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2009 Editors’ Picks [Year in Review, Part 6]
by javabeans
Here we are! The last of the year-end review series. This post is something new, but I thought it would be an interesting experiment. Although each of us reviewers has...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Accidental Couple, Again My Love, Assorted Gems, awards, Boys Before Flowers, Brilliant Legacy, City Hall, Editors' Picks, Friend Our Legend, IRIS, Kyung Sook Kyung Sook's Father, Queen Seon-deok, Return of Iljimae, Smile, Story of a Man, year in review, year in review 2009, You're Beautiful
Finding hidden gems and lumps of coal in 2009 [Year in Review, Part 5]
by hjkomo
First, I’d like to start by thanking Sarah for inviting me to be a guest reviewer. I must admit that I was, at first, a bit daunted (okay, scared ****...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Assorted Gems, Everybody Cha Cha Cha, Family Honor, Hero, I Love You Don't Cry, Queen of Housewives, Return of Iljimae, year in review, year in review 2009, You're Beautiful
All told, a pretty fun year [Year in Review, Part 4]
by javabeans
After a pretty meh 2008, I was ready for the drama landscape to fire back up with 2009. And while there were a number of misses and disappointments -- isn't there always?...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Boys Before Flowers, Cinderella Man, Dream, Heading to the Ground, Hero, Hon, IRIS, Kyung Sook Kyung Sook's Father, My Fair Lady, Partner, Queen Seon-deok, Return of Iljimae, Smile, Sons of Sol Pharmacy House, Story of a Man, Style, Swallow the Sun, Tamra the Island, Triple, Will It Snow For Christmas, year in review, year in review 2009, You're Beautiful
A newbie reviews 2009 [Year in Review, Part 3]
by samsooki
My pick for Drama of the Year: City Hall. I’ll start of with an admission. When javabeans asked me to give my thoughts on 2009, I was pretty excited, and...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Accidental Couple, Assorted Gems, Cinderella Man, City Hall, Friend Our Legend, IRIS, Job Well Done, Kyung Sook Kyung Sook's Father, My Fair Lady, Partner, Queen Seon-deok, Sons of Sol Pharmacy House, Story of a Man, Tamra the Island, Temptation of Wife, year in review, year in review 2009, You're Beautiful
The good, the bad, the middling [Year in Review, Part 2]
by thunderbolt
(I'm very pleased to introduce guest review #2, which comes to you courtesy of thunderbolt. Tune back in tomorrow for more! ---javabeans) Have you watched The Good, The Bad, The Weird?...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Accidental Couple, Again My Love, Assorted Gems, Brilliant Legacy, City Hall, Hometown of Legends 2009, Kyung Sook Kyung Sook's Father, Loving You a Thousand Times, Partner, Queen Seon-deok, Smile, Strike Love, The Man Who Can't Get Married, year in review, year in review 2009, You're Beautiful
Duds and delights of 2009 [Year in Review, Part 1]
by Dahee_Fanel
(Just to clarify, this is the first of four guest reviews and is written by Dahee Fanel, whose insights you can read regularly on her own blog, Dahee's Plastic Castle....
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Accidental Couple, Boys Before Flowers, Cain and Abel, Everybody Cha Cha Cha, Friend Our Legend, Kyung Sook Kyung Sook's Father, Queen Seon-deok, Smile, Style, The Man Who Can't Get Married, Will It Snow For Christmas, year in review, year in review 2009, You're Beautiful
Intro to Dramabeans’ six-part year-end review
by javabeans
It's that time of year again! Time for the year-end extravaganza summing up the highlights and lowlights in the world of Korean dramas over the past twelve months. In previous...
Tags: year in review, year in review 2009
How was 2009 for you?
by javabeans
With the year coming to an end, that means it's time to take stock of the past twelve months (well, eleven really) in kdramas. The broadcast stations will be holding...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, A Star's Lover, Accidental Couple, Angel's Temptation, Beanie Awards, Boys Before Flowers, Brilliant Legacy, Cain and Abel, Cinderella Man, City Hall, Dream, Friend, Heading to the Ground, Hero, Hon, IRIS, Ja Myung Go, Job Well Done, Loving You a Thousand Times, My Fair Lady, Partner, Queen of Housewives, Queen Seon-deok, Return of Iljimae, Smile, Sons of Sol Pharmacy House, Story of a Man, Strike Love, Style, Tamra the Island, Triple, year in review, year in review 2009