation in a drama would frustrate me, but here it's MAKING ME CRAZY AND I WANT IT MORE !!!!!! And kudos to Park Min Young for pulling her character off. I could feel what drove her to each little gesture. And both of their eyes speak VOlUMES. That cafe scene, their double speak !!!!
THIS ANGST IS SO GOOD. I ccant type or think anything more intelligent !


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actually i have watch loads and loads of park min young and ji chang wook... but as you see, in the past they are just small letters to me, now it is literally PARK MIN YOUNG and JI CHANG WOOK (and in bold)... always thought these 2 are pretty faces,,, never attach to both when i watch their past drama, Bachelor Vegetable Boys, Baek Dong Soo, City Hunter, Sungkyunkwan Scandal..etc.. yeah... i dont easily fall for pretty faces.. its characters that moves me, yeah, characters with agape love, unrequited love, sacrificial love, angst love, silent reserved love,,, that haunt me. (mmm,,, i m pathetic huh)


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The thing I love about this is that there is no love triangle between YS, MH,and JH. But rather there is one between YS and JH/BS/Healer. More like a love square with the same person!


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And for the past and elders!!!!!!

Man, to think of how tragic the friends life has gone. JB nailed the point on how friendship was the one thing that kept him together.
And am worried for everyone now ! If refusing one hand hold spurred him to kill the root of it I.e., killing healer who started this entire thing in Myung Hee head , WHAT ELSE HE IS CAPABLE OFF !

Am seriously worried for my happy ending in more moru island now !!!!


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unique things about this Healer is< its not just evolving around the 2 main leads, and show throw in chunks of romantic lines and scenes.. but the Writer put in characters around them, which are very real, very sincere, just like your folks around you, your dad, your mom, your colleagues, your uncle next door, your mentor at work, your childhood secret crush... all are ordinary people, just like every one, not perfect at all. we have ajumma, Teacher. YS dad, coffeebay ajummsi, ... even Junghoo and youngshin are not crafted to be perfect saints.. just love the simplitity of the characters, with their diff shades of relationship, friendship, kinship, mentorship, above all, of cause, the agape love.


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yeah,,,, please pray hard for happy ending in MORO MORO island... else our own "eternal happiness" is forever scarred and forever ruined and forever doomed... and i dare not touch any korean drama in near future. .. better still, if Producer can make a COMEBACK with HEALER 2, with same JCW and PMY again.


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I pulled an all-nighter last night to binge watch all 12 episodes, then watched episode 13 without subs today because I was just that addicted.


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Kudos to you my friend! For Healer I would love to do a marathon over and over again from first episode. All nighters (if I'm not so preoccupied with deadlines) is a must hehe


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Thank you for the wonderful recap. This episode is so heartbreaking, the last scene got me in tears. I had a feeling that the teacher would sacrifice for Jung Hoo, but not this soon, so damn soon...hic. I can't even imagine the pain Jung Hoo has go through, once again he was left alone. It must be devastating to see all your loved ones leaving one by one. But thinking about it, it is actually a smart move. There's no more attention to Healer since Healer is dead now. Teacher passing away gives Jung Hoo opportunity to start a new life, to become a reporter and fight for the right.

From ep 14 preview, i think Young Shin is looking for Jung Hoo. She now is the only one that can comfort him, the only person whom he can trust, it's her turn to become his healer.


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And I really really admire you people for making all those bulleted points and making sense and listing out your thoughts !

ALL I do here is type whatever the thought that is popping up in my brain and fire it off here BECAUSE I HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO DO IT !!

I have a production server move going on in office and am supposed to be configuration manager and supposed to make sure there are no mistake and THAT CANT HAPPEN WHILE AM HERE !

I have officially gone crazy. Period.


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I love your description. My life is the same since Healer invaded it - absolutely crazy! I'm the director of a museum and I hide behind my computer pretending to work when I'm really watching raw Healer episodes and then constantly scrolling through DB comments. I'm a hopeless wreck and addict these days - yet so strangely happy and SO very relieved to have this forum of like minded lunatics! I love all of you so much. We are family!


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Ha ha, am doing the same here. Commenting instead of working!
I cant wait for tonight's episode and for first time I am glad only two episodes a week. Cuz if I had to take the same tension and craziness daily, they would fire me :P LOL

You know these days with internet finding like minded people is easy, but finding a comfort and warm place to go compleytely gaga over and not be judged or hated, is so rare.
DB is such a such a nice place.

As I mention in a post long back, its a safe haven that has yet been not polluted by internet-hate.


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Yeah. Me too. Me too. I only thought I was an addict before, watching raw repeatedly while waiting for subs. No facility for picking up language, but the visuals often carry the weight of the scene. It's not like the hours spent rewatching are wasted. But I've recently crossed a line: responded to the "assessing interest" email, set the alarm so I could watch KBS1 streaming live broadcast. Then needing to share that with people who understand. GEEZE. How insane is it that there's a community of people who actually know this feeling!

Thanks for the recaps. Thanks for building this community.

Long time lurker, first time poster.


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my family member find me mad already... never have they see me rush home to twit.. dump work, even off my favorite pastime, the TV (which was my sanctuary in past), to stick to my laptop, they never see my feverishly joined Twitter, join instragram , Tumlbr... everything i can lay my hands on.. for Healer. LOL.


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Divyrus, lunatic.... n to all abnormal folks out there, having life shattered forever by Junghoo.. same here, am a Librarian, also having 2 laptops working on my table, one official, one solely devoted to Healer, ...yeah, life will never be the same, even after feb9.. which i dread will leave a huge vaccum in all our life... future drama will never draw such impact, not with my ex-craze like Ballad of SuDong, Ijimae or Bridal mask.... Healer is another league already.
so folks, let's just enjoy being abnormal for Healer for the time being, while we savour whatever time left.
let's enjoy.


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HAH! your comment made me laugh! Am going through something similar atm - "oops, I'll be right with you, just lemme check this very important email that just came through and demands my urgent attention..."!!


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Ha ha , work and healer do not mix. Not at all.

As I said before, am just glad this is not a daily drama! My life would be ruined! :P


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Yup, and that's in between checking JCW's Kitchen update instagrams on the way to and from work! The battery drain on my phone these days is no joke ... :)


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Lot of good moments. One in particular was when I noticed the "Double Guard" sign is now spelled correctly. They've added the "u".


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Paying attention to the important things I see.


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Hahaha seriously LMAO


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Haha ! ? but they pronounce it as Doble, any way.


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PFFFFFT. Yes, that one was definitely the highlight LOL.


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Hehe, really? I was just about to remark on the screaming incompetence of the SS thugs, just when everything else is getting really serious!


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That is funny. I have to go and look.
You know, I'm thinking they should have left it.
At least could have pretended that was on purpose.


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So someone on the set finally noticed the misspelling. I thought the "Doble" S was deliberate. I should put that on a t-shirt with maybe a picture on the front of the Healer cast (probably against copyright laws, huh?).


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Hahaha @BDfly, I never noticed but thanks for pointing that out. I was giving those guards the benefit of the doubt since "doble" also means double in spanish. But looks like they really are idiots...that's so hilarious! hahahah


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They really are idiots and have finally realised that they're idiots for awhile and changed the name to look less idiotic LOL


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Now that KMS and by proxy the Elder may think they have succeeded in killing Healer, how will Jung Hoo be able to show himself as Healer again? Maybe Bong Sookie needs to be more badass but in a Bong Soo way, like when he calculated the toppling of the shelves in President Huang's greenhouse. Healer actions and reactions while disguised as nerdy Bong Soo.

So sad about Teacher. The reveal this week that teacher saved JH wasn't a surprise. But then to kill him off so quickly? Without even being able to explain to JH? So sad! Jung Hoo was unconscious and probably didn't even know Teacher sacrificed himself and was caught in JH's place.


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"Now that KMS and by proxy the Elder may think they have succeeded in killing Healer, how will Jung Hoo be able to show himself as Healer again? "

Oh yeah, totally didn't think about this....


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When Moon shik and teacher talked, I think I heard Moon shik say that he thinks he's not the Healer? I'm sure I heard him say that.


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He did!


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MS is smart. He saw and heard Healer in his library. He sure knew that's a young man.
He also knew his friend well. The voice and body shape are not the same. He knows the old guy is not the real Healer. But he decided to kill him anyway cos the guy knowing too much was threatening to his status quo with M Hee, which is already beginning to get shaky.


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Which is why I hate MS's character even more...ugh


That's right! Jung Hoo doesn't yet know that Teacher tried to cover for him!

But I think it's fitting that, as Healer 1's pupil, it's time for Jung Hoo to find his own style: as Healer Bong Sook!

Btw - that bit you mentioned "when he calculated the toppling of the shelves in President Huang’s greenhouse" - one of my favourite moments! So cool!


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