Pinocchio: Episode 9

Well, there’s no more keeping everyone in opposite corners now. Worlds collide and secrets that we want buried just keep finding their way to the surface. Dal-po does his very best to plug a hole in the dam that’s about to burst, but it’s a last act of desperation, and he knows it deep down. C’mon, universe, can’t we buy him enough time to go digging for the truth before calamity comes crashing down on him?


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EPISODE 9: “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”

We rewind a little to follow Dal-po after his confrontation with Hyung, who’s just found out that Dal-po is a reporter. After Hyung’s hate-filled warning to stay away, Dal-po heads back into the station to ask his Cap Gyo-dong what he would do if he found a long-lost family member only to discover that he wasn’t the same person.

Gyo-dong knows that he’s asking about his brother, so he treads carefully and asks exactly what he means by different. Dal-po: “Say… he killed a person…” Whoa, did you just say that out loud?

Gyo-dong quickly shuts the door and asks if he’s sure. Dal-po says he isn’t sure at all, but it’s a terrible hunch that he can feel, and asks what he’s supposed to do. Cap says there’s only one thing he would do: investigate and find out the truth. Deciding what to do with that truth can come later.

Then we resume at the icy intersection that closed out the last episode, where Hyung mistakes a boy crossing the street as his little brother and crashes his truck into an even bigger truck to save him. He stumbles away from the collision bleeding from the head to make sure the boy is okay, calling him Ha-myung, and then collapses on his shoulder.

In-ha and her team at MSC catch the entire accident and aftermath on camera, and once the initial shock wears off, they watch Hyung get taken away on a stretcher and In-ha asks in a daze, “This is an exclusive, isn’t it?” Looks like In-ha and Dal-po are going to go to war over Hyung.

MSC goes into a frenzy of activity to get the story ready for the evening news as the top story, and In-ha grumbles to herself when she gets sent to ride in the ambulance with Hyung while Beom-jo gets to be on camera to do the report.

Dal-po is late to meet his partner Yoo-rae at the station, where she greets him with a big yawn and yet another reminder that she’s comfortable enough to do that around him because she doesn’t see him as a man.

They perk up when they see two wrecked trucks being towed in, hoping for an accident to report. Yoo-rae starts to ask the tow truck driver about the scene where he picked up the vehicles, but Dal-po’s eyes widen when he notices the water delivery truck being towed behind that one… the one with Hyung’s license plate number on it.

He panics and asks where the driver is, and all the towing guy knows is that he was taken to a hospital, but he doesn’t know where. Dal-po takes off at a run, leaving Yoo-rae shouting after him.

In-ha rides in the ambulance with Hyung, who regains consciousness for a second. Ohthankgoodness. He’s delirious and asks for Ha-myung again to make sure that he’s okay, before passing out again. In-ha records all this on her phone, and wonders who this Ha-myung is.

Yoo-rae reports the basics of the accident to her team leader Hyun-kyu at the exact moment that MSC is opening their news hour with the exclusive. Mom has turned the accident story into a tale of heroic triumph and sacrifice, complete with emotional footage of the aftermath (Hyung’s face has been blurred out in the broadcast).

Beom-jo’s chaebol mommy yelps when she sees her son on TV, and even In-ha’s dad watches the broadcast over someone else’s shoulder at the bus stop. Dal-po runs through all the nearby hospitals looking for Hyung, and is shocked to see on the news that MSC caught that very accident on camera.

Hyung gets treated for his surprisingly minor injuries and checks out of the hospital quietly, but In-ha catches up to him before he leaves to beg for an interview. Hyung’s name rings a bell with In-ha’s cameraman, and from the look on his face, he seems to have connected the dots to Firefighter Dad.

In-ha hands over her card and asks Hyung to consider an interview, and he asks if she’s the reporter in all the MSC commercials, knowing that it means she’s Song Cha-ok’s daughter. He agrees to do the interview now, and a frightening smile spreads across his face. Ack, Hyung, I hope you’re not a killer, but just in case you are: Don’t kill In-ha!

In the interview, Hyung explains that Ha-myung is his brother’s name, and he died when he was about the same age as that boy in the street tonight, causing the momentary confusion. Dal-po runs in and finds Hyung already doing the interview, and with In-ha of all people.

After hearing Hyung’s story about Firefighter Dad and how the reporters back then treated his family unjustly, In-ha says sympathetically that it must be difficult for him to watch the news. He says that some of the reporters are still working today, and though he only remembers most of them vaguely, there was one so vicious that he remembers everything: face, name, and the way they spoke.

Both Dal-po and the cameraman tense up as In-ha leans forward and asks if he can tell her who that reporter is. Hyung leans in and looks at her with a cunning smile, “That reporter is…” But both the cameraman and Dal-po cut in, and In-ha quickly tells Hyung not to talk to other reporters. That won’t be a problem for Hyung, who looks at Dal-po with daggers in his eyes.

But right now Dal-po is more concerned with separating the two of them, and he yells at In-ha to follow and leads her out by the hand. At first In-ha thinks he’s just trying to interfere with her story, but she’s surprised by the desperation in his voice as he asks her to stay away from that man because it’s dangerous for her.

She says that Hyung told her about Firefighter Dad and she understands why he hates reporters, but he’s a man who risked his life to save someone else. But Dal-po won’t be consoled, and pleads with her to trust him and hand the story off to someone else.

In-ha asks him to give her a reason that she’ll understand, because she sees that he’s serious but doesn’t get where this is coming from. Dal-po: “Can’t the reason be me? Can’t it just be because it’s me, because I worry about you more than anyone? Can’t you just trust me?”

He’s so urgent as he begs her not to get mixed up with Hyung, and to trust him just this once without asking why. It so goes against her nature, but In-ha can see that he’s not going to tell her why, and that whatever it is, it’s because he cares about her. So she agrees not to follow up after the interview and not ask Dal-po the million questions she has in her head, because she trusts him.

The relief washes over him and she tells him again and again that she’ll keep her promise and proves that she means it with the absence of hiccups. He thanks her and clasps her hand as she gives him a reassuring hug.

Inside, Hyung stares at In-ha’s card in his hand, and the cameraman comes up to him and says nervously that he did a good thing today. The cameraman pretends not to recognize him, but Hyung calls him by name and says he’s heard his story once before—he was there when he gave that interview thirteen years ago with Song Cha-ok.

He points out how funny it is to be going through the same thing with her daughter In-ha now, and says pointedly that he’s grateful for the coincidence. Oh dear.

Outside, In-ha waits until Dal-po’s calmer and then asks half-jokingly one last time if he’s not pulling some kind of stunt to steal her exclusive, and he pinches her lips shut like always and swears he isn’t.

They get up to head back to work, and In-ha stops to add that once their training days are over and they go back home, Dad will find out about their relationship and might be mean to him. Dal-po knows to expect it, but she cutely tells him, “Don’t give up okay?” Aw.

She starts to say that she’ll work on getting Dad to come around, but he pinches her lips again and says, “I won’t ever give up.” The way they smile at each other makes me melt. Dal-po caresses her cheek before they part, just to be extra swoony.

In-ha returns to MSC with high-fives for Beom-jo and his report. He looks a little scared to take another of her jumping high-fives, but offers his hand bravely. She says that she would’ve cursed if it had been anyone else but him on the TV, and says he did well. Uh-oh, Hyung’s already begun stalking her—he’s standing in the lobby behind them.

Mom is on her way out as they arrive back at the newsroom, and she tosses out a casual, “Good job,” on her way onto the elevator. In-ha is so flabbergasted that she shoves her foot in the door and makes her mother repeat the praise twice, and grins like a fool.

Mom even looks down at In-ha’s shoes to ask if they fit well, and In-ha belatedly realizes that Mom bought her the shoes, not Dad. She’s like a happy jumping bean, and demands another high-five from Beom-jo, who watches her with a goofy smile.

MSC has managed to flip the ratings with Hyung’s story, and plans to keep it that way with follow-up interviews. YGN’s director tells his staff to focus on their stories because that accident is bound to die down in a few days. But Dal-po narrates that the story didn’t die down—Hyung became a hero, and he was on national television telling the true story of their father’s death.

The YGN is feeling the heat to find out more about Hyung, and at first Gyo-dong tries to suggest they ignore it. But the editor presses them, so Cap assigns Dal-po to work on nothing else but this case, and report directly to him. Okay, NOW we’re getting somewhere.

Dal-po narrates that he even heard the apology he’d waited thirteen years to hear, as both brothers watch Song Cha-ok apologize on behalf of MSC, and then use the moment to promise that MSC will only deliver the truth. Dal-po (voiceover): “The news that turned my father into the devil thirteen years ago… was now turning my brother into a hero.”

(We finally get to see the inside of Hyung’s apartment as he sits numbly, watching the news. Why does it warm my heart so that both brothers use the same multi-piggy banking system?)

In the ensuing days, MSC practically turns Hyung into a saint, turning him into an extended human interest feature complete with daily good deeds and charitable giving, while purposely burying the stuff like records of him getting into fights in high school.

Dal-po narrates that the image MSC created of Hyung was like the song of the Pied Piper that bewitched children, as we watch Hyung get accosted on the street by kids dressed like him, asking for his picture.

At MSC, Beom-jo and In-ha squeeze onto a crowded elevator, and Beom-jo uses the cramped space to get In-ha and Mom to accidentally hug. They’re so awkward at affection even when it’s accidental, but he just keeps pushing Mom closer to In-ha with a little smile.

In the end they have to get off because the doors won’t close, and Beom-jo suddenly yanks Mom out of the elevator with him instead. He has something to give her and hands her an old cell phone, and asks if she didn’t lose it at his house thirteen years ago. Ah, so it wasn’t pure coincidence that he was intercepting all those texts.

Mom is a little taken aback, but he says that he kept that phone number all this time, and that In-ha didn’t know until recently that it wasn’t Mom’s number. He tells her to read the texts, and as she reads thirteen years of journal-like texts from In-ha, she suddenly realizes why In-ha was so disappointed the day she interviewed and tried calling her phone.

Beom-jo had told her that he expected the texts to stop at some point, but In-ha never gave up for thirteen years, and in the end it made him curious about who she was. Mom wonders why he’s telling her that he became a reporter for a girl like some lovesick fool, but he just tells her to read the texts, and she’ll fall in love with In-ha too. “And like me, you’ll want to become a good person for Choi In-ha.”

Princess struts around the city news desk like royalty now that MSC is winning the ratings battle, and especially enjoys lording the Ki Jae-myung story over everyone else because they’re the only station Hyung will interview with. Meanwhile Gyo-dong quietly takes a call from Dal-po, who reports that he’ll meet with Hyung today.

The MSC cameraman sees Hyung lurking in their lobby and sees him take a flyer with Mom’s picture on it, and he shares his fears with her over lunch that Ki Jae-myung might be planning something nefarious. Mom isn’t ruffled in the least, and just says that it ought to be good news fodder if he attacks her; she’s never backed down on a story in her whole career, and she’s not about to start now.

To In-ha’s shock, Mom picks up her tray and moves to her table, and In-ha can barely contain her squee. She offers Mom her egg yolk (apparently the swapping habit originates from In-ha’s time with Mom when she was young), and in turn Mom puts her whites on In-ha’s tray, sending her over the moon.

Dal-po visits his father’s memorial, now covered with flowers and notes of apology from people, calling him a hero and saying how sorry they are for believing the worst about him. It moves Dal-po to tears to see his father’s memory honored, however belatedly.

Hyung arrives behind him and asks coldly what he’s doing here, and Dal-po wipes away his tears before turning around. He lets Hyung think he’s just a reporter looking for a story, and stealth-records the conversation via cell phone and a tie pin loaned out to him by Cap.

Dal-po asks why he’s talking to MSC exclusively when it was the network that was harshest on his family thirteen years ago, and Hyung just says they’re listening to him now as he throws away the flowers Dal-po brought.

Dal-po follows him out and asks if he knows Moon Deok-soo, the plant manager who gave false testimony about his father, who killed two of his colleagues and is now missing. Hyung just says cryptically that what goes around comes around for all of them: “He was someone’s father and husband too.”

The wording is odd, and Dal-po asks why he’s speaking of a missing man in the past tense… like he’s dead. That catches Hyung off-guard (drat, it’s not looking very likely that he kept him alive in that manhole) and reaches for a flimsy explanation. Dal-po adds that he never said the two victims had anything to do with his father’s case, and again Hyung is taken aback.

Dal-po takes a step closer and searches his brother’s eyes as he asks, “Is it an apology you want from the world… Or do you want revenge?” Hyung steps even closer to reply in Dal-po’s ear: “If you asked me to choose between them, it’d be revenge.” He swipes Dal-po’s phone in the process, and throws it into a fire pit on the way out.

Dal-po sits in the office lost in thought, and replays the recording that he got from his tie pin. The moment of truth comes when Gyo-dong calls for an update. Dal-po narrates, “If a magic trick could fool everyone, could it be a miracle? If a lie could fool the world, could it become the truth? If so…”

He picks up the phone and Gyo-dong asks what he found out. Dal-po wonders to himself if the world thinks that Hyung is a hero, couldn’t he maybe stay a hero if Dal-po remained quiet? He chooses to lie, and says he has nothing new to report.

Dal-po (voiceover): “The truth trapped behind a wall of lies appeared to be quiet and calm like water. But unbeknownst to anyone, it had found a tiny crack in the wall and begun to flow out.”

We see Yoo-rae flip through the newspaper and pause at the name Ki Jae-myung, and she finally recalls that post-it with Hyung’s name on it that Cap asked her to hand to Dal-po.

At the same time, detective Chan-soo stares at Hyung’s picture in the paper and suddenly recalls that this is the man Dal-po met in the square the night he lied about not being there.

And at MSC, her cameraman sunbae calls In-ha into a room to show her something, and cues up the interview that Hyung did with them thirteen years ago. In-ha recognizes Mom’s voice and watches with interest as Hyung shows off Dad’s firefighter trophy and then says tearfully that his father died in the line of duty.

Mom replies coldly that a Pinocchio testified to seeing his father alive, but Hyung cries that he believes his dad more than a Pinocchio, and asks what kind of son would want to believe that his father had died. He admits that he’d much prefer for Dad to have been in the wrong and come back to them alive, but he knows in his heart that his father isn’t the kind of man who could do that—he would never leave his men behind, and he would never throw away his family. That’s how he knows Dad is dead.

The interview ends there, and then the cameraman tells In-ha that something else happened the night of that interview. Hyung was in the hallway and happened to overhear Mom’s orders to cut everything out except the one line where he said he didn’t care if the world hates him, he wishes his father were alive. Wow, thanks for the reminder—I was starting to forget how evil Mom is.

The cameraman tries to argue that it doesn’t seem right, but Mom calls Hyung as shameless as his father, which sets him off. He comes at her with the trophy in his hand and calls her a monster, and raises his hand to stab her with the pointy end.

We cut to Hyung being taken away in handcuffs, and the cameraman asks if pressing charges is necessary when he was clearly aiming for the wall. Mom is sporting a wound on her neck where it grazed her on the way, and calls this attempted murder.

She refuses to let him off the hook, so Hyung spent that night in jail… and that’s the night that his mother and brother jumped to their deaths. Ugh. Hyung believed that if he had been able to go home that night, he could’ve saved them.

In-ha can barely stomach asking, “Does Mom know all this?” He says yes, and tells her about the day on the cliff after they discovered the suicide note and Ha-myung’s shoe. Hyung screams in Mom’s face that they died because he couldn’t go home, and he swears to kill her.

The cameraman finally gets to his point—he thinks Ki Jae-myung is dangerous, and wants In-ha’s help to convince her mother to listen to reason. But In-ha isn’t listening anymore either, and just looks down at the shoes Mom bought her, that she had once thought so precious, and starts to hiccup.

She asks in disbelief if her mother was always this cruel: “How could she? HOW?!” She yanks her shoes off and throws them in the trash, and cries that she can’t understand. But suddenly a different shoe catches her attention—the one on the screen, belonging to Jae-myung’s little brother, Ha-myung.

She whispers that it isn’t possible, as she recalls the same blue sneaker that lives on their shoe rack at home. She remembers all the times she’s dropped it on her way out the door, and how it was always just the one shoe.

She runs out of there in just her socks, and thinks back to Grandpa’s story about finding Dal-po in the ocean. She comes home and finds the shoe still there where it always is, and asks Grandpa about it. He tells her not to throw it out—that’s the shoe that brought Dal-po to him, because it’s how he found him from his boat.

The truth sinks in, and when Grandpa says that Dal-po came home too and went up to the roof, In-ha races out to find him. On the way, she recalls all the little things, like when he said jokingly when they were young that she was his blood-feud enemy, or tried to tell her about her mother.

Now his outburst during their debate and his sincere wish for her not to become a reporter looks so different from his side, and she begins to cry and beat her chest. She reaches the roof and walks up to him slowly, and he’s surprised to see her crying.

She reaches for his hands and asks with tears streaming down her face, “Are you… Ki Ha-myung?” He can’t hide his reaction, and when she asks again, all he can manage to ask is how she knew.

She sinks to the ground and breaks down in tears. Dal-po narrates: “The secret I wanted to keep hidden… was discovered by the one person who should never have found out.”


Things are looking bad for Hyung, because now with more time spent on his character in the past, I’m starting to see how he might’ve become a killer, and how In-ha’s mom might’ve been the one to push him over the edge. Obviously the terrible timing of the one night he spent in jail isn’t her fault, but she could not be more heartless about it if she tried, and in retrospect his outburst on the cliff makes more sense. Now that we realize there’s a deeper reason for personal revenge against Mom, I’m even more worried for In-ha’s safety. Part of me still hopes that he didn’t kill those plant workers, but then I’d still be worried about him taking revenge on Mom by using In-ha regardless.

At this point I want Dal-po to hurry up and tell Hyung that he’s alive, because that’s the only thing that has a chance of stopping him. I’m glad that he struggled with burying his suspicions, because how could he not be tempted to let the world think that Hyung is a hero? He might even reason like Hyung does that what goes around comes around, and that because the media falsely vilified Firefighter Dad, so they get a free pass and the media can falsely glorify Hyung. Of course we know that our hero can’t just live with that, but it’s a dilemma he has to wrestle with, and already we see how his loyalties—to In-ha, to Cap, to Hyung—are divided.

What struck me in this episode was how much Dal-po and In-ha put each other first when it matters. Dal-po could’ve stormed into Hyung’s interview to stop him from exposing himself to the media, but he went there to protect In-ha first, and no matter how complicated his feelings for his brother might be, he’s worried for her safety first. I fully expected her to refuse his request to stay away from Hyung, but I was touched by her complete trust in him, that despite not telling her why, she believed he had her best interest at heart.

And when she finds out about Dal-po being Ha-myung, her tears seem to come from a place of empathy and heartbreak for everything he must’ve suffered in his life, not anger over secrets or misunderstandings. It’s crushing for In-ha to find out what a monster her mother can be, especially when she was finally showing some attempts at human emotions and awkward mommy-daughter bonding. It doesn’t make me more sympathetic to Mom, but when I see how happy it makes In-ha, I start to think that maybe a cold unfeeling mom is better than nothing.

But what I like about In-ha’s character is that her internal sense of right and wrong doesn’t shift because she idolizes her mother; when she hears that story, what she thinks is, How could my mother do such horrible things? Her perfect mom fantasy is one that needed to be shattered eventually, but I’m impressed that she didn’t come out of it blindly defending her mother, which she could’ve easily done. Of course now the other problem is that In-ha and Dal-po are now actually Romeo and Juliet, but that honestly doesn’t worry me. They’ve been direct and confrontational about everything thus far, and at every turn they’ve exceeded my expectations with their unwavering trust in each other, so I’m actually looking forward to watching them tackle this together.


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I honestly live for a new Pinocchio episode. So much awesomeness! It’s an enormous relief to see DP finally confide in someone regarding his suspicions about his brother. I was honestly worried that the poor guy was going to crumble emotionally at this rate. Is it just me or did Cap seem ever so slightly miffed at the start of their conversation (you really wanted that hug, eh?). I love that Cap didn’t try to pry or find out more but gave some very good advice. Hyung is mental. At first, I honestly thought that he’d be a killer with conscience and stop after those three men directly involved in his father’s death. But I think it’s a given that he’s walking the dark side, after those VERY dark looks he was shooting In Ha. I love that Cha Ok is slowly but surely, being won over by In Ha. From that “good job” to the shoes (which means that she cared at least a little from the start?), there’s no doubt that the Ice Queen’s exterior is cracking. I’ve seen elevators used in bringing about hugs between our leads (Angel Eyes <3) and kiss venues and more, but mother-daughter fuzzies? BRING IT ON! I still sort of despise, SCO, but In Ha’s happiness is just adorable to see so I’m rooting for this ship. Bum Joo won me over completely with that super warm-hearted gesture he pulled for In Ha’s sake. It’s hard for even Ice Mom not be won over but just how honest, open and real In Ha is. In Ha’s joy sure does come crashing down fast, seeing how high she’d been riding, what with the shoes and the food and hug earlier. Pretty sad seeing her begin to hiccup (so they doesn’t just come when she lies but when she feels like she’s going something contrary to what her nature dictates). Honestly PSH was stellar this episode, from the love in her eyes when she looked at DP, to the childlike joy on her face around Ice Mom, to the anguish here. The way she kept clutching her chest and saying “Dal Po” had me tearing up as well. Aww these two!
Love, love, love that conversation after DP dragged her away It’s so refreshing not to see throw a fit, or storm off in a hug, but simply trust in him. What is with K-Dramas these days? There’s such an outpouring of trust and affection between the leads, as opposed to dramas circa 2010 and older where even the slightly word was enough for an episode of angst. Gosh this is so beautiful to see! LJS effortlessly makes your heart bleed for him (look at those tormented eyes!) and the gentle way she holds him had me hugging my laptop. They go from heartwarming to cute, to heartbreaking so fluidly, it leaves me spinning (and a bit pissed that I can’t seem to find a guy like that). How is the realization that DP is Ki Ha Myung going to change things between them? Can it just not change things between them? Honestly just give me more cute moments and I’m a happy camper. Okay, show? (Or you’ll have to take care of your health *twistsring*)
Extended thoughts: http://unstoppablesun...


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part 2:
Speaking of the funnies, SBJ and In Ha’s high-five moments were pure gold throughout this episode! I love he steels himself for the first one and outright tries to switch hands for the second one. The peeved expressions of pain that follow are honestly just gold.
Likewise for YYR’s reaction to poor DP, who continues to be the butt of the joke, and stoicly puts up with YR’s constant reminders that she doesn’t feel the same way. It’s going to be EPIC to see the look on her face when she finds out about DP-In Ha’s relationship!
And oh my gosh at DP and hyung's super eerie conversation at that funeral home, I was honestly on the edge of my seat thinking that Jae Myung would snap or something (though please tell me that DP has a backup recording somewhere!)
Off to see Ep 10!
Extended thoughts: http://unstoppablesun.com/2014/12/11/pinocchio-episode-9-review-and-run-run-run-from-hyung/


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PSH was great, she is showing heaps of improvement in her emotional acting department! FINALLY!


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Omg I so agree PSH was great I 'm loving the the joy, angst and emotional pain great acting ?


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totally agree. out of all the characters she's played this one is shows her improvement
I used to feel indifferent towards her acting skills but this might be one of the best acting she's shown yet


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I live for a new Pinocchio episode too! I do the countdown in my mind every day. This was a beautiful episode, so intence, with a lot of sweet scenes but also dramatic ones. Hyung seems more and more dangerous and crazy, In Ha's mother more human - but evil at the same time - and Dal Po seems really concerned about Hyung and In Ha.

But in this jungle, the only thing I can think of is "When will they kiss each other again?" :P


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Same in here.... ^^

They already sweetie and cute together, but it isn't a crime if I want them to kiss again, rite? ;)


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Ahaha, me too! PSH and LJS honestly just have such great chemistry! I'm always waiting for something to happen whenever they get in close proximity!


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the intensity with which the actor portrayed the hyung's character had impressed me from the beginning, and yet frustrated me since i felt like he was so underdeveloped- and finally, in this episode, we see more of him and his character finally clicked for me. i'd imagined a similar scene in my head from before that i wish they'd show us, so i loved the scene where he was watching her on tv at home and taking her fliers. just a hypothesis, but i wonder if a strange, twisted love triangle will form between the two brothers and in-ha, especially as he sees how different she is from her mother.
i also loved how our expectations were subverted- in another drama, the heroine would immediately believe that he wasn't telling her because he wanted the exclusive and be defiant, but it was cleared up so quickly, because of how strong their bon is.
a few other comments
-the elevator + lunch scene, how adorably happy she was, and how the mother pretended to be indifferent while being shaken at their interaction. the actress playing the mother is amazing. seemingly stone-faced, but her facial expressions are actually very revealing
-him stealing in-ha's texts for 13 years- see, i can understand how on paper, it's a romantic concept: the guy falling in love with someone through their texts to an abandoned cell phone. how it's played out though, it's not as cute as i think they're trying to make it out to be...no matter how rich and good-looking, it's creepy-_-;
-lastly, her tears flowing out one after the other in a single line, the same stream- probably not intentional, seeing as there's no way you can control, but amazing visual effect nonetheless


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I wasn't into the show at first, but quite enjoying it now.

Enjoy the intrigue, enjoy the morals, enjoy the chemistry and characters too. Could do without the yelling but there's less of that now.

Rather like Park Shin Hye in this as well.


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Thanks for the recap, GF! ^^

I love when In-ha throws her shoes as soon as she found out what has her mom done in the past.

And nothing could swayed our OTP <3


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"And when she finds out about Dal-po being Ha-myung, her tears seem to come from a place of empathy and heartbreak for everything he must’ve suffered in his life, not anger over secrets or misunderstandings."

Thanks to the director and writer for not giving us the old problem/angst in dramaland.


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Like that as well, and I appreciate that they haven't dragged out the various discoveries. Nice pace.


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Yes!!!! I absolutely love that about this show...every time I'm like "oh great, here comes another kdrama trope" - and bam, the leads have a normal, open conversation - LIKE WHAT!?


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LOL! LIKE WHAT!? is right. Definitely not typical.


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Thank heavens for not typical! So refreshing!


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+1 Love the pacing of this writer!


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YES! They definitely do subvert so so many tropes, it's amazing.

And the show balances so many contrasts brilliantly (right/wrong, secrets/truth, villain/hero, family/solitude, rich/poor... you name it!).

I'm falling in love with this show by the episode :)


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Love the Romeo and Juliet reference--because they are. I actually was glad that In Ha finally found out. Since I already watched episode 10, I'm holding back on giving spoilers even though my fingers are itching.

Hyung did kill those men. Think of him as Min Joon Gook except that we know more about Hyung's background Min Joon Gook's story emerged toward the end but Hyung's story we already know from the beginning. If the creators of I Can Hear Your Voice showed Min Joon Gook's story the way they showed Hyung, we'll be a lot more sympathetic toward Min Joon Gook. Plus, Hyung is more good looking so that increases our sympathy. :-)

This drama is fast moving. I'm watching the other episodes while waiting for the next episode 11.


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Hmm, I am not sure that Hyung killed those men. I believe he did, and he seems to know that they are dead before the police do. Yet they do not show him killing these men on screen, and if I know this writer, she keeps things close to the vest until the final reveal sometimes. I can conjecture that maybe he followed the foreman and saw the foreman kill his buddies somehow, as he seems to have some knowledge of chemistry, at least he knows that Dad is dead (the foreman that is). Still, pretty sure that hyung lets the guy die of thirst down in the hole. There really is no reason for him to let him live. Certainly if he wants to go out with a bang though, he'll try for In Ha's mother and take her down with him, since he has nothing else to live for, unless he eventually finds out he has a brother.

Having a brother would complicate things for Jae Myung but we'll see if he finds out or if he remains ignorant till the very end. Obviously at some point he'll find out, either earlier or at his death scene or prison sentencing, etc. While there are always elements in every drama that seem to show up time after time, like the amazing coincidences of where Dal Po showed up, it seems that this writer knows how to keep things fresh so that we take these coincidences in stride.


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This episode was super refreshing. Like GF, I was truly surprised by In-ha's unwavering trust in Dal-po, mainly because (as seen so many times in other dramas), In-ha could have easily dismissed Dal-po's concerns as a petty way to interfere with the news story. But I think with this writer, as shown in Soo-ha and Hye-sung in IHYV, I should learn to expect two main leads who live up to how awesome their characters are portrayed to be.

I'm still on the fence about Hyung being the killer. With what we've seen so far (even after episode 10), I feel like the writers want the viewers to feel like we are those citizens who blindly believed what was shown to them via the news and wrongfully accused dad. I'm not that naive to think that Hyung didn't have any wrong-doing, I just want for Dal-po's sake that his brother isn't a killer. UGHHH, why can't LJS be happyyyy! LOL.


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I might be alone on this one but I really like the idea of Hyung being a serial killer. For me, it creates a lot of questions and presents some untapped opportunities. Will Dal Po protect his new family, his future or his brother? How do we fix Hyung? Can we redeem Hyung? Should society give deference to a serial killer's plight when it played a role in the person's ultimate demise?

If Dal Po sides with Hyung then when everything comes out, he going to go through much public scrutiny and lose job. The stakes are so much higher with Hyung being a serial killer. Either way, it makes for really interesting tv.


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I think hyung had to kill the men or it was some kind of accident he happened to witness because the point was for the guy to die knowing he was being wrongfully accused of murder like hyung's father was. That devastation wouldn't happen if he actually did kill the guys himself.


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It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. Whether Hyung is the killer or not, I'm sure I will be satisfied with the way the writers show it.

I'm glad that there are still people who believe that Hyung could be innocent. For Dal Po's sake, I hope I'm wrong. Nevertheless, I believe that Hyung did kill those men. He had the motive. And you can see his dark side emerging. I still think that he's the parallel to Min Joon Gook and Choi Dal Po is the parallel of Park Soo Ha.


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this episode felt flat to me. the sizzle is gone and we're left with the mess. so now the true lovers are reunited and fighting against ....the killer brother????

he's probably planning something bad for the daughter and we are back in I hear your voice category. hohum


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No, they're not fighting against the killer brother. Dal Po doesn't want In Ha to be involved in any way, shape, or form. Dal Po would rather get out of his brother's way rather than fight with him. That's why Dal Po said for In Ha not to seek Hyung.

Hyung is always planning something. He's a genius like Dal Po but he's more irrational than our hero. And yes, there are similarities with I Hear Your Voice since this is from the creators of I Hear Your Voice but it's still different--they're not in the courtroom but it's about how the media can make or break people. Dal Po also has vested interest in keeping his brother out of jail--Soo Ha didn't have that interest. That's why Soo Ha and Hye Sung could fight against Joon Gook but Dal Po would rather not do that.


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@girlfriday... haven't read your recap yet, but as soon as I saw this I wanted to thank you for doing it in the midst of your whirlwind red-carpet experience! ♥ ♥ ♥


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I never wanted this episode to end. I love how fast this drama moves. But more than that, I love how smart In Ha is that she figured it out. I much prefer In Ha finding out on her own than Dal Po having to tell her. I cannot be more happier for him (ignoring the fact that his hyung may be a murderer and imprisoned) because finally, after 13 years, he will have someone to share his pain with. My favorite part this episode was when In Ha asked Dal Po to not give up on them when Dad inevitably objects to their relationship. And his promise to her. You can just feel how much they love each other. I still don't think Mom deserves a daughter as good as In Ha, but Beom Jo did the best deed ever today. Sigh of relief Hyung didn't get amnesia after the accident. I am impressed how Hyung accomplished what Dal Po set out to do (clear Dad's name) in under a week. Now Dal Po has to change his goal of why he became a reporter. If Hyung didn't hate Dal Po before from his lying about being a reporter, he sure is going to hate him now that he knows Dal Po is dating the Pinocchio daughter of his sworn enemy. Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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I agree it is a relief to have a levelheaded and smart heroine who has sense not to jump into things but instead talk it out and address the problem so that there are no misunderstanding between our central leads.


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I love Pinocchio.

It is so good.


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Thank you for the recap. My hope and dream are getting gloomier with this episode. Hyung please don't be a murderer.


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Like Shalini, this is another show that I look forward to each week.

I feel sad that the warm, family bonding moments are so short and few. I'm referring to those between In Ha and her mum and Dal Po and his hyung. No sooner do we have an indication that family members could get closer, then events and revelations have to pop up to put a damper on.

In the first episodes, our comments said how much we wanted the family reunion, at least of the brothers. If false assumptions masqueraded as truths broke up one family, might painful truths appearing as themselves unite both families, as well as unite one family (Ki family) with the other (Choi family)?


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Hey there GB! *waves*

It's good to see you after a while! :D What other shows are you watching in addition to Pinocchio?


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Hi Shalini *waving back madly*
I need my weekly dose of Misaeng, but other than that I try to squeeze in or complete Pride and Prejudice, Bad Guys, Cantabile Tomorrow and Healer. I've been catching a bit of Valid Love, Modern Farmer, Mr Back and Reset but I'm not sure if i can continue. How about you? I look forward to reading you at recap pages (or when I can find the time, on your blog) :)


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Loving the pacing of the drama, it's never boring and the plot isn't dragged out. I think I appreciate that the most, along with the characters themselves. I'm so excited because we have half of the drama left to go, and so much has happened already. I can't wait to see what the writer has in store for us.

The scene with Dalpo and Inha totally melted my heart too, especially the looks they gave each other at the end /swoon


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Anyone else here with the impression that Dal-Po pinches In-ha's lips a bit too often?


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no- the two times that it happened here, it was to keep her from entertaining nonsensical thoughts in her head- his joking, affectionate way of saying, "you know that's not true," and she knows this too. it shows the depth of their bond.


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i'm starting to notice that also.. heading to 'too'


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I love the juxtaposition that this drama shows: Two brothers with the same intent to reveal the truth behind their father's death and the detrimental impact that news media has, yet the paths they've taken are completely different. It shows you just how much of a difference that environment can make for a person.

And I love that Park Shin Hye's character is not like other female characters in dramas. She's straightforward, which makes it so much less frustrating to watch.

This drama is so good, I gets the feels :3


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Totally agree! One thing that is really interesting, for me, is how the writer is exploring the subjectivity of truth. For example, a Pinocchio can only tell the truth but that truth is only the truth according to the individual, not the actual truth. Evil Mom mentions that she reports the news as she perceives it. And that's the hitch, perception is reality.


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Episode 9 had me holding my breath because hyung is getting scarier and creepier. The way he looks and smiles creepily at in ha is giving me alarm bells... I think at this point the chances that hyung really indeed murdered those three is very high... And if hyung really didnt kill those men i find it hard to believe that that someone who didnt murder anyone would act like that. Sure he would hate cha ok and in ha but why trail her?

Also i am very happy with the trust Dal po and In ha has for each other because these lessen the frustrations and misunderstandings for them and strongly unites them as a couple. Its saddening to see in ha suddenly all so sad after her bit of happiness but at least the two of them are now on the same page, no more hidden secrets....

Im hoping and praying that the last half of pinocchio will be just as good as the first half and that its stays with its fast pace and strong momentum!

Thank you for the recap!!!


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I LOVE how fast paced this show is! I literally can't wait for next week!


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Isn't it AMAZING how the writer can write such an AWESOME drama from a set up as boring as the news room? I saw the promotional poster of all 4 characters in suits and thought "How boring". But nothing could be further from the truth! I CAN'T WAIT for the next episode. How is it that the writer always manages to surprise me with her plot development and characters? I try predicting what's gonna happen next episode but it doesn't. She doesn't write stereotypical stuff. Of the norm. I love it that there's always new things happening. And at the very heart, this is not a dark drama. Even the darkness can be empathised with


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The promotional poster for this writer-PD combo is always boring but the drama is always great. I wasn't impressed with Pinocchio poster but I knew this drama would be amazing.


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lol i had the same thought for Misaeng,now im loving both shows


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I would love to pick this writer's brain. She's so creative and I'm addicted to I Can Hear Your Voice and Pinocchio.


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Every episode always seems to have at least one strong and powerful scene. I absolutely love how she discovered who Dal-po is. So well directed.

And how refreshing is their relationship? Not only theirs, but others as well I'd say.


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I love all the relationships (mom is the one that is unredeemable for me. Hyung might be the one who goes on killing (we still don't know), but I find her to be the most evil one of all).


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I am absolutely in love with this drama thus far. It's becoming my favorite since I Hear Your Voice.

I love how the writers don't drag things on -- they create conflicts and resolve them to create new ones. And I also adore In Ha and Dal Po's relationship. It's one full of trust and understanding, which is a rarity in kdramas.


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EXACTLY! That's what I love about this writer! She doesn't drag things. Or big reveals. She just reveals them, like Dal-po's true identity to In-ha, and come up with new stuff to write!

And yes you are right. How rare is it that there is a couple like In-ha and Dal-po who are together even before the drama ends. Without all the angst. But actually, the romance is not the main attraction for me. It's the bromance because Dal-po and his Hyung and the critique of media. Yes. The CRITIQUE of media. I can't believe I'm saying this but the writer gets her message across to me so loud and clear that I'm convinced. This drama is so much MORE that just romance.

I LOVE the depth of the characters. Like in a previous episode Dal-po confronted his past self and words across the table. Wow. Just wow. I'm blown away. I love it that the characters are strong inside.


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I absolutely agree!

I won't lie, I watch most dramas for the romance, but this is infinitely more than that. And I can't agree more about the critique of the media: it's thought-provoking and is integrated seamlessly into the plot and the characters' development. As you mentioned with Dal Po, the characters, especially Dal Po and In Ha, are learning and growing, and their critique of the media is a critique of their past ideals and beliefs. It's refreshing.

I'm hoping LJS will team up with this writer again and again. :D


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Is there a way to save Hyung from what it seems like his inevitable fall to the murderous villain pit? I just can't help feeling really bad for him. All the characters in this drama are great, but Hyung is such a tragic character that I want to shower him w/ love.

And please, Hyung, don't do something to In Ha! Those scary eyes and evil aura--please don't direct them at her. She's innocent, and if you reach out to her, most likely, she'll even help you! Is that not possible.? :(


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I wish for hyung to be saved too... I wish he can see that life can at least be better too. Its so hard seeing him stuck and living it that horrible past. Although you can't blame him for that but he crossed the boundaries he shouldn't have... Hyung is too far gone in that darkness but probably if dal po reveals his true identity then some things can change... We can all hope can't we?


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I laugh and cry at the same time when In Ha and her mom share the food. She literally fantasies her as the best reporter out there only to discover that her mom was so horrible 13 years ago to Dal Po's hyung n his family.

At least in this drama I know my OTP always delivers. Dal Po-In Ha <3


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Oh, I wish Dal-po would wake up and do something about hyung. Either tell him that he´s Ha-myung or help with the investigation. This guy is a ticking bomb and I´m scared that something terrible will happen soon. I still remember IHYV, where they actually killed off mother. I didn´t think they´d go that far, but they did, so...please, show, let´s not go that dark this time.
Otherwise, very happy with Park Shin-hye, she made me laugh so hard with her little mom-bought-me-shoes dance-off.


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Thanks for the recap, GF!!

Wow, so much happened in this ep in terms of plot development and a spectrum of emotions!

Glad DP can confide in Cap about his Hyung. DP really needs someone that he can talk to rather than shouldering everything himself. He's done that long enough already.

Loved how DP just asked IH to trust him and she did. That doesn't usually happen in most dramas, which would lead to being upset and causing a couple to drift. So, it's refreshing to see such unconditional trust and deep bond.

BJ giving the cell back to IH's mom was a good move and I was glad that she did take the time to read all those texts. The "good job" and eating together plus elevator scenes showed the ice queen relenting a bit. And I was happy because it made IH so overjoyed for her mom to warm up to her. The high-fives with BJ were hilarious.

Hyung is giving me bad vibes that he did exact revenge on those men... DP is smart in his sleuthing, which caught Hyung off-guard. Pains me to know how things might play out in future ep's. But I'm glad Hyung had the opportunity to clear Dad's name by being a hero himself. That came sooner than expected and DP doesn't need to do that anymore. As for Hyung eyeing IH and her mom's lecture. I hope he doesn't do anything drastic. Maybe he'll come to see how different IH is from her mom. That experience from 13 years ago... I can't believe what her mom did to the poor kid who was fighting for justice for his dad. And it explained why little HM had thought Hyung ran away and left him and Mom behind. IH's mom was indirectly related to the suicide and directly related to Dad's tarnished reputation and the family destruction. Can totally see why Hyung is so angry and still carries a grudge till this day.

I'm glad that IH is the first one to find out about DP's identity on her own. When she realized who he was and all those flashbacks brought new meaning to her, it broke my heart and made me feel her pain. As she was crying, I was crying as well, which doesn't happen often unless I'm truly touched. PSH and LJS are totally nailing their roles in this.

Anyway, this drama is the weekly highlight for me these days with its fast pace and storyline as well as character development. Would me interesting to see how things unfold as YR remembers seeing Hyung's name and CS planning to investigate Hyung further.


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@ Lisa
Yes there are so many great things about this writer and these episodes.

Dal Po gets to share his worry with Cap, and soon with In Ha too, I trust! This is unlike other angst filled dramas.

The OTP are behaving very well like a real OTP and not like melodramatic puppets who run away or hide the truth or lie unnecessarily.

Bringing the brothers together and the mum and daughter together and then having them distanced by truths and events was so well done, it did not appear manipulative.

The creepiness of BJ which I deplored is finally redeemed with his return of the cell phone. I wonder what it or Cha Ok was doing in his house 13 years ago....?!

Cha Ok may finally be starting to appreciate her daughter, only to find out that her choices and ruthlessness will drive In Ha away. I'm conflicted about this. I want family to be re-united. I want forgiveness and healing, but maybe Cha Ok cannot ever understand what she put others through without experiencing it herself.

With the pace of this show, will Jae Myung find out earlier rather than later, that he has his brother... and be given the choice: reject his brother whom he will hate (for being a reporter and loving In Ha) or accept his brother and reconcile with him? I need Jae Myung to leave his past behind and embrace a future with family. I hope (he doesn't end up another Do Young, as in Liar Game, stuck in the past) and we get to see his growth and redemption.


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Yes, I believe IH will be next to know DP's story as she just discovered his identity. Can't wait for her to be his support after he's been enduring all this pain for 13 years. I'm glad to see this reveal come early in the series rather than finding out the truth close to the end.

I love the OTP! They deal with situations & confront each other honestly out of care and concern for the other person. Part of that can be attributed to the Pinocchio syndrome. But the more refreshing aspect is how much they trust each other because they know each other well enough to not let others interfere with their bond. Most people would have trouble trusting, no matter how well they know/love someone, without getting their questions answered. That's why I love that scene when IH promised to not pursue the case further & just believed that DP has her best interest in mind.

Yes! This writer does an amazing job of weaving together the storyline & reaching us on an emotional level. We want to see the bros finding each other & being a family again, and IH to be able to have a good relationship with her mom after her unwavering love & thoughts of her all these years. We yearn for the bros to reunite & for the mom and daughter to bond. But we know that conflict would be inevitable, so it's that's much more rewarding to see how things play out when they've been brought together & distanced.

LOL BJ creepiness has been OK to me so far since he just seems to be a really sheltered boy & truly likes IH. Yes, I wondered about the cell phone being left behind in his house. Does Cha Ok have ties with BJ's mom/family somehow? Would be interesting to see if that gets brought up later.

I think it's time for Cha Ok to really learn her lesson in order to even redeem herself after all those monstrosities. And for that to happen, I think she's the type who has to learn things the hard way, meaning she has to experience it firsthand to hit home. So, it was good to see that just as she was warming up to IH & being touched by those text messages (maybe even pondering whether she had made a wrong decision to pursue her career while abandoning IH), her daughter finds out the truth that the mom who's been placed on a pedestal since her childhood was that reporter who destroyed the Ki family. I think forgiveness & healing would happen eventually since IH has a big heart. But first, Cha Ok needs to set aside her pride & face what she did (and still continues to do) as a "reporter."

I hope JM finds out soon since knowing his brother is still alive would be the only reason for him to hang onto sanity & not give up on his life. Whatever the result of the murder mystery is would determine when the reconciliation will happen with these bros. After all, I don't think DP would ultimately hide the truth though he wants JM to remain a hero for now. Yes, JM needs to realize that he's not alone in this world. Hope he stops...


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Oops... Got cut off.

Hope he stops his revenge rampage & won't harm IH/her mom.


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Hi Lisa
Thanks for your well considered response and taking the time to think it through. We feel the same, actually. The story is so good, and so much more to look forward to.

10 more episodes: what might befall?

Will everyone stay true to character or change... a subtle change is OK but not something too out of character. For eg. will Cha Ok remain the ice queen or will we see her melt a bit?

Taking a leaf from "I Hear Your Voice", will Jae Myung ever entirely give up his quest for revenge...

With no longer having as his objective, the clearing of his father's name, will Dal Po continue to be a reporter, and if so, why?


Thanks girlfriday for the update.

I have to say I love this writer's pacing. This show is really addicting.


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Thanks for the recap gf~been refreshing the site every few hours since subs came out! Don't think I've been this hooked before when watching dramas on a weekly basis rather than waiting for it to complete before downloading and watching.

These 2 eps have my emotions on a knife's edge! The writing is done incredibly well, characters so fleshed out and pace is spot-on (could be considered fast when compared to your usual dramas).

I love that IH found out the truth about DP herself and her first instinct is to confront him directly about it instead of beating around the bush.


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This drama is just zipping by. After watching episode 10, I feel like the drama just started it's run even though we are over halfway through it. Pinocchio and Misaeng.. the only ones I am currently watching that have kept me glued to the screen.


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hey me tooooo


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I'm inti this drama again! Episode 8 + 9 were on point. Thanks to Hyung's dark edginess the series is reaching a suspenseful high. I'm glad in a way that he's flawed. People rise from tragedy in different ways. Dal Po dealt with his better, thanks to finding a loving family to take him in. Who did Hyung have? No one. Hence his vengeful inner demons. Liking this drama more each episode. Amazing writers, actors and filming crew. It's going to grab loads of awards.


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I'm sorry for Bum Jo but Hyung is gradually becoming the second lead


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Thanks for the recap girlfriday. I like your analysis at the end.

"But what I like about In-ha’s character is that her internal sense of right and wrong doesn’t shift because she idolizes her mother; when she hears that story, what she thinks is, How could my mother do such horrible things?"

What struck me was that In Ha started hiccuping once she realised the injustice suffered by the Ki family and the cruelty of her mother. So the Pinocchio syndrome includes not just when knowing that there is falsehood, but being aware that something/someone is bad or in the case of the lady who died at the gym, ... when suspicious that not the whole truth is being revealed.


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1) Well, even Hyung is not a killer, I think it's safe to say that he's Nita's great a guy as we'd hoped he was. So sad.
2) I was screaming at my screen when Dalpo and the cameraman stopped Hyung from telling In Ha the truth and when Dalpo wouldn't explain to her while he was so distraught. But I was really gratified that she was able to figure things out for herself. Sometimes I forget that there is no actual rule against Kdrama heroines being smart and capable of thinking for themselves.

3. I'm also glad than In Ha isno longer in the dark about how Mom conducts business. I'm tempted to feel a little bit bad for Mom because it looks like she was finally coming around but, sorry not sorry, lady. You have no one to blame but yourself.
4. Speaking of which, who changes their phone number just because they lose their phone? And does that mean that Beom Jo was paying the bill all these years? The stalking is strong in this one.

5. How much did I love that In Ha went strait to Dal Po when she figured out his identity? I fully expected everyone to be brooding and angsting for the next three episodes. I guess there is something to be said for having a main character who literally cannot keep a secret. We need one of those in every show from now on.

6. I was really hoping that this would be a double recap because I have SO MUCH TO SAY about episode 10. Phenomenal!


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I'm just truly loving Pinocchio. Park Hye Ryun truly made me her fan after "Dream High". I knew "Dream High 2" would be a disaster before it even began because she didn't return as the screenwriter. As soon as IHYV was announced and I heard she was the screenwriter I knew it would be a hit. Even though "School 2013" turned me into a Lee Jong Suk fan before IHYV, and a LJS and PSH double bill built up the anticipation for Pinocchio, Park Hye Ryun is the true draw for me.

PSH really broke my heart in this ep. For her to finally see who her mother really is and what she did 13 years ago and then to realize that Dal Po knew she was the daughter of that horror the entire time she's known him was just epic.


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Um Dalpo hyung is a criminal that is a fact. We all saw push the moon duk so in the man hole that is not an illusion or a mistake. He left him to die, and even if he survived, it does not change him being a criminal, because that is still attempted murder and the police don't excuse you because you did not succeed in murdering someone. capish everyone.

And i love in ha how she maybe clueless sometimes but she acknowledges her flaws and grows from them. I think she may turn out a better reporter than Dal po

Dalpo excuses the possibility of crime his brother may have committed compared to In ha acknowledgement of her mothers unethical methods. Which one you think is a better reporter? one who hides the truth or acknowledges it.


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Look, it's easy to be upright like Inha when she hasn't lost much plus she has Pinocchio Syndrome so she has no choice. What's the biggest emotional thing Inha has had to go through so far? Just that she had to acknowledge her mother is cold-hearted and to no longer have her on a pedestal. Boohoo. Dalpo has two dead parents and one murderer brother, it's more complex than just to acknowledge something.


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maybe complex but does not excuse covering up for his criminal brother. your asking me to put myself in dalpo shoes, how about the dead victims familys put yourself in their shoes, does protecting a criminal who murdered your father justified just because his your brother.

So i am asking you put yourself in the Laws shoes instead so it is objective and fair.

that is why we do recommend people in law enforcement to investigate crimes where their personally involved or relations to.


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@ peterh
If we are to compare In Ha and Dal Po as reporters, the situations to base this on have to be about the same.

When it comes to choosing what to do about his hyung, Dal Po obviously can no longer operate as a reporter. He is faced with personal conflict. What was to have been a heart-warming reunion between brothers has suddenly become a tense relationship of strangers who cannot trust each other. There is still no proof although strong indications of guilt.

Then there is the issue of hyung being made into a hero and fulfilling the one aim that both brothers had, ie to restore the good name of their father and show how injustice had been served their family. This was an aim dear to Dal Po's heart. To do anything to bring his brother down and bring shame once again upon his family (without proof as yet) goes totally against the grain.

Imagine, how it would be for Jae Myung once again to have a reporter destroy his family, based on no clear proof and not only that, by none other than his own brother!

If we compare apple with apple, then we would need In Ha to be in the same situation as Dal Po and to see if she can act objectively like a reporter or not.


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"To do anything to bring his brother down and bring shame once again upon his family (without proof as yet) goes totally against the grain. "

my opinion is based as a viewer which saw his hyung pushing a guy into a manhole and leaving him buried.

even if the guy survives it is still a crime (attempted murder) hence a criminal.

Plus all criminals have a family but the law is equal and is not judge upon the emotions of the victims or perps but evidence.


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Whoa. This episode... blew my mind! In-ha discovered her mother's misdeeds, she learned Dal-po's true identity, and through it all, she firmly believed in Dal-po. Just so awesome. And Dal-po wanting to protect his brother's name, even when he could be (probably is) a killer is just so beautiful. I mean, I get his feelings, it is his brother, but the truth will out itself eventually. I hate to see what happens to him when it does.

Thanks for the recap!


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U guys, u guys Pinnochio Is freaking Awesome. can you get an adrenaline rush from a drama, coz I think I'm having one right now. Episode 9 and 10 should not be watched without a break in between.


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Pinocchio is so awesome not just because my bias for LJS. Everything is so spot on. The pace, the acting, the emotional feels I get especially from LJS. I can feel every emotions just by looking at his eyes. He totally deserves the Best male actor award at the 27th grimae award! Well done! WELL DONE!

I cant get over his espressions from 1) where Song cha ok provokes him during the lecture 2) when he confesses his identity to hyung. AWESOME. Just awesome!

I love you LJS.

As for PSY, I hated her character in The heirs.... its a total mess with just shocking face throughout the whole drama. I didnt make it to the final episode. The only reason I made it to episode 18 was because of KWB (my another bias after School 2013). However, the writer did a super great job in her character as in ha. Just like how she did so well with Lee bo young's character in IHYV. Kudos to you.

Another painful week till next 2 episodes!


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Although the big reveal and the emotional scenes are hitting all the right notes, I can get over how awesome the funny moments squezeed in between. Like the four senior reporters of YGN secretly attending mom's lecture, or the drinking scene. It's just too funny.


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I know right,Its like they need a show for the company fights.I laughed so hard during the lecture where they are just popping up one by one.the cast is awesome, pdnim, writers,all those involved are awesome.this show takes the gold.


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I feel so bad for hyung! I NEED SOME BROMANCE.

Anyway, I am glad PSH's character didn't annoy me unlike most of her previous works.
I was thinking to myself during the scene where LJS asked her not to get involved with hyung, "if she does what the typical drama girl does and be freaking stubborn i'm gonna quit this drama" & I was so proud she threw away the shoes!

I don't think I will be able to love Pinocchio as much as IHYV but it's still pretty good!
Now just tell me hyung won't end up dying, right?! ):


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Thank you so much for recapping Pinocchio! (So late in watching this, but better late than never.)

I absolutely loved this episode! I was getting so many I Hear Your Voice feels... Su Ha... :'(

And my eyes were betraying me too...


I thought the background read Su Ha, instead of Su Hwa. The writers were trying to play with us here, weren't they?


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5 stars for this episode


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i honestly hope that her mom dies. wow what a heartless bitch


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