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2016 Year in Review, Part 4: Embracing the modern age
by HeadsNo2
It's funny how December has now become synonymous with our Year-End Extravaganza, and has all but replaced Christmas in my list of inescapable winter events for a good five years...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 1% of Anything, Age of Youth, Beautiful Mind, Cinderella and the Four Knights, featured, Jackpot, Mirror of the Witch, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Oh My Geum-bi, On the Way to the Airport, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Signal, The K2, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, Wanted, Woman With a Suitcase, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Year in Review, Part 2: The doctor is in
by javabeans
Every December, I'm hit with a simultaneous feeling of anticipation and dread at dusting off our Year in Review series and taking a look back at the year as a...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 1% of Anything, Age of Youth, Beautiful Gong Shim, Cheese in the Trap, Cinderella and the Four Knights, Come Back, Ajusshi, Dear My Friends, Descended From the Sun, Doctors, Drinking Solo, Entourage, Fantastic, featured, Goodbye Mr. Black, Legend of the Blue Sea, Lucky Romance, Mirror of the Witch, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Neighborhood Hero, Oh Hae-young Again, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Shopping King Louis, Signal, The K2, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
Wanted: Episode 16 (Final)
by Laica
It's the final episode of our show within the show, and suddenly everything about the broadcast has changed. Our team has found a new motivator to finish what they started,...
Tags: Episode 16, featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Kim Ah-joong, Uhm Tae-woong, Wanted
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Another week, another Team Dramabeans check-in! I'm feeling the lull now that this crop of shows has started to wind down, and even shows I'd enjoyed thoroughly are staring to...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Age of Youth, Bring It On Ghost, Cinderella and the Four Knights, Doctors, Pinocchio, The Good Wife, The Producers, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
Wanted: Episode 15
by TeriYaki
The true purpose behind a show that began as a search for a kidnapped boy has emerged. The kidnapper has used the show to reveal a threat to the public’...
Tags: Episode 15, featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Kim Ah-joong, Uhm Tae-woong, Wanted
Wanted: Episode 14
by TeriYaki
The man who has nothing to lose comes face to face with the man who will do anything to protect what he has. Only one man can triumph in the...
Tags: Episode 14, featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Kim Ah-joong, Uhm Tae-woong, Wanted
Wanted: Episode 13
by TeriYaki
There's a whole lot of tragedy behind the kidnapper's motive, whose identity reveal hurts those who are closest to him. The revelation results in focused efforts to find the culprit,...
Tags: Episode 13, featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Kim Ah-joong, Uhm Tae-woong, Wanted
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
KCON LA came and went this past week (thanks to everyone who came out to hear our panels and play games with us!), so of course we all got behind...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Age of Youth, Bring It On Ghost, Doctors, Master–God of Noodle, Police Unit 38, The Good Wife, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
News bites: August 6, 2016
by awcoconuts
Joo Ji-hoon, Lee Yoon-ji Joo Ji-hoon (Mask) has received a proposal to join Lee Sung-min and Hwang Jung-min in Yoon Jong-bin’s upcoming film Maneuver, which will be based on...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Esom, Jin Yi-han, Joo Ji-hoon, Jung Woong-in, Lee Sang-yub, Lee Yoon-ji, news bites, Ra Mi-ran, Rude Miss Young-ae, Sohn Chang-min, Wanted
Wanted: Episode 12
by Laica
The pieces are starting to fit together as the mastermind's motivations begin to emerge. As the culprit loses control of his plan, the future of the Wanted broadcast also becomes...
Tags: Episode 12, featured, Ji Hyun-woo, Kim Ah-joong, Uhm Tae-woong, Wanted