Pinocchio: Episode 11

I wish I could tell you that learning the truth meant that everyone got a happy fluffy holiday reunion, but that would be a big fat lie. It’s time for our hero to face the music about everything he’s been dreading and denying about his past, even if it means waking up from the dream that he never wanted to admit was a dream in the first place. Sigh, what’s so great about the truth anyway? Can’t we live in denial just a little bit longer?


Taesabiae – “그 거짓말 역시 거짓말” (That Lie Is Indeed a Lie) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 11: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

It’s the moment of truth. Dal-po finally tells his brother who he really is: “I’m your brother, Ha-myung.” Hyung screams that his little brother is dead, and calls Dal-po a liar. With tears streaming down his face, Dal-po cries: “No, YOU LIED! You said that Dad would come back, that the misunderstanding would get cleared up, and that he’d take us to see the fireworks show. That we’d go back to the way things were. You promised!”

They’re the last words Hyung ever said to his little brother, and he recalls the moment that he made that promise and swore he wasn’t lying. He stands there frozen and speechless, and Dal-po pounds Hyung’s chest over and over, crying, “But what is this? What happened to you?”

He buries his face in Hyung’s chest and wails, and Hyung finally reaches up to hug him back. I just want this scene to go on foreverrrrrr.

Hyung and Dal-po relocate to a family pizza restaurant, and Hyung puts a slice in front of Dal-po with this expectant face that kills me: “You said it was your life’s wish to eat an entire pizza by yourself…” And then he realizes that eons have passed and that’s probably not his wish anymore. Still, Hyung is amazed at how tall Dal-po has grown when he was always such a pint-sized kid, and asks eagerly how he’s lived all these years.

Dal-po tells him about his adopted family while ignoring repeated calls from In-ha, who’s back at the precinct and pacing with worry. Beom-jo finally returns from his Busan detour and asks what Hyung did to her. She’s sporting a bruise on her neck but refuses to talk about it, so Beom-jo says he’s just go ask Dal-po then.

She suddenly slams the door and tells Beom-jo not to dare ask Dal-po, and Beom-jo’s face falls at her harsh tone, and in Dal-po’s defense no less. He storms out and tells himself that it’s over—he’s going to stop going down this stupid one-way highway.

Dal-po and Hyung are interrupted by a barrage of fans wanting Hyung’s autograph, and Dal-po watches his brother play the hero with a sad smile. He apologizes for pretending not to recognize Hyung in the square when they first met, but Hyung says he did the right thing and that he should continue to live as Choi Dal-po and pretend he doesn’t have a brother.

Dal-po asks the question he’s been dreading all this time: “Why… should I?” Hyung’s face suddenly twists up as he struggles not to cry: “I think you’ve already guessed the answer…” Ugh, say it ain’t so, Hyuuuuung. “I… killed someone.”

Worst. Christmas present. Ever. I can’t believe you dashed my baseless and unfounded hopes like that. It takes a moment for the truth to sink in for Dal-po, and he just shuts his eyes as he lets out a shaky breath. Both brothers shed a silent tear at the table, surrounded by happy families all around them.

In-ha braces herself before going into the station, and she’s met with whispers all along the corridor about Mom’s moment of public humiliation at the hands of her own daughter. Her team leader Il-joo is prepared to give her a stern lecture (and win brownie points in front of Mom in the process), but when she walks into the office, Princess pulls rank and yells at her very loudly that what she said was right, but there’s a time and a place for that kind of thing.

He tells In-ha to report to him directly from now on and leads her away, and quietly tells her to take the rest of the day off. She asks quizzically if this is her punishment, because it doesn’t feel like it, and Princess makes it clear that he totally agrees with the stuff she said to Mom during the lecture. She’s grateful that someone’s on her side and calls him an awesome boss, and he turns back to ask specifically how he’s awesome, heh.

Over at YGN, Gyo-dong leads a staff meeting for new story ideas, and Yoo-rae pitches a story on Hyung (all she knows so far is his connection to the plant workers who died, and the plant manager’s cell phone pattern that Chan-soo is chasing). Dal-po freezes at the mention of his brother, and to his shock, Gyo-dong tells her to run with it.

Dal-po chases Gyo-dong down and asks for more time. But Gyo-dong knows that he’s already made his decision about Hyung, so he’s taking the story out of his hands. In desperation, Dal-po says he’ll do whatever it takes to get Hyung to turn himself in, and Gyo-dong’s eyes widen at that.

He leads Dal-po into the conference room and asks what that means—is Hyung a murderer? Dal-po confirms that Hyung admitted as much today, and Gyo-dong asks if he heard that and still plans to cover this up. Dal-po swears that he won’t, but begs for a chance to convince Hyung to do the right thing.

Yoo-rae presses her ear against the wall to try and eavesdrop on their conversation, but phew, she can’t hear anything. Gyo-dong comes out and reassigns Hyung’s story to Dal-po, and she fumes impotently at having her first juicy report stolen out from under her.

In-ha sighs as Dal-po ignores another of her calls, and she heads to a pojangmacha to polish off a few bottles of soju. She thinks back to Dal-po’s tearful reunion with his brother, wondering what he meant when he lamented the state he found Hyung in. She’s surprised to find Yoo-rae a few tables over, drunkenly grousing at her food as a stand-in for Dal-po. They’re both adorably drunk and happy to see each other.

Dal-po waits outside Hyung’s apartment, which is still decorated with hero banners and flowers from fans. Hyung brings him inside and tries to give him some of the fan gifts, but Dal-po ignores all his questions and just says quietly, “Turn yourself in.”

Dal-po asks him to stop his revenge here, but Hyung gets steely-eyed and asks how he’s supposed to do that when their mother died because of Song Cha-ok. Dal-po counters that it’s partly Hyung’s fault too, and asks why he abandoned them. It’s only then that Dal-po learns about Hyung’s interview with Song Cha-ok and how he ended up having to spend the night in jail. Hyung: “If you were me, would you be able to stop now?”

Dal-po walks home in a daze and remembers his adamant refusal to search for his family when he was a child. Riddled with guilt, he tells himself, “It’s because of me. I should’ve found Hyung. If I had, then he wouldn’t have killed anybody. I made Hyung a murderer.”

Both In-ha and Yoo-rae are happily drunk by the time they open up about their problems, and Yoo-rae skewers a piece of egg as a stand-in for Dal-po as she describes how there’s this egg that likes her but stole her news story and made her feel like a speck of dust today. (I’m simultaneously amused and grossed out that Yoo-rae’s solution to feeling ill is to hook a plastic bag around her ears as a handy puke bucket.)

In-ha says she totally understands and skewers a second piece of egg to say that there’s this egg she likes, and he’s having a hard time right now but it’s because of her, so there’s nothing she can do to fix it or make him feel better, and it makes her feel as useless as a speck of dust. They cheers with more soju, none the wiser that their eggs are the same egg.

Many more bottles of soju later, In-ha is passed out at the table, and Yoo-rae stumbles away. Beom-jo and his coworker happen to pass by and see her sleeping there, and at first Beom-jo pretends not to care, but eventually ditches his partner in the road to turn back for her.

He berates himself for being right back where he said he wouldn’t be, and calls Dal-po to come pick her up. They don’t exchange any words when he arrives, and Beom-jo leaves Dal-po to piggyback her home.

Dad is appalled at the sight of his drunken daughter, and as they put In-ha to bed, he reminds Dal-po that he ought to be on better behavior because Dad hasn’t given them his blessing yet. Dal-po apologizes quietly, and Dad starts in on another of his My Daughter Is Delicate and Precious speeches, only to be interrupted repeatedly by In-ha’s vomit reflex. Ha.

Dal-po caresses her face with a wistful smile, and then cries himself to sleep that night.

In the morning, Dad is looming over In-ha’s bed wearing a frilly apron, wondering what he must’ve done in a past life to spend his morning making hangover soup for his daughter. She thinks he’s overreacting, until he tells her to look in the mirror and adds that Dal-po piggybacked her home.

She wipes the crusty drool off her face before shuffling out to the breakfast table, and sheepishly tells them that she doesn’t remember anything from last night. Grandpa asks if she drank because she was upset about something, and she hiccups when she says no. Dal-po cuts in to say that she was upset about being grilled by sunbaes at work, and lies that she complained about it the whole way home.

She takes his word for it and feels relieved, but then she remembers a quick flash from last night: Dal-po telling her to forget it all, because she always forgets when she drinks. She asks Dal-po if they talked about anything last night, but he brushes past it as if nothing happened.

In-ha is surprised to learn that Yoo-rae wasn’t with her by the time Dal-po picked came and she wonders where Yoo-rae ended up. Cut to: an entire newsroom full of station caps, staring at a drunk Yoo-rae sleeping on their couch and swearing at Gyo-dong in banmal. Pfft.

She sleeps the morning away on the couch and crawls away when she wakes up, but on the way she picks up an interesting tidbit: MSC is going to do an exclusive interview with Hyung, and In-ha’s mom is going to conduct it herself.

She brings the news straight to Dal-po, who runs off in a panic when he realizes that Hyung might murder In-ha’s mom on live TV. On his way, he receives a disturbing anonymous tip via text, from someone claiming that they witnessed Hyung kill the plant manager. There’s even a picture of the manhole covered with bricks to prove it. Ack.

Dal-po runs in front of Hyung’s truck to bring him to a screeching halt, and begs for him to rethink the interview tomorrow. But Hyung is so far gone that he wonders why he can’t just kill Song Cha-ok for the world to see, claiming that he’s come too far to waste his chance for revenge. And when Dal-po tells him about the anonymous text, he’s crushed when Hyung asks him to cover it up.

No matter how much Dal-po begs, Hyung just pushes him away and tells him not to call him hyung anymore. Dal-po asks if he can’t entrust the revenge to him now, and says he’ll bring Song Cha-ok down in his own way—as a reporter, with the truth.

But Hyung already knows how Dal-po feels about In-ha, and asks how he plans to carry out that revenge. He tells him to live as Choi Dal-po, and be loved… and leave the revenge to him. He punches Dal-po in the face and drives off, ignoring the cries.

In-ha is bothered all day by the feeling that something important happened last night, and decides to retrace her steps to try and jog her memory. All the pojangmacha ajumma can tell her is that a guy showed up to carry her home, and she saw them sitting nearby and talking for a long time, and In-ha looked like she was crying.

So In-ha wanders over to a park bench that starts to feel familiar, and suddenly Past In-ha and Dal-po come into frame as the memory plays out in front of her. Dal-po puts her down on the bench as they wait for a taxi, and he takes her hand as he tells her that he was with Hyung all day and couldn’t answer her calls, “Because I’m the one who turned my brother into a murderer.”

Present In-ha gasps as if she’s hearing this for the first time, and Past Dal-po confesses that he purposely didn’t search for his brother because he thought Hyung had abandoned him, because he wanted to stay by Dad and Grandpa’s side, and by her side. He says he could’ve stopped all of this if he had just found Hyung, and he hates himself for it—for not being able to leave her.

He says that even now in this moment, he’s hesitating because of her, and he hates himself for that too. He admits that the more sympathy he feels for Hyung, the more he hates her mother, and no matter how much he wants to cry alongside his brother and take his side, he can’t because of In-ha.

It’s crazy how these words come out like a sweet confession of love, but they do: “I want to tell Hyung to leave the revenge to me and rest, but I can’t… because of you.” In-ha tells him with a smile that he can hate her all he wants and he can leave her too, but he reaches up to her face and gets choked up with tears: “How can I… when it’s you?”

He brushes away his tears and says he’s not in his right mind and tells her to forget everything he just said, knowing that she will anyway because she’s drunk. The memory fades away and In-ha breaks down in tears as she wonders what they’re supposed to do now.

Dal-po is surprised to find In-ha waiting for him at YGN, and she pulls him aside because she has something to say. She cuts to the chase and says she remembers everything he said last night, and doesn’t let him try and lie his way out of it this time.

She says she knows how much he’s held back because of her, and she knows now that this is too big for him to keep repressing everything… so she’s decided to let him go. (What. NoooooOOOooo.) What kills me is that Dal-po can’t argue, because he knows she’s right.

She puts the dream button he sold her back in his hand and says she’ll be able to get over him, so he should stop hesitating and fight her mother with everything he’s got. He asks if she means it, and she does—sans hiccups to prove it.

She’s barely holding back her tears though, and tries to rush off. But Dal-po blocks her with his arms, and this time she pulls him in for one last kiss, as they both shed tears and say goodbye with a silent look. This is where that voiceover comes from—the one that narrated the scene with the traffic cone hats when we first discovered Dal-po’s feelings, which is the moment he thinks back to now.

Dal-po (voiceover): When I look back, that was the moment I should have left. From the start they were feelings I shouldn’t have had, and a person I shouldn’t have met. I thought that this thumping in my heart would quiet after time, and that once it did, I could leave. But that was childish misconception, and an excuse to linger by her side.

Inside that misconception and excuse, I was really happy. Even if that happiness was a lie, I thought that if I insisted a thousand times, it would come true. I thought that if I insisted a thousand times, dream would become reality. But even when I closed my eyes and shut my ears, no matter how much I argued, the truth remained as it was, in its place.

Dal-po marches into Gyo-dong’s office and hands over his phone and the tie pin, determined to stop hiding the truth. He goes to meet Hyung with a grim look of determination on his face, and says he’ll answer Hyung’s question now. He admits that because of In-ha, he held back on any thoughts of avenging his family. But he’s given up on In-ha now and is prepared to go to war.

Dal-po argues that Hyung became a killer because of him, and says he’ll take over getting revenge in his own way. Hyung says Dal-po wouldn’t have been able to stop him either way, and doesn’t put much stock in Dal-po’s idea of revenge.

Dal-po admits that he’s no different from Song Cha-ok right now, because he only saw what he wanted to see, and hid the truth when he found out about Hyung. “But I plan to become different from now on.”

He says he’s already handed over everything he has, and he’s on his way to meet that informant. And if what he says is true, he’s going to report… He gets choked up with tears as he has to say the words out loud: “That you’re a murderer. Forgive me. But that’s my answer, Hyung.” Hyung calls after him, but Dal-po doesn’t turn back.

It’s D-Day, and Dal-po steels himself as he reads over his report one last time. Over at MSC, Hyung sits down at the news desk next to Song Cha-ok for his live interview, as In-ha watches nervously from behind the cameras.

We flash back to Dal-po as he leaves his meeting with Hyung. The informant calls and he picks up, only to find that it’s Hyung on the other end—it was him all this time, and he says this was his way of turning himself in, to Dal-po. Hyung wanted to know what he’d do, and says tearfully that he thinks he can entrust their revenge to Little Bro now, and tells him to do it in style while he’s at it.

As Hyung’s interview at MSC begins, Dal-po watches as Chan-soo and his team of investigators unearth the manhole, and takes a deep breath before facing the camera to begin his report.


Ugh, my heart can’t take it when Dal-po cries. It was a rough hour, even though I know I asked for the sobbing brother reunion and everything. I am gratified that they had the chance to share at least half a meal before talk turned to murder. It’s just more than a little horrifying that Hyung doesn’t think he’s in the wrong though, or perhaps it’s that he doesn’t care about being wrong if he can feel satisfaction in his revenge. I don’t know if I’m supposed to cheer Dal-po on to take up the avenger’s mantle like it’s a good thing, because that seems wrong, but then he is doing it the right way, reporter-to-reporter, no body count to speak of.

I do bristle at the two brothers’ extremes though, because while Dal-po remains consistent, Hyung swings pretty wildly from coldblooded killer to goodhearted brother. How can he be SO good and SO bad at the same time? Even if that can be explained by his singular love for his family driving both extremes (which is true), I found it most unrealistic that he’d let Dal-po take over and get revenge, when up until a minute ago, he was ready to kill Song Cha-ok on live television. While I understand the last-minute attempt to redeem him by making him his own informant, I feel like Hyung is plenty sympathetic without that, and it’s far more realistic for him to think that his little brother’s noble attempt to fight fair and square is too idealistic to work. If he had that much faith in truth and justice, why would he have resorted to burying a man alive in a manhole?? And if meeting Dal-po is what changed his mind, I wanted to see that change, because right now I have Hyung-induced whiplash.

I knew Dal-po would think he’s to blame for his brother’s actions, which is a new kind of terrible, and it twists my heart twice as much when he reverts to being a kid brother after reuniting with Hyung, all tiny squeaky voice and big puppy eyes. (I find that the best thing they did in casting Hyung was to find someone taller than Lee Jong-seok, so he can look up at him the way he does.) But I was surprised at the resulting confession to In-ha, because while the subject of conversation was murder and guilt and revenge, it came out like a heartfelt confession of love. It’s strange how the words, I’m supposed to hate your mother and get revenge but I can’t because of you, end up sounding romantic. And I loved his matter-of-fact response that he could never hate her, because it’s her.

But then they had to screw it all up with their damned noble idiocy, which seems entirely unnecessary. It’s not like I don’t want to see In-ha’s mom get knocked down in her own court, but c’mon, are they actually going to stop loving each other while Dal-po gets his revenge? His big vengeance scheme currently consists of: Become a good reporter. It’s hardly a thing to turn their romance into the forbidden love of all time. If Dal-po had failed to stop Hyung and he killed Mom in cold blood, that’d be one thing. I’m pretty sure doing the right thing isn’t going to be a strong enough reason to keep them apart for long. Fine, you get your moment of noble self-sacrifice today, but one of you had better take it back soon.


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YES!! HYUUUUNGGGG!!! *sigh* im speechless.. too many tears.. no happy ending without hyung-dongsaeng living together happily... T^T


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Seriously, I'm amazed once again at how good Lee Jong Suk is. But I'm also loving Yoon Kyun Sang! His portrayal of Hyung was really great, like I can feel the darkness looming over him whenever he glares or stalks (I think we can all relate that everytime he does this, we either scream 'Noooo' or 'Hyuuuung!' in our heads or out-loud) and I can feel the love he gives off for Ha Myung in this episode! I'm happy to be introduced to another great actor! :D

That aside. I've seriously bawled a few times in this episode! So heartbreaking. T-T


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Looks like next episode will bring more tears not just In ha and Dal Po but with grandapa and hyung(In Ha's father).

Btw is this a 20 episode series? Or 16?


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Well, it's reported to be 20 episodes, unless they decide to extend the drama. (I don't even know if that would be good or bad lol) :D


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Seriously, Yoon Kyun-sang is SO GOOD.

All his scenes with Lee Jong-seok make me want to cry, I love LJS/PSH in this drama but I did not expect to find Hyung/Dal-po to be the pairing that most tears at my heart.

It's just heartbreaking to see Lee Jong-seok look up at him like a little boy and then start punching him, the expression in their eyes in that scene at the start, and then the awkward attempt at brotherly bonding in the restaurant with the pizza.....I had a lot of things in my eyes just then. And then that end.

(it really won't be a true happy ending without hyung, don't let him die or do anything stupid)


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i totally agree with your comment especially wen dal po say (what is this , look at what at you have done) was do good


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This episode killed me.

Even though In Ha is doing her own version of noble idiocy, I can understand and sympathise. And I agree that the entire thing between Hyung and Dal Po is seemingly too quick, vacillating between one end and the other. Despite that, however, my heart still break and I still ended up crying at the end of the episode.

This is the only drama that has reduced me to tears several episodes in a roll. When Dal Po cries as he tells Hyung he'll do what's right: that gutted me.

I can't wait for next week's episode.


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Now I'm really confused about what counts as "noble idiocy". I didn't think this would count as that, cause doesn't typical noble idiocy means you take what you thought was the right thing to do without even communicating why you're deciding it in the first place? I mean these two pretty much say everything to each other. She decides to let go because Dal Po said he can't hate properly because of her. I mean, the reasons are all out there…so that can't be noble idiocy, can it? I don't mean to sound argumentative, honest. Can anyone shed me a light in this noble idiocy thingy?


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Your definition was what I thought it was too. Making the "right" choice by basically not telling people what you're doing and just doing it.

I think here they're just acting noble but it makes you want to scream "idiots!"....because there are better ways to go about this without crushing young love.


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I agree....i thought the "idiocy" in noble idiocy came from the fact that one - of the two people involved - remains silent on a matter that would probably resolve the problem entirely if they just communicated.

In this case, I'd call this purely nobility? I mean, she basically told him straight up - she remembers what he said that night, she knows he can't fully commit to avenging his parents because of her, so she's willing to end things and gives her "permission" in essence, to go after her mother. I think if she had hid the fact that she remembers, pretended to start "hating" him etc....then she'd be the idiot.


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I've always thought the definition of "noble idiocy" is when a character does something idiotic in an attempt to be noble, thinking they're doing the right thing. Often times, this is accompanied by miscommunication or a complete lack of one, because that's how Kdramas roll. I don't think lack of/miscommunication is a requirement? But, again, your definition might vary. :)

One thing I love about Pinocchio is how it subverts the well-worn tropes. Even when they're making idiotic decisions, In Ha and Dal Po still talk things out. So even though they're both being noble idiots, I still love them.


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Yeah, I'm confused too. I feel like we're throwing the Noble Idiocy at the drama without looking properly at the context. They're not even withholding information or being dense, they just broke up because the pressure is just too much and they need to keep their heads clean and cold to pursue their individual paths. They're honest about it, and they're in no real position to handle the conflict of interest.

In fact, given the circumstances and the timing, I agree that they should break up. Better solve their multiple problems and then start afresh when they can focus on romance.

I got way too much angst and melo from this episode, but that's another issue altogether. This certainly isn't noble idiocy.


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Agreed. I don't see this as noble idiocy at all, if anything she was giving Dal po space to do what he needed to do. People take breaks in their relationships all the time and for much stupider reasons than going after your girlfriend's mom. I'm just saying. And no one said the break was going to be permanent. So I really don't see how this can be termed noble idiocy. Plus, they had a mature conversation as adults too and decided to go seperate ways, no secrecy involved. I would say that was complimentary.


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While I also agree it seemed that Hyung has swung too quickly to give up on his idea of revenge but he now has a reason to stop - which is Dal Po. He is no longer alone and by himself in this. Deep down he is a kind-hearted person as we have seen that being displayed through his self-less act of saving a kid granted he thought it was Ha Myung. He chose his method of revenge thinking that he was all alone and had no family left in this world. So the plot of him being the informant to Dal Po in the end really did it for me. It felt really powerful and makes for a brilliant twist to the story.


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Tears T.T
Acckkkk! </3


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Hyung & Dalpo scene make cry so much...ughh story why u have to be like this (but I feel good tho)
Agree with u girlfriday, seriously the sacrifice thing totally unnecessary. I mean why Dalpo and Inha have to break up, it doesn't solve anything. Writer-nim u better have strong reason why this happen. I'm count on you. Don't don't let me down ?


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I think Show tried to incorporate the reason why they have to break up in ep 10, where Dal Po was unable to even speak up against In Ha's mom before her lecture. In Ha knows Dal Po has to get his revenge by bringing Cha Ok down a peg or two, for her to realize what she did in the past was truly wrong and despicable. But if he can't even find it in himself to stand up to her condescending remarks because of In Ha, then In Ha's going to feel guilty about her part in this.

So while I understand in my head why this happened, I still agree with you and most people that this was stupid. Just by breaking up, does Dal Po stop loving In Ha? No. I don't get why they think if they say they break up, Dal Po will start to think of Cha Ok as "the woman who destroyed my family" instead of "the woman who is the mother of the girl I love". Because the latter is still true...

Oh kdramas and their logic.


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Yes its kdramaland logic.
Don't wanna overthink about it cuz it will ruin my love for this show.


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Lol when I think of it, yes you're right..the latter is still true..but I guess maybe it's easier for both of them if they're not lovers when it happens (even if they still love each other lets just ignore the fact first)..logically in real life how could a bf destroy his gf's mother without being awkward about it? and how could a gf just sit and watch her bf do that without being a little bit hurt? the situation is kinda tricky actually because their relationship is doomed to begin with


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I actually don't think is noble idiocy, as you said, we saw this conflict brewing since episode 10 when In Ha speaks for Dal Po. After that she tells him to say whatever it is on his head to her mom and he agrees and he asks if she's ok and she says that, even if she dislikes her mom right now, she's still her mom so of course she worries about her... So I can see them in a crossroad, not wanting to hurt the other so staying in a status quo. With Dal Po confession to In Ha, now she knows that's impossible for him to even remotedly cause her disstress... and that includes hurting her mom.

I think the break up doesn't mean he stops loving her, or be concern about her, but he can put some distance and (sadly) not really see the hurt he'll put In Ha through, and that's necessary if he wants to take revenge. If I'm not wrong in todays episode he'll move out of the family house, so he's putting distance to the family he know will be suffering for what he is about to do. So... I actually understand why they needed to break up.

That being sais... I hope this don't last.


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well i think it is really necessary,though in ha is ok with the thought of dal po to get his revenge to her mother,it would still be hard for dalpo to do so for no matter what cha ok is still her mother and will it really make sense that dalpo will bring cha ok down and ask inha to support him in doing so.knowing how she longed her mothers love.


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Am I the only one who totally got their reasons for break up?
I mean for first time in a kdrama, I was in a conflict where characters where , not having a clue what to do.

Their break up was more of being Dal Po Vs Ha Myung more than revenge on mom. I get him. While he is with In Ha, he can't totally be Ha Myung, the kid who was wronged and abandoned by brother and mother.
He is Dal Po who is having this really good life , that is almost like a dream. So I understand when he says that he is been avoiding for as long as he can. He was just a kid who got too comfortable and happy in his life that he forgot his brother.
And his life has made all the wrongs done to him , minimal compared to his brother. Like he would have been able to let go but his brother would have not been able to.
That's why its hard for him to be With her.
His two lives has been collided and he is neither here nor there.
In ha got that. She realized he has to go and be Ha Myung if he can ever find peace as Dal Po. Instead of always putting his effort in keeping things at bay, he has to resolve them once and for all.

The thing I loved about their break up is that its not because he hates her or wants to hate her or can't look at her(which is the case of all other star spangled k lovers) , its because he had trouble being himself and is constantly in war with himself.


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I'm with you on this one..


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This! A thousand times this! I don't' view it as noble idiocy at all. Not only does it make sense, they are both aware of why they are breaking up.

Also as far as hyung's "mood swings" I don't view them as all that unrealistic. A person can do bad things and even want to do bad things, but not be an entirely bad person. There is good and bad in each of us.

I do agree that hyung leaving the avenging to Dal Po was a bit quick, but maybe in a way it's hyung's way of saying, "I trust you with the truth." Something he didn't do when they were younger. Instead of saying the truth, he lied to little Ha Myung.


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Totally agreed.


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Agree too.


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:O !!!!! that was really beautiful summation of why they broke up! & maybe the best alter-ego type plot in kdramas so far. It's not amnesia or willing subterfuge for revenge or whatever - but just the two paths of life that Dal-po versus being a Ki brother has.


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This show gets me right in the feels every damn time.


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You are right on that.

Its been such a LONG TIME since I even commented with feels for a episode !
It was so nicely built and especially when hyung was the informant, that got me RIGHT THERE.


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That was the most awkward kiss I have ever seen in a drama. I'm so confused.


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LOL that's the famous PSH's dead fish kiss.


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It was most definitely not.
A break up kiss is heartbreaking, not passionate. It was played perfectly, especially when Dal Po just let go and let his hands dangle like he is giving up.

The editing did Make it little awkward but that was a good kiss.


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I agree Divyrus!

It's a breakup kiss that's why its emotional, not sensual....

Look at DP's arms falling to his sides instead of hugging IH...


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tis true...her famous *dead fish kiss* LOL


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I thought she really brought it up a level with episode 8 and started celebrating, probably a bit too soon, somehow forgetting that there's probably a whole lot of other kisses to be had.

I started laughing really hard when I see LJS seriously trying to put in a little lip action with movements to show a little bit of passion and she just stayed still. It was like a juxtaposition of the does and don'ts in one scene. Good thing there's flashbacks shown to tide over some of the awkwardness though. It was pretty funny though.


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Get your eyes checked, it was a beautiful kiss that she initiated. Stop seeing things that don't exist.


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It started out great but it was the just one moment when I saw where LJS was actively moving but there wasn't reciprocation. It was just a few seconds but it made me giggle. Don't need to take it so seriously, I'm not trying to be malicious. I think she's did and is doing a great job for the most part. I just pay attention more usual for kiss scenes.


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I've seen this so many times in dramas, that there are (sometimes VERY or in this case subtly) different levels of "lip investment" of the male and female part in kiss scenes. I thought it's an actual convention, but then sometimes both parties seem to reciprocate in equal measure - more often the woman is much more restrained than the man, even if or maybe even more so, when she initiates the kiss. both types of kisses can happen in the same drama. and it is NOT just PSH. What is up with that?


i dont think that not typical PSH's kisses that people talk and hate about her
instead, i think this how the kiss should be in this scene...

look how Dal Po still try to block her from give him up by his right hand 1st, but in ha still want to go and he block her with his left hand... so, in ha initiated the kiss to ensure him that this is what best for them, that she really thought about it...

and look after in ha kiss him, dal po put his hands down as to say i let you go, and look how dal po close his lip several times as tough he doesnt want to kiss her back to let her go....

and this is what i think, the kiss is supposed to be that way...

not like typical passionated good bye kiss KDramaland likes...


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i mean i think that not typical


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It does seems like dalpo didnt want to reciprocate. I get what you mean.


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It's not that bad. I've seen worse.
I dont think it's supposed to be passionate either since it's a goodbye kiss. Sure it could have been better but even jongsuk didnt close his eyes.


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They were breaking up. I don't see the need for a passionate kiss in this sad scene. In ha was literally shaking, trying to hold in her crying. Hey, maybe it could have been better, but in this context, it was suitable.

The most awkward kiss you've ever seen? You'll have to recommend me some of the dramas you've watched, because I've definitely seen worse kisses than this one across several genres of k-dramas.


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Not the most awkward PSH kiss either. She had more awkward ones.


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Yep, that's true too.


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tis true, there are even more awkward ones for her


Not that the kisses were awkward because of her ONLY.


I literally cried multiple times throughout this whole episode. The brother relationship, way to much for me to handle. The moments where he's such a caring older brother just broke my feels because those are moments the two aren't going to get again. Geez.


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Now that you think about it, In Ha's reunion with mom and Dal Po's reunion with Hyung were similar in that both weren't happy ones. Dal Po already knew what Hyung was up to so he can't celebrate. In Ha's reunion with mom was more of a business meeting.

As far as the breaking up of In Ha and Dal Po, I'm not shocked at all. What was shocking was that they got together so early in the series. They're supposed to be like Romeo and Juliet--those two lovers were happy in the beginning. I just hope that both of them would live until the last episode sans the suicide of Romeo and Juliet.


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the kiss would be fine if quick. But it was too long because DP had to narrate his feelings, while stucking each other lips. Couldn't be they looking to each other?


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Agree with you. It did seem a bit awkward and stiff. If they had made it quick, it would not have seem so.


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True that. If it was a short peck, maybe it would've been better.


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It was impassioned though, as is. Which made it even more sad.


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Agree. A soft one on the lips..and then the cheek..and a fierce hug. That can be as passionate as a the one showed in this episode.


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Yes, I was like "why is this going on for so long?" That's what really made it awkward... well, more awkward. It would have been terribly uncomfortable either way.


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The break-up really was so heart-breaking but it works thematically for a number of reasons. In-law knows that she is a burden to Dalpo in him getting his revenge on her mum. And in most kdramas, it's the guy who breaks up for the girl for some stupid or lame reason, hence the noble idiocy trope. But here, In-Ha initiated the break-up, and she continues to break the mould of cliche kdrama girls.

I thought there was a valid reason for the break-up it it wasn't any easier for me to accept.

The bit at the end will be explained next ep. If you remember from the end of ep 10 where they showed the ep 11 preview, Dalpo confuses on the news broadcast that he is Ki Ha Myung. We didn't get that Confession this ep but I think we get it in ep 12.


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Actually I disagree with your opinion that most dramas have the guy break up with the girl, because I remember a lot more where it was the other way around. Considering how popular a trope it is to have a chaebol guy get together with a poor Candy-type girl, it was very common for the guy's rich mom to threaten the girl to leave with money or something. And the girl usually ended up leaving due to some inexplicable reason (to "protect" her guy) that's not communicated to anybody. Even if that's not the scenario, just considering PSH dramas alone, it was her who left the guy in both You're Beautiful and Heirs.

Of course this case is infinitely better than all those other cases of noble idiocy, because at least they're both clearly aware of why they're breaking up and there are no misunderstandings.


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I disagree with it being a noble idiocy. I think it's more of giving back Dal Po his wings to do his duty as the son of the Gi family. Self sacrificing? Yes. However, Dal Po couldn't avenge his father because he worries about In Ha. Now, they might be family but Dad just divorced In Ha's mom so it's only In Ha who's related to Song.


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Oh nooooooo...... NOBLE IDIOCY strikes again *Meh*. Me too I find it unnecessary to the story. I think In Ha's approval to get his long awaited revenge is enough. But then the breakup? *Face palm*

And that kiss...I dunno it looks like an awkward kiss.


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Like I kind of get the intentions behind the break up. But I'm not sure if it really changes anything. I can't really tell how much In Ha really opposes to him getting revenge on her mother. Because obviously Dal Po isn't going to resort to anything physical.

I guess it's something hard to relate to, if you yourself don't have an estranged bitch of a mother. How much would you really care that she's getting the retribution she deserves. How much importance does a blood tie hold in loyalty when it's up against a bond forged because they actually care for one another as people?

I think all she needed to do was give him space and stand on a neutral ground. But they don't need to break up forever. Not sure if they assumed this was a permanent thing or not, it wasn't very clear.


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Shame on you, the kiss is heartbreaking just the way it was, even JongSuk didn't close his eyes. He didn't even tried.


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Shame on her? I'm all for having different opinions on shows and scenes, but nobody should be shamed for having an opinion.


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Anyone who comments negatively on PSH's kissing, esp in this drama, deserves to be whiplashed.

Like seriously, you can't think of anything else to troll on? Even when she kisses fine you people complain.


Um no, when I saw her doing the kiss scene in Ep.8 I was cheering full on and I thought she did really well.

It was just that one little close up. Should I find the time for you of which part I'm referring to? I'm not making it up. I thought it was a bit funny that's all. I like to tease PSH a bit for her romance scenes since she's kind of known for it so it makes me a bit more aware but otherwise I like her as an actress fine. Sorry for saying how I personally reacted.


@Shitty Hunter: "Anyone who comments negatively on PSH’s kissing, esp in this drama, deserves to be whiplashed."

Calm down, please. I'm her fan, and while I don't accept false criticism like people saying the episode 8 kiss was dead fish (it was not!), fans like you who fly off the handle and can't take another viewer's honestly expressed and non-trolling opinion or a simple joke , get her nothing but more hate.



"Anyone who comments negatively on PSH’s kissing, esp in this drama, deserves to be whiplashed."

ummm LOL pls, chill. it's just a fricking kiss, no one's trolling anyone. believe it or not, people CAN appreciate the kiss in ep 8 and simultaneously criticise the kiss in this ep. it's called having an opinion. is it really that hard to accept the possibility that other people actually might have different opinions to you LMAO srsly.


It's just a kiss scene holy shit chill.


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Wait you're not even replying to the right comment.


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Yes that was a heartbreaking scene. But that kiss though... Maybe I was expecting more (because their first kissing scene on this show is soooo good) or maybe the editing is at fault. I dunno. That was just my opinion.


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The unrelenting hate is the problem, with regard to PSH's kiss scenes. It's one thing to criticise the kiss scenes, as everyone is allowed to do. But more often than not, it turns into incessant belittlement of her acting, her abilities.

I do agree that some of the kiss scenes that she's had in her dramas are not the best, but the constant contempt or mockery that she's subjected to, is wholly unwarranted. Why is it that she has to take complete responsibility for her kiss scenes, when she's not the only one involved? What of the other actor or the director, the writer? Surely she doesn't have the authority to approve these scenes and deem them good enough to put on air. Why are the others absolved of responsibility and why does she get all the hate? I'll never truly understand.

Sometimes I can't bear to read those kind of comments. Unfortunately on DB, as well as on any other site. But certainly people can state their own opinions.

@ dal : The person who you replied to just plainly stated his/her opinion. No one is to be shamed for having their own thoughts and views.

@ SHITTY HUNTER: I understand the need to support PSH, especially when she's so undeserving of all the hate she receives. But you might have to reconsider your outlook on things, if you believe that anyone deserves to be whiplashed just for stating their opinion. Not everyone on here intends to be malicious with their words.

This kiss scene could have probably been better. I agree with Cray, the editing might be at fault. They had to stay in that same position for a while, as the flashbacks were shown. That's what probably made it seem awkward to some viewers.



Thank you for being a reasonable person. I'll be even more careful next time for people like you. I really only meant to tease playfully but I can understand why some would find it tiresome and read my tone wrong since she seems to be getting quite a bit of genuine hate.

Honestly though, I still don't think people need to take it so seriously to the point they tell me to be ashamed or be hurt. It's just my own stupid opinion/reaction, just think of it like that. I've had lots of things I liked actually hated on but I'm the type to just think "ugh what an asshole" but move on. In the end their opinion has no effect on me, I'd rather spend time talking to people that share mine. Everyone is free to feel differently. The way I see it, it's their loss that they have one less thing to enjoy in the world.


@ Yeah :

It's just all the constant hate that's unnecessary, you know? You can state your opinion, there's nothing wrong with that. But there's no need at all for the extremely rude and mean comments that you come across these days, with nothing constructive in them.

I understand what you mean though. I can hardly read comments on sites sometimes because of their sheer malevolence. On most cases, I would ignore them. There's no need to reply, it definitely saves me the time. But occasionally I decide to step up when a situation requests it, simply to just shed some light or bring reason to the mix. Not just in support of your faves, but for anyone who's being belittled enough that it's unfair to them. It definitely takes a toll though, and isn't worth it, especially when there are people who don't consider the impact of their words and are unwilling to be reasoned with.

That's just my opinion :/


I sort of understand the separation since Dal-Po would be too concerned about In Ha to go full force on mom, particularly after what she told him last week about caring/hating her mother. Now, he will still be in love with her so that's why the sort of part of my statement comes in. At least this way he won't have to face her (In Ha)?

I am also not *too* bothered since this seems an extension of their characters. I hate, hate, noble idiocy when we are presented with a supposedly fearless heroine that then turns into a sacrificial Candy but I can see this sacrifice as something In Ha would do because of who/how she is. She knows this is something Dal Po needs to work through and she is aware of her role -though not by her doing- in his conflict.

That said, I hope they decide they work better as a team and get back together soon.


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Yeah but the problem with that is even if they're broken up....they're still family. I feel like it would have made more sense for her to just give him honest permission to go after her mom. He would have known she was being genuine about it. Breaking up does not mean the connections between them are really severed. *sigh* I don't know. I think it was just one of those plot points and emotional scenes they wanted to hit.


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I agree 100%. I was just saying that even though I'm not crazy about this development it could kind of be justified based on the storyline. But yes, In Ha giving him her blessing or even better, joining him in the fight would have been so much better.


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It was painful enough for In-Ha to stand up against evil mummy during the lecture. Anymore fights against her mum would do her a world of pain.


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though its dramaland will it be realistic for a bf who deeply loves her gf to ask her to fight her mother together.she hates her mother for her wrongs deeds but she still loves her becoz she is still her mother after all. and i think,for her to love her mother deeply even she abandoned her,there is a reason for it tho i dont know what is it,but it seems that shes a good mother to her when they are still living together to the point that she idolizes her mother.i just dobt know what happened to cha ok that she became cold as stone.wondering here


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No, but it would have been great if instead of breaking up with him so he could do his thing she decided to stand right by him through it. It wouldn't have been surprising since they have always supported one another through thick and thin.

But again, I known In Ha cares about her mom and doesn't want to burden him and breaking up is her way of supporting him. It's just a little boring to me.


In Ha did give him permission to fight her mom. But she also confesses that although she understands his hatred for her mom, she is still her mom. So she feels sad. Dal Po knows that, so that's why he can't exact revenge and speak his mind. He doesn't want to make her sad. I'm not sure if cutting ties helps any, but distancing himself from In Ha might help him fight against her mom.


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Ahhh >o< I loved the episode and dislike the nobility cause WHYYYYY. Who cares, lets live pretending its all well and fine! Argh.

And the kiss... yeah it would have been 100% fine if it had been quick in that painful one last goodbye amidst pain and trying not to sob horribly style which is what i thought it was at first (ToT) but they dragged it on SOOOOOOOOOOO long it was weird. Narration boo for that, why they lock lips that entire time.


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... It's not like they heard the narration...


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??? i know, but the audience heard and saw that kiss. im just saying the director should have cut it off earlier and not made it last so long. Though I can imagine it was something of a, "make their final moment as a couple last" or "Frozen in the final moments" or something similar and trying to be romantic etc. It was just weird to me and would have felt much better without the suspended kiss. Tearful eye contact after a painful kiss and even downcast eyes after emotional sacrifice would have been so much more lovely.


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I agree :)


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Well this was definitely the turning point episode. So much emotion!!

Honestly I've felt all along that Hyung has been just....to bipolar. Not literally bipolar but I'm sorry, even if you have your own moral code, you can't just swing between pre-meditated murder and genuine sweet guy. It's like it's taken no outside toll on him...that he can really just isolate that to revenge and then turn it off and ignore it for the rest of the day? Nope.

But I think that's a writing thing. I think the actor is doing a fantastic job.

This show for me is really all about the moments. There are some really great moments, both comedic and emotional, in this show. I think there are some consistency problems and whatnot, but I'm pretty happy to shelve those thoughts and just enjoy the acting and interactions. (I really think the interactions between actors in this series are priceless)


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Also is anyone worried how the mom is going to use the footage from 13 years ago? I'd like to think that it was to finally admit she did something wrong but I don't have the much faith in her. And Dal Po walked away before he could hear about the footage so....


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Oh yes, this. I want to know how she'll use that footage. Also, there was that scene where hyung bought something at a store. I wonder what that was?


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I had the feeling that all the romance in the beginning of the story would be some sort of a compensation for all the heartaches in between. Anyway, find your way back to each other, Couple <3

I don't think that it was a "noble idiocy" tho hehe. Experience tells me that sometimes, it's actually really better to part ways for a while especially when dealing with something that involves the family. It's hard to be together at one point and fight in the other. I guess in order to avoid that "noble idiocy" is to properly take each step properly and carefully to go back to that one thing you left behind. I hope the writer does not disappoint! I truly liked Dream High and I Hear Your Voice. I want her to keep flourishing her pen and ink into a satisfying result :)

Thanks for the recap, GF! I always look forward to Dramabeans recaps.


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Dear Girlfriday

How do thank thee for the super-swift recaps that is to die for?
No words to express how much but I think you know, right?
Because you are that awesome! :)

Thank you so much from the bottom of my-now-shattered-to-a-million-pieces-heart from this heartbreaking episode of a heartbreaking drama!!



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Ah! This writer really doesn't pull her punches. I must say that the plot is superb, and the momentum, an ultimate rush. One thing Pinocchio has going for it is the fact that the plot is so unpredictable, no one would have guessed that hyung would turn himself in, and in such a classy way too! He remains an honorable man at heart, even though his grief and despair made him do something heinous. Finding his little brother again must have gone a long way to mitigate hyung's sense of loss in his heart. At least, he now knows he is not alone. He still has family. Both brothers have integrity, kudos to them and a testament to being raised right by their parents.

And In Ha is the ultimate coolest girlfriend ever! I love the way she gave Dal Po the space, encouragement and support to do what he needed to do to find closure in this painful chapter of his life. And that kiss...was sweet and sad and smoking hot...I could feel the heat all the way from my console. These actors are really rocking their roles. For some reason, I feel like hyung is the second lead in this drama, rather than Beom jo who just feels bland to me. Hyung certainly is a scene stealer and his intensity is captivating. There are no stereotypical characters in this drama, rather the writer delights in overturning stereotypes with her characters and storylines.


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I am still trying to do the mental gymnastics to understand Hyung. But I do agree he does grab you in. It is quite the accomplishment to be a scene stealer when you are opposite Lee Jong-Suk.


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The thing to closely note is he sent the informant message the very next day after Dal Po asks his brother to turn in.
Even before Dal Po told him , that he would extract revenge for mom.

I guess hyung felt everything made sense to him once he had his little bro back, like that's what most important to him. Like he was acting like the hyung to make sure Dal Po does something right, to guide him in right path.
And THATS WHAT got my heart. He wasn't concerned about himself, he didn't want to Dal Po to become same like other trashy reporters out. He wanted him to be a decent man unlike him.

That's not to say revenge is completely gone from his mind. I am sure he timed that interview with revealing to Dal Po so that MSC and her go down together.

My heart so breaks for hyunggggggg!!!!!


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Thank you. I thought I was the only one who caught and understood what hyung was doing. He was waiting on his brother to do better and be better than CH and other trashy reporters.


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Yeah Selina ! I haven't been this attuned to every small part of episode like this in LONGEST WHILE! Guess the last one must be I Hear Your Voice where each part of a episode caught me.

Last week was such a satisfying week, and this episode had me where it wanted to be!


I'd like to add to this that Dal Po's appeal to his hyung to turn himself in gave Jae Myung the opportunity to redeem himself as well as to give Dal Po a chance to prove that he could be a better reporter than Cha Ok.

While on the outside Jae Myung seemed to be unswerving, inside he was also conflicted with the light and the darkness at war in him (as in all of us human beings). I am cheered that he did not throw away that opportunity but took it courageously and wisely. It was the best decision he could have made to resolve at least some of the tension and pain between the brothers.

By turning himself in to Dal Po, he gave his blessing for his brother to report him. Although Dal Po will be so heartbroken to have to take that step against his own brother, he will not be crushed because he will know his brother accepts his decision.

I hope that Jae Myung will accept the punishment that is to come, ie that he does NOT do something stupid like kill himself. And that he will return to start anew with family again.


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That's the thing about hyung, he's quite complex and while I think that's depicted pretty well, he's also more opaque to us than Dal-po and In-ha. So we don't always know what's going through his head (but the script and actor make it fairly easy to guess a lot of the time).

It's quite an accomplishment for a newbie actor to not only have stolen the second lead position (yeah, Beom-jo is still crushing on In-ha like typical second leads do, but it's hyung who's the true beta anti-hero/second lead of this drama) but to hold his own against Lee Jong-seok while playing such a complex character. Bravo, Yoon Kyun-sang!


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I have the same impression of Yoon Kyun-sang.


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I think the kiss is fine in that kind of situation,its not the best but its fine because that is a goodbye kiss not a reunion-happy ending kiss that required some lip movements...it is more awkward if they kiss just like how they kiss in ep 8 and they're breaking up...just my 2 cents...


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Super agree ?


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And YES, Girlfriday! The drama bigwigs did a good job of getting an actor who is taller than the already very tall Lee Jong Suk to be his older brother so that LJS needs to literally and figuratively look up to his hyung (only with his hyung being a murderer, how he can figuratively look up to his hyung is anybody's guess).


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OMG! I was so waiting to say something about the height difference ^_^ I have to remind myself that actually, LJS is very tall as is ^_^


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Girlfriday mentioned in her comment above about the height thingy... ;)

So I wonder HOW tall is the hyung?


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Yoon Kyun sang and kim young kwang are both 188 cm while jong suk is 186 cm.


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Thank you so much for the information! You are such a dear! ;)

Wow!! A difference of 2 centimetres? And yet both look so much taller than what 2 centimetres may FEEL like. hehehe...


@koreandramalover - one inch difference in height actually shows quite a bit, with most people! My friends who are one inch taller than me are quite visibly taller (as in, the difference isn't negligible visually) so I guess the same goes for the very tall LJS and YKS.


And they got an actor who was not only taller than him, but with similar enough features that they could pass for brothers for real (the soulful monolid eyes, small face, full mouths).

AND - most importantly - Hyung can act! It's a close call on which brother makes me cry harder.


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How RIGHT you are! I should have mentioned the same thing because what you said was exactly what I was thinking too!!

The actor CAN act so well, whose looks are close enough to LJS seeing as they are not related and to top it all, he exudes this amazing charismatic air that makes me feel that the role is more nuanced and layered considering he needs to switch at a split second from sweet, loving and tender feelings towards his brother to menacing, evil even, whenever he is looking at, or thinking about, the people who have destroyed his family.

Hats off to Yoon Kyun Sang!! I look forward to more of you in future projects!!


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@koreandramalover - yes, that's just it - they both have a similar aura too, it's uncanny just how easily I can believe that they are brothers just looking at them and the way they interact.

Yoon Kyun-sang has a great role to play with, but he also deserves credit for playing it so well - I can't believe this is only his third acting job! He had a small part in Gap-dong and I remember noting he was good-looking there, but the PD made a great choice by bringing him back for Pinocchio....he really likes his repeat castings, and this one is gold!

(and I see he is an '87er.......will we have to lose him to the army so soon when we barely discovered him? Say it isn't so! )


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I say we should rebel against few concepts in this story.
Everybody loves hyung (and feel for him- he always has such a sorrowful look in his eyes! In 'Faith', too!).
So how about this?
Let's all pretend that the story is not a modern drama, but a sageuk, where revenge is *expected* as the most logical, common, noble act one can do to honor their wrongly defamed (and dead) family.

There you go.
Now we can all live in peace, supporting hyung to our heart content.
Only he doesn't have a girl... Hmm... We should also arrange for a loving girl to fully support him in this.


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Hahaha!! Interesting and refreshing take on the drama!!

Hmmm...I agree that if we were to plant the whole drama in sageuk land, Hyung's actions would probably not cause MOST people to bat an eyelid... *wink* *wink*

As for getting Hyung a girl to love and who can love him...hmmm...although I am all for it, somehow I do not see it...shall we say...in tandem with the whole drama premise and dynamic... ;)

But who knows? Your idea might just materialise if that is what the drama writer/s and PDs wish to throw at us... ;)

After all we do still have 9 episodes to go...if there is no extension...which I am ALL for!!! ;)


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Err... I sure hope they won't introduce a time machine into the story ;)


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hyung would fit into the world of Joseon Gunman without a hitch, hehehehe. Perfect sageuk hero, but murderer by modern standards.

As for hyung getting a girl? Take this with a HUGE grain of salt (and please don't be drinking any beverages while you read this) but I read on soompi that hyung was apparently supposed to have a love line with.......Yoo-rae!

(just try to picture that. I don't even know if this was a fan-made rumour or a legitimate love line that may or may not be scrapped now, but it was floating around long before we knew what a big part hyung would have)


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Thanks for the no-drinking-while-reading warning.
I actually had to put down the cup ;)

She is very cute, but... I'm just left with a lot of question marks -_-


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Really love all the scenes between the 2 brothers, they're really the highlight of Pinocchio to me (not that the other characters don't matter, cos they all do, especially the entertaining dad)

It's surprising that Hyung gets a lot of attention now more than the second lead Beom-jo. Considering that he was not highlighted at all during the promo, don't even know who the actor is, he has become one of the most memorable character here.

As long as Hyung's alive at the end and have a happy ending with Dal-po (even if it's in prison), I'll be happy.


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Me too. I honestly enjoy hyung, the brothers relationship, and the family dynamics more than I enjoy the OTP (which I do enjoy). As much as I like the relationship is not that intriguing to me. I come back to this drama for the revenge (hyung and now DP/HM) are it for me. Hyung, DP/HM, IH, and the rest of them better get a happy ending.


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This episode was all about the brothers.

Oh Dal Po - pulling on my heartstrings one string at a time, I swear. That scene where is breaks down in hyungs arms got me in the feels x million.

In Ha- Dal Po break up: I saw it coming, and honestly, I'm not too upset with it. I don't think it's noble idiocy at all, it was a well executed break up and makes sense, he can't go for revenge wholeheartedly when it's his girlfriends mother.

Highlight of the episode: Park Shin Hye dead fish kiss. I was wondering when it'd happen and man, was that the most awkward kiss ever....even LJS's attempts at lip action didn't help.


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I agree with you on most parts except the kiss..I replayed that scene and didn't see LJS's attempt at lip action?? The kiss was 'dead fish' on both end. Yes it was a bit awkward but I guess it wasn't supposed to be passionate as it was a goodbye kiss, so that's fine with me..what I'm saying is stop blaming PSH alone on this


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I still can't see why breaking up was absolutely necessary in order for Dal Po to get his revenge besides the sole purpose of mid-drama forced-separation angst. And for that, this was a disappointing episode. I had high hopes this drama would subvert all k-drama cliches, and noble idiocy is the worst cliche of all. But I'm still optimistic for Pinocchio since I Hear Your Voice threw in the god-awful amnesia cliche but ended up being a solid drama.

Hyung confessing to murder in public made me so nervous because fans were probably secretly filming him with their phones. I assumed the tipster was someone from the restaurant who overheard their conversation. The way the camera focused on Hyung scribbling on the napkin before he signed his autograph -- there's got to be some significance behind that, like maybe evidence either implicating him or proving his innocence. When Dal Po blamed Hyung for being partly responsible in killing Mom by not coming home that night, I could feel Hyung being stabbed in the heart. Everyday since the day they died, he had been living in guilt and focusing on the what-ifs (What if he hadn't gone to the station that day? What if he hadn't attacked Reporter Mom? What if he had come home that night?), so for his little brother to hold that against him, my heart broke. In Dal Po's defense, he didn't know the truth, but In Ha knew and should have told him. Both brothers like to play the (self-)blame game, but Dal Po's what-ifs (What if I had looked for Hyung? What if I had found Hyung? What if I had lived with Hyung?) take it to the extreme with him concluding he is the reason why his brother is a murderer. I wish someone would explain to him that there are no what-ifs in life and hating himself and beating himself up over what he could have done in the past to maybe change the future is not the solution. Neither is breaking up with your girlfriend.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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I never feared for Cha Ok's (or In Ha for that matter life where it concerned hyung murdering her or something as drastically insane. He murdered the one dude (I still don't think he killed the other two but the dude he killed did) because he was directly the cause of his father's death. His misunderstanding about his co-workers still being in the building (I love how this drama drives home the dangers of assumptions and believing why you think you see/know) and purposely lying about it directly caused his father's death. On the other hand Cha-Ok and the media indirectly brought about the destruction of his family. As much as he blames Cha-Ok a part of him also knows that he is to blame (not being there that night), the mom is to blame (she killed herself), the people who refused to sell them food, the families that continued the slander and started to hate and doubt the father, and so forth. Hell if he was going down that kind of revenge he would have had to search out and kill the original Pinocchio who said he saw the father and since we never saw him do that I knew CH, IH, the other reporters and everyone else indirectly involved were not on kill list.

All hyung wants is for CH is realize and admit to the magnitude of her indirect involvement, come to realize and accept that her form of "reporting" and general being destroyed many innocent lives and put into domino effect all that has occurred. He wants a sincere apology from her and for her to change her reporting ways because the harm of it all (I was so disgusted when she was lecturing/teaching how to use the very tactics of 13 years. it's like woman, did you learn nothing!?!). That's why he sent the evidence to Ha Myeong and waited for him to turn him in and gave a "blessing" to do the right thing. He saw his little brother wasn't going to turn him in and hat would make him just as low as CH (if he's wiling to not report this what other reports will he not report on or hid evidence from). They are going to get revenge on CH by showing her how reporting should be done, they are going to become that barking wolf DP mentioned the one time he gave her a taxi ride. I believe (and I may be proven wrong tomorrow) that hyung's intentions of giving the interview with CH was to confess on live television of his crime. I think he will go in on her about a bunch of things but in the end I feel he will confess. Show the dangers of believing reporters and seeing only what they want you see by turning a hero into a villain, both done by her hands. So yeah I don't feel whiplash with hyung and hope once he's trotted off to jail we still get to see more of him.


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I can't remember which episode... but Hyung DID visit the Pinocchio who wrongly said that he saw the father (who, I believe, is also their neighbor in episode 1) and I think he also intended to kill him.


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I agree wholeheartedly. Hyung has never felt inconsistent for me--it's just that the drama doesn't show what he's thinking like they do with Dal Po, so it's a little harder to pick up on his intentions. He's a complex person as is, so it's tough to read him, and I personally love finding out more things about him bit by bit.

From what I've picked up, my theory--and I, of course, could be wrong--is that Hyung never planned on killing Song Cha Ok either. He's just severely disgusted with her ways of reporting and wants to tear her down from her praised pedestal as a "good journalist" and show her what true reporting is, which is exactly what Dal Po can do, and what Hyung WANTS Dal Po to do.

I think when they had the confrontation about the interview (when he punched Dal Po), he only made Dal Po THINK he was going to kill Cha Ok in order to provoke him into revealing the truth. That really scared Dal Po and it made him realize the only way to stop Hyung was to bring everything out of hiding.

Like you said, Hyung doesn't want his little brother to bury the truth like Cha Ok did so many years ago, so he did what he could to finally get Dal Po to do this report. The sad thing is...Hyung knows this report is the end for him; he obviously has to go to jail now. But he's willing to go to jail if it means Dal Po can shed some light on what real journalism is--the kind that is genuine and doesn't hurt others by embellishing the facts.

Hope that made sense; I felt like I was rambling haha. Amazing episode. This drama still has me head over heels in love with it.


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Very insightful. I didn't see Hyung's intentions in that way, but it seems sensible to me.


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This this this. The punch everything was to push his brother to do the right thing. To not just sit back and quietly allow things to happen to him as he had been (aside from confronting mom in the taxi ride others have been taking action for him, IH awesomely did). Maybe it's my bias but I feel at his core hyung has been and continues to be a good person and brother.


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"Worst. Christmas present. Ever. I can’t believe you dashed my baseless and unfounded hopes like that."

Agree. Nooooooooo. I know I don't get sunshine and rainbows, but how can you steal my silver lining?

Thanks girlfriday for your excellent recap of a generally heartrending episode.


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if only they didnt start the narration on that kiss because it seems that that kiss is supposedly to be a quick one no lip movement.


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This show has grabbed me and not let go. I watched this episode raw even though I don't know any Korean and I cried so much - I could feel the despair through my screen. Sigh.

And can anyone assuage my curiosity -
Does anybody know if the actor who plays Hyung, Yoon Kyun Sang, is related to Yoon Kye Sang? They look alike when they smile.


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m wondering what will happen to the interview,will hyung confess his wrong deeds nationwide...then will slander mom ob how she made their father a murderer and him as a hero.


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I love hyunnnnngggg! Such a tragic guy. I don't really like the plot twist of Inha and Dalpo separating but I had a feeling separation in this drama would have to occur eventually (knowing K-dramaland) and I was surprised that it was Inha who suggests it.

Contrary to hyung being inconsistent, I think this drama have shown that he has ALWAYS been two-sided. A side of him wanted revenge but overall, he is a extremely selfless person, even after the tragedy occurred. Thus, I thought him turning himself in in such a short amount of time did make sense.


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Since when 2 people deciding to break up for mutual good & after discussing it is noble idiocy? They didn't say it was forever.
Abut hyung dropping the killing: He never said he would kill again. The writer wanted us to believe he was a psycho but I didn't buy it. His anger faded in time and the reappearance of his little brother gave him a a logical way of 1: Obtaining justice, 2: Pay for his past crime & being forgiven., 3: Preparing the future since now he has family.
Basically I see no whiplash or incoherence here.


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Pinocchio is a great ride and there's so much that I love about it, but it's given me Hyung-induced whiplash, too. I've been really uncomfortable with Hyung's characterization since the manhole murder scene. I know that we all have a shadow side, and that great people are capable of doing heinous things under certain circumstances, but Hyung's seeming to "be SO good and SO bad at the same time" just feels inconsistent to me. He seemed to be extraordinarily kind and compassionate one minute, then the next minute, not only was he carrying out a pre-meditated murder (while boasting about having already murdered the victim's friends), but he was also gleefully telling the victim that he had set the whole thing up like this so that the victim's family members would suffer, not knowing the truth.

I think I could've bought that Hyung could "snap" and kill somebody in a fit of rageful revenge, but it just doesn't ring true to me that the kindhearted Hyung we saw before would carry out multiple pre-meditated murders, purposely designed to make the victim's innocent family members go through the same kind of hell he'd gone through. I wish he had committed a "crime of passion" murder~ I think that would've made for a richer conflict.

Great emotional performances from both LJS and YKS~ bravo!


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"Hyung’s seeming to “be SO good and SO bad at the same time” just feels inconsistent to me."
Welcome to the human's world: We are full of paradoxes & multifaceted & our minds & emotions evolve continually. Think of those friendly neighbors who chat & eat with you but are also able to torture kids in their basement. Think of those educated people who become talibans.


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My point wasn't that Hyung doesn't seem human, but rather that he doesn't seem like a mostly good person who just snapped, as many others see him. To me, he does seem kind of like "those friendly neighbors who chat & eat with you but are also able to torture kids in their basement"~ but they're psychopaths. Believe me, I love Hyung, too~ but I think he's totally gone off the deep end.


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I get your point but its not good vs psychopaths here.

And he is a grown adult who knows the consequences of his action. There isn't a single scene where he showed remorse because he felt justified.
How many small mean little things we do just so that we feel justified in daily lives ?

Am not reducing the scale of what he did, am saying we are reading him too much as a psycho killer or as a emotional person who snapped for a moment.

Here I feel its neither
If you remember from episode 1, he is supposed to be very smart like Dal Po. So he is a very shrewd, intelligent guy who did it with awareness and feels justified.


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Thanks so much for the recap girlfriday!

Now we know why there are 20 episodes! So many of us commented on how all the reveals were completed in 10 episodes and wondered what else they might have in store for us. Resolutions galore required!!

1) Dal Po has to resolve the lie of his identity
2) Hyung has to face the music
3) Cha Ok needs to have a more rounded character and show some development, and she and In Ha need to figure out what relationship they are going to have.
4) Our OTP need to come back together and still retain their nobility sans idiocy
5) Dad and gramps need to come to terms with having a son/grandson in law and losing a hyung/son.
6) On the side Chan Soo and Yoo Rae might be given a chance to get the scoop. Would be cute if they could end up together.
7)Chaebol mum and son learn to accept that they can't have everything they want.

Onward to episode 12!!!


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But Chan Soo is already married.


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But maybe it'll be a Valid Love.


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I'm glad someone caught that!
I'm dying here...
: D


My heart breaks.


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I am loving LJS more and more. He is totally awesome in this episode! whew! I wonder how his acting skills got this far, or maybe because its natural? Superb acting skills!


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I've only seen him in 4 dramas but I feel like I can safely say he's a natural. Convincing performance all around. He's an actor that I feel I can safely say won me over through acting ability alone. He's really superb at emotional scenes, can't gush enough how believable he is and how well he gets into character. Absolutely killed me in I Hear You Voice as well.


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I've seen him in almost everything he's done, movies and all. He's a fantastic young actor, and does even better when he has capable costars to support and learn from.

and yeah, he won me over through acting ability too - I wasn't a fan of his looks at first but his line delivery and ability to get into character are pretty great even when the script is terrible.


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I dont know if it is supposed to be considered noble idiocy. When In ha suggested separation i was like "nooooo, why? Noble idiocy really?" But then again when i think about it, is it actually noble idiocy when both sides are clearly aware of the reason? There were no secrets or misunderstanding, In ha outright told him the reason.

Still its really heartbreaking cause i want them to be together and fight along side each other but i think it was a justifiable reason. For now he has to reclaim his identity as Ha myung. He once said to Cap Hwang that it was his purpose of why he wanted to be a reporter when he so hated the job: to get back his name, identity and brother as Ki Ha Myung thats what he anaswered And i doubt that he could fully commit to that justification he seeks if he stayed with In Ha. There will always be hesitation on his part no matter how In ha tells him that its okay to fight her mother because how could you not be uncomfortable when you know that your going to hurt the mother of the person you care about. And he cant live both as choi dal po and ki ha myung. He cant have double identities, from the start it was always to either continue being Choi dal po and shed the past or be Ki Ha Myung and deal with the terrible past.


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Yes I agree with you that it would not fall into the category of noble idiocy imho either.

You are absolutely right that DP has to become HM in order to fully fulfil his desire and mission to put right what was so wrong to have destroyed his family.

And so only by breaking free from all ties as DP, including with the girl he loves because she is the enemy's daughter, and with the Grandpa and Ahjusshi can he really be on his way to fulfilling his desire and mission.

And once he is done with the mission, if their love is meant to be, then HM and IH will definitely find their way into each other's lives again. Or so I hope. ;)


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you all are impossible! PSH actually used the dead fish kiss at the right moment this time like, THEY BOTH CRIED during the kiss (which was sad and sweet). Then, she kissed properly (ep.8).

In Ha had a fair reason for breaking up with Dal Po.. He didn't want to hurt the mother of his lover and because he loves In Ha, Dal Po wasn't able to take revenge on her mom.. In Ha used the break up to say that she gives him permission to go all out on her mom and that he doesn't need to worry about her mother-daughter relationship.

Like personally, I think Dal Po may not be able to finish his revenge himself but I think In Ha will do the finishing blow to Song Cha Ok herself she will make her apologize to Ha Myeong and Jae Myeong...


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@ Rgin and @ Brian
Taking your points - what In Ha did was to me totally reasonable. There had to be a clean break from the people and things that held him back in order for a fresh start and to do what is required as objectively as possible.

That fresh start, however, need not be revenge. In fact, to be really a good, clean start, it has to be forgiveness.

Of course we want Cha Ok to go on her knees and be humbled... but regardless of whether she does or not, Dal Po has to completely over-turn the eye-for-an-eye attitude and forgive and let go. (I recall Jang Hye Sung doing the same in 'I Hear Your Voice'). Then he can be at peace. Then he can come back to claim In Ha without regrets and claim his real name with pride.

Comeuppance: In the irony that is meted out heavily in this story, the other idea that it will be In Ha who gets her mum to apologize is entirely probable. What a twist when it is the very child who used to look up to the arrogant parent who humbled her, who is the one to take her (the parent) down. Poetic justice and all that!


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I would LOVE it if In Ha turned out to be the one who makes Mom realize her mistakes. We've already seen that In Ha can reach her on a level that no one else is able to. Now I'm really hoping that it happens!

Re: previous comments.

"Noble Idiocy", I agree with most of the other commenters here that it wasn't Noble Idiocy for me. I understood the reasons clearly, In Ha understood the reasons clearly, and Dal Po understood the clearly. You could see from his expression that he knew she was right. He certainly didn't put up much of a fight.

Side note: I can imagine how horrible it would be for In Ha if they'd stayed together. She's shown that however she disapproves of her mother, she's still worried and concerned about her. So if she convinces Dal Po to go ahead, she'll be hurting because of her mother. On the other hand, it's torture to KNOW (and she does because of the drunken confession) that you're holding back someone that you know and care so deeply about.

"The Kiss", I've never had a problem with PSH's kisses. I've always been so engrossed in the characters she portrays that I can always understand why her characters kiss the way they do. Same case here. This was their "last kiss", they're saying goodbye and trying to pack a million emotions into this one last gesture. I even understand wanting to prolong it as long as possible. I wouldn't have been satisfied with a short one. Even how Dal Po moves his lips. It was his way of "fighting" and asking her not to go, but she stayed firm with her decision. Honestly it was the best goodbye kiss that I've seen (that I can remember).

Anyways, that's how I interpreted things :)


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I think i get what you're saying. When In ha was about to kiss Dal po, i was like: please dont be a dead fish kiss!
But yeah maybe its totally an okay kiss! It was a break up kiss.

Dal po blocking her path and trying to actually move his lips and kiss her was his way of trying to hold onto In ha, while In ha on the other hand didnt actually responded to that lip action was because she was trying to stay firm in her decision. If she as so much showed a little bit of hesitation on her decision and kissed him back then i think ha myung would still be stick as dal po. Thats what i think.


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I think what both In Ha and Jae Myung did to Dal Po in this episode is actually so that he can finally make his decison.Up until now dal po was all talk and no action. He can't actually start his justification because there were so many things holding him back and swaying his beliefs. He keeps going back and forth. So Jae myung and In Ha gave the push he needed. It was there way of saying, get your act together dal po, what do you really want? Suck it up. Go for it!

It's amazing how In Ha can still be so rational even when her feelings and emotions are hurting.

I agree with you on the forgiveness thing. All Ha Myung seeks right now is equal justification. His mindset right now about CHa ok is : Im gonna make you feel what you made me feel. Im gonna make you experience what you made me experience. I just hope along the way that he learns to make peace with his past and himself and learn that while revenge can be satisfying for one moment, its only a momentary solution and a quick but not so effective way to smooth out ruffled feathers, and so he needs to learn to forgive and let go of all the hatred no matter how unthinkable it is for him.


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I enjoyed this episode, but I agree with girlfriday that the pacing was a bit off. It felt rushed. The rest of the drama thus far has moved at a quick and enjoyable pace, but I feel as though this episode should have been accomplished in 1.5-2 episodes. Maybe we could have gotten more information about hyung's mind set or seen what made him decide to test Dal Po...and even though we have seen Dal Po's reaction through the last few episodes it would have nice to have him come to the conclusion about telling the truth, without the information from the informant.

I love the world the writer has created and the actors are amazing...I wish this drama had been picked up for an extra two episodes (wasn't IHYV extended?), because I think it might have allowed the writer to delve deeper into her story line.

Thanks GF for the recap!


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I thought some parts were slow but the stuff with Hyung was much more rushed. Took me just a bit to process the whole "i'm going to turn myself in part", not the realization that he was the informant but rather the timeline. When Hyung decided to turn himself in? When did he start becoming an informant? How far was he going to go with In-Ha's mom? Though I feel like that part might be cleared up next ep. But it was sort of felt dunked for me to wrap my head around.


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I am just confused about this rollercoaster of an episode. It jerks me around.


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I'm glad the actor playing Hyping is stealing the scenes. I couldn't believe he played Deok Man in Faith and had to look up an image for affirmation. So many good actors in this drama!


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What?... Hyping?!! Victimized again by auto correct. Hyung! I meant, Hyung!


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Thank you! Now I remember where I saw him before. Also, Asian wiki states he was in the movie, "No Breathing", so Lee Jong-suk and Yoon Gyun-Sang know each other from that production, right?


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Jongsuk and Gyunsang have been close friend in real for quite a while, so I originally thought it was interesting that he was cast as Jongsuk's brother for this lol.


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*have been close friends in real life for quite a while

I can't type today


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There's a bigger space for Hyung in my heart than anyone in this drama. I mean, it wrecks my heart every time Dalpo cries and all but idk I just love his character so much (well, except being a murderer). His love for his family is so much I can't even get totally angry at him for doing a bad thing like killing. His love for his family is so great yet really scary. At first he's a hyung with a huge heart until people fucked up his family and then BAM... he turned into a murderer. Either way, for the sake of his brother's request, he still ended up doing the right thing by listening to Dalpo. He even secretly guided Dalpo to do the right thing by being the informant. Thankfully, the writer didn't made him into a totally dark character (hopefully until the end of the drama). Please writer-nim, let Hyung's evilness ends here!
And from what I saw in the preview, he's about to put aside being Choi Dalpo which will surely break my heart again because I love that Choi family so much and it's something that will shake that family up. I have already shed a lots of tears in this show. Part of me wants it to stop, another part wants more tear-jerking moments! Oh the dilemma!
Drama aside, I hope the remaining half of this drama won't disappoint me. Almost everything's out in the open, no more secrets (guess so) and I don't know where the story would revolve now (the revenge thing I guess?) But I want to trust this writer-nim. I'll just wait here patiently in front of my computer lol.


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Love...I will just wait patiently in front of my computer.


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Thanks for the recap, GF!

DP's reunion with Hyung! My tears were falling while watching the scene. Just hits it right here. *thumps heart*

Having pizza at the restaurant... Hyung just wanna be a good hyung to DP, making up for lost time. The murder confession... I was expecting it at some point since we know DP's suspicions already, but to hear it still made my heart sink because the inevitable locking Hyung away will happen soon. Not sure if there was significance to the pen Hyung borrowed from DP to sign autographs. There was such emphasis on those shots that I thought it'd be used to analyze Hyung's prints, but then it should be easy to get his prints; not like it's for DNA testing.

Princess is such a good Cap! Totally sided with IH and though scolding her, he was actually telling CO straight up her reporting style is wrong. Just no one had the guts to tell it to her face before IH did.

DP confronting Hyung to turn himself in... This ep is full of heartbreaking scenes... DP blaming Hyung for abandoning him and mom back then only to realize CO's involvement that led to the tragedy. That look of utter disbelief as he tried to comprehend the truth. And then ultimately blaming himself for not finding Hyung earlier. My heart broke for DP, wishing he wouldn't be stuck in self-blame.

IH getting drunk cuz she didn't know how to comfort DP... Can totally understand that feeling of helplessness towards someone you love.

Dad's precious daughter spiel always makes me chuckle. XD But by now, he should know DP has already seen IH at her worst after all these years and still loves her.

YR waking up in the Caps' lounge made me LOL.

I didn't guess who the anonymous informant was, but something didn't feel right since how did this person get DP's cell #? Also, if there had been a witness, it's likely that person would've outted Hyung already cuz there's no reason to keep quiet, community hero or not. It all made sense later with the reveal.

The revenge talk was another emotionally stirring scene with the bros. Hyung challenging DP whether it can be left to him considering his relationship with IH... You can see DP wanting to say yes and still hesitating cuz he hasn't thought it through completely yet.

IH remembering the drunk convo... Broke my heart again... The horror of finding out what DP has been shouldering all by himself this past while and how her mom was part of the cause... Imagine feeling that the person you love the most has been holding back all this time for your sake... How much must he have had to suppress and deny for all these years in order to keep you happy and from finding out the secrets?! I think it really struck IH in that moment and the break-up was a natural decision.


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The break-up scene was so heartbreaking to watch as those tears keep streaming down DP and IH's faces. I didn't consider it noble idiocy. I thought IH did a beautiful thing to let go; if she didn't initiate the break-up, DP would never let her go. She knew this and it hurts her to see DP not being able to be himself fully because of her, knowing exactly what her mom did. Just think of having no place to vent your anger, no one to talk to about who he is for 13 years! I can't even begin to fathom how much strength that takes mentally and emotionally. When we're in pain, angry, feeling wronged/frustrated/annoyed, we wanna have comfort, go on a rant with close friends, have someone to hold us and tell us it's OK & things will look up. DP has had none of these things before IH knew the truth. They both have too much baggage right now for the relationship to carry on. DP needs to be HM to put the past fully behind him. I hope his revenge won't be stooping to Mom's level, but to show her how a true reporter should act. I think he's got it in him to do the right thing while seeking a sincere apology and being able to forgive. IH, as much as she's appalled by what Mom did, it's still her mom and she can't stop caring about her. So, being the gf would be an interference/burden to DP and she knows this. Anyway, I love how DP's blocking arms had such a sad tone to it this time. Because we saw those scenes in previous ep's when they were intimate/cute, it just really hit me with the contrast. It's supposed to be a good-bye kiss that's not really a willful break-up by either of them, yet inevitable, so I wasn't too bothered by it. In fact, it was bittersweet, especially with DP wrestling with his emotions and knowing this is what he needs to do; hence, the dangling arms, opened eyes, lack of response in the kiss. It was finally time for him to do what needs to be done as HM; no more running away and hiding.

Turning the evidence to Cap took a lot of courage for DP and I'm glad that Hyung did the right thing by turning himself in to DP by being the informant. I think Hyung can have peace and find closure now that he knows DP is alive. He can trust in DP to do what he himself couldn't, and he knows murdering is not a solution. I think putting that factory manager in the manhole was something he did in a moment of rage--seeking justice with his own hands, knowing his dad did die in the line of duty, no more family left and all alone. He just had a "to hell with it" attitude with no hope remaining, no reason for living, and no care for what happens to himself. It doesn't justify murder. But he definitely knows it's a mistake and poor decision, and that's why he wanted DP to not admit having any ties with him. Hyung is a good person, but unfortunately, he didn't have a family like DP to lessen the pain and anger for all these years.

Bravo to LJS, PSH, and YKS for their portrayals!


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I love how the moral dilemmas in this drama are genuinely complex ones despite having seeming black-and-white answers (out hyung as a murderer). And the characters are never black-and-white either, I love the element of unpredictability that comes with that. This episode was totally hyung and Dal-po's, no doubt. Huge respect to Lee Jong-seok and Yoon Kyun-sang, all the actors did great but these two really stood out this ep.

I totally agree on your observation re: Dal-po trapping In-ha with his arms this time versus the other times. Something that was so playful and cute becomes so charged with heartbreak......and it's not even noble idiocy because they are both fully conscious of the reasons why they're walking away from each other, and In-ha is straightforward about it.


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I totally agree that there's always a complexity with what's presented in this drama. It makes you think and reflect on your own words and actions, and what effect they may have on others. And with characters like Hyung, you can see the layers... He's got his good side cuz he's always been a good kid, but then he's got his dark side cuz he resorted to murder. It was definitely the bros' time to shine in this ep and love both actors for doing an incredible job.

Yes, I think this team really knows what it's doing in setting up the small nuances in the drama, with the arm-trapping being one of them. I'm expecting to see more of such details carrying different meanings.


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yes, i definitely agree! In ha knows how much dal po loves her to the point that he doesnt want to let go. So she took on the brave front and cut ties because i doubt if dal po can actually be firm about it. He will always be guarded around her if they continue that relationship.

I just hope that dal po doesnt stoop to Cha oks level. Because right now it seems like his aim is to make cha ok experiened what he went though. That really its forgiveness that the ultimate solution, no matter how hard because he would never be at peace if its revenge his seeking.


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Exactly! DP could never bring himself to break up with IH first, and even when she suggested it, you could see him going Nooo inside because he really doesn't wanna be apart from her. =( So, it was good to see IH doing it for his sake.

Yes, I really hope DP will consider his actions carefully. I'm never one to support revenge just cuz we all know that ultimately, as you try to bring down the other person, you are also causing pain to yourself and others. Most likely not worthwhile in the end when you look back, and it will not give you the satisfaction or happiness that you thought you'd get from seeing the other person destroyed. Forgiveness takes courage and strength, and I hope DP arrives at this conclusion and be the bigger person out of him and CO sooner than later.


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I love this episode. showcases the two actors who play brothers' acting chops to perfection. this kid from I hear your voice has yet to disappoint me. he's always good. he knows his character's nuances and commits to it. and he's got the perfect match in the actor who plays his brother.

the best line in this episode? when hyung says to dal po, do it with flair, the revenge thing. it sounds a little macabre since the subject is about murder and revenge but what a grand send off.

and whoever directed this drama really knows his stuff. he's very inventive and he knows how to milk a scene so that it holds up even if the writing is a little weak. his camera lingers on small moments, like when he framed the two brothers surrounded by normal, happy people in the restaurant. he doesn't waste a scene and he lights each one of them like a freaking dream.

the narration is a bit jarring though. copies I hear your voice too much since it's by the same guy. main reason is probably to link dal po to in ha and to remind everyone that dal po loves in ha to death and because of that he's really, really conflicted. o....kay.

the drama is now working for me since I got rid of the love angle. it's incidental to the plot and is merely used as a device to "humanizes" and tether the avenging dal po to the rest of humanity.

lovely episode. kudos to the actors and the rest of the staff!


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Hello drama, thanks for introducing this tears-induced episode! My heart breaks every time I see Dal Po and hyung! Seriously, these two brothers are really alone in this world and they have to face the consequences one way or another. It's not like hyung can escape from the law either.. T.T
I just want them to be happy together... Same with In Ha and Dal Po. Although I can't quite get their reason to break up but narratively it's well done.
My OTP Couple of this year, Dal In, please don't break my heart anymore!!


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What if they uncover the manhole and there is no body? If he somehow escaped at least it would only be attempted murder? Unless he did kill the other two men...really grasping at straws here haha...


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Hahaha I'm with you. Anything to keep Hyung from life in prison...It's too cruel. I mean I get it... fucking morals and how it's bad to kill people but come on. I really feel like I could empathize with Hyung in his position.

So the theory is: guy escapes miraculously. Hyung THINKS he killed him. Other two men actually died of coincidence and Hyung took advantage of that. Mhmm. La-la-la-la-laaa.

Also btw in the preview don't they show a shot of the manhole. I need to rewatch it but I didn't see the body. Will they actually show it? I wonder how gorey this show could get. I wonder if the reason they didn't show the other two deaths is cause it's disturbing or to keep Hyung's crimes mysterious.


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That is my hope too. That photo could have been taken when he first piled the bricks on. But,... the preview seems to show what we fear. :~


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Anyone catch Hyung's wording? He just said he killed "someone" meaning one. So maybe he really didn't kill the other two guys, just the one in the manhole. That's still bad, but it brings down the body count at least.


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I was listening carefully, and he didn't say 'saramdeul' which is what he should have said if he killed people in the plural.

(is hyung not a murderer? Is there any hope he isn't?! Pleeease!! I realise it's interesting from a character POV to have someone who's otherwise so good, be genuinely guilty of something so heinous, but I'd give anything for his body count to be not plural, or zero. If you don' count me, that is, since hyung kills me about five times an episode.)


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This drama is killing me, and in a good way. I was gutted by In-ha letting Dal-po go, but I can see why it's necessary and not Noble Idiocy at all - look at it this way, the revelation that the boy we have come to know and love as Dal-po is actually the son of a family so grievously wronged by In-ha's mother, AND that his brother committed murder in revenge for it, is bound to devastate our little family unit. Our lovebirds can't just keep going the way they are, because everything will hit the fan once Dad and Grandpa find out. And neither of them hides anything from the other (that confession on the bench....sad but so sweet. Lee Jong-seok really is a master of soulful looks, but I have to say they are best when his costar can match him - first Kim Woo-bin, then Lee Bo-young, now Park Shin-hye).

Off topic but it's kind of amazing to think that two years ago this week, we were all spazzing and crying about Lee Jong-seok throwing puppy looks at Kim Woo-bin, and now it's him giving the puppy eyes and soulful looks to Park Shin-hye and Yoon Kyun-sang that makes us melt (among the many reactions to have during an episode of Pinocchio).

On a lighter note (because I can't deal with Hyung right now *sob*), the reporters in Pinocchio really are gross, haha. Nothing can top In-ha washing her hair IN THE TOILET, but Yoo-rae had her own moment with the impromptu puke bag.


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The eps are getting heavier. But all in all I feel IH is a wonderful gf and person. She deserved to be happy. Maybe leaving HM/Dp and be with SJ is a much better choice. There is too much burden with HM/DP. SJ is more carefree without some dark past.


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