Pinocchio: Episode 12

Pain paaain go away, come again another day! Turns out yesterday’s episode wasn’t the worst of the heartbreak, not by a long shot. Our hero decides that he doesn’t deserve to be happy anymore and seems determined to spread the pain around while he’s at it. This plan is good for nobody, I want to tell him, but he’s dead-set on doing things the nobly idiotic way, because he’s a drama hero and it’s a day that ends in “y.”


K.Will – “하나뿐인 사람” (One and Only Person) for the Pinocchio OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 12: “The Magic Flute”

The clock winds down to news hour and both networks begin their broadcasts, with Hyung sitting down for his interview at MSC and Dal-po bracing himself in a sound studio at YGN. Yoo-rae peeks inside the room and pouts at how unfair it is that Dal-po gets the big story for his first official on-camera report, and though she’s in the news lineup tonight as well, she guesses her mother will be asleep before her segment ever airs.

Grandpa fumbles with the remote to hurry and record the news just in case In-ha or Dal-po debut, and Dad tells him not to bother—they can do this every night till the cows come home, but the kids aren’t showing up on that TV.

At YGN, Editor Jo thinks Gyo-dong was rather cruel to have Dal-po break the story about his own brother, but Gyo-dong says stoically that it’s what Dal-po wanted. Though he seems worried too.

We switch over to MSC, where In-ha looks on nervously as Hyung sits down at the news desk next to Mom for his live interview. Mom introduces him as a national hero and even brings up the fact that they’ve met before, thirteen years ago when he came to her to do an interview about his father.

She plays the interview—the good parts this time—and Hyung doesn’t miss the chance to point out on live television that she edited it quite differently then and now. He recounts verbatim what she said thirteen years ago about cutting out his entire my-father-is-a-hero plea in favor of the story she wanted to tell. Mom gets flustered and tries to move on to the next question, and Hyung notes bitterly, “It’s funny how through editing, one person can become the devil, and the other a hero.”

Mom can’t bring herself to admit she was wrong or apologize even when faced with her mistake so baldly, and just says that all the networks were misinformed. But she assures him that she and MSC are more mature now, and they’re the ones who corrected past mistakes and reported his heroism, after all.

But he disagrees and says she’s doing the exact same thing today, only in reverse—thirteen years ago she turned a hero into the devil, and today she turned the devil into a hero, because he’s a killer. He then turns to face the camera and says that he’s a murderer, and that they can find out on YGN. Ha, okay not funny, but kinda funny.

With impeccable timing, YGN breaks the story that “national hero” Ki Jae-myung confessed to murdering three people. As the story airs, Chan-soo watches the broadcast and flashes back to the moment that Dal-po gave him the location of the manhole. He told Chan-soo the truth—that Ki Jae-myung confessed his crimes to him because Dal-po is his brother.

Dal-po’s news report includes an interview with Hyung, which he must have done right after outing himself as the informant. He confesses to killing all three plant workers and provides Dal-po with the evidence, and Dal-po reports that Hyung couldn’t live with the public image of himself as a hero and decided to turn himself in.

In-ha watches the YGN broadcast with bated breath, and at the end of his report, Dal-po signs off, ” Ki Ha-myung, YGN News.”

Oh noooo, Dad and Grandpa! Ugh, I can’t believe they’re finding out this way. They gape at the television and Grandpa murmurs numbly, “What is he saying? Why is he not Choi Dal-po, but Ki Ha-myung?”

Mom sits in the dark at the MSC news desk, stewing in rage, and flings her script into the air. Outside, Dal-po stands at MSC’s door waiting for Hyung to come out. A row of police cars lies in wait to take him away, and Dal-po runs up for one last conversation.

Hyung asks if he did well on his report, and Dal-po nods. Agh, his puppy eyes are just stabbing me in the heart right now. Hyung says he stuck it to Song Cha-ok, and Dal-po can’t hold in his tears any longer as they glance over at the officers waiting to arrest him.

Hyung regrets that their time together has been so short, after being apart for so long. That’s what I’m sayin’! We couldn’t have waited two weeks or just one more pizza before the big confession?

Dal-po cries that he’s sorry for not finding him sooner, and Hyung cradles Dal-po’s face in his hands as he says that this is just the beginning for him now, and he has to battle Song Cha-ok on his own. “Show Song Cha-ok, and me, what a real reporter is.”

Dal-po is sobbing by now, and Hyung holds it together long enough to get in a pinky swear, just like the one they shared the last time they saw each other as kids, and rumples Dal-po’s hair. Dal-po clutches onto Hyung and wails into his chest, not letting go, and Hyung finally lets himself cry as he hugs him back.

At home, Dal-po bows before Grandpa, who asks quietly if he’s found a place to live (he’s moving into Hyung’s old apartment), and if he really has to leave. Grandpa says he doesn’t care what his circumstances are, because to him he’s just his son Choi Dal-po, and asks if living here was so hard for him.

Dal-po chokes back tears as he says yes. What. Why would you break Grandpa’s heart like that?? He LIES that he had a hard time living here, all the while thinking to himself the opposite: “No, I was happy, happy enough that I feel sorry to my brother.”

Grandpa’s heart sinks as he realizes how much Dal-po must have suffered, but then he’s even more heartbroken when Dal-po says he wants to reclaim his real name… and asks for Grandpa to disown him. I hate you for making Grandpa cry. They both shed tears, but Dal-po remains firm in his decision and thinks to himself, “I’m sorry Father. I don’t think I should be happy anymore.”

Dal-po packs his suitcase and Dad saunters in, looking pretty chipper about getting his own room for the first time in his life. He casually asks what happens now between Dal-po and In-ha, and Dal-po assures him that he needn’t worry anymore—they’re over.

Suddenly Dad says, “Don’t go.” Omg, I didn’t know I HAD any tears left. He apologizes for the things he said that might’ve hurt Dal-po’s feelings, and asks him not to go. But Dal-po says he’s sorry and resolutely walks out to the door, and bows to say goodbye to Dad.

It’s then that Grandpa breaks down in wailing sobs alone in his room, and that’s when I lose it too. Dad calls out to both Grandpa and In-ha to come out and say goodbye, but they refuse to come out of their rooms, and In-ha cries against her door as Dal-po leaves.

She finds their family photo left behind on Dal-po’s desk, and in his new home, Dal-po unpacks a recent photo of him and Hyung, and puts it next to their old family photo with Firefighter Dad. On Hyung’s desk, Dal-po finds a pen with the inscription, “To my little brother, Ki Ha-myung.”

Dal-po goes to visit Hyung in jail, and Hyung keep a bright face for Dal-po’s benefit and makes sure that he’ll be at the crime scene reenactment, since it’ll be the last time they can see each other on the outside.

Chan-soo’s detective team leader calls Dal-po cruel for turning his brother in for an exclusive, and Chan-soo is suddenly reminded of the rumors he started in high school about Dal-po. This time he rises to the occasion in Dal-po’s defense, and reassures him that he’ll look out for Hyung at the crime scene.

The place is teeming with reporters, and the MSC team sees Dal-po hanging back behind the crowd and turn their camera on him. But the YGN team plays interference to protect their rookie, which is sweet.

Dal-po has a hard time watching Hyung get swarmed by reporters, and they both remember what it was like to be chased down by cameras in front of their home as kids.

But Hyung is comforted by the sight of Dal-po in the background, and gives a little reassuring nod, and Chan-soo tells him that he doesn’t need to answer the reporters’ questions, ushering him past the crowd.

Dal-po can barely stand by the time he returns to the precinct, and In-ha finds him in that shaky state. He heads to the elevator to avoid her, and she runs over to steady him on his feet and ask if he’s okay.

He pushes her away and tells her that he’s fine, and when she tries to stop him again and calls out his name, he pleads, “Don’t call me by that name. I’m fine, so don’t worry about me and don’t comfort me. Don’t do anything. So that I don’t fall apart, so that I’m not shaken, don’t do anything.” All In-ha can do is stand back and watch him go.

She runs into Mom in the MSC bathroom, and Mom asks if In-ha knew that her uncle was a killer’s brother, thinking it frightening. In-ha just looks back at her with an icy cold stare and retorts, “Why, I’m a killer’s daughter. You killed someone with your words.” Dayum.

Song Cha-ok’s name becomes synonymous with “fabricated news,” and netizens go to town making parody posters of her with movie title puns. Yoo-rae puts her sasaeng skills to use in creating an anti-fan club, and uploads a snarky video of Mom’s lecture at MSC, which seen in hindsight is just Mom digging her own grave.

Yoo-rae is mostly doing this because she feels bad that she fought with Dal-po about his hyung’s story without knowing his connection to it, and says she learned that what is just a news item to them is life and death to someone else.

Mom tries not to let all the bad press get to her, but she’s in as many headlines as Hyung is, and she can’t help but be on edge. She spots Dal-po on her way to work and stops in the street to confront him, acting like she’s above it all and totally not ruffled.

But it’s Dal-po who has the upper hand, and he notes that she must be feeling desperate, since she’s answering questions he never asked, and with a shaky voice at that. “Are you afraid of me now?” She denies it, and he tells her not to ever let on even if she is, or to fall apart easily: “Otherwise it’s no fun.”

Dal-po narrates that he was curious to see what would happen to Song Cha-ok, and whether the story would flame out quickly or catch wind. In the ensuing days, the story only grows bigger, and flames get fanned as people dig up old fabricated news stories.

It grows to citizen protest outside MSC, and a third network reports the story of a man who claims that his bus driving business failed because of Song Cha-ok, who falsely reported that one of his drivers committed suicide because of him.

Mom apologizes to her director and admits to reporting the case as a suicide without checking the medical reports, and even he’s shocked at the extent of her rashness. He tells her she’ll have to give up the anchor spot if this story turns out to be true. You’d think he’d pull her off the desk anyway, given how bad things look, but whatever.

She quietly tells Il-joo to investigate the suicide case and report it directly to her, but Princess calls them out on going over his head when he’s the Cap around here. He says that there’s only one way to prove that the truth is the truth, and assigns In-ha and Beom-jo to the case. Mom looks worried, but that’s exactly what Princess wants—for them to figure out what really happened, whether she wants it or not.

Over at YGN, they discuss going after the bus driver story, and Gyo-dong puts Dal-po on it (he’s calling him Ha-myung now—I’ll consider swapping names, but I like just calling him Dal-po). Yoo-rae gives her best puppy pout, so Cap belatedly adds her to the team too.

Dal-po visits Hyung and tells him about the bus driver case, and how it’s a chance to bring Song Cha-ok down once and for all. She won an award for that story, so if it turns out to be misreported, it’s over for her.

The case involves a 40-something bus driver who was fired for embezzling a measly 600 won (Can it really be called embezzling when it’s fifty cents?) and reportedly committed suicide due to depression after losing his job. Dal-po tells Hyung that if the real story is different, it’ll be enough to knock Song Cha-ok out of the news business for good.

Hyung says he’s looking forward to it, and Dal-po asks after his lawyer. They met once but Hyung seems a little unsure, and says that the lawyer seemed a little off. Dal-po doesn’t like the sound of that and asks for the name and number. Is it a public defender? Please be who I think it is.

Beom-jo calls Mommy to tell her about his latest case, though he sounds utterly deflated as he admits that he’s trying to get over his feelings and make a clean break from In-ha, because it’s too hard being in this fight that he has no chance of winning. He intends to tell In-ha the truth about the text messages, in hopes that if she hates him, it’ll make things easier.

Mommy suggests that he give up on being a reporter too, since it’s a job he started solely to be close to In-ha, and he doesn’t put up much of a fight. He turns down an offer for a blind date saying it’s too soon for that, but Mommy insists on sending a picture anyway, and he gripes until he checks his phone and finds a picture of Suzy. HA. He totally considers it for half a second, but tells himself it’s too soon.

He takes a deep breath and holds a palm to his cheek as he looks at In-ha working, and tells himself that it’s okay—he’ll take the hits if she hits him, and the swears if she swears at him. So he sits down next to her and blurts out the truth, and she slaps him so hard that it leaves a welt on his face and knocks him cheek-first into the wall.

That turns out to be his fearful imagination, but it’s scary enough for him to reconsider the confession, and instead he asks meekly if In-ha is still mad at the person who stole her text messages for thirteen years since things might not be so bad between her and Mom otherwise.

But In-ha thinks it’s the reverse—if Mom had gotten those texts, she probably would’ve told her coldly to stop calling. She used to be mad at the text thief, but she isn’t anymore because that person was like her own personal forest, and her diary for thirteen years.

Beom-jo beams to hear that, but then it dawns on him that this wasn’t the reaction he was seeking if he wanted to cut ties with her. He mutters under his breath that he can’t clean up his feelings if she’s being like this, but it’s clear from the look on his face that he wasn’t really about to stop liking her even if she had left welts on his face.

In-ha and Beom-jo head downstairs to ask the bus company CEO for an interview, and at first he’s resistant to speak to anyone at MSC, but agrees when In-ha explains that she’s a Pinocchio. Dal-po and Yoo-rae come up and ask to join the interview, and Dal-po and In-ha realize that they’re on the same story.

He pulls her aside and orders her to drop the case, which seems a little presumptuous. But thankfully In-ha says as much and tells him to mind his own beeswax. He argues that he’s going to tear her mother down with this story, but seeing her makes it difficult for him and he hesitates out of concern for her. See how breaking up didn’t really solve the nugget of the problem, you two? Angst if you do, angst if you don’t.

But she doesn’t back down: “Don’t concern yourself with me. Fight properly, and don’t hesitate.” She says that she thinks the same—that her mother isn’t fit to be a reporter—and plans to show that to the world.

She adds, “I know how hard it is for you. You’re not fine. You cry yourself to sleep every night and you miss Grandpa every second. But because of your brother you’re pretending to be okay. I know better than anyone that you’re not fine, but I’m not going to worry and I’m not going to comfort you! Because more than anything, I don’t want you to fall apart.” I love it when she’s right.

Il-joo reports to Mom that the bus driver did die of a heart condition and not suicide, and that the family members lied six years ago because they were angry at the bus company for his unfair firing.

At the coffee shop, Beom-jo comes up to Dal-po and tells him that he’s on his side, and offers up Mommy’s power in case she can help get Song Cha-ok ousted. Dal-po gives him a funny look and Beom-jo asks self-consciously if that sounded like he was chaebol-bragging, and he swears that he hates that kind of thing but wanted to make it clear whose side he’s on. That’s so cute.

The four of them split up to interview the victim’s family and coworkers, and Dal-po decides to go see Song Cha-ok directly to ask about the story. Beom-jo hands Dal-po his ID tag so he can get inside MSC, and then stops to point out how this is clearly proof that he’s on Dal-po’s side, heh.

Dal-po finds Mom in the cafeteria and rather enjoys asking if she’s having a hard time right now, adding that he understands what it’s like to be oppressed by false rumors. She gets up to walk away and he follows to ask why she’s not suing for defamation since it’d be so easy to clear her name.

She acts as if it’s not necessary to bother with every little false rumor out there, but Dal-po asks, “Can you prove that they’re false rumors?” It’s exactly what she asked Hyung thirteen years ago outside their house. Mom finally loses her cool and shouts defensively that she CAN prove it, and Dal-po baits her by asking if she checked the medical report before reporting it a suicide.

She says that there was plenty of reason to believe it was a suicide, like his will and his family’s statements. Dal-po just keeps repeating the one question, and she erupts, “I DIDN’T NEED TO CHECK IT!” He smiles and thanks her for answering the question, and walks out of MSC with a smile, as Mom gets the word from her boss to step down from the news desk for the time being.


Yay, Hyung’s lawyer turns out to be Cha Kwan-woo (cameo by Yoon Sang-hyun), who complains that Dal-po came to see him and relayed the comment about him seeming spacey. He then opens his case file and cringes to see that he’s brought the wrong one, HA. But he promises Hyung that he memorized the case details already, and that he made sure to give his dog to his little brother too.


I’m so mad at Dal-po for lying to Grandpa and making him cry. Go sit in the corner for a week! I don’t even want to look at you! Guh, I can’t believe that’s the best he thought he could do for the family that loved him all those years and STILL loves him even after finding out his real story. What pains me is that Dal-po thinks it has to be one family or the other, like he can’t be Dal-po and Ha-myung at the same time, or else he’s betraying Hyung. He’s cutting ties thinking that he doesn’t have the right to be loved by both families, but that’s just wrong—he already IS both Ha-myung and Dal-po, and he already loves both families. That’s not cheating; that’s just lucky.

With all the pain he’s suffered, he should be scooping up every ounce of familial love the world has to offer, not denying himself happiness. Atonement doesn’t work that way. Not to mention that it’s totally not even your fault that Hyung killed people! The only reason I’m not flipping a table right now is because I trust that eventually he’ll figure this out and come back to the family that loves him, and realize that he doesn’t have to lose Hyung in the process. It’s just frustrating to watch it unfold, because until the last episode, In-ha and Dal-po were doing so well sticking up for each other and defying the standard your-mother-killed-my-mother (indirectly) angst.

But now they’re denying their own happiness for each other in the name of revenge, which is noble, sure, but maddening in that it doesn’t actually change the fact that they love each other and have the same concerns they did before. I understand the symbolic gesture in freeing each other from everything except their familial obligations, but ultimately it changes very little in a concrete way, which we see today when Dal-po still tells In-ha to drop the story. I much preferred In-ha’s approach in this episode, of just telling Dal-po exactly how it is: You’re not fine, lying liar, but fine, I won’t comfort you, doofus! I may be paraphrasing a little. If it weren’t for her moments of directness, I’d probably blow a gasket. I know, separation angst must be had, blah blah. The cosmos wouldn’t grant them happiness if they didn’t sacrifice their love with pure hearts, blah blah. Yes, but what about Grandpa?? What did he ever do to deserve this, huh? *pout*

The fact that Dal-po and In-ha are apart will likely start to become more interesting going forward, if they end up on opposite sides of the story and In-ha finds herself having to defend her mother against her own wishes. It would be too easy if Dal-po got everything he wanted in the bus driver case, all neatly tied up with a bow; he’ll likely face some ethical quandaries of his own and have to be put to the test to see if he’ll bend the truth to get what he wants, or stay on the straight and narrow even if it means that Song Cha-ok lives to deliver the news another day. I just hope there are more twists and turns along the way, because the bring-Mom-down conflict doesn’t hold a candle to Hyung’s story and the way it guts Dal-po. Thankfully, I don’t think we’re going to stop seeing him just because he’s in prison now—maybe Yoon Sang-hyun’s cameo (wheeee!) will bring the focus to his trial, giving us the chance for one more bro-hug?


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Too many angts please bring back our happy couple and Choi Family....


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That's why its called DRAMA! :-D


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thank you so much for posting this.. this is great.. at first, i promised myself that i wouldnt watch the drama until it finishes. but i saw some pictures in twitter of jongsuk and youngkwang,, and i ended u watching the 4 first episodes. but then i really hate waiting but i cant keep myself from being curious, so i ended up reading the recaps.. and this is great. once again, thank you. i will not stop reading... and believe it or not,, i actually cried reading your personal comments.. i swear... i can imagine how devastating the drama is actually...AHHH I cant wait till the 15th january, when the last episode ends,, so that i can watch the drama as whole. once again, thank you for writing the recaps,, i will be visiting your website every week... ^^ you"ve worked hard. gamsahamnida, nemou gamsahamnida ^^


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Gahhhh, I totally lost it when Dad said dont go.. Why, why are there so many tears that we need to shed for this drama? I want the cute back for the love of Dalpo's piggies. This episode ruined me.


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When grandpa cried aloud in his room w the door closed, I cried buckets. Why is it nece for Ha Myung to be so cruel to grandpa? Can't he say what he says in voice over, so that grandpa will understand and be consoled why he has to leave?
For the love of his piggies is right. Unfortunately, there aren't any unslashed piggies left! :(


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Ikr man I love these characters ?


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Noble Idiocy stikes again!!! Geez. He leaves In Ha.....but why grandpa and little bro!?

The scene between In Ha and Mom in the bathroom-
In Ha: "In that case, I'm the daughter of the murderer."

And the cameo of Attorney Cha!!!!


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Thanks girlfriday! You're too fast for me!!!

This episode I felt that is no nobility in the idiocy. Just guilt-ridden, untruthful idiocy.

The only thing I'll give it is that DP/HM has to sort out all his feelings and loyalties properly. If he can only do it by distancing himself and returning to his origins, fine. I can accept a degree of separation and distancing.

But the idiocy is in the lies that hurt, the method he used to move on was hurtful. He could have left that family without such an all out painful rejection, rejecting even the warm, good feelings and care.

Afterall, the fact that his hyung was suffering all alone is not their fault!


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My thoughts exactly!!!!.... He could have simply told the grampa that he wants to take his birth name again legally...... so un-adopt him as a formality and that he will always be Dal po to him. He doesn't have any excuse to hurt grampa X-(. That was just cruel. I understand he wants to take his old name again and maintain some distance between him and In Ha/family for the time being and want to move away for while blah blah but still he didn't need to be an asshole.
Its just sad to see that even an amazing drama like this had to succumb to traditional drama tropes. Still this episode has its great moments....


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*sad smile* - ~ -


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It's possible that dalpo


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the scenes between the two brothers killed me. just the way dal-po looks at his hyung and how he clung onto him. *wipes away tears*


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Actor playing Hyung is doing a real good job. I hope this is a breakout role for him!
There are so many handsome actors skilled at their jobs. The competition is stiff. It must be difficult to breakout and be noticed.


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Yeah! Yoon Kyun Sang plays the role of Ki Jae Myung. This is his 3rd show only since 2012 and he is really fantastic in this role. I will keep looking out for him.


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I'm soon in love with Hyung that I can't believe that it doesn't shock me that he killed 3 people.

This actor is so good looking and manly.

And on top of that he's an amazing amazing actor.

Please give him a lead role soon.

He's the kind of actors that even with only a few roles under his belt, he has so much charisma that he deserves a lead role.

And I really hope he gets one soon.


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That's the danger of those handsome, broody hunks with chips on their shoulders and smouldering eyes. It's so hard to reconcile them with evil. That's the challenge that dramas give us,.... how facetious or in-depth we are or choose to be as viewers leads to how we approve/disapprove their actions.

Then there's the whole other take home of how we translate that to our 'real' lives. Or don't we get those handsome, broody types much in the neighbourhood....*looking around*...perhaps not. Sigh.


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The relationship between the two brothers is the real star of the show for me. Their story is just so tragic I cry buckets during their scenes together.


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OMG.... this is so so sad.... I just really wanted to cry... Dal Po..... Hyung.... In-Ha.... Grandpa..... WAHHHHHHHHHHH


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The scene between Jae Myung and Dal Po breaks my heart. *sobs*


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this drama is really the end of my sanity. I cried half of this episode especially when Dal po (should it be Ha Myung now?) broke Grandpa's heart. He could just have left the house and focus on Hyung without tearing off Grandpa's heart. I don't see any need for cutting ties with Dal Po's persona just to be Ha Myung again. Is there any logical explanation for that? Even Hyung said that he should live being loved by this adoptive family. So why Dal Po? Why?

On the other hand, I can see how Beom Jo is stepping up in his game. He is not the hateful second lead. The actor's signature I-AM-SO-IN-LOVE with you gazes at In-ha (reminds me of him being Jin Gu in Plus 9 boys), I can feel he's now being a contender. Plus BROMANCE between him and Dal Po. Too much bromance in this drama.

and Hyung's lawyer? I think he's going to bring my smile back after all those tears I shed.

Show, I have faith in you. Please come back. Bring Dal Po back with you.


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I dislike that he tore himself away from his family, but I think it was needed in the big picture because he would have to be taken off the family registry as In-ha's uncle to marry her eventually anyway.


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Good pt. Needs to be done in order to give us a happy ending.


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Good catch!!!!

It's absolutely necessary for the adoption to be undone otherwise Dal Po will have no future with In Ha.

They will just stay ''uncle" and "niece" to each other and would not be able to marry each other.

So it 's a necessary evil that will right itself at the end and I'm certain that everyone will be rejoicing for their happy ending.


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You are spot on. That is a good way to completely breakup any connection between Da Po and In Ha's family by the scriptwriters. At the same time they can still have feelings for each other and it won't be a taboo when they get together in the end when Da Po has seeked his revenge. It also allows him to take revenge on her ex-sister law. This show is all about family. It is more important than anything else. However, it is strange that In Ha does not hiccup even though she still loves and cares for Da pol but pretends not to care for him in order for Da Po to seek revenge.


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@ " However, it is strange that In Ha does not hiccup even though she still loves and cares for Da pol but pretends not to care for him in order for Da Po to seek revenge. "

In Ha wasn't pretending anything when they had that confrontation in the coffee shop. If anything, what she was saying was "Yes, I care about you so much that I was willing to go through having to break up with you and watch you destroy my own mother just so you can put all your demons to rest, so you can have your revenge. So do whatever you need to get that done -- I'm with you all the way." There was no lie in that, and so no hiccuping. It's pretty consistent with In Ha's character and strictly within the storyline.


That's the only bright spot in this ep: that bromance growing between Beom Jo and Ha M. I love that BJ is showing us what kind of a guy he is underneath all the mommy-love, when he offers his hand of friendship in HM's darkest hour.

The other bright spot is of course in the Preview! I'm so happy who Hyung's defence lawyer is. Yipee!


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You know what i was thinking seeing that...? "Oh Good... Hyun's is in good hands how..." :-)


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Thank you so much Girlfriday for another super-fast recap!

I totally agree with you about how unfair for DP to treat Grandpa the way he did. Oh heartbreaking is the word!


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Also...how much CAN a person cry WATCHING A DRAMA??

Well this drama is killing me slowly by bleeding me dry from all the tears I've shed for it thus far!!

Waaaaahhh...everything you've said in your comment, GF, I cannot agree more! So much that DP has done in this episode with his adoptive family tt I wish he did not do.

I'm just waiting what else the writer/s and PDs have in store for us to wring the tears out of us...


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Cry me a river, cry me river??
Of all options Dalpo had why he have to choose this way.
Why why why!!!!!!!! (ok I'm start to sound like lunatic rite now)
Dalpo im so mad at u now. Next ep i hope Dalpo make smart/logically move to solve his family matter (PD & Writer-nim I'm counting on u)
Seriously i got heartache now. I need a moment ( back to corner and cry ?)


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1. I love this story so much I was watching it without subs this morning.
2. Yesterday, In Ha and Dal Po, not a noble idiocy (it implies that one lied in order to make the other person happy). Today, Dal Po and the entire Choi family (except for In Ha) , a definite noble idiocy.
3. I love that In Ha and Dal Po are saying "I love you but you need your space for now". I don't think In Ha will defend her mom's actions unless there's reason--she spent her entire life defending them.
4. Preview for episode 13--Lawyer Cha is Hyung's lawyer. I was so glad! If anybody could free Hyung, it's Lawyer Cha.


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Great to see I'm not the only one who's so addicted to this show that I'm watching the raw eps without subs, without being able to speak an ounce of Korean! This is a first for me..been watching kdramas for awhile now but this is the 1st time a show has been able to drive me to this point.

Like others here, I spent half this ep crying (even though I didn't understand a word of what they were saying). LJS' acting has been taken up several notches, really enjoying the improvements since I first saw him in Secret Garden then Hot Young Bloods.

I've only seen PSH in Heirs and was not impressed. Here, however, she's displaying some acting chops and my original impression has been reversed.

Really enjoying the writing so far, but boy, are we due for some happy/cute scenes after this much angst and tears


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Same here. I cant understand a single korean except for a few simple words that i have learned while watching kdramas. While watching the raw subs when dal pyung said hajima. 8 cried out some more because ot means, dont go. Gosh, just even reading the recaps makes me cry again.


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Thank you for the recap!

Grandpa! You poor poor thing!
I wonder if he's going to pay back all of Dalpo's money, though I doubt he used any of it in the first place. He saved it in the bank maybe? Idk.

But something tells me that the Choi family is going to steal the show (AGAIN) in one of the upcoming episodes. /cries/

Now excuse me, I need to go cry, again.


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The only bright side of Dal Po living on his own--his piggy banks won't get emptied. And yes, we're due for some happy moments.


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Haha. Yeah the piggybanks must be the only ones happy to be away from grandpa.


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There's also some piggy bank family in hyung house, that little thing make me so happy after all those tears ?


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Thank you for the recaps!

The beginning had me crying again. This drama really excels at hitting all the emotional notes. Dal Po is always so strong, shouldering all the burdens, that I love how he reverted back to being a little boy looking up to his hyung.

And oh! Dal Po lying that he was unhappy living with Grandpa and moving out -- I can understand why he's doing that, but it doesn't stop me from crying over it, again. I think it's Dal Po punishing himself for the happiness he had that his brother didn't have more than anything else.

And I love the confrontation between Dal Po (though I probably should refer to him as Hae Myung now) and In Ha towards the end. She knows exactly how he's feeling -- and she won't comfort him because she doesn't want him to crumble, but she will support him by being a reporter herself. I was one of those who didn't support the "break up" in the previous episode, but after this, I think it can work.


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My heart broke so many times during this episode.

I know a lot of people are upset with Ha Myung for severing ties with Grandpa and little brother, but I get it.

I'm adopted and when you connect with your roots again, it messes you up and you feel guilty and confused and that you have to choose one or the other.

Plus Take into account the circumstances.

Ha Myung loses his entire family in a very tragic way plus believing his brother was a coward who abandoned them.
He can't even express to anyone what happened, the pain, confusion, the truth for half of his life.
He takes on a different persona for how many years as Dal Po only later to find his brother again 13 years later with the murder coming to light as well as the truth.

Imagine the guilt he is ridden with after realizing the pain and guilt his brother has lived with. I get it. I get why he blames himself and why he feels like the only way to try to make up for the past is to live how hyung has lived. Because if They had reunited sooner they could have been happy together instead.

I'm not saying I like it. I hated seeing grandpa cry, but I get it. I don't think he's being an idiot at all, but I'm looking forward to the moment when he realizes he can be at peace with his past and present.


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Totally agree. DP's guilt towards his brother is driving him to leave the family that loves him so much. It doesn't help that hyung told him he wouldn't be able to take revenge when he's in love with their enemies daughter. DP's love for IH has always been stronger than the hatred for her mum but after the truth of hyung's murders and what he had been through on the night of their mom's suicide , it's just too much for DP. Suddenly the guilt overwhelms him and he forces himself to choose between his hyung and his adopted family. Being both DP and HM at the same time is just too confusing and unbearable for him. I totally get it. He just needs to steel his heart and go head on with the revenge otherwise how can he ever do it when he feels so loved and happy with his family.


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Uhmm...ok I agree with u. (I'm gonna cry again..still not over)


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I second this! But I just hate it that he felt guilty!


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Well said Hjboe.. totally agree with you. i don't like (and do not agree) with the break up as well (Dal Po/In Ha/Grandpa/Dal Pyung), but the writer had it written so well and the director had it well-executed. I can totally buy Dal Po's reasoning despite not agreeing with him..

Poor boy, he must be torn between hyung and his new family, feeling so much guilt towards his brother that he deprive his own happiness...

But i know the time will come when he can get over that feeling and go back to the loving family while remain kid brother to his hyung..


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i agree with you @hjboe!
it's not noble idiocy, can certainly understand DP/HM doing.
but but, it hurt me when I saw grandpa crying..sigh >.<


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Took the words right out of my mouth, very well said.


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I love how after yesterday's episode there was so much discussion about whether or not the break up was an act of noble idiocy (I personally don't think it was) and then BAM today it's an episode chock full of it. Poor Grandpa, he didn't deserve to have his heart broken like that. Ugh, Dal Po, why are you so stupid? And Hyung, why couldn't you be a more supportive brother and tell Dal Po that it's okay for him to be happy while he fights Song Cha Ok? Or maybe just forget about revenge altogether, shall we? These boys need a good talking to from Jang Hye Song - speaking of whom, I am really appreciating how Pinocchio is kind of a foil to IHYV, showing us the other side of the revenge-driven murderer. It was so easy to hate Min Joon Gook but now that it's Hyung you really do want things to end happily. Also, CHA BYUN! I am so excited for his cameo!!


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For the awful memory of his mom, who couldn't bear to see her sons in pain and threw herself off of a cliff.... and to give respect to his dad, lying cold and alone in a ditch for 13 years as his name was slandered and vilified by lies and untruths... and for the family that was obliterated by tragedy compounded by cowardice and evil.... and finally for the second horrible tragedy and misdeeds of his older brother, who now sits in a 14x18 prison cell for life, there can be no peace and no happiness for Gi Ha Myeong.

How can he laugh and joke while his brother rots in jail and his parents cry out for the injustice of it all?

The more I think about it, the worse I feel for Ha Myeong. How can he ever smile again?


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Absolutely fantastic point...

Knowing all that he knows now, there's no way he can let himself be happy...he needs time.

And he also needs to do something to contribute to the injustice caused to their parents.

But love will trump it all, because at the end, unlike his brother...who taught that since he was alone in the world, he had nothing to lose by exacting revenge...Dal Po has a family and a girl who loves him and whom he also loves.

And at the end, that family will be his salvation...unlike Hyung who had no one to guide him, and/or comfort him.


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The scenes with Ha-myung and Jae-myung always get to me. Too much feels. But man I'm loving the new bromance between Ha-myung and Beom-jo haha.


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Ballzy move by the Ki brothers to entrap and discredit Cha Ok and I must say it worked out very well. However, I am afraid that the current move to discredit Cha Ok with the CEO bus driver wrongful allegation case may end up just vindicating her instead. Failure to check the death certificate could be attributed to negligence rather than willful malice, as was the case of Dal Po's dad and hyung. Which is not an excuse, by any means, but the degree of her culpability is lessened. As she had indicated, there were accusations from the victim's family, and other factors as well, and to someone as power hungry as she was, it would have been easy to compromise the story just to make a scoop and not bother with the facts or representing both sides of the story.

And the cameo from Yoon Sang Yoon as the clumsy cop turned attorney was priceless! I love the PD of this show as they are known to bring in cameos of actors from their last dramas. LOL.

I understand and respect Dal po's decisions to move out of the house and reclaim his identity. I even support it. However, hearing Grandpa cry broke my heart. I liken it to a pustule (boil) before it can begin to heal, you must first lance it, drain the pus and apply the ointment. And that's exactly what Dal po is going through, to exorcise his demons and his guilt, he needs to take these steps. Once his demons have been laid to rest, he can then reconnect with his adoptive family. In ha recognizes this, and I love her the more for it. Growing pains Dal po, hang in there, the worst will soon be over.


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The Ki brother trap did prove very effective. It really was ironic (and funny) that all of the time MSC spent re-building its credibility as a news station using one story could turn and feed the ratings of another news station (and destroy their own) with a single confession.


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Somehow I get the feeling that the mother may actually be innocent. Sure she didn't check out all the facts but I don't think she was all that power hungry so early in her career. This may have been the tipping point for her and all. But somehow I feel bad for Dal Po. He is simply jumping the gun and not taking the advice of his Captain.

He was told not to jump to any conclusions with solid facts and also to listen to both sides of the parties. Sadly his hatred or quest for vengeance is blinding him to this. He has already decided in his mind that she is guilty and is doing her best to get her down using this story of hers not realizing that this one may have indeed been a genuine mistake on her part.

I feel bad for the mother but at the same time I think that this may be slightly for the best as well. She now gets to see first hand the effects of what the power of a reporter and do and how it can hurt and damage a family. If she learns from this it will be for the best. Sadly I feel that under normal circumstances that would work out but with about 8 more episodes remaining I don't really see that happening. It will turn out that she made a mistake and didn't report falsely as everyone was assuming or that she was actually correct and all. Then she will come back to being the B----h she was before and say that the truth had to be uncovered by the end and all that load of baloney that goes with it. People will feel sorry for her and may even apologize to her etc..
Only if she was actually guilty and if she learned something from her actions would be nice otherwise no go.

Also has it been proven without a shadow of a doubt that Dal Po and Brothers Dad is actually dead or not. Yes a body was discovered but was it proven Via Dental Records or DNA testing about the bodies identity? I mean the jacket could easily have been discovered by some random homeless person and he was wearing it and may have died over there as the place had been abandoned and all. As for the dad he may have gone somewhere and even ends up with Amnesia so he doesn't remember anything and all. Mind you he would still be innocent and all. What do u think about that

Also what is the lawyer reference that all of you are going about. Not sure I get that so if anyone can shed some light regarding that will be extremly gratedul and all.


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I still feel that the separation is reasonable but really dal po, why blame yourself for everything? But maybe human emotions are wired that way? We worry over things we shouldnt worry, we try to blame others when they're not supposed to be blamed and we sometimes think its all our fault when really we have very little thing to do with it. Most people are such emotional persons that they feel before they think. I still think its stupid of dal po to think that he isnt deserving of any happiness and especially when grandpa and dal pyung clearly told him that his past doesnt matter. Well i guess he has too much emotional baggage that needs to be cleared of.
Well go ahead dal po be the noble idiot that you are, just dont take to long to realize and come back to your feet.

For now it still feels like its an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth that dal po is seeking. Like a kid thinking: im gonna make you experience what i have experienced. I hope he realizes that even if revenge can feel satisfying, it can only do so for a moment. So he needs to learn to make amends no matter how unthinkable it is for him. Because if his idea of revenge is by shaming cha ok and fanning the flame even more then how can he be any different from her?


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This episode confirmed two things for me: 1) I find this conflict ridiculous; 2) I do not blame In Ha for this ridiculous conflict, at all. While there are potential plot reasons for having Dal Po no longer be (legally) a part of the Choi family (including the obvious conflict of In Ha's dating her uncle), this execution makes no sense. Dal Po is disbanding his entire support system and putting himself though constant misery to prepare himself for one of the most difficult things in his life. I mentally liken this to firing your army right before going into war (in this case, an emotional war). It's the dumbest possible tactical mood that can be made and it leaves everyone else to conclude you might actually be insane. Luckily, one of those solderers is still bringing the fight on her own. There are not really words for how much I appreciate In Ha. In the previous episode, I seriously did not think she was being a noble idiot. The person she loved straight up told her that he cannot do the thing he needs to do because of his association with her and that it's causing him to hate himself. Her reaction made complete sense to me, even if the conflict did not. She was also so kind as to (somewhat) articulate why this conflict is so ridiculous and once again show that she's fighting for the same cause as Dal Po, even if he 'can't' have her fighting with him, at his side. In Ha, you are the light of hope I hold for this plot development... could you also be the light for your ridiculously confused, noble idiot, estranged ex-uncle?


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Thanks for the recap, GF! Another painful, tear-jerking ep to watch!

Hyung's MSC interview... I knew he was gonna point out how ironic it was for CO to report the way she wants to with his dad and his own stories. Couldn't help feeling that satisfaction when she was rendered speechless and he told people to switch over to watch YGN.

It was tough watching Grandpa and Dad find out DP's real identity through the news. =(

Oi... The scene between the bros outside MSC broke my heart. The tears, the promise and finally, the hug. Just wanna wrap my arms around DP to take away his pain and tell him it's gonna be all right.

And the heart break continues... The scene with Grandpa and DP... Argh... Poor guy thinks he's gotta deny his happiness to lessen his guilt towards Hyung! Nooo! While I thought the break-up with IH was a natural decision, I didn't expect he'd sever ties with the Choi family so soon. I can understand that he feels like he had gotten 13 years of undeserved happiness while his bro fell into a pit of darkness over time. And moving forward, he couldn't very well keep on feeling happy while Hyung is locked up in jail. But still, lying to Grandpa and asking to be disowned... Too much for my heart to see Grandpa wailing like that.

And then, Dad! I knew the getting his own room joke was just a facade to cover up his pain... And then apologize to DP and asking him not to go! That did me in again! This family loves him so and really views him as one of them. I hope DP will realize later that they will always be his family and it doesn't need to be either or as DP and HM.

IH and DP's elevator scene... That was hard to watch... Two people so in love and care so much about each other, but both are holding back and trying to give each other space... Wish they could comfort and support each other the way they've always done through these years, but I guess the angst and separation is required before being together again.

Bathroom scene... Gawd, all Mom could focus on was that DP is a killer's dongsaeng?!?! She still shrugs off any responsibility! IH's retort "I'm a killer's daughter" made my day and that's what I love about IH. She tells it like it is with no need to cushion anything. *fist pumps*

LOL at YR putting her sasaeng skills to use.

Princess Cap! Gotta love him for putting CO in her place for the rank talk and assigning IH to the case. He always says one thing out loud while really meaning the opposite.

All the visitation scenes with the bros just tug at my heartstrings and can't wait for the Lawyer Cha cameo. XD


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The bus driver case... It's good that IH, BJ, DP, YR are all on it. While DP got his answer confirmed re: death cert. from CO's outburst and the MSC prez asked her to step down, I don't think it'd be so easy for the end of CO. We'll see how things go. The cafe scene... I thought DP had no right to tell IH to drop the case. He's being too much. She's just as much a reporter, and again, I'm glad that she's serving up her frankness again. He needs to know that she shares his sentiments when it comes to Mom and he should just focus on what he needs to do, and that does not include ordering IH what she needs to do or not do. The part of her telling him she understands exactly what he's going through and yet choosing to stand back cuz that's what he had requested broke my heart again.

BJ hasn't been doing much lately, so it was good to see his character being more interesting in this ep. That exaggerated red hand mark was a giveaway that it was his imagination. =P And I love the bromance scenes with DP as he spoke up twice that he was on his side. More of this! Keke~


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hehe yeah, it was good to see more of Beom-jo too, I mean come to think of it he and Yoo-rae are weirdly underused....not the usual pattern of second lead writing for Park Hae-ryun.

Dal-po is totally punishing himself by breaking away from his name and his adopted family....it's devastating. I get being angry with him for hurting Grandpa (I am too!) but I also see why it's necessary for his sake, and what the thought process leading up to that decision is like.

And then I remember the scene with the brothers before hyung is taken away, and I, er, get a lot of things in my eye. Why does this drama make it impossible to take sides?!


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Very true. Don't think I've seen a drama where nothing much happens for the supposed second leads. BJ has barely made a presence lately and YR is just for comic relief. Hope there will be some time spent on their back stories later.

Yes, I think DP has this mentality that he must suffer pain like Hyung did because only he has been enjoying the love of family and happiness all this time. I hope he can put his past behind him soon.

I know, eh? First the tear-filled reunion and then the farewell... I don't think I've cried as much watching other dramas. *passes tissues* XD


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Two noble idiots in two episodes. I'm all idiot'ed out. I sure hope Haraboji can see right through Dal Po's lies because I'm deeply worried about his health. People can die from a broken heart. What Dal Po did was unforgivable. I lost it when Dad asked Dal Po to stay. Dad loves him. They truly were a happy family. Why does Dal Po have to be so stupid? At least In Ha knows he's lying. Please let everyone else know he's lying, too. I thought Cha Byun was an epilogue. Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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I'm so excited about Yoon Sang-hyun's cameo next week! I just wish Lee Bo Young could make a cameo too but it's probably unlikely due to her pregnancy (congrats!! I love her and Ji Sung).


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Cha Byun!! Lawyer Cha, how much I miss you? I wish I could see him in a room with Dal Po.. hehe... Lawyer Cha is really an adorable man and hope he will stay adorable here based on the preview.

First, I think it's almost impossible in real life if Hyung wants to take down Cha Ok via interview. The TV station won't airing that! And it's impossible too he could said "let's turn to YGN to watch the news". So here I suspend my disbelief just because I love the show so much!
Second, I'm really glad In Ha is not some noble idiot and believes everything Dal Po said and instead challenges him back. And she even wants to dig the truth, even if it's against her own mother.
Third, it's so heartbreaking to see Grandpa breaks down like that. I don't know and don't understand why Dal Po feels he need to lie and as GF said, choose one of 2 families. He could be Dal Po and Ha Myung at the same time and no one (including Hyung) seems having an issue about that.

I just wish the show won't make Dal Po noble idiot for so long. I still love this show and hopefully they'll spend happy time together.


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I think that the MSC NEWS AND YGN news are actually filmed live and hyung was in the studio being interviewed while the show was ongoing and airing, its not pre recorded or anything so they wont be able to edit out what hyung said. Its a live broadcast after all.

And in my opinion i think it would be difficult for dal po/ha myung to mix his two lives. It would be like being happy and guilty at the same time. He needs to make peace with his past so he can move to a happier future. I dont like it that he has to lie to grandpa, he could just have been frank with him. But i think it was necessary to cut the ties.


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It was a life feed...so, it's possible


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Oh, thank u. I didnt think it was possible to edit something our while airing live.


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But isnt live broadcast supposed to be filmed in real time? Broadcasted as it happens in the present. Because i thought that the news were the only prerecorded stuff but not the interview.


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In the US at least there's often a 5-10 second delay on live broadcasts to allow editing for profanity (or gestures). In general, live interviews are more common on CNN and the other cable stationa and not the evening news on the big 3. Having said that, I can't believe any major network in SK would allow live interviews without some delay -- just in case someone wants to mix it up on live tv.


The last time I cried the way I cried during ep 11 and 12 was on last ep of City Hall. Laast Episode!! But now, I literally sobbing!! Gaaah, so painfully good! I'm not even making any sense. I live you Pinocchio, thank you for bringing everything that I love about kdrama. It's been awhile...


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What I love, love, love... the Choi family! After finding out that Dal Po is Ha Myung in such a horribly shocking way and that they have been lied to, they still love Ha Myung. Really, couldn't he have at least called them and warned them what he was about to do. Seemed so callous of him to just announce his birth name on TV, knowing that the Chois would be glued to the TV set. But their reactions, including In Ha's are the most wonderful and reasonable of any family I've seen in kdrama. They are truly a loving family. No family one-upmanship nonsense, just love and acceptance. *Sob...so touched*

Also I really love In Ha. That she is so strong, so true, so clear thinking. Taking Dal Po's rejection (which found too harsh) in her stride, Standing up to her mother. Standing up to Ha Myung over the investigation and preparing to fight her own way to bring truth to light. Getting over her resentment about all those lost texts.

And I love, LOVE that the 4 young reporters are finally together, well, in a sort of way. That they shared the interview and the workload, that they trust each other and are willing to cooperate. It's amazing since they are from competing stations. When they were split in the beginning I thought this friendly scene would never take place, but this episode has them together, working amicably, hopefully with more such occasions to come.


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Dalpo just proved that In Ha and his breakup was unnecessary, because despite them breaking up they know they're going to continue seeing each other because of their job.

But I do understand why they broke up, yes they have the same goal of bringing down In Ha's mother, BUT Dal Po knows that despite In ha hating her mother and is willing to bring her mother down too, she will be hurt. In Ha will be hurt because her mother is hurt, regardless how evil she is, In Ha who's with Dalpo will be hurt.

Dalpo probably does not want to flaunt in front of In Ha about him attacking her mom. So I think that's why Dalpo thinks if they break up, he can bring her down THEN go back to In Ha. Which is also messy on it's own.

And I agree with what girlfriday said, Dal Po isn't seeing that he can have two families (Grandpa and with Hyung), he's only attacking this situation from Han Myung's view (he needs to defend his father, his family, his Hyung) and not from Dal Po's side.

But, I do like the distinction that this "Dal Po" isn't the Dalpo we've grown to love and adore, because this is Han Myung. Right now, Lee Jong Suk is playing Han Myung (we may either like him or hate him, but this is the Han Myung that we saw when he was younger.) At times we see Dal Po come through because of In Ha (which is why Han Myung said it's so hard to see In Ha because she brings out Dal Po).

Regardless, I hope there is a new storyline because like girlfriday said, the conquest to bring down In Ha's mom isn't going to last long.

But I'm still hopeful in Pinocchio♥ and that's the truth.


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Did anyone see the preview for the next episode? Is Hyung's lawyer that guy from another drama!!! He seemed familiar!


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Yes it is the cameo of Yoon Sang Hyun as Lawyer Cha from "I Hear Your Voice".


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Moments of self revelation:
Chan Soo realises what a jerk he was to Dal Po while they were in school and calls himself immature, thoughtless and shallow-minded, which he applies to his colleague too! LOL.

I like the growth.

Yoo Rae now realises that what is just a scoop to her is really someone's life, and that she did not take it seriously.

However I cannot approve her tactics against Cha Ok. Why should she be among those who take revenge for Dal Po and it is as unethical of her to edit Cha Ok's lecture to give a false impression as it is for Cha Ok to do it in her scoops.

Beom Jo is happily no longer the stalker character but the one mature enough to say he should end a one-sided love. Whether he gets to break it off properly remains to be seen. :D Anyway now I can like his character and remember his also as the sweet lover in Plus 9.

Princess from the last episode and this one, no longer cowered by Cha Ok and calling the shots on how the investigation and reporting is to be done - good to see our 'judge from IHYV' in control.

Now we need our favourite brothers to also come to a revelation that revenge isn't all it's cut out to be and that it does not bring true joy!


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I like to believe that Yoo Rae doing those things are actually a reflection of the state current netizens are in Korea. It reminded me of incidents where that scandal which Tablo was involved. Of course the situation is different but making hate cafes and organising petitions etc are a big norm in Korea. Plus Yoo Rae has a background as a Sasaeng so I think it matches with her character to be using these methods to get back at Cha OK.

I se it as the writer making a bit of commentary on the current situation in new sites and the state of Korean netizens.


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Good point!

Whether we like it or not, it seems to be the way some netizens go.


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I like CS and YR's growth and reflection as well. I think this drama does a good job of leaving viewers to mull over the messages that it's trying to convey about being judgmental, short-sighted, and jumping to conclusions.


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I actually like that Yoo-rae reverts to her sasaeng days' tactics (setting up an anti-cafe) when it comes to the takedown of SCO, it's in character for her. And like Nessie says, it's closer to the way actual netizens in Korea would react......this time with a guilty target, they'll really go to town on her.

(I wish she had more to do though, the girl is literally nothing but a convenient speaking prop/plot device/comic relief. The most she's had was the drinking scene with In-ha last ep, and I've seen that the actress is capable of far more nuanced, heartfelt performances too - wish they gave her some of that)


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lol... I loved how hyung thought that his lawyer was a bit of a dummy but he wasn't sure. jejeje. I love the cameo that's coming up love it love it love it!! of course it's not only because of my eternal love for oppa YSH but also for the crossover with ICHYV that his Attorney Cha appearance represents :) now if only noona LBY would appear and comment on how the rookie reporter looks like her police officer smartypants boyfriend.


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I like that idea but I will take that further. If Park Soo Ha can make an appearance at the police station and pick up Hye Sung after talking to DP/HM, it would be super hilarious. :-)


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Haha. I like your idea!?


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It's such a testament to the writing of this show that everyone is rallying for Hyung. He really is a sympathetic character so it totally makes sense. However, Hyung is a murderer, a cold-blooded one. Yes, he has/had a tragic life which caused him to take drastic measures but so did Dal Po and In Ha. Growing up without family and parents is incredibly difficult and really damaging. However, no tragic story gives you license to kill people, especially not three times over. Allowing Hyung to walk free, regardless of the situation, is not realistic and there needs to be retribution.

I'm concerned with the story now. I wish the writer maybe would have stretched Hyung's murder plot out longer. Maybe showing us the other murders and Hyung's downward spiral. It feels like now we might just be in any other drama. The OTP forced to oppose one another for some reason while realizing that they truly love each other despite those around them that might be a better match.

For this drama, I don't care to watch the inevitable love triangle. (Pretty sure Beum Jo is trading his support of Dal Po for In Ha) I like that the OTP was so strong and it's frustrating that we couldn't have them work out their problems together. Though I get that Dal Po needs to become his former self in order for them to truly be together.


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Hyung is an interesting character. He's a murderer, but at the same time a principled person, which is pretty much unimaginable on paper but really complex on film thanks to this script and actor.

And here's another thought to chew on re: hyung, thirteen years of loneliness, grief and anger have brought out some very self-destructive tendencies in him, all of which are rooted in his feelings for his family.

And those self-destruct tendencies manifest in both good and bad ways - after he found his father's remains, he really thought he had nothing to live for or to be good for because he really was all alone in the world, so why bother being good? and planned the murders. He drove his truck head-first into a vehicle three times its size to save a kid he hallucinated was young Ha-myung, without even thinking of his own safety. And when his actual brother dared him to turn himself in, he not only did so but spectacularly outed himself on live tv (a 'what the hell, I'll do this in style' action if there ever was one)....I'm just saying, I see a pattern to hyung's actions and it's really interesting to observe.


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@ evw09
As in so many ways, this drama has turned the usual romance arc on its head.

It begins with the OTP relationship already so mature and so great (whereas in other shows it could have taken anything from 4-10 episodes to get there) and proceeds to unravel that greatness in the last half of the drama.

So we look back at fondness at what was and know with aching hearts what could have been and the pathos is that much greater!!! Great writing or super frustrating, depending on how you look at it. :)


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The thing I want to know is to what end does Dal Po need to destroy Cha Ok. Whats the endgame? Does he want her to admit her faults? Does he want her to stop being a reporter? Like I know they want to "bring her down" but how and in what way. My one fear is they will drive her to contemplate suicide and then he'll just be exactly the reporter he hates and she'll become a victim like his mother.

I was not expecting him to end his relationship with Grandpa that way. I can understand his reasoning for leaving but not destroying an old mans heart. Seems unnecessary and just drama for drama.


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is the writer of this show the same as the one who wrote I hear your voice? because I see so many similarities in the two dramas. except that the female lead is written like an appendage and nothing else.
this drama is actually a rewrite of I hear your voice, from the POV of the serial killer who's wife died because of a news reporter. There was an element in that show that Pinocchio is now exploring: the lonely, isolated life of a damaged man who willingly turned into a beast because of revenge. Except that that show was tightly written and had four strong characters who moved around that insular world and made it crackle like mad.
Pinocchio has too many unnecessary characters and a female lead who is woefully underwritten and underused. Actually, I was half-expecting lee bo young’s character to pop out from somewhere to kick some sense into dal po. She’s the type of woman who knows how to reach him without being maudlin about it. She will not accept excuses, rude brush-offs and will just go about her business like its nobody else’s business.
In ha? Nah. Too goody-goody two shoes. Too boxed in as the ideal. Too timid. Too limp. Too wan. All she has to do really is perfect the tragic and beautiful look and that’s about it.
As for the revenge, who knows? The writer probably has too much excess material from I hear your voice and is using that to drive this drama. Well, he/she could do worse, right? The drama looks shiny and pretty. The set is high-end. The production classy. The lighting is too beautiful for words. The actors belong to Olympus. And the costumes are gorgeous. Let’s just enjoy the ride and throw logic to the wind. Who needs it when we can bask with awe at the beauty of this perfect landscape?


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I suggest then that you stop comparing these dramas in order for you to enjoy it. Yes, i definitely think there are some huge similarities between it and IHYV and it probably stems from it being the work of the same writer-pd tandem and of course lee jong suk being the male lead. But criticising the female character and comparing her to that one of hye sung is completely unnecessary. IN HA is in Ha and Hye sung is hye sung, wanting in ha to have the same character as hye sung is just totally wrong. If you want someone like hye sung, then she is there in IHYV and yes she is awesome but i also beg to disagree on your opinion because i think In ha is just as awesome as hye sung and should be viewed in her own merit and not in comparison to hye sung.
I respect your opinion but Im just kind sad that you view her that way because i think In ha is awesome. In ha and hye sung both are.


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She doesn’t have a life that’s why I think the writer did her a great disservice when she/he wrote her that way. She graduates from college and three years later she still doesn’t have a job because she’s waiting for her father/grandfather/the universe/god/and whoever is out there to make her a reporter. She didn’t get to be a reporter because she has the ability. She’s a “parachute” whatever the hell that means.
So, she basically loiters around doing nothing. No friends, no tangible ambition to speak of, not even a boyfriend. Contrast that to the heroine in secret garden for example. Even after winning her rich heir, she still aspires to be a stunt woman in Hollywood. After 5 years of marriage and 3 kids, she becomes a director of the stunt school. She has friends in the industry, she has a bestfriend, she is the soul mate of a hallyu star. She has a life before and after prince charming. In in ha’s case, when she finally has a chance to report a very exciting news story the writer for some unknown and baffling reason chose to have rich heir report it instead. Eh?
The lead character in heirs (of course this same actress) is turning herself ragged doing part-time jobs. That’s part of her character makeup. She is hard working, thrifty and driven. We also get to see the two competing boys visit her in her workplace, where she lords it over them. The character in you’re beautiful didn’t become a nun but found herself as a teacher and off she went to Africa to teach kids about hard work, ambition, and how to live life to the fullest. She has friends, an excellent mother superior, a twin brother, and a boyfriend who adores her.
The character in I hear your voice has a full life even before the boy found her. She has a doting mom, a job, ambition, and a loft apartment that looks too expensive for the measly salary of a public defender. At the end of the series, she’s become a fully realized character, with a job, friends, ambition, a boyfriend who will walk on burning coals to protect her.
In ha is too wishy-washy and I don’t mean that as criticism of the actress. She’s usually good but she is disgustingly wasted in this drama. The writer in her/his obsession with the theme seemed to have overlooked her character development. She finds out her mom is a bitch, shrugs and tells dal po, yup, go for it, dude. Exact your revenge on her. I’m going out for a cigarette so you do that.
I’m now wondering why in god’s name dal po fell for her, probably because of their close proximity. You live too close in a family not your own with a teenage daughter who’s lively to look at and the first stirring of attraction is bound to happen. But outside of that, there is nothing to recommend her as a character. Dal po and his brother battle her mom on air and she sits by the sidelines with pretty rich heir looking gorgeous but nothing else.
That’s why I think the writer boxed her. Give her something to do for the love of god. Make her a better reporter or something...


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Not sure the heroine in Heirs is anyone you should be citing as a good role model, considering that she's a classic Candy with the worst boyfriend in the world (and just as bad second lead) who spends half her time crying and ineffectually attempting to stand up to someone in power, only to crumble in tears in about five minutes. And I am a fan of PSH!

In-ha may have had the action shifted away from her while the focus was on hyung, but I don't know what show you're watching, if you claim she does nothing but sit around with Beom-jo and look pretty. She has flaws, but that's kind of a natural side effect of having, you know, a personality. And unlike in certain other dramas, in this case it's pretty easy to see why Dal-po fell for In-ha, apart from proximity and beauty - she's blisteringly frank, and he values the hell out of truth.

PS: And those three years she was unemployed after college, didn't she spend them studying furiously to be a reporter and trying her hardest at all the broadcast reporter tests despite repeated failure? She herself acknowledges that she was ashamed of it, so I don't know what your issue is there.


PS: I think you really like IHYV (which is great, it was a fantastic drama) but you might genuinely be better off not watching this drama and just going back to that one, since the female lead clearly bothers you a lot by committing the grievous offence of not being Jang Hye-sung.

It would save us all from listening to a lot of specious and repetitive arguments about In-ha (little fact, lots of impact, to paraphrase SCO) and you would probably enjoy yourself more.


Yeah, you do have point there too. I think character development wise In ha still ought to prove herself as worth something in the field of being a reporting. There is definitely still a lot more for her to grow at this point if allowed. Now maybe with Ha myung separated from her then she be able to grow in person by her means.


Just go watch IHYV bcz In Ha will be in pinocchio as main character will make the change OK .


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And also in ha has never been timid to me at least. She is blunt honest because she has to be and i never saw her as a weak character because she is someone who cam carry herself enough without the help of the male lead. It saddens me that you view it as an excess story from IHYV rather i think it can be an extension of it like a coin that has two sides, seeming similar yet different. It has different character and you expect to have a different reaction. pinocchio is not supposed to be a carbon copy oF IHYV but instead comliments some of IHYV themes hence the similarities.


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Actualy that neri also commented on pinocchio ep10 i think and he/she also said that the story can go on even without in ha in it,and according to her/him it can be played by any actress so i think he really hate psh and he's in pain when someone praises the poor girl for being good on this drama,and he always compare ihyv to pinocchio...so thats explain it he dont like the lead actress and downgrading her...


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Actually, objectively, I get what Neri is saying. The writer could have done more with In Ha's character. Let's hope with 8 more episodes, her character will get more fleshed out


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I agree. Great character and actress but she's definitely been wasted, especially these last few weeks. It's understandable because the action has shifted away from her trying to prove herself and shifted to Hyung and, by extension, Dal Po. She just has less to do because it's not her story right now. I'm sure that once dust settles from all the big reveals this week she'll have more of a part to play. Especially if we're going to be focusing on taking Mom down for the next few weeks.


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In the twistiness of this show, I believe someone commented and I thought: It is possible, when Ha Myung/In Ha are out to get mum good and bring her down, they uncover that mum was lied to by the bus driver's family and they end up defending mum instead of vilifying her. What irony yet again! And no revenge as yet.


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I think it can go both ways. Even though we know CO was lied to, she also neglected to investigate thoroughly and the death certificate was key evidence. The MSC prez knew this and was surprised when CO confirmed that she didn't check. IH's first question was about the death certificate and DP's repeated question was about the same thing.

CO pretty much admitted she just based her report on circumstantial evidence, the family testimony, and the will. While I am slightly sympathetic to her being lied to this time (unlike how she personally decided there needs to be a target to pin the blame on for the factory fire case), I think as a reporter, she can't rely solely on hearsay and is supposed to investigate thoroughly. Even the Cap from YGN said that for this bus driver case, only the side of the bus company owner has been revealed and the newbies need to check the other sides of the story with the bus driver's family and CO. Also, that point DP had articulated in the recruiting debate about reporters' words carrying weight. It's very true, and though we don't expect reporters to be perfect or always right, we expect them to be responsible, and if they make a mistake, to admit honesty and apologize.

Bearing responsibility goes back to that case with the lady who died from working out in the gym. IH was the one who put her doubts to rest by prodding more while DP carelessly reported what seemed to be the truth even when he felt something didn't add up. When he realized what happened, he knew right away that he was wrong and irresponsible. But it seems CO still doesn't see how she is wrong in anything... Even reporting the water level in that older clip of her kneeling in the water is misleading. It makes you wonder why she feels she needs to make every report juicy and with seasoning. Facts should be facts, not misrepresented and not merely personal opinions/decisions/preferences/hypotheses. So, she really needs to reflect on what it means to be a proper reporter.

I don't know how far DP plans to go to bring her down. But I do hope she will ultimately set aside her pride, sincerely apologize to the people whose lives have been affected by her reports, and just the public in general for how bad of a reporter she has been. As for DP, I hope he doesn't focus too much on revenge and be blinded/biased in his own reports.


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This is the redemption that I want to see.

IE Cha Ok reflecting and redeeming herself and the brothers too knowing enough is enough and making it right. How sad it will be to have a relationship of love with In Ha tainted by hate for her mum forever.

It's scary that Ha Myung can easily go down the dark road, intimidating Cha Ok in the canteen and telling her to not buckle under too soon as then the revenge would be boring (when they met on the road). He has to stop soon!!!


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Agreed. That's the only way we as viewers will accept Mom. If she can redeem herself, I hope she can mend her relationship with IH. If she loses it all right now, it might not be a bad thing. Maybe it'd make her reflect and realize it wasn't worth giving up IH for her career that was built on lies. She can start from the bottom up again and do it right.

Yeah, DP is teetering towards the dark side now. You can always see fire coming out of his gaze as he seeks revenge. Hope both he and Hyung can understand that revenge gets nowhere. Forgiveness is key.


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I absolutely agree with you! Forgiveness is the key but then it is the most difficult to give under the circumstances, which is why we all can understand why DP/HM has chosen to be on the 'war' path to bring down Cha Ok.

However, as we all can agree, revenge is never the answer, although it is almost always the first option chosen because it strikes at the heart of the victims.

When a person has been victimised and unfairly treated, the mind is overriden by the emotions and revenge is driven by emotions - hurt, anger, desperation, helplessness - can all lead to one choosing to seek revenge so as to give back to the perpetrators the exact same negative emotions the victims are facing. Like the saying 'an eye for an eye'.

But as we all know, 'an eye for an eye' will leave most of us blind and so revenge does not do anyone any good. This line of thought was touched in by the writer in IHYV because it is the same writer for this drama.

I am also waiting to see what the writer has in store for us in subsequent episodes because we all want a happily-ever-after for DP/HM, his Hyung, In Ha and everyone else if possible. That is only achievable if revenge does not leave everyone blind, or worse, dead.



For sure, it's understandable, especially since Hyung has entrusted this task to DP now. So, he probably feels that he needs to continue on this path of revenge, just not the same way Hyung did it with the murders.

Yes, it's easy to react emotionally and irrationally when one has been so wronged. You want the other person to experience the same thing and for justice to be served. But like you said, "an eye for an eye" is never the answer. I read the recaps for IHYV and I'm in the midst of watching it. =) I'm sure that message will come through in this drama as well. Actually, I'm Chinese and I've seen a lot of those kungfu dramas. So, the theme of revenge not yielding the satisfaction/happiness one thinks one would feel, but instead causing more pain is always prevalent. It is especially tragic when the revenge spans generations and this "war" will never end because it will just go back and forth.

Anyway, I know we are all keeping our fingers crossed for that happy ending. The characters just need time to go through some struggles and growth first.


Nope. I still don't see the noble idiocy and I still understand why DP acted in that way: You don't go to the battlefield with your family sticking to you or else they would get hurt. Some things have to be done coldly in order to be done properly: Only way he can restore the long term harmony of dear family. Never forget that shame & guilt & thirst for vengeance are plaguing him more than ever now. I saw that sadistic smile when he talked to CO like a cat playing with a mouse: Dark Side is near for DP now that he decided to bear the burden of his hyung.


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Yes, i kind of agree with you there. Although its not the best of methods, i would have appreciated it much more if he told grandpa the truth. Like you Im also worried about the path dal po is gonna take. I just wish do the right thing and not be blinded by his anger to much.


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I lost it all. However, I felt like hyunnng's confession was too quick last episode, so now, the 1st part of ep 12 seems like it's already reached the climax of the whole show. What will they bring to the table for the rest of the 4 episodes? I hope it's not fillers! I trust this team of writer-director!


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Haven't cried so much from a kdrama episode for so long. Seeing lee Jong suk crying just hurts because he's SO good at it. Grandpa crying broke my heart, but I agree with some of the others, as for himself its a necessary step to draw a fine line and tackle his revenge.

His brothers suffering, his whole family's suffering is just too much to let go. It's not only the fact his brother is pitiful, but he feels his whole family is owed so much. His own tragedy, and his brother must be resolved before either of them can have a happy ending. When the family photos of his past and his present of him and Hyung together in that photo were on the table, it visually hits you much pain he is in.

Let dark Ha Myung grace our screens.


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Did anyone see all the piggy bank in hyung house??? It's the same as in dalpo's room only different colour ?


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Interesting that a couple of episodes ago, some viewers were not happy with Dalpo enjoying his time with the Choi family while Hyung was all alone and heading toward the dark side. If an outsider looks at the two brothers and thinks it's unfair, how would Dalpo not blaming himself for his hyung's fate. The way he parted with the Choi family, it is intentionally hurtful to himself as much as to them, so he could serve the ties. Dalpo is currently a mess and understandably so.

I'm curious how this story will go from here. The show has not been building Song Cha Ok as an invincible bad guy who would only lose in the final episode. (and knowing this writer, she would redeem herself in some way or another.) Using the rest of the showtime to take her down would be too much.

This writer reuses and explores old ideas to a great effect. In I Hear Your Voice, Hye Sung hiccups when she lies. Min Joon Gook lost his family because of a reporter. But people sympathize more with Hyung than with Min Joon Gook even though they both killed more than one person and don't regret much. The heroes of the two dramas, one who searches for and fight for the truth (Soo Ha), another lies all the time to loved ones as much as strangers (Dalpo). They're also so much different personality wise. At the beginning of Pinocchio, I worried that Dalpo would be much similar to Sooha given the same writer, actor and production team. That worry is put to rest now. Dalpo decidedly has more flaws, more emotional, and carries a huge burden of Guilt. My hearts breaks much more for him.

Lee Jong Suk has been crying and angsting so much these past episodes I worry for his eyes, poor thing. Also I did not sign up for this much pain. Where is my rom com with cute OPT and adorable bromances and quirky side characters and sunshine and rainbow damn it!


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I feel like it's easier to sympathise with Hyung than with Min Joon-gook, because of two reasons:

1. Hyung, despite being an unrepentant murderer, is actually rather principled in his actions - we can speculate all we like, but he doesn't kill people he sees as innocent, and unlike Min Joon-gook, I think he is more bothered by it than he lets on - hence the on-air confessions and agreeing to speak about it to YGN.

2. Dal-po. Namely, he is hyung's moral anchor in many ways, and while he's really not at fault for what hyung did, he's still the only person in the world who can get Hyung to do the right thing and confess at last. Min Joon-gook had no one like that, and actually killed the last person who gave him a chance to be decent - Hye-sung's mother. Hyung, so far, was mad at a lot of people but only went after people he held directly responsible.


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I'm worried that Dal Po (Ha Myung?) is going to be so hell-bent on bringing Cha Ok down that he forgets about how he thinks reporters should be like: unbiased-ly investigating every thing. 'cause though Cha Ok didn't report the truth (or confirm it to be the truth), it's not 100% her fault because the family members told her it was a suicide. And terminating a bus driver over 600 won does seem a little... paranoid?

Poor grandpa :( I was so sad when they panned out to show him still (! after so so so many years!!) wearing that gridded, back-scratching vest.


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Exactly, girlfriday! I could feel your outrage through the web page, and I share it. Gramps?? Really??

Even with this noble atrocity, I did enjoy the episode enough and still have hopes for the series. But it sure took a few plot turns down the man hole this week.


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I have this funny feeling that In Ha's mother is innocent this time. And like the case of Gym Lady, In Ha is able to proof her innocence whether she likes it or not and Dal Po learns that everybody has a back story and that someone he hates can become a victim too. As much as I love Dal Po, I'm really waiting for In Ha to take the spotlight... Dal Po achieve his dream (sorta) in taking revenge to Cha Ok, but In Ha has not proven to anybody in a big way why Pinocchio CAN be a reporter. And I do hope that we get a backstory about Beom Joo and Yoo Rae. Why he's such a mama boy and why Yoo Rae likes to stalk idol (Okay, that's silly...); something suprising perhaps... like Captain Princess. I love that character... in fact I love all characters in this drama. Gaaahh!! How many days until wednesday??


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Me too...I had this funny feeling too...that Song reporter is innocent...Hmmm...waiting for the In Ha to make her first report too :D


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It broke my heart watching Dal Po and Jae Myung's tearful pinky swear and before going to jail. It was tough watching Dal Po leave Grandpa a crying wreck. I nearly lost it when Dad pops in on him and says, "So I get my own room, ha ha ha", but suddenly switches major gears and shows his true feelings by saying "stay, don't go", it really gets me when tough guys show their inner feelings.

But no, I didn't cry at all during these last two episodes, nope, I think it was a spat of indoor rain getting me on the face these two days. Not sure why the water is so salty though, hope it's not something with the weather.

I really am enjoying this show, even with all of the criticisms and semantics as to what noble idiocy is or is not. This writer has something special. I've really enjoyed all of her shows from Dream High to IHYV and now Pinocchio. Can't wait for next week's episodes :)


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Broke my heart seeing how Ha Myung and In Ha had to part ways...

I hope Jae-Myung will be able to get out of jail seriously...

Then Ha Myung can focus on getting back at Song reporter and when everything ends...return to Grandpa and Da Pyung as their Grandson-in-Law aka son-in-law :P

Can't wait for next week's episodes...


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I am a little troubled... Ha Myung and Jae Myung seem to feel that they need to do more in the area of revenge. Although understandable, it is not right. I want them to be the heroes ie not the ones doing something to hurt others for their own personal motives.

The aim in taking Chao Ok down should be more objective: show up that people have been victims of false or manipulated reporting and stop the same from happening in the future. To protect others. Not just to hurt.

I'd like the brothers to stop now and let In Ha, maybe Cha Ok's colleagues and social media take the usual route to do the discrediting where it is due. The brothers should not taint their reunion with vengeance, even if they see it as a sign of their bond and loyalty to family. Too sad... :( - ~ -


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Yeah, their mindset is bringing Cha ok down. It feels like they are so hellbent on making cha ok experience the pain and and humiliation that they have gone through. Maybe along the way they will learn that forgiveness is better than vengeance because its only gonna create more hurts.


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So true, so true... want my boys to grow past the hurt and the tooth-for-a-tooth deal and head on down the forgiveness path pronto!

Not only should they forgive Cha Ok but they have to forgive themselves, get In Ha's forgiveness and the Choi family's. Even Cha Ok has to forgive them and herself if only she can see with clear eyes just what she is.

I just want everyone to be a connected and happy Ki-Choi family. *sad smile*


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And the public defender is attorney Cha. Ha.ha.ha


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I have never ever cried so much in one episode for any show. Sheesh, the male actors are killing it. Absolutely killing it.


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I know there is a lot of noble idiocy here. And as a rule, I hate noble idiocy. But what I like here (just like I have with everything else in this drama) is that it doesn't feel like your regular run of the mill Kdrama noble idiocy. The reason it is different is that every one knows the truth. Ha Myung didn't just leave and not tell anyone why. He didn't "white fang" In Ha. They broke up with full knowledge on both sides of what is going on and why they are doing it. It doesn't necessarily make it the right decision, but at least no one is lying about their feelings or motivations. Whew! That is noble idiocy I can tolerate.

But he still should have told Grandpa the truth. That was just too harsh!


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Just something I thought you glossed over, GF.

After the confrontration with In Ha's Mom, Dal Po/Ha Myung walked off with a smile. I have an issue with the smile.

I find the smile...hmm..for want of a better word...lightweight, considering what happened prior to the smile.

I am not sure if it's LJS's acting, or it's the writer's wish, but I do not find the smile...appropriate or gives off the correct vibe, somehow.

If I were the writer/PD, I would have asked LJS to walk off with a serious, determined and steely look in his eyes and facial features, not a smile, and definitely not a smile that is as close to a carefree smile as the one LJS gave at that moment.

After all that has happened, and will happen in the future, the emotional roller-coaster, angst and heartbreak, I find the smile out of place, and rather lightweight, all things considered.

But then I can understand that perhaps LJS being a young actor, needs time to hone his acting skill, and the writer and PD need to hone theirs as well.


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Funny you mention it, I too have an issue with that smile. Was it meant to be a smile of satisfaction that she had finally admitted to not checking the death cert? But it did not look right. Maybe it was just a happy smile that he had his story in the bag....???

But I felt somehow, it might have been meant to be the smirk that villains produce after doing a dastardly deed. It just came out wrong.


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This is exactly what it is: A villain's smile. He is going to toy with her, to torture her mentally before going for the kill. We just have to pay attention to what he says before walking out: "Don't crumble too quickly or it won't be fun". This is about revenge!


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I am troubled by the character traits displayed by DP that hinted at a sly/cunning and mean? streak, but to label him a villain...hmm...I think it is too harsh.

An example of that streak was during the Quiz with Chan Soo during their high school days. He is someone with a high IQ, gifted, a genius even.

So, when he sidestepped the last question such that Chan Soo was placed in a no-win position in the quiz, he gave the reason that he did not want to win the quiz because he did not want to have to return to the TV station because he hates the place because of what happened in his past that was directly related to the symbol of the TV station - the TV reporters who drove his mother to suicide after destroying his father's good name.

And again, what he said to IH's mom when she confronted him on the street. He said that she should not feel afraid too soon because then it would not be fun.

Only a person who relishes the sight of an enemy being crushed would feel and say that it is fun to see that.

And such a person would need to have a certain character trait that propels him/her to feeling that way.

One name for that character trait is a mean streak.

So does DP have it?

I am waiting to see his character being revealed a lot more in future episodes.


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Thank you for your response and thoughts.

Yes, I agree with you that it might have come out wrong.

I too thought that under the circumstances, having had a confrontation with an enemy who had shown the kind of reaction that DP/HM was hoping for, I too thought that the smile was supposed to be more like a satisfied smirk of a victorious warrior after a battle...for that is exactly what I see is going on between DP/HM and IH's mom - a battle.

So, if that is what it was supposed to be, then it definitely did not come out right.

Especially considering the fact that would any normal human being feel HAPPY, as the smile suggested, after having put down an enemy? I think the more accurate emotion would be victorious and satisfaction, rather than simple happiness.

After all, would we really find HAPPINESS from having crushed an enemy in a battle? I think a more apt feeling would be along the lines of utter relief that the battle has been won more than simple happiness.

However, what happened between DP/HM and IH's mom was not yet a victory. Rather it is just winning 1 point against her in a long battle of winning points towards winning the war, which is a long way off.


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To me, the smile didn't look like one of simple happiness, it definitely was a smirk/victorious kind of look (too early, Da-po!)

It's natural to feel smug on getting what you think is revenge, but I think part of the story will also involve whether that revenge is worth it or not.


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Thank you for your response and thoughts.

I absolutely agree with you that if DP was feeling smug over the tiny victory with IH's mom, then it's way too early for it.

As I mentioned in my responses below to the commentors, DP is at war with IH's mom and what happened between him and IH's mom was just one of many battles to win the war.

So, the smile should be more of a smirk but it did not come out that way to me. ;)


I definitely think ha myung is headed off to revenge himself, not the murder kind that hyung did but more on the side of social death and public shaming maybe. Cha ok destroyed the dignity and clear name of his father so i think he go for destroying her image.


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Thank you for your response and thoughts.

I agree that HM is on an avenger's path, avenging the tragic deaths of his parents and his brother's destructive life.

And so, I think the smile was supposed to be one of satisfaction that he has achieved one victory over the enemy towards avenging his loved ones.

However, I think LJS did not manage to carry it off the way that it was supposed to be. It came out as too mild, neither here nor there, neither a happy-happy smile nor a smirk.


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I think the smile, is evil smile. He is starting to be like Cha Ok. That's what the director maybe emphasizing.


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Thank you for your response and thoughts.

I have to agree with you that the possibility of DP turning into another Cha Ok because of the avenger's path that DP has chosen to be is becoming a reality.

I will wait and see how the writer will portray DP/HM in the future with the earnest hope that DP/HM will not become like Darth Vader, lost to the dark side.


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Yeah, can be too. On his way to revenge he becomes almost like the person he hates. Then maybe it can be In Ha vs. Ha Myung this time. They both have the same goals about cha ok. But In ha can be more on the fact that, her mom doesnt seem to feel remorse and so she wants her to reflect and seriously think about her actions and to bear responsibility and apologize. Ha Myung on the other hand could become blinded by his hatred.


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@ Rgin
I totally agree with you that IH and HM will likely clashed in this mission to bring Cha Ok down. It would be too easy if HM can achieve his goal in this bus driver case. After all we have 8 more episodes to go. I expect to see this kind of twists and turns


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@liza and @ growingbeautifully

Yes, he might become so engrossed in his hatred and focus more on Cha cha Oks faults that people end up publicly condemnig her. But instead of keeping an open mind, ha myung hates her too much that he forgets their suppposed to be many sides to a story an not just the one he wants to see. in ha on the other hand no matter how much she hates her mom and thinks she is unfit to be a reporter I doubt she will be able to take it if her mom is going to be mistreated other than the right punishment that she ought to have.maybe?


Yes,...Not only will HM and IH clash but in the process, HM may discover that once again he has been too single minded in getting the story out and misses a cue that CO is not as culpable as he makes her out to be in the bus case... once again he has to realise that he might be becoming another CO in trying to take her down.


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I thought it was more like a "I gotcha, you're going down!" smile than a carefree smile. Remember that he told his brother that if it turns out Mom really mis-reported the story that it would be enough to finish her off. So he thinks his job if done and he's properly avenged all wrongs (I suspect that's not the case, way too easy).


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Thank you for your response and thoughts.

Kindly refer to my response to @Growingbeautifully because my response to you is exactly the same. ;)


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That smile struck me odd as well... I think it's supposed to be a victory smirk or smug, satisfactory smile, but it didn't come out right.

Anyway, too soon for DP to feel that he's gonna bring CO down with just this case. Anticipating what will happen next.


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Thank you for your response and thoughts.

Yes, odd is also how we can describe the smile.

It is neither a simple happy smile, nor strong enough to come across as a smirk/victorious reaction to what happened just before.

And yes, it is definitely premature for DP/HM to feel any satisfaction from what happened between him and IH's mom because he has a long way to go before he can declare victory over the 'war' path he has chosen with IH's mom.


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1) LAWYER OSKA!!!!!! I've been suspecting this might be the case for a few weeks now and here he comes. My only bright spot in this episode.

2) Best use of the "Ka Jima" cliche in years. Way to go, Dad. We all knew you loved Dal Po all along.

3) Girlfriday, I suggest you don't do a name change from Dal Po to Ha Myeong. Dal Po is wonderful but I can't stand this Ha Myeong guy. He's just some jerk who made Grampa cry. Way to repay the dude who literally pretended to be senile for 13 years just so you wouldn't get sent to an orphanage!

4) I do get that the disowning his family is partly a convenient way to get Dal Po off the family books so he's clear to come back later as the Son-In-Law. I was actually really worried about how they were going to get over that legal struggle or how come no one seemed to be too concerned with that. But still, you don't make Grandpa cry!!! That's the rule. And they broke it.

5) I sincerely hope they've got more planned for us than simply "Embarass Mom." I simply couldn't care less what happens to that lady so I'll be really disappointed if the point of the rest of the show is to bring her down.

6) I couldn't even really cry tears at all the sadness this episode because I was so mad at how unnecessary most of it was. I was really angry at Dal Po when he tried to pull In ha off the story because a) Considering you cut yourself off from her, it's totally not your place to tell her what to do (even if you hadn't she's a grown woman who's better at making decisions than you are) and b) how many times does she have to tell you that she's on the same page as you concerning her mom? Why don't you get it? Do you not know her at all?

7) LAWYER OSKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I get why Dal-po lied to Grandpa, and while I hate that he broke his heart, I can see what the motivation behind it was - he's doing it not only for hyung's sake, but because he feels he doesn't deserve to be happy with his loving family while hyung pays the consequences of going off the rails. To him, Ki Ha-myung and Choi Dal-po are identities that he tried to keep separate, and being Ki Ha-myung means he doesn't get to have Choi Dal-po's family, or In-ha.

Which is not logical at all, but it does make sense that he would think like that. And then Dad, too, coming in and asking him not to go......I think I was crying non-stop through the first half hour.

But yes, he did deserve the telling-off In-ha gave him for trying to pull her off the story. I'm glad we have a heroine who doesn't take nonsense from her (ex) boyfriend/uncle (wow that is really weird to type)


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Ahhhhhh! The angst! Dal-po, you idiot! Why did you have to break Grandpa's heart!? I hate you. No, I love you. No, I hate you! No, I love you! I kept going back and forth like that this episode, but at the end of the day, I'm on Dal-po's side.

Things better get sorted out soon, or else! *raises fist to screen*

Such a good episode! Loved it! Can't wait for next week! Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday!


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Now that Hyung is in jail, may I ask if murder is punishable by death penalty in Korea? Umm.. Nope, nope NOPE. That's a bad, I mean, REALLY TERRIBLE question and I don't wanna even know the answer. Because hyung will... NOPE NO! Don't do it writer-nim! You didn't hear me right? Let's do it all in a nice way, okay? Lawyer Oska do the rescue for sure! Right?

As for Dalpo, so will it be a news report clouded by revenge? Oh honey, don't ever think going that low. Cap Hwang, I trust you! You know what to do. And I just don't really get doing that to poor Abeoji. :((( I guess the writer just want Dalpo/Hamyung to be consistent as liar and he'll realize eventually that keeping things inside and lying doesn't make any good at all.


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