Open Thread #211


Erin McCarley – “Love, Save the Empty” [ Download ]

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Hey every one. Flying to Houston, TX tomorrow morning for the weekend. I haven't been on a plane since I was 9 moving from NY to California's Bay Area. I am and was one of those kids who actually likes staying home, My mom always wants meet to go outside more. Who has time for outside with so many Dramas to watch right?

So this is the first time I will actually be in a place all by myself away from family but its just until Monday. Any tips for visiting a city where you don't know anyone?
Anyway I want to be a writer but I get nervous about writing because for me it personal but also I keep ideas in my head and never write. So I just started a blog so I would commit to writing more often. The first thing I will write about is my trip.

So this is small look into my writer's mind.
You think you know but you have no idea. This is the Dairy of a Dramaholic

Time 2:00 am
The glow of a Toshiba laptop illuminates a dark bedroom of the 22 year old Licia. Sounds includes the following but are also not limited to the following: laughs and other words like, Oh my gosh, Just tell him already, stop wasting time!! , Aww that's so cute and also the higher pitch bird like chirp that emerges from the chest ( that's it you know it) the fan girl sequel bounces off the room walls.

3:35 Footsteps are heard going to kitchen after watching a scene in which characters are eating. Suddenly has the urge to eat.
3:36 Searches for a pan and chopsticks, Turns on faucet ( why is running water so loud). Makes ramen noodles, adds 1 eggs, pepper paste and green onions and also before leaving the kitchen a beverage is poured into a cup.

3:40 Goes back to room.
3:41 Begins to eat as characters eat on screen( I'm really one of them now in this moment)
3:42 Nose gets runny from spice. Tongue burns (but its a good burn) Needs water, drinks (refreshing)

3:45 Reminds self to eat slowly
3:46-4:13 Currently in the DWM. Drama Watching Mode, (one is easily anger or annoyed if something or someone tries to take a dramaholic away from watching a drama when a dramaholic enters into the Drama Watching Mode. (Family, friends, telephones, slow internet connections, homework, and other distractions beware)

4:14 Episode finished yet the urge to to watch just one more... Finger trembles... presses button. Part 1 appears. Tells self just 5 minutes, no just finish part 1, no just part 2 . No I will really stop. I have to get up at eight. Oh might as well finish part 3, then I will save part 5 for later today, Oh no part 4 ended in the middle of scene. Well since they edited it like that I'm just going to have watch it.

5:05 Tells self what a great episode.
5:06 Brain tired, Eyes tired can't read subs. Must continue. ( This this third time I've seen this scene).

5:07 Calculate how much sleep I get if I watch 2 more episodes which would end at like 6:52. Two hours of sleep is enough for me to function right; I'm young.

5:08 Starts new episode.
5:09 I am no longer conscience.

5:25 Wakes up replays scene again. Disappointed in self for falling asleep.

5:30 Wakes up again talks to body( You think you can defeat me I shall stay up.

To be continued....

Who will win this battle the love for Asian Drama or the Body 's need to rest.


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as you can see by 5:07 correct math is no longer available to the brain at this time.


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I do the same thing!


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Your body will lose. I'm just telling you. I'm a morning person. But ever since I started with Dramas I've become a night person. (Thank you marathoning.)


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That's what I do but these days body is winning. I fall asleep watching a show, so disappointed in myself.


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i'm watching In Time With You now!

3 episodes in, i must say.. i LOVE it!!!!

cant wait to watch Ep4 ^^


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Hi, everyone. Just dropped by after Saturday brunch-- I still have a waist-high stack of laundry at home waiting to be handwashed. Whoever invented the idea of laundry needs to be flicked on the forehead! :P

Lots of stuff going on this long weekend-- Samhain, Halloween, and for us Filipinos there's All Saints' Day. And lots of time for KDramas, yes? :D Just as long as I finish that laundry first...


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Laundry I can deal with. It's the dishes that kill me. I. Hate. Dishes. DESPISE. I don't know why. I'd rather clean a bathroom with 15 stalls than do dishes.

Watch dramas WHILE you do laundry. Double tasking is a good thing:D


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Laundry would be easier if I had room for a washing machine, but I don't, so it's the old-fashioned way :D Haha, I really should set up the laptop in the laundry area, that'd be fun. Usually I just turn my cellphone's audio player to loud.

/pats. Dishes are my second-greatest peeve next to laundry, I swear.


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I used to handwash/footwash in Colorado and I'd bring my laptop on the deck and catch up with NCIS and Pushing Daisies (I admit, I watched just for my Kristin Chenowith.)


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I loved pushing daisies and I probably watched for kristin chenowith. She's charming.


ajbny - I think she's so adorable. And what a powerhouse voice and comedian!


This reminded me of when my family went to Mexico on vacation and my mom made my little brother with his size 17 feet be the agitator in the bathtub. My sisters and I were all "Ew! His smelly feet all over our clothes", then we hung them all over the condo to dry. I'm glad I have a washer/dryer. But I still hate laundry and dishes. Two things that are NEVER done. Soon as you finish the dishes, someone comes in and fixes her 4th hot chocolate of the day and there you go.....more dirty dishes!


Shel- no matter now many times you say 'wash your own dishes,' inevitably, it never happens. *le sigh*


Goodluck with the labadami! :) I hope it turns out labango.

Long weekend no? And next week too!

Post-kusut-kusot, I wish you a relaxing and enjoyable weeeeeekkkkeeeeeennnnddd! :)


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What's done of it is now labango, haha, onward to batch 2! I also had to run off to Bulacan to attend a friend's wedding yesterday, so... there went the entire weekend, lol. Thank goodness for long weekends!


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laya, I didn't know you celebrate All Saints (Todos los Santos) in Filipinas?

I tend to forget the Spanish influence.


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We do! Yes, Spanish influence, all 333 years of it. ^_^ It's a big holiday... everyone's at the cemetery today cleaning graves, and tomorrow people will be there lighting candles, eating, and socializing. I live alone and my family's too far away, so I'll just probably go the church to light candles for the dead, or else I'll probably dream of them asking why I forgot them, lol.


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lol, that is a scary picture. Your dead ones coming after you in your dreams.
In Spain usually people just go with flowers Nov.1st to visit their deceased relatives at the cemetery.
But I just keep them in my heart and mind rather than visit the cemetery


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Oh seriously, you celebrate Todos los Santos in the Philipines? Learn something new everyday!


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TGIF again Peeps!

So I've put more time in movies than series. Anyone else in the same boat?

If you haven't watched a movie in a while, then may I suggest...

The ESP Couple [KOR]
Unstoppable Marriage [KOR]
Sunny [KOR]
The Sorcerer And the White Snake [CHN]
Shaolin [HK]
Wu Xia [HK]

And I advise you to skip Sector 7 [KOR]. A total waste of my time... stupid alien!


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I know right, stupid alien! I don't know why they advertised it as a big deal when its not.


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Yep, me and movies lately too.


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Thank you for making my list longer. That thank you was both highly sarcastic and highly grateful.


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I haven't watched most of those (so I'll add them to my list of films to watch), but I second the suggestion of The ESP Couple.


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The ESP Couple was a nice picture, though if you have seen The Sixth Sense you pretty much know what is happening. At least that was my case


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I'm zipping through Bu Bu Jing Xin. Finally getting used to the hairstyles. This isn't such a bad show. I know this is useless for me, but I really do feel it between Ruoxi and the 8th prince. They have such great chemistry. Those intense stares that say so much more than words. The way they just know what the other one is thinking. They were meant for each other, which automatically means they are doomed in Dramaland.


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I was really torn with #8. Love him to pieces and their chemistry was hot. Have you got to the epi where she takes him for a spin???

BBJX love.....


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Ruoxi has chemistry with everyone but I so wanted her and 8th to be together. She also has good chemistry with the 4th.


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I'm mostly through Ep 8 of Sang Doo. If Sang Doo and Eun Hwan end up not together because of the Sera complication, I am going to be THROW THINGS. (Don't anyone spoil it for me. I'm just saying.)

Also: I think My Love by Jung Chul is probably my favorite theme song so far.


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JoAnne - I'm starting now. It's 8 o'clock and this is the first bit of time I've had to sit down and get a fix! I was posting my K-drama tunes, 'cello style and it took forevers!


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Well enjoy, Raine - cause it's all fun and games for you, but I'm just starting ep 12 and Show is starting to beat me up...all these little cracks in my heart are starting to feed in to each other. Please KDramaGods please...does this one have to wreck me, too? Couldn't I get a happy ending this time? Huh? Can't families re-unite, lovers re-unite, sick kids get better, uncles find rich wives? And can't all that happen without the (I see it coming, I see it coming) noble sacrifice of my Jihoon? NOT TO MENTION...MinSuk is about 12 kinds of worthy guy, and I'm worried about him too.


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Son of a GDB. Show just smacked me in the head with something I did not expect. *cursing* Well it's ALL up in the air now ISN'T IT.

I actually hit my computer.


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Won't spoil it for you.
Just let us know how mad you get with the ending.
That drama made me so mad


ZGNoona, it was 4 am when I finished it. I actually pulled an allnighter because i just could not stand not knowing, and I was sobbing from about 2 am non-stop - as opposed to, like, every 10 minutes from midnight to 2.

In fact, I was crying so hard at the 'end' that I almost missed the real ending, but I'm not sure if the real ending is real, if you know what I mean. I think if it were real somewhere in my heart I'd know it and not still feel so sad (6 hours later, just woke up)...but I want to believe it very very much.

This was actually *worse* for me than A Love to Kill, I think. Worse in a good way.


ZGZnoona...g**-da** it. %#%*@^@

I rewatched the last 10 minutes. I did some digging.

Raine don't read anymore!!!!!!

^A)$$&$^@ writers &^$@#@%@# Fate @@#$^*$^ sacrifice ^$#$^*#

F*** F*** F*** F***

It certainly wasn't *how* I expected it to end, although I was afraid that would be the end result, if you understand my difference.

That being said...if you elevate the story above the individuals, it's a "good" ending in the sense life isn't about fair.
And if I try to look at it from outside of my culture, perhaps it's a really good ending because they tried so hard, they succeeded. Right? Isn't the goal of living multiple lives to work through whatever you have to learn, or pay for your earlier mistakes/crimes?

There certainly wasn't any crime here worthy of the life poor Sang Doo led...so maybe he's been rewarded, no matter how much we hate the reward? It wouldn't end that way here. He did say, though, that he never thought he was unhappy, looking back. He was grateful for Bori and truly loved her. He adored Eun Hwan and never for a moment regretted anything he did for her, either. He was happy to live in service of his love, even if in the moment he was unhappy with what he had to do in order to take care of things.

I guess I'm not a big enough person to be happy that someone might be happy even if they're not here being happy with me, at least not this time. Because I'm really sad.


Unni ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

I'm watching now! WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess my problem is that according to my believes, you only have this life to be as happy or as good as you can be.
That ending didn't do it for me. I'm happy for those who stayed behind alive, and how their lives turned.
But for the main couple, whether it is a dream, it is heaven, or another life... it is just too weak for me.
I was sad and disappointed with that ending


Raine, no reading.

Zgznoona - It's definitely not the ending I wanted and I'm absolutely still a mess every time I think about the whole thing but I'm trying to be open-minded, and I'm trying to go with it. I mean, the writer clearly didn't just plonk it in there because she got tired of writing...she had a plan and a version of this was always going to happen. So I try to think about what she was trying to say, and I get it for a few minutes, and I feel ok, and then I revert back to my entire life's way of thinking and I start bawling like a baby because it didn't end 'happy.'


You know the ending of this drama affected me in such way, that I was unable to watch Fugitive Plan B, because the way Rain behave in the first episode reminded me of Sang Doo.
Me and my craziness. :)


NNNOOOOOO!!!!! Lights went out becoz of this dayum Norester snow!!!! How dare Mother Nature interfere with my k-drama watching!!!!!! It's KDA membership is revoked!!!!!! I know I shud be concerned about having no heat or food but............ I was going to watch Sandglass n TwDR.


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We're ok here on the shore, so far it's rain and not too much wind...there was an attempt at snow when I went out earlier (of course it happened like that, that's always how it happens) to get milk and bread and stuff in case tomorrow is gross - but it really didn't do anything. It's cold though, brrr...and to think that two weeks ago I was still wearing summer clothes, and now it could snow. The leaves haven't fallen. Fallen? They haven't TURNED. Although they're not really going to this year, the salt in the wind from Irene really did a number on everything.


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Lights are back and am happy as a clam. But it look like it will go again. Am near Springfield Mass and snow has been falling since around 2pm. It's actually beautiful outside all that fresh snow coating the trees, etc. Now icy rain is falling. The leaves haven't turned in your area? They turned over here to lovely shades of red, yellow and brown. I didn't know that salt affected the turning of leaves. I learn new things everyday.


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Shiku, *neighbors* keep popping up everywhere - my brother used to live in your neck of the woods - he was in Somers for years, and before that he was in Union. I had a niece who lived in Tolland, too, but they've all moved to Tennessee over the last couple years. I would take the drive north very regularly, as my dad was in a nursing home in Enfield for about 6 years and once my brother left there was only me to visit him. He passed away about a year ago, though, so I haven't been back.

re: weather - I did go inland a couple weeks ago and notice that they had more of a Fall than we did so that doesn't surprise me that you had some color. Yes, here pretty much anything that was on the 'water' side got fried - salt burns, and so does wind. So most of the leaves have just turned brown, but even before that the edges were all burnt and crispy. Sometimes on a tree all one side would be dead and the other would still be mostly green. The closer you are to the water the worse it is, and since pretty much all of Mystic is within a couple miles of the ocean...well..you get the picture. I live maybe 3/4 of a mile from the water, but I'm up a big hill so it's pretty windy. My parents are right on the water, and actually so is my work...so if I'm not in my own little hilltop neighborhood (where my friends live, too)...I'm right on the water.


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@JoAnne I spoke too soon. Crazy nite lights r gone again after flickerring for ever n the delivery boy crashed his car into the barn. I feel sorry for him as we had to call the cops and the tow truck to get him out and he still had deliveries to make! Snow is getting heavier n acually touching the branches of the apple tree in the yard.


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I was just looking at the news online...it's much worse inland, and particularly to the west. From the sounds of the wind and the feel of the cold, we'll have a lot of ice up here on my hill, but so far no snow. Stay warm, be safe. We went 4 days without power after Irene, and it wasn't cold then...others not far from here went a week or more. Can't imagine that in the cold.


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Hang in there, NE friends! Stay warm.


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I've been reading about your weather in the news. Please stay safe and warm everyone. Please, please, be careful. I know how terribly dangerous it can be!


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Raine - most of the state is without power and probably will be for days. We're ok here on the shore but I'm guessing both Cynthia and Shiku have no heat or lights, and typically it's colder toward them, too.

Well..if Shiku has a barn, she may also have a generator. The weather is warming up a bit, but it's still too cold for no heat. It wasnt that there was so much snow in CT, but that it was heavy and wet on trees still (mostly) in full leaf - the combination brought many of them down, blocking roads and bringing power lines with them.


Cynthia and Shiku!

Check in when you can! STAY WARM!



I am ok just trying to survive with no heat or electricity which they say we will get on Thursday. I just hope I don't freeze by then as the house is freakingly cold. Thanks for your concern.


Shiku - good to hear from you. Lots of cuddling is necessary!


Is it too late to throw in an OT hello to my oppas, unnies and dong-saeng? (what is the plural of "oppa" and "unnie" anyway?)



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HELLO! Someone was just wondering about you yesterday! Or maybe it was the day before....whatever. Nice to "see" you!

Nice to know you're alive out there. I fear some of our east coasters may be out of power at the moment, though, they were pretty active until shortly after the storm hit.


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And nice to be seen! I really thought I wasn't going to make it at all, betw work and the weather.


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cmrprindle - its never too late!


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*grin* thank you thank you! nice to know I'm welcome. :D


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it's not, i'm awfully late too :) i never thought i would make it anyway.


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I didn't think I was at all either, Plume, but I actually took lunch and decided to pop by. I really didn't intend to miss this week. It just sorta happened w/the crazy at work and the freak snow nor'easter. :-/

Anywho, we're both here and that's most important :D


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Hope you're fine, any new HAG lately? I went to some job interviews abroad, I'm going to move to a new place, so I'm having high hopes for the future :).


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