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Dramabeans Podcast #28
by javabeans
We know, it's been forever! We let life overtake us and when it was time to sit down and record a podcast the list had gotten scary-long. We do our...
Tags: Angry Mom, Blood, featured, Girl Who Sees Smells, Heart to Heart, Ho-gu's Love, Hyde Jekyll Me, Kill Me Heal Me, Let's Eat 2, Mask, Persevere Gu Hae-ra, The Producers, Warm and Cozy, Who Are You–School 2015
Warm and Cozy: Episode 10
by javabeans
Good news: Things get better! Not-as-good news: Better is a relative term. At least there's more cuteness sprinkled into today's episode, along with more decision-making, which keeps the frustration levels...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Warm and Cozy: Episode 9
by girlfriday
Aaaaaaargh. You know when you're having bad luck at Monopoly where every time you get close to finishing a lap around the board, you pull a card that sends you...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Warm and Cozy: Episode 8
by javabeans
Yessss, finally. As recently as yesterday, I was all set to give up on this show being anything other than a Hong sisters pastiche—still cute and fun to watch,...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Warm and Cozy: Episode 7
by girlfriday
Oh phew, it's finally here, the episode where our manchild hero wakes the hell up and realizes that his heart may have other ideas than his brain. In his defense,...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Warm and Cozy: Episode 6
by javabeans
Today's an improved outing from yesterday, mostly because She Who Must Not Be Named doesn't actually have to be named that much. Instead we have two sweet guys running around...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Warm and Cozy: Episode 5
by girlfriday
Get used to that you-did-NOT-just-say-that-stupid face, because you'll be seeing it a lot, and will in fact find yourself making it repeatedly as you watch this episode. Or if you're...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Warm and Cozy: Episode 4
by girlfriday
I felt some real flutters in this episode, though naturally I also felt spewy anger, because our manchild of a hero can't seem to do a good thing without also...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Warm and Cozy: Episode 3
by javabeans
Gah, how can our hero be so exasperating and endearing in equal measure? He's a total scamp, and it's so hard to resist, even when I'm mad at him. It...
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
Kolorful Palette: Jeju warmth [Warm and Cozy]
by Fanderay
Ahhh...Jeju Island. I absolutely love it when dramas are filmed there. The background settings are always gorgeous and I absolutely love the light. What a perfect place for a...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Warm and Cozy