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Dramabeans Top 10: Korean dramas whose endings are better left unwatched (trust us)
by javabeans
javabeans: Sooooo, we've been wanting to bring back the "If You Like..." series of reviews, where we take a theme or motif and recommend other shows like it. We really...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 49 Days, Big, conversation post, Dramabeans Top 10, featured, God's Gift – 14 Days, Gu Family Book, Hong Gil Dong, Mi-rae's Choice, Rooftop Prince, Surplus Princess, Vampire Idol, Who Are You–School 2015
Lee Yubi up to reunite with Kim Woo-bin in Twenty
by javabeans
We'll be getting an actress swap for the upcoming movie Twenty, and while I'd normally be bummed to see Jung So-min out of a role (she was offered the role...
Tags: Kim Woo-bin, Lee Yubi, Vampire Idol
2012: Something for everyone? [Year in Review, Part 1]
by javabeans
Review extravaganza time! I know: Already? It feels like just the other day I was killing myself to corral all my thoughts in coherent fashion in a monster review of 2011...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Answer Me 1997, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, Color of Woman, Dr. Jin, Dream High 2, Faith, featured, Gaksital, History of the Salaryman, I Do I Do, Ma Boy, Nice Guy, Oohlala Spouses, Queen In-hyun's Man, Rooftop Prince, Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, Standby, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Vampire Idol, Vampire Prosecutor 2, year in review, year in review 2012, You're Here You're Here You're Really Here
Thing vs. Thing: Vampires in Dramaland
by javabeans
Here's Round 2 in the battle of Thing vs. Thing, where we pit... things... against... things... It's all right there in the title for a reason! Last time, we took a...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, conversation post, featured, Thing vs. Thing, Vampire Idol, Vampire Prosecutor
Ratings report: New cable channels underperform expectations
by javabeans
Time to take another look at cable programming, now that some of the new channels have completed a drama series or two since opening for business. While there have been...
Tags: Bachelor's Vegetable Store, cable programs, Color of Woman, drama production, drama ratings, Operation Proposal, Padam Padam, Vampire Idol, You're Here You're Here You're Really Here
Interview with the Vampire (Idols)
by javabeans
Things are looking good for Vampire Idol, which is one of the first wave of new cable shows on the newly launched general-programming cable channels (which include JTBC, MBN, and...
Tags: cable programs, drama ratings, Hong Jong-hyun, Kim Hyun-joong (2), Kim Woo-bin, Lee Jung, Lee Soo-hyuk, Vampire Idol
Vampire Idol: Episodes 1-3
by javabeans
Another new show! We've been keeping an eye on Vampire Idol, eager to see if the reality would prove to be as wacky and fun as it sounded. And based...
Tags: cable programs, featured, first episodes, Hong Jong-hyun, Kim Hyun-joong (2), Kim Sumi, Lee Jung, Lee Soo-hyuk, Shin Dong-yup, Vampire Idol
The Vampire Boys, idols, and managers of Vampire Idol
by javabeans
girlfriday: Omg. javabeans: So. This looks amazing. In one sense of the word amazing. girlfriday: Like scrape-your-jaw-off-the-floor amazing? Wonder-if-you’re-sober amazing? javabeans: I-guess-the-description-really-was-accurate amazing? girlfriday: I’m not sure WHAT...
Tags: cable programs, conversation post, Hong Jong-hyun, Kim Hyun-joong (2), Kim Sumi, Lee Jung, Lee Soo-hyuk, Shin Dong-yup, Vampire Idol
Lee Soo-hyuk joins Vampire Idol
by javabeans
javabeans: We've got a new addition to Vampire Idol, which I’ve decided I’m just gonna call VampIdol. girlfriday: Like an antidepressant? VAMpidol? Can cause sudden mood swings, sudden...
Tags: cable programs, conversation post, Lee Soo-hyuk, Vampire Idol
Noh Min-woo to headline Vampire Idol?
by girlfriday
Okay, forget the Full House remake/sequel/rehash. Been there, done that. Let's get Noh Min-woo onboard with this. Upcoming MBN sitcom Vampire Idol is reportedly wooing Noh to play...
Tags: cable programs, Kim Sumi, Noh Min-woo, Shin Dong-yup, Vampire Idol