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Yong-pal: Episode 13
by HeadsNo2
Life for these newlyweds may look idyllic on the surface, but this hour introduces the possibility that our good doctor may not know the woman he’s married to as...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal extension (finally) confirmed, to end with Episode 18
by javabeans
Well, fiiiiiiinally! It sure took SBS freaking forever to decide what to do with its medical-thriller-romance drama Yong-pal, and now it's confirmed that it will extend by two episodes (not...
Tags: Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 12
by HeadsNo2
Tae-hyun’s penchant for helping the hopeless gets him into some serious trouble this hour, but that same optimistic and inherently humane spirit is also what saves him. You don’...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 11
by HeadsNo2
Yeo-jin finally starts thinking about planning to someday soon take action against her murderous brother, who tries to defend his actions this hour with decidedly mixed results. Thankfully she's got...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 10
by gummimochi
Reality hits hard and fast for our hero this hour following his return from almost paradise. A lot may have changed during his absence, but the looming threats in the...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 9
by HeadsNo2
The relationship between our two friends turned lovers takes a huge leap in an episode filled with heartwarming moments interspersed with ominously murderous ones, which is about as good a...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 8
by HeadsNo2
There’s no dearth of feelings in this episode, and jealousy is to blame as a catalyst for most of them. But everyone who formerly wanted a piece of Yeo-jin...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 7
by gummimochi
Injuries need time to recover, and this episode slows things down so that hearts can heal before they're broken once more. I'm talking about our hearts, because this show continues...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 6
by gummimochi
So good. So very, very good. Everyone wants to have the ice princess for their own this episode, but some couldn't care less whether she's still breathing at the end...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
Yong-pal: Episode 5
by HeadsNo2
The Sleeping Beauty awakens thanks to our hero, and while he may not be a storybook prince, he still manages to charm his way into the princess' good graces. What...
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal