Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 3

The orchestra is assembled, the conductor is chosen (…sort of), and the main plotline gets going in earnest, although it’s no easy victory for our hero. His curious relationship with the conductor continues to develop in interesting ways, and we meet more of our supporting cast as we are issued our first big challenge. There’s a lot of setup involved in this episode, but there’s a nice, breezy feel to the gradual build-up that I enjoy, even if I know how the story ends. Or maybe it’s because I know; with the ending already in existence (even if this series chooses to deviate a bit from the original), you really have to enjoy the journey.


Beethoven – Symphony No. 3 “Eroica,” 1st movement, Allegro con brioDownload ]

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As Yoo-jin listens to Mahler’s sweeping Symphony No. 2, he recalls wondering who was conducting such beautiful music.

At the gathering of the newly assembled S Orchestra, Maestro Streseman rips up Yoo-jin’s transfer request and refuses to let him into the conducting department. Yoo-jin’s melodious voice-over grows angrily shrill: “At the very least it shouldn’t have been an old fogey like him!”

Yoo-jin storms out of the auditorium, followed closely by his entourage of Nae-il and Il-lac. Trailing behind is the wistful timpanist Ma Su-min, who holds himself back with a sigh. A couple students who weren’t invited to join the S Orchestra wonder at its roster—Yoo-jin is the only noteworthy musician among them. How could Streseman have ignored the elite of the school in favor of those bottom-rung wannabes?

Streseman addresses the rest of his orchestra, building anticipation as he talks about creating music through harmony. Students sit up in excitement to hear what the first order of business is, which he announces to be… a dinner party? That takes everyone by surprise, even Dean Mina, even as she defends him to Teacher Do. She sounds uncertain herself but says that they ought to have a little faith in Streseman.

Yoo-jin is in a foul mood, and Nae-il chirps at him not to worry because she’s tight with the conductor (whom she still calls Milch—aka Milk—despite now knowing his real name)—she’ll persuade him. Il-lac points out that if Yoo-jin transfers, he won’t be able to play piano with her anymore, and just like that Nae-il changes her tune, suddenly begging him not to transfer.

Yoo-jin wants to be left alone, but Il-lac reminds him that they’re best friends united in soul now. Which, aw. Jealous Nae-il kicks him aside and spurs another round of fighting over Yoo-jin, who actually lets them feel him up for a while before shoving them aside. He so doesn’t hate this, does he?

They follow him home anyway, and Nae-il begs him to let her in. Il-lac wonders whether it’s better for Yoo-jin to transfer, because remaining in his current major would mean a quicker graduation—and someone like Yoo-jin would probably go abroad right away to pursue his music.

But they don’t know about his plane trauma, which Yoo-jin relives in another flashback. This time we see that once turbulence hit, the old man sitting behind him had lost his bottle of pills. Young Yoo-jin had darted into the aisle to retrieve it, but gotten knocked unconscious. He shakes the memory aside and thinks, “If only I could fly in airplanes, I wouldn’t have been subject to today’s humiliation. I can’t study abroad, I can’t transfer—how am I supposed to learn conducting?”

Il-lac gets a call from Streseman, and has to fend Nae-il off as she tries to get the phone and then resorts to bellowing towards it. Il-lac explains that he can’t go to the party, but one word is all it takes to change his tune: concertmaster. Hearing that he’ll occupy the orchestra’s top seat, Il-lac darts off with a quick “Sorry!”

The party is held at Il-lac’s father’s restaurant, and Chef Dad is just so happy on Il-lac’s behalf. While the S Orchestra drinks and makes merry, Yoo-jin watches a video of his old teacher, Maestro Viera, conducting. It fills him with longing and determination, and he gets out score books and starts to study intently.

While he does, Nae-il keeps her post outside his door, waiting for him to come out. She keeps herself amused with hand puppets, role-playing a scenario wherein Yoo-jin Rabbit is full of appreciation and love for Nae-il Rabbit. Heh.

Yoo-jin keeps studying until it occurs to him to check on Nae-il. He doesn’t expect her to still be there, but she’s curled up behind the door, cold and sleepy, and crawls to him saying, “Orabang… hug me.”

He brings her inside and gives her warm soup, chiding her for going overboard. He tells her to eat up and leave, turning down her pleas to stay with him. She busts out her puppets and enacts a scenario where the “wife” Nae-il Rabbit begs to be with her husband, while Yoo-jin Rabbit crankily roars at her to leave him alone.

It makes Yoo-jin smile to himself—at least until Nae-il narrates a rabbit reconciliation and a build-up to a kiss. He snatches his effigy away and finishes her story: “And then the two of them separated.”

The orchestra party moves on to a noraebang, and timpanist Su-min staggers into the bathroom, totally wasted, and falls down drooling. Streseman is there to offer a handkerchief and a shoulder to cry on (in gratitude), and it turns into a whole group hug with more drunk orchestra members. Streseman seems sober, but enjoys the attention.

Nae-il falls asleep snoring on the couch, and Yoo-jin tucks her in and even smiles to himself, “She’s cute when she’s sleeping.” Immediately he’s horrified at his own thought, and hastens to assure himself, “Only when sleeping. Everyone’s cute when sleeping. Even frogs would be cute then.”

In the morning, Nae-il awakens in an empty apartment and finds a note ordering her to leave right away and not touch anything. Well now you’re just giving her ideas. She goes around kissing his pictures and lying on his bed, in raptures.

On the Haneum campus, we see a tiny contrabassist walk by lugging her instrument, which basically looks like a bass with feet. That’s when Nae-il arrives and—I kid you not—slips on a banana peel. Her sandwich goes flying (lol, Subway again, KBS?) and gets caught by the bassist, who eyes it so longingly that Nae-il offers it to her.

The bassist, CHOI MIN-HEE (Do-hee) eats ravenously while Nae-il checks on the other sandwich she got for Yoo-jin, and then Min-hee eyes that one hungrily too. Nae-il clocks the interest and waves the sandwich from side to side, and Min-hee’s eyes remain locked onto it, like a dog with a bone. So with utmost reluctance, Nae-il hands that one over too. Min-hee thanks her, then takes off running to make her class.

Out of nowhere, an arrow with a suction-cup end comes flying at Nae-il and lands squarely in the middle of her forehead. The little pranks have been increasing, and she’s convinced it’s because someone’s jealous of her and Yoo-jin. Il-lac isn’t buying it, but in the middle of his dismissal, he and Nae-il are attacked by a waterfall from above. Maybe she’s right, he concedes.

Yoo-jin presents Streseman with a box full of scores he has studied, asking him to reconsider his transfer. We’ve seen that Streseman’s dislike of Yoo-jin stems from his tutelage under the hated rival, Viera, and now we see more background. In a flashback, Streseman finds out that the limited-edition toy he’s ordered has been sold to another customer… aka Viera. Lol, are you so petty that you literally cannot share your toys?

Yoo-jin finds that reason silly, and refuses to leave until Streseman accepts his request. So the maestro offers him a chance, giving him the task to deliver lunch to all of the S Orchestra members within an hour. Yoo-jin takes off running, armed with a box of sandwiches. Omg, Subway, did you just sponsor this whole episode?

Nae-il and Il-lac watch him in confusion, wondering if he’s also being harassed. They duck for cover when he spots them, thinking he’ll be angry that they’re following him around, but instead he asks for their help in tracking down all the members.

The trio runs around campus, finding the majority of their members at the cafeteria. Already eating? No problem, eat a sandwich instead. They shove aside the students’ lunches and force sandwiches upon them until Yoo-jin ticks off all the names on his roster.

Without a second to spare, Yoo-jin presents the list to Streseman, who points out that he forgot the mascot, aka Nae-il. Aw, but is it his fault you didn’t have her on the list? Nae-il darts forward at that to protest and plead his case, but Yoo-jin stops her and merely tells Streseman he’ll be back to try again.

Nae-il huffs at Streseman that they’re no longer friends and stomps out, while the maestro just says it’s a misunderstanding. Nae-il insists that she needs to comfort Yoo-jin in a time like this, ignoring Il-lac’s insistence that Yoo-jin wants to be alone, and that it’s obvious the maestro’s just messing with him.

Teacher Do happens to overhear that bit, and takes it to Dean Mina, telling her that Streseman is pulling pranks on the kids now. He may dislike Yoo-jin for his headstrong ways, but he takes great issue with a teacher who plays with a student’s heart. Mina tries to argue for more patience, but this just ratchets up the tension between the two of them; Teacher Do suggests that his faith in her is at risk over Streseman.

Nae-il finds Yoo-jin, and is heavy-hearted from cutting off one friendship (Milch) for the sake of another. But he just notices the childish sign stuck on her back (“Stupid! Dummy”) and asks if she’s been tormented recently. She sighs that it’s God punishing her (for being in the orchestra without him), and doesn’t notice when Yoo-jin sticks the sign back on with a pat. HA.

She’s made a special lunch to cheer him up, but finds her lunch box full of rocks. Brimming with indignation, she calls Il-lac to begin preparing her revenge.

A short while later, that plan is in motion: Nae-il “naps” on a bench on campus, at which point a timid masked student approaches with a marker in hand, drawing nearer to her face…

It’s Su-min, and Il-lac comes running and grabs him just as he’s drawing a mustache on her face. Nae-il looks through his bag, and finds a whole stack of photographs, all featuring her and Yoo-jin. Since he must clearly be in love with her, she’s suddenly all sympathy and apologizes to Su-min for promising to marry another man.

Su-min barks that he has no interest in her, and lets slip his nickname for Yoo-jin, “Cha-neu-nim,” which is a pun meaning Cha God. Realizing that he’s got a crush on Yoo-jin, she points out gently that he’s a guy, and Su-min sniffles, “So what? People’s feelings are all the same.”

Su-min runs off sobbing, and his violinist friend Shi-won sits with him while chiding him for ditching the existing school orchestra for the S Orchestra. Su-min makes the big announcement that he likes Yoo-jin, only to have Shi-won say, Duh. Surely everyone knows already just by looking at Su-min’s behavior.

He asks if she thinks he’s strange, and she replies, “I like Hyuna, and I love Kim Yuna. Do you find me strange?” She says that you can’t control where your heart goes, and at that, he finds a smile through his tears. That’s sweet.

Il-lac muses to Nae-il that love drove Su-min to such extremes, and vows that he won’t let love make an idiot of him. Instead, he’ll use all that passion for classical music. Nae-il just tsk-tsks in pity that he seems more foolish for not knowing the greatness of love.

So with that love driving her, Nae-il goes to beg Streseman to relent about the transfer, or to at least allow Yoo-jin to conduct once. He flatly refuses and walks out… but leaves his score on his desk. Nae-il sidles over and reads the score—Beethoven’s 3rd—and notes the conductor’s baton lying on top of it.

Without explaining, she grabs Yoo-jin right away and drags him to orchestra practice. To everyone’s shock including Yoo-jin’s, she announces that he’ll be conducting today, and that Streseman has allowed him to take over for the day, presenting him with the score and baton she swiped. Ha, did she lock the maestro up in a bathroom somewhere too?

His inner voice is full of excitement and nerves, but Yoo-jin keeps calm and assures the dubious orchestra that he knows how to read score. He takes up the conductor’s position and wonders how the orchestra will showcase this particular piece of music, named Eroica, or “heroic.”

Ha, and yes, Streseman was indeed locked up in a room barred with heavy furniture. He’s let out by staff, sees his missing items, and calmly says that she’s toast.

Yoo-jin begins the rehearsal, and right away knows that things are terribly awry. The sections are out of sync, notes are out of tune, and the students don’t even seem to notice how bad they are. His frustration mounts, and his anger turns to Streseman for setting up this orchestra to fail by collecting only the worst musicians.

Yoo-jin stops and catalogues everyone’s mistakes with cold efficiency, at first calmly, then increasingly frustrated at the continued mistakes. Nae-il marvels at how good he is at discerning the playing, but all too soon, Streseman joins the rehearsal.

Streseman assumes that Yoo-jin stole this chance for himself, so Nae-il jumps to his defense and takes the blame. Yoo-jin realizes that he wasn’t authorized to conduct after all, just as Streseman offers him a chance: For one week, he can be the assistant conductor. If he can’t make improvements within that time, he will give up his attempts to transfer departments. Yoo-jin grabs the offer and promises to show a completely different performance from today.

He leaves rehearsal feeling great, and Nae-il is quick to attack him for hugs. He dodges and runs off, as per their developing habit, evading every time she tries to sneak skinship.

He immerses himself into the work right away, ignoring Nae-il’s attempts to feed him, his eyes only on the score. Day and night, it’s either score study or orchestra rehearsal.

Meanwhile, bassist Min-hee shows up at Yoo-jin’s mother’s coffee shop regarding the job posting and takes the cashier opening.

Yoo-jin drops by the coffee shop on his way to school, and only now realizes that it’s his mother who runs it. Ha. Stealth-meddling moms, who can stop them? She notes how haggard he looks, and he sighs that he’s trying his best to draw out the detail and power of the work but that a week is too short.

On campus, Su-min’s friend Shi-won—the regular orchestra’s concertmistress—corners Streseman to ask a few questions about rehearsal, but he fobs her off onto Il-lac instead. She asks about Streseman’s style, but Il-lac answers that he wouldn’t know, as Yoo-jin has been conducting all week. She can’t believe that a piano major would be conducting, thinking him lying at first.

Mina approaches Streseman to ask about his intentions about the orchestra. But she backpedals right away when he asks if his presence is making things difficult for her; she has clear misgivings, but either she has faith in him or she’s scared to ruffle his feathers for whatever reason. Furthermore, when a stumble gets them in each other’s arms, it’s clear that whatever feelings they’re dancing around are still there. His face drops, however, when she makes a personal favor asking him to look after Yoo-jin.

Mina finds herself in the hot seat at a board meeting because of the S Orchestra, which some teachers (such as Teacher Do) find unnecessary. In the end, she’s told to have both orchestras perform at the end-of-term concert, after which it’ll be decided which orchestra gets disbanded. Because neither can live while the other survives.

Rehearsals are getting worse, however, and Yoo-jin’s temper is getting shorter. Two members in particular, Oboe and Clarinet, are fed up with his haranguing and jealous at the girls’ admiration for him. They come up with a plot to stick it to him—they’ll swap parts so that things sound strange, but in a difficult portion to discern, thus embarrassing Yoo-jin when he fails to fix it.

Yoo-jin and Streseman hear the oddity right away, and Yoo-jin halts the playing and scorns the orchestra for playing pranks. But that’s when Streseman finally steps in and orders him down from the podium; now it’s the maestro’s turn.

Streseman takes over and issues instructions with milder, encouraging words. His style is comfortable and has everyone in smiles as he explains the origins of Eroica, which was initially dedicated to Napoleon. Upon hearing that Napoleon had declared himself emperor (thus showing greed rather than wisdom), he’d stricken that dedication and retitled it “Heroic.”

With a gentle hand, Streseman begins the Eroica, and Yoo-jin is struck immediately at the difference. There are still mistakes as usual, yet things sound completely different. “This man… is a true master,” he thinks.

After they finish the run-through, Streseman turns to Yoo-jin and declares the game over: “You’re disqualified.” He instructs him to leave.

Yoo-jin recognizes that Streseman was better, but to everyone’s surprise, stands firm, saying clearly that he won’t leave. Streseman had agreed to give him until tomorrow: “Until tomorrow, it’s my orchestra.”


You know, as an adaptation I think Cantabile Tomorrow is making some interesting choices, and mostly I welcome them. Aside from deviating in little ways purely for the sake of not making a carbon-copy replica (and that would be justification enough, I think), this drama does have a different feel from the other projects (and the J-drama also felt different from the anime, so this isn’t a cultural argument), so it follows that you can’t quite reproduce the same beats and expect the same results because the tone is such a large component.

Judging from initial reviews, Korean audiences aren’t fully onboard this remake just yet, which is interesting because Nodame Cantabile was such a hit in Korea. I wonder if it’s to not (as was the worry) with the Japanese-ness of the original, but the Korean-ness of the remake. I’m still working this out in my head so it’s not a complete thought yet, but it does feel like you can love something that feels very foreign, but then when that foreignness is made familiar, it may feel off. I’m quite loving Cantabile Tomorrow, but I’m reading reviews and comments about how the heroine is unrelatable and her motives unclear—despite audiences loving Nodame. And the motives are pretty much the same from version to version.

In any case, I do like how they’re building the Streseman/Yoo-jin relationship, which is antagonistic in a way that mixes really silly reasons with more logical, reasonable ones. And even if I hadn’t known the original story (and I’ll stop talking about that now, I promise), I would expect this conductor-versus-conductor relationship to burgeon into something of a maestro-student one, and I’m keen to see how that draws out.

When I first heard of this story, before I’d seen any version of it, I was expecting it to be all about the heroine and the ways in which she changes the people around her with her oddball, lovable ways. And while that happens to an extent, really this is more of a story about the hero’s quiet development—spurred, yes, by the heroine. But she’s a catalyst more than she is the center of the story, and I like Joo-won’s take on this character—quiet, thoughtful, intense.

He has a temper, but he isn’t raging at everyone comically, and you see right away that he’s not a genius. He’s gifted, but he’s really more of a hard worker with immense drive, and that makes me root for him so much more than if he were just a genius who needs to tap into his gift.

It helps that I find Joo-won surprisingly convincing in his conducting skills, and I don’t see the actor in the role; I just see this character, and the emotions I’m feeling are for Yoo-jin, not for Joo-won. I don’t think the same is true for Nae-il, unfortunately, though I do think she’s settling in, slowly. Her over-the-top-ness isn’t what bothers me, because some of Nae-il’s exaggerated comedic moments make me laugh out loud.

The issue for me is more of the balance between Nae-il’s quirks and her more realistic emotional moments, because right now they feel like they belong to two different dramas. Su-min, on the other hand, is a great example of a successful blending of those two sides, because he is an over-the-top absurd character and yet I always believe his emotions.

For instance, he’s funny, though not because he’s trying to be funny—instead, he’s going for earnest and sweet, and in the right context, the humor shines through without any overt comedic “work.” So kudos to Jang Se-hyun, who I don’t remember from his bit parts in Sungkyunkwan Scandal or Boys Over Flowers, but who I’ll surely remember now.

Not to take away from Shim Eun-kyung, because the elements are all there. They just need to gel. C’mon, you can dooooo eeeet. With all those hugs from Joo-won, surely it won’t be a trial to try?


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but anyways, i'm liking the drama so far


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where? where? lol


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Because neither can live while the other survives.


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I love Joo won's take on Yoo Jin's character.


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Me too ^^


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Me three


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Me four!


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Me Five :D


Me Six!


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Me seven <3


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Oh, me eight !


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Me nine! !!!!!!!! Hez pretty good. I tell you. * hug me chinguz * I am in dire need of them.


me eight. :)


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that would be ten, then. ;)


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I don't simply not because he can't act but he didn't really understand the essence of Chiaki character in the original manga. We don't want another Tamaki Hiroshi but he just didn't grasp the actual essence. You can read further in koala playground


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So I finally caught up with TC. I am not going to compare it to the Japanese version but I have to say this, SEK please tone it down, her over the top acting kept reminding me of *gasp* Geum Jandi..I like SEK, I really do...but I don't know what she is doing with Nodame here :(
Joo Won is good here...but my fav character from this version is that of Mine played by GKP! I am loving him here! and his relationship with his dad is the heart of the show for me ♡
Also I am enjoying this show and I really am disappointed to see the enormous dip in the viewer ratings :(


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I think over the top is okay in the right context, but because joo-won's interpretation of yoo-jin is so thoughtful and on the serious side, to contrast, shim eun-kyung's over the topness doesn't come off as quirky, but weird...it works in modern farmer because everyone's bascially really quirky and letting loose, but here, the stark contrast just makes Nae-il look like a werido...still i find the drama entertaining and will definitely continue watching Tomorrow's Cantabile


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I agree with what you said, SEK is coming off as weird, not the good weird kind, but the weird weird kind lol
Ahhhhhh I am LOVING "Modern farmers"!!! It's over the top but i can't stop laughing HAAAHAHAH..infact i just finished watching Episode 2 :D


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I'm loving Modern Farmer too! Episode 2 was even better :)


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It's not enough just to be weird. She's got Nae-il's weirdness down solid. What is missing right now is the inner core or feeling, in Nodame's case the fear of failure, the fear of standing on the cliff with nowhere else to go, that led her to retreat into songs about farts.
We aren't getting that core of fear/hurt that made her relateable. I think the scene at piano practice where she bites Joo Won was a real misstep. It showed an aggression, and a way of dealing with her past that doesn't fit with the story as i know it.


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I thought the same too but I think she is much better in episode 3. She took some time to find the Naeil in her and she's getting there. I love what she gave in the newest episode.
Don't care so much on tv ratings. This drama had high ratings on online tving though.


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hi..totally agree with you...in the original version, nodame's 4th dimensional character was built in such a way that it looks natural..however, in TC, SEK seems to be overdoing it and it looks totally unnatural. I do love her acting in Sunny but not in this drama...


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Dude is overcompetitive and the girl is sweet, caring, cute and unconditional?... her competition is doomed! ^_^ .


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This drama has negative reviews all over the internet + low ratings except for dramabeans users/ authors. I've heard many comments of Nae-il sounding like a 5 year old or something. Is this drama legitly nice.....?


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And because Shim Eunkyung plays the titular "Nodame" exaggeratingly + annoyingly, she gets the free pass cause she's a good actress but if an idol takes on this role and does the same thing she'll get sh*tted on ._.


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Everyone will have different opinions, naturally. Taste is subjective, is it not? It's unsurprising that some people do actually enjoy this drama though. Since it's not such a hot mess, as many were expecting. Have you watched it?

And SEK has been criticized on here for her acting. She never got a 'free pass'?? A lot of people recognize that she's a bit over the top with her portrayal of Nodame. Some are just enjoying the drama for what it is. And maybe, like me, warming up to SEK's Nae Il.

Tbh, things could be worse lol


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Over the top? Yes. But that is how Nodame is supposed to be. I've seen the anime, read the manga and watched the Japanese version, which in my opinion was over the top in general, as hilarious as it was. Ueno Juri portrayed it well, and i think SEK is playing the role just fine. As for the 'baby-talk' comments, in the anime, nodame had a tendency to mumble and spout gibberish, similar to a 'baby-talk'.
In general, I actually find the characters a bit tame, if we were to compare it to the japanese version (which a lot of people have been doing). So I say, let's just sit back and enjoy the show for what it's worth


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i think naeil over the top acting will suit japanese version but in korean version she seem overate because the other charracter looks more natural. In japanese version the other cast is over the top too so it doesn't matter, i mean it's not their acting it's over the top but the comedy is over


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I havent watched it yet that's why I'm asking if its nice or not.


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truth to be told..the first episode frustrated me already, unlike the adaptation of fated to love you, this drama is a total failure, i means its fine to make a remake of a drama but please dont replicate it. the scene of the first episode is a whole copy paste of the japanese version. i understand that the production team said that they based it totally on the manga but come on man, have some originality.


You don't take into account other reasons for which certain people are cast in certain roles. For example in this sort of fast comedy you cannot afford to wait for an inexperienced actor to deliver the line or do the, over-the-top agreed, physical comedy. And as far as the way an actor approaches the role, rarely that is the actor's choice. Usually the tempo of the character is desided by the production and the director.


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"Before the first episode of “Tomorrow Cantabile” was broadcast, a member of the production team was quoted as saying, “We have based the story mainly on the manga series, rather than the Japanese drama. We didn’t pay much attention to the drama while we were planning ‘Tomorrow Cantabile.’"

I don't get why they keep saying this while as JB a pointed out on the 1st recap "The plot beats were almost beat-for-beat replications of the original ". It's like they don't want to give credit to the Japanese drama. It's quite annoying tbh.


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To be fair, that could be true. The anime and the drama are quite similar to each other as well. I assume that's because both are quite faithful to the manga.


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Right. This show is unpopular, for good reasons IMO but Joo Won is a darling on this site. From all the dramas that started, chosing to recap this one... Oh well, plenty of fishes in the sea.


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This. Just start your blog and recap whatever you wish.


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like :)


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Javabeans/Girlfriday can recap whatever they choose – whether it's a popular drama or not. It's their site.
They are allowed to have their "darlings" too – nor is it that their review is all one-sided praise (there is criticism too). They are recapping several of the newly started dramas (Modern Farmer, Bad Guys and it seems like Misaeng is planned), I can see why this one was chosen (regardless of whether it was going to be successful or who was going to be in it).

P.S. I am saying this as someone who isn't enjoying this remake & will probably drop it after this week.


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I'm not asking for anything: I'm a grown up who can handle disagreements which is not the case of some people here... They perfectly have the right to recap what they want but sadly enough, they recap the ones of poor quality and I have the right to voice my disappointment. I hope the persons who enjoy this show will be happy here cause everywhere else it is panned, rightfully so. Even the comments on this thread are mostly negative: I suppose people overreact cause they are scared the recaps won't continue... Don't worry folks: For many reasons, that won't happen. ;)


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Sorry, but I still disagree. All kinds of dramas are recapped on this site, both those of good and bad quality. If you think every drama that has or is being recapped here recently is of bad quality, I would say either this site or kdramas are not for you.

I also don't think there'll be a consensus anyhow on which dramas are "good" or "bad" – at most opinions will sway more to one side than another.

I'm all for voicing opinions – on the drama itself. But complaining about which dramas have been selected for recaps and the fact that it doesn't perfectly match with your own personal list I have little sympathy for.


@alua. People hijack posts all the time on this site to ask recaps for x or y (very impolite) or with off topic remarks and nobody says anything... I don't get the overreaction here.
Ohhh! I see a Misaeng recap fresh from the oven: Now THAT is interesting. *Out of this thread, ciao*.


and here we go with the DF Conspiracy theories again. How many times will DB say they are not affiliated or paid by DF? but people only hear what they want to hear since it makes them feel like the smartest kids in the room.
Seriously though people need to give it a rest. I sometimes can't help but conclude that jealousy plays a huge role in all these.

Every recapper has a bias. Didn't know it was a crime.
And this show isn't that bad. Not fantastic but average but the point is if they want to recap this, let them. Its still their site


Aigoooo you can go to the other sites read other dramas. Stop attacking db
Epik High song good for people like you


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Nodame was strange but very endearing. Naeil just comes off as strange and annoying.


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I totally agree with you.
Nodame is supposed to be weird, quirky, and a bit "high" but a genius pianist. Here, Nae Il acts nothing but a campus fool who can play the piano.
I hope SEK would be able to grasp who Nodame/Nae Il should really be or the gladness people felt when it was announced that she was to be Nodame would be wasted.


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I think adaptations from manga do not have a good track record in Korea aside from Boys Over Flowers which if I dissect it. is actually quite in line with what Korean viewers love. Rich, handsome chaebol heirs falling over a candy girl. Group 8 which did most of the adaptations also has itself to blame but this time round, it's different. I must say I think they are doing right so far and the casting is the best I have ever seen. Joo Won is just going from strength to strength and I remember, SEK was everyone's choice.

You can't really compare with the Japanese market because the Japanese love their mangas, animes and live adaptations. The Koreans may love the manga/anime but for live adaptation, once you have seen the first one, the novelty or surprise factor is gone. You want to watch the first time because you want to see the characters you love being played by real life actors and how it translates to a drama. Maybe not the 2nd? Moreover, the story of Nodame Cantabile does not have the dramatic turns and twists. So that might not hook in new viewers. Not everyone loves classical music or a drama that revolves around this theme.

Look at the dearth of ideas that is currently affecting the Korean dramaland. They are desperately trying to think of more exciting, more out of the world premises to arrest declining ratings. And in that boot camp for writers, there must be a concensus that said "Multiple Personalities" is IT. What is music genius compared to X-men, Jekyll and Hyde and all the fairytale creatures and monsters?


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SEK isn't Nodame for me, but I'm warming up to her a lot. She has a charm that makes me root for her for some reason. Same with JW, he has his own style as well, which is great. I'm found myself laughing out loud at some parts in the drama and I'm really liking it's take on the original, for now. There's tons of ways it could be better, it seems a lot more toned down and more glamorous? But I'm just enjoying it for what it is, let's just say.


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Yep, it's definitely more glamorous...

A couple of examples- The original restaurant that Rac's father owned in the jdrama was a little hole in the wall. In this one, it looks like a 4 star restaurant.

Nodame's apartment looks really nice. From the original source, she's not rich. At all.

And holy freaking crap are Korean campuses all like this or for some reason do they only feature really nice ones in dramas? It looks like they could have filmed Heirs on that campus lol. I know the producers don't mean it this way, but everyone from this drama looks like a rich/elite kid.


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I wanted a grounded weirdo, but Shim is playing Nodame (Nae-il) ultra dolty right now. Not digging it. C'mon, Shim Eun-kyung. If she doesn't tone her Nae-il down, I'm gonna whip out that short list of actresses I was rooting to play Nodame and weep. And she was at the TOP of that list! Siiiigh. Joo-won's pretty much on point, though. Double sigh.


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Thank you for your recap & insight. I'm loving this drama now, I hope it will keep up until the end.


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I think part of it, and others have mentioned it, is Nodame is not being treated as a erratic, but talented musician in the Korean version. Her talent, in a strange way, I feel bought some seriousness to the Japanese character that the Korean character is lacking regardless of slapstick components. She didn't seem at all involved in music this episode except as it effected JW. In the Japanese version the reason Chiaki puts up with her at first because her music inspires him, besides a little at the beginning, there does not seem to be as much of that yet.


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Japanese Nodame was a strange creature capable to touch and heal people around her with her music and that was an almost miraculous gift. Besides, she was as vulnerable as a child.

For me, the undercurrent Drama of the Jdrama was the fight of Nodame (and Stressemann) not to let her unique gift (nor her dreams and thus her inocence) fade away. For me it was the poignant part of that drama and an undercurrent that was really well played, since it gave Nodame a really subtle tridimensionality and poignancy.


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So true!


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this is exactly how i feel. you (jolie) and FGB pretty much nailed what my only real issue with this adaptation is so far. i know its early and its very possible they will focus more on nodame er naeil later int he drama (if they have 16-20 eps thats plenty of time to give her a deep satisfying arc)
however, even at this point in the jdrama i dont remember being as detached from nodame as i am from naeil, i dont dislike her at all but if this was my first version of nodame story that i ever saw i would be very appalled with how the heroine was being developed. i know far better than that there is more to her than the kdrama is showing so far. which may be intentional on their part i dont know. but the point is, they do need to at least drop reminders of who she is to chiaki and that isnt cute yappy dog. its savant genius pianist, who has some very unappealing traits that he only overlooks because of that first part. which has gone conspicuously missing since ep 1 as you said.
They have more than enough episode length to put in some nodame being a MUSICIAN and not just a childlike goofball, so people wont forget that she is both and not just the latter.
I def am liking enough to keep watching for now. but i'm not overly suprised taht the korean nodame fans arent very thrilled with this so far and that those who are non fans and just regular drama viewers are likewise put off. (i hope they can hit their sweet spot before the broadcasters panic and start making huge script changes or slashing off episodes. D:)


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While I am warming up to Nae Il, I think you've hit the nail on the head. That was what I was missing from this episode: Nae Il actually playing the piano and being musical. She doesn't have to do it all of the time for there to be effective character growth, but her music (that is, the way she plays it with her personal style) vs. the traditional style is one of the story's main conflicts.


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I truly miss Nodame…each time I watch the Jdrama I fall in love with her piano all over again. This one…oh God…the korean version truly breaks my heart to pieces.


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Stressman is stealing the show. He is a riot. He looks soo hilarious without trying.


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I actually gave this a try in the weekend. I'm very very open minded because I haven't seen the Japanese version and don't plan to ever do so. So all this comparison goes over my head because I have nothing to compare it to.

That being said, from a neutral's POV, I find this drama really difficult to relate to. I think Joo Won is probably the most decent of the bunch but that isn't saying a lot from a really really uninspiring cast. There was a whole lot of hulla-boo regarding Shim Eun-kyung getting cast and as soon as Nae-il showed up on my screen, I cringed.

SEK is plain horrible! I can't believe she's the person who'd apparently save this from being a train-wreck. She happens to be unpalatable right now and the reason I can't go past two episodes. She's so over the top it puts Go Hye-sun to shame - and thats coming from someone who hated GHS in BOF. Nae-il as a character is just weird without being endearing. She acts like she's five and I can't connect with a character who's actions I can't even decipher properly.

Everything seems choppy, a little forced and feels like it has no heart or actual direction. I guess its just not for me. I dunno if its supposed to have a similar tone to the Japanese one, but it doesn't quite feel Korean. I feel like I should stick to it for a few more episodes, but if SEK doesn't tone it down a whole lot of notches, I can't imagine being able to keep up.


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I like Joo Woon.I adore Shim Eun-Kyung.I liked the original manga and anime.Not a fan of Japanese live adoption although I did find it watchable and Uno Juri lovable.
So my opinion here is not influenced by any preconceived bias.

Shim Eun-Kyung is the reason I wanted to give this drama a try.But sadly now she's the main reason I'm dropping it.This drama has many flaws, including leaving out important details necessary for understanding the character as many have mentioned before, But my biggest issue is with the portrayal of Nodame.Shim Eun-Kyung's acting appears not only to be over-the-top but also forced in my opinion. It's like she's "trying to be Nodame" while we needed her 'to be Nodame'.


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As soon as possible, I hope Nielsen and TNmS will revises their antiquated rating systems. Korean people are watching online these days, because many people was going home from work in that hours.

According TV ing.. It recorded that Cantabile Tomorrow is #1st place ratings online with 26,1%.
meanwhile Secret Door is 12,8% and The Night Watchman 10,9%.

I really love Cantabile Tomorrow as it's own. Honestly, I prefer K-vers than J-vers. But the antiquated rating systems really driving me crazy.


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Exactly.. all dramas this year suffers low rating.. this drama is not an exception.. people tend to watch drama online nowadays.. especially those of teenagers and young adults.. tv ratings isn't as accurate as before.. TC has higher online rating on tving..


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This isn't the exception, but also the ratings are beyond just "low". It's Okay, It's Love had "low" ratings that rarely broke double digits and high internet ratings, but had competition and remained steady. This is dropping every episode and going against another drama barely above 5%. There is low ratings and then there is embarrassingly flop low, which is what NC is doing right now.


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Really? I was surprised to see the low rating coz I really think this drama is great. So ratings is not something that bother me anymore. As long as I enjoy the drama, it is more than enough :)


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But this drama has low ratings even for this year standards, and it`s getting lower. There were dramas that had steady 10+ rating this year and never fell into one digit rating. It`s hard to get 15+ rating but you can stay steady in 10-14% range.

NC just has low rating , deal with it.


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I didn't love this episode the way I did the first two, but I am really enjoying it. It's refreshing to have something different to watch. Plus I am loving the use of music in this show. I haven't seen the J version, but I have read most of the manga. Naeil is just ok for me so far, but I think Joo Won is doing an amazing job.

Side note: Anyone else notice that in the promos for this whenever they talk about Joo Won's previous works they conviently forget about Level 7 Civil Servant?


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Re: forgetting about Level 7...probably because it was on MBC, and everything else was KBS? As is this show, soo....

Just a guess ;)


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I'm wondering if he takes a role in SBS's drama. What's the role he will going to be?


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"Dracula", if he can bite.


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I prefer he'll take a king's character. Still cannot imagine :D


SEK's Nae-il is super wacky, but I find her totally endearing anyway. A lot of people have brought up the contrast between how Nae-il is portrayed (manga-esque) and the rest of the characters (which have been, on average at least, toned down). I see that, I get it, and yet, it somehow doesn't bother me at all. I've just accepted it as part of the story. I like Nae-il!

Joo Won is doing everything right in my book. So good. And that's all I have to say about that.

The drama as a whole I think I'm still trying to get a feel for. It seems like maybe the older characters are going to have larger roles here, or maybe just more independent storylines than I remember them having in the jdrama. I'm a little ambivalent about that. If it's done well, then fine. I'm a little worried that I'm just not going to care as much about that, and feel like I'm being cheated out of screen time for the stuff I do care about. I have very little patience for (perceived) filler, I guess.

Overall though, I am enjoying it a lot. Muchas gracias to javabeans and girlfriday for the recaps! They are, as always, insightful and always enrich the drama-watching experience for me.


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I've seen the Japanese version so I can't help but compare it. Going by the 3 episodes I've seen so far, I'm surprised that I actually really like Joo Won's portrayal of Yoo-jin aka "Chiaki." He brought more warmth to the character then Hiroshi Tamaki, who basically took 2 season before showing a rare smile to Nodame. Got to be frustrating at times, so I love seeing more warmth in his character so soon into the drama.

As for Nae-il aka "Nodame"..I'm still not sure of her. She's not as quirky and outspoken as Juri Ueno's portrayal of the character. On one hand its less annoying but on the other, I kind of miss Nodame's "pikuuu!" and other weird sound effects she made. Haha.

Still going to continue watching it cause its developing nicely so far. Hopefully, I will warm up to Shim Eun-kyung. Maybe its her low voice thats throwing me off? :S


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I find myself remembering scenes and events so I do think there is a little bit of carbon copying going on.

I think my biggest problem is I still don't know why Shim Eun-kyung is playing Nodame while everyone else is playing a toned down Korean version.


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agree about shim eum kyung charracter here but i think her acting is good n quite natural but tha charracter seem portray as over the top but i still laugh watching her, it's quite funny for me


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I think the problem is SEK's version of Naeil comes off as totally unrelatable - and I don't blame SEK completely, the director has to have some part in how he wants "his" Nodame to come alive, she's probably trying to bring that vision to life. Unfortunately, its turning me (along with others I presume) completely off.

The thing with Ueno Juri's portrayal of Nodame is that she never came off as "childish" - yes, her actions were goofy and she was "wacky" but she still seemed like an adult, if that makes any sense. It's like she was bringing out that inner child in all of us grown-ups, she was a smart musician who helped bring Chiaki's character back to his childhood and the reason why he loved music so much as a kid. I could relate to that.

In this version, Naeil doesn't give me that feeling, she just comes off as a literal CHILD. Like a little kid who got mad cause her candy got taken away, there is that extremely find balance - that super thin line that borders over-the-top and just enough and I think she's well on the other side of it.


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Probably because the director/adapter of the series is not even trying to focus even slightly on the fact that the Nae-il character is supposed to be a musical genius.

Here's the thing. If you have seen any Jdrama or are familiar with the tropes in Jdramas, you'll notice that the geniuses are ALWAYS in one way or another eccentric. It's like you cannot have a genius without some eccentricity. Ueno Juri's Nodame was always connected to the music but Nae-il has yet to convince me of that. I mean, I know SEK is a good actress so I'm blaming the director.

Another thing I have issue with is because they are building so much upon the Stressemen and Yoo Jin's relationship, they're taking the focus off from Nae-il and I don't like that at all. I also am not a fan of the romance between the adults...I don't care.

Also, while I'm at it, I'm so annoyed by how the Dean who ought to be have the most power is continuously overruled and threatened by that assholey professor whom she probably has a crush on (ugh). And then there is another woman in power who is portrayed in a negative light. I can't help but notice the portrayals of women in this drama and it annoys me.

I kept on waiting for Nae-il to pounce on the piano in Yoo Jin's apartment and so far she has disappointed me.


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I haven't seen/read the previous versions so I don't have anything else to compare it to but I have to say: I LOVE THIS SHOW. I'm so excited it about it in a way I haven't been excited about a drama in a while. Nae-il? Yeah, she's a weirdo and her portrayal is most definitely over the top but I don't mind it! She's a musical genius which in my ignorant mind means she must be kray-kray. So, she gets a pass. I would run the other way if someone like her existed in real life but when she's in the safety of my screen, I find her amusing. Now, I just need the writers to make her just a tad bit more grounded/well-rounded 'cause I can believe Yoon-jin being drawn to her but only if they highlight her talent and music more. Being a crazy stalker does not love make... music that sings to your soul? That's another story. After all, when you love music as much as he does it would be hard to not be taken in by the loveliness this girl produces. Or, at least, that's what I'm getting at from the show's hints into her character... now they just need to make it more explicit.


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Well said!


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Yes! I haven't seen any of the other versions, and I love this drama. I can't help but think that a lot of the criticisms come from people who are fans of the original. I do see how Nae-Il can appear childish, but overall the story, tone, and characters of this drama are so compelling.


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I watched both J's and K's version. I think SEK's acting would be fine in J but K's version got the characters toned down so much that her Nodame don't fit into the set too. But I think she gets better as it goes. I love J's version (watched multiple times) and K's version was relatively enjoyable for now. I hope the ratings will rise. Lastly, I think this drama was targeted to audience internationally (like Playful Kiss), so I really hope low ratings in Korea would not affect the overall quality of the productions. :D


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You are so right! Everyone is immensely toned down except for Nae-il and I don't understand that. Hopefully they'll adjust. I'm thinking minds will change once there is some focus on Nae-il.


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OMG! Yeah! Everyone is toned down, including Ma Sumin's Afro hair!!!! I cannot! O_o

Also, their Sumin doesn't have the little beard!!! But, oh well, I will still watch this drama because of SEK.


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I'm originally a fan of the manga and I am relieved at what I see so far.. I think this adaptation is very well made - storyline, acting and music wise. Joo Won as Cha Yoo Jin is awesome. I'm beginning to warm up to Naeil too in this third episode. Worth a try!


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The biggest turn-off for me right now is how relentlessly shiny and expensive the sets feel. Why is Dad's restaurant so fancy? Why is the apartment building a big tree house? I get that it's updated and more glamorous, and maybe it's just too soon since the characters are still growing close, but there's a warmth missing and I feel like it's being sucked out by the sets.


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I very much agree with you! There's just something missing with the whole setup sadly. And like you've said, a certain warmth is missing


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YES. This is totally bothering me, too! Every time I see the size of Nodame's apartment I'm completely thrown out of the story. I should be focusing on what's happening, but instead I'm thinking about property values and prices per square foot.

Otherwise, I'm really enjoying the show. It has its problems, sure, but so did the anime (too much recycled animation) and J-drama (the cartoonish violence was an uncomfortable element in a live-action). But at the end of the day, I feel the same way about 'Nodame Cantabile' as I do Jane Austen novels: the more adaptations, the merrier.


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I agree. It's a little sterile.


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Umm because it's a K-drama. They can't resist shining it up. Its like complaining about piggy back rides or overly chaste kisses. It goes with the territory.

I love the original J drama too much to watch this. I like K-dramas but some themes are best left alone. Nodame is one of them. Nodame is a genuine oddball and it's really hard to see anyone, leave alone the Koreans, being able to get her right. In the J manga, anime, live action she makes perfect sense and is always relatable.

Re Chiaki he's probably the most translatable of all the characters across cultures so perhaps its a bit of an easy ride for the actor playing him.


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I think dramas can change. Just because something is common, doesn't mean it has to be like that for every drama.

Misaeng isn't shiny. It's Okay It's Love ditched the love triangle and had some very non-chaste kisses. School 2013 or Shut Up Flower Boy Band didn't have every character living in a mansion, some had grubby and bare rooms.

Even Naeil's Cantabile actually kept the gay character, which is a rarity in k-dramas. It's very much breaking the norm there AND challenging a taboo. There's no reason why they couldn't have had a normal school (they did in School 2013) rather than the palace they've got here. Or not such a fancy restaurant (Il-rac) or such a huge room for Nae-il whose gas gets cut off in the original because she doesn't have money to pay her bills.


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"Naeil’s Cantabile actually kept the gay character"

True! And to think "being gay/lesbian" is a taboo for the majority of Koreans. Heck, we don't even know who among our oppars are even gay. Even if they are, they are not being open about it and think it is a disease or being abnormal. So I am glad they kept Masumi's gay character and made it obvious.


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The young pianist's room in Secret Love Affair was enough grungy for sure. And plenty of regular viewers outside Korea complained about the dull colour palette of the show. I don't know about gay characters being absent-some of the historicals like Painter of the Wind or Sungkyunkwan Scandal bring a lot of depth to gay themes.

My point isn't exceptions or even criticism of the shiny. Or even if exceptions are the right direction to take. K-dramas have a particular aesthetic and tone. It's meant for a domestic audience which is sophisticated in its own way and is on board with the presentation. So I really don't get the fandom which is always complaining about the aesthetics or Korean mores. The Japanese would never be able to do melodrama K-style. A US soap cannot be a Mexican telenovela. And so on. We watch all of this for their sensibilities, not ours.

Sometimes the K-fandom is a bit strange to an on-off viewer. They seem to need K-dramas like crack and yet seem to want it constantly rearranged according to their own tastes.


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I hope that didn't sound rude alua because it isn't so intended.

Actually I silently agreed with most of your thoughts on Ep 2. Though I do think K-film and K-drama are two different beats appealing to different demographics with some crossover..


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I'm dropping this drama. And i'm honestly surprised to see praises for the acting.


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I also dropped this drama. I had high expection for Joo won, but meh, meh dissapointed me. I just realize he can't play comedic character. He's too stiff making SEK look awkward next to him. Make serious drama next time Joo won, I'll be watching.


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You voice my mind. People keep blaming SEK for overacting, but JW isn't even better with his role. It seems he can't act funny. He failed with 7th grade civil servant, catch me, now this time again.

Wonder what made his acting so-called versatile? Not to mention he hasn't done sageuk. Perhaps I should wait to see how his new movie will go.


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new movie with sully? Idk, after disappointed with NC, I dont think I want to watch Joo won ever again (at least this year) in any comedy drama or movie. Wasting time.


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totally agree with u andy. i'm dropping this drama as well. i cant stand nodame's character being potrayed as if she was a 5 years old....kind of wants to give her a slap...


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I didn't even finish ep 1. Idk, it's not about the acting but the flow of the story felt so choppy for me. Maybe I'll follow the recaps but not planning on picking this up again anytime soon.


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I am so proud of Joo Won.

Starting from the shallow, I think he is drop dead gorgeous in this drama. I would like the hair to be messier but otherwise he looks perfect. My drive is bursting with too many beautiful screen shots of Cha Yoo Jin. His tall and lanky body frame also cuts an awesome figure in tux and well-tailored shirts. Is it just me but I find his running graceful and agile even when he is plain running away from Naeil or dodging her.

I don't think I need say more on his acting in this role. He is doing an awesome job. More than replicating the character, he lends that subtle touch of sensitivity and deeper revelation of who Chiaki is other than a guy who cares more about music than people around him.

I was caught by surprise at his conducting in this episode. I thought I was just hopelessly in love with Cha Yoo Jin so it's good to read that javabeans liked it too. He is a natural at it. No stiffness, no histrionics, I love it! That bit in ep 2 was actually his imagination where he conducted in a more dramatic fashion. Kudos to Joo Won's hard work!


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Omg, a million times yes to the comments regarding Joo Won's hotness and lanky body. I start drooling whenever I see him in those white shirts...

This is my first time seeing his, er, body of work. I know he's the lead in Fashion King but since I doubt it'll be released here, I'll have to wait to somehow see it online. So far I'm intrigued by him!


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Thank you DB. Your reviews since Episode 1 is spot on!

What I love the most in this drama is the Joo Won's acting. He's so immersed in his character that I am falling for Yoo Jin and forgot about Joo Won for a while. Go Kyung Pyo is another adorable character in this drama. He has the best chemistry with everyone ^^.


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To be honest, I want to cry when reading all of these comments about SEK, haha. It's so sad. I dunno, but the one who make me laugh out loud in TC is SEK only, really. This is not an easy job, so I appreciate her. For me, she's getting better in ep.3.


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That exactly what I thought, she's getting better and better.


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"It helps that I find Joo-won surprisingly convincing in his conducting skills, and I don’t see the actor in the role; I just see this character, and the emotions I’m feeling are for Yoo-jin, not for Joo-won. "

Thank you, JB! ^^


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I love the drama as its own. I don't know with you guys but I'm enjoying both the lead actors! They are so cute together <3 Haha!


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I really loved this episode! For me, the whole point of the drama (Nodame Cantabile and Cantabile Tomorrow) was about the music. It was the music that brought the characters together, and learning more about music was what made me love the show. Really glad the brought the musical elements in! :D


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I dont like SEK acting..i think urealisticly childish..too fake!


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I'm willing to give Nae-il the benefit of the doubt since we're in the beginning of the S-Oke arc, so hopefully with more story we'll get some development and opportunities for her to really show her stuff.

This episode was a little boring (honestly don't care for anything involving school politics), but I think things will get interesting once the S-Oke and A-Oke competition heats up.

/comment sponsored by Subway


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Cha YooJin conducting....*dies*
and yes I agree with DB..seeing Joo Won conducting ,we see the character and not the actor.I guess its a testament of his craft as a hardworking actor.

Loving the drama enough to rewatch multiple times.


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Honestly, as someone who watched and loves the Manga/Anime, I prefer this version over the Japanese screen adaption. Sure the settings and music choices were by far better than in the Korean Version, but, I truely couldn't bear to watch it fully to the end. I don't know why ppl are non-stop praising that Nodame but personally, she pissed me off and turned me off with her annoying and retarted voice. Her overreacting didn't help either,...by all honesty, she acted worse than a child. I also felt no attractiveness for Chiaki, everyone constantly talks about.


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Omg, i thought i was an alien. I did finish the jdrama though, just it takes me 4 years to finish it. I only watch it when im bored. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. The hype about how great it, i still don't get it. And tamaki, i thought i was the only girl think he is average. Dont get offended, is just matter of preference. I think joo won is decent looking, but his acting ability is better. Again, personal opinion, dont get work out just because your bias is so and so.

this version, personally i think is lovely. Mainly because of yoo jin is warmer than chiaki, i hate cold-omg-im-so-complex guy, i mean everybody got problem. Im not forcing opinion that this version is better, is just loveable. I hate people forcing opinion on me.


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Coming into his show, I basically had zero expectations. Everyone was hyping this because of Shim Eun Kyung, but I haven't watched her in anything before, so I didn't really know what a great deal it was. I have only watched the anime recently (which I felt I had connected more when the story went Nodame-centric), and then tried to watch the J-dorama adaptation but couldn't even finish the 1st episode due to the excessive violence. As this was a Group 8 prod, I was only waiting for a train wreck of a drama.

That being said, I can say that I am enjoying his show for what it is. Joo-won's portrayal of Yoo jin is fantastic. At least his conducting is serviceable unlike the guy who was supposed to be going abroad in the 1st episode. That was just terrible conducting that I cringed. As for Nae-il, I agree that she is over the top. I keep seeing her as Geum Jan Di, pouts and all, and they even look the same! There is this feeling that the actress can do more but is just holding back due to some reason, resorting to overacting. I actually like her in quieter scenes. The supporting characters, I like watching them, except the dean. I find her boring that I skip the scenes she's in so I basically don't care about her love line with Stresemann. Teacher Do has also a lot of screen time that I feel is not needed, although I know that he is of use later. I want the show to focus more on the music and character development rather than the boring love stories of the adults. All in all, this could be worse but the show can still be better. It just has to focus on the things that we care about, and that is the story of Nae-il and Yoo-jin, and how they grow together in life through their common denominator: music.


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When the School CEO (don't know what to call the Lady who is boss over the Dean) said to have the 2 school orchestras perform so that she could choose the one to stay and the one to be disbanded, did anyone think, "Oh no, not another series with competition within the same organisation ala Doctor Stranger"?

There will be competing conductors, 2 concert masters, a maestro and a professor Do to bump heads against each other. I hope there will only be 1 competition and then let's have lots of nice performances for the love of music and for the school to be profitable.

And in the process, many chances for Nodame (the show is named after her, afterall!!!) to inspire us all and become a rounded character.

BTW, Joo Won is great! I only saw him in 7th Level Civil Servant, so this is really nice.


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Oh, you gotta see him in the more serious dramas...those are the ones he became famous from. :) i personally think he's better in melos but he's doing great here too.


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Thanks Viki, ... I am toying with the idea of catching Bridal Mask, or maybe I should go for the King of Baking??


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To be honest, when I first watched Nodame and I saw what kind of character Nodame is, within 10 minutes into the show, I shouted out, "OMG, I love this girl!" because Juri made her so charming, quirky, and just funny. Unfortunately, as much as I like SEK, I just don't like how she interpret the role...people were commenting in the video asking if she is 'retarded' (rude). She came off as "slow" instead of "weird/3D"...which is closer to what Nodame is supposed to be.

I can't help but see that this drama focuses more on Chiaki's role than on Nodame. It's like Joo Won is the main character while SEK is the supporting 2nd main. In the Japanese version, the center-focus is on Nodame instead of Chiaki. I mean, I like that it's not exactly the same but it's just...this show is call "Nae Il's Cantabile"...it should focus more on Nae Il. I really hope SEK tone it down a bit...I know all of the episodes aired are pre-recorded so it was before reviews came out. I think she will adjust her acting after the reviews. I also want her to not let those neg. comments affect her.

Anyway, I am really like Masumi in this version! I find him actually more charming than the J-version. The actor is good.

Liking Shiwon's character like I like Kiyora. I already ship her and Rak.


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Btw, Liar Game review coming up??? :D


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I think the problem with SEK is that she is rather tomboyish and the feminine charm that Ueno Juri had is missing from SEK's protrayal. I can see why Chiaki likes Nodame in the J version but I can't see why Nae il would be appealing to Yoo Jin. Perhaps, the chemistry is missing?


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Something is definitely missing since Episode 2. In Ep 1, I could imagine that Yoo Jin would slowly be drawn to her because when she plays the piano as she feels, her music is different and better than if according to the score. It evoked something of herself, it communicated and is supposed to inspire (I believe), so yes, that would be what could draw them together.

From the time she fell in love onwards, and inexplicably no longer touched the piano,.... I started cringing. If there are boundaries to what a man should not do against a woman's free will and privacy,... then, I started questioning, is there not the same respect that the girl should give to the guy who has openly and seriously said no to touching, leave me alone and go home, etc?

Is 'not listening' to the one you like, cute? Is doing exactly the opposite of what they want, quirky? Cute, quirky and over-the-top should still be teamed up with a little respect and listening to what the other person wants, rather than deciding it for them.


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This is like two different shows mushed together. One is a serious and thoughtful (if sometimes humorous) story about a young man learning how to be a grownup (through music). I really like this one.

The other is a slapstick comedy. I dislike this one. (Especially Nae-il's shrillness. She does not come across as cute and eager to me, but more stalkery and obnoxious.)

::grumbles:: When I'm Queen.....

My favorite part of this episode was the conducting trial, especially when Yoo Jin catches the instrument switch but doesn't catch that Stresseman's secret is that he makes them comfortable and happy, so they play from their hearts. It underlined Yoo Jin's narrative arc - he has to learn how to work with other people after a childhood clearly spent alone.

Stresseman thankfully seemed less creepery this episode (though his use of the word "baby" with Nae-il still made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.)


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I find Streseman creepier, because the episode established further that he's only got two women he's interested in: his past love and Naeil "baby" (hairs standing up on my neck too). If he was eyeing other females, I'd find it less creepy, but it's like he's got a zoom-eye on Naeil only. He did tell a female student at the end "fall for me", but it just felt flat. The unreformable womaniser isn't there – J-Strese would have been arm-in-arm with his female students at the noraebang (getting a little too close), here he hugs the male students instead.

My favourite part of the episode was that Ma Soo-Min was finally outed as gay, and both he and his friend declared that it doesn't matter who you love, that feelings are feelings all the same. That's a very positive message on a topic that Korea is very conservative (and usually completely silent) about.

Sadly, that was pretty much the only thing I enjoyed in this episode. (will be dropping the drama)


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My favourite part of the episode was that Ma Soo-Min was finally outed as gay, and both he and his friend declared that it doesn’t matter who you love

That was a sweet scene, wasn't it? :)

I find Streseman creepier, because the episode established further that he’s only got two women he’s interested in: his past love and Naeil “baby” (hairs standing up on my neck too)

Yeah...I was hoping that this episode would show that Stresseman was just showing a fatherly interest in Nae-il, but not so much. ::shudder:: (The actor playing Stresseman is only five years younger than my mother, and the actress playing Nae-il is a year younger than my oldest daughter, so Stresseman's creepering really makes me queasy. Gah, creepy old men.)


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A very sweet scene, and I was pleased that they stated the fact twice: Soo-min declaring it proudly to Yoo-jin and Nae-il, and later his friend reassuring him.

Streseman in this version is just off. Toning him down the way they did just doesn't work.


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Oops, to Il-rac and Nae-il of course. *coffee would help!*


I super love this episode actually!! My fav so far. I think SEK did tone down a bit in this episode. I love her so much, i'm quite upset when people condemn her. It takes time to adapt to nodame character, really, even in jdrama it tooks me 6 episodes to accept her, she is weird. Aren't all genius like that huh? Don't give up on SEK, she is an awesome actress T_T. Joo won is taking yoo jin role down to the t. Il rak is like the cutest thing ever alive, can i be yout bestie please?

i really think this show is good! Even without SEK, the story alone is nice. Really!!!


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Hmm. Coming up to the third episode I feel that Yoo Jin doesn't really resemble Chiaki at all. The arrogance, self-confidence, and overall no-nonsense attitude that were so central to Chiaki's character seems to be missing with Yoo Jin. He's rather mellow and altogether too nice. I found it jarring when he got mad, because his character up until now had seemed so meek. Whereas with Chiaki, you just knew from the beginning he was going to rain hell down on those poor souls. Also Chiaki was always portrayed as this person with talent pouring out of his pores, but Yoo Jin doesn't quite strike me as the musical genius he's supposed to be. Yoo Jin's not a bad character and Joo Won plays him well, but I do wish he resembled the original more. I wonder what impact this altered characterisation will make on the story's progression because a lot of Chiaki's character growth came about from consequences due to his hard demeanor.

With regards to the other characters, I still don't understand what the deal is with Stresseman. I just can't get a feel for his character and what he's supposed to be like. Is he meant to be funny? All he's doing is giving me the creeps.

Naeil is just....they need to actually let her touch the piano because I'm not getting the feeling that she's connected to music at all, and her music is supposed to be the reason why Yoo Jin is drawn to her in the first place. I hope things get better in the next episode.


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I think the problem with Shim EunKyung's Naeil is that she's not having fun. When she smiles, there isn't that sparkle in her eyes or when she exclaims, there isn't that small upward lilt indicating excitement.

Also, her Naeil has suddenly stopped playing around on the piano after "falling in love" with YooJin, making it seem like she's obsessed with him whereas the japanese Nodame was always tinkering with her piano, giving off the vibe that she loves music (she just hates being made to play it the "proper way") as much as she loves Chiaki.

I guess one can say that Nodame touched people's heart because of her sincere happiness. Her ability to unwittingly effuse happiness and wonder and sincere love and appreciation for music reminded people of their youth when everything was fresh and new and interesting. On the other hand, Naeil feels like a clingy brat going "orabong~ orabong~" running in circles around yoo jin with no real opinion or feelings of her own. And we all know that clingy people are not regarded kindly.


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Well said!

We know these are talented actors/actresses, so I think the person responsible for Shim Eun kyung's Nae il is the director.

If the director thought Nae il's clingy, childish behavior was not the direction he wanted the character to go he would re-shoot the scene with different direction.


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Su-min (Jang Se-hyun) was in Seonggyungwan Scandal? Of course he's not in Jeon Tae-su (forgot his character name)'s posse...then maybe he was the student in old-style specs who is always quoting off "Analects"???
Plus, I know that the group tagging along Joseon F4 have yummy bodies. *take a hint at the countryside outing episode*

Anyways, I LOVE that they retained the original gay character from "Nodame", and that they haven't interpreted it in the homoerotic way which is so annoying, insulting, & so stereotypical.

Plus, hands down for Si-won, who's so confident about being lesbian and being outright cool for liking Hyuna & Kim Yuna


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Yep. He's the student in the old-style specs! I loved him in SKKS and I'm so glad he's Masumin.


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For now, I am not really convinced with Nae Il as a character. She is too much into the absurdity and the overreaction that lead Nodame's actions and not enough in the sensible feel. When Nodame is listening to music, when she is playing music, she has a sort of aura that Ueno Juri was able to draw. Even if she mess around, Nodame's character is always truthful and serious with her emotions toward music. I wasn't satisfied with Nae Il's reaction after playing Mozart's duet with Yoo Jin.

Well, it's only the begining but I wish to see Nae Il more taken with and by music like Ueno Juri was because it was what made me be taken too.


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Joo Won is by far the best thing in this show. I totally buy his performance and care about Woo Jin's future as an orchestra conductor.
Not sure if I will be able to keep going, because the rest of the drama is not compelling at all. As others said before, Nae Il does not look as an eccentric artist, but as a child trapped in an adult body.


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Couldn't agree more. I'm dropping this one like a hot potato in spite of Joo Won. The Subway commercials did it for me...especially when Joo Won showed up with a box of them. What does KBS stand for...KOREA BROADCASTS SUBWAY??


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Not gonna commenting on SEK acting skill, no, enough already. She's probably spurting rice from her nose at the moment since so many people around the world are criticizing her tryout version of Nodame :D
Did I just read someone complaining about the soundtracks that are not fully classical? The manga version also includes pop songs on the soundtrack list, such as Konnani Chikaku by Crystal Kay and Tokyo et Paris by Miyamoto Emiri x Solita, although still, the songs are based on classical compositions.
And guys, don't you feel a bit creeped out that Yoo Jin's Mom looks only a few years older that her son? Is beauty treatment in South Korea really that good?


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Yes, I noticed it too. Just so weird to have mum of a 20 something man who looks barely 30 years old!!


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That actress (it is Bang Eun Hee, right?) was apparently born in 1967, which would have made her 20 in 1987, more than old enough to give birth. I think she's just well-moisturized.


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From what I googled it was someone else, "Lee Ah Hyun as Yang Sun Young (Yoo Jin’s mother)". Born in 1972, making her 15 years older.


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So Yoo-jin's mom is Kim Sam-soon's older sis/Jeong Do-jeon's wife Lady Choi???


In real life, actual ages, if Drama Wiki is accurate, Lee Ah Hyun is 45 years old while Joo Won is 23, so it is possible for a woman at 22 to be Yoo Jin's mum. She really looks well preserved at 45!


It seems that Bang Eun Hee is Nae Il's mother.


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Those pop songs were the opening and closing songs. Not the same thing...


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I don't know, but I am enjoying CT. ^^


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Good for yoona she avoided this flop of a remake


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If Yoona did the remake, the ratings will be reaaaaaaally low.


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Yoona's not even that good at acting; they only scout her just because she's Yoona and belong to SN8D.


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i like it that they are keeping the upbeat quirkiness of this drama as the “feel“ of the original is still there.

i guess for me, the reason i love nodame s because it has the happy-go-lucky feel to it. it does not care even if u fnd them weird (much like the femme protagonist). its as it is... no pressure... take it or leave.

i believe that it is its charm!!!

kudos to the staff and cast!

keep it up!! aja!


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