Open Thread #212


Speechwriters LLC – “Anodyne” [ Download ]

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Be the type of person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, "Aww shit... they're up"

Team Bring It - Boots to Asses.

Happy Friday Everyone.


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Present and accounted for....

Happy Friday everyone!


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A wonderful comment! Not sure about myself yet but as the saying goes, "try try and try again."


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^That comment made my day... Although, if it's a devil akin to the one from Bedazzled, we'd probably have a fun time :D
Happy Friday to you too variety show buddy


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Bedazzled! Oh Brendan Fraser, how I miss you so! Please come back with something awesome soon! If not, at least make it action packed and funny, something you're good at!

Hahaha. Good to see you up and about Alvina! Any new variety shows I should be aware of?


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ehh, not really I think. I've been too busy to explore more. Sticking to "staples" like Dream Team--everything KBSW, Running Man, WGM, Strong Heart...
The most exciting bit of news was that Tak Jae Hoon joined Win Win as host. I liked him on SSP, and the Wife is a Gangster series, so I have to watch his first episode and see how it goes!


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I like Tak Jae-hoon too! My hope is to see Kim Jae-dong soon on a show most likely to get subbed. That would be nice. I always found him funny.


Tak Jae Hoon is the guy from Night After Night with Yonghwa, Daesung & UEE, right?


And if I was a tree, I'd be a cut down tree,

If I was a bed, I'd be an unmade bed


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Ahjummabunny Love, *HUGS*

Hello. Happy Friday to you! I've read all your comments, just looking for you today.


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happy friday mjp!


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Brought. Happy Friday to us all!


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Happy Friday Ani. I'm leaving shoes prints on trouser bottoms!


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Happy Friday.

I just remembered. When I was teaching abroad in Central America, I had two lovely American students who would do a "Happy Friday Dance" in my class in the last period. When I left (and they graduated) they even made me a little flip-through-booklet with pictures of themselves doing the Happy Friday Dance.

Happy Friday memories (-:


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Alua - totally awesome. I have a happy Thursday dance. Thursday is my only dependable day off...I work weekends most weeks. The dance kinda looks like the dance that AN-Gell does in the supermarket...cept with more butt wiggle.


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I'll have to watch that AN-Gel scene again....

How did your audition go btw? (Or is it still coming up?)


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Alua - landed the audition. Had the first performance last night, which was a NIGHTMARE. It started raining and the wind was blowing it into the bandshell so all of the string players went to stand in the back. Rain + wooden instruments = disaster. (But RAINE plus cello is happy:D) Anyway, I ended up standing up and playing in the back and most of our audience left except for like 2 people. (It was an outdoor festival where people walked around South Beach and listened to different musicians.) That night was the epitome of 'the show must go on'. Definitely one of my more interesting playing experiences.


I don't have a dance...but there IS a dance named AFTER me :)

When the little boy next door was about 3, whenever I showed up he would wiggle and hop with excitement and say 'Joannie-woo, Joannie-woo!' and we all called that the Joannie-Woo Dance.

Sigh. He's 8 now, and way too cool to do the dance. Last year he would only do it on my birthday and this year he even refused that! But I do still get a wave goodbye out of the window every morning :)


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Now the question is...would YOU ever do the Joannie woo dance?


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Happy Friday!!! It's beautiful outside! :D

1. Flower Boy Ramen Shop. ‘Eun Bi’ certainly seems to be channeling her role from My Tutor Friend 2; all that sass mixed with vulnerability. It’s funny how just one drama “season” ago, I was overwhelmed by the amount of dramas to watch. This season, I’m only focusing on The Musical (Park Ki Woong! *hug*) and FBRS… I mean, I’m ~following~ others, but they’re either too melo or too historical for me to actually watch (or, like Thousand Kisses, I drop it).
2. In contrast, this season seems to be all about the American dramas for me. I have a habit of watching the first episode of anything, and there are a lot of stellar tv-shows out right now. Psych, Person of Interest (can you believe JESUS is on TV?!), Hart of Dixie (guilty pleasure), The Mentalist, Sons of Anarchy, American Horror Story, etc. Anyone else watching?
3. Was watching a Japanese drama and one of the school boys looked like Kim Hye Sung. I miss that cutie (esp since I see Jung Il Woo and Kim Bum everywhere these days)
4. Same Japanese drama… was kind of odd. The teacher started fantasizing about his middle school aged student. I felt like I picked up a pink series instead of a school drama…
5. Speaking of Japanese stuff, does anyone know why BL is said to be exclusively female? I saw Junjuo Romantica yesterday because of lots of recs, and I found it to be sweet albeit playing on the same clichés that every classic asian drama has.


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I love 'Eun Bi'. I think she looks much better now than she did in temptation of the wolves. Women really do look better as they grow older.


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Hi Alvina.

I rarely like horror movies or drama, but I may give AHS a look~see.

I tried to play catch up with PoI but it's not allowing me too. I need to see it from the beginning...

After BBJX (the bubble has landed...), my Kdrama list has gotten a wee bit short lately...Thankfully, I have TwDR and AoW to watch and they are amazingly good.

US watch list---

The Good Wife
Once Upon a Time
CSIs (Vegas and NY)
Criminal Mind
Cold Case
Prime Suspect (the men on her team are mess)
BBC America Luther


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I'm watching Grimm and Revenge right now as well.
What do you think that they're going to do on Revenge? I keep backing myself away from caring for the characters too much because I know that Daniel is going to die and someone is going to go down for it. But, the guy acting as Nolan really is amazing right now, and all the cast is doing a great job at selling their roles.


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I was wondering how they will continue Revenge after we get up to Daniel's death too. Amanda's hit list for this has eight ppl on it I think.?

It looks like Amanda plans on destroying all happiness for the ppl involved in her father's ruination. She's like the evil/good witch so someone will need to stop her madness.....


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I know! I was hoping that they'd announced it as a 2 season tv-show or something, but we know that American public channels dont play like that.
At worse, Revenge will wander into Soap Opera territory with people coming back and haunting her haha.


They may surprise us with for this part of Amanda's journey.

Who knows what the next leg of it will entail if continued....Amanda and her unwelcome sidekick could do alot of damage to ppl if hired, but she needs to finish up with her personal business.


LOVE Revenge! I've liked Emily DR since her days on Everwood. This character on Revenge has a spine of ice. I keep expecting her to give way to softer feelings and she just doesn't do it - I thought for sure she'd show more when BarBoy declared his love for her (on the dock) but sure enough, she didn't break.
The clothes on this show are stunning, the gowns for Emily in particular are unreal. :)


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I'm in love with Revenge! I love a morally ambiguous or even immoral heroine. Getting framed is one thing. Getting framed for a terrorist attack is another. I'm happy to see Amanda/Emily stick it to them.

And how do we know for sure that Daniel is going to die. We never got to really SEE his body and face closeup after he was shot in episode 1. Some people have been speculating it may be Tyler. It was dark after all. ;)


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Everytime I see Daniel I just can't erase the image that I saw him lying on the beach shot. I'm still hoping that they wouldn't leave him dead. I like him better than Jack. Jack just looks...meh.

I love Nolan. I'm a bit disappointed in the last episode where the kiss was cut. And the sex scene as well. Maybe they can show it on the day it will be exposed. LOL I just thought Revenge is brave enough to show scenes like that.

Re: Emily Thorne (the original one)
I hope she doesn't become a problem to Amanda. I mean, I think she knows what Amanda is doing. She should just help her.

And Lydia woke up. Gahh, I don't know. I hope she doesn't remember anything about the old photograph. All the other characters are interesting. But I should say that I really hate Tyler. Charlotte and Declan are unbearable. I just hate their story. How can they be so unimportant? But I guess we have to see more of them since they will be the one to find Daniel's body.


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I like Daniel more than Jack too. I just caught up with the "real" Emily showing up. Amanda has alot of ppl pulling and helping her it showed in that episode.

It was probably Daniel's Harvard friend who killed him out of jealousy, but I need to go back and see if he was physically in the room the night of the fateful party.

Yeah, Nolan is a character. He will take what he can get and keep on keeping on....Don't bs a bs-er Tyler. He will own you.


No NCIS love? HAHAHA. NCIS is a must for me, but mostly because I've seen that show since the beginning. Hell, I used to watch JAG so it's no real surprise. And yay for Once Upon a Time! That's one of my new favorites this season. But I also love the half-hour shows like The Big Bang Theory. Two and a Half Men got bumped off my list after I saw the first two new episodes of the season, but I might check in and give it one more shot. Psych is awesome - watching it makes me miss Monk. I have to catch up with New Girl and see if it's still any good. I feel as if that show lost it's funny after Damon Wayans, Jr.'s character Coach departed. Of course there's also the craziness from Ted and the gang in How I Met Your Mother. It's going to be Legen - wait for it! - Dary!


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haha. Oh NPH. I'm just waiting for them to solve the mystery soon. I cant take it anymore.

I love NCIS, but dont like the LA version. Gibbs is a hottie and will always be. The true original (?) silver fox.
Big Bang Theory is fun for me only because of Sheldon, Raj and Penny... I dont really care for the other characters, but dont hate them either because they're "humor devices" lol.


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Gibbs is one of those fellas that have aged beautifully, er, handsomely. I never got into NCIS: LA although I have seen at least 1 or 2 episodes.

NPH is awesome hands down - and this season with him and the rubber ducky tie is awesomely redonkulous, but I wouldn't mind seeing Ted's future wife soon too. Sheldon pretty much makes TBBT, but I have to say I love Leonard because he's the most "normal" out of the whole Nerd Gang. The craziness he puts up with when it comes to Sheldon is something worth getting a medal for. XD


I haven't watched any American shows save NCIS. I LOVE NCIS. Come ON its Gibbs. and Ziva. and DiNozzo. Always been a Michael Weatherly fan. (I stopped watching the LA version after 2 episodes...)

I plan on getting to Grimm, but time is so fleeting for people who want to invest it in good television.


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@Ani - NCIS is my must watch show(in fact I am watching a rerun as I write this), being a scientist myself Abby is my hero. I only wish my job was half as fun as hers looks (even though I know how its portrayed is not that realistic), it makes me semi-tempted to go into forensics. I love the original but the LA version isn't that bad I just don't like it as much as the original. I think Gibbs is one of those few older guys that I find is genuinely handsome and has aged well, he is definitely my favorite character on the show. I loved Monk, I was a bit sad that it ended. I also watch big bang theory but only when I remember when its on. I just started Once upon a time, love how its shot but still deciding if I like it or not. CSIs and Law and Order: SVU are also on my must watch shows, I just love shows where I have to put puzzle pieces together.

@ mskololia - Revenge has got to be one of my favorite new shows, unfortunately I missed this week's episode due to work I had to do but I am really curious to what happened and how things will pan out.

@Alvina - BBJX is pure love and probably one of the few asian dramas I have really gotten into recently. I am also watching the musical and a thousand kisses. But I really hate when the mothers get really hysterically protective of their son especially when I find it over the top so I am not sure how long I will stick with it. I really find the ex unnecessarily evil ( and I feel as though she actually looks older than Ji Young) and the Woo Bin's sister useless but I do love the two OTPs so I may continue to see how they pan out. I love Ki Woong's character in The musical, even though I know that Eun bi will probably end up with Jae Hee in the end, I like the dynamic she has with Ki Woong's character (whose name I can't remember for some reason), I am getting annoyed with Kang Hee though. Heart of Dixie and Gossip Girl are definitely my guilty pleasures for american tv, I mostly watch GG because I love the Blair and Chuck characters .

I really want to get into the current kdramas but all the good ones have been playing when I am up to my nose in work so I haven't really been following most but fully intend on marathoning many when I have a chill day. I have seen episode 1 of FBRS and I may continue only because I have adored Jung Il Woo especially after his scene stealing turn in 49 days.


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hapacalgirl - NCIS!!!!! Gibbs! I just used his 'Gibbs' slap' as a picture in my post. Its so epic.

And Abby does indeed have a cool job. I have a friend who is a forensic toxicologist. If only her lab were as cool as Abby's and she had such freedom...

Its nice to see our careers in dramaland. They seem so much cooler. If getting money and performing on big stages was like it was in Beethoven Virus, I would go in and marry JGS's character and we would have a lovely conductor/solo cellist partnership like Barenboim and Jacqueline du Pre (lets just not talk about how THAT ended).



I just caught up on Revenge today. Needless to say, there is a twist and the episode was good. :0


Mskolalia - did you watch episode 2 of OuaT? What did you think?

Alvina - the first episode of AHS is pretty kinky. Don't let that dissuade you. Following episodes have been scary rather than kinky, and getting better every week. It's already been renewed for season 2.


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JoAnn------Yes, and I loved the tree cutting scene....LOL Our girl is crazy good.

Rumple has some control over miss evil witch. I think she has lost her memories too.... Hmph. Sheesh, what a sacrifice after what she did to her poor dad. I want to know how Snow ruined her life.


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Hi guys! Does anyone have the subs for Bu Bu Jing Xin and would care to share? It seems everyone is pretty adamant about not releasing the softsubs for this show. I've already downloaded all the episodes but I couldn't find any subs... :(


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it's not subbed on Viki?


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Your list is almost exactly like mine except replace L&O with NCIS

I love Revenge and I don't think any k-drama will come between me and Revenge. It surprises me with each episode. @Cynthia I also love Emily's clothes they are so nice. I wished that was my wardrobe.

If there is a season 2 they would probably focus on a whole set of new characters in a different place. That's the genius of having the ambiguous title 'Revenge' instead of something more specific like 'Emily's Revenge,' etc.


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Do I dare to add NCIS? I've never watched it, but it looks like loads of fun everytime I see it advertised.

Amanda/Emily's wardrobe in Revenge is killing me. I want every outfit and gown. I also love how they style her hair.

I do hope you are right about the next series being in a different locale with our posse of "The Big Pay Back"-ers rounding up all suspects and doing them in...yeah.

They have the means to fight for the defenseless and marginalized in society....


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You should add it. I actually started watching season 4 but I caught up through USA marathon reruns. I like the team chemistry, it's great!


Ever notice the similarity between Revenge and City Hunter?

Each "bad" character gets taken down, step by step. Not killed, but totally destroyed.

I love how absolutely methodically the revenge is enacted - I loved it when LMH was doing it, and I'm cheering away for Emily's character to succeed.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Heh.


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Cynthia, you are right about the comparison. I doubt LMH will reprise his role in City Hunter though. :(
I, on the other hand, would not mind another fabu actor picking up that role like they do with Bond movies.


Never miss list:

Grimm, Once Upon a Time, American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Justified

Tend to watch when it's all over and I can see the season all at once:

Sons of Anarchy, Parenthood, Castle, Bones, House, Dexter, True Blood, Supernatural, Haven, Fringe, Sanctuary, Army Wives


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You're me Unni - I'm totally in love with all of those shows! I haven't seen Grimm yet! Still working on Sang-doo. Have I mentioned I keep rewinding Rain scenes....


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me watching on demand or dvd:
sanctary, burn notice
me watching kdramas:
happy together, bad guy, all in, tree with deep roots.
did anyone give happy together a try? me loving it and sorry me only have 3 episodes left.


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Burn Notice! I noticed that "Mike" or Jeff Donovan is going to be in a new movie (J.Edgar) with Leo di Caprio as Robert F. Kennedy. I am excited to see him because I really like the Burn Notice and think he has pretty amazing acting chops.
And... Happy Together as in the one with SSH and LBH? I didnt really care for that drama even though I love family type dramas. It was like... the older version of Stormy Lovers lol


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did you see him with a cha seung won hair style last season? stormy lovers!!!! that's a bit harsh. I don't think Jeff Donovan is that great of an actor, but I've only seen him in burn notice.


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hehe, dont get me wrong. Stormy Lovers had great actors and all the makings of a good drama but fell flat for ~some reason~. IMO, same thing with Happy Together. I enjoyed the first couple of episodes with the introductory characters but hated all of the crazy drama (and SSH's character was all fickle about his ideals).
and Cha Seung Won hair?! What? where?

I think I first saw Jeff Donovan in Touching Evil? It was funny because he kept showing up in shows that I was watching (CSI, Monk, etc)...


I must ditto Alvina...I first saw Jeff Donavan in Touching Evil, which was unfortunately canceled, only to have him crop up seemingly everywhere. He's one of the few actors-on-a-show whose name I made a point to learn after watching only a few eps. Usually I don't care about ppl's real names until after the 1st season.

....which probably explains why I have such trouble remembering k-drama actors names! This makes so much sense now.

hihi, Jumma! *hugs!*


ahjummabunny - I watched them film a bit of Burn Notice once and then my friend had them filming on her front lawn! It's so cool that they ACTUALLY film in Miami unlike CSI MIami...come on people!


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Psych is of course AWESOME! I really like Hart of Dixie too, not sure why since not much really goes on, but I still tune in every Monday! Secret Circle's pretty good too, even though it may aim for the late teens audience.


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I know~! I think this season is shaping up to be one of the best yet. I realize that Shawn is vastly different from how he was before and Gus is getting to be less of a "straight man" in the comedy duo, but I still like the witty dialogues and pop culture references the show makes.

And Hart of Dixie, there's no way in heck I could ever believe that R.Bilson is a real doctor or, rather, someone as accomplished as her character is supposed to be. It usually takes several years to reach that type of position and her character seems soo...young and relatively unimpressive? But, I still like her personality on the show. Kind of reminds me of Doc Hollywood and Wilson Bethel as Wade reminds me of Michael Biehn from Terminator (mixed with Josh Lucas from Sweet Home Alabama) lol. :D

The Secret Circle?! I LOVED The Night World series and Vampire diaries as a kid (and was kind of outraged that Twilight got so much fame in comparison) but I dont really like the tv series... maybe I was hoping for something like Charmed?


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Alvina, I agree abt Secret Circle, Night World, etc., from L.J. Smith. I hit on Vampire Diaries first and power read through them like nobody's business. Like 2 of the books in a day and a half, which included walking back to the library on the 1st day. I haven't been much of a fan of the tv version of VD, much as I tried, and haven't even bothered with Secret Circle. Ironically, I really, really like a lot of the fanfic coming out of the VD-tv fandom. lol


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hello prindley!!!! how is your nanowhatsit challenge going? I can't seem to get on the site. it says my password is wrong and when I send the reset link it keeps saying it expired. and I'm really old school- pen and paper when it comes to writing.


Jumma, my NaNo has been, um, turned sideways so to speak. I'm going to finish on a series of essays I started ages ago and have them done by the end of November instead. The word count will be lower (I hope!) but there will perforce be a lot more research.

Y'know, you might be having trouble logging into the site b/c they switched servers in a biiiiiig way. It totally weirded me out when I logged in one night and it was like "Hey, thanks for coming back. Re-tell us all about yourself" which I had already done a week or two earlier. But I, too, am a big fan of pen and paper. I wrote good chunks of my novel and the larger series on steno pads. They're all bound together with rubber bands and in semi-storage.


Zoe and Wade fighting! Yeah, Zoe is all about her amazing surgical skills....I wonder if the atty is not a better fit but he told his momma that he loves Lemon so Wade it is. Anyways, she is telling him alot about herself...subconsciously or knowingly? :)


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Hai Alvina (>o<) happy friday!

Agreeing with you about a "season" ago, I practically went crazy, buying every K-drama that recommended by Dramabeans and Koala :) confused which of which I should watch first and end up with black eyes because lack of sleep.

Now, the one that make me going with full anticipation, is only Flower Boy Ramyun only *Jung Il Woo and his maximum full charm of smile, swoooooon* and the one that just released, You are my Pet with JGS and KHN, since yeah, I love Kimi Wa Petto with all my love :D

But, thanks for that too, it makes me going back to some old drama like Long Vacation or Friends. Remembering again, how gorgeous and lovely Kimutaku and WonBin is, hehe. My next drama to watch list is (going back to) Love Generation, My Girlfriend is Gumiho, and maybe Kimi Wa Petto again.

And oh yeah, the reason why BL is women only, hmm... How to explain this?
Usually BL is written to satisfy women fantasy. If you look carefully, often, BL are about cute fluffy man (and pruttty) who is Beta and not jerk. With a forbidden love theme (which we love so much), good looking man, and (sometimes) full of angst and jealousy :) usually men didn't like that kind of story.


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I like your explanation! I think so too. I just found it a bit curious because when I look at online reviews (to look for a new manga or anime to read/watch) it seems like the viewers for anything romantic in general are largely female. But, I would think that something like BL would appeal to gay manga readers too. So, I thought it was funny that there's a distinction between "gay lit" and "chick lit".

But, it's probably the forbidden love angle mixed in with the pretty boy stereotypes, like you said. :P

And yea! I need to start hunting for some Japanese dramas now that my k drama schedule is free!!!!
or... not... My eyes are just starting to look more rested haha


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In the manga territory though you do have a distinction between 'shounen ai' and 'shoujo ai', both being BL but the first is meant for males. I think there are other categories too.

Not sure how things are classified exactly. 'Seven Days' is listed as 'shounen ai' (on mangareader), as is 'Hana no mizoshiro' but they are very sweet.


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American Horror Story is too scary! I admit to being a big chicken. Once Upon a Time has my attention. I haven’t seen Grimm yet, but I want to check it out.

The Big Bang Theory and House are my standby shows, though I think this is the last season for House.

With Rescue Me ending, Mad Men on hiatus until sometime in 2012, and 30 Rock not coming back until January, there is very little that I'm interested in watching. That's how I ended up getting hooked on kdramas. It filled the television void perfectly.


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Kiki, I'm liking Once Upon a Time and what I've gotten to see of Grimm is good, too. Different but in a similar vein, y'know?


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I'm picking up Heart of Dixie because it looks fun.

American Horror Story looks really, really scary...too scary for me. :)


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Meant :::::Hart:::: of Dixie


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omg I love FBRS and I recommended it to all my friends. And OMG, one of my friend's saw it and she told me she stopped watching it because she thought Jung Il Woo was ugly. I could not believe her. He's freaking HOTTILICIOUS.


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Hello everyone.

I've been watching sandglass which has me quite curious about modern korean history. While I was reading up on it, I just realized how powerful the voice of youth can be. The entire direction of a nation changed because of a bunch of university students.

btw, I think I've found my new addiction. Ramyun. Especially if JIL is selling it. And ofcourse let's not even talk about how much I've been loving my veggies recently. Yup. You won't be able to pry me away from a stick of celery with a crowbar! (lost? read the post on the veggie store casting)

Happy friday everyone!


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Good morning!
How far did you get? Who have you met?

It is cool how the students work themselves into the history of most revolutions.

When my daughter's high school performed Les Miserables last February, someone posted the newpaper photo of the student barricade in Cairo, Egypt in the choir room. It really brought what they were depicting into focus for these teenagers. "That is us," she told me.

I guess I can appreciate the strength of belief that young people can make a difference and should fight to change things. When my 16 year old is protesting the unfairness that only she has to clean the bathrooms when "Everyone uses them!" I am not so pleased. :)
My friend calls his children's complaints "first world problems."


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I finished ep 8. I couldn't sleep at night thinking of what happened in that ep and the previous. It's filmed in such a REAL way, with no special effects, that its somehow even more horrific. When you have to imagine what things the heroine is going through, you can only imagine the worst.

That director is a genius.

I think children all around the world deal with issues like these (i.e issues with chores and studies) irrespective of how thier environment is.
I remember almost 2 decades ago, in my home town, there was a riot. There was bloodshed everywhere, no one could walk out side without being danger either from the rioters or from the police who would just cart you away without asking questions. What me and my friends were thinking was whether our exams would get postponed.

When I watched the episode where the young brother of Tae-soo's friend is holding a gun, gaurding the provincial buliding, and his friend is talking about upcoming math test, I felt so... i don't know... like this world is really F'd up.


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btw -
Shiku - who hasn't started yet - and I are going to be discussing Sandglass on FB message if you want to join. I am Jomo Wdln there.

Everyone else, too, if you want to discuss this show are invited!

I ordered the DVDs and will be rewatching from there so I can rewind and replay to my hearts content. (Also skip some of the more gruesome stuff I have already experinced.)

What do you think of the young Chun, huh? He hasn't aged much.


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I don't have a FB message account. Let me see if I can get one then I'll join you guys.

And OMG Chun! I didn't think anyone could look sexy in 80's wear but he does. So DOES! And you know, he's so different in his character in comparison to Chun. So much softer. Yet he makes it work. I don't see Chun in him at all. and vice versa. I think that what makes him so good an actor. Ok. I'm gushing. So i'll stop.

Have you decided whether you'll be recapping this?


Yes, by gum, by golly I am going to recap it.

The DVDs are literaly coming on a slow boat from YesAsia. Maybe they will arrive today!


Wait a minute... I've clearly missed something... there's going to be a Sandglass watching party, and Jomo is recapping?

As I've learned more and more about Korean history, I've found it more and more fascinating... I've occasionally searched (in a rather desultory fashion, admittedly) for Sandglass online, and haven't been able to find it. Yeah, I'm an internet idiot, but does anyone know where (outside the US) to find this drama online?


Of course you are invited.

I ran into the same issue when I watched i. The problem is all the good Sandglass discussion has disappeared into the ether, and it is heartbreaking.

As far as where to discuss, we can always move it to soompi.


I think soompi is a good place to discuss it. I think we'll find a larger reader base there.


Oooh! Oooh! I want in too!! I started Sandglass oh-so-long-ago, but had to stop at Episode 4 due to needing to deal with some life issues. In the meantime, other dramas popped up and I forgot about it... until you guys started discussing recapping! I'll look for you guys over on soompi as soon as I dig out my ::gasp:: VCR tapes. Kamsahamnida!


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oups I meant Sethe!! (I'm so embarrassed, sorry...)


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Hey, no prob. Thanks for the recommendation, anyway :)


Jomo, when you posted "How far did you get?", I actually thought you were asking aoiaheen her progress on her celery stick! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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OMFG!!!! YY!!! ROFL!

Let's see... I've got the oil in a small vat thanks to jomo (http://tinyurl.com/6znkpw3)

I've got the celery stick in multiple poses thanks to all those in the pent house suite that cherkell booked for all of us. (Have you noticed that celery just recently got rock hard? Must be the fertilizer.)

Now I just need to put them together.


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YY, you are not the only person who thought that :D


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haha, were you the one on another post talking about all the plant titles we've been getting lately? I remember reading that and laughing...but it's so true!
I'm actually more interested in Jung Il Woo's friends right now; someone described the book's storyline to me and I hope the drama stays close to that plotline


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no, that was lucka. But I share her confusion completely.

JIL's friends? they have stories too? those hots guys? yippeee.... can't wait!


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After you are done with Sandglass, you should check out Eyes of Dawn which is being subbed by Written in the Heavens....they were both done by the same writer-director pair and count as two of the best korean dramas of all time..I remember that Thundie had started an Eyes of Dawn fourm but I dont know if it still exists anymore


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Thanks! I'll check it out. I couldn't find in on viki, mysoju or dramafever. Do you know where I can find it?


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You may have to download the video and subs separately....here: http://withs2.com/view/eyes-of-dawn


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Happy Friday, everyone!

Ramyun Shop... finally, a drama to break my viewing slumber! :D

I still haven't recovered from a now week-old cough, but hoping for a recovery this long weekend - Monday's a national non-working holiday here. Up with the vitamins and meds - I feel like a walking pharmacy already.

It's raining outside. *sigh* bed weather.

I hope y'all enjoy your weekend!


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Hello there. izzie smile!
Could it be sinus or allergies? Feel better!

I like it, too. Have only seen ep 1, so I am squinting at these comments to make sure I don't read spoilers!


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Hi there, Jomo! :)

Thank you. :) I'm suspecting (too) that it's either a sinus problem or allergy. Anyway, the doc prescribed me anti-histamine and I feel a bit better. Plus a friend of mine gave me sachets of ginger tea mix, so I'm hoping for the best results. :)

I'm avoiding the Ramyun spoilers too! I'll be downloading the eps tonight, so... *crosses fingers* Who wants a spoiled Ramyun, right?

Happy Friday to you. *hugs* :)


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Isn't ginger tea raising up the body's temperature? When I was a kid I read somewhere that it could be used to fake fever, lol. :) Hope you'll get better soon! And yeah, you could have a chronic allergy, your doctor probably knows better.


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An acute episode of allergy or a cold on the basis of a chronic rhinitis (I have that, it's awful, I hate it).


Thank you, Plume! :)

The lit on the sachet says it's good for cough, cold and sore throat. But yeah, it's kind'a hot. It's mean, actually - I tried it and it's like scraping my throat or something.

Ginger tea (we call is "salabat") is actually drank by local singers to "condition" their throat prior to a performance.

Oh yeah, I hate it. It's been giving me several nights of no peaceful sleep. I've lost weight.


"Oh yeah, I hate it."

I mean the cough, not the ginger tea. :)


My stomach muscles are sore from coughing...look at it like an abs workout, lol. Certainly not a pleasant one, though. I feel your pain.....hope you're better soon.


IzZie :) *HUGS*

I didn't realize you were sick! I hope you feel better.


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Thanks MJP! :)


I hope you feel better soon iZzie.
I'm loving Ramyun Shop, though the opening scene almost turned me off. Good thing I kept watching and I'm loving it.


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Thank you, zgznoona! :)

I hope the downloading gets faster coz I'm really excited to see it. Can't wait.


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Ohhh, Izzie Smile! *hugs* Feel better soon. It's amazing how exhausting a persistent cough/cold can be. And I know for me even my favorite cold remedies get old fast.


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Thanks, CMR! :) *HUGS*

You can say that again. I even tried the vicks on soles thing. It didn't worked the first time but it seemed to work last night. :P


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SO, my college buddy's "cure" for a cold: Hot peppermint tea with peppermint schnapps. I picked him up once for a biology lab and he had that in a thermos. Everytime he took the lid off of the thermos, it about knocked me over it was so strong.

So, we're in the lab, looking at pond water critters, which we are supposed to be drawing, but the little beggers are too fast. One of the other guys says, "Hey, Ron, pour a little of that "tea" you're drinking on them....that'll slow 'em down."

Couldn't tell you the exact ratio, but I suspect it was more schnapps than tea. I also don't remember if it cured him, but he certainly didn't care for a bit. I don't drink so I've never tried it, but there you are...



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earl grey, whiskey, and lemon


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If it doesn't cure, at least you'll be feeling good!


alcohol is essential for soothing cold/cough symptoms.


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*eyes the soju sitting on my table*



Hi guys,

I really like Tree With Deep Roots. It's the first Period drama that I've enjoyed/watched more than one episode of.
Song Joongki totally blew everything out of the water; I never expected something like that from the same actor of Sungkyunkwan Scandal.
But JangHyuk is definitely the most.... awe-inspiring actor here. Like I said, this is my first saeguk, so though I had heard of JangHyuk's acting in Chuno, I never experienced it.....
Omg. His acting is so touching, so real. I feel like he's right in front of me. The scene when he's explaining why he doesn't/can't sleep completely amazed me.

On another note, I absolutely love Lee Chung-Ah. Flower Boy Ramen Shop isn't my cup of tea, but I'll keep watching because I want to see the second lead's appearance.

Finally, I find the Musical to be similar to Heartstrings in its attractiveness despite the slow plots.


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Can I just say that I agree with you on all points? All the actors in TwDP are acting brilliantly, and I believe them in their roles and, most importantly, cannot imagine anyone else acting in those roles.
Jang Hyuk, for such a eccentric guy in real life, really is a brilliant actor with a lot of depth. I'm usually not a saeguk fan, but I'll watch one once in awhile, and this HAD the IT factor.

FBRS is pretty cute right now. I'm constantly yelling at Lee Chung-Ah's character to be more...badass-y like she showed glimpses of, but we're stuck in her "ooh, a guy" stage right now. But, I like her ideals about love since I too have ideals that are similar (old fashioned?).

And, yes, The Musical! I actually like it better than I liked Heartstrings; something about the way they structure the drama surrounding the drama makes it fascinating.


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The one thing I dislike about saeguk's are their high vocabulary- I can't watch them without subs, like I can the other trendy rom-com's, so I have to wait for the subbed releases.
I completely agree with the "cannot imagine anyone else acting in those roles."
I didn't mention, but I really like the actor of Sung Sam-Moon; he fits it well.

Yeah, I like her badass side, I cannot wait for it to kick in.

I think Daniel Choi in episode 9 was only meh, but he usually makes me so happy.


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Jang Hyuk was fantastic in Chuno. That's my only exposure to him, but I thought his acting was believable, and he was sexy as hell. What more could one want? :)


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TGIF everyone! :)

YEs and yes! I love Tree with roots too! awsome so far! All the twist so far and the suspense. gosh! I can't wait for the next episode!

Ramyun shop is pretty good so far! yay! But have to wait for subtitle. :( Oh well, so far it's pretty good.

Musical started off well...but now i'm just like, dang it girl, be confident in yourself and get the infor first person, not second. LOL


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I admit. I wasn't impressed with Ramyun except for the eye candy. I had to struggle to watch the first episode. I'm hoping its just a slow start for me. I liked bits and pieces. (Like that sparkly smile and the wink and her bad-assery moments.) But some of it was so predictable I tuned out and missed like 5 minutes.


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I am loving tree with deep roots. I just saw the first two episodes and I'm soooo happy. I have to say that the flimsiest things are used to connect people in dramas. a song you sang as a child, a pair of shoes, a few words you used to say.


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Happy Open Thread People!!!
Hope you have an awesome Weekend filled with lots of wonderful dramas!!!


Oh and is anyone else going to the United Cube Concert in London? I got tickets!! So so so excited!!!

Love xxx


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Happy OT and Happy Weekend, Leaf! Enjoy the United Cube Concert. I'm nowhere near, but it sounds interesting. When is it? Who's playing? Is it at a place called "Cube" or is that the name of something/someone else? Do share, if you don't mind :)


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Cube Entertainment are holding it!

So that means Beast, G.Na and 4minute are gonna be there.

It will be awesome :D


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My daughter AKA Miss Crankypants (PMS week) is very jealous of your tickets. Enjoy the show!!!


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Ha! Don't worry I'm sure she'll get some tickets someday too!!

Afterall I spend years being jelous of every other concert!!


Good morning, all!
It's been one, wild week of no Kdrama or electricity here in New England. The snowstorm hit, everything went dark and people got real testy. Especially those denied Kdrama...

So the power comes back on yesterday, internet is restored and all the toilets flush. Life is good!



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It is strange, but we all take the conveniences of toilets for granted, and yeah, thank goodness you can flush now. :)


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Right? I'm a pretty low-maintainence type of gal, but even I have my line in the sand. And toilet flushing is one of 'em!


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Wow.... no electricity for a WHOLE WEEK?

All I can say is well done for surviving. ^claps^


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Thanks - this is the 2nd time in two months. Hurricane Irene blasted through the state and we were in the dark for 11 days. At least then, it was warm. This time it was winter temps - good thing we have a fireplace. There's still people not getting back service until Monday - around 300,000+ of them.


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Heard about the power outage on the news (in AZ). Hope they can fix things so there are no more sustained outages. Really feel sorry for people with no heating.


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And us exiled Arizonans feel sorry for Arizonans with no AC in the summer, lol.

I'm from Tempe, all of my grandparents were born in AZ, so we've been there a long time. I'm the only defector.

I'm glad most of you have electricity back on there in NE, it's kind scary to have no electricity when the weather is so extreme.


Omg. Hope everything is fine there.


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It's when you realize the importance of even the littlest comfort you have.

I'm glad things are better now.

I wish you a happy weekend. :)


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Hurray Cynthia! That is major! I agree, the line in the sand absolutely should begin with flushing toilets that actually flush.

We've had vaguely similar issues...our gas went out right before the storm hit, so a freak snow storm raging while public works is trying to fix it is so not bueno.


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I"ve never had toilets that needed electricity to flush. Water, yes. We have a generator for the well for that reason; you can't flush a toilet without water, and we don't get water out of our 600+ ft well without power.


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I thank God for small miracles as the toilets flushed over here even though we had no electricity.


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I just finished watching Mixed Up Investigative Agency and really loved it. If you are in a drama slump, like me, I highly recommend it. It is so well-plotted and all the characters, however minor are great. The story is not your standard boy-meets-girl rom com, even though a boy does meet a girl in it. Instead it focuses on a treasure hunt. It's a real hoot, very funny and heart warming. The main cast is really adorable together.

I also watched White Christmas by the same writer and it was also great, but much darker. Now I'm looking forward to Wild/Violent Romance that she's working on, though not very excited about Lee Dong-wook being in it. Something about him bugs me, I think it's his cow-like stare, though the man can do a great shower scene. I thought they offered the role to Lee Min-ki. How awesome it would be for him to come back to dramaland and do a good rom com now that's he's grown up a bit.

So, for now, I'm looking forward to Bachelor's Vegetable Store, What's Up, and Wild/Violent Romance.


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I've had MUIA downloaded for quite a while but kept pushing it back in favor of other shows. I'd heard it was good but now I think it'll be the next one I watch, after I finish Dal Ja's Spring. Thanks for the rec!

So yeah, I've been watching Dal Ja's Spring this past week. Only 3 episodes left, but I'm stuck. I can see that the angst is about to erupt Mt. Vesuvius-style and I'm not ready to trade their sweet little vacation for the break-up I'm afraid is coming.

On another note: does anyone know where to watch the MTV EMA awards either online or on a satellite channel in the U.S.? I can't seem to find anything other than it'll be broadcast "worldwide" at 9pm GMT. I NEED to know, cause Big Bang is there!!!!!!!!!!


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What a coincidence! I watched Dal-ja's Spring this week. Have to admit I wasn't too committed to the characters, but I enjoyed it.
I guess my problem at the moment is that I'm going through a breakup and I need something that really makes me laugh.


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I'm currently watching Dal'Ja's spring too. Luv luv luv Lee Min ki. I even like his music. I think I'd date him :P.


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Sorry to hear about your breakup. Mixed Up Investigative Agency made me lough out loud more than any other k-drama. It's really zany. It may be just what you need.


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Thanks, I'll look for it


zgznoona - My Girlfriend is a Gumiho is CUUUUTE and happy! Watch again!

I just downloaded MUIA and plan to start it soon!


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Thanks, I love that drama. The hoi hoi couple is just too cute.


Been up to my ears in work, hope to catch up with dramaland soon!

I'm keeping up with A thousand kisses though. I have no idea how I'm going to last the next 20+ episodes left.

Have an awesome weekend, people. :)


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Woot!! Another ATK watcher! (I think we might be the only two.)
I'm really watching for Kim So Eun - she's so adorable.
What I can't understand is why in the heck is everyone so crazed over the thought that cousins are marrying sisters? What is the big deal?! I really don't get it. Any ideas?


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Me dear I am following or rather I was...until ep 15. However skipping scenes though because I really can't take the crying and slapping.

Family register dear. Long long detailed answer from dramaok over at soompi. Good for my Korean lesson on family relationships however it gave me a headache reading it.

I know family relationships are important in Korea but I don't know how much is that is real in real life Korea vs dramaland Korea you know.


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Thanks - I'll take a look at the Soompi info. I really like ATK, but man - there's a LOT of water tossing, (fruit juice, too!), screaming, slapping, wrist grabbing and getting hauled around by car. Also, there's heavy traffic down at the Han for all sorts of proclamations.
I don't know if I'm watching it for the angst or the funny. The scenes with Kim So Eun and her older hubby really are funny (at least for now, until she finds out her MIL is really her mommy **sigh**), and I like the interplay between So Eun's character and her cranky FIL. And little sis really needs some of that water-tossing slapfest directed at her pissiness. I'd love to smack that sulk off her face.
How they're ever going to keep this going for 50 episodes with be an eye-opener.


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LOL...I am watching ATK the exact same way...i.e by skipping scenes...it is NOT a good drama by any means, but I love the Kim So Eun-Ryu Jin couple to bits and usually watch only their scenes and anything relevant to them....this is the kind of weekend drama I try to stay far far away from but because of them I plodding through all the screaming, slapping, food throwing (4 times so far?) and hand grabbing... there are at least 3 characters here (sadly all female) tied for the most annoying kdrama character of this season...sigh...the things I do for my drama crushes


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I'm watching A Thousand Kisses too. I'm on episode 17. Don't know what the issue about cousins marrying sisters is, but I've seen this type of issue in another k-drama (don't remember which).

I'm curious about the reason behind this too.


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I just finished episode 17 of A Thousand Kisses. Did you see this article? http://www.hancinema.net/a-thousand-kisses-gets-a-warning-34946.html

Looks like the show got a warning from the Korean FCC about their topic.

One thing I've learned, lying about things (the grandmother and her estranged daughter-in-law agreeing to lie/deceive the daughters/granddaughters) is not the right answer.


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This (comment/above) was in response to Lydia Lim


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Thanks for the link. I wonder what product they're yammering about? Other than shoes and those "couple T's" - the yellow ones with the teeth - what else is noticable? This Korean board reminds me of the old Catholic Censor panel back in the 70's. They'd pick apart movies, decide what they didn't like and print up a big list that was posted every Sunday at the church. Silly. Those would be the first movies we'd sneak in to see!


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"unethical scenes and stories, such as trying to accept an abandoned woman as a daughter-in-law, or another daughter being in a relationship with a nephew"

Oh my. This upsets me.

I watch that drama by skipping scenes too (though unlike most here, I prefer the older woman/soccer CEO couple) and I find it terrible how they treat Woo Joo Young (Seo Young Hee) as a divorced woman. And that warning seems to be about just that - that it's not okay with the Korean FCC that 'abandoned' (???) women find love again?

Which daughter is in a relationship with a nephew? (The relationships can be confusing too, since not all the birth secrets have revealed yet, but as far as I can tell no one that is in love is blood related, and that's good enough for me.)

I'm starting to think I shouldn't be upset at the drama (which I have been), because it seems they are actually raising issues that are taboo.


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This puzzles me, too. The men are cousins, the girls are sisters - where do they come up with the nephew business?
The whole abandoned woman thing is so Victorian, I am astounded. Do Koreans really think like that? Are divorced women "abandoned," and therefore to be shunned? I understand that she might not be the parents' first choice, but everyone's hysterical reactions confuse me. There are so many worse things that could happen in life. There appears to be a blanket rule that is always true and to deviate from this rule is tatamount to a death sentence. Obviously, JY should have just turned a blind eye to her husband and put up with his infidelity - in which case, the divorce is all her fault. I'm all for old-fashioned values, usually, but this is a little too harsh for me.

And I cannot for the life of me figure out what the product placement issue is, unless it is the cars. I haven't noticed the car insignia grayed out, like I guess you are supposed to. I love it when they put stickers over the Apple logo on a computer - yes, that really fools me, LOL.


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I am another watching Thousand Kisses and enjoying the main chracters but being driven wild by the insanity that surrounds them (and mostly fastforwarding through it) - I thought the bizarre female antics were presumably mostly a symptom of having to stretch to 50 episodes BUT now I see this official warning has been given.

Besides the psychosis of WB's mother and his ex-girlfriend or JY's ex-mother-in-law - why would a man's sister spend all that time running about cosying up to his ex-girlfriend and having secret conversations with his ex-girlfriend, current girlfriend and mother at all, let alone when she knows he has said butt out? Why doesn't she get a life?

On the warning issues - I really cannot understand why (a) taking up with a divoced woman is a "crime" against society in the first place and, secondly, if there is indeed an issue - how come JY's dastardly first husband is not cited for having affairs or actually just living with another woman and lastly living with a divorcee himself?

ALSO - why is Flower Boy Ramyun. eg, allowed to have characters run about advocating free love and not getting notices slapped all over it?

The, I don't understand the horror of having sisters dating cousins? They aren't blood relatives and there is no likelihood of birth defects in children or anything like that and clearly it doesn't seem to be illegal so - no big deal???

Can GF or JB or maybe samsooki who have untangled the cultural thinking over other issues pse have a go at explaining this to us non-Koreans (to me, coming from a vastly different context, both issues seem absurd)?



Been up to my ears in work, hope to catch up with dramaland soon!

Yes. *nods fervently* I know exactly what you mean. Happy weekend Lydia Lim!


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Waaahhh! I am loving Flower Boy Ramyun Shop.

I just wonder how it feels to have Jung Il Woo as a boyfriend.

He may not be cuddly because of his obviously gazelle-esque features but I think he's huggable because of his fun personality.

I also wonder how he would perform in bed. OOps... Kids sorry!


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With a name like Eun Bi, you might actually find out. After all it's on cable, right? :)


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Heh... well you keep wondering about JIW and I'll take Kim Bum... :D


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I'll take Lee Min Ho, then. :)


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And I'll take LMHot!


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Lol... Lee Minho truely could get any girl he wanted...


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Oh, when it comes to these three Flower Boys, "choosy" is a trait that goes out of the window.


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not me. he's still in boy territory for me and not mature boy, more like eat all the food in your fridge if you give him a key kind of boy.


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I'd give him a key, then. He might just regret taking it.


He could eat all the food in my fridge anytime :) (Is that a sexual innuendo? You be the judge...)


The power of suggestion... the key, the food, and the fridge is giving me the thought of a Little Red Riding Hood/Hansel & Gretel kind of situation that involves Lee Min Ho and "someone" (ehem) as the Big, Bad Gumiho Noona/Not Well-Meaning Witch.

You just fed a troll fangirl.


Um, in response to your earlier posting, he'd never regret taking my key ;)


Oh he will, if he has engagements the morning after. :D


I think you just flattered me, izzie -- thanks! :)


Lee Minho can (theoretically) also get any guy he wants as evidenced by his sheer...sexual magnetism in PT lol.


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I am SO not bringing up the text message he got from [name of Korean actor who is more popular in Japan than in Korea - deleted].


^Lol. Like I said... LMH's probably the true "Demon of Attraction" and could give Kim Jae Wook a run for his money haha.


what magnetism are you talking about from keu ai! If anyone had magnetism it was the older actor. I'd go all coffee prince for him. speaking of coffee prince, I didn't like it.


Lee Min-ho, if not able to GET anyone, will be able to win anyone. Come on Noonas! PMY, let's give her a run for her money!


Izzie - heehee that text....omg.

ahjummabunny - you are one of the only who didn't like CP. Why not? J/C.


I don't mind other noonas not liking LMH. In fact, I'm thankful. (Selfish that way, yes.)


ahjummabunny -- you didn't like Coffee Prince? FINALLY someone expresses what I think (but didn't dare say)!!!


@ raine and sethe
I think it failed where all the dramas like it do: They always time the secret reveal poorly. then there's all the stupid agonizing ( you know when you're yelling at the screen just tell him already!) The story just goes in circles and then they decide to forgive each other and date and you miss all the charm that the secret brought.


Well... *thinks of a good retort* I DIDN'T LIKE CITY HALL OR MY NAME IS KIM SAM SOON.
wait, was that too much?

AND WHAT TEXT MESSAGE ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT? I googled it but came up with nothing...


Also not LMH or Kim Sam Soon fan. The message is to LMH from Jang Geun-seok asking if he wanted to hang out, and then, realizing that this might be misconstrued as a come-on, JGS texted that he liked girls.


You have got everyone all excited now :-)


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The power of suggestion... never take it lightly.


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I've got the hots for Lee Sang Woo at the moment. I thought he was perfect in Life is beautiful and he just reinforces it now for ATDP.

Gah. His voice, his height, his muscles, his smile, his everything. What a package :-)

I might have to go back to Don't Hesitate just to see more of him as a leading man. He was topless there right?


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I don't know, I haven't seen it. But I'd like to find out. ;) (Oh, you're a bad influence, ck1Oz!)


Have you seen Lee Sang Woo is "Life is Beautiful"?
I loved him in 9 ends 2 outs but he made me fall in love with him in LiB with his...manly actions and his mature emotions.


Man yeah boy in LIB. I was being taught segging on LIB. Spent hours listening to him and Song Chang Ui.

I always fall for guys with good voices and I never got tired of those two. Oh yeah...what was the drama about again :-)


speaking of LiB.

Last year, my friends and I came across a drama shoot at the Namdeamun/Seoul area. We've been trying to identify this actor but haven't, 100%. My friend insists that he's from Life is Beautiful. Is he? And who is he?


He's not the main cast. Looked through hancinema and dramawiki for you. He's not there. I have no clue who he is.


Thanks, ck1Oz! :) Now I know that I'm right - he's not in LiB.

But I'm really curious as to who this actor is. This was during the first week of March last year. I should've asked for an autograph. LOL.


@Izzie..That looks like the actor who was the doctor following Yi Kyung around in 49 Days..... http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Kang_Sung_Min


@danna. We've considered that too, but weren't really sure.

However, since you brought it up, I googled Kang Sung Min's dramas. He had "Daring Women" which started to air first week of March 2010. The photo was taken March 7, 2010. (check).

And I remember seeing the SBS logo on the crew vans. Daring Women is by SBS. (check.)

And then when I searched for photos of him from Daring Women, I found this photo of him from 49 Days instead.

Now I'm some 95% sure. Thanks for your help. :)

I hope someone who has watched Daring Women would confirm this.

I should've really asked for an autograph. :)


lol...I'm pretty sure it's him though...I actually went back and checked DB's 49 days screencaps to make sure as well.....however, I dont remember seeing him in Life is Beautiful....and I dont see the drama listed in his credits in dramawiki either...where did you guys see him?


that's definitely the guy from 49 days, daring women. your photo is actually probably a behind the scenes look from a scene of his in daring woman. he is kang sung min and he does look similar to chang ui ssi.


@danna: The place is near one of the entrances to Namdaemun market, just a few steps from across Seoul Square Mall. (The streets of Seoul have no name.) We were on our way to Seoul Station when we saw the set.

@ahjummabunny: I had doubts before coz his eyes looked bigger (rounder) in 49 Days. But it's a bit funny how his hairstyle stayed the same from March 2010 to May 2011. :)

Noonas, Thank You for your help. Now I can properly tag his name among my SK photo collection. :D Kang Sung Min... (how I hoped it was Gong Yoo, but that would be asking for too much.) :P


Damn it, why can't I see what's so hot about JIW??? :(( I like LMH, I like KB, but I have yet to see a whole drama with JIW to decide if I find him attractive or not. I just don't seem to like his face (because of his close-set eyes probably...). Sigh.


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I'm in a similar predicament. I like Jung Il-woo's acting, especially the sassy Scheduler, but just don't find him particularly attractive. I feel the same way about Lee Min-ho too - I can see how others find him good looking, but just not my cup of tea.


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I think he is very pretty but nomu nomu skinny.


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Y'know, now that you guys mention it...I don't find JIW very attractive either. He's...cute, but he doesn't ping, if that makes any sense. I also enjoy his acting but his attractiveness is like my bff's adorable little brother attractiveness: I know it's there, but it doesn't mean anything real. And I guess it's a ditto reaction for LMH, whom I'm already out about not finding attractive. At all.

Thanks guys!


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With you 100% - I enjoy him, but I don't 'feel' him. His cuteness comes from his cheekiness but it's kind of a one-note thing for me. (Although yes, there was more depth to the Scheduler.)

I like him, I'll watch whatever he's in at this point...but he's not a hearthrob for me.

(That would be Rain wayyyyyyyyy up high on a pedestal, and JiSung, Go Soo and Oh Ji Ho holding a solid middle ground. Kim Hyun Joong brings up a very close rear, but mostly for how he acts in real life.)


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Kim Hyun Joong seems like such a sweetheart in real life, that it's hard for me to take him seriously in some of the SS501 stuff where he's all, y'know, not-a-sweetheart :o


Exactly. I want to pinch his cheeks - not, you know, pinch his CHEEKS.


Well I don't see how any of them are hot but I have to admit JIW was charming as the schedular. Maybe I prefer guys who are older than me in their 30s/40s? Or maybe I find them too perfectly pretty? Or maybe am jealous as they are prettier than me?

Anyway I prefer manly men (CMS, LSJ, KNG, YKS) to pretty boys.


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Shiku - I agree. I get why JIW is charming but since I'm not dating him, its okay that he's prettier than me. He's quite adorable in FBRS and pretty much the only reason I enjoyed it save for EBs tough moments.


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Happy Friday fellow 'Beaners!

I am happy to be alive and kicking after a very interesting week where we had the Nor'ester snow, barn-crashing delivery-boys, transformers blowing up (so loud that you thought the world was ending), trees falling down, power out for days! (just got mine yesterday, having no heat is no joke I have never ever worn so many layers of clothes and slept with so many blankets), having little food especially since all the supermarkets, fast food places, hotels and gas stations had no electricity for 2-4days (it was like a ghost town).

@Jomo I haven't forgotten, I will start Sandglass and facebook you.


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Gosh! glad that things all worked out and everything's back to normal.


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Glad that you're safe. :)

Hoping for better conditions for you and your neighbors this weekend and the coming weeks!


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Hey, Shiku! Must've been one hell of a storm, since the states in the Northeast shouldn't be unfamiliar with storms and storm preparation, right? (I say that as kind of a dig at NYC, where I lived for a while, and where any prospect of more than a few inches of snow would throw the whole city into a panic, send everyone out to the local stores to stock up on bread and milk, as if they'd be snowed in for days, and close local schools for days...)

Granted, I grew up in the sparsely populated Northern-central Plains, where blizzards are frequent and inhabitants are few, so the problems are quite different... but blizzards never disrupted our lives in the way they seem to on the East Coast. (And God help me if I don't sound like a Republican/conservative asshole... we helped ourselves/managed for ourselves, so why the hell can't you?) Ugh... what to do with these thoughts? :)


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No, you're right.
For those of us born and bred in the New England way (think of that painting of the farmer and his wife, "American Gothic"), weather is just another thing to endure. So, most of us are prepared to weather the storms, shovel out and get back to our routines.
It's just these times when Mommy Nature decides to kick our collective lazy asses by laying waste to the entire state for days on end where things get dicey. We're all spoiled, and not many of us live like the Unibomber in the woods in a cabin. A Survivalist, I'm not. I admit it - I NEED my toilet to flush (especially when coming down with a wicked case of the flu the day the snowstorm hit).
I'm a needy, cheap date. I admit it....


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Well most people didn't prepare as much as we (or rather I) should as we thought it would be no big deal especially going through the weather disasters we have experienced this year ( a couple of my friends were joking that the only disaster left to hit us is a volcano eruption and a tsunami). The main issue was power outages. Especially here in the Northeast, power makes the world go round as you cook with it, heat the house, pump water, internet, traffic lights, work, gas stations need it, etc.

So falling branches that bring down power lines which results in transformers overheating and exploding combined with freezing temperatures makes for very trying conditions in populated areas. Not to mention that a number of roads were closed because there was a high risk of electrocution due to downed power lines. Schools (including private boarding ones) in the area had no power, businesses didn't have power, buses weren't running. So unless you had a properly ventilated generator (several people have died due to CO poisoning), gas stove, fireplace (miraculously dried firewood and unobstructed chimney), supply of dry food, a full-tank of gas, no trees in your yard or where you park your car, then your life is disrupted.

I come from the school of thought where 'It takes a village to raise a child' and 'You are your brother's keeper' so to me helping is not overrated. So just because you were able to help your self in a difficult circumstance doesn't mean that everybody can. This is similar to saying 'Oh I overcame cancer by myself so can you.' So if you don't it's like you didn't try hard enough.

Didn't mean to rant but certain things bug me.


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I believe in being prepared to help ourselves so that we are in a position to help others. We live here in earthquake country....fortunately big ones are few and far between, I've been here 16 years and only experienced little ones.

But, I have enough food in my pantry for at least a month, we try and keep our medications at least 2 weeks ahead etc. and have a 3 day emergency supply backpack in case we have to evacuate our house.


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I totally agree with you, and I'm sorry if I came across as insensitive... been watching too much Fox News (in an effort to "balance" my news exposure, rather than just going to sources that say what I already think) and it's clearly bringing out the most callous parts of me :)


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Or perhaps my overpowering, over-the-top, out-of-control love for a certain Republican presidential candidate (yes, it's even past the point of obsession now... I'm about to replace the picture of CSW on my iPhone with him, and I spend the whole day searching for news stories about him) has influenced me to adopt a certain "conservative" worldview... what to do? :)


That reminds me. I read a really good article about your honey on the CNN site last week. I was gonna bookmark it for you. It was about Mitt and how his faith has influenced him.

As a fellow Mormon, I was interested in how it would be portrayed and I thought it was very fairly written (which, sad to say is too often not the case with issues involving Mormons).


Hey, Shel -- thanks!

I just read the article you're talking about, and I thought it was pretty good. It didn't seem to me that there was any negative bias toward Mormons (although, as a non-religious person, I may not be as sensitive to these things as others), and overall, it cast my love in a pretty positive light ;)

The thing with my honey is, as one commentator put it, he's clearly conning one side or the other, and nobody knows which it is... which is a risky gamble for all (he's saying the right words to Tea Party types, but at the same time, it's easy for independents to believe that, as another hero of mine put it, "his flip could flop to their side")... I think it's just fascinating that it's impossible to tell what, if any, core beliefs he has... he'd be a huge risk as President, but still a bajillion times better than any of the other Republican "candidates," cause he's neither stupid nor crazy.


To sum it up (if anyone cares), my beloved is trying to run a general election campaign in the middle of a Republican primary, and, as someone who wants to promise the electorate what they want, he's in a tough position... the Republican primary types want one thing, but taking that position might be poison to him in the general election... so what can he do?


I think I like him because he's not extremely "right". I'm really a middle of the road moderate. And I've "flopped" my opinion about a lot of things during my lifetime, so I can't really fault him there. But, I'm still undecided.

My problem is the usual one; anyone who actually WANTS to be president is suspect in my book. I haven't been behind ANY Republican candidate 100% since probably Reagan. It's really tough to be a fiscally conservative, socially pretty conservative, environmentally pretty liberal voter.

I think that back in the old days, people tried harder to come up with livable compromises to right/left issues. Now many people are so polarized one way or the other that they won't even talk, much less try to compromise. And those of us in the middle (which I believe to be the majority) just get hit by all the mud-slinging. It very distressing to me, because it's hard to believe that it will ever be better again. It seems like an unstoppable downward spiral.

And I won't even start on the Mormon/journalist thing, lol. That's another whole soapbox.


Yeah, some of my favorite political analysts talk about how Congress people used to eviscerate each other on the floor, then go out for dinner together in a totally civil way... and that's how deals were made.

Nowadays, there's nothing but vitriol and hatred, starting from probably Bill Clinton... Republicans just won't acknowledge a Democrat as a legitimate leader, and Democrats are too spineless to fight back with the same dirty tactics, and people get disgusted with "politicians" and want to elect outsiders who can "make a difference," and that's how we end up with Tea Party morons like Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle (not to mention Sarah Palin and Herman Cain)... I guess I get that anti-intellectualism is a virtue in Tea Party circles, but why can't they find someone who can at least articulate their values, or, well, anything clearly? They think people will want to vote for someone because they're ignorant and inarticulate? (No joke... I think that's exactly what some people do want.)


My sister in law was a huge Sarah Palin fan, while I was never crazy about her. I made an off hand comment about how a woman in the white house would be cool, but not Hillary and not Sarah. I thought she was gonna bite my head off. She was a big George Jr fan (I always thought he came off as a dork) and I learned not to say anything about him either.

My husband and his brothers and my stepson, can sit around discussing politics...which range from my WAAAAAY right wing, retired SS bro in law (Head of Security on Reagans ranch), to my just way-out-there Libertarian Bro in laws, back to pretty far left with the Stepson..... and discuss for HOURS and never get personal or even shout. They sort of argue, but never heated arguments, and in the end they usually agree to disagree....or come up with a solution that sort of makes everyone mostly happy. They really need to go give Congress lessons. Most of us women don't take part because we can't do it without the arguing part, lol. But, we call it "the guys are busy solving the problems of the world" and they'll be at it at reunions and family functions until the wee hours.


Yeah, a while ago, I made the mistake of expressing my admiration for Tom Daschle to my family (this was when he led the Senate), and my conservative, right-wing grandfather, who had been going to help me with med school tuition, abruptly decided to cut me off. Most of my dad's family shares those beliefs (which are the polar opposite of mine), but since then, we've pretty much agreed to disagree, and can even joke about our differences, but things have never been the same between my grandpa and me since that time.


BTW -- best thing ever! Romney recently visited Ohio, and tried to avoid expressing an opinion on a bill they're about to vote on, having to do with union rights, by saying he wasn't that familiar with the issues, and the media laughed their asses off at the idea that Mitt Romney wouldn't know all the details of a pertinent issue in a state important to his election.

How much do I love that it's a joke about a presidential candidate that he wouldn't know the details about some issue, in our current anti-intellectual climate?


Shiku! So glad you've survived the crazy Wintumn Nor'Easter. (Wintumn is what me and a friend dubbed the winter-in-autumn weather.) We also lost heat but it wasn't quite storm related, so I shared your boat for a day and a half and it was quite miserable. We have power though, but still no gas for the stove.

*HUGS* So glad you're back on the grid and safe.


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refreshing like crazy on dramafever to see if ep 2 of flower boy ramyun shop was out

and seeing as i had nothing better to watch marathoned through my favourite bits of brilliant legacy, Best Love and CYHMH....still love them even though its a rewatch

Still need to have my dose of kdramas despite being a week before exams.... gah I see late nights ahead TT


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I'm refreshing for both FBRS and TwDR!


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I am waiting for that too!

I'm looking forward to the (still rather distant day) when I'll be fluent enough in Korean to watch things without subtitles. (And I promise I'll join the subbers then make everyone's waiting shorter.)


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Alua - are you fluent yet? More subbers are always appreciated! If I had time I would learn Korean too. But I'm working on Japanese right now!


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Not even remotely fluent. I just started some six weeks ago (both with Korean and Japanese cos I couldn't decide :-)).

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll win a spot in the free Korean classes lottery of the Korean Cultural Centre in London - they offer 2 hours of class a week for free year round, and they'll have a new intake of students in January I think.

I should be able to translate within a year or two - I'm a pretty happy language learner & do translation at uni, so I am confident.

How good is your Japanese?


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Pretty shoddy right now since I had to stop studying for a while for various reasons. I can not get lost and order food...


I'm watching Thank You and um, well, thank you. Why is Gong Hyo Jin the cutest ever always? I think for her next role she needs to play the evil villain that gets away with murder only to take over the world and everyone in it.... or something like that but not at all.


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have you seen snowman? many of the reviews for that show are anti gong hyo jin. Her character in that show can easily be unlikeable.


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I'm watching "Thank You" right now, too. Beautiful drama and story, but the way the characters (um, including DOCTORS) keep mixing up HIV and AIDS like they're the same is getting to me. I caught myself yelling at the screen last night: "WRONG! Didn't anyone watch The Real World: San Francisco?!" And that's not the general screaming that takes place when a random character makes an ignorant comment about AIDS.

Ahem, rant over.

The way they set the drama on an island gorgeously dovetails with the driving idea of how ignorance and prejudice can turn us insular and vice versa. Very well done. And I want the kid. NOW!


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Is that a kdrama? First time I hear about it...


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Thank You was a darling of a drama. Glad to see ppl bring it up. :)


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I have been feeling depressed for some time now but I could not cray and four days ago I started to watch "the princess man" and this drama mede me fell much better because I could cry when I watched the drama. I am now on ep 16 and I just wanted to now if the drama going to have sad or a happy end.


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Sorry to hear you've been blue. I've not watched this drama, but I've heard it doesn't have a tragic end. I would next switch to a comedy. If you haven't watched them, I highly recommend: Greatest Love, Protect the Boss, Secret Garden (Oska alone will turn your day around) and anything with Kim Sun Ah.

Feel better soon!


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err are you recommending THOSE dramas to oori zgznoona! I think you must be new.


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bunny, I think those recommendations were for Dodo not me


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By the way, bunny do you have any idea of how warm and fuzzy I felt when I read 'oori zgznoona'? It was like that magical moment of sudden realization that one is part of the family


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Thanks for your concern telenovelera. and I have watched the greatest love and secret garden but I have not watched protect the boss. Is this drama that good and by the way I love Kim Sun Ah and I have watched many of her dramas.


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PTB is great at the beginning, but some time towards the end it kind of loses its north. But it's none the less satisfying.
Take care, and I hope you feel better soon.


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I'm glad you managed to get the cry out. I hope you're feeling better!


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actually I do specially after talking with everyone her on Dramabeans. Thanks a lot for all how wrote back for me.


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Dodo *HUGS*

I can so empathize with you. Especially when I was in my 20's.

We are here for you in some small way if you need to talk.

I agree with Telenovelera, watch some comedies. It will help. Laughter is the best medicine. REALLY!!!


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Thanks for your concern and I`m just curious who did you know I am 20 year old. I'm feeling because I had forgotten to sign up for a test that I had studied very well to and now I have to do it before Christmas when I will have many other thing to do. This law is mostly I hate the university, do not know why it is so in Sweden. Is it like this everywhere?


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Honestly, I think that being in the age bracket of 20 through 27 was a very difficult age for me. I had to all of the sudden go from being a teenager, to becoming a responsible adult with what seemed to me, no warning.

I had no preparation for how the world works, emotionally speaking. Once we leave the structure of high school and our families, it's a different world out there and our emotions need to adjust.

There are different pressures we must deal with, major changes in our lifestyles and often many changes in our places of residence. Then to top it all off, when something doesn't go according to the "PLAN", our emotions, already stressed out from the other changes, just can't handle everything. It's totally normal. It's a tough period of life.

And yes, it is like this everywhere. You are definitely not alone.

In your spare time, if you have any time left over from studying, I would suggest you might want to watch the Japanese Drama Nodame Cantabile. There is a drama with 11 episodes and two specials. Then there are two movies which continue to follow the characters of the drama further in there lives.

The reason I suggest this to you is two-fold.
1. It's hilarious. (My favorite is episode 4 with the heated table/blanket.)
2. Nodame seems to go through some of the difficulties you are going through.

I hope this helps, if just having someone to talk to about what is happening in your life.


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Thanks MJP for your words, they really helped me a lot.
"when something doesn’t go according to the “PLAN”, our emotions, already stressed out from the other changes, just can’t handle everything." That is exactly who I feel right now, wow you really understand people. Could I ask how old are you?.

And I watched the Japanese Drama Nodame Cantabile one year ago on one day after watching Beethoven virus and I really loved it.

Actually whenever I have time I will watch a korean drama and sometimes Japanese so thats is difficult to find a good drama I have not watched yet.



I am 44 years old. And I am glad that I was able to be of some use. Because I had similar experiences when I was your age, we are able to relate in this way. I have to say that I never want to go through that kind of emotional turbulence again!

But there is always going to be something going on... That's life. And I sure am glad that I get to share some of it with YOU!


I glad you have been able to let it out.
Like the others I'll recommend you some comedy. I usually think that silliest the better. So I tend to look for sitcoms, variety shows, and really silly movies.
Usually 1N2D, Strong Heart, or High Kick 1 or 3 (not too fan of the 2) do the trick for me.
Oh last night I watch Sunny (some wonderful person posted the whole movie with subs in youtube), and it made me laugh and left me with a nice feeling


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Actually crying helped me a lot because it feels like I do not have problems any more. I have not watched any of the programs you motioned but maybe I would start with reading the recaps of 1N2D her in dramabeans.

It would be nice if I could se the movie sunny( I heard a lot about it) could you please give me the link to the movie.


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I'm glad to hear your feeling better.
I also started reading the recaps for 1N2D, our JB and GF made it so funny I had to watch it, you can find the episodes here:


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Did you watch the Sunny with Kang So Ra or the one with Su Ae?
We've been trying to find the high school funny one with eng subs forever with no luck. Can you offer a link? Went to YouTube and still can't find it.


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This is the link for the movie Sunny (the one from this year). Cynthia, I didn't know there was an older movie with the same name.


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Thanks zgznoona for the link of the movie and the program 1N2D. :)


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Thank you SO SO SO much! You have no idea how difficult this was to find with Eng. subs! You've made my Saturday!


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Hi everyone! Happy OT!


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Hi too Plume, Happy Friday! :)


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Happy OT and Happy Weekend to you, Plume!


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Happy Friday all!

I've been trolling dramabeans for the longest time and I love reading everyone's opinions on OT.

I have a question. I'm trying to balance out my drama obsession with reading.
Does anyone have any good book suggestions? I don't care what genre. Would love to read something written by a non-American author. Thanks all.


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Haruki Murakami's amazing. You should start out with 'Kafka on the Shore' and then move on to 'Sleeping Willow, Blind Woman."

He doesn't really fit into any genre, in my opinion. His stories are like dreams; completely inconceivable, but totally convincing.


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I like Murakami too, but after each novel I need to take some time off until I miss his style and start reading a novel of his again. He's writing like no other.


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Thanks. I vaguely remember someone mentioning Kafka on the Shore, but I never picked it up. I'm adding this on my list. I'll let you know what I think when i'm done reading. :)


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Murakami is fab. But not for everyone.

I read 'The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles' in two days (I even continued reading in the car although that makes me nauseous).

I read 'Norwegian Wood' in one night, finishing at some ungodly hour after having read through all night.

'1Q84' is waiting for me, but I'm putting it off till the winter holidays as per previous experience I think I won't be able to stop reading. But with a 500 page book that's a little problematic in the middle of the semester.


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Try Dangermousie's site. She always talks about what she's reading.



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I've a dangermousie troll too. I've read her summaries of the books she's reading, none have grabbed my interest of yet but thanks for the suggestion.

Btw, I love your site as well.


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Have you read "The Elegance of the hedgehog?" I forget the author's name but I read it a few years ago and it blew me away. Very good. By a French author, takes place in Paris.


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No I haven't, but the title sounds great. ::adds to list::

Thanks for the suggestion.


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I really like short stories by A. S. Byatt and Isabelle Allende. I also recommend Jennifer Johnston. I get uneasy about modern literature because I start to think that it's really very commercial with the only intent to be adapted to film. Of course that disease carries over to music sometimes.


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Yep you're so right. Each time I hear about a new movie I just happen to see the adapted book at the same time at the bookstore. And I never buy it. 'Cause I can see the movie anyway, right? :)


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I'm similar, except I don't but the book because having the movie out kinda take the joy out of the book. Not sure if that makes any sense but it's like the movie influences my imagination so it's not as original.

Jennifer Johnston is a scottish writer, right?


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I think she's irish. I don't really mind film adaptations of books, I just feel like the art or the purpose of novels is too different.


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I just read a description on amazon and this is most definitely going on my list. Awesomesauce. :)


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Ooooh! I love these type of questions (maybe because I work with books). Here are some unforgettable ones (which you may have read by now):

Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
Beauty of Humanity Movement by Camilla Gibb
White Teeth by Zadie Smith
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz (he is American, but this is just too good to pass up)


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I LOVE (love love love) Chamamanda Adichie! I've read all her stories. If I could have her accent... sigh.

I've also heard and seen (I used to work at a bookstore) The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao but for some odd reason never picked it up. Adding them all to my list!

Thank you much.


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I second the vote for White Teeth. Zadie Smith is an awesome writer and has great comic sense as well. I love most of her stuff.


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I'm not sure if you're asking about "literature" or just "fiction," but I'm curious what other people think of "post-modern" and "contemporary" literature. I have strong opinions (as I have about many things :)), but I'll keep them to myself (you're welcome ;)) until/unless others respond.


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Honestly i'm open to both. Do you have any favorite literary works to recommend?

I do feel that that literature is bound by higher standards than modern fiction. I like learning new things so please share your opinions. :)


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My top three:
Age of Iron by J.M. Coetzee (South Africa)
Remembering Babylon by David Malouf (Australia)
The Bone People by Keri Hulme (New Zealand)

Plus many more:
Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar (Argentina). Or his short stories ('Blow-Up and Other Stories' is a good collection)
Short stories by Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina), e.g. 'The Garden of Forking Paths' collection.
Blindness by José Saramago (Portugal)
The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa (Portugal)
Memory for Forgetfulness by Mahmoud Darwish (Palestine) - a memoir, but only read if you can handle stream-of-consciousness.
The Assault by Harry Mulisch (The Netherlands)
Broken April by Ismail Kadare (Albania)
poetry by Cilla McQueen (New Zealand)
poetry by Seamus Heany (Ireland)
poetry by Rabindranath Tagore (India)

I could go on endlessly.


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Alua - I love you for this list. I've been meaning to get to the library. I'm reading some Greg Macguire now for n easy read and a bio on Anthony Rapp. I need some real literature now!


If you want more recommendations, let me know. I used to teach on an international programme (International Baccalaureate) and the syllabus has a special world literature section (a few hundred books?) which is a great starting point for finding very interesting books from around the world.


I tend to prefer more classical literature, maybe because it's time tested and I don't have to wonder if it's any good. i tend to be shy about reading more modern literature or fiction works because I don't want to waste my time. I'm probably missing out on a lot. I do like to read modern literature when it deals with and/or originates in other cultures. I LOVE LOVE LOVE world literature. My hunger to learn about other societies outweighs my fear of reading bad books.

I think I also prefer the writing style of classic literature. much more subtle, especially when dealing with sensitive themes. Modern stuff comes off sounding like a Skinemax film.

The exception... Chick Lit. My guilty pleasures. I'm not near so choosy.


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I *like*. Postmodern and modern literature. Cortázar. Beckett. Borges. Calvino. Coetzee. Auster. Woolf. But I'll happily confess to being a literature snob.


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I guess the only point I'd make is that I find that so much of postmodern/contemporary literature is so self-conscious... the authors seem so aware that they're writing for an audience, and that can make it cross the line into pretentiousness... that's always sort of bugged me.


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I do know what you mean and I think some of it is. Pynchon I might throw into that category and he's probably the sort of writer that people immediately think of as postmodern. But Coetzee, for example, I don't think fits into that 'self-conscious' category at all, he's so sensitive as a writer and it's a sensitivity that exposes human nature, but not in a self-conscious way at all (even when characters liked 'Señor C., an ageing South African writer in Australia' start appearing).


Yes, Pynchon was exactly who I was thinking of. Never read Coetzee... sounds like I should.


I don't like Pynchon myself.

Do give Coetzee a try. I read "Foe" in a postmodern lit class (it's a sort of retelling of Robinson Crusoe). But my absolute favourite is "Age of Iron" (an epistolary novel about a cancer-stricken old woman who takes in a homeless man in South Africa during the Apartheid). "Disgrace" is sort of Coetzee's most renown work - but he has written quite a bit, also non-fiction and semi-autobiographical stuff.

If you are a bit open to the experimental, you could try something like Italo Calvino (e.g. "If on a Winter's Night a Traveler") or Paul Auster ("The New York Trilogy" - a postmodern detective story), which I both really like but they are not everyone's cup of tea. They are not obnoxious or unreadable like Pynchon, but they are metafictional, authors insert themselves into the text, etc.

Christoph Ransmayr's "The Last World" is another option - I haven't read this but I have it lying around somewhere at my parents'. My Dad gave it to me because he really liked it - and he doesn't generally read postmodern literature.

Murakami, if you haven't read him, fall into postmodern as well.


How about taking a step back and reading Daphne DuMaurier's "Rebecca"?

It's the ultimate for the genre.


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It sounds interesting, on wiki it said the book draws parallels to Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is one of my favorites.

I'll pick this one up too.


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My favorite suspense book ever. I read it when I was thirteen and nothing. NOTHING. has taken it's place in the suspense genre yet.

I've even seen the movie (hitchcock) which I had my sister get all the way from england. It couldn't compare to the book but was great anyway.


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I know - it's an amazing read. DuMaurier was a wonderful writer. Did you know that she wrote some of the funniest novels about her real life with her husband and children? Hollywood did a Doris Day/David Niven movie based on one of her books - the movie was "Please Don't Eat the Daisies".
As for "Rebecca". Larry Olivier almost refused to do the movie because he wanted his wife Vivien Leigh to star as the young (un-named) wife. Vivien was too beautiful for the role of the awkward, shy wife and Hitchcock refused. So, Olivier pretty much slept-walked through the role of Max DeWinter, in revenge for the refusal. And Vivien went on to eternal fame for Gone With the Wind.


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If his acting in that movie was sleep walking... oh wow.
I remember watching that movie late at night, during a thunderstorm outside. Perfect setting for a Hitchcock movie haha
The lady who played the maid was also brilliant.


Mrs. Danvers.
Evil for days.
Anyone remember Rebecca's bedroom? That set was known as the most beautiful room in cinema (up to that time - and maybe even now). Fabulous.


Oh I heard that story too. But he still sparkled as Max Dewinter. I don't think vivien leigh would have fit the part of the second mrs. dewinter (Till this day, I 've never forgotten that her name was never mentioned even once in that book) She has a very confident look to her. It's hard to quell that however good an actress you are.


And I also heard that Lawrence Olivier treated Joan Fontain so badly during filming that she'd be reduced to tears all the time.


I always think of rebecca and gas light as the same film. I prefer gas light even though rebecca had the gorgeous george stanley! I didn't care for please don't eat the daisies in fact I dislike most of the 1960's movies.


Oh gaslight was amazing. I loved the movie.


Gaslight is one of all-time favorite classic movies. LOVE it....


Leigh would have been perfect...as Rebecca, not as the second Mrs. DeWinter.
Rebecca is one of the best books ever, with it's famous opening line. "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again."


"Rebecca" is an excellent book. It was required reading when I was in high school (yes, as my daughter would say -- 'that was back before the earth's crust cooled').


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I'm obsessed with the work of Angela Carter, who's from the UK. Her gorgeously crafted short stories are especially amazing--She's the kind of writer I have to read in private, because every page includes at least a few sentences that are so beautiful they require reading aloud. Particular favorites are The Bloody Chamber, which retells classic fairy tales, and Saints and Strangers, which I will love forever for its incredible Lizzie Borden story.

Shamefully, though, I read American authors almost exclusively =X


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Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe <----- he really needs to win a nobel prize soon.


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I agree. Read things fall apart, I own the book. It was one of my dad's favorites. He had us listening to the book on tape long before I had any interest in it. It was torture then but now I like the book.


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I agree. Read things fall apart, I own the book. It was one of my dad's favorites. He had us listening to the book on tape long before I had any interest in it. It was torture then, but that i'm older I can appreciate it.


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Shiku - that book was so intense. I had to put it down so often.


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What kind of books do you normally like (i.e. give me some examples of books you really enjoyed)?

I have tons of non-American authors I can recommend but it depends a bit on what your tastes are.


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Honestly I can read just about anything, with the exception of westerns. I love books that teach you life lessons. Oh and culture. I'm terribly indecisive so having favorites are the worst for me.

I've enjoyed books like Jane Eyre, A Thousand Splendid Suns, Walter Mosley (mystery), Octavia Bulter (scifi), Harry Potter series, Hunger Games, Death in Venice, the Odyssey, Autobiographies....

I'm all over the place so, I'll take whatever you recommend. :)


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Okay, I see you are all over the place. So you can try the list I posted above.

Since you liked Jane Eyre and said you'd try "Rebecca", you could also read "Wide Sargasso Sea" (Jean Rhys), which is the postcolonial take on it and tells the story from Bertha Mason's point of view (as a sort of prequel to Jane Eyre). It isn't my favourite book, but it does make an interesting read.

I've been meaning to read "Pinocchio in Venice" (Robert Coover), which is postmodern but obviously with references to "Death in Venice" that you mention. (And if you haven't read other Thomas Mann short stories, they're all good. And of course there are always his epic novels one could tackle...)

I don't read any scifi or mystery books really, so nothing to recommend in those genres.


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I just took out Sharon Kaye Penman's latest book, Lionheart, from the library and thought of you.
Have you read it?

My daughter also cranky pants. She has a very bad sore throat and general overall discomfort. Just came back from Doc who said she has mono. :( Could be with her for a couple weeks, could be months.



YES. I adore Sharon Kaye Penman. When we were doing some family history work years ago, my sister was looking for information on Llewellyn Fawr, who is one of our ancestors. She found "Here Be Dragons" which is the first of a trilogy about Llewellyn. I preordered this last one from amazon and was very excited when I came, but it's three books down the "stack".



Forgot to add why I like her so much. So many historical fiction writers either add/makeup/change history to fill in the book, which makes for a great story, although probably not historically accurate. OR, they are SO tied down by the facts etc that it's BORING.

She does a great job of writing a good story, with characters that you love to like/hate without compromising history too much. She always has an afterward that explains what she had to make up cuz we just don't know, or why she picked whichever prevailing theory she picked.


I've always had a preference for 19th century British literature... Charles Dickens (the man is HILARIOUS), Charlotte Bronte (besides Jane Eyre), Jane Austen (obviously), Middlemarch, Vanity Fair...


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All my favorite authors. When I was in England a few years ago, we were frequenting antique bookstores for my over-the-top book collector sister in law. I saw a lovely full set of Dickens, but didn't buy it as it was kind of pricey. My mother in law (who was with us at the time and stayed another two weeks) bought it for me for Christmas. I haven't worked my way through it all yet, but it sure looks lovely on my bookshelf.


Octavia Butler? You're my kind of person. The Earthseed books are amazing. Seriously, the woman was brilliant.


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Happy OT everyone. Hope the weekend's good. It's going to be HOT tomorrow. Yay...from heater to air con :-) Time to dig out my warm weather clothes and put away my parka.

If anyone is so kind...would appreciate ANYTHING written about the plot/cast/characters (not from hancinema) in either Hangul or Chinese ( with URL links) about Brain.

I know I know...some people are going to bash it and the producers. Am cringing as I am writing this :-p However since I am doing the viki page this weekend and need to recruit some help...need more info about the drama. There is nothing there. Well nothing concrete and I've been to the KBS site as well.


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Thanks very much. Will be trying to consolidate everything. Me and computer software are not friends :-)


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Have you read The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon? I read it some years ago and like it. It's a mystery and love story.
Also I read some time ago Ladies Coupe by Anita Nair.
None of this books a recent but I haven't read any non American author lately


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Oops, this was meant to be a reply to MojoJojo


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It's cool, I saw you. lol. No I haven't read Shadow of the Wind but I like a good mystery. I've seen Ladies Coupe but I wasn't sure if I would like it.

What did you think about it?


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I read it quite some time ago. I liked it. It tells the story of several Indian women from different backgrounds and ages and I think it gives us a nice picture of their lives, their love stories and their place and role in the Indian society.
Also at the end of the book it had a collection of the recipes that the main characters cooked in the book.
I remember having a fun time trying to recreate some of the recipes once I was done reading.


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Happy Friday everyone!!!

Ok so, I've recently graduated w/ a Neuroscience major and a Business minor and it's like impossible to find a job in the marketing/ad field since I don't have any "real" experience except student organizations. I've applied to over 100 applications online and it's driving me crazy!

Right now I have a lot of free time on my hands, so I was just wondering if anyone needed help with anything (from writing to research to anything drama related) and some advice on my situation would also be greatly appreciated!!!


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I don't know how things go in your country, but couldn't you first try to get an internship somewhere? It could help with the "experience" problem and you could earn some valuable contacts.

I had two jobs interview last week and I've come to think that landing a good job as an absolute beginner is a matter of timing and luck.


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^I absolutely agree Plume's advice. Luck and timing are incredibly important when trying to apply for jobs at entry level. Try applying for several non-profits or companies that you have interest in as an Intern. Even if it's unpaid, you'll have references to build up your resume.
There are also placement agencies, which might be a last option. I have a friend who didnt find a job for a year but finally got one through placement. It was helpful for her though.
I remember that I was volunteering at the hospital recently and a man was telling me that morning about how he he was layed off and was still looking. That afternoon, the staff hired him because they liked his web work. Granted, this is 1 in 100, but hey... it could happen :D

I'm surprised though that you're having a tough time with a Neuro major. Business, I can kind of understand in this market. But, there are a lot of gaps in the health sector... That's not your area of interest though, I guess?


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Actually a placement agency proved to be the winning card in my case. I just found out that a former colleague applied some months ago to the same place I will start working for, but he didn't get any reply. The agency sent there my CV and I was invited to an interview. The people there were interested in my "practical" experience too, luckily I did summer practice a few times abroad and they really liked that. I got the job. Now I just have a horrible amount of paperwork to do, since I'm moving to another country and everything must be translated and authenticated.


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I've tried a few placement agencies, not very helpful nor communicative, then again they were agencies in a state I planned to moved to, meaning I haven't relocated yet, but....

As for internships, most of them require you to be a student in order to be eligible.

all I know is I need a lot of luck and hopefully something will come my way. Maybe I'm being a bit unrealistic when I say this, but I feel like something will just hit me one day and everyone's rejecting me right now because it's not the right time nor the right positions...

Or maybe I should take my head out of drama-land... :D

Thanks for the feedback! Love u guys!


Are you not looking for neuroscience-related jobs? Many hospitals/other research institutes hire recent college graduates as research technicians/assistants/associates... I'm not sure how neuroscience and business fit together in your plans, but there are certainly roles and openings in the medical/scientific world for scientists/doctors with business knowledge (look at all the joint MBA/MD programs all over the country, for example...).


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I've actually applied for several research positions but no luck...maybe it's because of where I'm located? Indiana doesn't give one much options...


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Oh, that's too bad. I've also had very good luck with placement agencies (in NYC, especially)... but that was in the time of a much better economy.

Have you considered teaching? I don't know about Indiana, but I think some states allow you to teach (I'm talking about elementary, maybe middle/high school) without a teaching degree, in the field your BA is in. And I've definitely heard that there's a shortage of math/science teachers in many places.


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Or, if you're open to a major move, it's super easy to get a job teaching English in many countries. Seriously, you could get a job tomorrow, and the pay can be pretty good. Not your field, I gather, but I know people who've done it after college for a year or two just for fun or to give them time and space to figure out future plans.


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Here is my latest drama math.

Warrior Baek Dong Soo + Man of Honor
= Baker King Kim Tak Gu

Because of lovely lovely Sword Saint, Jun Kwang Ryul, who my son is now calling the Bread Saint in BKKTG.
I am completely totally drawn in to BKKTG and I am completely totally loving this drama. I am at ep 16 now.

It doesn't matter to me how familiar every character feels, or how predictable the next plot twist is. It's like fast food like that - not original but darnit! I still crave it.

My favorite thing is the Evil Mother's strange red-tinged hair that gets poofier every episode!

Here is an intersting veggie thing:


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IKR? It's like comfort food. :)

And that's one mean veggie you linked there, Jomo. It has awful health effects. Not good for something with cough like me. *shakes head* Not good at all. *clicks link again.*


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something with cough...
*someone. :-P


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It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, izzie! cherkell and Jomo are going around using THAT to inceptionise our minds! The image is SEARED in my brain cells LOLOLOL


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If I told you I had a really good recipe for searing vegetables, would you click on the link?


Why am I awaiting that link?


My grandma always says: "Nothing like good ol' rawr veggies seared in hot veggie oil to improve a weak constitution."


But this particular veggie weakens the constitution.


Sorry - Here is the link!
(Hope this works!)
Seared Veggies


OMG! It totally worked!


@jomo. Yup it works :)


It did! I clicked it! I've been HAD! Again!

*runs away crying* *and coughing*

*comes back to click that link again*



I'll take a baker's dozen of that one!



JCW's parent's better hire a bodyguard as he may just end up missing.


First Rule of OT: Pee before reading!




I sputtered at my desk! I won't write the thoughts I had about that vegetable.


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Hahaha, this is the funniest thread ever!


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LOL @Jomo! Ya beat me over here. Comcrap decided to fizz the internet tubes out on me at a crucial moment... like in the process of posting THAT!!

@ahjummabunny, oh please do. Join us in the splendor that is... um... that. I have never been so proud to be a Vegetarian in all my life!! :)

::off to find a vat of veggie oil::


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Oh my golly! IT'S THAT PIC AGAINNNNN!!!!!! HAHAHAHA! I can't take this no more!!!!!! *screaming with laughter*


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The very BEST part is that you clicked on it...again.


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Indeed, indeed! I've been well and truly VEGGIED!


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I know! me too! I knew exactly what I was going to see... but I wanted MORE MORE MORE!!!!

Help me! I think I'll die of laughter!


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Thanks. Now I've got Billy Idol wailing away in my brain.....


Blushing...click! capture the image...got it!


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Yay! YY! Happy Friday! :)

*expecting for things to get (fun) crazier*


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'My favorite thing is the Evil Mother’s strange red-tinged hair that gets poofier every episode!' Jomo - This is just too funny (but true)! ... oh the k-drama mothers we love to hate.

I loved Baker King: Kim Tak-goo! I think you will really enjoy it. If you watch on Drama Fever there is an interview with the cast (which is subbed in English) after the last episode.



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Oops, this was supposed to be a reply to Jomo ... sorry!


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I got it!
I saw that special episode and am looking forward to it!


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Aww, I would have totally done a BKKTG re-watch with you (and btw, are you watching after a glimpse of Joo Won in Ojakgyo Brothers, or did you even attempt that drama?) ...

and you are such a troublemaker, stirring up the pot!!

(of veggies, I know ... it's like veggies and ab-packs and dimples, oh my!!)


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I am going to do OB, after BKKTG and Emperor of the Sea.
I am doing these two now because Frankie is watching with me. The fact that he wants to spend time snuggling and watching and discussing these shows is a dream!

Ahhh the veggies do a body good!


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I live the same dream, you know Zeke is totally into k-dramas. His new crack is Secret Garden, which he's watching over and over and over. I know our boys will soon be "too old" for this, but I'm loving it while it lasts!


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But it is soooo nice now, isn' it?
No matter how long this lasts...

Too bad my daughter is too busy and too cool, because I think she would love to join in the discussions.


LOL! Jomo, *HUGS*

You are so funny!


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That's just not fighting fair, Jomo the Wise. ;) Thanks!


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Happy Freee-day!!!!:)
Its my first time to post in this thread...eeheh..nyway I would like to thank the recappers GF for the FBRS, Wa!!!cant wait for Eun Bi to blast her ex-gangster power to Chi-soo...soo thrilled already and the arrival of the lovable Lee ki Woo!!! And hope to see more scenes of Crazy Chicken..the dimples is Killin me!!! and to recapper head2...so excited reading his/her recaps on TTwDR... the actors r so brilliant that when one character reveals their true role it would make me say...WTH!!ehehehh...Wa!so many dramas in my list right now, that's why I'm downloading the raw, and waiting for the subs..due to the long wait, I'm reading the recaps..eheeh..tooo bad viiki will no longer release softsubs..huhuhuh..the stations are asking them to stop the softsubs..huhuhuhu.hopefully someone will translate TTwDR(darksmurf is doing it nyway)...for FBRS, dramafever is the only one making the subs..wa!!!what a torture......aigoooo...

So many in my plate right now...
Ojakgyo Brothers(ahjumma rulz!)
The Tree with Deep Roots(feels like reading a DB book)
Vampire Prosecutor(Cable station will conquer TV!)
Flower Boy Jung Il Woo(I mean Ramen Shop..eheh)
King Gwanggaeto.... FINE! I love sageuk!

nankyoku tairiku(Kimutaku+YYusuke+DOGS!+A story about Hope...wow!)
Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de(Any dorama with an Arashi...I'll watch it!..wa!!)

darn!!!more renzoku please!!!!

Taiwan Drama:
Office Girls(Not really still wishing that a day is equal to 48hrs..eheh)

American Series:

New Girl
Vampire Diaries
The Secret Circle
Criminal Minds
Prime Suspect
Once Upon a Time

Watch it!you'll Love it!eheheheh:)


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Welcome hahahah to the OT! *HUGS*

Good to see you jump right in and having a good time!


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Welcome!!!! (And I'm so on-board with Ojakgyo Brothers and Office Girls right now, and much of the rest of your list!)


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Yay! Someone else watching Gye Baek apart from me.

I think you are the first person I have seen (eh read) who likes King Gwanggaeto, I can't deal with all that shouting.


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my sister and I watched the drama before gwanggaeto, (gogoryo) geunchogo (baekje) so it would be strange to go from rooting for baekje to rooting for gogoryo. I saw 1 complete episode of ojakgyo and it is on my list. Ms. uee really charmed me . I'm watching live in style. It's so hard to find subs online but I love it for kim hee jin ( do umi anyone?) I really want to wach gye baek too.


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thanx for the welcome!!!i replied sooooo late..wa!!!blackout!!!!aigoooo!

having a problem in downloading the subtitles....it really breaks my heart..it requires a couple of weeks befre the next episode is subbed, and now the stations are ruining my happiness..hhhuh..so US drama first!..hahah..i'll just wait that each of the drama i'm watching will be done before the crazy marathon starts...ehehehe..

Compared to Super High ratings of the past sageuk i watched before, like Jewel, jumong, QSD and Dong Yi...something about sageuk reaallly pulled me through.eheheh..


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Okay, I got Ramyun Shop ep 1. :D (Excited.)

While about to download ep 2... the site said "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."



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*sigh of contentment*
Good day to you all, dwellers of K-dramaland. I'm just ridiculously happy after seeing the first episode of Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. It's like long-awaited rain in a parched dramaland. WHY OH WHY ISN'T THE SECOND EPISODE SUBBED YET?!


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Jung-Il-Woo is positively luminous in FBRS!! Haven't really seen him in anything else but he's so fresh-faced....love it!! What can I say, I have stars in my eyes, heh!!


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oh, and your right i'm abt to destroy my F5 button!! Sorry to be rude but where are the subs for episode 2, waaaahh!! I was pleasantly surprised when the subs for Ep 1 came out so quick but the wait for Ep 2 is killlin' me!!


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Villager - you may not want to read my first impressions....


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TGIF Peeps!

Cold and wet in my nick of the woods. I have a play date w/ an awesome friend to go watch "Dogani" in OC today WITH SUBS. Hurray! I'm pretty stoked to catch it before it leaves So.Cal.

Have a safe ride/trip to where ever and back home peeps.


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Happy OT everyone!

So I was totally digging the song this week until the vocals started. The melodies and harmonies are cool but he's a tad too whine-y for me. I like the constant shakers that are going on in the background. And the acoustic guitar reminds me of Guster. Anyone else? That said, I'm going to DL it and listen again. Isn't that funny how that works?


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Raine! *Waves*


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Villager *wiggles fingers* :D


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Raine! Thinking of something clever to do beside wave.

*stabbity* Wait, no, nothing lethal.

*wink* Wait, nothing flirtatious



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I don't know...after that permission you gave me, flirtatious might be appropriate :P


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Dearest OT people! Hello!

After a very, very, very long vacation from DB and OT and all things kdrama/jdrama/tdrama....

How's everyone? What's up?

The last dramas I watched were...lemme see... Protect the Boss and Zenkai Girl...and OMG! I dont think I was able to finish all their episodes, ugh!

Can you believe that? I think Im cured finally of the drama addiction. Good heavens! Is this for real?


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Whoooppsss! Hit the "submit" button before I was finished with my post, haha! Goes to show how long I've been out of circulation.

Anyways, happy friday to everyone here! Missed all of you, guys!


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Welcome back!
I think that is great to be cured of an addiction. Now you can drop into dramas when you feel like it. As long as you visit us here once in a while!

I literally was JUST thinking about you and your posts and how much I missed them.


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Jomo, yay!

I missed you, too! Missed all the fun we had here in OT and in the drama recaps, etc.

How have you and your family been?

And your video projects? I was keeping track of them :-)

Of course, whenever I feel kinda blue I just remember how much crazy fun I had with all of you guys...it never fails to put a smile on my face. :-)


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Hi Sam! So happy you're back! izzie's sick and we're advising her to eat lots of veggies cos they're good for her.


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you're giving me ideas. :)


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YY!!!!!! Hiya!

Yes, Im back... hopin' to catch some craziness out here...missed everyone especially your funny wild self! haha!

Any new grandpa updates? Or is this old news already? :-)

Im so last year, I know hehe...


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Grandpa is lifting weights and showing his biceps (like tight white t shirt. He even has a shower scene :-)
I am not joking!! He's in A Thousand Kisses :-)


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Is he? Wowwww!

Thanks for that shocking but welcome update (esp for YY, Im sure!) about grampa :-)

I should definitely check out "1000 kisses"...yeah!

ck10z, tnks again! hope all is well with you and have a great friday! ;-)


OMG, ck10z, you're kidding, right? Lifting weights? OMG! At his age? Showing biceps? OMG! What kind of three-quarter life crisis is he having? Last I saw him he was getting himself slashed in Princess's Man. OMG. Tight white tee and shower scene??....I don't feel too good all of a sudden....


Oh you 2 :-) :-)

Hey you only read it. I experienced it. It freaked me out big time. You go ask the other ATK viewers what they thought.

He even wears exercise gloves to prevent calluses. It's serious people. Grandpa means business :-)


YY! You are out of the loop about grampa's latest escapades, too??? Im surprised!!!!

ck10z, is he the same grampa we are talking about from MP? SSH's grampa?

*still shocked with the news*


Yay! Sam!!! Welcome back, sister! :)

I've just talked to kdl in the JIL/KB thread.

How are you?


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Izzie girl! Miss yah, too! Tnksie!

How's kdl?

Oh no! What's JIL/KB? I'm so behind....

Hope your feelin' much better now. Its kinda gray and outcast today so understand the weather must've done something to you.

Been so busy with lots of things lately...family, work, life. Did not have time to party here ...errr watch the latest rom-com or tear-jerker :-)

What's the latest in kdramaland? and with you?


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I haven't gotten a reply from kdl after I asked her. It's the Jung Il-woo/Kim Beom photo thread.

Thanks for wishing me well. :) I'm feeling a bit better, yes, after taking all those meds... Although the weather's not helping. I was like a cat afraid of water when I came out from work earlier and saw the downpour.

I haven't been a very dutiful kdrama addict lately. I haven't seen anything after PTB too. I'm still downloading Ramyun Shop, but there's a problem with the link to the 2nd ep. Btw, you might want to check out Tree With Deep Roots. ;)

With me... aside from the cough, it's all good. At work is busy as usual. But I get to squeeze in a Jeju getaway middle of this month, so I'm excited. (and hoping that I fully recover from cough before I fly.) I'll be there for 3-4 days only.

I told KDL that it's been (more than) a year since our SKKS craziness. :) I miss our boys.


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*And teddy bear HUGS for you, too! *

A Jeju get-away! That's sounds wonderful ;-) Would also help cure you from those nasty coughs and colds.

Dont forget to take your photos in the nostalgic spots featured in the kdramas for posterity's sake :-). For some reason, Lie to Me comes to my mind now...hehe. It had nice visuals despite its bleh storyline.

I will def check "tree with deep roots" when i next have the time. :-) I think Song Jongki was in Cebu some months back, right?

Enjoy your veggies (the real kind) to boost your health and prep you up for that hilly terrain in Jeju :-)

Catch you again here next time. Take care!

Im off to bed now :-) Tnks Izzie!


I think someone has stolen samgetang's moniker. This couldn't be oori samgetang. mal andoae.


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ahjumabunny, hey! howdy?

it's me...unfortunately. i wanted to be samgyupsal...but i remembered ricky the royal highness already got that moniker for himself (as his later ego). where's he, btw?

so happy to see you here, ahjummabunny! how's everything with you?

any new kdrama you would recommend for my disoriented self? ;-)


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opps..."alter" not "later" ego...sorry, typo error ;-)


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I read it alter ego the first time, and had to read it two more times before I noticed it was really later. I love when the brain works like that! I have no drama recommendations. I'm sort of out of the drama loop.


you are out of the addiction, too? :-)

my, my...i guess we must be just addicted with the lovely people here :-) who loves kdrama to bits.

i know, right? alter, later...the brain is just amazing!


I'm just watching a lot of old dramas.


Samgetang! *HUGS*

So good to see you! Glad to hear you are over your addiction. Are you still sewing? I got stuck on a bag and frustration froze me from sewing. I've gotta break down the walls of sewing frustration and move forward!

With regard to Ricky TRH, he had a few life changes and doesn't have as much time to play. He was here last Friday. If you have some time, check out his posts from last week to see what he's been doing with his life.


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I guess he's here today too. See #29 below.


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Dearest MJP! Thanks for the warm welcome... again :-)

Unfortunately Im not sewing as much as driving others nuts to sew the clothes for me, haha!

There are just too much to sew I cant sit on my own darn machine. So I had others do it for me...and looks like its far better done by them than myself.

Hows the hubby and the baby?


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Oh, my dear foodie sister!
How have you been?

I searched for your name every time I come to the OT.
I hope you see this and know that I'm missing you.


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Ricky TRH! aka samgyupsal :-)

I know, Ive been too busy to even visit DB lately. My bad.

How's everything with you? School okay?

Do miss everyone here too...thanks for dropping a note. I'll try to peep here every now and then.


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Heyya all, I'm back :) HAPPY FRIDAY AND MERRY WEEK-END !

So, just finished to watch Black & White last Tuesday, and currently about to finish Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy - which I started this week thanks to Girlfriday's recap of Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. I was in serious Gong Yoo craving, heh. Can't EVER get enough of him. I'll probably be off watching my favorite moments from Coffee Prince for the 534687543543th time when I wrap BTaSC up...

So, anyway, Black & White was AMAZING. Gosh, calling it the best T-drama up to date is not overrating it - though I must say In Time With You is being really good these days as well. [SPOILER ALERT !!!] I cried like I rarely ever did when watching B&W ; though I kind of saw the "Pi Zi and Chen Lin are siblings" revearsal coming in, I SO didn't see the "In fact, Ying Xiong and Chen Lin ARE the real siblings" one. Both Vic Zhou and Marc Chao made me weep SO BAD after that second revearsal, I felt utterly devastated for both of them. And, hum, tears are welling up from simply remembering it and that's embarassing, haha.[/SPOILER ALERT]
Oh, there's one thing I'm still curious about. The only part that left me skeptical in B&W was the ending. I thiiiiiink it was meant to remain open-ended in order to allow a second season, but then... There wasn't any. And the upcoming movie is a prequel. I don't know, it just didn't feel right. Those that have completed watching Black & White, I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts regarding the ending because that was my face when I finished the last episode --> ?O_°"


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I love B&W... seriously though... i did not get the ending.. it has so much going one.... and i think it's really well-produced and directed.. and the acting superb. How great is vic zhou... i did read about the prequel from Koala's site.. but without vic is just missing something for me...

I am so in love with ITWY right now... Bolin and Ariel are doing fantastic job.... can't wait for the new ep...


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I adore B&W. There was supposed to be a movie after the drama. Zai Zai wasn't able to do it for what ever reason, so they wound up with a prequel.

Honestly I really don't have much interest in the new movie. Because B&W with out Pi Zi? Why? Ying Xiong on his own with out Chen Zai Tien to balance him out is just too annoying. But if they are ever reteamed? I am SO there!:)


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I knoooow ! Plus I really wanted to see more Chen Lin - Chen Zai Tien. Loved Ivy's performance in B&W as well, I wish she had more than just a cameo in the movie...
So the prequel is all about Marc Chao, then ? Well, can't say I dislike the guy (So. Hot. And I liked his acting all right in B&W) but yeah, Vic Zhou's Pi Zi is darn much more wicked than his Ying Xiong. Aw man, now if only Zai Zai could come back on the project...


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I'm totally trying to find a good downloadable version of Black and White and I'm glad you guys like it because that helps me tokeep going in my search.


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There is a better video version at my asian cinema. NOT an rmbv file. The only problem is that the subs timed for that version aren't as good as the ones done by sublimes. If you know how to retime subs it shouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately I don't know how, so that is my next project. :)

Or I could just have the kid figure it out and get him to do it for me. :) Which is what I usually do,because he is very good with computers. And I am a certified technological moron. :)


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Happy Friday, Dramabeaners!! And it is truly a Happy Happy Joy Joy one for me, as several good things happened this week -- my massive workload finally came to a screeching halt mid-week, which leaves me now time to pick up my overtly extreme SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEING over the good news that Ji Chang Wook will be returning to our small screens on 21 December! http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/11/veggie-store-gets-its-bachelor-broadcaster-and-leading-lady/. Geez, I haven't had so fun on a thread before than with this one! ROTFLMAO!! :) I've also volunteered to recap this drama for Soompi, but am unsure whether or not it will be a live thread as of yet. As always with my life, stay tuned!

The other event I promised more info on is the screening of "Silenced" which will be playing at the Great Mall Century 20 theatres over in Milpitas. The showtimes look like this for the week-long run of the show: 10:55 AM/1:45 PM/4:35 PM/7:25 PM/10:15 PM. Being the old ahjumma that I be, I'm thinking a 10:15 PM screening is right out. (I need my beauty sleep. LOL!) So if any of you SF Bay Area peeps want to suggest a meet-up, post back here and I will try to arrange something.

Other cities are also showing "Silenced" with their premieres this weekend as well: Portland, Chicago, Orange County (CA), Seattle, NYC, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, and Las Vegas. Canada premieres start next weekend, so I hope most of you get a chance to see it. If we show up in droves for one little Korean movie, maybe the theatre owners will take notice and start showing more features in the States!!

Also, a very very good friend of mine whom I have known for over 23 years is having his 50th birthday today. We will be celebrating quite awesomely this weekend, so if he happens to see this... Happy Birthday, Jonathan! We'll party soon!! Love ya!! :)

And I can't leave without providing my own commentary on the current state of vegetable farming here: http://tinyurl.com/3dy6jqr

Be back online later. Have a great day, chingus!! HUGS!!


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*screaming with laughter* I've been wookrolled THREE freakin' times already! I knew it was coming but my fingers just went ahead and clicked the link even though my mind was yelling NO NO DON'T DO IT!!!!


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I can't help but click it EVERY SINGLE TIME!

I wish they were screening it down here. I checked...NOTHING. BOOO! If I was in SF I totally would. This calls for a trip to visit the family....


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I don't know if I can stay but I can't resist dropping in the OT.
How is everyone?

Several things on my mind:
I like the first 2 episodes of Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. Cute, cheeky and has potential.

Kim Bum looks so angular now! His face shrunk and I don't know if that's good or bad. I hope his drama turns out well.

I'm watching Only You which stars Jo Hyun Jae (49 Days) and Han Chae Young (Delightful Girl Chun Hyang). The funny thing is, I have no idea how I got there. I'm up to episode 4 and so far the drama is delivering.

By the way, campus life is starting to get really hectic. I have to study for my midterm next week and all assignments are due in the next 2 weeks! Gah *crumbles*

On the positive side, I'm making more friends and one of them is a drama watcher! Our lunches are filled with deep conversations on the dramas we watched and of course, the occasional shallow squeeing. And the best news is, I turned 2 perfectly normal functioning people into a newbie addict! LOL


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Cheering for your royal highness and his skills with diplomacy! Um and good luck with mid terms.


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Thanks, Izocha :)


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hello ricky the royal highness!


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Hello, ahjummabunny!


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good luck balancing your drama watching with real life. It's one of the hardest balancing acts that I ever had to do!
I know what you mean about campus life getting hectic; I just finished my round of exams last week only for the second wave to hit two weeks from now. There's simply no time.


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Time is running away from me as I typed this, but I'm too exhausted and bored from poring through books to bother to give Time a chase.

I wish you both of us the best for our exams. Fighting, Alvina!


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Hi HRH congrats on doing the report. Wanted to say hi before I leave OT.

If you start watching KD during lunch it will be even more weird :-)

2 normal persons= 1 drama addict. Good for you.
No one I know at work watches KD although there is a senior at work who depends on me to give him website links where he can get HK movies. I don't watch HK movies just know the websites.

Good luck with your mid terms.


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Hi ck10z!

I'm imagining myself spooning food into my mouth with KD on my laptop and 20 people behind me fighting over so they could have the best view of the screen. :D

It won't be the weirdest thing here, I bet. Last week we had a sudden flash mob where a group of students started dancing to some songs and pretty soon half the cafeteria was joining along.

Take care yeah!


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Ricky TRH! *HUGS*

LOL! On turning 2 perfectly normal functioning people into newbie addicts!


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Thanks MJP!

I'll do my best to spread the love.


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Hi Ricky!

I just met a girl from Sri Lanka who enjoys watching k-dramas but we can spazz over dramas as I just graduated. Life isn't fair. On second thought this is a perfect opportunity for me to introduce my sisters to k-drama but I feel bad as it would affect their productivity.


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It's hard to infect your own family members, I think. They are not afraid to put you down and reject you bluntly. Not to mention they witnessed some of your less shining moments as a KD addict. I'm sure the raccoon eyes we sport are not very convincing to lure them in.

And my sister is too crazy about American shows to care about Asian dramas. She's madly in love with Harry Shum Jr who plays Mike Chang in Glee. The only Asian dramas she watched which I recommended was One Litre of Tears. She cried for days and the next thing I knew, she was blaming me for her emotional breakdown.

"It's all oppa's fault!" was heard for days in my home. *cringe*


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Mike Chang! I always had a bit of fondness for him and then in one episode this season they really focused on him and he was so captivating! The dance with his mother brought tears to my eyes.

I did forget earlier to mention that I never miss Glee, New Girl, or Raising Hope. And when American Idol starts...I'm all OVER that.

So basically...I watch a couple hours of tv on Sunday, a couple hours on Tuesday, an hour on Wednesday, and an hour or two on Friday, depending on when in the season it is. Plus UNCOUNTED hours on Netflix, Hulu, or DramaFever with movies.


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Congratulations - you've become an emissary for the cause! I have no one to squee with but my sister indulges me cause she's into T-drama and has watched You're Beautiful.

As for uni - SO GLAD I didn't watch K-drama back then. I was totally into American television which was bad enough. Gibbs and House and McDreamy...very distracting.

Although, my roommate in graduate school and I would MARATHON America's Next Top Model. FOR SHAME. I know. But it was a guilty pleasure.


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Happy OT Friday!

I've been really sick, just woke up from my second nap of the day. Finding myself bored with available recent lineup (perhaps just really to tired) but so excited FBRS has started. I've tried to watch Poseidon--they are trying so hard. I just want to pat Siwon on his head, not to mention the non noona killers. Alas, overall, I want to elbow into the writers room and tell them a girl with a spine doesn't mope all the time, she instead puts on a good front. Its unlikely she will switch psychotically from crying alone to laughing giggling chasing of Siwon, too. There should be a bit more cajoling involved, right?

In random events news, I went to a local restaurant for some goldup bibimbap, hoping to increase my qi after spending half the day urgent care. It was a successful endeavor...while enjoying the feeling of real live pepper paste and hot tea, the music felt wrong for the decor (traditional and dark), but it was trot endless variety of trot. I tried to ask about it but the guy treated me like I had three heads.


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awwwwww! get well soon!


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Thank you, asianromance :) The drugs are helping :)


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So much homework and its raining. Its Friday yeah! I hope I get everything done before tonight!


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Yay Friday!

So last week I asked about teaching English in South Korea and Alua asked me to remind her about posting a link to some info.

In other news, my cat just had surgery to remove a tumor the other day. Even though he's doing fine we can't let him outside until his stitches are out (2 weeks!) and it's driving him crazy! He practically lives outside so this is pure torture for him.

Also, I don't know what it is lately, but I am having a hell of a time watching a drama to completion. I started watching Protect the Boss and got to ep 13 or so and just stopped watching. Nothing seems to be holding my interest, any suggestions?


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Found the leaflet and the website: http://www.talk.go.kr/

I have no experience with them but this is what my local Korean Cultural Centre recommends.


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Oh, and I hope your cat gets better soon!


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What is up with all the females here in the OT this week?
All of you are cracking me up with the sudden obsession with veggies!

I'm concern with all my fellow dudes in Kdramaland. We can't handle all those attention to vegetables! Heh :)


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Your Highness!!!!!

How are you doing this week!!!!
Do you still have the dreaded 15 page report?


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That report is done. But the completion of a report brings forth new reports. It's a cruel never ending cycle!
Be well, Leaf :)


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Wow :D At least you've done it!!

I end up pulling all nighters... ^sigh^


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Been there done that, leaf.
I'm preventing myself from having to go through that ever again. I don't work well in the last minute, I think.


Vegetables are good for health. It's a very innocent obsession we pious and proper women have.

Btw, have you had your veggies today?



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I have no interest in that veggie. Besides, I had something more yummy today.


She's so pur-ty!!!


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Oh, I see... the girl. Our tastes differ :)

But YIA IS very very pretty.


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She's gorgeous!


^oh boy haha.
I wont be able to sit with a straight face during my next meeting due to that picture. We're talking about restructuring meals in the state for elementary schools (ie. Veggies) haha.

OT has forever ruined me.


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LOL ! What an appropriate topic to be having a meeting on. You'll have ample ammunition to prove the importance of veggies.


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HAHAHA. You won't be able to keep a straight face. I remember sitting through those meetings...guh.


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hahahahaha it's spreading through all the posts...now we need to see it popping up (....ahem, lost my train of thought for a moment) on Thundie's Prattle and Koala's playground and places like that.

And we can all say we were there for the start of our Celery King, otherwise known as Vitamin Ji! Yay!

(running out for more oil, celery, and creamy dip.)


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Heh. I needed to respond to a post at Thundie's, so they have been officially Wook Rolled as well!!!

I'm going straight to hell, right? At least I'm enjoying the ride.... :)


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hahahaha! saw your wookroll post on thundie!

Between yesterday and today I am getting NO work done. I really pity my boss.

I wonder if its good excerise to continuous stare at rock hard abs. If that's the case, by the end of today I might actually develp some of my own.


I'm off to find your post on TP


Happy Friday folks!

I just finished watching The Princess' Man. *sigh*

It was one of those endings where, the more I thought about it, the more irritated I got. I couldn't even rationalize it well in my brain.

Spoilers below:

It was sort of the feeling I got after watching the last episode of Dream High. But at least with DH, I could understand why the person who was K had to lead the loneliest life. So I could sort of accept it. With TPM, it's like we went through all those trials and tribulations for NO REASON?? The King lived a full, healthy life?! I mean, the King was a pretty shitty guy. And the main lead became blind? What?

I love saeguks, but sometimes the writers get so caught up in the politics and evil scheming, that they forget to tie up loose ends. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you Dong Yi!


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About TPM, there wasn't a whole lot the writers could do. Since historically Grand Prince SuYang did become King Sejo. Who was actually one of Joseons better kings.

I thought they did a pretty good job mixing the official history with the unofficial history/legend. For a drama anyways. :)


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Aha! I thought I had done my research but apparently not enough.

Ok, NOW I can understand the end of the drama. So those who knew the history of the drama beforehand knew that the countless rebellions were doomed from the start? I guess I'm glad I didn't know while watching.

Thanks a lot! :)


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So I read on allkpop that Gong Yoo's film Crucible/Silenced is going to have a run in select North American theaters!

I was super psyched, but the closest location to me is Ridgefield NJ and that's far :(

It's a shame there isn't an NYC venue, but I hope others will go see it. I'll wait for someone to sub it and put it up on dramacrazy or viki.



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That's awesome! Atlanta's not that far away from me but the theater it's playing at isn't really in the city, but the suburbs. I don't know if I want to drive all the way there to see it. Maybe I can make a weekend out of it.


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When will they start showing Korean films in Phoenix?!


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I'm going to go sleep now, but I notice new dramas have come up with nature titles like Tree with Deep Roots and Bachelor's Veggie Store. So I'll say goodnight and leave you to ponder my proposed titles for 2012 in-touch-with-nature dramas:

Beansprouts with Sparse Roots
Cow with Simple Face
Duck with Funny Voice
Frog with Crooked Legs
Chicken with Twisted Neck
Monkey with Shifty Eyes
Snake with Frozen Tongue

'Nite everybody! Happy Friday!


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Now I'm hungry.


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You had me at "beansprouts"....


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::snort:: Too true... too true...

You forgot Celery with Rock-Hard Abs... :)


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Double plus good!


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Anyone watching Empress?

I started it last weekend and was hooked. It isn't an amazing drama, but entertaining enough. And I'm rooting for In Hwa to rise to become the Empress of her new world now and stick it to all these horrible people. I'm sort of disappointed that it took 4 episodes to bring her to the point where she enters the place she will one day become empress of, considering that I hear it is a short drama. I hope this week we really get to see her really win a battle against that second female lead and the men who callously treated her mother's death.


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where are you watching empress! I want to watch it too.


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I'm watching it on viki.com!


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Hi everyone: ahjummabunny, sethe, raine, cherkell, ricky, joanne, izzie etc etc! How are you! How did you New Englanders weather the big storm? I worried about you guys and my friend in Bangkok (flooding). Weird stuff going on everywhere. Cool stuff going on in my neighborhood...I'll post a link next in case it has to be moderated or something.

The nasty cold/cough/whatever turned into pneumonia. The doctor says to count on at least 2 weeks. My BFF's have confined me to the house and have been getting Miss Crankypants everywhere she needs to go. No mean feat as they have plenty of their own commitments (8 kids between them, of which 5 are special needs kids with multiple therapists/doctors etc). Added that I live 20 miles out of town in the sticks, and it really is a labor of love. Not to mention Crankypants is PMS-ing this week and isn't exactly a joy to be around. Although she may be nicer around her friends...

Upside: LOTS of dramatime when I can stay awake. I'm caught up on Man of Honor which I'm enjoying so far. Watched the first ep of Flower Boy Ramyun which was very fun....waiting for the Ep 2 subs. I'm still following ATK, although I'm still not sure why I got sucked into that...it's exactly the kind of drama I usually hate. And Tree and Musical. I started watching High Kick Through the Roof for 2 reasons: it's short and I can stay awake through an entire episode, and Daniel Choi. I'm up to 17-18 or so and am enjoying it, although I'd like to take that bratty little girl and paddle her tushy. Also started Biscuit teacher last night. I was having a hard time breathing. Between that and the rainstorm, I couldn't sleep, so I marathoned 4-5 eps. I really like it so far. and Bong Yoo is so stinking cute in it.

I do have other things I should be doing: I'm in charge of the music for the Christmas service....I have ideas floating around in my head but nothing on paper yet, I could be putting together the photo book from the last trip we took, supervising Crankypants making the mushy bananas into banana bread....

I"m gonna go watch another ep of Biscuit Teacher or see if there are subs for Ramyun ep 2.

@ Izzie I hope you feel better!


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http://www.ksbw.com/video/29680841/detail.html This is the cool stuff going on my neighborhood. If the sun is out tomorrow (I think it's supposed to rain) I may have Mr Shel drive me out to the Santa Cruz to see what we can see from shore or the pier.


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http://www.ksbw.com/news/29664753/detail.html Another link with a story...


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Take care, Shel :)


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Ricky, you're back! :)

Happy Friday.


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Happy weekend, Izzie!!!


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Thank you, Shel. :) I hope you feel better too.

I'm about to go into the pms mode in a few days too. After reading your post, I sure am hoping to recover by then. LOL. Coughing while going thru dysmenorrhea wouldn't be a nice situation to be in.

LOL. Kdrama really is an effective distraction from the pain. (My supposed distraction failed to download, so argh.) High Kick's a double-dose of medicine: laughter & pretty.

I haven't seen Biscuit Teacher, but after learning about how similar it is to Ramyun Shop, I'm intrigued. I'm adding it to my drama-to-watch queue.

Let's all get well watching kdramas. Hwaiting! :D


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Sounds like a great plan! Aja!


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Shel! Rest up, eat/drink lots of warm and soothing things. Do not watch any dramas with Rain that involve him crying, as I can attest that it is NOT conducive to good health.

We came through ok here on the shore in CT - some tree/branch loss but we had power...the middle of the state got power yesterday I think, and it was very cold all week, at least at night, so I really felt for them.

My company has an office in Bangkok so we get occasional updates on the intranet, such a terrible situation there, and yet people just seem to square their shoulders and get on with life as best they can without much complaining at all, and always pointing out how much worse someone else has it. So much grace.


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I have an old college roomie from Bangkok that I'm still in touch with. She used to work at Phuket at a resort, so I had a really nervous week or two after the big tsunami until I heard from her. It turns out she wasn't at work that weekend, she was visiting her mom in Bangkok, but went down immediately to help with the cleanup and didn't have internet access.

She lives in Bangkok taking care of her mom now, so she's been kind of keeping me posted on her status this time, which I appreciate..she has to go to the internet cafe to contact me, so I"m sure it's a pain. So far, her home is safe...


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Shel, *HUGS*

Sickness is not fun. I hope everyone gets better. The people are bug free, only to have the cat come down with a respiratory infection. She got a shot of antiobiotics yesterday. Of course, she has a fungus in her nails and the stress of weekly visits to the vet caused and multiple medicines weakened her immune system.


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Yay for everyone but the poor kitty being bug-free! It's been a long haul for you guys, too.


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Dear Shel,
Are you a california mommy? My neighborhood was fine but there were several power outages in the same borough and possible in other boroughs. The snow was nice to see on the green leaves like christmas come early. I thought the leaves would leave but they didn't so it's like a strange spring all around. On the upside the cats are enjoying the birds and squirrels in the tree. I hope your health improves and that you don't put nuts in your banana bread. I cannot stand the smell of baked or roasted nuts or seeds.


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Yep, I'm a California mommy, I can see the Monterey Bay from my living room windows. We rarely get whales this far into the Bay, but I guess there's an algae bloom which is bringing in the sardines and anchovies and the whales are right behind them. The videos I posted were taken in Santa Cruz which is about 20 mins north of me.


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Hi Shel! Sorry you're sick, but it sounds like you're making the best of the situation (watching dramas), and have good friends who can help you out. Hope you feel better soon!

It's not quite the same thing, obviously, but some of my students are middle school girls, and they have some serious attitude (there's one class in particular that I just dread teaching, cause the girls are so... teenage...), so I know a little bit what you mean when you're talking about your daughter :)


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She's 14 now and vastly better than she was at 12. Just PMS week is tough these days.

And I am blessed with awesome friends. I've always been lucky that way. And the best one turned into my husband. Took 20 years, but whatever, eh? lol

On ep 10 of Biscuit Teacher and I"m LOVING it, even though every ep makes me cry. But I like it cuz it's not makjong crap that's getting to me, just some really touching stories.


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Shel *HUGS* Get better soon! I need a sick week so I can catch up. I'm getting through Sang Doo ever so slowly. Like 1 or 2 episodes a day. its so sad.

As for the Christmas service. What were you thinking of doing? I just recorded in an orchestra for a service down here. They're going to have a live orchestra play with the recording to make it sound like 100 piece orchestra. They had sleigh bells in there, which I cant help but loving and playing with all that jazzy rhythm they throw in there. (BTW, since you're a musician, you should check out my kdrama tunes cello style! :D shameless self promotion, I know.)

Im looking for Biscuit Teacher Star Candy to watch. I love Gong Yoo.


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I just finished it and I love Gong Yoo even more. I downloaded it from dramaload.com, which isn't free, but it's not too expensive. It's there under a different name "Hello, My Teacher".

Our services are usually very simple. Narration and music. I sometimes con someone else into the script part, and sometimes I do it myself. After I get my theme and script I start picking music. Sometimes I have a piece that I definitely want to include that I've come across, so I'll plan it around that. Our church has no paid musicians (or anything else, actually, including clergy), so I have to work with what I have. Sometimes it's a challenge, but this year we've had two very good violinists move in, and a couple that both majored in vocal performance in college. I'll probably put together a double quartet and then have some congregational carol singing. I'm the only organist we have, and we have only a handful of pianists. Last week, I called one of the pianists to just play the piano for church. SHe got so nervous that she called two others. We only sing four hymns, generally, and I guess they had a different pianist for each one. My daughter doesn't feel confident enough to play for church yet, although she does play piano for the youth meeting.

Last year our theme song was a lovely, simple carol that I had my teenaged girls sing, about how service to others is our gift to the Christ child. I haven't picked one yet this year, I'm gonna have Mr Shel drag my four big boxes of christmas music out and kind of sort through today.

The big CHristmas thing is an area-wide thing the 2nd weekend in December....think diocese-size...so we have a much bigger pool to draw from. I'm not in charge of that, but I am the accompanist. We will have a chamber sized orchestra, a brass ensemble and a bell choir. I've only seen the choral numbers so far, so I'm not sure what all the director for that is doing.

OK, didn't mean to write an epistle, lol.


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Wow that was kind of rambly. You can definitely see the effect of the drugs, lol.


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Happy Friday, Everyone!

A bit late to the OT, but I'm still made it.

Glad to see that I am not the only one desperately hunting for subs on Flower Boy Ramyun Shop.
Kizunafs.com is not subbing it.
Darksmurfsubs.com had a debate over which version of sub material to use and were in the process of re-timing it last night, don't know where they stand.
Am-addictions.com has it subbed, but in the process of downloading it with three computers sharing an internet connection, my download got dropped and I was unable to re-download.

Viki.com cannot sub it because Dramafever.com got the liscensing. I hate that one person gets the liscensing then no one else can see it!!! SHARE EVERYONE! Isn't that what Hallyu is all about spreading the good Kdramas?

So... I'm still waiting like everyone else.

Been re-watching Goong again in anticipation of Joo Ji-hoon geting out of the military soon.

Also, re-watched Micky Park Yoochun and Kim JaeJoong in Dating On Earth last night. Is it just me or has Micky Park Yoochun looking different these days? Maybe it's the haircut? They had that long hair in the movie.


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I'm one of the many people waiting on subs MJP. It's like my brain understandings and sympathises with the logic of legality but my crazed inner fangirl continues to do web searches at random for subs.

There's dramas, even years later, that I hold out hope for, waiting for people to upload them online (let alone sub).

When is Joo Ji Hoon due to get back? I was utterly impressed by him in Antique and hope he picks (or has) good comeback opportunities. Forgiveness is hard to come by in k-ent :/


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Well, supposedly sometime this month. He entered into MS Feb 2, 2010. GF said in Jan 2011 that he would be getting out sometime in November 2011.

So, soon.



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I really don't understand, though. Episode 1 was available the day after it aired - why such a delay for Episode 2? why why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stamping foot


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I'm not quite sure why there was a debate about using which version of software to release the subs.

I hope you didn't hurt your foot! :-)


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I'd be stamping my foot too, if I had any energy. I've had that page up, hitting reload about every hour since Wednesday morning.


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Hi, MJP! Happy Friday! :)

I'm in on the Ramyun materials hunt too. But I think I'm going to have to wait for a few days (ouch) for the complete & QC'd subs.


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iZzie :) ! *HUGS*

I'm going crazy waiting for those subs! It reminds me of how I was with Playful Kiss. I would watch and rewatch the episodes RAW until the subs came out and then I would watch and re-watch the episodes with the subs.

I'm not that crazed with this one, but I have watched ep 1 three times and ep 2 twice, plus reading the recaps.


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I'm trying my best to avoid the recaps. (It ain't easy.)

I'm counting on darksmurfsub, but sometimes they QC for like an eon. But I can get by with a fan-QC'd version. Machine-translated stuffs mess with my thought processes.

LOL. You clearly aren't crazed with this one. :)


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Hugs! Just stopping in to say "hi" before I'm off to whip up Christmas stockings for a charity bazarre ...

Ooh, I'm due a Goong re-watch, that's a very nice idea!


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Leonardswench! *HUGS*

LOL! I've been doing Christmas shopping in October!!!

We are getting the "Operation Christmas Child" shoe boxes ready. MJP Hubby is the last hold out. He still has to pick his items out for his shoebox. Of course, I handle all the basic necessities for the boxes and the men pick out the toys. This even is sponsored by Samaritan's Purse.

That reminds me, I need to confirm something with those! Thanks for the inadvertent reminder!


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LOL I started it again last week, too, but watching in fairly desultory fashion, just every now and then. Once it starts getting really good I'll pick up speed.

I began Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance last night. This appears to be a level of drama that will engage me without tearing my heart to shreds. Or maybe I only really care about Jihoonie's pain...


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B/c I'm about to be attacked by coworkers needing my piddling help (srsly, this is not an area I know well) this is a drive-by hello with promises of more later. Much later...I'm going to the movies w/my e-oppa after work.



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Have a nice weekend then! :) Enjoy!


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Has anyone been watching A Thousand Kisses?

Will I just found this article @ http://www.askactor.com/gossip/-A-Thousand_Kisses-_gets_a_warning

It states the following:

“A Thousand Kisses“ gets a warning
by asianlook- 9 hour ago

The MBC weekend drama "A Thousand Kisses" got a warning from the Korean Communications Commission.

In a general meeting of the KCC on November 3rd, "A Thousand Kisses" received a warning for its unethical development and indirect product placement.

About this disciplinary action KCC stated, "At a youth-heavy time slot, like the weekend, the drama shows unethical scenes and stories, such as trying to accept an abandoned woman as a daughter-in-law, or another daughter being in a relationship with a nephew".

"They are also repeatedly displaying a certain supporter through lines and screen time, displaying them so much that it has an advertisement effect".

The KCC ruled that "A Thousand Kisses" has breached Sections 1 and 3 of Article 46 on The Limitations of Advertisement, Section 2 of Article 25 on Ethics and Section 2 of Article 44 on Accommodating Standards.

The most recent episode of "A Thousand Kisses" shows Joo-mi and Woo-jin's sweet honeymoon and Joo-young and Woo-bin's love creating conflict within the family.


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If A Thousand Kisses was aired on Cable would The KCC issued the warning as it states above?


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Shaking my head at KCC. So hilarious. Is this the same group that fined 49 days because of the lead character tried to kill herself.


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Probably yes.

What is so funny is the Broadcast network: MBC does display a 15 rating icon with --(이 프로그램은 15세 미만의 어린이/청소년이 시청하기에 부적절하므로 보호자의 시청지도가 필요한 프로그램입니다 )-- a disclaimer on the start of the program for five seconds explaining translation from Korean to English: “Because this program is not appropriate for children/youth under the 15 years old, parental viewing discretion is required”

My guess no one in the household (mother, father, gradparents, aunts and uncles) in South Korea is paying attention to the viewer advisory warnings and letting their children watch a program they are not suppose to watch.
Someone in the household call and complain to the KCC that their precious little son or daughter in training saw something inappropriate to them.

I guess having a disclaimer is just for show nobody pays attention to it until its too late. A show and broadcaster gets penalized this doesn't protect against the KCC - Korean Communications Commission.


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Happy Friday!

All Gong Yoo fans from So. Cal! His movie Silence (Crucible/도가니) is screening at CGV Cinema in Los Angeles!


I'll be watching the movie tonight with my sister. ;)


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Please let me know what you think of it. I am in Kdrama no man's land, where we don't get to see many international films.


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damn...I really wish they'd do one somewhere in the east coast..I'm dying to watch it...btw Softy wrote a really great review for this movie here: http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/2011/10/01/movie-review-the-crucible/ and it looks like it will be a must watch


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It's listed as "Silenced" for North America, not "The Crucible".


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Practical, since if they called it The Crucible some poor Literature teacher would get a baffling book report by a lazy teenager claiming that the sexual abuse of deaf children is a metaphor for McCarthyism.


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Kiki *HUGS*



happy friday!
God where the hell did all that rain come from, man. Raining Nam outside.


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Nam? What's Nam? We say 'raining cats and dogs' or 'raining buckets' - curious to know what yours means :)


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Happy Friday guys! I am looking at a long weekend of paper writing and listening to boring lectures here...and also trying to squeeze in as many drama watching hours in between as possible...I am marathoning Protect the boss (hilarious!), Ojakgyo Brothers (sweet and funny!) and Thousand Kisses (Blegh other than the awesomeness of Woo Jin and Joo Mi)...also this looks to be a pretty cold weekend...last week we got our first snow of the season....thankfully I had no classes, which meant that I was huddled in my room bored and lazy as ever and in the mood for watching something evocative of the weather outside my window....so like i did during the first snow day last year, I rewatched the first, fourth and last episodes of Spring Waltz.....why in that order?... because those were the episodes that were mostly shot in and featured the beautiful landscape of Salzburg, Austria (in the winter)...Even after all these years, the gorgeous cinematography and landscape still leaves me awestruck and rewatching this every during this season has turned into a kdrama watching tradition for me
So are there kdrama watching traditions that you guys have developed through the years also what other dramas do you think that bring out that winter wonderland feel?


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hmm my snow day dramas would be the woman who still wants to marry, my girl and city hall. I watched those last winter. It was the best of times.


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I watch k-dramas while on the treadmill, mostly, these days, and usually one or two episodes during the day of something (dates with my son, who's so addicted), but my oldest daughter was saying the other day, "What k-dramas are for Christmas?" because we have an annual list of movies we watch just for the season.

So, what would they be? Spring Waltz, yes, I can see that ... My Girl is shot around the Christmas season, so maybe that one, too. Will have to give this some thought, probably can only manage 3-4 dramas total, unless we parcel out just a few episodes, as you've done!

Hmm ... what an idea!


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What a good topic for an article, Leonardswench!

"Kdramas for Christmas!"


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I'd love to see your list when you're done. I don't think it would be wrong for the list to be sort of on "shuffle" either.


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I think I need some brainstorming help from my k-dramas sisters ....

because do we go for the 'feel good' set-in-season dramas?

what K-dramas give you that "christmas-is-here" feeling?


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I really liked White Christmas. It's not feel good at all since it involves kids stuck in a remote high school with a serial killer, but it was really good. May be a good change of pace and your son should like it. I has a bit of a Lord of the Flies vibe. The setting is really beautiful too and there is a lot of snow.


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LMAO over this response!
Nothing says a fun, holiday movie like a serial killer going after stranded high schoolers.
As long as the scenery is nice and there's snow.....


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Ba Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm watching bad guy right now. The premise sounds great and so far it looks like he's trying to get under the skin of the people in that family but I don't understand the purpose. In temptation of an angel our lee so yon married into the family she wanted revenge on, while stealing from them and carrying on an affair with the brother of the family. She was a purposeful bad girl. But what is the point of paying some guy to sell him fake drugs and then that ridiculous fight on the bridge????? I mean I understand it a little when he tries to kill him, but then I think there should be more. It's like the drama is cinderella's sister pretending to be so much more!!!! can anyone tell me if the story declines inton nonsense even more after episode 6?


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It gets pretty wierd toward the end, and the ending is just...well, it just pisses me off. Part of it does, anyway.


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Yeah, the ending of that one pissed me off, too. Great OST though and I enjoyed the story .....until the end.


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Oh yes, it does, but episodes 7, 8, and 9 are the best, so since you made it this far, you should watch them, but afterwards only frustration awaits. I have a love/hate relationship with this show. I loved pretty much everything about it: cast, cinematography, music, but hated the inane plot.


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the cinematography is great but the editing is ridiculous sometimes. I really like the way it's shot. I keep laughing when I remember kim nam gil from be strong geum soon and when spring comes. growing up is the best!


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He was really hot in Lovers, I think I might like him just a wee bit better clean shaven than stubbly


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the acting was great all around, except Han Ga In (who did ok) and not just because I'm not a big fan of hers.. but, the way the story played out was just a big no no.

That's what we get when army duty takes away Kim Nam Gil before he can leisurely finish shooting the drama I guess


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I don't think her acting is bad, I just think her character is ridiculous. she makes no sense. I get that she's supposed to be an every day girl so what would usually be comedy in a rom com is played kind of straight. Like she decides she's going after hong tae sung to get back at the guy who dumped her but there's no development. They keep limiting the characters. I'm not expecting them to write them really that bad, but there is a logical way to show them having bouts of insanity. even gun wook who is supposed to be tortured is too straight!


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In light of the fan wars (or veggie wars) on DB this week, I would like to ask 'What kind of fan-girl (or fan-boy with respect to Ricky) are you?'

Don't know, well check out this hilarious article and see if you qualify or not


This a short excerpt from the article

'And now the most difficult part – to describe this group which cannot be easily put under observation like chimpanzees or asked questions like every test group of normal people. For now, scientists say this in unison – fangirls do belong in the human society, classified somewhere between psychopaths and sociopaths. Their average age is between 14 and 25, but it is not uncommon to see ablaze 10 years-olds along with 40-somethings. Their behavior is highly erratic and therefore impossible to predict. In the same time, scientists that spent their lives on attempt to do this, left the field and started to predict earthquakes or alien attack saying: “This is f*cking apple pie comparing to that hell!” (Ann Noyed, How to Dismantle a Fangirl, Sexford, 2010, page 69).'


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I bet if I click on that link this is will turn out to be a very elaborate attempt to wook-roll us.


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if only it was!


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You no likey Johnny Depp?


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Ha Ha, I should have done that but I didn't. Click it, they wouldn't bite unless u attempt to hug/claim a fan gal's OoA.


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Thank goodness I'm not as crazy as what the blogger wrote. It could be because of the lack of fanboys out there.


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*For everything there is a time*

Firstly: Happy Friday to all my faithful fans!!!!!

Well if everything goes fine, I will start on a new job next Tuesday, I am a bit apprehensive but I know I can do it , so wish me well.

My “Ex,” and I spend a 10 vacation here in Salem Oregon, we had a chance do the hiking at 'Silver Falls.” and have the chance to enjoy the Oregon coast, we are in the process, of getting back together and possibly marriage, so wish me luck in that front also.

On the 5 of October we celebrated my grandsons 7 birthday, and 2 weeks ago he started being home-school,
my daughter decided on that, after the primary school where my grandson attended, wanted to medicate him under the assumption that he suffers from ADHD, I think that it is not the governments, nor the school systems role, to decide upon the arbitrary medication of thousands of children, since we know that this drugs have a very side effects, and a very high percentages of this children, will become drug addicts as adults.

My daughter is doing fine she is a 911 dispatcher, she has a very well temper personality which really helps her in dealing with the stresses of the job, she won her first award for preventing a suicide, but also she dealt with her first suicide while she was on the phone. She is getting ready to get train as a police and firefighters dispatcher, and they will be getting training in the new system that allow to text the 911 system....

Well besides that I am taking break from Korean Dramas, the last episode that I saw was “Birdie Buddy's,” episode 16... I have been watching American and British sitcoms, dramas, and reality shows.

2 Broke Girls
Hart of Dixie
Pan Am
Once Upon A Time
Against the wall
Project Runway

Downton Abbey
Britain's next top model
Education Essex
Great British Food Revival
The Great British Bake Off

Australia's next top model
Undercover Boss (AU)

Last but not least I am still attending my "12 Step" Support group, and living "One Day At The Time."

God Bless You All!!!!!!!! : 0}

P.S. If you missed some American, British, and Australian shows, here is a link, they are pretty much up to date!



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Downton Abbey is fantastic. It's exactly what you want from a British Drama. It's a little bit of every early 20th century country manor drama ever written. Plenty of Upstairs/Downstairs type stuff. And the clothes! FABULOUS. It's like the best Anthropologie catalog ever.

I do think it's funny that it airs on PBS. Period costume+posh accents does not necessarily equal mind broadening. It's fluff. Super fantastic, excellent and lovely fluff, but fluff.


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Supposedly there will be a 2d series, since it was so hugely popular


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@JoAnne! If you follow the link that I posted the first and partial second season its been posted, since its still running in the UK, hope you will enjoy it!!!


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Uh-oh, I didn't realize the 2nd series was already airing, and that I could stream it. There goes my weekend.


Oh my goodness, had NO idea it was already happening! Thank you!


Amg1 *HUGS*

It is so good to hear from you! I do wish you well on all fronts of your life. And if staying away from the Korean dramas is helping, then just keep up the good work!

You are not the only one "fasting" from the Kdramas, Samgetang also came on the OT for the first time in a long time stating that she has overcome her Kdrama addiction.

As usual, the crowd here is ever changing, but the story is always the same. :-)

Again, best wishes to you and your family! *HUGS*


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@MJP! Thank you looooooots! Once I get back to K-Dramas I will back more often, till then have a good time, and Hugs back to you!!!! : 0 }


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Watching (or watched):

-In Time with You (TW) Finally got the videos working and watched all available episodes. And it's good - but I'm glad it will only be a 13 episode drama. If the obviously-meant-for-each-other leads were kept apart for any longer, I don't think I'd be able to bear it.
-A Thousand Kisses. But skipping scenes with characters I can't stand.
-Rayum Rawr... (whatever it's called, those flower boys :-)). It's certainly entertaining, although the 'arrogant rich kid' premise isn't that greatly original.
-That Love Comes (TW) Not bad. Quite sweet actually.

Meanwhile, the London Korean Film Festival kicked off yesterday. Haven't seen anything yet, but will be watching "Late Autumn" (Hyun Bin) and "Scandal Makers" next week. Contemplating "Poonsang", if I can make time on Sunday. We'll see.


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My computer just came back from the land of the dead.
Seriously, I almost have a hard attack when it crashed at lunch time.
Thankfully, I was able to rescue it, and now my weekend of drama watching is saved.


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zgznoona, *HUGS*

Welcome back to the kdramaland of the pretend living.


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thanks MJP,
Are you feeling any better from the cold?
How are MJP Hubby, Wee MJP, and Teen MJP doing?


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We are all doing well. Getting ready to go to the Great Lakes Science Center today, so I must move along quickly on things. I got the car all vaccuumed out, but still need to put bottles of water in it just in case someone is thirsty while driving.


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My mum died 2 years ago to this day and it still hurts like hell. People say that as time passes it gets easier but it hasn't and am left asking why, why, why her? She was a strong woman of faith and a rock for the family. She treated everybody with kindness and helped everyone she could (whether friend or foe). There are so many things I wish I would have done differently and apologized for but alas I can't turn back time. I pictured life so differently with her being present at important milestones (marriage, kids), offering advice (how to cook this and that) or arguing over the Bold and the Beautiful (she was team Taylor and I was team Brooke). I am pretty sure I would have converted her into a k-drama addict.


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Hugs, Shiku, on your mum's memorial day. You are taking your mom with you to every important milestone, in your heart, and passing along her legacy, yourself, to all of those around you. She's in heaven loving your right now, and she's still team Taylor. Every time you pass along the kindness and help you learned from her, she continues to live. Hugs.


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I forgot to add, I wish she could give me a big bear hug and tell me to be strong as everything will work out.


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Be strong, Shiku. Everything WILL work out. Don't carry any sadness about your mom. She sees your heart, and she knows that you love her.


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Shiku -
Your mother forgave whatever you think you should have apologized for - don't even think of worrying about that.
My daughter and I are rarely on the same side of any argument lately, but I know she wouldn't trade me for another (quieter, better cook) mom.

Eat or drink something that reminds you of her, especially something warm. That is her hug to you!
As LW said, she is with you. She always will be.

I'll send you a Buffalo hug! Everything will work out because you want it to.


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Shiku, *HUGS*

My mom died when I was 17 years old. We were out Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve, Dec 24th. I was being a total snotty teenager and fighting with her about something stupid. She was so fed up with my attitude she slapped me across the face. I was shocked, but it did the trick. I shut up and stopped fighting. That night she started having a heart attack and my dad drove her to the emergency room.

She said goodbye to all of us, which I thought was wierd. It wasn't the first time she had a heart attack (yes I was clueless as to the severity of them.) She had multiple heart attacks through the night. When morning came, Christmas morning, she told my dad to go home to be with us kids while we opened our presents. Even before my dad got back home, the hospital called asking for my dad to return to the hospital. She died before he got back to the hospital. He called us from the hospital to tell us she had died. I picked up the phone and knew immediately from his tone that she died. I started crying. We all started crying.

I wondered if I hadn't fought with her, that maybe she would not have gotten so stressed and had so many heart attacks. I had so many unspoken words for her. I never got to apologize for being a brat.

I severely mourned for a year. Where I just went through the motions of life, same with my dad. I graduated from high school, just barely and hid in my bedroom until my father kicked me out of the house. I left my home state and traveled to another for vocational training.

I was so sad and depressed and struggling with all the changes of my life. I had no mom to talk to. For a while I even wondered if it was all a lie. That she just got tired of us and faked her death. Yes, the loss of rational thinking, because I had seen her body in the casket.

My mother was my best friend. I would have to say that I mourned her death for years. Even in my 30's I would have periods of time where I would feel the loss and cry. I think I am pretty much over it now, in my 40's. But I so strive to encourage people who still have their mom's to cherish them.

Whoa, way too much information, huh? I hope it helps, knowing that you are not alone and that it's gonna take a long time and that you will always "feel" that hole of loss within yourself. But I believe you will cope with your grief, in your own way. Crying always helps, but also remembering the good times you shared.


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awww, MJP...feeling so sad for that little girl/young woman, carrying so much.


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Shiku and MJP, I have tears in my eyes as I type this.

Like you, I lost my mum many, many years ago when I was in my teens. She was a contented happy woman until the day she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The symptoms were the first sign that something was wrong. She didn't get better, and towards the last few months of her life, the happy woman I once knew lapsed into a silent depressed stranger. She slipped away one day, and everyone called it 'a merciful release' whatever that means. Are these words meant to comfort the living? I was numb for a while and went through the motions of living again - I studied, I ate, I slept, I laughed; on the outside I seemed fine, but inside there was a cold empty hollow. It was as though someone had cut out part of my heart, and I could never be whole again.

I got my degree, married, had kids. When my first child was born, I stared at the ceiling in the postnatal room where I was in, and thought, Mum, you should be here with me. The yearning for my mother was so strong at that moment I thought I could magically conjure her presence with the force of my longing; I wanted her to come back just one last time to see her grandchild, like in the books. But nothing happened. It was just me alone with my memories of her.

I catch myself thinking of things like, oh, if Mum were alive today, she'd be...years old, every new year. My family has helped to fill my void, but the pain remains, and the yearning never goes away. When I hear about the latest advancement in medicine and the latest cancer drugs, I think, would that have helped my mum? If she had lived now, instead of then, would she somehow, miraculously be cured and live on to a long and fruitful life?

Like you, Shiku, I watch Korean dramas and I think, Mum would have loved this or that drama. Like you, MJP, I blamed myself when she died. I felt guilt for not talking to her more, cheering her up, making her remaining days happier. Losing a parent is like losing part of yourself, you soldier on, and comfort yourself with happy memories. But you never ever ever forget. Seek comfort in your family and know that your mother loved you, no matter what, for a mother's love is unconditional. I know that for a fact, for I am a mother now myself.


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Shiku, MJP and YY --

Thanks so much for sharing to us these precious stories that you carry in your hearts.

I just recently lost an aunt, my brother and a newborn niece a few months apart from each other.

I do not have words to describe the pain of the loss. I can only say I understand what you are all going or have gone through.

But God is more gracious, more merciful and more powerful than my/our pain and slowly but surely we are all beginning to accept if not completely understand.

I was watching an interview of Nicholas Sparks on TV just today and he said he does not write strictly romance novels but rather love stories (although they are romantic). The difference semantically is that in romance novels the ending is always happy but in love stories it could also be bittersweet or tragic. There is always tragedy and sadness in love stories. We hurt because we love. He said there are probably thousands of people dying all over the world everyday but a death becomes a personal tragedy for us only if it involves our loved ones. Again, we hurt because we love.


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Shiku and MJP,
I'm not sure I can imagine the pain of losing a parent. I'm fortunate that my parents are alive and my mom is at this moment my best friend.
I guess we are all brats during adolescence and I'm sure our parents forgive us for it even if we don't apologize. A mother's love is infinite and understanding, and even when they are no longer around their love will always be in our hearts, in the things we learn from them and the memories we shared.

Hugs Shiku, I'm keeping you in my thoughts. You'll see how everything works out. ( )


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Shiku, MJP & YY,
Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

Thanks for reminding me to never take my mom for granted. I'm a young immature adult and to this day I still cringe every time my phone rings and I see that it's from my mom. However, reading your stories made me realize that I don't wish to live feeling regretful towards my mom.

Be strong, noona!


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Shiku- Sorry to hear you're having a hard time. *hugs* But I'm sure your mom would be happy you remember such beautiful things about her and living your life well.

I also think that she would rock the k-drama too.


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I'm sending BIG e-hugs your way, and I know it's hard. I still have my parents, but I have a story that might bring you some comfort. I would never be able to tell this in person, it's too close to my heart and I'm a bawlbaby. :0)

My brother's first wife,, Esther who we adored, died of cancer when his kids were 10,9 and 7. His kids coped better than we thought they would, until he married wife #2, who was seriously psycho. Each kid kind of coped in their own way, and the middle child, Melissa, kind of held them all together. She's tough, smart, responsible, no nonsense. She pretty much raised herself and her siblings.

When she was engaged to be married, she had a very hard time. By then her dad had divorced Psycho Woman and married Woman WIth Issues, who will allow no mention of Esther in her presence, even though it's been 20 years now since she died. When Melissa had my sister make up her wedding invites, she listed herself as "daughter of Dad and 3rd wife, and the late Esther". Wife 3 went ballistic. Melissa called me in tears. I told her it's your wedding, you do what you want. It was the first time I'd seen her cry since the funeral, and she told me that she was missing her mom more than ever and wishing she was there.

The wedding ceremony was in a Mormon temple...which is a very small, simple, sacred service, usually no more than 30-40 people. I was sitting next to Esther's sister, and as the final words and Amen were said, I had this overwhelming feeling that Esther was standing to my left. I turned and met her sister's eyes, who whispered that she KNEW that Esther was there. We looked at Melissa, who was looking right at us. When I hugged her on the way out of the room, she whispered "Mom, was here. I felt her".

I dont know what your religious/spiritual beliefs are, but I know your mom still watches over you and loves you and has long since forgiven you. And even though you can't talk with her, she will be there during all the important milestones in your life.


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Shiku, I know this is incredibly hard. I can't imagine what it's like for you, and for MJP unnie and Shel's niece. But it's okay that it still hurts. It's not strange. A friend of mine is somewhere between MJP unnie's age and my mom's, and she lost her mom when she was in her 20s. Much like YY's mom, my friend's mom died of terminal disease. And like everyone who's lost a parent, she sometimes keenly feels the loss of her mother even though it's been so long. I know it doesn't hurt my friend all the time, but when it does it really does. I agree with everyone else...you carry your mom in your heart. It's good to remember and honor her and feel sad, and good to remember laughing with her and think on the things that would have made her smile. Your mom was a precious person, Shiku, and she still is even though she's gone.



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