Misaeng: Episode 17

The newbies seem to have finally hit their stride, and for at least one episode, there isn’t the sense of soul-crushing agony as we watch them go about their day. However, nothing is ever that easy at One International, and it’s the higher-ups who now struggle — particularly Chief Oh, as he not only discovers the cost of his team’s loyalty to their leader, but must also determine if it’s worth sacrificing his intrinsic pride and integrity to support the executive director’s projects.


The office is abuzz with everyone hard at work, and Dong-shik and Chief Chun exchange glances when Geu-rae explains over the phone that the point of contact for this project has changed “for internal reasons” to Dong-shik, and to call his extension instead. Assistant Manager Kang chides Baek-ki for not having the data on their deal with Turkey at the ready because he’s still focused on his own project. Baek-ki sheepishly apologizes that he’s not great at multi-tasking.

Chief Jung compliments Young-yi on how excellent her documents are, and she jokes that it’s about time he noticed. The rest of the resource team members are astonished at her sass, but Chief Jung appreciates the fact she’s been studying witty comebacks. Seok-yul (with center-parted hair!) reports to Chief Moon about the progress he’s made with the factory and finding subcontractors that will help complete the order. Chief Moon is grateful, but Assistant Manager Sung watches them in silent frustration.

The old Seok-yul is definitely back, since he’s cornered Baek-ki and Geu-rae in the break room, trying to convince them to spend Friday night with him and some pretty flight attendants. The other two are resistant to the idea of going on a group blind date, but Seok-yul tells them it’s their duty. Besides, how else are they going to meet any girls since the only other woman they regularly see is Young-yi. Wait, does that mean the cute kindergarten teacher is no more?

Of course, Young-yi arrives just at that moment, and the boys try to awkwardly disperse when Young-yi asks them why they were talking about her. But when Deputy Director Sun’s staff enters, griping about their new assignment, all four newbies quietly file out of the room.

Seok-yul explains that Deputy Director Sun took on a humanitarian project to send blankets to Pakistan after an earthquake, and Baek-ki realizes that it’s sure to be a failure since it will require a lot of work with no guarantee of profit, and her team expressly doesn’t want to work on it. Young-yi also notes that Deputy Director Sun has been looking exhausted lately. When she asks again why the boys were talking about her, they all suddenly find excuses to leave. Haha!

Chief Oh carefully and thoughtfully goes through the files that had been handed down by the executive director. If he can complete the project, it’s a $500 million contract for the company. But the first project is needed in order to pave the way to the big money-making contract, and the department head reassures Chief Oh that it’s sure to go through since the executive director has been working on his connections with China for at least a year.

When Chief Oh reveals the projects to Chief Chun and Dong-shik, the latter is surprised that they’ve been given such high-profile assignments, feeling like there must be a catch. The ever-practical Chief Chun thinks that they should accept the assignments, since it means it will look good on their performance review — by passing on it, they could risk looking like they’re totally incompetent and unable to complete even easy projects.

But those “connections” might not be exactly legal, and Chief Oh points out that their team could be blamed if it falls through. Besides, the big contract relies on the executive director’s expectation that the company they have connections with will win a solar power bid, and there’s a chance that could fall through.

During a smoke break, Dong-shik admits to Chief Chun that he wants to take on the project because if they succeed, then their team will finally be respected. But he still doesn’t understand why the executive director is so determined to have this project succeed, or why he gave it to Sales Team 3. Chief Chun explains that this project will be the executive director’s way of being promoted to vice president — but only if it goes through, of course.

By assigning it to Sales Team 3 instead of another sales team, the executive director also covers himself in case the project fails. Because then Sales Team 3 will be blamed, and finally he can rid himself of that “toothache.” Dong-shik points out that it’s even less likely that Chief Oh will agree to these projects, then, since he won’t want to either support or be the fall guy for the executive director.

Chief Oh returns from a demonstration of the Chinese factory products with a chatterbox factory manager, MANAGER SEO, following behind like an over-eager puppy who could put Seok-yul to shame with his constant babbling and incessant salesmanship. If you thought this face looks familiar, you’d be right — it’s the same guy Geu-rae chased through the streets of Amman in the first episode.

The older staff seem to know his schtick and immediately shut down his attempts to sell them products, but when Manager Seo is introduced to Geu-rae, he immediately asks if there are any other newbies. Our favorite four are his captive audience as Manager Seo reveals jars of “rare” honey. Seok-yul is ready to walk out when he hears Manager Seo’s ridiculous claims as to why this honey is supposedly so special, but is immediately suckered back in when Manager Seo says this honey is good for a man’s virility.

When Young-yi proudly presents three honey pots to the rest of her team as a gift, they all chuckle to themselves, amazed that Young-yi of all people fell for Manager Seo’s scam. But Chief Jung plays along, kindly thanking her and reassures her that they’re happy to receive the honey. But when Baek-ki happily hands over his “special honey” gift, Assistant Manager Kang bluntly tells him he was duped.

Sales Team 3’s bemused reactions at Geu-rae’s pot of honey fall somewhere between the other two, with Dong-shik telling him it’s good he’s helping Manager Seo since he’s going through some troubles, and Chief Chun admitting they all know Manager Seo through his scams. But when Dong-shik searches everywhere for the fountain pen that was on his desk moments ago, Geu-rae realizes that he had seen the pen in Manager Seo’s pocket.

There isn’t much time to fret about a lost pen, because the assistant manager of Sales Team 2 excitedly informs Chief Go that he got promoted, along with another assistant manager who had only been working at the company for a year. The celebrations are too much for good-natured Dong-shik, who quietly escapes to the break room.

Chief Oh soon follows and Dong-shik admits that he had hopes he’d be promoted, too. He blames being passed over this round due to the fact that he turned down a promotion that would have him working in the Congo a couple of years ago. Chief Oh quietly tells him that’s not the reason, but Dong-shik refuses to hear any other explanation.

Concerned about meeting deadlines, Seok-yul privately recommends to Assistant Manager Sung that they change suppliers, since the company they’ve been working with always delivers late. But Assistant Manager Sung deflects by bringing up his old “Wall-dog” nickname, and calling him a bastard when Seok-yul implies there might be suspicious connections between Assistant Manager Sung’s loyalty to a untrustworthy company.

Assistant Manger Sung grabs his collar, but Seok-yul shakes him off, insisting that he stop calling him “bastard” and instead think about what’s best for the company. Assistant Manager Sung is primed for a fight, and tells the “sociopath bastard” that they’ll see who ends up leaving One International first: him or Seok-yul.

Chief Oh and Chief Go step out for a smoke break, which is really just an excuse so Chief Go can check in with Chief Oh about Dong-shik. Below them, the other assistant managers gather for their own coffee break, and Assistant Manager Sung loudly expresses his opinion on the fact that Dong-shik got passed over for a promotion.

Chief Go tries to move along, but Chief Oh stays to eavesdrop on Assistant Manager Sung, who insists that Chief Oh is the reason Dong-shik wasn’t promoted — he spends too much time focused on risky projects, not thinking of the impact it has on his team members. Even if Sales Team 3 gets along, it’s better to be part of a team that may not like each other, but produces profitable results.

Dong-shik finds out about everything the guys said, and when the assistant managers go out for drinks that night in celebration of the promotion, he drunkenly tells them all off, saying they don’t know the first thing about Chief Oh. He reminds them that he hates swearing, and then proceeds to curse them all out. Pfft.

When Assistant Manager Sung calls him a sociopath, Dong-shik lunges forward, ready for a fight. Time to break up the party, and the rest of the assistant managers help Dong-shik (still flailing in his attempt to fight Assistant Manager Sung) stumble out of the restaurant.

Chief Oh stays late at the office, lost in thought. He’s surprised to realize that everyone’s gone home for the day, except for Geu-rae, who’s still there simply because Chief Oh is still there. Chief Oh tells him to leave, adding one of his Yoda-isms that the people you meet can change your life. If you follow a fly, you’ll end up in the toilet. But if you follow a honey bee, you’ll end up in a flower garden. Geu-rae smiles: “So that’s why I’m in a flower garden.” Aw.

As the assistant managers prepare to go their separate ways, they try to figure out who will be responsible for the drunken Dong-shik, who’s still in prime fighting spirit even though he can barely walk. They all have their excuses as to why they can’t take him home with them, and it’s hilarious how they all immediately look to the only sober one, Assistant Manager Kang, who can only come up with the excuse that his house isn’t clean. Ha!

So they end up at a hotel room, instead — all of them except for Assistant Manager Sung, that is. Dong-shik’s passed out on the hotel bed, and the rest of them reminisce about how close they used to be when they were all newbies together. Assistant Manager Kang refuses to join them as they all sprawl out on the king-sized bed, saying that he’ll be leaving soon. But he still sticks around as everyone falls asleep together, he in a chair and everyone else on the bed. Super cute.

The next morning, Dong-shik shuffles into the office, nursing a terrible hangover. During a private rooftop chat, Chief Oh asks Dong-shik if he wants to be transferred to another team, since he knows it isn’t easy being a part of Sales Team 3.

Dong-shik admits that he knows about all the smack-talk the other assistant managers did, but tells Chief Oh not to worry, because he doesn’t agree with them. He likes working with Chief Oh — it’s as simple as that. He promises that if he ever wants to transfer to another team, he’ll let Chief Oh know.

Deputy Director Sun is driving home from the airport from a business trip, busy organizing meetings over the phone. She’s too tired to keep driving, though, so she pulls over to the side of the road, steps out of the car for some fresh air, and immediately collapses.

When they hear that she’s been rushed to the hospital, Chief Oh and Deputy Director Sun’s staff immediately leave to check on her. When they arrive at the hospital, her husband tells them she collapsed due to exhaustion from stress and overwork, and will need to be in the hospital for a few days to rest and recover. Deputy Director Sun’s husband blames himself for her collapse because they’d recently fought about work. He was recently promoted at his job, and told her to quit. But she refused, saying that her job has become a big part of who she is, and she needs to keep herself intact in order to keep her family intact.

Deputy Director Sun’s staff beg Chief Oh to convince her to ditch the Pakistan project, since they know it’s a sure failure. When he brings it up to her, telling her to focus on resting and trust her staff to take care of it, she wonders if she should give it up completely. She explains that she had considered quitting when her husband got his promotion, but decided to stay on.

She then overheard her staff complaining that this meant they would have to wait longer to be promoted, and that’s when she realized that her staff, whom she thought of as family, only saw her as a stepping stone up the corporate ladder.

Chief Oh returns to the office, running into the executive director as he’s headed to the elevator. The executive director asks after Deputy Director Sun, adding that Chief Oh had his own stress-related health issues, too.

The executive director apologizes that there wasn’t anything he could do about keeping Geu-rae’s name on his project, but he can only follow the company’s rules. He cryptically adds that Chief Oh needs more power, because it’s not good for the company to keep switching out contract workers and spend so much time and resources retraining them.

Chief Oh marches to Deputy Director Sun’s staff and tells them that he’ll help them out on the Pakistan project, but they once again wheedle him to convince her to give it up. But Chief Oh remembers how she thought of them as family, and when he returns to his desk, asks Geu-rae to get Seok-yul on the line, wanting to see the files for the Pakistan blanket project. He puts the kibosh on their Friday night plans by telling them he expects Geu-rae and Seok-yul at a certain hotel first thing in the morning.

Saturday morning, Geu-rae arrives at the hotel room as requested, surprised to see Young-yi answering the door. Baek-ki’s there, too, but when Young-yi says Chief Oh asked her to help out this weekend, Baek-ki admits Chief Oh threatened him. Ha! A few seconds later, Seok-yul arrives, and hands over the sample blanket Chief Oh had requested — except this is excess fabric that the factory was originally unable to sell, and thus will be much cheaper to produce than the fabric Deputy Director Sun originally planned to use.

They spend hours combing through the data that Deputy Director Sun had compiled for the project, and as Seok-yul sweet-talks his factory ajusshis into finding some free space on the factory line, Geu-rae starts to transcribe the recording of Deputy Director Sun’s meeting with the Pakistan representative. Except it’s all in English, so he wordlessly hands it over to Young-yi. Aw, it’s like nothing has changed since his first day. As she translates, he types everything up.

By the time evening rolls around, Chief Oh is asleep on the sofa. Geu-rae takes the sample blanket from Seok-yul to cover Chief Oh, and the newbies slip outside for a break. Over cans of beer, Seok-yul admits he’s amazed that everyone volunteered to work on a project that doesn’t affect any of their departments, and wonders if he were in a situation like Deputy Director Sun, if they would react the same as Chief Oh, helping each other out. Then he hilariously predicts what everyone’s reactions would be based on their personalities.

Chief Oh wakes up to find the newbies gone, and looks through the presentation file on the laptop, impressed by what they’ve put together. When he opens the door to the bedroom, he sees the newbies sprawled out and fast asleep, and immediately takes a picture of them with his phone.

Task completed, they leave the hotel Sunday evening, and Chief Oh thanks them for their help. Seok-yul’s ready to take advantage of the fact they’ve still got a few hours left in their weekend, but he’s interrupted in detailing his plans by everyone’s phone buzzing with a text from Chief Oh. Along with the message telling them to “remember this passionate day” is the picture of them all asleep. They all promise each other to never mention this again as they delete the picture off their phones.

Chief Oh is happy to share the picture with Deputy Director Sun as he shows her the presentation they put together, and as she laughs, they remember when they used to work that hard when they were newbies. She’s thankful for all the work they’ve put into the presentation, but she’s curious as to why Chief Oh was so determined to “heal” himself by doing this extra work. He explains the situation with the executive director’s projects, and wonders why he puts up with it all.

She guesses that Chief Oh’s realized that this project handed down from the executive director will end up being the true test between them. Since the project means the executive director could be promoted to vice president, he’ll be forced to support Sales Team 3. She also reminds him that if they succeed in completing the project, then Chief Oh will be promoted to department head. If he’s department head, then per the company manual, he gets to decide how his department is staffed — which means he could keep Geu-rae on permanently and promote Dong-shik.

At home, his wife fixes a late dinner for him as he ponders Deputy Director Sun’s words. They have a sweet moment of husband-and-wife banter before she sits down at the table with him, quietly asking him to tell her what’s going on. He asks if he can be responsible for someone else again.

She tells him to let go of Eun-ji (the previous contract worker who died). Chief Oh’s wife knows that he didn’t do anything wrong, and if he could go back in time, she knows he would do the same thing that he did before — and she would support him. He should focus on doing what he thinks is right and not be so worried about what he can’t control.

In the morning, the men of Sales Team 3 stare in amazement at Chief Oh’s empty desk — he’s never called in sick before, so the fact that he’s taken the morning off is unnerving. Geu-rae thinks it must be because he worked so hard over the weekend, but Chief Chun knows that Chief Oh must make a decision on the executive projects by the end of the day.

Chief Oh stands in his undershirt, staring out his bedroom window. His sons marvel at the fact that their dad hasn’t left for work yet, worried that he’ll get yelled at by his boss because they assume he overslept. But Chief Oh pulls out his dress shirt and puts it on like armor, preparing himself for the battle ahead. He confidently strides into the executive director’s office, stopping only to steel himself before he knocks on the door and enters.


Falling asleep on a hotel bed, piled together like exhausted puppies, must be a One International rite of passage. I’m not complaining, because considering all the awful stuff our newbies have gone through as they’ve adjusted to their new jobs, sharing a bed seems like one of the better shared experiences. I do really appreciate that this episode really let us revel in the warm fuzzies, since it’s been a brutal sixteen episodes as we regularly watched the fab four take one step forward, only to be beaten back to the starting line by awful managers and petty assistant managers.

I also appreciate that the warm fuzzies weren’t just for the fab four, but for all levels of management. Most notably, Chief Oh supporting Deputy Director Sun — but also Chief Go knowing exactly how Chief Oh would be reacting to Dong-shik’s disappointment at not being promoted, and purposefully checking in with him. It’s easy to forget that they started at this company the same way the present newbies did, and have watched each other grow and move up the ranks (however fast or slow that growth might be).

But I think I especially loved seeing the assistant managers together, because it’s much easier to visualize how that could be Geu-rae, Seok-yul, Young-yi, and Baek-ki in the not-so-distant future. Although we can only hope none of them turn out to be like Assistant Manager Sung. Even if his opinion of Chief Oh and Dong-shik’s non-promotion might have been technically correct, he still refused to back down once it was apparent that Dong-shik was ready to defend Chief Oh with everything he had. Not to mention how easily he throws around the word “sociopath,” even though he’s the one who seems the most manipulative and (most telling, at least in my mind) the one who didn’t stay for the hotel-bed puppy pile-on. To quote The Princess Bride: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Because it seems bizarre to label people “sociopath” when they obviously care so much about their job, and the company they work for, that they would risk putting their neck out for their coworkers. Seok-yul sticks up for the factory workers and even tries to save Assistant Manager Sung’s reputation by coming to him privately with a way for him to avoid getting in trouble with Chief Moon. Dong-shik will go down fighting (literally, apparently) for Chief Oh, but he’s also been shown to be incredibly supportive of Geu-rae, even when no one else was. Assistant Manager Sung calls Chief Oh a “sociopath” for being so selfish as to not see how he’s affecting Dong-shik’s career, but I can’t agree. I mean, I think pretty much everyone is willing to follow Chief Oh to the ends of the earth and back, since they know he’ll fight for the people he believes in.

Knowing that about Chief Oh, though, is why I wanted to cry during that scene between him and his wife. He’s instilled such loyalty in our favorite characters, yet he’s still so insecure in himself. But to have his wife give him permission to be the man she knows he truly is was such a tender “heck, yeah!” moment (er, if “heck, yeah!” moments can be tender). Even though she knows that if he fails, it could mean the end of his career, she sees that this is a chance for him to move on from the past that has held him back for so long.

Which is why, perhaps, I’m excited about his confrontation with the executive director, because finally — finally — we get Chief Oh standing up for himself, his team, and the company he’s spilled so much of his blood and sweat and tears to support over the past fifteen years. If there was ever a person at One International that could be properly labeled a “sociopath,” it’s probably the executive director — especially since it seems he’s forgotten about his own hotel-bed puppy pile-on days. But Chief Oh is the kind of man who wants that moment to be remembered forever.


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Such a sweet sweet sweet episode! Makes you see the good side of "teams"...when all the cynicism and human greed and cruelty are blown away. Thanks for the recap.


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Chief Oh. My hero. Enough said.

Somehow that weekend gig of our Fabulous 4 and Mr. Oh reminded me of all night cram sessions with my classmates in College as we prepared for our finals. That was so many years ago. Oh the memories!

Chief Oh's right to ask them to treasure the experience. They will one day look back on it with nostalgia.


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On another note, I'm loving the bromance between the Assistant Managers. Never knew they were so close. Who would have guessed? Where they all hired around the same time?


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i think they were hired around the same time. mr. kim, mr. ha, mr. hwang, mr.kang, mr. yoo and ugh, mr. sung( he reminds me of sang hyun, the bitter intern). it's quite funny when mr. kang protested how he was dragged to the drinking session when he's not even involved in badmouthing mr. oh. and they said they need reinforcement to deal with a drunk DS. heh. all for one!


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I believe the managers at each level sort of were hired close to each other in time and that's why we have Chief Oh and Chief Sun able to speak to each other so comfortably, and the other Chief who looks out for Chief Oh and gives him advice from time to time.

I believe even before he was the ED, Choi was sort of one of them or at least not so senior, but he seems to have risen ahead of them and to have his own agenda perhaps.


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The moment of bonding


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Hands down my favourite episode. This is what my soul has been crying for since we realised the greatness of Chief Oh. Ms Sun seems like the mum of the pack, while Chief Oh is the dad. It's so sweet seeing them both adoring the kids.

I absolutely loved the screentime of the pack together. Seeing SY in his mojo is the beeeeesssttt. Watching the team help Baek-ki check his file, was such a great scene. It's really shown how much he's opened to them all, even understanding Geu Rae with his mouth full. Ahhh I could gush on and on about this scene. Remember in the beginning when Geu Rae was following YY around getting her to help him pick up the phone calls, especially the Russian phonecall? Yet here he is with YY sitting equally working together to translate an English interview.


The assistant managers getting together is just the icing on the top! Sure just try and not make me swoon over Mr Kang anymore than I already am haha

Thanks for the recap!


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aaawwww.. this was really heart-warming episode.
the friendship between newbies, assistant manager level, and of course the manager be the spotlight of this episode.

and yes it's describe a reality, too much realness. newbies will stand up together, chit chat or sometimes bad-mouth their boss, but when the time goes on, they will be busy with their work, they will think about promotion, and maybe they forget the "newbie feel", the passionate spirit.
too bad i can't watch them do a "norebang" together, why pd-nim, why you didn't include that scene?? i want to see they act so crazy or drunk together.

and haah, 2 more episode, i'm not ready to see the ending :(


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oh, man.. what an episode(well.. until no.18 comes along)!

i love the fact that Mr.Oh decided to use the newbies' helps for Ms. Sun's project. they are still innocent in many ways and this is a time when a boss like Mr. Oh can help shape them into caring colleagues. love how BK is opening up so much that he no longer has that air of arrogance. you could see how much friendlier he is and he even understand GR's full-mouthed suggestions! aww.. they look so much like one happy family(SY happily clutching Mr. Oh's arm is cute!). and yhe bedroom scene! LOL.

and when Mr. Oh is down with the thoughts that he's the reason that his team being stonewalled by the company, it's sweet to see GR's answer made him smile and felt a bit better. when he thought himself as a fly, here comes this eager puppy confirming that he's in fact, a honeybee.

such a sweet episode and less kleenex moments(though the opening scene is quite sad).


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Hi Kennedy Rose
That was the penultimate favourite scene for me in all the series.

It was so cute to see Geu Rae's mind racing after hearing the fly and honey bee analogy and to see his sweet, "oh-I-get-it" smile and to hear him say "ooh.... that's why I'm in a bed of flowers!'

The pause in Chief Oh who looked at him in disbelief at first then realising that Geu Rae was so naively, innocently, totally being honest in his joy: that he really thought of himself as being in a good place (and not next to the toilet, which is where they literally are situated LOL!). That took the cake - together with Oh's true blue open laugh and their smiling at each other. The sweetest smiles in the show to me.

This is one OTP that I will never get over. So much trust, so much hard love, but so much care hidden in it. Love it, love it!!! :D


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i know! such a sweet moment! my heart swelled with pride that our puppy, whilst growing up so much, is still that little puppy at heart.. still wagging his tail at his beloved mr. oh.( okay, so i cried a bit.. but tears of proud n joy)

um.. i wonder if this is one of the moments that make mr. oh decided to do whatever it takes to keep his boy...


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It really is the best OTP. I almost teared up at that scene butbi believe Geu Rae knew exactly what Chief Oh meant and spoke honestly and reassuringly to let Oh know how he really feels.


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@ Kennedy Rose and Arhazivory

Hmm... I also wonder if Chief Oh really had no hope in keeping Geu Rae and therefore did not try, or whether he never knew such a 'loophole' existed. Or whether to become Dept Head was such a difficult thing to do (principle-wise) that he did not even consider it.

But, it could be that with that smile and trust from Geu Rae, Chief Oh just became determined to find a way to keep him.

And it is true also that Geu Rae might have been weighing why Chief Oh who was looking sooo gloomy, suddenly said something like that. If Geu Rae is the Baduk player who calculates all his moves, maybe he calculated the best reply to give to bring a smile and relief to Chief Oh. :)


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just realized that when GR said he's in the flowerbed.. he's holding his jar of honey(ok, so it's fake..still..). he makes a cute honeybee, doesn't he?


@ Kennedy Rose
Oh.. I must watch that part again.*watching* Oh yeah, he is holding the box LOL! Just too cute!

And watching his expression again when he is thinking about what Chief Oh is saying, I have to re-adjust what I said... it still strikes me that he really did not consider that Chief Oh needed comforting. It looked like he really believes he is in a flower bed and that he sees Chief Oh as the honeybee. Did not seem calculated at all!!!


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Thanks for the great recap!


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Thanks so much odilettante!

This is the recap I've been waiting for! Oh's dream team at last!!! I was overjoyed to see them altogether, cooperating without ego getting in the way, finally! The way a real team ought to be. And all of it was not for themselves, but for the good of another. What a wonderful way to be mentored, to bond and to build a good memory!

Although this teamwork and cooperation might be short-lived, I believe it is enough to have bonded them beyond the future times they might end up apart or in competition. Who knows what the future brings, but I'm glad they had that one weekend to work towards something good together.

3 cheers for unity and the human spirit that over-powers the divisive forces of the workplace!
Hip! Hip?
Join me anyone :) ?


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I will so miss this show when it ends this week. This was the most enjoyable manic-depressive series. When it's on a high, it is the funniest, wittiest, happiest show. But when it hits the lows, you feel like they just kicked your puppy (Gue Rae). It's just "inconceivable" (now I must re-watch Princess Bride).


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Yes, we have to prepare well for our Misaeng withdrawal. :~ I've got Healer, Valid Love and Sweden Laundry to keep me from roaming around wild-eyed, especially when even Pinocchio and Pride and Prejudice are over. ;D


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A very good episode. Great to see each strata of the teams looking out for each other.

Game on Executive Director. Let's see if u can best the Oh man and his faithful Sales Team 3 and newbies.


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And so we have a very interesting episode with a new thought/suggestion of an opening for Geu Rae to Chief Oh,... (how come he did not know it?). Become the Dept Head, and get to choose whom you want to be in your team.

Ah, but what does becoming Head of Dept entail? Did Oh never want that position or was it too 'expensive'?

Does anyone have a better translation of subs for ED's cryptic comment that "the company is tough, so you need to be strong... It is not good for the company if you need to keep retraining a new person..." Is he saying that there will definitely be a change in temp workers according to company rules, but it is not effective to keep training new people, so it is preferred is someone like Geu Rae is given the chance to stay?

IE is he hinting to Chief Oh to do all that is necessary to keep Geu Rae? So ED too knows how invested Chief Oh is in keeping Geu Rae. Is this a good thing or leverage against Oh? I never fully trusted ED although I actually like the look of his face. Sigh!


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you and me both! the ED has that distinguished, handsome looks. but who knows what lies within? i desperately want to protect our ST3.. hoping that the ED is sincere in wanting to help the team.. maybe being repentant of his past mistakes. maybe he n mr. oh could bond again. but then.. in the cutthroat world of business.. my guess is as good as yours.


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Yup, I liked that distinguished sweep of his hair and smiley eyes. I really want him to be a good guy. Maybe he is half and half. If only he was more objective, Sales Team 3 could have soared under Chief Oh, but like we mentioned in previous comments, we have the inkling that more than one stone was thrown at the team to make them stumble.

My hope is that no matter what, the kind of unity shown between the newbies in this episode and to a smaller extent by the Asst Mgrs will continue and grow in ST3. They have to weather all things together or else...??? They may not survive Sob!! :(


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The actor is so handsome and so good at making ED as perplexing as ever. I wonder if one day he'll explode.


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I so agree. A very handsome and charismatic guy. Where has been?! This show is introducing me to great actors, not bad looking either are they?


" It is not good for the company if you need to keep retraining a new person…”

I think that was his bait to reel Chief Oh in.

I think ED finds Chief Oh existence a personal rebuke to the choices he made to get ahead and he wants him gone.

Chief Chun is the mystery to me. I can't figure how far he will go outside his go along to get along comfort zone to defend his personal principles and Sales Team Three.


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@ Yumi
That sounds like the right interpretation there.

Chief Oh refused to do what it took to rise, and stands firm against the ED. ED finds that rebellion intolerable. Maybe looking for a way to get Chief Oh without dirtying his own hands.

Chief Chun is understandably conflicted. He knows he has been put into Sales Team 3 to report on them. However he likes the team and respects Chief Oh. If the Team succeeds, he will be fine. If the team fails, he is going to end up going down with it.


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ah, chun gwajjangnim.. another mysterious fella(sort of). i think he's kinda regretting asking the ED to help GR.. it's just the opening/excuse the ED is waiting for. he knows GR is kind of special in mr. oh's heart.. GR is eun ji all over again. and he's secured enough.. if ST3 succeed, he'll go up the corporate ladder, and if they failed, he's happy to finally get rid of that pain in his neck.


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So true, and so sad :(


This episode was so golden. The managers bonding makes me want to watch their show too. Aside from the real sociopath manager, I love all of them.

*sighs* We got two lovely bed piles in one episode from two generations. I think I'll cry when this ends. T_T


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Love every piece of this show.
Love the friendships and bromances in this episode.

I can't believe (in a good way) that shooting is done now (I believe, although I'm not 100% sure). It's so refreshing to watch a good drama throughout a sacrifice in quality due to the live shooting. Everything seems so thought out and smooth.


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It seems the reason why this term "sociopath" is used so much by Mr. Sung towards Seok-yul is to somehow congratulate and promote Byun Yo Han's movie - Socialphobia. I feel so pround of him winning Independent Movie Star Award. I've never seen him before Misaeng but it definitely takes a lot of efforts from him to portraint such annoying charactor (whom I really didn't like from the beginning) to be so likable now ( I was so heartbroken for him when he changed his hairstyle and saw his pitiful smile when Gue Rae asked him how is he in the lobby)


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btw, if any of you have a Misaeng support group, please let me know! and right now, i am at loss what to watch after this one ended. i only have pinocchio for backup.. maybe i should start watching pride n prejudice again. is healer n punch good? i'm waiting for ji sung's latest drama but that's a long way still. sigh. this is bad..


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I'd recommend Healer for the mysterious links of characters spanning over 20 years. Also, Sweden Laundry seems interesting for the psychic thingy and good heartedness.


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Lol, who is this new person and what have they done to my BaekKi?

I was simultaneously shocked and surprised but also overwhelmed with understanding and joy when he admitted that he couldn't multi-task. Excuse me?! This guy, who always has to seem smart is offering his vulnerability?

But I understood so much and I was so proud of him, because I was once like him and I went through that too. BaekKi and I, we're like ostrich eggs. We build a wall so hard and strong around us, but we're just runny egg white and yolks inside. Seems like when you're not trying every second of your like to be perfect (to yourself, to others...), you get happy too.

You know, that never really hit me until I went back to visit my teacher at my old school after Year 1 in College. She suddenly said that I looked so much happier and cheerful (and outgoing!) and that it was like a completely different person was sitting right in front of her. And that's what I see from BaekKi too. It was like... woah. Whiplash.

I practically snorted when SeokYul described YoungYi as a handsome she-man. I love him and welcome back.

I love Misaeng, seriously. I adore all the characters. This is a work very well done by both the author/manga-creator and the production team (and actors... etc, of course). This is a drama I relate to on an almost unbelievable level. I hope it stays this way through the end (of season three. There needs to be season three! And two!)


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i like this BK. he's more human now that he shows some flaws in his character. too perfect BK is no joy. to watch him matured is nice.. next episode shows how he suddenly become a concerned brother n friend towards GR n YY. nice. and he looks more dashing when he smiled.

it's cute that SY called YY 'handsome'.. to me, she's become one of the boys... see her as their equal. talk about being accepted! how sweet it is that mr. jung is so kind to YY after all those hard times RT2 gave her. she'll fit right in the team with her unique sense of humour.


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Did Young Yi intentionally give Seok Yul the canned drink after shaking it so that it would spurt out over him? LOL! Can never tell with her inscrutable sense of humour!!


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Yes! She did! I was wondering why she was shaking whatever-it-was beside BaekKi's leg. Haha! Love her.


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good girl, YY! at least that shut ST for awhile. little scenes like that makes up for misaeng's gloominess. and i just cracked up when mr. yoo said he almost fainted taking the pants off DS..."his legs are like an elephant's!" LOL


Thanks for the recap!

I really loved Chief Oh in this episode and his interactions with the female manager and his wife. I will say that I dont know how realistic it feels that he is willing to pursue a potentially career destroying case when he has a family and team to worry about but maybe that just speaks to Chief Oh's one in a million personality.

Dong Shik also hit me right in the feels with his loyalty to Chief Oh and backbone against the other managers. Its was nice to see someone throw something at Seok-yul's manager lol. I really hope Seok-yul gets enough time to flesh out his development and triumph over his boss--his conversion back to his old self felt a little rushed but he is still awesome nonetheless.

I also hope the weekend teamwork gave us a glimpse of the dream team that Chief Oh will eventually have; the newbies are so awesome together and the bromance is growing on me.

Sales Team 3 fighting! I am already getting nervous about the Executive Director and his plans :(


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Other parts that struck me as so lovable this episode... Chief Oh's wife and how she quietly supports him. How she knows that he cannot get closure until he lets go and perhaps, takes the risk to help Geu Rae.

Also that telephone call between the son and Chief Oh and the smiles that were on Oh's wife's and his face.

Did anyone feel that Mr Seo reminded them of Seok Yul? That was the first thought that hit me when he appeared on the scene. :D


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I love Dong Sik too. I can feel that he will fight for Mr Oh and GR to the hell


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I wish I could watch it but SoompiTV isn't working for me.


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You can watch at gooddrama. I'm always watching or download from there.


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I usually watch mine on asiantv.com because they don't cut the episode in parts.


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@ Nessie
Are asiantv.com subs good? I find Dramacool subs not sufficiently clear and nuances in the dialogue are lost.


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Thanks for the recap.

1-This episode really solidified my sense that DP Sun is Chief Oh's office wife and without her the workplace would be unbearable for him.

2- Young-yi is such a cut-up/prankster.

3- I'm beginning to wonder is Assistant Manager Kang is gay or just old-school British. It is interesting the way he keeps himself apart from the crowd without earning a reputation for being odd or an outsider.


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This episode is so sweet and warm. I got excited when I saw Manager Seo and reminded me of that first episode that got me hooked at this drama.

I can't help but to say "awwww" when:
- Geu-rae told Mr. Oh that's he is in a flower garden
- Mr. Oh helping Ms. Sung
- The newbies sleeping cozily together
- The assistant managers on the hotel
- Mr. Oh's wife understanding her husband's predicament and supporting him as well

I wonder if Manager Seo sold a truckload of useless product to Geu-rae that he ended up chasing him on the streets of Jordan and a possibility of him falling from trying to leap from the rooftop to the window.

Thanks for the recap!


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@ coby

LOL! Was imagining that Seo smooth talked Geu Rae into buying something that could get him mad enough to jump rooftops to catch him!!! Might have told GR that the honey made from flowers grown from deer poop not only improved virility but deer-standard long distance jumping skills!! :D


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Or maybe gu rae wants to take back dong shik's pen that's why he's chasing him in the first ep lol


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this show! THE FEELS! the newbies! the love! the multiple OTPs! the beautiful metaphors! THE WITHDRAWAL WHEN THIS DRAMA ENDS WILL BE LETHAL. :(

now i just wish that the misaeng specials will be a norabang scene so that im siwan and kang haneul's voices will not be wasted :>


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you know, i was thinking abt the sane thing.. almost. not a noraebang scene but a mini concert of sorts. and since siwan is on the composing mode, why not compose a cheerful song abt the newbies? all four can sing it. they can make a band called the misaeng fab four.. siwan on biolin, haneul on guitar, sora vocal, yo han..well.. he can do the drums. tee hee hee. and the AMs, they can create their own boy group..called the DaeRis or something. and the baddies.. mr. ma, mr. sung, the ED, mr.park, mr. seo can sing together!(will be nice to throw eggs at them!) heh.


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* violin.. sorry.. bad day for my spellings


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@ Kennedy Rose

Ha! Ha! Gotta second the egg throwing part! ;)


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Fabulous recap of a fabulous episode.

"Assistant Manager Sung calls Chief Oh a “sociopath” for being so selfish as to not see how he’s affecting Dong-shik’s career, but I can’t agree. I mean, I think pretty much everyone is willing to follow Chief Oh to the ends of the earth and back, since they know he’ll fight for the people he believes in."

It's not untypical for functional sociopaths to inspire loyalty in other people, even loyalty way beyond any reasonable measure. In fact, it is MORE likely for sociopaths to achieve this kind of devotion than for normal people.

You are building the case here for AM Sung.


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Interesting, Jon G.

As you do from time to time, you've take the controversial road in your comments, which I enjoy reading.

By functional sociopath, would that be those who can exhibit the sociopathic qualities but not the criminal aspects or not to full extremes?

Looking up the meaning in dictionary.com: "a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience." And "Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others."

1) Since people will be loyal to both sociopaths and non-sociopaths, it is hard to say that willingness to follow helps to make the case for Sung.

2) Oh is not sufficiently one-track-minded in his going only for his personal agendas without concern for others, in fact, it is his concern that gives him pause. Therefore, I would argue that functional or not, he is not likely a sociopath.

3) Sung bandies that word a little too readily and loosely against those who oppose or differ in view from him. I cannot find him someone whose words I'd take seriously.

Cheers! :)


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"As you do from time to time, you’ve take the controversial road in your comments, which I enjoy reading."

Seems like you can see through my schtick by now ...

"1) Since people will be loyal to both sociopaths and non-sociopaths, it is hard to say that willingness to follow helps to make the case for Sung."

Because sociopaths have little or no automated adequate social behaviours, they either utterly fail to build any relationships at all, or they learn to do that by very clever and deliberate manipulations. Sociopaths with functioning relationships are usually much, much better in understanding how relationships work, because they have to understand it to make them work (unlike normal people).

To argue that Mr Oh is somewhat special that he inspires are unique kind of loyalty in his subordinates is at least some evidence that he might be a sociopath, because that would help to explain his distinctness.

"2) Oh is not sufficiently one-track-minded in his going only for his personal agendas without concern for others, in fact, it is his concern that gives him pause. Therefore, I would argue that functional or not, he is not likely a sociopath."

Well, he is not. If anything, he might be a tiny little bit on the psychopathic side: lacking self control, impulsiveness, narcissism (he sacrifices both his family and his team for his own vanity), but still, it's impossible to claim that he lacks empathy.

"3) Sung bandies that word a little too readily and loosely against those who oppose or differ in view from him. I cannot find him someone whose words I’d take seriously."

The problem with the term "sociopath" is that it is very weakly defined. It can mean anything from "psychopath in a social context", "socially short-sighted" to "socialised slightly differently than your peers". The last term fits Mr Oh, at least from Mr Sung's moral point of view.


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There is tons of evidence to disprove any sociopath-theory about Mr Oh. The one thing you cannot use as evidence is the devotion of his subordinates, because that is (albeit weak) evidence to the contrary.


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Fantastic recap - thanks!
Really enjoyed this week's episodes as well- cant wait for next week's.


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The bits:

- Oh saves his wife's number on his phone as 'Scary Wife'. Ha!

- Beak-gi's toothy grin as he admits he can't multitask well and Kang's stunned look. He can't even get back to his cal immediately. That was funny.

- Oh is unable to think of being in an office without Sales Team1 head Ms Sun. She is the only friend and ally of Oh in One Inter and he dreads even the idea that she will quit

- The actor playing the Executive Director is a veteran and ironically in the movie Kundo Age of the Rampants was the right hand man of the leader played my Lee Sung Min (mr Oh ) here. Acting is top-notch, he is so unreadable here and in the movie his loyalty to Sung-Min's head was just out there. Fantastic acting.

- Who is Mr Chun? He wasn't there in the Asst Managers' drunken night out although he has worked with Dong-sik for quite some time.

- When Mr Kang protests why he is here admist the drunken chaos, liked how Ha stuffs a cucumber piece into his mouth to shut him up.

- Beak-gi's 'Oh threatened me'. Hahaha.

- Suk Yul needs to calm down a bit. He gets way too over excited and cocksure. His arm holding Oh was ..well..chill down guy!

- The four get conned big time. That whole episode, from being conned and all the asst managers' reactions , re-watch value high!

- Gue-rae is since episode one is the only one who is so comfortable with Young-Yi. And it feels normal for her as well. His wordlessly getting up and shoving the recorder in her hands was so well done. He is the first guy who YY doesnt mind touching and he has simply just no hesitation is getting physical such. For all his shyness and hesitance around girls, sees he takes the lead when he is sure and natural.


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"Beak-gi’s toothy grin as he admits he can’t multitask well and Kang’s stunned look. He can’t even get back to his cal immediately. That was funny."

I don't know whether these kind of off-beat scenes are from the source material or added by the screenwriter, but I absolutely love all of them.

"Oh is unable to think of being in an office without Sales Team1 head Ms Sun. She is the only friend and ally of Oh in One Inter and he dreads even the idea that she will quit"

I still think Oh's relationship to Mr. Ko is not that fundamentally different from his relationship to Mrs. Sun. Both Sun and Ko know him very well and try to console him or give him advice. I somehow felt that his determination to preserve her chance to continue had more to do with some kind of empathy than his anxiety of being left alone at the company. (I'm not really sure though.)

" Who is Mr Chun? He wasn’t there in the Asst Managers’ drunken night out although he has worked with Dong-sik for quite some time."

When the AM's discussed their new year bonus in a recent episode, Chun was with the other AMs (Kang, Ha, Sung). It was kind of strange for him NOT to be with them here. Then again, to make the subplot work, he must not be there.

"Gue-rae is since episode one is the only one who is so comfortable with Young-Yi. And it feels normal for her as well. His wordlessly getting up and shoving the recorder in her hands was so well done. He is the first guy who YY doesnt mind touching and he has simply just no hesitation is getting physical such. For all his shyness and hesitance around girls, sees he takes the lead when he is sure and natural."

Both YY and GR seem to be very sensitive to, well, lets call it: sexual tension. Because they don't have any between themselves, they can interact quite naturally.


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Mr Chun not joining in the drunken night out - could it be because he's married (gotta go home early) and the rest are still single?


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can't be because he's married. mr. hwang from sales team 2 was a married man too. he mentioned that his wife is sick, so he can't bring DS to his home.

maybe it's because their gathering is for the AMs only..mr. chun is a gwajang. or simply because those who were present were the ones who badmouthed mr. oh. that's why AM kang was annoyed that he had to come too.


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I think it's because Mr Chun wasn't part of the open recruitment system but was headhunted to join when he was already a assistant manager. So the fact he did not start from the ground up with these guys could be the reason he is not in this scene as they may not be as close?


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Both YY and GR seem to be very sensitive to, well, lets call it: sexual tension. Because they don’t have any between themselves, they can interact quite naturally.


I see, both GR and YY very aware of each other, physically, sexually. GR more so, but being the gentleman he is, when he gets physical like he did in this and in ep 1, he can strip them of any tension of attraction.


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Yes! Exec Director is so dang inscrutable... and quite possibly evil. He's destroyed other people in the past and is so good at being evil that he even forgets that he destroyed them. I loooooooove this actor. He's one of my age-appropriate crushes. And he is killing this role!!!!! Soooooo good.

I think Geu-rae is comfy with YY but Seuk Yul is comfy with her also. But Seuk Yul is comfortable with everyone because he makes other people comfortable with him. Folks aren't generally comfy with Geu-Rae. Maybe because they think he's a parachute or because his sweetness and kindness creeps them out. Young-Yi is comfy with him. And his team. But most people kinda leave him alone. But Seuk-Yul puts pretty much everyone (except his boss) at ease...which is quite a gift.


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i love the part where the newbies got conned too. i mean, if it's just GR, i get it. he tends to be naive at times. but YY and BK..the elite ones and SY the smartypants got duped too! hilariously cute!

oh, and i love the part when SY cornered the other two boys and said how they only see no other girls except transvestites and handsome YY, right before YY walked in. it's so funny to see BK suddenly busy swatting a non-existent fly and GR suddenly has the urge to tidy up the already tidied coffee counter. LOL


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Okay, we are well into the final act now. (Huh, I still have no idea how that episode 15 vindicates its own existence, considering it was an act-1 episode.)

The episode has very, very little office scenes, and that is a good thing: The show focuses more on the personal relationships (both for office/office and office/non-office people) for once, and I think the variation of context helps a lot to build up to the climax of the show. Office politics might be a central theme of the show, and it effects the lives of the office workers and their families, but in reality (even in fictional reality), the actual lives are what really matters to people (except for Geu-rae, of course).


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Perhaps part of the theme is that working life is so all encompassing for most people that it is tantamount to being their actual lives. But if that is all they consider to be living, then truly their lives are incomplete.

I would say that Geu Rae includes in his life, at least his mum, who is outside the life of the office, and that she really matters to him. Therefore that some part of actual life does matter to him too.

The climax of the show, if it is to show life in all its contexts, can but only show how much is possible but not all that can be fulfilled as in reality. And so we will be left still with our incomplete lives (until, as some of us believe, we find completion in the afterlife).


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Dong shik's portrayal is so realistic. I work in the corporate world and know so many people who have gained weight over the years due to the stress of office life: the politics that affects one negatively and overwork (especially in a high pressure environment like Sales), and sleep schedules disrupted by business travel; takes a mean toll on one's health and ability to take care of yourself properly (in fact, I also know a lot of people who lost weight after retiring because they were able to live healthier, more normal lives). You tend to stress eat a lot, or end up chain smoking, drinking after work, and other vices. Since Dong Shik doesn't smoke and we don't see him work out, then it's natural that he would gain weight compared to how he was when he was first hired.


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Omg yes so true. When you work overtime, you can't put that much thought to what you eat. You'll eat anything fast and simple. That's when you start gaining more weight


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About the weight gain due to stress... My and my coworkers' life... Sigh.

Its either weight gain, hair loss, white hair, or black eyes. Or all.


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Thanks for another great recap! This was such a wonderful episode, I'm glad that OT4 finally got the chance to bond properly outside the office. I'm really going to miss them...


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I thought GuRae will fix the blanket on SY but then he transfered it to Mr Oh! I laughed so hard on that scene and I rewind it like 3x lol.

And Mr Seo.....looks like he's a con? Hmm. Interesting. Last 3 recaps (2 episodes) to go. *sob*


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Their reactions after seeing the "remember this day" photo were so cute. All the cuddly bromance! And did Geu Rae get kicked out bed? :D
On side note, now everytime i see Subway i remember Misaeng #reversePPL


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Sorry, slightly off topic but the Subway PPL that still stays in my mind is the very long/big sandwich in Prime Minister and I. At least, in Misaeng, it was okay...


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i dun think he got kick off the bed. it's too small for three boys. maybe he's supposed to sleep on YY's but i dun think he wants them to end up sleeping ala SY-BK! or maybe, metaphorically because he's a temp.. heh.


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The metaphor is cruelly on the spot, hahah. Can't believe Misaeng is ending this week, augh. To accompany me through march, i put this in my mobile as my alarm sound


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That last picture/screenshot….

I will love you forever.

Thank you very kamsa!


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Drunk Don-shik defending Chief Oh just made my day. And loving the nocturnal bromance Baek-Ki and Seok-yul, and am so glad the cute annoying seok-yul is back, bow cute was his arm hug to Chief Oh. I am all for staff bonding and bed pile ups (on the non sexual nature of course).


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remember how SY whining about having to come and help Mr. Oh with work to GR at the hotel room entrance? he moaned he had to give up a date with a stewardess but the moment Mr. Oh told him to hurry up, he eagerly bounced towards Mr. Oh, shoving poor GR aside!


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It's official: this drama has claimed #1 Drama Of All Time spot in my heart, and is the best thing I've seen on tv - in any language - all year. Bravo, Misaeng team! For all the hotel bed pile-ons and all you make me feel, bravo.

(and I have only 3 episodes left to watch! Nooooooo! I don't want it to end!)


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"...is the best thing I’ve seen on tv – in any language – all year."
Right now, I feel the same way.

"I have only 3 episodes left to watch!"
Me too.


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I truly enjoy Misaeng. But a major gripe I have with the show is all of the stealth marketing and Cigarette PPL (depiction of tobacco smoking, tobacco-related paraphernalia, signage, etc.). Oh how I wish the characters were not walking billboards/constant advertisements for engaging in and promoting cigarette smoking as a way to relieve stress.

The tobacco industry is sponsoring and using Misaeng as a mechanism to market and lure people (existing & new customers) into purchasing their products.

I would love to see the day where one could say Thank You For Not Smoking Misaeng!


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Is that true though? In any case, the show aims to be a realistic representation of working life in Korea, and you should know that smoking is all too common in Korea. At least the broadcasting authorities have implemented the basic rule that no show is allowed to show a character actually smoking. So far we only see characters holding unlit cigarettes in their hands and lit cigarettes that aren't being smoked.


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they never really smoke actually.


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+1 for 5 stars


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Misaeng is just Awesome, Marvelous... it was something practical and a matured production i would say... the cast was awesome even songs were really good and i can say just by hearing their tones that they were INSPIRATIONAL... (Although i can't understand korean.. but i do listen K OST songs)... i like that today's episode project was on PAKISTAN.. as i am a PAKISTANI... it was nice feeling something just connecting me to this SUPER DOOPER drama... long live all the characters ... specially Im Shi Wan, Kang So Ra, Kang Ha Nuel, and Cheif Oh( i forget his real name at a moment).... best production so far... MISAENG... :)


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I just started watching misaeng. I know, it's so late. But I truly have fallen in love with this show. Its amazing. I can't even put into words what I feel for the show. I knew I had feelings for it from the first show. I knew it was getting stronger. I knew I was falling in love with the show. But you know that feeling you get when you realise you have fallen in love, deeply in love, I felt it in this episode. I laughed, I cried (tears of joy) and I know I'm in for it. When I finish watching it, it will take a while to fall in love with another drama. Oh well...*sigh*


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*first episode*


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